4 4 b









4 q 1951



X. D. McConnell, Geologist,












buKVEY fl.TA

Page 1, 2,

Page 2,

Page 2, 3,

Page 3,

Page 3,

Page 4, 5, 6,

Page 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,11

Page 11, 12, 13,

Page 13, 14,

Page 14, 15, 16

PLAN NO. 1 Resistivity Contours (Ref. 44-3-51)

PLAN NO. 2 Resistivity Contours (Ref. 45-3-51)

Imo ,indl

Noranda Mines Limited, Quebec Exploration, N. of C. Building, 3rd Avenue, Noranda, Quebec.


4 4

The following report describes the electrical resistivity

survey completed on a portion of your property located in Duprat

Township„ Quebec.

This survey was conducted by Geo-Technical Development

Co. Limited during the period from February 12th to March 8th,

1951, and the work was carried out under the supervision of

F, T. Evelegh, B, A.

The area covered by this survey comprises two groups of

claims located in Duprat Township, Quebec. Group No. 1 includes

ten full lots located in Range IX and Group No. 2 is located

approximately five miles south and includes a portion of two lots

located in Range VI.

The results of the electrical resistivity survey Pre

depicted on Plan No, 1 and Plan No. 2 and refer to Groups No. 1

and No, 2 respectively. Resistivity readings on Plan No, 1 are

expressed in optic-centimeters x 103 and on Plan No. 2 in ohm-

centimeters x 104.

Unfavourable weather conditdans, which rendered anow-

shoeing impossible, along with malfunctioning of one of the survey

instrum.nts, considerably delayed completion of the work, A

further delay ensued in trying to locate suitable terminal

« 2 -

electrode contacts for the work on Group No. 2.

In order to overcome difficulty in inducing an electric

current through the heavy mantle of sand covering the section in

question, a decision was reached whereby the group was surveyed, using

lines cut in a north-south direction, rather than east-west as

originally planned. This enabled terminal electrode contacts to be

established in muskeg areas and a satisfactory current was obtained

to carry out the survey.


Thi property of Noranda Mines Limited, discussed in this

report, consists of two groups of claims totalling approximately 4036

acres. Group No, I includes ten full lots located in Range IX and

Group Noe 2 includes portions of two lots located in Range VI, Duprat

Township, Quebec, Thee two groups comprise the following lots:

Group No, 1: full lots 37 to 46 inclusive, Range IX Group No. 2: portions of lots 50 and 51, Range VI


The two groups of claims discussed in this report and cones

trollee. by Noranda Mines United, are located approxiIately seventeen

miles north-west of the town of Noranda, The property can be reached

via a logging road from the Noranda--La Sarre hid! ten;; ae a point six

miles north of Noranda. This logging road was built by the Canadian

International Pulp and Paper Company Limited and extends i.a s. north-

westerly direction leading, directly to the property in Duprat Township,

It is passable by truck as far as Lot 41, Range IX, a distance of

eleven miles from the highway; The second group surveyed, is also

located along the road, and is situated approximately five miles

east of Group No, I


The two groups of claims discussed in this report are both

characterised by very irregular topography, High hills and rock

ridges occuri in the southern and eastern portions of Group No, 1.

In general, these ridges trend in a northi.west direction and are cut

off sharply along the west side forming steep scarps.. The remainder

of the group is covered by a sand plain and consequently is relatively


Much of the area is burned over except along the c:seeks and

in muskeg regions where considerable spruce was observed. The creeks

have eroded deep gulleys in the higher sections of the property,

Numerous logging roads wore observed on the group and some of

these have been shown on Plan No, 1 accompanying this report,

A high outcrop hill is located in the southern portion of

Group No. 2. The remblndar of this area is covered by a sand ridge

anti is sparingly timbered with jack pine and some birch,


In recent years, the Noranda Area has been intensely pros-

pected by diamond, drilling as well as by some geophysical work,

However, very little detailed exploration has been carried out in the

sections of Iiprat Township covered in this report.

Fairly recent diamond drilling ing hay:; been completed by Noranda

Mines Limited on Group No, 2 and some zones of disseminated sulphides

were discovered, Further information which mould greatly4plp in the

interpretation of the resistivity survey . this group, was not

available to the writer.


