Report of tbe Treasurer - American Antiquarian Society · 2015. 2. 25. · Report of tbe Treasurer...

Report of tbe Treasurer INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT The Council American Anliquarian Society We have audited the accompanying statements of financial position of the American Antiquarian Society (the "Society") as of August 31, 2Û0S and 2007. and the related statements of activities and cash flows for Üie years then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of tlie Society's management Our responsibility is to express an opinion on Ihese financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the Utiited States of America and the .standards applicable to fmancial audits contained in Government Audiling Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the Umted States. Those standards require that we plan and perfoim the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free ofmaterial misstatemenL An audit includes examinuig. on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in (he financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and signifLcant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion In our opmion. the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Society as of August 31, 2008 and 2007, and the results of its activities and its cashflows for the yearî then ended, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. In accordance with Government Auditing Standards, we have also issued otir report dated October 20, 2008 on our consideration of the Society*s internal control over financial reporting and our tests of its coitiphance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts and grant agreements, and other matters. The purpose of that report is to describe the scope of our testing of internal control over fmancial reporting and compliance and the results of that testing, and not to provide an opitiion on the internal control over financial reporting or on compliance That report is an integral part of an audit performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards and should be considered in assessmg the results of our audits. Our audits were made for the purpose of forming an opinion on the basic financial statements taken as a whole. The supplemental schedule is presented for purposes of additional analysis and is not a required part of the basic financial statements. The supplemental schedule has been subjected to the auditing procedjres applied in the audits of the basic financial statements and, in our opinioa is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to those basic financial statements taken as a whole. Worcester, Massachuset October 20. 2008 207

Transcript of Report of tbe Treasurer - American Antiquarian Society · 2015. 2. 25. · Report of tbe Treasurer...

  • Report of tbe Treasurer


    The CouncilAmerican Anliquarian Society

    We have audited the accompanying statements of financial position of the American Antiquarian Society (the"Society") as of August 31, 2Û0S and 2007. and the related statements of activities and cash flows for Üie years thenended. These financial statements are the responsibility of tlie Society's management Our responsibility is to expressan opinion on Ihese financial statements based on our audits.

    We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the Utiited States of America andthe .standards applicable to fmancial audits contained in Government Audiling Standards, issued by the ComptrollerGeneral of the Umted States. Those standards require that we plan and perfoim the audit to obtain reasonableassurance about whether the financial statements are free ofmaterial misstatemenL An audit includes examinuig. on atest basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in (he financial statements. An audit also includesassessing the accounting principles used and signifLcant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating theoverall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion

    In our opmion. the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position ofthe Society as of August 31, 2008 and 2007, and the results of its activities and its cashflows for the yearî then ended,in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

    In accordance with Government Auditing Standards, we have also issued otir report dated October 20, 2008 on ourconsideration of the Society*s internal control over financial reporting and our tests of its coitiphance with certainprovisions of laws, regulations, contracts and grant agreements, and other matters. The purpose of that report is todescribe the scope of our testing of internal control over fmancial reporting and compliance and the results of thattesting, and not to provide an opitiion on the internal control over financial reporting or on compliance That report isan integral part of an audit performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards and should be considered inassessmg the results of our audits.

    Our audits were made for the purpose of forming an opinion on the basic financial statements taken as a whole. Thesupplemental schedule is presented for purposes of additional analysis and is not a required part of the basic financialstatements. The supplemental schedule has been subjected to the auditing procedjres applied in the audits of the basicfinancial statements and, in our opinioa is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to those basic financialstatements taken as a whole.

    Worcester, Massachuset

    October 20. 2008


  • 2O8 American Antiquarian Society



    AUGUST 31, 2008 AND 2007

    General Plant

    Fund Fund

    Cash and cash equivalents

    Pledgee receivable, net

    Grants and other receivables

    Prepaid e


    $ 2,834,435 î 2,036,16963,157 S2,I01

    312,016 276,49860,151 60,535

    Total current assets

    Long-term pledges receivable, net

    Property, plant, and equipment, net


    Deposits with banl: trustee

    Other asset

    Due from (to) other firnda






















    Liabilities and Net Assets

    Current liabilities

    Current maturities of long-tenn debt

    Accounts payable, trade

    Accrued and other liabilities

    Total current liabilities

    LfO ng-tei i IL debt, less current maturities



    120,001 S 93,333

    64,729 175,586

    44,580 238,768


    Temporarily rt

    Permanently rt

    Total net assets

    2,943,842 4,888.325 1,477,016 9,309.183 10,023,559

    3,036,483 490,247 29,599.424 33,126,154 36,205,736

    19,564,663 19.403,401

  • Report of the Treasurer 209



    YEARS ENDED AUGUST 31, 2008 AND 2007

    angœ in unrestricted net assds

    Revamp ^ins , and cttia-açpoit

    CotttributioiB, gifts, giarts

    library and acadaric



    rt office


    Charges in t a ipxad ly restricted n a assds

    Ccntribuliciis, gfls, giarts

    Iiwestireil rSum

    AiKÜiay aiivitiœ

    ÍM a s s ^ rdeEsed fiomrestncticns

    IrKiEase((kCTease)intaTçotailyrÊStridedna a

    Oerges inpairmently restdcted nrt assets

    CfcnliibutiorB, glib, gjantB

    Increase in pamanentíy restricted net assds

    Inoe^e (decrease) innet assas

    Nd assas, bf^nmrg of year





    $ 146.150 $ 1,233,015119,057 297,070

    U31.345 1,460.581

    Z429,618 2,713,521





    4,119.180 3.940.075

    557,-î86 803.092

    828,508 542,472

    321.537 202.092












    • 161.262 161,262 163,200

    30,9^ (514.928) (3,948,755) (3,632,696) 7,242,693

    S 5,SeO325 S 5.378.572 £50.641,103 £a,000.CO0 $65.632,696

    See accompanying noi

  • American Antiquarian Society



    YEARS ENDED AUGUST 31, 2008 AND 2007

    Cash flows from operating activities:(Decrease) increase In net assetsAdjustments to reconcäe decrease in net assets to net cash

    provided by (used in) operating activities:Depreciation and amortizationNet investment losses (gains)Financed collection purchasesContributions restricted for:

