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Statistical analysis

INTRODUCTION1. Aromatic Plants :

The term aromatic comes from the word aroma meaning fragrance or flavour. Aromatic plants, also known as herbs and spices, have been used from times immemorial for their preservative and medicinal properties, in addition to enhancing aroma and flavour of foods (Chang et al. 2000; Li et al. 2006; Piccaglia et al. 1993). Aromatic plants contain odorous, volatile, hydrophobic and highly concentrated compounds called essential oils (or volatile or ethereal oils). The term essential oil is concomitant to fragrance or perfumes because these fragrances are oily in nature and they represent the essence or the active constituents of the plants. These are obtained from various parts of the plant such as flowers, buds, seeds, leaves, twigs, bark, wood, fruits and roots (Brenes et al. 2010; Negi et al. 2012). The essential oils are complex mixtures of secondary metabolites consisting of low-boiling-point phenylpropenes and terpenes (Greathead et al. 2003). Essential oils are the most important raw materials of the fragrance and aroma industry. They are also used in the food and pharmaceutical industries due to their therapeutic, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities. Nevertheless, they have biological activities that make them able to be used as herbicides, pesticides and anticancer compounds (Mahmoud and Croteau 2002; Abrahim et al. 2003; Burfield and Reekie 2005; El Tamer 2005). The oils are usually extracted by steam distillation while currently the use of supercritical carbon dioxide has become increasingly popular. Essential oils of aromatic plants also play an important role in aromatherapy. This form of complementary and alternative medicine is used for the prevention and treatment of certain disorders. Two different modes of action have been suggested: One is directly related to the pharmacological effects of essential oils. The other relates more to the positive influence of aromatic substances on the limbic system of the brain via the olfactory system. The aroma therapy for management of pain, anxiety, depression, hypertension etc. is also very useful (Yim et al. 2009; Setzer 2009; Hur et al. 2012; Tillet and Ames 2010; Lee et al. 2011; Smith et al. 2011). FIGURE 1: ACTIVITIES AND USES OF AROMATIC PLANTS


activity Anticoccidal activity

antioxidant activity

Main activities

Aromatic plants ,extracts, essential oils

Uses Pharmaceutical industry e.g


Feed additives e.g., antioxidants, cosmetic industry

Growth promoters food industry e.g. skin products


1.1 Palmarosa(Cymbopogon martinii) :Aromatic plants, basically Lemongrass and Palmarosa, have been the topic of study. Lemongrass(Cymbopogon flexusous) belongs to the family Poaceae and is commonly cultivated as culinary and medicinal herb because of their scent, resembling that of lemons (Soenarko and S 1977).It contains an active compound called citrel responsible for the lemon flavourPalmarosa (Cymbopogon martinii [Roxb.] Wats. Var. motia) is a perennial grass, widely distributed in tropical and subtropical regions. It contains essential oil, whose main components are geraniol and geranyl acetate (Khanuja et al. 2005). The essential oil from C. martinii is widely used as a valuable component for perfumes, cosmetic and pharmaceutical products (Akhila et al. 2009; Singh et al. 1996)and against the action of various bacteria, fungi and microorganisms (Rajeswara et al. 2009; Duarte et al. 2005). The essential oil also has some of the important properties such as insect repellent and is also used in aromatherapy (Fatima et al. 2002). Due to these applications, essential oil demand in the domestic and international market has increased, which has stimulated its cultivation. Used extensively as a fragrance component in cosmetics, perfumes and especially soaps due to excellent tenacity.Aroma therapists recommend it as an oil to diffuse during flu epidemics. Its action against viral illnesses and against bacteria, together with its pleasant smell makes it a great oil to use to disinfect a room.Palmarosa oil blends well with cananga, geranium, oak moss, rosewood, amyris, sandalwood, guaiacwood, cedarwood and floral oils.C. martini oil is being distilled in India for more than 50 years. However, till very recently most of this oil except for one plantation in Dehradun, was obtained from wild growth in Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh. During this period a number of other countries including Guatemala and Brazil have taken up the production of quality Palmarosa Oil with the result that production of Indian Palmarosa Oil has declined. From the past decade, a number of agronomical experiments have been carried out with the result that a number of Palmarosa plantations producing high grade oil have been developed, mainly in Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh and Orissa. It is estimated that both from cultivated and natural source about 60-70 tonnes of oil is now being produced annually in India.

FIG.2 : Palmarosa (Cymbopogon martinii) cultivar grown in Integral university gardenThere are numerous reports in the literature concerning the effects of growth regulators on growth and development of various aromatic plants (Sangwan et al. 2001). Most of these growth substances have exhibited influences by modifying the growth characters. Gibberellins are endogenous plant hormones, which improve the growth of plants. In aromatic plants, where active principle is generally present in the leaves or flowers, gibberellins have been used to improve growth and herb yield of aerial parts of the plants. Gibberellic acid (GA3) also significantly enhanced the foliage yield of Cymbopogon jwarancusa (Ansari et al. 1988). Auxins and cytokinins constitute other major groups of plant hormones. Auxins are well known for their role in cell elongation and differentiation in the plants. Similarly, role of cytokinins in cell division and differentiation in the plants is well established. Both these hormones have been used for improvement of growth and development of aromatic plants. Indole acetic acid (IAA) also stimulated leaf growth in C. Jwarancusa (Ansari et al. 1988). Effect of kinetin on herbage and oil yield has been reported earlier in Mentha specie (Farooqi et al. 2003; Keltawi and Croteau 1987). The present study was under-taken to examine the effect of plant growth regulators on the essential oil biosynthesis in Palmarosa and plant growth.

Biosynthesis of terpenoids is dependent on primary metabolism, e.g. photosynthesis and oxidative pathways for carbon and energy supply (Sangwan et al. 2001). Therefore in this study, effect of plant growth regulators on primary metabolic parameters like nitrate reductase (NR) activity, chlorophyll content and protein content was also determined.1.2 Plant Growth Regulators :These are organic compounds either natural or synthetic, that modify or control one or more specific, physiological process within a plant. They are also called plant growth substance. They are required in very low concentration ranging from 10-6 molar to 10-5molar (Balakrishnan et al. 2011) with high application rates of 1M same compound often being herbicidal. Those substances laborated by the plant are referred to as phytohormones whereas others are called as synthetic plant hormones.

