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    Chapter 1: Objectives & Scope


    Motive of this project is to provide a unique ID to each and every citizen of India while

    providing him/her a birth certificate. Citizens after attaining age of 18 must register at RTO

    office or Collector office or Tasildar office and get a password to access the site. ID card will

    be provided to every user after registration. Later on they can change their password. Once

    they enter the site they can pay their electricity bill and telephone bill, book railway tickets

    and airline tickets and pay their taxes. During elections people can poll online. Government

    officials can verify details about a person from the database for issuing vehicle license,

    passport, visa, etc.


    The name of the project is UID Management System. A UID ManagementSystem project is a means for residents to clearly and uniquely verify their identity

    anywhere in the country.

    UID Management System provides UID which is a universal number. UID Management System can be used in any system which needs to establish the

    identity of a resident and/or providesecure accessfor the resident to services/benefits

    offered by the system.

    Agencies and services can contact the UID Management System database fromanywhere in the country to confirm abeneficiarys identity.
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    Chapter 2: Definition of Problem and Problem Description

    2.1 Problem Definition

    The biggest Limitations in the existing IDs is that they serve different purpose and the levelof cross acceptance of these id is minimal.

    The person below 18 (age) do not have unique identification. To find information about any

    person, government department such as police department, CBI, need to gather information

    manually. For any type of connections such as electric, phone, water supply and for passport /

    visa, applicant is required to submit their complete documents at respective department. And

    then respective department verify documents then provide respective facilities.

    2.2 Problem Description

    We have completely studied Aadharproject by government of India, UIDAI, for providing

    identification to the citizen of India and to provide Online authentication using demographic


    An organization or an entity uses Aadhar authentication as part of its application to provide

    services to residents. Examples include government department, bank and other public or

    private organization.

    Aadhar authentication only responds with a YES/NO and no personal identity information

    is returned as part of the response. At the time of generating UID, it is checked with existing

    UIDs in Aadhar database. If it is already existing then a new UID is generated automatically

    and checked again to avoid duplicity.

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    Chapter 3: Theoretical Background

    A crucial factor that determines an individuals well being in a country is whether their

    identity is recognized in the eyes of the government. Weak identity limits the power of thecountrys residents when it comes to claiming basic political and economical rights. The lack

    of identity is especially detrimental for the poor and underprivileged.

    Aadhar authentication only responds with a YES/NO and no personal identity information

    is returned as part of the response. At the time of generating UID, it is checked with existing

    UIDs in Aadhar database. If it is already existing then a new UID is generated automatically

    and checked again to avoid duplicity.

    The person below 18 (age) do not have unique identification. To find information about any

    person, government department such as police department, CBI, need to gather information

    manually. For any type of connections such as electric, phone, water supply and for passport /

    visa, applicant is required to submit their complete documents at respective department. And

    then respective department verify documents then provide respective facilities.

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    Chapter 4: System Analysis and Design

    4.1 System Analysis

    System Analysis is a term used to describe the process of calculating and analyzing facts in

    respect of existing operation of the prevailing situations that an effective computerized

    system may be designed and implemented if provided feasible. This is required in order to

    understand the problem that has to be solved. The problem may be of any kind like

    computerizing an existing system or developing an entirely new system or it can be a

    combination of two.

    4.2 System Design

    System Design is performance levels the technique of creating a system that takes into

    notice such factors such as needs, database design, hardware specifications, and data

    management. It is the most important part in the development part in the development of the

    system, as in the design phase the developer brings into existence the proposed system the

    analyst through of in the analysis phase. The Central ID Data Repository will be the central

    database of all residents, containing the minimal sets of fields sufficient to confirm identity.

    The federated set of databases belonging to the registrars may contain additional information

    about the residents, and can use the residents UID as the key.

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    Figure 5.1. UID SYSTEM DESIGN

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    Chapter 5: System Planning (PERT Chart)

    5.1 Pert Chart:

    The project network is the foundation of both PERT and CPM. PERT gained prominenceduring the late 1950s when it proved invaluable in scheduling and controlling the Polaris

    missile program. It is particularly useful in research and development projects where the

    times to complete the various activities are uncertain. The critical path is the primary

    focus of management control, and monitoring the critical events provides an early

    warning if estimates are inaccurate. Industry developed CPM (Critical Path Method) to

    help solve scheduling problems when the activity times are known more precisely. Only

    by shortening the critical path can the project completion time be improved.

