Report Notice of Requirement - Te Okuroa Drive, Wairakei ...€¦ · Certificate of Title Appendix...

Report Notice of Requirement - Te Okuroa Drive, Wairakei, Papamoa Prepared for Ministry of Education Prepared by Beca Limited (Beca) March 2017

Transcript of Report Notice of Requirement - Te Okuroa Drive, Wairakei ...€¦ · Certificate of Title Appendix...

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Notice of Requirement - Te Okuroa Drive, Wairakei, Papamoa

Prepared for Ministry of Education

Prepared by Beca Limited (Beca)

March 2017

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Notice of Requirement - Te Okuroa Drive, Wairakei, Papamoa

Revision History

Revision Nº Prepared By Description Date

1 Andrew Hill Draft for client review 17/02/2017





Document Acceptance

Action Name Signed Date

Prepared by Andrew Hill


Reviewed by Chris Moore


Approved by Keith Frentz


on behalf of Beca Limited

© Beca 2016 (unless Beca has expressly agreed otherwise with the Client in writing).

This report has been prepared by Beca on the specific instructions of our Client. It is solely for our Client’s use for the purpose for which it is intended in accordance with the agreed scope of work. Any use or reliance by any person contrary to the above, to which Beca has not given its prior written consent, is at that person's own risk.

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Notice of Requirement 1

1 Overview 4

2 Introduction 5

2.1 Designation Purpose 5

3 Description of Site and Surrounding Area 6

3.1 Location and Features 6

3.2 Tauranga City Plan (TCP) 7

3.3 Planned Development 8

4 Proposed Designation 10

4.1 School facility 10

4.2 Site development 10

4.3 Outline Plan of Works and Resource Consents 11

5 Necessity of the Designation 13

6 Assessment of Environmental Effects 14

6.1 Positive Effects 14

6.2 Transport Effects 14

6.3 Infrastructure & Services 15

6.4 Visual and Amenity Effects 17

6.5 Construction Effects 18

6.6 School Noise Effects 18

6.7 Potential Contamination 19

6.8 Natural Hazards 19

6.9 Cultural Effects 19

6.10 Summary 20

7 Alternatives Considered 22

7.1 Site Selection Studies 22

7.2 Alternative Methods 22

8 Consultation 23

8.1 Tauranga City Council (TCC) 23

8.2 Tangata Whenua 23

8.3 Landowners 23

8.4 The NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) 23

9 Other Matters 24

9.3 Tauranga City Proposed Plan Change 25 26

10 Proposed Designation Conditions 27

10.1 Proposed Designation Conditions 27

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10.2 Reasons for these Conditions 30

11 Conclusion 31


Appendix 1

Certificate of Title

Appendix 2


Appendix 3

Integrated Transport Assessment

Appendix 4

Engineering and Site Development Assessment

Appendix 5

Executive Summary of Ministry of Education Site Selection Report – Wairakei

Appendix 6

Tsunami and Flood Risk Memorandum

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Notice of Requirement

Form 18

Notice of Requirement by the Minister of Education for a Designation

Section 168(1) and Clause 4 of the First Schedule of the Resource Management Act 1991

To: Tauranga City Council

91 Willow St


The Minister of Education (The Minister) gives notice of a requirement for a new school designation

to be shown in the Tauranga City Plan for “Educational Purposes – Primary School and Early

Childhood Education Centre”

The following document contains the necessary information to satisfy the requirements of Schedule

1 of the Resource Management Act 1991, relating to this notice for a new school designation. The

documentation is provided to Tauranga City Council to enable an assessment of the environmental

effects of this notice and make the appropriate recommendations in accordance with the provisions

of section 171 of the Resource Management Act.

1. The site to which the requirement applies is as follows:

This Notice of Requirement (NoR) applies to land at Te Okuroa Drive, Wairakei, Tauranga. The site and the

extent of the proposed designation is shown on the Land Requirement Plan attached to this NoR.

The NoR applies to 4.5ha land which is owned by the Crown and administered by the Ministry of Education

(the Ministry) legally described as Part Section 13 SO 481279.

Section 3 of the accompanying report, which supports this NoR, describes the site and surrounding

environment in more detail.

2. The nature of the proposed public work is:

The Minister proposes to designate the site to establish a school and associated educational facilities

catering for primary school age students and an early childhood education centre (ECE) including

educational facilities for special education.

The nature of the public work is described in further detail in the accompanying report, in section 4. Outline

bulk and location requirements are provided in this NOR.

Details regarding the form of buildings on-site and landscaping will be addressed at the Outline Plan stage.

3. The nature of the proposed restrictions that would apply:

The land required will be used for the construction, operation and maintenance of a Year 0-8 primary school

and early childhood education facilities including educational facilities for special education.

Conditions of designation to manage the works and operation of the facility on the site are proposed in

section 10 of the accompanying report.

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The designation to which this NoR shall apply will lapse 10 years from the date of its confirmation if it is not

given effect to, in terms of section 184(2) of the Resource Management Act (RMA).

4. The effects that the public work will have on the environment, and the ways in which any

adverse effects will be mitigated, are:

The accompanying report provides an assessment of potential effects on the environment and concludes

that the following warrant mitigation (by conditions and restrictions proposed or other measures):

� Visual and amenity effects

� Transport network effects

� Noise effects

� Potential land contamination

� Construction effects.

The effects of the proposed work on the environment, and proposed mitigation measures, are assessed in

detail in section 6 of the accompanying report.

5. Alternative sites, routes, and methods have been considered:

The site to which this designation relates is owned by the requiring authority, the Minister of Education.

Consideration of alternative sites, routes and methods is therefore not required under section 171(1)(b).

However, section 7 of this report provides an overview of the site evaluation process undertaken by the

Ministry to select a new site for a primary school in this area of Tauranga City. This is provided to show the

extent of consideration of alternatives undertaken by the Ministry.

6. The public work and designation are reasonably necessary for achieving the objectives of the

requiring authority because:

Section 168 empowers the Minister of Education to designate schools.

The project is required by the Minister to meet the Minister’s obligations to provide state schooling under the

Education Act 1989.

Establishment of a school catering for children from years 0 to 8, an ECE centre catering for preschool

children, special education and other functions as necessary to achieve the objective of the Minster of

Education in providing compulsory education for children aged 0-8 years.

Designation is considered to be the appropriate mechanism to provide for the establishment and on-going

operation of the school and ECE centre for its proposed purpose. The Minister requires ongoing certainty

that the site can be developed and used for this purpose. Designation provides the necessary long-term

certainty and flexibility for operation of a school and pre-school on the site, while also identifying the use of

the site to the general public.

All other State schools within Tauranga City Council’s jurisdiction are designated.