There are five major endogenous plant growth substances. These are auxin, gibberelin, cytokines, abscisic acid and ethylene. Moreover, plants contain numerous other molecules that are active in various aspects of growth and development, for example Brassinolide, phenolics, salicylic acid, ethrel. Phytohormones occur in free or conjugated with sugars, amino acid and possibly peptides. Free forms are considered to be biologically active while conjugates are viewed as functioning in controlling levels of the more active free forms. There are no specific or specialized glands that produce hormones. These are synthesised in the plant and act at any part as their target. They are transported via xylem and/or phloem and by diffusion. They differ in their effects (Mir et al. 2010).1.2.1 Mechanism of action of plant growth regulators :There are two general classes of hormones found in animal system-steroid and peptides both of which probably also occur in plant system. This steroid class forms a hormone receptor complex in the cytoplasm, which is then transported into nucleus where mRNA is synthesised, resulting in a given response. The peptide class binds to a receptor at a plasma membrane forming hormone receptor complex, which causes the synthesis of secondary messenger for a given response. Each receptor is specific to one hormone (Arteca 1996).

AUXINS: The word auxin was derived from Greek word auxein meaning to grow. These are organic compounds having a ring structure and a side chain. A number of auxin including indole 3-acetic acid(IAA), indole 3-butyric acid, phenyl acetic acid and 4-chloro-indole acetic acid have been isolated from different parts of plant.

They are generally produced by the growing apices of the stem and roots, from where they migrate polarly through phloem to the regions of their action. However, they may also be produced in young leaves, seeds and fruits of higher plants. Typical IAA concentration ranges from 0.01 to 3 mg per litre ( enhance a number of physiological proceeses in plants, including abscission of older mature leaves and fruits, apical dominance, cell division, cell enlargement, distribution of growth between primary and lateral root and shoot meristems, flowering and parthenocarpy, loosening of cell wall, root inhibition, synthesis of ribonucleic acid(RNA), deoxyribonucleic acid(DNA)and protein(Hanisak 1997; Walz et al. 2002; Debi et al. 2005;Yamazoe et al. 2005;Boohkorkaew et al. 2008)

Indole-3 -acetic acid

GIBBERELIN: The word gibberelin was coined by Yabula and Sumiki(1938) after the genus name of the fungus Gibberella fugikuroi from which the active factor was isolated. These are tetracyclic diterpenoid acid. Over 136 naturally occurring gibberelin have been isplated from plants, fungi, and bacteria(McMillian 2002). These are abbreviated as GA with a subscript such as GA1, GA2, GA3 and so on. GA3, also known as gibberelic acid, is commonly available and most widely used in plant physiological research (Noggle and Fritz 1986). It was isolated and characterized by two groups, one headed by cross in England and one by Stodole in the USA(Brian et al. 1954; Stodola et al. 1955). Cytokinin (CYT): It is a phytohormone that participates in events in the course of whole plant ontogeny, from fecundated ovule to senescence and death. It is present in processes such as cell division, shoot initiation and growth, senescence delay and photomorfogenic development, control of chloroplast division and growth, modulation of metabolism and morphogenesis in response to environmental stimulus (Kieber 2002; Pozo et al. 2005).


Abscisic acid (ABA): It has great importance in developmental processes and seed germination, as the induction of seed dormancy, protein and lipid synthesis, tolerance to desiccation and inhibition of the embryonic to vegetative development. In mature plants ABA acts on the response to drought through stomata aperture. It also acts on adaptation to stress conditions like low temperature, salinity, hypoxia and in response to pathogen attacks. In a general way ABA is considered a hormone with inhibitory activity on growth (Nambara and Marion-Poll 2005; Pozo et al. 2005). Abscisic acid

Ethylene (ET): It is a phytohormone that acts on seedgermination, shoot and root growth, flower development, flower and leaf senescence and abscission and fruit maturation. Its particularity is the emission by diffusion as a gas. It is also associated with plant defense, acting on the induction of xylem inclusions and phytoalexins synthesis.Ethylene production can be induced by factors like drought, inundation, ozone exposure, or mechanical injury, which associate it with stress responses (Taiz and Zeiger 2004; Adie et al. 2007).



1.3 The following were the objectives of this study - To study the effect of plant growth regulators (GA3, IAA, K, Ethrel) on growth and essential oil yield in Palmarosa. Following parameters were investigated Measurements of growth parameters like plant height, leaves area, tiller no and herb yield

Estimation of oil content

Nitrate reductase activity

Peroxidase activity Protein estimation

Chlorophyll Estimation

Proline content determination Oil extraction by hydro-distillation using clevanger apparatus.

Determination of oil composition by GLC/GC-MS.


