i?- - VtB. Sis ..&AH Mu.iti4V---- ; C1 ' ' -- "? - "viT""vi;v ' - - SriK r - FV 4 .V ." itji ".'H'-.,.'",sv;- vjt- - tT VfS- v- - v',. -- v 10 THE REPUBLIC: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1901. wrf i SUMMARY OF ST. Bears In tho local market were prematurely exultant yesterday. They went Into the pit with tho confident belief that everything would como their way. Karly nent pecmed to justify the assumption. There was no foreign demand, and receipts of grain at all domestic markets wcro heavy, while clearances wcro light. That mysterious Influence called sympathy pot in Its work on wheat. After tho Initial decline, duo to continued realizing, corn started on the upturn. Holders of wheat were not taking spy chances on a spread between the two markets, and that was the reason why 'wheat advanced with sill the "gossip" against It. Good buying of corn developed after tho first, hour, prompted mainly by bullish crop reports of later date than the Government estimate. Many traders who sold 'Wednes- day came back into tho market on the other side. Dec. wheat opened unchanged at TlKc, dropped to W.iiCTc, and closed US'-i- up at 7U;71?c Jlay opened unchanged at 75c and closed with the same figure bid. Tho early rush to sell Dec corn caused that option to cpen Mliic, lower at SSfp CSJJ. The market went to VSfcc and closed with an offer at that price, a gain of ?.;j:c. 3Iay opened unchanged at 60c, dropped to j3Kc and closed with a bid of W.ic, an ad- vance of 3,jc Trading In oats was extremely light. May sold He off nt 03c, hut there was a bid of 33!i?TKMc nt the close. Produce wa easier nil around, except on the choicest grades, which were scarce. Pcachc wcro unchanged on common stock, but much higher on fancy varieties. Ap- ples, pears and plums were pi.iutli.MlIy unchanged. Potatoes and cabbage were !n better supply and lower. On tho local Stock Kchange the volume of trading was not heavy. Tractions wcro still In good demand, especially United Hallways preferred. Iloth Mississippi Valley Trust and Commonwealth Trust advanced In rcspoii'-- e to a heavy buying demand. Tho market for live stock was dull, with prices steady. Local banks and trust companies did a good loan business. Discount? ranged from 4& to P.a per cent, with the prevailing rales between and 6 per cent. CORN WAS THE LEADER. IN OPTION TRADING. LATE NEWS SENT FUTURE MARKET UPWARD. Wheat Responded and There Was a General Advance in Prices. j..Dullncss'ana apathy wcro tho distinguish- ed characterisUces of yesterday's wheat market. Corn showed some activity, ad- vancing sharply after the first decline. This strength of the coarser grain was the only explanation of the stiffening of wheat to- ward the end of the' session. All the early wheat news was bearish. Cables were. off. Receipts both In the Northwest and In.Bt. Louis wero heavy end there was no evidence of pufiicient foreign demand to justify further buying. A bearish card was tho report of tho Cincinnati Price Current that no change in the crop condition bad been noted since the Issuance of the monthly Government estimate. , Dec. wheat opened unchanged and sold t TlriC. 71c, TlHc, "ltfc, 71iC 71g71Kc. 71c. 71071V4C, 71Hc 71U71iic. 71c, 71c. 70?ic. TOJiSTlc, ngTIHc 71Sc, 71Hc, Tl&STlUc, and 1VC. A net gain of USUc was recorded. May ripened and closed unchanged at 73c. Com showed considerable strength. There was an early rush to sell on weaker for- eign markets and a general desire to real- ize, but later news was of a distinctly hull-- , lsh character. The Cincinnati Price Cur- rent had the temerity to put Its judgment against that of tho Government experts to the extent of asserting that the condition of tho crop had not deteriorated since the August crop report was issued. This Inspired many buyers with new con- fidence and the effects "of the early selling were quickly wiped out. Reports of heavy .sales for export helped the bullish cause along. Dec opened He off on early selling anS ertld at 5SHc to SSc, ES'.ic JSHfjIsyic. TSMc KHC WUeSSXc 5Sic MUSKSc 5S?sC SSMc ESHc Mti'SSHc, 5Stfc CSKi65S$C fSUC JSc. 57&C, 67Tc 58c, SRffoSUc SSc, 68S5SK,c JS.c. BUc, ESTkC. ESUe, S5Si3SVc. SSJsC 6$X,55SVc. EC oSis55Stc 5S.ic 5S&C BSc and 3STc May sold at fiOc 60c 60c tWsC tt)c 6314c, RrXc MTiC 5Sc Hic and CO;c There was little oats in sight In a specu- lative way. May sold unchanged at CJc and closed with a bid of 33H&KHIC Receipts of wheat In St. Louis were 11J,-3- bu., compared with 139,667 bu. a year ago. Of these. 3,446 sits, and 118 cars were local and 14 cars through, compared with 5.B11 tits, and 112 cars local and .47 cars through a year ago. RccelDts of wheat at nrlmarv nolnts.worn 1,48X950 bu., compared with l.OuO.WO bu. a year ago. Shipments 73,053 bu.. compared with 777.-0- bu. same date a year ago. Receipts of wheat at Minneapolis and Du-lu- th were 746 cars, compared with 311 cars feame date a year ago. Receipts of corn at St. Louis wero 37,000 bu., compared with 40,SD0 bu. a year ago. Of the receipts 43 cars were local and 4 through, compared with 14 cars local and 37 cars through a year ago. Receipts of corn at primary points were 3573a bu., compared with 4K,0 bu. a year ago. Shipments 132,751 bu., compared with 1,0K.-06- 0 bu. the same date a year ago. Receipts of oats at St. Louis were WM1 bo., compared with .6,440 bu. a year ago. Of the receipts IS'cars were local and It cars through, compared with 11 cars local and 8 cars through a year ago. i Receipts of oats at primary points were 401,867 bo, compared with 409,1X10 bu. a year ago. Shipments 303.306 bu.. compared with 376,-W- 0 bu. same date a year ago. Cash Grain, Flour, WHEAT Cash Market-B.eoeh- -ed. Z.K ,i. and 118 car local and 14 cars through. Sales or TCo. 2 red it J0i4c thin and W'i870c E. side: Xo. 3 rw quotabto at C0&5CC and No. 4 at Gi5CS"c. Pkd. In elevator: 70o for No. 2 red and lc. ro 2c less tor No.. 2 and No. 4; hard winter t tSMie for No. 2 and CSc- fpr 2o. 3, outride rates for Kansas. COR1C Cash Market Receded. 43 cars local and 4 cara .through; S7.c fcr No. 2 and N. 2 ellow. del. H. ide. St 2 white lirousH JSV--i this side. No. 3 white filing at S5Uc. ltrr-r- t) elevator: No. 3 mixed or better Jielllnr at lc ulwVr and No. S ivMt' r lvtter nt IVc. puce. OATS-Oa- sh JLIarket Itflved. 2S can. lncal n4 11 cars IhrouKh. Nn. 2 frOld nt 37c: No. 3 at rfiUc, and chqle uorth 37-- c No. 2 while ol 07Uc for prior to SSs for fanr, tl. tide; No. 4 whit at Eiltc.-- - KYE Steady and lulet. No. 2 3CUr tit.. 71ARLEV Quotable at 3SC:, acrordins to welrtt and color. J'LAXSEBD--No market. rllUR Quttatlnnn on soft, winter, for cirlnl on trk.: TatentK J2.4iH3.i: rtmlKhti .trt.): ritra ranry ts.iO on oft wlnti-r- , for luts on trk.: I'aients J3.4fts?3.0): Mralrhtx S3.2iMt3.30: .x. tra fanov t3.fCff3.1S: clear f2M)rj2.i. llaril win- ter tn Jute sk W.WSr2.7S for clear. S3.i;fi3.nj for oralcntf. and J3.13B3 23 for patents: sprlns-whe- at patents i3.2U33.44 In bulk, 35c Higher In Wood. RYE FLOUR-Jobb- ing at J3.W In skj. anj 83.49 In hols. COBNUEAL-Cl- t- meal. f. o. b., f5.50: pearl meal, crtts and hcmlnv J3.2J. HAT Received Id tons local and 251 tons throuah: shipped 239 ions. Prices K. trie, ns follows: Timothy 313.S0 for choice. 312sri3 tor No. 1. ttoBlJ for No. 2: clowr 511ill for No. 2. and SIS for No. 1; clover mixed rancea at 85 to 811.M: prairie, this Fide, Ji!8i.:.o for No. 1 and f?n for No. 2; alfalfa S12':.w. LEAD AND SPKLTEn-Fpel- ttr at JJ.83 nsVed. 3ad dull, with soft Missouri cuotaMe at d at 84.32 and chemical htrd at tl 35." v Prlpen'on 'Chance, -- Th following tahlenshow the range of prices la future and carii rap: Clonet7) Tfaniriwl n,.i.a Wednesday. Teaterday. Teeierday. "Vfheat Sept .. ..t n .Jtee ...... ,., ..71', 71V1171S ,My ., ..f.. h Corn Sept ... '.MV. n ....ft ... 37 li Dec , ... ..Willi Ks;j;v;, Tday ... .. ..b tl'.l, Ort Tt -- .. ."., n IVc 27 1. May ... ..J3i,l. ....n. 23'JP'.i b Cash wheat, corn and ealr ranccd: Yostfjdaj . t"edirsday. T.i Vr. .v ""at ; re i.";-o- .i' .1 nii tiimri No. 3 red RS I7i Ti 7nij 72 '6I71 No. 4 reil s no is f?f,s 71 5ilU ?Co. hard ....'WtK'l r.titfirs raJ&7i " No. a hart . .... GtUrtiij rs tin r, m-- Nn. 2 mxd..K5ieM iS'rKt; 4" mvX NX 2 whe..:..a:ii?.... Wit.,. Jitjo'...: No? c ndxed-.- JS ;7J is ftssu 2SIUi0 No. 4 niliea....""i."7 23 No. a whlte....57-fv;'- J tvt ors'f 1 K4li No. 2 jellow-....E7'.i- t'itt.;.. 40lJf!l vNo, 3 CUow..E7 f57v; s STWtl 40 0 ... Cats N'n. mxd.TU.... 27 17'f 22 322'. Jfn. 2 Northfrn.S7H0.... 27 (ft7"4- - ....ft,... Nn, 2 white,... J3i t73St4 2K'? No. a wtc..jrr;tr3t 37H'2s 24UCT2- -. NO. 4 -- white r4B5S 27 TT7l 23ii82l No. S mixed... .37 BST-- l SC trait 2lSi.... No. 4 1n!xcd....3GH37 255936 Stocks of Grmtn In Store. r. Tesdan Tr. nen ..3.343.424 3.3S1.KI1 4.670.S20 Corn.... S1.KSI ifc.7Sl ptl.T"1'. ots.....,..., Last 35.7M 4I.rl77 jive ............a ...i .... 7I.W2 4!VI 2.201 Barley .... 3.2M . 3.332 No. 2 rod wheat... ..,.2.t77.02; t,34.lfl! l,72n.47 NaT! hartL........v .... ,n,127 315 Of.l IBT.sTn No. 2 mixed corn... .... 2W.S72 2T.Cv.otT 3.71fi Ntv.5 white .... 14.042 i.2k; se.i No.,? mrxed oAta.... 1.1!.9l! J!7.W2 37.27 .No. 2 white.. .... M.OM 1.S15 wo. : rye; S9.KS C4.6)S 'iisii No. i yellow corn.:...:... 1S7.S73 " . St. Crb Market. 7l' - "tot's ruts. 71tf71iic Wd: -- aula. JlMrnUc .rE. tw 3c: 0txt 6SHrzc; tails. rritX J- - .- -. . ,. - . L0UIS MARKETS. ST. LOUIS PRODUCE MARKET. Fruit, Ycgeiable, Poultry, Egg and Uulter Quotations. Carrent receipts rold at 15c. Io off. for near- by. Receipts 1.476 cases: shipmeMts 10 catcs. Dairy l'ruductr. Ttulter Firm and unchanged. Quotations: Oeimer- - 215121: firsts 13c: seconds 16ijl7c. Dalrj- - Bktra ISc; flrnta Italic. Country Choke lie; poor to fair srl'ic: creaie 4c Ladle-packe- d Uxtra 13c: llrsts 13VJ. CHiees1 Jcbliing: Twins at 19T;c: singles lie; Calrles llhe: Y. A. ll'sc: lone herns 115.c: N. T. larKe lie: N. Y. email IPic. Llmbutfier at 114c. Snlss New at ir. old at 17c. HricU llUc l'ruvlalouA. lork Now Ftai:dard i;.M In a Jobbing nar. Lard-Cho- ico ttiara c. side $3.23 in jobbing wa. Green Hams. Etc. In car lots f. o. b. K. side: llamr in a. at ljifcc: Jii at S5,c: lis at 10c: Ids, lSi, and ?.; nt &1.I.? .linn(.,4 hqm, . nv u, ict'- - ! ivjTas at jy;c: na:ts at mc; CailfomUs at Wi'ic: 7Ccw- - io:K rhoulclers at 7"ic From tho "jock uei.: iianis nt !i"ic fcr averaKe to SI.c for bellies at kSfrWc as tn axcrage; Callfornlus at 7Uc; New York shoulders at 7a s". arrhe. srO. cuied held at J8.f2' c, I. f. l!vd. lots In a Job- bing way- - ranscd: Kxtra shorts at :v: c'rlbs 9c; clear sloes at Sc; bellies at SllSlO'ic. as In average; plates nt SV; fat backs at TUc: standard backs ut S"c Dealers charce higher on oroers. Dicon Bid. s. c. meats In a Jobbing way raKff,:. Rrcahfast bacon at from lie for heavy to IJ'tC for choice IIkIu; hams at lie to Oilifornia at 7?4C to ic. as in average. .N,w xork shoulders at 7?.c llaln smoked bxd. meat In a Jobbing way rangedr Kxtra short nt 9c: c ribs at 3ic: clear fides at JHc; bellies at Skc to ira-- as In axerace; plates nt 7Sc; fat backs at s,e; standard backs at SHc. charge ntrner on orders. fountrv Ilacon Qnn:c prime meats: sides at saSHc: shoulders at E'jc to c: hams at SW9HC 1). s. m&ats He per lb. less. Oleo Ptearlne held 4it 10 Tallow-stea- dy: prime country at 4mT3c: No. 2 Stir01 C3le nt 5''ic. Packers' choice hi Id nt SN'SS'.e K. sl.le. Orea.e Small, Irregular lots country: Brown ot3.c: yellow nt 4c: whito r.t 4V- -c Pack-er- a stock Uronn at 4;S41c; yellow at4US435c; wnlte at 3S3UC Beef-- On orders: rtbld. Mess at J10; Fultnn Ilarket at S10 M; dried at llc to 12c and 13c per lb., as In kind: tonxnes at 14He per lb. LIK roULTRY Chickens Yonnjr hens 7c: roosters, old or stagay ycung. Sc Turkers Itnund lets SJiSlic. Ducks Sc Gtcse (tnD for 3c Spring chickens selling by wclcht Sc lor avcrace receipts; those weighing less than a Pound net wante.1. Fprlnc ducks Choice white Cc per lb : small and dark Sc per lb. Sprlne f" tie per lb. Young turkeys Ho per lb. for larjce. c?Mc. for small. Plreons 00c per doz. liRES-n- n lITLTnY Iced stock, scalded and undrawn, with heads and legs on: Chickens aerate 7';c: nsters 4c. To rkers Average fie. Ducks 7c. All poor stock. Including sweating. H'.,n- - enwnr. etc.. nominal. Spring chickens 10V- - Itoatlnc rigs 7sct$l per head l:AL3-cho- lce fat nt Sc; heretics, rouch. small and thin 233c. Spring limbs 334c Fall lanbe 2c; thin "c and bucks ISlUc per lb. t.Alin Squirrel nt 7icfil per doz." for vounc: old n't wanted, rioxcr at fl.23 per doi. Wood- cock t,.Wv per dos. ritOCJ LKCS Large SI per dot.; medium 0c: rmall lOc. Hides. Dry flint Choice Texas heavy JI'Sc; average Texas lUac: aierage receipts KgH'sc: selected .o. i ic: eieciea ro. 2 13'Se bull S"c. lie; sclecled No. 1 ll'Jc; selected No " i Green-salte- d Round 7c; selected No.' i .'lc; selected No. 2 C: bull fc. Dry glue Tc; green glue 4c. llorfe hides O'ctn-salte- d No i" No. 2 $1.30: pony and Blue Be. or green lc per lb. less than cured. . IVnoI. 3Itrotlr! X llltn,.!.! (.oarse A low. .12 913 Med. comblnir..l7 ifK'i! Hue .med im'(ri3 JMc- d- i!othng..H! (iic--j Medium 15U Hrald and low.13 WItPJ Light fine Ilfjcfl2 Heavy fine .... SUttlO mixed , 14 fit JJakou i Weslerii Sllsbt. burry Itrlghl med ...1VJ iiaiu uurry ..10 eio'i Dark med M Light line .. ..13 ttlt 1'ine med 12iil3 Heavy line . ..10 fcll IJght fine 125I" Lamb Heavy fine .... &C313 la.. Wis. ,fc iinn. Ark. south Jlrisht lied ....IS Sled. Keeces)...16i Karl, med 1; tn JIel. (.loose) ...i;U Hrald and cuit-I'i- II Q12'.i md K'ifrli:1 Jiani Durry ... ti uni u TubuaslieH Heavy fine ....ini'.fjii No. 1 21 Kansas Xebraska No 2 20 21 Drlcht med ...lti" Slight burry ..13 lark . sanJy..l21Jftll Hard burry ...12 13 Kin med ....1314 Ansora Goat Hair Light tln .....liufrt Ling 14 j?is Heavy line ...'. lO'.jShort 'and iovv'.'.U gi I'rnKsi una Vccetnblen. rnACIHS eo.i.1: prices unchanged: n at lonj-- perbu. crate: I0tr40e per i.; i;ff20e it bu. u,; fancy ""ai. hlcher. some silling from TIcfjJl V). NLIV Ari'LKS-Iteccl- pts iicht: market sound, d ipiote range: 50Sf75c I J.'h"' ".' .:;i yi ,)bl- - for fa,r ,0 cl,oc 1.2.iBl.rfl ror fancy varieties; home- grown at 4ytc per bid. i1'K!trnrm "r Kved 'tick, with fair offer- ings, home-Krov- common varieties plenty and .JJJ'ifKSP pf.r, Jvbu- - 'tot and at Jt Mffl2 l tjir Lw" -r bbl.: Uartletts J2.E) PLUMS Lew er: small rid home-grow- n at 20JP .M per iMsket and 40c per basket s: Mlchlgm 25c per basket. 'LVI'fcSrirm at f0323c Tor Delaware In 11 baskets: Concord In Mb. biskets lOSlsiv home-grow- n Omcords In i..,u baskets li3ic: il.,rinh,asC,lerCpe? 80."'' K,Wras CIUI!PI'I.i:s-Pil.rl- an i020c per bu. bas- - ket; other varieties 1362.70: ,bl. Jl.Wg.T73 for SI- - IlLrnnKRRICiS-Srsirr- p. NorUiern In t,en,iln'l nt fl.7Xr2 per .ase. WXlX-tifc- JTa Cang rUaV0t li.r.ocr- for fumy and Slfl.M lor 3 crntes Plentirul: ccnsln-- d slmv and dull." Illinois "jiri, JI per , rate; geirj. 3j7-- ikt i. bjrket. Mir 1.-- 4 large crate: Tvnnse lift;.),. basket: him;-Kro- gems 23f;S0e per hll hoi ' 1..VU1 uu.v v lltl'IT-l-ir- m. Ouotc: Prunes-Trac- edy and c.ejnian 2'ii2.2.i. ji.s n,i HurlnV. mini- - fin. lrVut near? 5 s- 3-- -- : nectarines SI.2", IHr ho,; iearhee i)i SI for Cravfonl nnd roster; Tokay trapes s, 4r2.S0 crate. LKSIONS-l'nchat'- ged Quote: California at J2 for common. J2.77 for choice to It for fane?" In a lobbing way repacked KIcilj- - ,;.n and J) iS for Verdelll. and California at flat 4.2j ier lox by deilctr. OJtANGltf-stea- Jr. Oar lots on trie: Lat. vA. lencla. t3.r. for choice to 34 for f jney: j AS. bins wav SI.2;O4.S0 n hox: Itessina blood oranSr. in half bxs. (Si and 10 slier) at J2 Per K hSr Jobbing prices Kc per box hlrjhcr than car lots! j;eTlcan $4i4.ra per box. . ri.snAPl'Ll.S-S2,- (J per specked nnd In- ferior stock cheaper. COCOANJJTH-velli- nr: by deilfrs at J23 per l.ts ' In a mall way nt S3 per 100. itANANA" On oniers Jlp2 per bunch Bt p r wblVo'er'bu-- nrar'"5' ",W flW:0c! JL2T,5rL3.1 tvr k) n, ;t,r.riiic per IK; Itahlmore J1.73S2 per "i: fcr fano Shlpimnln JI ir 1u. P jvr ttIu- - liikct. " " tiTRlN'13 lKANS-j:niIi- yj nrr hit for 1HXTS-J- LS p. r I.W.; 4)ft.Vr per (0t A niinlr MlrMcan at 7fiV fOP m.l: milium l5ff3tV; 3an;o Siftjflc inn Uoz tutri hf. Crlcrv roott. 15SV pr floz ri;rr.;HP V auoto Nurthom at.