Reopening Question · Maybe the teachers can wear a face shield instead of a mask? I only say this...

Reopening Question What do we need to consider to make sure you feel safe and supported as we plan for an eventual return to the classroom? my childs ability to learn properly and also be safe My child has adhd and wearing a mask isn’t an option for him. Constant cleaning of high touch surfaces Seating distance in the classroom i just want the children safe, but also want them to receive the education that they are supposed to. With the at home instruction, i feel like they did not learn everything that they should have, and I don't want them to fall behind. I don’t believe students returning for in-person lessons can be made safe in any way. My son is high risk and I feel strongly that online lessons should be offered.

Transcript of Reopening Question · Maybe the teachers can wear a face shield instead of a mask? I only say this...

Page 1: Reopening Question · Maybe the teachers can wear a face shield instead of a mask? I only say this because you can't see a teachers facial expressions thru a mask. ... and sharing

Reopening Question

What do we need to consider to make sure you feel safe and supported as we plan for an eventual return to the classroom? my childs ability to learn properly and also be safe My child has adhd and wearing a mask isn’t an option for him. Constant cleaning of high touch surfaces Seating distance in the classroom i just want the children safe, but also want them to receive the education that they are supposed to. With the at home instruction, i feel like they did not learn everything that they should have, and I don't want them to fall behind. I don’t believe students returning for in-person lessons can be made safe in any way. My son is high risk and I feel strongly that online lessons should be offered.

Page 2: Reopening Question · Maybe the teachers can wear a face shield instead of a mask? I only say this because you can't see a teachers facial expressions thru a mask. ... and sharing

Reopening Question

Just keeping everything clean and kids having their own supplies that parents would provide. Parents also contributing to keeping cleaning supplies, I.e Lysol or Clorox wipes, etc. replenished as teachers need. Social distancing, lunch hour adaptations, gym adaptations, mandatory masks in the building, cleaning protocol enhancements. While I don't think students can endure another semester of fully remote learning, I do think a rotating schedule of on and off-site during the week may work well here to reduce student population in the building at any given time. Smaller class sizes A clear plan of cleaning efforts and how classroom size and set up will follow the CDC guidelines I believe we need a hybrid plan allowing students to stagger times and keep the core subjects(English math and science) in person and allowing electives to be done online social distancing on buses and in other common areas A plan and communication regarding cleanliness in the classroom and buses. My daughter will be in second grade and my biggest fear is the younger kids adapting to social distancing measures. Also, I’m not comfortable with my daughter wearing a mask throughout the entire school day. In addition, sanitation procedures will be important. Stringent cleaning practices DAILY Clean environment, proper social distancing measures, structured and formalized plan that has been effectively communicated to all. social distancing Daily COVID-19 screening for staff and students As far as safety, I'd feel better knowing the details of how social distancing guidelines will be implemented and enforced within the schools. In the area of support, I would like information surrounding what before and after care will look like. For my child to attend school within the district, I would also need the Young Eagles program. That my children are going to get the education they deserve and need despite the circumstances. Especially those that have special educational needs. Distance learning is NOT for children with learning disabilities. Im not as worried about the virus as I am about our childrens mental and social needs. Hand sanitizing stations should be sufficient (along with mandatory masks in the classroom) Class Size Ratios, Sanitary Standards, option for HyFlex where possible (similar to Rowan University) so at-risk students can have option of attendance at school or home but still have equity with instruction if their peers are in brick and mortar vs cyber based. I just want to make sure all avenues are exhausted to consider the safety of the students and teachers. Having both in the district dealing with Pre-K thru 1st grade I just want them to be safe. I think re-opening needs to be considered based on age because what works for a 6th grader isn't going to necessarily work for a 1st grader, specifically within social distancing and keeping a mask on. As difficult as it is they should continue to remote learn until a vaccine is tested and present for all children and staff. Sanitation Yes How are we going to keep mask on the kids in k-5? Social distancing Social Distancing, plenty of times for the children to wash hands or use hand sanitizer throughout the day. If the child goes outside that they can possibly remove face mask for some fresh air. To wear a face mask throughout the day if need be.

Page 3: Reopening Question · Maybe the teachers can wear a face shield instead of a mask? I only say this because you can't see a teachers facial expressions thru a mask. ... and sharing

Reopening Question

Considering continuing online courses, I'm not comfortable at this time sending my kids back to school.. and the guidelines that are set right now that I've read don't seem like they would keep my children safe.. I'm debating on wether or not to send my children back I'm September.. I will have to survey how things progress.. but I think it would be a good idea for the school system to figure out what happens when parents as myself don't feel safe sending their children back to school.. please feel free to reach out to me about any of my thoughts or feelings Really consider whether or not social distancing is possible. To make sure everyone is safe and healthy. Maybe the teachers can wear a face shield instead of a mask? I only say this because you can't see a teachers facial expressions thru a mask. Just an opinion of course. I'm more than sure the staff/administration can come up with plans to keep everyone safe. I feel comfortable with my children returning to school. The only thing I would really like to see is bus aides for the younger children. Proper social distancing and daily disinfecting. All students are required to wear masks. Spaced out during lunch . And spacing them out on both sides of the table so they dont feel isolated. If rotating days at school should be by grade not 7a or 7b. They need outdoor recess but restrict activites distance learning for people who want it need to make sure that sick kids (or guaranteed because of sick family members) are able to stay home without penalty. The methods established for remote work this spring should be the main way assignments are given and accounted for, but they are in classroom for instruction - however, if they have to stay home, they should be encouraged to do so. I honestly think it's too soon my kids are already complaining that they have to wear mask. Hopefully outside gets better then I will feel more comfortable sending them back in fall that childrens temperatures are taken throughout the day. proper cleaning and sanitation of the school daily, limit the number of students in a class and remind students to wash their hands more frequently. Gloves worn along with new rules such as distancing, sanitizing, and all of that shenanigans stuff. So hard to answer. My daughter is a high risk, and has ashtma, so it is even hard for her to wear mask all day. I know the state says 6ft. But since my daughter is high risk I almost feel like if possible more then 6ft. Maybe have some barriers, maybe only a few students per classroom. Not switching classrooms, except for lunch. Temp check everytime someone enters the classroom. Have no touch sanitizer in the classroom or doorway before entering. Im sure I have more ideas but I cant think of it all. Wearing masks, spacing out desks/tables, policy on eating/drinking, cleaning of surfaces, seating on buses Ensure that students are socially distanced at all times, wear masks throughout the entire day and wash hands before and after each and every class/period. I am personally very hesitant for my son to return to school in September. Perhaps a half day or staggered schedule of combined distance and face to face learning could be used? The ability for frequent handwashing and minimizing loss if academics A balance between precautions and the children still being socialized properly, without them feeling isolated or becoming afraid of contact with other children/ adults. Having the children NOT wear masks. I would be comfortable with distant learning for time being as well. Parent schedules and safeguards aside from masks Temperature checks at all entrance points of the school. Scheduled hand washing breaks

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Reopening Question

Make sure everything is clean , and mostly for me make sure the kids are happy and not scared that they will not get sick. A clearly devised plan on how the children will be socially distanced as best as possible and what the cleaning process will look like. Making sure everything is clean and that masks are NOT required when they can be distant Small class sizes, to help social distancing work. Maybe stagger bell schedules to have less kids in the hallways..? Not sure really. Social distance Cleaning, limit sharing items (ie laptops, desks, writing items), enforcing not sending sick children to school, I am not comfortable with my children wearing masks. They will not be attending West Deptford schools until they are not made to wear a mask. Students need to be in school A clean environment. Mask if you have to.. might try and consider split sessions.... Protecting against sharing and touching of common objects, like doorknobs, gym equipment, lunch trays and sharing pens, gum etc. Stager times for students social distancing for the students We need to consider distance learning for the beginning of the year. I, personally, don't feel quite safe just yet sending them back into school buildings surrounded by so many other children/staff members. There's a second wave of COVID19 coming and this year's Flu season is supposed to be the worst we've seen in our time. Most children won't wear a mask, or will be distracting others by playing with their masks. Many of my teacher friends share my opinion on this matter. Social distancing Make sure kids and staff are free of virus before entering school. Cracking down on kids coming in with common colds and other mild illness, giving sick students the option to work remotely so they aren’t marked absent, setting aside more time during the day so the kids can wash their hands frequently. I don’t want my child to be forced to wear a mask. She is autistic and struggles with mask wearing. She loves school and I’d like to be able to see her return with as few drastic changes as possible. For their mental well-being the kids need to get back to a daily at school schedule with sports. Proper cleaning of the school and wiping down of desks when classes are changed should be considered. The school days with sports are long. In the current environment, attention should be given to the possibility of starting high school later with shortened class times to allow for children to have the proper rest to be the healthiest that they can be. The kids will abide with whatever rules are in place that help them get their daily routines back. Strict cleaning procedures Proper social distancing in classrooms. As much "normalcy" as possible. Hybrid scheduling school so that the students are not all exposed at one time to one another as well as staff We WILL be comfortable sending our kids under any circumstances you choose! Hoping for the closest thing to normal as possible.

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Reopening Question

-the number of children on the bus -providing a home school curriculum and schedule if we decide not to send our child into the school physically -providing masks if we do send our child -an outline of what our child's day will look like with potentially needing wellness and temperature checks in the morning -what will happen if a child has a cold, which could like look like covid systems-what will the protocol look like? -if a child is sick with a common cold, and has to stay out of school until symptoms clear, is it for 2 weeks? And if so, will they be penalized for being out so long and potentially held back from the next grade level? Normal cleaning routine. Nothing new needed. cleanliness, and reinforced stay home for any child being sick Cleaning high touch areas Kids not social distancing, wearing masks, size of classrooms, needs of child. Many factors should be considered even the size of family and age of its members... Available childcare options for parents that cannot stay home with their kids on potential remote days. Information on any testing protocols. I.e. will there be regular testing of staff once the school year commences. Distance learning as an option and no masks if they must return to the building. Follow dept of health recommendations and do not give in to parent demands. masks, disinfection of surfaces, nursing checks of students and staff More Sanitizing stations! That the children can actually keep their masks on for those long periods of time. Hand sanitizer throughout school and kids wear masks. kids safety Making sure the environment is still a constructive place to learn, concentrating on the children’s education and making that the first priority Just follow CDC guidelines and use common sense. Transmission is very low amongst children of all ages. Children NEED to be IN school. Masks, distance when feasible, hand washing. How comfortable the students are with coming back and parents work schedules if remote learning is going to play a role in the return to school District has done an excellent job so far. I’d like the communication to continue and trust that the district will continue to strive to implement plans for our students physical and mental well being. Social distancing in all circumstances Honestly, I just need my child back in school. As long as people are wearing masks and she’s as safe as possible, she will be in school. I will be doing distance learning. I don’t feel comfortable sending my children back with all the safeguards. It will be uncomfortable and sad that they are with friends but can’t interact with them. I am concerned about child care for my own children if we move to a hybrid approach. Also, how to accomplish small groups for our special needs students and allow for flexible seating. A Vaccine

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Reopening Question

Mask don't feel safe until things get better No child goes to school sick, I personally am fighting lung cancer and already tested positive for Covid 19 The safety of the students and teachers. Be willing to push people to be uncomfortable with masks if needed for safety. increased cleaning/supplying enough soap, wipes, antibacterial gel. Space in classrooms along with disinfecting work spaces between uses. Having the kids spray and clean work stations before and after uses. Hallway traffic at 1/2 compactly safety of students I honestly do not feel safe enough to send my daughter back in September. I’d prefer for her to continue virtual learning. Little kids cannot stay 6 feet apart from each other. It is not in there nature. And I will not send my daughter to school wearing a mask. I’m sorry. I don’t feel comfortable doing it. She’s 7 and it bothers her when being in a store for 20 minutes. Let alone wearing it for 6 hours in school. Es importante para mi , el garantizar que si se habren nuevamente las aulas de clase los niños van a tener un adecuado manejo de Bioseguridad en la salud, muchas gracias . That all the kids are safe. masks in the common areas I need to know that, if I were to get sick with covid because of my job, I would not be penalized for having to quarantine myself to protect the students and other staff. I personally don’t think there is anything the school can provide to make me feel safe sending my first grader. He can’t keep a mask on all day, and kids just love being close to one another. If we send him back to school we’ll have to stay socially distanced from our entire support network. I do really hope that the district will consider virtual learning for parents who are able to keep their kids home and also in classroom learning for the parents who cannot. Hopefully if the school can do this, the in classroom numbers will be small enough that proper social distancing can be achieved. Cleanliness / Sanitized Social distancing, split sessions and or internet learning. covid tests before returning to school for students and staff, temp check for everyone who walks into the school, hand sanitizer dispensers (non-touch ones). ENFORCE a stricter sick policy somehow (wish I had a suggestion how to do this). My son has asthma and cannot wear a mask all day long so I am not in support of masks for the students. If you are sick, do not come to school - plain and simple. Honesty policy if anyone has been exposed or if any family members have Covid to NOT send your child to school. Thanks! That proper screening will be in place so that if children shouldn't be in school because they are sick they are sent home and not aloud back without proper documentation from their family doctor. Supply masks, hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes. Be able to distance students in the room. Have a firm plan on how to handle students exhibiting a fever or symptoms. Have a plan to support teachers for their mental well-being while trying to navigate not only the instruction and safety of students, but the safety of staff, especially those with conditions that may put them more at risk. Temp checks, MD or APN on site (beyond school nurse), ability to test students with symptoms on site, reduced class sizes, for young students: assigned toys and materials I feel that the kids wearing masks all day in school is more harm than good. They will be breathing in carbon dioxide all day and the masks really do not keep the virus out anyway. Anxiety will be

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Reopening Question

accentuated as they will not be able to breathe properly as well. God bless you in making all of these decisions. I do not envy your job of ensuring safety for all of these children and staff members. Easing child and parent anxieties regarding returning to school as well as the transition to a new school environment. A vaccine would make me most comfortable. However, short of this, I would expect frequent cleaning of classrooms, bathrooms and common areas, antibacterial stations throughout the buildings, temperature screenings upon entering and requiring the use of masks. Cleanliness That my kids are on same schedule due to child care and that there is enough notice to make such plans. I don’t think that my kids could sit all day in a mask. Daily screening; proper sanitation protocols; alerts and communication of any positive cases found; no contact activities during gym or otherwise. encourage handwashing, please no face masks Hand sanitizer stations and frequent cleaning of commonly touched surfaces. hand cleaner Clear communication and expectations of children and teachers I think give people the option to attend school, and the ones who are not interested are able to opt for a virtual experience. This is not a one-size fits all, and people who want to attend (my family) and those who don't shouldn't be penalized. Distance Clean rooms & smaller classrooms with staggered class releases & masks in classrooms & halls. Approved masks as necessary. Everything? How long are kids/ staff/ teachers going to be required to wear masks per day? How are things like lunch, recesses, and gym going to be handled? Specific numbers on class and bus capacities? Honestly, it's difficult to answer such an open ended question. Perhaps it might be more effective to get parents to scale their concerns about these and the many other questions that we'll have going forward... some we don't even know that we have yet. Consider the fact that the special needs kids cannot wear masks, my son is communication impaired (literally learning language and needs to watch mouths when speaking for further learning) and my other has severe anxiety. Wearing a mask will be detrimental to their learning. I send my kids for socialization as well and learning in group settings , distancing for play and putting up barriers means school will be more negative than positive. Masks have been proven to provide no protection and breathing in carbon dioxide all day is unhealthy. Sadly my kids might as well as stay home to learn if masks and social distancing are required. Also a hybrid method will not work for the working parent. My three kids will be attending three different schools, how will the schedule be implemented? Will parents end up having to be home everyday since three kids mean three different schedules. And further even my first grader who is general Ed will not be wearing a mask due to the health risks and the fear it instills. I pray we can find a solution because masks and social distancing is an impossible task and unhealthy! Nothing, CDC shows children to be VERY LOW RISK for complications from this virus, schools should operate normally. This is a germ, and we’re all going to get it eventually. Stop the panic, open the school. Considering the schedule and how it will apply to teachers and their school age children. (If flex scheduling, a/b day options were discussed) I feel safe with what the staff dose now I had thyroid cancer im a diabetic im a high risk im just concerned that if the kids return i will get covid 19 Sanitizing

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Reopening Question

Provide PPE and disinfectant wipes Clean bathrooms and tables(desks) more often, even in the classroom Clear definitive plan for how to handle students who refuse or abuse use of PPE Class size Kids not jam packed together. I know this year my kids school bus( one child in 3rd,one in 4th) was crazy. They were the last bus stop to be picked up in the morning,and quite often the bus would pull away with my kids still standing,looking for somewhere to sit because the bus was completely filled with kids. Everything should be done to prevent that because of the current situation. What steps has the school taken to help ensure the health and safety of all? How will the school support the mental health of students upon return and combat any stigma against people who have been sick? How will we refer children who may need referrals for specialized support? How can I support school safety efforts, including through parent-teacher committees, etc? Recess, cafeteria, hallway social-distancing? Wearing of masks? PPE; cleaning procedures of the facilities; office staff and the amount of interaction they will have with visitors, staff and students. Specifically what will that interaction look like ie- required face masks, plastic barriers etc Low expectations; everyone's best will be different. A willingness to change; best laid plans somethings don't work, and altering them is ok. Emotional support for the kids and the grown-ups; it's going to be hard no matter what. I am concerned about bus transportation. Kids will touch many things on their way on and off the bus. I don’t feel as though my child is going to be safe NA Daily screening; proper sanitation protocols; alerts and communication of any positive cases found; no contact activities during gym or otherwise. I have always felt supported when dealing with any issues that arise in the district. The level of communication that is utilized is exceptional. As far as feeling safe, that is a tall order. As the pandemic numbers increase, specially in the younger demographics, I believe it will be very hard to properly provide all the services needed during a school day. Specially with those children who have special emotional or medical needs. When we do return, I feel that separating the school in to much smaller groups is the only way to achieve the social distancing needed to lessen the likelihood of the virus spreading while school is in session. Further, transportation will be very challenging given the size of the district and the guidelines set forth buy the state. However, given the districts track record of successfully navigating any challenges thrown its way, I know this will be another issue that will be handled swiftly, promptly and with the best interest of the students, staff and families in mind. My only concern is masks because my daughter has asthma and cannot wear a mask for hours on end A clear plan with protocols for dealing with the pandemic while providing high quality education. The younger the student the more in-person instruction is needed. I think schools should not reopen this year period. That is the only way to ensure that our kids are safe and it protects the parents too. Please make sure the kids are social distancing and everything is sanitized and clean after the students touch everything. Keeping us informed and options open for returning I think everyone should be required to wear masks.

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Reopening Question

Make sure all students have enough space to social distance and make sure there are hand sanitizer stations in many locations and masks are worn if there is not enough space to stay distant. That we find a way to keep everyone protected. I wear my mask but not everyone does. I understand that with less people in the building it can be a little lax but I think if we are bringing back close to 1000 people in our building the protection needs to be mandatory for all. I think the protection needs to go both ways. Double barrier. i have no concerns at this time Parents who are not able to work from home. I have child care concerns How many students are in the classroom and how they are going to be socially distancing when they sit so close together? Clear, written guidelines for staff and parents to follow to ensure everyone's safety by grade level. Maybe consider each school or grade level having bi-weekly meetings for the staff to discuss updates in regards to any type of policy changes as the school year goes on. This way, we are all on the same page and can work through the extreme changes as a team. This would provide an opportunity for us to support each other with adjusting and coping with the major changes that we will be implementing. I need to know my child is safe. However I need to know they are not scared or nervous and that they are comfortable. I think that it will be impossible for students to wear masks no matter their age. Social distancing will even be difficult for most student’s especially those who get easily distracted. Please be sure to consider kids with ADHD and other special needs. I’d hate to see them get in “trouble” for not following the rules when it’s difficult for some kids to follow them to begin with. It will cause unnecessary additional stress for many kids with special needs. I believe students at the middle school level and up (except for medical issues/special education documented) should be required to wear masks. Definitely smaller classes. I have 27-30 kids in my classes and there is definitely not room for 6 feet apart. Proper social distancing both in the classroom and on busses, PPE, temperature screenings, reinforcing to parents to keep sick children home, as well as reinforcing social distancing rules to the students. I feel confident that our cleaning procedures will follow CDC recommendations. I hope that the custodial staff will follow through with thorough sanitation in following the procedures that are set up. I am concerned with the ability to keep students as far apart as we would need to as well as the students’ ability to follow the guidelines (proper hand washing, wearing a mask, touching everything within reach, etc). I am slightly concerned with the need to use my saved sick days, or days without pay, if I would be exposed to COVID-19 in school or anywhere else. A reasonable plan, these unrealistic ideas that are out there are like I said unrealistic basically putting our kids in boxes I just want things back to normals as possible I will not send my child with a mask. Also, if their education is disrupted any more than it already has been, I will be removing them from public school permanently. The probable environment this school year is not beneficial and will not provide kids with a proper learning environment. To keep me informed of any changes and safety concerns that involve my children First, I feel as though we definitely need some kind of an in person instruction. With that being said, if it makes parents feel more safe for the staff to wear masks, then we should. I know it’s emphasized every year but if your child has a fever in the last 24 hours, do not send them to school. Maybe to enforce this, have the students’ temperature taken before entering the building or entering the classroom. This is a big task to undertake that obviously the nurses cannot do by themselves so staff volunteers will be needed. I

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Reopening Question

as a staff member and as a parent am not nervous or hesitant to get back into school. I know that the West Deptford School System will do what is right and safe for everyone. There must be not risks to come back. I thivnk we can hold distance learning for more time. It's better to stay safe at home because children don't know how to keep social distancing or even a mask. There must not be any risks to come back to school. I feel all students should be required to wear a mask at all times just as everyone else is required. Also I have concerns about being able to space the students. I usually have large class numbers. Passing of classes in the hallway between class periods is packed as well. my child will not carry COVID-19 back to my home To make me feel safe and supported in the classroom I personally believe we need smaller class sizes, individual working supplies for the students, proper space precautions for the students, and proper sanitization in the classroom where we know the classroom has been cleaned. In the past I have felt my classroom has not been properly cleaned on a regular basis, during the time of Covid-19 I hope we can make our schools clean as possible and I’m willing do you whatever that takes. I know this cannot be an easy process for administration, thank you for taking our thoughts into consideration! Comprehensive disinfection process That your decisions are based on the advice, recommendations, and guidelines of noteable HEALTH PROFESSIONALS and HEALTH ORGANIZATIONS. And that such decisions are NOT the result of political or social influence. Keep the kids in a safe environment with all of the COVID precautions taken. I don’t want an online teaching system because I know they will not be taught the same. I feel that it’s important for the kids to be in the classroom. That the children are safe I won’t feel comfortable sending my child back until there is a vaccine. Even if I could drill it into her that she has to wear a mask all day, which I doubt as a 6 year old she will, if other students are not then she is at risk. I’d like there to be an option for virtual learning for those of us who don’t want to send them into school. Not allowing those with fevers in, doing your best to follow guidelines That the children feel safe. They are returning to a whole new way of school. This could be a rough transition for some kids. Especially with all of the new rules and regulations. We want to be sure our kids are obviously safe while at school. We don't think they should be wearing masks for their entire school day, but could understand wearing them when moving about the building. Hallway activity should be limited and it would be important to limit social interaction when possible. We do feel it's important for the kids to get back. to school to resume learning from their teachers. A more traditional classroom setting is probably something we'll need to get back to for now but as long as there are clear guidelines for everyone to follow, we can have a successful school year. I think length of time in the building and the amount of exposure should be considered on a daily basis. If a staff member isn't comfortable being in building due to so much public interaction that should be taken into consideration. Well organized plan for maintaining and obtaining cleanliness of the school environment. Also, ensuring kids are able to be given a normal school environment. Wearing masks for younger children are not ideal throughout the entire day although it’s required at this time. Most children will not keep these masks on throughout the entire day. Being informed of any potential new cases with staff and other students in regards to COVID. Reinforcing reason for why precautions are taken into effect to the students in order for them to gain a better understanding.