The general geology of the Noranda Area is shown on a series

of maps accompanying Memoir 229, published by the Department of Mines

and Resources in 1941, The geology of the Noranda Map-Area given

in Memoir 229, page 6, is set forth below:


Praterozoic (Late Precambrian)

Archaean ( Far ly Precambrian)

The rocks of the

Post-Glacial Stratified clay and sand Glacial Boulders, gravel, sand and

boulder clay

Quartz diabase and gabbro dyke

Syenite porphyry dykes and masses Rhyolite porphyry dykes Andesite dykes Albite granite (alaskite) Pyroxene lemprophyre dykes Grenodiorite Tacite (feldspar) porphyry dkiee Andesite dykes t aartz diorite, diorite, gabbro, diorite porphyry, albite, granite, granodiorite Rusty weathering, epidotized dyke rock Andesite dykes and sills Rhyolite (quartz-albite) por-phyry dykes and small masses Andesite dykes and sills Amphibole dacite (quartz-feld-spar) porphyry Quartz diabase dykes, sills, or masses Andesite dykes aced sills Siliceous rhyolite Rhyolite, rhyolite flow breccia, rhyolite tuff, and pyroclastic breccia Andesite, andesite flow breccia, andesite tuff, and pyroclastic breccia Chart

area are all Precambrian, and all are classified

as belonging to the Archaean basal complex with the exception:of flat;r

lying strata of the Cobalt Age and late diabhse dykes, Volcanic¢ end

interstratified sediments are included in the Keewatin, while conglomerates


as well as other sediments and interbedded volcanics are classified

as Timiskaming. The Keewatin rocks of the area have an average thick-

ness of 25,000 feet, and are made up of a conformable succession of

lava flows.

The most abundant intrusive rocks in the area consist of quartz

diorite, gabbro and related rocks; granodiorite, albite granite, syenite

porphyry and diabase. There are also numus other minor intrusives.

Volcanic rocks, mainly lava, but including associated pyro-

clastic breccia and stratified tell', underlie the largest part of the

Nap-Area. These volcanics consist of rhyolite, siliceous rhyolite and


The rhyolite weathers pale grey and is quite often porphyritic.

It is fine grained, grey to dark grey, and has a siliceous flinty

appearance with the customary conchoidal fracture on freshly broken sur-

faces. Numerous phases of this rhyolite occur in different parts of

the ]dap-Area, Siliceous rhyolite has a higher silica content and a pre-

dominance of spherulitic structure without the coarse breccia phase,

prevalent in the normal rhyolite. In some cased lamination is developed

to a high degree.

Andesite and associated types weather grey-green to rusty brown;

but vary physically. Coimnon].y observed are massive andesite, pillowed

andesite, rounded and angular to sub-angular andesite breccia. The

massive and pillowed andesites are characterized by columnar jointing,

the presence of amygdules, lamination and mesh fracturing. Flow contacts

are indicated by zones of banded and laminated chert.

Dioritic intrusives are the oldest intrusive rocks in the area,

and are in all parts of the Nap-Area. quartz diorite is predominant and

occurs in coarse and fine-granned phases. In some localities there are

zones of white-weathering feldspar or masses of auphibolite. Granodiorite,

- 6 -

albite granite, syenite porphyry and other minor intrusives are common

throughout the Area.

The youngest intrusive rooks in the Map-Area are diabase or

gabbro, These rocks usually occur as north:-south or north-east striking

dykes and can be traced for several miles, At least four major dykes

of this type have been mapped in the Noranda Area.

The rocks in the area have been subject to considerable folding

which increases in intensity from north to south forming a series of

anticlines and synclines with the fold axis trending in a general east-

west direction. Considerable faulting is known to occur in the Map

Area, the most important ones being associated with the principal ore

deposits of the region.

Ore deposits of the Noranda Area can be considered in two groups.

The first, sulphide replacement deposits, are predominant at most of

the producing mines in the area, These deposits are similar in some

respects, and are described in detail in Memoir 229, Pages 59 to 81

inclusive, The second, gold-+ bearing quartz veins, trend north-westerly.

vary in width from three to twelve feet and dip north-easterly, These

veins are well mineralized and occur at several localities in the Map-



In dealing with the interpeetation of geophysical contours,

some word of explanation is essential in order that the method of inter-

pretation may be clearly understood. The writer wishes to emphasize

that on most surveys great differences in resistance are encountered

and so in order to fully appreciate the significance of the inter-

pretation, some study will be required,

M • i

To assist the reader in understanding these interpretations,

an explenatioa of the various conditions is given below:

1, Areas of '"highs" always denote the presence of rock near the sur-,

face and compaiison may be made between zones of "highs" beneath water

or overburden and outcrop areas, whereby some idea of the depth of

drift mantle may be established*

2. Areas of "lows" denote either one or more of a combination of three

things; i.e. sulphide, deep overburden, or the conjunction of shears or

faults, In this case it will be readily understood that the junction of

shears and faults with minor amounts of sulphide emplaced therein could

produce "lows", whereas, deep pot—holes or eroded areas in rock which are

filled with stagnant mineralized water could also give this effect.