    Consequently, the critical path defines those activities into which additional resources

    might be poured to accelerate the schedule.

    5.2 Key Terms used during PERT Chart:

    Activity A task to be completed.

    CPM (Critical Path Method) A project management technique based on a project

    network; the focus of CPM is project planning, with the critical path defining thoseactivities into which additional resources might be poured to accelerate the schedule.

    Critical path The path through a project network that links the critical events that

    must begin on time and the critical activities that must require no more than their

    estimated duration if the project is to be completed on time.

    Diverge To split a single input path into multiple paths.

    Dummy activity An activity that links parallel events, but consumes neither time nor

    resources.DurationThe elapsed time required to complete an activity.

    Earliest event time (EET) The earliest time the event can possibly begin.

    EventThe beginning or end of an activity.

    Latest event time (LET) The latest time an event can occur without impacting the

    project schedule.

    Merge To combine two or more input paths into a single output path.

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    PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) A project management

    technique based on a project network; with PERT, the critical path is the primary focus

    of management control and monitoring the critical events provides an early warning if

    estimates are inaccurate.

    Project network A bubble chart that graphically depicts activities, their starting and

    completion times, and their interrelationships.

    Slack The maximum time an activity can slip without affecting the project schedule.

    5.3 Steps in the PERT Planning Process

    PERT planning involves the following steps:

    1. Identify the specific activities and milestones.2. Determine the proper sequence of the activities.3. Construct a network diagram.4. Estimate the time required for each activity.5. Determine the critical path.6. Update the PERT chart as the project progresses.

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    5.3 PERT Chart:

    Figure 5.1




    Start 00

    Talk to user representatives 05

    Develop initial project scenarios 10

    Visit sites 03

    Present feasibility study 06

    Conduct systems analysis



    Present result of system analysis 04

    Documentation 02

    Figure 5.2

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    Chapter 6: DFD Diagram, ERD Diagram and Sequence


    6.1Data Flow Diagrams

    Figure 6.1

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    6.2ER Diagram

    Figure 6.2

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    Chapter 7: Life-Cycle of Project

    It mainly comprises of 4 phases:

    1. Project Initiation

    2. Project Planning3. Project Execution

    4. Project Closure

    Fig.: Life Cycle of Project

    For this purpose Software Development Life Cycle has followed.

    7.1 Software Development Life Cycle

    Since the inception of this project all software engineering principles have been followed.

    This project has passed through all the stages of software development life cycle (SDLC).A

    development process consist of various phases, each phase ending with a defined output. The

    main reason for following the SDLC process is that it breaks the problem of developing

    software into successfully performing a set of phases, each phase handling a different concern

    of software development. Object technologies lead to reuse and reuse (of program

    components) lead to faster software development and higher quality programs. Object-

    oriented software is easy to maintain because its structure is inherently decoupled. In

    addition, object oriented systems are easier to adopt and easier to scale. The Object-oriented

    process moves through an evolutionary spiral that starts with customer satisfaction. It is here

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    that the problem domain is defined and that basic problem classes are identified. Planning

    establishes a foundation for the Object Oriented Project Plan.

    7.2 Feasibility Study

    This involves study of system and to look whether the system does the kind of job expected

    from it. The objective of feasibility study is not to solve problem but to predict that if does

    kind of work expected from it, in a reasonable period of elapsed time & consistent with the

    financial & processing objective and needs of organization. Feasibility study analysis is done

    in respect of following:

    1. Technical feasibility study2. Economic feasibility study3. Legal feasibility study4. Time feasibility study5. Operational feasibility study6. Social/Behavioural feasibility study

    7.2.1 Technical Feasibility Study

    The project can be developed simply by using two platforms i.e. HTML/PHP as front end andMySQL server and J2EE as back end. All the functionality can be implemented in the new

    system. Hence it is technically feasible.

    7.2.2 Economic Feasibility Study

    This Project is worth making. Software which can keep all details of the citizen of India, will

    give remarkable benefits to both citizens and government. Project is economically feasible in

    every sense it takes less effort, less time and nominal cost of tools for developing software.