Further background on the necessity for designating land for this purpose and in this location is set out in

more detail in the accompanying report.

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7. The following resource consents are needed for the proposed activity and have (or have not)

been applied for:

No resource consents have been identified as required as part of this Notice.

Regional resource consents relating to earthworks and sediment control may be required and will be sought

at that time prior to when the school is constructed. A resource consent under the National Environmental

Standard for Assessing and Managing Contaminants in Soil to Protect Human Health (NES CS) may also be

required for earthworks or soil disturbing activities on this site. They will be sought at the same time.

8. The following consultation has been undertaken with parties that are likely to be affected:

Consultation has been carried out with the following:

� Tauranga City Council

� Waitaha-a-Hei (Waitaha)

� Tapuika

� Nga Potiki

� Key adjacent landowners.

See section 8 of this report sets out the consultation undertaken in relation to this Notice.

9. The Minister of Education attaches the following information required to be included in this

notice by the district plan, regional plan, or regulations made under the Resource Management

Act 1991:

� An Assessment of Environmental Effects and supporting technical reports.

Signed by

Brett Dooley

Group Manager, Land and Property Services, Ministry of Education


Text Box
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1 Overview

Pursuant to section 168 of the Resource Management Act (RMA) the Minister of Education gives notice of a

requirement to designate a greenfield site at Te Okuroa Drive, Wairakei for the purposes of a new primary

school, early childhood education facility and satellite school if required for special education. This report is

the Notice of Requirement (NoR) and assessment of effects on the environment of the proposal provided in

accordance with Form 18 requirement of Schedule 1 of the RMA regulations 2003.

The Minister is a requiring authority under section 166 of the RMA. The Minister has financial responsibility

for state owned and funded schools.

Requiring Authority/Crown: Minister of Education

Territorial Authority: Tauranga City Council

Site Address: Te Okuroa Drive, Wairakei

Legal Description: Part Section 13 SO 481279 (refer to Land Requirement Plan)

Site Area: 4.5ha

Designation purpose: “Education purposes – Primary School (years 0-8) and Early Childhood

Education (pre-school)

District Plan: Tauranga City District Plan (Operative)

Zoning – Wairakei Residential and Papamoa East Employment Area

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2 Introduction

Projected growth for primary school age groups in the Wairakei area of Tauranga led the Ministry of

Education to purchase the site on Te Okuroa Drive in 2017.

Reviews of the demand for a school in this area have confirmed that primary school (Y0 – Y8) capacity

needs to be increased and that a new school needs to be opened in 2020.

Discussions with the Tauranga City Council (TCC) indicate that this aligns with the projected structure

planning for the area (Wairakei Structure Plan) and development of this area and an integrated approach to

the provision of infrastructure has been adopted.

2.1 Designation Purpose

The purpose of the designation is for ‘Educational Purposes – Primary School and Education Facilities’.

The term “educational purposes” is the same as the Tauranga City Plan (TCP) definition of “school” which


Land and/or buildings used to provide regular instruction or training of children including pre-schools,

childcare facilities, primary, intermediate and secondary schools, work skills training centres, outdoor

education centres and sport training establishments, and their ancillary administrative, cultural, health,

recreational or communal facilities.

In addition to the usual use of the school as described in the District Plan, the Primary School site shall also

specifically enable:

� The use of the facilities on the site by and for the educational benefit of any early childhood and school

age students regardless of whether they are enrolled at the institution located on the site including special

education services

� The provision of associated administrative services, car parking and vehicle manoeuvring and student

health, social services and medical services (including dental clinics and sick bays)

� The provision of supervised care and study opportunities for students outside school hours in school

facilities, e.g before and after school care programmes

� The provision of community education (e.g., night classes for adults) outside school hours in school


� The provision of academic, sporting, social and cultural education including

– Formal and informal recreational, sporting and outdoor activities and competitions whether carried out

during or outside school hours

– Formal and informal cultural activities and competitions whether carried out during or outside school


– The provision of specialist hubs and units.

� The use of facilities for purposes associated with the education of students including school assemblies,

functions, fairs and other gatherings whether carried out during or outside school hours

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3 Description of Site and Surrounding Area

3.1 Location and Features

The site, represented in Figure 1 and Figure 2 below, is located within the suburb of Wairakei and is legally described as Part Section 13 SO 481279. The total site constitutes an area of 7.1742ha, however, the area subject to the designation is 4.5ha in size and the remaining part of the site will be disposed of.

Figure 1 – Approximate location of the subject site (Source: Google Earth

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Figure 2 – Boundary of the subject designation site within the wider property boundary (Source: TCC GIS)

The site is an undeveloped, grassed lot located within the suburb of Wairakei. It is used for the grazing of

cattle and the production of hay and is flat with minor undulations which are a result of the sand dune

formations typical of a coastal area such as Papamoa. The area immediately surrounding the subject site is

currently being developed for residential use in accordance with the Wairakei Structure Plan. An established

residential area (Papamoa East) is located to the north and the recently constructed State Highway 2 lies to

the south of the site. Hay barns and other structures associated with historic farming use are scattered

across the surrounding landscape.

3.2 Tauranga City Plan (TCP)

The site is zoned both Wairakei Residential and Papamoa East Employment Area, however this zoning is

currently under review as part of Plan Change 25 in the TCP. This plan change may lead to the site being

rezoned from partially Papamoa East Employment to completely Wairakei Residential. A copy of the

proposed Planning Map from Plan Change 25 for the site is shown in Figure 3.

Subject Designation


Wider Property


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Figure 3: Provisional planning map from TCC, the site is shown in green outline. Note this area is subject to Plan Change 25

3.3 Planned Development

The site is included in the Wairakei Urban Growth Area as shown on Urban Growth Plan15 (SP15, Figure 4).

SP15 has yet to identify the proposed rezoning involved in Plan Change 25, which may lead to some of the

Wairakaei area being rezoned from Papamoa East Employment to Wairakei Residential. The structure plan

for this area is known as Urban Growth Area Structure Plan – Wairakei (SP 15) and will be updated once

Plan Change 25 is finalised.

Te Okuroa Drive is a strategic road which is aligned in the east-west direction adjacent to the site. When

constructed, Te Okuroa Drive will have one traffic lane in each direction and intermittent set back car parking

(approximately 13 spaces) adjacent to the school site. A 3m wide shared pedestrian/cycle path is proposed

along the school side of the road.

An access road is aligned north – south to the east of the site, this access road has not yet been designed in

full. The design of this road will include the provision of infrastructure and network services.

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Figure 4: Urban Growth Plan 15 the proposed site is outlined in red.

Figure 4: Showing the current Urban Growth Area Structure Plan – Wairakei (SP 15). The site is shown in red outline.