-5- 0c txr U TTL'rn IIo'ne-Krtw- n wftrth IsVr35e fvfi lox: Northom KRG!I.NT Ni irt-n- - dull an.l not "want--d: l &z in doz. CAUIIOTS Nvrtlicm SCfir per doz. tiimches: TintXiP-XorthPr- n CcanSc rrr lu. VAliSUKT IIiotip-ktow- at J0930C per flos, bunohr: Northern rfiOKc. SWCrrr POXATOKS Nw homp-srnw- n Ber- muda tlt.rA t?r liu. loose: 7JcCJl per Vfnpinia red 5X SQTTARH-S- Or per tox. IlCTAKAGAS-fl.- 1c per bu.; JNJcJl per bbU HATMSHES iec per doK. bur.chi-- i. SPINA CI I Ki4-)i- per hu. box for home-pnu- RAUEKKRAirr Hand-mad- e $3 per and: 1Z.IQ per bbl. Mincellaiipon 3Iarkcfn. FKATHKIIS In demand; mni..v-- Irlme live corvi In Tmall bW. 4Cc; tn larEf 5k,. ac frrav Ztc n small. Sc In Urgt ckn.; old white SSflXc X r?3-Jc- : XX Ifiswv; XXX. IOGTOj; XXXX Cc chicken 3cl trk-- y laUlSs, winar Sc, pointers 7c: wlnir nnd.tAH. 10n winnr. (all an.l pointers. Tc; bodv Cc; duek-wh- lie 33c: dark 25c. DEER SKlNa KTC-rrl- me deer cklni tSc lh.; Texas at 20c; nntelone iCc per lb.; roat Sc tfl 27ic-ac- h; dumajied onL ftKESWAX Quote At 26Ui wot Ih f mm. 6I1KRP pctta nominally 3W1 k: -- s.u- tn unoatrt:Arnnni iDereon-.ijinj- o at lCesOoFliearllns at iSIZe; dry slock, fallen, tic. 7'tc iier1 lb. KtKTS Ulnsrng at from 34 25 to 55; lady at 6c? seneca at 2n?: pink nt 14c: goliltn seal, rprlwr dug. 4hc; heavy, fall dug. 4c: M.iv apple at 2ic: wahoo bark of root sc: bark of tn-- 2'-- c: enako at 30c; black at 4c; annellta nt 4c: Modi 2V: blue flag 3c; skullcap leaica Sc: fasifras bark 4c: wild clnacr 4c. CASTOIt hi:ans-i- h,i jlj-- , r,;r bu. for prime In car lots: small lots and Inferior lew. LlNSKl:t,01I,-Ka- w- Kc: boiled He: lc per gal. less in car lots. COTTON-SURI- I yellow nt 33c; white 4i)o: winter e!lon 42c and white 43c. HCMHSi:i:D-Ite- st kile at J2.7HH per 100 It, pure test. Dnii:D GltEKN 'KASi:-.tobfc- lng from store at 11.40; Sonich $1.41: split Jt.1. nillTi: kcd -a bean" In a Jobbing way from ttore at $333 10 per Int.: screened at J2.73 per bu. Uma lieans at XSS'jC for California, d'.4st;o for lmporteil: car lots Uj leBe. MORS Market stead; machine-picke- d In bet demand: ofTerlnrs liberal: gray mixed l'S?tlc; cra. broun and blnii. n.r?e: broan and Mack ,'S;J ' at !rt3'tc: .X at 3"iSlc: XXX at 4'ii3c: XXXX at ISJliC; t'r.KK' !''': extra Idack Cc. i:.MI"TY IIAllllEus-C- oll oil. turpentine and gao!lne. P.V; lnegar 70c; black oil SOc- - linseed Pglit oil and nrnjh 75c: eUKar 13c: whisky 7rc: do half-bbl- 3c: wine PV. Fanerkratit 3.c: pickle 45c: salt Sc: Hour 1.V: tno'ace.. imc: lrd tcs. Jl.15; J3..- - o.f for each broken head; 2c off for each hoop missing. IUtOO.1I CMUN-Noml- firm. Quotable per ton: Common at JCO: fair at $73; choice short brih J') HO."i:.S-Ch.- ie blenched at JI3 per ton; other kinds from $10 to $14 SCUM' Illtl.V AND MET.MJ-'-rr- r 1) IH: W roLcht iron tic; heay cist 4"c: malleiiMe TIV; ttel 3V- - breakiice 2Cc: Move 2'"V; burnt Jf-- . Ilcht brass $7.:j; heavy brass i; mi 'per $13; zinc $2.23: lead $2 10: pewter $12. UIGHVINi;s yuot.ihlc on a bisis of $1.20 per gat. TOP COP.N (on Cnld-Ou- ete rjngc from e'e for mixed tn $1 for choice white rice. GHASS s $;ftj 40 bid for prime nw to arrive. Millet scarce nnt llrm nt JI.1W i iv a loi soiii on p t. ;iover of clean and goou grade would bring $10 for old nnd $10.50 for new. Nothing doing in other seeds. DItlKD nttJIT-On-ly a few small lots of the new crop (apples) received. Theso eold at & for d quarters to 7c for evaporated lings. d at 44c: evaporated at Sc and chops nt lHc. LUMBHR From flrt hands quctatlons rsnge as follows: roplar at $27fi2S and $17tlS; -- lnch at tJSiiXl and $135i20: h and thick- er at $31fi3l and $21Sf22: squares 4x4 nt $22 and $11: SxS to 7x7 at $27 and $17: FxS and up at JSOS1 2J an.l $20S22. Oak-Pl- ain sawed inch nt $2151:0 and $lttfl6; Vi to 2 Inch at $ri27 and $l5fl!7: 2ix.i-Inc- h at $265?JS and $1S; quarter-sawe- d white Inch at $.tGil2 an.t slfittll- - 11i71lt.incti nt S?Ki4l and $1S?T21; quarter-sawe-d red. Inch at $2GiJ2S nnd iii?i5. i '.ill ;i. inch at $2Slr. and f IS?!-:- llst-- r and reachers $21: tonsues at $30. Ash at $24g2R and llt:tia. lU91l;-lnc- h at $23S27 an I $Io5J17. ', to 4 Inch at $51 and $20. lllaek nt $70 and $40 end S30. Cherr.v Clear and second at $0i; common 530 and culls nt $12. Hick- ory nt $2S and $10: hlckorv axles at $30 Cod-i- r at $237i"2b and SljSTlG; pests at 17c to 20e each, ac- cording to size. Svcamore nt SH for increhintn-l.l- e stuff; do Tiarter-sawe-d nt SItffl'i and $12. ottonwood Mill run at $i2tri3: iiox honnis tn Inrhes and evert at $22: gum it iSW for cap $2: at.d $11 for red. Cirrots at $2SH3 and SlSnlt - chflce Iulslana worth more. Maple at $12 for soft. Orders higher. POUI.TKV. Trlccii rirm on .ll Linen 1ml the OvtTlockciI fefirlnxci-H- . RrauriLic splcial. New TTork, Sept. 12. Live poultry Itecelpls wero 11 cars of Wtern and a llttlo ex- press sprinkling. There was a continued fair demand In proariss and tho market y ru'rd stiady on weighing stock, with protinrcts of :i clearance rather favorable, with the exception of spring chickens, hut It Is thought that er.oush of the latter will r.o over unsold to materially affect prices next week. Ducks dragslng. with 0o top on best and rninv being lesold for less man cost, ueeso stcadv: no change in quota-tlon- s. Dressed poultrj Hecclpts y 1,313 pkgs; thv receipts y were fairly liberal and Included considerable that was duo cster-da- y, while several scatterln? lots ale still due for later In the week: the demand was largely from the shop trade for the small lots, although a few- - d llnfs went to Jobbers: fowls woro steady at llo and. while leally fanev and scalded chickens sold fairly well, the market was dull and heavy on ordinary grades. Many useful lots of scalded were urged to salv nt 10c, and at lie. It looks ns If the market will clean ud tine goods, but many chick- ens will have to be cleaned up at low prices. Sprlrg turkejs dull: squabs working out at un- changed prices, iced poultry Sprlne chickens, dry picked and scalded. (Kor to talr, 7iflCc Other quotations remain unchanged. Chlcaio. Sept. 12. Iced poultry steadv: turkejs case: chickens. Including springs. S'l&llc. EgRi. RETTJBLIC SPECIAL New York. Sept. 12. Eggs Hecclpts y cases. The weather is warm and sultry and nil together unfavorable, and, with the average indifferent quality of the nrrivals, receivers met wlih considerable difficulty In placing their goods. esicially In the full nssortnunt offered tiuers were disposed to shop, nnd In the dread of losing sales there was more or les irreguiarlty in prices, and It Is safe to say tint on th general run of regular marks prices wero fullv I cent a dozen otf of last week. Graded seconds under brands of established reputation found sale nt 13c. nnd the samn price could to pot for closely candled dirties, but Irregular stock had to sok buvers nt about 10c. or the price rf prime checks. No business in refrigerators except to regular trade in a small wav, nnd considerable lots of ftesh receipts are golrg Into ware- house awaiting a more active market. Quota- tions are unchanged. Kansas City, Mo.. Sept. 12. Kgcs firm; frtsh Missouri and Kansas nock quoted on 'chanso lie dcz, loss off. cases returned. Cotton. NCW York. Sout. 11 Th. m.irkrt tor tntinr fit. tmes opened Hlcadi In tone, with prtecs 1 to point, nlphtr on llnht foreicn Iuj!iip, ami In sympathy with ilrm ialil. jn aft- er tho rail weakness deiopei undr j,lllns of lone cotton by loom ortiatois and hnm irrs-mr- o from tho bears, piompted by rr ports that pft cotton In the South wai bclrc offered at lower pr!cs. This, and New Orlejng fiRurpd as a Ifndlnir factor, nnd before midaftcrnoon pricey were off 10 point", with th tnnf T.eak. Thft KncltMh market afI off joni"-wh- at to conform with oar icactlon. but. cIvM nearly with th bct tlpurei f tho day. !); destruction by fire of X00) bales In wnre-bcu- here lart nlsht mad no impress ton. Ileceipts P'fctltled to the litcncs of the crop oer the Ka;tern lxlt. Texaa con-- t iitud to out rotton at it rnte which con tinned forc-- matui-emen- t In Auc. The weather in tic belt win quite faorabl to plck-Ini- r. and to the best intercf-t- of the plants but a tropical storm of tonlderuhlc intpirlt wai re- ported to be moWne rapidly toward Southern Florida from Porto illco. In tho last half-hou- r room liquidation liroke the market to tho low-f- ft lecl of the dnj. Cloeil barely steady, net T&li) points lower; Sept. 1.74i; Oct, "..'..To: Nov. T.Kc; Dec T.Mc; Jan. 7 57c; Feb. c; March T.CIc: April 7.62c: Ma- - Spot cotton closed quiet middling upland S'rc; do Oulf fiic; 'iles ST. bale- -. New Orleans Sept. li Cotton steadv: pair a l.STifl: Onltnarv 5c: ffood ordlnarj' low middllnf? i4cr mlddtlnir S cood middlim; S 7lCc mlddllnir fair S Receipts r.l; utocl. 3Ts073. Cotton future barclv steatly. Sept. T.71i 7.72c; Oct. 7.4.W7.t6c; Nov. 7.??7.4lc: Dec. 7.42fi7.3c; Jan. 7 AZii7 IV: Te4. 7.42S7 4tc; March 7.431? 7.44c: April 7.4:7 4to; Mav 7.t3f;7.4V. I,lverptwlt Sept. ;2. otton Moderate tiu;lnea: prices steady; A men. an middling .Vid; pooil mhl-all- 3d; middling 4 low middlinp 4 HOfMl ordinary' ordlnnr 3 Kale- .000f of which C were for rpeculetlen and and Included CSfX) hali Amrlean. Ttecelpt 400 bales alt American. Futures opene-I Hteady and cloM steady. American mlddlfnr 1. :n. c,: Sept. 4 fi.: Oet. . o c. 4 s; Oct. and Nov. 4 1.; Nov. and Dec. 1 15--4 4 164d !.; Dec. nnd Jan. 4 n.; Jan. an.l rcb. A l.iId s.: Peb. and March 4 v.: March nnd April I 1V6464 ., April and May 4 1.VG.31 b. Wool. New Tork. Fept, 12. Wool dull. I'ptmleum. New Yoil;. Sent. 12- .- ivtrolpom dull. OlJ City. Pa. Sept. 12. Credit balance, ji.s; certlflenten. no bid: shipment 3: neroKe fvii; nins 102.3PS; aerKe 75.17. ltuttrt nnd Cliecne. New Tori.. Sejit. 12. Ilutter-Kecel- pU 4,K lVps: Heady; stite iliiry I41t4": crenmerj lSHQ204e; June pa. ked factory 14fil5'ic Cliee. Ttecelpta 5,4 W pkes.: uteadv; fanry lare S4sTiS"ic; fancy lirce white SiS"c; fancy Final roloied fjrey sitnll nh't- SUc. CldeaRo, Sept. 12. On the Prcduce Kxehanpe ttie hotter market nap steady: cream- - erlett HffSOc; tliiiries I3fti7c. Clieese steady. S1 10;c. r.Kizs Arm; frcm 12'.le. Dry Good. New York. Sept. 12. Advice of sn are re- ported In numerou lines of staple prints; nlo advances ft Uc In Prult of the lxim, lonIa?e awl Rival 4 blenched cotton: good general demand for cotton fabric nnd tone of the mar- ket strorr throughout. "Further ale of regular print cloths at 3c. and Eastern Jtocks of regu- lars said to be cleared up. Cctton linings ad- vancing In staple arlclies Supra r. New York. Sept. 12. Sugar Raw teadv; fair refihlns 3'ie; centrifugal 35 tet 3aic; molasre ugar 3c; iefine! steadj; crushed 3.7sc: pondereJ .35c: granulated r.2ic New Orleans. La.. Sept. 12. Sutrar quiet: jellow 4ff?4e; iconds 2f3c. Jdolasec steady; centrlfjgal 5r,it-- . Coffee. New Tork. Fcpt. 12.-- Coflee stead); spot RID 7 ?i".ic: mild c,ulet. i m DUCKS WILL BE SCARCE. Drought Will the Hunting Nt-a- r HI. .Josopli, 5Io. 8t. Joseph. Mrf., Bcpt. 12.-- SI. Joseph Kporlsmen are lone faces in con- templation of the iilmost total absence of duck and other shootlns th's fall. The cause Is tllo drought of Ust Bummer, nhleh left the lakes mul creeks nlth very llttlo water In them, nnd the the ntisenct" of ruin ()imiitlt)es Flnce then to brine water bodies up to their normal stale. The Missouri Itlvcr hn not been fo low at this point "for many years and the water In Lake Contrary. St. Joseph's summer resort, has receded to such a decree that th Casino Theater, tho under part of which is tho boathouse, has been left high abd dry. AUTOMOBILE .HANDCAR. Burlington Hallway Facilitates the Work of Its Employes. REPUUl.IC SrECIAI.. St. Joseph. Mo., Sept. 2. An automobile handcar has heen built at the Uurllnijton shODS in thl.qrKv nnrl will .&Yi!r,fw1 An HrrV- - lCO at once hv tho rnnrlnvt.tor nml telecranh Jine inspectors, ino appcaranco of toe car a Buiinur- to me averago nanuenr. except that 1t Is DroDOlled In- - m. nmnll zmsnllno en- - filne. It ha been tried and works atlsfae- - uirajr. (U3&Ir.,:n..i-.- . JPGli&J..Y6t4.... ,- - NERVOUS TRADING AT HIGHER PRICES. CEREALS TOOK AN UPTURN ON CUfcJAGO CHANGE. Fear of Frost in Hie Northwust .Was Given as an Excuse for Roosting Corn. Chicago. Sept. 12. Grains In general wero quiet on the Doa'rd of Trade with .1 little nervous activity In corn as the only feature. Dec. wheat closed jC higher than jeatenluy; Dec. corn was up ?sC to He and Dec. outs Uc higher. Provisions were lather dull, but closed .7c to 10c higher. Wheat. Dec. whent opened rather steady nt 70'c( or tinder jcstTOay's dose, on lower eal'It.". urKC receipts, moderate clearances and Indifferent oa-- demand. Local con- dition', however, played some part, and under buying by shorts and 11 fair cnmmls-slon-hou- demand at low figures tho price fluctuated narrowly till It touched c, whero It closed. Local receipts were 208 cars, C of contract grade; Minneapolis anil Duluth ' reported 74-- i cars, malting a total for the three points of D54 cars, against 3,051 last week and 74rt a year ago. Trimary receipts wero 1,133,34$ bn against 1.DU.727 bu. a year ago. Ship- ments were 7S1.123 bu., against Sl,r0S bu. last year. Twenty loads were taken for export and the clearances' of Atlantic and gulf ports In whtat and flour equaled KS9.-- bu. Corn Corn had something of a nervous, active market, which opened higher on fear of frost In the Northwest. Dec. opened un- changed to JJc higher at G7fG7Vic but was at once depressed by largo offerings by the same crowd of long- - who sold jesterday. The price slipped back by degrees till It reached .'C5',c on a llttlo nervousness, and on a icport of some ea.-d- i demand the cereal lirmed up well till it stood v,g,'c better than yesterday's close at 37Jao7!5C. Re- ceipts were 25J carh. Oats had a dull and featureless market. Inclined to follow corn, but fluctuating oniy narrowly, nee. opening very quiet and unchanged at ?;,TtZSc There was little outside trade ami but scattering demand, which made the highest price for tho ses-'sl- jy;;c whero it closed. Receipts were ".'S cars, Ilttne of FntnrcH. Articles. renins. Htcliest. Iet. Closing. v ncai epr. lU't llP !!" ahl's T4gl, IV L Ctrn-Sc- pt. J", (n'4 M. 1. J7 ffl OT'a WS C7VS1!: Slay 5Ti"Si !3 Oats-S- tpt 33?,, '5 S3H 53', ,'' - S1 l"- - ,ay 3;'ii' a;i, 7'i 371s, Jlcrs rork-Ss- pt. ll.Jtf H.71) 14.63 ll.M Oct H.UTi JI.mH 4.t.7i 14.75 Jhh 15.70 1.1.M 1J.70 Iird Popt S.4j 9.4j .43 t SJJft 3.;j 11.4". Jan 9.12'i 9.2J 9.10 9.17'i Sh rt Kllis Pept. S.M .y) 8.C0 Oct S.Kli K.f.75 S.'iT'.s Ji.n s.ojii s.i: s.o; S.15 ItecelntN nml Slilncienlr. Artlclos. rtcc. Fhlp. riour. lfcl.s 22,'W) 24.ui) Wheat. t)U 333.0W "VU0j Com. Im Mi,o, SC.0,0 oats. Lu .ai..'i ai.cft) Jtje, liu i.) 3.0ii Ilarfey, bu 1C6.W 43.C00 I'rmlnloDK, There was a moderate trade In provisions with a Arm undettone on demand for cash lard and ribs, buying by Cudahy bein ;raos prominent. Jan. porK opened 'sufiSo down at sis wm.i.rz". as rest at "sioTO and closed llrm at ?IS.S0. Jan. lard opened She under yesterday at KUiij and at ono time touched 9.10. but closed firm nt $3.17',2. Jan. ribs opened 2',c under yesterday nt JS.OTii nnd tinned up to $3.13, closing pretty liim at JS.12s to $?.13. Bstlmnud receljits for Wheat, KQ tan,; corn, 229 cars; oats, 125 cars; hogs, iO.OCU head. .1IAHKKTS BV TEf.rZCRAPII. Nw York. Sept. 12. Flour Itecelpts 15,1'iJ bills.; cxiictts 17,221 bbl?.; sales 13.750 pkRH ; mar- ket was fairly aclhe nnd steadily held, live Hour steady; sales 4(0 bble.: fair to rood J2.80I"1 3.13; choice ta farer JJ.S'a3.a. Ctorrmeal firm: elloiv Weetera It.H; city I1.1C: l!ranilwlnc S3.43 W3.3i. lte qubt; No. 2 Western M'jc f. o. b. afioat: rse 33yrc c. I. f. New York ear lets, llarbv steady; fiedlnff 51c c I. f. ltu'filo; nnltlnr GO&jfMc r. I. f. Iluffalo. Wheat Kecelnti export" 17,0l: rales 2.32.".00i bu. future', 2in,0W bu. spot, tpjt steady Xn, 2 red 7'.3.c f. o. h So 2 rrdi74icele-ator- : No. 1 North- ern Hulutli 7bc niloit: No. 1 bard Duluth nom- inal. Optlonn c)H?ned tiarely steady. They sold off under disappointing cables, blr primary and liquidation, but afterwards rallied on tcerln;r. liberal clearance, sjmpatby with CJrn and export buying, Closed llrm at 'iB?c net alliance. Hay 78rt75Hc. close! 73c: Sept. 74'4 i74i,c. closed 7I'tc; Oct. 73!iff74Vic. cbsed 7l',c: Dee. THi'ic. closed 7'ic. pts expcits I.5t bu.; "ales 15,o) bu. future. 