Report Where

1. Where can I buy a newspaper? A. There’s a newsstand on the corner. B. The newspaper’s on the step. C. That’s old paper.



Transcript of Report Where

1. Where can I buy a newspaper? A. Theres a newsstand on the corner. B. The newspapers on the step. C. Thats old paper.

1. Where can I buy a newspaper?A. Theres a newsstand on the corner.B. The newspapers on the step.C. Thats old paper.2. Where was the conference held?A. It held 10 people comfortably.B. It was held in the hotel this year.C. It was well attended.3. Where do you live?A. Just across the street from the park.B. I leave tomorrow.C. No, I live here only a month4. Where did you wait for me?A. I ate in the restaurant. B. We waited in your office.C. I weight 150 pounds.5. Where is the taxi stand?A. You have to pay taxes.B. Theres one in front of the hotel.C. I cant stand taxi.6. Where did you find your keys?A. They were on my desk.B. Yes, please.C. He didnt kiss her.7. Where can I get a cup of coffee?A. That cup is broken.B. Shes still coughing.C. Theres the cafeteria downstairs.8. Where did they go last night?A. It was their lastnight in town.B. They went to the movie.C. Its the last room on the right. 9. Where did he park the car?A. The pack isnt far.B. Its the dark color car.C. In a lot arcoss the street. 10. Where will you go on vacation?A. Probably to the beach.B. The rooms are all vacant. C. I have a two week vacation.11. Where are these envelops kept?A. She puts the letter in large envelops.B. They can be keep here until TuesdayC. We keep them in the supply cabinet.12. Where will the new secretary work?A. Hell work in the morning. B. His office will be arcoss from mine.C. The secretarys new.13. Where are the companys insurance records?A. My insurance company isnt England.B. A broken recordsC. The records are in file cabinet.14. Where is she going play tennis?A. The tennis court is closed.B. Ten of us are going with them.C. Shes going to play at her health club.15. Where can we buy used furniture?A. Theres the store on twelveth street.B. My office has new furniture.C. I never use my desk.16. Where can I hang up my coat?A. That is very nice coat.B. Put it in this closet.C. I need a new coat.17. Where will the meeting be?A. Well meet in Joes office.B. We need more seat.C. It starts in 3. 18. Where can I make copies?A. Take just one copy of piece.B. Its in the lobby. C. Theres the copy machine in that room.19. Wheres the manager office?A. He manages to finish the object. B. He has a nice office.C. Its right arcoss the hall.20. Where should I wait for the bus?A. I waited for hour.B. Theres a bus stop on the corner.C. Theres nothing to discuss.