The oil of Cymbopogon martinii(Palmarosa) is one of the most important essential oil-bearing herbaceous species of the Poaceae family because of its high geraniol content. The oil of Cymbopogon martini is used as base for fine perfumery and is valued because of its geraniol content. Tamuli et al(2012) studied the quality of essential oil in Palmarosa(Cymbopogon martinii) and found that the oil from healthy leaves yielded 69.48% geraniol. Another major component geranyl acetate was found at about 17.82% in the oil from healthy leaves. Besides the perfumery value, the oil has a great wound healing effect. There are several other aromatic grasses of the genus Cymbopogon, which are cultivated for their essential oils i.e. lemongrass and citronella java. Lemongrass is one of the most widely grown essential oil plants in the tropics and subtropics of India, Indonesia, Madagascar, and countries in Africa and South America (Anaruma et al., 2010; Ganjewala and Luthra 2010; Weiss 1997). Lemongrass biomass is steam distilled for the extraction of essential oil, a natural product with wide application in the food and pharmaceutical industries, perfumery and cosmetics, and eco-friendly pesticides (Ganjewala and Luthra 2010; Weiss 1997). Lemongrass oil has a pleasant and refreshing aroma and antifungal and antibacterial properties (Anaruma et al. 2010; Guynot et al. 2003; Pandey et al. 2003; Kumar et al. 2007, 2009;). However, lemongrass essential oil production is currently limited to the tropics and subtropics. The lemon- like aroma is due to presence of citral. Farooqi et al.(2015) examined the response of gibberelic acid(GA3) on herbage yield, essential oil content and oil composition in Palmarosa (Cymbopogon martinii) and reported that Gibberellins are endogenous plant hormones, which improve the growth of plants. In aromatic plants, where active principle is generally present in the leaves or flowers, gibberellins have been used to improve growth and herb yield of aerial parts of the plants. Gibberellic acid (GA3) also significantly enhanced the foliage yield of Cymbopogon jwarancusa. Plant growth was improved by GA3 significantly, and the increase was maximum at 100 ppm concentration in plant height, leaf area, tiller number and herbage yield. Chlorophyll content, protein content, NR activity and oil content increased in the plants due to GA3 treatment compared to untreated plants, and the increase was maximum at 100 ppm concentration.Farooqi et al.(2000) claimed that aromatic grasses have great potential as agro and social forestry plants and for wasteland reclamation with their proven soil binding properties. Maudu et al. (2011) conducted a study to determine the effect of gibberellins on sprouting of cuttings and subsequent quality of bush tea (Athrixia phylicoides DC). The study was conducted under a 40% shade net with light/shading as a gradient. Treatments consisted of gibberellins (Progibb 40%) applied at various rates as follows: 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4%. For growth parameters such as plant height, number of branches, leaf area and fresh biomass, best results were recorded at 3 and 4% gibberellin application rates. Chemical attributes in the form of total polyphenols, and total antioxidants tended to decline with increasing gibberellin application rate. However, tannin content peaked at 2% gibberellin application rate. Overall, gibberellin application improved bush tea growth and chemical attributes. Rabie(1996) stated that Gibberellic acids (GA3) are the most important natural growth regulators in use. They are used to induce major changes in the growth required to increase the quantity and quality of edible characters, chemical composition and yield criteria of Hibiscus sabdariffa L. Plants.El-Keltawi & Croteau(1987) explained that plant growth regulators that exert their effect at the level of gibberelin metabolism might increase the accumulation of essential oil in plants. Growth retardants such as phosphone D and chlormequat chloride(CCC) which influence gibberelin metabolism have been shown to increase terpene formation resulting in increased essential oil content of peppermint and sage. Swain and Singh(2005) found that GA3 exerts profound effects on fundamental process of plant growth and development in Mentha piperita. GA3 is widely regarded as a growth promoting compound that positively regulates processes such as seed germination, stem elongation and leaf expansion. GA3 application was reported to increase weight of aerial parts in Viola (Vlahos, 1991). Bose et al.(2013) found that GA3 improved plant biomass and stolon yield, leaf area, branching and leaf stem ratio and essential oil synthesis in Mentha arvensis L which is the main source of menthol rich essential oil used commercially in various food, pharmaceutical and other preparations.

Hazzoumi et al.(2014) studied the effect of gibberelic acid(GA3) on the content and composition of essential oils of the aromatic plant Basil (Ocimum gratissimum L), especially on the main compound methyl chavicol and its isomer (the trans-anethole). GA3 caused a slight decrease in the oil yield (0.2%), but it increased the diversity of compounds (17 molecules) with the appearance of four new compounds (naphthalene, camphor, germacrene-D, and ledene) and disappearance of ( cedrene, azulene). This variation also caused a very important decrease in the main compound methyl chavicol(from 75.16% in the control to 70.7%) and increases its isomer (trans-anethole).

Hassanpouraghdam et al.(2011) conducted a pot experiment to evaluate the effects of GA3 on growth characteristics, essential oil content and yield in French lavender(Lavandula officinalis Chaix), which is an important multidisciplinary aromatic plant with great use in pharmaceutical, fragrance and food industries. The results showed that highest amounts for volatile oil content and yield belonged to 300 mgl-1(ppm) GA3 treatment. Chlorophyll content as well as leaves fresh and dry weight attained their greatest quantities under 300ppm GA3 application. Tissue nitrogen and phosphorus content were affected by treatments with their highest concentration possessed by 300 and 100mgl-1 GA3 applications respectively. Potaasium content was not affected by the treatments.

Kapoor and Kaul(2006) found that application of GA3 to Chenopodium ambrosiodes L.var.anthelminticum(L.) resulted in an increase of approximately 25 and 33% in the volatile oil content and yield of fruits. Vegetative growth was also increased.

Azadeh et al.(2013) investigated the effect of pretreatment with gibberelic acid(GA3) on germination indices in Secale montanum. The results showed that pretreatment with gibberelic acid increased the germination percentage, germination rate, root length and shoot length. GA3 at 50ppm at 100C and 100ppm at 100C had the most positive effect on germination and growth factors, respectively.

Kavina et al.(2011) investigated the effect of gibberelic acid in Mentha piperita Linn. (pippermint, Family: Lamiaceae). GA3 enhanced the fresh and dry weights and stem length increased the larger extent when compared with control.

Poyh and Ono (2006) observed in sage (Salvia officinalis) treated with 100 mg L-1 of gibberellic acid (GA3) resulted in higher essential oil content compared to control plants.

Misra et al.(2009) investigated the changes in growth parameters, 14C02 and [U-14C]-sucrose incorporation into the primary metabolic pools and essential oil were investigated in leaves and stems of Catharanthus roseus L. treated with gibberellic acid (GA3). Compared to the control, GA3 treatment induced significant phenotypic changes and a decrease in chlorophyll content, carbon assimilation rate, and stomatal conductance.

Xu et al.(1998) confirmed that exogenously applied, gibberellin promoted stolon elongation and inhibited tuber formation and increased fresh weight in potato.

Rohamare et al.(2013) carried out a field experiment to investigate the effects of foliar application of gibberellic acid (GA3) on growth, yield and essential oil components of Ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi L.) .The results revealed that foliar application of GA3 significantly enhanced the vegetative characters i.e. plant height, no. of branches and leaf area of ajwain in addition to photosynthetic pigments, total carbohydrate, essential oil percentage, essential oil yield/plant and thymol content. Ajwain essential oil composition was mainly characterized by presence of thymol, p-cymene and terpinene.

Zhang et al.(2005) verified that after GA3 application (14 M) there was a 400% increase in the concentration of artemisinin compared to control plants.