1 IS.WrO spot. Spot matket firm; No. 2 62,c de- lator and C2"ic f. o. b. afloat. Option market de- clined at first undsr reneweii liquidation, weak rabies, larce receipUs en 1 satisfactory weather n'ws. but finally turned "tronr on coverlnc and i xport demand, clnln,r firm and ije net hlcher. Hay G2'T.&t,Tic. clOKed Ci'if. Sept. (iigtilc, cloeil nl,. Hcc. ClS(5CI"'.f. cloed tV,v. l2ii,l'o bu.: exports S.6I7 bu. Spot steady: No. I :c: No. 3 .T7"4c: No. 2 while 4)c; No. J white 3lc; trk. mined Western Jl'jffTJc; trk. white, v.'ntern SS'S8i7c: trk. while state 2S'343c. Op- tions his ned easy, off wbb corn, but flnnl-- I rermreilTallon firnirclty 152 per pks.) iTJie: (Okrlry (pkes. free) s0SatC. Cotton-see- d oil nad; jellow 40Tjjic. Itesin rtrndy. Turpentine Mndy. Itlce steady. Mr lasses steadv. nilcaro. Sept. 12 Cash quotations warn ns follows: llosr Easier: Wheat-- No .1 fU'S67"5e; No. 2 70S7IU-- Oats-N- o. 2 34'ic; No. 2 white No S whltn S..',ift3'.;c. R50 Nn. 2 r3J253t4c. liarlej l"alr to choice maltlnrr 1 flax j.4s: No 1 Northwestern tl S); Clover, contract crade. R 40. l'ro Islons JH ss lnk (per bbl 1 I14 73S14W: lard (per 100 ihs.) J" 23; short rlts sides I loose I, SS.3538.7i); dr' saltM shoulders (bxdi 7UJ7;jc: short clear sides (bxd), .2m?.a). Whisky, basis of blchwines 51.3-1- . wis. Sept. j.. Wheat quiet; No. 1 M70c; No. 2 Northern (n'jflMc: 1 lec. Re steady: No. 1 M'i934e. rtarley No. 3 COc; ramplo 43flMo. Corn Dec. E754SI37'Ae. Toledo, Sept 12. Wheat moderately acihe, hither. Cash and Sent- - 73c: Hec. 7.Tic: Mav 77c fnrn dull; rash and Sept. 2c: Dw. 37c:" Mas-37i- c Itje 13c. Cloierteed active, hither, cash rrlme hM; Dec. J7.23. TImotbyseiI Ji42';. oil iinehanKCil Harms Citv. Sent. 12. Wheat Pent. I4c. Dec Alit' - .nZLf' lh NTrt Un.1 ' Ej- - - No. 2 red CSt.r55c Corn-Se- pt. :&lc; De?. r.7iJe: May : cash No 2 tnlxisl 3siJu,5iie' No" while Mc. Oats No 2 white n7Un2S'c. Rye No 2 S.S-- . liny, iholce timothy 111: do pralrla SH Sk l!ece.ts wheat c;2(i0: corn KSno- - nets, hlpments Wheat lll.iOO; corn 21.0)0: oafs IS y MinneHpolM. Sept. 12. Wheat Cash Ck" May 71577IUc; on trk. No. i hard 70e; Nn i Northern fiV: No. 2 Northern 631.C. rinnr -- first patents 3S3""i3: second patent" Jt c3fr3.TS: first i lears J2.son2.S3; clears 12.20. Hran In bulk JUail.W. Duluth. Sept. 12 Wheat Cash No. 1 bnrd 71c No. 2 Northern te: No 1 Northern W-c- : Sent. W-- c; Oct. ra'se; Dec. CSSQ!.c: Mav 72'ic. Com ao. Oats 3..SHJ2314C. I.liernool. Sipt. 12. Wheat-Sp- ot oulet: No. 2 red Western winter quiet, Ss ll: No. 1 Northern sprlnr 3s 7'id; Np 1 California 5s H'id. rutures uulet: Sept. r.s 65: Dec. Cs 71d. Corn-S- pot steady: American mixed new 5s id. -- Futures oulet: Sept. 4s I0id: Oct. 4s lOid: Nov. 4s lOtirt. 1'rcrli. Sept. 12. Corn macthe: 53e Wd for No. 2. Oats Irrejrular: No. 3 white billed thrcuph. Whisky on the basis of J1.20 for fin- ished KOOfls. .I.IVC STOCK MARKET. Ilntclier Cntlle In Fnlr Snnnlj Horses Lower-llo- ss nml Stieeji null. NATIVE CATTI.E-Itc- ef Steers-Tli- ere was a fair tcpresintatlon of beef rattle on sale, but nothinir as toppy as during the fore part of the week. Sonic lerv decent earllnrcs and steers sold nt ;7..V and 13.73. rospectlicly. and one load of i.S84-l- steer tonpiii the market at 1.1.5s per hundred. Outside of these the bulk of the Iiest slilpplnc and ilressed-bee- f steers noli J3.C3 r0 J3.70: mcllurii kinds sold mainly nt JI.Oo (o J3. Itotb stronrr and weak iiuotatlnns were Indulged in. but these rut no material Ileum In the trade, as the majority of the In- terests caPod the market steady on all kinds. Hotelier Cattle-On- lv .1 fair supply of butcher stuff tins leteived. The quality was scnerallv iilsln, but a slncle load or so of roi-s- kllllnrr kinds bebiR available- - The ceneral trade was Mcndy on butcher cows and heifers: bulls, can-ni- rows ond veal calves were not difforcnt from Wednesday. . Mockers and lVnlers The elarm.cnt condition that has prevailed for the past week en tho iirtht plain io common stotkers and feeders Hm tlIf. lalns. In order to llnd an outlet for hianv of this KTade. the Jocal commission Interests are forced to take cannfr prices ror both rtock steers and rtock heifers, that would ordinarily no lack to tho country. Locnl traders have simply "ia i drnn" on the deal, and conditions af (he worst slnco the glut of dry- - eathcr stuff some wcks ago. There Is no established basis of operations, and definite quotations" are not consistent, for the reason that there Is a bh? arlance m prices on similar grades. Some dealers call the decline 40c to tiOc In the past ten days. Thore Is some country demand for feeders at about steady prices. Scuthern Cattle Receipts of Boathern cattle amounted tn about 77 cars, and consisted of steers of fair quality and some, pretty decent .una mm neners. supp1' UL 'lll ," mau and iiuu icprrscnratlon moderate. iin iiuu-- n Terrt- -i lory furnished the hulk of the offerings, although ' atrKansas and Mississippi cattle wero on sale. No riim xeaturca developeo. ouric- - ocinT ralrly at about meadv prices. HOGS only a moderate supply of hogs ar- rived, and an to quality they were only fair, there being quite a number of pigs and com- mon lights among the offerings, and but few Kod to choice heavies. The representation of uvo weigning 170 to '"'. ,"" " .gooa as visual. Advices were not favorable to sellers, and buyers, especially the packers, were, verr hear- - lsh. The good hoga sold about Ts lower, while 1 the fair to medium ones were 6c. to Kta lower. Trillins on in an kcM hncn wa iramiMbly artHe. ,ut all klniln or trash- nrre lianl tn foil nt any price. Tliw Js pmctlcalli-n- o ilemainl wlmtcirr for hnuthnt-Mers- . or "urt'ti snoas. aii" iiie niarKit was waK. hut noimuw vms li'M CTtr egi.t a r bunches of lleht' nnil thy ncrn not nnl Thn main tlro- - "t raclrn t bv .Neson Morris , Co.. 1.41s hpiid. BUTannl 1K7 hs. nn,i jh.js. ami tlm main lrmr bijUfflit by Swift . Oj , J.1'S bul. airrnK"-- ! )" Ihs. ntlj Pt .37. . The l'i or lh.' niarkft uas, an.l Hie bnlV rf 111' hK nl)o l"rt h .nraBe silil lit f-.- to J 4". as nK.ilust jr, ;io fnp tnIt n,t w.311 n Jil.41 th- - Milk nn Wisinialay. Knlr t" K'1"! liaT bdKi'. 21" lbs. awrjc ami alune. "M at'; to Ss.'); wrlhtK. nn m 21) lbs.. soM at $ii..1j ti ?ii.Tr--. th Imllc at IH.3.". in JI.'--- .. IlKbtK. Ijii tn iif) IMs. nil.l nt !5.5i to K.r,). I Mk ?.r. to Jfi.43: bsbl Uclits. lrv to r.) Ib.. avmc?, sokl nt .3S to lh- - lii ( to !'"' uri'rr ll lbs. sol.l :it y, to bray ulls at J4.73 to J3.,j. BOOll tnlxisl isncH It K to W.IJ .ICiI common tn fair mixM luts at 4", .7) to 51.10. MIKfc.1 The sheep rr.irkct w.13 ery I"W nn'' dull. Trices trrn but lirru reT..r iiv.uinc - to enter the decline In all cases. Ituvc-- s to be 11111 up anj jt wn3 late In the cay before they would even lock nt aaythlnr. It n the dullest market In seteral w"ks. The i.callty wnsonly fair, but the lt of them were not wnnte.1. Stocliers were also nnd the decline for the week amounts to 13c to r..c. Hales Included fair to Unrts at 13 fO to S4 5, cull lambs at 12.75 to JS. mutton rheep at .. . to W.i.. ntockcrs at J.VJ3 to J3.M and bucks HOUSES. The horfe rntket hid another Itrce fiipply this sell, In.) t .,n, nnt n, a as tho week nreceVlinc. On tin' U't i lapses of horses th which are aluajs !n demsnd--lt was practically a jte.i.Iv market, but ire Miirrnbuni'-irr- c ef and plain klndB. lihered In tn meet the IlrltUli demand for caal-r- y surrere.1 n. break of f. to 510 11 bead. KngllMi bujlnrf r.umr and the de- mand, tlmueh of Koodly dlmen'lons. not suf- ficient to fill the mp. At the close the market 111M lov at the decllno on tho commonest classes. r The majnritr of thn eiport chunks .old at J!!.' to Jlj) and tops ut to tV'.. wbllo drafters sold from J1.0 to JIDA30. slnirle drivers and cnarh hopes at l for fair to J3u3 for cxid and coach pairs up to $330. Horse quotntlon: Heavy draft-Com- to rood JI2W1W: choice, to extra 11733200. Chunla-i.i- M tn 1.330 Ib . fair to rjood. JiO: jrood to choiro llflWiao. Coac'l hor-e- s nml coh-F- nlr to (rood Ji3173: choice to extra lrru"). Ilornes for the Smith Small, iICllt.SI1,l-tr- - fa,r to K00-!- . t3?4J: Choice to ex-t- oulern drbers. Iiree. !3ini0l. rt chunks l.soo :o i.wo Ihs . plain to (rood. JDlfrlM: choice to extra S123U130. nuKlness drlx--;"- '. KOOfl JBIIO; choice to extra ;iI3J3 iyj. naddlem for Srulharn nee Pr. tn i.nnl j:5!?W: choice tn extra VWiW: fancy salted and New Tori: Mddlcrs Jimaii). Inferior horses i.n-1ffo- !ma" P'usrs. J2Oi?30: bear- - work pluijJ Unaiwi MUI.ES There was a very liberal run of mules this mk. Jhe total durlne the firft four ds-- s belnrr 1.0o3 head, tho lurce-- t In months. While It was not an urcent marke. It was fnlrly ncthe. an Is shown hv the fact that lets than 100 head remained In commission hands this mornlnif. Jjenlers hae bouBbt terv penerously, omddcrlnf: the limited exterior demand. The birr mules hao drrprjed to a minor position I" tho market, owing to the rmall demands from the East, nnd medium to rood mules herd the renter of nctMty durloff the week. S"me cotton mules In csr lots, the first In reieral months, wero available and sold well, but It Is a little eirly to forecast lirce nctlilty or Btronc mar- kets In rotton mrl". Values hate net experienced anv radical rnsnee tor any the trade dolrrr very well to hold n steady, active basis under fuch liberal offerings. fuIe quotations (for hroko mules, 4 to 7 years old): 14 hand, extreme ranse ...J M.niwr 70.M 14 hands bulk of sxles ... m oow IP-- i hands, extremo range ... ..003 &1.00 ll'i hands, bulk of sales ... 37.0i)a 70.M 13 hands, extreme rnnire .. 73 OnffllO.OO 1C hands, bulk cf Files ... M.ftVf M.00 liiH handj, extreme ranee ... M.tfI30.0.1 13S bands, bulk of pales ... 13.(110 01 1C to IftVi bands, extreme ranre. ... lM.r.ltfUH.C) 16 10 161, hands, bulk of Mies.. 140 t.i15s.!n The first line of quotations In each class K cal- culated to represent the full ranre from common to extra. Dealers, however, often classify su- perlative bunches fall tops) for buyers, which pometlmes sell considerably nrne the highest quotations. The second line cf quotations the bulk pf 6ales and renerally represents the arious clarses as thev are eold on the com- mission market, nore or less mixed. Hj- - Telrerapli. Chlraco. Sept. 12. Cattle-iiecei- pts 10.KI. In- cluding 74J Texans ond l.'O) Westerns: strictly choice steady; nil ctReri 10c to lis: lower: rrood to rrlme steers Vl.vnii 40; poor to medium Sti2 KT5; stoekers and feeders JJ.734.23: cows and belters cannerp I.5o'B2.4): built .2.235 4.73; calves J336; fexus steern Western T.'ic rs J3.?r.j.r.. lions iterelpts 21 000: 21.C0O: left over 4 0: tno.tly 5c lower: mixed and butchers f6.1M?S.70: KOml to choice. heivy jccisc'tf; rough heavy !6li6.4); lleht S5.I0 4111.O): bulk of salej pt.3ffla.3a. gheep-Hercl- pts 10.WO: active; stronsr to Ma zood to choici t i"rlVr! '"S4 25: filr to choice mixed R.5.1S 3.W: Vertem sheep 11 SffJ.SO; natHe Iambs -- i iifiivm mns jitfi. St. Joseph. Sept. 12. Cattle-Rece- ipts l.00; rrnrket steidv to stronrr; names ti 7005.10; Tex- - ars I2.7FS73.70: rOTVs helrra 4ICTJ ,.ri',.;:r?l-,"- s ."cF..t:P'p f...3-!?- Jmr.k r e '."- - ii.i, ,iii. ,ii.u iikiil Oilmen 1SI1T C.30: medium and beavv J5 rlis J2.30O 6; bulk I6.33C8.W. heop Receipts 2,700: market slow. Lut steady: Uaho lambs I4.K. Kansas City, Mo. Sept. 12. Cattle Receipts: Names IWV): Texans 1.3C0: cales 7); heavy feeders strong, other cattle steady: choice einort and dresed bef steady; steer", fair to good, J4.50 H5.40; stoekers nnd feeders J2.53a4.25; Western fed steers J4.C35.75: AVestern ranse steers 13.23 V4.30; Ttxans nnd Indians I2.70JW.75; cows J2.15 i(T2.'3: nntlc cons 12 MSt.i'i; heifers $2.S3i5.47: eanrers ll.Wtf2.41; bulls 2.1'),1.30; ralies 3.5(vgi ri.3o. lines Receipts S.VO; market closed stesdi top JB.60; hulk of siles S.2Kj;.33: JO 33B 6.M; mixed packers ji!.a)Si..j; light G;.V pigs II.IalTS.SO. Sheep Receipts 2.W0; market 10c hlRher; lsmbj natlte and Western wethers S2.25H3.73; enes 52.iVi73.23: stoekers 2& 2.71: feeders J383.S0. Wnll Street Goa-l- p. Reported by Francis. Bro. & Co., No. 214 North Fourth street: London cables reported the market there for Americans tn'Klected. but witli a stroni; market for their own shares. The arbllrase trndinrj here was llsht. abaut 10.000 shares in all. mostly purchases cf small amounts of arlous stocks, Demers. Atchison, St. l'aul. Erie and Southern Pacific. The great part cf speculatlie Interei,t In the market was in St. Paul. This stock was .oil early on statement tint miy the regular divi- dend would be declared. About half of the .el!-ii- it as for short aciount. At the same time there was fairly large selling cf long stcs-- k hy what are called good houses. The buvlrig wan equally good, nnd the lirgest l.uers Inslrted that they knew un extra dividend cf 1 per cent woub be declared. Rrokers for the principal (".peculatlvo interests said thty had no deflnlie Information about the dlvldeni. and wero In earnest In min- ing this statement. After the announcement of the declaration of St. Paul dividend of 3 per rent, the same as In April, without an extra dividend, there was n ru.h to sell the Hock by the early buers. Thes-eal- es carried the prices down from 1G3 to In a few minutes, but. as In other stocks during the day. there was continued bulng on the ,ie. cllnes. and the bujers oeemed disposed to refuse to accept the disappointment as a bear factor. The ceneral list was sold bv traders because of disappointment over the failure to declare an extra dividend on St. Paul. These sales were heavy enough to cnusn material declines all around the room In the last hour. A sale of 100 .hares of Northern Pacific was msde by V. M. Lockwood & Co. to John Muir at 1221. the same price nt'nhich the last slle was made. There was an Inquiry for that "tock, but no supply was in sight. There was a goo.; deal of what was called cross trading In slocks like Union Pacific and Atchlon. being sold by Influential houer. but were taken nt the same time by houes equilly Important. It was thought In the board that nne set of bankers kept pressure on the market with the Idea ef restricting bull speculation, whllo oilier Interests In bought and bid up Flocks whenever this pressure uas removed. This cross trading made the market unsettled and Irregular during the greater part of the day. The usual sharp ndvanre noted at Intervals In cotnpirntlvely Inactive stocks was made y In Cnnada Southern, which was move-- : up ,J'J points without news of any kind and at a time when no special developments could be ex- pected. It was explained In one quarter by a revival ef the story of a general ronsolldttlon of all the Vandnrbllt roads, hut while this story may have goo I foundation, there was no apparent reason for making it a bull card at present. The money was called stronger and many nAw loans on call were msde at 4W Per cent, I. A; S. Wormser loaning J'.OOO.OOO nt that rate. The de- mand was attributed chiefly to th3 closing In of several millions of money loaned jesterday by the Bank of Cornmcreo. Outside market was quiet anil generally lower, with Tobacco 4s again the only Issue In nnv wny nctlve. About J300.00O of these Imnds were traded in at prices ranging from fR'i to 7t. Oe0. n was the principal buyer. C. I. Hudson At Co. were prominent sellers. Union Copper was v lower at S1.. Clilrntro SIopU Mwrkct. Reported bv tl. II. Walker &. Co.. No. 3!0 North Fourth street: IPd. A"k. '.'.'.'.'.'.'. pi Im; '. a !5',i 2T 207 Ill 117 37U 28 Jl't rrHi 43U 4ivl 101H 102U. 2t r4'4 7li 7m 100'. 10IU 17" ll'.i 53 60 American Stravvboard National Carlion torn Do. pfd Chicago City Railway Diamond Matrli of Illinois Metropolitan Elevated Do.- - pfd National Hlscult Do. pfd National Tin . Do. pfd West Chicago Sfeet Railroad. Union Tmctlcn com Do. pfd Pltlsbnrjc Stocks. Reported by Francis, Hro. & Co.. No. ill Nort:t Fourth street: Glass, 171V? asked. Broke, 185 sales. . St. I.onla Moner Market. There was st(Il a rood demand for morey. and loans were freely sought by Investors, with good securities to offer. The volume of business was large. Discounts ruled between 4ii and i per cent, with the bulk of transactions between ' and 6 per cent. Yeaterdar'a Dank Clcnrlnrxs. ieu.i. iirnnny.jjoiiM statement shows clearings of I7.S10.C35. and of J717.5.B. compared ..'".clearings of J7.S3S.S27 and bal- - in v. Ti.e me previous cay. Domeatlc KxrhanitP. Whltaner & Co,, bond, stock, rooimerclfll paper and exchange brokers, No. ,100 North Fourth atieet, quote exchange as follows: .., nl4 lu&i .TrT.. .l. .