Report of the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquakev78b -

1 Report of the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake, Japan, and the 2016 Myanmar and Ecuador Earthquakes (v.78b Revised version, 30 th April, 2016; Rev. by STJ 2 nd May; YO 5 th & 13 th May; Final 24 th May, 2016)) ((to IUGS E-Bulletin)) (Y. Ogawa, and Stephen T. Johnston) Introduction: Just one day after the Myanmar Earthquake that occurred on 13 th of April, 2016, 13:55:17 (GMT) 180 km NW from Mandalay, two more large earthquakes occurred, one in Kumamoto, Japan, and another in Ecuador. As for the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake, more than one month has passed since the major earthquakes, and many new types of phenomena are known. This report first describes some geological aspects of the Kumamoto earthquake, Japan; reviews some of the tectonic, social and human results; and also provides brief accounts of the within subducting slab-type Myanmar quake, and the subduction-type Ecuador Earthquake (M 7.9) that occurred 26 th April, 2016 (local time) close to the Ecuadorian coast. The basic information of seismological aspects on the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake are from and so on. 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake: Fig. 1. Ku x is the approximate location of 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake in the middle of Kyushu. (Map adopted from Plate tectonic map of AAPG) A series of inland earthquakes occurred in Kumamoto, middle Kyushu, Japan (Figs. 1, 2, and 3), close to the active volcano Mt Aso (Aso Volcano), which has the largest on-land caldera in Japan (24 km diameter). The first major shock occurred on 21:26 of JMT (+9 hours of GMT; 12:26) of 14 th April, 2016, M 6.5 (6.1 and 6.4 were also reported) at a depth of 18 km (11 km or 15 km was also reported). The intensity was 7 on the Japan Meteorological Agency Intensity scale (hereafter, JMAI scale) (which in this case corresponds to 10

Transcript of Report of the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquakev78b -

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Report of the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake, Japan, and the 2016 Myanmar and Ecuador Earthquakes (v.78b Revised version, 30th April, 2016; Rev. by STJ 2nd May; YO 5th & 13th May; Final 24th May, 2016))

((to IUGS E-Bulletin))

(Y. Ogawa, and Stephen T. Johnston)


Just one day after the Myanmar Earthquake that occurred on 13th of April, 2016, 13:55:17 (GMT) 180 km

NW from Mandalay, two more large earthquakes occurred, one in Kumamoto, Japan, and another in

Ecuador. As for the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake, more than one month has passed since the major

earthquakes, and many new types of phenomena are known. This report first describes some geological

aspects of the Kumamoto earthquake, Japan; reviews some of the tectonic, social and human results; and

also provides brief accounts of the within subducting slab-type Myanmar quake, and the subduction-type

Ecuador Earthquake (M 7.9) that occurred 26th April, 2016 (local time) close to the Ecuadorian coast. The

basic information of seismological aspects on the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake are from and so


2016 Kumamoto Earthquake:

Fig. 1. Ku x is the approximate location of

2016 Kumamoto Earthquake in the middle

of Kyushu. (Map adopted from Plate

tectonic map of AAPG)

A series of inland earthquakes occurred in Kumamoto, middle Kyushu, Japan (Figs. 1, 2, and 3), close to

the active volcano Mt Aso (Aso Volcano), which has the largest on-land caldera in Japan (24 km diameter).

The first major shock occurred on 21:26 of JMT (+9 hours of GMT; 12:26) of 14th April, 2016, M 6.5 (6.1 and

6.4 were also reported) at a depth of 18 km (11 km or 15 km was also reported). The intensity was 7 on the

Japan Meteorological Agency Intensity scale (hereafter, JMAI scale) (which in this case corresponds to 10

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on the Modified Mercalli Intensity scale; hereafter MMI scale) (Fig. 4). The earthquake epicenter was

located in the local town of Mashiki of Kumamoto Prefecture (Fig. 2). The historically and culturally

famous and important capital of the prefecture, Kumamoto City (population of 740,000), lies only 20 km

west of the epicenter.

Fig. 2. Index map of Kyushu Island and surrounding area, showing some tectonic features (the base map is

adopted from USGS HP with topographic names added by authors). White dashed line is the Southwest Japan

volcanic front, which passes through the Aso Volcano. The epicenter lies just on the E of Kumamoto. See Fig. 3.

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Fig. 3. Epicenter of large earthquakes

of the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake

(red X). Yellow-red lines are active

faults, and double dashed lines are

grabens or back arc basins (both are

horizontally stretched). Black lines

are possible transform faults or

fracture zones. The Ryukyu arc’s

back arc basin may be entering

Kyushu, extending the Beppu-

Shimabara graben that crosscuts the

volcanic front.

