Request for Proposal - Volume 2

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS SAGAR SMART CITY Sagar Smart City Limited Request for Proposal - Volume 2 For Selection of Contractor for Design, Construction of Roads, Culverts, Sidewalks, PHE Works, Landscape, Multi Duct on Smart Road Concepts under Sagar Smart City Limited, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh (Phase II) SEPT 2021 Sagar Smart City Limited, Sagar Smart City Office 2nd Floor, ICCC Building, New Collectorate Premises, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh-470002 Phone: 07582-242850 Email: [email protected]

Transcript of Request for Proposal - Volume 2


Sagar Smart City Limited

Request for Proposal - Volume 2


Selection of Contractor for Design, Construction of Roads, Culverts, Sidewalks, PHE

Works, Landscape, Multi Duct on Smart Road Concepts under Sagar Smart City

Limited, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh (Phase – II)

SEPT 2021

Sagar Smart City Limited,

Sagar Smart City Office

2nd Floor, ICCC Building,

New Collectorate Premises,

Sagar, Madhya Pradesh-470002

Phone: 07582-242850

Email: [email protected]

















































1. Technical Secifications for Civil Works


As per MORTH Specification 2013

S.No. Work IS Code/ Guideline to be referred (MORTH)



Density requirement Table 300-1

IS:2720(Part VIII)

Control test on Borrow material IS: 2720 (Part II, IV, V, IIX, XVI, XXIV)


Aggregate Grading requirement Table 400-12

Physical requirement of Course Aggregate Table 400-13

IS:2386 (Part I, III, IV)

IS:2720 (Part V)


Cement Table 600 IS:269, IS 455, IS 1489

Aggregate Gradation Table 600-1


Cement IS:269, IS:8112, IS:12269 IS:SP:23

Admixture IS:6925, IS:9103

Aggregate IS:383

Dowel bar & Tie bar IS:432 IS:1139 IS:1786

Concrete Mix Proportioning IS:10262:2009

5 Road traffic Signal IRC:93 IS:7537


Materials for use in Embankment shall not contain particles larger than 75mm.However in the 500mm

below sub-grade top level in both embankments and cuttings shall not contain particles larger than



In-situ materials in the 500mm below sub-grade top level in cutting that does not meet these

requirements, shall either be spoiled or if suitable, placed in the embankment and replaced with material

from cutting or borrow pits that do meet the requirements for use in the 500mm below sub-grade top level.

The Contractor shall ensure that earthworks (Embankment / sub-grade) proceed towards completion in

orderly and continuous manner. The Contractor shall submit a written request for approval of any layer at

least 3 working days in advance before he intends to cover a completed layer. Fill material for subsequent

layer shall be placed immediately after approval of the previous layer to ensure retention of moisture.


S.No. Types of Work Maximum laboratory dry unit weight when tested

as per IS: 2720 (Part 8)

1 Embankments up to 3 metres height, not

subjected to extensive flooding

Not less than,15.2 kN/cu.m.

2 Embankments exceeding 3 metres height or

embankments of any height subject to long

periods of inundation

Not less than 16.0 kN/cu. m.

3 Subgrade and earthen shoulders /


Not less than 17.5 kN/cu. m.

Notes: (1) This Table is not applicable for lightweight fill material e.g. cinder, fly ash etc. (2) The Engineer

may relax these requirements at his discretion taking into account the availability of materials for

construction and other relevant factors. (3) The material to be used in subgrade should also satisfy design

CBR at the dry unit weight applicable as per Table 300-1

The moisture content of fill material shall be adjusted immediately prior to the compaction by either

uniformly mixing water or drying out the materials so that the moisture content during compaction shall be

in accordance with the Optimum Moisture Content determined in the laboratory.

Each layer shall be compacted at the Optimum Moisture Content to a dry density equal to the percentage

of Maximum Dry Density (MDD) Specified below (AS PER MORTH Table No.-3.02):

All fill materials in embankment 95% of MDD (Modified Proctor Density)

Materials in 500mm. below sub-


97% of MDD (Modified Proctor top level in embankment:


Materials in 500mm. below sub-: 97% of MDD (Modified Proctor grade top level in cutting and

shoulder Density)

Compaction of embankment layers, and the layers, 500mm. below the sub grade top level, shall be

completed to the procedures proposed by the Contractor in accordance with the clauses of Specification.

The materials, 500mm. below sub grade top level in both fill areas and in cuttings, shall be completed in

three compacted layers.

The specification shall apply to the construction of embankment including Sub-grade and earthen

shoulders with approved materials obtained from roadway and drain Excavation or borrow pits. All

embankments shall be constructed as per specification and as per drawings.


Sand content - Two test per 3000m3 (as per IS-2720 Part iv).


Plasticity - Two test for each type of soil (as per IS-2720 Part-v)

Proctor Test - Two test of each type of soil (as per IS-2720 Part-iix)

Deleterious content- As Required (as per IS-2720 Part xxiiv )

Natural moisture content - Two test of each type of soil (as per IS-2720 Part-ii)

Field density test:

For embankment- One test for 1000m2 of compacted area (Minimum 6nos. in a set)

For sub-grade- One Set of two test for 500m2 of compacted

Area (Minimum 6 no. in a set)

CBR Test - One test per for each kind of soil or closer & when

required by the engineer (as per IS-2720 Part xvi (for sub- grade only)

Sand Replacement method as approved by Engineer shall be used at site.


The material to be used for the work shall be crushed rock. If crushed gravel/shingle is used, not less than

90 per cent by weight of the gravel/shingle pieces retained on 4,75 mm sieve shall have at least two

fractured faces. It shall be free from any organic mailer and other deleterious substances and shall be of

such nature that it can be compacted readily under watering and Stances and shall be such nature that it

can be compacted readily under watering and rolling to form a firm, stable base. The aggregate shall

conform to the grading and quality requirement shown in Tables 400-12 and 400-13. At the option of the

contractor, the grading for either 53 mm maximum size or 37.5 mm maximum size shall be used, except

that once a grading is selected, it shall not be changed without the Engineer’s approval.


Sieve size Per cent passing by weight

53 mm max. size 37.5 mm max. size

63mm 100mm

45mm 87-100 100

22.4mm 50-85 90-100

5.6mm 25-45 35-55

710micron 10-25 10-30

90micron 2-9 2-9



S.No. Test Test Method Requirements

1 *Los Angeles Abrasion value or *

Aggregate Impact value

IS: 2386 (Part - 4)

IS: 2386 (Part- 4) or

IS: 5640

40 maximum

30 maximum


2 Combined Flakiness and Elongation

Indices (Total)

IS: 2386 (Part-1) 30maximum

3 Water absorption IS: 2386 (Part-3) 2 per cent Maximum

4 ** Liquid Limit of material passing 425


IS: 2720 (Part-5) Not more than25

5 Plasticity Index of material passing 425


IS: 2720 (Part-5) Not more than 6

* Aggregate may satisfy requirements of either of the two tests. *

* If the water absorption is more than 2 per cent, soundness test shall be carried out as per IS:2386(Part -



Cement: Any of the following types of cement may be used with prior approval of the Engineer:

Ordinary Portland Cement IS : 269

Portland Slag Cement IS : 455

Portland Pozzolana Cement IS : 1489

If the subgrade is found to consist of soluble sulphates in a concentration more than 0.5 per cent, cement

used shall be sulphate resistant and shall conform to IS: 6909, Cement to be used may preferably be

obtained in bulk form. It shall be stored in accordance with stipulations contained in Clause 1014 and shall

be subjected to acceptance test prior to its immediate use.


Aggregates for lean concrete shall be natural material complying with IS: 383. The aggregates shall not be

alkali reactive. The limits of deleterious materials shall not exceed the requirements set out in IS: 383. In

case the Engineer considers that the aggregates are not free from din, the same may be washed and

drained for at least 72 hours before batching, as directed by the Engineer.

Coarse aggregate:

Coarse aggregate shall consist of clean, hard, strong, dense, non-porous and durable pieces of crushed

stone or crushed gravel and shall be devoid of pieces of disintegrated stone, soft, flaky, elongated, very

angular or splintery pieces. The maximum size of the coarse aggregate shall he 25 mm. The coarse

aggregate shall comply with Clause 602.2.4.2.

Fine aggregate:

The fine aggregate shall consist of clean, natural sand or crushed stone sand or a combination of the two

and shall conform to IS : 383. Fine aggregate shall be free from soft particles, clay, shale, loam, cemented

particles, mica, organic and other foreign matter. The fine aggregate shall comply with Clause 602.2.4.3.

The coarse and fine aggregates may be obtained in either of the following manner: (i) In separate nominal

sizes of coarse and fine aggregates and mixed together intimately before use. (ii) Separately as 25 mm

nominal single size, 12.5 mm nominal size graded aggregates - and Tine aggregate of crushed stone dust

or sand or a combination of these two. The material after blending shall conform to the grading as

indicated in Table 600-1.



Sieve Designation Percentage passing the sieve by weight

26.50 mm 100

19 mm 80-100

9.50 mm 55-75

4.75 mm 35-60

600 micron 10-35

75 micron 0-8



Any of the following types of cement capable of achieving the design strength may be used with prior

approval of the Engineer, but the preference should be to use at least the 43 Grade or higher.

Ordinary Portland Cement, 33 Grade. IS : 269

Ordinary Portland Cement, 43 Grade IS : 8112,

Ordinary Portland Cement, 53 Grade, IS: 12269.

If the soil around has soluble salts like sulphates in excess of 0.5 per cent, the cement used shall be

sulphate resistant and shall conform to IS: 12330. Guidance may be taken from IS: SP: 23

Admixtures: Admixtures conforming to IS:6925 and IS: 9103 shall be permitted to improve workability of

the concrete or extension of setting time, on satisfactory evidence that they will not have any adverse

effect on the properties of concrete with respect to strength, volume change, durability and have no

deleterious effect on steel bars. The particulars of the admixture and the quantity to be used, must be

furnished to the Engineer in advance to obtain his approval before use.


Aggregates for pavement concrete shall be natural material complying with IS: 383 but with a Los Angeles

Abrasion Test result not more than 35 per cent the limits of deleterious materials shall not exceed the

requirements set out in IS: 383. The aggregates shall be free from chert, flint, chalcedony or other silica in

a form that can react with the alkalies in the cement. In addition, the total chlorides content expressed as

chloride ion content shall not exceed 0.06 per cent by weight and the total sulphate content expressed as

sulphuric anhydride (S03) shall not exceed 0.25 per cent by weight.

Coarse aggregate

Coarse aggregate shall consist of clean, hard, strong, dense, non-porous and durable pieces of crushed

stone or crushed gravel and shall be devoid of pieces of disintegrated stone, soft, flaky, elongated, very

angular or splintery pieces. The maximum size of coarse aggregate shall not exceed 25 mm for pavement


Fine aggregate

The fine aggregate shall consist of clean natural sand or crushed stone sand or a combination of the two

and shall conform to IS:383. Fine aggregate shall be free from soft particles, clay, shale, loam, cemented

particles, mica and organic and other foreign matter. The fine aggregate shall not contain deleterious

substances more than the following:


Clay lumps 4.0 per cent

Coal and lignite 10 per cent

Material pissing IS Sieve No. 75 micron 4.0 per cent


Water used for mixing and curing of concrete shall be clean and free from injurious amount of oil, sail, acid,

vegetable matter or other substances harmful to the finished concrete. It shall meet the requirements

stipulated in IS: 456.

Mild steel bars for dowels and tie bars

These shall conform to the requirements of IS: 432, IS: 1139 and IS: 1786 as relevant. The dowel bars

shall conform to Grade S 240 and tie bars to Grade S 415 of I.S.

Longitudinal joint

The longitudinal joints shall be saw cut as per details of the joints shown in the drawing. The groove may

be cut after the final set of the concrete. Joints should be sawn to at least 1/3 the depth of the slab ± 5 mm

as indicated in the drawing.

Tie bars shall be provided at the longitudinal joints as per dimensions and spacing shown in the drawing

and in accordance with Clause 602.6.6.

Dowel bars

Dowel bars shall be mild steel rounds in accordance with Clause 602.2.6 with details/dimensions as

indicated in the drawing and free from oil, dirt, loose rust or scale. They shall be straight, free of

irregularities and burring restricting slippage in the concrete. The sliding ends shall be sawn or cropped

cleanly with no protrusions outside the normal diameter of the bar. The dowel bar shall be supported on

cradles/dowel chairs in pre- fabricated joint assemblies positioned prior to the construction of the slabs or

mechanically inserted with vibration into the plastic concrete by a method which ensures correct placemen

of the bars besides full re-compaction of the concrete around the dowel bars.



Sl. No. Test Test Method Min frequency Acceptance rage

1 PH Value Section 1010 of


Specifications and



Every Source/

Not less than 6




For every source

Max. 250 mg/lit. In case

of structures of length 30 m and below,

this may be increased upto 1000 mg/lit.

3 Sulphates -Do- -Do- Max 500 mg/lit

4 Organic solids -Do- -Do- Max 200 mg/lit

5 Inorganic Solids -Do- -Do- Max 3000 mg / lit

6 Suspended Solids -Do- -Do- Max 2000 mg/lit


7 Qty. of 0.1 normal N2OH to

neutralize 200

ml sample of Water

MORTH clause 1010


Not more than 2 ml.

8 Qty. of 0.1 normal HCL

to neutralize 200 ml

sample of Water



Not more than 10 ml




Test Test Method Min Frequency Acceptance Range

1 Fineness, by Blaine’s air permeability


IS-4031 Part 2 For every


Not less than 225

2 Compressive strength IS-4031 Part 6 “ As per the provision of IS


3 Setting time

I) Initial

II) Final

IS-4031 Part 5

“ Not less than 30 Minutes

Not more than

600 Minutes

4 Total chloride content (%) by mass of



IS-12423 –


For each source Not more than 0.05%

Steel Reinforcement Bars

Shall be Thermo mechanically Treated Bars (Fe 500) conforming to IS-1786

Sl. No. Test Test Method Min frequency Acceptance rage

1 Wt In kg/m IS-1786 For every


As per IS-1786

2 0.2% proof stress/yield stress IS-1608-1972 -Do- Min 500 Mpa


Tensile strength



8% more than the actual

0.2% proof stress but not less

than 545 Mpa

4 % elongation on a gauge length of

5.65 A where A=sectional Area of

test pieces



12.0% Min


5 Bend & Re-bend Test IS-1599-1974 -Do- Should be Satisfactory

The cement content (OPC alone) shall be as less as possible but not less than the quantities specified in

the MORTH Specifications. In no case shall it exceed 450 kg/cum & minimum 340 Kg. /Cum.

Prior to the start of construction the mix design shall be submitted to SSCL Engineer for their

review. The mix design shall be verified with Trial batches in the concrete batching plant. No concrete shall

be placed in the work until the Engineer approves the materials and the mix design of which it is

composed. The Sub Contractor shall design all the concrete mixes called for on the drawing, making use

of the ingredients, which have been approved by the Engineer.

The Mix shall have the consistency, which shall allow proper placement and consolidation in the

required position. Every attempt shall be made to obtain uniform consistency.

Additional Requirements

Total chloride content as percentage of mass of cement shall be limited to values given below:

Pre-stressed concrete - 0.06%

Reinforced concrete exposed to sea water - 0.06%

Other Reinforced concrete - 0.01%

The total sulphuric anhydride (SO3) content in the concrete is to be limited to 4% of cement. Use of

admixtures in concrete may be required under the contract to promote special properties in the finished

concrete or may be proposed by the Contractor to assist him in compliance with the Specification.

The maximum size of coarse Aggregate for concrete to be used in various components shall be as per

Table no. 1700-7 of MORTH Specifications.

When it is necessary to deposit concrete under water concrete it shall contain 10% more cement than that

required for the same mix placed in the dry. Concrete shall not be placed in water having temperature

below 5 0C. All under water concreting shall be carried out by tremie method only. The temperature of

concrete, when deposited shall not be less than 16 degree Celsius or not more than 33 0C. Concrete shall

be protected during the first stage of hardening from loss of moisture and from the development of

temperature differential within the concrete sufficient to cause cracking.

The methods used for curing shall not cause damage of any kind to the concrete. Curing shall be

continued for as long as may be necessary to achieve the above objectives but in any case for at least 14

days or until the concrete is covered by later construction whichever is the shorter period.

The curing process shall commence as soon as the concrete is hard enough to resist damage from the

process, and in the case of large area or continuous pours, shall commence on the completed section of

the pour before the rest of the pour is finished.

Water used for curing shall be of the same quality as that used for mixing. Curing compound shall become

stable and impervious to the evaporation of water from the concrete surface within 60 minutes of

application. The material shall not react chemically with the concrete and shall not crack, peel or

disintegrate within 3 weeks after the application.

Immediately after removing the forms, exposed bars shall be cut to a depth of at least 50 mm below the

surface of concrete and the resulting holes shall be filled with cement mortar. All fins caused by form joints,

all cavities, honeycomb spots, broken edges etc. shall be thoroughly cleaned and rectified by mortar of

cement and fine aggregates. All construction and expansion joints in the concrete work shall be tooled and

free from any mortar or concrete.



Check Method Frequency Accepted range

I. Prior to concreting

1. Mix design

2. Weigh batching

3. Line & level

4. Formwork

5. Placing of reinforcement

6. Plant & Equipment

7. Adequate man power

8. Curing Arrangement

9. Walk-way for inspection

10. Safety arrangement

11. Lighting, if night work

For every change of


For every concreting


To conform to the



To be Satisfactory

II. Batching and pouring of concrete

1. Mixing

2. Transportation, placing and

compacting of Concrete

3. Construction of Joint

4. Collection of Test cubes




III. Post – Concreting

1. Curing

2. Stripping side shutters

3. Stripping soffit shutters

4. Removal of props



IV. Quality of workmanship (Clause 1700 OF

MORTH specification)




Check Method Frequency Acceptance Range

1 Min Strength of concrete IS-512 For every



As per approved design and drawing

2 Minimum cement content and

Max. w/c ratio



3. Maximum Cement Content -Do- 450 kg/cum( OPC)

4 Consistency by slump test IS-516


Type of Structure Slump in


RCC with widely spaced


RCC with fairly spaced


RCC & PSC with highly

congested reinforcement.

Underwater concreting throu

tremie e.g. button plug, cast

situ pilling



75-125 g



5 Compressive strength


working cubes (28 days)

As per

Table 1700-

9 of


1) Mean strength determined from any

group of 3 consecutive samples

should exceed the specified

characteristic strength




2) Strength of any sample is not less

than specified characteristic strength

minus 3.5 MPa


Quantity of Concrete in m3 No. of Samples

1-5 1

6-15 2

16 – 30 3

31-50 4

51 & above 4 plus one addl. For each addl. 50 m3 or part



i) Conventional Whitetopping

It consists of a PCC overlay of thickness 200 mm or more (on the top of existing bituminous layer)

which is designed and constructed without consideration of any bond between the concrete overlay

and underlying bituminous layer. Conventional whitetopping is designed and constructed like a new

rigid pavement without assuming any composite action. Conventional whitetopping treats the existing

bituminous surface as a sub-base like Dry Lean Concrete (DLC) and to this extent the condition of

existing bituminous surface does not matter significantly, except that bituminous surface should not

suffer from any isolated damages like subsidence or material related problems.

ii ) Thin Whitetopping (TWT)

PCC overlay of thickness greater than 100 mm and less than 200 mm is classified as Thin

Whitetopping (TWT). The bond between the overlaid PCC and underlying bituminous layer is often a

consideration but it is not mandatory. The bonding consideration may be ignored in the design. High

strength concrete with fibres is commonly used. Joints are at shorter spacing of 0.6 to 1.25 m.

iii) Ultra-Thin Whitetopping (UTWT)

PCC overlay of thickness equal to or less than 100 mm is classified as Ultra-Thin Whitetopping

(UTWT). Bonding between underlying bituminous layer and overlaid PCC layer is mandatory in case

of Ultra Thin Whitetopping. Milling the existing bituminous surface to an average depth of 25 mm is

normally used to provide the bonding at the interface between the existing bituminous surface and

PCC overlay. Such bonding can be provided by some other methods also, but milling is considered

desirable because effective bond between the existing and overlaid surface is absolutely essential for

a better performance of UTWT. High strength concrete with fibres is normally provided with closely

spaced joints (at interval of 0.6 to 1.25 m). Ultra thin whitetopping of 50 mm to 75 mm i.e. less than

100 mm is generally not recommended for Indian condition. Good construction technology in small

urban towns to lay such thin high grade concrete may not be available. Besides the possibility of

overloaded truck plying intermittently due to construction activities cannot be ruled out. However, for

colony internal roads where traffic is restricted and controlled and good quality control is exercised

during construction, the thin white topping can be considered.



TWT overlays are designed on the principle of a composite pavement structure which distributes

traffic and environmental loading in a different manner than done in case of conventional PCC or

flexible pavement. In case of such bonded system due to the composite action between concrete and

flexible layer, the neutral axis shifts downward with the result that much of the area of PCC slab

comes under compression and therefore a lesser thickness is required to carry the load than in the

case with conventional PCC layer.

The other factor in case of TWT is that spacing of joints is considerably reduced due to which both

curling and warping stresses are much less.

Although a fully bonded system is ideal, the same, however, is very difficult to be realized and usually

a partial bond is realized. As such, stresses lie somewhere in between the two extreme cases of

unbonded and bonded.

A. Materials :

Cement : Any of the following types of cement capable of achieving the design strength may

be used with prior approval of the Engineer:

a. Ordinary portland Cement, 43 Grade, IS:8112

b. Ordinary Portland Cement, 53 Grade,IS:12269

c. Portland Pozzolana Cement, IS:1489

d. Portland Slag Cement, IS:455

Preference should, however, be to use 43/53 Grade cement, as the grade of required

concrete is M40 or more than M40. Lesser cement content means less water and, therefore,

lesser chances of shrinkage cracks.

While using 53 Grade Cement, fly ash upto 25% by weight of cementitious material may be



Admixtures conforming to IS:6925 and IS:9103 may (upto 2% by weight of cement as per IS: 456)

be used to improve workability of the concrete or extension of setting time, on satisfactory evidence

that they will not have any adverse effect on the properties of concrete with respect to strength,

volume change and durability.

Air Entraining Agents

The air entraining agents may be added upto 6.5% to increase the durability of the pavement

in freezing and thawing regions.


These shall be of steel/polypropylene/polyester/polyethylene/nylon fibres and shall be uniformly

dispersed in the concrete mass. Use of fibres in concrete reduces its tendency to plastic shrinkage

cracking and increases its ductility and abrasion resistance. Polymeric micro fibres with low elastic

modulus are not expected to increase the load-resisting capacity of the concrete significantly, at low

dosages (0.3% by volume of concrete). Structural fibre reinforced concrete prepared with macro

polymeric fibre has enhanced strength, toughness and endurance without significantly changing the

modulus of elasticity of concrete. Macro polymeric fibres, 30 mm to 60 mm length and more than 0.2

mm dia should be used with dosage of 0.5% to 1.5% by volume of concrete (4.5 to 14 kg/m3).

These shall be added at the time of preparation of concrete. The synthetic fibres are slender and

elongated filaments in the form of bundles, networks, strands of manufactured material that can be

distributed thoroughly in the freshly mixed concrete. (ASTM C 1116)

The diameter of polymeric fibres normally varies from 10-70 micron and specific gravity is in the

range of 0.91 - 1.34. The melting point of these fibres shall not be less than 160oC. The aspect ratio

generally varies from 200-2000.


Fibre reinforced concrete shall be free from fibre balls when delivered. Tolerance in slump may be ±

15 mm for a slump of less than 50 mm and ± 25 mm for a slump greater than 50 mm but less than

100 mm. The tolerance in mixing time shall be ± 3 Sec for time of mixing 15 s, and ± 5 s for time of

mixing of more than 15 s. For more details on specifications of fibres and their testing, ASTM C

1116 and ASTM 1399 may be referred.

IRC:SP:46-2013 should be referred for the use of fibres in concrete.


Aggregates for pavement concrete shall be natural material complying with IS:383 with a Los

Angeles (LA) Abrasion/Aggregate Impact Value (AIV) not more than 35%. The limits of deleterious

materials shall not exceed the requirements set out in IS:383.

The aggregates shall be free from chert, flint, chalcedony or silica in a form that can react with the

alkalies in the cement. In addition, the total chlorides content expressed as chloride ion content shall

not exceed 0.06% by weight and the total sulphate content expressed as sulphuric (SO3) shall not

exceed 0.25% by weight of dry aggregates.

Coarse Aggregates

Coarse aggregates shall consist of clean, hard, strong, dense, non-porous and

durable pieces of crushed stone or crushed gravel and shall be devoid of pieces of

disintegrated stone, soft, flaky, elongated, very angular or splintery pieces. Aggregates

should normally be rough textured and cubical in shape. Use of modern crushing

technology for producing aggregates is considered desirable. The maximum size of

coarse aggregates shall not exceed 31.5 mm. The combined flakiness and elongation

index of aggregates shall not be more than 35 percent. No aggregate which has water

absorption more than 2% shall be used in the concrete mix. The aggregates shall be

tested for soundness in accordance with IS:2386(Part V). After 5 cycles of testing, the

loss shall not be more than 12% if sodium sulphate solution is used or 18% if

magnesium sulphate solution is used. If aggregates are doubtful for alkali aggregate

reactivity, IS:456 may be referred.

If the aggregates are not free from dirt, the same may be washed and drained for at

least 72 hours before batching. In such a situation the absorbed moisture content shall

be carefully taken into account while calculating free water content in the mix.

Fine Aggregate

The fine aggregates shall consist of clean natural sand or crushed stone sand or a

combination of the two and shall conform to IS:383. Fine aggregates shall be free from

soft particles, clay, shale, loam, cemented particles, mica and organic and other

foreign matter. The fine aggregates shall not contain substances more than the


Clay lumps 1.0%

Coal and lignite 1.0%

Material passing 75 micron sieve 3.0%

Although IS:383 permits the fines passing 75 microns upto 15% in case of crushed

sand, this provision should be used with caution.


Water used for mixing and curing of concrete shall be clean and free from injurious amount of oil,

salt, acid, vegetable matter or other substances harmful to the finished concrete. It shall meet the

requirements stipulated in IS:456. Potable water is generally considered satisfactory for mixing and



Mineral Admixtures

In case of Conventional Whitetopping, and Thin Whitetopping following materials may be added as

mineral admixtures as per their availability:

i) Fly ash grade I (as per IS 3812-2003),

ii) Granulated blast furnace slag (as per IS: 12089)

iii) Silica fume (as per IS: 15388-2003 and IS:456-2000, IRC:114-2013)

The silica-fume as per design is used where high performance concrete is the requirement of the

design. It shall be added in suitable dozes normally @ 3-10% by weight of cementitious material.

To improve the ductility and fatigue resistance of high performance/high strength concrete,

polymeric fibres may be added in the concrete 0.2-0.4% by weight of cement and/or steel fibres as

per IRC:SP:46-2013.

Polymeric fibres shall have water absorption less than 0.3% and shall not affect the properties of

concrete (i.e reduction in the strength not more than 5%). Entrapped air content in the concrete shall

not be more than 3%, except where freezing and thawing is taking place. At such locations,

provision shall be regulated by Para 3.2 of IRC:SP:76-2015

Use of above additional materials including admixtures and air entraining agents in the conventional

concrete improves the following properties of concrete:

i) Improvement in toughness,

ii) Reduction in shrinkage cracks

iii) Long term mechanical properties,

iv) High early strength,

v) Ease of placement, cohesiveness and consolidation,

vi) Volume stability and longer life,

vii) Less abrasion, and least permeability,

viii) Improvement in load transfer at the joints due to improved aggregate interlocking

ix) Improvement in bond between aggregate - cement mortar and existing bituminous

layer with fresh concrete.


Following designed concrete mixes may be used for construction of both conventional

and thin whitetopping:

i. Conventional cement concrete,

ii. Fibre Reinforced concrete using fibres viz. polypropylene, polyethylene, nylon,

polyester, steel (IRC:SP:46) etc.

iii. High Performance concrete using silica fume upto 3-10% by weight of cementitious

material with and without using fly ash (upto 20%) or slag up to 70% by weight of

cement, (IRC:SP:70)

iv. High performance fibre reinforced concrete using specified fibres and mineral

admixtures as per IS: 456 using a dose of chemical admixture @ upto 2.0% by

weight of cement.

Concrete mixes used are so proportioned that the concrete mix generally produces

concrete of minimum characteristic compressive strength M40 or more than M40 at 28

days. High performance concrete of compressive strength M50 is normally preferred. The

high strength high performance concrete is essential for fast track construction which is

achieved by using early setting cements with microsilica as an essential additive. The


cardinal principle is that two third of the concrete strength should be developed within a

period of 48 hours. Such a pavement can be opened to traffic within 72 hours of its laying.