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Reopening Question

An enforceable plan for individuals identified as ill - to be sent home and for it to be enforced uniformly across all schools . my childs ability to learn properly, have social interaction and also be safe A plan with both in school and virtual learning days. Smaller classroom sizes on in school learning days so the idea can still practice social distancing. And a consistent group for in school learning, like a pod. Temp checks. Masks. And possibly filling out a weekly Covid form. I feel completely safe, but please get input from some or all of the Physical Education teachers about how our classes will look with social distancing guidelines in place. We have the most amount of students at one time, we need to be involved in the process. Thank you!!! -Kristen That there is enough room for social distancing and air ventilation and students should have to wear masks no matter what!! I am concerned about child care for my own children if we move to a hybrid approach. Also, how to accomplish small groups for our special needs students and allow for flexible seating. If West Deptford goes back to online classrooms again, my child will go to private school instead. The spring semester was a waste of time this year. Sufficient disinfecting supplies within reach for equipment and also children and staff. Also, access to enough materials, ensuring that children do not have to share resources throughout the day, as realistically there will not be enough time to disinfect in between uses during the school day. Social distancing and hybrid school and few kids per day. Currently all is good. Continue to offer hand sanitizing stations. I personally do not think there is much that can be done. The children are too small to wear masks for such an extended time. They are also too small to understand why they cannot be close to their friends. How will they understand the teachers with mask on? I have several concerns and unfortunately do not see any solutions that the school itself could offer. Perhaps consider half-days live in-school, with the other half of the day being in virtual format, Monday-Thursday. "Group A" is 50% of the student population, they would come in to school Monday & Tuesday in the AM, go virtual in the PM with 1 at-home assignment for that virtual half-day. "Group A" comes in to school on Wednesday & Thursday in the PM, with 1 at-home assignment in the AM. "Group B" simply does the opposite of Group A's schedule. Fridays could be a deep-clean day for all buildings district-wide, with a full virtual format on all Fridays. That plan keeps all students live, learning, accountable, and in-school 4 of the 5 days per week. --- Staff works full days Monday-Thursday, and like the students, staff members are also in the full-virtual format on all Fridays while all schools are deep-cleaned. --- Consider polling parents who have multiple students enrolled, as it would help logistically if all children from 1 household had the same in-school-VS-virtual schedule, whether Group A or Group B. ---- Consider keeping all Fall Sports, but with no games against other schools maybe. Follow that same format of Group A and Group B "pods" format for teams of 20 or more players. That keeps students healthy, focused, driven, active, and involved in school spirit, just in a 50% attendance per day atmosphere with a practice-only format. That also keeps multiple coaches who rely on their stipends as income to be compensated while still making a lasting impact on the crucial development and character of their student athletes. Hand washing and gel As this is new territory it is hard to say. Working from home is the safest option. Though I do believe if we need to return I feel the custodial staff does a great job and the remaining staff will do all they can to keep things safe for everyone. A child's need for social interaction and friends.

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Reopening Question

Distance and space between all of the children in classrooms, hallways, cafeteria, as well as buses. Possibly having an option to have am/pm school sessions, staggered school schedules. Smaller classrooms so the children can be spread out. Maintain cleanliness to the CDC specifications. Try to be outside as much as possible so the kids can get a break from wearing masks How strict will the policy of face masks be for all staff and students in the building? I also work between 2 schools in Medford and my kids go to WDPS. I have a real concern that schools having different requirements will cross contaminate each other. I also have a real concern about my son Logan that will be starting Kindergarten in Greenfield's. He has been wearing a mask in public with no issue. But I'm concerned other parents will not require this of their child putting mine at greater risk. Does the school have answers to these questions yet? I understand this is a very difficult situation. Thank you for your time. Holly Lovell Wellness checks for everyone, every day. Hand sanitizer everywhere, open ventilation increased sanitizing. How to deal with attendance and regulations-restrictions if/when positive cases are identified. Smaller class sizes Increased frequency of classroom cleanings- son is kindergarten age and unfortunately still puts things in his mouth I honestly think you should continue remote learning, I don't feel comfortable sending my child back in September!! I rather her be able to do remote learning at home because she is a high risk person and so am I. For this reason I an scared of her getting it and bringing it home to me also. The social distancing and mask wearing but also you need to make sure your ventilation is good quality Make it as normal as possible. That your plan is a practical solution for the younger children. That bussing will be done with these things in mind, that parent schedules are considered if staggering start times. Instruction for advanced students I believe that more measures should be taken to prevent the schools from containing the virus. For example, the water fountains should be turned off to prevent students that don't have hygiene. The masks should be worn every moment for people that have asthma and other types of diseases, sickness or diagnosed. Is it possible to check the students' temperatures as they enter the building? Social distancing, students should be required to wear masks, PPE and sanitizer given, buildings sanitized, not allowing those that are sick to be in the building Our children will be attending the middle school and high school and are confident they will adjust to “the new normal”. My husband and I have discussed safety measures with them both. Our only concern is our son who has asthma. He will need some breaks without wearing a mask. We feel for both our children’s mental health they need to return to school and have some sort of normalcy back in their lives esp our daughter who will be entering her senior year. We are confident WD will do what is best for our children and support the decisions that are made. You tell me! I am ready to get back in there as long as we follow the state guidelines(distancing, masks, regular cleaning, etc). Thanks! Social distancing and smaller classes or a combination of at home distance learning to balance risk and keep kids safe. assignments more consistent between different teachers (especially virtually), not too many students in each classroom, make sure students keep masks on especially in common areas and on buses

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Reopening Question

Safe distance between students, providing hand sanitizer, plans for distance learning if numbers begin to increase, if split schedules are being considered please try to sync siblings. Wearing of masks should be mandatory, not optional Consistent 6 feet apart and enforced by staff. Extra port a potty with staff to clean after use. Modified gym. Outdoor band and choir weather permitting or just do zoom after school for thise activities . Extra councelors for mental health due to stress fear etc To have the surfaces of areas that students sit at and touch like door handles, bathrooms, desks Disinfected after every period. Just knowledge that things are being sanitized and actions taken to be as careful as possible, knowing that it's extremely difficult to do that all with young children. The American Academy of Pediatrics actually came out with a statement yesterday strongly advocating children returning to school in the Fall. In it, they recommend 3 feet between the younger children, and I'd be more than ok with this. Most importantly, I would just like the school to be open. I think it's so important for the children, both from an educational and social angle, to be present in school with their teachers. Thanks. You need to consider the fact that younger elementary aged children will not completely understand social distancing in the classroom especially under the instruction of just one adult to 20+ kids. Also, pick up/ drop off and busses are all very concerning. My son was a "walker" the past 3 years at Oakview and pick up/drop off was a disaster! And that was without Covid-19 being involved at all. Now my son will be a bus rider but I feel like the bus will be one of the worst places for anyone to be with this virus around so I will drive him and pick him up which I would think a lot of parents will if they are able. I would think a procedure should be made for a safe social diatancing pick up for parents, students and staff. Thank you! That everyone (staff, parents, and students) follows and takes every step to maintain a healthy and safe school. I don't think is safe to send my kids to school. I have 2 girls, one is 7 years old with different health issues. Allergies to food, Asthma, severe Eczema among others. What a 7 years old kid know about social distancing, don't touch their face and wear a mask for several hours? is too much for kids. My older daughter is 16 years old with Asthma ans other health problems as well. I think she will keep her mask on and maintain social distancing only when she's under supervision by a teacher or school staff member. I would like if possible if the WD department of Education can provide me with Homeschooling options and information. Thank you! I feel with re-opening is going to be a challenge within itself. During the warmer months we can I feel keep the windows and doors open so that there isn’t so many little hands touching them. With the outside doors maybe there can be a foot pedal in which the door automatically can open without physically touching it. Mask and sanitation station . Being sanitary and overly cautious. Students need to return in September. Hand washing and sanitizing stations throughout the building. In the event the schools close again, you should have a back up plan in place for virtual learning that actually includes virtual instruction and virtual classes throughout the day, not just emailing work and tests and expecting these children to know what they're doing. Professional cleaning services for the building. Not just a few janitors I don't have an answer for this question. Don't think there's anything that can be done but I know the staff will try their best. I am comfortable with everything, it is more about the kids feeling comfortable-I think kids wearing masks are going to be very difficult to work with.

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Reopening Question

It all depends on the Covid numbers and risk of infection. Figuring out the students wearing masks. Social distancing for the students the safest way. Making sure there is frequent hand washing I think it's not very realistic to keep the kids in masks all day because they usually end up down under their noses. I don't know how you're going to manage keeping kids 6 feet apart on the buses. Are you going to have more buses? With the classrooms already being small as it is, maybe putting up the Plexiglas barriers could be helpful. Obviously everything will need to be disinfected daily. Maybe rather than the kids switching classrooms throughout the day, instead the teachers can navigate to the different rooms. This way the kids can keep all of their belongings in one central location, and have less of a chance for cross contamination. Just the basic practices keeping an appropriate distance making sure everyone can wash/sanitize when needed and during any changes the schools have to have enough cleaning supplies, make sure the kids are spaced out. Have ever people to clean the bathrooms, classrooms hourly, A clean and safe environment. I am not concerned about my 3 children being safe when school resumes. I believe that all 3 had the virus starting the 2nd week of February. I have not had them tested for the antibody but I tested positive for the antibody 2 weeks ago. I am more concerned with my children getting a quality, in classroom, education with as few distractions as possible (no masks). Distant learning did not work well for my three children this past semester. Provisions for my student so he is kept safe from spread of infection...clean classrooms and diligence with students who are sick being excluded from school Special needs children are represented. I worry about my son’s needs able to be met- through no fault of anyone. The masks are a hinderance to the hearing impaired. Nothing. Open normally. I do not have any concerns. I have complete trust in your decision and know you will have the safety of all students your first priority. Unfortunately we are living in very difficult times right now and I will just pray that my Senior can have as normal of a year as possible. His Marching Band has already been told they can not attend ACC’s in Hershey that is the first disappointment of his senior year! Just extra deep cleaning and close eye on students. With them all returning they will all be less resilient to even the common cold! Mental health of all the students and staff with the new cdc guidelines. No masks don’t want my children sitting all day breathing in exhaled carbon monoxide Make sure my son will be safe in school and you take all precautions necessary to make sure everything in school is sanitized. EVERYONE, students and staff, have to be required to wear masks at all time. Anyone who claims they "can't" wear a mask must provide medical documentation before being allowed in the building. I will not feel comfortable returning to teach unless this is what happens and anything less is a complete affront to me as a person and a professional. I have two potential preschoolers entering this year. One in the disability program and one who will be 4 in September and has airway defects. I honestly don't think there is much that you can do to create a safe environment for such young children in a group setting. I also have a third grader who I know will touch his mask/face constantly and chew on it and will defect all purposes of keeping him safe. I don't have much comfort in sending any of them to the classroom, especially with the unknown of what Covid-19 could do to my daughter with the defects.

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Reopening Question

In my opinion there is not too much that you can do. Kids will be kids and I am sure that my son as well as other kids will have issues keeping their masks on. I am sure that without a shadow of a doubt that from a school's stand point you will follow all social distancing guide lines. Before and after school care. Safety of my child on bus and during school There needs to be a commitment and education so that everyone follows the same rules. Teach kids and teachers how to properly wear a mask and have people around to point it out when they're not. Eg. Masks on and over your nose. Smaller classrooms and/or bigger classrooms like in a gym and auditorium where separation can be established. Maybe a few days at home and a few days in school to reduce classroom size but with the SAME schedule so everyone is still together even if they are at home. Lunchtime with smaller amounts of kids and tables cleaned after each session. Maybe put up a tent or two outside the cafeteria in the parking lot or across the street in the field to keep on schedule and create more room. Even in the winter, tents can be warmed with heaters. Maybe they can do double duty and serve as lunch rooms and then classrooms when lunch is over. In Millville, when our school was too small, they brought in temporary trailers as extra classrooms. Definitely need sports and activities! For their overall health but especially for their mental health, kids need to socialize and move. Smaller class sizes to allow for social distancing and cleaning products within the classrooms Make sure communication is open and provide updates regarding precautions being taken to keep the children and staff safe. Overall cleanliness and 100% transparency with what is going on Make masks an option. Do not take away recess or gym time. The kids are anxious enough with everything and I believe that school should be more of a normalcy for them. Better cleaning and sanitizing. Limiting groups of close contact. I think even in the end of March a great job was done. Mask wearing can't be optional Social distancing and sanitizing Split schedule half week home half at school. Too many adults and students to feel safe. That every student take the conrona test before coming back How to get students to socially distance and make sure that students are wearing masks. Temp check at every door, masks, hand santizer, reduced class size I don’t feel the kids will keep masks on properly throughout the day. A detailed plan explaining how u will be able to maintain a social distance in young kids while making sure they are accounted for at all time; limit the amount of time required to wear a face mask; how frequent will disinfecting of high touch areas; will temperatures be taken daily of all staff and students, etc. If the schools can’t maintain social distance safely and mask are required, will schools consider face shields as a substitution? Think it will be difficult to come up with a perfect plan. I would feel safe if the children were required to wear masks in the hallway and other crowded locations. I truly believe you will do everything necessary to ensure the students safety upon return to their schools and you will continue following the guidelines by the NJDOE. Through it all, there has been a lot of communication and keeping parents/ caregivers informed.

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Reopening Question

Virtual learning..I'm not comfortable with my children going back because their not wear masks and kids always spread germs Sanitize the building nightly I just need my daughter to return to school. Distance learning has been detrimental to her mental health. Mask and social distancing Our family would be most comfortable with a virtual teaching environment only. We are considering home schooling options if it is mandated the children return to school physically in the fall. We realize not everyone is in a position to home school their children and it will be a temporary hardship/inconvenience for our family as well. However, that is our current opinion and is subject to change in this fluid situation. The potential negative health ramifications seem to outweigh other benefits for our family at this time. Personal protection equipment Kids required to wear masks Cleaning supplies/wipes to disinfect manipulatives Reduced student population Consistency among elementary buildings Everything needs to be considered Number of students. How are they going to safely be kept apart. How can you guarantee that the students will not get sick because The fact that once school starts by October or November so many kids are out sick anyway. Health and safety of our children Communication and consistency is Key. Making sure there is a way for kids to return to school in a safe capacity im sure is challenging. My main concern would be the capacity they return to school in? Would it be best to stagger "in school" and "remote learning" days as a trial period to make sure we are doing whats best for our kids? The health safety of the children and staff. Mandatory face mask Social distancing in hallways, classrooms, on buses, lunch rooms, gym classes, locker rooms , making sure students receive adequate time to eat and have recess... not shortening periods to allow for staggered lunches/ recess. Making sure restrooms are sanitized constantly. Social distancing obviously but I know that is going to be challenging. I think mainly just communicating a plan as to what will be in place as we move forward. Mask and social distancing In our household both parents work and we understand safety measures need to be taken but at the same time having possible half days or split schedules will be extremely difficult to do even with having young eagles it was tight for us to make pick up times. Also, having barriers up to separate desks honestly to me feels like a prison box for each student, limiting interaction with kids will impact their mental health more than people think and limiting interaction also prevent their ability to even build any sort of immune system. It difficult because I don't want to jeopardize safety of these kids but no matter what is decided we can't keep them 100% safe. Not everyone can wear a mask. It makes my son feel lightheaded and nauseous As a high school teacher myself in a large school, it is imperative that children go back into the classroom with a sense of security. I will be sending my 8th graders to class in September. As a parent and teacher, I’m simply looking for common sense precautions that do not hinder the educational day. The students need a sense of normalcy and schools can provide that. If a parent is not comfortable sending their child back, then don’t. We need to keep in mind that the kids will not learn if we restructure

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Reopening Question

the school day to look like a hospital ward, a non traditional space or staggered scheduling. Thank you, Samantha Jones-Damminger 973-477-0763 You need to consider the following: 1) Masks are restriction and children with anxiety can't wear them, 2) They haven't worn masks period, you are asking a huge burden. 3) some parents have the ability to keep the virtual learning going, and some of those kids are thriving in that environment 4) My child in particular has asthma and can't breath as it is.. Masks interfere 5) Social distancing is not possible with bussing of 3 schools for one bus is your plan moving forward 6) Planning a one size fits all plan is not acceptable. 7)Children with speech therapy and learning phonic sounds wont be able to keep up with out seeing the mouth movements of the teacher. 8) I think waiting till january 1st to re-open is a better plan due to the spikes coming from other states. 9) What happens when a covid positive case happens. 10) Arrangements for child care in the event of hybrid schedules for parents that do need to work. 11) If parents want their children to come back take a survey and see what accommodates most children. Wearing a mask for an entire day is completely unrealistic. For any child. I urge you to consider this when attempting to create a "normal" return to school for our children. Social distancing. I do think the kids need to wear face masks when I’m close contact but I am also concerned about the comfort and issues with use of those all the time. Proper sanitizing and consider staggered attendance to cut back on classroom crowding. Cut back on sharing supplies and consider staying with the same kids for lunch, recess, etc to cut down on exposure. Taking temperatures since parents do send their child to school even when a child has a temp Continue distance learning. The children need to return to a sense of normalcy in their academic environment. They need to be able to socialize with their peers as well as be able to obtain an in-classroom education from their instructors. Realistic expectations need to be the goal in returning the children to school and keeping their structured environment is important. Masks being worn all day is not realistic, especially for grade school aged children. Will PPE be provided for children? Will they be social distancing in the classroom and bus? With possible increase in parent drop-off and pickup lines will school start times be extended? Will they be required to wear face masks? If students return to school on split schedules, will siblings in different buildings attend schools on the same days? Will the Young Eagles Program be open? If a child has to quarantine or becomes ill, will they have the option to distance learning? Will social and emotional support be provided to children? Sanitation Ability for students to wash hands and not always use hand sanitizer. Consistency if doing hybrid learning to be considerate of working parents and working teachers with their own children. Mental health support For students and staff as they will be facing a lot of change and rules that they will not be used to. Through cleaning of desks and bathrooms

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Reopening Question

Through cleaning of busses between routes. We want our kids back in the classroom. We are not overly worried about kids contracting or spreading the virus. Remote learning is not going to work for pre k Kids can be 6 feet apart at all times, masks worn while in the classroom and hallways. Bathrooms, desks sanitized and hand sanitizer available. Extra santitation Find a way to cover the cost of online k-12 schooling. Not what we had this year, but established programs. Everyone did a lot of hard work this year but no one knew what they were doing. We need an option that is tried and true. What we are doing now with segregating ourselves and our children and wearing masks is not good for our children’s emotional well being. Partitions are only going to make the kids feel more isolated than they would feel if they were at home with parent. My child is finally starting to feel normal again and not depressed. She can not return to the mess our government has created. We will not send her back to a masked teacher she has never even heard of in a strange school with the adults in masks, making them even more intimidating because you can not see a smile, with markings on the floor and partitions separating them from the friends that would offer them a little bit of security. Not going to happen. I am more worried about mental health than physical health at this point. Sanitation No mask I think there needs to be an alternative for those not comfortable sending their children into the classroom for a variety of reasons and in these instances, there is a structured online learning environtment. Keeping a safe distance I’m concerned about mental health, they need the education and instruction from teachers but they need interaction and outside play I’m concerned all the time spent taking temperatures, separating bus rides, drilling all these rules will create major anxiety and so much time out of learning . The day flies by as it was without all these things to take away from learning time social distancing. make sure things are sanitized through out day.washing hands and drying with paper towels not with air dryer. Hand sanitizer and as much face to face time with the teachers as possible. Be it in the classroom or virtual face to face teaching. I don’t think all kids are cut out to self teach online. Having the teacher being videoed as they are teaching and an online zoom actual time is a great option. Make the kids accountable and check in at classroom time. They need structure more than ever. I’m am proud of our district and all we accomplished!! Let’s keep setting the bar high and we will all adapt. [email protected] Continue to provide ongoing communication & be willing to adjust protocols as necessary not making masks a requirement! It should be a choice Clean environment, social distancing and masks REQUIRED working parents, kids wearing masks all day long is not practical, after care kids and if huge corporations aren’t going back until 2021 why are the kids!! I need a guarantee that the school will try and get the kids back in school live. Need to know busing will not be an issue, these kids already spend a lot of time on the bus and the company that manages this hasn't been so great about other things in the past and the district doesn't seem to have any influence over them. I need a guarantee that protocols will be in place to ensure safety. Good communication and following cdc guidelines. Just continue keeping things clean and well sanitized

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Reopening Question

Kids and teacher safety comes first...I'm good with the distance learning until this virus has subsided enough to where we don't have to question the "what ifs" Making sure all staff is wearing a mask at all times while working indoors. Measures are in place to ensure that out kids are safe, that there is enough sanitizing agents available so the kids can be safe Communication Social distancing in the classroom and cafeteria. Policy on sending sick children to school as well as possible alternatives for working parents That the kids are safe with limited exposure. Also, that there is understanding for the younger kids because this transition was not easy for any of them and it will be a big adjustment to be back in a school setting after a long period of time. Maybe an air purifier to cleanse the air would help. Getting vents cleaned. Ensuring there is enough hand sanitizer in the class or as for donations from parents. Clean the school playground once a group of students is done playing. Wipe down desks at the end of the day (students should be able to help with this). Set expectations for masks. Realize it make be hard to wear a mask for students who are non verbal or during speech classes when mouth movement is vital. With that in mind consider keeping class numbers low in an effort to have some form of spacing between students. Space out circle time. Ensure that parents are conscious of sending students to school with flu like symptoms. Wipe down buses after pick up and drop off At this point in time, I can’t even envision it is possible. If you can solve the changing of classes, and the mass of students in the hallways, that would make me less uneasy about the prospect. Mask and social distancing. More important is the education I don't believe the kids get from virtual learning. My son learning nothing from virtual learning at all. masks, social distancing, limited amount of students in the classroom, possible alternating schedules, disinfecting everything and making sure both the students and staff and parents remain safe and covid-19 free. Classroom size Daily Temp checks prior to entering the school & Masks required for entry by all. Disinfecting stations throughout the school with sanitizing of buses being a must. Additionally the school could consider a modified/hybrid school week depending on the current situation of the virus in our area come fall. One idea to lessen in person attendance by offering remote learning sessions 3 days per week with 2 in person days per grade. For example: 9th - 10th graders attend on Monday, Wednesday and 11th - 12th grades on Tuesday, Thursday. Prevent germs from swirling around the hand drying blowers in the bathrooms! a good social distancing plan and sanitation. Smaller class size, aides on buses. Lunch in classroom to avoid exposure to more students Students maintain 6 feet distance; masks required; fewer days onsite (maybe 2 onsite school days and the rest virtual) That my elementary age daughter cannot be expected to wear a mask for an entire school day or while attending to any physical activities including recess. The ages of the children involved. This is not one size fits all. My high schooler can follow social distancing rules much easier than the 4 year olds who were in the classroom I worked in this year. distance and safety tools to protect students

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Reopening Question

Proper cleaning protocols, plenty of prep time for teachers to accommodate in-person and digital learning, and devices for kindergarten students if possible. In my kindergarten classroom, I currently have tables which don’t seem conducive to social distancing. If we are going to be asked to follow certain protocol to keep the kids safely distanced from one another, we do need to think about how the classrooms are set up. Tables don’t seem to fit what we’re looking for unless we place half the normal numbers of kids at each table. In addition, teachers need to have additional time to plan for our in-person lessons, as well as digital learning for students who are not coming to school each day. It’s a lot to prep for in-person learning, so I can only imagine what it will look like with digital learning added on. I look forward to being back at school, but there are a lot of measures that need to be changed to make it safer for everyone. Less students per class, lots of hand washing/sanitizer. Screening kids for fevers and other symptoms. Being very understanding g about both staff and student absence. Manageable schedule for working parents, Interactive distance learning (if needed), Sanitizer for hands and surfaces A plan is in place that ensures the staff has ample time to sanitize heavily used areas. Also a schedule that allows for propper social distancing to be observed. I know the school is doing their best to insure that everyone is safe during this time. I will support you all in your decision All kids wearing mask until at there desk and maintain safe distance in classrooms All kids wearing mask until at there desk and maintain safe distance in classrooms That my kids won’t feel like they are in some kind of concentration camp scenario. That they will still be able to interact with their teachers and friends in the same respect as before. Social interaction and the ability to touch one another is a big aspect in a child’s ability to grow in a healthy way. Daily sanitizing of high touch surfaces, masks Cleanliness. Social distancing. That our children and protected of course. Space! The children need to be able to distance. I feel that it would be the standard 6ft as per the CDC without face coverings but I am also comfortable with 2 to 3 feet with face coverings. Changes will need to be made to the classrooms to allow for space along with a new plan in place for lunches. I am ok with no gym or other extra specials for the time being knowing that they will return as we become safer from covid. I trust that you are planning accordingly in order to keep our children safe when they return to school and I as well as many other parents would like to be kept in the loop about changes, decisions, and procedures that are being considered and or put into place. Strict rules to parents about keeping kids home when sick. I think keeping in contact and updated on how the plan to return to schools is important and how this virus will be handled to control the spread That all staff and students are monitored for signs of Covid19 and that everyone is properly educated that if they are sick they should stay home. We need to consider the mental health of our staff and students as well as our physical health. Students will hopefully have the opportunity to move, play outside, and socialize with other classes. Just something to consider as I’m sure the guidelines will be changing before September. I'm hoping for a return to school with as normal a routine as possible. Holding as many classes as possible outdoors when the weather permits. When indoors keep windows open to allow air flow. Also keep ventilation systems as clean as possible. Wearing masks should be

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Reopening Question

mandatory, as well as providing time and additional areas for frequent hand washing with soap and water. I do not think social distancing is possible with kids in school or on buses. I think we should continue with online learning. The numbers are just rising. No concerns. I feel we should get back to normal. Thanks! Temperature checks for people entering the offices as well as the classrooms. Thorough cleaning/disinfecting of the offices as well as the classrooms. Most young children, especially those 12 and under, will not voluntarily social distance. Communication. If one child’s family gets sick, how will you track it to each child in contact with the exposed student? temperature scanning of all who enter building, masks mandatory in halls I feel confident that our cleaning procedures will follow CDC recommendations. I hope that the custodial staff will follow through with thorough sanitation in following the procedures that are set up. I am concerned with the ability to keep students as far apart as we would need to as well as the students’ ability to follow the guidelines (proper hand washing, wearing a mask, touching everything within reach, etc). I am slightly concerned with the need to use my saved sick days, or days without pay, if I would be exposed to COVID-19 in school or anywhere else. I honestly don’t know what would make me feel comfortable at this time ?? Deep cleaning everyday in between classes which I realize is unrealistic!! I’m very unsure about how your going to keep my son others students staff safe ! I feel safe with the guidelines as they are That students should be required to wear masks, not just teachers. It should be mandatory and class sizes should be taken into account to maintain social distancing. Class times should be shortened to give time to sanitize between classes (HS level). Relaxed absentee policy, option for students to do remote learning. The second wave is going to hit as students are settling back into classrooms, students should have the option to work remotely if the district doesn’t implement distance learning across the board. My children live in the same house as grandparents who are both in high risk groups, and I am sure they are not alone in this situation. Students coming on staggered days, for instance three days remote and two in classroom for classes that absolutely need physical involvement to lessen the exposure when cases increase again in the fall I have no concern about my son, who will be a Senior this coming year. My concern is for the younger grades, as my daughter is starting Kindergarten this September. She has spent the past two years in the Special Needs Pre-K, but has progressed enough to be in the general education Kindergarten. I am concerned that the younger grades, especially those who may have comprehension delays, will be unable to social distance or keep a mask on all day. Their day consists of NOT social distancing. I need to see a plan for what will be done to ensure younger children are kept safe enough to warrant a return to school. Proper planning: masks, social distancing, washing of hands, limiting items taken home from school, transportation sanitation

My biggest concern is the quality of education. Having half days will be of little value, as kids have a hard time focusing when classes have to be shortened and sped up. And to have them alternate classroom to distance learning every other week (for example) would have the same effect. Kids need consistency and thrive on routine, and all the rumors going around about possible options don’t seem to have this in mind.