- -. nevv au a.......... ... ecprettt lacprem Chicago J .... fodls 5cprem rijlnclnnatl .... ...loodla par Iiulsvllls .j.tocdls par Mew Orleans.. 19C us par TRUST COMPANY STOCKS AGAIN TO THE FRONT. COMMONWEALTH XSU MISSIS-S- I IT I IN THE LEAD. Tntciion St'i'iuiiios Wore in Good JJuinaml at a I Uglier Kiingi of I'liCfH. On the St. Louis Sloclc Exchange jester-da- y 1,21.! shares of block changed lintirN. Tho afternoon session was more productive of transactions than the ono held In tho morning by :i Mirplus of 73 share-"- . As on previous d.iys during the week, there was conslderab.c Interest in United rUiilwajs securities, especially the preferred stock, which was much In demand on an of iirlc's. DtirinK fne morning session ."u shares of stock v. ere sold and In the .ifternoon CK .shares were trnnsforred. Aside from Truction. the greatest inter- est wns shown in lunk and trust company stocks'. At the beginning of the morning session it was announced that the Title and Trust Company would p.iy iH first dividend. Stockholders will receive Hi per cent quarterly. This will put the property on a 6 per cent basis. The books will bv. closed on September 20 and will lie opened on October 2. This announcement bad the effect of strentrthenilijr the stock in a tentative way, though no sales resulted. There was an offer of 0 shares at jiof. Missltsltini Vallev Trust was another ttrong spot in the banking list. .Buying orders ad- vanced this stock rapidly. At the morning tession there was a sale at 42C. In the aft- ernoon there was persistent eagerness oil tho part of buyers and an offer of a lot at tt?i was eagerly gobbled up. Apparently, there was a strong hull In- terest behind Commonwealth Trust. The net result of the day's boosting nas an ad- vance of iH a share, the last sale recorded being at SJJ2. as against Wednesday's clos- ing hid or $313. Granitc-I!I-.Metal!- ic was an demand in the iifternoon and a re lot sold at $2.b2U. Iirniiiir ScsjsJon. closing quotations: Did. Asked. St. Louis Transit I 27.00 $ United Kallw-.- pfd 62.3i $3.00 Do. 4s S'J.TJ Union Depot lnnrr Cs li'.23 Kroudwd' Cable: 5s ll).i. Mcramrc Railway Cs lio'jj Jlercantllc Trust (new) 412.W 417.00 Do. told) 4u.M 410.3') Commonwealth Trust 220 00 sr, w Title cuarunty and Trust IV '') Mississippi Valley Trust 4K.00 '27.30 Missouri Trust VuC.CO Mncoln Trust told) 27ti.ts Hank of Ccmmerce . 213.W 21U.30 Third National 1S1.W Oerman taxings Dank 133.00 Merc!Lint-Isci-d- e t SO.fa Iloatmen's Dink 213.0) Mechanics' National , iW.- - State National 1M Cotton Compress l.O'iO bond "iri We?tlnr;hnuc Automatic Coupler M.0-- Klr.loeb Cs 1C3.0) Itell Telephone 145. SO M!sourl-Eiilo- n com 17.30 Do. pfd I.aclede Ons com 2.00 American-Nettl- e Iai23 2.C0 si. Joe Lead 11.73 Sales: 24) United Hallo ays pfd. at tS2.30 10) Mercnntll Trust od) at 410.00 23 Dank of Commerce at 219.0) ii Mlsellppl Vnlley at 4M.01) 10 German Valines at 2J5.0) 20 Missouri Trust at IOiJ.O) 25 St. Louis Transit at 27.S7 Afternoon exfon. Closlnr quotations: Bid. Asked. St. Louis Transit J 27.00 J 27.23 United Rallnav.s pfd... 2.50 S2.73 Do. 4 10.75 Union Depot long fs.. 122.25 Mercantile Trust (new) 413.01 415.00 Do. lo'.d) 410.00 41I.M Missouri Trust 104.00 t. fouls Trust. 330.00 St., 321.00 322.'ei,.ippi Vnllev Trust. 42!.r.l 427.CO roarings Hank Bank of Commerce 319.00 KO.'no Uoatrnen's Rank 213.0) Merchants-Iaiclfd- e isi'.ii Mechanics' National 240.0) Third Natioral 234.00 Jwielede Gas com 91.00 'siaia Cotton Compress ll.ooj bonds.... 54.01) Westlnghoue Automatic Coupler 52.00 KInloch 6 15 00 P.rewry Jl.ooa bonds ss.oo Amer 1.01 1.12J St. Jce land 14.73 .,.... 2.62'4 Sales: 4p? United Railways pfd. at ..JS2.50 fa Hank of Commerce at ..20.M 100 c at .. 2.2'i 23 Commonwealth Trust at ..322.00 23 Mississippi Valley nt .. .426.50 2a Mississippi Valley at ....427.00 RIVER NEWS. Itlse anil Foil of the nivers For 21 hours ending at 7 a. ra.: St. lajul", Thur-da- y, Sept. 12, ItOl. ,,,? tatloas. Danger. Gauge Changc. ...... ....... 22.0 5.0 '0.4 Parkersburjr ZK.O B.O t'lnclnnntl ..,. 50 0 8.11 -- 0.7 Lnulvll!e 2.0 B.S Nnshvillo 40.0 3.7 -- 0.1 Cnattanocga 33.0 E.l -- 0.2 I.0 .1.5 -- 0.3 .lohnsonville 33.0 5.9 -- O.g KbnnsvIMe 21.0 7. St. Paul 14.0 2.7 -- i).l Dubuque .. 1V0 2.3 M.3 Davenport l.B 0.2 Keokuk 15 0 0 2 Den Moines 0.S .... Peorl-- l 14.0 Grafton 23.0 ... .... Omaha 1S.0 6.0 0.J Kansas city 21.0 .7 H).t H'onvllle Hermann 24 2.S -- 0.1 St. Louis 20.0 2.0 .... Chester 30." 2.0 Calm 43 0 H.i) 0.3 Memphis 33.0 t.7 -- 0.2 Utile Reck i S.O Vlcksburg 410 11.0 -- l.s Shreveport 20.0 1.1 0.3 New Orleans 16.0 4.7 0.3 Rise. -- Fall. R. J. lirATT: Local Forecast il. HI. cr Forecaat. Th river at St. Louis will rise. Hirer nml Rnalnesa. Harlior gauges esterday marked 2.5 feet, show. Ing no change In the last 21 hours. v 'Euslpess along the river front eterday was active. All Incoming steamers had good trips and offerings of freight were heavy. Weather fair and cool. Tn-I)- Weather. Generally fair. Arrived. Spread Eagle ... Grafton Cape Girardeau Commerce Columbia Chester Chester ...Cape Girardeau Rets Leo '..Memphis Departed. Spreal Eaele ., Altcn .....Care Girardeau Colurr.bix Chester Rtfts Memphis River Itlalto RrevKlra. The Sidney Is due from Rurllngtoti earlv to- morrow morning, and will receive until 4 o'clock afternoon for her regular trip to Keokuk. The Columbia arrived jesterday morning-fro- Chester, with her cablrs full of passengers and a gord manifest of live stock, wheat, fruit and poultry. She departed for the same port Jester-da- y afternoon at 3 o'clock with a large patron- age cf freight nnd passengers. Tho City of Memphis Is due earlv this morn- ing from the Tennessee River. She has a heavy largo, and Is towing a lighter from Cairo, so as to safely pass several hhoal points In the lielwecn St. Louis and Chester. She will receive to clear at 5 o'clock this afternoon for Wnter-lr-o. All., and all Y landings on the Missis- sippi. Ohio and Tcnnesseo rivers. The CVipe Girardeau reached port jesterday from Commerce. Wie had a llt of 123 and. In addition to 250 packages of mis- cellaneous freight, discharged 2,0)0 saiks of wheat, 340 harketG of fruit and 2Dt head of live stock. She will receive for the downstream trip until 5 o'clock this afternoon. The City of Sheffield Is due y from Ham- burg and her other CaJhom County landings. She will deport on thn upatrcam trip afternoon at I o'cloek. The Chester was in and out jesterday In l!m St. lamls anil Cape Girardeau trade. Her manifest consisted of ?3I head of live stock. CM baskets of fruit. 120 euoiw of poultry and 320 packages of sundries. On her dcjiartii.-- o yesterday afternoon she 'had all tho freight fUs could mfcly carry on the present stage of water, and a Ionr list of possenger. The Julia Is due t!tl3 afterroon from Hamburg. I She will receivo until aiicraoon xor the return trip. The Reea Lee. with a lighter picked up at Cairo, yesterday morning arrived from Memphis. Eh. lisd a Inrire number nf nnssengers anil an exceptionally heavy trip of freight. Resldca 41$ pacaages or numines sne, uiscnurpisj .sw uumins of staves. gl.COO feet of lumber and 82 head of llv'o stock. She departed last night on the down- stream trip with a largo patronage of freight and passengers. Lawrence McMaMn ha lieen elected a mem- ber of the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers' .Pilots' Society. Captain Sam Toms. Charles Zlegler and la. II. Braabcar. pilots of the Ree Lee. werc vis- itor In the rooms of the Mississippi and Ohio Rivera Pilots' clety jesterdaj-- . Commander U. R. Harris. 17. & N., Inspector of the Fifteenth Lighthouse District, hae notified and masters of. the foltowlnr changea In rdlotjn of. United States port light aloes; tho hanks of tbe. Mississippi River, between Orand .Tower and' Cape Girardeau: Tower Island : it f.iz-.v- a2 WmMMkMmi Kail'SiaiK'.. -e STEAMBOATS. CPl'ER MISSISSIPPI. DIAMOND JO LINE STEAMERS. Tor ClarksvIIIe. Iyuljni. liannlnal. lulney. Ia GranKe. Canton. Wartw. Alexandria aa4 Keokuk. STCAVKR SrviSEY Levies Saturdav. September 14 4 p. m. ISAAC P. LUSK. Gen. Agt. Tel. Main M47A. iu Louis and Haroburj Trtuispartatlca C. STEAMER JULIA, (Formerly thn Bello of Calhoun. For Moxlef s. Ilamburc an'I all Cal- houn Courrty landings, Frank Mey- ers master. Ieave9 from wharfboar- - foot Locust street. Wednesdays and Saturdays sc 4 p. m. Saturdays, tnennir inuueeraente to rcund-trt- p excursionists: only B, including meals anl berth- - . Tuesday, , h. m. H & JcHoPPil i SON. Agents. Phone KInloch A 168. Vt V1B. ST. LOUIS AND CALHOUN PACIET COMPUT. STU. CITT OF SHEFFIELE. E. D. l'ounr. Master. C H. Storm Clerlr. Leaves t. toot of Vine street. Wedaei-da- and Saturdays at 4 p. m. for Uoxitr. Hamburg, West Point and all Calhoun County, landings. Receiving dally. JOHN iV. ETAvTXU Aat. Pbona Main 2044. 3M N. Second . tOWKK M1S.SJS.HIPPI. COLUMBIA PACITJST CO. Tho only regular Sxe. Genevieve. St. Mary, astl Chester Packet. STK. COLV31UIA Leaves eery Tuesday. Thursday and Baturaar at 3 p. m. from Illinois River wharfbeat. foot of VIn. et. Receiving dally. Phon. Main 111. HUNTEB BEN JENKINB. Oell'I AfT. EAGLE PACKET CO. ETK. CAPE GIRARDEAU. Monday, and nt. days., at 5 p. m.. for Sts. Oenrrtrr. Crtr. Orano Tos-er- . Caps GIrmrdeau. Cbffimtre, anj way laadlsis TTiT DnSM STR. BALD EAOLB (or Peoria, and WT ttnV mrs. wenneflcavs and Saturday- -. 4 n. m. n - . 1 e. Pbon Main 23X . V. IJH1.. AJTmt LEE LINE STEAMERS. GRAND EXCURSIONS NOW ON To 3Iem pliln 97.0O Ronnd Trip fLOO. Tncluding Meals and Berth. Tor Cbe.ter Grand Tower, dpe Gtrardeiu. ra,.r'?;. V00"1,'!13 and. " " bindings, taklnr 5 for way landlags through to Vlcks- - PETERS LEE. Monday, Seat, is 13 neon. STR. REES LEE follows Thursday. Sept. 13. Krom wharfboat. foot TTaFhlnston are. -- Pbones: Main 2447 A.: KInloch A 75. w. E. Albit.. Com. Agt. Isaac P. Lusk. Gen. At. Chester -- Cape Girardeau Line. Railroad Time. Splendid Service. STEAMER CHESTER wni leave wharfboat. foot of Pine street everv Ttiesa;... J,,,.a) ai Saturday at 4 o clock p. m.. promptly, for Ft. Genevieve. Chester. Cape Girardeau and the ptlncipal way landings. Issulnr through Mm of jadtag and tickets over S.. M. 4 A. and H.. It. Kys. Phones Main A. KInloch A 11. JNO. E. MAS8ENQALE. Agent. TESSESSEE RIVER St. Loafs and Tennessee Hirer Picket Co. (.rent Tennessee River Reate. EXCURSION SEASON NOW OPEN. Only 112.00 Round Trip. STR. CUT OV 3IEMPHIS Will leave w harfboat. foot of Pit street, Saturday. September 14. at 1 u. m.. for Cane Girarrlsan. ti- Metropolis, Paducah and all landings oa Tennta see River, to Waterloo. Ala. JOHN E. MASSENGALE. Acent. Phone Main 4CA and A112. jiend. started: foot Tower Island, reset: below Tower Island, established (day mark): above Moc-cas- in Springs, reset: Sheppard rotnt. down 409 yards: bead Hamburg towhead. down x. mile: Hamburg towhead. down 200 yarda: foot Hamburg towhead. established (day mark); op- posite foot Hamburg towhead. discontinued (day mark): Slnorran. up mile: Poe' Landing', down 250 jards: )wlft Sure, down lt van's: opposlta Flora Cretk. established (dar mark). By Telegraph. REPUBLIC SPECIAIA Cairo. 111.. Sept. 12. The river fell .1 ef a foot durJngJtha past 24 hoursr the gauge reads 10.J) fet. Tbe weather Is cloudy, exceedingly warm and threatenlrg rain. There was a rainfall of 1 inch last night. It was accompanied by a high w Ind. "T7i DIek Fower arrived and departed oa time with fair trip each way. The Louise de- parted for Hickman it 9 a. m. The T. IL Davie departed for Idaho at 4:30 p. m.. Frank R. Fams-I- y and son. Wallace, at the wheel. The Kritn arrived at 7 p. m. with 1 barga of lumber. She will return south during the night- - The Jennie O'Irbrlst is due from the Lower Mississippi. er (5. ratterson of tho propeller McDonnell ttme down by reJI from St. Lnuia to-d- to loot after her machinery and keep It In prime condi- tion- - , lducnh. Ky., Sept. 12. Observations taken at 7 o'clock this a. m.: River gauge reads 7.9 feet, and 2.95 rainfall last night. The Dick Fowler for Cairo departed at S:33 this morning. Tbe H. W. Ruttorff from Evansvllle arrived at 11 a. m. and left on return trip to th same at 12:39 p. at. Memphis, Tenn.. Sept. 12. The river now stands .7 feet en tbe gauge, a fall of .2 of a font in the last 24 hours. The Kate Adams departed at p. ro. for Arkansas City with a good trio. No arrivals or departures of transient atearaera Receipts by river were 27 bales of cotton and 254 sacks cf cotton seed. .Burlington. Ia Sept. 12. The river rose H Inch and Is now fi Inches above marie of I'M. Weather clearing and cooler. The Elnise In and out. The Antoinette floating palace snow In port. . Cape Girardeau, Mo.. Sent- - 12. Weather clear. Heavy rains last night. River on a stand. The James Y. Lockwood and three barges up at 9 a. m. The City of Memphis up at 3 p. m. Grand Tcwer. I1L. Sept. 12. Josle arrived down at 4 do p. m. City of Memphis due up. The mug reads 5.1 feet, and stationary. Weather clear and warm. ' Warsaw, 111.. Sept. U. Gauge reada S.S fe--t. Weather cloudy and cool. Sidney up at 3 o'clock. Mackfczlo passed down. Silver Crescent In and out. Crestcr. Ill . Sept. 11 River stationary: gaum 2 feet- - Weather clear. Rem Lee up at 7 last night. Cape Girardeau at 7:3) and Cheater at 10. Louisville. Sept. 12. River stationanr: S.n feet in canal: 3.6 feet on falls; S.2 feet below locks. Cloudy and warm. Pittsburg. Sept. 12. River S.I feet; tlbiy Weather cloudy. Cincinnati. Sept. IL River 9.4 feet) rattn.. Fair and pleasant. V heeling. Sept. 32. River S.I feet: faBtea. X'eavy showers. Evansvllle Sept-- 12. River 7.4 feet, dsaraad. cooler. ARTIST ALICE DONAHUE DEAD. Death Cuts Short Promising Car- reer of Bloominirton Woman. REPUBLIC SPECTATa. Bloomlngton. 111.. Sept li 47brramjtioa caused the untimely death to-d- of Alttjt Donahue, a talented artist. She was aged 33 yenrs. and for eight years past has been a resident of Chicago. Her specialty wu oil portraiture, and her work: war? greatly ad- mired. She had studied under the Eastern masters, and possessed unusual talent. She was a sister of Kate Elolso Donahue. th noted vocalist. MISS DAISY EDMONDS. REPIJHLIC SPECIAL. Xorrls CTty. III.. Sept. 12. MIsh Daisy Ed- monds, daughter of W. I. Edmonds, age 19 years, prominent In society circle. dle4 nt the family home, near this place, yester- day. JAMES COXXER. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. rtldirtvav. III.. Sent, li James Conner. nsed 7 yar?, died of typhoid fever toC uay. GEORGE n. POOLE. REPUBLIC SrECIAU Sturgeon. 3Io.. ScpL 12. George B. Poole, a prominent farmer. living in the eastern part of Boone County, died yesterday, aged ,64 years. TUB KCV. TV. H. CRAWFORD. RcrunLia special. Princeton, Ind., Sept. 13. The Reverend W. B. Crawford of till? city died suddenly, this evening. He was a retired Cumberland Presbyterian minister. During tho Civil Viir he was a member of Company J3. Fifth Indiana Volunteers. tiu: nnv. h. i. togxg. ItEI'l'IlLlC Sl'KCLM.. Galveston. Tex-.- , Sept. 12. The Ilevercmt II. P. Votinp, pastor of Hie German Presby terian unarm, anu tne oioest divine In Tejcas. died at SL Mary's Infirmary last night. He lacked fifteen days of being Si years of age. He was a native of Get-man- but had resided In Galveston fur over fifty jearp, and was universally be- loved. When he first arrived here he taught echool, and many of tho older resident? were his pupils. His wife, whom hc. mar- ried llfty-si- x years ago, died several years ago. St. bonlsaa m Physical Director. - KEPURLIU SPECIAL. Milwaukee. Wis., Sept- - li A. A. Wagcly" of St. Louis has been selected as physical director of Marinette. Wis., Y. M. C. A. SANDOVAIa. IIat The slxty-nr- st annual meeting of the Centralla District BnpINt asscclalIon convened In Patoka Wednes4lay and will continue three tlays. The district tomprlsep the churches In Marlon and Sln- - -- ton counties and part in Bond. Fayette arid Washington counties. rAf.A' W While plaj-In- ball Wednes-d- ay Ottn ICuhn, aged 12 years, wnu hit in the Icrt temple ly a runner and renderedc jinconBciousj Ho was revived and walked noroe. While talking to members i. '"", :'""1UX sveninir. no lell dead. DOC- -, -- - tors-clai- death was caused by v,cIot " - DIood on. tho brain. , - iMM4zMMMMykM