UTWT/TWT projects are generally constructed with concrete of mix, having lower

water/cement ratio, less than 0.40. It is, however, preferable to have a water cement ratio

around 0.30 to 0.38. The workability/slump requirement (25-50 mm) may be conveniently

achieved by the use of high range water reducers (super plasticizers). The mixes may

have high cement content (but not greater than 450 kg/m3). Extra precautions are required

while using very high cement content with regard to the heat of hydration. The higher

strength is derived not by increasing the cement content but by reduced water content.

When designing concrete pavements, the flexural strength (modulus of rupture) of

concrete is used rather than its compressive strength, as concrete fails in flexure rather

than in compression. The mixes shall be designed as per IRC:44 or IS:10262. The

minimum flexural strength or modulus of rupture (Third point loading) of the concrete shall

be 4.5 MPa which corresponds to the minimum grade of concrete i.e. M40 at 28 days. It is,

however, preferred to have a flexural strength of 5.0-6.0 MPa (Third Point Loading).

Self Compacting Concrete

Use of high workability, high flow or free flow or self compacting concrete can be used for

overlays. Free flow concrete can be with slump flow 350 to 450 mm. This type of concrete

require high cohesiveness, hence more fines (below 75 µm i.e. cement, mineral

admixtures and additives etc.) and more fine aggregate (well graded), but all particles shall

be well graded and higher dosages of superplasticizers are required. Requirement of the

degree of cohesiveness will increase with the distance of haulage of ready mixed

concrete. If dosages of superplasticizers increase beyond 1.5%, it may be advisable to use

poly-carboxylic-ether based superplasticizers. Mineral admixtures like flyash, silica fume,

GGBS (ground granulated blast furnace slag), metakaoline, and additives like lime stone

powder etc. are required. The total mineral admixtures and additives should be increased

to 35% of cementitious matter, for optimum results; and up to 50% while GGBS is used.

The common methods of concrete proportioning as applicable to normal concrete shall

need modifications. Mix proportioning and production of such concrete is the specialized

activity and should be done under the supervision of experienced expert in that field with

good amount of tests and trials. Such concrete may have higher shrinkage, requiring

higher dosages of fibers.

High flow concrete may have the nominal maximum size of aggregate lower than the

normal concrete. High flow concrete may have higher shrinkage and hence it will require

higher fiber content for controlling shrinkage cracks.

Such concrete may have advantage of reducing the equipment needed for laying,

compaction and the related noise during construction. It could therefore be preferred

option for urban area even at higher price.

High Strength Concrete

Early opening concrete overlays can be designed such that it can be opened to traffic at a

predetermined age (say 12 hours, or one to 3 days), also termed as “fast-track” concrete

paving. This system requires a concrete which can gain specified design strength at the

time of opening to traffic. An option may be to permit initially only light traffic for few days

to keep fatigue damage factor low.

For early age flexural strength of concrete, the mix proportioning is to be done for

achieving a specific strength at a specified small age. High flexural strength needs a

limitation on nominal maximum size of aggregate (say 20 or 16 mm), a tighter tolerance for

flakiness of aggregate fraction below 10 mm, a good gradation of particles up to micron

size, a tighter control over lower tolerance in particle gradation, use of enough


supplementary cementitious materials (SCM) like silica fume, flyash, ground granulated

blast furnace slag, metakaoline, additives like lime stone powder etc., and total free water

≤ 150 kg/m³ (including the aqueous solution of admixtures). SCM’s improve the particle

grading below 10 micron (µm) size, improves the transition zone on the surface of

aggregate and improves the strength contribution of binder.

Further for monitoring, the concept of ‘maturity of concrete’ is to be practiced with little

additional tests and regular temperature record. With early opening to traffic, methods of

wet curing are to be practiced while traffic is on the pavement. Concrete with high early

strength also has higher shrinkage, hence, specific effort is required to reduce and control

shrinkage related cracks.

Early Age Behaviour: The early-age period is up to 96 hours after construction. During this

period, the PQC strength is relatively low, and the stresses in the slab can be significant

due to the large volumetric changes that occur due to temperature and moisture conditions

in the slab. This is especially true for thin overlays, due to the high surface area to volume

ratio. Early steps for curing (within one hour of laying concrete) and sufficient fibre dosage

to control plastic shrinkage are required. Few demonstration projects have been

successfully implemented.


General Considerations

Conventional whitetopping, including inlays (at specified locations of weak sub-grade) have been

extensively used in USA and Europe during 1940’s to 1960’s for overlaying existing flexible

pavements. Various concrete thicknesses have been used depending upon the expected traffic


Whitetopping overlays are most appropriate for asphalt pavements that are extensively

deteriorated. Pavements with excessive rutting, shoving, or alligator cracking are considered good

candidates for Conventional Whitetopping overlays because these problems are not easily

corrected with a hot-mix asphalt overlay. The condition of the existing pavement, however, affects

the thickness design of Whitetopping overlays.

Most of the conventional whitetoppings have been constructed as Jointed Plain Concrete

Pavements (JPCP). The use of Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement (CRCP) and Fibre

Reinforced Concrete Pavements (FRCP) have been practiced in USA from 1970’s onwards. The

thickness of both JPCP and CRCP resurfacings has ranged from 150 to 250 mm. Longitudinal

steel reinforcement in CRCP has ranged from 0.5 to 0.6%.

In Conventional Whitetopping, polythene sheet or de-bonding layer is not provided. The PCC

overlay can be laid directly on the existing bituminous surface. A white wash/ white curing

compound may be used to minimize the temperature of existing bituminous pavement. Whitewash

prevents heat build-up in a black interlayer surface as it essentially provides a white surface, which

will absorb minimum sunlight. Whitewash consists of either white- pigmented curing compound or

lime slurry.

During summer months the temperatures are generally greater than 35°C. Paving becomes

difficult on soft layers at temperatures above 35°C. Paving of concrete overlays at such high

temperature (> 350C) should not be done. Salt addition to a lime slurry white washing shall be

avoided as the use of salt in whitewashing could be damaging to the overlay concrete and steel.

Curing compound, if used as a whitewash, should conform to AASHTO specification M148. (Apply

the compound to the resurfacing area at a rate of 2-3 ml per 100 cm2). The whitewash mixture and

the rate of application shall produce a uniform colour on the surface. After whitewashing, interlayer

surface will be allowed to cool adequately before starting the paving operation.

Conditions on the job site may create the need for a second application of whitewash. Rain or

construction traffic can fade or wear away the whitewash colour. If a majority of the surface area is

no longer coated, apply a second coat to faded areas. Some tracking by construction traffic is not

detrimental. A uniform colour and coverage is preferred.


If deformed reinforcement is in place during application of a second coat, maintain caution to avoid

significant contact of the whitewash with the deformed bars. The reinforcement should be cleaned

if a significant amount of whitewash is inadvertently applied.

Pre-overlay Repair

Conventional Whitetopping overlays do not require extensive pre-overlay repairs, but the repair of

certain types of distresses may be important to avoid localized failures. In general, the condition of

the underlying pavement is more critical to the performance of CRCP whitetopping overlays as

compared to JPCP. ACPA (American Concrete Pavement Association) has published guidelines

for whitetopping pre-overlay repair (ACPA 1998). The same is reproduced in Table :

General Pavement Condition Recommended Repair*

Rutting {< 2 in. (50 mm)} None or milling+

Rutting {≥ 2 in. (50 mm)} Milling or levelling

Shoving Milling

Potholes Fill with crushed stone-cold mixture or hot mixture

Subgrade failure Remove and replace or repair

Alligator cracking None

Block cracking None

Transverse cracking None

Longitudinal cracking None

Raveling None

Bleeding None


* Other factors to consider adding edge drains, cost of direct placement on unrepaired pavement versus milling, or levelling

+ Consider deeper than standard joint sawing depth in the whitetopping pavement

Pavement Evaluation

The evaluation of the existing pavement is an essential part of any overlay design including

conventional whitetopping. Field evaluation typically consists of a visual distress survey, deflection

testing using Benkelman Beam or Falling weight deflectometer and coring. Foundation support

value (k) is key information for thickness design. The sugrade support value (k) for the existing

bituminous surface can be back calculated from the resilient modulus (MR). ‘k’ values to be used

can be taken from deflection test on the existing bituminous surface or by determining ‘k’ value

from load test on the subgrade and thereafter using Correlation Charts. Any other suitable method

may also be adopted connecting ‘k’ value of the subgrade to the modified ‘k’ value of bituminous

subbase. For assessing the condition of existing pavement following information should also be


o Type and thickness of the existing layers by taking cores or trial pits and

collection of soil samples

o Type and extent of distresses

o Restriction on Finished Road Level (FRL)

o Width of existing pavement and proposed concrete overlay

o Presence of treacherous soil like Black Cotton soil

o Drainage condition, drainage requirements and sub-surface drainage


o Traffic survey data

Surface Preparation

For Conventional Whitetopping, no special efforts are made to encourage bonding between

the overlay and the underlying bituminous surface; however, some steps for surface

preparations may be required to address distresses in the existing surface of the bituminous

pavements or to correct surface profile. Three methods of surface preparation and overlaying

are normally used for whitetopping:

• Direct Placement – The concrete overlay is placed directly on the existing hot bituminous

surface after sweeping. Any ruts in the existing pavement are filled with concrete, resulting in

a thicker concrete pavement in the rutted areas.

• Milling – The existing bituminous surface is milled to obtain a uniform surface. Milling can

be used to remove surface distortion like cracks in the top portion and adjust cross slopes.

The removal of thickness should be between 25 to 50 mm. Milling can also be selectively

used with direct placement to treat the isolated stretch suffering from distortion in the project

road. Milling is not mandatory.

• Placement of Levelling Course – Sometimes a levelling course of bituminous mix is used

to produce a uniform surface for paving. A levelling course typically consists of minimum 50

mm of Bituminous Macadam (BM). Exact quantity will depend upon the undulations. When

the distortion/rutting depth exceeds more than 50 mm, the option of milling as an economical

alternative may be evaluated. It is also a practice of laying levelling course along with

concrete overlay.

• DLC/ PCC Levelling Course – Levelling/ profile correction can be done by using PCC (say

M10 grade) or DLC layer. The minimum thickness may be 75 mm, average 100 mm and

maximum 125 mm. At portions requiring > 125 mm PCC, a leaner concrete (say M5 or CC

1:4:8 or leaner DLC) may provided in thickness such that over it PCC or DLC will be minimum

75 mm. While profile correction is done by lean concrete (or DLC), a combination of milling in

some portion can be opted to reduce the finished road level (FRL). A separation layer is to be

used between DLC/PCC and concrete overlay. For separation layer, impermeable membrane

of virgin (without filler material) low density polyethylene (LDPE) can be used. Geo-textile

(non woven polypropylene blanket typically 0.45 to 0.55 kg/m²) about 3 to 4 mm thick may

also be used as a separation membrane. Research and project experience has shown that

nonwoven geotextiles provide uniform elastic support to the concrete overlay, reduce

pumping processes and prevent reflective cracking. The separation layer (or sheet) may not

be provided where joint spacing is ≤ 12 (18 for structural FRC) times the thickness of PQC

even if the PQC layer is designed as un-bonded pavement.


Concrete pavements are sometimes placed in a trend milled out of a thick asphalt pavement, in

the form of concrete inlays. This is used where it is desired to remove and replace only the

deteriorated lane (s). It is also effectively used where minimum vertical clearance requirements of

structures like road-over-bridges prelude raising of the existing level of the road. In such cases,

sufficient depth of the old pavement is milled out so that the concrete is levelled with, or only

slightly higher than the existing shoulder or adjacent asphalt lane.

For whitetopping in the form of inlays, thickness design and jointing practices to be adopted are

the same as followed in case of normal pavement design practices as per IRC:58 and IRC:15.

Dowels or reinforced concrete pavements for such inlays may be used, particularly, where heavy

traffic and wet climatic conditions exist.

Thickness Design

The design principle adopted for conventional whitetopping is similar to those of normal concrete

pavements as provided in IRC:58 “Guidelines for the Design of Plain Jointed Rigid Pavements for

Highways” and IRC:15 “Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Construction of


Concrete Roads”. These standards may be followed for design of Conventional Whitetopping,

except determination of modified/effective/support modulus of subgrade reaction (“k” value). The

correlation between CBR and ‘k’ value for the subgrade as given in IRC:58 can be used for the


Rigid pavements in India, at present, are mostly constructed on a sub-base of Dry Lean Concrete

(DLC). Table 3 and 4 of IRC: 58 accordingly have been provided for correlating “k” values of

soaked subgrade to the effective “k” values over granular/cement treated sub-bases. IRC:58

does not furnish any correlating table for determining effective “k” values for bituminous sub-base

which will be the actual sub-base for conventional whitetopping.

American Concrete Pavement Association (ACPA) in its engineering bulletin (EB210.02P) has

given two charts for the determination of modified ‘k’ value on the top of bituminous pavement.

One chart is for the case when the existing bituminous pavement is atop a granular base and the

other chart is when the existing bituminous pavement is atop cement treated base. These charts

are reproduced to assist the designer of Conventional Whitetopping to choose the modified ‘k’

value for the existing bituminous top. For this purpose, two alternative methods to determine the

modified value of ‘k’ are suggested in this guideline. One method is to determine the ‘k’ value of

the existing subgrade by plate load test and then the modified ‘k’ value for the bituminous top can

be found out from the Figs 1 and 2 depending upon whether asphalt surface is on the granular

base or on cement treated base. The plate load test being cumbersome is normally avoided by

the Field Engineers and more reliance is placed on the deflection on the top of bituminous

surface by Benkelman Beam Deflection (BBD) test. The graphical method given in Appendix III

can be used for determining ‘k’ value with respect to the characteristic deflection of BBD test as

per IRC:81. The rest of the design can be done with the help of existing IRC:58 by using the “k”

values determined from the Figs. 1 and 2 or Appendix III. Conventional Whitetopping should

have a joint spacing of 4 to 4.5 m as per the normal concrete pavement with dowels at junctions

regularly. Construction shall be as per IRC:15. Conventional whitetopping is expected to provide

an alternative solution to the problems of rehabilitations of many flexible pavements constructed

on the medium to heavily trafficked arterial roads.

Fig. 1: Chart for Determination of Modified “k” value on top Bituminous Pavement atop of

Granular Base


Fig. 2: Chart for Determination of Modified “k” value (modulus of support) on the top Bituminous

Pavement atop of Cement Treated Base



Thin Whitetopping is an innovative design concept that has emerged in the 1990’s. The first

overlay of 90 mm of concrete pavement was placed over existing asphalt on two projects in

Kentucky (USA) in 1988. In 1990 in Colorado (USA) number of sections of thickness of 90 mm and

125 mm were placed. Fiber reinforced concrete sections of 50 and 90 mm thickness with 0.6 to 1.8

m joint spacing were slip formed on top of a deteriorated asphalt pavement in USA. Many of these

slabs were instrumented to measure strains and deflections under the loads of many heavy trucks.

The performance of these thin slabs was outstanding. These remarkable performances had

subsequently generated a renewed interest in Thin Whitetopping across the developed world. The

use of TWT has grown rapidly in last one and a half decades. From 1990 to 1996 more than 800

projects, representing about 1 million sq.m have been placed in North America alone. Majority of

data available from several projects have indicated good performance of TWT.

Suitable Sites for TWT

Some of the sites for TWT overlays are given as:

i. Rural Roads

ii. Medium to Moderately Heavy Volume Roads (e.g. MDR, SH, Low Traffic NH)

iii. Intersections

iv. Minor Airports Pavements

v. Toll plaza

vi. Heavy density corridors

vii. Low volume metalled village roads

viii. New roads for heavy traffic as an alternate to flexible pavement/conventional

ix. rigid pavement

x. Bus bay and truck lay-bye

TWT should be used only when the condition of the existing bituminous surface is fair without wide

cracks and without material/sub-grade related problems. Isolated locations with distresses related


to material/sub-grade failure or heavy rutting should be replaced by lean concrete (Grade M10) by

full/partial depth repair before laying TWT.


Evaluation of Existing Pavement

A thorough examination of deficiencies of the existing pavement including assessment of the

causes of deterioration should be done before selecting TWT as an alternative treatment. TWT is

generally intended to be placed on the existing bituminous pavement that is exhibiting rutting,

shoving and other similar surface distresses, but do not have much wide cracks.

Surface Preparation

For TWT, top of sub base surface should be prepared by milling and thereafter thorough cleaning

of the milled material to ensure effective bonding. TWT can also be laid on prepared bituminous

layer by process of levelling if the thickness of bituminous layer is adequate and it is in sound

condition. Milling the existing bituminous surface is, however, quite desirable to enhance the bond

and also to remove any surface distress or distortions.

Lane Closure

At many intersections like urban location, underpasses lane closure times may be somewhat

restricted and possibility of detouring the traffic may not be quite possible. In all such situations,

the use of fast track paving may be considered to minimize lane closure time. Early opening to

traffic concrete could be used wherever, feasible. The specialist literature may be consulted for this


Overhead Clearance

Matching of adjacent shoulder and traffic lane elevation are often a problem with rehabilitation

projects. These locational problems are effectively tackled by resorting to suitable milling in case of

TWT projects.


Composite Action

Structural behaviour of TWT is quite complex. Design is based on composite action of the

bituminous layer and PCC overlay. Pavement should, therefore, be analysed as composite system

in which the concrete and bituminous layers are characterised by their thickness and elastic

properties, all on top of a ‘k’ value for the subgrade. The degree of composite action assumed in

the analysis has significant influences on the stresses developed. The results of mechanistic

analysis suggest that load stresses depend upon the slab size (joint spacing) and bonding of PCC

layer with asphalt pavement. There is a substantial reduction in load stress as slab size decreases.

This is also true for curling and warping stresses which occur due to temperature and moisture

gradient in the concrete slab.

In case of very short slabs and without substantial thickness of bituminous layer and base course,

both deflection and vertical strains are high. This could lead to excessive permanent deformation

in the foundation with time due to load repetitions. There is, therefore, always an optimum joint

spacing for which stresses are reduced but deflections are not excessive. Considering the above

aspect, the joint spacing between 1.0 to 1.5 m for Indian condition is recommended.

Due to composite action as shown in Fig 3 below , load stresses are reduced due to shifting of

neutral axes near the interface.

Some attempts have been made to develop such design procedures to estimate the load carrying

capacity and service life of projects based on instrumentation of slab, field performance results and

three dimensional finite element model. In all these design procedures, developed so far, consider


the critical stresses both at the corner and joint locations of a slab, besides incorporating the

temperature effect. For further details, literature at Sr. No. 9 and 24 of references may be referred.

Fig 3 : Stress Diagram in Case of Bonded and Unbonded TWT

G. Design Factors


The volume and character of present and anticipated traffic generally determines the number and

width of traffic lanes. The weight and frequency of the wheel loads of this traffic form the basis of

the slab’s structural design. The procedure given in IRC:58 may be followed for calculating the

traffic frequency of wheel loads.

Subgrade and Sub-bases

Subgrade strength may be evaluated, if required on the basis of either CBR or modulus of sub

grade reaction (k) value (as per IS:9214-1974). For more details, para 5 may be referred.

Sub-Base Course

o Layer of sound bituminous pavement of minimum 75 mm thickness after milling,

o Layer of bituminous pavement of thickness less than 75 mm with profile correction course

of bituminous macadam to have total minimum bituminous pavement thickness of 75 mm

can be considered an exception.

o Before laying profile correction course, tack coat is required as per MORTH Specifications.

o Any distress in the sub base layer shall be repaired with suitable materials.

Location/stresses having isolated damages shall be removed up to full depth and rectified

as per the specifications/drawings to make up atleast 75 mm thickness of bituminous


o Benkelman Beam as per IRC:81 in case of flexible pavement may be referred. Appendix V

may be used to convert test result of Benkelman Beam deflection data into modified ‘k’

value. Figs. 1 and 2 may be adopted for determining ‘k’ value on the top of asphalt

pavement, if Benkelman Beam Deflection tests are not carried.

o The maximum ‘k’ value shall preferably be 15 kg/cm2/cm.

Steps for Design Procedure

o Find traffic in terms of commercial vehicles per day (CVPD) and their percentages of the

total traffic including single axle and tandem axles.

o Evaluate soaked CBR/k value of sub grade


o Find Modified ‘k’ value or support modulus (from Appendix III/Figs. 1 or 2 as for

conventional whitetopping or) on sub base of asphalt pavement from the modulus of

subgrade reaction of the subgrade.

o Assume a trial thickness and joint spacing (say 1 m or 1.2 m)

o Find Temperature Stresses

o Find corner load stresses and curling stresses using equations 1 to 3. Calculate stress

ratio using corner load stresses and find out total fatigue life consumed which should be

less than one.

o Calculate total of maximum load and curling stresses at corner. It should be less than the

flexural strength of concrete.

o Formula for determining flexural strength at third point loading as per IS 516-1959 is given


Flexural Strength at third point loading = [Pl/bd2]


l is effective length of beam, or distance between two supports in cm b&d are breadth and

depth of beam in cm

P is the load at failure of the beam in kg

o ix) Determine fatigue consumed, which shall be less than one.



The milling of the existing asphalt pavement provides removal of rutting, a roughened surface to

enhance the bonding between the new concrete overlay and the existing asphalt pavement. The

depth of milling (25–50 mm) depends upon the types and severity of distress especially the depth

of rutting or other surface distortions and the available thickness of asphalt pavement. Hand

grinding/Light Chiselling may also be used gently for making the roughness in top surface of

asphalt pavement at difficult locations. In case of non availability of the required machinery, a

profile correction course of bituminous macadam (of minimum thickness 50 mm) may be laid over

existing bituminous pavement after applying tack coat as per MORT&H Specifications so as to

have a net bituminous thickness of 75 mm.

Repair to Existing Pavement

The milled pavement shall be repaired in respect of cracks and wherever the cracks are too many

indicating failure of subgrade, the pavement shall be replaced and simultaneously the subgrade

will also be re-compacted.

Existing bituminous layer after milling shall be in good condition to minimize reflection cracks or

sympathetic cracks. If locally any distress/defects/cracks are observed, these shall be repaired/

sealed using properly designed dense bituminous mixes. The top of milled surface and repaired

portion shall be in level with each other. The cracks shall be repaired first with hot bitumen of any

suitable grade, before laying PCC and the surface is then broomed by compressed air/vacuum

pump to remove debris prior to placing of concrete. The surface of the asphalt shall be flushed with

water to aid in cleaning, before overlay is applied.


After milling or providing the profile correction course, atop the existing asphalt pavement, the top

surface is cleaned to ensure bonding between the existing asphalt pavement and the new concrete

overlay. Different methods of cleaning to remove foreign particles are given as:

• Air blasting/vacuum cleaner

• Power brooming

• Water blasting

• Sand blasting

• Chiseling


Placing, Finish, Texturing &Curingusing Conventional Paving Techniques and Materials

After the milling operation/laying profile correction course, form work using steel channels or girder

are fixed and stability of these is ensured simultaneously. Cement slurry may be applied before

placement of PCC. Concrete is placed, finished and cured using conventional paving techniques

and materials. After the laying of PCC, runner beam shall simultaneously be provided without

causing vibration/disturbance to the newly laid TWT. Use of kerb stone as form work is not

preferred. Use of semi mechanized method, slip form paver or fixed form paver may be adopted as

per IRC:15 based on size of project and availability of the space and equipment. Curing

compound/ water should be applied twice the normal rate, because TWT is thin concrete slab

which has high surface area to volume ratio and can loose surface moisture rapidly due to


The timing of the texturing operation is important. If done too early or too late, the desired skid

resistance will not be obtained. The best time for texturing is just after the water sheen has

disappeared and just before the concrete becomes non-plastic

For low speed, municipal or urban projects, a burlap drag, turf drag, or coarse broom texture is

sufficient from lower side to upper side. For high-speed interstate and other primary routes, tining

provides excellent long-term skid resistance.


Drains, inlets and manholes must be raised to match the elevation of the new pavement. Drainage

pipe shall be below the drainage layer, if provided. The slabs around the manhole shall preferably

be with Reinforced Cement Concrete (RCC) using nominal reinforcement of 10 mm dia plain bars

at 150 mm c/c at neutral axis.

Due to special problems of urban areas, construction practices and detailing need to be

evolved. Additional corner steel at man hole, paver block surface along edges for future services,

cross pipes at regular interval for future services etc. have to be properly planned. Overlay

invariably raises the road level and hence slight re-planning of storm water system or reverse

camber at the entry to houses etc. will have to be planned.


o Presently the technology is used for existing roads in urban area carrying low volume traffic.

However by properly designing the overlay thickness the technology can also be adopted for

heavy density corridors. In the white topping technology curling/temperature stresses are

minimum and panels are designed for corner stresses. The panel size is kept less than 1.5 m

x 1.5 m and preferably 1.25 m x 1.25 m. The dowels can be omitted.

o The exiting metalled or damaged village roads are commonly revived by first putting a

WBM/WMM overlay followed by carpet and seal coat. As an alternate a concrete overlay of 75

mm to 100 mm with panel size of 1 m x 1 m would meet the need and prove an economical


o New roads carrying heavy traffic can also be designed as thin concrete pavements with

thicknesses in the range of 180 to 200 mm and maximum panel size of 1.5 m x 1.5 m.

Drainage cum granular sub-base and dry lean concrete base of adequate thicknesses should

be provided for such pavements.


This item of work deals with activities of Filter media, Backfilling behind Abutments and Wing Wall with

approved materials as per the terms of contract conditions, approved Drawings. This item of work shall

confirm to the clause 2504.2.2, 305 & 309.3.2 and IRC – 78 of the Technical specifications.

Filter Media is proposed from the tests conducted in the laboratory and checked for its suitability as per

Clause 2504.2.2 of MORTH Specification.

Back filling will be done with the material from approved borrow areas.



a) Initially filter media is laid with coarse filter towards weep hole of Abutment and finer material towards

earthen side layer by layer as per the technical requirement.

b) After completion of each filter media layer to the required suitable height back filling will be done

simultaneously in layers matching the height with the filter media layer till it reaches the existing

ground level behind Abutment and compacted as per requirement.

c) Embankment construction will also be taken up either separately or simultaneously along with filter

media and back filling layers.

Stone Pitching

This work consists of covering the slopes of road embankments with stones over a layer of granular

material (Filter).

As per approved drawings and MORTH Specifications.

The stone will be sound, hard, durable and fairly regular in shape. Quarry stone would be used. The round

boulders and the stones subjected to the marked deterioration by water or weather will not be

accepted.The material for filter will be sand, gravel, stone or coarse sand and it will prevent escape of the

embankment material through the voids of the stone pitching and as well as to allow free movement of

water without creating any uplift head on the pitching.


Hot applied thermoplastic road marking paint will be carried as per section -800.3 of MORTH

Specification 2013 and as approved by engineer in charge. This work consists of marking traffic strips

using thermoplastic compound meeting the requirements of section -800 of MORTH. As per the contract

drawings and MORTH article 800.3, IRC-35 & IRC-54

Thermoplastic Material

The Thermoplastic material should meet the requirement of table 800-9 of MORTH specification and

reflectorizing glass beads confirming the requirement of table 800-10


The pigment, beads and aggregate will be uniformly dispersed in the resin. The material will be free from

all skins, dirt and foreign objects and will comply with requirements given in Table 800-3 of MORTH.


The properties of thermoplastic material, when tested in accordance with ASTM D 36 / BS – 3262 will be

as follows.

a) Luminance For white, daylight luminance at 45 degrees – 65% min as per


b) Drying Time When applied at a temperature specified by the manufacturer and to the

required thickness, the material will set to bear traffic in not more than 15


c) Skid Resistance Not less than 45 as per BS – 6044.

d) Cracking resistance

at low temperature

The material shall show no cracks on application to concrete


e) Softening Point 102.5 +/- 9.5 deg0.C as per ASTM D 36.


f) Flow resistance Not more than 25% as per AASHTO M 249.

g) Yellowness Index For white thermoplastic paint not more than 0.12 as per AASHTO M 249.

Reflectoring Glass Beads

Reflectoring glass beads are two types. Type 1 beads are those, which are a constituent of the basic

thermoplastic compound vide Table 800-3 and Type 2 beads are those, which are sprayed on the surface

of hot paint line vide clause 803.6.3. The glass beads shall be transparent, colorless and free from

milkiest color , dark particles and excessive air inclusions and these will conform to the requirements given

in Table 800.10 of MOST.

Graduation Requirements of Glass Beads

Sieve Size Type - 1 (% Retained) Type - 2 (% Retained)

1.18 mm 0 - 3 -

850 µ 5 - 20 0 - 5

600 µ - 5 - 20

425 µ 65 - 95 -

300 µ - 30 - 75

180 µ 0 - 10 10 - 30

180 µ Below - 0 - 15


The glass beads will have a minimum of 70% true spheres.

Refractive Index

The glass beads will have a minimum refractive index of 1.50.

Free Flowing properties

The glass beads shall be free of hard lumps and clusters and shall dispense readily under any conditions

suitable for paint striping. They shall pass the free flow-test.