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Reopening Question

I also think the manner in which classes were held throughout the spring was also ineffective. There was way too much leniency and absolutely no accountability. While the rules may have benefitted a few, those like my child who turned in his assignments on time had to wait constantly for grades and to be allowed to see what he did incorrectly. It was very unfair for those who did what they were told. I am not nearly as concerned about COVID as I am about the future of these kids. They aren’t going to learn effectively unless they are comfortable in their environment and are being held to expectations appropriate for their age. Honestly I see no benefit in forcing the kids back to school without having a normal routine, aside from the social aspect. I think the best plan would be to have the kids continue distance learning using a better education model and allow them to come in to school one day a week to socialize with other kids. This day could be done by grade level and count as the “catch up Friday” that was implemented in the spring that was otherwise used as a day off for many. As a side note, I would suggest sending out a survey asking yes/no questions in regards to any options you come up with to get a better view of the parents opinions. It would be faster to collect data than reading responses and give you more concrete information. That proper precautions are adhered too. We have so much trouble on the middle school busses as it is...testing to keep them seated and wearing masks will be a task. We thank you for including us in these surveys and we appreciate the updates. Good luck! Availability of cleaning supplies (Lysol wipes), hand sanitizer, masks/gloves I feel safe and supported returning to school Cleanliness, social distancing, socialization between the students. How are students with learning disorders being considered? It is easier for older kids to learn remotely. If there are any concerns, my suggestion is to make the high school students be remote and move all elementary schools to the high school. This will alleviate fears of distancing, will allow for younger children to get in person education, and they can all wear masks. If parents don’t feel comfortable they can hold their kids out, but support means returning to normal as we knew it pre pandemic and not bending to a few who think their kid is different. Put our kids back in the classroom as soon as possible. Social emotional health of students and staff Biggest concern is if days are split to reduce size, that my children are assigned the same day to be in school. Smaller sized class counts to allow for social distancing...lots of hand hygiene I have three kids In three different Schools. Two of which are special needs who can not wear a mask! One is still learning language and speech obviously cannot wear one. It would be pointless. He also suffers from anxiety as does my other son. Masks are a health hazard and have not been approved by the fda for children to wear. There have been no studies on its safety for children to wear them an hour let alone 6 hours a day. In fact the study suggested that if the N95 were to be worn, if should have a fan inside to prevent carbon dioxide Inhalation. My children need the socialization and masks /social distancing makes school pointless and scary. While I know that an education In class is what they need most, the restrictions void the benefits sadly. There was a study on the n95 masks on called “A randomised clinical trial to evaluate the safety, fit, comfort of a novel N95 mask in children” that purposely excluded children with asthma, respiratory infections, anxiety, autism ect because I’d included would have skewed the results! Clearly children of special needs would be negatively impacted and will not be able to wear them. My youngest who is asthmatic will not be wearing one either. Breathing in carbon dioxide is unhealthy. I also want to mention the products thAt will be used to sanitize busses and the schools . I believe we should be notified of what is in these products for I have no doubt that they will be unhealthy for all chicken, especially those with respiratory issues. Also my children will not be using

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the hand sanitizers in school. We use our own hand sanitizer at home that is healthy and non toxic. Also since my kids go to three different schools, how will a hybrid method work? Parents need to work and I’m assuming my three kids would be home on different days. Hopefully there is a solution for these kids, but mask wearing and social distancing is not a learning environment I would want my kids in. Thanks Masks and social distancing. Also easy access to handwashing and sanitizer In order for my children to feel safe , proper social distancing in the classrooms . Anybody who enters the school must have their temperature taken by school nurse . COVID testing of students & staff PPE for staff; specifically comfortable face shields. Strict guidelines on masks for students and what happens if they refuse to wear one. More onus on parents and children during the reopening process (including distance learning). This may require elementary (3 &4) go to letter grades that parents understand. There's more, but this is a start. Social distance still in the classroom also temperature checks before walking into the building I know that you will put in place as many of and the best safety measurements necessary. My concern is with the schedule. I hope you keep in mind the siblings that will be in different schools. They need to be placed on the same rotating schedule. I also hope you keep in mind the working parents. There is no way to plan the safety of our children in schools with that many other children! Social distance and Sterile classrooms at all times ..masks and Hand sanitizers is a must I know kids will not leave their masks on all day but a a break or while they doing their work masks can be off if coming in contact masks should be worn and I think they should wear their own masks as well .. Mandatory masks , social distance, cleaning protocol, hybrid classes and safe transportation plan. My son will be a Senior. And prefers remote learning as opposed to classroom learning. Not comfortable returning to school w/ Covid still out there. I think the option should be available to the HS students Kids can be 6 feet apart at all times, masks worn while in the classroom and hallways. Bathrooms, desks sanitized and hand sanitizer available. I am fine with back to normal Safety Safety Hand washing, sanitizers, strict sick policies with temperature and symptoms check Everything must be extremely sanitize!! Amount of people in a confined area like a classroom or cafeteria. How can you verify and confirm social distancing will occur and be sustained? Will there be options for parents to send kids to class or utilize virtual learning? Will there be temperature checks on students? How will positive tests be communicated? Sanitation plan? The true possibility of keeping the kids and staff safe and distanced. My children being safe under the circumstances I feel that we've flattened the curve which was originally the main goal. At this time I believe the kids should be able to return to school in September. If NJ has a second wave of the virus, we know that our schools and students can handle distance learning. I think we could go back to school, with an understanding that we may have homeschool again during "flu" season. Sanatizing Follow state guidelines and get them back IN school, please Better cleaning and sanitizing. Limiting groups of close contact.

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How to make the the children feel comfortable to attend school. For example my daughter has anxiety, so she will need to feel very comfortable. There should be a form of contact tracing within the school. Without violating HIPPA, if a child or staff member becomes infected with COVID, then all students and staff within contact of that individual during the suspected incubation period should be mandated “distant learning” for a predetermined amount of time and only return when asymptomatic. This approach has proven to have favorable outcomes in other communities and can drastically reduce a spread within the school. Also, please consider consolidating the school district to the geographical area of the town. My three children will be Grades 1-3 next year and ALL in THREE different schools. I shouldn’t have to worry about my boys being exposed to three different environments as opposed to the traditional way of all being in one school. I also imagine there will be obstacles with bussing in the district and I will have to add to congestion by sitting in THREE car lines each morning, as opposed to one. Plus, it will be impossible to get all my children to school on time considering I’m driving to three schools all with a start time within minutes of one another. Thank you. Kids themselves may not be compromised or at high risk, but have family members who are- for instance I have leukemia. I need to feel comfortable that people at the schools are being vigilant and working to uphold distancing the kids as much as possible while also being alert for symptoms. I feel like this shouldn't be a teachers job, but working in healthcare I realize that it is everyone's job now. A safe environment for my son. Masks and hand sanitizer To start. Split sessions Parents need to be thoroughly informed as to what actions are happening during and outside of the school day. I'm not comfortable with my children being exposed to bleach disinfectants daily, and not enforcing social distancing/masks. They are kindergartners the long term effect of teaching them social distancing is difficult let alone teaching them they cannot go close to their friends is not natural and very sad to begin their educational journey. Potentially offering online schooling would also be beneficial. To find a way for students to continue their learning from a classroom and safely be able to socially distance. Implement sanitation of building through out the day including desks if possible. A plan in place to make sure surfaces are disinfected regularly and that students are encouraged to wash their hands between activities. Health and wellbeing physically and mentally for the children and staff. Considerations for parents who have to return to work in the office and those who have an immunocompromised condition as we still are dealing with the spread of COVID. Coming up with clear procedures and guidelines for the students to follow when riding the bus, eating lunch and recess, and being in the classroom that limits the amount of close contact with each other. Making sure students are washing/sanitizing their hands multiple times during the day, especially before lunch and after recess. Checking staff members and student’s temperatures in the morning. I am very happy for my child to return to school. Obviously extra school cleaning and constant hand sanitation is needed, maybe daily temperature checks but these children are falling behind both in their education and socially. Online education cannot continue, it is not an option for another school year. I hear rumors of children going to school two days a week then working remotely from home the remainder of the time. I am not happy for teenagers to be left alone, unsupervised now parents are beginning to return to work. What about younger kids? These kids are all hanging out with each other now and have been for a while, I have not heard of one child getting sick and our daily infection rate gets lower. Let them be in school together. I can guarantee if we carry on with remote learning these kids will carry on socializing with each other on their home days which completely defeats the object. I’m hoping as the Gloucester County area has an extremely low infection rate we can can get back to as near

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normal schooling as possible. Obviously if this infection rate rises then the plans need to change. Additionally these kids need to get back to their sports. I understand some precautions need to be taken. If busing for social distancing is an issue I’m sure parents would be prepared to pay a little towards an extra bus if it meant their child could play the sport he or she loves. Perhaps only allow those kids playing that day to travel to limit space on the bus. My daughter is a pretty level headed kid but I’m beginning to see the effects that this lockdown is having on her and from what I’m hearing a lot of others too. I don’t feel the kids will keep masks on properly throughout the day. Masks on students and teachers at the high school level. Not under anyone’s noses. No PE as that will spread COVID. Keep the kids at a safe distance Transportation issues. Bussing may not be the preferred mode of transportation due to fears and anxieties so please consider traffic management as important due to an influx of impatient drop-offs. Developing rapid responses to prevent students from being bullied or harassed if they are not physically able to wear a mask throughout the day. On the flip side, recognizing that adherence to mask regulations should not be the bulk of what consumes a disciplinarian or teacher's attention. Recognizing that mental health is also public health and students at a hormonal age such as MS may have a harder time than most dealing psychologically with all of this. Integration of some kind of acceptable social opportunities would improve the overall SEL experience and should be a consideration. Discussing the no-propped door policy or coming up with strategies in order to limit the number of hands on a door. Far more frequent sanitizing of handrails and regularly touched surfaces in the buildings. I would suggest things go back as close to normal as possible... certainly increase hand sanitation, respectful boundaries and most importantly freedom of choice. In my opinion masks are unacceptable for lengthy periods of time...I understand there is a division amongst people regarding this issue. My suggestion is to be innovative and allow that to be a choice and not a requirement. Unfortunately today schools are responsible for many things that should be handled in the home , I understand the struggle, and I am empathetic to it. However, my son did not do well with distance learning, he needs structure and desperately misses going to school with his classmates. Maybe this was a blessing in disguise for many children. With that being said, I truly hope that WD focuses heavily on the best way to educate our younger generation without political pressure(I understand this is a tall order) discrimination comes in all forms, a no tolerance of discrimination policy ( in any form)in the school would also cover those who do not identify with or believe in the use of masks. I am strongly against this. I will state for the record that I am not an educator nor do I fully understand the burdens placed upon you at this point in time. I do understand that it is my childs right to an education and truly pray that WD will Reveal a plan that honors all races, religions and creeds. Blessings to you all moving forward. Nothing really In person and distant learning option Use data and science to make decisions. I think that it will be impossible for students to wear masks no matter their age. Social distancing will even be difficult for most student’s especially those who get easily distracted. Please be sure to consider kids with ADHD and other special needs. I’d hate to see them get in “trouble” for not following the rules

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when it’s difficult for some kids to follow them to begin with. It will cause unnecessary additional stress for many kids with special needs. Temperature checks nursing social distancing to some extent Everything else being open before my child goes back to school! It would be awesome if the kids had ALL their classes with the same students all day long so it cuts down on the cross contact of multiple kids throughout the day! As much normalcy as possible. I do not think students at the early childhood level should be required to wear masks. I do not think it is possible to keep a safe distance between all children inside the classroom. However , I am ok with the kids going back in the fall. Smaller classroom sizes in order to implement social distancing, masks to be worn by all students and faculty, constant hand washing and disinfecting of the classrooms, bathrooms, common areas and playgrounds, and aids on buses in order to implement social distancing on buses Just sanitize sanitize and keep kids safe Ppe gear, hand washing station also 6 feet apart for kids, staff and parents. Children with asthma and other medical conditions that could be greatly affected by Covid Ability for students to wash hands and not always use hand sanitizer. Consistency if doing hybrid learning to be considerate of working parents and working teachers with their own children. Mental health support For students and staff as they will be facing a lot of change and rules that they will not be used to. Through cleaning of desks and bathrooms Through cleaning of busses between routes. My child to stay home wearing a mask 8 hours a day is going to scare the kids Kids not social distancing, wearing masks, size of classrooms, needs of child. Many factors should be considered even the size of family and age of its members... Families that have underlying issues and students Spread of germs My children have sensory issues and can’t handle wearing a mask all day. My son has thrown up twice from needing the mask on. Frequent Hand washing, social distancing for students as much as possible, disinfect desks/tables frequently everyone wearing mask & hourly sanitation of doorknobs, desk, & high contact areas etc. follow CDC guidelines as best as you can Overall cleanliness and 100% transparency with what is going on Take into consideration that you're sending the children back to school too soon with the virus steadily increasing and there's no way that Elementary children can wear a mask for 8 hours a day and for them to be practice safe distance cannot be done our children's lives are more important than their education which can be continued at home

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Reopening Question

My daughter will be a kindergartener this fall and she is very excited about school. I, on the other hand, am a nervous wreck! I actually am a kindergartner teacher in another school district. I have taught kindergarten for the past 15 years and I understand very well how the classroom environment is supposed to look like and operate. I am very concerned about the following: 1. Social distancing. The classroom size has to be small enough to ensure responsible social distancing. 2. Air ventilation. The class temperature should be cool enough so that it is not a hot and sticky place for the virus to thrive easily. I would hope that air conditioner units are placed in every classroom. 3. The lunchroom. I am guessing that children will be eating in their respective classrooms. 4. Masks. My daughter is only five and I do not see her keeping her mask on all day long. I am very concerned that she will take it off. Will the school supply face masks or face shields for the younger students? 5. My daughter has a bad habit, that I am constantly trying to break, of putting her finger in her mouth. She does it without even knowing she is doing it. I know that this is a common five year old problem. Other than reminding her to take it out of her mouth when she is doing it, she needs to be encouraged to wash her hands frequently. Does every kindergarten classroom have their own classroom bathroom /sink? 6. Bathroom procedures. Will the bathroom be sanitized after every use? Sometimes kindergartener can miss the toilet. 7. Social interactions during creative play. How can you possibly social distance during this very important time in their day? Will the dramatic play center, block center, etc. be eliminated? I do believe that play provides the kindergartners with authentic learning experiences that are invaluable to their social development. How will the schools work around this safely? 8. Being stigmatized. How will the school support the mental health of students and combat and stigmas against students or family members who have been sick? 9. I have never seen the school that my daughter will be attending in the fall. Will there be an opportunity for her and I to take a tour and meet her classroom teacher in person to alleviate her, and my, fears? 10. Will the school provide my daughter with a chrome book so that she can keep up with her school work/assignments in the event we have to move to remote learning? 6 feet apart I just don’t see how students are going to be able to be 6ft from eachother at all times. Let alone the little ones keeping masks on the entire day, I understand masks are encouraged but mandatory however, I don’t feel comfortable with my child not wearing one along with other students. That my kids will not get sick returning to school A clean environment I don't feel as though school should start right away in September I feel as though it needs a little more time. I think it's hard to practice social distance with young kids.

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Equality Options for hybrid learning. I want nothing more than my child to return to in person instruction (she wants nothing more as well) and while we certainly need to be careful, sanitary and take precaution I also think it’s really important to think about mental health and how several restrictions from the norm could do more damage. You have a tough job and there is no perfect answer but I think it’s a delicate balance and options with hybrid learning would be ideal. Smaller class sizes so kids are able to distance and multiple bottles of hand sanitizer in the room that they are all required to use I’m worried about how the school will social distance in such small classrooms. I’m worried about how students are going to learn wearing masks all day. I’m worried that some students will wear masks and others will not. Smaller class sizes, frequent hand washing, frequent washing of high traffic areas, masks for adults and older students, bring your own water bottle Have a camera for live stream in each classroom for those that want to stay home and distance learn and everyone else can sign a waiver saying they want to come back to school as normal. Then some extra hand sanitizer should do the trick. Masks will not work as kids will touch them all day cross contaminating everything. Just encourage good hygiene, hand washing and staying home if you feel ill. Sanitation stations. Nothing I’m good with regular school as it should be I'm really not comfortable sending my child back to school in September. I think there will be a 2nd wave and I would rather the school to continue distant learning. masks for all, and shortened hours.. maybe 8-1.. lunch in classrooms, constant sanitizing of common areas I want to thank you for everything that you are doing to ensure that our children are receiving the best education possible. That being said, I do not feel that the past few months of online learning have prepared my daughter for middle school. I sincerely hope that she is able to return to the classroom environment as soon as possible, with as much social distancing effort as possible. I know that is not going to be easy. I am comfortable with her returning to school as long as extra measures are being taken to ensure that everything is cleaned properly on a regular basis, and classroom sizes be limited as much as possible. Gloves, masks, gowns and hand sanitizer. Having a full time health aide. Social distancing, wearing of masks & frequent cleanings Classroom transitions and hallways, keeping teachers in the same classrooms Helping the kids understand social distancing, different ways for them to greet each other. Wearing mask at all times unless there is lunch, snack time or when they need to participate in class if teachers are unable to hear them through mask. Children sitting 6ft apart if space is available. Temperature checks and sanitation areas. I know that many of these practices start at home, but I know when the teachers and the school staff incorporate these practices the kids love it even more. To be completely honest, trending reports show NJ is about to spike again. I don't think a September return is a safe idea. Although the situation is not ideal I would support a hold on on-location school until at least January. By then other schools around the country will have the information we need to make an informed decision. Furthermore, once school is on-location, I think the best thing to do to ensure social distancing and safety of the children and staff is to have half day classes. Have morning and afternoon classes in order to ensure all the kids are not in the school at the same time in tight spaces. School cleanliness and an effective plan for distancing. If we return with distance learning I would appreciate a 'live' classroom setting with a more scheduled day.

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Even though kids wear masks they touch everything and are going to get sick anyway. Temp check upon entering school grounds A detailed plan for immuno compromised staff and students. Try to make this as normal as possible for the children. They should feel as though they are in a learning environment not a jail cell without contact with other kids. This is a large change for them and we should maintain as much normalcy as possible. how are you going to keep students 6 feet apart in hallways, buses, and lunch room? why are masks optional for students? they should be mandatory. Can there be an option to complete online schooling? that would reduce the capacity of people in the school buildings. I think having a great level of transparency would be good! I just wanted to add that this virus is with us, we have to adapt and live with it. Cancelling school and sports is not the answer. Keeping a safe distance The safety of students and staff while delivering instruction either online or in-person Adequate room for social distancing Masks and social distance Make cleaning a priority. This will require considerable training and follow through the ensure that this satisfies the current demands of the CDC guidelines. Take into consideration creating a modified sickness policy to allow for increased flexibility so that staff and students may stay home when they are ill or experience Covid like symptoms. The key to controlling the spread in our building will be through a combination of extensive cleaning, appropriate social distancing, and giving staff and students the confidence to stay home when feeling ill. That my child is safe. Better communication from teachers Less students in each class and they should be wearing masks too not just the teachers Honestly and transparency of parents and students when children are not feeling well is a huge concern. Social distancing plans that will not make students feel like they are in prison. Going to school daily with enough space for the children to social distance. Nothing I’m good with regular school as it should be Appropriate sanitizing measures daily Require masks Safety, consistency, support Would young Eagles be available for students? Temp checks sanitized classrooms n not sure if our kids will be able to wear masks whole Time The safety of the kids Nothing... we'll follow whatever you come up with Social distancing measures as much as possible, masks for all students and staff, and proper sanitizing of desks, bathrooms, etc. Cleaning supplies available to wipe down often. Hand sanitizer available in office or right outside my office. Require students to wear masks while indoors. Also, plexiglass being hung would be helpful...or I would just move my desk and have students sit further away.

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Flexibility, for students who do not feel well for a day or two, to complete their assignments at home without attendance penalties. Mask requirements Buildings being cleaned more times in a day especially bathrooms, cafeterias and entrances. Hand sanitizers and Soap I just want to be informed so I can make adjustments if necessary. Try to make sure kids learn more about hygiene And germs! I know i teach it in my home but not everyone does! Let’s also make sure our children don’t feel alone or left out with the new covid guidelines of social distancing and the 6ft apart.. A clear plan / Access to masks and sanitizer on site We are senior parents (raising grandson) both with underlying conditions. This pushes us up into a 30% or greater mortality rate if the virus is brought home to us. When wearing a mask Noah is constantly adjusting and fiddling with it, increasing his own risk with hands around his face. I can only imagine all kids would be like that. So many people not following any type of social distancing at all. That in turn exposes us all if we're forced to have our kids return to school. I don't know that there's anything you can do to make us feel comfortable at all with this situation. We'd like online classes to continue. To know that when students and faculty/staff get sick, with any flu or virus, they have the time they need to get better at home. Any type of sickness that spreads will lower their immune systems. Making it more difficult to fight off stronger viruses. Allow anyone that is sick to be able to work from home and not be punished for absences. They need to maintain grades from home or classroom. I would like to know that areas are being properly sanitized multiple times throughout the day since there are so many students in the building and that social distancing practices will be followed. SMALLER CLASS SIZES to allow for social distancing. Also feel MASKS should be worn by EVERYONE including children with the understanding that some children can’t wear them secondary to health/ developmental issues. Less kids on the buses to allow for social distancing. And an aid on each bus to assist the bus driver to ensure that there is compliance with masks Our children will be attending the middle school and high school and are confident they will adjust to “the new normal”. My husband and I have discussed safety measures with them both. Our only concern is our son who has asthma. He will need some breaks without wearing a mask. We feel for both our children’s mental health they need to return to school and have some sort of normalcy back in their lives esp our daughter who will be entering her senior year. We are confident WD will do what is best for our children and support the decisions that are made. Social distancing Not a lot I will feel safe about until we have a vaccine that works [email protected] I want to make sure that my son does not get infected by others that do not take the same precautions that our family does. I don't believe the schools are truly ready for the kids to return. Who wants to be the first school system to have the spread in their school and the 1st death, especially at risk students and older teachers. We are restricting restaurants to 25% of occupancy but we're going to have schools at 100% occupancy I don't think it'll work. A return no earlier than December makes more sense to me.

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Children’s emotional state (and staff as well) during all this and if the guidelines from the state are worth opening in-person school or would virtual classes at home make more sense for all. Following social distancing guidelines The safety of the kids, the risk of exposure to COVID-19 And a clean environment in which to learn. Adherence to required protocol regarding safety such as social distancing, wearing masks, smaller class size, regular temperature checks. Access to hand sanitizer when hand washing isn’t possible. Masks mandatory for teachers & students, classrooms continuously sanitized including desks, bathrooms continuously sanitized, safe eating areas, help in the hallways to distance students, temperatures taken upon entry, hand sanitizer in every classroom, Distance Learning option for students who are anxiety ridden regarding attending school in this situation, lessening crowded situations like recess, weekly locker clean outs. Since placing students 6 ft apart seems impossible in the Classroom seems almost impossible, Will there be some type of study dividers on each desk? If teachers moved from room to room, how would we take our materials for class & access to Smartboards? These are just some of the things I’ve been thinking. Thank you for considering our safety. Consistency. Clear instruction. And none of that mask nonsense ... kids cant sit in masks for 8 hours a day, its unhealthy to make them do that. In addition to that, it steals their identity. Get back to normal as soon as possible. What happens if someone in the classroom or school tests positive? Will school be shut down so everyone can quarantine? Or just the classroom that the child who tested positive is in? If so, will the missed days for quarantine count against a student's attendance record? If it is decided for a mix of at home and in classroom, what does that mean for working parents for childcare? Will there be alternative places for parents to send their children? If so, will it cost extra? If children are made to eat lunch in their classroom, will they still be able to purchase food from the cafeteria? The mental and emotional well being of student and staff and our need to be together in the classroom in order to be engaged and successful Just to take into consideration how effective it will be having these younger children wear a mask in school and that it may just become more of a distraction then anything.Personally I dont want the district to feel rushed back into a scary situation I'm sure everyone's main objective is for us all to remain healthy and safe. Sanitation guidelines, mandatory hand washing times for the smaller kids, Provided PPE Provided cleaning supplies Room and bathroom cleaned thoroughly throughout the day A plan for when we(staff) are sick and need to stay home A strong protocol in place for students to stay home when they are sick Small class size to allow proper distances, split sessions hybrid model. Support and guidance on how to create a physical classroom environment that is able to be socially distanced in an elementary setting. Number of students and staff per classroom. A plan to enforce that students and staff that are sick remain home. Support and guidance on how to teach our students about the importance/severity of safety procedures in place as well as explaining a classrooms routines/procedures new normal.