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Fig. 4. Correlation between different intensity scales. At left, column (A) is Japanese (JMAI scale), and column

(B) is the Modified Mercalli (MMI scale). At right, column (E) is acceleration in mgal. This table indicates JMAI 7

of the Kumamoto event ranges from MMI 10 to 12, but due to the record, the maximum shake of 16th of April

must be of 12, because it is reported that the maximum acceleration attained 1580 mgal (see in text). As for the

MMI scale, see

A second strong shock hit nearby again on 16th of April (at 01:26 of JMT; 28 hours later after the 14th

shock), M 7.3 (Mw 7.1 after Prof. Y. Yagi HP as shown later) (Fig. 4). Most researchers consider the second

earthquake to be the main shock and the April 14th event as a foreshock. The JMAI scale of the second

event attained 7 (its MMI scale reached 12), and the maximum acceleration of the shake was recorded as

1580 mgal at Mashiki Town and Nishihara Village, far larger than the gravitational acceleration. Such

continuous or chained (or some researchers use “connected” or “induced”) large in-land earthquakes within

two days of one another is rare. The number of aftershocks topped 900 by the 27th of April and 1400 for one

month (for JMAI scale larger than 1, roughly MMI scale larger than 4) (Fig. 5). Shaking attributable to the

two large earthquakes caused many topographic changes along previously mapped active faults. Significant

topographic impacts also occurred along the Hinagu and Futagawa fault zones, and away from known

structures. Many (81 places in all) slope failures (sliding, rock fall, collapse of banks and roads, cracks and

so on) occurred as shown below.

Fig. 5. Cumulative curves of shocks in red (larger than M 3.5) for the first two days after the April 14th and April

16th shocks. Adopted from NHK-TV based on JMA data. This diagram indicates that many more aftershocks

accompanied the Kumamoto compared to other inland earthquakes, including the Niigata-Chuetsu (2004),

Iwate-Miyagi (2008), and Kobe (1995) events. By April 27th the number of aftershocks was greater than 900.

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By April 27th, 49 fatalities had been reported (mostly by house collapse and debris bury) with 1 missing,

and 1500 injured (many serious). Refugees numbered more than 160,000. In total, more than 26,000 houses

and buildings collapsed including 15,000 total failures (those numbers are likely to increase over time).

Most people who sought refuge on April 14th to 15th of April now live in designated shelters (mostly city or

school gymnasiums). Unfortunately, some people who returned home after the first shock were

subsequently killed during the second shock on the 16th.

The aftershocks extended to the east, up to the Aso volcano area. The Aso volcanic region, with its large

caldera, is known to be of high heat flow, and has been the focus of geomagnetic and gravitational studies

(Okubo, 1997; Okubo and Shibuya 1993). Different types of aftershocks were recorded in other areas of

Kyushu. For example, shallow earthquakes with normal slip occurred along E-W striking faults in the

eastern part of the E-W trending Beppu-Shimabara graben. The maximum magnitude of aftershocks

outside the main earthquake areas has been 6.5 (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6. Main shock (No. 4) and pre-main shocks (Nos. 1 to 3), and post-main shocks (Nos. 5 to 12) from April

14th to 19th. Adopted from Yomiuri-Shimbun Newspaper. Earthquakes Nos. 4 to 9 (except 8) are on the

Futagawa fault zone, and some others (Nos. 1 to 3, and Nos.11 and 12) are on the Hinagu fault zone. Nos. 6

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and 7 are on the extension of the Futagawa fault zone in the Aso Volcano area. No. 8 is, in a large sense,

located on an extension of the Futugawa fault, but JMA has interpreted it as an independent earthquake,

induced by the main shock (No. 4), on the Beppu-Haneyama fault zone (BHFZ). The BHFZ is known to be an E-

W striking normal fault that accommodates N-S stretching in the Beppu-Shimabara graben (Fig. 3).

Earthquake focal mechanism, seismicity and active fault zones: Prof. Y. Yagi utilized a waveform inversion wave of tele-seismic body waves (Yagi and Fukahata, 2011)

( to study the largest (main) earthquake of

April 16th. During the early morning 0:26 JMT, M 7.3 earthquake, the fracture started at the hypocenter on

the SW part of the fault plane, and propagated to the E for 20 km in 20 seconds with a maximum

dislocation of 1.8 m along the eastern part of the fault plane (Fig.7; Y. Yagi personal communication; the

values reported here may increase with the collection of additional data (Yagi et al., submitted to EPS)).

Thus, the focal mechanism indicates that the slip vector was NE-SW trending and sub-horizontal, yielding

a NW-ward, highly inclined, dextral (right-lateral) strike-slip event. The depth to the hypocenter was 15

km. The moment magnitude (Mw) was 7.1 and the strike-slip hypocenter lay on the Futagawa fault zone.