Ethrel or Ethephon or Bromeflor is one of the most widely used plant growth regulator. It acts as a growth retarding agent and causes dwarfism in plants. As a result, stress is produced in plants and more secondary metabolites are produced. Srivastava et al. (2008) evaluated Ethrel (2-chloroethylphosphonic acid) in field trials as a chemical hybridizing agent on four varieties of palmarosa (Cymbopogon martinii): PRC-1, Tripta, Trishna, and Composite. Application of 500 g/mlEthephonto foliage either as a mist or by wrapping Ethephon-soaked cotton around the stem during the vegetative and anthesis stages initiated increases in growth and yield attributable to heterosis. A positive correlation between Ethephonapplication and yield of dry matter and Ethephonapplication and essential oil with enhanced geraniol levels was obtained, suggestingEthephontreatment is an effective chemical hybridizing agent in palmarosa.Ethephonalso appeared to stimulate ethylene production in flowers of palmarosa, resulting in male sterility and premature anther-petal senescence. Although many environmental groups worry about toxicity resulting from use of growth hormones and fertilizers, the toxicity of ethephon is actually very low,and any ethephon used on the plant is converted very quickly to ethylene (Joint meeting of FAO panel of experts 1994).Farooqi et al.(1988) found that Ethephon at 0.06% concentration significantly decreased growth of Japanese mint but had no significant effect on oil content. Menthone content was significantly increased by 0.06% ethephon.

Cho et al.(1988) found an increased production of purine alkaloids by Coffea arabica cells by addition of ethrel.

Misra et al.(2009) investigated the changes in growth parameters, 14C02 and [U-14C]-sucrose incorporation into the primary metabolic pools and essential oil were investigated in leaves and stems of Catharanthus roseus L. treated with ethrel. Compared to the control, etherel treatments induced significant phenotypic changes and a decrease in chlorophyll content, carbon assimilation rate, and stomatal conductance. Treatment with etherel led to increased total incorporation of CO2 into the leaves where as total incorporation from 14C sucrose was decreased. When 14CO2 was fed, the incorporation into the ethanol soluble fraction, sugars, organic acids, and essential oil was significantly higher in etherel treated leaves than in the control. Thus the overall growth was stunted.Chaturvedi et al.(2009) studied the effect of ethrel in Saussurea costus (Falc.). Ethepon was applied as foliar sprays (25, 50, 100 ppm and 1.0 mM and 1.5 mM) to greenhouse-grown plants of Saussurea costus (Falc.) Lipsch. seedlings. Under stress conditions, the growth of the ethepon treated seedlings was measured by leaf area, root length and root dry weight. A significant increment in root length was recorded for all treatments and showed a concentration-dependent pattern excluding for 50 ppm PCB treatment where the results were non-significant at 5% P level. Photosynthetic rate (A), transpiration rate (E) and stomatal conductance (gS) were found decreased in all the treatments as compared to control.

JC et al.(2001) found that small quantities of 2- chloroethylphosphonic acid (Ethephon or

Ethrel) were added to suspension cultures of Camellia sinensis. Growth was reduced by 20% but production of phenolics and flavans increased by 90 and 75%, respectively.

Farooqi et al.(2007) found that Ethrel at 50, 100, 250 and 500 mgL-1 in Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium produced a significant positive effect on pyrethrins level, decreased plant height, while 50 and 100 mg ll significantly increased fresh and dry flower yield.

Wenjing Chen and Roman Houbowicz(2010) showed that soaking the seeds of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) in the ethereal oils solutions did decrease the percentage of dead seeds in the tested samples. Soaking of the seeds in the ethereal oils solutions also increased the percentage of healthy ungerminated seeds. Treating the seeds with the concentrations of the ethereal oils solutions, although had no effect on their germination, still shortened the length of seedlings. Moreover, the used ethereal oils lowered the amount of identified Alternaria alternata and Cladosporium sphaerospermum fungi on the seeds.Poyh and Ono (2006) confirmed that application of ethrel on sage (Salvia officinalis), which is degraded when in contact with plant cells producing ethylene, in concentrations of 50 and 100 mg L-1, resulted in a decrease in plant height, yet there was an increase of 38-42% on fresh and dry mass of flowers in relation to control plants. On the other hand, high concentrations (250 and 500 mg L-1) had negative effects not only on plant height, but also on flower production.

Haque et al. (2007) concluded that single flower mass was not influenced by application of ethrel in Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium.Amalou et al.(1991) treated rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) bark with chloro-2-ethyl phosphonic acid (ethrel), an ethylene-releasing chemical, induced, after a lag period of 13 to 21 hours, a marked increase in the total adenine nucleotides (essentially ATP and ADP) of latex cells. This rise in the latex adenylate pool was concomitant with a marked decrease in the [ATP]/[ADP] ratio without significant changes in the adenylate energy charge.

Haque et al.(2007) stated that in Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium piretrin production increased 31 and 44% in relation to control for 50 and 100 mg L-1 ethrel concentrations, respectively. It was also observed that under ethrel treatment there was a higher incorporation of 14CO2 in piretrins. According to the authors this result indicates that ethrel could influence the activity of enzymes linked to the piretrin biosynthetic pathway.2.1 ESSENTIAL OIL OF AROMATIC PLANTS :A number of plants have the capacity of synthesizing and storing aromatic substances and commonly referred to as secondary plant products. These chemicals are alkaloids, terpenoids, steroids, phenolics, etc. Since ancient times, the plant terpenoids have been used for flavours, fragrance, food preservatives, perfumes and cosmetics (Loomis & Croteau, et al.,1980). The terpenoids are ubiquitous in higher plants. The aromatic plants synthesize and accumulate substantial quantities of monoterpenes that constitute the odoriferous volatile part of their essential oil. Substantial quantities of essential oils are found in plants belonging to families Labiatae, Rutaceae, Compositae, Rosaceae, Pinaceae and Graminae(Croteau et al., 1989).

The ever increasing commercialization of the secondary metabolites of plants has prompted man to cultivate the aromatic and medicinal plants on an increasingly large scale(Hussain et al., 1989). Oils contained within plant cells are liberated through heat and pressure from various parts of the plant matter; for example, the leaves, flowers, fruit, grass, roots, wood, bark, gums and blossom. The extraction of essential oils from plant material can be achieved by various methods, of which hydro-distillation, steam and steam/water distillation are the most common method of extraction (Bowles, 2003; Margaris et al., 1982; Surburg & Panten, 2006). Other methods include solvent extraction, aqueous infusion, cold or hot pressing, effleurage, supercritical fluid extraction and phytonic process (Da Porto et al., 2009).

The feeding with aromatic herbs, spices and some dietary supplements can supply the body with essential oils. There are a lot of specific dietary sources of essential oils, such as example orange and citrus peel, caraway, dill; cherry, spearmint, caraway, spearmint, black pepper and lemongrass. Thus, human exposure to essential oils through the diet or environment is widespread. However, only little information is available on the estimation of essential oil intake. In most cases, essential oils can be absorbed from the food matrix or as pure products and cross the blood brain barrier easily. This later property is due to the lipophilic character of volatile compounds and their small size. The action of essential oils begins by entering the human body via three possible different ways including direct absorption through inhalation, ingestion or diffusion through the skin tissue.