Surface Preparation and Application

a) The surface will be cleaned by broom / wire brush and the surface are free from dirt, grit and all

other foreign matter.

b) In case the paint is to be laid over cement concrete pavement, a coat of primer will be applied on

the surface to ensure proper bonding of paint with the surface.

c) The pavement temperature will not be less than 10ºC during application.

d) Marking will be done before lying of paint thermoplastic Road Marking Paint will be heated in

mechanically agitated pre-heater. The normal workable temperature of thermoplastic road marking

paint will be between 150ºC – 200º C (as per recommendation of manufacturer)

e) Thermoplastic road marking paint thereafter will be transferred in paint applicator. The paint will

thereafter be applied with paint applicator on the pre marked lines.


f) Thermoplastic paint will be applied in intermittent or continuous lines of uniform thickness of atleast

2.5 mm. Where arrow or letters are to be provided, thermoplastic compound may be hand-

sprayed. In addition to the beads included in the material, a further quantity of glass beads of Type

– 2, conforming to the specification will be sprayed uniformly into a mono-layer on to the hot paint line in

quick succession of the paint spraying operation. The glass beads will be applied at the rate of 250

gms per square meter area.

g) The finished lines will be free from ruggedness on sides and ends and be parallel to the general

alignment of the carriageway. The upper surface of the lines will be level, uniform and free from


h) Though the drying time of paint is 15 minutes, yet considering the temperature, the traffic will be

allowed after 30 minutes.


Traffic signs will be installed as per Clauses given in the MORTH specification 2013 section 8000 for

regulating traffic movement. As per the contract drawings and technical specification Clause No: 800 &

IRC-54. Necessary manpower and display boards will be placed to regulate the flow of traffic without

causing congestion or traffic jam. The various materials and fabrication of traffic signs will be conform as

per technical specification Clause No: 801.2 of MORT&H.


The retro-reflective sheeting used on the sign will be conforming as per technical specification Clause No:

801.3 of MORT&H.

High intensity grade sheeting

High intensity grade sheeting used on the sign shall be conforming as per technical specification Clause


801.3.2 of MORT&H, and dry condition shall have the minimum co-efficient of retro-reflection

(determined in accordance with ASTM Standard E : 810) will be conform to the requirements given in

Table 800-1 of MORT&H.

Messages/borders: The messages (legends, letters, numerals etc.) and borders will be conforming to the

requirements as per technical specification Clause No: 801.3.4 of MORT&H.

For screen-printed transparent colored areas on white sheeting, the co-efficient of retro-reflection

shall not be less than 50 percent of the values of corresponding colour in Tables 800-1

and 800-2, as applicable.

Cut-out messages and borders, wherever used, shall be made out of retro-reflective sheeting

(as per Clause 801.3.2 or 801.3.3 as applicable), except those in black which shall be of

non-reflective sheeting.275

Colour The Colors used on the sign will be conforming as per technical specification

Clause No: 801.3.7 of MORT&H.


The sheeting will either have a pressure sensitive adhesive of the aggressive-tack type will be

conforming as per technical specification Clause No: 801.3.8 of MORT&H.

Fabrication The Fabrications will be conforming as per technical specification Clause No: 801.3.10

of MORT&H.




These special conditions of contract shall be read in conjunction with SSCL General Conditions of Contract

for all the systems mentioned above. If there are any provisions in the SCC which are at variance with the

provisions of conditions of contract, the provisions in the SCC shall take precedence.

The work shall be carried out as per enclosed specifications and MPPKVVCL /CPWD /SSCL specifications

and IE rules amended up to date.


Shifting of existing overhead lines of 33KV,11KV, LT, DP etc by dismantling the existing overheads and

Shifting Lines preparation of detailed drawings under the supervision of MPPKVVCL, responsible for the

execution and commissioning and Handing over the work to MPPKVVCL. Contractor should submit

approved plan of work from MPPKVVCL, Sagar. Electrical work should be done in following the Indian

electricity Rules 1956 & Electric Supply Code,

SITC of poles and intelligent streetlight with associated feeder pillar etc.

Contractor shall obtain working permission time to time from MPPKVVCL, Sagar.


On award of work, the successful tenderer shall prepare and furnish the drawings for approval to the

MPPKVVCL with Engineer-in-charge of SSCL before execution. Such drawings shall be based upon item

specifications of MPPKVVCL, local laws and regulations.

The drawings for complete systems shall be submitted within two weeks of placement of work order. The

contractor shall not proceed with the installation works until the drawings are approved from MPPKVVCL,

Sagar in respective HT lines.

Approval of drawings shall not absolve the contractor of any of his obligations to meet the requirements of

specifications under this contract.


All sundry fittings, assemblies, accessories hardware items, foundation bolts, termination legs for electrical

connections as required and all other sundry which are useful and necessary for proper assembly and

efficient working of the various components of the work shall be deemed to have been included in the

tender, whether such items are specifically mentioned in the tender documents or not.


The contract document is confidential and must strictly confined to the contractor's own use and for the

purpose of the contract.


The work for HT and LT lines and Transformer will be done under the supervision and up to the

satisfaction of MPPKVVCL, Sagar.



All the materials required for this work should conform to relevant IS specifications. The copies of

Purchase Vouchers should be produced along with the materials. The type test certificates, routine test

certificate and acceptance test certificates are also to be submitted.


The contractor shall provide proper and adequate storage facilities to protect all materials and equipment

against damage from any cause whatsoever. The watch & ward of the stores, equipment & materials shall

be the responsibility of the contractor till the completion, commissioning & handing over to MPPKVVCL/

SSCL as applicable.

The contractor shall take away the balance of any materials left at the site after commissioning of the

system. The cost, if already paid, for such items shall be deducted from the subsequent running bills.

SSCL shall not be liable to pay for any of the incidental charges connected with the above.


The Contractor shall co-operate and co-ordinate with all other agencies working in the same project,

compare plans, specifications and the time schedules and so arrange his work so that there will be no

interference during execution of the work. The Contractor shall forward to SSCL, all correspondence and

drawings exchanged. Failure to do so will render the Contractor responsible for subsequent change found

necessary and its cost. However, the Contractor shall arrange necessary facilities to execute the work

simultaneously with other agencies. No claim on this account shall be entertained by SSCL.


The Contractor shall submit to MPPKVVCL and SSCL by the third day of every month, three copies of a

report duly updated.

The Contractor shall also submit by the end of every month their planning schedule for all items of work for

the following month in three copies in an approved proforma to MPPKVVCL and SSCL.


The Contractor at their own cost shall procure equipments for measurement of work and testing the

installation. The same shall also be made available to SSCL without any charge.


SSCL will not be responsible for the supply of water and Electric power to the Contractor for execution of



SSCL reserves the right to inspect the materials at factory before dispatch. If inspection of equipment at

the factory is to be done, 30 days prior intimation should be given in advance. All arrangements for

conducting the inspection/testing at the factory shall be the responsibility of the contractor.

The traveling and daily allowance for the 1st inspection at factory will borne by SSCL. In case the material/

test is not ready at factory or the test fails during the 1st inspection.

All the materials to be used in and on every part of the works shall be subjected, from time to time, to such

tests as SSCL may direct. Such tests shall be performed at the expenses of the Contractor. The samples

for tests shall be in all cases selected by SSCL. If at any time, any material so tested, fails to meet the


acceptance criteria, the same shall be removed from the site of works and other materials substituted. But

in the absence of any specified test/acceptance criteria, the decision of SSCL shall be final and binding as

to whether the said material shall be accepted or rejected.


The payment conditions shall be as per contract and agreement.


All electrical works shall be carried out under the supervision of MPPKVVCL, Sagar in accordance with the

provisions of Indian Electricity Act-1910, Indian electricity rules – 1956 amended up to date (date of call of

tender unless specified otherwise) and th state Electricity Inspectorate.

The works shall also conform to relevant Indian standard Codes of Practice (COP) for the type of work


All materials to be used in work shall be ISI marked.

In all electrical works, relevant safety codes of practices shall be followed.


Ratings of components

All current carrying components in all installations shall be of appropriate ratings of voltage, current and

frequency as required at the respective sections of the electrical installations in which they are used

without their respective ratings being exceeded.

Fabrication of panels in a CPRI approved workshop

Unless otherwise specified, PSS/switch boards/LT panels, etc. will be fabricated by a fabricating

workshop having CPRI Certificate for short circuit withstand capability and IP. The workshop also

should have reasonable quality control, and testing facilities.

Sizing of Equipment based on space available at site.

Notwithstanding the technical specifications and approvals, the contractor has to check, if space

available at site for installing the PSS/Electrical Panels etc. is adequate including the maintenance

space. The rates for new equipment shall account for shifting of existing equipment as required to

create space for the new equipment being installed.

Modification to existing panels/sizing of Equipment based on space available at site.


On completion of works, the contractor shall submit four sets of “As – Built” Single Line Diagram drawings

of the power supply system, one set reproducible and one set in CAD version in CD to SSCL before the

submission of the final bill, failing which Rs. 10000.00 recovering shall be made for each system of

following works executed as required by SSCL.


The site will be handed over to MPPKVVCL, Sagar, contractor should submit the work completion/Handing

over certificate form MPPKVVCL before submitting the final bills.


Defect liability period for the products supplied & installed at site will be 3 year from the date of completion

of the work and Security deposit will be released only after expiry of said defect liability period.



1 The entire work shall be carried out confirming to relevant Indian standard code of practice and as

directed by MPPKVVCL Sagar/ SSCL Engineer-in-Charge as applicable.

2 All material fitting's appliances etc. used in the installation shall confirm to relevant Indian standard

specification wherever they exist. in cases where there is not Indian standard available the item shall

confirmed to specification approved by Engineer-In- Charge.

3 All Electrical installation shall comply with required Indian electricity Act 1910 as amended and Indian

electricity rules 1956 as amended upto date and as per rules and regulation of MP state electricity

board and to the requirement of local bodies and electrical inspectorates/ Central electricity Authority.

4 The contractor executing the work will be fully responsible for arranging inspection of the above local

authorities as and when required, preparation and submission of drawing as required, getting

approval of the work and drawing etc. testing of the installation preparation and submission of test

reports with signature of authorized license hold persons, on behalf of SSCL No payment of charges

will be reimbursed to the contractor for this work. Necessary fees to MP electrical licensing board for

getting charging permission shall be paid by contractor for. inspection/ Testing charges/ Supervision

Charges/ System strengthening charges shall only be paid by SSCL to MP state electricity board.

5 The contractor shall make his own arrangement of water supply and electricity at site for execution of


6 The contractor shall make his own arrangement of site office and store at site for execution of work.

7 The contractor shall finalize the latenderert of work physically at site as per approved drawing and

get approved by MP electricity board taking actual measurement for quantities of items before SSCL.

8 The contractor should submit the excise gate pass for the equipment / materials supplies at site.

9 All the correspondence with other department like MP electricity board/ central electricity authority/

Mp licensing board etc. will be done by contractor only, though SSCL.

10 Payment of the running bill will be made only after rectification of defects if pointed out by any

inspecting authority.

11 The contractor will be responsible to hand over the substation/ Lines to MPPKVVCL and submission

of charge certificate to SSCL.

12 The date of charging of complete installation by MPPKVVCL and handing over of all installation to

MPPKVVCL will be treated as date of completion of work.

13 The contractor will be responsible for talking shut down etc. if required, by their own Efforts.

14 The contractor should be responsible for any loss/ theft, if required by their own cost.

15 All the equipments/ accessories/ materials and complete installation shall be guaranteed for the

period of two year's from date of charging by MP state electricity board.

16 The contractor shall have to furnish declaration on stamp paper worth Rs. 500/- as per Annexure for

related works.

17 5% cost of transformer and 2% total value of work will be kept in miscellaneous deposit till the line is

taken over by MPPKVVCL.

18 Transformers/ VCBs/ CTs/ PTs and associated item will be inspected/ tested as per IS at works by

SSCL before dispatch. The above item will be accepted subject to the above specifying.

19 Guarantee against manufacturing defects for 24 months will be given in the name of MPPKVVCL

directly by the manufacturer Arranged by the Tenderer. (not in case of fitting)

20 Guarantee/ warrantee offered by the manufacturer shall be given in the name MPPKVVCL be

Arranged by the Tenderer.

21 If it found that the contractor has quoted abnormally high rates of the item/ items as compared to the

rates as estimated by the SSCL, then payment of such items in running bill shall be limited to the

rates as estimated by SSCL and shall be released at the time of settlement of final bill and also after

the execution of necessary item for which contractor has quoted abnormally low rates as compared

to the rated as estimated by SSCL.

Action and compensation payable in case of Bad work


22 If at any time before the security deposit is refunded to the contractor, it shall appear to the engineer-

in-charge or his subordinate in charge of the work that any work has been executed with unsound,

imperfect or un skillful workmanship or with material of inferior quality or that any materials or

articles provided by him for the execution of the work are unsound or of a quality interior to that

contracted four are otherwise not in accordance with the contract, it shall be lawful for the engineer-

in-charge to intimate this fact in writing to the contractor and then notwithstanding the fact that the

work, materials or articles complained of may have been inadvertently passed, certified and paid for

the contractor shall be bound forthwith to rectify, or remove and reconstruct the work so specified in

whole or inpart, as the case may require or if so required shall removed the materials or articles so

specified and provide other proper and suitable materials or articles at his own proper charge and

cost and in the event of his failing to do so within a period to be specified by the engineer-in-charge

in written intimation as aforesaid, the contractor shall be liable to pay compensation at the rate of one

percent on the amount of the estimate for every day not exceeding ten days, during which the failure

so continues and in the case of any such failure the engineer-in-charge may rectify or removed and

re-execute the work or removed and replace the materials as described above may be accepted or

maybe made use of at reduced rate then in such cases the engineer-in-charge shall submit detailed

proposal for appropriate reduction (preferably supported by an analysis wherever possible) to and

obtain this approval expeditiously and accept the same at such reduced rates as approved by the

City Engineer.

23 Any sort of accident/fatal/Non fatal to workers or to any person. the entire full liability is on the part of

contractor, SSCL has not the pay any compensation in this regard.

24 The Contractor should submit completion drawing on tracing cloth and five additional copies of the

same showing the position of Metering DP Transformer, panel, earthig stations, cable routes etc. at

the time of final bill otherwise deduction of 1/2 percent of total amount of completed contract work will

be made from the bill. This condition corresponds to the completion plan of actual work done and the

same shall have to be submitted by the contractor after completion of work and before submission of

final bill.

25 Rights to increase or decrease work- The competent authority reserves the right to increase or

decrease work.

26 The competent authority reserves the right to increase or decrease any item of the work during the

currency of the contract and the contractor will be bound to comply with the order of the competent

authority without any claim for compensation.

27 Execution of agreement- The Tenderer whose tender has been accepted hereunder referred to as

the contractor shall produce an appropriate solvency certificate, if so required by the executive

engineer and will execute the agreement in the prescribed form within a fortnight of the date of

communication of the acceptance of his tender by competent authority failure to do so will result in

the earnest money being forfeited to SSCL and tender being cancelled.

28 Conditions applicable for contract- All the condition of the tender notice will be binding on the

contractors in addition to the conditions of the contract in the prescribed form-

Following documents annexed with this NIT shall form a part of the contract,

Document on (i) Stamp paper (ii) List of deleted clause

1 Action when the contractors becomes liable for levy Penalty.

a. To rescind the contract and in which case the security deposit of the contractor shall stand forfeited

and be absolutely at the disposal of SSCL.

b. To employee labour paid in the PWD/Irrigation/PHE department or by employing departmental

machinery and to supply materials to carry out work or any part of work debiting the contractor with

the cost of the labour or hire charge of departmental machinery and the price of the materials and

crediting him with the value of the work done in all respects in the same manner and the same rate

as if had been carred out by the contractor undr the terms of this contract or the cost of the labour

certificate of the divisional officer as to the value of the work done shall be final and conclusive

against the contractor. this does not qualify the contractor to any refund if the work is carried out at

lower rates than the rates quoted by the contractor saving if any will go to the SSCL Sagar.


c. To measure up the work the contractor and to take such part there of as shall be unexecuted out of

his hand and to give it to another contractor to complete in such case any expenses which may by

incurred in excess of the sum such would have been paid to the original contractor if the whole work

had been executed by him shall be borne and paid by the original or any other contract with SSCL or

otherwise or from his security deposit or the proceeds of sale thereof or a sufficient part thereof if the

work is carried out at lowe rated the contractor shall not be entitled for any refund on the account

saving, if any which shall go to the SSCL

Alterations in specification and Designs-

1 The engineer-in-charge shall have power to make any alterations in omissions from additions to

substitution for the original specification drawings designs and instructions that may appear to him to

be necessary or advisable during the progress of the work and the contracted shall be bound to carry

out work in accordance with any instructions which may be given to him in writing signed by the

engineer-in-charge and such alternations omissions additions or substitutions shall not invalidate the

contract and any above specified as part of the work shall be carried out by the contractor on the

same condition in all respects on such he afreed to do the main work and at the same rates as are

specified in the tender for the main work.

2 Extension of time in consequence of alterations- The time for the completion of the work shall be

extended in the proportion that the altered additional or subsitiuted work bears to the original contract

work and the certificate of the engineer-in-charge shall be conclusive as to such proportion.

3 Quantities shown in the tender are approximate and no claim shall be enertained for quantities or

work executed being either more or less than those entered in the tender or estimate.

29 No compensation shall be allowed for any delay caused in the starting of the owrk on account of

acquisition of land or in the case of clearance work on account of any delay in according sanction to


30 The submission of tender by tenders shall imply that he has read the Tender Notice , each and every

word of this tender document, has understood its contents and scope of work within the meaning of

technical and legal aspects has seen the site and has made self aware of the standard and

procedure to be followed in this work.

31 The tender notice shall mean only an invitation extended to the contractor for making offer. it does

not amount to an offer or proposal.

32 Issue of tender documents by Sagar Municipal Corporation, to any tenders and subsequent

participation of the latter by submitting his offer on due date shall not be an entitlement for this

(Tender's) right of claim for approval by the SSCL even in the event of his being the lowest offers.

33 On contrary to the contents of the Para 2.086 instruction 4 in the M.P. works Department manual for

negotiations on the basis of offers received in First call. An intimation for negotiations shall certainly

mean for withdrawal of all conditions given by tenderers and reductions of their offered rates. In the

event of increase of rates or addition of any condition by any tenderer in negotiations, his original

offer, without conditions, shall remain valid and open for considerations by SSCL for approval, in the

event of such approved of original of original offer the tenders shall have no right to deny the

acceptance of his original offer by SSCL. the tenderer withdrawing his offer shall forfeit his earnest

money to SSCL.

34 All works shall be carried out in strict accordance to the norms, procedure and specifications issued

and enforced by BIS in relevant Indian standard specifications and code of practices with up to date

amendments and revisions. latest editions of National Building code and National Electric code, In

additions the installation shall comply in all respects with the equipments of Indian. Electricity Act

1910 and Indian Electricity rule 1956 with up to date amendments and revisions and special

requirement if any of the M.P. Poorva KshetraVidyut Company or chief electrical advisor to

Government of Madhya Pradesh cum Chief Electrical Inspector and his subordinate office.

35 For certain items RATES ONLY have called for, in schedule of item, without mentioning their

quantities. These items may, or not required for execution, In case, any or all these items are


required to be executed under this contract, the same shall have to be executed for the quantities

and on the rates to be decided as below:

a) Rates for any item falling under this category shall be the average, of rates tendered by all

tenders for respective individual item. In case, the derived average rate is more than the

tendered rate of approved tenders the lesser/lower rate shall be approved and make applicable

for payment under this contract.

b) Quantities of all items falling under this category shall be as per requirement and up to any


36 The successful tenders shall make his own arrangements for supply of water and electricity at his

own expense, required for execution of work. The SSCL shall neither make any such arrangements

nor shall make any payments in this regard.

37 The successful tenders has to construct at his own cost his site office and store at site on a suitable

place and locations as permitted by SSCL shall not provide any place or room in the building under

constructions for storage of equipments required for work. No amount shall be paid to the contractor

in this regard.

38 Proper upkeep, maintenance, security and safety of stores and stocks of materials brought at site

installed/laid at site shall be the responsibility of the contractor. The materials got damaged due to

negligence for its up keeping at site or due to mishandling at the time of installation/laying. shall have

to be replaced by the contractor at his own cost. On discovery of such damages the SSCL shall

recover the amount paid through the running bills to the contractor which shall only be reimbursed

after the replacement of the same. The SSCL shall also not be responsible for theft of materials from

site and the contractor has to replace all such materials at his own cost, No compensations

whatsoever shall be payable to the contractor on above grounds.

39 The successful tenderer shall note that during the execution of works there is likelihood of additions

of such items or works which are not included in the schedule of items annexed with this tender

document for which the tenderers has not tendered his rates, for such items analysis and proposed

rates shall be prepared and submitted by contractor with all supporting documents which shall be

scrutinized and decided by the tender accepting authority and shall be final and binding on the

contractor. The quantum of such work will not more than 25% of contract amount shall depend upon

the mutual agreement by the contractor and the SSCL. Provided that the sum of value of new items

included under this Clause and value of quantities increased under Clause 40 is not more than 25%

of the Contract Price.

40 The successful tenderer shall note that during the execution of works there is likelihood in change of

specifications and change in quantities of items entered in the schedule of item for which the

successful tenderer has tendered his rates. The value of increase or decrease in the quantities of

such items may be up to 25% of the rates sanctioned to him in his original offer. The contractor shall,

on the grounds of execution of such quantity, not entitled to procurement of additional quantities of

such items due to such changes. the successful tenderer has to procure the said additional quantity

on the same rates as already entered by him in the tender without claiming any loss for

compensation. Provided that the sum of value of new items included under Clause 39 above and

value of quantities increased under this Clause is not more than 25% of the Contract Price.

41 Time being the essence of the contract, the successful tenderer shall before commencement of the

work prepare a detail work program for successful completion of contract with in the allowed time,

which shall be approved by the City Engineer charge of the work.

42 Time schedule may under unavoidable circumstances be revised by the SSCL form time to time for

any reasons whatsoever. it may be necessary to stop the work at certain places due to some

unavoidable reasons and restart the work at a later date. Such contingencies shall not vitiate the

contract and shall not be considered a ground for extra claim.

43 The successful tenderer shall not be entitled to any compensation for any loss suffered by him on

account of delay in commencement of execution of work whatever the cause of delay may be

including delay arising out of other materials or delay in supplying the materials to be supplied by

SSCL or any other reasons whatever and the SSCL shall not be for liable any claim in this respected



44 The successful tenderer shall not. without the prior approval of the competent authority in writing

sublet or assign to any other party, or parties, the whole or any portion of the work under contract.

Even if such approval is granted the contractor shall not be relieved of any obligation of duty or

responsibility which he undertakes under this contract.

45 All dues regarding taxed, including sales tax, service tax, octroi duties etc, levied by Government or

Local Bodies or private individuals on the contractor, in connection with the after said work executed

by the SSCL will be payable by the contractor, the SSCL will grant a certificate for the quantities

actually used on the work, but will not entertain any claim on this account.

46 The successful tenderer shall finalize the latenderert of work, physically at site, and get it approved

by MPMKVVC before placing orders for material. approval of above latenderert by MPMKVVC shall

be general and shall not absolve the contractor with responsibility of its correctness.

47 The successful tenderer shall within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of issue of work order shall

prepare and submit all relevant drawing and details for the work to be forwarded to the concerned

office of MPMKVVC and to the office of Chief Electrical advisor to Government of Madhya Pradesh

cum electrical inspector or its concerned subordinate office or any other competent office for

approval. All required sanctions and approvals from the offices shall have to be obtained by the

successful tenderer at his own cost and effort within the above stipulated period. the successful

tenderer may however procure material at site within the context of clause 17 of these special

conditions during this period.

48 Time allowed to carry out the work as entered in the tender notice shall be strictly observed by the

contractor and shall rekoned form date issue of work order to commence the work.

49 Rates quoted in the schedule of items shall be firm not be subjected to any variation duo to increase

in labour wages, cost of materials, etc. any other price variation whatsoever either due to cost

escalation during the stipulated period of executions or during extended period of completion if any.

50 The decision of City Engineer for specific make of item to be supplied and installed at site from the

list of approved make of materials shall be final and binding on the contractor. Before placing the

orders for materials the successful tenderer shall get approval of the specific makes of every item by

the City Engineer SSCL.

51 Rate quoted shall be applicable for works at all height unless otherwise specified in the schedule of


52 The successful tenderer shall afford all reasonable facilities and cooperation to the various other

agencies and contractors working at the site simultaneously, so that the entire work can be preceded

smoothly to the successful completion.

53 The successful tenderer shall submit the drawings to SSCL for this work duly approved by the office

of the chief electrical advisor to the Government of Madhya Pradesh and its concerned subordinate

office or concerned offices of MPMKVVC with in 15 days form the date of work order. The approval

of theses drawing will be general and will not absolve the contractor of the responsibility of the

correctness of these drawings. At least 5 sets/copies of the approved drawing shall be supplied to

the City engineer SSCL for its distribution to various agencies at site. at no cost.

54 The successful tenderer shall submit manufacturer's test report and drawings of the equipments to

be supplied, for approval of the City engineer before supplying the equipment. The successful

tenderer shall also submit the purchase bills of major items as required and directed at no cost.

55 The Successful tenderer shall have to arrange

a) all free of cost facilities for the inspection, such as employ of material labour etc. and any fees

payable to Government or any competent Authority at his own cost, the successful tenderer shall

arrange to obtain all sanctions from the concerned office of MPMKVVC and from the office of the

Chief Electrical advisor to Govt. fo M.P. or his concerned subordinate office at his own cost Any fee

in respect of above work paid by the successful tenderer shall not be reimbursed or refunded by the

SSCL and no claim for compensation shall be entertained in this regard.

b) If required by the Engineer-in-Charge or concerned office of MPMKVVC of Chief electrical advisor to

Government of M.P. cum Chief Electrical inspector. the contractor has to get any equipment or

complete installation checked and tested by any Government/Semi Government/Private Authority

such as CPRI, BHEL, Testing department of MPMKVVC etc. at his own cost He shall also provide


free of cost all labour material transport equipments etc. for the purpose of above testing. The

contractor shall not be entitled for any compensation on this on this ground.

56 The authority competent to accept the tenders reserves to itself the right to accept any or reject all

the tenders without assigning any reason.

57 The authority competent to accept the tender reserves the right to itself to accept the tender for

whole works. or for part of work. or to distribute the work between one or more contractors without

assigning any reason thereof.

58 The contractor shall submit analysis of rates of any or all items for which he has tendered his rates in

the schedule of item. if so desired by the Engineer-in-Charge at no cost.

59 The tender must be accompanied by a list of similar contracts executed by the tenderer since last 3


60 Conditional Tenders are liable to be rejected.

61 Tenders not properly sealed shall be rejected.

62 The tender will be received only from the contractor/firms of repute. possessing proper valid electric

license from the office of Chief Electrical advisor to Government of MP for executions of such work.

63 The successful tenderer shall make his own arrangement for transport of all materials. The SSCL is

not bound to arrange for priority for getting wagon for transportation of any material.

64 Each of the tender documents is required to be signed by the person or persons submitting the


65 The contractor shall be responsible for removal of all defects and shall make rectification in the work

at his own cost. if any, at the time of handing over the installation of MPMKVVC without any claim for


66 The successful tenderer shall submit the name, qualification, experience of his site staff with copies

of their certificates to Engineer-in-Charge before start of work.

67 It shall be the duty of the contractor.

a. To arrange all clearances form Chief electrical advisor to Govt. of Mp. cum chief electrical

inspector or from his subordinate office.

b. To coordinate and peruse the offices of MPMKVVC and office of the chief Electrical Advisor to

Govt. of M.P. cum chief electrical inspector/VidyutAnugyapanMandal for periodical inspections

during the currency of contract.

c. and to arrange final inspection of the work and get the complete installation handover to

MPMKVVC and get it electrically charged in presence of MPPKVVCL representative.

d. All the dismantled material (including poles conductor, cables DP structure transrformers etc.)

to be deposited in MPPKVVCL store as per MPPKVVCL return schedule and Receipt is to be

produced before final payments.

No Extra payment shall be made to the contractor in above account.

68 The successful tenderer at his own cost and efforts shall arrange periodical inspection of work by

various officers of MPPKVVCL (Superintending engineer, Divisional engineer, Rank Office) during

course of execution of work and any instructions issued by the officers of MPMKVVC shall be

executed by the bidder and communicated to SSCL in writing and prior permission shall be taken

form SSCL before its compliance.

69 Blasting of any type shall in any case not be permitted for excavation work. the tenderer may

therefore visit the site before filling up the tender. Only chiseling in hard rock shall be allowed.

70 The successful tenderer, during course of execution, desires to make drill holes of required dia. and

depth through drill/rig machine for erection of poles shall be permitted to do so but no payment for

excavation of such drilled hole shall be made. However in lieu of above amount not being paid for

drill hole he shall be exempted to provide base plate at the bottom of pole as it is not required in said


71 Before entering the rates for individual items in the annexed schedule of items the tenderer must

make himself fully sure of its correctness. the rates. Once entered in the schedule of items, shall be

deemed to be final and any condition for deviation in above rates written separately at any place in

the tender document shall not be offer volid and liable to be rejected by SSCL.