    7.2.3 Legal Feasibility Study

    Since this project needs no copyrighting, patenting, and does not have any relation with

    anybody elses property rights, it can be considered as a legally feasible project.

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    7.2.4 Time Feasibility Study

    As it has been more probable that the project can be completed within the given timeframe, it

    is completed within given time frame; it is considered that the undertaking project is feasible

    in context of time.

    7.2.5 Operational Feasibility Study

    The system is completely operational and can be successfully implemented by those who are

    registered users or want to register or apply for the UID. It can also be used by the

    administrator for verification of the UID card holder anywhere in the country.

    7.2.6 Social / Behavioural Feasibility Study

    Unique IDManagement system is easy to understand not only for any sophisticated users but

    for the native users as well. It provides a simple way in which user can feel free to apply

    faster, easier and more efficiently. Therefore, it can be socially and behaviourally accepted

    and is feasible too.

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    Chapter 8: System Implementation and Details of Hardware and Software


    8.1 Post Implementation review-

    After the system is implemented, a review should be conducted to determine whether the

    system is meeting expectations and where improvements are needed. System quality, user

    confidence and operating systems statistics are accessed through such technique event

    logging, impact evaluation and attitude surveys. The review not only assesses how well the

    proposed system is designed and implemented, but also is a valuable source of information

    that can be applied to a critical evaluation of the system.

    The reviews are conducted by the operating personals as well as the software developers in

    order to determine how well the system is working, how it has been accepted and whether

    adjustments are needed. The review of the system is highly essential to determine the future

    enhancements required by the system. The system can be considered successful only if

    information system has met its objectives. The review analyses the opinion of the employees

    and identifies the attitudes towards the new computerized system. Only when the merits and

    demerits of the implemented system are known, one can determine what all additional

    features it requires are.


    System testing is a critical aspect of Software Quality Assurance and represents the ultimate

    review of specification, design and coding. Testing is a process of executing a program with

    the intent of finding an error. A good test is one that has a probability of finding an as yet

    undiscovered error. The purpose of testing is to identify and correct bugs in the developed

    system. Nothing is complete without testing. Testing is the vital to the success of the system.

    In the code testing the logic of the developed system is tested. For this every module of the

    program is executed to find an error. To perform specification test, the examination of the

    specifications stating what the program should do and how it should perform under various


    Unit testing focuses first on the modules in the proposed system to locate errors. This enables

    to detect errors in the coding and logic that are contained within that module alone. Those

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    resulting from the interaction between modules are initially avoided. In unit testing step each

    module has to be checked separately.


    Software Requirements

    Server side:Operating System : Windows

    User Interface : HTML, CSS

    Client-side Scripting : JavaScript

    Programming Language : JAVA

    IDE/Workbench : Dreamweaver

    Database : Oracle 10g Database

    Server Deployment : Apache TOMCAT web Server

    Client Side:

    Operating System : Windows/linux/mac

    Browser : IE/ Chrome/ Firefox etc

    Hardware Requirements

    Server side:Processor : Intel core i3 or equivalent

    Hard Disk : 3GB

    RAM : 512 MB

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    Chapter 9: SRS (Use-Cases)

    A software requirements specification (SRS), a requirements specification for a software

    system, is a complete description of the behaviour of a system to be developed and may

    include a set of use cases that describe interactions the users will have with the software. Inaddition it also contains non-functional requirements. The software requirements

    specification document enlists all necessary requirements that is required for the project

    development. To derive the requirements we need to have clear and thorough understanding

    of the products to be developed. This is prepared after detailed communications with project

    team and the customer.

    9.1 Use Case Diagrams


    Use-case: - System Admin Page

    _Admin Page Use Cases

    1. Access to Admin



    a. Link for the

    Create new UID

    1b. Link for Updating

    isting UID

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    Use-case: User Page

    _User Page Use Cases

    1. Access to User



    1b. Info of User UID


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    Chapter 10: Snapshots & Work Done

    1. Home Page

    2. Administrator Login Page

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    3. User Page

    4. Create UID

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    5. Inner Admin Page

    6. Contact Us

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    Chapter 11: References

    [1]Pressman "Software Engineer", Pearson, 5th Edition, 2001

    [2]Robert G.Fuller HTML in 10 Simple Steps or Less,John Wiley & Sons,2003
