
Report By: Swara Sawirs

Transcript of Report


By: Swara Sawirs

Audience• What have you found out about your audience?- I have found out what audience I should be targeting. The audience I should be targeting are

ABC1 which are middles class people or C2DE working class people. These would be the ideal customers to buy my magazine because it will feature different products which will cost them anything from £10 to a £100 depending on the product. For example, Vogue target ABC1 and AB social class people, 32% of their readers are AB classed which means they earn just under what the royal families earn and 67% of the readers are ABC1 which means 1% of their audience are C2DE. However, Vogue does this by featuring famous models and well known celebrities such as Cara Delavigne.

- I have found out that I should be targeting more females then males as the majority of the magazine will include women’s clothes and beauty products, however some men may be interesting in my magazine due to their job or their life style, which means the magazine will be suitable for both genders but personally I’m targeting women. In all the magazines I researched (Vogue, Glamour and Elle) they have had more female viewers than male viewers, however some of the magazines that are available online such as Glamour, they had a higher male parentage online than on print.

- My target audience are aged from 18-40 years old. It is a massive age difference but the displayed models, the writing and the clothes and products will all be suitable for anyone over 18 really, but mostly for people aged 18 to 40 years. GLAMOUR magazine had readers aged anything from 18-49 years old, VOGUE magazine readers are 66% aged 16-34 years, 28% are aged 35-54 years and the other 6% are aged 55 and over. ELLE magazine readers are 45% aged 18-34 years and the other 55% aged 25-49 years. It’s clear that fashion now is suitable for anyone who is still interested, no matter how old they are.


• What have you found out about your audience?- I have found out that most of my audience will or have already been in education or higher

education. Which means they will have a good idea of what the real working life looks like and most likely have a job in the industry they are specialized in which means they may be working class or middle class which is exactly who I’m targeting. 70% of Elle’s readers have been in education, 67% of Glamour’s readers have been in education and 52% of Vogue’s readers have been in higher education. Which means most likely at least half of my audience would of either been in or still are in education/higher education.

- I have found out that I should make my magazine available online as it will get more attention and some of the young adults prefer to read online rather than on paper. Glamour magazine, only 4% male read the print version, however, 29% read the online one. Which means if I make my magazine available online, it may catch more male attention then the print version will.

Market• What have you found out about the market?- I have found out that a lot of the fashion magazine have the exact same presentation, Elle,

Vogue and Glamour all have the same front page layout. They all have the model pose facing the audience as if the model is saying ‘look at me’, ‘buy me’. They all have their magazine name in big bold letters in a different font from the rest of the page. They will then have little headlines in different font and size, depending on the importance of the topic, all around the page. Those techniques catch the readers attention straight away and gets them to think the magazine is made especially for them!

- All magazine have near enough the same sort of content and information, all three magazines feature interviews, reviews and articles that feature famous celebrities/models. That content will be about a certain scene or about a certain person’s life and how they life it and it will feature them wearing clothes that are affordable by the public from well known shops such as TOPSHOT or H&M. this means that clothes should be affordable to working class people but it will mainly be affordable to ABC1 who are actually the target audience.

- I have found out that some magazines can get issues once a year or once every month. I will want my magazine to get printed out at the start of every season all 4 seasons, so therefore it will be featuring the right clothes for the right timing. Vogue Magazine gets issues once every month all for all 12 months and so does Glamour Magazine. However, LOVE magazine comes out twice a year, so I think having my magazine come out 4 times a year is a good idea as it will be different. Having my magazine comes out once every season means people will get more ideas about what fashion is trending and what they should be wearing for what season.

Production• What production considerations will you need to make?- I will need a studio and a photographer or two so I am able to take a photo shoot within the

magazine building. I will also need a makeup and a clothes artist to help the mode/celebrity get ready for the shoot so they wont be alone. I may need more than one photographer as it may be a good idea to have two photographers taking different images from different angels.

- I will need to get a editing team, graphic designs team and head of departments team to make sure every single piece of work in the magazine is getting done properly and getting checked over and over again so there will be no mistakes in the whole magazine.

- I will need a team of journalist to interview celebrities and models and to find the latest gossip and gather as much stories and articles as possible. Within a season I would like them to have as much information as possible about different people and therefore I will need a team of people who will sit and pick the best stories and to make sure they are not too personal, discriminating, out of line or have been twisted by the journalist.

- I will need a team of assistants who will get hold of the celebrities and offer them to be featured in the magazine, they will need to be very polite and enjoy their job so therefore we will have happy customers and celebrities and models will enjoy working with us. They will need to be there at the arrival of the celebrity so they know how professional the magazine work is.