    Long-term mvestrnent(Increase) decrease in operating assets:

    Pledges receivable, netGrants and other receivablesPrepaid expenses

    Increase in operating liabilities:Accounts payable, tradeAccrued and other Habilities

    Total adjustments

    Net cash provided by operating activities

    Cash flows from investing activities;Proceeds from sales and maturities of investmentsPayments for purchases of investmentsExpenditures for property, plant, and equipment(Decrease) increase in other asset

    Net cash (used in) provided by investing activities

    Cash flows from financing activities.Payments of long-term debtProceeds from issuance of long-term debtContributions restricted for:

    Long-term investmentExpenditures for capital improvements

    Change in deposits with bank trustee

    Net cash provided by (used in) financing activitiei

    Net increase in cash and cash equivalents

    Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year

    Cash and cash equivalents, end of year

    Supplemental disclosures of cash flow information:Cash paid during the year for:

    S (3,032,096)








  • Report of the Treasurer




    The American Antiquarian Sociely (the "Society") supports and maintains a research library ofAmerican history and culture. The Society collects, organizes, preserves, and makes available for use printed andmanuscript matenals dating principally from 1639 to 1S76. In addition, the Society provides educational programs,offers research fellowships, and produces scholarly publications.

    Method of accounting

    The financial statements of the Society have been prepared on the accrual basis of accounting.Accordingly, assets are recorded when the Society obtains the rights of ownership or is entitled to claims forreceipt, and liabilities are recorded when the obligation is incurred.

    The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally acceptedin the United States of America requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reportedamounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financialstatements and the reported amounts of revenue and expenses. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

    Financial statement presentation

    The Society presents infonnation regarding its financial position and activities according to threecategories of funds described as follows:

    General fund - Resources principally for the general operations of the Socie^.

    Plant fund - Resources of a property, plant, and capital equipment nature, as well as resources reservedfor the acquisitions of such assets.

    Endowment fund - Resources that are subject either to external donor imposed restrictions or to internaldesignations imposed by the Society's governing board, requiring that principal be invested, and spendingof income and gains be subject to a prudent spending niie. Accumulated appreciation from ftinds sorestricted or designated are also included in the endowment fund

    The Society additionally presents information regarding its financial position and activities accordingto three classifications of net assets descnbed as follows:

    Unrestricted - All resources over which the governing board has discretionary control. The governingboard of the Society may elect to designate such resources for specific purposes. This designation may beremoved at the board's discretion.

    Temporarilv Restnctcd - Resources accumulated through donations or grants for specific operating or capitalpurposes. Such resources will become unrestricted when the requirements of the donor or grantee have beensatisfied through expendiHire for the specified purpose or program or through the passage of time.

    Permanentlv Restricted - Endowment resources accumulated through donations or grants that are subjectto the restriction in perpetuity that the principal be invested. Investment income and appreciation may beeither an unrestricted or temporarily restncted resource when eamed, determined according to the giftinstruments and relevant state law.

  • American Antiquarian Society




    Cash and cash cgmvalcnts

    Forpiuposes of these financial statements, the Society considers all unrestricted money tnarket fundsand highly liquid debt instruments with original maturities of three months or less to be cash equivalents.

    The Society tnaintains its cash in bank deposit accounts which, at times, may exceed federallyinsured limits. The Society has not experienced any losses in such accounts. The Socie^ believes it is not exposedto any significant credit risk on cash and cash equivalents.

    Pledges receivable

    Unconditional promises to give that are expected to be collected within one year are recorded at theirnet realizable value. Unconditional promises to give that are eiqDected to be collected in future years are recorded atthe present value of estimated future cash flows. The discounts on those amounts are computed using a risk freeinterest rate applicable to the year in which the promise is received. Accretion of the discount is included mcontributions and gifts revenue. Conditional promises to give are not included as support until such tinne as theconditions are substantially met.

    Property, plant and equipment

    Property, plant, and equipment are carried at cost or at fair value as of the date of the gift.Depreciation is computed using slraight-iine and accelerated methods.


    Investments in equity securities with readily detenninable fair values and all debt securities arereported at fair value. Any altemative investments which are not readily marketable are carried at estimated fairvalues as provided by the investment managers. The Society reviews and evaluates the values provided by theinvestment managers and agrees with the valtiation methods and assumptions used in determining the fair value ofthe altemative investments. Those estimated fair values may differ significantly from the values that would havebeen used had a ready market for these securities extsted.

    Gams or losses on mvestments are reported in the statement of activities as increases or decreases inunrestricted net assets unless their use is temporarily or permanently restricted by explicit donor stiptilations or bylaw

    Investment income is recorded in unrestricted assets tmless its use is temporarily or permanentlyrestricted by law or explicit donor stipulations.

    State law has been interpreted to require that, unless explicitly stated otherwise by the donor, realizedand unrealized appreciation on permanently restricted assets should be classified in a restricted net assetclassification until appropnated for tise by the governing board Accordingly, based on the terms of the underlyinggift instruments, net investment gains and losses of the Society are classified as temporarily restricted Thegoverning board annually establishes a spending rate from a total investment retum to support current operations.To the extent that investment income does not provide this level of support, net investment gains are appropriatedfor operations

    Deposits with bank trustee

    Deposits with bank trustee are reported at fair value. Gains and losses on deposits with bank trusteeare reported in the statement of activities as increases or decreases in unrestricted net assets.