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4 Proposed Designation

4.1 School facility

The Ministry of Education proposes to designate the site at Te Okuroa Drive for a primary school (Year 0 –

8), an early childhood education facility and facility for special education services. The proposed roll for the

new school is to be in the order of 650 students with the potential for an Early Childhood Education Centre

on the site. However, on the opening day, there are likely to be fewer than 650 students.

The school is proposed to be opened in 2020.

Following the designation of the site an Establishment Board of Trustees (EBoT) will be appointed and the

planning and design of the new school will be undertaken. The EBoT will consult with the neighbours and

will make key decisions on the detailed design and development of the site.

4.2 Site development

The final design and layout for the school on the designated site, has yet to be determined as it will be

undertaken once the EBoT has been appointed.

However, the Ministry and the EBoT will rely on the proposed standard bulk and location, landscaping and

parking/access/egress designation conditions, to control any environmental effects of the new buildings and

operation of the school on this currently vacant site.

Te Okuroa Drive

Developer Road

Figure 5: High Level Concept Layout of the site for assessment purposes

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For example, buildings may be one or two storeys in height to avoid overshadowing or dominance effects on

adjoining neighbours, they will be set back from the boundaries of the site using the Height in Relation to

Boundary (HIRB) controls.

The site will also be graded to provide for a level playing fields area as well as suitable building platforms.

Access will be provided from the new developer road shown on the High Level Concept (Figure 5) as access

from Te Okuroa Drive is not allowed. The High Level Concept has been prepared as a possible layout to

enable an assessment of effects on the environment to be undertaken. This layout is not an Outline Plan of

Works and the final decision on layout will be determined by the Establishment Board of Trustees following

Master Planning and Detailed Design preparation.

4.3 Outline Plan of Works and Resource Consents

Following the designation of the site and before works can commence the Ministry must provide an Outline

Plan of Works (OPW) to TCC for comment.

The Ministry will also obtain any resource consents required from the Bay of Plenty Regional Council

(BoPRC) or consents under the NES CS from TCC, if required.

An OPW is required to be provided to the local authority pursuant to s 176A RMA and it must show:

(a) The height, shape, and bulk of the public work, project, or work

(b) The location on the site of the public work, project, or work

(c) The likely finished contour of the site

(d) The vehicular access, circulation, and the provision for parking

(e) The landscaping proposed

(f) Any other matters to avoid, remedy, or mitigate any adverse effects on the environment.

As noted in 4.2 above, these are matters that are not known beyond a high level concept at this stage and

will be consulted on by the EBoT before the master plan and design is finalised. The designation will provide

broad parameters for the development of the school and the OPW must adhere to any conditions that are

applied to the designation. Suggested conditions to address any actual or potential adverse effects on the

environment are provided in section 10 of this report.

A regional resource consent may be required from the BoPRC for earthworks when the final design has been

developed. This consent will address the effects of moving earth around the site including dust, sediment

and runoff control, noise from earthmoving machinery and hours of operation. A Construction Management

Plan (CMP) is proposed to be prepared to take these matters into account as part of that consent.

A Preliminary Site Investigation (PSI) has been undertaken for the site which outlined the potential for

landfilling associated with the farming activities that have occurred at the site. As a result of this, it was

concluded that at least one activity listed on the MfE Hazardous Activities and Industries List (HAIL) had

been undertaken at the site and therefore the NESCS would be applicable to the proposed development.

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Following the PSI, a Contamination Assessment which included soil sampling was undertaken at the site.

The purpose of this Contamination Assessment was to provide an indication of contaminant levels in the

soils at the site. The detailed design of the school is yet to be finalised and the intended earthwork volumes

and duration is yet to be confirmed. Once these details are known then further investigation into the

applicability of the NESCS will be undertaken including, if necessary, a Detailed Site Investigation (DSI). If

required, these consents would be obtained at the same time as the earthworks consent from the BoPRC

before site works commence.

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5 Necessity of the Designation

Under section 168 of the Resource Management Act (RMA) the Minister of Education may give notice at any

time of requirement to designate a site for education purposes.

The project is required for the Minister to meet their obligations to provide state schooling under the

Education Act 1989. Establishment of a school catering for children from years 0 to 8, as well as an ECE

centre catering for preschool children, is necessary in achieving the objective of the Minster of Education in

providing compulsory education for children aged 0-8 years.

Designation is considered to be the appropriate mechanism to provide for the establishment and on-going

operation of the school and ECE centre for its proposed purpose. The Minister requires ongoing certainty

that the site can be developed and used for this purpose. Designation provides the necessary long-term

certainty and flexibility for operation of a school and pre-school on the site, while also identifying the use of

the site to the general public.

The Ministry considers the most appropriate method of securing the site for education purposes on a long-

term basis is through the designation process. The works are for public infrastructure and the Minister is a

requiring authority. The ability to designate the land provides greater certainty over the use of the site and

greater flexibility in the overall development. It is also considered to be the most timely process given the

need to have the school open in 2020.

The TCC Proposed Plan Change 25 provides for schools as a restricted discretionary activity under Rule

14F.5.6. However, protecting land through the designation process within an area of future residential

development is considered to be an efficient use of land particularly as the school will be located within the

local residential catchment.

The proposed TCC Plan provisions may provide guidance in preparing a master plan for the development of a school on a designated site. Although the City Plan may not necessarily be complied with where there is good reason and evidentially-based support for that non-compliance. Activities that are not on designated sites will continue to be subject to the rules of the City Plan.

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6 Assessment of Environmental Effects

6.1 Positive Effects

Designating this land as a future primary school, early childhood education centre and for special education

is considered to have the following positive social and Community effects:

� It establishes a future site for an important physical resource in response to forecast population growth

to enable the new community to provide for their well-being;

� The school will provide key community infrastructure for the new community by acting as a focal point

for its catchment in Wairakei;

� The school is likely to have wider benefits for the community by providing additional places for public

meetings and additional recreation areas and facilities;

� The school site is strategically located within an area identified for future residential development and

close to the proposed commercial centre of the development;

� The strategic location will provide benefits such as enabling a large catchment of pupils to travel to

school by walking or cycling. This is likely to have positive effects for both student health, the perceived

safety of the local area and may reduce the number of vehicles travelling to the school in peak morning

and afternoon periods;

� Because of its location the school will relieve growth pressures currently experienced by existing primary

schools in the area.

6.2 Transport Effects

An Integrated Transport Assessment (ITA) report (attached in Appendix 3) has been prepared with regard to

the designation and is based on the proposed school accommodating approximately 650 students and 40

staff and an Early Childhood Centre that will accommodate approximately 50 children and 15 employees.