72 The complete installation shall be guaranteed for TWENTY-FOUR calendar months. The guarantee

period shall be rekoned from the date of handing over the installation to MPPKVVCL All transformers

and cables shall be guaranteed for 24 calendar months from the date of handing over the installation

to MPPKVVCL the contractor has to replace/repair the faulty of damaged material to the full

satisfaction of MPPKVVCL authorities in the event of failure/damage of any item during the said

guarantee period.

73 The tenderer has to ensure before filling up the rates regarding their availability and period of

delivery, in the event of the materials of equipment of makes called for are available alternative make

be approved under the conditions mentioned in Annexure. But it will not be a ground for claim of time

extension or any other compensation whatsoever.

All the condition of the tender notice. Instructions in regard to submission of tender, schedule of items

and rates accepted, these special conditions, general specifications and all other documents

attached will be binding on the contractor and shall form part of the agreement to be executed by the

contractor in addition to the conditions of the contract in the prescribed printed forms. In the event of

any of theses special conditions being contradictory to the condition of similar effect inprinted form,

condition mentioned in these special conditions shall be deemed to be applicable for the contract

agreement for all legal and technical matters. In the event of any of these special conditions is of the

similar effect to that of any condition of printed form the former shall be read in conjunction with he

for all legal and technical aspects within the scope of this contract.

LIST of Approved Makes for Electrical Works: -

1 Electrical Material

2 Cables HT (11KV& 33KV) Universal cables (Satna), Ravin, Nicco, CCI

(Banglore), Polycab, Finolex Torrent/ Approved by


3 Cables LT Universal cables (Satna), Ravin, Nicco,

CCI(Banglore), Torrent Approved by MPMKVVCL

and SSCL.

4 HT Termination jointing kit Raychem, M-seal, Cabseal, Mahindra/ Approved

by MPMKVVCo Ltd and SSCL.

5 LUGS, Thimble, Cable


Dowels, Multi, COMET

6 XLPE Insulated, PVC

Sheathed copper

conductor cable of 1.1 KV

grade/control cable

Cable Corporation of India/ Universal/

Nicco/Polycab/ Finolex/RR Cable

7 XLPE Insulated, PVC

Sheathed Aluminium

Cable of 11 KV grade / 33

KV Grade

Cable Corporation of India/ Universal/

Nicco/Polycab/ Finolex/RR Cable

8 H Beam Pole SAIL / Tata Steel Ltd. / RINL/ Jindal Steel &

Power Ltd. / JSW Steel limited





The inspection may be carried out by the Board at any stage of manufacture. The supplier shall grant free

access to Board’s representative at a reasonable time when the work is in progress. Inspection and

acceptance of any equipment under this specification by the Board shall not relieve the supplier of his

obligation of furnishing equipment in accordance with the specification and shall not prevent

subsequent rejection if the equipment is found to be defective.

The supplier shall keep the Board informed in advance, about the manufacturing programme so that

arrangement can be made for inspection. The Board reserves the right to insist for witnessing the

acceptance/routine testing of the bought out items. The Board has rights to inspect the supplier’s premises

for each and every consignment for type & routine test.

No material shall be dispatched from its point of manufacture unless the material has been satisfactorily

inspected and tested / unless the same is waived by the Board in writing.


The bidder shall invariably furnish following information along with his offer / in case of event of order.

I. Statement giving list of important raw materials including but not limited to a) Contact material

b) Insulation

c) Sealing material

d) Contactor, limit switches, etc. in control cabinet.

Name of sub-suppliers for the raw materials, list of standards according to which the raw materials are

tested, list of test normally carried out on raw materials in presence of Bidder’s representative, copies of

test certificates.

a) Information and copies of test certificates as in (i) above in respect of bought out accessories.

b) List of areas in manufacturing process, where stage inspections are

c) normally carried out for quality control and details of such tests and inspections.

d) Special features provided in the equipment to make it maintenance free.

e) List of testing equipment available with the Bidder for final testing of RMUs and associated

combinations vis-à-vis the type, special, acceptance and routine tests specified in the relevant

standards. These limitations shall be very clearly brought out in the relevant schedule i.e.

schedule of deviationsfrom specified test requirements. The supplier shall, within 15days from

the date of receipt of Purchase Order submit following information to the Board.

f) List of raw materials as well bought out accessories and the names of sub-suppliers selected

from those furnished along with offer.

g) Necessary test certificates of the raw material and bought out accessories.

h) Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) with hold points for Board’s inspection. The quality assurance

plan and hold points shall be discussed between the Board and supplier before the QAP is


The supplier shall submit the routine test certificates of bought out items and raw material, at the time of

routine testing of the fully assembled breaker.


All drawings shall conform to relevant International Standards Organization (ISO) Specification. All

drawings shall be in ink and suitable for microfilming.


The tenderer shall submit along with his tender dimensional general arrangement drawings of the

equipments, illustrative and descriptive literature in triplicate for various items in the RMUs which are all

essentially required for future automation.

I. Schematic diagram of the RMU panel

II. Instruction manuals

III. Catalogues of spares recommended with drawing to indicate each items of spares

IV. List of spares and special tools recommended by the supplier.

V. Copies of Type Test Certificates as per latest IS/IEC.

VI. Drawings of equipments, relays, control wiring circuit, etc.

VII. Foundation drawings of RMU and D.T.Structure.

VIII. Dimensional drawings of each material used for item Vii.

IX. Actual single line diagram of RMU/RMUs with or without Extra combinations shall be

made displayed on the front portion of the RMU so as to carry out the operations easily.

The following should be supplied to each consignee circle/town along with the initial supply of the

equipments ordered.

a. Copies of printed and bound volumes of operation, maintenance and erection manuals in English along

with the copies of approved drawings and type test reports etc.

b. Sets of the manuals as above shall be supplied to the Dy. Chief General Manager (UP). A soft copy of

the all Technical and Drawing furnished in a CD.


a. All equipment and material shall be designed manufactured and tested in accordance with the

latest applicable IEC standard.

b. Equipment and material conforming to any other standard, which ensures equal or better quality,

may be accepted. In such case copies of English version of the standard adopted shall be


c. The electrical installation shall meet the requirement of Indian Electricity Rules-1956 as amended

up to date; relevant IS code of practice and Indian Electricity Act-1910. In addition other rules and

regulations applicable to the work shall be followed. In case any discrepancy the most stringent

and restrictive one shall be binding.

d. The high-tension switchgear offered shall in general comply with the latest issues including

amendments of the following standards but not restricted to them.

IEC IS Description

60694: 12729 Common clauses for high-voltage switchgear and control standards (for voltages exceeding

1000 V).

62271-200: A.C. Metal-enclosed switchgear and control gear

60129: Alternating current disconnectors (isolators) and earthing switches

60529: 13947 Classification of degrees of protection provided by enclosures

-IP 67 for tank with high voltage components

-IP 3X for the front covers of the mechanism

-IP 3X for the cable connection covers

-IP 54 for the outdoor enclosure (kiosk)

60265: High voltages switches Part 1

62271-100: 13118 High Voltage AC Circuit Breakers, General Requirement.


6005:Colour for ready mixed paints and enamels, Code of practice for phosphating of iron and


60044-1: Current Transformers

60044-1 Voltage Transformers

60255: Electrical Relays

60 9135 High Voltage testing techniques.

427 13516 Method of Synthetic Testing of H.V.A.C Circuit Breaker.

IEC 62271-200 MV metal-enclosed switchgear,(IEC 62271-102) AC disconnections and earthing


Earthing of metallic parts

There shall be continuity between the metallic parts of the switchboard and cables so that there is no

electric field pattern in the surrounding air, thereby ensuring the safety of people. The substation frames

shall be connected to the main earth busbar without dismantling any busbars.

Earthing of the main circuit

The cables shall be earthed by an earthing switch with short-circuit making capacity; the earthing switch

can only be operated when the switch is open. in compliance with IEC standard 62271-102. The earthing

switch shall be fitted with its own operating mechanism. The speed of the manual closing, driven by a fast-

acting mechanism, is independent of the operator. Mechanical interlocking systems shall prevent access to

the operating shaft to avoid all operator errors such as closing the earthing switch when the switch is

closed and the earthing switch operating shaft shall have a padlocking facility.

2.3.10 "network" disconnectors:

They shall be maintenance-free, with breaking in low pressure SF6 gas.

The position indicator shall provide positive contact indication and reliability of indication in accordance

with IEC 62271-102 standard. The switches shall be of the type E3 "increased operating frequency" in

accordance with IEC 60265-1 § 3.104 standard. They shall have 3 positions with individual operating

mechanism for network disconnector and earth switch , open-disconnected, closed and earthed, and will

be constructed in such a way that natural interlocking prevents unauthorized operations. The switches

shall be fully mounted and inspected in the manufacturer’s factory. Manual opening and closing will be

driven by a fast- acting mechanism, independent of operator action. Each load break switch shall be

suitable for an electrical operation in future in a specially reserved location, without any modification of the

operating mechanism and without de-energizing the switchboard. The load break switch and earthing

switch operating mechanism shall have a mechanical endurance of at least 1000 mechanical operations.

The switches shall be fully mounted and inspected in the factory. An operating mechanism can be used to

manually close the switch and charge the mechanism.

Circuit Breaker:

The circuit breaker inside SF6 chamber shall be consist of Vacuum circuit breaker confirming to

latest IEC standards. The CB shall be maintenance free. The breaker shall be capable of performing a full

cycle O-3min-CO-3min CO. The CB shall be three position independent operation. The disconnector

operation is only possible when circuit breaker is open. The CB shall be suitable for up gradation for

electrical operation in future. The CB shall be equipped with a self powered protection relay for over

current and earth fault. The circuit breaker mechanism shall have mechanical endurance of at least 2000

mechanical operation. It shall be fitted with a local system for manual tripping by an integrated push button.

Cable clamps

A non ferro-magnetic cable clamp arrangement must be provided for all network cables terminated on the



Safety of people

Any accidental over pressure inside the sealed chamber shall be limited by the opening of a pressure-

limiting device in the top or rear-bottom part of the tank or enclosure. Gas will be release to the rear of the

switchboard away from the operator and should be directed towards the bottom, into the trench to ensure

safety of the operating personnel and the pedestrians / civilians. All the manual operations should be

carried out on the front of the switchboard.

Front plate

The front plate shall have an IP 3X degree of protection. The front shall include a clear mimic diagram

which indicates the different functions. The position indicators shall give a true reflection of the position of

the main contacts. They shall be clearly visible to the operator. The lever operating direction shall be

clearly indicated in the mimic diagram. The manufacturer's plate shall include the switchboard's main

electrical characteristics.

Cable insulation testing

The Cable testing is possible without disconnecting the cables from the bushing. It shall be preferable to

carry out the phase by phase testing. The maximum test voltage shall be less than 50 kV DC for 15



The overall dimensions shall not be greater than the followings :

Width (mm) :1200

Height (mm) :2200

Depth (mm) :1000


The device shall be fully designed for use in a hot, humid atmosphere and shall be low- maintenance. At

least two lifting rings shall be installed on the top of the switchboards for handling.

Type and routine tests

According to this specification and IEC recommendations, the following type test certificates shall be


- Impulse withstand test,

- Temperature-rise test,

- Short-time withstand current test,

- Mechanical operation test,

- Checking of degree of protection,

- Switch, earthing switch making capacity.

- Switch, breaking capacity.

- Internal arc withstand

- Checking of partial discharge on complete unit

In addition, for switches, test reports on rated breaking and making capacity shall be supplied. For

earthing switches, test reports on making capacity, short-time withstand current and peak short-circuit

current shall be supplied.

The routine tests carried out by the manufacturer shall be backed by test reports signed by the factory's

quality control department. They shall include the following:

- Conformity with drawings and diagrams,


- Measurement of closing and opening speeds,

- Checking of filling pressure,

- Checking of gas-tightness,

- Dielectric testing.

- Main circuit resistance measurement.

- Fuse combination mechanical checking.


When requested by the customer, the supplier shall provide proof that he applies a quality procedure in

compliance with the standard, namely:

- Use of a quality manual approved and signed by a top management representative,

- Periodic updating of the manual so that it reflects the quality control procedures in effect,

- ISO 9001and ISO 14001 certification.


The following shall be provided in the SCADA for monitoring:

a. Alarm points from protective relays (individual alarm points for each protection operation shall be

provided) lockout relays, supervision relay & auxiliary relays.

b. Status point of switchgear equipments (CB,Isolator & Earth switchs), Selector switch (Local/remote,

Busbar Protection-In/Out,Synchronisation-In/out etc.)

c. Analog Points:

Necessary number of transducers shall be provided in the switchyard control panel for Analog output to

SCADA system (Voltage, Current, kW, kVAR for Lines; current kW, kVAR, kWH, kVARH and Voltage &

frequency for main buses).


Multifunction Energy meter shall be provided with, of accuracy class of 0.5 at incoming isolator of

all RMUs. The Metering CTs and PTs of suitable rating shall be provided.


Each type of H.V. Switchgear shall be completely assembled, wired, adjusted and tested at the factory as

per the relevant standards and during manufacture and on completion.

Routine Test

The tests shall be carried out in accordance with relevant standards but not necessarily limited to the


a) Withstand voltage at Power Frequency for all current carrying parts including wiring

b) Measurement of resistance of the main circuit Non-Extensible / extensible RMU

c) Leakage test

d) Withstand power frequency voltage on auxiliary circuits

e) Operation of functional locks, interlocks, signaling devices and auxiliary devices

f) Suitability and correct operation of protections, control instruments and electrical connections of the

circuit breaker operating mechanism (primary & secondary injection)

g) Verification of wiring


h) Visual Inspection Routine test shall be carried out on all equipment such as circuit breakers, current

transformers, relays, etc. as per relevant standards.

Acceptance Tests

The acceptance tests shall include all the routine tests mentioned above and also demonstration of

tripping through the relay by secondary injection tests.

Type Test

The Type Test reports, for following tests conducted in an accredited lab shall be submitted. The type tests

shall be in accordance with relevant IS 9920/IEC 265/IEC 420.

The type Tests shall include but not limited to the following-

a. Impulse test

b. Temperature rise test c. Short Circuit test

d. Dielectric Tests

e. Operation and mechanical endurance


o 95

o 120 o 150 o 185 o 240 o 300 o 400

The tenderer shall quote unit rates for insulating tape, lugs, nuts and bolts of various sizes and

special tools required for erection and commissioning, if any, in the offer. These prices shall be

kept valid for at least of one year after placement of order/s. These rates shall not be considered

for evaluation of the offer.

The tenderer shall indicate the required net dimensions of the indoor cable, joints for various cable

sizes, in the form of Length X Breadth X Depth in m.m.

The tenderer shall specifically bring out the precautions to be observed in execution of the jointing

/ termination work to avoid any loss or damage to the cable, the kit, the personnel or the


An instruction booklet shall be supplied with each kit. Detailed instructions with suitable

illustrative drawings shall be included in the instruction booklet to enable proper jointing work.

The kit which requires lesser skill for the cable jointing which can be done in shorter time and

guarantee a reliable and long operating life and reduced or no waiting time for erection shall be

given preference.

Type Test:

a) The jointing kits offered, shall be fully type tested at CPRI as per the relevant standards. The

tenderer shall furnish four sets of the type test reports alongwith the offer. Offers without type test

reports will not be considered. For any change in the Design/type already type tested and the

design/type offered against this specification, the purchaser reserve the right to demand repetition

of type tests without any extra cost in presence of purchaser’s representative.

b) Type tests shall be carried out as per the test sequence given in I.S.: 13573 or VDE-0278 at

C.P.R.I. Laboratory as amended from time to time. The test report will have to be submitted for the

test carried out.


a. 3.8.1 The supplier shall carry out all acceptance and routing tests as stipulated in the

Relevant standards in presence of purchaser’s representative.


b. 3.8.2 The purchaser reserves the right to insist for witnessing the acceptance/routing testing of the

brought out items.




The specification covers the design, manufacture, testing and delivery at places anywhere in Central Zone

Discom listed in Annexure-IV of General Terms and Conditions of Tender Specification of ‘ISI’ marked 33

KV grade, weather proof 33 KV XLPE Cable of size 3cx300 The conductor shall be compacted

circular aluminium stranded, provided with extruded semi-conducting screening layer, XLPE Insulation

provided with screening Comprising of non metallic extruded Semi Conducting Compound & copper tape

screening, extruded PVC sheath, suitable for 33 KV effectively earthed system conforming to IS:7098(Pt-

2)1985 with latest amendment. The cable should be suitable for laying underground.


All the cables shall conform to the requirements of following standards with latest amendments, if any

(i) IS:7098(Part-2) 1985

With latest amendments.

Cross linked Polyethylene insulated Sheathed Cables for

working voltage from 3.3 KV up to and including 33KV

(ii) IS:8130-1984 Specification for conductors for Insulated electric cables.

(iii) IS:5831-1984 Specification for PVC Insulation and sheath of electric


(iv) IS: 3975-1979 Specification for mild steel wires, strips and taps for

armouring cables.

(v) IS:10810-1984 Methods of test for cables.

(vi) IS:4905-1968 Methods for random sampling.

(vii) IS:10418-1982 Wooden drum for electric cables.



The nominal cross section area of aluminium conductor used in XLPE cable shall be 300 and shall

be of stranded wire construction and compacted circular wires complying to the requirement to IS:8130-

1984, with latest amendments and shall be in accordance with clause-9 of IS: 7098(Part-2)1985.


Conductor screening shall be non-metallic and shall consists of extruded semi conducting compound and

comply with the requirement of caluse-10 of IS: 7098(Pt-2). The semi conducting compound shall be

suitable for the operating temperature of the cable and compatible with the insulating material.


The conductor (with protective screen) shall be provided with cross linked polyethylene (XLPE) insulation

applied by extrusion conforming to the requirements given in Table-1 of IS: 7098(Pt-2)1985. The XLPE

insulation shall be suitable for specified 33 KV System voltage. The manufacturing process shall ensure

that insulation shall be free from voids. The insulation shall withstand mechanical and thermal stresses


under steady state and transient operating conditions. The insulation shall be so applied that it fits closely

on the conductor screening and it shall be possible to remove it without damaging the conductor. XLPE

insulation shall be suitable for continuous conductor temperature of 90ºC under normal operation and

250ºC under short circuit condition.

The average thickness of insulation in respect of each Size of cable shall not be less than the nominal

value (ti) specified in Table-2 of (IS: 7098) Part-2/1985 IE 8.8 MM. The smallest of measured value of

thickness of insulation shall not fall below the nominal value (ti) specified in Table-2 by more than 0.1 mm+

0.1 ti.


Cable shall be provided with the insulation screening complying to Clause-12 of IS: 7098(Pt-

2)1985. The insulation screening shall consist of two parts, namely metallic and non- metallic.

Non metallic part shall be applied directly over the insulation of each core and shall consists of either a

semi-conducting tape or extruded semi conducting compound or a combination of the two or either

material with semi conducting coating.

Metallic part shall consist of copper tape and shall be applied over the non-metallic part.


Identification of cores shall be by using coloured strips of Red, Yellow and Blue Colours respectively and

shall conform to Clause-13 of IS-7098(Part-2)1985 to identify phase conductors.


The outer sheath shall be applied by extrusion. It shall be applied over the non-magnetic metallic part of

insulation screening. The outer sheath shall of PVC Compound type ST2 (conforming to the requirement of

IS: 5831-1984, with latest amendments) and shall be black in colour. The thickness of outer sheath shall

be as specified in Table-5 of IS: 7098(Pt-

2)1985. Minimum thickness of PVC outer sheath shall not fall below the nominal value (ts)

Specified in Table-5 of IS: 7098(Pt-2) by more than 0.2 mm+0.2ts.


a) Identification: -

Following marking shall be embossed over the sheath.

1. Cable size and Voltage Grade.

2. Word `MPPKVVCL' & Name of Manufacturer at every three meters.

The embossing shall be increasive, automatic in line throughout the length of the cable and shall be legible

and indelible.


1. The cable shall be wound on a drum (refer-IS: 10418-1982) of suitable size and packed. The packing

shall be robust enough for rough handling that is occasioned during transportation by Rail/Road. The ends

of the cable shall be sealed by means of non-hygroscopic sealing material.

2. The Cable should carry the following information stenciled on the drum:-

i. Reference to Indian Standard IS: 7098(Pt-2),

ii. Manufacturer's name, brand name or trade mark,

iii. Type of cable and voltage grade,

iv. Number of cores,

v. Nominal cross-sectional area of the conductor, VI. Cable Code,


vii. Length of cable on the drum,

viii. Number of lengths on drum(if more than one),

ix. Direction of rotation of drum by means of an arrow,

x. Gross Mass,

xi. Country of Manufacturer, xii. Year of manufacture,

xiii. Name of purchaser

c) ‘ISI’ Certification Mark:-

The Cable (Drum) must bear `ISI' certification Mark. In this connection, a certified photo copy of valid `ISI'

Marking License rights duly attested must be submitted along with the tender as documentary evidence. In

absence of this, offer is liable for rejection.

d) Standard Length:-

The standard length of cable shall be 250/500 Mtrs. with ±5% tolerance. However to complete the supply

of ordered quantity, last drum of non standard length may also be accepted.


Following type tests, acceptance tests and routine tests are to be carried out in accordance with

clause-18 of IS 7098(Part-2)1985, with its latest amendments as indicated below:-


The following shall constitute type tests:-



Tests For requirement

Ref. to

For Test method

Ref. to Part No. of


(A) TEST ON CONDUCTOR (whichever applicable)

(i) Tensile Test IS:8130-1984 2

(ii) Wrapping Test IS:8130-1984 3

(iii) Conductor resistance Test IS:8130-1984 5



Clause 11&17

Table-2 & 5



(i) Tensile Strength and elongation at


Table-1 of IS:7098(Pt-2) 7

(ii) Ageing in Air Oven ---do--- 11

(iii) Hot set Test ---do--- 30

(iv) Shrinkage Test ---do--- 12

(v) Water absorption test ---do--- 33




(i) Tensile Strength and elongation at


IS:5831-1984 7

(ii) Ageing in Air oven ---do--- 11

(iii) Shrinkage Test ---do--- 12

(iv) Hot deformation ---do--- 15



---do--- 19


of IS:7098(Pt-2)


(G) BENDING TEST Clause 19.3 of





clause 19.4 of



(i) as a function of voltage



Tests For requirement

Ref. to

For Test method

Ref. to Part No. of


(ii) as a function of temperature

(I) HEATING CYCLE TEST Clause 19.5 of








Table-1 of IS:7098

(Part-2) Clause 19.7 of



(L) HIGH VOLTAGE TEST Clause 19.7 of



(M) FLAMMABILITY TEST Clause 19.8 of




The following test on the Aerial bunched cable shall be performed successively on the same test sample of

completed cable, not less than 10 mtrs. in length between the test accessories as per clause 18.1.2 of


a. Partial discharge test,

b. Bending test followed by partial discharge test,

c. Dielectric Power factor as a function of voltage,

d. Dielectric Power factor as a function of temperature,

e. Heating cycle test followed by dielectric power factor

f. as a function of voltage and partial discharge tests,

g. Impulse withstand test and

h. High voltage test.

The bidders are advised to submit certified photo copy of type test certificate for type tests indicated in

para 4.1.1 and 4.1.2 of the quoted sizes of Cable tested from the Govt. National Test House, ERDA,

CPRI or any other NABL accredited laboratory along with the tender. The above type test certificate should

not be more than five years old from the due date of opening of tender.

Acceptance test:

The following shall constitute acceptance tests:-

a. Tensile Test (for aluminium if applicable),

b. Wrapping Test (for aluminium if applicable),

c. Conductor resistance test,

d. Test for thickness of insulation and sheath,

e. Tensile strength and elongation at break of insulation and sheath,

f. Insulation resistance (volume resistivity) test,

g. High voltage test,

h. Hot set test for insulation and

i. Partial discharge test (on full drum length)

All the above acceptance tests will be carried out by Company’s representative as per relevant ISS at the

time of material inspection for the purpose of clearing the lot offered by the bidder. Acceptance test shall

be carried out in each type and size of cable, on cable drum selected at random as per sampling plan

given in relevant ISS.

Routine Test:

The following shall constitute routine test:-

a. Conductor Resistance test,

b. Partial discharge test (on full drum length)

c. High voltage test.

The above routine test shall be conducted by the bidders in accordance with relevant ISS and test

certificate in proof of this shall be submitted to this office along with each inspection offer. In absence of

routine test certificate, the inspection offer shall be considered as fake and all complication arising out of

this shall be to the supplier's account.

4.5 Inspection:


All the tests and inspection shall be made at the place of manufacturer unless otherwise specially agreed

upon by the manufacturer and purchaser at the time of purchase. The manufacturer shall offer all

reasonable facilities to the purchaser, without charges to satisfy him that the material is being furnished in

accordance with the specification.

On receipt of Cables at our consignee Area Store, the purchaser has the right to have any or all

Type/Acceptance test carried out by an independent NABL accredited lab like ERDA, CPRI etc. to

ascertain the quality of supply. In case the material fails to pass the test as per specification, the entire lot

shall be rejected and the testing charges along with the other charges which may likely to be

incurred for arranging the testing through independent agency shall be recovered from the supplier. In

addition to this, action as deemed fit, may be taken against the supplier.



1 Name of Manufacturers

2 Standard applicable

3 Whether material offered is having ISI mark. Give ISI

marking no. & its validity period


4 Rated Voltage

5 No of cores

i Power cores (no.)

ii Bare messenger (no)

6 Suitable for effectively earthed or unearthed system

7 Permissible voltage and frequency variation for satisfactory operation.

a. voltage

b. Frequency

8 Continuous current rating corresponding temp when laying in


9 Short Circuit Current carrying capacity

a. Current in amps(rms)

b. duration of short circuit

c. Conductor temperature allowed for the short circuit duty (°C)


10 Conductor

a. Material

b. Nominal cross sectional area

c. Flexibility class as per IS:8130:1984

d. Form of conductor

e. Whether stranded or solid core

f. Max. degree centigrade resistance of conductor

g. Weight (Kg/Km)

11 Conductor screening

A Type

B Material

C Minimum thickness

12 Insulation

a. Composition of insulation

b. Source of receipt (Supplier's Name)

c. Average Thickness of insulation (mm)

d. Tolerance of thickness of insulation

e. Diameter of core over insulation (mm)

f. Specific insulation resistance: at 90°C

g. Colour Scheme for identification of cable

13 Insulation screening

a. Material

b. Minimum Thickness

i. Semiconducting Part(mm)

ii. Metallic part(copper tape)(mm)

iii. Size of copper tape

(width x thickness)

iv. Whether overlapping provided


v. Diameter of cable over screening

vi. Whether insulation screen is removable without

application of heat.

14 Sheath

a. Material/Type of sheath

b. Source of receipt

(supplier's name)

c. Extruded or wrapped

d. Calcualted diameter undr the sheath (mm)

e. Nominal thickness of sheath (mm)

f. Diameter of cable over sheath

Weight of sheath (Kg/Km)

15 Messenger wire

i. Material

ii. Nominal cross sectional area

iii. Form of conductor

iv. Whether galvanised

v. Approximate breaking load

16 Laying up

17 Over all diameter of cable

18 Loss tangent a normal frequency

19 Dielectric constant at normal frequency

20 Thermal stability

21 Oxygen index

22 D.C.resistance per core at 20°C (Ohm/Km)

23 Reactance per core at 50 HZ (Ohm/Km)

24 Capacitance per core at 50HZ micro fad/Km

25 Insulation resistance (volume resistivity) at 27ºC


26 High Voltage Test:

A for acceptance test

i. voltage

ii. Duration

B for routine test

i voltage

ii duration

27 Recommended minimum bending radius

28 Safe pulling force when pulled by pulling eye

29 Net weight of Cable (Kg/Km)

30 Cable drums:-

a. Net weight (Kg.)

b. Drum Weight(Kg.)

c. Cable Weight(Kg)

d. Maximum length per drum (Mtrs.)

31 Whether the cable is type tested from NABL accredited

Laboratory for all the tests as per IS:7098(Pt- II)/1985

(Indicate name of lab and report no.)

32 Whether copy of type test certificates pertaining to all tests

as indicated in para 4.1 of technical specification has been

furnished with the offer


Whether following documents have been submitted with the offer:-

i Manufacturer’s leaflets giving details dimensions and

characteristic of cable

ii Whether curves and tables relating to current rating of cable


iii Whether write up with sketches, manufacturer’s

recommendations for splitting, jointing and termination of

cable furnished





The specification covers the design, manufacture, testing and delivery at places anywhere in Central

Zone Discom of ‘ISI’ marked 11 KV grade, weather proof 11 KV XLPE Cable of size 3cx185 The conductor shall be compacted circular aluminium stranded, provided with extruded

semi-conducting screening layer, XLPE Insulation provided with screening Comprising of non metallic

extruded Semi Conducting Compound & copper tape screening, extruded PVC sheath, suitable for 11

KV effectively earthed system conforming to IS:7098(Pt-2)1985 with latest amendment.. The cable

should be suitable for laying underground.