  • Repon of the Treasurer 213




    Bond issuance costs

    Bond issuance costs represent fees and other costs associated with obtatning long-term finiStjch costs are being amortized on a straight-line basis over the tenns of the financing.

    As allowed hy accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America andfollowing the practices of many libranes and museums, the Society has not capitalized Its collection of items ofhistorical nature and other related objects purchased or donated. The collection is held for public education orresearch in furtherance of public service rather than financial gain. The Society continually reviews its collectionand may deaccess or acquire additional items. Expenditures for additional collection items are presented as areduction in the appropriate class of net assets.

    Contributions, gifts, grants

    Contributions received are recorded as unrestricted, temporarily restricted, or permanently restrictedsupport depending on the existence and nature of any donor restrictions. Contributions may include actual gifts orpromises to give. Such contributions are considered to be available for unrestricted use unless specificallyrestricted by the donor or grantor. Contribution of assets other than cash are recorded at their fair value on the dateof the gift Gifts of long-lived assets are reported as unrestncted support, unless specifically restricted by the donor.Time restnctions on gins of long-lived assets, if any. expire when the assets are acquired Restricted gifts orpromises to give are required to be reported as restncted support in the period received and are then reclassified tounrestricted net assets upon satisfaction of the donor restriction.

    Functional expenses

    The expenses mcuned to provide fte various programs and other activities of the Socie^ have beensummanzed on a functional basis in the statement of activities. Accordingly, certain costs have been allocated tothe programs and supporting services benefited.


    Payments of pledges as of AL^ust31, 2(X)8 are expected to be received as follows:


    Less: Allowance for uncollectible pledgesUnamortized discount





  • 2 1 4 American Antiquarian Society




    Property, plant, and equipment, together with estimated usefui Uves, consists of the following:


    Land, buildings, and impro>EquipmentConstruction in progress

    Less: Accumulated depreciation and amortization

    Depreciation and amortizatio


    10- 39 years5 - 6 years

    S 11,665.6701,290.299



    S 11,665,6701,275.694



    S 9,271.104 $ 9.330.841

    IS $273.491 and $281.821 in 2008 and 2007. respectively.


    Investments are included in the following classes of net a;

    UnrestrictedTemporarily restrictedPennanently restricted

    InVÊStments are

    Mutual fundsFixed incomeEquity

    Corporate stocksPooled fundsDebt securitiesMoney market funds

    composed of the follov


    $ 6,906,17130,344,0884,500,0854,152,9971,553,1281,127,800

    $ 48,584,269




    $ 6,973,82731,265,1994,806,3384,653,0561,553,1281,127,800

    S 50,379,348

    I 2,553,60728,304,88319,520,858

    J 50,379,348



    $ 47,193,812











  • Repon of the Treasurer 215



    i (Continued)

    The following tabulation summ ; the relationship hetween canying >

    Balance, August 31, 2008

    Balance, August 31, 2007

    Net unrealized investment losses

    Net realized investment gains

    Net investirent losses for the year

    Investment return is reflected in the financial statements as folii


    $ 48,584,269

    $ 47,193,812


    S 50,379,348

    S 54,611,367


    Gains (Losses)

    $ 1,795,079




    $ (5,382 888)

    UnrestrictedTemporarily restrictedPermanently restricted



    $ 37S.9593,130,402



    $ 23,650215,938



    $ (283,552)(5,338,924)

    S 119,057(1,992,584)

    As discussed in Note 1. the Society's investinents are reported at fair value. Market value in theinvestment markets has been volatile since August 31, 2008, As a result, the fair value of the Sociefy's investmentportfolio subsequent to Augtist 31, 200S 13 substantially lower than amounts reported at August 31, 2008.


    The Socie^'s bonds payable indentures require the maintenance of restricted construction and debtservice reserves and replacement funds on deposit with a bank trustee. Deposits with hank trustee are held invariotis escrow accounts and are available for the following purposes:

    Properly, plant, and equipment improvements and acquisitionFuture debt service

    S 1,363,552255,846

    S 1,745,195238.270

    $ 1,619,398 S 1,983.465

    Deposits with bank trustee are carried at fair value, and are composed of the following:

    Cash and cash equivalents

  • 2 l 6 American Antiquarian Society




    Long-term debt c sists of the following:

    Bonds payable, secured by deposits with bank trustee, due in varyingannual principal instaUments ranging between S60,000 and $237,004,plus monthly interest installments at variable rates (4.57% as of August31, 200S) through June 2023.

    Note payable, other, secured by newspaper collection, due in quarterlyprincipal installments of $8,333 without interest, through July 2Û13.

    Note payable, other, secured by newspaper collection, due in quarterlyprincipal installments of $6,667 without interest, through July 2013

    Less: CuiTentmatuntiesof long-terni debt

    Maturities of long-term debt in s

    Year Ended August 31



    lent years are as follows;
















    The bonds payable require, among other considerations, the maintenar


    Temporarily restricted net assets a ailable for the foOo

    Appreciation on permanently restricted net aappropriation under the spending rule

    Expenditures for program activitiesExpenditures for capital improvements

  • Repon of the Treasurer 217



    7 - RESTRICTED NET ASSETS (Continued)

    Net assets were released from temporary donor restrictions by incurring expírestricted purpose or by occurrence of other events specified by donors as follows:

    Investment retum designated for current operatioExpenditures for program activities

    S 2,137,604292,014

    s satisfying the


    $ 1.995,912717,909

    Permanently restricted net a

    Investment in perpetuify, the income and appreciation from which isexpendable to support any activities of the Society S 3,367,717

    Investment m perpetuity, the income and appreciation from which isexpendable to support specified program activities of the Society 16,196,946


    The Society has a defined contribution pension plan which covers all eligible employees. The Plan isfunded on a ciurent basis and is administered by Teachers Insurance Annuity Association - College Retirement

    rTTAA..n?nFi Rptirpmpnt ninn e.xnp.nsa was S145.461 and S134.534 in 2008 and 2007.funded on a ciurent basis and is administered byEquities Fund (TIAA-CREF). Retirement plarespectively.