Displacement increased to the east and climbed to shallower crustal levels.

Fig. 7. Focal mechanism with slip

model and shake continuation,

after Prof. Y. Yagi (University of

Tsukuba)’ Farfield analysis after

Yagi and Fukahata (2011). As in

this figure, focal plane (dislocated

area) is 50 km NE trend with 20

km width along the Futagawa

active fault, with 1.8 m dislocation

maximum for 20 seconds. See

text, and


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From Y. Yagi’s analysis, and NIED’s Hi-net system (, it is known that the large

earthquakes in the region are in response to an E-W sigma 1 (maximum compressional stress). Strike-slip

faulting is common, but E-W striking normal faults also occur. These normal faults are also a response to

the E-W compression but yield smaller magnitude earthquakes (Fig. 8). In the wider region, the stress

system varies from place to place, and through time (probably the latter in response to stress release

attending earthquake events). On 12th of May, Prof. M. Miyazawa, Kyoto University, reported in NHK TV

that the main shock on 16th of April in Kyushu involved double instantaneous quakes, during which the

Masihki Town’s quake (M 7.3) induced another quake (M 6.0, at Yufu Town, 80 km NE within Beppu-

Haneyama fault zone, location No. 8 of Fig. 6), 32 second later, during the passage of the major seismic

wave. Induced quakes are also known in various other places, some 800 km and even 1400 km ENE from

the first earthquake. This is the first time that such a series of induced type earthquakes have been


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Fig. 8. Normal fault type earthquakes of E-W sigma 2 in Kyushu.

From web site of NIED (Tsukuba, Japan)

Fig. 9. Epicenters with magnitude and depth during one month from 20th of March to 19th of April, 2016. Most of

these along the Japan trench are routine ones with certain aftershocks of 2011 Tohoku earthquakes, while most

in Kyushu are of the present Kumamoto earthquakes.

As shown in Fig. 7, epicenters extend from SW to NE, along a zone within which the collapse of buildings,

houses, roads, and slopes and river banks were concentrated. These epicenters are along three active fault

zones; the Futagawa, Hinagu, and Beppu-Haneyama fault zones.

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Surface appearances:

Surface fault ruptures:

A fault that appeared on the earth’s surface during an earthquake is called a surface fault rupture. Some

are on previously known active faults or fault zones, but some are on unknown or hidden zones (as

described below). Unknown or hidden fault zones can be due to change of the surface by rapid

sedimentation or erosion by rivers and related debris or slope failure in active volcanic area.

Geologists that surveyed the Kumamoto area after the April 16th quake found several dislocations and

earthquake faults. The Futagawa and Hinagu fault zones (WSW and SW trending, respectively) merge

near the main earthquake epicenter, and dislocations were located nearby in fields and on roads. The

maximum dislocation observed in Mashiki Town was 2 m of dextral (right-lateral) strike slip with a small

vertical component of slip (Fig. 10)

A dextral dislocation along a NE-striking strike-slip fault appeared in a wheat field near Mashiki Town

(epicenter area), during the 16th April earthquake (M 7.3). A clear dextral dislocation appeared in another

wheat field along the easternmost part of the Futagawa and Hinagu fault zones , showing a 2 m wide en

echelon pattern of left-stepping ruptures (Fig. 10). Along this fault zone almost 50% of the houses collapsed.

Almost all the buildings and houses constructed before the introduction strict building codes collapsed.

Buildings constructed according to new regulations survived.

Fig. 10. (Left top after NHK-TV and left bottom after Nishinihon-Shimbun) NE trending 1 m wide zone of ca. 2 m

dextral dislocation as left-step en echelon cracks of Riedel shears. Riedel 1 (R) shears are connected to make 1

m wide fault zone, and the zone makes larger scale Riedel shears, showing two orders of system. (Right)

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Pressure ridge-like straight mound along the faults, suggesting some tens of cm uplifting on the SE side. Two

photos on top are by Prof. T. Nakada (Hiroshima University), looking toward NE. See also (Chishitsu News No.5 (5)) for Kumamoto earthquake surface ruptures)

Fig. 11. Fractures of echelon

pattern of Ridel shears are lined

by authors on Google Earth views

of Minami-Aso Village from the

videos of Geographical Research

Institute of Japan.


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As shown by pictures taken from a drone (Fig. 11), some fractures appeared along strike to the NE of the

previously known Futagawa and Hinagu fault zones. Some normal-type faults were found on the south side

of Aso Volcano by Prof. S. Toda (Tohoku University).