The ITA assesses the transport environment surrounding the site based on available information about future

provisions and transport demand. The assessment identified that the proposed school is likely to generate

approximately 310 vehicle trips during the AM peak hour of 8am to 9am, which is the critical traffic

operational peak hour.

A number of roads need to be constructed as part of the works required to implement the Wairakei Structure

Plan, including:

� Te Okuroa Drive is aligned in the East-West direction adjacent to the site. It ends at the Boulevard

Waitaha Access Road intersection. When constructed, Te Okuroa Drive will have one traffic lane in each

direction and intermittent set back car parking (approximately 13 spaces) adjacent to the school site.

� A 3m wide shared pedestrian/cycle path is proposed along the school side of the road. Eventually Te

Okuroa Drive may be widened to four lanes, this widening is accommodated for in the road corridor

design on the south side (not the school side) of the corridor.

� The Waitaha Access Road is aligned north – south to the east of the site. Waitaha Access Road has not

yet been designed in full. The design of the road intersecting with Te Okuroa Drive indicates this road will

have one lane in each direction and footpaths on both sides of the road.

� The Zariba local road design includes one lane each way on a 7m carriageway, which is sufficient to

accommodate informal parking, with footpaths on both sides of the road.

� School Travel Plan is proposed to be prepared as a condition of the designation.

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The ITA concludes that subject to these works being undertaken, the local road network can safely and

efficiently accommodate school traffic.

The ITA also recommends the following:

� School Travel Plan and Walking School Bus to be established when the school opens

� Vehicle and cycle parking to be provided on site, generally in-line with City Plan requirements

� Pedestrian and cycle access to be separated from vehicle access

� Infrastructure to support pedestrian crossing on Waitaha Access Road to be investigated at the outline

plan of works stage

� Construction traffic management plan to be implemented during construction.

The design of these features will be advanced with TCC as part of the proposed Outline Plan and any

specific traffic impact assessment undertaken.

The proposed school designation will provide for a facility that will support the growth of residential

development in this area. Preliminary site feasibility assessments show that the school can be developed in

accordance with established transportation objectives and policies and that the traffic impacts of an

operational school on this site will be appropriately managed. The impact of the school is expected to be

insignificant and manageable with regard to effects on the local transportation network.

The alternative for the school community in Wairakei if this site is not designated or developed for education

purposes, is students will have to travel further. This will place more vehicles on roads during peak hours, in

order to access an alternative school, as a result there will be associated adverse traffic effects on the local

transport network.

6.3 Infrastructure & Services

6.3.1 Stormwater

Detailed stormwater networks are not available at this time. General trends in the Papamoa area have been

reticulated stormwater drainage for primary road drainage and soakage for property drainage. Soakage is

typically used for stormwater disposal for up to the primary event which is a 10 year storm event. More

information regarding design is supplied in the Engineering and Site Development Report attached in

Appendix 4.

6.3.2 Sewer

A primary school produces a smaller sewer flow than from an equivalent residential area. No public sewer

main upgrades would be required with connections provided to the council sewer main as needed to serve

the development. The site will be adequately serviced with a 100Ø ID sewer main as proposed in Council’s

Infrastructure Development Code.

6.3.3 Water Supply

There is not expected to be a higher water demand than residential areas. This is based on firefighting

requirements being met with internal sprinklers. A 100Ø firefighting main and 75Ø potable water supply main

is required for the site with a back flow prevention unit at the property boundary.

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6.3.4 Earthworks

The current topography is shown on TCC GIS records and is generally undulating terrain with humps and

hollows expected to be levelled off while maintaining a cut fill balance. The minimum building platform level

in the Papamoa residential area is 5.0m RL and it is expected that the site will exceed that level with ~6.0m

RL expected as a minimum with building platforms established at a level required to mitigate the potential

effect of tsunami.

6.3.5 Roading

The developer road (Waitaha Access Road) along the eastern boundary of the site will need to be

constructed before the school is opened in 2020. The alignment of this road is different to that shown on the

Wairakei Structure Plan in the operative Tauranga City Plan. This change is needed to establish a site of

4.5ha to accommodate the school. The proposed alignment has been discussed with TCC and the affected

neighbours to the north and both affected parties (Manawa subdivision by Nga Potiki and Waitaha) have

provided their written approval on the basis of the modified alignment. The design of the roundabout on Te

Okuroa Drive has been modified to align with the development of the site.

6.3.6 Services Contributions

As a Requiring Authority the Minister is not required to pay development contributions pursuant to the Local

Government Act (the Act). Section 8 of the Act states that except in certain specified circumstances the Act

does not bind the Crown. Those exceptions do not include the obligation to pay Development Contributions.

As this Notice of Requirement is not a Resource Consent a condition to pay Financial Contributions under

the Resource Management Act is also not able to be applied.

However, it is accepted that the Requiring Authority should mitigate the actual or potential adverse effects on

the environment of the development and that one of the way this may be achieved is by contributing towards

services that the activity will utilise as has occurred with other recent Notices for Education Purposes in

Tauranga. This will be confirmed by way of an agreement between the Requiring Authority and TCC before

the school is developed.

6.3.7 Summary

The proposed site that is the subject of this Notice of Requirement is located within a residential area that is

rapidly developing and will require additional Primary education capacity within the next 3 – 4 years. The site

is centrally located to its future catchment and may be developed in accordance with the TCC Infrastructure

Development Code. The site is relatively flat and earthworks on the site can be undertaken to achieve a

finished site level and building platforms that will mitigate any potential tsunami and flood effects.

Development in accordance with these requirements and the conditions of designation proposed in Section

10 of this report will result in no more than minor adverse effects on the environment.

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6.4 Visual and Amenity Effects

6.4.1 Visual Effects

Schools have the potential to contribute positively to the landscape character of surrounding areas through

the areas of landscaping and green open space that soften more intensive residential development. Details

of the landscaping and built form will be provided at the OPW stage once the EBoT has completed master

planning and detailed design.

Schools may have the potential to generate adverse effects on residential amenity values including visual

effects where the bulk, siting and/or design of buildings are inappropriate for their location or surrounding


The proposed school will be located within an area of planned urban development within Wairakei, where

residential development and support services, including schools, are anticipated and provided for.

6.4.2 Built Form

Having regard to the likely scale of the built form on the site:

� The site is of sufficient shape and size that school buildings can be laid out in such a way that:

– Vehicle movements on the site are kept to a minimum by locating parking and (if required) bus bays

parallel to the street boundary, within the site

– Buildings can be arranged in an east-west orientation to maximise solar gain

– Building blocks can be arranged to create courtyards and to provide shelter from the prevailing

westerly wind (yet sufficiently far apart so as to not shade each other)

– Classrooms can be accessible from all sides and allow through-flow ventilation as well as direct

access to outdoor learning environments

– Future growth can be provided for as the community grows with the ability to construct additional

stages with minimum impact on the operation of the school

– The courts and playing field can act as a buffer between the school buildings and the surrounding

roading network and future residential development.