All the cables shall conform to the requirements of following standards with latest amendments, if any

(i) IS:7098(Part-2)

1985 with latest amendments.

Cross linked Polyethylene insulated Sheathed Cables for

working voltage from 3.3 KV up to and including 33KV

(ii) IS:8130-1984 Specification for conductors for Insulated electric cables.

(iii) IS:5831-1984 Specification for PVC Insulation and sheath of electric cables.

(iv) IS: 3975-1979 Specification for mild steel wires, strips and taps for armouring


(v) IS:10810-1984 Methods of test for cables.

(vi) IS:4905-1968 Methods for random sampling.

(vii) IS:10418-1982 Wooden drum for electric cables.



The nominal cross section area of aluminium conductor used in XLPE cable shall be 185 and

shall be of stranded wire construction and compacted circular wires complying to the requirement to

IS:8130-1984, with latest amendments and shall be in accordance with clause-9 of IS: 7098(Part-



Conductor screening shall be non-metallic and shall consists of extruded semi conducting compound

and comply to the requirement of caluse-10 of IS:7098(Pt-2). The semi conducting compound shall be

suitable for the operating temperature of the cable and compatible with the insulating material.



The conductor (with protective screen) shall be provided with cross linked polyethylene (XLPE)

insulation applied by extrusion conforming to the requirements given in Table-1 of IS:7098(Pt-2)1985.

The XLPE insulation shall be suitable for specified 11 KV System voltage. The manufacturing process

shall ensure that insulation shall be free from voids. The insulation shall withstand mechanical and

thermal stresses under steady state and transient operating conditions. The insulation shall be so

applied that it fits closely on the conductor screening and it shall be possible to remove it without

damaging the conductor. XLPE insulation shall be suitable for continuous conductor temperature of

90ºC under normal operation and 250ºC under short circuit condition.

The average thickness of insulation in respect of each Size of cable shall not be less than the nominal

value(ti) specified in Table-2 of (IS:7098) Part-2/1985 IE 5.5 MM. The smallest of measured value of

thickness of insulation shall not fall below the nominal value (ti) specified in Table-2 by more than 0.1

mm+ 0.1 ti.


Cable shall be provided with the insulation screening complying to Clause-12 of IS:7098(Pt- 2)1985.

The insulation screening shall consist of two parts, namely metallic and non- metallic.

Non metallic part shall be applied directly over the insulation of each core and shall consists of either

a semi-conducting tape or extruded semi conducting compound or a combination of the two or either

material with semi conducting coating.

Metallic part shall consist of copper tape and shall be applied over the non-metallic part.


Identification of cores shall be by using coloured strips of Red, Yellow and Blue Colours respectively

and shall conform to Clause-13 of IS-7098(Part-2)1985 to identify phase conductors.


The outer sheath shall be applied by extrusion. It shall be applied over the non-magnetic metallic part

of insulation screening. The outer sheath shall of PVC Compound type ST2 (conforming to the

requirement of IS:5831-1984, with latest amendments) and shall be black in colour. The thickness of

outer sheath shall be as specified in Table-5 of IS:7098(Pt- 2)1985. Minimum thickness of PVC outer

sheath shall not fall below the nominal value (ts) specified in Table-5 of IS:7098(Pt-2) by more than

0.2 mm+0.2ts.



Following marking shall be embossed over the sheath.

1. Cable size and Voltage Grade.

2. Word `MPPKVVCL' & Name of Manufacturer at every three meters.

The embossing shall be increasive, automatic in line throughout the length of the cable and shall be

legible and indelible.



1. The cable shall be wound on a drum (refer-IS:10418-1982) of suitable size and packed.

The packing shall be robust enough for rough handling that is occasioned during transportation by

Rail/Road. The ends of the cable shall be sealed by means of non- hygroscopic sealing material.

2. The Cable should carry the following information stenciled on the drum: - i. Reference to Indian

Standard IS:7098(Pt-2),

ii. Manufacturer's name, brand name or trade mark, iii. Type of cable and voltage grade,

iv. Number of cores,

v. Nominal cross-sectional area of the conductor, vi. Cable Code,

vii. Length of cable on the drum,

viii. Number of lengths on drum (if more than one),

ix. Direction of rotation of drum by means of an arrow,

x. Gross Mass,

xi. Country of Manufacturer, xii. Year of manufacture,

xiii. Name of purchaser

3. ISI’ Certification Mark: - The Cable (Drum) must bear `ISI' certification Mark. In this connection, a

certified photo copy of valid `ISI' Marking License rights duly attested must be submitted along with

the tender as documentary evidence. In absence of this, offer is liable for rejection.

Standard Length: - The standard length of cable shall be 250/500 Mtrs. with ±5% tolerance. However

to complete the supply of ordered quantity, last drum of non standard length may also be accepted.


Following type tests, acceptance tests and routine tests are to be carried out in accordance

with clause-18 of IS 7098(Part-2)1985, with its latest amendments as indicated below:-


The following shall constitute type tests:-



Tests For requirement Ref. to For Test method

Ref. to Part No. of


(A) TEST ON CONDUCTOR (whichever applicable)

(i) Tensile Test IS:8130-1984 2

(ii) Wrapping Test IS:8130-1984 3

(iii) Conductor resistance Test IS:8130-1984 5




Clause 11&17

Table-2 & 5



(i) Tensile Strength and elongation at


Table-1 of



(ii) Ageing in Air Oven ---do--- 11

(iii) Hot set Test ---do--- 30

(iv) Shrinkage Test ---do--- 12

(v) Water absorption test


---do--- 33


(i) Tensile Strength and elongation at


IS:5831-1984 7

(ii) Ageing in Air oven ---do--- 11

(iii) Shrinkage Test ---do--- 12

(iv) Hot deformation ---do--- 15



---do--- 19


of IS:7098(Pt-2)


(G) BENDING TEST Clause 19.3 of





clause 19.4 of



(i) as a function of voltage

(ii) as a function of temperature

(I) HEATING CYCLE TEST Clause 19.5 of









Table-1 of IS:7098

(Part-2) Clause 19.7 of



(L) HIGH VOLTAGE TEST Clause 19.7 of



(M) FLAMMABILITY TEST Clause 19.8 of



The following test on the Aerial bunched cable shall be performed successively on the same test

sample of completed cable, not less than 10 mtrs. in length between the test accessories as per

clause 18.1.2 of IS:7098(Pt-2):-

a. Partial discharge test,

b. Bending test followed by partial discharge test,

c. Dielectric Power factor as a function of voltage,

d. Dielectric Power factor as a function of temperature,

e. Heating cycle test followed by dielectric power factor

f. as a function of voltage and partial discharge tests,

g. Impulse withstand test and

h. High voltage test.

The bidders are advised to submit certified photo copy of type test certificate for type tests indicated in

para 4.1.1 and 4.1.2 of the quoted sizes of Cable tested from the Govt. National Test House, ERDA,

CPRI or any other NABL accredited laboratory along with the tender. The above type test certificate

should not be more than five years old from the due date of opening of tender.

Acceptance test:

The following shall constitute acceptance tests:-

a. Tensile Test (for aluminium if applicable),

b. Wrapping Test(for aluminium if applicable),

c. Conductor resistance test,

d. Test for thickness of insulation and sheath,

e. Tensile strength and elongation at break of insulation and sheath, f. Insulation resistance

(volume resistivity) test,

g. High voltage test,

h. Hot set test for insulation and

i. Partial discharge test (on full drum length)


All the above acceptance tests will be carried out by Company’s representative as per relevant ISS at

the time of material inspection for the purpose of clearing the lot offered by the bidder. Acceptance

test shall be carried out in each type and size of cable, on cable drum selected at random as per

sampling plan given in relevant ISS.

Routine Test:

The following shall constitute routine test:-

a. Conductor Resistance test,

b. Partial discharge test (on full drum length)

c. High voltage test.

The above routine test shall be conducted by the bidders in accordance with relevant ISS and test

certificate in proof of this shall be submitted to this office along with each inspection offer. In

absence of routine test certificate the inspection offer shall be considered as fake and all complication

arising out of this shall be to the supplier's account.


All the tests and inspection shall be made at the place of manufacturer unless otherwise specially

agreed upon by the manufacturer and purchaser at the time of purchase. The manufacturer shall offer

all reasonable facilities to the purchaser, without charges to satisfy him that the material is being

furnished in accordance with the specification.

On receipt of Cables at our consignee Area Store, the purchaser has the right to have any or all

Type/Acceptance test carried out by an independent NABL accredited lab like ERDA, CPRI etc. to

ascertain the quality of supply. In case the material fails to pass the test as per specification, the

entire lot shall be rejected and the testing charges along with the other charges which may likely to be

incurred for arranging the testing through independent agency shall be recovered from the supplier. In

addition to this, action as deemed fit, may be taken against the supplier.



1 Name of Manufacturers

2 Standard applicable

3 Whether material offered is having ISI mark. Give ISI

marking no. & its validity period


4 Rated Voltage

5 No of cores


i Power cores (no.)

ii Bare messenger (no)

6 Suitable for effectively earthed or unearthed system

7 Permissible voltage and frequency variation for satisfactory operation.

a. voltage

b. Frequency

8 Continuous current rating corresponding temp when

laying in Air

9 Short Circuit Current carrying capacity

a. Current in amps(rms)

b. duration of short circuit

c. Conductor temperature allowed for the short circuit duty


10 Conductor

a. Material

b. Nominal cross sectional area

c. Flexibility class as per IS:8130:1984

d. Form of conductor

e. Whether stranded or solid core

f. Max. degree centigrade resistance of conductor

g. Weight (Kg/Km)

11 Conductor screening

A Type

B Material

C Minimum thickness

12 Insulation

a. Composition of insulation

b. Source of receipt (Supplier's Name)


c. Average Thickness of insulation (mm)

d. Tolerance of thickness of insulation

e. Diameter of core over insulation (mm)

f. Specific insulation resistance: at 90°C

g. Colour Scheme for identification of cable

13 Insulation screening

a. Material

b. Minimum Thickness

i. Semiconducting Part(mm)

ii. Metallic part(copper tape)(mm)

iii. Size of copper tape

(width x thickness)

iv. Whether overlapping provided

v. Diameter of cable over screening

vi. Whether insulation screen is removable without

application of heat.

14 Sheath

a. Material/Type of sheath

b. Source of receipt (supplier's name)

c. Extruded or wrapped

d. Calcualted diameter undr the sheath (mm)

e. Nominal thickness of sheath (mm)

f. Diameter of cable over sheath

Weight of sheath (Kg/Km)

15 Messenger wire

i. Material

ii. Nominal cross sectional area


iii. Form of conductor

iv. Whether galvanised

v. Approximate breaking load

16 Laying up

17 Over all diameter of cable

18 Loss tangent a normal frequency

19 Dielectric constant at normal frequency

20 Thermal stability

21 Oxygen index

22 D.C. resistance per core at 20°C (Ohm/Km)

23 Reactance per core at 50 HZ (Ohm/Km)

24 Capacitance per core at 50HZ micro fad/Km

25 Insulation resistance (volume resistivity) at 27ºC

26 High Voltage Test:

A for acceptance test

i. Voltage

ii. Duration

B for routine test

i Voltage

ii Duration

27 Recommended minimum bending radius

28 Safe pulling force when pulled by pulling eye

29 Net weight of Cable (Kg/Km)

30 Cable drums:-

a. Net weight (Kg.)

b. Drum Weight(Kg.)

c. Cable Weight(Kg)


d. Maximum length per drum (Mtrs.)

31 Whether the cable is type tested from NABL accredited

Laboratory for all the tests as per IS:7098(Pt-II)/1985

(Indicate name of lab and report no.)

32 Whether copy of type test certificates pertaining to all

tests as indicated in para 4.1 of technical specification has

been furnished with the offer


Whether following documents have been submitted with the offer:-

i Manufacturer’s leaflets giving details dimensions and

characteristic of cable

ii Whether curves and tables relating to current rating of cable furnished

iii Whether write up with sketches, manufacturer’s

recommendations for splitting, jointing and termination of cable furnished

Painting and Fabrication process:

The paints shall be carefully selected to withstand tropical heat rain. The paint shall not scale off or

crinkle or be removed by abrasion due to normal handling. For this purpose powder coating shall be


Special care shall be taken by the manufacturer to ensure against rusting of nuts, bolts and fittings

during operation. All bushings and current carrying parts shall be cleaned properly after final painting.

The fabrication process shall ensure that there are no sharp edges on the GI sheets used.

Enclosure GTP:


Ambient Temperature 40 C


Type of Ventilation for

Normal Condition

Hot Condition

- Natural

- Natural


Compartmentalized Yes

4) Rated temperature enclosure class 10



Degree of protection for external enclosure

IP34 Transformer


IP54 MV & LV Compartment


Applicable Standard IEC 62271 / 61330

7) Enclosure material Galvanized sheet Steel/CRCA

8) Thickness of sheet (GI only) 2mm for enclosure.

4mm for PSS Base.

Note: No capacity de-ration of equipment / components upto 40°C ambient temperature.



The general requirement include design, manufacture, testing at works, supply

and delivery at site, unloading and storing the equipment at site, installation,

testing and commissioning of the equipment at site of all electrical equipment’s

are covered under this section of this Specification.

Contractor shall supply the equipment in accordance with the specification,

data sheets.

For uniformity of appearance, all switchgear and control panels shall

have a common appearance and color.

In order to reduce the spares holding to a minimum electrical, control

and instrumentation components of a similar type and purpose used

throughout the Works shall, unless it can be shown by the Contractor to

be impractical, be of the same Manufacturer and type / series.


The Electrical works shall also conform to following standards as

amended up to date wherever relevant and applicable;

o CPWD General Specification for Electrical Works Part I-Internal (2013). o CPWD General Specification for Electrical Works Part II-External (1994). o CPWD General Specification for Electrical Works Part IV-Substation (2013).

2.21.3 L V PANELS

o The scope of supply covers design, manufacture, testing and supply of

LT Panels. o LT panel shall be (tested assembly - TTA) CPRI /Independent

international test house tested for all the tests as per IEC61439-1 & 2

and internal arc tests as per IEC 61641 V3, 50kA (or as specified in

BOQ/SLD) for 0.3 sec minimum at Horizontal bus bar, veridical bus bar


and cable chamber.

o LT Panel shall also be tested of design as per Seismic Zone II of IEC 60068-3-3.

o Panel shall be rated for Impulse withstand capability equal to or greater

than the switchgears inside the panel.

o The metal enclosed switchgear shall be designed to operate

continuously with reference of ambient temperature of 50ºC without any


o The equipment shall be designed and manufactured in accordance with

the best engineering practice and shall be such that has been proved to

be suitable for the intended purpose.

o Provision for interlocking of LV Incomer breaker with HV side breaker

shall be provided such that if the HV breaker trips then the LV breaker

will trip and it shall not be possible to close the LV breaker unless the

HV side breaker is closed.

o The Panel shall be indoor type having incoming sectionalisation and

outgoing switchgears as specified. The design shall be cubical type.

The degree of enclosure protection shall be IP 52 for indoor and IP55

for outdoor as per IS: 13947 (Part-I).

Constructional Requirements:

o All panel boards shall be free standing, metal enclosed, single front,

fabricated with 2mm CRCA sheet steel for all doors, partitions and covers

and 2 mm CRCA sheet steel for load bearing sections including all ACB

feeders. A base channel of 75 mm x 40 mm x 5 mm thick shall be provided at

the bottom for floor mounted panels. o The gasket shall be suitable to withstand all weathers for long tenure of

service. All hardware shall be HD Galvanized or stainless steel.

o Main PCC, APFC, DG panels shall conform to FORM 4B as per IS 61439

and metering, common services, street lighting panels shall conform to

FORM 3B as per IS 61439.

o For operator safety IP2 X (touch proof) protection to be available even after

opening the feeder compartment door. The compartmentalization to be

achieved by using metal separators, use of PVC sheet / Hylem sheets shall

not be allowed.

o Each door & cover shall have adequate reinforcement of suitable ribs &

stiffeners. All such door shall open at min 1050. All feeders and cable alleys

shall have hinged type door with panel locks. All bus-bar covers and other

panel covers shall be screw fixed. Cable alleys and bus-bar chamber shall

have minimum width of 300mm.

o All doors shall be with concealed type hinges and captive screws. Rear doors

of panels requiring rear access shall be provided with removable hinged

doors. Side covers of panels shall be with removable panels.

o All doors shall be provided with durable and easy fitting locks with special

keys to ensure opening by authorized personnel. Rubber grommets shall be

provided at the cable entry.

o All mounting accessories like base channels, cross angles if required, nuts,

bolts etc. shall be supplied by the vendor.

o All the panels shall have uniform height. The operating height of all the

panels shall not be less than 300mm and not more than 1900mm. Panel

height should not be more than 2450mm.

o All the panel boards shall have cable entry from bottom. Split gland plate of

2mm thick shall be supplied for termination of power, control and

instrumentation cables sized as per the required no. of cable mentioned in

the SLDs and 20% spare space for future addition.



a. Bus-bar of the panels shall be rated for Continuous current at site conditions. b. All bus-bars shall be electrolytic grade copper or aluminum. BIDDER shall

specify the purity and conductivity of the bus bar along with the BID.

c. All the bus bars shall be sleeved with heat shrinkable black color PVC

sleeve or better insulation with colored polyester tapes for phase

identification at regular intervals/ locations. Make and Type test reports

carried out at accredited laboratory, of such sleeves shall be submitted

during testing.

d. BIDDER shall submit all calculations & documental proof of the adequacy of

the bus bar sizes to meet the continuous and short time current ratings

specified for reference during procurement/ manufacturing.

e. Vertical bus-bars shall have S.C. rating same as main bus bar and shall be

suitable for all connected load of vertical section.

f. BIDDER shall ensure that incoming feeder shall be suitably designed for

terminating the required no. of runs of 1.1kV grade XLPE insulated

armoured cables with 20% spare capacity. BIDDER shall consider the

necessary arrangement (dummy panel, adapter panel, rear extension etc.) if

required, for terminating the cables within the limits specified above.

g. The bus-bars shall be designed considering the following criteria: o Current density of 0.8A/sq mm maximum for aluminium and 1.6A/Sq

mm for copper.

o Sleeves made of insulating material on all bus bars. o Bus bars carrying rated current continuously at Design Ambient

Temperature shall be considered as 50ºC and temperature rise shall be

considered as per latest relevant standard.

o Configuration of bus bars and Proximity effect o Bus bars shall withstand the short time rating of the panel.

h. Bus bar supports shall only be SMC irrespective of bus bar size. The span

between the two insulators shall be as per the approved TYPE TEST

REPORT for short time rating. Joint position interfere. Bus bar bending shall be carried out on appropriate machines

designated for the same rather than doing manually.

i. Neutral bus-bars of the panel boards shall be rated equal to the size of phase bus.

j. All bus-bar shall be treated with anti-oxide paste wherever bi-metallic

contact is required.

k. The material and spacing of the busbar support should be same as per the

type tested assembly.


a. Earth bus bars of Aluminium material shall be run all along the panel,

extended out at both ends of value equal to the rated symmetrical short

circuit rating of the associated switchboard/ panel. The same shall be

properly supported to withstand stresses induced by the rated symmetrical

short circuit current.

b. Earthing bus-bar shall be terminated at both ends of the switchgear to suit

the connections to earthing conductor. The locations where the bus are

protruding out of the panel boards, CONTRACTOR shall ensure that proper

ingress protections are provided at all such locations.

c. All doors and detachable components inside the feeder are required to be

earthed individually with green (with yellow band) colour PVC insulated

multi stranded copper conductor wire of size 4 duly crimped with ring

type lugs and are to be looped & connected to horizontal earth bus.

d. Earthing bus shall be run continuously in panel drawn out suitably

considering respective cable entry inside the panel.

e. Separate Al earth bus shall be provided at each cable alley for all the panels.


Power Wiring (Inside The Feeder):

a. All power wiring for rating up to and including 63A shall be carried out with

1.1kV grade colored HFFR/ FRLS PVC insulated, colored for phase

identification, multi stranded copper wires duly crimped with ring type lugs.

b. Power connections for rating above 63A shall be done with AL bus bars

(machine bend for proper profile) insulated with black heat shrinkable

sleeves with phase identification colored tapes duly supported on SMC

insulators and placed with required minimum clearance of 25mm between

phases and between phase to ground/ neutral. Such bus when brought out

of the feeder for cable connections shall be sufficient enough and profiled

suitable for termination of the number of LT cables as indicated above.

Control Wiring (For Panel And Feeders):

a. All panel Control wiring shall be done by 1.1kV grade HFFR/FRLS PVC

insulated multi-stranded copper wire. CT circuit wiring shall be done

with minimum 2.5 size wire of above specification. Control

and Potential circuits shall be wired with minimum 1.5 sq. mm size

wires of above specifications. Wires shall be gray colored

multi-phase identifications (R-Y-B-N).

General Requirements: a. DP MCB shall be provided for all control circuits where the fault level is less

than 10kA. Else the control supply shall be tapped through a control

transformer of adequate capacity supplied with MCCB/ MPCB/ SFU of

adequate short time rating. Independent DP MCBs shall be provided for

each circuit such that tripping due to fault in one circuit should not affect

other functions adversely.

b. Self explanatory Wiring diagrams with terminal and wire numbers,

component numbers shall be provided on the inner face of the door of each

feeder. Drawing set in the panel shall be laminated.

c. All labels for identification of feeders as well as internal and external

components as per legends provided By PURCHASER shall be on white

acrylic sheet with black engraving. These labels shall be fixed by

screws/rivets and shall not be pasted.

d. Aluminium etched 415V Caution boards written in two languages (English,

Hindi) shall be riveted on the panel at locations where live bus bars are

present and need isolation before any access to it. In case secondary

covers have been provided inside the panel, then caution boards shall be

also marked on these boards in addition to the external covers. Stickers are

not acceptable.

e. Selector/control switches shall have an 'Off' position. The 'Off' position shall

not be wired in any circuit and shall be utilized to disconnect (or bypass)

power supply to control circuit for any maintenance work.

f. All electrical panels (internal components & arrangement) shall have finger

touch protection, for human safety viz. working on one component shall not

cause shock to the personnel due to any other live component in the panel.

Also, the terminal live parts shall not be accessible by fingers (finger cannot

come in contact with live parts of the terminals).

g. No openings/ holes meant for fixing hardware shall be left open. All the

hardware (esp. screws, nuts, bolts, and washers) shall be in all appropriate

positions & properly tightened.


h. Phase separators, shrouds, falling tool barriers shall be suitably provided.

Any additional requirements as observed at any stage upto handing-over

shall be provided (for safety and ease of maintenance) without any cost

implication to the PURCHASER.

i. All PVC/engineering plastic based items (including but not limited to

conduits, casing-capping, trough, trunk, enclosures, covers, plugs, etc) shall

be with FR properties.

j. Lifting hooks/eyes shall be provided in each shipping section of the

equipment and shall be removable type. The equipment shall be given

tropical and fungicidal treatment.

k. Insulation mat of suitable standard width shall be provided in front of the HV

and LV panels.

l. Atleast one 230V, 1Ph, Space heater shall be provided for each vertical

section of the switchboard. Each Space heater shall be provided with an

isolating switch, a thermostat and dedicated MCB protection of appropriate

rating. Heater shall be mounted at bottom of the panel with cover to avoid

accidental contact of heater with skin.

m. 230V 1Ph, Panel illumination (11W CFL/ LED fixture with lamp, limit switch

and isolation switch) along with 1 no. 5/15A 5 pin socket with switch shall be

provided for each vertical section. Bare holder with open lamp is not


n. Adequate space shall be provided for terminating the outgoing cables.

Equipment Requirement:

1. MCCB:

o All the panels shall have MCCBs upto 630Amp. All MCCBs shall be

rated for 415V, 3 Ph, 50Hz. o All MCCB shall be microprocessor based. MCCB shall have O/C, S/C

Protection. Wherever MCCBs are used as incomer these shall be

provided with earth fault & time delay or as specified in SLD/BOQ.

MCCBs of suitable Icu=Ics=100% ratings.

o There should be earth fault indication on panel door. o Rated operational voltage will be 415V AC with +/-10% variation. o All MCCBs shall be with Utilisation Category "A". o All the MCCBs shall invariably be Current Limiting type, features like

Double Break, Positive Isolation functions shall be Integral feature of the

device and shall provide a cut off in, < 10 ms for prospective currents

during faults. All MCCBs shall be provided with rotary handle with door

interlock and extension links/ spreaders with proper shrouds. No live

part accessible even after opening the front cover.


General requirements o The Lighting system includes the following items. o Lighting fixtures complete with Lamps and accessories (lumen per watt

shall be indicated)

o Lighting system equipment (ISI make) o Light control switches, receptacle units with control Switch units, lighting

wires, conduits and other similar items necessary to complete lighting


o Lighting fixture supports, street lighting poles and flood light towers o Main Lighting distribution board, lighting panels. o Multi core cables for street, boundary and flood lighting.


o PVC Conduits o (b) Load balancing of lighting system shall be made.

Applicable Standards

Sr.No. Brief Title IS/IEC Code

1.1 Testing procedure of photometric testing for LED

luminaires LM 79

1.2 Testing procedure on the lifespan of LEDs LM 80

1.3 National Lighting Code


1.4 Method of Measurement of Lumen Maintenance of

Solid State Light (LED) Sources IS:16105

1.5 Method of Electrical and Photometric Measurements of

Solid-State Lighting (LED) Products IS:16106

1.6 Limits of Harmonic Current Emissions IS 14700-3-2

1.7 DC or AC supplied electronic control gear for LED

modules performance requirements IEC 62384


Lamp control gear: particular requirements for DC

or AC supplied electronic control gear for LED


IEC 61347-2-13

1.9 Environmental Testing: Test Z- AD: composite

temperature/ humidity cyclic test IEC 60068-2-38


Electro Magnetic compatibility (EMC)- Limits for

Harmonic current emission- (equipment input current

IEC 61000-3-2

1.11 EMC Immunity requirement IEC 61547

1.12 LED modules for general Lighting-Safety requirements IEC 62031

1.13 Classification of degree of protections provided by enclosures (IP Codes)

IEC 60529

1.14 Fixed general purpose luminaries IEC 60598-2-1

1.15 General Lighting - LEDs and LED modules Terms and Definitions

IS:16101 / IEC TS 62504

1.16 LED Modules for General Lighting Part 1 Safety Requirements


1.17 LED Modules for General Lighting Part 2 Performance

Requirements IS:16103(Part2)


Safety of Lamp Control Gear, Part 2 Particular

Requirements Section 13 D.C. or A.C. Supplied

Electronic Control gear for Led Modules

IS:15885(Part2/Sec13 )

The average atmospheric condition during the year is mentioned below.

The equipment shall be designed to work in such environmental


(a) Maximum ambient air temperature: 50° C (b) Max. Relative humidity: 100%

(c) Atmosphere: Dusty and Heavy chemical smoke at times in certain areas.


(d) The equipment shall be suitable to sustain and work in the humid

and corrosive atmosphere of the city.

Luminaire Description o The Luminaires shall work on single phase three wire system (phase,

neutral & earth).

o The luminaire light output (lumen) shall be constant and shall be able to

withstand allowable supply source voltage variations/ fluctuations, spikes

and harmonics.

o The Luminaries shall have a sturdy and corrosion resistant high pressure

Die cast Aluminium alloy housing with weatherproof gasket for lamp and

control gear accessories .The housing shall be Epoxy coated, without any

cracks or thorough holes, made in a single piece of die-cast LM6

Aluminium alloy. The luminaries shall be totally enclosed, dust tight and

water proof.

o Heat sink used should be aluminium extrusion having high conductivity.

The dimensions of luminaries shall be optimum and adequate to permit

sufficient heat dissipation, through the body itself, so as to prevent

abnormal temperature rise inside the lantern and consequential damage

to the cover and gasket materials, LEDs, lenses and electronic drivers.