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I don’t think you can make it safe. Classrooms are too small and little kids will suffer for many hours in masks. All physical activities put kids in potential danger of getting infected by virus. It is still unsafe and children should stay home or had just meetings on distance outdoors. Desks 6ft apart, masks worn by teachers and children, no outside play as some kids don’t understand social distancing. Room sanitized often A cleaning plan for staff and janitorial team, routine instituted hand washing, maybe in classroom eating to avoid mingling with too many other kids I am concerned about my child wearing a mask for for many hours a day. I know how uncomfortable it can be wearing mine at work all day. I'm concerned it could cause more health issues. nothing return to schooling how it was before the pandemic. -Will staff be provided with ppe and supplies to clean materials that students use in between activities? -For staff that need to move from room to room to provide services we will need enough materials or manipulatives needed to provide proper intervention to students since we will not be able to share materials. New materials will need to be used in each classroom or for each student -staff who move from room to room will need time to disinfect items Carried between rooms between classes -consistent student intervention services provided across buildings -please consider personnel that have high-risk immune compromised family members at home and try to limit their exposure to multiple classrooms Definite social distances (smaller class sizes), smaller amount of students in lunch room and assemblies. Mandatory mask requirements several hand sanitizer stations We need to protect the students and staff. I think partitions are a good idea a staggered session so we don’t have 30 students in a class. Make hallways one way and enforce it. My family has several members with compromised immune systems, who we visit to bring food and supplies. My daughters could easily bring home the virus and harm those members. I would want the masks and social distancing to be followed. Making sure the school is disinfected regularly I’m worried about how the school will social distance in such small classrooms. I’m worried about how students are going to learn wearing masks all day. I’m worried that some students will wear masks and others will not. Antibacterial stations throughout the school. -PPE for staff and STUDENTS -All learning digital even if it takes place in the classroom- no transfer of papers -Ensuring staff and students are 14 day quarantine when in contact with someone with COVID-19 -No punishment for staff members if they need to quarantine for being in contact with someone with covid or live with an essential employee -Social Distancing takes place and is serious Clear communication Social/emotional/physical well being of highest priority. Keeping students grouped consistently with their classmates and teacher to limit exposure to larger crowds when feasible. Strict rules, management and enforcement of those that are sick staying home - staff and students.

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Reopening Question

Clear and concise directions for staff regarding any "musts" due to Covid modifications: book sharing, supply sharing (especially when in Art, Music, Gym, Library), classroom setup, student bathroom use, etc... Honestly I’m just nervous in general but social distancing for sure mask hand sanitizer cleanliness & sanitation and strict policies that aren't up for negotiation. There are so many things, I am not sure exactly where to begin. Ideally a vaccine, but that isn't realistic at this point. I guess ensure that individual who are not feeling well feel safe to say so, and are sent home for an appropriate amount of time. Mask and a lot of cleaning, especially between lunches, in the gym, of shared equipment. Social distancing, not too many students in a classroom. Also the buses need to not have too many students on the buses. Please make sure teachers are safe and comfortable with plans. Temperature checks of everyone in school. Masks on everyone. Hand sanitizer available. Part virtual learning and in class. How are we properly sanitizing every thing throughout the day and after hours? Special needs kids accomodations? Speech services with masks? Bussing and social distance? How do we expect kids with ADHD to sit in the same class all day without a break for lunch, recess, gym, etc? Socialization during the day will be hard to refrain from for students? Temperature checks for every child before entering the building everyday? If a child is exposed, will it be reported to school and every child in that class will then quarantine for 14 days out of school correct? Children with medically diagnosed weakened immune systems or immunocompromised children, how will they be safe? Eatting in the classroom, how will we manage this with allergies? If we do a hybrid system, how will it be determined which kids go to school on which days? Safety is main concern, but the environment feeling stressful and scarey for kids is a big factor in returning. Thank you for all of your hard work! We’re sure you’ll do your best with the difficult task of balancing the safety of students/staff while still providing some level of instruction. Social distancing I’m concerned about mental health, they need the education and instruction from teachers but they need interaction and outside play I’m concerned all the time spent taking temperatures, separating bus rides, drilling all these rules will create major anxiety and so much time out of learning . The day flies by as it was without all these things to take away from learning time I'm confident it will be fine Aside from the obvious hand sanitizer for each kids and constant wiping down all day long, I'd prefer to have the teachers have face shields so the kids can see their faces and expressions. I think that there needs to be additional support in each class to make sure kids are adhering to what ever guidelines are imposed so that teachers can actually teach. The bus situation has to be addressed -how will you safely space my elementary children and make sure bus discipline is followed. Isles are not 6' apart. How will you ensure that children can develop the social skills that we're lost last year while they were quarantined. Along with that lunch and recess is the time for relationships to develop and grow, how will that be addressed Finally if there is a combo remote/in person instruction, PLEASE make sure all the teachers use the same platform. I was so disappointed to see some teachers zooming and Google classrooming their class while my children were lucky to have 1 or 3 a month. Thanks for asking for opinions.

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Reopening Question

Frequent sanitizing of school properties. mandatory distancing, masks, gloves, sanitizer. Contact tracing in the event of positive case. Daily temperature and symptoms check-in system. Desks with partitions if possible. If all staff is required to wear a mask students should have to do the same. If masks lower the risk of spreading the virus shouldn’t everyone be required? Staff will not be as protected if students are not required to wear them too and how will this be enforced for students? Some students can barely dress appropriately for school under normal circumstances. Will there be a different level of absenteeism this year? If we, as parents, are supposed to keep students home when sick or just a fever, normally, then what will happen this year? I feel there will be a heightened level of concern. I do not take my child to the doctor for every fever or cold for a note. Will there be a plan in place this year, since we have no idea what to expect? If temperatures are checked and students are sent home this will become an absentee issue. How will social distancing be handled in the halls when classes change, lunch rooms and in the classroom? When students arrive at school how will the clogged halls with students from buses and being dropped off be handled? Will there be an option for students who did well with remote learning to continue so you can lower the number of students in the building? . I hope these questions help in the planning. I know you do not have the answers yet and that is understandable, I just wanted to put a few questions out there to help. Try to enjoy your summer! As a funeral Director/embalmer, it wouldn’t hurt to look into plastic face shields for the students. A large supply of cleaning products for each classroom, and proper disinfecting measures at the end of each day. Temperature checks for staff and students daily. Mask enforcement for adults and children so long as there are no medical conditions. Enforcement of social distancing both in the classroom and at recess. No use of playground equipment if it cannot be disinfected between lunches. Extension of lunchtime to allow kids to stay apart in the line and still have time to eat. Perhaps institute coverages to the food. i don’t sure about it Even though kids wear masks they touch everything and are going to get sick anyway. Stringent cleaning practices DAILY make sure the school is cleaned day in and day out, make sure students and teachers wear masks. clean hands every time entering school building and again entering the classroom, and also exiting classroom. clean hands entering bus and leaving bus to go into school. students bring lunch to school and eat in the classroom at their desk. give kids a break take them outside for fresh air after every 1 1/2 - 2 hours of class. use common sence. A vaccine or treatment make sure my child is away from everyone/everything making sure everything is wiped down and disinfected after every touch, I have a daughter that can die from Covid 19 so we are very on edge and extremely scared/nervous. Our children haven’t been out in months they can play outback that is all Some sort of stability for students and teachers as well as safety Good cleaning in place, masks, good social distancing Social distancing needs to be enforced (I know that will be hard). There should be leniency for anyone missing school for multiple days, forego make up work, etc. No indoor gym requirements, substitute it with walking/ running/ non contact sports outside. The mental and emotional well being of student and staff and our need to be together in the classroom in order to be engaged and successful Clean environment

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Reopening Question

Classroom capacity & more teachers aids to help aid proper hygiene for the younger children. I did hear about face masks possibly being worn throughout the entire day; not sure how I feel about this topic with the younger children. I feel like the only way you can reduce the classes and bus routes to the levels you want is to open part time. Different kids have different days that they physically go to school and the rest is done online. Jamming all of the kids into classrooms five days a week is going to overwhelm any protections you put in place. That all precautions are taken. My sons health and the health of all students and staff are the most important concern I have. All Kids wearing face masks!!, bus transportation, lunches, class size, lockers access, hallway passing, bathroom breaks ...Sanitation after each child use, Not just a few times day!! How are they to have all belongings and much more Child safety, teacher safety, administration safety, community safety, proper education, socialization, and working parents who cannot stay home with their children. A return to school is needed, but not at the expense of lives. realization that this too shall pass, and not make drastic over reaching changes that could take away from learning. Allow children to be just that, children. By placing limits on what they can and can't do, requiring them to wear masks all day, not bringing them in to the classroom for learning and not having in person interaction will be harmful to their learning and growth as individuals. Keep the classes small and maintain distance when possible but allow these kids to return to some sort of normal. Masks that have clear openings to see our mouths , plan for temp checks, daily schedule, bathroom cleaning routine. With elementary students how they can return to school safely with social distancingnandnhiw classroom surfaces will be cleaned. I am 💯 for the kids returning to school this fall. I know WD will do everything to keep the kids safe. I think parents should temperature check their kids every morning before sending them to school. Normal cleaning routine. Nothing new needed. Class size and risk factors Having/offering an alternative option for those parents not comfortable sending their children back in the fall a continued online distance learning option. A plan and communication regarding cleanliness in the classroom and buses. I have 2 children with different needs. If we are required to wear mask. This WILL NOT work for my son who is hearing impaired. As for my daughter, it's best to keep her in school and wear mask. She needs the social skills. She needs to be with a teacher not home doing school work. Just keep a safe distance. I Social distancing everywhere in the school & on the bus, and enforcing wearing masks. Safety first. Everything else- sports, clubs, are secondary. You cannot put a price on life. Sending out this survey is sending mixed signals to parents and students. We are beginning summer training for fall sports but we are concerned about opening the classrooms? I have a much longer reply that I will not be posting in a survey. Full plan on how the district plans to sanitize, protect, and limit the virus's potential spread to children, within the contained environment of a 40x30ft classroom. Extending and offering distance learning without penalty to students whose parents are not comfortable sending their children back to school in the fall.

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Reopening Question

Social distancing everywhere in the school & bus and enforcing wearing masks. Teaching kids effectively so they can complete additional work online independently if needed. I think these kids need to be in school learning. I do not think they are getting the proper education or socialization. Besides temp check and some "social distancing" and proper cleaning. Appropriate space in the classroom between desk, all desks face forward Reduce classroom changes, allow double time blocks for specials to reduce attendance to one- double period Consider Semester Block Schedule like GCIT to reduce unnecessary exposure to more students Allow time for handwashing before eating lunch Allow time for handwashing after any class or activities where communal supplies or equipment is handled, gym, woodshop, art, etc Add hand sanitizer to all classrooms Add requirements to Lysol wipe all desks between class change Eduction and advertising alerts for students of vaping risk and associated covid hospitalizations for teens and young adult resulting from vape lung damage I'm worried about the emotional well being of my children. The purpose of school is to learn but children cannot be expected to sit at their desks all day and never leave the classroom. They need physical activity and time to unwind in order to get their energy out and to focus better. I hope a balance can be reached that allows children to be children. My kids need school. I am doing my best to provide all I can at home but they need the social aspect. I fully support part time schedules, half days or whatever needs to be done to balance this. There are two options: 1- Start online school from September-till after Christmas ( hopefully there will be a vaccine during that time ). It is Not a good choice but it is the safest for now better than being in school without a vaccine. 2- Shift school one or two months ( re-open later than September) then make up those months in summer ( Japan has always school in summer ). I think it is better to be safe than sorry. That everything stays sterile for each student which there is no possible way to do that. The students switch classrooms and teachers and staff do not keep anything clean. The bathrooms are so unclean that my child will checkout to use the restroom, just as other students do. I am a teacher myself and I want to know about busing. How will students be protected while riding the bus? Take temperatures, only walk in one direction in the hallways between periods. If additional tasks are going to be required of the Health Office, additional hands will be necessary to implement such tasks. Depending upon what additional tasks will be required, another health care professional or other support staff member (aide) would be needed to assist in the Health Office each day. Additionally, there needs to be an assigned person to be present in the Heath Office during the nurse's lunch time each day (1:15pm- 2pm). The Health Office needs a magnet system placed on the Health Office front door so it can be open to allow for ventilation during the day. PPE will be needed. Other than gloves, I do not stock any other PPE, such as masks, gowns, face shields, etc..A new, well made thermal thermometer is needed as well. I have an old, very inexpensive one that has questionable accuracy. This old thermometer was given to the police department this spring. It seems that the Health Office may need a designated area for anyone deemed ill and awaiting pick up so as to keep them away from healthy individuals seeking care. Some minor tweaking of the back room and an additional bed may be necessary to accommodate this. Also, the Health Office and some of the office equipment would need constant cleaning and disinfecting throughout the school day to ensure germs are not being spread.

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Reopening Question

In my professional opinion, after perusing some of the recommendations for returning to school, it would seem prudent to me that the district may want to consider employing the district nurses this summer to attend to various tasks that are going to be needed in order to return to school in September. One such example would be the contact tracing issue that needs to be ironed out. Collaboration with all the nurses involved would be considered best practice. We all currently receive some summer hours to attend to different already necessary tasks, but these current summer hours are unfortunately not adequate for full completion of these tasks, thus leaving us to still donate time to ensure completion and compliance with state laws. Teachers are protected along with kids. Not overcrowding I AM A SINGLE MOM, THAT NEEDS TO MAKE SURE HER CHILD WILL BE TAKEN CARE OF IF ATTENDING SCHOOL. I WORK TWO JOBS AND NEED TO MAKE ACCOMMODATIONS FOR MY CHILD IF SHE IS NOT IN SCHOOL REGULARLY. I ALSO DONT THINK MY CHILD AT 7 YEARS OLD WILL BE ABLE TO KEEP A MASK ON FOR THE ENTIRE SCHOOL DAY. How to get students to socially distance and make sure that students are wearing masks. Vigilance regarding cleaning procedures and proper social distancing protocols with the realization that students will not be comfortable wearing masks continuously for the entirety of a school day. Distancing in place including lunches and recess 1) Sending Sick Kids Home 2) Informing parents of sick kids in classroom 3) taking temperatures Desks need to be cleaned everyday. That the kids get back into the classroom. Social Distancing and a set schedule that is predictable so parents can work and take care of children. Will PPE be provided for children? Will they be social distancing in the classroom and bus? With possible increase in parent drop-off and pickup lines will school start times be extended? Will they be required to wear face masks? If students return to school on split schedules, will siblings in different buildings attend schools on the same days? Will the Young Eagles Program be open? If a child has to quarantine or becomes ill, will they have the option to distance learning? Will social and emotional support be provided to children? Safety Nothing. There is nothing you can do to make my kids safe...This virus RARELY affects children negatively unless there is an underlying illness. Keep at risk kids safe...otherwise kids are going to be A OK. Impossible to know in June what will be needed in September The safety of students AND staff keep the parents informed on a daily basis. Example if any kids are out sick with the virus, how the children are doing wearing the masks all day, which my child will have a hard time doing, and how the children are interacting with each other, are they socially distancing. If a return to classrooms is happening in the fall, sanitizing classrooms throughout the day. I'm not confident the kids will be able to wear masks for an entire school day. Everyone wear mask, must at all times be 6 foot apart from everyone even on bus and I can’t see that happening . And still not sure I would still feel safe. My child has asthma and I am 70 raising her. I also

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Reopening Question

have congestive heart failure. And really at this point she is not returning to in school, I prefer Distance learning. I am worried about my child wearing a mask for the full school day. Wearing a mask for multiple hours is difficult for an adult. Class size is another concern. How many children will be in the classroom to make sure the kids are 6 feet apart? Also lunch. How many kids will be in the lunch room because they will not be able to wear a mask while eating. My child is a picky eater. Will I be able to pack his lunch? Make sure the classrooms have enough materials to cover cleaning. Enforce face covering requirement and adequate hand sanitizer available. A plan & a backup. Resources to answer any questions as they arise Ensuring that my child will remain safe and healthy while going to school. I’m fine with him wearing a mask and he’s very conscious of hand washing, but we want to be assured that other measures to keep surfaces disinfected and distance will be used. Thank you! Nothing that you haven’t already. My family and I share different views about the virus in general. But we do understand that rules are rules no matter what. And we will adhere by them. Kids need to be in school. Period! We sincerely hope that everyone involved does everything they can to make that happen. I just hope that all these precautions we are taking don’t hurt our society more than the virus itself. Thank you for your efforts... Systematic cleaning throughout the day. Deep cleaning occurring every weekend. Daily bus sanitized with children sitting alone on bus or masks required on the bus if not seated alone. Deep Cleaning of the buses every weekend. Routine use of hand sanitizer built into daily schedule. Barriers between the students desks. Face masks used by everyone. Sanatizing As a parent with multiple children, if schools select alternating days for students to attend that consideration is made for the days attended to be the same for the household. A temperature scan of students/ staff before entry to the building. Daily deep clean/sanitation of classroom/surfaces Check temps at door. But many thermometers are flawed as one said my mine was 103 degrees, minutes later it went back down to 98. So a functioning thermometer is crucial for the effectiveness of returning back to school. There are many more new norms that will have enforced, but I honestly have no idea how the school will be able to carry them out. Cleanliness Cleanliness Option to distance learn Ability for fresh air in the classrooms. Less students in each classroom. Instead of having students move around have the teachers switch classrooms eliminates desk being changed and germs spreading. Maybe a short schedule and kids go home for lunch and those that need school lunch get to eat before

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Reopening Question

dismissal or take it home. There really has to be a method for least amount of germs to transfer and consistency of cleaning all day. How can you ensure bathrooms and all communal areas will be 100% sanitized to reduce the spread of germs? Partitions on the desk so students can be free of a mask when necessary. Quite frankly at this time I am ok with the remote learning or split sessions providing student areas are guaranteed to be sanitized all day everyday. Thank you None. Whatever you decide, she miss's school. Social emotional health of students and staff Each child has their own sanitizer. Or give them hand sanitizer throughout the school day. Students wear masks as much as possible!! PPE and supplies to sanitize my equipment and tools available to me. Extensive testing for both staff and students, daily temp checks To enter school (documented with attendance), contact tracing, appropriate social distancing within classrooms and between classes, appropriate sanitation at desks between classes as students switch classrooms. Alternative learning environment for students that don’t feel comfortable returning to the classroom and for those that are not allowed to go to school b/c of fever or symptoms while they await test results. No masks! Keep online classes. This way you know that the students are safe in their own household. An effort is made that all staff, faculty, and students wear masks since social distancing will be challenging for our youngest learners. Ensuring that social emotional learning is taken in to consideration as well as the health safety of our children. Communicate with parents to allow us to prepare ourselves and our children for any changes that are implemented. Concise guidelines for sending students home (to eliminate friction between teachers and parents) and administration to enforce students to be picked up quickly and stay home if sick. Also - isolation area/room for suspected cases of Covid-19. Ample spacing, extra time for hallway traffic and hand washing several times throughout the day. Masks when possible. No visitors or unnecessary people in the building. I volunteered to be on Red Bank's pandemic team so hopefully more discussions to follow. Thank you Distancing the students and teachers and heavy cleaning the school and sanitizing it Follow CDC guidelines and ensure all students comply Masks, sanitation, social distancing. Clean daily, accessible hand sanitizer, maybe one extra staff member per room to try and keep things clean and help keep an eye on the kids, reminding them not to touch each other, wash hands etc . No masks and if masks are a must, only mouth covering. Students AND staff who are at high risk. If there are not plans in place to protect my son who had asthma I will feel very unsafe. Complete isolation from other students and teachers The understanding that someone with a medical condition, such as myself, may be unable to wear a mask without causing increased harm. Class sizes, being able to accommodate 6 ft for distancing. Length or frequency of school days. Proper way to wear mask for students. Providing home-learning options for students. Hand sanitizer in every room , mandatory use when entering and leaving class rooms Honestly I’m just nervous in general but social distancing for sure mask hand sanitizer If hybrid schedule - students in same families to be home together so older student can be home with younger one! Masks and social distancing however possible. Enforce sick students to be sent home

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Reopening Question

ASAP and stay home. Temperature checks prior to getting on bus if possible (or entering building if walker). Adapt absence allowance for students and staff to allow quarantine at home if needed. That students and staff are safe As I'm sure it will be said 100 times, the safety of the children is priority as well as the school staff. What the children and staff are exposed to each family member in that persons household will be exposed to. I'm sure that you will follow the recommendations given and even go above and beyond that. I have been quarantined since the last day of school and we have only gone out to go to the store for groceries/necessities. We practice good hand washing skills and wear our masks in public places. I'm sure this is no different than everyone else. I think hand-washing, sanitizer in classrooms, Lysol/Clorox wipes to clean desks and common areas when students move around from one classroom/lunch to the next and a thorough cleaning at night would be helpful to my mindset. Also, if there's a teacher or child sick, they should not be at school. I'm not sure how effective temperature taking is prior to entry into the building but I see that being done often in other places. Maybe that would be a consideration. Also checking temperatures before they get on the school bus. School buses also need thorough cleaning after each drop off of students. Approved masks as necessary. Communication and planning are key to me. I understand that the district will do everything in its power to keep our kids safe, but we would need to understand the plan IF someone became infected. We as parents would need to be able to arrange for times when our kids may not be able to attend school due to an infection in the class/school. Daily sanitizing of high touch surfaces, masks Professional cleaning services for the building. Not just a few janitors That our child will be in a safe and clean environment. Whether its Corona, diseases that mice carry etc. Everyone, students and teachers alike should be safe. Safety for students and staff. Hand washing throughout the day, face shields are more realistic than masks. No sharing food. One class outside at a time. Maybe rotate who uses the playground so only one class at a time and enough time to clean between use. Half day is possible Face mask, and reasonable social distance Return to normal I need for the pandemic numbers in this area to be low and not on the rise. I love the teachers and school system but do not want to force things when it is not not safe. It should be the PARENT'S choice if they want their child to wear a mask. I personally am not comfortable with my child breathing in her carbon dioxide all day. Maybe have a system, give out red or green rubber bracelets that can be worn at all times ... Red meaning parents want their child in a mask , green that the child does not have to wear a mask. I feel terrible for the teachers who have to endure a mask all day long. Everything that makes school a pleasant place for children looks like it's being taken away.. playing, socializing,etc. While i understand that they go there to learn, all the special events will most likely be taken away. While some live in fear of this virus, our family does not. No matter what you do though you will have parents complaining unfortunately. It's a tough road ahead. We all have strong opinions.. i just hope you take everyone's into consideration including families like mine. Simply the usual safety precautions are enough for me. Honestly I’m just nervous in general but social distancing for sure mask hand sanitizer

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Temp checks, send children home immediately for any symptoms. As a parent with multiple children, if schools select alternating days for students to attend that consideration is made for the days attended to be the same for the household. Hand washing stations, so students can wash their hands in more then just the bathroom before meals, and through out the day. Smaller class sizes. Adult temp checks/ wearing masks Support and guidance on how to create a physical classroom environment that is able to be socially distanced in an elementary setting. Number of students and staff per classroom. A plan to enforce that students and staff that are sick remain home. Support and guidance on how to teach our students about the importance/severity of safety procedures in place as well as explaining a classrooms routines/procedures new normal. A clean environment. Mask if you have to.. might try and consider split sessions.... Transparency & Continual Updates I personally think just a Covid -19 disclaimer, anyone with a temperature should be sent home and return with a doctors note but not held accountable toward absences. Maybe place a hand sanitizer in each classroom or allow the student to bring their own. Besides that, I dont think anything else is truly needed. If teachers do see a student showing flu like symptoms they should just send them to the nurse, as they should on a bornal basis. I just want parents to follow the rules and keep their kids home if they are sick rather than medicate them to reduce fevers. Maybe change the attendance policy so it does not distinguish “unexcused” if a child stays home without a doctor’s note vs “excused” if nurse sends them home. Hand washing and gel Testing available for anyone who wants it Stop being so ridiculous about a child staying home for illness. Social distancing. I do think the kids need to wear face masks when I’m close contact but I am also concerned about the comfort and issues with use of those all the time. Proper sanitizing and consider staggered attendance to cut back on classroom crowding. Cut back on sharing supplies and consider staying with the same kids for lunch, recess, etc to cut down on exposure. The safety of the children, staff, and bus drivers. How to maintain social distance on an already packed bus and make sure the children wear their masks during that time. Then you get into breathing issues and hope no one passes out . I would like to see as much in-person, in-classroom learning as possible while respecting recommended guidelines. I have faith that the school district can come up with a plan that allows for cleaning/sanitizing as much as possible, keeps kids using their own materials/supplies, and some limitations on intermixing groups. Communication and transparency are key to me to feel safe and supported. There are two options: 1- Start online school from September-till after Christmas ( hopefully there will be a vaccine during that time ). It is Not a good choice but it is the safest for now better than being in school without a vaccine. 2- Shift school one or two months ( re-open later than September) then make up those months in summer ( Japan has always school in summer ). I think it is better to be safe than sorry. Consider working parents and having students in multiple schools The safety of my kid and his teacher. Thinking about sending my kid back to school while the cases are rising, makes me wonder if it’s the right decision for all parties involved. That being said, I think my child needs some form of normalcy, even if it’s two days a week. I only ask that the virtual learning is more

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“live” learning instead of review or busy work. Most parents can’t teach their children. I appreciate all your effort to make this transition seamless. Making sure kids are washing their hands appropriately and not coming to school sick. To take all covid-19 precautions for the safety and well-being for the students and faculty, to make sure everything is cleaned as often as possible, to limit the change of classrooms to keep the potential of spread down. Maybe limit the number of students to attend in-house schooling. How the students will eat lunch. They obviously can't ware a mask. Should the students who live close go home fore lunch? Will meals be handled safely? Kids are feeling some type of normalcy back at school. For my child to have actual socialization Temp checks at the entering of school As a parent with multiple children, if schools select alternating days for students to attend that consideration is made for the days attended to be the same for the household. -Smaller class sizes to be able to uphold an appropriate physical distance -Time in between classes for staff to wash hands -Availability of hand sanitizer for students -Classrooms cleaned more often -Protocol for informing staff/students if there is a Covid-19 case among the building. -Protocol for how staff would quarantine (using sick time?) for the mandatory full two weeks for themselves, their child, or someone in their immediate household. -Please consider mask wearing for older students; I know it is difficult and younger children would take them off or even be afraid, but high school or middle school children (who are able) could be better encouraged. It would help to safeguard older staff members or immunocompromised individuals if the biggest population, the student body, could participate in this. -Flexibility with planning lessons and upholding rigorous curriculum as the situation can change very rapidly without much notice and teachers will be already extending themselves to provide a hybrid instruction Being able to keep the kids from coming in contact with so many others all in the same day. Smaller class size and for students to wear masks All students and faculty need to wear masks Daily questionnaire for symptoms that may be associated with COVID-19. Daily temperature screens for students and staff. Hand sanitizer stations at entrance to each class room. Masks save lives. As long as masks are worn the rate of transmission is neglible, close to 0%. As long as masks are worn , physical distancing is not needed. Change absentee policy so parents /students do not penalized in staying home This will prevent parents from sending their sick child to school Frequent cleaning of shared areas and surfaces. I feel safe returning to school. I'll feel safe with whatever measures the administrators put in place. Figuring out guidelines is not going to be easy, so I'll be very compliant. Speaking with a mask is not going to be easy when you have to address a large group, but that's the rule, so we have to live with it.