    The Socie^ qualifies as a tax-exempt not-for-profit organization under Section 501(c)(3) of theInternal Revenue Code. Accordingly, no provision for income tax is required.

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    l In



    'g s

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    II8-sQ 5

  • Report of the Treasurer 219

    DONORS OF MONIESSepte7?iber 1, 2007-August 31, 2008


    George I. Alden TrustGreater Worcester Community

    Foundation, Inc.Estate of Russell W. KnightSidney and Ruth Lapidus

    Estate of Kenneth G. LeachThe Andrew W. Mellon FoundationWilliam S. ReeseEstate of NataheJ. Roderick

    $25,000.00—$49,999.99AnonymousThe Berkley FoundationJuhan L. & Linda F. Lapides

    Sidney and Ruth LapidusMassachusetts Cultural CouncilMargaret E. Sherman Trust


    Mr. and Mrs. John Jeppson 2ndMr. and Mrs. Jay T. LastThe New York Times Company

    Foundation, Inc.

    David M. RumseyWilliam J. McKee Tmst

    Jeanne Y. CurtisRichard A. Heald FundJudith Godfrey Labadie


    C. Jean and Myles McDonoughRockwell Foundation


    Charles B. BarlowMr. and Mrs. Karl L. BrielRuth H. & Warren A. Ellsworth

    FoundationWarner and Mary FletcherJohn and Lea HenchCheryl Hurley

    Mr. and Mrs. John M. KeenumMr. and Mrs. Bruce Anthony KingJayLKislakLutco, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. McDermottMr. and Mrs. Harold T MillerMr. and Mrs. William O. Pettit, Jr.

  • American Antiquarian Society

    Wúlmm. Reese Company-Charles E. SigetyMr. and Mrs. John C. Stowe

    Mr. and Mrs. William O. TaylorDr. and Mrs. Daniel G. TearMr. and Mrs. Peter H. Williams


    Mr. and Mrs. John W. AdamsAmerican Historical Print Collectors

    Society-Anonymous (4)Antiquarian Booksellers Assn. of

    America-NE ChapterBlanca ArndtBank of AmericaMr. and Mrs. James H. BarnhillMr. and Mrs. Robert C. BaronMr. and Mrs. Philip C. Beals"Terry BelangerBailey BishopJohn R. BlockGeorge F. Booth IISheila BoteinMr. and Mrs. Q. David BowersMr. and Mrs. Gordon L. BrekusRichard D. and Irene Q. BrownRichard H. Brown and Mary Jo OtseaJill K. ConwayMr. and Mrs. William C. CookWilliam M. and Prudence S. CrozierMr. and Mrs. David F. DaltonCornelia Hughes DaytonMr. and Mrs. Richard W. DearbornAmey DeFriezMr. and Mrs. Henry B. DeweyJane M. DeweyMr. and Mrs. James C. Donnelly, Jr.Peter T. DumaíneEllen S. Dunlap and Frank ArmstrongFiduciary Charitable FoxmdationDonald FlemingMr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Forbes

    Richard Wightman FoxMr. and Mrs. Louis A. GoodmanRobert A. GrossPamela K. HarerFrancis & Jacquelyn Harrington

    FoundationFrank L. Harrington, Jr.Leland M. Hawes, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. James N. Heald 2ndWilliam H. HelfandJohn Herron, Jr. and Julia MooreDiana E. and John E. HerzogElizabeth B. JohnsonDaniel S. and Susan S.JonesStuart E. KamKathryn Conway Preyer Charitable

    Lead TrustMaureen and William KelleherWlson H. KimnachThomas G. and Lucia Z. KnolesThe Samuel H. Kress FoundationNorman B. LeventhalKent P. LjungquistPolly O. and Charles R. LongsworthJohn W LundWeyman L Lundquist and Kathryn E

    TaylorJohn M. McClelland Foundati^Mr. and Mrs. Neil McDonoughMildred H. McEvoy EoundationJ. Robert MaguireMr. and Mrs. Richard E. MarriottMr. and Ms. Donald R. MelvilleMr. and Mrs. Paul S. MorganMr. and Mrs. Richard P. Morgan

  • Report of the Treasurer 2 2 1Nancy Peery Marriott FoundationJames W. Needham and Florence

    FearringtonDr. and Mrs. Donald R NelsonMr. and Mrs. John M. NelsonNew England Book AuctionsNortheast Modem Language

    AssociationDr. and Mrs. Joseph C. OakleyJeremy F. O'ConnellMartha and Arthur M. Pappas, M. D.Mr. and Mrs. Stephen PitcherRobert O. PreyerAdr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. RendellMr. and Mrs. Rudy L. Ruggles, Jr.Lance and Melissa SchachterleMr. and Mrs. Jay T. Snider

    Mr. and Mrs. William F. SullivanMr. and Mrs. Winston D. TabhCharles J. TanenbaumMr. and Mrs. George W. Tetler mThe Arts FederationThe Muriel and Norman B. Leventhal

    Family Foundation, Inc.J. Thomas TouchtonMr. and Mrs. Thurston Twigg-SmithIra L. UnschuldMr. and Mrs. WiUiam B. WarrenJames A. WeluMark R. WetzelWilliam and Margaret Wheeler IIICharles B. Wood III and Mardges BaconLedlie WoolseyMichael Zinman

    Charles and Sandra ArningMr. and Mrs. Bernard BailynBoston Private Value Investors

