Report of the Activities from to - University of Jammu · Report of the Activities from to ......

Report of the Activities from to ~anuaryto 3pt of January. 2011 26th of January. 2011 Republic Day Celebration - 2011 The 62nd Republic Day, was celebrated at University of Jammu with great enthusiasm & patJ::ioticfervor. Prof. Varun Sahni, Vice-Chancellor, unfurled the National Flag at Fountain Plaza and released the Tri Colour Balloons while Mrs. Sylvia. A. Sahni was the Guest of Honour on this occasion. . Prof. Sahni, in his address said that India got freedom from the yoke of .the Britishers after a long struggle and supreme sacrifices of our great patriots. The Constitution of India was framed by a Committee, especially Constituted for the purpose and finally the same 'came into force on 26thof January, 1950 and India became a Republic State. As per provisions in the Constitution, every citizen of India have equal rights, social, economic and religious. We have freedom of expression & worship. He exhorted the University fraternity to work fervently to up hold the traditions of our great Nation and join hands to solve the problems presently being faced by the country. The Constitution provides us certain right but at the same time reminds us our duties, as well. Paying tributes to the Martyrs, he also reCited the couplet from Maithilisharan's famous poem PUSHP KI ABHILASHA, "Mujhe Tore Lena Van Mali, Uss Path Pal" Turn Dena Faink, Matribhoorni ki Raksha Hetu, Jis Path Jayen Veer Anck". Earlier Prof. N.K. Tripathi, Dean Students Welfare, delivered the welcome address. At the arrival of the Vice-Chancellor, Guard of Honour was presented by the Security Personal led by Capt. S.R. Dubey, Security Officer and JU Guards led by Dy. S.P. J.S. Bali. Among others Prof. R.D. Sharma, Dean Academic Affairs, Dr. P.S Pathania. Registrar, Prof. Versha Mehta, Chairperson, Campus Cultural Committee. Prof. Rajive Gupta, Director, College Development Council, Prof. G.M. Bhat, Controller of Examination, Prof. Kuldeep. K. Sharma, Director, Directorate of Internal Quality Assurance, Dr. Meenakshi Kilam. Director, Directorate of Distance Education, Rectors & Directors of the Offsite Capmus. Prof. Ashok Aima, Prof. Naresh Padha. Prof. .J.S. Tara. Heads, Faculty Members, Officers. Office bearers of the Teaching, Non-Teaching & Class Fourth Association, Staff, Research Scholars and Students of the University. were also present.

Transcript of Report of the Activities from to - University of Jammu · Report of the Activities from to ......

Report of the Activities from to~anuaryto 3pt of January. 2011

26th of January. 2011

Republic Day Celebration - 2011

The 62nd Republic Day, was celebrated at University of Jammu with greatenthusiasm & patJ::ioticfervor.

Prof. Varun Sahni, Vice-Chancellor, unfurled the National Flag at FountainPlaza and released the Tri Colour Balloons while Mrs. Sylvia. A. Sahni was the Guestof Honour on this occasion. .

Prof. Sahni, in his address said that India got freedom from the yoke of .theBritishers after a long struggle and supreme sacrifices of our great patriots. TheConstitution of India was framed by a Committee, especially Constituted for the purposeand finally the same 'came into force on 26thof January, 1950 and India became a RepublicState.

As per provisions in the Constitution, every citizen of India have equal rights,social, economic and religious. We have freedom of expression & worship. He exhortedthe University fraternity to work fervently to up hold the traditions of our great Nation andjoin hands to solve the problems presently being faced by the country. The Constitutionprovides us certain right but at the same time reminds us our duties, as well.

Paying tributes to the Martyrs, he also reCited the couplet from Maithilisharan'sfamous poem PUSHP KI ABHILASHA, "Mujhe Tore Lena Van Mali, Uss Path Pal"Turn Dena Faink, Matribhoorni ki Raksha Hetu, Jis Path Jayen Veer Anck".

Earlier Prof. N.K. Tripathi, Dean Students Welfare, delivered the welcome address.

At the arrival of the Vice-Chancellor, Guard of Honour was presented by theSecurity Personal led by Capt. S.R. Dubey, Security Officer and JU Guards led by Dy. S.P.J.S. Bali.

Among others Prof. R.D. Sharma, Dean Academic Affairs, Dr. P.S Pathania.Registrar, Prof. Versha Mehta, Chairperson, Campus Cultural Committee. Prof. RajiveGupta, Director, College Development Council, Prof. G.M. Bhat, Controller ofExamination, Prof. Kuldeep. K. Sharma, Director, Directorate of Internal QualityAssurance, Dr. Meenakshi Kilam. Director, Directorate of Distance Education, Rectors &

Directors of the Offsite Capmus. Prof. Ashok Aima, Prof. Naresh Padha. Prof. .J.S. Tara.Heads, Faculty Members, Officers. Office bearers of the Teaching, Non-Teaching & ClassFourth Association, Staff, Research Scholars and Students of the University. were alsopresent.

27th of Jan. to 29th Jan, 2011


A Three Day Festival of the Alumni of the "Display Your Talent", was organized by theDepartment of Students Welfare, University of Jammu and "Renaissance" - a DYT AlumniAssociation, from 27th to 291hJanuary, 20 II.

Prof. Varun Sahni, Vice-Chancellor inaugurated the Fine Arts Exhibition at Rhinchcn-bZangpo Art Gallery by lighting the Ceremonial Lamp.

Speaking'on this occasion Prof. Sahni said that this Reunion, shall certainly ronncct the Alumniwith their roots and at the ~r..metime the present students shall also be benefited by their prescnce atthe Campus. The freshers shall get an opportunity to interac1: with the pass out ~tudcnts, pcrformon a common platform and shall learn about the nuances of the Visual Arts, Literary, Music. Danceand Theatrical activities.