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Physical distancing, social distancing, what are the goals of limiting spread of contagion between students. Will you offer distance learning for students who are considered high risk for Covid 19? I think we should let the kids go back, have the kids who show signs or who have been in contact quarantine, and return safely. Sanitation Provide cleaning supplies(Clorox wipes), disinfectant spray, paper towels, tissues, hand wipes, gloves and sanitizer for each room. Provide/allow for staff to wear a clear shield instead of a mask for ventilation and students can then see your mouth when speaking. Allow time for interventionists for wipe down materials/books/manipulatives and tables between groups as we have sets of 5 of most items. Consider allowing small groups (3-4) students to spread out in my classroom with one teacher (me) talking at one time as it would be easier and more effective than trying to work in multiple classrooms with students spread 6 feet apart in the back of the classroom and me teaching while the classroom teacher is also teaching the other students 6 feet apart in the same room, both trying to speak loud enough to be heard through the mask or shield. This may be very challenging and hard to manage volume and attention of students. Another option is allowing coaches to pull students 1-1 for now, similar to speech, and try a 10 min 1-1 intervention session per qualifying student instead of 3 students for 30 min, if space and safety are an issue. Continue to provide technology support to staff in the case we are forced to go virtual again. Review tools/websites used last school year after summer break through PD sessions. Provide funds for online resources/websites as needed such as screencastify, Razz Kids,, etc. Provide PPE Provide disinfectant wipes Clean bathrooms more often throughout day Clean desks/tables more often throughout the day Clean door knobs frequently Clear definitive plan for students who refuse or abuse their PPE Clear paths in the hallway (one way, when possible) Can we wear whole face shields? Will we get desks to replace classrooms with tables so we can distance? How often will classrooms and common areas be sanitized? Will we have to keep our doors locked like mandated, or will be able to keep our doors open and our rooms ventilated? Will ventilation be considered; is it possible to test? The true possibility of keeping the kids and staff safe and distanced. I would like to see a focus on teaching children proper hand washing at the beginning of the school year and less reliance on hand sanitizer. I would also like to see lenience around parents keeping their

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Reopening Question

children home. We can't do our part to prevent the spread of germs if we're overly concerned with the number of days they miss. Hand washing stations, so students can wash their hands in more then just the bathroom before meals, and through out the day. Smaller class sizes. Adult temp checks/ wearing masks Ppe gear, hand washing station also 6 feet apart for kids, staff and parents. Whatever the district feels is best is fine with me. My children are looking forward to returning to an in person learning environment as well as to after school sports and activities. If masks are a requirement that is fine as well. We do not utilize busing and we will continue to transport our children as we always have. Too many children, too much contact with others As a full time Monday-Friday working parent, I hope my children will be able to resume normal school hours come fall, so that I am not forced out of my job. That said of course, I hope cleanliness in the classrooms and distance/separation on the playground will be achieved as much as possible, and limiting parents entering classrooms. I know my children need to catch up from not enough learning these last few months, and in-person instruction works best for them. Complete isolation from other students and teachers Just common sense precautions regarding hygiene. Kids need to be in a classroom with their classmates. I do not feel comfortable with in school return. A plan to protect staff members who are at higher risk for COVID Sanitizing the rooms/all areas throughout the day at regular intervals Masks for all Take temps of kids before getting on bus Make sure we have the technology available to teach remotely successfully Allow students/staff to work from home if wanted A plan to protect staff members who are at higher risk for COVID Sanitizing the rooms/all areas throughout the day at regular intervals Masks for all Take temps of kids before getting on bus Make sure we have the technology available to teach remotely successfully Allow students/staff to work from home if wanted In order for my children to feel safe , proper social distancing in the classrooms . Anybody who enters the school must have their temperature taken by school nurse . Everyone wear mask, must at all times be 6 foot apart from everyone even on bus and I can’t see that happening . And still not sure I would still feel safe. My child has asthma and I am 70 raising her. I also have congestive heart failure. And really at this point she is not returning to in school, I prefer Distance learning. I have a big concern about social distancing and the wearing of masks. I would not be comfortable sending my children to school if masks were not mandatory and if a return to fulltime in-person instruction was rushed. Masks and to understand that we have to work out of the house. We do not have resources to keep kids at home. Personally, I would feel comfortable knowing that all of the “standard” COVID precautions- face masks, appropriate spacing, etc.- are in place. And that message is clearly communicated to students and parents. I don’t think it’s safe to return to the classroom. I would prefer to homeschool.

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Reopening Question

Appropriate social distance guidelines, symptom checks ie. Temperature, possibly split sessions, appropriate hand hygiene stations, mandatory quarantine of students and staff if possible symptoms, mandatory masks worn by all students in grades 5-12 and all staff, mandatory vaccine when available, any student not in compliance with above will remain home on distance learning That my daughter will be safe. She is 4 and doesn’t like wearing a mask. Virtuall learning for her is not an option she can not focus. With that said hand sanitizer and cleaning frequently. Also ask to limit class size If you do split sessions Or every other day you need time to do a FULL clean BETWEEN each session. Normal cleaning routine. Nothing new needed. As a high school teacher myself in a large school, it is imperative that children go back into the classroom with a sense of security. I will be sending my 8th graders to class in September. As a parent and teacher, I’m simply looking for common sense precautions that do not hinder the educational day. The students need a sense of normalcy and schools can provide that. If a parent is not comfortable sending their child back, then don’t. We need to keep in mind that the kids will not learn if we restructure the school day to look like a hospital ward, a non traditional space or staggered scheduling. Thank you, Samantha Jones-Damminger 973-477-0763 the difficulty for teachers and students wearing masks all day. The size of the classrooms and the number of people in those classrooms. normalcy for the students Relaxed absentee policy, option for students to do remote learning. The second wave is going to hit as students are settling back into classrooms, students should have the option to work remotely if the district doesn’t implement distance learning across the board. My children live in the same house as grandparents who are both in high risk groups, and I am sure they are not alone in this situation. Students coming on staggered days, for instance three days remote and two in classroom for classes that absolutely need physical involvement to lessen the exposure when cases increase again in the fall I think that the administration is doing an exceptional job in following safety guidelines and keeping us informed. Clear communication about what is expected and what will take place. Other than that, I have no reason to believe that your decisions will be anything other than in the best interest of my son. The social emotional impact on students when they are not able to have physical interactions with peers and staff. I do not want my kids to wear masks at school. My kids should not be penalized(ie.having to do virtual learning) if I they do not wear them. There are so many questions and unknown aspects of this but I think the more typical the school day can be for students and staff, the better off we will all be. Thank you for all your hard work and efforts. This is not an easy task and no matter what someone will always be unhappy with decisions made. I feel as though the kids should learn remotely If parents are home , the parents that must work should have the choice to send there child to school. Splitting them up may help reduce the exposure and help the school maintain cleaning . Having the ability to continue to remote learn Require all kids to wear masks. Without that, you will not cut transmission. WD has already had one COVID staff death. Other helpful suggestions: cut student density in hallways between classes, suggest outside classes, stagger starts, eliminate bussing. that there will be room for safe social distancing Consistent open communication. Keep up the good work and thank you for all your efforts! I do not want my children to return and neither do they. We do not feel it is going to be safe.

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Mask guidelines, distancing guidelines, the impact of indoors vs outdoors activities, shared spaces, transitions between spaces, cleaning protocols, lunch/eating protocols. COVID testing of students & staff Appropriate social distancing and masks A contingency plan where 1/2 kids are in session Monday/Wednesday and other half Tuesday/Thursday- alphabetically (A-M Mon/Wed; N-Z Tues/Thurs), Friday all will be distance learning. (Students will be distance learning from home on days they are not scheduled to be in school). Also, teachers should not have to use their sick days for Covid-19 (for personal illness or dependants) since we do not have a choice of whether to be subjected to it and, therefore, risk bringing it into our home. Make sure that students are 6feet apart if social distancing is still required. Lots of cleaning Hand washing, sanitizers, strict sick policies with temperature and symptoms check That all the kids are safe. Children’s ability to wear a mask for an extended period of time and parents work schedule if the school day is modified Everyone needs to wear masks Whatever the district feels is best is fine with me. My children are looking forward to returning to an in person learning environment as well as to after school sports and activities. If masks are a requirement that is fine as well. We do not utilize busing and we will continue to transport our children as we always have. proper cleaning, space between student, option for at home learning Nothing. Daily monitoring for signs and symptoms, masks available for teachers and students, small class sizes, hand washing or hand sanitizing between classes, no gym or use of locker rooms. There are two options: 1- Start online school from September-till after Christmas ( hopefully there will be a vaccine during that time ). It is Not a good choice but it is the safest for now better than being in school without a vaccine. 2- Shift school one or two months ( re-open later than September) then make up those months in summer ( Japan has always school in summer ). I think it is better to be safe than sorry. Making sure children are not sick coming to school. How are you going to handle situations where there is a family that has a member who is sick but doesn’t quarantine? How will i be ensured my kids will not be exposed and because of HIPPA laws will we even know if they are being exposed? For instance Sally has it, she stays home, but her brother John still goes to school and is in my children’s classes Students should have a temperature check upon arrival each day. Masks required, if possible. A staggered schedule of initial in person and in home learning would make me feel better. Delayed openings for younger grades, as older kids have jobs. I trust the district to properly prepare, I will feel safe. How to social distance in classes Open Communication. Advanced Notice if Possible. Kids best interest comes first.

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1. Option to remotely teach online due to high risk factors 2. If I get sick or any of my students, how will this be handled? Does my sick time get waived? Is a sub responsible to cover the 14 day quarantine? 3. How do I help/teach/redirect individual students while being socially distant? 4. When kids are distracted by the masks, (licking them, using as a slingshot, getting them wet, ect.) are consequences expected and/or enforced school-wide? 5. Since masks are not required for students, just suggested, how will I keep myself safe? My students? How will I get others not to take their masks off? 6. Keeping online teaching where grade-level teachers collaborate the subjects. (Some students may not be able to attend due to high risk factors) 7. Smaller class size and teaching basic subjects such as reading and math. 8. Kindergarteners have a hard time remembering to wash themselves after the using the bathroom. How am I going to monitor the constant sanitation and teach effectively? 9. What if I only have tables, not desks? How will I keep Kindergarteners 6 feet apart? 10. Someone sanitizing the classroom, class bathroom, and surfaces frequently throughout the day. 11. Modified assessments. Many Kindergarteners are learning how to take a test, understand what to do, and need frequent redirection. How can I teach them if I can't get close to them? 12. All sanitation necessities. (Sanitizer, clorox wipes, hand soap, ect. ) 13. We are expected to build in time for sanitation breaks where students wash their hands, how and when will this occur while I'm teaching? 14. Do I eat lunch in the room with the kids? Do I get a prep? If not, is compensation given? 15. Students frequently come to school sick, how will I keep myself and my students safe if that student is sick. 16. What support will be given to the students who are afraid to be in the classroom with all these new precautions? How will their fears be handled? 17. Will the district provide cloth masks to employees? Students who can't afford them or forget them? 18. Family members watch my child and they are considered high risk, what happens if they get sick and I have no childcare? 19. What happens if my family members are not comfortable watching my child for fear of me bringing home the virus? 20. I am very anxious and emotional about going back. I have been diligent in social distancing and keeping my family safe. What options do I have if I am not comfortable putting myself at risk? 21. If there is a hybrid model of teaching, how and when will I prep for both? 22. What happens with fire dirlls, lockdown drills? How do I ensure proper social distancing? 23. If students aren't social distancing (defiance or immaturity, for instance) or following proper procedures (because they're just little ones), am I held responsible? 24. Will there be opportunities to take a break from the mask to avoid horrible headaches the next day? 25. How will districts and staff know that students who are returning to school in the fall for the first time, are not currently living with someone who is positive for the virus or is concealing it from the school? 26. Who is held responsible if a staff's family member or student's family member contracts the virus and passes away from it? 27. There are so many moving parts and fears that go along with opening schools again. How will our mental health be a priority? 28. What if, god forbid, there is an active shooter and our classroom doors are propped open? 29. Will small children be considered high risk and their parent be considered for remote learning or accommodations? 30. What are teachers legally going to be held responsible for?

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31. Since teachers are going to be doing extra duties, are we getting compensated? My main concerns are that people can social distance, have a lot of access to hand hygiene, and have the opportunity to wear a face covering when applicable - not mandated bc I don’t feel that if a teacher/staff member is greater than 6 ft away, that everyone should have to wear one at all times. There also needs to be a lot of education for parents that informs them that they must keep their child(ren) home in the event that they are sick. And lastly, there needs to be a protocol set in place for when students/staff can return to school after illness - Covid-19 or otherwise! Nothing Kids not jam packed together. I know this year my kids school bus( one child in 3rd,one in 4th) was crazy. They were the last bus stop to be picked up in the morning,and quite often the bus would pull away with my kids still standing,looking for somewhere to sit because the bus was completely filled with kids. Everything should be done to prevent that because of the current situation. If one students attends school and is infected with covid 19 will the entire class need to quarantine It’s all or nothing. Half and half can’t work. As teachers, we struggled to reach the kids online. As students, kids struggled to thrive in an unstructured environment. To ask teachers to wear a mask and teach daily, while kids at home need social, emotional support and interaction is absurd. Either we all go back, or none of us do. You’re going to offer the option and exhaust your teachers to look progressive. If one students attends school and is infected with covid 19 will the entire class need to quarantine How having kids constantly in masks is a bad idea for multiple reasons. Possibly of not going to school everyday. To limit the students that are in the building. Possibly an A week and a B week. When A students are in the classroom, B students are virtual learning. Then the next week switch groups. If there is still to many students in building, then maybe split them up in 3 groups. Spacing and cleaning. Hand wash stations. Less kids per class. To ensure safety will be in place and that students will follow I know this is not going to be an easy task, and I want to say ahead of time that I know the district will take all precautions necessary. I do think the school times should be staggered a little more - I do not plan to send my children on the busses this year and since I will have two at two different schools on opposite sides of town, I will hope I can drop them both off on time. I also think a hybrid learning option is a good idea. The children will not be able to keep masks on for hours a day (and I do agree they should wear them while at school.) Maybe have half day sessions on alternate days and distance learning the remainder of the days. Honestly I think it’s going to be difficult to say the least. The teachers and administrators have been amazing through this whole thing and I’ve never been more proud of our town. Keep up the great work. Nothing I am looking forward to returning to school in September. At the present time, I do not have any safety concerns. I'm more concerned my child won't be able to socialize or have activities to join because of too much social distancing . These kids need be kids and to live in fear We want our kids back in the classroom. We are not overly worried about kids contracting or spreading the virus. Remote learning is not going to work for pre k Unfortunately, i cannot really answer this question with a list of steps. This is out of the school’s hands and guidelines will be extremely difficult for the school to meet and students to follow. My daughter should be attending middle school this for 5th grade, and it's not sitting well with me. Students cannot

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possibly stay 6' from each other in a classroom. Especially in the hallways, gym class, lunch, and recess. This seems an impossible task put on our schools sadly. I would like to see the schools offer at home learning for those who are able to do so, to keep students safe and those who cannot stay home, are in less crowded buildings. I am hoping at home learning will be an option come the fall of 20/21 school year. I wish West Deptford School system the best in all efforts made and i know the most effective measures will be taken. I don't doubt the school system, i doubt out of our control situations. Parents at home and teachers not abiding by state rules as we can see today, so many people have been way too lenient with the weather being nice now. It's too risky. That the number is cases are low and somehow there is social distancing in the classrooms considering I do not see how children can wear masks all day long. Distancing in place including lunches and recess Ensuring children that are sick stay home. Social distancing shouldnt be the same if they are outside. I would feel comfortable returning if the school practiced safe distancing as best they could with clean and sanitized areas . I do also feel that masks would not be able to be tolerated for that long period of the school day , and I can’t imagine how the students could truly focus on schoolwork while being so uncomfortable . If masks are going to be required my vote would be to continue remotely . Until there is a vaccine, I think kids should continue virtual learning but with all teachers providing video instruction. Kids share so many germs when in school but this virus is different. We are not just talking about getting the common cold. I just don’t see how it’s possible for kids, especially elementary level, to wear a mask throughout the school day and eat lunch safely. Daily sanitizing of high touch surfaces, masks i believe it would be overwhelming to have students wear masks during the day. please make it as normal as possible Alot of disenfecting i believe it would be overwhelming to have students wear masks during the day. please make it as normal as possible It’s not a good idea. That is all. My kids will not attend if COVID-19 is still around. I have no concerns, illnesses are common in life especially in schools. Social distancing. Daily cleaning. Not sharing supplies (pencil’s, book’s etc.) temperature checks. Having a plan for recess, art and music. Safety as a parent is my number one concern. However as a educator myself the know the importance and value of normal classroom practices. Cleaning throughout the day the desk, door knobs, common areas such as he bathroom and water fountains , lunch room and so forth. I am comfortable sending my sons back to their normal routines as along as other families are taking precautions as well. Not sending a sick child to school is my number one concern. I know the district will do their best to keep all child and staff safe. Distance learning until a vaccine is out. Less amount of children in each classroom so they can space out Spacing of students and masks Hand sanitizer and wash stations. Possibly having a schedule to wash hands throughout the day so not many kids in restrooms at one time. Distance between desks or plexus glass up between desks. I am concerned about the hallways and students not keeping distance while changing classes. May be easier to have a set of students stay in one classroom with their belongings and have the teachers switch around to each class to teach. I’m not concerned over bussing as I provide transportation to school.

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Another concern of mine is some parents send their children to school while sick because they don’t have child care at home. Each student should have temp checked prior to entering the building. Distance learning until a vaccine is out. There needs to be a huge consideration for working parents who are trying to stay afloat during this pandemic. The gut reaction to just have children learn remote is a huge pill for some parents to swallow. While the health of students and teachers and others in the school system should be number one, the financial burden that will impact families is a strong second. Additionally parents are not teachers, and those that will be able to work from home will struggle to be a full time employee as well as a teacher - which many of us are not trained to do. Not to mention teachers that are parents of young children. small class sizes would help... maybe a split schedule to make that happen Consider the ages of the children and if wearing a mask is something they can do for an entire school day How are all kids and teachers going to remain at a safe distance with so many in each school Unlimited sick time so staff is not penalized for taking time off when not feeling well, or for family not feeling well Less amount of children in each classroom so they can space out Nothing. Social distancing the whole school day and Always have children and staff wearing mask until they eat lunch. Have sheds at all the desktop. No switching classes. Children and staff always 6 ft or more apart the whole school day. Only nurse can be closer. If that doesn’t happen I will not send my child back to school. This school needs to have an option to continue distance learning or come into school. I really am not comfortable with my daughter going back to school. The numbers are still rising. It’s not healthy to wear a mask all day. I myself work in the dental field. Wearing a mask all day I get nauseous and dizzy myself. So, I am not sure what else to say to this question. Do everything to ensure that all of our children are safe. If any child is sick send them immediately home. Keep us informed as often as possible regarding health and safety measures being taken at Oakview. Sick days and leniency. Kids are only allowed so many days out of school, but if they are feeling sick or have a fever, they must stay home . You can not run and get a covid test every time someone is sick in the house. I am scared to send my children back to school in the Fall because we are always sick within 2 weeks of going back to school. If one person in the house has a fever or any other symptoms, they may or may not have Covid. Do we keep everyone home if one person has a fever? or do we run the risk of possibly exposing hundreds of people to Covid. This really is a tough call. I think with the threat of this virus still lingering, kids will miss way more days than the days allotted. If a child stays home sick, can they still do virtual learning if they feel up to it? would that count as not missing school? As for in the school, how will social distancing work when changing classrooms? The time it takes to clean desks, chairs, doors, bathrooms, etc. eats up a lot of time, but should be done between every change of student. Will it be done properly? I don't think the kids will be able to keep masks on all day long either? Outdoor breaks to be able to remove the mask maybe? Lunch time is another tough thing. That is when children get a break and can be with friends. Are split day sessions an option? that could cause interference with sports though. Or every other week sessions? We love football and my son plays, but contact sports like that with sweat and saliva flying, and piling on top of one another, etc. is something to worry about. We have passionate supportive fans that pack WDHS stadium as well. Most that get the virus survive, but can you imagine the trauma the child could go through if they brought the virus home that took the life of their family member?