    $750.00—$999.99Stanton R. CookRonald S. DavisMr. and Mrs. Gordon I. Erikson


    Eleanor and James AdamsMr. and Mrs. Charles E BryanScott E. CasperMr. and Mrs. Alfred D. Chandler, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Richard W CheekKenneth C. Crater and Peg FerraroMr. and Mrs. Phillips S. DavisEhzabeth DeanHelen R. and Patrick H. DeeseLinwoodM. Erskine,Jr.Robert A. FergusonMr. and Mrs. G. F. FitzgeraldMr. and Mrs. WiUiam W. EreehhngJeffrey D. Groves

    John HerronHelen Lefkowitz HorowitzHelen R. KahnA'Ir. and Mrs. Warren C. Lane, Jr.Air. and Airs. David M. LesserMcCormick Tribune FoundationThomas S. MichieMatthewJ. NeedleMr. and Mrs. David P. NordMary Beth NortonPaula E. PetrikMary C. SchlosserDaniel G. SiegelAir. and Airs. Mark D. Tomasko

  • American Antiquarian Society

    Mr. and Mrs. Hyla J. TracyAlden and Virginia VaughanAlbert J. von Erank

    Stisan B. and David K. WbodburyVirginia Woodbury


    Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. AbramoffCarolyn A. AllenMr. and Mrs. Walter H. AndersonDr. and Mrs. David L. AndrewsRodney ArmstrongWilliam P. Barlow, Jr.John E. BassettBruce S. BennettJohn BrademasMr. and Mrs. Edward G. BrandenbergerJohnE. Brooks, S J.Mr. Wesley A. BrownRichard Van Wyck BuelMr. and Mrs. Lawrence I. BnellKenneth BumsMr. and Mrs. George S. ButlerEric C. CarenChristopher E Clark and Margaret

    LambEmanuel and Anna Cohen FoimdadonMorris Leo CohenJohn Y. ColeMr. and Mrs. Richard B. CollinsDonald H. CresswellJohn R. Curds, Jr.H. Martin DeranianThomas M. DoerflingerMargaret A. DrainMr. and Mrs. Robert F. ErburuKenneth W. Faig, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Donald EarrenA^. and Mrs. Richard J. EatesMr. and Mrs. Rudy J. EavrettiJoseph J. Felcone II and Linda EelconeCatherine M. Fennelly

    Dr. and Mrs. Ronald A. GabelJane N. GarrettStephen A. GoldmanJoel P. GreeneMr. and Mrs. Charles C. Haffiier IIIKathleen HaleyDavid D. HallDr. and Airs. Thomas E HalpinMr. H. DeEorest HardingeHarlowe Hardinge FoundationMr. and Mrs. Edward J. Harris, Jr.Michael D. HeastonMr. and Mrs. Richard R Houlihan, Jr.John K. HowatMr. and Mrs. William L. JoyceMr. and Mrs. Robert M. KellerLinda K. KerberMr. and Mrs. D. W KrummelWardwell C. Leonard, Jr.Arm T. Lisi and Joel P. GreeneWilliam H. LoosMolly A. McCarthyMarcus A. McCorisonDr. Ogretta V McNeilMr. and Mrs. Henry T. MichieLeonard L. MilbergEllen G. MilesGuy G. AdillerDonald N. MottThomas R. MountainRoger H. MuddMr. and Mrs. Kenneth NebenzahlJames A. NewtonGregory H. Nobles and Anne L. HarperDonald C. O'Brien

  • Repon of the Treasurer

    Paul R. O'Coimell, Jr. and Lee AnnLatham

    Stan OlinerPeter OnufWilliam B. OsgoodMr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Peardon, Jr.Ruth Ann PenkaMarlene and David PerskyNathaniel PhilbrickJonathan PrudeMr. and Ms. John E. ReillyMadeline V. ReillyMr. and Mrs. Barnes RiznikAir. and Airs. Steven RotmanSaint-Gobain Corporation FoundationCaroline F. SchimmelBarbara SichermanJames Sidbury

    Mr. and Airs. Harold K. Skramstad, Jr.Susan P. SloanRobert H. Smith, Jr.The Fîonorable David H. SouterLouise L. StevensonG. Thomas TanselleThe Fossils, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. TrainaDr. and Mrs. Robert E. TranquadaJohn W. TylerMr. and Mrs. Herbert M. VarnumMr. and Mrs. John Walsh, Jr.Barbara M. Weisberg and David BlackDavid R. WhitesellDouglas C. WilsonAir. and Airs. John M. Woolsey, 3rdWilliam R. Young III

    Quincy S. and ZeUa AbbotAir. and Airs. Robert C. AchornJohn AdlerAnonymous (2)Joan H. BagleyMargareta G. BergGeorge and Margaret BilliasDr. and Airs. Richard L. BishopDavid W BlightAir. Daniel A. CohenDr. and Airs. William R. ColemanContextual ConnectionsAir. and Airs. Eairman C. CowanPatricia A. CrainAir. and Airs. Charles T CullenDr. and Mrs. Bruce CutlerGlenn C. DeMallieMr. and Mrs. William P. DensmoreKenneth R. DesautelsAir. and Airs. William F. Duncan

    Mary and Richard DunnPatricia FletcherMr. and Airs. David R. GodmeAir. and Mrs. Charles GoodwinJ. Kevin GraffagninoHarvey GreenJohn GrossmanAir. and Airs. WarrenJ. HaasJeffrey HatcherErnest S. HayeckLauren B. HewesDarrell HyderFran and Howard JacobsonDrew R. McCoy and Elizabeth B.