6.4.3 Landscaping

Having regard to the visual effects of the landscaping on the site:

� Landscaping will be provided along the road frontages of the school site, at the entrances, around the

buildings and car parking areas. A landscaping plan will be submitted with the OPW once a detailed

layout of the school is determined.

� Landscaping on the site, while contributing to general amenity, and potentially screening some of the

buildings on-site, will also need to enhance safety for school users. Consideration will be given to

maintaining adequate sight lines for pedestrians and vehicles (particularly in pick up and set down

areas), avoiding potential areas of concealment and not obstructing views of the school from the street

(to ensure passive surveillance) in accordance with CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental

Design) principles.

� Details of the final landscaping scheme for the site will be confirmed during the OPW process.

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Overall, the potential for adverse landscape and visual effects are considered to be less than minor.

6.5 Construction Effects

The temporary effects arising from this work relate to the construction phase of the proposal. The effects of

construction are considered to be noise, dust, traffic and the potential for unearthing of archaeological

remains or artefacts. The immediate area around the site is currently being developed and therefore any

effects will be consistent with the current construction effects on surrounding land.

There are no cultural or heritage items identified on the subject site within the TCP or the Archaeological

Archive of Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga (Heritage NZ). An accidental discovery protocol is

included as an advice note and will be provided in all construction contracts to address the potential

identification of unrecorded items of archaeological or historical significance during construction.

Proposed Mitigation

A Construction Management Plan (CMP) shall be prepared and submitted with any OPW. Where relevant,

the CMP will address:

� Dust suppression during and after earthworks

� Sediment and stormwater management in accordance with Regional Council guidelines

� Construction traffic management, including access routes, signage and maintenance of neighbourly


� Construction noise management in accordance with NZS 6803:1999 “Acoustics – Construction Noise”

� Hours of construction operation, generally being within the times Monday to Friday 7.30am to 6.00pm and

Saturday 7.30am - 6.00pm.

6.6 School Noise Effects

Schools are often perceived as being potentially noisy activities in an otherwise quiet residential

environment. This is generally an inaccurate assumption for the bulk of the time as schools are generally

operating only during the day-time (although some evening activities may be expected) and not for the whole

week or the full year.

While there is expected to be some noise from playground activities the size of the Te Okuroa Road site and

the location of the buildings are likely to mitigate that potential.

The proposed conditions provide for operational noise limits that have been generally accepted as being

appropriate to mitigate the effects of schools on their residential neighbours and include the following:

� The operation of the facilities shall comply with the following noise limits at the boundary of any site zoned

primarily for a residential purpose, at a point 20m from the facade of any dwelling, or the site boundary,

whichever is closest to the dwelling:

– Mon – Sun, 7.00am – 10.00pm (0700 -2200) 55 dBA (Leq)

– Mon – Sun, 10.00pm –7.00am (2200 -0700) 45 dBA (Leq)

– LMAX = 75dBA

� These noise levels shall not apply to noise from outdoor school activities occurring between 0800 and

1800 hours Monday to Saturday.

� Noise levels shall be measured and assessed in accordance with NZS 6801:2008 “Measurement of

Environmental Sound” and NZS 6802:2008 “Environmental Noise”.

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6.7 Potential Contamination

A Preliminary Site Investigation (PSI) has been undertaken for the site which outlined the potential for

landfilling associated with the farming activities that have occurred at the site. As a result of this, it was

concluded that at least one activity listed on the MfE Hazardous Activities and Industries List (HAIL) had

been undertaken at the site and therefore the NESCS would be applicable to the proposed development.

Following the PSI, a Contamination Assessment (which included soil sampling) was undertaken at the site to

provide an indication of contaminant levels in the soils at the site. The ground investigation undertaken

comprised a combination of hand augers and test pits and collection of soil samples which were analysed for

a combination of heavy metals and pesticides.

The results from the soils investigation undertaken determined that there were no concentrations of

contaminants that exceeded the Interim Environmental Guidelines for the Bay of Plenty Region or the Soil

Contaminant Standards (SCSs). Therefore, the risk posed to human health and the environment by

contaminant levels in the site’s soils is considered to be low.

The detailed design of the school is yet to be finalised and the intended earthwork volumes and duration is

yet to be confirmed. Once these details are known then further investigation into the applicability of the

NESCS will be undertaken. If required at that stage a resource consent under the NESCS will be obtained to

manage the removal and remediation of any contaminated soils. As a result of complying with the processes

provided for in the NESCS the effect of any contaminated soils identified following removal and remediation

(if they are identified) will be avoided.

This is required to be undertaken under the NES and is therefore not part of this designation process.

6.8 Natural Hazards

A memorandum based on TCC reports outlining the Tsunami and Flood risks to the site is attached as

Appendix 6. The conclusions are summarised below.

6.8.1 Tsunami Risk

Based on a 2015 Tsunami and Flood risk report commissioned by TCC the site is not susceptible to a 2500

ARI (Average Recurrence Interval) Tsunami. While there may be low levels of inundation from tsunami the

proposed level of the building platforms will reduce the risk in accordance with TCC and BoPRC


6.8.2 Flood Risk

Based on the same 2015 TCC risk assessment, there are no consequences for flooding from intense rainfall

events within Wairakei and TCC’s infrastructure requirements will provide for flood mitigation in a 48 hour

rainfall event in the 50, 100 and 500 year ARI rainfall events.

6.9 Cultural Effects

The relevant iwi/hapu groups with mana whenua at this location are Nga Potiki and Waitaha. Both have been

engaged to provide cultural impact assessments (CIAs).

Nga Potiki

The Nga Potiki CIA has been received from Nga Potiki and is attached in Appendix 2.

The Nga Potiki CIA recommends that:

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� Nga Potiki and MOE discuss Nga Potiki aspirations for the new school

� A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Nga Potiki and MOE be established to formally

recognise the relationship agreement.

� Nga Potiki participate in the landscape and cultural planning of the site critical to improving both the

function and appearance

� Nga Potiki actively participates in the monitoring of top soil removal through the Resource Management

Unity functions.

Feedback was also received from Nga Potiki’s associated land development group, which has interests in

land adjacent to the school site. The Nga Potiki development group does not oppose the proposed school

and has requested ongoing consultation throughout the development process. A copy of their confirmation of

this is provided in Appendix 2.


A CIA has also been received from Waitaha and is attached in Appendix 2.