Chemically, essential oils represent mainly the mixture of structurally related monoterpenoids(the C10- carbon compounds) and their derivatives. Plants are adapted to store large quantities of these compounds in their plant parts, the most important being the leaves, flowers or fruits and roots. Lavender oil (containing linalool and its acetate ester) is obtained from the flowers of Lavendula vera. Rose oil which is rich in geraniol and its derivative citronellal is also produce in petals of rose flowers(Rosa damacena). 2.1.1 ESSENTIAL OIL BIOSYNTHESIS IN CYMBOPOGON SPECIES :The essential oil of Cymbopogons, the aromatic grasses are mainly made up of terpenoids and have a varied combination of monoterpenes in their essential oils (Rejenduru and Das et al., 1983). It is well established that terpenoids synthesized from 5-C units of isopentyl pyrophosphate(IPP) and its isomer dimethyl allyl pyrophosphate (DMAPP). These monomeric building blocks are biosynthetic equivalent of Ruzickas classical isoprene unit.Specific prenyl transferases ( prenyl pyrophosphate synthase) couple desired number of IPP units to DMAPP onwards leading to homologous series (C10 mono- terpenoids; C15 sesquiterpenoids, etc.) of phenyl pyrophosphatases. The monoterpenes are predominantly the product of secondary metabolisms of plants. Modern methods of separation and structure determination and the advent of radioisotope and 14C labelled techniques have led to vary rapid advances in the knowledge of the routes of biosynthesis of mono terpenes. The biosynthesis of terpenoids/essential oils takes place through the mevalonate isoprenoid pathway (Croteau et al., 1987). The mevalonate pathway of terpene biosynthesis in plant is outlined in (Fig. 3). Besides the ubiquitous mevalonate pathway, there are now reports of non mevalonate pathway referred to as Rohmer pathway or 1- deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate (DOXP) pathway. According to this scheme, DOXP pathway starts with DOXP synthase catalyzed formation of 1- deoxy-D-xylulose-3-phosphate (DOXP) from glyceraldehydes-3-P and pyruvate (condensation via TPP dependent decarboxylation pyruvate derived acetyl aldehyde-TPP). DOXP is subsequently transformed to 2-C-methyl-D-erythrotol-4-phosphate by an intramolecular C-C skeleton rearrangement involving DOXP reducto-keto-isomerase in a mechanism similar to ketol acid reducto-isomerase (KAKI) operational in the biosynthesis of valine, leucine and isoleucine (Litchenthaler et al., 1999). Both the enzyme catalyze a C-C skeleton rearrangement followed by a NADPH- dependent reduction step. 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol-4-phosphate ultimately gets metabolically transposed to IPP (Fig.3). Mevalonate (MVA) is formed from glycolitically generated acetyl CoA. Subsequently, hydroxymethyl gluataryl CoA (HMG CoA) synthetase catalyses the formation of HMG CoA. A soluble enzyme HMG CoA reductase catalyses the reductive deacylation of HMG CoA into mevalonate (MVA). Successive enzymatic phosphorylation and decarboxylation of MVA yield isopentenyl pyrophosphate (IPP), the basic 5 carbon containing isoprenoid unit. The IPP is isomerised to dimethylallyl pyrophosphate (DMAPP). The IPP and DMAPP then produce geranyl pyrophosphate (GPP), a C10 compound under the catalytic action of GPP synthetase. The C10 compound which arises from mevalonate is the precursor of monoterpenes.

In Cymbopogon species the principal interest is the biosynthetic steps whereby the monoterpenes diverge from other terpenoid compounds and specifically the conversion of geranyl pyrophosphate to the acyclic monoterpenes, citral, geranial, citronellol, citronellal, neral, etc. (Fig.4). Geraniol undoubtedly arises in-vitro by hydrolysis of the corresponding pyrophosphates (Perez et al., 1980). Use of 14C and 3H labelled precursors reveal that leaf blades of Cymbopogon flexuosus converted Geraniol into citral trans, whereas nerol lost the hydrogen while being converted into citral cis. Secondly, the citral trans is converted into citral cis and vice-versa. There is no separate route for the biosynthesis of two aldehyde isomers (Akhila et al., 1985).


FIG FIG.3: General Scheme of Monoterpene biosynthesisSangwan et al(1993a) showed that the enzyme catalyses oxidation of geraniol into citral. It also oxidises nerol but at slower rates. The enzyme was found to be located in cytosol which also contains alcohol dehydrogenase activity. Cymbopogon cultivars differing in amount of citral and geraniol in their essential oils were screened for geraniol dehydrogenase activity to discern the feasibility of its serving as biochemical marker for oil yield and quality. The enzyme activity had a positive and significant association with citral to geraniol. The results are suggestive of a strong relationship between the enzyme activity and essential oil quality in Cymbopogon cultivars (Sangwan et al., 1993b). SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT

FIG. 4: Metabolic Interconversion Of Monoterpenes in Cymbopogon sp.Many evidences including the diurnal and seasonal fluctuation in monoterpene content, and the time course of the incorporation of labelled precursors into monoterpenes indicate that monoterpenes are in a state of metabolic flux. The oil content of leaves of Cymbopogon winterianus decreased with maturity and exhibited seasonal and diurnal changes. Maximum accumulation of citral occurred during the day when temperature was highest (Singh et al.,1979). The percentage of oil is maximum during October and November months (Chandra et al., 1970). The oil obtained from the harvests in the month of September showed marked rise in the aldehyde content (maximum 45%) over other months of the year (Malwatkar et al.,1984), (Verma et al,.1985) reported that in Cymbopogon khasianus, the increase in the feeding time of the labelled precursor 2-14C acetate resulted in the decrease in the radioactivity of citral with a corresponding increase in hydrocarbons and/or undentified products. This supports the suggestion that monoterpenes do undergo turnover in plant.2.2 PHYSIOLOGY OF ESSENTIAL OIL PRODUCTION :