Slope failure:

Several types of slope failures were recognized. Some representative examples are discussed below. Most

slope failures occurred in and around the active Aso Volcano. Steep and even shallowly dipping slopes

failed. A sudden slide occurred just north of the active faults at Minami-Aso Village during the second large

shock on the morning of April 16th (Fig. 12). A 700 m long, 200 m wide rapid collapse of the scoriaceous

deposits flowed down to the Kurokawa River, pushing away the railroad and bridge. One car is still buried

on the road.

Fig. 12. Large scale slope failures on the Kurokawa River,

around the Aso Volcano soma, Minami-Aso Village, looking

NW. Active fault of the Futagawa fault zone runs from Top to

center bottom along the greenish slope. (Right is the

enlargement of the left). From the Yomiuri-Shimbun HP.

Aso Volcano is located 20 km east of the main shock epicenter, on the extension of the Futagawa fault zone,

and is covered with thick, soft scoriaceous deposits. During the April 16th shock, some steep slopes

collapsed, feeding debris flows that washed away railroads, roads, bridges, and houses (Fig. 12). Many local

apartments for Tokai University collapsed, burying tens of students. Several students and visiting and

local people (30 in all) were killed. Aso volcano erupted one day after the first shock, but authorities do not

think that the eruption was related to the earthquake. The eruption may be ordinary activity, and no

expansion due to magma intrusion was detected.

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Another example of slope failure, a landslide, occurred on a shallowly dipping slope at Minami-Aso village.

A scoariaceous surface layer above a clay-rich sublayer (after Prof. T. Kamai, Kyoto University) slipped

downhill. The fluidized scoriaceous debris flow (Fig. 13) buried many houses.

Fig. 13. Land sliding of the central cone part of Aso Volcano at the Kayo area of Minami-Aso Village. Right is the

lower stream of the left. Several people were buried and were killed. Even though the slope was shallow of

inclination, a large amount of failures occurred in three direction, as reported by two researchers, Prof. K.

Fukuoka (Kyushu University) and Prof. T. Kamai (Kyoto University). The latter considered that the sliding

occurred just above the altered clayey ash layers below the young surface scoriaceous deposits. From the

Yomiuri-Shimbun HP.

Fig. 14. Slope failure on the freeway in Yufuin Town, Oita Prefecture, also in the Quaternary volcanic area. From

Asahi-Shimbun HP.

Liquefaction and other hydrogeologic phenomena :

According to the reports of Prof. S. Yasuda (Tokyo University of Electricity), and Prof. Hazama Hemanta

(Kyushu University), liquefaction occurred in up to 20 locations. The Kumamoto area has a shallow ground

water level due to the Aso volcanic rocks and sediments, particularly those on the old river channel zones,

which are largely sand and gravel-sized and which are prone to liquifacation during shaking.

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Some local ponds dried up and debris flows formed natural dams in the nearby rivers. The Aso Volcano

area is popular resort and agricultural area, but it was heavily damaged. Some hot springs have stopped

flowing. This is the site of the proposed Aso Global GeoParks of Global GeoParks Network (UNESCO), but

most of the area was heavily damaged.

Fig. 15. Largely liquefied part shown by brown in color in the parking lot of a super market, Kashima Town. From

Asahi-Shimbun HP.

Crustal movement:

The wide aperture radar observations from satellite of “Daichi 2”, Geographycal Research Institute of

Japan, have been used to measure vertical changes of the surface of the earth (Fig. 16., The

observed changes are well explained as the result of dextral dislocation during faulting, with some cm of

sinking around the Aso Volcano area.

Fig. 16. Vertical change of the surface due to wide aperture radar by Geographical Research Institute of Japan.

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Fig. 17. GPS based 10 years displacement just before the earthquake, horizontal (top) and vertical (bottom).

(Adopted from GRI HP )

10 years (from 2006 to 2016, just before the earthquake) of GPS data constraining surface displacements of

the surface in and around Kyushu (Fig. 17) are available. Displacements are shown relative to a reference

point at Yukuhashi City, NE Kyushu. The relative motion between any two points can be determined by

subtracting the two relative vectors.

According to these maps, Shikoku Island displacement is due to the subducting Philippine Sea plate, but

Kyushu Island’s horizontal and vertical motion is different. It is extending in a N-S direction, and sinking

in the middle. The horizontal movement coincides well the strain map based on triangle survey results for

the past 103 years (Fig. 18) (Research Group of Active Faults of Kyushu, 1997). As discussed in other

sections, Kyushu may be pushed from the E by Shikoku (Prof. Y. Kobayashi, 1990s personal


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Seno (1979) suggested the general stress pattern in Japan, in which he showed the westward dislocation on

the south of the Medium Tectonic Line in Shikoku (an active, forearc sliver fault) might push Kyushu from

E to W. We now further suggest that the negative gravitational anomaly and seismicity of the SE off

Kyushu between Shikoku to the N (Figs. 19 and 20) may support that Shikoku in general pushes Kyushu to

produce the N-S extension as verified by the GPS and triangle survey results as in Figs. 17 and 18.