Heat sink must be thermally connected to MCPCB/ LED light source.

o The Luminaries Housing shall be suitable for termination of 3C X 2.5

sqmm copper conductor PVC insulated flexible Cable with Double

Compression Cable Glands

o The optical system shall consists of individual Poly Carbonate lenses on

high power LEDs designed & tested to achieve typical street lighting

distribution from the LED Luminaire. These lenses provided for individual

LEDs are to be fixed on lens plate in order to have consistent light

distribution from luminaries. Luminaries should conform to the

Photometric Distribution / requirements of Cut-Off / Semi Cut

off light distribution and optics as classified in IS 1944 and NLC 2010.

o Suitable number of LED lamps shall be used in the luminaries. The

manufacturer shall submit the proof of procurement of LEDs from OEMs

at the time of testing along with the test reports. o The Luminaries shall be provided with distortion free, clear, high tensile,

heat resistant, toughened glass of minimum 0.8mm thickness or UV

resistant polycarbonate cover fixed with corrosion free/ stainless Steel


o An extruded silicon loop gasket shall be provided in the lantern body to

ensure a weather proof seal between the cover and the metal housing to

exclude the entry of dust, water, insects, etc. Luminaries should conform

to degree of protection of IP

66 or above. Felt gasket will not be accepted. The test report from

NABL accredited laboratory shall be submitted along with the

technical proposal/ Bid.

o Luminaire shall be enclosed in an aesthetically designed housing with

corrosion resistant polyester powder Coating after phosphor-chromate

treatment. o All Luminaires shall conform to RoHS/CE/ERTL/ERDI requirements. o Name of the SSCL, Year of Manufacture, Batch No., Serial Number or

Identification No. Luminaries Manufacturer's Name / Logo, Wattage and

Frequency should be embossed on the housing.

o LED luminaries, should conform to the various National / International

standards for safety & performance. Manufacturer should provide test

reports as per LM 79 & LM80. The test report from NABL accredited

laboratory shall be submitted along with the technical proposal/ Bid for


LED as well as Luminaires.All test reports not older than 5 years.

o Luminaries should conform to the National / International standards for

Safety & Performance and test certificates as per IS 16103/ IS 16107

should be provided by the manufacturer. In case of luminaries are

imported, the CONTRACTOR shall conform to test parameters as per UL

or equivalent standards.

o The electrical component of the LED and LED driver must be suitably

enclosed in separate sealed unit to function in environment conditions

mentioned above.

o All the connecting wires inside the Luminaries shall be Low Smoke

Halogen Free, fire retardant cable.

o Adequate protection against Overloading, Short Circuit, Over Voltage,

over temperature, Under Voltage, String Open, Surge Protection shall be

provided within the Luminaries.

o Design of the thermal management shall be done in such a way that it

shall not affect the properties of the diffuser.

o All the material used in the luminaries shall not contain any toxic material/

metal like mercury; shall be halogen free and fire retardant conforming to

relevant standards.

o The Manufacturer shall have all the relevant testing facilities certified by

an accredited laboratory and shall be offered for inspection to the SSCL

for verification of the required parameters and tests. CONTRACTOR shall

confirm the same in the BID.

o The control gear shall comply with the provisions of IEC 61347-2-13, IEC

62031 and IEC 62384 as appropriate.

o Appropriate surge protection shall be provided by the CONTRACTOR for

all the Luminaires offered by it as well as external arrangements shall be

provided for the existing fittings if they donot have such protections inbuilt.

o Additionally, as per ANSI C 136.2-2014/ UL-1449, External Surge

protection device (SPD) with Thermal Protection (TMOVs) of minimum 10

kV/ 10 kA to be separately installed with each fixture while an additional

surge arrestor of 20kV/10kA can be installed inside Feeder Pillar / CCMS

panel. The same shall be certified from independent lab and follow IEC

62305 & IEC 61643-11-2011. No claim for failure of Luminaires, on

account of voltage surges other than Lightning surges, will be

considered.In case of voltage surges due to lightning, it is expected that

lights, in the affected circuit, will fail in a group and not in an isolated

manner. Hence, any such failure of lights in a group on account of

Lightning surges, may be reported to the SSCL, along with circumstantial

evidence preferably within 48 hours of such occurrence. The responsibility

for submission of supporting documentation rests with the


o The Luminaires shall be suitable for operation within the input supply

voltage range specified. The driver of the light should be able to sense

and cut-off power to the light in case of phase-to-phase/ 440 V fault. No

claim in this regard shall be considered.

o The complete luminaire assembly shall have a warranty period of 5 years o Protection against any type of mischief/ pilferage should be ensured.

Testing of Luminaire

The Routine test on each of the offered Luminaries shall be carried out

by the CONTRACTOR before dispatch. Following tests shall be carried

out as Routine tests by the CONTRACTOR for the offered Luminaries;

o Visual and Dimensional check o Checking of documents of purchase of LED o Insulation resistance test


o HV test o Reverse polarity


ative on a

Sample of the lot offered for Acceptance. The Lot shall be different from

the lot from which the Type test samples have been drawn. The cost of

the testing shall be borne by the CONTRACTOR. Following tests shall

be carried out as Acceptance tests by the CONTRACTOR for the offered


o Visual and Dimensional check o Checking of documents of purchase of LED o Insulation resistance test o HV test o Over voltage protection o Surge protection o Reverse polarity o Lux measurement o Test for IP 66 protection

Following Type tests reports shall be provided by the CONTRACTOR for

the offered Luminaries along with the BID;

o Resistance to humidity o Insulation resistance test o HV test o Over voltage protection o Surge protection o Reverse polarity o Temperature rise Test o Ra (Colour Rendering Index) measurement test o Lux measurement o Fire retardant Test o Test for IP 66 protection o Endurance Test o Life Test o Photometric Measurements Test Report (IES LM 79) o LED Lumen Maintenance Test Report (IES LM 80) o Vibration test as per ANSI o Drop Test

Detailed Minimum Technical Specifications for LED Luminaires

Sr. No. Parameters Requirements / Value



LED Luminaries complete with all accessories

including driver, internal wiring with flameproof

wires, etc., for Street Lighting

2. LED chip make Nichia, Lumiled, Osram, CREE, Seoul

3. Rated Voltage 230-240V


Operating Voltage Range Single phase 140-280 volt AC. But luminaries

shall be tested for 100V to 300 V AC


5. Frequency 50 Hz +/- 3%

6. Power Factor > 0.9

7. LED wattage 1-3 Watt


LED chip Efficacy >170 Lm/Watt system lumen output at 25 degree

C, supported by LED Technical sheet report, to be


9. LED Drive current >=350 mA<750 mA

10. LED Beam Angle CONTRACTOR to decide

11. Colour Temperature 4000K to 6000K

12. Rated Minimum LED Life


100000 Burning Hours (same should be

supported by LM80 report)

14. System efficacy 130 Lm/Watt (+/- 5%)

15. Total Lumen Output CONTRACTOR to offer

16. Colour Rendering Index of



17. System Power Efficiency >85 %

18. Driver Type Constant Current based Electronic Driver

19. Driver Efficiency > 85%

20. Maximum temperature rise for


<30 Deg C at 45 Deg C ambient

21. Operating Temperature


-20 Deg C to + 50 Deg C


Luminaries body

temperature after 12 hours

of continuous operation

23. Junction temperature < 85 Deg C - self certified by Manufacturer


24. Heat Sink Temperature

25. Solder point temperature < 70 Deg C

26. Operating Humidity 10% to 95% RH

28. Operating Hours Dusk to Dawn (max 12 Hrs.)

29. Total Harmonics Distortion





High power SMD and LED must be mounted on

Copper MCPCB for high thermal conductivity and

fastest heat transfer from the LED junction

31. IP Protection IP66 or more


Luminary Housing

Pressure Die Cast Aluminum (grade 5000 or

similar) housing with corrosion resistant polyster

powder coating & safety as per IEC 60598 / IS


Large surface area with fins to dissipate the heat

to ambient air


Heat Sink Well-designed thermal management system with

defined heat sink - Aluminium extrusion


Clip / Fastners

Corrosion free/ Stainless steel.



The connecting wires used inside the luminaries,

shall be Low Smoke Halogen Free, fire retardant

e-beam cable and fuse protection shall be

provided in input side.


Materials Halogen free and fire retardant confirming to




Lens material should be optical high grade

PMMA with more than 90% light transmittance.


38. IK protection for Optic Cover >IK08

39. Photometric measurements LM-79/IS16105.

40. Minimum Surge Protection >10 kV(SPD)

41. Protection Required in Driver


Short Circuit, Over Voltage, Over Temperature




o All Feeder Pillars (FP) shall be Outdoor type, Wall/ Column/ Steel Support

mounting, Weatherproof, double door, single front, non-compartmentalized

enclosure with locking facilities.

o The OFP (Outdoor Feeder Pillar) shall be made of Galvanised sheet steel

enclosure or powder coated with minimum seven tank process (certification

confirming to the same shall be submitted). All the feeder pillars shall be

Outdoor type with permanent rain canopy and shall be dust, damp and vermin

proof. All feeder pillars shall conform impact resistance of IK10 and shall be

minimum IP54 certified.

o The GI feeder Pillar shall be fabricated from 3 mm CRCA sheet and shall be Hot

Dipped Galvanized as per relevant latest standards after entire fabrication. The

enclosure shall be powder coated with Epoxy paint as per desired colour of

SSCL. The gland plate shall be 3mm thick.

o The fabricated enclosure shall not have any welds or bolt heads apparent from

outside. All fabrication work like cutting, drilling, punching, shearing & welding

etc. related to the enclosure shall be complete before proceeding to 7 tank

process. The fabricated body shall be thoroughly cleaned and treated by

chemical agents as required to produce a smooth surface free of scales, grease

and rust.

o Sheet metal components shall be pre-treated using the seven tank phosphating

process consisting of de-greasing, acid pickling, de-rusting, phosphating and

passivation including repeated rinsing in between each process. On completion

of passivation of the components they shall be preheated and then epoxy

powder coated with selected shade for exterior as well as interior and Glossy

White shade for the gland plates (Inside the panel) and component mounting


o All interiors and exteriors of the enclosure shall be finished and painted to

prevent rusting and corrosion. The paint should be carefully selected to

withstand tropical heat, rain and environmental effects. The paint shall not scale

off or crinkle or be removed by abrasion due to normal handling. Thickness of

all painting shall be minimum 80 - 100

Microns DFT Average. The final colour of Feeder pillar shall be as per

SSCL requirements.

o The gasket shall be of neoprene rubber suitable to withstand all weathers for

long tenure of service. All hardware shall be made of non corrosive material

either HD Galvanized or stainless steel. Door shall be with concealed type

hinges & captive screws. o Both the doors shall have an Inspection/ View Window for monitoring the energy

meter reading without opening the door. The window on the external door shall

be provided with a metal flip cover with small canopy which can be moved up

and down for viewing the meter.

o Both the doors shall have panel type lock with keys in duplicate as per the

requirements of the SSCL.

o Panels should be provided with hooter for door open. o All the feeder pillars shall be of uniform height and shall be mounted with the

bottom of the panel at minimum 500mm above the Finished Ground or Floor

level as the case may be.

o A danger notice board written in English and Hindi shall be made of 2mm thick

GI plate and shall be provided on the front door of the feeder pillar.

o The details of max load in KW, Rating of Incomer, no of phase, voltage,

frequency, controller no., Meter No., road name, Pillar no. name of the agency

and year of erection shall be labelled using radium sticker/radium paint.

o The feeder pillar shall consist of Incoming Four Pole (FP) RCBO or MCB with

ELCB, 3 Phase smart Digital Energy Meter, FP Contactor for each outgoing


circuit, Astronomical Timer, Outgoing FP MCB apart from all the smart control

components like Gateway controller, Power Supply Unit for the Gateway unit,

Battery for Back up etc. It shall also consist of FP Isolator for isolating the smart

lighting control equipment without discontinuing supply to the light pole during

the outage of the smart control system.

o The feeder pillar shall have cable entry at the bottom suitable for terminating

double compression glands for 2 Runs of 3.5 C 50sqmmAluminiumconductor,

XLPE insulated armoured cable at the incoming terminal and minimum 4 Runs

of 4 core 16 sqmm Aluminium conductor, XLPE insulated armoured cable at the

outgoing terminal.

o All MCBs/ RCBOs/RCCBs shall be comply with the relevant IS and IEC

standards. It shall be current limiting type and shall provide a cut off in, < 10 ms

for prospective currents during faults. It shall be provided with fixed thermal

overload, short circuit and earth fault release as appropriate. The breaking

capacity of the MCB shall be 16A for 1 sec.

o The Outgoing and Incoming breakers shall be discriminated based on Current. o The other power and control components are as listed below;

a) The minimum rating of the incomer shall be 32A, 100mA sensitivity, Current limiting type, Characteristic Curve C, Breaking capacity 10 kA for 1 sec.

b) All the contactors shall have high rupturing capacity rated for 3 phase 440 V, 50 Hz, Four Pole, AC 3 duty.

c) Astronomical timer having Single channel and capable of Auto resetting when power resumes, provision of manual over ride, switching ON / OFF the circuit as per the Sun set and Sun rise timings along the year.

d) Min 25X3 mm insulated tinned Copper bus bar with SMC support insulators shall be provided for power distribution within the feeder pillar. The size of phase and neutral shall be equal.

e) Outgoing FP RCBOs 30mA sensitivity, Current limiting type, Characteristic Curve C, Breaking capacity 10 kA for 1 sec.

f) Terminal connectors suitable for terminating the above mentioned cables. Min 12 nos. 25 sqmm terminals for incoming cable and Separate 5 nos. terminals shall be provided for tapping power for the luminaire with 2.5 sqmm Copper conductor PVC insulated Un-armoured cable. Twenty percent spare terminals shall be provided.

g) Under voltage and Over voltage Monitoring Relay for connection and disconnection of the power during off band abnormal voltage within a time band.

h) All connecting power & control wiring shall be carried out with stranded copper conductor PVC insulted LSHF wires. Minimum size of control wiring shall be 1.5 sqmm and power wiring shall be 4 sqmm.

i) Space Heater with MCB and Thermostat and 7W LED Luminaries with lamp shall be provided inside with a door limit switch. The lamp and the heater shall be tapped from the outgoing of the meter with separate DP MCB circuits.

j) An Aluminium / GI Earth bus shall be run at the bottom of the Feeder Pillar which shall be connected to the earth leads at the two extreme ends for connecting the GI earthing strip from the electrode.

k) Cast Resin CT of appropriate rating (---/5A) shall be provided at the incomer of each phase for measurement of the current.

l) Multifunction meter with RS 485 and RJ 45 connectivity for measuring, Line and Phase Voltage/ Current; kW, KVAR, KVA; kWh kVAh, kVARh (L & C); Frequency, Phase wise Voltage and Current Harmonics upto min 7th order; Maximum demand.

m) Energy meters should be capable of logging parameters for each 15 minute time block with stamping of date and time. Such data logs should be retained in the energy meters for a period of 60 days or more. These data logs can also be communicated to CCMC through street light controller installed in feeder panel.


n) Note: The following additional requirements to be applicable for switching points where the meters installed in the feeder panels shall act as the energy billing meters for DISCOM;

o) Energy meter specification should be as per DISCOM and a sign off from DISCOM on the design and specification of the compartment in the feeder panel where the meters are to be housed is also recommended.

p) CONTRACTOR shall provide provision for connection through SIM, Ethernet, RS 485 and OFC to connect with server through whatever mode is available at site. Presently the communication of the Feeder pillar shall be carried out through GSM network however after the city OFC network is laid the communication shall be carried out through the OFC network.

o Two nos. Pipe earthing electrode shall be provided for each Feeder pillar and

connected with 25X6 mm GI earth strip. The pipe electrode shall be as per the

latest version of IS 3043.

o HDPE/ DWC pipe of suitable size (minimum 40 mm ID) for conveniently

accommodating the above incoming and outgoing cables shall be laid upto the

feeder pillar for carrying the buried cables upto the feeder pillar for termination.

The GI strip for earthing shall be laid with proper dressing.

o The feeder pillar shall be mounted on prefabricated Galvanised Steel Support

structure duly fastened with a concrete foundation with M20 concrete suitable to

sustain the local geological conditions, seismic conditions and max wind speed


o All the material/equipment/accessories must confirm to the relevant IS with its

latest amendments. All the material/equipment/accessories shall be supplied

with manufacturer's test certificates.


Minimum. All power equipment shall be able to withstand high voltage

(HV) test at 1.5 kV for 1 minute between live parts (current carrying

parts) and earth terminal without breakdown of insulation.

o Following documents needs to be submitted for approval at the time of Bid a) General Arrangements drawing.

b) Support and foundation drawings

c) Wiring diagram.

d) QAP (Quality assurance Plan).

e) Datasheet for each component.

Routine test shall be conducted as per relevant IS/IEC and shall be carried

out at manufacturer place and same shall be witnessed by SSCL/SSCL's


Following shall be minimum check

a) Visual inspection Check b) Bill of material.

c) Electrical Continuity check.

d) Functional Check.

e) HV insulation check.

f) Type Test certificate shall be submitted for review.



o Scope of Works for Smart Street Lighting shall include design, supply, and

installation, testing at site, commissioning, Operation and maintenance of

lighting controls through Centralized Control & Monitoring System (CCMS) for

LED streetlights installed under the scope of this RFP. Operation and

Maintenance of CCMS shall be as per the terms and conditions of the RFP. o The CCMS system shall be provided for the total no. of lights that is offered


based on the design by the CONTRACTOR and shall be Scalable upto two

times as many numbers of luminaries within short period.

o The CCMS System shall consist of the following components; o In the Field enclosed within the Feeder Pillar (FP)

a) Controller

b) Communication Module/ Gateway

c) Antenna o Server for storage of data - preferably dedicated server set-up or cloud based

arrangement to ensure 100% guarantee of the data transmission, and real time

data storage and archived data for the contract period.

o Web Based Application Software


o CCMS shall consist of Street Light Controllers and its accessories installed

within each Feeder Pillar with a gateway to communicate with Server. o The Maximum quantity of luminaries controlled by each Controller shall be

decided by CONTRACTOR however, it shall not be less than 50 lamps per


o All the LED Luminaires shall be Remotely/ Automatically/ Manually Switched

ON-OFF in GROUP / Individual through Web Based Applications based on

a) Sunrise/ sunset timing depending on geographical locations of the Switching Point / Feeder Pillar

b) Based on preprogrammed/ Scheduled timings

o Dimming should be possible from 10 to 100% however, dimming shall be

carried out in steps as follows;

a) From 10 PM to 1AM 25% Dimmed

b) From 1 AM till 3 AM 50% Dimmed

c) From 3 AM till Dawn 75% Dimmed o The setting shall be adjustable / programmable at site as per the Sun rise/ sun set time. o Moreover, the dimmable Luminaires shall be switched ON and switched

Off via stepless dimming and in synch with the natural light during Sun rise and Sun Set time.

The CCMS shall provide the following features.

Offer Web-based solution for Remote management on Real Time basis of

the Outdoor Lighting System through wired or wireless GPRS/ 3G/ 4G/

Fibre/ LAN/ Wifi communication networks securely.

Capturing and monitoring the all the data from Multifunction meter (MFM)

to check the status of all the electrical parameters available at the FP.

Calibration of the MFM shall be ensured.

Monitoring of ON and OFF period; Provide On/Off control based on

Sunrise and Sunset timings for burn hour optimization, Energy

optimization and simplify maintenance.

Shall facilitate easy and remote configuration/ programming of the

system from a web based interface that can be changed as per


Shall facilitate Fault Monitoring and Automatic Fault detection; Event Logging

and Report generation.

Alarm Generation and Alert Notifications through emails & SMSs to

desired number of users.


The system shall be modular and easily scalable. Presently the system

shall be designed for 2000 luminaires and should be expandable upto

3500 luminaires as and when required in steps.

Battery Backup for Minimum 1/2 Hrs shall be provided for the controller to

store the data in case of power failure.

Emergency Override - Locally & Remotely.

Facilitate Asset mapping through GPS coordinates of each FP on existing maps

The controller shall have inbuilt memory storage in each controller to

store data in case of Communication network failure and transfer it as

soon as the link is resumed

Shall have protection logic to operate the hardware to automatically isolate

the system during abnormal conditions and restart the system as soon as

the system normalizes

Server uptime should be minimum 99.99% with disaster backup and

sufficient storage capacity and processing power to ensure stable operation

of CCMS throughout the contract period

Minimum 60 Days data shall be stored in the CLOUD. Data Older than

60 days shall be backed up on Editable tapes/ Discs

Should be easy to integrate with City Operation Centre (COC).

CCMS shall ensure Data authenticity, Cyber security, safe database

management, data retrieval and trouble free operation of software and

allied systems. It shall have a self diagnostic and self healing feature to

identify fault and resume the system by isolating it within shortest

possible time.


The Controller shall consist of CPU with minimum 32 bit processor, shall

have inbuilt three phase power inputs, interface ports USB, GPRS &

Ethernet; internal health monitoring and logging facility; inbuilt flash

memory for data storage; and shall support minimum 2 Analogue and 2

Digital inputs.

Controller shall have the provision to store last 30 days data at one hour

interval. All these data is accessible for reading, recording by downloading

through HHT (Hand Held Unit) through optical port or USB/Bluetooth given

on controller front. For HHT, a smart phone- based solution for collecting

/accessing data is also acceptable.

The controller shall have a built-in calendar and a local Real Time Clock

(RTC) having an accuracy of +/- 1 minute per year or better, synchronized

with remote time server, to enable functionality even in case of

communication network failure. A separate internal Lithium battery back-up

shall be provided for continuous operation of controller RTC for at least two

years under controller un-powered conditions.

Controller shall be able to carry out switching operations based on

Astronomical calendar of the location.


Controller shall facilitate local operation in case of emergency or during

maintenance with proper security verification.

Controller shall be able to detect switch weld condition and generate alarm.

Controller shall be able to log minimum last 25 scheduled and

unscheduled events including scheduled switching events, faults,

abnormal power conditions and maintenance.

Controller shall additionally be able to log minimum last 25 the power

availability events.

The controller shall have protection logic to monitor the abnormal

conditions like overload & over voltage conditions, against the benchmark/

threshold limits configured in it and carry out auto switching to disconnect

the system if the abnormal condition prevails over predefined period. The

controller shall reconnect after the normal system conditions are resumed.

All such unscheduled switching activities shall be logged in the system.

Controller shall be provided with a 6 digit LCD to display the controller

parameters/ data. Proper universal interface port (USB, Optical etc.) or

device shall be provided to access all the stored data within the controller

as well as to configure the controller locally either by a Hand Held Unit or

by connecting to a laptop in a secured manner. Configuration allows user

to set operating modes, ON/OFF timings, RTC configuration, Updating

GPS locations, Astronomical Clock etc.

The CPU of the controller shall be well protected against overvoltage and

surges upto 10 kV as per EN 61000-4-5; Burst pulses up to 4 kV as per

EN 61000-4-4.

All the controllers shall be traceable when mapped through GPS coordinate.

The controller shall support digital and analogue measurements.

Controller shall have following constructional specifications

a) Controller case and terminal blocks shall be made of fire resistant material b) Sealing arrangement - As per IS 13779 and CEA Metering regulations 2006

c) Insulation shall withstand an insulation test of 4 KV and impulse test at 6 KV

d) Latching Relay/Bi-Stable Switch/Isolation device should conform to IEC - 61036/ 61037

Communication Module of the Controller in the FP

The module shall operate on 240 V AC single phase power supply

Ability to communicate with remote central server/ CLOUD securely via

cellular networks (GSM / GPRS) and/ or RF networks. All data shall be

secured by encrypting them by 128 bit encryption.

Communication network between CCMS unit and central server should

be GSM/GPRS: Quad band 850/900/1800/1900 MHz4G, and

communication method shall be TCP IP via GPRS / 3G and/ or RF SMS

The module shall be a Two-way communicator

The Module shall be able to send data regarding energy usage, ON/OFF

status etc. from controller as well as give commands from a central server/

CLOUD for switching ON/OFF scheduling etc.


Ability to remotely upgrade the CCMS device firmware from central server

Battery Module

The Controller (CPU), Communication module etc. shall be provided with

battery backup for 12 Hrs to function during failure of grid power.

The battery shall help CPU to store all the data and send a main power

failure alarm to the remote server/ Cloud before it shuts down safely.

Software Application Features

The web application shall be offered through the SSCL web site or as

may be decided by the SSCL at the time of execution.

The application shall enable receipt & storage of all the field data with a

time stamp in Cloud or in-house local server.

The application shall facilitate to communicate, control and configure the

each Switching point FP controllers remotely. The application shall be

suitable to manage the data traffic from the field to the Cloud or Server.

Operation Time - It should be able to record LED luminaires glowing and

non-glowing hours of a particular FP (Group).

The System should be suitable for third party integration if required.

Report Generation shall enable Users to generate various reports related to

the system performance parameters such as energy consumed report,

lamp and system failure report, actual hours of operation, uptime (%), etc.

as well as based on historical data on daily, monthly, quarterly or annually

basis as the case may be from the data/readings received from the units.

The reports shall be generated in Xcel as well as Graphical format.

The application should facilitate Roles and Permissions requirements at

different level of user hierarchy. It should manage system access for

different levels with multiple privileges for different purpose, including

Administrator access to configure, work flow access for operations, and

public access for viewing and uploading status.

Web application shall ensure system security and safety for users at different

levels with security password for various users.

It should be possible to configure Switching point remotely through web

application. Remote configuration includes setting new ON/OFF timings,

setting RTC time, viewing the Real time data of each switching point,

Energy meter parameters, Resetting of the any unit, time synchronization

of controller with that of Server and GPS clock etc.

The minimum interval for the update of data should be 15 minute but

programmable up to 1 minute.

Asset Management

Application shall provide a map application that gives an overview of all

Feeder Pillars on a street map or GIS map or a satellite image.


Web application software shall offer asset management feature and allow

user to locate SPC through GPS coordinates. It also enables user to

identify each SPC with unique/Asset ID with additional information like

Wattage, Make, Installation date, replacement date, Replacement defect

tracking. It is also possible to link details of every street light with reference

to particular switching point.

Dashboard Web application shall provide a comprehensive dashboard with

real time status of switching point, real time faults of various switching

points, system uptime %, power consumption, power consumption,

graphical representation of cumulative data etc.

The application software should be flexible to cater to customized

requirement which are not foreseen at this point of time but are deemed

necessary during the execution and O&M. Separate tabs shall lead to

details regarding monitoring & control parameters like, Alerts, Maps,

Configuration, Reports, uptime, fault penalty, history, energy savings, power

failure, operational hour, lamp failure etc.

Each Switching Point FP shall be represented by a separate Tab on the

dashboard to show the switch point summary indicating the FP details,

rating, location, meter parameters, history of alerts, active alerts, link to the

map page, etc.

The application shall generate alarm and alerts through SMSs for any type

of abnormal system conditions and faults as listed below to designated

users which should not be less than six in numbers.

It should describe the abnormality or fault in short as well as highlight the

same with different colours to indicate the status with respect to time

within 12 hrs, in next 12 hrs, beyond a day etc. It shall provide monthly

reports on the faults through email. Penalty as indicated in the Service

Benchmark for the CONTRACTOR shall be calculated based on these


Application should be able to track the failure of lamps in a particular

switching point by triggering alarm due to significant drop in power

consumption. The application should display the no. of faulty lights for each

phase separately instead of giving a total figure of faulty lights for all the 3

phases together.

Application shall protect and report Jamming/ hacking attempts and

maintain status-quo in cases of such attempts i.e., if lights are ON, they

should remain ON till the default OFF time recorded in the system. In case

lights are OFF at the time of Jamming / hacking attempt, lights should

remain OFF till default ON time recorded in the system

Software to have complaint handling system for light failures, with citizen

interface and means of communicating repair update to complaining citizen

through SMS. The complaint handling system software shall be

implemented for handling and resolution of complaints during O&M period.

The access for the complaint handling system shall be given to general

public either through web portal of SSCL or through dedicated app for

lodging complaints.


Ability to remotely upgrade the CCMS device firmware from central server.

The system shall display the following minimum faults in alarms

a) Phase-wise currents on crossing threshold values

b) Phase-wise voltages on crossing threshold values - Under/over voltage detection c) Main breaker error

d) Contactor fault

e) Circuit breaker off

f) Circuit phase errors (fuse, breaker, etc.)

g) Main power failure

h) Leakage to ground

i) Manual switch activated

j) Control cabinet door open

k) Low Power Factor

l) Communication failure with server

m) Theft Alert

n) Group failure of Lights

The software shall enable to divide the city lights in certain zones as per

SSCL requirement and assign access to the concern authorities for

control and monitoring from their mobile or laptop.

All alarms shall be notified in near real-time via SMS and email to

responsible maintenance team.

The system shall support auto switching of street light according to light

sensor input.

The system shall support auto switching of street light according to input.

Graphical view of the electrical consumption readings shall be available

online for monitoring of the hourly, daily and monthly electricity


All Software's License shall be in the name of SSCL. All costs shall be

perpetual cost or onetime cost. CONTRACTOR shall provide all the

upgrades to the system software and system security during the contract

period without any additional cost.

The Software Application shall be supported by the CONTRACTOR even

after the contract period.

In case of CLOUD server, the CLOUD registration shall be done in the

name of Client/ Owner. Only Administrative rights shall be provided to the

CONTRACTOR during the contract period. The CLOUD services shall be

intact upon renewal every year after the contract period. The CLOUD shall

not be OEM specific and shall be independent of OEM so that after the

completion of contract period there should be no dependence on OEM for

cloud services.

Civil Design

All the civil foundation design shall be suitable for the Seismic requirement

of Sagar as per latest IS as the city of Sagar falls in the Seismic Zone-II.

The design shall also consider the maximum wind speed of min 180

kmph as per IS 875, 1987 (Reaffirmed in 2013).


Grade of concrete to be used shall be M20 (1:1.5:3) and grade of

reinforcement steel shall be Fe 500 or Fe415.

40NB Flexible HDPE/ DWC Pipe of 1m length shall be embedded to draw

the cable from the power cable.