Page 1: REPUBLIC: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER€¦ · 10 THE REPUBLIC: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1901. wrf i SUMMARY OF ST. Bears In tho local market were prematurely exultant yesterday. They went Into


VtB. Sis ..&AHMu.iti4V----;C1' ' --"? - "viT""vi;v'- - SriK r - FV 4 .V ." itji ".'H'-.,.'",sv;- vjt-- tT VfS-v--v',. --v


wrf i


Bears In tho local market were prematurely exultant yesterday. They went Intothe pit with tho confident belief that everything would como their way. Karly nentpecmed to justify the assumption. There was no foreign demand, and receipts of grainat all domestic markets wcro heavy, while clearances wcro light. That mysteriousInfluence called sympathy pot in Its work on wheat. After tho Initial decline, duoto continued realizing, corn started on the upturn. Holders of wheat were not takingspy chances on a spread between the two markets, and that was the reason why'wheat advanced with sill the "gossip" against It.

Good buying of corn developed after tho first, hour, prompted mainly by bullish cropreports of later date than the Government estimate. Many traders who sold 'Wednes-day came back into tho market on the other side.

Dec. wheat opened unchanged at TlKc, dropped to W.iiCTc, and closed US'-i- upat 7U;71?c Jlay opened unchanged at 75c and closed with the same figure bid.

Tho early rush to sell Dec corn caused that option to cpen Mliic, lower at SSfp

CSJJ. The market went to VSfcc and closed with an offer at that price, a gain of ?.;j:c.3Iay opened unchanged at 60c, dropped to j3Kc and closed with a bid of W.ic, an ad-vance of 3,jc

Trading In oats was extremely light. May sold He off nt 03c, hut there was a bidof 33!i?TKMc nt the close.

Produce wa easier nil around, except on the choicest grades, which were scarce.Pcachc wcro unchanged on common stock, but much higher on fancy varieties. Ap-

ples, pears and plums were pi.iutli.MlIy unchanged. Potatoes and cabbage were !nbetter supply and lower.

On tho local Stock Kchange the volume of trading was not heavy. Tractions wcrostill In good demand, especially United Hallways preferred. Iloth Mississippi ValleyTrust and Commonwealth Trust advanced In rcspoii'-- e to a heavy buying demand.

Tho market for live stock was dull, with prices steady.Local banks and trust companies did a good loan business. Discount? ranged from

4& to P.a per cent, with the prevailing rales between and 6 per cent.




Wheat Responded and There Wasa General Advance in


j..Dullncss'ana apathy wcro tho distinguish-ed characterisUces of yesterday's wheatmarket. Corn showed some activity, ad-

vancing sharply after the first decline. Thisstrength of the coarser grain was the onlyexplanation of the stiffening of wheat to-

ward the end of the' session.All the early wheat news was bearish.

Cables were. off. Receipts both In theNorthwest and In.Bt. Louis wero heavyend there was no evidence of pufiicientforeign demand to justify further buying.

A bearish card was tho report of thoCincinnati Price Current that no change inthe crop condition bad been noted sincethe Issuance of the monthly Governmentestimate., Dec. wheat opened unchanged and sold

t TlriC. 71c, TlHc, "ltfc, 71iC 71g71Kc. 71c.71071V4C, 71Hc 71U71iic. 71c, 71c. 70?ic.TOJiSTlc, ngTIHc 71Sc, 71Hc, Tl&STlUc,and 1VC.

A net gain of USUc was recorded. Mayripened and closed unchanged at 73c.

Com showed considerable strength. Therewas an early rush to sell on weaker for-eign markets and a general desire to real-ize, but later news was of a distinctly hull-- ,lsh character. The Cincinnati Price Cur-rent had the temerity to put Its judgmentagainst that of tho Government experts tothe extent of asserting that the conditionof tho crop had not deteriorated since theAugust crop report was issued.

This Inspired many buyers with new con-fidence and the effects "of the early sellingwere quickly wiped out. Reports of heavy.sales for export helped the bullish causealong.

Dec opened He off on early selling anSertld at 5SHc to SSc, ES'.ic JSHfjIsyic. TSMcKHC WUeSSXc 5Sic MUSKSc 5S?sC SSMcESHc Mti'SSHc, 5Stfc CSKi65S$C fSUC JSc.57&C, 67Tc 58c, SRffoSUc SSc, 68S5SK,c JS.c.BUc, ESTkC. ESUe, S5Si3SVc. SSJsC 6$X,55SVc.

EC oSis55Stc 5S.ic 5S&C BSc and 3STcMay sold at fiOc 60c 60c tWsC tt)c

6314c, RrXc MTiC 5Sc Hic and CO;c

There was little oats in sight In a specu-lative way. May sold unchanged at CJc andclosed with a bid of 33H&KHIC

Receipts of wheat In St. Louis were 11J,-3-

bu., compared with 139,667 bu. a year ago.Of these. 3,446 sits, and 118 cars were localand 14 cars through, compared with 5.B11tits, and 112 cars local and .47 cars througha year ago.

RccelDts of wheat at nrlmarv nolnts.worn1,48X950 bu., compared with l.OuO.WO bu. ayear ago.

Shipments 73,053 bu.. compared with 777.-0-

bu. same date a year ago.Receipts of wheat at Minneapolis and Du-lu- th

were 746 cars, compared with 311 carsfeame date a year ago.

Receipts of corn at St. Louis wero 37,000bu., compared with 40,SD0 bu. a year ago.Of the receipts 43 cars were local and 4through, compared with 14 cars local and37 cars through a year ago.

Receipts of corn at primary points were3573a bu., compared with 4K,0 bu. a yearago.

Shipments 132,751 bu., compared with 1,0K.-06- 0bu. the same date a year ago.

Receipts of oats at St. Louis were WM1bo., compared with .6,440 bu. a year ago.Of the receipts IS'cars were local and Itcars through, compared with 11 cars localand 8 cars through a year ago.

i Receipts of oats at primary points were401,867 bo, compared with 409,1X10 bu. a yearago.

Shipments 303.306 bu.. compared with 376,-W- 0bu. same date a year ago.

Cash Grain, Flour, Cash Market-B.eoeh- -ed. Z.K ,i. and

118 car local and 14 cars through. Sales or TCo.2 red it J0i4c thin and W'i870c E. side: Xo. 3rw quotabto at C0&5CC and No. 4 at Gi5CS"c.Pkd. In elevator: 70o for No. 2 red and lc. ro 2cless tor No.. 2 and No. 4; hard winter t tSMiefor No. 2 and CSc- fpr 2o. 3, outride rates forKansas.

COR1C Cash Market Receded. 43 cars localand 4 cara .through; S7.c fcr No. 2 and N. 2

ellow. del. H. ide. St 2 white lirousH JSV--i

this side. No. 3 white filing at S5Uc. ltrr-r-

t) elevator: No. 3 mixed or better Jielllnr at lculwVr and No. S ivMt' r lvtter nt IVc. puce.

OATS-Oa- sh JLIarket Itflved. 2S can. lncaln4 11 cars IhrouKh. Nn. 2 frOld nt 37c: No. 3 at

rfiUc, and chqle uorth 37-- c No. 2 while ol07Uc for prior to SSs for fanr, tl. tide; No. 4whit at Eiltc.-- -

KYE Steady and lulet. No. 2 3CUr tit..71ARLEV Quotable at 3SC:, acrordins to

welrtt and color.J'LAXSEBD--No market.rllUR Quttatlnnn on soft, winter, for cirlnl

on trk.: TatentK J2.4iH3.i: rtmlKhti .trt.):ritra ranry ts.iO on oft wlnti-r- , for luts ontrk.: I'aients J3.4fts?3.0): Mralrhtx S3.2iMt3.30: .x.tra fanov t3.fCff3.1S: clear f2M)rj2.i. llaril win-ter tn Jute sk W.WSr2.7S for clear. S3.i;fi3.njfor oralcntf. and J3.13B3 23 for patents: sprlns-whe- at

patents i3.2U33.44 In bulk, 35c Higher InWood.

RYE FLOUR-Jobb- ing at J3.W In skj. anj83.49 In hols.

COBNUEAL-Cl- t- meal. f. o. b., f5.50: pearlmeal, crtts and hcmlnv J3.2J.

HAT Received Id tons local and 251 tonsthrouah: shipped 239 ions. Prices K. trie,ns follows: Timothy 313.S0 for choice. 312sri3tor No. 1. ttoBlJ for No. 2: clowr 511illfor No. 2. and SIS for No. 1; clover mixed ranceaat 85 to 811.M: prairie, this Fide, Ji!8i.:.o forNo. 1 and f?n for No. 2; alfalfa S12':.w.LEAD AND SPKLTEn-Fpel- ttr at JJ.83 nsVed.3ad dull, with soft Missouri cuotaMe at d

at 84.32 and chemical htrd at tl 35."v Prlpen'on 'Chance,-- Th following tahlenshow the range of prices

la future and carii rap:Clonet7) Tfaniriwl n,.i.a

Wednesday. Teaterday. Teeierday."Vfheat Sept .. ..t n.Jtee ...... ,., ..71', 71V1171S,My ., ..f.. h

Corn Sept ... '.MV. n ....ft ... 37 liDec , ... ..Willi Ks;j;v;,Tday ... .. ..b tl'.l,

Ort Tt -- .. ."., nIVc 27 1.May ... ..J3i,l. ....n. 23'JP'.i bCash wheat, corn and ealr ranccd:

Yostfjdaj . t"edirsday. T.i Vr..v ""at ; re i.";-o- .i' .1 nii tiimri

No. 3 red RS I7i Ti 7nij 72 '6I71No. 4 reil s no is f?f,s 71 5ilU?Co. hard ....'WtK'l r.titfirs raJ&7i "No. a hart . .... GtUrtiij rs tinr, m-- Nn. 2 mxd..K5ieM iS'rKt; 4" mvXNX 2 whe..:..a:ii?.... Wit.,. Jitjo'...:No? c ndxed-.- JS ;7J is ftssu 2SIUi0No. 4 niliea....""i."7 23No. a whlte....57-fv;'- J tvt ors'f 1 K4liNo. 2 jellow-....E7'.i- t'itt.;.. 40lJf!l

vNo, 3 CUow..E7 f57v; s STWtl 40 0 ...Cats N'n. mxd.TU.... 27 17'f 22 322'.

Jfn. 2 Northfrn.S7H0.... 27 (ft7"4- - ....ft,...Nn, 2 white,... J3i t73St4 2K'?No. a wtc..jrr;tr3t 37H'2s 24UCT2-


NO. 4 --white r4B5S 27 TT7l 23ii82lNo. S mixed... .37 BST-- l SC trait 2lSi....No. 4 1n!xcd....3GH37 255936

Stocks of Grmtn In Store.r. Tesdan Tr. nen

..3.343.424 3.3S1.KI1 4.670.S20Corn.... S1.KSI ifc.7Sl ptl.T"1'.

ots.....,..., Last 35.7M 4I.rl77jive ............a ...i .... 7I.W2 4!VI 2.201Barley .... 3.2M . 3.332No. 2 rod wheat... ..,.2.t77.02; t,34.lfl! l,72n.47NaT! hartL........v .... ,n,127 315 Of.l IBT.sTnNo. 2 mixed corn... .... 2W.S72 2T.Cv.otT 3.71fiNtv.5 white .... 14.042 i.2k; se.iNo.,? mrxed oAta.... 1.1!.9l! J!7.W2 37.27

.No. 2 white.. .... M.OM 1.S15wo. : rye; S9.KS C4.6)S 'iisiiNo. i yellow corn.:...:... 1S7.S73"

. St. Crb Market.7l'- "tot's ruts. 71tf71iic Wd:-- aula. JlMrnUc.rE. tw 3c: 0txt 6SHrzc; tails.

rritX J- - .--. . ,. - .



Fruit, Ycgeiable, Poultry, Egg andUulter Quotations.

Carrent receipts rold at 15c. Io off. for near-by. Receipts 1.476 cases: shipmeMts 10 catcs.

Dairy l'ruductr.Ttulter Firm and unchanged. Quotations:

Oeimer- - 215121: firsts 13c: seconds 16ijl7c.Dalrj- - Bktra ISc; flrnta Italic. Country Chokelie; poor to fair srl'ic: creaie 4c Ladle-packe- d

Uxtra 13c: llrsts 13VJ.CHiees1 Jcbliing: Twins at 19T;c: singles lie;

Calrles llhe: Y. A. ll'sc: lone herns 115.c: N. T.larKe lie: N. Y. email IPic. Llmbutfier at 114c.Snlss New at ir. old at 17c. HricU llUc

l'ruvlalouA.lork Now Ftai:dard i;.M In a Jobbing nar.Lard-Cho- ico ttiara c. side $3.23 in jobbingwa.Green Hams. Etc. In car lots f. o. b. K. side:

llamr in a. at ljifcc: Jii at S5,c: lis at 10c: Ids,lSi, and ?.; nt &1.I.? .linn(.,4 hqm, . nv u, ict'- -

! ivjTas at jy;c: na:ts at mc; CailfomUs atWi'ic: 7Ccw- - io:K rhoulclers at 7"ic From tho

"jock uei.: iianis nt !i"ic fcr averaKe toSI.c for bellies at kSfrWc as tnaxcrage; Callfornlus at 7Uc; New York shouldersat 7a

s". arrhe. srO. cuiedheld at J8.f2' c, I. f. l!vd. lots In a Job-bing way- - ranscd: Kxtra shorts at :v: c'rlbs9c; clear sloes at Sc; bellies at SllSlO'ic. asIn average; plates nt SV; fat backs at TUc:standard backs ut S"c Dealers charce higher onoroers.

Dicon Bid. s. c. meats In a Jobbing wayraKff,:. Rrcahfast bacon at from lie for heavyto IJ'tC for choice IIkIu; hams at lie toOilifornia at 7?4C to ic. as in average. .N,wxork shoulders at 7?.c llaln smoked bxd. meatIn a Jobbing way rangedr Kxtra short nt 9c:c ribs at 3ic: clear fides at JHc; bellies at Skcto ira-- as In axerace; plates nt 7Sc; fat backsat s,e; standard backs at SHc. chargentrner on orders.

fountrv Ilacon Qnn:c prime meats: sides atsaSHc: shoulders at E'jc to c: hams at SW9HC1). s. m&ats He per lb. less.

Oleo Ptearlne held 4it 10Tallow-stea- dy: prime country at 4mT3c: No. 2

Stir01 C3le nt 5''ic. Packers' choice hi Id ntSN'SS'.e K. sl.le.

Orea.e Small, Irregular lots country: Brownot3.c: yellow nt 4c: whito r.t 4V--c Pack-er- astock Uronn at 4;S41c; yellow at4US435c;

wnlte at 3S3UCBeef-- On orders: rtbld. Mess at J10; FultnnIlarket at S10 M; dried at llc to 12c and 13c per

lb., as In kind: tonxnes at 14He per lb.LIK roULTRY Chickens Yonnjr hens 7c:roosters, old or stagay ycung. Sc Turkers Itnundlets SJiSlic. Ducks Sc Gtcse (tnD for3c Spring chickens selling by wclcht Sclor avcrace receipts; those weighing less than aPound net wante.1. Fprlnc ducks Choice whiteCc per lb : small and dark Sc per lb. Sprlnef" tie per lb. Young turkeys Ho per lb. forlarjce. c?Mc. for small. Plreons 00c per doz.

liRES-n- n lITLTnY Iced stock, scalded andundrawn, with heads and legs on: Chickensaerate 7';c: nsters 4c. To rkers Average fie.

Ducks 7c. All poor stock. Including sweating.H'.,n- - enwnr. etc.. nominal. Spring chickens10V- - Itoatlnc rigs 7sct$l per head

l:AL3-cho- lce fat nt Sc; heretics, rouch.small and thin 233c. Spring limbs 334c Falllanbe 2c; thin "c and bucks ISlUc per lb.t.Alin Squirrel nt 7icfil per doz." for vounc:old n't wanted, rioxcr at fl.23 per doi. Wood-cock t,.Wv per dos.

ritOCJ LKCS Large SI per dot.; medium 0c:rmall lOc.

Hides.Dry flint Choice Texas heavy JI'Sc; average

Texas lUac: aierage receipts KgH'sc: selected.o. i ic: eieciea ro. 2 13'Se bull S"c.lie; sclecled No. 1 ll'Jc; selected No "i Green-salte- d Round 7c; selected No.' i.'lc; selected No. 2 C: bull fc. Dry glue Tc; greenglue 4c. llorfe hides O'ctn-salte- d No i"No. 2 $1.30: pony and Blue Be.or green lc per lb. less than cured.

. IVnoI.3Itrotlr! X llltn,.!.! (.oarse A low. .12 913Med. comblnir..l7 ifK'i! Hue .med im'(ri3JMc- d- i!othng..H! (iic--j Medium 15UHrald and low.13 WItPJ Light fine Ilfjcfl2

Heavy fine .... SUttlOmixed , 14 fit JJakou i WesleriiSllsbt. burry Itrlghl med ...1VJiiaiu uurry ..10 eio'i Dark med MLight line .. ..13 ttlt 1'ine med 12iil3Heavy line . ..10 fcll IJght fine 125I"Lamb Heavy fine .... &C313la.. Wis. ,fc iinn. Ark. southJlrisht lied ....IS Sled. Keeces)...16iKarl, med 1; tn JIel. (.loose) ...i;UHrald and cuit-I'i- II Q12'.imd K'ifrli:1 Jiani Durry ... uni u TubuaslieHHeavy fine ....ini'.fjii No. 1 21Kansas Xebraska No 2 20 21Drlcht med ...lti" Slight burry ..13lark . sanJy..l21Jftll Hard burry ...12 13

Kin med ....1314 Ansora Goat HairLight tln .....liufrt Ling 14 j?isHeavy line ...'. lO'.jShort 'and iovv'.'.U gi

I'rnKsi una Vccetnblen.rnACIHS eo.i.1: prices unchanged:

n at lonj-- perbu. crate: I0tr40e per; i;ff20e it bu. u,; fancy ""ai.hlcher. some silling from TIcfjJl V).NLIV Ari'LKS-Iteccl- pts iicht: marketsound, d ipiote range: 50Sf75c

I J.'h"' ".' .:;i yi ,)bl- - for fa,r ,0 cl,oc1.2.iBl.rfl ror fancy varieties; home-grown at 4ytc per bid.

i1'K!trnrm "r Kved 'tick, with fair offer-ings, home-Krov- common varieties plenty and.JJJ'ifKSP pf.r, Jvbu- - 'tot and at Jt Mffl2

l tjir Lw"-r bbl.: Uartletts J2.E)

PLUMS Lew er: small rid home-grow- n at 20JP.M per iMsket and 40c per baskets: Mlchlgm 25c per basket.'LVI'fcSrirm at f0323c Tor Delaware In11 baskets: Concord In Mb. biskets lOSlsivhome-grow- n Omcords In i..,u baskets li3ic:il.,rinh,asC,lerCpe? 80."'' K,Wras

CIUI!PI'I.i:s-Pil.rl- an i020c per bu. bas- -ket; other varieties 1362.70: ,bl. Jl.Wg.T73 for SI- -IlLrnnKRRICiS-Srsirr- p. NorUiern In t,en,iln'lnt fl.7Xr2 per .ase.

WXlX-tifc- JTa Cang rUaV0tli.r.ocr-for fumy and Slfl.M lor 3 crntes

Plentirul: ccnsln-- d slmv and dull." Illinois "jiri,JI per , rate; geirj. 3j7-- ikt i. bjrket. Mir1.-- 4 large crate: Tvnnse lift;.),.basket: him;-Kro- gems 23f;S0e per hll hoi '

1..VU1 uu.v v lltl'IT-l-ir-m. Ouotc: Prunes-Trac- edyand c.ejnian 2'ii2.2.i. ji.s n,iHurlnV. mini- - fin. lrVut near? 5 s-3-- -- : nectarines SI.2", IHr ho,; iearhee i)iSI for Cravfonl nnd roster; Tokay trapes s,4r2.S0 crate.LKSIONS-l'nchat'- ged Quote: Californiaat J2 for common. J2.77 for choice to It for fane?"

In a lobbing way repacked KIcilj- - ,;.nand J) iS for Verdelll. and California at flat4.2j ier lox by deilctr.