Interacting with the Alumni, the Vice-Chancellor also suggested to make the Meet an AnnualEvent. The Alumni also put forth some suggestions.

The Exhibition included the painting by Suman Gupta, Rakesh Sharma, Mahmud Anwar Alnas:z;ir,Dr. Sanjay Sharma, Reecha Mahajan, Vandana Sharma, Ankush Kesar, Dr. Atul Sharma, JagpalSingh Bandral, Dharam Vir Singh, Cartoons by Manoj Chopra, Photographs by Nitish Arora,Rangoli by Kanwar Iqbal, Posters by Sheikh Nassir Hussain, were really a visual treat for thevisitors.

Tlte seco/ld day of Alumlli Meet at Brigadier Rajinder Singh Auditorium witnessed ullusual crowdthat was numb-struck with the presentations that followed in quick successions Wiih SOIllCliterar)poetical recitations on famous topics of love, romance and social satire descending between tomake up the gaps.

The thrill in the programme was introduced by the fabulous Punjabi dance in chorus presented bythe campus students, that drew cheer for the synchronous foot-tapping music from all corners 01"theauditorium. The presentation was well responded by huge applaud which demanded for its repeal.saying 'once more, once more...'. .

Dr. P.S. Pathania, Registrar, University of Jammu was the Chief Guest, while Prof. N.K.Tripathi, Dean Student Welfare and Assistant Dean Mr. Vijay Atri accompanied the ChiefGuest.

It was really rendezvous of the present with the past where the present students and the Alumni ofthe University who have pal1icipated in the "Display Your Talent" and have representcd theUniversity in the various North Zone Inter-University and National Youth Festivals organized b)the Association of Indian Universities, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports. GO\t. of India. Nc\\Delhi, other Universities and prestigious Institutions, performed on a common platform.

The Poetry Recitation by Gagandcep Sharma. Bindiya Tickoo, Geetika. SandecpChauhan, Digvijay Singh and Sarang Vaid were highly appreciated.

The Literary events were followed by Musical presentations. The participants included BharatMahajan, Gourav Sharma, Manveer Singh Laali, Avneesh Sharma, Nidhi Kaila, Vija) Sharma.Tajinder Singh, Jasmeet Kour, Poonam Mahajan, Aksa Chaman, Deep Suman, Chanchal Sharma.Rakesh SambyaL Narinder Wazir and Balbir Beera. They presented Dogri, Punjabi. II indi. Englishnumbers and rcceived thunderous applause from the audience.Punjabi Dance presented by Baljeet, Renu and Shivani was the highlight of the programmc.

The three dllY of Alumni Meet concluded with the felicitation of the Alumni, somc scintillatingCultural presentations and Sham-e-Ghazal wherein Noted Ghazal Singer Dr. Radhika Chopra andJitendra Singh featured.

PI'Of. M.R. Puri, Fonner Vice-Chancellor, was the Chief Guest on this occasion while Prof.Varun Salmi, Vice-Chancellor, University of Jammu presided over the fundioll.

Prof. Y.R. Malhotra, Former Vice-Chancellor, graLed the Sham-e-Ghazal as the Chief Guest.Prof. Puri, was honoured with the Life Time Achievement A,,'ard as this was Prof. Puri's brainchild, who started the "Display Your Talent" in 1982 when he was the Vice-Chancellor of theUniversity of Jammu and this contest is very popular amongst the students even after a span of 28years.A hilarious Playlet entitled "Anpadh" on the theme of Adult Education, was highlight of theprogramme. Superb acting by Dr. Jagdish Mehra, Dr. Yash Pal, Mahesh Khajuira, Dheeraj .landyal,Sunil Kumar. Anju .lamwal Nagar and Dr. Anuradha Pandoh, won accolades for them.

Vandana by Jasmeet Kour, Ghazal Dance wherein Anuradha Seth Kohli impressed the audience\\ ith her movements and expressions and Aksa Chaman rendered the Ghazal in her mellifluousvoice. Skit by Dr. Arvinder Aman and Amandeep, Jugalbani on Guitar and Tabla by Vikas Nagarand Neeraj Verma and Group Song presented by Poonam Mahajan, Suresh Bala, Aksa Chaman,Jasmeet Kour, Bindiya Tikoo, Anju Nagar, Chanchal Sharma, Tajinder Singh, Dcep Suman, Sum itSh?nna. N.c:rillder Wazir, Manvil' Singh Lalli, Sunil Kumar and Sanjay Nagar. were highlyappn..'ciald.

M.A. Alnasir welcomed the guests while Digvijay Singh presented the Vote ofl'hanks.The programme was com peered by Zuiltkar Ahmed and Bindiya Tickoo.

In the evening Radhika and Jitendra, spellbound the audience by presenting Ghazals in theirsonorous voices.

It may be mentioned here that the both the artists are born and brought up in Jammu. During theirCollege Days both of them used to participate in the Inter-Collegiate Competitions under the"Display Your Talent" represented the University in various Zonal and National Youth Fcstival andbrought laurels to the institution by winning number of prizes.Earlier Vijay Atri. while presenting the profile of the Department of Students Welfare, expressedgratitude ro all the Deans and Directors of the Department who contributed to the Department forproviding it a new fillip, in their own ways.

Among. others Prof. N.K. Tripathi. Prof. Vcrsha Mehta, Prof. V.K. Kapoor. Pmf. -'asbll' Singh. Dr.Vishvaraksha, Dr. Hema Gandotra and Dr. Shailendra Singh, were also present 011this occasioll