Fig. 18. Horizontal strain map by 90 year results of triangle survey by Tada (1984) (Adopted from Research

Group of Active Faults of Kyushu, 1997). This map shows remarkable N-S stretching in a zone of E-W in the

central part of Kyushu.

Seismicity maps for the past 103 years until 1988 are consistent with Shikuko Island pushing west into Kyushu.

These maps show that seismicity is not along the Nankai trough but instead extends to the N and E between

Kyushu and Shikoku (into the Bungo straits to the Seto Inland Sea (Suo-nada). The seismicity is also

remarkable in the middle-west part of Kyushu along the present Futgawa-Hinagu two fault zones (Research

Group of Active Fault in Kyushu, 1989).

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Fig. 19. Seismicity maps for 5710 earthquakes for 103 years until 1988 (left), and large ones (right),

Indicating they are not along the Nankai trough but extend straight to the N by E between Kyushu and

Shikoku (into the Bungo straits to the Seto Inland Sea (Suo-nada). Also attention the seismicity in the

Middle-west part of Kyushu along the preent Futgawa-Hinagu two fault zones. After Research Group of

Active Fault in Kyushu (1989). See also the present seismicity map of Fig. 9.

Fig. 20. Gravity anomaly map (Free air in the sea, Bougue

in land (specific gravity 2.67), suggesting the negative

anomaly SE off Kyushu is N by E to the Bungo straits, and

the present earthquakes in middle Kyushu occur along

anomaly zones. After Research Group of Active Fault in

Kyushu (1989).

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Recently, Matsumoto et al. (2015) have summarized a new dataset of seismic and geodesic activities and

movement based on recently developed networks, including GPS and gravity anomaly, seismicity and

stress field for 18 years before 2011. According to them, the general situation before the 2016 Kumamoto

earthquake and related crustal movement was similar to the situation that we reviewed above. They

indicated that a strong sheared zone in Kyushu is not along the Futagawa-Hinagu fault zone but along the

western extension of the Medium Tectonic Line in Shikoku (Fig. 21). We now know the seismic activities

are along the Futagawa-Hinagu zone and Beppu-Haneyama zone. Even though the actual seismicities are

slightly different, the N-S geodetic stretching with E-W horizontal compressive axis (P-axis) are same

before the 2016 earthquake (Fig. 22).

Fig. 21. Strong shear zone along the NE-SW extension of the Medium Tectonic Line (MTL) of Shikoku Island

(left) after Matsumoto et al. (2015). Data from January 1993 to August 2011. This paper was published just

before the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake, and we now noticed that the major epicenters are concentrated not with

the shear zone but other zones to the north as shown in the text above.

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Fig. 22. Horizontal P- and T-axes adopted in the stress-tensor inversion, indicating the strong N-S stretching

along the 2016 seismically active zone along the Futagawa-Hinagu fault zones, and Haneyama fault zone. See

text. After Matsumoto et al. (2015).

Relation to Aso volcano and other area:.

Aso volcano has not had a huge eruption since the caldera forming event at ca. 85-90 ka. The central

Takadake cone has been continuously erupting, but these minor eruptions have not been accompanied by

expansion of the underlying magma chamber as detected by GPS and tilt meter observation. However,

further attention is required as the volcano has become slightly more active since the earthquakes (Fig. 23).

Fig. 23. The central cone active eruption just after the main shock on 16th April.

After Asahi-Shimbun HP.

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Another concern is that most of the large inland earthquakes have been temporally-related to subduction

megaquakes. They are related, but it is unclear which induces the other (Seno, 1993; Ishibashi, 2015).

Social damages:

Large scale damage occurred during the first shock on the 14th and particularly the second one on the 16th.

Damage includes the loss of human life line and harm to the economy through impaired transportation and

industry. During the first shake on the 14th (they felt a strong lateral shake first), buildings, houses and

walls along streets collapsed, as well as tombstones. By the MMI scale the earthquake was a 10 at the

maximum at Mashiki Town. The damage of the second shock was stronger (MMI scale 12). During the

second shock, already damaged houses which were still standing, collapsed completely (Fig.24). The two

main earthquakes occurred at night, so that the people in the collapsed houses on the epicenter zones were

buried. However, if the earthquakes had occurred during the day time, many streets would have had large

numbers of people and pupils in locations where walls, glass from buildings, and houses would have fallen,

and more losses and damages might have occurred. The Kumamoto Castle of the 16th Century had its stony

walls partly collapse during the first quake, and largely collapse during the second quake (Fig. 24). It was

also feared that the Shinkaisen (Bullet train) and local trains in Kumamoto City or surroundings were

derailed, but fortunately the trains were vacant during transportation to the train bases without any loss of

life (Fig. 25).