3, Shears and faults are also always shown by a linear continuity of

"lows" and the relative order of conductivity of these "lows" will depend

on three further factors:

(a) The original resistance of the formation in which the fault or shear occurs

(b) The degree of shear and consequent relative porosity. (e) Sulphide and/or moisture content.

Massive sulphides show field resistivities up to 10,000 ohm-

centimeters or 10 x 103. The actual reaiatance of any mixture is not

determined by the mass alone, but by the relative continuity of the

sulphides within the mass, Thus, a well—fraetured rock with a 5% sulphide

content along the fracture plane could become a fair conductor.

Disseminated sulphides are usually found to have a conductivity

in the order of 20,000 to 50,000 ohm—centimeters or 20 to 50 x 103, as a

result of which some comparative estimate as to the relative possible

sulphide content of any conducting zone may be determined*

In dealing, however, with the interpretation of resistivity

contours, the "apparent resistance" values are obtained and these are

expressed in terms of resistance for one centimeters of the material

measured. Thus, in the case of 250,000 ohm-centimeters, this would be

expressed on the Plan as 25 x 104 or 250 x 103, the choice being; decided

according to the contour interval required to indicate the more important

structural features, For simplicity the zeros are dropped and the

legend should be consulted to determine the factor used,

Referring again to the resistivity axiom mentioned above, some

additional detail will be required and this is set forth below,

1) Resistivity readings measure to variable depth, which is assumed for

general purposes to be approximately 300 feet, Let us, therefore,

imagine that when measuring a 300 foot vertical column with 100 feet of

overburden included in the upper portion of this column, that a

reading of 100 x 103 is obtained. As the overburden decreases in depth,

or as the bed rock occupies a greater portion of this vertical column,

the resistance increases because the resistance of rock is mach greater

than that of the overburden. Therefore, it may be accepted that insofar

as locating drill-holes is concerned, it the collar of the hole can be

spotted near the high resistance measurement, a minimum of overburden

will be encountered.

Again, in the case of a submerged scarp where the elevation of

the sub-surface rock formation differs considerably, resistivity readings

show this picture quite clearly. Let us assume that beneath 50 feet of

overburden we have the bed rock lying in a horizontal position and

suddenly this bed rock drops off to a depth of 100 feet, but the surface

of the overburden remaine essentially at the same elevation. The

effects here noted on the resistivity readings are a sudden drop off in

resistance from a zone of "highs" to an area of relative "lows", with an

intense concentration of contours long the area of the submerged scarp.

Frequently, such scarps may represent faults. However, this is not

always so, as ice movements may have gouged out large blocks of the rock

formation leaving the scarp effect prior to the deposition of the

glacial mantle which at present covers the area.

2) Areas of sulphide can in most cases be definitely established by the

relative intensity of the readings. Assuming that a sulphide deposit of

reasonable dimensions exists, readings may be encountered within a

range of 0,5 to 10 x 103 ohm-centimeters. Since disseminated sulphides

are somewhat higher, ranging up to perhaps 50 x 103, depending on the

relative sulphide content, these are not so readily determined because

similar effects may be obtained from local sub-surface depressions in

the bed rock in which moisture has accumulated. As a rule, however,

these "border line cases" can be eliminated. One difficulty in the inter-

pretation of "border line sulphid•a cases" is the intersection of two

shears which in themselves form a structural control, It may, therefore,

be expected that in such a location the ground would be badly broken

and consequently a much better conductor than the surrounding medium.

Therefore, depending on the degree or intensity of shearing at this

focal point, the resistance may vary greatly. If sulphides are contained

at the apex of these shears as may readily be anticipated, a considerable

increase in conductivity will be noted.