The Waitaha CIA recommends that:

� A member of Waitaha selected by the iwi be appointed to the Establishment Board of Trustees (EBoT)

� That Waitaha be consulted and appointed for any requirements relating to cultural monitoring of the

earthworks for the project (see suggested condition 7)

� That Waitaha lead and organise support to the blessing of the site, opening of the school and other

cultural aspects as appropriate

� That Waitaha continue to be consulted through the critical phases of the project.

Where appropriate both of these recommendations have been included as conditions of the Designation as

shown in Section 10 of this report. Other recommendations relevant to the EBoT or the Ministry have been

flagged for their implementation when necessary.

In the light of this CIA and the response from tangata whenua stakeholders it is considered that the cultural

effects of the proposal are less than minor.

6.10 Summary

The proposed primary school and early childhood facility is considered on balance to have significant

positive long term social and community effects. Any adverse environmental impacts of the school can be

managed through the conditions of designation or through the OPW process.

Infrastructure services are able to be provided to the site in accordance with the requirements of the

Wairakei Structure Plan and the TCC IDC.

Any potential adverse landscape and visual effects are considered to be no more than minor and potentially

positive. The immediate area around the site is currently being developed, for residential use. Any

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construction effects will be consistent with the current development of the surrounding land and will be

mitigated through the provision of a CMP at the time of OPW preparation.

According to TCC the site is not susceptible to a 2500 ARI Tsunami and there are no consequences for

flooding from intense rainfall events.

Suggested conditions of designation, to mitigate adverse effects are provided in section 10 of this report.

On that basis it is considered that the proposal will have no more than a minor adverse effect on the

environment that can be mitigated by the proposed conditions and the significant positive benefits of a new

Primary School in this area.

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7 Alternatives Considered

7.1 Site Selection Studies

On the basis of population growth modelling undertaken for the Wairakei Structure Plan area, the Ministry

undertook a rigorous site selection and evaluation process to find an appropriate new site for the primary

school requirement to be established on.

A large number of sites were selected in a multi-staged process. The short-listed sites were assessed

against criteria such as location, size of the site, geological condition, accessibility, physical constraints (for

development and/or operation of a school), contamination, transportation, District Plan and acquisition

(property) processes.

Overall the site scored well against all criteria and eventually went through to due diligence and detailed site


The Ministry are satisfied that having identified this site as the preferred site following a robust, transparent

and detailed analysis adequate consideration has been given to alternative sites.

7.2 Alternative Methods

Alternative methods for establishing the proposed school include:

� Apply for resource consent for an education facility within the Wairakei Residential zone of the Tauranga

City Plan. The proposal would be classified as a Restricted Discretionary Activity; or

� Rezone the land as Education Centre zone under the Tauranga City Plan. This zone has typically

provided for the development of schools where the Ministry is not the landowner.

While these options are feasible, the Ministry considers the most appropriate method of securing the site for

education purposes on a long-term basis is through the designation process. The works are for public

infrastructure and the Minister is a requiring authority. The ability to designate the land provides greater

certainty over the use of the site and greater flexibility in the overall development. It is also considered to be

the timeliest process given the need to have the school open in 2020.

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8 Consultation

Consultation has been undertaken with Tauranga City Council, iwi and key adjacent landowners. A record of

consultation and a summary table is provided in Appendix 2.

8.1 Tauranga City Council (TCC)

A meeting was held with TCC’s Planning and Transport section on 4 October 2016 to advise them of the

project and to discuss the Notice of Requirement process. TCC provided the following points:

� Discussed the design of the road infrastructure

� Timing of construction

� Relevant landowners and iwi groups

� Tsunami risk and requirements for the NES CS

8.2 Tangata Whenua

Meetings were held with Nga Potiki and Waitaha on 9 November 2016 to advise them of the project and to

discuss any concerns with the proposal. The two groups did not have any objections to the project and both

groups have supplied Cultural Impact Assessments (CIAs) which are provided in Appendix 2. In addition to

the CIA, Nga Potiki have confirmed that they support the proposed school and this email is also provided in

Appendix 2.

In response to consultation and the CIA, earthworks monitoring and accidental discovery protocols are

proposed in the conditions of the designation and cultural links will be recognised through discussions

between the EBoT and Nga Potiki and Waitaha in the master planning process.

A meeting was also held with Tapuika on 1 December 2016 to advise them of the project and to discuss any

concerns with the proposal. Tapuika do not have any objections to the project and have supplied their written

approval to the proposal.

8.3 Landowners

A number of meetings have been held with landowners and developers around the school site and a

summary of the records of these meetings are listed in Appendix 2. Each of these parties have provided their

written approval to the project.

8.4 The NZ Transport Agency (NZTA)

NZTA were contacted by email and follow up phone call to discuss the proposed school site. NZTA provided

an email response having no concerns with the proposal (attached in Appendix 2).

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9 Other Matters

9.1 Resource Management Act (RMA)

The RMA governs the use and development of New Zealand’s natural and physical resources through:

� Part 2 (Purpose and Principles), which establishes the purpose and principles applying to resource


� Section 168, which requires that the Minister give notice to the territorial authority of its requirement for a

designation of land. Form 18, prescribes the content that the Minister must cover within the notice of


� Section 171, which prescribes matters to be taken into account in confirming designations.

9.1.1 Sections 6, 7 and 8

Part 2 of the RMA (Sections 6-8) sets out the purpose and principles of the Act. All decisions made under the

RMA are subject to Part 2. Sections 6 and 7 respectively list "matters of national importance" and "other

matters" that have a substantial role in shaping and directing how the RMA's purpose is given effect through

planning and decision making. Section 8 sets out the RMA's requirement to take into account the principles

of the Treaty of Waitangi.

The following table provides an analysis of the project against sections 6, 7 and 8 of the RMA.

Section Assessment

6 No matters of national importance included in Section 6 are considered to be relevant to this proposal

7 The land to be set aside for education purposes is of adequate size and shape to accommodate a future school and ECE centre (including off street parking) without resulting in significant adverse effects on amenity (section 7(c)) Protecting land for the purpose of school development within an area of future residential development is considered to be an efficient use of land particularly as the school will be located central to the local residential catchment. The new residential area will be well connected by pedestrian and cycle links (section 7(b)). With regard to sections 7(c) the maintenance and enhancement of amenity values and 7 (f), the maintenance and enhancement of the quality of the environment. The proposed school and ECE facilities will have a lower building density than what could be expected under a typical residential zoning with large areas of open space coupled with landscaping of the site.

8 There are no known sites of cultural significance on the proposed site. The iwi that have mana whenua over the area have been consulted and support the proposal.

9.1.2 Section 5

This education designation will help to provide for the community’s social, cultural and economic wellbeing

through the subsequent development of a new primary school and ECE to serve the existing and emerging

residential area.