Minimum requirement for Civil Foundations for lighting poles upto a

height of 6m are as follows;

a) Depth of the foundation should be 1100 mm minimum. b) Plan dimensions of footing should be 900mm x 900mm having depth D=200

mm Minimum.

c) Reinforcement in foundation in both directions -

d) Bottom reinforcement -T 10 @ 150 mm c/c.

e) Top Reinforcement to be as per IS 456,2000 (Reaffirmed in 2016)

f) Four anchor bolts of 16mm Dia and 500 mm total length are required.

g) Grade of concrete to be used shall be M20 (1:1.5:3) and grade of

reinforcement steel shall be Fe 500 or Fe415.

h) Concrete pedestal -

a. Size -300 mm x 300 mm

b. Main vertical reinforcement in shall be 4 nos. bars of 12mm dia bars

c. Shear reinforcement (stirrups) shall be 8 mm dia bars at 200 mm c/c.

d. This foundation design of pole will be applicable for all types of soils i.e.

soft soil, medium soil and hard soil.

Minimum requirement for Civil Foundations for lighting poles up to a height

of 12m are as follows.

a) Depth of the foundation should be 1600 mm minimum. b) Plan dimensions of footing should be 1200mm x 1200mm having depth

D=300 mm Minimum.

c) Reinforcement in foundation in both directions -

d) Bottom reinforcement -T 10 @ 150 mm c/c.

e) Top Reinforcement to be as per IS 456,2000 (Reaffirmed in 2016)

f) Four anchor bolts of 16mm Dia and 500 mm total length are required.

g) Grade of concrete to be used shall be M20 (1:1.5:3) and grade of

reinforcement steel shall be Fe 500 or Fe415.

h) Concrete pedestal -

a. `Size -350 mm x 350 mm

b. Main vertical reinforcement in shall be 8 nos. bars of 12mm dia bars

c. Shear reinforcement (stirrups) shall be 8 mm dia bars at 200 mm c/c.

d. This foundation design of pole will be applicable for all types of soils i.e. soft soil, medium soil and hard soil.

The above requirements are minimum requirement. Bidder may offer

better design based on site conditions subject to approval from SSCL.


CONTRACTOR shall carry out a detailed design of the identified Roads.

o Design Report for each road o Summary of all the roads including road width with carriage way/ footpath/

drains; proposed wattage; height of poles; distance between the poles;

calculated lux level, uniformity etc.

o Detail description of CCMS system with proposed technology, data sheets,

architecture, server details, software applications, features offered,

communication technology, list of alerts and alarms, list of parameters offered

for monitoring and control, system efficiency, bandwidth requirement

o Data sheets of proposed Luminaire, Poles, Feeder Pillar, controller, battery,


communication module, server etc.

o Details of Helpdesk set up and Complain Management System o O&M SOP o Resource deployment o Micro Project schedule on weekly basis o Milestones for completion of illumination in terms of road length (km)


o The product should be designed for the specific climatic and environmental

conditions of the region to ensure full durability and safety throughout its

designed life. o All MS poles shall be designed to withstand the maximum wind speed of 150

kmph as per is 875. The top loading i.e., Area and the weight of fixtures are to

be considered to calculate maximum deflection of the pole and the same shall

meet the requirement of bs en 40-3-3:2013.

o The pole shall also be designed to with stand the earthquake as per the

provisions of the relevant bis/other standards related to the urban location in the

state of Madhya Pradesh.

o The materials of the pole as follows:

i. Pole - Conforming to grade S355J0,

ii. Base Plate: - Fe 410 Conforming to IS 226/ IS 2062,

iii. Foundation Bolts: - 6.8 Gr. as per IS 1367,

iv. Pole Sections: - The Poles shall be in single piece with single

longitudinal welding joint,

v. Galvanization: - The poles shall be hot dip galvanized as per IS 2629 / IS 2633

/ IS 4759 standards with average coating thickness of 100

micron? The galvanizing shall be done in single dipping. The

zinc Ingot raw material shall be 99.99% pure and procured from

reliable sources with Quality Test Certificates.

o The pole manufacturing & galvanizing unit shall be iso 9001: 2000 & iso 14001

certified to ensure consistent quality & environmental protection. o The poles shall have integrated junction box with openable door of adequate

size (approximate 500mm length) at the elevation of 750 mm from the base

plate. The door shall be hinged type with mechanical interlock, dust proof,

weather proof and vandal resistance and shall ensure safety of inside

connections and components. The door shall be flush with the exterior surface

and shall have suitable locking arrangement. The pole shall be adequately

strengthened at the location of the door to compensate for the loss in section.

o The door of the junction box shall permit clear access to the components inside

viz., termination strips, connectors, mcbs, cables etc. There shall also be

suitable arrangement for the purpose of earthing. o Electrical connections - four way connectors shall be provided along with slide

lock suitable for connecting 1.1 kv grade, 4 core x16 sqmm al cable. It shall also

house 1 no.

6 amps dp mcb,2.5 sqmm connectors for looping with 2.5 sqmm copper

wires for connecting to the luminaries through 0.6 kv grade, 3 core x 2.5

mm² pvc insulated copper conductor flexible un-armoured cable from the

terminal block to the fixture within the pole. All the cables laid through the

pipe shall be without any joint.

o Two nos. Earth boss shall be provided at the bottom of the pole (diagonally

opposite) suitable for connecting 25x6 mm gi/ cu earth strip or SWG wire for

earthing of the poles. Similar earth boss suitable for connecting 4 sqmm copper

wire shall be provided on the control plate inside the junction box for earthing of


the electrical components. o Two nos. 50 mm nb hdpe sleeves of suitable length shall be provided through

the foundation upto the junction box for entry of power cable.

o Earthing of each pole shall be carried out with one dedicated coil earthing. The

coil earthing shall be gi wire as recommended in the latest version of is 3043 the

earth electrode shall be connected with two 25x6 sqmm gi strips to the two

distinct earth boss on the pole.

o Aesthetic appearance - all the grooves and carvings of the pole unit shall be

free from any kind of distortion for a pleasing aesthetic appearance.

o Top mountings -the galvanized decorative mounting bracket as selected by the

SSCL shall be supplied along with the poles for installation of the luminaries.

o The poles shall be bolted on a pre-cast foundation with a set of foundation bolts

for greater rigidity.

o The contractor shall carry out all the relevant tests and inspection in the

presence of the SSCL or third party agency, as may be selected by the SSCL,

before the dispatch of the poles at no extra cost to the SSCL.

o The contractor shall inform the SSCL at least fifteen (15) days in advance, about

the manufacturing programmed so that arrangement can be made for

inspection. SSCL reserves the right to waive the inspection at any stage.

o All the material/equipment/accessories shall be supplied with manufacturer's

test certificates.

o Contractor shall submit the proposed product catalogue, detail data sheet,

spare parts list and drawing of pole & bracket along with the bid for each

product quoted.

o M20 concrete foundations shall be provided for all the poles. Approx. Dimension of the

foundation for evaluation purpose is 600x600x1700 mm. However,

contractors shall design as per the stability requirement and soil bearing

capacity of each location. The poles shall be bolted on a pre-cast

foundation with minimum four foundation bolts for greater rigidity.

o Galvanized poles dimensions these are the minimum dimensions.

Contractor may offer as per their design for a particular height.


Scope o This specification covers supply, design, installation, commissioning & testing of

items required for earthing system including grounding conductors, rods, fittings,

accessories and hardware to permanently and effectively ground the neutral

points of transformers/ DG Sets, electrical apparatus, electrical equipment

frames, conduit, cable trays and all non-current-carrying metal parts, including

structural steel and fences.

o The equipment shall be complete with all necessary accessories and

components as required as per IS standard and PWD requirements.

Grounding System

General requirements

o The design of the equipment shall meet the following requirements: o It should provide means to dissipate the current into the earth during normal and

fault conditions without exceeding the operating and substation equipment limits

and connections.

o The ground grid shall provide least resistance path for grounded neutral circuits. o The ground grid shall provide means of discharging current carrying parts which

are to be handled by personnel.

o Grounding consists of all conductors, ground rods, connectors and all other

necessary items to make a complete grounding system.

o The Contractor shall finalize the layout of the grounding system as required for


the final equipment dimensions and locations.

o The ground grid shall be designed so as to provide a maximum ground

resistance of 1.0 ohm or less.

o Ground grid shall be installed at a minimum depth of 600 mm from ground level. o Earthing of transformers will be done separately through plate electrodes &

further connected to the main collector network using connectors/ risers.

o Where the ground conductor crosses the cable/ pipe trenches, the conductor

shall be suitably lowered so as to cross cable trench at least 150 mm below its

bottom surface.

o Risers shall be brought out above the ground level for further extension and

connection to equipment.

o All conductors in the ground grid shall be welded together at every crossing and

at every point where from risers emanate. Continuous lap welding shall be done

instead of tack welding.

o The risers from the grid shall be laid to avoid contact with reinforcement to

guard against false grounding during resistance tests.

o All non carrying current metal parts of electrical equipment and apparatus shall

be earthed with two separate diametrically/ diagonally opposite connectors. The

apparatus shall include:

o Bodies of electrical machinery, transformers etc. o Frames of panels and cubicles o Metallic structures of switchgear, casing of cable boxes o Shielding of cables and electrical wiring conduits

Design Criteria

a) Fault Current & Duration b) The earthing system will be designed for fault current of 20kA for 1 sec or

as per actual fault current.

c) Soil Resistivity

d) The Contractor shall undertake the soil resistivity measurements at site and

select suitable type of conductors.


o All the lv power cables shall be 1100v grade, multi-stranded, al / copper

conductor, xlpe insulated, extruded inner & outer PVC sheath compound type

st2 and galvanised steel strip armoured cables. o All cables shall conform to be 7098 part i and all armouring shall confirm to

latest version of is: 3975.

o For all lt power and control cables, double compression glands with aluminium

lugs for aluminium cables and tinned copper lugs for copper cables shall be

used in indoor and outdoor application.

o The termination shall be inclusive of miscellaneous items such as clamps,

cleats, cable tags, cable markers etc.

o In general cable installation works shall be carried out in accordance with is

1255 1983, latest version. At road crossings, the depth of the pipe shall be

minimum 1m else proper concrete encasing shall be provided.

o For underground cables, all cables shall be laid in minimum 63mm id hdpe/ dwc

pipes either laid by excavation or through horizontal directional drilling (hdd) or

micro- tunneling. The top of the pipe shall be atleast 750mm below the finished

ground level. There should not be any joints between two pole distances. The

roads shall be made good as before by following standard procedure for

preparation of roads and with standard quality material.

o All railway crossings shall be carried out as per the prevailing standards of

railway or as specified by the concerned authority in writing.

o Cable markers shall be provided in the vicinity or on the top of the corridor such

that it should not obstruct the pedestrian/ parked or traffic vehicles. Cable

markers shall project 150mm above ground and shall be spaced at an interval of

20 metres, and at every change in direction. Top of cable marker/joint marker

shall be sloped, to avoid accumulation of water/dust on marker. On finished


surface like foot path etc. The marking shall be accomplished with a separate

colour tiles/ paver block for highlighting the route of the cable.

o Cable tags shall be provided on all cables both at feeder pillar end as well as on

each pole (just before entering the equipment enclosure).

Cable Glands

e) Double compression type cable glands with rubber hoods shall be used for

the termination of all the power and control cables. Cable glands shall be

brass casting, machine finished and Nickel-plated to avoid corrosion and

oxidation. Rubber components used in cable gland shall be of neoprene.

f) For single core cables, gland shall be with brass ring.

g) Cable glands shall be with metric threads.

h) Cable glands shall be conical (& not flange type).

Cable Lugs

o Cable lugs shall be of tinned copper, solder less crimping type for Cu cables &

Al lugs for the Al cables. o The current rating of the lugs shall be same as that of the respective cable conductors. o Ring type cable terminations shall be used. o Insulated lugs are not acceptable for any cable terminations. o Bi-metal strip/ Bi-metallic lug shall be used whenever two different metals are to

be connected together.

o Double whole extended neck (long barrel neck) type lugs shall be used in case

of cables above 185 sq. mm.

o Fork terminals shall be used for luminaries& decorative switch/ socket. Pin

terminals may be acceptable during execution only in case other terminals/ lugs

cannot be accommodated.

o Reducer / wire pin terminals shall be avoided for MCB terminations. MCB terminations

o All terminations in Feeder Pillars / enclosure for earthing& neutral busbars /

terminals shall be with ring type terminals.

o All earthing terminations shall be with ring type lugs only. o All control & interlock cable terminations shall be with ring type lugs. o Anticorrosion/ anti-oxidation compounds shall be used for crimping lugs [This

shall especially be ensured for Al cable terminations & any bimetallic

terminations (Cu cable termination using tinned Copper lugs)].

o If termination is done with crimping tool employing crimping die then forming

dies shall be used to make the sector shaped conductor into a round conductor

before crimping the lugs on the conductor. The lug must not be crimped directly

on the sector conductor. Before crimping the lug, the conductor shall be

thoroughly cleaned and special jelly applied over it to prevent further oxidation.


O Refer CPWD General Specification for Electrical Works Part IV-Substation



o O&M shall be initiated after completion of installation and commissioning of

street lighting system on all the specified roads and issue of completion

certificate by SSCL after due inspection and testing. o Contractor shall install a help desk minimum 30 days in advance before the

initiation of the O&M period.

o The contractor shall be responsible for maintaining/ repair/ replacement,

comprehensively, of all the luminaires, switching point controller panels, cable

and earthing systems along with the cloud or in-house server installed by it in

the allocated area during the tenure of the contract.

o Contractor may maintain a service team/s with vehicle/ s to address the

complaints/ accidents on sos basis and take action immediately.


o The payment for the O&M shall be per agreed in the contract for the entire tenure. o The manpower and accessories required for O&M shall be provided by

contractor during relevant contract period. Minimum one 8 years experienced

electrical technician and one assistant shall be provided for every 1500

luminaires right at the beginning of the contract and shall be augmented if found

insufficient during the course of the contract. Replacement for the teams shall

be well planned during the scheduled offs and leaves.

o SSCL shall ensure availability of power. Electricity charges and connectivity

charges shall be paid by SSCL.

o Availability of communication network through the selected mode shall be

ensured by the contractor for data and smss. The contractor shall bear the cost

of connectivity of all such network charges and pay monthly/ annually as the

case may to the telecom service provider.

o The non -availability of incoming power supply from SSCL shall be intimated by

contractor within 24 hours.

o Any complaint for failure of luminaire due to lack of earthing, SPD, connector and loose

o The contractor shall upgrade the software application from time to time during

the contract period in terms of features, performance & security of the system.

o The contractor shall take adequate insurance to cover themselves for the cost of

O&M during the tenure of the contract including the ones due to theft.

o The contractor shall make provision for adequate number of ladder mounted

vehicles self sufficient with all the required tools and instruments, duly

calibrated, to meet the maintenance requirements as per service benchmark.

o All the electrical parameters and illuminance level of all the roads shall be

monitored with calibrated power analyzer and lux meter and documented for

records and analysis at regular interval of quarter as specified.

o All the necessary modifications that are required to be carried out for the

efficient working of the system including network and luminaires and minimise

the breakdowns and issues shall be carried out by contractor from time to time

at its own cost.

o Contractor shall develop training material for the SSCL technicians; impart them

training from time to time as may be decided by the SSCL.

o All the responsibilities related to replacement of led lamps / cables / other

accessories shall be borne by contractor in respect of cost, managing the

technical barrier and other related aspect during the tenure of the project.

o The maintenance work will be carried out without disturbing the street traffic and

with proper work permit.


o The CONTRACTOR shall set up a centralized helpdesk to address the

O&M for the project for entire Contract period with the following;

a) A web based Complaint Management System shall be installed which

should enable users to log complains and monitor its status & closure. The

CMS shall be updated regularly with new updates/ patches to improve the

performance during the contract period.

b) A Toll Free Number exclusively for the Street lighting shall be finalized in

consultation with the SSCL. Language Capabilities: Hindi and English;

c) The help desk shall operate 24X7 to assist and guide the users.

d) The help desk will handle user queries and issues relating to implemented solution

e) The helpdesk shall ensure that users can log calls and complaints for any technical issues they face while accessing the system.

f) The helpdesk shall have Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system for first level of call segregation;

g) A Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for O&M process shall be created by the CONTRACTOR from logging of request to closure of the request. The SOP shall address call prioritization guidelines, problem security codes and escalation


procedures etc. in consultation with SSCL ;

h) It shall be also possible to log requests by user through other channels like email and web interface;

i) All the complaints and work carried out by the CONTRACTOR shall be logged in the system with a unique service request.

j) The application shall be accessible to all users including general public through the SSCL portal for logging issues;

k) CONTRACTOR shall allocate Serial No to the Pole- Lamp combination and maintain records of each one of them during the Contract period.

l) A Report containing the operational Status of each light pole, complaints received and resolved; Preventive maintenance schedule and status, Stock of spares, man power update, etc shall be submitted to the SSCL on a weekly basis.

m) The call statistics will be analyzed every quarter after Go-Live and the number of notice;

n) The space required for setting up of Helpdesk shall be provided by SSCL.


o A service Level Benchmark for evaluating the performance of the

CONTRACTOR shall consist of the following; o Resources - CONTRACTOR shall maintain O&M team, tools and calibrated

measuring and verification instruments as specified above from the day one of

the contract. In case the required resources are not deployed on time, a penalty

of Rs.5000 per day shall be imposed for the first week and the same shall be

doubled in the subsequent weeks till adequate resources are deployed.

o System Uptime - CONTRACTOR shall maintain sufficient resources and

achieve minimum uptime of 95% on yearly basis (year period to be decided by

SSCL) for the entire system, excluding the period of non-availability of power


o Energy Consumption: The energy consumed by the lamp shall not exceed

more than as committed in the design report. CONTRACTOR shall guarantee

the total energy consumption of the system for each road with respect to its

design offered in the DPR. The same shall be monitored on daily basis and

reported to the SSCL. Any excess energy more than the guaranteed

consumption shall be recovered from the CONTRACTOR. Any action required

for mitigating the excess energy consumption may be immediately taken up by

the CONTRACTOR with the information to the SSCL. Electricity charges shall

be paid by SSCL.

o Lux Level: CONTRACTOR shall guarantee the Lux level based on Design

output and offered Luminaire for each road. There shall not be any reduction of

the Lux level during the entire tenure of the contract period. Illuminance of each

road shall be checked every fortnightly and reported to SSCL. Any reduction in

the lux level shall be immediately investigated and corrective action shall be

taken with information to SSCL.

o In case a reduction in the lux levels are found due to reduction in the output/

performance of the Luminaires, all the Luminaires of the same wattage and

same batch offered in the project shall be investigated and rectified/ replaced if

found faulty by the CONTRACTOR at its own cost within a period of time as

may be agreed by SSCL.

o Complain Resolution - All the complaints shall be redressed within 8 working

hrs. In case the service provider fails to comply with the same a penalty of Rs.

100/- per day per complaint shall be imposed for a period of 7 days after which

the amount will be doubled for the next subsequent weeks till the complaint is

resolve to the satisfaction of the owner.

o At any given time the CONTRACTOR shall maintain spares equivalent to

minimum 1% of the total number of lights installed. Failing to maintain spares

and causing delay in resolution of the complaint shall be penalized as indicated


o Cleaning of the luminiare cover shall be taken up once in half year and record


shall be maintained and reported to SSCL.


o The quality control plan shall list and define in sequential order all process

control activities, inspection and tests proposed to be performed on the

equipment/ material starting from component procurement and from testing

stages to product dispatch. The quality control plan shall indicate and identify

the applicable standards, detailed description with diagram the procedure,

acceptance criteria, extent of check and record to be generated. o The contractor shall within fifteen (15) days of placement of order submit the

following information to the SSCL.

a). Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) withholds points for SSCL’s QAP’s

inspection. The QAP and hold points shall be discussed between the

SSCL and the CONTRACTOR before the QAP is finalized.


o The inspection may be carried out by the SSCL or his representative at any

stage of manufacturing. The successful contractor shall grant free access to the

SSCL/ its representative/s at a reasonable notice when the work is in progress.

Inspection and acceptance of any equipment under this specification by the

SSCL shall not relieve the contractor of his obligation of furnishing equipment in

accordance with the specification and shall not prevent subsequent rejection if

the equipment is found to be defective. o The contractor shall keep the SSCL informed in advance regarding the time of

starting and progress of manufacture of all the equipment in its various stages

so that arrangements could be made for stage inspection, if desired by SSCL.

o No material shall be dispatched from its point of manufacture unless the

material has been satisfactorily inspected and tested and approved by SSCL or

an inspection waival is given.

o Contractor shall, during inspection/ at any stage as sought by SSCL, will furnish

test certificates for all equipment including bought out items as included in this

bid. However, the SSCL reserves the right to insist for witnessing the

acceptance/routine testing of bought out items.

o The contractor shall communicate to the SSCL the details of all testing

programme at least three (3) weeks in advance. SSCL reserves the right to

waive the inspection at any stage.

o Contractor shall keep all his testing instruments duly calibrated against standard

meters at designated accredited laboratory not earlier than 6 months from the

date of test of the equipment, covered under this specification. Calibration

certificates shall be made available during inspection. The calibrating

instruments used as standard shall be traceable to national/ international


o A joint inspection of SSCL authority; technical officer, project manager and team

of contractor shall be carried out before commencing for operation.

o Following field test shall be carried out on the system 2.21 Visual Inspection of quality of work, 2.22 Insulation resistance of the system including cable

2.23 Power consumption of individual Luminaire, each feeder pillar System for a particular road.

2.24 Lux level available with and without the other façade and vehicular lights. The lux level shall be tested in accordance with NLC.

2.25 Operational demonstration with CCMS 2.26 Earth resistance of each pole and feeder pillar


o The contractor needs to provide training to SSCL employees and other

stakeholders as directed by SSCL for capacity building; o The contractor shall prepare all the requisite audio/visual training aids that are


required for successful completion of the training for all stakeholders. These

include the following for all the stakeholders:

2.21 Training manuals for SSCL employees / stakeholder departments; 2.22 Computer based training modules;

2.23 Presentations; 2.24 User manuals; 2.25 Operational and maintenance manuals for Smart Components implemented;

2.26 Regular updates to the training aids prepared under this project. o The contractor shall maintain a copy of all the training material on the portal and

the access will be provided to relevant stakeholders depending on their need

and role. The access to training on the portal would be finalized with SSCL.

Contractor has to ensure the following points:

o For each training session, the CONTRACTOR has to provide the relevant

training material copies to all the attendees.

o The contents developed shall be the property of SSCL with all rights. o The contractor has to ensure that the training sessions held are effective and

that the attendees would be able to carry on with their work efficiently. For this

purpose, it is necessary that the effectiveness of training sessions is measured.

The contractor will prepare a comprehensive feedback form that will capture

necessary parameters on measuring effectiveness of the training sessions. This

form will be discussed and finalized with SSCL.

o After each training session, feedback will be sought from each of the attendees

on either printed feedback forms or through a link available on the web portal.

One member of the stakeholder group would be involved in the feedback

process and he/she has to vet the feedback process. The feedback received

would be reported to SSCL for each training session.


o The contractor shall hand over to the SSCL the following before the expiry of the

contract or in the case of termination of contract by SSCL with justifiable reason

as specified elsewhere in the RFP: 2.21 A complete list of Hard and Soft Assets with its records over the past

period. 2.22 All the assets in good working condition as per tech

specification or its upgraded version. Incase any asset is not in working condition, CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the same is made good as per required standard and performance and handed over within the Exit period.

2.23 All software along with the confidential information related to it like user name and passwords and hardware keys if any. It shall also hand over all the rate contract if any signed with the software company for continuity of services.

2.24 Information relating to the current services rendered and technology and technical data relating to the performance of the services; Entire documentation relating to various components of the Project, any other data and confidential information related to the Project;

2.25 All other information (including but not limited to documents, records and agreements) relating to the products & services related to the project to enable SSCL and its nominated agencies, or its replacing CONTRACTOR to carry out due diligence in order to transition the provision of the Project Services to SSCL or its nominated agencies, or its replacing CONTRACTOR (as the case may be).

o The duration of 60 working days after completion of the contract period shall be

considered as handover/ exit period during which contractor shall give full

access to its premises, records, data base and assets related to this project.

o All the information as indicated above which is handed over to SSCL should not

be copied, sold or reused by contractor under any circumstances without any


written approval from SSCL.

o In case this handover happens within dl period, the contractor shall ensure that

the technology provider shall continue to support the assets and systems till the

end of the dl period.

o The contractor shall not retain any data, security codes, and other confidential

documents including any type of customer survey data with them.

o During the exit period contractor shall not reduce any manpower or replace any

manpower willfully as available on the day of issue of notice. In case the

contractor reduce the manpower then SSCL shall charge rs. 1000/- per person

per day as penalty for the remaining duration of the exit period.


The contractor shal carry out commessioning test in the presence of project

manager representative. The evaluation of the test result and the decision

passed by project manager representative. The evaluation of test results and

decision passed by the representative regarding the test results will be final

and binding on the Contractor. Any additional tests or repetition of tests to

establish satisfactory operation of any equipment shall be carried out by the

Contractor, if so desired by Project Manager’s representative at no extra cost. .

The completion checks and commissioning tests to be carried out shall include,

but not be limited to, those described in subsequent paragraphs, as applicable

to the individual equipment/system.

Among other commissioning tests, the following shall be carried out at site after

completion of installation. Contractor shall ensure to use calibrated test

equipment having valid calibration test certificates from standard laboratories

traceable to National Standards / International Standards.

All tests to be carried out in the presence of Project manage representative:

2.21 Switchboard: Power frequency high voltage test, IR test, operation tests 2.22 Relays: Check internal wiring, relay settings

2.23 Cables 2.23.16 All 11kV cables shall be megger tested before terminating /

jointing. After terminations / joints shall be megger tested by 5000V


2.23.17 All new LT cables shall be megger tested before terminating /

jointing. After terminations / joints shall be megger tested by 1000V


2.23.18 Cable core shall be tested for

- Continuity Absence of cross phasing Insulation resistance to earth Insulation resistance between conductors

2.24 Earthing System

Continuity tests, earth resistance measurements and other tests, which in his

opinion are necessary, to prove that the system is in accordance with design,


specification, code of practice and CEA Regulations 2010. Earth resistance

value should be not greater than one (1) ohm.

2.25 Lighting System

Commissioning tests stipulated in applicable standards and code of practice

covering all lighting system equipment

The Contractor shall carry out insulation resistance tests by a megger

of following rating Control circuits up to 220 V 500 V megger

Power circuits up to 1.1 kV 1000 V megger

In general, the following checks shall be carried out on all the

equipment/systems, as applicable.

a) Name plate details according to approved drawings/ specifications b) Any physical damage or defect and cleanliness

c) Tightness of all bolts, clamps and connections

d) Oil leakages and oil level

e) Condition of accessories and their completeness

f) Clearances

g) Earthing connections

h) Correctness of installation with respect to approved drawings/specifications

i) Lubrication of moving parts

j) Alignment

k) Correctness and condition of connections


The following commissioning tests are to be carried out on all the

equipment/systems, as applicable and as desired by Employer/ Statutory


2.21 Insulation resistance measurement of equipment, accessories, cabling/wiring etc. 2.22 Dielectric tests on equipment, accessories, cabling/ wires etc.

2.23 Phase sequence and polarity 2.24 Voltage and current ratios 2.25 Vector group

2.26 Resistance measurement of winding, contacts etc. 2.27 Continuity tests

2.28 Calibration of indicators, meters, relays, etc. 2.29 Control and interlock checks

2.30 Settings of equipment and accessories 2.31 Checking of accuracy/error

2.32 Checking of operating characteristics, pick-up voltages and currents, etc. 2.33 Operational and functional tests on equipment, accessories, control

schemes, alarm/trip/indication circuits, etc.

o) Measurement of guaranteed/approved design values including lighting

levels, earth resistance measurement, etc.

p) Complete commissioning checks of the system



Control Circuit

2.21 Operational test of control circuits to be tested as per schematic drawing.


2.22 Indications/Alarm/Annunciation circuit to be tested as per control schematic drawing.

2.23 Check for panel space heater and illumination circuits.

LT Switchgear Panels

a) Check of electrical wiring. b) IR Values of power circuits & control circuits

c) Tests on auxiliary and control circuits.

d) Check of electrical operation of safety (interlocking, automatic changeover,


e) Check of mechanical operations (insertion and withdrawal of removable

parts, locks and interlocks system, operation of safety shutters, charging -

closing - tripping of breaker etc..).

f) Power center communication interface tests.

g) Check of setting of all protective and measurement devices (e.g. protection

relays, smart devices, Secondary injection testing of protective

relays/releases, Trip circuit healthiness and tripping through relays/ release


h) Indication / Annunciation / Panel space heater circuit / Space contacts for

customer use

i) CT testing for polarity, ratio, IR values and magnetization for class PS characteristics

j) PT testing for ratio, IR values

k) Testing of modules for DOL/ Star-Delta/ATS/ Soft Starter starting or any

other starting method as per the schematic drawings applicable.