One of the most important characteristics of oil accumulation is its dependence on the developmental stage of the plant as well as its concerned organ, tissue and the cells. The origin of the leaves from primordial, there expansion to full maturity and finally loss through senescence are particularly important in aromatic grasses in which the leaves from the source of this commercially valuable oil. A close coordination between leaf ontogeny and oil accumulation and biogenesis has demonstrated in many aromatic plants. (Singh et al., 1989) reported that net essential oil production is associated with early growth period in C. flexuosus. Maximum oil content (1.18%) in the leaves of C. martiniihas the end of blooming while flowers and inflorescence possesses much higher oil as compared to leaves (Akhila et al., 1987; Sangwan et al., 1994).Ontogeny also effects the oil composition, but only rarely, to a very substantial extent C. martinii geraniol increases from 65% to 81% till flowering stage and has been demonstrated to be formed at the expense of geranyl acetate (Sangwan et al., 1984). However, C. flexuosus does not exhibit much pronounced effects in its composition. Its main constituent citral attains highest value at the leaf age of 20 days and remains almost constant thereafter (Singh et al., 1989). Even during the later stages of leaf growth and development, substantial increase in the in-vitro activity of geraniol dehydrogenase involved in citral generation has also been reported. The enzyme level has been shown to be well correlated with citral geraniol ratio not only with difference in specie but also with the developmental stages (Sangwan et al., 1993b; Singh et al., 1990).

Narain and Gupta (1948) showed that the flowering tops of C. martinii contained more oil than other parts. Subba Roy et al., 1948 pointed out that oil content remain maximum for 1 week to 10 days after initiation of flowering. Gupta et al., 1978 found that C. martinii foliage oil had the highest percentage of geaniol. Saxena et al., 1978 had observed that geraniol content in the oil increase from 64.8% at vegetative state to 81.4% at the flowering stage. Pareek et al., 1981 reported the maximum oil content in C. martinii at flowering initiation, but the oil yield was highest at the flower open stage and early seed formation stage when the plant biomass was highest. Oil quality is dependent on the harvesting time. Akhila et al., 1984 reported maximum oil (1.18%) in the leaves towards the end of blooming.Sangwan et al., 1985 reported high oil content in the flower as well as maximum oil in a plant at the flowering time. During leaf ontogeny the amount of citronellal, geraniol and citronellol in the essential oil increased with leaf expansion whereas the amount of geranyl acetate and citronellyl acetate decreased. As the leaves matured, a significant decrease in the essential oil, citronellal and geraniol, content was observed (Luthra et al., 1991).

Thus in general leaf ontogeny strongly influences the expression of essential oil metabolism and this type of integration of the oil production with the preset developmental program of the tissue is particularly interesting. 2.2.1 Site of Oil Production :Plant volatile oils are synthesized, stored and released to environment by a variety of epidermal or mesophyll structures, whose morphology tends to be the characteristic of the taxonomic group. These structures on leaves, roots, stem, floral part and fruits include oil cells, secretory glands, glandular hairs or trichomoes which synthesize and accumulate large quantities of these compounds (Fahlen et al., 1997). These epidermal appendages (glandular trichomes, glandular hairs, resin ducts, etc. occur in different plant parts from flowers to roots with special attributes individually The studies concerning the site of terpenoid biosynthesis in particular, have been elaborately discussed by Croteaus group (Croteau,et al., 1977). Micro hairs containing oil have been found on axial epidermis of the leaf lamina of citronella (Cymbopogon winterianus) but could not be located on the adaxial face (lruthayathas & Herath,et al., 1982). Shanker et al., 1999 reported that in Mentha arvensist rich oil glands were present on both the leaf surfaces. The location of oil holding hair is restricted to the interveinal region. An intriguing correlation between one of the anatomical characters and chemical composition of essential oil of citronella has also been projected (lruthayathas & Herath, 1975). Using specific water soluble stains, LewinSohfl et al(1998) have recently found that specific oil cells, present in parenchymal tissues, are the sites of citral accumulation in lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) and lemongrass leaf surface does not contain glandular trichomes, such as those present in many other aromatic plants.Primary metabolic processes like photosynthesis, respiration, etc. influence growth and development of the plant as well as biogenesis of secondary plant products (Hess et al., 1975). This is because the initial precursors for essential oil or other secondary products are provided by the primary metabolic processes. Thus, essential oil metabolism is by and large controlled by the balance between photosynthesis and utilization of photosynthate for growth and differentiation. The ultimate partitioning of the photo-synthetically fixed carbon is an important component of physiological mechanism of essential oil production. Therefore, photosynthetic characteristics and performance of the tissue, among other factors, are at the centre stage in making carbon shareable or separable for the anabolism of the oil components. Herath and Ormord (1979) studied the rate of photosynthesis in the leaves of Lemongrass (C. flexuosus). In peppermint leaf discs, photosynthetic electron transport when inhibited by DCMU and Paraquat resulted into depression in the oil mono-terpenoids suggesting that photosynthetic NADPH production may be at atleast partially cater to the transformation of monoterpene ketones to alcohols (Maffei & Codignola, 1990). Clark and Menary (1980) have hypothesized that in Mentha piperita, the production and utilization of photosynthates controls oil production. Role of mobilization of photosynthetically generated transient starch has also been found to be very substantial in Cymbopogon species (Singh et al., 1991).2.3 CHANGES IN PLANT METABOLISM UNDER PLANT GROWTH REGULATOR:2.3.1 Peroxidase :Peroxidase (EC enzymes are widely distributed in higher plants and have been suggested to play roles in growth, development and lignification. (Inn et al., 1981; Van & Cairnes, 1982; Stitch & Ebermann, 1984). They utilize hydrogen peroxide to oxidize a wide range of hydrogen donors, such as phenolic substances, cytochrome-C, ascorbic acid, etc. (Scandalios, 1974). Increased peroxidase activity has been cited as an indicator of environmental stress (Siegel & Galston, 1968). Mukherjee and Choudhari (1981) reported that water stress promotes the oxidative metabolism of tissue cf Vigna seedlings which resulted in an increase in the peroxidase activity. Among aromatic plants, peroxidase activity has been analysed in Cymbopogon flexuosus in relation to micronutrients (Farooqi et al., 1985).