Measures to avoid, remedy or mitigate potential adverse effects on the environment have been proposed in

section 6 and section 10 of this report.

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9.1.3 Section 168 - Notice of requirement to territorial authority

Section 168 of the RMA allows for a requiring authority to give notice to a territorial authority of a requirement

for a designation in a prescribed form. The prescribed Form 18 for a Notice of Requirement is completed and

provided in section 2.

9.1.4 Section 171 - Recommendation by territorial authority

In consideration of a requirement, a territorial authority must consider the matters set out in section 171 of the RMA.

Consideration has been given to the statements and plans that are relevant to this project and how well the

project meets the objectives and policies. The proposal provides essential social infrastructure in an area

where it is needed. Where relevant it gives effect to the National Policy Statements and the Bay of Plenty

Regional Policy Statement. The school will be developed in accordance with the requirements of the

Regional Water and Land Plan. The relevant objectives and policies of the operative Tauranga City Plan

and the proposed Plan Change 25 are discussed below.

Alternative options have been thoroughly considered and are summarised in Section 7 and Appendix 5.

The effects of the proposed designation have been assessed in section 6 and the proposed mitigation

measures described within, will help reduce the potential adverse effects on the environment.

With regards to s171(c) we consider the necessity of the work and designation process in section 5.

9.2 Operative Tauranga City Council Plan

This section considers the proposal against the relevant objectives and policies in the operative Tauranga

City Plan (TCP).

Objective 14B 1.3 Activities in the Residential Zones

Residential activities remain the predominant activity in Residential Zones while providing for flexibility for the

operation of home-based business, homestays, visitor accommodation and a limited range of community

support services subject to their compatibility with the amenity of the Residential Zones as defined by

specific provisions.


Primary school and ECEs provide essential social infrastructure (community support activities) in residential

areas forming a focus for a local community and allowing students to easily access their local education

facility. A school in this location will reduce pressure on the other schools in the Wairakei area, including

Papamoa Primary School and Golden Sands School and will provide a social benefit to the community of

Wairakei which is growing rapidly. The school will be compatible with the amenity value of the area through

its landscape and design.

Policy 14 A 1.3.1 Activities in the Residential Zones

b) Providing for a limited range of community support activities, being smaller-scale tertiary education

premises; schools (emphasis added); health centres and places of worship that provide community support

functions for residents within the Residential Zones, and are compatible with existing and anticipated

residential amenity in terms of:

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i) Location and scale, including the attraction of visitors to the site and hours of operation;

ii) The nature of the activity’s actual and potential adverse effects on the surrounding residential

neighbourhood, character, amenity and the transport network.


The designation is consistent with the location and scale of the anticipated amenity in the area. As the

designation will establish a community facility within an area of residential growth, it is likely to provide a

benefit in terms of the local transport environment.

The attached ITA concludes that the proposed school is an appropriate development for this site and that

any transport effects arising from the activity can be suitably mitigated (Appendix 3).

9.3 Tauranga City Proposed Plan Change 25

This section considers the proposal against the most relevant objectives and policies set out in the Tauranga

City Plan Proposed Plan Change 25.

Plan Change 25 was notified in October 2016, submissions closed on 9 December 2016. It is not effectively

operative but provides clear guidance on the direction Council proposes for this area.

14A.1.3.1 Policy - Activities in the Residential Zones

g) Provide for the needs of the new urban community within the Wairakei Residential Zone through the

establishment of schools (emphasis added), tertiary education premises and community facilities that are

compatible with the existing and anticipated urban character and amenity in terms of:

iii) The nature of the activity’s actual and potential adverse effects on the surrounding

neighbourhood, character, amenity and the transport network.

Rule 14F.5.5: Schools Restricted Discretionary Activity


Schools are clearly anticipated in the area and are provided for as restricted discretionary activities (Rule

14F.5.5) in proposed Plan Change 25. The designation is considered to be consistent with location and scale

of the anticipated amenity in the area. The designation will establish a community facility within an area of

residential growth, it is likely to provide a benefit in terms of the local transport environment. Sustainable

transport options will be identified through the proposed School Travel Plan.

The attached ITA concludes that the proposed school is an appropriate development for this site and that

any transport effects arising from the activity can be suitably mitigated (Appendix 3).

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10 Proposed Designation Conditions

10.1 Proposed Designation Conditions

The following conditions are proposed to be attached to the designation of this site for a new primary school.

They are proposed to assist in mitigating potential adverse effects as discussed in section 6 of this

document. The following section is set out in the same format as the recent Notice of Requirement for

Kennedy Road.

1. Requiring Authority

The Requiring Authority is the Ministry of Education (MoE).

2. Designation Purpose

Educational Purposes – Primary School and Education Facilities.

The term “educational purposes” is the same as the Tauranga City Plan (TCP) definition of “school”

which includes:

Land and/or buildings used to provide regular instruction or training of children

including pre-schools, childcare facilities, primary, intermediate and secondary

schools, work skills training centres, outdoor education centres and sport training

establishments, and their ancillary administrative, cultural, health, recreational or

communal facilities.

In addition to the usual use of the school as a Primary school the Te Okuroa Drive site shall specifically


• The use of the facilities on the site by and for the educational benefit of any early childhood and school

age students regardless of whether they are enrolled at the institution located on the site including

special education services

• The provision of associated administrative services, car parking and vehicle manoeuvring and student

health, social services and medical services (including dental clinics and sick bays)

• The provision of supervised care and study opportunities for students outside school hours in school

facilities, e.g before and after school care programmes

• The provision of community education (e.g., night classes for adults) outside school hours in school


• The provision of academic, sporting, social and cultural education including

o Formal and informal recreational, sporting and outdoor activities and competitions whether

carried out during or outside school hours

o Formal and informal cultural activities and competitions whether carried out during or outside

school hours

o The provision of specialist hubs and units.

2. Conditions

1) Any new building or building extension (excluding goal posts, chimneys/flues, aerials and other such

plant) shall comply with the height in relation to boundary controls in the Tauranga City Plan from any

adjoining residentially zoned land.

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2) The operation of the facilities shall comply with the following noise limits at the boundary of any site

zoned primarily for a residential purpose, at a point 20m from the facade of any dwelling, or the site

boundary, whichever is closest to the dwelling:


Day/Time NOISE LEVEL (Leq) dBA

Mon – Sun, 7.00am – 10.00pm (0700 -2200)


Mon – Sun, 10.00pm –7.00am (2200 -0700)


LMAX = 75dBA

These noise levels shall not apply to noise from outdoor school activities occurring between 0800 and

1800 hours Monday to Saturday. Noise levels shall be measured and assessed in accordance with

NZS 6801:2008 “Measurement of Environmental Sound” and NZS 6802:2008 “Environmental Noise”.