HV, LV power cable, control cable & cable accessories

a) IR Values before Hipot b) Hi Pot test for MV & HV cables.

c) IR Values after Hipot

Earthing System

a) Earthing resistance of each electrode b) Earth continuity check.

c) Overall resistance of earthing installation.

Lighting system

a) Check of electrical wiring. b) Functional tests.

c) Lux level measurement for each plant area.


3. Non SoR


Providing and Laying of PLASTITRAK/Roll-on Surfacing Material :A Solvent Free, High Build, Two

pack, Seamless, Tough, skid resistant 1.0-1.5 mm thick red (or as required ) based on Gloss and

color retaining Acrylic Cross Linking Resin System for Cycle track and similar applications including

surface cleaning and cost of all material etc. complete.


The following documents are required to be furnished along with the application of PLASTITRAK/Roll

on surfacing material as an essential condition of the tender:

1. A current dated Authorization certificate issued by the Cold Plastic manufacturer. Certificate

issued by distributor dealer/ power of attorney holder shall be disqualified.

2. The Indian Cold Plastics manufacturer shall have an International collaboration / tie up with a

company of repute having a manufacturing & supply experience for supply of two component

Cold plastic Road surfacing materials.

3. The Indian Cold Plastics manufacturer shall supply a third party test certificate from the

Principal International Collaborator / tie up company for Two component Cold plastic Road

surfacing material

4. The Indian Cold Plastics manufacturer shall be an ISO 9001 certified company for

manufacturing and supply of two component Cold plastic Road surfacing material.

5. The Indian manufacturer shall have a testing facility / laboratory for a) wear resistance b)

Spectro -photometer for color matching.

6. The Indian Cold Plastics manufacturer shall provide a warranty certificate for performance for a

period of 2 years

7. The bidder shall provide an authorization certificate for specific tender from the Indian

manufacturer qualifying the above criteria’s for the tender

8. The Bidder shall produce the original Batch Test Certificate for the Cold Plastics materials from

the Indian manufacturer

9. Product Specification for Roll-On Surfacing material: PLASTITRAKHIGH BUILD ROLL-ON




ii. Viscosity:-Thick fluid compound

iii. Density: Approx 1.8 gram/ cm3 iv. Skid Resistance :-> 45 S.R.T.

v. Hardening Time:-Approx.20 minutes by 30 degree C

vi. Flashpoint: Approx 10 degree C

vii. Storage Stability:-At Least 6 months if stored in a cool place

viii. Mixing ratio: -2 sachets of hardener to 20 kg plastitrak Roll on base

ix. Potlife (mixed):-10 minutes by 20 degreeC.


Application: In one coat (single application) with requirement of primer on smooth surface

Laying / Painting shall be done by machine. For locations where painting cannot be done by machine,

approved manual methods shall be used with prior approval of the Engineer. The Contractor

shall maintain control over traffic while painting operations are in progress so as to cause

minimum inconvenience to traffic compatible with protecting the workmen.

The material shall be applied in fresh condition. After transfer to the laying apparatus, the material

shall be laid at a temperature within the range specified by the manufacturer the particular method of

lying being used. The paint shall be applied using a screed or extrusion machine.

The pavement temperature shall not be less than 10'C during application. All surfaces to be marked

shall be thoroughly cleaned of all dust, dirt/grease, oil and all other foreign matter before application of

the paint.

The material, when formed into traffic stripes, must be readily by placing an overlay of new material

directly over an old' line of compatible material. Such new material shall so bond itself to the old line

that no splitting or separation takes place.

Mode of Measurement: Per Sq.mts basis

Pavement marking for showing symbol of CYCLE on White/ yellow/ Blue or Suitable colored as

directed by engineer in charge for cycle track , at junctions (and at c/c 50 m t inside for item no,3 )

with hot applied thermoplastic paints of 2.5 mm thickness including reflectorising glass beads @ 250

gms per sqm area as per IRC:35 .

Thermoplastic Road Marking of Cycle track: Providing & laying hot applied thermoplastic

Compound in white/yellow colour in marking of edge lines(15cm wide) etc.2.5mm minimum thickness

as directed including cost of marking compound, making arrangement for heating and its

application with requisite machine, making arrangement for spraying of drop-on glass beads etc.@

250 gms. Per sqm area, thickness of 2.5mm is exclusive of surface applied glass beads as per IRC

35-1997 & Clause

803 of MORT&H specification. The finished surface to be level, uniform and free from streaks and

holes and also including cost of all material, labor, machinery etc. required for proper completion

General: The thermoplastic material shall be homogeneously composed of aggregate, pigment, resins

and glass reflectorizing beads.

3.3 Requirements:

1. Composition: The pigment, beads, and aggregate shall be uniformly dispersed in the resin.

The material shall be free from all skins, dirt and foreign objects and shall comply with requirements

indicated in Table 800 3.



Component White Yellow Binder 18.0 min. 18.0 min. Glass Beads 30 40 30 40

Titanium Dioxide 10.0 min. Calcium Carbonate and


Inert Fillers 42.0 max. See

Yellow Pigments Note

2. Properties: The properties of thermoplastic material, when tested in accordance with ASTM

D36/BS 3262 (Part 1), shall be as below:

a. Luminance : White: Daylight luminance at 45 degries 65 per cent min. As per

AASHTO M 249; Yellow: Daylight luminance it 45 degien 45 per cent min. as per AASHTO M 249

b. Drying time: When applied at a temperature specified by the manufacturer and to the required

thickness, the material shall set to ben traffic in not more than 15 minutes.

c. Skid resistance: not less than 45 as per BS 6044.

d. Cracking resistance at low temperature: The material shall show no cracks on application

to concrete blocks.

e. Softening point 102.5: t 9.50 C as per ASTM D 36.

f. Flow resistance not more than 25 per cent as per AASHTO M 249.

g. Yellowness Index (for white thermoplastic paint): not more than 0.12 as per AASHTO M


3. Storage Life: The material shall meet the requirements of these Specifications for a period of one

year. The thermoplastic material must also melt uniformly with no evidence of skins or un-melted

particles for the one year storage period. Any material not meeting the above requirements to be

replaced by the manufacturer/ supplier/Contractor.

4. Reflectorisation: Shall be achieved by incorporation of beads. The grading and other properties

of the bonds shall be as specified in Clause 803.4.3.

5. Marking: Each container of the thermoplastic material shall be clearly and indelibly marked with

the following information:

The name, trade mark or other means of identification of manufacturer

Batch number

Date of manufacture

Colour (white or yellow)

Maximum application temperature and maximum safe beating temperature.

6. Sampling and testing: The thermoplastic material shall be sampled and tested in accordance with

the appropriate ASTM/BS method. The Contractor shall furnish to the Employer a copy of certified

test reports from the manufacturers of the thermoplastic material showing results of all tests specified

herein and shall certify that the material meets all requirements of this Specification.

Reflectorized glass beads

General: This Specification covers two types of glass beads to be used for the production of

reflectorized pavement markings

Type I beads are those which are a constituent of the basic thermoplastic compound vide


800 3 and Type 2 beads are those which are to be sprayed on the surface vide Clause


The glass beads shall be transparent, colourless and free from milkiness, dark particles and

excessive air inclusions.

These shall conform to the requirements spelt out in Clause 803.4.3.3.


Specific requirements

a. Gradation: Ile glass beads shall meet the Gradation requirements for the two types as given in

Table 8W 4.


Type II

Sieve size

1.18 Mm 0 to 3

850 micron 5 to 20 0 to 5

600 do 5 to 20

425 do 65 to 95

300 do 30 to 75

180 do 0 to 10 10 to 30 below 180 micron 0 to 15

b. Roundness: The glass beads shall have a minimum of 70 per cent true spheres.

c. Refractive index: The glass beads. Shall have a minimum reflective index of 1.50.

d. Free flowing properties: The glass beads shall be free of hard lumps and clusters and shall

dispense readily under any conditions suitable for paint striping. They shall pass the free flow


e. Test methods: The specific requirements shall be tested with the following methods:

Free flow test: Spread 100 grams of beads evenly in a 100 mm diameter glass dish. Place the

(fish in a 250 nun inside diameter desiccator which is filled within 25 mm of the top of a

desiccator plate with sulphuric acid water solution ( specific gravity 1. 10). Cover the

desiccator and lot it stud for 4 hours at 20 to 29 degree C. Remove sample from desiccator,

transfer beads to a pan and inspect for lumps or clusters. Then pour beads into a clean, dry

glass funnel having a 100 nun stem and 6 nun orifice. If necessary, initiate flow by lightly

tapping the funnel. 1"he glass spheres shall be essentially free of lumps and clusters and

shall flow freely through the funnel.

The requirements of gradation, roundness and refractive index of glass beads and the

amount of glass beads in the compound shall be tested as per BS 6088 and BS 3262 (Part


The Contractor shall furnish to the Employer a copy of certified test reports from the

manufacturer of glass beads obtained from a reputed laboratory showing results of all

tests' specified herein and shall certify that the material meets all requirements of this

Specification. However, if so required. These tests may be carried out as directed by the


3.4 Application properties of thermoplastic material

The thermoplastic material shall readily get screeded/ extruded at temperatures specified by the

manufacturers for respective method of application to produce a line of specified thickness which shall

be continuous and uniform in shape having clear and sharp edges.

The material upon heating to application temperatures shall not exude fumes, which are toxic,

obnoxious or injurious to persons or property.



(i) The material shall be melted in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions in a heater fitted

with a mechanical stirrer to give a smooth consistency to the thermoplastic material to avoid local

overheating. The temperature of the mass shall be within the range specified by the manufacturer,

and shall on no account be allowed to exceed the maximum temperature stated by the manufacturer.

The molten material should be used as expeditiously as possible and for thermoplastic material which

has natural binders or is otherwise sensitive to prolonged heating, the material shall not be

maintained in a molten condition not more than 4 hours.

(ii) After transfer to the laying equipment, the material shall be maintained within the temperature

Range specified by the manufacturer for achieving the desired consistency for laying.

Properties of finished road marking

The stripe shall not be slippery when wet.

The marking shall not lift from the pavement in freezing weather.

After application and proper drying, the stripe shall show no appreciable deformation

or discolouration under traffic and under road temperatures up to 600C

The marking shall not deteriorate by contact with sodium chloride, calcium chloride or

oil drippings from traffic.

The stripe or marking shall maintain its original dimensions and position. Cold ductility of the

material shall be such as to permit normal. Movement with the road surface without chopping

or cracking.

The colour of yellow. Marking shall conform to IS Colour No. 356 as given in IS: 164.

Reflectorised Paint: If used, shall conform to the Specification by the manufacturers and approved by

the Engineer. Reflectorising glass beads for reflectorising paints where used shall conform to

the requirement of Clause 803.4.3.

Application: Marking shall be done by machine. For locations where painting cannot be done by

machine, approved manual methods shall be used with prior approval of the Engineer. The Contractor

shall maintain control over traffic while painting operations are in progress so as to cause minimum

inconvenience to traffic compatible with protecting the workmen.

The thermoplastic material shall be applied hot either by screeding or extrusion process. After transfer

to the laying apparatus, the material shall be laid at a temperature within the range specified by the

manufacturer the particular method of lying being used. The paint shall be applied using a screed or

extrusion machine.

The pavement temperature shall not be less than 10'C during application. All surfaces to be marked

shall be thoroughly cleaned of all dust, dirt/grease, oil and all other foreign matter before application of

the paint.

The material, when formed into traffic stripes, must be readily renewable by placing an overlay of new

material directly over an old' line of compatible material. Such new material shall so bond itself to the

old line that no splitting or separation takes place.

Thermoplastic paint shall be applied in intermittent or continuous lines of uniform thickness of at least

2.5 mm unless specified otherwise. 'Where arrows or letters are to be provided, thermoplastic

compound may be hand sprayed. In addition to the beads included in the material, a further quantity

of glass beads of Type 2, conforming to the above noted Specification shall be sprayed uniformly into

a mono layer on to the hot paint line in quick succession of the paint spraying operation. The glass

beads shall be applied at the rate of 250 grams per square meter area.

The minimum thickness specified is exclusive of surface applied glass beads. The method of

thickness measurement shall be in accordance with Appendices B and C of BS 3262 (Part 3).


The finished lines shall be free from ruggedness on sides and ends and be parallel to the

general alignment of the carriageway. The upper surface of the lines shall be level, uniform and free

from streaks.


The Contract unit rate for road markings shall be payment in full compensation for furnishing a labour,

materials, tools, equipment, including all incidental costs necessary for carrying out the work at the

site conforming to these Specifications complete as per the approved drawing(s) or as directed by the

Engineer and all other incidental costs necessary to complete the work to these Specifications.

Supplying and fixing at site retroreflectorised CYCLE TRACK / ONLY FOR CYCLE type sign

boards/signs made of encapsulated lense type of reflective sheeting fixed over aluminum sheeting

2.0 mm thick complete including vertical pipes/ angles/ posts etc. all complete as per drawing

as per direction of Engineer in Charge .

Providing and fixing Bollard (Swiss Type) at cycle track entry point to prevent othe vehicles at

disctance of 0.50 m c/c/, made out of 1.5mm CRC sheet ,height 140cms,bottom dia 23cm,top dia

12cm with direction plate of 30 cm dia fabricated necessary anchors as directed and also provide

throughout length pipe of 25 NB for the strenthing of bollard and reflectorised Micro Prismatic Grade

Sheet (Type XI)and three yellow strip 6 Inches wide of Type XI Retro reflective Sheeting, fixing with

P.C.C M25 grade concrete(Foundation size 30cm×30cm×35cm)

3.5 Swiss type bollard

The Swiss type bollard shall be approved from the Engineer-In charge before commencement of


1. Retro Reflective Sheeting

The retro reflective sheeting used on the signs shall consist of white or coloured sheeting having a

smooth outer surface which has the property of retro reflection over its entire surface. It shall be

weather resistant and exhibit colour fastness. It shall be new and unused and show no evidence of

cracking, scaling, and pitting, blistering, edge lifting or curling and shall have negligible shrinkage or

expansion. A certificate of having the sheeting tested for coefficient of retro reflection, daytime colour

and luminance, shrinkage, flexibility, liner removal, adhesion, impact resistance, specular gloss and

fungus resistance, 3 years outdoor weathering and its having passed these tests shall be obtained

from International/Government Laboratory/Institute by the manufacturer of the sheeting and in case

the certificate is obtained from international agency, it should also be obtained from Indian agency

within 3 years of launching of product by the manufacture in abroad. Alternatively, a certificate

conforming to ASTM Specification (D 4956-09) on artificial accelerated weathering requirements from

a reputed laboratory in India can be accepted provisionally. In such a situation, the Employer/Client, if

so desires, could seek for a performance guarantee which would be released after receipt of

certificate meeting the requirement of three years outdoor weathering of the sheeting.

Description of sheet:

Type XI Micro prismatic grade sheeting

Retro-reflective sheeting typically manufactured as a cube corner. The reflective sheeting shall be

retro-reflective sheeting made of micro prismatic retro-reflective material. The retro-reflective surface,

after cleaning with soap and water and in dry condition shall have the minimum co-efficient of retro-

reflection (determined in accordance with ASTM D 4956-09) as indicated in Table




When totally wet, the sheeting shall show not less than 90 percent of the values, of retro-reflection

indicated in above Table. At the end of 10 years, the sheeting shall retain at least 80 percent of its

original retro-reflectance.

Table Acceptable Minimum Coefficient of Retro-reflection for Type XI Prismatic Grade SheetingA

(Candelas per Lux per Square Metre)


atio n




















rescent ye




rescent ye








-4° 830 620 290 83 125 37 25 660 500 250



+30° 325 245 115 33 50 15 10 260 200 100

0.2° -4° 580 435 200 58 87 26 17 460 350 175

0.2° +30° 220 165 77 22 33 10 7 180 130 66

0.5° -4° 420 315 150 42 63 19 13 340 250 125

0.5° +30° 150 110 53 15 23 7 5 120 90 45

1.0° -4° 120 90 42 12 18 5 4 96 72 36

1.0° +30° 45 34 16 5 7 2 1 36 27 14

A Minimum Co-efficient of Retro-reflection (RA) (cd.lx-1 .m-2).

B Values for 0.1° observation angles are supplementary requirements that shall apply only

when specified by the purchaser in the contract or order.


The sheeting shall have a pressure-sensitive adhesive of the aggressive-tack type requiring no heat,

solvent or other preparation for adhesion to a smooth clean surface, in a manner recommended by

the sheeting manufacturer. The adhesive shall be protected by an easily removable liner

(removable by peeling without soaking in water or other solvent) and shall be suitable for the type

of material of the base plate used for the sign.

The adhesive shall form a durable bond to smooth, corrosion and weather resistant surface of the

base plate such that it shall not be possible to remove the sheeting from the sign base in one piece by

use of sharp instrument. The sheeting shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturers’




Surface to be reflectorised shall be effectively prepared to receive the retro-reflective sheeting. The

aluminum sheeting shall be de-greased either by acid or hot alkaline etching and all scale/dust

removed to obtain a smooth plain surface before the application of retro-reflective sheeting. If the

surface is rough, approved surface primer may be used. After cleaning, metal shall not be handled,

except by suitable device or clean canvas gloves, between all cleaning and preparation operation and

application of reflective sheeting/primer. There shall be no opportunity for metal to come in contact

with grease, oil or other contaminants prior to the application of retro-reflective sheeting. Complete

sheets of the material shall be used on the signs except where it is unavoidable. At splices, sheeting

with pressure-sensitive adhesives shall be overlapped not less than 5 mm. Where screen printing with

transparent colours is proposed, only butt joint shall be used. The material shall cover the sign

surface evenly and shall be free from twists, cracks and folds. Cut-outs to produce legends and

borders shall be bonded with the sheeting in the manner specified by the manufacturer.


The messages (legends, letters, numerals, etc.) and borders shall either be screen-printed or of cut

out from durable transparent overlay or cut-out from the same type of reflective sheeting for the

cautionary and mandatory sign boards. Screen printing shall be processed and finished with materials

and in a manner specified by the sheeting manufacturer. For the informatory and other sign boards,

the messages (legends, letters, numerals etc.) and borders shall be cut-out from durable transparent

overlay film or cut-out from the same reflective sheeting only. Cut-outs shall be from durable

transparent overlay materials as specified by the sheeting manufacturer and shall be bonded with the

sheeting in the manner specified by the manufacturer. Whenever transparent overlay film is used for

making any type of sign, the coloured portion of sign shall have coefficient of reflectivity not less than

the reflectivity of type and colour of sheeting normally used, as per table. Cut-out messages and

borders, wherever used, shall be either made out of retro-reflective sheeting or made out of durable

transparent overlay except those in black which shall be of non-reflective sheeting or opaque in case

of durable transparent overlay. Creating coloured areas by means of screen-printing with ink shall not

be permitted.

Special Note:

(1) Contractor shall have to submit the manufacture test certificate of retro reflective sheet before

Starting the work at no Extra cost

(1) Contractor Shall have to Submit the test report of retro reflective sheet from Govt. approved

Laboratory testing of sheeting at no extra cost before producing First R.A bill and then after on

end when asked by SSCL. The contractor shall not be paid extra for same.

(2) Contractor shall have to submit the filled form as mentioned below in Soft (Signed &

Scanned) and two hard copies.

3.6 Multi Duct

Sr. No. Test Test Method Specification

I Sheathing Raw Material Test:

A Density ISO 1183 - 2 0.940 - 0.958 g/cc

B Melt Flow Index ISO 1133 0.2 to 1.1 grams/10 minutes

II Test on Multi Channel Configuration:




External Sheath shall be in Orange Color. The Color of the Ducts shall be of Green, Blue, Yellow, Brown, Violet, Grey, Red and shall be free from visual defects like blisters, shrink holes, flaking, scratches, groove lines & surface roughness.


B Sheath Thickness Standard 1.2 mm ± 0.2 mm

C Minimum Bending Diameter

Standard 2800 mm

D Bending Performance Standard There shall be no damage when

mounted on a mandrel of 2800 mm diameter for 30 minutes.

III Test for Inner Spiral Ribbed ducts: Raw Material Test:

A Density ISO 1183 - 2 0.940 - 0.958 g/cc

B Melt Flow Index ISO 1133 0.2 to 1.1 grams/10 minutes

IV Tests on ducts :



ASTM F 2160

The Co-extruded layers of conduit shall be homogeneous throughout & essentially uniform in colour, opacity, density & other properties. The outside surfaces shall be free from visible cracks, holes, blisters, voides, foreign inclusions, or other deleterious. The inner surface shall be Spiral ribbed.


Dimensions of 40 mm Internal Spiral Ribbed Duct :

a) Outside Diameter b) Average Wall

Thickness (Excluding Rib height)


40.0 mm + 0.4 mm 2.90 mm ± 0.3 mm

C Tensile Strength at yield ASTM F 2160/ ASTMD 638

Type IV

Min 20 N/mm2

D Elongation at Break ASTM F 2160/ ASTMD 638

Type IV

Min 500%

E Reversion test ISO 2505 Reversion of duct shall not be more than 3%

F Oxidation Induction test ISO 11357-6 Oxidation Induction time should not be less than 30 minutes.

G Hydraulic Characteristics (Acceptance Test)

IS 4984 No swelling leakage or bursting observed after 48 Hours at a Induced stress of 4.9Mpa @ 80ºC

H Melt Flow Rate ISO 1133 0.2 to 1.1 gms/10 min @190ºC & 5 Kg load

I Density ISO 1183-2 0.940 to 0.958 gm/cc at 27ºC


Crush Resistance test


Deflection shall be < 15% when 1000N load applied on 200mm length of the sample. Sample should not crack or split after the test.


Impact Strength

ASTM D 2444

There should be no crack / split when 9.1 Kgs load (Tup B) dropped from 1.5 Meters. Height after conditioning at 0ºC for 1 hour.

L ESCR Test ASTM D1693 No cracking when tested with 10%

Igepal Solution at 50 ± 1º C for 96 Hours. Type Test shall be for minimum 500 Hours

M Inner Diameter of the Duct

Standard The Inner Surface shall be spirally ribbed and shall be of a configuration for faster installation of Cable.

N Length of the Coil Standard

The Coil shall be of 100 Meters Length


O Additional Requirement Standard

A tracing mechanism shall be provided

P Certification Standard

ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 18001 is mandatory

V Additional Requirement :

A Sheathing : Anti Termite - Certificate of Anti Termite shall be

submitted from reputed government testing laboratory.


Cable Blowing


The manufacturer shall organize cable blowing at their manufacturing plant to demonstrate the cable blowing performances of a Spiral ribbed duct for 1 KM.


Raw Material


No regrind material shall be used

3.7 Precast Drain: -

Supply & Installation of Precast U Shape Drain (T-6) for Storm water drain or Cable trench. Size

(width and depth) of sections as per given table. The product should be confirming to Japanese

Industrial Standards (JIS) and meeting BIS requirements. The product shall be duly steam cured in

the plant to have requisite compressive strength. The product shall be made by using advanced

precast technology using high performance self-compacting concrete of M50 grade and Fe 500 D

grade TMT steel reinforcement bar. The product must have a load carrying capacity of 2.4 Tonnes

wheel load. The product shall have tie shape groove of 10-20 mm width and 25 mm depth on both

sides of each precast unit product for jointing two precast units. The product shall have in-built insert

at optimized locations for mechanical installation activities including supply and transportation at site.

The precast product shall be manufactured in controlled environment adhering to stringent pre-

defined, atmospheric standards. The factory-made precast product shall be subject to strict quality

control and assurance process by the manufacturer and approved by quality assurance personnel. In

no case, the site-casting of the product shall be allowed. Precast manufacturer and supplier shall

have a minimum of 4 years of experience of precast drain manufacturing and must have supplied to a

minimum of 15 leading projects with a minimum scale of 300 kms of drainage infrastructure. A MoU

shall be made on stamp paper between precast manufacturer and Contractor, it shall be submitted

along with tender document. Precast product manufacturer should have a minimum capacity of 2,

50,000 tonnes per annum.


Precast lid cover for U shape drains (T-6)

Supply & Installation of Precast Lids for small size U Shape Drain (T-6) for Storm water drain or Cable

trench Size (width and depth) of available sections are given in table. The product should be

confirming to Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS) and meeting BIS requirements. The product shall

be duly steam cured in the plant to have requisite compressive strength. The product shall be made

by using advanced precast technology using high performance self-compacting concrete of M50

grade and Fe 500 D grade TMT steel reinforcement bar. The product must have a load carrying

capacity of 2.4 Tonnes wheel load.

The precast product shall be manufactured in controlled environment adhering to stringent pre-

defined, atmospheric standards. The factory-made precast product shall be subject to strict quality

control and assurance process by the manufacturer and approved by quality assurance personnel. In

no case, the site-casting of the product shall be allowed. Precast manufacturer and supplier shall

have a minimum of 4 years of experience of precast drain manufacturing and must have supplied to a

minimum of 15 leading projects with a minimum scale of 300 kms of drainage infrastructure. A MoU

shall be made on stamp paper between precast manufacturer and Contractor, it shall be submitted

along with tender document. Precast product manufacturer should have a minimum capacity of 2,

50,000 tonnes per annum.

Sr. No. 11 to 22: Precast U shape Drain (T-25)

Supply of precast drains for longitudinal Storm water drain and Cable trench. Size (width and depth)

of available sections is provided. Product should be confirming to Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS)

and meeting BIS requirements. The product shall be duly steam cured in the plant to have requisite

compressive strength and having load carrying capacity of 5 Tonnes wheel load for heavy vehicle

movement. The product shall be made by using advanced precast technology using high performance

self-compacting concrete of M 50 grade and Fe 500 D grade TMT steel reinforcement bar. The

product shall have tie shape groove of 10-20 mm width and 25 mm depth on both sides of each

precast unit product for jointing two precast units. The Precast U Shape drain shall have in built insert


at optimized locations for fixing De-Shackle for mechanical installation activities including supply and

transportation at site. The precast product shall be manufactured in controlled environment adhering

to stringent pre-defined, atmospheric standards.

The factory-made precast product shall be subject to strict quality control and assurance process by

the manufacturer and approved by quality assurance personnel. In no case, the site-casting of the

product shall be allowed. Precast manufacturer and supplier shall have a minimum of 4 years of

experience of precast drain manufacturing and must have supplied to a minimum of 15 leading

projects with a minimum scale of 100 kms of drainage infrastructure. A MoU shall be made on stamp

paper between precast manufacturer and Contractor, it shall be submitted along with tender

document. Precast product manufacturer should have a minimum capacity of 2, 50,000 tonnes per


Precast Lid Cover for U Shape Drain T-25

Supply & Installation of precast lids for longitudinal Storm water drain and Cable trench. Size (width

and depth) of available sections is provided. The product should be confirming to Japanese Industrial

Standards (JIS) and meeting BIS requirements. The product shall be duly steam cured in the plant to

have requisite compressive strength and having load carrying capacity of 5 Tonnes wheel load for

heavy vehicle movement. The product shall be made by using advanced precast technology using

high performance self-compacting concrete of M 50 grade and Fe 500 D grade TMT steel

reinforcement bar. The product shall have in built insert at optimized locations for mechanical

installation activities including supply and transportation at site.

The precast product shall be manufactured in controlled environment adhering to stringent pre-

defined, atmospheric standards. The factory-made precast product shall be subject to strict quality

control and assurance process by the manufacturer and approved by quality assurance personnel. In

no case, the site-casting of the product shall be allowed. Precast manufacturer and supplier shall

have a minimum of 4 years of experience of precast drain manufacturing and must have supplied to a

minimum of 15 leading projects with a minimum scale of 300 kms of drainage infrastructure. A MoU


shall be made on stamp paper between precast manufacturer and Contractor, it shall be submitted

along with tender document. Precast product manufacturer should have a minimum capacity of 2,

50,000 tonnes per annum.

Precast Lid Cover for FT Drain

Supply & Installation of Precast lid cover for large size drains (FT Drain) for Storm water drain or

Cable trench. Size (width and depth) of available sections shall be as per the derived drain sizes. The

product should be confirming to Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS) and meeting BIS requirements.

The product shall be duly steam cured in the plant to have requisite compressive strength and having

requisite load carrying capacity. The product shall be made by using advanced precast technology

using high performance self-compacting concrete of M50 grade and Fe 500 D grade TMT steel

reinforcement bar. The product shall be designed to take 1.8 T wheel loading on top and 25 T

uniformly distributed loading on its side wall.

The product shall have in built insert at optimized locations for mechanical installation activities

including supply and transportation at site. The precast product shall be manufactured in controlled

environment adhering to stringent pre-defined, atmospheric standards. The factory-made precast

product shall be subject to strict quality control and assurance process by the manufacturer and

approved by quality assurance personnel. In no case, the site-casting of the product shall be allowed.

Precast manufacturer and supplier shall have a minimum of 4 years of experience of precast drain

manufacturing and must have supplied to a minimum of 15 leading projects with a minimum scale of

100 kms of drainage infrastructure. A MoU shall be made on stamp paper

between precast manufacturer and Contractor, it shall be submitted along with tender document.

Precast product manufacturer should have a minimum capacity of 2, 50,000 tonnes per annum.