2.3.2 Nitrate reductasc (NR) activity :There are considerable evidences that once nitrate is taken up by the plant, nitrate reductase is a rate limiting enzyme in the conversion of nitrate to ammonia (Davies. & Ross, 1984). NR in higher plants exists as metalloprotein with a molecular weight of 220-230 KDa. The NADH:NR (EC which catalyses the reduction of NO3 to NO2" utilizing NADH as reducing equivalent, is the predominant form of NR in higher plants (Abdin et al., 1993). The NR is regulated by various factors such as its own substrate (NO3"), nitrogen metabolites, light, temperature, moisture, oxygen, carbon dioxide and plant growth regulators (Abdin et al., 1993). There is no information available on the NR activity in relation to water stress in Cymbopogon species. However, Farooqi et al., (1985) studied NR activity in cymbopogon in relation to rnicronutrient. They found that in iron deficient plant nitrate reductase activity was reduced. Direct evidence is lacking on whether the lowering of NR activity in water stressed leaves reflects a loss of enzyme activity, a decrease rate of enzyme synthesis or an increased rate of enzyme degradation. 2.3.3 Proline :Accumulation of proline is a widespread plant response to environmental stresses (Yancey et al., 1982). Accumulation of proline increases osmotic pressure (OP) of cells (Kuznetsov et al., 1999). The increase in proline content may be due to the enhancement of proteolysis, inhibition of protein synthesis, a decrease in deamination activity and finally activation of de-novo synthesis under stress (Kuznetsov et al., 1999). Proline accumulation under wafer deficit stressed conditions is believed to relate to its de-novo synthesis (Good & Zaplachinski, 1994; Rascio et al., 1994; Kishore et al., 1995; Sundaresan & Sudhakaran, 1995; Taylor, 1996). A rapid increase in proline and other amino acids content is an indicator of changes in nitrogen metabolism. As proline accumulates in high concentration, it has clear role as osmoticum and because of its zwitterionic, highly hydrophilic characteristics, proline acts as a "compatible solute"(Yancey et al., 1982). Sangwan et al. (1993) reported that the proline accumulation was highest in C. martinii followed by C. nardus and C. bendulus, and the extent of increase was lowest in C. winterianus. Sangwan et al. (1994) reported that the proline level was noted to be 3.5 and 2.4 fold higher (over control) in C. nardus under mild and moderate stresses, respectively. 2.4 EFFECT OF GIBBERELLIC ACID (GA3), ON AROMATIC PLANTS :2.4.1 Primary Metabolism :Primary metabolic processes such as photosynthesis, respiration and synthesis of amino acid influence the growth and development of plants as well as the biogenesis of secondary products like essential oils (Hess et al., 1975). This is because the initial precursors for secondary plant products like essential oils are provided by the primary metabolic processes. Efforts have been made to study the influence of plant growth regulators on primary metabolic processes in aromatic plants and their bearing on the secondary products. Application of GA3 on seeds of Phyllanthus emblica increased the leaf and stems protein content, whereas it was not found to be effective in enhancing the peroxidase specific activity in leaves, stem and roots; and GA3 was helpful in increasing the total chlorophyll content of the leaves. (Dhankhar et al.,1997). Effect of PGR on photosynthesis has been studied in Mentha in relation to triacontanol. Farooqi and Misra (1981) reported that GA3 and IAA application on Hyoscyamus muticus increased the in-vitro NR activity in the leaves. However, GA3was more effective than IAA.

Shukla et al.(1992) studied effect of triacontanol and chloromequat chloride on plant hormones (GA3 like substances and ABA) and artemisinin in Artemisia annua. Tria application enhanced the GA like activity, but ABA levels decreased, while chloromequat increased ABA but reduced GA like substances. Both tria and chloromequat chloride also increased the artemisinin level.

2.4.2 Secondary Metabolism :Attempts have been made to improve the oil Content and yield of aromatic plants by application of plant growth regulators. Earlier studies exhibited that auxins and GA3 could not produce any influence on the oil content in C. flexuosus and C. winterianus(Chatterjee& Ghosh, 1971; Kokate & Varma, 1971). However, Balyan et al. (1978) demonstrated a significant increase in. the oil content of C. khasiancisby 24-0 Na salt, whereas in C. citratus, chloromequat increased the volatile oil and citral content (Ellabben, 1978). Ansari et al., (1988) demonstrated that both IAA and GA3 enhanced the oil content in C. jwarancusa while IBA decreased the oil yield but increased piperitone content. IAA and GA application increased oil yield and citral content of C. citrates (Ansari et al., 1990). Influence of various growth regulators has been studied on the formation of essential oil in other aromatic plants. Chloromequat and GA3 are reported to effectively increase the oil yield and the quality of oil in Ocimum sanctum (Gulati et al., 1974) and in O. basilicum (Eid & Ahmed, 1976). Dey et al., (1981) also reported an enhancement in the contents of eugenol, menthyl eugenol and caryphyllene contents of the oil in O. sanctum by GA3 and maleic hydrazide. Eid and Rafaeel (1980b) documented the considerable augmentation in volatile oil yield per plant, oil content and proportion of citronellal and geraniol in the oil by IAA, alar and chloromequat application in Pelargonium graveolens. Etheral treatment caused a steady rise in the oil content in Jasminum grandiflorum, but it was not effective on other species of Jasrninum (Battacharjee et al., 1984).

In flowers of Rosa damascene however, the oil content was decreased due to ethrel treatment (Farooqi & Sharma, 1988). Cytokinin such as kinetin, 6-BAP and diphenylamide have also been found beneficial in augmenting the essential oil content of M. piperita without affecting the oil composition (Zlatev et al., 1978). Bosela andUdaIova (1977) observed that GA increased the menthol, neomenthol and isomenthone content in both Mentha piperita and M. crispa. Similary, Farooqi and Sharma (1988) observed significant increase in the oil content of M arvensis by chloromequat chloride while ethephon (2 chloroethyl phosphonic acid) at 0.06% concentration had no significant effect on the oil Content. Among the two oil components studied, only menthone content was significantly increased by 0.06% ethephon. In Rosa damascena, ethrel decreased the oil content significantly while kinetin increased the oil yield significantly (Farooqi & Sharma, 1988). Kinetin application also increased citronellol and geranyl acetate level in the oil (Farooqi et al., 1993). Application of CEPA increased the oil yield the significant increase being at 0.02% in Rosa damascena (Sharma & Farooqi et al., 1990).