Noise from construction shall not exceed the limits recommended in, and shall be measured in

accordance with, New Zealand Standard NZS 6803:1999 “Acoustics – Construction Noise”.

3) An Outline Plan shall not be required for:

a) Any internal building works other than those that result in a net increase in the number of

classrooms or classroom equivalents;

b) General building maintenance and repair work including but not limited to re-painting, re-cladding

and re-roofing;

c) Installing, modifying and removing playground furniture and sports structures (e.g. goal posts);

d) Amending any internal pedestrian circulation routes/pathways;

e) Installing, maintaining or repairing any in ground infrastructure services such as stormwater,

sewerage and water lines and connections, including any ancillary earthworks;

f) Provision of landscaping and gardens, provided that it does not conflict with any designation

condition or alter landscaping required as mitigation as part of an outline plan for other works; or

g) General site maintenance and repair work, or boundary fencing otherwise permitted by the City


4) For the primary school and early childhood education centre, on-site car parking shall be provided at the

rate of:

• 2.5 car parks per new classroom or classroom equivalent (to be allocated as visitor parking) plus

• One car park per 25 children for the ECE centre and one per ECE staff member

• One 99% car loading bay (or pick-up / drop-off bay) per 100 pupils

Except where the Council accepts, on the basis of a specifically commissioned parking study by an

appropriately qualified engineer and/or transportation planner, that a lesser level is appropriate.

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For the avoidance of doubt, this condition shall only apply where there is a net increase in the number of

classrooms or classroom equivalents.

5) The School Board of Trustees, shall develop a Travel Plan which provides specifically for measures to

reduce vehicle dependence, including walking school buses, carpooling, the encouragement of the use

of public transport, the use of remote pick up/drop off locations if appropriate, and the encouragement of

walking and cycling.

This Plan shall be developed in consultation with Tauranga City Council and shall be reviewed at the time

of submitting the establishment outline plan of works and each subsequent Outline Plan relating to

increased student capacity.

6) A Construction Management Plan shall be prepared and submitted with any Outline Plan for major site

works requiring earthworks or buildings.

7) Iwi representatives from the hapu with interests in the site shall be invited to monitor the disturbance of

topsoil and the top one metre of subsoil within the site.

8) The designation shall lapse on the expiry of a period of 10 years after the date is included in the District

Plan in accordance with section 184(2) of the Resource Management Act 1991 unless:

a) It is given effect to before the end of that period; or

b) The Council determines, on an application made within 3 months before the expiry of that period,

that substantial progress or effort has been made towards giving effect to the designation and is

continuing to be made and fixes a longer period for the purposes of this subsection.


1. This decision does not comprise an Outline Plan pursuant to s176A of the Resource Management Act

1991. The Requiring Authority shall submit an Outline Plan in accordance with that section of the Act to

the Tauranga City Council prior to commencement of works within the designation to allow the Council to

request changes if it is considered necessary. The Outline Plan is required to address those matters

outlined in s176A and any other matters referred to in these conditions.

2. Prior to construction regional consents for earthworks and stormwater management will be required.

3. Any works required to connect the project to the local road network outside of the designated area will

require approval of Tauranga City Council and should be in accordance with the requirements of the

Tauranga City Plan for the Road Zone.

4. Prior to works commencing on site, consent under the Resource Management (National Environmental

Standard for Assessing and Managing Contaminants in Soil to Protect Human Health) Regulations 2011

will be required.

5. In the event of discovery of any archaeological remains or koiwi during construction the Ministry will

implement a comprehensive accidental discovery protocol that includes reporting to hapu within whose

rohe the discovery occurs, closing the area of the site where the discovery occurs until such investigation

and actions required by the hapu, Heritage NZ, New Zealand Police and other relevant authorities are


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10.2 Reasons for these Conditions

Conditions 1 to 3 and condition 5 are consistent with those provided for all new school designations. As

such, it is the Minister’s preference that as far as practicable the wording of conditions relevant and common

to all schools remains consistent. Condition 4 aligns with the TCP parking standards.

Condition 2 has a higher limit for noise as the built area is a significant distance from the boundary and the

school will only be occupied for limited hours.

With regard to condition 5 the Travel Plan would be expected to address the following issues:

� Start and finish times at the ECE and primary school, and whether there is a need to stagger these to

alleviate demands on parking, particularly at pick-up times;

� Safe access across the roads to the school;

� Safe pedestrian and cyclist routes to and from the school, relative to the school catchment;

� Walking school bus routes; and

� Provision of on-site facilities for bicycles and scooters, based on actual demand

A commitment to the development of a School Travel Plan (STP) for the proposed primary school would

assist in the reassessment of the car parking space requirements and bicycle parking facilities at the Outline

Plan stage.

An additional condition 6 (requiring a Construction Management Plan (CMP)) is considered appropriate to

this site as it is effectively a ‘greenfield’ development site adjacent to an emerging residential community.

This CMP will include reference to cultural earthworks monitoring.

Condition 7 seeks a period of 10 years to give effects to the designation given the uncertainties around the

uptake of development in the surrounding area and the timing of increased demand for schooling in this


Within the scope of these conditions, any specific design proposal will be subject to an Outline Plan, where

the Council can comment and, if necessary, request changes to any detailed development proposals for the


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11 Conclusion

Pursuant to section 168 of the RMA, the Minister of Education seeks to designate a 4.5 ha site at Te Okuroa

Drive, Wairakei to enable the establishment of a school and ECE that is able to cater for students in years 0

to 8 and pre-school children.

The bulk and location of onsite buildings and sports fields, landscaping, parking and access/egress will be

confirmed through the Outline Plan process following separate detailed design processes subsequent to this


The assessment of the actual and potential effects on the environment within section 6 of this document

outlines that the proposed designation of the site for school will have positive social and community effects

on the surrounding community.

Any potential adverse effects with respect to amenity and character and traffic generation can be adequately

avoided, remedied or mitigated and the detailed design may be assessed and commented on by Council at

the Outline Plan stage, once the site has been appropriately master-planned and designed.

This assessment, which supports the designation of the site for the Minister’s public work (i.e. school); is

consistent with the purpose of the RMA and the Minister’s responsibilities under the RMA and the Education

Act, of providing for education facilities and opportunities. Designation of this site for a primary school will

also make an important contribution to the development of Wairakei.

It is considered that there is sufficient information within this notice to make a full assessment in order for a

positive recommendation to be made by Council on this notice under section 171(2) of the RMA.

The Minister requests that Council proceed to process this notice of requirement on a non-notified basis

pursuant to section 169 of the Act, and anticipates Council’s recommendation in due course pursuant to

section 171 of the Act.