OJtANGltf-stea- Jr. Oar lots on trie: Lat. vA.lencla. t3.r. for choice to 34 for f jney: j AS.bins wav SI.2;O4.S0 n hox: Itessina blood half bxs. (Si and 10 slier) at J2 Per K hSrJobbing prices Kc per box hlrjhcr than car lots!j;eTlcan $4i4.ra per box. .

ri.snAPl'Ll.S-S2,- (J per specked nnd In-ferior stock cheaper.COCOANJJTH-velli- nr: by deilfrs at J23 per l.ts 'In a mall way nt S3 per 100.itANANA" On oniers Jlp2 per bunch

Bt p rwblVo'er'bu-- nrar'"5' ",W flW:0c!

JL2T,5rL3.1 tvr k) n,;t,r.riiic per IK; Itahlmore J1.73S2 per "i:

fcr fano Shlpimnln JI ir 1u. P

jvr ttIu- - liikct. " "tiTRlN'13 lKANS-j:niIi- yj nrr hit for

1HXTS-J- LS p. r I.W.; 4)ft.Vr per (0tA niinlr MlrMcan at 7fiV fOPm.l: milium l5ff3tV; 3an;o Siftjflc inn Uoz

tutri hf. Crlcrv roott. 15SV pr flozri;rr.;HP V auoto Nurthom at.-5- 0c txrU TTL'rn IIo'ne-Krtw- n wftrth IsVr35e fvfi

lox: NorthomKRG!I.NT Ni irt-n- - dull an.l not "want--d:l &z in doz.CAUIIOTS Nvrtlicm SCfir per doz. tiimches:TintXiP-XorthPr- n CcanSc rrr lu.VAliSUKT IIiotip-ktow- at J0930C per flos,

bunohr: Northern rfiOKc.SWCrrr POXATOKS Nw homp-srnw- n Ber-

muda tlt.rA t?r liu. loose: 7JcCJl perVfnpinia red 5X

SQTTARH-S- Or per tox.IlCTAKAGAS-fl.- 1c per bu.; JNJcJl per bbUHATMSHES iec per doK. bur.chi-- i.

SPINA CI I Ki4-)i- per hu. box for home-pnu-

RAUEKKRAirr Hand-mad- e $3 per and:1Z.IQ per bbl.

Mincellaiipon 3Iarkcfn.FKATHKIIS In demand; mni..v-- Irlme live

corvi In Tmall bW. 4Cc; tn larEf 5k,. ac frravZtc n small. Sc In Urgt ckn.; old white SSflXcX r?3-Jc- : XX Ifiswv; XXX. IOGTOj; XXXX Ccchicken 3cl trk-- y laUlSs, winar Sc, pointers 7c:wlnir nnd.tAH. 10n winnr. (all an.l pointers. Tc;bodv Cc; duek-wh- lie 33c: dark 25c.

DEER SKlNa KTC-rrl- me deer cklni tSclh.; Texas at 20c; nntelone iCc per lb.; roat Sctfl 27ic-ac- h; dumajied onL

ftKESWAX Quote At 26Ui wot Ih f mm.6I1KRP pctta nominally 3W1k: -- s.u- tn unoatrt:Arnnni iDereon-.ijinj- o

at lCesOoFliearllns at iSIZe; dry slock, fallen,tic. 7'tc iier1 lb.

KtKTS Ulnsrng at from 34 25 to 55; ladyat 6c? seneca at 2n?: pink nt 14c: goliltn

seal, rprlwr dug. 4hc; heavy, fall dug. 4c: M.ivapple at 2ic: wahoo bark of root sc: bark oftn-- 2'-- c: enako at 30c; black at 4c; annellta nt4c: Modi 2V: blue flag 3c; skullcap leaica Sc:fasifras bark 4c: wild clnacr 4c.

CASTOIt hi:ans-i- h,i jlj-- , r,;r bu. for primeIn car lots: small lots and Inferior lew.

LlNSKl:t,01I,-Ka- w- Kc: boiled He: lc pergal. less in car lots.

COTTON-SURI- I yellow nt 33c;white 4i)o: winter e!lon 42c and white 43c.

HCMHSi:i:D-Ite- st kile at J2.7HH per 100

It, pure test.Dnii:D GltEKN 'KASi:-.tobfc- lng from store

at 11.40; Sonich $1.41: split Jt.1.nillTi: kcd -a bean" In aJobbing way from ttore at $333 10 per Int.:screened at J2.73 per bu. Uma lieans at XSS'jCfor California, d'.4st;o for lmporteil: car lots UjleBe.

MORS Market stead; machine-picke- d In betdemand: ofTerlnrs liberal: gray mixed l'S?tlc;cra. broun and blnii. n.r?e: broan and Mack

,'S;J ' at !rt3'tc: .X at3"iSlc: XXX at 4'ii3c: XXXX at ISJliC;

t'r.KK' !''': extra Idack Cc.i:.MI"TY IIAllllEus-C- oll oil. turpentine and

gao!lne. P.V; lnegar 70c; black oil SOc- - linseedPglit oil and nrnjh 75c: eUKar 13c: whisky 7rc:do half-bbl- 3c: wine PV. Fanerkratit 3.c:pickle 45c: salt Sc: Hour 1.V: tno'ace.. imc: lrdtcs. Jl.15; J3..-- o.f for each broken head; 2c off foreach hoop missing.

IUtOO.1I CMUN-Noml- firm. Quotable perton: Common at JCO: fair at $73; choice shortbrih J')

HO."i:.S-Ch.- ie blenched at JI3 per ton; otherkinds from $10 to $14

SCUM' Illtl.V AND MET.MJ-'-rr- r 1) IH:W roLcht iron tic; heay cist 4"c: malleiiMe TIV;ttel 3V- - breakiice 2Cc: Move 2'"V; burnt Jf-- . Ilcht

brass $7.:j; heavy brass i; mi 'per $13; zinc$2.23: lead $2 10: pewter $12.

UIGHVINi;s yuot.ihlc on a bisis of $1.20 pergat.

TOP COP.N (on Cnld-Ou- ete rjngc from e'e formixed tn $1 for choice white rice.

GHASS s $;ftj 40 bid for primenw to arrive. Millet scarce nnt llrm nt JI.1Wi iv a loi soiii on p t. ;iover of clean and goougrade would bring $10 for old nnd $10.50 for new.Nothing doing in other seeds.

DItlKD nttJIT-On-ly a few small lots of thenew crop (apples) received. Theso eold at &for d quarters to 7c for evaporatedlings. d at 44c: evaporated at Sc andchops nt lHc.

LUMBHR From flrt hands quctatlons rsngeas follows: roplar at $27fi2S and $17tlS;

-- lnch at tJSiiXl and $135i20: h and thick-er at $31fi3l and $21Sf22: squares 4x4 nt $22 and$11: SxS to 7x7 at $27 and $17: FxS and up at JSOS12J an.l $20S22. Oak-Pl- ain sawed inch nt $2151:0and $lttfl6; Vi to 2 Inch at $ri27 and $l5fl!7:2ix.i-Inc- h at $265?JS and $1S; quarter-sawe- d whiteInch at $.tGil2 an.t slfittll- - 11i71lt.incti nt S?Ki4land $1S?T21; quarter-sawe-d red. Inch at $2GiJ2S nndiii?i5. i '.ill ;i. inch at $2Slr. and f IS?!-:- llst-- rand reachers $21: tonsues at $30. Ash at$24g2R and llt:tia. lU91l;-lnc- h at $23S27 an I$Io5J17. ', to 4 Inch at $51 and $20. lllaek

nt $70 and $40 end S30. Cherr.v Clear andsecond at $0i; common 530 and culls nt $12. Hick-ory nt $2S and $10: hlckorv axles at $30 Cod-i- r

at $237i"2b and SljSTlG; pests at 17c to 20e each, ac-cording to size. Svcamore nt SH for increhintn-l.l- e

stuff; do Tiarter-sawe-d nt SItffl'i and $12.ottonwood Mill run at $i2tri3: iiox honnis tn

Inrhes and evert at $22: gum it iSW for cap $2:at.d $11 for red. Cirrots at $2SH3 and SlSnlt -chflce Iulslana worth more. Maple at $12 forsoft. Orders higher.

POUI.TKV.Trlccii rirm on .ll Linen 1ml the

OvtTlockciI fefirlnxci-H- .

RrauriLic splcial.New TTork, Sept. 12. Live poultry Itecelpls

wero 11 cars of Wtern and a llttlo ex-press sprinkling. There was a continued fairdemand In proariss and tho market y ru'rdstiady on weighing stock, with protinrcts of :iclearance rather favorable, with the exceptionof spring chickens, hut It Is thought that er.oushof the latter will r.o over unsold to materiallyaffect prices next week. Ducks dragslng. with

0o top on best and rninv being lesold for lessman cost, ueeso stcadv: no change in quota-tlon- s.

Dressed poultrj Hecclpts y 1,313pkgs; thv receipts y were fairly liberaland Included considerable that was duo cster-da- y,

while several scatterln? lots ale still duefor later In the week: the demand was largelyfrom the shop trade for the small lots, althougha few-- d llnfs went to Jobbers: fowls worosteady at llo and. while leally fanev

and scalded chickens sold fairly well, themarket was dull and heavy on ordinary grades.Many useful lots of scalded were urged to salvnt 10c, and at lie. It looks ns If themarket will clean ud tine goods, but many chick-ens will have to be cleaned up at low prices.Sprlrg turkejs dull: squabs working out at un-changed prices, iced poultry Sprlne chickens,dry picked and scalded. (Kor to talr, 7iflCcOther quotations remain unchanged.

Chlcaio. Sept. 12. Iced poultry steadv: turkejscase: chickens. Including springs. S'l&llc.


New York. Sept. 12. Eggs Hecclpts y

cases. The weather is warm and sultry andnil together unfavorable, and, with the averageindifferent quality of the nrrivals, receivers metwlih considerable difficulty In placing theirgoods. esicially In the full nssortnunt offeredtiuers were disposed to shop, nnd In the dread oflosing sales there was more or les irreguiarltyin prices, and It Is safe to say tint on thgeneral run of regular marks prices wero fullv Icent a dozen otf of last week. Graded secondsunder brands of established reputation foundsale nt 13c. nnd the samn price could to pot forclosely candled dirties, but Irregular stock hadto sok buvers nt about 10c. or the price rf primechecks. No business in refrigerators except toregular trade in a small wav, nnd considerablelots of ftesh receipts are golrg Into ware-house awaiting a more active market. Quota-tions are unchanged.

Kansas City, Mo.. Sept. 12. Kgcs firm; frtshMissouri and Kansas nock quoted on 'chansolie dcz, loss off. cases returned.

Cotton.NCW York. Sout. 11 Th. m.irkrt tor tntinr fit.

tmes opened Hlcadi In tone, with prtecs 1 topoint, nlphtr on llnht foreicn Iuj!iip, ami Insympathy with ilrm ialil. jn aft-er tho rail weakness deiopei undr j,lllns oflone cotton by loom ortiatois and hnm irrs-mr- o

from tho bears, piompted by rr ports thatpft cotton In the South wai bclrc offered atlower pr!cs. This, and New Orlejng

fiRurpd as a Ifndlnir factor, nnd beforemidaftcrnoon pricey were off 10 point", with thtnnf T.eak. Thft KncltMh market afI off joni"-wh- at

to conform with oar icactlon. but. cIvMnearly with th bct tlpurei f tho day. !);destruction by fire of X00) bales In wnre-bcu-

here lart nlsht mad no impress ton.Ileceipts P'fctltled to the litcncs of thecrop oer the Ka;tern lxlt. Texaa con-- tiitud to out rotton at it rnte

which con tinned forc-- matui-emen- t In Auc. Theweather in tic belt win quite faorabl to plck-Ini- r.

and to the best intercf-t- of the plants buta tropical storm of tonlderuhlc intpirlt wai re-

ported to be moWne rapidly toward SouthernFlorida from Porto illco. In tho last half-hou- rroom liquidation liroke the market to tho low-f- ft

lecl of the dnj. Cloeil barely steady, netT&li) points lower; Sept. 1.74i; Oct, "..'..To: Nov.T.Kc; Dec T.Mc; Jan. 7 57c; Feb. c; MarchT.CIc: April 7.62c: Ma- - Spot cotton closedquiet middling upland S'rc; do Oulf fiic; 'ilesST. bale--.

New Orleans Sept. li Cotton steadv: pair al.STifl: Onltnarv 5c: ffood ordlnarj' lowmiddllnf? i4cr mlddtlnir S cood middlim;S 7lCc mlddllnir fair S Receipts r.l;utocl. 3Ts073. Cotton future barclv steatly. Sept.T.71i 7.72c; Oct. 7.4.W7.t6c; Nov. 7.??7.4lc: Dec.7.42fi7.3c; Jan. 7 AZii7 IV: Te4. 7.42S7 4tc; March7.431? 7.44c: April 7.4:7 4to; Mav 7.t3f;7.4V.

I,lverptwlt Sept. ;2. otton Moderate tiu;lnea:prices steady; A men. an middling .Vid; pooil mhl-all-

3d; middling 4 low middlinp 4

HOfMl ordinary' ordlnnr 3 Kale-.000f of which C were for rpeculetlen and

and Included CSfX) hali Amrlean. Ttecelpt400 bales alt American. Futures opene-I Hteadyand cloM steady. American mlddlfnr 1. :n. c,:Sept. 4 fi.: Oet. . o c. 4 s;Oct. and Nov. 4 1.; Nov. and Dec. 1 15--4

4 164d !.; Dec. nnd Jan. 4 n.; Jan. an.lrcb. A l.iId s.: Peb. and March 4 v.:March nnd April I 1V6464 ., April andMay 4 1.VG.31 b.

Wool.New Tork. Fept, 12. Wool dull.

I'ptmleum.New Yoil;. Sent. 12- .- ivtrolpom dull.OlJ City. Pa. Sept. 12. Credit balance, ji.s;

certlflenten. no bid: shipment 3: neroKe fvii;nins 102.3PS; aerKe 75.17.

ltuttrt nnd Cliecne.New Tori.. Sejit. 12. Ilutter-Kecel- pU 4,K

lVps: Heady; stite iliiry I41t4": crenmerjlSHQ204e; June pa. ked factory 14fil5'ic Cliee.

Ttecelpta 5,4 W pkes.: uteadv; fanry lareS4sTiS"ic; fancy lirce white SiS"c; fancy

Final roloied fjrey sitnll nh't- SUc.CldeaRo, Sept. 12. On the Prcduce Kxehanpe

ttie hotter market nap steady: cream- -erlett HffSOc; tliiiries I3fti7c. Clieese steady. S110;c. r.Kizs Arm; frcm 12'.le.

Dry Good.New York. Sept. 12. Advice of sn are re-

ported In numerou lines of staple prints; nloadvances ft Uc In Prult of the lxim, lonIa?eawl Rival 4 blenched cotton: good generaldemand for cotton fabric nnd tone of the mar-ket strorr throughout. "Further ale of regularprint cloths at 3c. and Eastern Jtocks of regu-lars said to be cleared up. Cctton linings ad-vancing In staple arlclies

Supra r.New York. Sept. 12. Sugar Raw teadv; fair

refihlns 3'ie; centrifugal 35 tet 3aic; molasreugar 3c; iefine! steadj; crushed 3.7sc: pondereJ.35c: granulated r.2icNew Orleans. La.. Sept. 12. Sutrar quiet:

jellow 4ff?4e; iconds 2f3c. Jdolasecsteady; centrlfjgal 5r,it-- .

Coffee.New Tork. Fcpt. 12.-- Coflee stead); spot RID

7 ?i".ic: mild c,ulet. im


Drought Will the HuntingNt-a- r HI. .Josopli, 5Io.

r.Kruui.io8t. Joseph. Mrf., Bcpt. 12.-- SI. Joseph

Kporlsmen are lone faces in con-templation of the iilmost total absence ofduck and other shootlns th's fall. Thecause Is tllo drought of Ust Bummer, nhlehleft the lakes mul creeks nlth very llttlowater In them, nnd the the ntisenct" of ruin

()imiitlt)es Flnce then to brinewater bodies up to their normal stale.The Missouri Itlvcr hn not been fo low atthis point "for many years and the water InLake Contrary. St. Joseph's summer resort,has receded to such a decree that thCasino Theater, tho under part of whichis tho boathouse, has been left high abddry.


Burlington Hallway Facilitates theWork of Its Employes.

REPUUl.IC SrECIAI..St. Joseph. Mo., Sept. 2. An automobile

handcar has heen built at the UurllnijtonshODS in thl.qrKv nnrl will .&Yi!r,fw1 An HrrV- -lCO at once hv tho rnnrlnvt.tor nml telecranhJine inspectors, ino appcaranco of toe car

a Buiinur- to me averago nanuenr. exceptthat 1t Is DroDOlled In- - m. nmnll zmsnllno en- -filne. It ha been tried and works atlsfae- -uirajr.(U3&Ir.,:n..i-.- . JPGli&J..Y6t4.... ,- -




Fear of Frost in Hie Northwust.Was Given as an Excuse for

Roosting Corn.

Chicago. Sept. 12. Grains In general weroquiet on the Doa'rd of Trade with.1 little nervous activity In corn as the onlyfeature. Dec. wheat closed jC higher thanjeatenluy; Dec. corn was up ?sC to He andDec. outs Uc higher. Provisions werelather dull, but closed .7c to 10c higher.

Wheat.Dec. whent opened rather steady nt 70'c(

or tinder jcstTOay's dose, on lowereal'It.". urKC receipts, moderate clearancesand Indifferent oa-- demand. Local con-

dition', however, played some part, andunder buying by shorts and 11 fair cnmmls-slon-hou-

demand at low figures tho pricefluctuated narrowly till It touched c,whero It closed. Local receipts were 208

cars, C of contract grade; Minneapolisanil Duluth ' reported 74-- i cars, maltinga total for the three points of D54 cars,against 3,051 last week and 74rt a yearago. Trimary receipts wero 1,133,34$ bnagainst 1.DU.727 bu. a year ago. Ship-ments were 7S1.123 bu., against Sl,r0S bu.last year. Twenty loads were taken forexport and the clearances' of Atlantic andgulf ports In whtat and flour equaled KS9.--


Corn had something of a nervous, activemarket, which opened higher on fear offrost In the Northwest. Dec. opened un-changed to JJc higher at G7fG7Vic but wasat once depressed by largo offerings by thesame crowd of long- - who sold jesterday.The price slipped back by degrees till Itreached .'C5',c on a llttlo nervousness, and ona icport of some ea.-d- i demand the cereallirmed up well till it stood v,g,'c betterthan yesterday's close at 37Jao7!5C. Re-ceipts were 25J carh.

Oats had a dull and featureless market.Inclined to follow corn, but fluctuatingoniy narrowly, nee. opening very quiet andunchanged at ?;,TtZSc There was littleoutside trade ami but scattering demand,which made the highest price for tho ses-'sl-

jy;;c whero it closed. Receipts were".'S cars,

Ilttne of FntnrcH.Articles. renins. Htcliest. Iet. Closing.

v ncai epr.lU't llP

!!" ahl's T4gl, IV LCtrn-Sc- pt. J", (n'4 M.1. J7 ffl OT'a WS C7VS1!:

Slay 5Ti"Si !3Oats-S- tpt 33?,, '5 S3H 53',

,'' - S1 l"--

,ay 3;'ii' a;i, 7'i 371s,Jlcrs rork-Ss- pt. ll.Jtf H.71) 14.63 ll.M

Oct H.UTi JI.mH 4.t.7i 14.75Jhh 15.70 1.1.M 1J.70

Iird Popt S.4j 9.4j .43t SJJft 3.;j 11.4".

Jan 9.12'i 9.2J 9.10 9.17'iSh rt Kllis Pept. S.M .y) 8.C0

Oct S.Kli K.f.75 S.'iT'.sJi.n s.ojii s.i: s.o; S.15

ItecelntN nml Slilncienlr.Artlclos. rtcc. Fhlp.

riour. lfcl.s 22,'W) 24.ui)Wheat. t)U 333.0W "VU0jCom. Im Mi,o, SC.0,0oats. Lu .ai..'i ai.cft)Jtje, liu i.) 3.0iiIlarfey, bu 1C6.W 43.C00

I'rmlnloDK,There was a moderate trade In provisions

with a Arm undettone on demand for cashlard and ribs, buying by Cudahy bein ;raosprominent. Jan. porK opened 'sufiSo downat sis wm.i.rz". as rest at "sioTO andclosed llrm at ?IS.S0. Jan. lard opened Sheunder yesterday at KUiij and at ono timetouched 9.10. but closed firm nt $3.17',2.Jan. ribs opened 2',c under yesterday ntJS.OTii nnd tinned up to $3.13, closing prettyliim at JS.12s to $?.13.