There was a maximum of ca. 37,000 refugees, whose numbers gradually decreased, but rainfall events

caused short-term increases in refugee numbers. More than 1,500 people were injured and this number is

increasing. The injured and dispossessed were helped by police, firemen, and defense forces as well as

many governmental people. However, people who took shelter in their own cars suffered so-called economy-

class deaths, and more than 20 people died. Governments, prefectures, cities and towns tried to prepare

temporary housing.

As of April 28th, 300 bridges were reported damaged, among them 16 having suffered serious damage. The

Kumamoto castle (one of the most famous ones in Japan, constructed in the 17th C as a symbol of the

Kumamoto citizens) was partly damaged by the first shock, but suffered considerable additional damage

during the second shock (Fig. 25). Industrial, agricultural and economic losses were large, including closure

of some automobile company factories, and shutting down of the transportation network for two weeks.

However, things are improving.

On 23rd of May, the Japanese government made a tentative calculation on the economic loss of

infrastructures, including buildings, roads, railroads, electricity and so on, excluding industrial and

agricultural loss, to range US$ 2.2 to 4.4 x 1010. This value may increase in future.

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Fig. 24. Collapsed houses in Mashiki Town (top and left bottom), the Uto City hall building (right bottom). Those

cities and towns are just on the Futagawa fault zone. From Jiji-News and Yomiuri-Shimbun HP.

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Fig. 25. (Left) Collapse of the Kumamoto castle at the first shock. It was damaged much more at the second

shock. From Yomiuri NHK-TV. (Right) Hohi line of Japan Rail Kyushu was derailed. From Yomiuri-Shimbun HP.

Earthquake anticipation:

These earthquakes were not anticipated. There was no information pointing to an increase in shear strain

prior to the earthquakes, nor any other earthquake-related phenomena. Only the shear strain, which is in

general known to be N-S stretching by triangle method and modern GPS survey as mentioned above,

implied strain accumulation. According to earthquake probability maps produced by the governmental

earthquake research committee (Fig. 26), the Futagawa and Hinagu fault zones were included within a list

of 98 dangerous active faults considered to have a 16% probability of producing a M 7.3 size earthquake

within the next 30 years. These calculations are based on several stochastic assumptions, including in some

cases the Brownian Passage Time model (BPT), and in other cases by the Poisson process (PP), depending

upon the paleoseismically acceptable assumption. For BPT modeling, the periodical rupture with a certain

recurrence years is known, whereas for PP modeling, it is not. In the Kumamoto area, they adopted the

BPT model (

Fig. 26. Probability maps issued from The Headquarters for Earthquake Research Promotion of Japan

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( in 2010, (left), and the Newspaper’s information to citizens by

Yomiuri-Shimbun (right). As shown on the right, the Hinagu fault zone has 16% probability of M 7.3 earthquake

within 30 years.

A probability map for the next 30 years, issued from The Headquarters for Earthquake Research Promotion

of Japan is shown in Fig. 26. The general percentile for the whole of Japan is shown on the left, and the

maximum probability of each area depending on the different stochastic assumptions is shown on the right

(red parts show the present Futagawa and Hinagu fault zones, the maximum probability in each area is

0.9, 6 to 16%, respectively).

Although the strain field is constrained by survey results, the probability of an actual rupture is difficult to

constrain. Around 15 inland earthquakes larger than M 7 or so have occurred. Some earthquakes occurred

by the dislocation of unknown active faults (e.g. 2010 West Tottori earthquake), and some occurred as very

low probability ones. Therefore, earthquake prediction has not been successful. In any areas of such mobile

crust, such as above subduction zones like Japan, inland earthquakes might occur suddenly without any

notice. Of course in Japan already 2,000 to 3,000 faults are listed as mapped, and around 100 ones have

been studied by observations including trench cuts (Fig. 27).

Fig. 27. Major 98 active faults that are pointed out in near future motion by Government. The present two active

fault zones are Nos. 91 and 92, the Beppu-Haneyama fault zone and Futagawa-Hinagu fault zone, respectively.

Based on

Early warning system:

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In Japan, two early warning systems for earthquakes and tsunamis that occur in the trench areas have

recently been constructed (See IUGS E-Bulletin #118; However, because of the present early warning

system earthquakes in general (including the Tokyo area), people know about impending shaking some

seconds to minutes before the first strong shake arrives. The difference between the velocity of P-waves and

S-waves (approximately a few second per km; because the average velocity of the two waves are 6.5 and 3.5

km/second in the upper crust, respectively), means that at a distance of 100 km from the hypocenter, the

difference of the arrival times between the two waves might be approximately 30 seconds. Usually, for any

earthquake, we would have some tens of seconds after the arrival of the P-wave before the strong shake of

S-wave. However, when far from an earthquake hypocenter, the P-wave shake is weak, although there may

be some minutes to be prepared. During the Kumamoto earthquake, Tokyo-area people (Y. Ogawa

included) listened to their mobile phones ringing the emergency signal as well as emergency TV

broadcasting. One problem is that if two simultaneous small earthquakes occur, a warning would be issued.