3) Shears and faults are located by their apparent continuity over a

considerable distance, and the actual resistance values obtained along

these structures are not of importance. Such lines of weakness may

cross rocks of varying competency and a fault crossing rhyolite may occur

as a mere crack or fracture. Thus, the resistance would be "high" due

to the fact that the rhyolite itself is a dense formation with a low

moisture content. The same fault intersecting schistose andesite would

- 10 -

show up as an excellent conducting zone due to the fact that this

formation, being more schistose and less competent than the rhyolite

member, would contain a greater moisture content.

.gain, the resistance of a shear or fault zone will depend on

the proximity of this structure to the surface. As has been mentioned

above, the resistance increases as the bed rock approaches the surface

or as the depth of overberden decreases. Consequently, the resistance

of the rocks in which the fault occurs would increase, as would the

resistance of the fault zone itself. In the interpretation of such

structures it is, therefore, necessary to attempt to follow a linear

zone of "lows" across several ling a and the term "low" must be regarded

in an entirely relative sense; i.e. the reading will be "low" in

comparison with the adjacent readings.

It has been stated above that the resistance of these faults

and shear zones depends on the formation in which they occur. The

degree of shear and the relative porosity also affect the measured

values, since this factor controls the percentage of water which may

accumulate along the zone and they are further influenced by sulphides,

if present. Naturally, sulphides do not necessarily have to occur

along the entire plane of the fault, and they usually show up as

lenticular masses in some local strucutral feature which may be super-

imposed on this plane. These areas show acme with much lower re-

sistance than does the fault plane elsewhere, and it is such locations

that are recommended for drilling. It is impossible with the re-

sistivity method to determine the dip of the fault zone, particularly

if the structures are steeply inclined. Severer, some idea of the

direction of dip may be obtained from pronounced variations in

topographical features.

The effect of resistivity readings over a flat-dipping fault,


in the order of 20 to 30 degrees, has been noted on several surveys.

In such cases the foot or hanging walls of the structure appear as

sharp sub-surface scarps, and the zone between the foot and hanging

wall, which of course has been subjected to considerable movement and

is thus well fractured, simulate' a zone of variable "lows". Flat

dipping faults, depending on their true width, can show a wide area of

surface expression, which is often encountered after they have been

subjected to erosion especially along the hanging wall contact. In

such instances, if the depth of overburden is in the order of 50 to 100

feet, a considerable error in the actual emplacement of the fault may

occur, but the outlines are usually conformable with the true condition,


The results of the electrical resistivity survey, conducted on

the claims of NorELndel Mines Limited, Quebec Exploration, located in

Duprat Township, 'Quebec, are depicted on Plan No. 1 and Plan No. 2 accom-

panying this report„ Resistivity readings are expressed on trese Plans

in ohm-centimeters x 103 and ohm centimeters x 104 respectively.

On Group No. 1 the resistivity survey has indicated seven anom-

alies referred to on Plan No. 1 as "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F" and "G".

The resistivity readings over these anomalous areas are not sufficiently

low to suggest the presence of massive sulphide mineralization. Ea clearly

defined linear trends indicating shear or fracture zones, were observed

on this group, however, the contour Plan of the resistivity readings shows

a definite east-west and south of east trend which appears to conform with

the sie_ke of the underlying formations.

Anomalies "A", 7B" and "F", appear to•:be of a similar type. In

each case the anomaly lies directly off an area of high topography, perhaps

indicating sharp depressions at the foot of these large outcrops,


However, the readings in these areas are of such —here to indicate

disseminated sulphides and any one of these zones could be further

explored by diamond drilling to determine whether or not this is the


Anomaly "C", although very small, cannot be accounted for

topographically and warrants further investigation.

The "D" and "E" anomalies appear to be caused by topography,

As shown on Plan No. 1 they are located along shallow east-west draws

which partially extend into the high hills on the east, These linear

depressions have consequently influenced the reading3 in this section,

Anomaly "G" is located in very low, wet ground surrounded by

high rock:, hills. This was the only section of cedar cwai observed on

the group, In all probability this was the direct cause of these low


It should be noted that anomalies "D", "E", "F", and "G" are

in close proximity to the two faults shown on Plan. No. 1. Neither of these

faults were clearly delineated by the resistivity survey, however, fault

"F" was weakly indicated but not to a sufficient extent to warrant

changing the contours from their normal east-west trend. It might be

advisable to test one of these anomalous areas by diamond drilling an

the resistivity readings are sufficiently low to suggest the presence

of disseminated sulphides,

This survejr, conducted along lines spaced at 400 foot intervals

should be considered as reeonnaisance work. In general, when using this

survey method, lines are cut at 300 foot intervals with detail lines

spa.ed 100 feet apart {n areas of interest. Consequently, anomalies

indicated on this Plan could be more clearly defined by using lines cut

at a closer interval,

- 13 -

The large area of relatively low readings shown on the

western portion of Plan No, 1 is probably due to flat topography and

deep overburden, while the areas of highs are accountable by the

outcrop hills which are prevalent in the south and eastern portions

of the property.

