Republic Of The Sudan Gezira Scheme Farmers’ Union...

1 Republic Of The Sudan Scheme Gezira Gezira Union of Farmers ) Jamal Dafalla Taha (

Transcript of Republic Of The Sudan Gezira Scheme Farmers’ Union...


Republic Of The SudanSchemeGezira

GeziraUnion of ’Farmers)Jamal Dafalla Taha(



Role of Farmers in encouragingand PilotAbd Elhakamand adopting

shaping future of GS


Success & Achievement of Pilot

Improved management had many advantages

* Reduces overhead cost*Encourages farmer to pay irrign. fees*Good & improved operation and maintenance*Expenditure – responsive to priority needs*Farmers are positioned on site rather than the bureaucrats


?* Promotes the spirits of collective and cooperative work.

*Feeling of ownership encourages farmers to operate in a good manner ,.

* High cropping intensity .* High crop yields level

* Expansion of area under vegetables * Expansion of legumes ,chick peas .

* New profitable crops (potato ,sesame … ).* The intensive training program has

positive impact on farmers’ knowledge ,

attitude and practice.


Constraints1- The Gezira management delayed delivering water channels to the farmers groups .2-There is no good legislative basis for the use of land as collateral to help in the finance of crops .3-Time limit on pilot did not allow farmers to make possible saving for developing the revolving fund


?Outcomes of the Pilot for Farmers- After the first season of the pilot productivity raised and also social & economic changes.- The socio-economic impact significant because farmers were selling products in open markets and establishing cooperative marketing arrangements for wheat, vegetables & groundnuts.


- Farmers also showed strong interest in the training programs & had good ability to learn- Farmers Union prepared to apply this concept

itutionalinstprepared to contribute to cost of and reforms in Gezira Scheme.


- Also, pilot succeeded in building confidence of farmers in their ability to improve irrigation services - The Farmers’ Union beginning negotiations with the Minster of Agriculture to issue new legislation to encourage farmers to take responsibilities and to be extend pilot to the whole Scheme (18 blocks) . - Farmers’ Union is playing a good role in encouraging additional piloting in other Blocks in Gezira . - Farmers’ Union agreed Jan.2003 that the pilot should be extended to other Blocks.


Agricultural Finance- Agricultural finance a major problem facing the Gezira – cotton is core financing mechanism- Existing financing arrangements through farmer accounts in SGB result in accumulation of debts for farmers and SGB because of low productivity, high cost of services and inputs, and inefficiency of SGB. Farmers’ returns reduced - Need alternative financial institutions for saving and lending, and collateral for borrowing


1- Alternative finance channels need to be secured for individuals and groups of tenants, using assured collateral.2- To legalize buying and selling of tenancy rights without destroying the social setting of GeziraScheme communities.3- Sudan Cotton Company should continue to be the preferred marketing institution for cotton .


Economics Aspectsnion committee U’t the FarmersxIn this conte

-recommends the following : - Farmers as individuals or groups should be given a maxim degree of freedom to obtain agricultural inputs and services from free market and to be allowed to freely market agricultural products through their Unions, marketing associations and organizations.- Land charges should be levied on irrigated land in line with a suitable administrative cost for SGB.- Water charges should be based on the volume of water used or the number of irrigations received by each crop.


-The Government should subsidize irrigations Infrastructure with an objective of reducing water charges.-Establishing a reserve fund to compensate farmers who might be negatively affected by water shortage and or failure of providing other agricultural services


Government Role− Maintain core infrastructure, provide agricultural extension, training of farmers, adaptive research, pest control, seeds, and market information on domestic and international trade.- Provide favorable conditions for the private sector to play a major role in the provision of inputs and other services.- Change land policy to facilitate land transfer and collateral for agricultural credit