Further improvement to address issues like this are required.

One additional issue is that in this case two large shakes occurred within almost 50 hours of one another.

In both case the JMA scale attained 7 (MMI scale 10 and 12). Such repeated strong shakes were not

previously anticipated and constitutes a new occurrence. As such, the nature of such multiple quakes is not

completely understood.

Tectonic interpretation: Present status

Tectonically, these seismic events occurred along the southwesterly extension of the active Medium

Tectonic Line of Shikoku. But in Kyushu, the active fault zones are complicated. The E-W trending Beppu-

Shimagbara graben, includes two large active volcanos, Aso and Unzen. GPS shows N-S stretching as well

as NE-SW trending dextral shear strain, which is different from Shikoku or regions farther to the east

(Figs. 1, 2, 3, and 26).

The stress field around the middle of Kyushu is generally known to be N-S stretching (vertical sigma 1, E-

W sigma 2; a rare case in Japan - another is the active fault area in Fukushima), but this area is also

sheared by E-W sigma 1 in general. The focal mechanisms of the main and aftershocks have both strike-

slip and normal ruptures. SW Japan area is stressed by NW-ward oblique subduction of the Philippine Sea

plate (4-5 cm/y) (Seno et al., 1993) and by E-W compression caused by the westward collision of Shikoku

Island with Kyushu (original idea of Prof. Yoji Kobayashi, personal communication 1990s). As shown

previously, a negative gravity anomaly extends from off Kyushu to the Bungo Straits (between Kyushu and

Shikoku) running from south to north, consistent with the idea of collision-subduction between the two, and

consistent with the E-W compression and shortening in middle Kyushu (Figs. 19, 20 and 22)

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Fig. 28. General topographic and

bathymetric map around Japan with

plate boundaries and relative motion.

Adopted from Geological Survey of

Japan (1995).

Summary and future topics: As reported above, this 2016 Kumamoto in-land earthquake series was unique as it involved many

different types of faults in the mid to shallow crust (5-20 km, mostly around 15 km). Mostly there was a

dislocation of NE-SW trending dextral faults by E-W compression, but some normal faults and even thrust

type earthquakes occurred on 4th of May. Several of the fault segments or zones are in a large sense within

the E-W trending Beppu-Shimabara graben, but those segments may have reacted independently, as

connected or induced. Researchers plan to have an urgent, special session in Japan Geoscience Union

Annual Meeting (JpGU) in the end of May, 2016 ( They will discuss various

viewpoints. We list some of the future topics for research as below.

1] How and why were there a series of two large earthquakes, and were there two different main shocks

that overlapped simultaneously to make the earthquake of April 16th so damaging?? Were these

earthquakes connected, induced or chained, and did they rupture segments of a single large fault zone??

OR were multiple faults involved?? Were these events reactivation of previously known active faults?? Or

were new fault systems involved?? How was the relationships of the so-called the “old failures” and the real

earthquake faults??

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2] Why has the seismicity extended to SW and E, and how? Just by stimulation induced by the earlier

earthquakes?? Was water or gas is involved?? Why or how did strike-slip faulting occur at the same time as

normal faulting, or even as thrust faulting? And why have there been so many aftershocks.

3] Has the seismicity affected the magma chamber of the Aso Volcano?? One geophysicist in NIED claimed

that the magma chamber was deformed, stretching to the W. If the upper crust was deformed, is it because

the seismically active faults extended into the magma chamber?? In this case if stretched, magma pressure

may not be increased but decreased, resulting the decrease of eruption potential. We have to watch the

magma activity.

4] The seismically more active zone in west Shikoku is close to the Ikata nuclear power station. This station

is on the Medium Tectonic Line, which is ACTIVE in Shikoku and Kii. Some researchers do not believe that

the current series of quakes could continue to migrate to the E, but some do. In this case too, we have to

watch. Also the Hinagu fault zone extends SW-ward, reaching close to another nuclear power station, only

acting at present, called the Sendai station. Another series of earthquakes occurred in November, 2015. We

need to watch both stations.

5] Earthquake prediction is a crucial problem to our present researchers, but we have to overcome, or at

least we need to prepare adequate thinking amongst the public.