On Group No. 2 several small areas of resistivity lows were

indicated and are referred to on the accompanying Plan by the

letters"H", "J", "K", "L" and M". The resistivity readings

over these anomalous areas are not sufficiently low to suggest the

presence of appreciable amounts of sulphide mineralization. They

could, however, indicate the presence of sparsely disseminated


This survey was not conducted over a large enough area to

establish any pronounced linear trend, except in the case of the

"H" zone which is continuous for about 1,000 feet, The resistivity

readings over the ',,wow groups should not ba directly compared as

Group No. 2 was not standardized due to the lack of suitable elec-

trode contacts.


The property of Noranda Mines Limited;: Quebec Exploration,

discussed la this report, consists of two groups of claims located

in Range VI and Range IX, Duprat Township, Quebec. These two groups

of claims were surveyed by the electrical resistivity method during

the period from February 12th to March 8th, 1951,

The area covered by this report is underlain by rhyolitic and

andesitic flow, which have been intruded by diorite and associated

- 14 -

rocks, Two north-easterly trending faults have been mapped in the

north-eastern section of Group No, 1. The locations of these are

shown on Plan No, 1.

Several anomalous areas have been indicated by the survey on

Group No. 1. The most impressive of these anomalies are identified

on Plan No, 1 by the letters "B", "O" and "F". Although massive

sulphides have not been suggested by this survey, diamond drilling

is recommended to test these areas for disseminated mineralization,

and locations of the proposed No, 1, No, 2 and No, 3 diamond drill

holes are shown on the accompanying Plan.

On Group No. 2 several small anomalies are indicated by the

survey. The moat impressive of these are re lcred to as the °"

and "7" areas and appear to have a definite linear trend, The size

of the area covered by this latter survey was somewhat limited the

interpretation. The readings over this group do not indicate apprec-

iable amounts of sulphide mineralization but could indicate sparsely

disseminated material.

Diamond drilling, using vertical holes, is recommended to

test the "H", "T" and "IC" anomalies. Locations of the proposed No. 1,

No, 2 and No. 3 diamond drill holes are shown on the accompanying Plan.

Previous exploration may have covered the areas mentioned above in

which ease of course the proposed drilling would be unecessary.


The Noranda Mines Limited, Quebec Exploration, ground discussed

in this report comprises two groups of claims located in Duprat Township,


Group No. 1 comprises lots 37 to 46 inclusive in Range IX

readings being taken at 50 foot intervals along the north-south lines

spaced 400 feet apart. These lines were turned off an east-west base


line located in the exact centre of the range. A total of 22 miles of

line was surveyed by the electrical resistivity method and 2,337

stations observed. The readings are expressed in ohm-centimeters x

103 on Plan No. 1 accompanying this report,

Group No. 2 comprises portions of lots 50 and 51 in Range

VI, readings being taken at 50 foot intervals along north-south lines

spaced 100 feet apart. A total of 3.2 miles was surveyed by the

electrical resistivity method and 224 stations observed. The readings t

are expressed in ohm-centimeters x 104 on Plan No. 2 accompanying

this report.

The number of eight-hour man-days required to complete this

work on Group No. 1 is as follows: ATTRIBUTABLE ¶LO


Line-cutting 27 27

Laying out spread 6 x 7 56

Operation 15 x 7 105

Calculation 4 x 7 28

Interpretation 5 x 7 35

T#ping,, drafting,

office supervision 7 x 7 49

Total .... 66 Total... 300


J. D. McCannell, Geologist.

April 23rd, 1951.


The number of eight-hour man-days required to complete the

Line-cutting 3 3

Laying out spread 5 x 7 35

2x7 14

l x 7 7

l x 7 7

2 x 7 14

14 Total ....0 80

work on Group No. 2 is as follows: ATTRSBIITAHI,E TO




C alcL.?. tion

Into . retation

Typing, drafting,

office supervision

Total 0....

Respectfully submitted,