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These are all concerns of mine and very tough decisions for the people working on the return plan. I will do my best to support the decisions that are made. This is new to all of us and hopefully it will be over sooner rather than later. Transmission of Infection to the elderly members of our community. Transmission of Infection to the elderly members of our community. Be clear and transparent following all cdc federal and state guidelines and also make sure it is worth it for students to be in school, students have schedule and are learning. Clean areas, space between students(potentially barriers until they are used to the spacing) Make sure each classroom has plenty of hand sanitizer and wipes for the students to wipe their areas consistently. And once the children are in their areas if masks have to be worn they are able to take it off . High risk students and staff Clean each night. No mask no social distancing let the kids have a normal life.. parents need to go to work. They can’t if the kids are home I would like that mt Kindergarten child will not have to wear a mask due to asthma and epilepsy she can not keep one on for long periods (if she is willing to wear it in the first place) I believe that temperature checks would be sufficient in keeping the school community as safe as anywhere else. For the safety of the students and drivers on the school buses, a good suggestion would be hiring bus aides, to assure the wearing of face covering/ masks as well as staying in the assigned seats especially for younger students. HS students should be required to wear masks throughout the day unless eating lunch in the cafeteria. Classrooms should be sanitized throughout the day, especially during prep periods. However, it should not be left up to the teachers to be responsible for doing this during their own prep time. Implementing a new bell schedule to prevent over-crowding in the hallways when students and staff move from class to class or signage in the hallways indicating "one-way" halls (like a grocery store). Temperature checks for students when they get on the bus, or when they enter the building if they drive or get dropped off (teachers too). Hand sanitizing stations in addition to the ones that were already installed. Health and safety of kids and teachers Smaller classes/ keep the students with the same cohorts/ temp checks/ contact tracing/ air scrubbers for the class room (we use them in surgery/ masks all day/ smaller lunch groups with less crappy food Well for one I am not about putting any more junk vaccinations in my kids I completely disagree with them ... 2 every person in that school needs to put their big girl or boy pants on and do their job ..get up get your ass into school and teach ..or even better do away with all the teachers Switch to a CBL system ..for one there will be no human error in between to misteach or push their views upon the kids ... I for one have not been happy with any teacher any of my kids have had in Gloucester county and have had to retract them math English and god that twisted half truth history school teaches is a black eye on humanity...but none of you will actually listen ...keep the schools closed go to computer based learning just like every company does when you leave school Making sure everyone will be protected what ever way it is possible. Maybe 1/2 days with rotation of classes so nothing is missed until full days could be reinstated. Just making sure everyone has availability of social distancing and any protection they need to feel comfortable to be in the building. Social distancing, sanitation, isolating sick students and staff, preventative measures

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I feel every other day in person instruction is the safest way to only have 1/2 capacity and time to sanitize. It will also allow the children to have a full day of instruction then go home to reinforce what they learned. For my son, 1/2 day in school and a 1/2 day at home would be too disruptive. Thank you! The classrooms and locker rooms are sanitized often. Nothing. I feel fully secure. Make sure everything is cleaned and sanitized completely . Take temperatures every day and make the kids wash their hands when they enter each room in the school. Practice social distancing and wear masks . Stop the panic. Just keep doing what you have been. the potential surge of another wave that is worse then what we just went through and to be prepared until the vaccine is available to protect students, staff, and the community even if decisions are difficult Maintaining 6 feet maybe some type of Partition around the students smaller classes I feel not only the staff and visitors should wear a mask but also the students maybe doing one day one grade in school learning next day next grade so on and so forth and have remote learning the other days A shorter day no lunchtime no gym Staying in the same classroom throughout the day temperature checks hand sanitizing stations no water fountains to be available Making sure everyone will be protected what ever way it is possible. Maybe 1/2 days with rotation of classes so nothing is missed until full days could be reinstated. I'd feel safe returning to normal. That everything stays sterile for each student which there is no possible way to do that. The students switch classrooms and teachers and staff do not keep anything clean. The bathrooms are so unclean that my child will checkout to use the restroom, just as other students do. You need to consider that no one knows what’s happening. As long as things are like they are now these children should stay at home. BUT the teachers need to teach!!!! It’s not the parents job to teach!! The teachers are getting paid to teach and only a handful are doing it!!! Wait to reopen schools until there is an affective vaccine for COVID19 Thorough cleaning, social distancing, hand washing, temperature check and all sick children stay home Thank you As this is new territory it is hard to say. Working from home is the safest option. Though I do believe if we need to return I feel the custodial staff does a great job and the remaining staff will do all they can to keep things safe for everyone. I think that it will be impossible for students to wear masks no matter their age. Social distancing will even be difficult for most student’s especially those who get easily distracted. Please be sure to consider kids with ADHD and other special needs. I’d hate to see them get in “trouble” for not following the rules when it’s difficult for some kids to follow them to begin with. It will cause unnecessary additional stress for many kids with special needs. Masks all around. More Sanitizing stations! Clear goals and expectations that are followed by all. All classrooms have the same cleanliness standards and that students must adhere to the rules or consistent consequences. (Masks/social distancing, etc.) That teachers know what to do/say when students refuse to wear masks properly, refuse to not touch others, etc. I think it would be helpful to have some kind of in person training on online teaching platforms as there will probably be some students who may not be in school due to absences. I would also like to know what happens if a teacher has a sub, that subs are trained on

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classroom sanitation and the rules. I also want administration to be aware of the fact that there are many teachers who are also parents whose children may be in a district that does not fully go back to school and the challenges that those teachers will face in figuring out childcare issues. Mask for all, and social distance Distance, cleaning, masks Proper cleaning/disinfecting, temperature readings, adhering to social distancing in the classrooms and monitoring of face mask wearing. Social distancing maintained. Strict enforcement of masks properly worn by teachers and students. Hand sanitizer being used when coming into each room. Desks being thoroughly disinfected between each student. Protocols to limit student to student contact during transitions and protocols for students eating (if full days). My children being safe under the circumstances my child has lung issues and also has sensory processing disorder. Im not sure how he will make it through the day wearing a mask. He does well with the distance learning. I would love to continue that with support of a teacher if possible. I would like to see actual teaching on a zoom platform through lessons. Or some way to provide a good virtual platform for my child to flourish. Proper cleaning routines and techniques taught to staff as well as staff understanding the signs and symptoms of Covid and not being afraid to take off if they think they may have it. Like any employee anywhere I am sure that sometimes staff can be afraid to call out because of possible repercussions. Mask wearing is also important but more important is hand hygiene and the availability of quick hand cleaning products like gels and wipes. I would like a clear plastic face guard so my students can see my mouth movements when producing sounds and interpret social cues. A proper and fulfilling learning experience. Students in classrooms full time. Ask that we follow guidelines... I feel returning to school is necessary, but if it doesn’t happen I feel the distant learning needs to be improved upon... teachers must teach via zoom or iTunes or whatever necessary, but busy will will not due. Classroom, library, gym are cleaned and sanitized everyday. Children & staff safety is my number 1 priority. I am open, encouraging, & prepared to help apply all accomodations that achieve the safest & most appropriate learning environment for my children & the staff that support their education. Following the scientific data & medical expert advice should be a top priority when making decisions regarding the reopening of schools. [email protected] My biggest concern is child care. A schedule with only a few days a week in the classroom would be detrimental to our family. I’m a single mom with a full time job. I depend on the before and after care and a full school schedule. I’m not worried about the virus as much as I am keeping my job so I can feed my kids and keep a roof over their head. Please consider this when reopening for the working parents.

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Reopening Question

Of course I want to make sure my daughter is in a safe and social distance environment. My concerns are wiping down surfaces where the virus can be transmitted and how will that be maintained? wearing masks, will this be enforced? What about the attendance policy if your child gets COVID and is out 10 days with it? Who will take temperatures? Constantly wipe down surfaces? Monitor halls and restrooms? It is going to be so stressful. Distance learning is a big concern of mine. I don’t feel either of my daughters were “taught” anything after we were forced home. They were given reading assignments and taught themselves. My senior does not feel she learned what she could in her class and this will put her behind in her college courses. With that being said, we understand teachers were thrown into this distance learning as well. We have some great teachers who may not be as technologically savvy as others. Maybe more education to help them teach would be beneficial. Unnecessary projects need to be cut out. These kids meed aome down time too. March to may was very stressful for them. Teachers have to better communicate their lesson plans for the week. My kids missed assignments simply because some things were misleading. Optional Assignments and required assignments were not clearly distinguished. No need to post optional ... just list what is required. CommonLit assignments took too long and were stressful then to be graded for accuracy and not just completion. 6 questions graded for accuracy. Also IXL. My kids thought it was ok for math but Mr Costa used it in lit and you had to Continuously read different paragraphs with different topics just to keep on making the same mistakes and not understanding what you are doing wrong. IXL does not offer a good explanation when you an incorrect answer. If we are going to continue distance learning, do more zoom classes where the teachers are actually teaching and cut back on the unnecessary home work load during this time. It’s too much and too stressful. For everyone, teachers, parents and students. These are unusual times and we all must adapt to get through this. Disclosure of plans. Disclosure of what will happen if a case of covid is reported at school. What happens if numbers in the US get really bad? Enforcement of sick students, teachers, and quarantining of families and students that are traveling from areas of high cases per NJ state recommendations. What happens to a student if one of our immediate household gets covid--how should we proceed? my main two concerns are:1. those people (carriers) who are A symptomatic that have not been tested. 2. people are not staying home nor social distancing. hints to the outrageous amount of people who have already been infected and the number is still increasing to this day. so, im sorry but there's nothing that can be done to make me feel safe enough to support reopening the schools. I'm not sure how it's possible to keep kids socially distanced. Especially when switching classes. Maybe the teachers should switch classes and not the students? Not sure how kids are going to keep masks on all day. My grandon will hate it and he's also asthmatic. . Desks should be cleaned and sanitized after each class. And I know this sounds off the wall but we have seen his happen in the news do you keep kids from using spreading the virus as a means of bullying. (Purposely coughing, sneezing or spitting on each other in an attempt to scare/bully another student?) And how do you handle kids that do come to school sick?

Page 55: Reopening Question · Maybe the teachers can wear a face shield instead of a mask? I only say this because you can't see a teachers facial expressions thru a mask. ... and sharing

Reopening Question

Parents send their kids to school sick on a regular basis. Who is going to monitor that? How about distancing on the bus? Whats the plan? How much time is going to be spent teaching when the teachers are trying to handle all of the above. Don't get me wrong, I would love to see them go back. They NEED to go back! They aren't getting a proper education at home. They need to socialize. I just don't see how they can... Less students in the building at once. In a class of 20, split it into 10 and 10. While you teach one half of the class in person, the other half does an online assignment. Then roles switch. Allows for social distancing while also reducing contact between people. I don’t feel the kids should return until the virus is under control and I don’t think it will be by September. Social distancing, enforcing handwashing, wearing masks although it has also been said that masks should not be worn continuously throughout a day without a break for fresh air, students not sharing any items particularly in OT sessions, only one child per seat on a bus, and honestly I worry that the re-opening is way too soon. Although I know the law must be followed, I am very worried to send my daughter back this year at all. As much as you all prepare for what needs to be done to return in the fall,( and I know you will because you all rock) there will always be someone who doesn't follow the rules and makes it harder for everyone to stay safe. We have many rule breakers already - when it comes to my kids health, I can't take that gamble . I strongly suggest virtual learning as an option for the start of the school year for this reason. A vaccine was given to students, teachers and staff Distance learning again. I think masks are also a major distraction. They will be messing with the mask like licking it moving it on their face. Mask All that enter any educational setting are healthy and well and have been for at least 14 days. Temp checks for students The safety of the students and staff must be the top priority! Beyond that, preparations for a potentially quick transition to remote learning, which I feel the district handled extremely well already, would be my second concern. As well as you all responded in March at the beginning of the pandemic, use that plan as a blueprint, and try to find ways to improve upon it should the need to implement remote learning become necessary again during the upcoming academic year. Having spoken my mind, kudos to everyone for having taken the lemons we were all given in March, and making the best batch of lemonade possible. I could not be prouder to be a member of Eagle Country!!! Thank you all!! Know what to expect in the classroom. How will my children still get a productive learning experience? What new routines will I have to prepare my children for? Lunch in the class room? Play time routine? How will the class room be set up. Will children be forced to wear a mask? My children can't keep it on for 5 minutes. I think it will effect time in school and learning. Just knowing what is expected this year ASAP so I can make the right decision for my family. Mask Safety measures, smaller class size and social distance I don’t have any concerns except continued hand washing, increased classroom and restroom cleaning. Smaller class sizes I would love half day kindergarten The social emotional impact on students when they are not able to have physical interactions with peers and staff. I do not want my kids to wear masks at school. My kids should not be penalized(ie.having to do virtual learning) if I they do not wear them. There are so many questions and unknown aspects of this

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Reopening Question

but I think the more typical the school day can be for students and staff, the better off we will all be. Thank you for all your hard work and efforts. This is not an easy task and no matter what someone will always be unhappy with decisions made. Hand sanitizer available at every doorway. masks for students, faculty and visitors. Keep visitors to a minimum. Educate the students to better understand germs And how they spread and teaching them the importance of wearing masks and washing hands. The more the kids understand, I feel the more they will comply with the unfortunate changes that we all face. space b/t kids, continual access to sanitizing Common sense. If someone is ill, stay home and this includes the teachers and administrators Social distancing and sanitizing Social distancing and sanitizing Enough room inside classrooms to allow students to social distance from each other. I think using the Chromebooks in school. Take away backpacks, paper, pens, pencils & crayons, things of that, to share or use in class. Maybe it will help to free the space in the classrooms & cut back the spread of germs/virus. The kids will not be on top of each other with their desk. Eating Breakfast & Lunch in classroom. Have activities for recess to support social distancing. I trust that the teachers and administrators will come up with a plan to keep our children safe. As a parent, I would like to be kept in the loop. Communication should be frequent and if at any time there is a possibility of a COVID case at school that we are informed immediately. Thank you. Sanitation of school environment and facilities Health and safety of kids and teachers That students and staff are safe Everyone wear mask, must at all times be 6 foot apart from everyone even on bus and I can’t see that happening . And still not sure I would still feel safe. My child has asthma and I am 70 raising her. I also have congestive heart failure. And really at this point she is not returning to in school, I prefer Distance learning. Better cleaning and disinfecting done in the classroom, supplies for protection and cleaning in the classroom (masks, disinfectant), to have programs that support at home learning if we need to do that Schools need to open! Children are falling behind in their education. Additionally, social interaction with peers is as important to a child’s development as in-classroom learning. Furthermore, businesses are opening. What is a working parent to do if schools remain closed while they are expected to report to work? Of course I want to make sure my daughter is in a safe and social distance environment. My concerns are wiping down surfaces where the virus can be transmitted and how will that be maintained? wearing masks, will this be enforced? What about the attendance policy if your child gets COVID and is out 10 days with it? Who will take temperatures? Constantly wipe down surfaces? Monitor halls and restrooms? It is going to be so stressful. Distance learning is a big concern of mine. I don’t feel either of my daughters were “taught” anything after we were forced home. They were given reading assignments and taught themselves. My senior does not feel she learned what she could in her class and this will put her behind in her college courses. With that being said, we understand teachers were thrown into this distance learning as well. We have some great teachers who may not be as technologically savvy as others. Maybe more education to help them teach would be beneficial.

Page 57: Reopening Question · Maybe the teachers can wear a face shield instead of a mask? I only say this because you can't see a teachers facial expressions thru a mask. ... and sharing

Reopening Question

Unnecessary projects need to be cut out. These kids meed aome down time too. March to may was very stressful for them. Teachers have to better communicate their lesson plans for the week. My kids missed assignments simply because some things were misleading. Optional Assignments and required assignments were not clearly distinguished. No need to post optional ... just list what is required. CommonLit assignments took too long and were stressful then to be graded for accuracy and not just completion. 6 questions graded for accuracy. Also IXL. My kids thought it was ok for math but Mr Costa used it in lit and you had to Continuously read different paragraphs with different topics just to keep on making the same mistakes and not understanding what you are doing wrong. IXL does not offer a good explanation when you an incorrect answer. If we are going to continue distance learning, do more zoom classes where the teachers are actually teaching and cut back on the unnecessary home work load during this time. It’s too much and too stressful. For everyone, teachers, parents and students. These are unusual times and we all must adapt to get through this. Having the ability to continue to remote learn That everything stays sterile for each student which there is no possible way to do that. The students switch classrooms and teachers and staff do not keep anything clean. The bathrooms are so unclean that my child will checkout to use the restroom, just as other students do. Social distancing the whole school day and Always have children and staff wearing mask until they eat lunch. Have sheds at all the desktop. No switching classes. Children and staff always 6 ft or more apart the whole school day. Only nurse can be closer. If that doesn’t happen I will not send my child back to school. This school needs to have an option to continue distance learning or come into school. Frequent & regular cleaning of facilities, classrooms, bathrooms, locker rooms; hand sanitizer readily available and encouraged frequent use; try to limit classroom sizes Open line of communication- weekly updates. Once guidelines are approved, zero tolerance for not following them. Consistency with procedures from level to level. Parent night before school begins to learn new procedures to work with our children to help their adjustment. Looking at how students did with remote learning to determine which students need in class instruction v students who thrived during remote instruction. Planning to offer extra curricular opportunities for students. Knowing that decisions made by the school will not be changed due to parental outcry. Local health and education guidance changes or alters plans. Mask My nurses office can get very crowded with sick and injured students, will I need to limit the number of students in the health office at one time? Will isolation rooms be needed for student with fevers? Will PPE be provided to the school staff? No cases in the state How the buses will run with social distancing procedures, will the children need to be masked all day, childrens social/emotional development. Face shields for PreK and K. NO water fountain access. Additional cleaning Aides to wander each classroom with soap and water or cleaner to constantly wipe down areas of use. 2 weeks of in classroom school, 2 weeks outside of class school (either online or offline homeschool) use the building for those

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Reopening Question

without daycare and separate even more. Outdoor sessions on nice weather days. Temperature checks. Do not enforce vaccine UNTIL adults tested without side effects, then mandatory vaccinations. Good luck with the decision. I wouldn't want your job right now. God bless. Not rushing them back into classrooms. Especially younger grades who are less tolerant of masks. As long as my daughter is taken care of properly and the safety protocol is in place I am good with her going back. I also wanted to mention as a single mom it’s extremely important that the before and after school care be available. Masks that have clear openings to see our mouths , plan for temp checks, daily schedule, bathroom cleaning routine. No cases in the state Frequent cleaning of shared areas and surfaces. I feel safe returning to school. Masks must be worn if needed 6 feet apart if possible and hand sanitize stations! Social distancing the whole school day and Always have children and staff wearing mask until they eat lunch. Have sheds at all the desktop. No switching classes. Children and staff always 6 ft or more apart the whole school day. Only nurse can be closer. If that doesn’t happen I will not send my child back to school. This school needs to have an option to continue distance learning or come into school. Keeping us informed and options open for returning No bullying, harassment, and absolutely no hatred towards someone who is a part of the LGBTQ+ community or who is black. Coming up with clear procedures and guidelines for the students to follow when riding the bus, eating lunch and recess, and being in the classroom that limits the amount of close contact with each other. Making sure students are washing/sanitizing their hands multiple times during the day, especially before lunch and after recess. Checking staff members and student’s temperatures in the morning. There will always be a certain degree of risk in life. I would love for school to return so our children can have a sense of normalcy. I feel that you, the school district, have handled everything professionally and with great care. I do NOT feel the CDC guidelines are realistic in any school or for any school district, but I have faith you will do everything in your power to make everyone feel as safe as possible. My children will be going along with any decisions that you make. I think it's clear that distance learning was a disaster from start to finish. I think it's smart to social distance. I think trying to get students to go a whole school day while wearing a mask is just unrealistic. Maybe have faculty and staff wear masks. Maybe the solution is to have morning and afternoon classes? Leah Kaiser- 2nd grade... making sure no one is sick in school, require washing hands, no more chrome books, and no touching other students. No cases in the state That all safety protocols put forth by CDC are being met in the classroom for me (I am type 1 diabetic) and my students, as well as my children who attend West Deptford elementary schools. For children who have a hard time keeping a mask on for long periods of time. A safe area for social distancing in the event masks are taken off. Bus safety to keep the children healthy. Overall safety in keeping the children safe and healthy and virus free is my number one main concern. Open line of communication- weekly updates. Once guidelines are approved, zero tolerance for not following them. Consistency with procedures from level to level. Parent night before school begins to learn new procedures to work with our children to help their adjustment. Looking at how students did with remote learning to determine which students need in class instruction v students who thrived during remote instruction. Planning to offer extra curricular opportunities for students. Knowing that decisions

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Reopening Question

made by the school will not be changed due to parental outcry. Local health and education guidance changes or alters plans. First off I would like to give the teachers major praise and appreciation for doing their jobs....I lost my job during this pandemic and have a 6 and a 2 year old at home all day. We moved from Philly to come to West Deptford to give our kids a better education about a year and half ago....Man, what a first year!!! Kids will be kids as we all know and until this is completely under control having them apart or at a distance will be extremely hard. I feel 100 % we should have an everyday zoom classroom setting for learning and interaction with their friends...I personally feel if I have to play teacher another year I will have a nervous breakdown ....again I thank you teachers for all you do ... Open communication on the situation at the school Contact tracing system in place for schools and notification process Bathroom hygiene amongst the children. Classroom hygiene. More areas and more time allowed for proper hand washing. Making sure desks are sanitized, sanitizers available on each floor, masks I feel safe about going back. I do think we need to take into consideration our youngest population and are we going to hold them accountable for not keeping their masks on. They are so young and for those with speech/language delays, they need to see our mouths when we speak, as we need to see theirs. PPE with clear view mouth? Who would provide them? I have always wiped down desks, doorknobs, toys and materials on my own in between each use way before COVID, but with there being a shortage of disinfecting wipes in stores, will the school be finding a way to provide us with these when we go back? Other than that I feel very confident upon returning to school in the fall. Thanks Option to homeschool Distancing in place including lunches and recess That everything stays sterile for each student which there is no possible way to do that. The students switch classrooms and teachers and staff do not keep anything clean. The bathrooms are so unclean that my child will checkout to use the restroom, just as other students do. I just don’t see how students are going to be able to be 6ft from eachother at all times. Let alone the little ones keeping masks on the entire day, I understand masks are encouraged but mandatory however, I don’t feel comfortable with my child not wearing one along with other students. Lysol wipes, hand sanitizer available for all children I just want kids to be able to go back to school. They need the social interaction with peers. Bathroom attendants to make sure kids are washing up, and to disinfect the bathroom several times a day. Hire full time cleaning staff. Rent mobile classrooms and open additional school locations. Reduce course burden as necessary. Extend the school day to adjust for time spent staggering classes. Extend the school year to make up for reduced course load. Continue on with life while sanitizing Childrens mental health. I don't want my children to feel that school is a scary place that will put them at risk. I want them to feel safe and comfortable. I want them to have a continuous routine. Whether it is going to school every day but only half the time or every MWF full time. I do not want them to have a different schedule every week.