    EriedbergGloria L. MainAir. and Airs. Richard ManneyElizabeth B. MatthewsAir. and Mrs. John O. AlirickE. Jennifer and Charles Monaghan

  • 224 American Antiquarian Society

    Mr. and Mrs. Phihp R. MorganJohn M. MurrinRussell W NadeauJeanM. O'Brien-KehoeThoru and Judith PedersonRobert PetrillaJessie J. PoeschJane R. PomeroyCharles A. Rheault, Jr.Robert C. RitchieAndrew W Robertson

    Marvin S. SadikJustin G. SchillerPhilip and Judith ShwachmanAnita L. SilveyMerritt R. SmithThadW.TateJr.David F. Tatham and Cleota ReedTicknor SocietyMr. and Mrs. Robert B. WheatonRichard A. WilsonMr. and Mrs. Calhoun Winton


    William W. Abbot IIIMr. and Mrs. Bradford S. AdamsGretchen A. AdamsAir. and Mrs. Thomas R. AdamsSue AllenTerry Y.AllenCatherine AllgorMr. and Mrs. John B. AndersonJoseph L. AndrewsAnonymous (2)Joyce O. ApplebyRichard W BaileyGeorge and Marsha BallantyneWilliam N. BanksJames M. Banner, Jr.Robert L. and Kathleen D. BarberVirginia K. BartlettCharles J. BartonLynne Z. BassettJohn W and Susan M. BassickMr. and Mrs. Frederick E. Bauer, Jr.Susan S. BaughmanMary K. BealesThomas BenderMolly BergerWinfred E. BernhardAndrew R. Black

    Steve BolickPatricia U. BonomiCatherine G. BorchertJohn D. BowenMr. and Mrs. Paul S. BoyerGordon C. & Lou Anne BrancheClarence M. BrooksRichard H. BrovraDr. and Airs. James BnistMichael L. BuehlerSarah L. Bums and Dennis GannonJarrel G. BurrowElizabeth BussiereMary CableJohn CaldwellAir. and Airs. Lawrence C. CaldwellRaoul F CamusAir. and Mrs. Kenneth E. CarpenterJ. R. Carr and Barbara CarrLorrayne A. CarrollJoAnn E. CastagnaArljTie S. CharlipJeffrey P. ChristensonAir. and Mrs. Charles E. ClarkDale CockrellHelen J. CollinsSamuel A. Cooke

  • Report of the Treasurer 225

    Carol G. CormierRichard and Penelope CrawfordPeter and Donna CrawleyAbbott L. CummingsJohn C. Da SilvaPatrickJ. DaleyRussell W DaltonJames P. DankyCathy N. DavidsonMr. and Mrs. David B. DavisJanet I. DeloreyRussell J. DesimoneScott DeWolfeDennis C. Dickerson, Sr.Carolyn DikLindaJ. DochertyElaine E DohertyChandler A. DumaineChristopher Dumaine, Jr.Mrs. Bradford F. DunbarRobert R. DykstraMr. and Mrs. Kevin F. EarlyKenneth C. EbbittMarilyn S. EbbittHendrik Edelman and Antoinette KaniaMr. and Mrs. Julian I. EdisonPaulJ. FricksonRuth EvansJonathan L. FairbanksMr. and Mis. Alan M. FernHenning FernstromSteven B. FinerAllen W FletcherRonald P. FormisanoLee W. FormwaltCharles R. FoyMr. and Mrs. Donald R. FriaryMr. and Mrs. Mark W. FullerWilliam O. GardinerLynn F. GarnLoren C. Gatch

    Marjorie F. GibsonNeal Ward GilbertLisa L. GitelmanGlobal ImpactDorista Jones GoldsberryMary W GoodleyChristopher Grasso and Karin WulfJames N. Green and Rosalind RemerDavid L. Greene and A. Jane McFerrinJohn C. GreeneEzra and Rivka GreenspanRivka GreenspanRussell T. GrèveMr. and Mrs. Gerald Nat GrobWerner GundersheímerPeter R. HaackMr. and Mrs. Joseph H. HaganGary L. HagenbuchJoy F. HaldmMichael G. HallKaren HalttunenEdward J. and Joyce Y. HanrahanDr. and Mrs. James B. HanshawMarion O. HarrisSharon M. HarrisWilliam R. HarrisWilliam B. and Jessica HartSteven and Catherine HarthornIra Haupt IIHugh D. HawkinsJohn S. HaydonJames A. HenrettaJoy P. HeyrmanDr. and Mrs. Donald HightHarriet P HightJonathan E. HillRebecca A. HoffbergerRonald HoffmanMr. and Mrs. Robert J. HoganJacqueline C. HorneThomas and Elizabeth Horrocks

  • 226 American Antiquarian Society

    William N. HosleyMr. and Mrs. Jolin R. Howe, Jr.David B. IngramInternational Data GroupGeneviève R. IrelandBenjamin IrvinFrederick H.JacksonGretchen K. Jareckie and Steven B.

    JareckieAir. and Airs. Steven B. JareckieRicky JayEsther M.JepsonE E. JepsonNancy A. JohnsonRuth Owen JonesMr. and Airs. Daniel P. Jordan, Jr.Air. and Airs. Alichael G. KämmenNicolas KanellosMr. and Airs. John KanisMr. and Airs. Stanley N. KatzDr. and Dr. ThomasJ. KeenanMary KelleyJohn T. KellyMr. and Airs. Ralph L. KetchamDaniel D. KinleyAir. and Airs. Albert T. KlybergWilliam L. KnechtRoger P KohinSally KohlstedtRichard H. KohnDr. and Airs. Edmond M. KouryAugusta H. KresslerKarlD.KroegerJon K. KuklaKaren and Joel KuppermanBenjamin W LabareeBarbara E. LaceyHolly E. and Guy J. LacombeCarol W. LagueuxMr. and Mrs. Howard R. LamarRoger W. Lamson, Jr. and Kate Lamson

    John Lancaster and Daria D'ArienzoAhenebah N. LaneChristopher W. LaneJudy L. LarsonDennis R. LaurieSuzanne LebsockAnastasios M. LeotsakosJeffrey D. LevineMr. and Mrs. Crawford LincolnMr. and Airs. Leon E LitwackKenneth A. LockridgeAir. and Airs. Stephen B. LoringJohn M. LovejoyAir. and Airs. Mason I. Lowance, Jr.Dr. Margery M. LowensCarlene D. LudlumAir. and Airs. Don McAlisterHenry N. & Mary R. McCarlAir. and Mrs. John M. McClelland, Jr.Air. and Airs. John F. McClymerBarbara B. McCorkleJohn J. McCuskerAir. and Airs. Forrest McDonaldAlichael McGiffertLeonard J. McGlynnEdward G. MacKenzieAir. and Airs. WiUiam L. McLean IIIMartha J. McNamaraRamsay MacMullenAir. and Mrs. James M. McPhersonMr. and Mrs. John Probasco

    McWiUiamsJr.Ingrid J. MachAir. and Airs. Charles S. MaierThomas N. MaidBarbara MandellRussell L. Martin III and Janet K.