METHODOLOGY3.Plant growth regulators treatment :The seeding of Cymbopogon martinii were obtained from the Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic plants (CIMAP), Lucknow India and cultivated in pots at Herbal garden of Integral University, Lucknow. The study was conducted during Feb-May in a randomized block design with three replications.One seedling was transplanted in each pot. Thre were three pots for each treatment in one replication.Three foliar sprays of following hormones(GA3,IAA,K and Ethrel were given at 15 days interval starting from 45 days after transplanting. Tween 80(0.01%) was used as wetting agent. Inaddition, untreated plants were sprayed with distilled water to serve as control. The plants were harvested at maximum flowering stage.

The oil content was determined by hydro distillation with Clevenger apparatus and is expressed on fresh weight basis (Guenther, 1955).

Protein content was estimated according to Lowry et al (1951).

Chlorophyll content was calculated by the method of Arnon (1949).

Proline was estimated calorimetrically by the method of Bates et al (1973).

Peroxidase activity was estimated by Pulter (1974).

Nitrate reductase activity was measured by Hangeman and Hucklesby (1971).3.1 CHLOROPHYLL ESTIMATION :

0.2 g of the tissue was extracted with 25 ml of 80% acetone and absorbance was recorded at 663nm and 645nm in spectrophotometer. From the absorbance values, amount of chlorophyll was calculated by the method of Arnon (1949).

Where [V/ 1000 W] is constant which is equivalent to 0.125

Where V= volume of Acetone, W=Weight of the tissue


NR (EC activity was measured by in-vivo method according to Hageman and Hucklesly (1971). The leaves were washed and pressed in filter paper to remove sticking moisture and cut into small pieces. 0.1g of chopped leaves was taken in 50ml filtering flask containing reaction mixture (2.5ml KNO3 and 2.5ml phosphate buffer). Each sample was analysed in duplicate. The flasks were kept in 150ml beaker with ice so that the enzyme may not decompose. The reaction mixture was infiltrated into the tissue by using vacuum pump and infiltration was done for one minute. The infiltrated material was kept at 33C for 1hr. in dark (Klepper et al., 1974).

The reaction was stopped by boiling the reaction mixture. The flasks were removed from the hot plate immediately after the reaction mixture started boiling. The heating also facilitated movement of nitrite out of the tissue. 0.5ml of reaction mixture was taken in a test tube. 1.0ml of sulfanilamide (1%) and 1ml of N-(1 Napthyl) ethylene diamine dihydrochloride (0.02%) were mixed in it. The final volume was made to 10ml. Optical density reading were taken at 540nm against distilled water on spectrophotometer. The nitrate reductase activity is stated as the amount of nitrite formed per gram fresh weight per hour.3.2.1 Standard Curve of Nitrate Reductase :Sodium nitrite (AR grade) was used for the preparation of standard curve69mg Sodium nitrite was dissolved in 100ml distilled water in order to obtain solution of 100moles/0.1ml strength. By successive dilution, solution of 100 mmoles/0.1ml strength was prepared. From this solution, 0.05ml, 0.1ml, 0.15ml, 0.2ml, and 0.25ml solutions were taken in five different test tubes. To these test tubes 0.95, 0.9, 0.85, 0.8 and 0.75mldistilled water was added to obtain solutions of 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900 and 1000 mmoles/ml. Then, 1 ml of 1% sulfanilamide and 1ml of 0.02% N-(1 Napthyl) ethylene diamine dihydrochloride was added in each test tube. The colour was allowed to develop for 20 minutes. The optical density was read at 540nm on spectrophotometer. The standard curve is presented in fig. 3.2.

Fig. 3.2 Standard Curve for Nitrate Reductase3.3 ESTIMATION OF PROTEIN:Protein was estimated according to Lowry et al. (1951) in crude enzyme extract. 100l of supernatant and 100l of 10% trichloroacetic acid (TCA) were mixed and kept for protein precipitation. After 24 hrs., it was centrifuged for 10 minutes at 10,000 rpm to remove TCA. The pellet was dissolved in 1ml of 1N NaOH and shaken well on cyclomixer. 0.5 ml from this solution was taken in the test tube in duplicate and 5ml of alkaline CuSO4 solution was added to this and left for 30 minutes, then 0.5 ml of 1/2 strength Follins reagent was added to it. Optical density was recorded at 660nm on spectrophotometer. Concentration of the protein was calculated against the standard curve.

3.3.1 Standard Curve of Protein :For the preparation of standard curve of protein, 5mg of Bovine serum albumin (BSA) was dissolved in 25ml of 1N NaOH. From this stock solution, different volumes (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, and 1.0ml) corresponding to concentrations of 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180 and 200g respectively were pipetted in test tubes in duplicate. Different volumes of 0.1 N NaOH were added to corresponding test tubes to make the final volume 0.5ml. Then 5.0ml of alkaline copper solution was added in each test tube and then 0.5 ml of Folins reagent was added in each test tube and left for 30 minutes. Optical density was measured on spectrophotometer and standard curve was plotted, which is presented in fig 3.3.

Fig.3.3 Standard Curve for Protein


Proline was estimated calorimetrically by the method of Bates et al., (1973). 1.5 g fresh tissue was ground in 5ml of 3% sulphosalicylic acid. The homogenate was centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for 10 minutes. 0.5 ml of supernatant was taken in duplicate. To this 0.5 ml glacial acetic acid and 0.5 ml of ninhydrin solution was added. Ninhydrin solution was prepared by dissolving 1.25 g ninhydrin in 30ml of glacial acetic acid and 20 ml orthophosphoric acid (6M). The test tubes were placed in boiling water for 1hour and then 4ml of toluene was added after cooling the tubes. Optical density was measured at 520nm on spectrophotometer after mixing the contents in cyclomixer.

3.4.1 Standard Curve of Proline :For 5.0mg proline was dissolved in 50ml of distilled water. From this stock solution, different concentrations of proline (20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 ml) were pipetted in test tubes in duplicate. To this 0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1 and 0ml sulphosalicylic acid was added. 0.5ml of acetic acid and 0.5 ml of nin-hydrin solution was added in each test tube. All the test tubes were placed in boiling water bath for 1hour and then 4ml of toluene was added after cooling the test tubes. Contents were mixed thoroughly on cyclomixer. Optical density was measured at 520nm on spectrophotometer and standard curve was plotted, which is presented in fig 3.4.

Fig. 3.4 Standard Curve of Proline

RESULT AND DISCUSSION4.1 Statistical analysis

The data were statistically analyzed using one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) by GRAPH PAD Prism 5 software. Mean values were statistically compared by Tukey-Kramer multiple comparison test at (P0.05-NS=a, P