Bstlmnud receljits for Wheat,KQ tan,; corn, 229 cars; oats, 125 cars; hogs,iO.OCU head.

.1IAHKKTS BV TEf.rZCRAPII.Nw York. Sept. 12. Flour Itecelpts 15,1'iJ

bills.; cxiictts 17,221 bbl?.; sales 13.750 pkRH ; mar-ket was fairly aclhe nnd steadily held, liveHour steady; sales 4(0 bble.: fair to rood J2.80I"13.13; choice ta farer JJ.S'a3.a. Ctorrmeal firm:

elloiv Weetera It.H; city I1.1C: l!ranilwlnc S3.43W3.3i. lte qubt; No. 2 Western M'jc f. o. b.afioat: rse 33yrc c. I. f. New York earlets, llarbv steady; fiedlnff 51c c I. f. ltu'filo;nnltlnr GO&jfMc r. I. f. Iluffalo. Wheat export" 17,0l: rales 2.32.".00i bu. future',2in,0W bu. spot, tpjt steady Xn, 2 red 7'.3.c f.o. h So 2 rrdi74icele-ator- : No. 1 North-ern Hulutli 7bc niloit: No. 1 bard Duluth nom-inal. Optlonn c)H?ned tiarely steady. They soldoff under disappointing cables, blr primary

and liquidation, but afterwards rallied ontcerln;r. liberal clearance, sjmpatby with CJrnand export buying, Closed llrm at 'iB?c netalliance. Hay 78rt75Hc. close! 73c: Sept. 74'4i74i,c. closed 7I'tc; Oct. 73!iff74Vic. cbsed 7l',c:

Dee. THi'ic. closed 7'ic. pts

expcits I.5t bu.; "ales 15,o) bu. future.1 IS.WrO spot. Spot matket firm; No. 2 62,c de-lator and C2"ic f. o. b. afloat. Option market de-clined at first undsr reneweii liquidation, weakrabies, larce receipUs en 1 satisfactory weathern'ws. but finally turned "tronr on coverlnc andi xport demand, clnln,r firm and ije net hlcher.Hay G2'T.&t,Tic. clOKed Ci'if. Sept. (iigtilc, cloeilnl,. Hcc. ClS(5CI"'.f. cloed tV,v.l2ii,l'o bu.: exports S.6I7 bu. Spot steady: No. I:c: No. 3 .T7"4c: No. 2 while 4)c; No. J white3lc; trk. mined Western Jl'jffTJc; trk. white,v.'ntern SS'S8i7c: trk. while state 2S'343c. Op-tions his ned easy, off wbb corn, but flnnl-- IrermreilTallon firnirclty 152 per pks.) iTJie:(Okrlry (pkes. free) s0SatC. Cotton-see- d oilnad; jellow 40Tjjic. Itesin rtrndy. TurpentineMndy. Itlce steady. Mr lasses steadv.

nilcaro. Sept. 12 Cash quotations warn nsfollows: llosr Easier: Wheat-- No .1 fU'S67"5e;No. 2 70S7IU-- Oats-N- o. 2 34'ic; No. 2 white

No S whltn S..',ift3'.;c. R50 Nn. 2r3J253t4c. liarlej l"alr to choice maltlnrr

1 flax j.4s: No 1 Northwestern tl S);Clover, contract crade. R 40. l'ro Islons JH sslnk (per bbl 1 I14 73S14W: lard (per 100 ihs.)J" 23; short rlts sides I loose I, SS.3538.7i); dr'saltM shoulders (bxdi 7UJ7;jc: short clear sides(bxd), .2m?.a). Whisky, basis of blchwines51.3-1- .

wis. Sept. j.. Wheat quiet; No. 1M70c; No. 2 Northern (n'jflMc:

1 lec. Re steady: No. 1 M'i934e. rtarleyNo. 3 COc; ramplo 43flMo. Corn Dec.

E754SI37'Ae.Toledo, Sept 12. Wheat moderately acihe,hither. Cash and Sent- - 73c: Hec. 7.Tic: Mav 77c

fnrn dull; rash and Sept. 2c: Dw. 37c:" Mas-37i- c

Itje 13c. Cloierteed active, hither, cashrrlme hM; Dec. J7.23. TImotbyseiI Ji42';. oiliinehanKCilHarms Citv. Sent. 12. Wheat Pent. I4c. Dec Alit' - .nZLf' lh NTrt Un.1 ' Ej- - -

No. 2 red CSt.r55c Corn-Se- pt. :&lc; De?. r.7iJe:May : cash No 2 tnlxisl 3siJu,5iie' No"while Mc. Oats No 2 white n7Un2S'c. Rye No2 S.S-- . liny, iholce timothy 111: do pralrla SH Skl!ece.ts wheat c;2(i0: corn KSno- - nets,hlpments Wheat lll.iOO; corn 21.0)0: oafs IS y

MinneHpolM. Sept. 12. Wheat Cash Ck"May 71577IUc; on trk. No. i hard70e; Nn i Northern fiV: No. 2 Northern 631.C.

rinnr --first patents 3S3""i3: second patent"Jt c3fr3.TS: first i lears J2.son2.S3; clears12.20. Hran In bulk JUail.W.

Duluth. Sept. 12 Wheat Cash No. 1 bnrd 71cNo. 2 Northern te: No 1 Northern W-c- : Sent.W-- c; Oct. ra'se; Dec. CSSQ!.c: Mav 72'ic. Comao. Oats 3..SHJ2314C.

I.liernool. Sipt. 12. Wheat-Sp- ot oulet: No. 2red Western winter quiet, Ss ll: No. 1 Northernsprlnr 3s 7'id; Np 1 California 5s H'id. ruturesuulet: Sept. r.s 65: Dec. Cs 71d. Corn-S- pot

steady: American mixed new 5s id. -- Futuresoulet: Sept. 4s I0id: Oct. 4s lOid: Nov. 4s lOtirt.

1'rcrli. Sept. 12. Corn macthe: 53e Wd for No.2. Oats Irrejrular: No. 3 white billedthrcuph. Whisky on the basis of J1.20 for fin-ished KOOfls.


Ilntclier Cntlle In Fnlr Snnnlj HorsesLower-llo- ss nml Stieeji null.

NATIVE CATTI.E-Itc- ef Steers-Tli- ere was afair tcpresintatlon of beef rattle on sale, butnothinir as toppy as during the fore part of theweek. Sonic lerv decent earllnrcs andsteers sold nt ;7..V and 13.73. rospectlicly. andone load of i.S84-l- steer tonpiii the market at1.1.5s per hundred. Outside of these the bulk ofthe Iiest slilpplnc and ilressed-bee- f steers noli

J3.C3 r0 J3.70: mcllurii kinds sold mainlynt JI.Oo (o J3. Itotb stronrr and weak iiuotatlnnswere Indulged in. but these rut no materialIleum In the trade, as the majority of the In-terests caPod the market steady on all kinds.

Hotelier Cattle-On- lv .1 fair supply of butcherstuff tins leteived. The quality was scnerallviilsln, but a slncle load or so of roi-s- kllllnrrkinds bebiR available- - The ceneral trade wasMcndy on butcher cows and heifers: bulls, can-ni-

rows ond veal calves were not difforcntfrom Wednesday. .

Mockers and lVnlers The elarm.cnt conditionthat has prevailed for the past week en tho iirthtplain io common stotkers and feeders Hm tlIf.lalns. In order to llnd an outlet for hianv ofthis KTade. the Jocal commission Interests areforced to take cannfr prices ror both rtock steersand rtock heifers, that would ordinarily no lackto tho country. Locnl traders have simply "ia idrnn" on the deal, and conditions af (he worstslnco the glut of dry- - eathcr stuff some wcksago. There Is no established basis of operations,and definite quotations" are not consistent, forthe reason that there Is a bh? arlance m priceson similar grades. Some dealers call the decline40c to tiOc In the past ten days. Thore Is somecountry demand for feeders at aboutsteady prices.

Scuthern Cattle Receipts of Boathern cattleamounted tn about 77 cars, and consisted ofsteers of fair quality and some, pretty decent.una mm neners. supp1' UL 'lll ," mau and

iiuu icprrscnratlon moderate. iin iiuu--n Terrt- -ilory furnished the hulk of the offerings, although 'atrKansas and Mississippi cattle wero on sale. Noriim xeaturca developeo. ouric- - ocinT ralrly

at about meadv prices.HOGS only a moderate supply of hogs ar-

rived, and an to quality they were only fair,there being quite a number of pigs and com-mon lights among the offerings, and but fewKod to choice heavies. The representation ofuvo weigning 170 to '"'. ,"" " .gooa asvisual. Advices were not favorable to sellers, andbuyers, especially the packers, were, verr hear--lsh. The good hoga sold about Ts lower, while 1

the fair to medium ones were 6c. to Kta lower.

Trillins on in an kcM hncn wairamiMbly artHe. ,ut all klniln or trash- nrrelianl tn foil nt any price. Tliw Js pmctlcalli-n- o

ilemainl wlmtcirr for hnuthnt-Mers-. or "urt'tisnoas. aii" iiie niarKit was waK. hut noimuwvms li'M CTtr egi.t a r bunches of lleht'nnil thy ncrn not nnl Thn main tlro- - "traclrn t bv .Neson Morris , Co.. 1.41shpiid. BUTannl 1K7 hs. nn,i jh.js. ami tlmmain lrmr bijUfflit by Swift . Oj , J.1'S bul.airrnK"-- ! )" Ihs. ntlj Pt .37. .

The l'i or lh.' niarkft uas, an.l Hie bnlVrf 111' hK nl)o l"rt h .nraBe silil lit f-.-

to J 4". as nK.ilust jr, ;io fnp tnIt n,t w.311 n th- - Milk nn Wisinialay. Knlr t" K'1"! liaTbdKi'. 21" lbs. awrjc ami alune. "M at';to Ss.'); wrlhtK. nn m 21) lbs.. soM at$ii..1j ti ?ii.Tr--. th Imllc at IH.3.". in JI.'--- .. IlKbtK. Ijiitn iif) IMs. nil.l nt !5.5i to K.r,). I Mk ? Jfi.43: bsbl Uclits. lrv to r.) Ib.. avmc?, soklnt .3S to lh- - lii ( to !'"'uri'rr ll lbs. sol.l :it y, to bray ulls atJ4.73 to J3.,j. BOOll tnlxisl isncH It K to W.IJ .ICiIcommon tn fair mixM luts at 4", .7) to 51.10.

MIKfc.1 The sheep rr.irkct w.13 ery I"W nn''dull. Trices trrn but lirru reT..r iiv.uinc -

to enter the decline In all cases. Ituvc-- sto be 11111 up anj jt wn3 late In the

cay before they would even lock nt aaythlnr.It n the dullest market In seteral w"ks. Thei.callty wnsonly fair, but the lt of themwere not wnnte.1. Stocliers were also nndthe decline for the week amounts to 13c to r..c.

Hales Included fair to Unrts at 13 fO toS4 5, cull lambs at 12.75 to JS. mutton rheep at.. . to W.i.. ntockcrs at J.VJ3 to J3.M and bucks

HOUSES. The horfe rntket hid another Itrcefiipply this sell, In.) t .,n, nnt n, as tho week nreceVlinc. On tin' U'ti lapses of horses th which are aluajs !ndemsnd--lt was practically a jte.i.Iv market, butire Miirrnbuni'-irr- c ef and plain klndB.lihered In tn meet the IlrltUli demand for caal-r- y

surrere.1 n. break of f. to 510 11 bead.KngllMi bujlnrf r.umr and the de-mand, tlmueh of Koodly dlmen'lons. not suf-ficient to fill the mp. At the close the market111M lov at the decllno on tho commonestclasses. r

The majnritr of thn eiport chunks .old at J!!.'to Jlj) and tops ut to tV'.. wbllo drafters soldfrom J1.0 to JIDA30. slnirle drivers and cnarhhopes at l for fair to J3u3 for cxid and coachpairs up to $330.

Horse quotntlon:Heavy draft-Com- to rood JI2W1W: choice,

to extra 11733200. Chunla-i.i- M tn 1.330 Ib . fairto rjood. JiO: jrood to choiro llflWiao. Coac'lhor-e- s nml coh-F- nlr to (rood Ji3173: choiceto extra lrru"). Ilornes for the Smith Small,iICllt.SI1,l-tr-- fa,r to K00-!- . t3?4J: Choice to ex-t-

oulern drbers. Iiree. !3ini0l. rt

chunks l.soo :o i.wo Ihs . plain to (rood.JDlfrlM: choice to extra S123U130. nuKlness drlx--;"- '.

KOOfl JBIIO; choice to extra ;iI3J3iyj. naddlem for Srulharn nee Pr. tn i.nnlj:5!?W: choice tn extra VWiW: fancy salted andNew Tori: Mddlcrs Jimaii). Inferior horsesi.n-1ffo- !ma" P'usrs. J2Oi?30: bear- - work pluijJUnaiwi

MUI.ES There was a very liberal run of mulesthis mk. Jhe total durlne the firft four ds-- s

belnrr 1.0o3 head, tho lurce-- t In months. WhileIt was not an urcent marke. It was fnlrlyncthe. an Is shown hv the fact that lets than100 head remained In commission hands thismornlnif. Jjenlers hae bouBbt terv penerously,

omddcrlnf: the limited exterior demand. Thebirr mules hao drrprjed to a minor position I"tho market, owing to the rmall demands fromthe East, nnd medium to rood mules herd therenter of nctMty durloff the week. S"me cottonmules In csr lots, the first In reieral months,wero available and sold well, but It Is a littleeirly to forecast lirce nctlilty or Btronc mar-kets In rotton mrl". Values hate net experiencedanv radical rnsnee tor any the tradedolrrr very well to hold n steady, active basisunder fuch liberal offerings.

fuIe quotations (for hroko mules, 4 to 7 yearsold):14 hand, extreme ranse ...J M.niwr 70.M14 hands bulk of sxles ... m oow fi7.roIP-- i hands, extremo range ... ..003 &1.00ll'i hands, bulk of sales ... 37.0i)a 70.M13 hands, extreme rnnire .. 73 OnffllO.OO1C hands, bulk cf Files ... M.ftVf M.00liiH handj, extreme ranee ... M.tfI30.0.113S bands, bulk of pales ... 13.(110 011C to IftVi bands, extreme ranre. ... lM.r.ltfUH.C)16 10 161, hands, bulk of Mies.. 140 t.i15s.!n

The first line of quotations In each class K cal-culated to represent the full ranre from commonto extra. Dealers, however, often classify su-perlative bunches fall tops) for buyers, whichpometlmes sell considerably nrne the highestquotations. The second line cf quotations

the bulk pf 6ales and renerally representsthe arious clarses as thev are eold on the com-mission market, nore or less mixed.

Hj-- Telrerapli.Chlraco. Sept. 12. Cattle-iiecei- pts 10.KI. In-

cluding 74J Texans ond l.'O) Westerns: strictlychoice steady; nil ctReri 10c to lis: lower: rroodto rrlme steers Vl.vnii 40; poor to medium Sti2KT5; stoekers and feeders JJ.734.23: cows andbelters cannerp I.5o'B2.4): built .2.2354.73; calves J336; fexus steern WesternT.'ic rs J3.?r.j.r.. lions iterelpts 21 000:

21.C0O: left over 4 0: tno.tly 5c lower:mixed and butchers f6.1M?S.70: KOml to choice.heivy jccisc'tf; rough heavy !6li6.4); lleht S5.I04111.O): bulk of salej pt.3ffla.3a. gheep-Hercl- pts

10.WO: active; stronsr to Ma zood to choicit i"rlVr! '"S4 25: filr to choice mixed R.5.1S

3.W: Vertem sheep 11 SffJ.SO; natHe Iambs-- i iifiivm mns jitfi.

St. Joseph. Sept. 12. Cattle-Rece- ipts l.00;rrnrket steidv to stronrr; names ti 7005.10; Tex- -ars I2.7FS73.70: rOTVs helrra 4ICTJ,.ri',.;:r?l-,"- s ."cF..t:P'p f...3-!?- Jmr.k

r e '."- - ii.i, ,iii. ,ii.u iikiil Oilmen 1SI1TC.30: medium and beavv J5 rlis J2.30O6; bulk I6.33C8.W. heop Receipts 2,700: marketslow. Lut steady: Uaho lambs I4.K.Kansas City, Mo. Sept. 12. Cattle Receipts:Names IWV): Texans 1.3C0: cales 7); heavyfeeders strong, other cattle steady: choice einortand dresed bef steady; steer", fair to good, J4.50H5.40; stoekers nnd feeders J2.53a4.25; Westernfed steers J4.C35.75: AVestern ranse steers 13.23V4.30; Ttxans nnd Indians I2.70JW.75; cows J2.15i(T2.'3: nntlc cons 12 MSt.i'i; heifers $2.S3i5.47:eanrers ll.Wtf2.41; bulls 2.1'),1.30; ralies 3.5(vgiri.3o. lines Receipts S.VO; market closed stesditop JB.60; hulk of siles S.2Kj;.33: JO 33B6.M; mixed packers ji!.a)Si..j; light G;.Vpigs II.IalTS.SO. Sheep Receipts 2.W0; market 10chlRher; lsmbj natlte and Westernwethers S2.25H3.73; enes 52.iVi73.23: stoekers 2&2.71: feeders J383.S0.

Wnll Street Goa-l- p.

Reported by Francis. Bro. & Co., No. 214 NorthFourth street:London cables reported the market there for

Americans tn'Klected. but witli a stroni; marketfor their own shares. The arbllrase trndinrjhere was llsht. abaut 10.000 shares in all. mostlypurchases cf small amounts of arlous stocks,

Demers. Atchison, St. l'aul. Erie andSouthern Pacific.

The great part cf speculatlie Interei,t In themarket was in St. Paul. This stock was .oilearly on statement tint miy the regular divi-dend would be declared. About half of the .el!-ii-

it as for short aciount. At the same timethere was fairly large selling cf long stcs-- k hywhat are called good houses. The buvlrig wanequally good, nnd the lirgest l.uers Inslrted thatthey knew un extra dividend cf 1 per cent woubbe declared. Rrokers for the principal (".peculatlvointerests said thty had no deflnlie Informationabout the dlvldeni. and wero In earnest In min-ing this statement.

After the announcement of the declaration ofSt. Paul dividend of 3 per rent, the same as InApril, without an extra dividend, there was nru.h to sell the Hock by the early buers. Thes-eal- es

carried the prices down from 1G3 toIn a few minutes, but. as In other stocks duringthe day. there was continued bulng on the ,ie.cllnes. and the bujers oeemed disposed to refuseto accept the disappointment as a bear factor.

The ceneral list was sold bv traders becauseof disappointment over the failure to declare anextra dividend on St. Paul. These sales wereheavy enough to cnusn material declines allaround the room In the last hour.

A sale of 100 .hares of Northern Pacific wasmsde by V. M. Lockwood & Co. to John Muir at1221. the same price nt'nhich the last slle wasmade. There was an Inquiry for that "tock, butno supply was in sight.

There was a goo.; deal of what was calledcross trading In slocks like Union Pacific andAtchlon. being sold by Influential houer. butwere taken nt the same time by houes equillyImportant. It was thought In the board that nneset of bankers kept pressure on the marketwith the Idea ef restricting bull speculation,whllo oilier Interests In bought and bidup Flocks whenever this pressure uas removed.This cross trading made the market unsettledand Irregular during the greater part of the day.

The usual sharp ndvanre noted at IntervalsIn cotnpirntlvely Inactive stocks was made

y In Cnnada Southern, which was move-- : up,J'J points without news of any kind and at atime when no special developments could be ex-pected. It was explained In one quarter by arevival ef the story of a general ronsolldttlon ofall the Vandnrbllt roads, hut while this storymay have goo I foundation, there was no apparentreason for making it a bull card at present.

The money was called stronger and many nAwloans on call were msde at 4W Per cent, I. A; S.Wormser loaning J'.OOO.OOO nt that rate. The de-mand was attributed chiefly to th3 closing In ofseveral millions of money loaned jesterday bythe Bank of Cornmcreo.

Outside market was quiet anil generally lower,with Tobacco 4s again the only Issue In nnv wnynctlve. About J300.00O of these Imnds were tradedin at prices ranging from fR'i to 7t. Oe0. n

was the principal buyer. C. I. Hudson AtCo. were prominent sellers. Union Copper wasv lower at S1..