    MartinMr. and Airs. Martin E. MartyLouis P. MasurMarina R. Matuzek

  • Report of the Treasiu-er 227Barbara H. Mel drumHeU MeltsnerMelvin S. Cutler Charitable EoundadonMr. and Mrs. George H. MerriamBarbara W. MerrittThe Honorable J. W. Middendorf IIMr. and Mrs. Robert L. MiddlekaufFStephen Mihm and Akela ReasonMr. and Mrs. Edmund S. MorganGordon D. MorrisonJames MuUettJoel MyersonGeorge K. NerrieArthur W. NicholsKaren NippsStephen W. NissenbaumRobert NunnemacherRobert P. NurreR B. NutdngMr. and Mrs. Richard C. NylanderBarbara B. Oberg and J. Perry Leavell, Jr.Doris NO'KeefeSusan C. OstbergJames PagterMr. and Mrs. Anthony D. M. S. PellMelissa M. PennellPeter L. Masi BooksPfizer Fotindadon Matching Gifts

    ProgramThomas L. PhilbrickThe Reverend Rocco PiccolominiSally PierceJoan M. PingetonSally McLendonElizabeth G. PopeMichael R. PotaskiStephen D. PrattSally M. PromeyFrancis P. Prucha, S J.Mardn H. QuittJoan N. Radner

    Ann-Cathrine and J. Douglas RappCleota Reed and David TathamMrs. Richard S. ReederAnne C. ReillyJack ReschS. Paul RevilleMr. and Mrs. James B. RhoadsLinda S. and David B. RhoadsKathleen RicciardiMarilyn E. RichardsonDaniel Richter and Sharon Ruff RichterKyle B. RobertsSeth E. RockmanJonathan Rose and Gayle DeLongRobert H. RubinMr. and Mrs. Lester SadowskyNeal SalisburyMr. and Mrs. Benigno Sanchez-EpplerMartha A. SandweissMr. and Mrs. Edward S. SawyerMarks. SchantzMr. Edwin C. SchroederMr. Gerald SchwertfegerMr. and Mrs. John D. SeelyeRenée SendllesGeorge A. SergentanisCarol Sheriff and Philip DaileaderDavids. ShieldsWilliam F ShortzKenneth F. SilvermanDavid and Martha SimmererJanice SimonMackinnon SimpsonCaroline and Robert SloatGerald K. SloctmiWalter E. SmidiAlbert B. SouthwickJoseph Peter SpangWillman SpawnIvan M. SpearDavid and Deirdre Stam

  • 228 American Antiquarian Society

    Gwendolyn H. StevensAir. and Airs. Harry S. Stout HIAir. and Airs. Donald K. StraderRichard E. SullivanSarah SutherlandFrederick C. TahkJames R. TanisTavistock BooksJames R. TedfordDonald L. ThatcherDavid L. ThomasCarrol S. TidrowRaymond A. TidrowBryant and Carolyn TollesEdwin M. TrumanAndrea J. TücherMr. and Airs. Ronnie C. TylerCarol van BerkelJohn C. Van HomeRalph D.ViceroCharles V. VilandreMr. and Airs. Maris A. VinovskisHans WaagenJanet L. WaagenWyatt R. WadeFrank J. WagnerPeter C. WaltherLaura E. Wasowicz

    Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. WeirAir. and Mrs. Roger U. Wellington, Jr.James M. WellsRichard H. WendorfRichard S. West and Monica GreenNicholas and Virginia WestbrookMr. and Mrs. Edward L. WidmerWayne and Shirley TOegandRichmond D. WilliamsJames E WilmanJohn WilmerdingMr. and Airs. Douglas L. WilsonRichard G. WilsonMr. and Mrs. Alichael R. WinstonPatricia WoellmerGordon S. WoodWorcester Country ClubRobert L. WrightKarin A. Wulf and Christopher D.

    GrassoAir. and Mrs. Bertram Wyatt-BrownMary E. YoungRafia M. Zafar and William J. PaulRosemarie ZagarriMary S. Zboray and Ronald J. ZborayAir. and Airs. Fred W ZinsserAudrey T Zook

    Marilyn ArsemJanet M. BessetteBernardine BirchFrank BirchSari L. BitdcksGeorge N. BlanchardPaul D. BourkeThomas M. and Dorothy M. BraleyDenise G. BriggsRoy F. and Denise G. Briggs

    Up to $49.99

    Edward C. Browne, Jr.Erank R. CallahanAndrew CederbergMichael R. ClapperAndrienne G. ClarkJames L. ConradJean E. DanielsonNatalie Zemon DavisSarahJ. DeutschJill L. Dupree