Concluding remarks: Although we knew of the active faults in Kyushu (and they have seen considerably

activity over the past several hundred years, as is known from historical and archaeological

(paleoseismical) research, but we (the governments or decision makers as well as citizens) tended to believe

the general rumor that in Kyushu no strong earthquake shaking would come soon. For most of the 15

recent disastrous earthquakes in Japan in the 21 years since the 1995 Kobe earthquake occurred, there has

been only limited preparation, and much disaster has occurred. Even so-called non-active faults have

moved. This indicates that active fault research is not always perfect. The definition of an active fault is

still vague, and ambiguous. People continue living on, and making houses and buildings on active faults.

Hazard maps show earthquake probability, but if the probability is low, people tend to believe it is zero, but

in such a mobile area, there are no zero probability areas. In addition, disastrous faulting is not always

occurring along the higher probability areas. Officials should make and enforce laws against building close

to active faults, like in California. In Japan only two prefectures or cities do such. Our science should play

much stronger roles for society and for helping people to be prepared.

Myanmar earthquake:

The large (M 6.9) 2016 Mynmar Earthquake that occurred in NW Burma (Myanmar) on April 13th, 2016,

13:55:17 (GMT) was located 180 km NW from Mandalay at 23.133 N, 94.900 E, 134.8 km depth (based on

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USGS site information as ). This

earthquake occurred along the Indian - Asia plate boundary, a subduction zone characterized by the

subduction of Indian oceanic lithosphere beneath the Gangatic lowland that includes Myanmar. The

earthquake occurred within the subducting slab and was not a rupture of the plate boundary.

Ecuador earthquake:

The magnitude 7.8 earthquake that struck along the west coast of Ecuador on April 16th injured more than

1500 people, killed at least 235 people, and destroyed more than 370 buildings. A further 151 buildings

and 26 schools were significantly damaged during the earthquake.

See, and k37 and so on.

The earthquake occurred at a depth of 21 km, was characterized by a thrust motion along a shallowly east-

dipping fault, and is considered by have been a shallow but otherwise typical subduction-zone type

earthquake that ruptured the plate boundary separating subducting oceanic lithosphere of the Nazca

oceanic plate, from the overlying South American plate. The earthquake ruptured a ‘seismic gap’ in the

Nazca – South American plate boundary that was bound to the south by site of the 1966 M8.1 earthquake

that was located offshore of central Peru, and, to the north, by the 1906 M8.8 earthquake the occurred near

Ecuador’s northern border with Columbia.


We would like to acknowledge the following people who gave us useful data and discussion; Tetsuzo Seno,

Yasukuni Okubo, Yuji Yagi and Kiichiro Kawamura.


Geological Survey of Japan, 1995, Atlas of Geology of Japan. Maruzen Book Co.

Ishibashi, K., 2015, Nankai earthquakes. Iwanami-Shoten Book Company, Tokyo.

Matsumoto, S., and 9 others, 2015, Spatial heterogeneities in tectonic stress in Kyushu, Japan and their

relation to a major shear zone. Matsumoto et al. Earth, Planets and Space (2015) 67:172, (2015) 67:172

DOI 10.1186/s40623-015-0342-8

Okubo, Y., 1997, Origin of a magnetic lineation on Kyushu Island, Japan. Island Arc 6, 386495

Okubo, Y., and Shibuya, A., 1993, Thermal and crustal structure of the Aso volcano and surrounding

regions constrained by gravity and magnetic data, Japan. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal

Research 55,337-50.

Research Group of Active Faults of Kyushu, 1997, Active faults of Kyushu, University of Tokyo Press.

Seno, T., 1993, Synthesis of regional stress fields of the Japanese Islands. Island Arc, 8, 66-79.

Seno, T., 1999, Pattern of interpolate seismicity in Southwest Japan before and after great interpolate

earthquakes. Tectonophysics, 57, 267-283.

Seno, T., Stein, S., and Gripp, A., 1993, A model for the motion of the Philippine Sea plate consistent with

NUVEL-1 and geological data. Journal of Geophysical Resaerch, 98 (B10), 17,941-17,948.

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Yagi, Y., and Y. Fukahata, 2011, Introduction of uncertainty of Green’s function into waveform inversion

for seismic source processes. Geophysical Journal International, 186, 711–720, doi:10.1111/j.1365-


Yagi, Y., and 7 others, 2016, Rupture process of the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake in relation with the

thermal structure around Aso volcano. Submitted to Earth, Planet and Space.

((Related HP)) (Chishitsu News No.5 (5)) for Kumamoto earthquake surface ruptures)

¥¥ Below to be deleted:

(The 5th May, 2016; 10:00 JMT; 7.7g May 11, 2016; 19:40; 7.7h May 13, 2016; 02:30 JMT and SemiFinal

May 23, 2016; 14:47 JMT by Y.O.; Final Version v88b May 24, 2016 after STJ rorrection and revision)

(The End)