Clilrntro SIopU Mwrkct.Reported bv tl. II. Walker &. Co.. No. 3!0 North

Fourth street:IPd. A"k.

'.'.'.'.'.'.'. pi Im;'. a !5',i

2T 207Ill 11737U 28Jl't rrHi43U 4ivl

101H 102U.2t r4'47li 7m

100'. 10IU17" ll'.i53 60

American StravvboardNational Carlion torn

Do. pfdChicago City RailwayDiamond Matrli of IllinoisMetropolitan Elevated

Do.-- pfdNational Hlscult

Do. pfdNational Tin .

Do. pfdWest Chicago Sfeet Railroad.Union Tmctlcn com

Do. pfd

Pltlsbnrjc Stocks.Reported by Francis, Hro. & Co.. No. ill Nort:tFourth street:Glass, 171V? asked.Broke, 185 sales. .

St. I.onla Moner Market.There was st(Il a rood demand for morey. andloans were freely sought by Investors, withgood securities to offer. The volume of businesswas large. Discounts ruled between 4ii and iper cent, with the bulk of transactions between' and 6 per cent.

Yeaterdar'a Dank Clcnrlnrxs.ieu.i. iirnnny.jjoiiM statement showsclearings of I7.S10.C35. and of J717.5.B.compared ..'".clearings of J7.S3S.S27 and bal- -in v. Ti.e me previous cay.

Domeatlc KxrhanitP.Whltaner & Co,, bond, stock, rooimerclfll paper

and exchange brokers, No. ,100 North Fourthatieet, quote exchange as follows:..,nl4 lu&i.TrT...l..- -.nevv au a.......... ... ecprettt lacpremChicago J .... fodls 5cpremrijlnclnnatl .... ...loodla parIiulsvllls .j.tocdls parMew Orleans.. 19C us par





Tntciion St'i'iuiiios Wore in GoodJJuinaml at a I Uglier Kiingi

of I'liCfH.

On the St. Louis Sloclc Exchange jester-da- y

1,21.! shares of block changed lintirN.Tho afternoon session was more productiveof transactions than the ono held In thomorning by :i Mirplus of 73 share-"- . As onprevious d.iys during the week, there wasconslderab.c Interest in United rUiilwajssecurities, especially the preferred stock,which was much In demand on an

of iirlc's. DtirinK fne morning session."u shares of stock v. ere sold and In the.ifternoon CK .shares were trnnsforred.

Aside from Truction. the greatest inter-est wns shown in lunk and trust companystocks'. At the beginning of the morningsession it was announced that the and Trust Company would p.iyiH first dividend. Stockholders will receiveHi per cent quarterly. This will put theproperty on a 6 per cent basis. The bookswill bv. closed on September 20 and will lieopened on October 2. This announcementbad the effect of strentrthenilijr the stock ina tentative way, though no sales resulted.There was an offer of 0 shares at jiof.Missltsltini Vallev Trust was another ttrongspot in the banking list. .Buying orders ad-

vanced this stock rapidly. At the morningtession there was a sale at 42C. In the aft-ernoon there was persistent eagerness oiltho part of buyers and an offer of a lot attt?i was eagerly gobbled up.

Apparently, there was a strong hull In-

terest behind Commonwealth Trust. Thenet result of the day's boosting nas an ad-vance of iH a share, the last sale recordedbeing at SJJ2. as against Wednesday's clos-ing hid or $313. Granitc-I!I-.Metal!- ic was andemand in the iifternoon and a re lotsold at $2.b2U.

Iirniiiir ScsjsJon.closing quotations:

Did. Asked.St. Louis Transit I 27.00 $United Kallw-.- pfd 62.3i $3.00

Do. 4s S'J.TJUnion Depot lnnrr Cs li'.23Kroudwd' Cable: 5s ll).i.Mcramrc Railway Cs lio'jjJlercantllc Trust (new) 412.W 417.00

Do. told) 4u.M 410.3')Commonwealth Trust 220 00 sr, wTitle cuarunty and Trust IV '')Mississippi Valley Trust 4K.00 '27.30Missouri Trust VuC.CO

Mncoln Trust told) 27ti.tsHank of Ccmmerce . 213.W 21U.30Third National 1S1.WOerman taxings Dank 133.00Merc!Lint-Isci-d- e t SO.faIloatmen's Dink 213.0)Mechanics' National , iW.- -State National 1MCotton Compress l.O'iO bond "iriWe?tlnr;hnuc Automatic Coupler M.0--

Klr.loeb Cs 1C3.0)Itell Telephone 145. SOM!sourl-Eiilo- n com 17.30

Do. pfdI.aclede Ons com 2.00American-Nettl- e Iai23

2.C0si. Joe Lead 11.73

Sales:24) United Hallo ays pfd. at tS2.3010) Mercnntll Trust od) at 410.0023 Dank of Commerce at 219.0)ii Mlsellppl Vnlley at 4M.01)10 German Valines at 2J5.0)20 Missouri Trust at IOiJ.O)25 St. Louis Transit at 27.S7

Afternoon exfon.Closlnr quotations:

Bid. Asked.St. Louis Transit J 27.00 J 27.23United Rallnav.s pfd... 2.50 S2.73

Do. 4 10.75Union Depot long fs.. 122.25Mercantile Trust (new) 413.01 415.00

Do. lo'.d) 410.00 41I.MMissouri Trust 104.00

t. fouls Trust. 330.00St., 321.00 322.'ei,.ippi Vnllev Trust. 42!.r.l 427.COroarings Hank

Bank of Commerce 319.00 KO.'noUoatrnen's Rank 213.0)Merchants-Iaiclfd- e isi'.iiMechanics' National 240.0)Third Natioral 234.00Jwielede Gas com 91.00 'siaiaCotton Compress ll.ooj bonds.... 54.01)Westlnghoue Automatic Coupler 52.00KInloch 6 15 00P.rewry Jl.ooa bonds ss.ooAmer 1.01 1.12JSt. Jce land 14.73.,.... 2.62'4

Sales:4p? United Railways pfd. at ..JS2.50fa Hank of Commerce at ..20.M

100 c at .. 2.2'i23 Commonwealth Trust at ..322.0023 Mississippi Valley nt .. .426.502a Mississippi Valley at ....427.00


Itlse anil Foil of the niversFor 21 hours ending at 7 a. ra.:St. lajul", Thur-da-y, Sept. 12, ItOl.

,,,? tatloas. Danger. Gauge Changc....... ....... 22.0 5.0 '0.4Parkersburjr ZK.O B.Ot'lnclnnntl ..,. 50 0 8.11 --0.7Lnulvll!e 2.0 B.SNnshvillo 40.0 3.7 -- 0.1Cnattanocga 33.0 E.l -- I.0 .1.5 --0.3.lohnsonville 33.0 5.9 --O.gKbnnsvIMe 21.0 7.St. Paul 14.0 2.7 --i).lDubuque .. 1V0 2.3 M.3Davenport l.B 0.2Keokuk 15 0 0 2Den Moines 0.S ....Peorl-- l 14.0Grafton 23.0 ... ....Omaha 1S.0 6.0 0.JKansas city 21.0 .7 H).tH'onvllle 20.liHermann 24 2.S -- 0.1St. Louis 20.0 2.0 ....Chester 30." 2.0Calm 43 0 H.i) 0.3Memphis 33.0 t.7 --0.2Utile Reck i S.OVlcksburg 410 11.0 -- l.sShreveport 20.0 1.1 0.3New Orleans 16.0 4.7 0.3

Rise. -- Fall.R. J. lirATT:

Local Forecast il.

HI. cr Forecaat.Th river at St. Louis will rise.

Hirer nml Rnalnesa.Harlior gauges esterday marked 2.5 feet, show.

Ing no change In the last 21 hours. v'Euslpess along the river front eterday was

active. All Incoming steamers had good trips andofferings of freight were heavy.

Weather fair and cool.

Tn-I)- Weather.Generally fair.

Arrived.Spread Eagle ... GraftonCape Girardeau CommerceColumbia ChesterChester ...Cape GirardeauRets Leo '..Memphis

Departed.Spreal Eaele ., Altcn

.....Care GirardeauColurr.bix ChesterRtfts Memphis

River Itlalto RrevKlra.The Sidney Is due from Rurllngtoti earlv to-

morrow morning, and will receive until 4 o'clockafternoon for her regular trip to

Keokuk.The Columbia arrived jesterday morning-fro-

Chester, with her cablrs full of passengers anda gord manifest of live stock, wheat, fruit andpoultry. She departed for the same port Jester-da- y

afternoon at 3 o'clock with a large patron-age cf freight nnd passengers.

Tho City of Memphis Is due earlv this morn-ing from the Tennessee River. She has a heavylargo, and Is towing a lighter from Cairo, so asto safely pass several hhoal points In thelielwecn St. Louis and Chester. She will receiveto clear at 5 o'clock this afternoon for Wnter-lr-o.

All., and all Y landings on the Missis-sippi. Ohio and Tcnnesseo rivers.

The CVipe Girardeau reached port jesterdayfrom Commerce. Wie had a llt of 123

and. In addition to 250 packages of mis-cellaneous freight, discharged 2,0)0 saiks ofwheat, 340 harketG of fruit and 2Dt head of livestock. She will receive for the downstream tripuntil 5 o'clock this afternoon.

The City of Sheffield Is due y from Ham-burg and her other CaJhom County landings.She will deport on thn upatrcam tripafternoon at I o'cloek.

The Chester was in and out jesterday In l!mSt. lamls anil Cape Girardeau trade. Her

manifest consisted of ?3I head of livestock. CM baskets of fruit. 120 euoiw of poultryand 320 packages of sundries. On her dcjiartii.-- o

yesterday afternoon she 'had all tho freight fUscould mfcly carry on the present stage of water,and a Ionr list of possenger.

The Julia Is due t!tl3 afterroon from Hamburg. I

She will receivo until aiicraoon xorthe return trip.

The Reea Lee. with a lighter picked up atCairo, yesterday morning arrived from Memphis.Eh. lisd a Inrire number nf nnssengers anil anexceptionally heavy trip of freight. Resldca 41$pacaages or numines sne, uiscnurpisj .sw uuminsof staves. gl.COO feet of lumber and 82 head of llv'ostock. She departed last night on the down-stream trip with a largo patronage of freightand passengers.

Lawrence McMaMn ha lieen elected a mem-ber of the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers' .Pilots'Society.

Captain Sam Toms. Charles Zlegler andla. II. Braabcar. pilots of the Ree Lee. werc vis-itor In the rooms of the Mississippi and OhioRivera Pilots' clety jesterdaj-- .

Commander U. R. Harris. 17. & N., Inspectorof the Fifteenth Lighthouse District, hae notified

and masters of. the foltowlnr changea Inrdlotjn of. United States port light aloes;tho hanks of tbe. Mississippi River, betweenOrand .Tower and' Cape Girardeau: Tower Island

: it f.iz-.v-

a2 WmMMkMmi Kail'SiaiK'..-e



DIAMOND JO LINE STEAMERS.Tor ClarksvIIIe. Iyuljni. liannlnal. lulney.

Ia GranKe. Canton. Wartw. Alexandria aa4Keokuk.

STCAVKR SrviSEYLevies Saturdav. September 14 4 p. m.

ISAAC P. LUSK. Gen. Agt. Tel. Main M47A.

iu Louis and Haroburj Trtuispartatlca C.STEAMER JULIA,

(Formerly thn Bello of Calhoun.For Moxlef s. Ilamburc an'I all Cal-houn Courrty landings, Frank Mey-ers master. Ieave9 from wharfboar- -

foot Locust street. Wednesdays and Saturdays sc4 p. m. Saturdays, tnennir inuueeraente torcund-trt- p excursionists: only B, including mealsanl berth- -. Tuesday, , h. m.

H & JcHoPPil i SON. Agents.Phone KInloch A 168. Vt V1B.


STU. CITT OF SHEFFIELE.E. D. l'ounr. Master. C H. Storm Clerlr.Leaves t. toot of Vine street. Wedaei-da-

and Saturdays at 4 p. m. for Uoxitr.Hamburg, West Point and all Calhoun County,landings. Receiving dally.

JOHN iV. ETAvTXU Aat.Pbona Main 2044. 3M N. Second .


Tho only regular Sxe. Genevieve. St. Mary, astlChester Packet.

STK. COLV31UIALeaves eery Tuesday. Thursday and Baturaarat 3 p. m. from Illinois River wharfbeat. foot ofVIn. et. Receiving dally. Phon. Main 111.


EAGLE PACKET CO.ETK. CAPE GIRARDEAU. Monday, and nt.days., at 5 p. m.. for Sts. Oenrrtrr. Crtr.Orano Tos-er- . Caps GIrmrdeau. Cbffimtre, anjway laadlsis

TTiT DnSMSTR. BALD EAOLB (or Peoria, and WT ttnVmrs. wenneflcavs and Saturday- -. 4 n. m.n - . 1 e.Pbon Main 23X . V. IJH1.. AJTmt


To 3Iem pliln 97.0O Ronnd Trip fLOO.Tncluding Meals and Berth.

Tor Cbe.ter Grand Tower, dpe Gtrardeiu.ra,.r'?;. V00"1,'!13 and. " " bindings, taklnr

5 for way landlags through to Vlcks- -PETERS LEE. Monday, Seat, is 13neon.

STR. REES LEE follows Thursday. Sept. 13.Krom wharfboat. foot TTaFhlnston are.

--Pbones: Main 2447 A.: KInloch A 75.w. E. Albit.. Com. Agt. Isaac P. Lusk. Gen. At.Chester -- Cape Girardeau Line.

Railroad Time. Splendid Service.STEAMER CHESTER

wni leave wharfboat. foot of Pinestreet everv Ttiesa;... J,,,.a) aiSaturday at 4 o clock p. m.. promptly, for Ft.Genevieve. Chester. Cape Girardeau and theptlncipal way landings. Issulnr through Mm ofjadtag and tickets over S.. M. 4 A. and H.. It.Kys. Phones Main A. KInloch A 11.


TESSESSEE RIVERSt. Loafs and Tennessee Hirer Picket Co.

(.rent Tennessee River Reate.EXCURSION SEASON NOW OPEN.

Only 112.00 Round Trip.STR. CUT OV 3IEMPHIS

Will leave w harfboat. foot of Pitstreet, Saturday. September 14. at 1u. m.. for Cane Girarrlsan. ti-

Metropolis, Paducah and all landings oa Tenntasee River, to Waterloo. Ala.

JOHN E. MASSENGALE. Acent.Phone Main 4CA and A112.

jiend. started: foot Tower Island, reset: belowTower Island, established (day mark): above Moc-cas- in

Springs, reset: Sheppard rotnt. down 409yards: bead Hamburg towhead. down x.

mile: Hamburg towhead. down 200 yarda: footHamburg towhead. established (day mark); op-posite foot Hamburg towhead. discontinued (daymark): Slnorran. up mile: Poe'Landing', down 250 jards: )wlft Sure, down ltvan's: opposlta Flora Cretk. established (darmark).


Cairo. 111.. Sept. 12. The river fell .1 ef a footdurJngJtha past 24 hoursr the gauge reads 10.J)fet. Tbe weather Is cloudy, exceedingly warmand threatenlrg rain. There was a rainfall of 1inch last night. It was accompanied by a highw Ind. "T7i DIek Fower arrived and departed oatime with fair trip each way. The Louise de-parted for Hickman it 9 a. m. The T. IL Daviedeparted for Idaho at 4:30 p. m.. Frank R. Fams-I- y

and son. Wallace, at the wheel. The Kritnarrived at 7 p. m. with 1 barga of lumber. Shewill return south during the night- - The JennieO'Irbrlst is due from the Lower Mississippi. er

(5. ratterson of tho propeller McDonnellttme down by reJI from St. Lnuia to-d- to lootafter her machinery and keep It In prime condi-tion- - ,

lducnh. Ky., Sept. 12. Observations taken at7 o'clock this a. m.: River gauge reads 7.9 feet,and 2.95 rainfall last night. The Dick Fowlerfor Cairo departed at S:33 this morning. Tbe H.W. Ruttorff from Evansvllle arrived at 11 a. m.and left on return trip to th same at 12:39 p. at.Memphis, Tenn.. Sept. 12. The river nowstands .7 feet en tbe gauge, a fall of .2 of a fontin the last 24 hours. The Kate Adams departedat p. ro. for Arkansas City with a good trio.No arrivals or departures of transient atearaera

Receipts by river were 27 balesof cotton and 254 sacks cf cotton seed..Burlington. Ia Sept. 12. The river rose H

Inch and Is now fi Inches above marieof I'M. Weather clearing and cooler. The ElniseIn and out. The Antoinette floating palace snowIn port. .

Cape Girardeau, Mo.. Sent- - 12. Weather clear.Heavy rains last night. River on a stand. TheJames Y. Lockwood and three barges up at 9a. m. The City of Memphis up at 3 p. m.

Grand Tcwer. I1L. Sept. 12. Josle arrived downat 4 do p. m. City of Memphis due up. The mugreads 5.1 feet, and stationary. Weather clear andwarm. '

Warsaw, 111.. Sept. U. Gauge reada S.S fe--t.Weather cloudy and cool. Sidney up at 3 o'clock.Mackfczlo passed down. Silver Crescent In andout.

Crestcr. Ill . Sept. 11 River stationary: gaum2 feet- - Weather clear. Rem Lee up at 7 lastnight. Cape Girardeau at 7:3) and Cheater at 10.

Louisville. Sept. 12. River stationanr: S.n feetin canal: 3.6 feet on falls; S.2 feet below locks.Cloudy and warm.

Pittsburg. Sept. 12. River S.I feet; tlbiyWeather cloudy.

Cincinnati. Sept. IL River 9.4 feet) rattn..Fair and pleasant.

V heeling. Sept. 32. River S.I feet: faBtea.X'eavy showers.

Evansvllle Sept-- 12. River 7.4 feet, dsaraad.cooler.


Death Cuts Short Promising Car-

reer of Bloominirton Woman.REPUBLIC SPECTATa.

Bloomlngton. 111.. Sept li 47brramjtioacaused the untimely death to-d- of AlttjtDonahue, a talented artist. She was aged33 yenrs. and for eight years past has beena resident of Chicago. Her specialty wu oilportraiture, and her work: war? greatly ad-mired. She had studied under the Easternmasters, and possessed unusual talent. Shewas a sister of Kate Elolso Donahue. thnoted vocalist.


Xorrls CTty. III.. Sept. 12. MIsh Daisy Ed-monds, daughter of W. I. Edmonds, age19 years, prominent In society circle. dle4nt the family home, near this place, yester-day.


rtldirtvav. III.. Sent, li James Conner.nsed 7 yar?, died of typhoid fever toCuay.


Sturgeon. 3Io.. ScpL 12. George B. Poole,a prominent farmer. living in the easternpart of Boone County, died yesterday, aged

,64 years.TUB KCV. TV. H. CRAWFORD.

RcrunLia special.Princeton, Ind., Sept. 13. The Reverend

W. B. Crawford of till? city died suddenly,this evening. He was a retired CumberlandPresbyterian minister. During tho CivilViir he was a member of Company J3.

Fifth Indiana Volunteers.tiu: nnv. h. i. togxg.

ItEI'l'IlLlC Sl'KCLM..Galveston. Tex-.- , Sept. 12. The Ilevercmt

II. P. Votinp, pastor of Hie German Presbyterian unarm, anu tne oioestdivine In Tejcas. died at SL Mary's Infirmarylast night. He lacked fifteen days of beingSi years of age. He was a native of Get-man-

but had resided In Galveston furover fifty jearp, and was universally be-loved. When he first arrived here he taughtechool, and many of tho older resident?were his pupils. His wife, whom hc. mar-ried llfty-si- x years ago, died several yearsago.

St. bonlsaa m Physical Director. -KEPURLIU SPECIAL.

Milwaukee. Wis., Sept- - li A. A. Wagcly"of St. Louis has been selected as physicaldirector of Marinette. Wis., Y. M. C. A.

SANDOVAIa. IIat The slxty-nr- st annualmeeting of the Centralla District BnpINtasscclalIon convened In Patoka Wednes4layand will continue three tlays. The districttomprlsep the churches In Marlon and Sln- - --

ton counties and part in Bond. Fayette aridWashington counties.

rAf.A' W While plaj-In- ball Wednes-d- ay

Ottn ICuhn, aged 12 years, wnu hit inthe Icrt temple ly a runner and renderedcjinconBciousj Ho was revived and walkednoroe. While talking to members i.'"", :'""1UX sveninir. no lell dead. DOC- -,

---tors-clai- death was caused by v,cIot " -

DIood on. tho brain. , -