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Reopening Question

If remote learning is an option, I would like all teachers to have the same routine. The same amount of virtual meetings or even virtual lessons. Just more virtual interaction overall. Social distancing, wearing of masks & frequent cleanings Hand washing procedures are followed and masks are worn Social distancing, wearing of masks & frequent cleanings The psychological well being of my child and making the return to school as close to normal as possible. ALL children wear a mask in class at all times only remove to eat/drink. Daily santizing, hand santizer used often and No sharing toys, pencils,books etc....Plus ENFORCE sick children to stay home if they come to school sick send them home! I do not feel comfortable sending my child back to school as is so I want to see things being done to keep my child safe as well as other children. A vaccine Smaller Class sizes, proper air ventilation throughout the schools, mandatory mask wearing, sanitizer stations. Honestly, it is so up in the air with the governor that I dont know how to answer. I fully trust our school and that my child will be safe if the decision is to reopen and it will only happen if the district can secure that safety. Im not sure how it will be possible with the size of our classes and distancing. Mask at all times teacher and students, actual six feet distance at all times from each other, temperature check as the students walk in school and sanitizer station in very class. A way to have ALL the kids be properly social distanced and surfaces repeatedly disinfected. No cases in the state That we do not have distant learning as the kids are more stressed as well as parents. Kids are not learning and parents have to go and work also I don’t even know if it will be safe. It’s very scary. I don't feel that my children can safely return to a building where they will be around hundreds of other students, staff, teachers, etc. Social distancing inside of a school building with the amount of kids will not be realistically possible. I feel we should take this time to fine tune distance learning process and look at a possible return after Christmas to see what the fall flu season brings. Make sure each classroom has plenty of hand sanitizer and wipes for the students to wipe their areas consistently. And once the children are in their areas if masks have to be worn they are able to take it off . Proper social distancing and control of the amount of students in the building at one time. Everyone must wear mask at all times and with 6ft distance. The school and hand rails and door knobs being properly cleaned and sanitized. How is social distancing going to happen and how will you force it. No masks. They are unsafe. Some of my kids have asthma and other issues. Masks cause carbon dioxide inhalation and oxygen levels to decrease and can cause lung infections. I'm afraid I cannot send my kids back if this is a necessity . For the high school: masks, plexiglass dividers between students, desk wiped down before each class, hand sanitizer used for the start of each class, proper ventilation in the classrooms, stagger students in the hallways, or use of plastic face shields worn in the hallways, and possibly a shorten school day. Masks on all students and staff, staggering the days that students are in the building ( ie. all 7th graders only on Thursday, 8th graders on Wednesday. the rest being a hybrid of online and in class learning. this would limit the number of kids in the school at one time) Or have 2 grades in the school at one time but spread out over 2 wings, such as 7th grade in A and B wing on Mon and Tuesday 8th grade in C and D

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Reopening Question

wing on Monday and Tuesday. 5th grade in A and B wings Thurs and Friday 6th grad in C and D wing Thurs Friday. Bag lunches in the class no lunchroom, children could still get lunch at school but it would be a sandwich delivered to the classroom, everything pre-packaged and no touch they can offer salads sandwiches etc. If they have to change classes do in on a rotating schedule where only 2 or 3 classes are in the hall at one time or have the teachers switch classes. High school would be difficult but using the same model of 9th and 10th grade in school 2 day then 11th and 12 in school 2 days. Have a catch up day in school review day that kids need to sign up for in advance and once there are a certain number then they cap that class. Assign children cleaning duty, where they go into a class before it starts and wipe down their own desk and chair. Assign the highly active kids the task to wipe down high touch surfaces such as doors and lights. Sanitation stations across the premises. Fewer students per classroom. Temperature screening at time of entering school and classroom. That my children will not have to sit with a mask on for 8 hours because its dangerous for them. Breathing in their own carbon monoxide is dangerous for them. Proper hand washing and just being sure the classroom and surfaces are wiped down good at the start or end of each day. A business as usual approach would work best I won’t feel comfortable until there is an effective form of treatment or a vaccine Cleaning protocols Systematic cleaning throughout the day. Deep cleaning occurring every weekend. Daily bus sanitized with children sitting alone on bus or masks required on the bus if not seated alone. Deep Cleaning of the buses every weekend. Routine use of hand sanitizer built into daily schedule. Barriers between the students desks. Face masks used by everyone. I will be comfortable with sending my children back to school however the school chooses to open. I would like to see efforts made to try to meet health recommendations but understand operating a school while trying to meet those standards can be unrealistic in many instances. I prefer not to have a hybrid of in person and remote learning as it has been very difficult juggling work and remote school. Consistent and efficient cleaning; ensuring students can wash hands and sanitize often; understanding if child is sick without judgement from teachers if child misses days or assignments. Making sure everything's sanitized you actually have everything covered Cleaning Bathrooms being cleaned. I'm not crazy for wearing mask all day. Health and safety

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Reopening Question

Check the children's temperature before entering school send home any child who has any kind of symptoms even the smallest cold symptom do not tolerate anyting everyone should be tested for covid before entering back to school The school and bus are cleaned and sanitized properly and to wear a mask Relax the attendance policy and/or allow for at home learning as well. If a child is sick (flu, cold, etc.) do you really want them in school. And there will be some parents who flat out don’t feel safe sending their kids to school. Relax the attendance policy and/or allow for at home learning as well. If a child is sick (flu, cold, etc.) do you really want them in school. And there will be some parents who flat out don’t feel safe sending their kids to school. That the kids will be safe and able to learn without distraction. PPE - N95 face masks, face shields, hand sanitizer, a socially distanced classroom PPE available wash and sanitize hands very often. Superintendent should follow the chain of command so that we dont become williamstown. Sanitizing the school Social distancing as best as possible and practicing hygiene/ hand washing. Being sure that when sick, students and staff stay home. I work in the preschool autism room. Given the dynamics of the room, I'm at a loss as to how this will work with our kiddos since being close is a necessity and mask wearing will be difficult. Spread out classrooms and lunch periods, masks for sure, better bus spacing and frequent cleaning. Please if you consider students splitting in school and online learning consider that many families have multiple children and cannot have one kid home and one kid at school.....that is a logistical nightmare for working parents. If my high schooler is home, I expect that my elementary student would be home the same day. That needs to be strongly considered for childcare for all families. That is probably my greatest concern. In addition, if online learning continues if even for a day or two a week, there actually needs to be teaching taking place, not just posting online assignments. This is my biggest concern and the reason I want my children to attend in person schooling. The lack of actual teaching that occurred the past few months was astounding. I understand that it was a brand new experience but there were many teachers that actually taught online daily and others just posting random assignments. To be very honest, it was disappointing and at the end i was just telling my kids to just complete it quickly because it was laughable. The teachers need to be held to the same high standards online as they are in the classrooms. Many of us complete work at home with children, it isn't anything new for the rest of working parents. Many of us staying up late after our young children go to sleep to complete our work. Some kids have underlying conditions Universal Precautions-mask wearing and hand washing I will not send my daughter back to school if a mask is required all day. a clear plan Having the ability to continue to remote learn Support if I contact covid19 at the workplace Follow social distancing guidelines using PPE where necessary, please A vaccine was given to students, teachers and staff My son Gavin starzinski has a heart defect tricuspid atresia

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Reopening Question

Cleaning supplies are constantly available. Use of masks within reason. Social distancing, masks , less students on alternating days no specials. Just required courses 1) Allow me to wear a mask which I have purchased. I also may decide to wear a face shield(which I will provide) when I need to help a student troubleshoot a computer program on their laptop. I am the primary care giver for my 96 year old father. I want to take all necessary steps to prevent infecting him. 2) The engineering courses I teach require a windows laptop. I wish the district to purchase laptop chargers so a student can work from home with their computer. I plan on giving students a robot to take home to work with remotely. This will allow me to teach the engineering courses as they were intended. I am ready for a s to come back and Infeep safe already. Good communication Kids wearing masks all day, they can’t do that. It is uncomfortable and they won’t be able to focus A plan for social distancing. At home learning is ok for some kids. Not all Classroom cleaning, heating and AC cleanliness, temperature taking Updates, an idea of how we will keep the kids six feet apart. For them not to be forced to wear masks all day. Emails to know what the schedule will lool like so i can start planning. Screening all staff and students,masks, hygiene education all around,hand sanitizers,disinfecting all areas daily Efficient sanitizing measures, good communication. Until there is a vaccine, I think kids should continue virtual learning but with all teachers providing video instruction. Kids share so many germs when in school but this virus is different. We are not just talking about getting the common cold. I just don’t see how it’s possible for kids, especially elementary level, to wear a mask throughout the school day and eat lunch safely. Social distancing. I do think the kids need to wear face masks when I’m close contact but I am also concerned about the comfort and issues with use of those all the time. Proper sanitizing and consider staggered attendance to cut back on classroom crowding. Cut back on sharing supplies and consider staying with the same kids for lunch, recess, etc to cut down on exposure. Hand sanitizer and wash stations. Possibly having a schedule to wash hands throughout the day so not many kids in restrooms at one time. Distance between desks or plexus glass up between desks. I am concerned about the hallways and students not keeping distance while changing classes. May be easier to have a set of students stay in one classroom with their belongings and have the teachers switch around to each class to teach. I’m not concerned over bussing as I provide transportation to school. Another concern of mine is some parents send their children to school while sick because they don’t have child care at home. Each student should have temp checked prior to entering the building. Some online learning to prevent overcrowding in classrooms Distancing in place including lunches and recess We need to have a defined structure and expectations for the students. We finished the 2019-2020 in an emergency mode that allowed students to check out early and receive minimal educational opportunities. I fear that when we return in September in any capacity, we may have inadvertently set a tone that allows students to not attend school, receive instruction, and complete assignments. I recognize that there are a million concerns regarding transportation, food services, cleaning and maintenance, and healthcare in addition to the education component, and I appreciate all of your hard work and efforts. Wearing masks all day is not conducive to an effective learning environment. It’s distracting and can cause side effects such as headaches when worn all day. Kids with respiratory hx especially. Practicing good hand hygiene and social distancing is the most important factor while trying to bring back some normalcy for these kids.

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Reopening Question

Communicate The health and safety of our students and staff is at critical; however, in regard to the recommendations from the CDC we need to look at the realalistic applications of such in a school environment. For our youngest and disabled students we need to consider their individual needs in regard to any precautions/safety measures such as wearing masks and social distancing, as many require physical prompting and significant staff support as well as close proximity for safety reasons. I am a speech therapist. My only concern be that we receive clear masks or shields so the students can see how we produce our sounds. Additional budget money for the Wood Shop for supplies such as: 1. Additional safety glasses for each student in the shop programs (approximately 130 pairs). We currently only have 25 pairs that are cleaned at the end of each period in the safety glasses cabinet. With Covid I do not feel it is safe for students to share glasses. 2. Aerosol or pump action disinfectant spray to clean the machines after each period. 3. Hand sanitizer stations in the shop. How to implement the guidelines in a serious and realistic manner and not just in spirit only. The mindset needs to be that we’re gonna do everything possible to ensure everyone’s safety and be very strict from the outset, so that everyone (students, staff, admin, support, parents) buys in and knows there is no getting around these new rules and policies. Also, it is the perfect time to think outside the box and reimagine how we can deliver educational services to the community. Don’t think about how we can best make it normal and like it always has been. Think about this opportunity to transform k-12 education in WD, in a way that is lasting and beneficial to everyone. And don’t let those who resist change hold you back! Biggest concern would be hand sanitizer available throughout school, I know it will be difficult for the students and staff to run to the bathroom to wash hands frequently. I trust that the teachers and administrators will come up with a plan to keep our children safe. As a parent, I would like to be kept in the loop. Communication should be frequent and if at any time there is a possibility of a COVID case at school that we are informed immediately. Thank you. My main concern is the health and safety of all students and staff. I think masks should be worn by everyone in the building (that are medically able), and social distancing efforts need to be in place and enforced. That kids are not willingly going to follow distancing rules and guidelines when not in sight of school personnel Rotating school days continued flattened number of cases throughout the summer, a CDL to drive buses and cut costs on my free time I would like to see the WDSC demonstrating transparency in explaining how schools will follow social distancing guidelines in the hallways and classrooms and how they will keep facilities clean. Who is liable and how do you plan on keeping people safe. What about students and staff who have elderly living in their homes Where mask I am a proponent of returning to the traditional school model of in-house structured learning in a classroom setting. I trust that the schools will take necessary measures to ensure the safety of the

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students. My children understand the purpose of wearing masks and personal hygiene such that they are capable of handling those responsibilities during the school day. For my children in particular, they both need the peer interaction and social aspect of classroom learning to remain engaged and learn the materials. Distance learning, although well structured, was a challenge for one of my children and independent instruction is NOT a method we can sustain into the new school year. Without a teacher to provide differentiated instruction methods, I fear that my children will disconnect from the process altogether. I trust that the teachers and administrators will come up with a plan to keep our children safe. As a parent, I would like to be kept in the loop. Communication should be frequent and if at any time there is a possibility of a COVID case at school that we are informed immediately. Thank you. Proper sanitation, more teachers and staff for smaller groups of student learning, a shorter kindergarten day You have to make sure the kids are 6 feet apart and I thing its to many kids and not enough classrooms to do that. no new cases of covid 19 in NJ. I would rather delay opening and continue distance learning than endanger the students, teachers and staff with this crisis. I feel safe returning to school, but if we are required to wear masks throughout the school day, then it would be more beneficial to wear clear masks. The children I teach have speech and language difficulties and really need to visually see my mouth as I am speaking. They also need to be able to hear clearly the directions being given. In addition, I know there are guidelines for COVID, however I hope the district takes into consideration that all of the guidelines may not be appropriate for young children with special needs. How will social distancing be maintained on a bus without adding plexiglass or barriers to the tops of the seats because honestly that sounds like it takes away the safety on the bus if it were to get into an accident? Masks can be worn however what happens if a child becomes overheated? How will school temperatures in the classrooms and hallways be maintained throughout the year because everyone's hot and cold levels are different? How will the attendance policy change because there are so many so called symptoms that could be displayed is I think I have covid going to be an acceptable answer, or my stomach hurts today I cant go to school alright? I deal with it in the work place now, it's hard to let someone go during these times that abuses this policy, so how will the days being absent work for school? Especially if the children can still remote learn in some aspect? The talk of staggering of learning times makes me wonder how much earlier I would need to get my kids up to get ready for school because of bus schedules and whatnot to prevent social distancing. What happens with the kids who have an IEP set up with extra interventions because they never got the special services they are supposed to get at the end of this past school year for example speech, counseling, OT, etc? How are working parents who have to work during the school week during school time if remote learning continues are we supposed to help our kids when the frustration happens while I am not home to extra explain to them what needs to be done? Wipe the high touch areas with sanitizer daily. Social distancing and masks. It might be good to have two sessions --- AM and PM. This gives an opportunity to have less students in a class. More expensive, but safer. Eliminate non-essential classes, like art, music, and physical ed. Use those teachers to run regular classes. Accept that we are operating in "crisis mode". Safety is paramount. Do not cut corners. Thanks. Sanitation/Disinfectant plan

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Sanitation/Disinfectant plan The social emotional impact on students when they are not able to have physical interactions with peers and staff. I do not want my kids to wear masks at school. My kids should not be penalized(ie.having to do virtual learning) if I they do not wear them. There are so many questions and unknown aspects of this but I think the more typical the school day can be for students and staff, the better off we will all be. Thank you for all your hard work and efforts. This is not an easy task and no matter what someone will always be unhappy with decisions made. Not really sure how to answer until we know how things will be handled and what procedures will be in place. I think that it will be impossible for students to wear masks no matter their age. Social distancing will even be difficult for most student’s especially those who get easily distracted. Please be sure to consider kids with ADHD and other special needs. I’d hate to see them get in “trouble” for not following the rules when it’s difficult for some kids to follow them to begin with. It will cause unnecessary additional stress for many kids with special needs. Medical coverage, cleaning, masks, wipes for student desks to be used during the day, hazard pay Increased disinfecting throughout entire school, increased hand washing stations along with cleaning supplies readily available, monitoring of cases in surrounding area, distance guidelines that are enforced between students and faculty and/or implementing distance learning if surrounding numbers are on the rise. Masks worn by everyone for protection. I would think parents and any extra people coming into the building would be limited. I am curious if we will be required to teach all day and still have to upload videos of lessons. That would not leave much time left to sleep lol. If Pre-K children will be wearing masks for a large part of the day, it would be amazing to have a small budget to purchase “cool” masks, such as super hero ones (that show they are doing their part) that I have read have been a good way to get small children to wear them (or we could change our budgeted items to include them). I feel that between myself and the main TA’s I had last year (Alex Parker and Katie Fiola) we followed all of the cleaning procedures to the letter. One custodian told us that we had one of the two Pre-K rooms that were always the cleanest. I would hope, now with Covid, all employees would understand how critical cleaning is. Those main TA’s are also are either not on Facebook or do not comment on school issues, which (of course) is the professional thing to do. Thank you. Safety: custodians clean thoroughly and regularly and are monitored for quality. Health Screenings upon entering the building. Require prompt pick up when students are sick. Parents should update their contact info and designate additional emergency contacts so that someone can be available to pick up their child if they are sick. Provide safety equipment to staff (face shields, masks, hand sanitizer, cleaning wipes) Recommendations are to keep classroom doors and windows open to increase air circulation, which directly affects other safety issues. No parents, visitors in the building. Set up classrooms outdoors as often as possible. Supported: many staff have children in different districts and child care options are very limited so hopefully this will be considered when developing a school schedule esp when grandparents that help out are considered high risk and not able to help. Staff should not be expected to work/prepare lessons for remote and in person simultaneously (i.e. half of class at home and half class at school). Parents will be frustrated no matter how this turns out and will likely take that out on teachers. Hopefully, Admin will address those parent frustrations. Substitutes will be needed given the high probability if a teacher (or their child) is sick this will likely result in a one to two week absenteeism instead of just a day or two. If teachers are required to quarantine and don't have enough sick days, how will that be handled? As the only counselor in the building, if I get sick or have to stay home who will cover for me? If the principal has

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to quarantine, who will cover for him? Where will staff have break periods? Possibly hold off on any curriculum changes- teachers will already be overwhelmed and have already created virtual lesson plans with the old curriculum. Some even paid for additional online materials on teachers pay teachers using their own money. Lastly, but probably most importantly, staff need to be supported on a personal level. We are all about to embark on one of the most notable experiments during a very scary time. We all need to support and be supported. We all need to be flexible, patient, kind, and grateful. School staff that are directly involved with students will carry an extra burden this year. Students will not return as they usually do. They will have so many needs emotionally in addition to the academics that teachers will be working through with them. They will carry that weight and will need support. Rotating school days Children with medical issues like my son may continue virtual classes until Covid is under control and no longer a threat to his life. For me to send him back, there needs to be a vaccine. Options for electives to be run 100% online. Teaching in a mask will be difficult. Disciplinary action for students and/or staff not wearing masks or practicing social distancing I think that we should only be in school once everything is completely safe and without the need for masks. There could be a second wave and we need to be aware of that. Many of West Deptford students have not been taking Covid and safety precautions seriously over these last few months.That being said, if we go back soon, there would need to be masks, new timing schedules due to packed hallways between classes, etc. I honestly think this will not work though because many of West Deptford students don’t believe in masks and will still try to be close with friends. Im not sure that ALL West Deptford students are responsible and mature enough to follow procedures.Personally, I think that online/distance learning was better than in school learning. My mental health has improved and I’ve noticed that in distance learning we are able to do our school work within 3-4 hours while previously, we have to wake up early and be in school for 8 hours. Many colleges are closed for fall semester and I don’t think we should be going to school this fall either, but maybe we n January instead. frequent hand sanitizing, maybe consider teachers changing rooms instead of the students changing rooms, there is low chance of covid spread amongst kids so I'm not too worried about it, if desks are spread farther apart and hand hygiene is occurring I would be ok with that. As working parents, the thought of kids not returning to school is beyond frightening...who will stay home w/them, homeschooling while working from home is not a good combo for either the kids or the parents. The kids will likely fall behind in subject matter they should be learning while in school and not to mention just being with their peers is a huge factor for their mental health. Maybe consider using the gym, library, and any other spaces as temporary classrooms to spread classes out more. Only do gym outside. reduced class size to endure distancing, staggered schedule to ensure distancing, student required masks School should open when there is a vaccine. Distance learning has worked well for my family. My child finished with straight As As long as all the precautions are taken wearing mask when necessary, washing hands specially after recess Im fine with that but my concern will be those parents that won't comply with masks that will have from a to Z of excuses and unfounded theories I'm unsure if I want to send my children to school in September. They are 9 and 10 they are already uncomfortable wearing a mask for long periods of time how will an entire school social distance with a few hundred children in the building at once?

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Keep the kids in a safe environment with all of the COVID precautions taken. I don’t want an online teaching system because I know they will not be taught the same. I feel that it’s important for the kids to be in the classroom. It’s all or nothing. Half and half can’t work. As teachers, we struggled to reach the kids online. As students, kids struggled to thrive in an unstructured environment. To ask teachers to wear a mask and teach daily, while kids at home need social, emotional support and interaction is absurd. Either we all go back, or none of us do. You’re going to offer the option and exhaust your teachers to look progressive. Clear protocols on how we are going to address keeping everyone safe and healthy. Requirements of all staff to wear a mask at all times when in the building and with one another as well as students. Protocols for what happens if staff refuse to comply. Can we mandate it? Do other places of employment - like Shoprite - mandate it for their employees? How do they do this? What protocols are we going to put in place for those staff members who have to quarantine themselves if one of their loved ones has been exposed? Safety and Health (both physical and MENTAL HEALTH) are at the forefront of my mind as we take on this huge task. - Kelly Sanitation/Disinfectant plan How are you planning on keeping the kids and staff safe during this time? Spacing the kids out and actually finding a way to social distance. Also, give us the option to continue distance learning Try to make sure kids learn more about hygiene And germs! I know i teach it in my home but not everyone does! Let’s also make sure our children don’t feel alone or left out with the new covid guidelines of social distancing and the 6ft apart.. In order to feel safe and supported in the classroom, I believe that all students should receive a bottle of hand sanitizer for their desk to use throughout the day. If teachers are required to wear face masks in grades K-2, I believe that the masks should be translucent for Fundations instruction. Thank you in advance for your continued support during this challenging time. How do you plan to keep kids wearing masks? How will our district handle bussing? Will there be a virtual learning opportunity in addition to schools being reopened? How do we ensure our children are receiving and properly being taught the curriculum with shorter days &/or constant precautions of COVID being implemented? How many students will be allowed in each class with each teacher? How will lunches be handled? How will school supplies (such as shared classroom books, library books, bathrooms, pencil sharpeners, etc) be guaranteed cleanliness? How do you plan to keep kids wearing masks? How will our district handle bussing? Will there be a virtual learning opportunity in addition to schools being reopened? How do we ensure our children are receiving and properly being taught the curriculum with shorter days &/or constant precautions of COVID being implemented? How many students will be allowed in each class with each teacher? How will lunches be handled? How will school supplies (such as shared classroom books, library books, bathrooms, pencil sharpeners, etc) be guaranteed cleanliness? Plan more outdoor time, have lots of hand sanitizer available, temperature checks for everyone every day. providing a solid education but ensuring distance. I dont think we can prevent the spread in general so we should move forward with classes Options for electives to be run 100% online. Teaching in a mask will be difficult. I am not at all comfortable with the kids or staff returning to school until there is a proven vaccine available. There is no way to completely keep every surface clean and sanitized in between kids/staff touching them. The desks, walls, doorknobs, every bit of the bus interior, etc . Every surface ONE person touches puts all the other people at risk. I don't believe returning to in -person school is the

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correct decision at this time, as one-on-one via zoom or skype is available as well as the other options for online learning. I will not be sending my child back in the fall, unless the CDC says it is safe to be in such close quarters. That us parents have minimal childcare to assure everyone is safe and that the children are getting the proper and safe education through these tough times. Social distancing PPE - N95 face masks, face shields, hand sanitizer, a socially distanced classroom My daughter has an iep. She needs in person teaching whether in classroom or video instruction daily. Smaller classroom sizes, social distancing from others, face masks, hand sanitizer and desk guards provided for each child Having my children on a similar schedule if we have hybrid schedule would be VERY helpful! Complete disinfection of the entire school. Spray cleaner in each classroom so students will wipe down their desks before class. No contact sports. Less traffic in the hallway...maybe stagger ending of classes. Instead of all class period 1 ending at, sat, 8:40 am, have half at 8:40, the second half at 8:50. Students waiting to get into class should stand against wall near their next class. A few hall monitors, In each hall, should be required to enforce safety procedures in the hall. Require parents to monitor their child’s health, including daily temperature checks. Any student with a slight fever should remain home. Sequential days off should require a doctors note. If the doctor requests, then a COVID test should be performed. Until results come back, the student stays home, but can receive class work online as we did during quarantine. Also, please check bathrooms frequently as my child has complained about smoking in the bathrooms and he won’t use the bathrooms because of this. Boys bathroom doors should not be propped open as privacy is important to a teen! However , 2 adults should check constantly...another job for hall monitors. Cigarette smoke is obvious even if the student was quick enough to put the cigarette out before someone came in. That student should still be punished. For parents not comfortable, allow school at home. Cameras (that record) in every class would be costly , but helpful. A sick student can review the lesson on a secure link at any time of the day. All assignments should be available online. Common sense. If someone is ill, stay home and this includes the teachers and administrators Just the information that coming out is factual and I would have no issues with the students returning in the fall.