  • Repon of the Treasurer 229Nathaniel C. EmensWilliam A. FarquharKrista S. FerranteMary K. FriedrichDonald E. GrahamBarbara S, HannoThomas S. HarveyWilfred H. HeckJulian HensleyGene HillsHolly VizardEhzabeth JohnsAlichele J.JohnsonCharles A. JohnstonPaul C. JonesAir. and Mrs. Arthur B. KernSara KirkJoan KnightlyJames S. LandbergJonathan C. and Allison R. LaneLarry LowenthalSarah LuriaOlive L. MakiKathleen McClintockRoger W MarbleAiichael W. MarcinowskiBridget M. MarshallMassachusetts Center for the BookScott F. MerzbachKatherine G. MeyerCharles and KayJ. MoranJames David MoranDavid MorganPatricia Mullins

    David E. NarrettMr. and Mrs. Lewis A. NassikasRodney G. ObienElmerJ. O'BrienHaroldJ. OdiornePatricia L. OdiorneBrent M. OwenDorothy A. PalmgrenLeonard PanaggioSusan PikorEmilie S. PiperBetty H. PletschkeLilian RandallBenjamin ReissSeth M. RidingerCynthia B. RobertsonJohn RobertsonLaurel P. SandersonEhzabeth B. SheldonMary Ann and George ShimkoCharlene K. SokalAlichael M. SokalLouise N. SoldaniInes TalamantezAlice T TaylorCatherine L. ThompsonPatricia A. TurnerJanice UphamMr. and Airs. H. CUfford WattsMarvin and Sybil WeinerS. J. Wolfe and David A. RawsonAnne H. YoungCharles Zarobña


    September 1, 2007-August 31, 2008

    Quincy S. and Zelia Abbot Antique Collectors' ClubJohn Adler Charles B. BarlowFrank P. Amari Air. and Mrs. James H. BarnhillAnonymous (i) Air. and Mrs. Robert C. Baron

  • 23O

    Nicholas A. BasbanesHester BlumBoston AthenaeumGeorge E. BrooksMichael BrophyMichael BrownEdward C. Browne, Jr.Richard Van Wyck BuelGeorge S. BurkhardtJon ButlerJohn CaldwellDeborah Allen CareyWilliam T CarletonBenjamin L. CarpScott E. CasperJoanne and Gary ChaisonChamplain SocietyHoward P ChudacoffColonial Society of MassachusettsCommon-place.orgJames L. ConradMarilee Howard CoryMark CraigCumberland House PublishingOna CurranAmey DeFriezAlan N. DegudsDennis R. DevonaR. R. DormeUey & Sons CompanySean DonnellyThomas L. DoughtonCharles E. F DrakeMaria E. FerranteWilliam B. EettersPatricia L. Fleming and John FlemingForbes LibraryRonald P. FormisanoFrick Art & Historical CenterFriends of the Grafton Public LibraryBrian K. Geiger

    American Antiquarian Society

    General Theological SeminaryMarjorie H. GibsonThe Gilder Lehrman Institute of

    American HistoryPeter T. GillenHoward GinsbergVincent L. GoldenGary Carl GrasslNigel T. GullyMr. and Mrs. Philip E GuraRoz GwozdzGWWO, Inc.Kathleen HaleyStephen P. HanlyChris HaveyJohn and Lea HenchThomas and Elizabeth HorrocksDena HowellJames F. HunnewellOgden McC. HunnewellRobert C. HurmewellDarrell HyderNancy G. IsenbergLeon E. JacksonMr. and Mrs. John Jeppson 2ndRogers B.JohnsonKarl S. KabelacNorman and Michal KaneMr. and Mrs. John M. KeenumKatherine G. KeenumMr. and Mrs. Robert M KellerJeri Kirk

    Christopher KrentzAugusta H. KresslerBarbara E. LaceyPhilip J. LampiJohn Lancaster and Daria D'Arienz^Jonathan C. and Allison R. LaneMr. and Mrs. Warren C. Lane, Jr.Julian L. & Linda F Lapides

  • Report of the Treasurer

    Kenneth G. LeachGeorge A. LipphardtMaureen LoanLois K LockwoodSteven M. LomazowLarry LowenthalMarcus A. McCorisonPhilip McFarlandDaniel MandellSusan MartinPenni MartorellStephen Alihm and Akela ReasonAir. and Airs. Richard P. MorganAir. and Airs. Kenneth J. MoynihanGary B. NashCheryl NeedleMatthewJ. NeedleRichard NevellNewberry LibraryAir. and Airs. David P NordAir. and Airs. Richard Conrad NylanderJason OpalBeverly H. OsbomPatrick Henry Memorial FoundationPeabody Essex MuseumPennsylvania German SocietyPeter E. Randall PublisherAir. and Airs. William O. Pettit, Jr.The Reverend Rocco PiccolominiJane R. PomeroyElizabeth Watts PopeSteven W. PrattHelen QuiriniAlvin RabushkaWilliam S. ReeseBenjamin ReissRensselaer County Historical SocietyBruce D. RobertsKyle B. RobertsNicholas E. Rochester

    Caroline E SchimmelJanice G. SchimmelmanEranklin SciaccaMartha SeverensManisha Sinha and Karsten StueberAlbert H. SmallJoseph Peter SpangRoger Eliot StoddardMr. and Mrs. Donald K. StraderGinger StrandSwarthmore College LibrarySwiss American Historical SocietyDavid E Tatham and Cleota ReedTaylor & Francis / RoutledgeTerra Eoundation for American ArtThe Maple Press CompanyThe Robert B. Haas Family Arts LibraryThe Schwarz GalleryBryant and Carolyn TollesTownsend Historical SocietyUnited States GovernmentUniversity of Georgia PressUniversity Press of New EnglandGejus van DiggeleViking PressThe Walpole SocietyDavid R. WarringtonLaura E. WasowiczRichard H. WendorfWest Bridgewater Pubhc LibraryRichard S. West and Monica GreenBlaine WhippleDavid R. WhitesellFrank and Virginia WiUiamsLauren M. WiltonGordon S. WoodRobert E. WrightHilary E. WyssYale University Art GalleryRosemarie Zagarri