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I work in the health care field with my recent experience here are my suggestions 1. number of kids in a class should probably be reduced. I am not sure if this is possible. 2. Limit the locations where and who the students would be exposed to for tracing purposes. 3. Entering the school hand sanitizer a requirement and should you consider temperature checks? 4. Consider an attestation from the staff/parents/ child care giver that the children each morning have completed a home check of the following questions??? You may only come on site if the left-most box is checked for ALL of the following questions. a. Have you tested positive for COVID-19 within the last 14 days? NO YES b. Are you awaiting the result of a COVID-19 test? NO YES c. If you have ever tested positive for COVID-19, have you been free of any symptoms or fever (without the use of fever-reducing medicine) for at least 72 hours? YES NO d. Are you experiencing, or have you experienced within the last 14 days, any of the following symptoms, whether following a known encounter with someone infected with COVID-19 or not, which may appear 2- 14 days after exposure to the virus: NO YES i. Cough ii. Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing iii. Or at least two of the following: Fever Chills Repeated shaking with chills Muscle pain Headache Sore throat New loss of taste or smell iv. This list is not all inclusive. Please consult your medical provider for any other symptoms that are severe or concerning to you e. Have you had contact with a known or suspected COVID case within the past 14 days? NO YES 5. Create a easy way to track students day for tracing purposes 6. Create a seating chart allowing or some social distancing. Potentially a need to reduce number of children per classroom - understanding that 6 ft between children is not possible 7. guests/visitors/ contractors - you might have to define these and have different guidelines for each .... keep in mind that potentially some guests could be coming from across state lines that are not as strict as NJ. Visitors could be a construction company, painters, etc not just parents... etc 8.recess class staggering might have to be considered - especially due to sweating and playgrounds - hand sanitizers at all doors. especially since the classrooms dont have sinks feel free to reach out to me if you would like .... or maybe i gave to much and i should appologize :) .... 215-275-3045 Ways to encourage social distancing and/or mask wearing Communicate Mandatory masks , social distance, cleaning protocol, hybrid classes and safe transportation plan. The return to the classroom is extremely important. In regards to feeling safe, ALL staff must enforce the guidelines, as well as follow them. I'm having a difficult time wrapping my head around having students stand six feet apart in the hallways, so I am supposing most students will stay in one room, while the adult travels, but that means some students will be unsupervised while staff are traveling to their next

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assignment. Wearing a mask for four to six hours will also be a challenge, for students and adults. I wonder if temperature checks are a feasible occurrence. I am also concerned about having the time to sanitize colored pencils, markers and scissors in between classes. In regards to feeling supported, I struggled to "reach" all of my students during the final quarter; most had "checked out," I would like to learn methods and strategies to engage ALL students during distance learning times. I am afraid that not having established strong relationships at the beginning of the year will be detrimental to the education process. Additionally, I was very worried about the welfare and emotional concerns of my at-risk students. I recognize and appreciate that this is an extremely challenging puzzle to be figured out. Thank you. Less students in the building at once. In a class of 20, split it into 10 and 10. While you teach one half of the class in person, the other half does an online assignment. Then roles switch. Allows for social distancing while also reducing contact between people. Ability for students to wash hands and not always use hand sanitizer. Consistency if doing hybrid learning to be considerate of working parents and working teachers with their own children. Mental health support For students and staff as they will be facing a lot of change and rules that they will not be used to. Through cleaning of desks and bathrooms Through cleaning of busses between routes. THIS SITUATION IS NOT GOING TO BE EASY FOR ANYONE WHEN RETURNING IN THE FALL, AND I FEEL CONFIDENT THAT THE SCHOOL MAINTAINS A CLEAN ENVIRONMENT, HOWEVER, IF POSSIBLE ESTABLISH MANDATORY HAND SANITIZING BEFORE ENTERING THE CLASSROOM AND LUNCH. Bathroom hygiene amongst the children. Classroom hygiene. A safe environment for my son. Masks and hand sanitizer To start. Split sessions All employees and students should be wearing masks! Educators/staff members deserve to be as protected as any frontline worker or grocery clerk. Social distancing is essential. PPE for all staff, students to wear PPE, school to provide wipes/hand sanitizer and cleaning supplies to disinfect teaching materials/manipulatives, reduce student population, strict guidelines on students being sent home displaying any symptoms and qualifications in order for them to return to school, and additional materials purchased since children will not be able to share. Wearing masks, sanitizer available I don’t think it’s possible at this point Social distancing online school is better than risking lives to go to school. A clean school with hand soap and hand sanitizer. If masks have to be worn then there should be some on hand for those who forgot them. They also need to be able to have recess at lunch for fresh air 1. Clear Guidelines: Instead of masks, would face shields be more reasonable for teachers so they could see our faces and our mouths during phonics instruction? Is the district actually willing to install all of those plexi-glass dividers? As a first grade teacher, my biggest concern is with the need for the kids to social distance or wear a mask. (Its hard to imagine either with success) With the age and the sensory issues often presented at this age, I can't imagine them wearing masks all day and not touch it. For me to be required to wear a mask in the classroom, without the 24 of them wearing one seems so silly. They don't need protection from me, a 45 year old who covers her mouth when she coughs and sneezes and washes her hands; I need protection from them. If wearing masks truly means I wear one to protect you,

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you wear one to protect me; then the staff wearing masks and the kids not doesn't actually protect anyone. What about the kids with attention issues, learning differences, chronic ear infections, and auditory processing issues? Can they effectively learn from listening to instruction through a mask which muffles sounds and hides facial expressions? By nature, our job is gross and we accept it for what it is. I am comfortable enforcing good hygiene and desk cleaning and not sharing materials. I am even willing to give up my carpet in the classroom if need be; but I am not sure I'm not sure how to fix the social distance/mask issue in a meaningful way. How will mask wearing be addressed? Who provides the masks each day? Are face shield being considered for our primary teachers? 2. Reasonable Responses: We need to have reasonable expectations and responses to developmentally appropriate behaviors amidst a pandemic. How do we do that? Our class numbers at 23-24 are high. The attention span of our population is small. Their need for movement is high. How so we enforce social distancing when there literally is not enough square footage in the classroom? We have trouble in first with kids keeping hands to themselves as it is. They are impulsive and don't have a sense of personal space. (They sometimes resemble a pile of puppies.) We have to rememeber that these are children and we need to respond appropriately, but what does that look like? We can't criminalize certain behaviors or students out of fear. Those same kids who refuse to wear a coat or wear the same pair of stretch pants every can they manage to wear a mask? For those kids who touch everything or are oral and chew on hair, thumbs, shirts, or pencils to regulate; how do we address these needs in reasonable ways? There must be clear and reasonable plans consistent in each and every classroom that protects children and is based in appropriate developmental expectations. 3. Trust: I struggle with this one. I've been teaching for 24 years. I constantly have parents sending sick kids to school. They dose them up with Tylenol and send them. The kids tell me that they threw up on the way, had a fever, etc. It isn't until 1:00, when the medicine wears off that their fever typically spikes that anything can be done, and by then we have all been exposed. Taking their temperature really doesn't make me feel very safe. Our diligence has to be more than a temperature check. What is the plan? 4. A Plan for medical emergencies: I would want a clear plan put in place that is consistent throughout the district. If I get sick, am I protected? What if one of my own children get sick? When I am out sick, it takes a tremendous amount of time to prepare plans for all my subject areas. Who does this if I am sick and out for 14 days? If someone in my household gets sick, will we all be quarantined? If so, how long? Will the whole class be quarantined if someone in the classroom gets sick? Consistent open communication. Keep up the good work and thank you for all your efforts! regular disinfecting Not letting a lot of vendors or visitors inside the facility Require and enforce that all staff wear masks. Require and enforce that all students wear masks. All CDC Guidelines will be enforced - including social distancing. All common areas are cleaned regularly throughout the day - that includes areas where faculty members congregate (faculty dining areas, faculty rooms/offices, faculty restrooms). Masks will be provided for staff and students. Class sizes will be limited so that social distancing can be maintained. At the high school level, there can be up to 1000 people in the hall during the change of classes - this must be addressed.

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Staff will be notified when someone in the school community tests positive for COVID 19. A plan must be in place for if a student or staff member tests positive or is exposed to someone who tests positive. Do staff members have to use sick time? What if a staff member does not have enough sick time? I'm sure I will think of more. Complete disinfection of the entire school. Spray cleaner in each classroom so students will wipe down their desks before class. No contact sports. Less traffic in the hallway...maybe stagger ending of classes. Instead of all class period 1 ending at, sat, 8:40 am, have half at 8:40, the second half at 8:50. Students waiting to get into class should stand against wall near their next class. A few hall monitors, In each hall, should be required to enforce safety procedures in the hall. Require parents to monitor their child’s health, including daily temperature checks. Any student with a slight fever should remain home. Sequential days off should require a doctors note. If the doctor requests, then a COVID test should be performed. Until results come back, the student stays home, but can receive class work online as we did during quarantine. Also, please check bathrooms frequently as my child has complained about smoking in the bathrooms and he won’t use the bathrooms because of this. Boys bathroom doors should not be propped open as privacy is important to a teen! However , 2 adults should check constantly...another job for hall monitors. Cigarette smoke is obvious even if the student was quick enough to put the cigarette out before someone came in. That student should still be punished. For parents not comfortable, allow school at home. Cameras (that record) in every class would be costly , but helpful. A sick student can review the lesson on a secure link at any time of the day. All assignments should be available online. I don’t feel comfortable sending my children back to school if masks are required. I feel like if they need to wear them it is not safe to be in school and I also feel wearing masks will cause other complications or illnesses That my kids will be safe and be kept health. I do what I can with social distancing and wearing masks everywhere I just need to feel at ease and that my kids will be ok. My children will be attending 3 different schools within the district. If the district does an A/B model, will you ensure that all students in one family attend school on the same days? It will be hard on working parents otherwise. (I do not believe a student in 5th grade can be expected to stay home alone on virtual learning days.) If students on busses cannot be socially distant, who will ensure that they are wearing masks? Will bus aides be provided? I have a child entering PreK, I do not see how virtual learning will help these youngest learners. Is there a possibility for PreK students to attend every day at least for half of the day? Ensuring masks be worn by all staff and students (when necessary for students), proper hand washing, hand sanitizing stations, eliminating congregating in common areas, smaller class sizes, ongoing cleaning, would all make me feel safer about sending my children to school. Not sure if any consideration would be made to placing siblings (K-4) in the same building regardless of their grade. This might then help decrease a more widespread risk of exposure and keep them contained on the same bus. Thank you for asking! Follow protocol, take all precautions to prevent the spread of the virus. Wash hands, wear masks and disinfect regularly.

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Reopening Question

Ask that we follow guidelines... I feel returning to school is necessary, but if it doesn’t happen I feel the distant learning needs to be improved upon... teachers must teach via zoom or iTunes or whatever necessary, but busy will will not due. An enforceable plan for individuals identified as ill - to be sent home and for it to be enforced uniformly across all schools . I would prefer the kids not have to wear masks all day. It is extremely distracting and very uncomfortable for adults let alone children to wear them while trying to learn. If possible I feel that making the classes slightly smaller will be helpful in keeping everyone safe as well. Overall I trust our district and all that you are doing and I know that you will make the best decision. Thank you for asking our opinions. Covid Vaccine COVID19 Vaccine Social distancing, masks, frequent disinfecting of surfaces with deep cleaning nightly, reduced capacity on a rotated basis offset by distance learning, require vaccinations for all students once available and safe just as is done for other viruses. Outside of the ways that I am sure are already under consideration to keep kindergarteners safe, I would like that the communication is thoughtful. This can be a fearful time for all of us, but our smallest children have a difficult time comprehending. Hard to social distance in school. Consider doing a plan to alternate weeks with kids. Have a kid work at home one week and then school the next. It will cut the total number of kids in school at the same time to allow more space for social distance. The number of sick days, online learning for kids that need to stay home from school because of a sickness besides Covid-19 I am hoping that the district will require masks for all students and staff who are able to wear them. If the budget allows, I am hoping that the district will supply one mask per student and staff member. I also hope that hand sanitizer will be supplied to every classroom. I would like additional emotional support to be provided for students. Social distancing, masks, frequent disinfecting of surfaces with deep cleaning nightly, reduced capacity on a rotated basis offset by distance learning, require vaccinations for all students once available and safe just as is done for other viruses. Require all kids to wear masks. Without that, you will not cut transmission. WD has already had one COVID staff death. Other helpful suggestions: cut student density in hallways between classes, suggest outside classes, stagger starts, eliminate bussing. Exactly what you have been doing: keeping parents & students informed. You have kept the lines of communication open as well. Thank you for all of your hard work during this pandemic. It is appreciated. The number of sick days, online learning for kids that need to stay home from school because of a sickness besides Covid-19 How do you plan to keep kids wearing masks? How will our district handle bussing? Will there be a virtual learning opportunity in addition to schools being reopened? How do we ensure our children are receiving and properly being taught the curriculum with shorter days &/or constant precautions of COVID being implemented? How many students will be allowed in each class with each teacher? How will lunches be handled? How will school supplies (such as shared classroom books, library books, bathrooms, pencil sharpeners, etc) be guaranteed cleanliness? Clear procedures communicated early. Option for siblings in different grades/schools to have same schedule (if not in regular 5-day schedule) The benefits of having the kids return to school - they need structure, they need their teachers and friends, parents need to work, and the kids need to learn. If our district gives every kid a WD mask and

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some social distancing we can make this safe for kids and teachers. Give them unique masks for each grade level - make them fun somehow - give them 5 masks with a different color for each day for the elementary students. Overall start now to make this a community and team effort so this is normal in the fall. Good luck! My youngest just graduated but I know how hard this time has been on the kids in my neighborhood - they all miss school. Being realistic as to what the children will be able to do. Looking also at their mental and emotional health. For safety I’d like to see whatever state or federal rules are in place are followed by all with minimal exception and only when required by medical review. For support I’d like to see that if school does reopen it’s not a part time event and that students attend every day, a rotating schedule will not allow a good learning experience based on this springs homeschooling challenges. keep the emails coming and put up all the emails and plans on the district web site Parents that still have to work full-time and find childcare. Please understand that this is not an easy task. Attempt to prioritize having students in school 5 days a week with as much social distance as possible. There is nothing that needs to be considered for us to feel safe with a return to school. We are completely comfortable and eager for a return to school under any all circumstances as we know our wonderful school district will take great care of our students. Thank you!!! Kids mental wellbeing Mandatory Masks For my child not to be uncomfortable all day wearing a mask constantly. For my child not to be uncomfortable all day wearing a mask constantly. We want our kids back in the classroom. We are not overly worried about kids contracting or spreading the virus. Remote learning is not going to work for pre k Wearing masks should be required during the school day especially when kids can’t be physically distanced. If everyone wears a mask there is no need to change the dimensions of configuration of classrooms. The attendance policy needs to be changed to allow for more absences in light of covid19 or perhaps allow distance learning if a student must be quarantined due to either possible exposure or a positive test result. Limit activities outside the classrooms, on nice days maybe walk around the playground instead of playing on the equipment. Make busses pick up students in order and the first ones picked up sit in the back, and then slowly forward until the last one picked up sits in the front. Reverse it for dismissal. I am very happy for my child to return to school. Obviously extra school cleaning and constant hand sanitation is needed, maybe daily temperature checks but these children are falling behind both in their education and socially. Online education cannot continue, it is not an option for another school year. I hear rumors of children going to school two days a week then working remotely from home the remainder of the time. I am not happy for teenagers to be left alone, unsupervised now parents are beginning to return to work. What about younger kids? These kids are all hanging out with each other now and have been for a while, I have not heard of one child getting sick and our daily infection rate gets lower. Let them be in school together. I can guarantee if we carry on with remote learning these kids will carry on socializing with each other on their home days which completely defeats the object. I’m hoping as the Gloucester County area has an extremely low infection rate we can can get back to as near normal schooling as possible. Obviously if this infection rate rises then the plans need to change. Additionally these kids need to get back to their sports. I understand some precautions need to be taken. If busing for social distancing is an issue I’m sure parents would be prepared to pay a little towards an extra bus if it meant their child could play the sport he or she loves. Perhaps only allow those kids

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playing that day to travel to limit space on the bus. My daughter is a pretty level headed kid but I’m beginning to see the effects that this lockdown is having on her and from what I’m hearing a lot of others too. That anyone who is sick (students or staff) follow protocol and stay home, and quarantine for as long as required. Thank you! Consistent open communication. Keep up the good work and thank you for all your efforts! Mandatory Masks Proper social distancing and screening. To have kids feel safe. A property tax refund/credit for the months we did not fully utilize all of the School District assets. Reduce Class sizes and rigorous cleaning protocol and ppe policy for students I would think parents and any extra people coming into the building would be limited. I am curious if we will be required to teach all day and still have to upload videos of lessons. That would not leave much time left to sleep lol. If Pre-K children will be wearing masks for a large part of the day, it would be amazing to have a small budget to purchase “cool” masks, such as super hero ones (that show they are doing their part) that I have read have been a good way to get small children to wear them (or we could change our budgeted items to include them). I feel that between myself and the main TA’s I had last year (Alex Parker and Katie Fiola) we followed all of the cleaning procedures to the letter. One custodian told us that we had one of the two Pre-K rooms that were always the cleanest. I would hope, now with Covid, all employees would understand how critical cleaning is. Those main TA’s are also are either not on Facebook or do not comment on school issues, which (of course) is the professional thing to do. Thank you. That the kids will be safe and able to learn without distraction. Thank you for seeking our feedback. Here are some of my biggest concerns: Health & safety: a) physical set-up of the classroom to accommodate social distancing b) hallway protocols (lockers, maintaining social distancing) c) lunch (food allergy concerns if students eat in classrooms) d) classroom sanitation protocols e) temperature checks for students & staff? f) cohorts g) mask hygiene guidelines (what to do if you have to sneeze or cough when you're wearing a mask? wear mask only one time before throwing it away and/or washing it? will masks be provided to students who may not be able to obtain them?) h) are classroom libraries still safe? what about shared materials (classroom sets of white boards, highlighters, scissors, etc.)? i) social distancing expectations for students/teachers (1:1 work) Academics: a) expectations regarding curricular rigor & assignment workload b) student absences/incomplete assignments c) challenges of potentially balancing in-person & online instruction simultaneously Social/emotional: a) challenges of building & maintaining relationships online

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b) if extracurricular activities are held, can social distancing still be enforced & masks still be worn? c) if extracurricular activities are cancelled, how much of a negative impact will it have on the kids? d) field trips (personally, I would not feel comfortable having to chaperone any type of field trip at all as I don't want to have to travel on a bus or be in a large crowd) All of it. I need to know that the students will be socially distanced and that the areas are sanitized and the adults are paying attention to what’s going on. And how about lunch period? How will that work. The bathrooms are another issue. You are going to need more staffing to watch and clean. smaller class sizes, temp checks for all kids/staff entering the buses/schools, masks. Distance, Distance, distance... That's really all we know right now. Just a little concerned about the students ability to consistently adhere to the safety guidelines- most specifically the social distancing aspect. And how that’s going to be enforced? appropriate protocols and screening procedures for a return to the classroom social distancing, frequent hand washing and classroom cleanings. I feel like the only way you can reduce the classes and bus routes to the levels you want is to open part time. Different kids have different days that they physically go to school and the rest is done online. Jamming all of the kids into classrooms five days a week is going to overwhelm any protections you put in place. Thorough cleaning of building Sick staff and children stay home You need to have air purifiers in the classroom to keep the air clean with the kids spaced out no touching Give options. distance between children and disinfecting appropriately Classroom cleaning, heating and AC cleanliness, temperature taking I work with preschoolers and I’m sure they will not be able to wear masks all day. Are the rules going to be more strict with sickness? I know parents give their children medicine sometimes to mask fevers and sickness so they are still able to send them to school. Then when the afternoon comes and the fever spikes they get sent home and return tomorrow when you know it has not been 24 hours. Also how will preschoolers not play together, stay 6 feet apart and not touch the same toys? So many concerns at this young age. I know this committee has a lot of work to do thinking about the upcoming Fall. I wish you luck! To make sure the classrooms are clean and disinfected frequently throughout the day. Also for the children to keep their facemasks on as well throughout the day. As much as I know That will be difficult for the children at times though the day. I think it will be most important that there are clear, concise guidelines that are to be followed within each building as each see fit. I don't feel that there can be a gray area when it comes to social distancing, masks, and procedures. It needs to be fully understood and accepted by students and staff alike. One worry that I have is that within a week back to the classroom the safety precautions put in place will start to fade as students and staff begin to feel comfortable and potentially lose sight of the bigger picture as this is completely new to all of us. Provide the proper PPE/face shields, provide disinfectant wipes, clean hallway bathrooms students use as well as staff bathrooms several times throughout the day, clear plan for those students who refuse to wear a mask or social distance, clear plan for those students who continue to come to school with chronic coughs and colds, and cough and sneeze on other students, proper screening for parents and students

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How to properly disinfect the building throughout the day since classrooms are used multiple periods in a row. Make sure their sanitation make sure the where their masks. Current CDC guidelines, social distancing meaning smaller classrooms, masks may need to be mandatory and temperature checks for staff and students daily. Anyone who has fever sent home and cannot returned until they are screened if positive they must be quarantined for 14 days prior to returning. The challenge of keeping students socially distanced and encouraging/requiring students to wear masks. I feel sure that the board will do everything they can to make things as safe as possible. My only concern is that if we go to split sessions, my children will be going to school on different days and I will be unable to work. If we do end up dividing up classes and having kids alternate days of in-person and distance learning please make sure that siblings (even at different schools) attend classes on the same schedule. I can’t really see these kids wearing a mask all day. My son has asthma, how is he going to be able to do that? Continue to update procedures that meet the safety standards proposed by the CDC I do not have any concerns. I have complete trust in your decision and know you will have the safety of all students your first priority. Unfortunately we are living in very difficult times right now and I will just pray that my Senior can have as normal of a year as possible. His Marching Band has already been told they can not attend ACC’s in Hershey that is the first disappointment of his senior year! Masks should be required for students. It is one of the only proven ways to slow the spread and would, more importantly, protect staff members who are more likely to get the virus from a child who could potentially spread the virus with no symptoms. My Child's Safety & Welfare along with the other Students & Staff Would rather continue online education instead of the many stipulations that must be brought forth in order to provide the security and health safety for the students .. I feel to completely prevent the spread and back lash of Covid 19 it may be best to continue online learning until things truly subside - however to the contrary I only have one child and I’m fortunate to be able work from home to accommodate - but I do understand that not all parents have that option .. but it’s better to remain online instead of implementing a transition that may not have long term benefits for the children The primary action that would make me feel safe upon return would be the assurance that classrooms are being cleaned properly and regularly. Having a definite plan on what areas/equipment need to be cleaned, by whom, and how often, would definitely ensure this safe feeling. Similarly, having regular access to hand sanitizer for both students and staff would be ideal. I believe having wipes or sanitizing spray (that are approved for use) for each classroom teacher would help put these staff members more at ease about the cleanliness and hygiene of their specific areas. Finally, I would feel safe/supported if there was a plan in place for effectively and efficiently conducting health screenings (temperature checks). How to implement the guidelines in a serious and realistic manner and not just in spirit only. The mindset needs to be that we’re gonna do everything possible to ensure everyone’s safety and be very strict from the outset, so that everyone (students, staff, admin, support, parents) buys in and knows there is no getting around these new rules and policies. Also, it is the perfect time to think outside the box and reimagine how we can deliver educational services to the community. Don’t think about how we can best make it normal and like it always has been. Think about this opportunity to transform k-12 education in WD, in a way that is lasting and beneficial to everyone. And don’t let those who resist change hold you back!

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1. Staff ALWAYS wear masks 2. Children who aren't in disabled classrooms be actively encouraged to wear masks 3. For elementary level schools, mandatory hand sanitizer for each student as they enter to eat lunch (from recess if there is recess) 4. Mandatory hand sanitizer for each student as they leave the bathroom. It will be time consuming, but actually have a staff member administering this and the students not left to their own "fun" and further complicate mess/germs :) The auto machines are a distraction to young children. Being a staff member that monitored younger children in the elementary school, I KNOW this is crucial. Unfortunately MANY students don't wash their hands ... 5. Having open communication with staff regarding families that may have symptoms, etc. (which can be tricky with privacy laws)? 6. Hold MANDATORY crucial meetings (if schools are to open) where guidelines are explained. Have several dates to choose from so we are all "on the same page" as much as we are able and everyone knows what the expectations are. I'm sure guidelines and expectations will change daily (if not minute by minute) so maybe even an inservice prior to openings. 7. Have temperatures of students taken prior to them getting on a bus AND prior to them entering the school. Thanks for asking for input. There are two options: 1- Start online school from September-till after Christmas ( hopefully there will be a vaccine during that time ). It is Not a good choice but it is the safest for now better than being in school without a vaccine. 2- Shift school one or two months ( re-open later than September) then make up those months in summer ( Japan has always school in summer ). I think it is better to be safe than sorry. Have COVID 19 completely gone before allowing children to return to school. For safety I’d like to see whatever state or federal rules are in place are followed by all with minimal exception and only when required by medical review. For support I’d like to see that if school does reopen it’s not a part time event and that students attend every day, a rotating schedule will not allow a good learning experience based on this springs homeschooling challenges. Spacing of students You need to consider that no one knows what’s happening. As long as things are like they are now these children should stay at home. BUT the teachers need to teach!!!! It’s not the parents job to teach!! The teachers are getting paid to teach and only a handful are doing it!!! Mandatory hand washing , more sanitation To feel safe and supported I need the availability of flexible scheduling options. Through this crisis, I have found that I can (mostly) work remotely. I think that if all the staff that can work remotely, does so then this will make for a more safe environment (less people=less contact). Also, if my own child returns to school on some kind of alternate schedule, I will need flexibility in my schedule to be able to tend to her. I think this may be the case for most working parents. I also have a very difficult time wearing a mask. If there could be outdoor times and outdoor break times built into our day that would be helpful. The expectation of 5 days a week for 6 hours or more wearing a mask is going to be taxing for me. If I or a family member was to contract COVID and I was sick/caring for a family member or needed to quarantine or both then I would need an amendment to the contract stating that this would not count toward my sick and personal days, otherwise most staff members would need to exhaust those days, and that it is not the expectation that I take FMLA. It needs to also be discussed if private short term disability policies are going to cover COVID related absences. If not, how would someone who falls ill or

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needs to care for a loved one or needs to quarantine because of contact be compensated? I would also need to be assured that my job and tenure are not at risk due to extended absence related to COVID. I have noted this before but I believe that access to our district Employee Assistance Program (EAP) needs to be more readily available and emailed to staff on a bi-monthly basis. Many employees and their family could benefit from any counseling or wellness opportunities available. EAP programs are free of charge. Communication if a student or staff has family member with Covid. Strict adherence to not allowing a student attending with a fever (no fever reducing medicine to get them through the morning). How easy is it to get tested and get results of Covid in a timely manner. My children being safe under the circumstances Just make sure everyone is healthy and safe. You need to have air purifiers in the classroom to keep the air clean with the kids spaced out no touching Masks for everyone should be required. Only some people wearing them does not stop the spread in a small closed in space. Cleaning should occur several times throughout the day(every time a new person sits at a desk/ in between classes) and this can’t be left up to the teachers as they need to prepare and transition throughout the day. Masks for everyone should be required. Only some people wearing them does not stop the spread in a small closed in space. Cleaning should occur several times throughout the day(every time a new person sits at a desk/ in between classes) and this can’t be left up to the teachers as they need to prepare and transition throughout the day. Proper social distancing, likelihood of virus transmission, availability of vaccine, and proper PPE for everyone in building. Cleaning materials nothing Sanitation Continue reaching out, supporting the parents and students in all aspects, make sure everyone including students and a staff are safe. I have no idea How to properly disinfect the building throughout the day since classrooms are used multiple periods in a row. Clear communication of polices and procedures Strong Enforcement of social distancing and other rules Limit the number of students in school at a given time Consider making face masks mandatory for students at the high school level Social distancing in hallways, classrooms, on buses, lunch rooms, gym classes, locker rooms , making sure students receive adequate time to eat and have recess... not shortening periods to allow for staggered lunches/ recess. Making sure restrooms are sanitized constantly. Not sure yet Masks and social distancing They need bigger rooms for the children to stay six feet apart and smaller amount of people in classes. I also think in the cafeteria they should also stay a good amount of length apart.

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They need bigger rooms for the children to stay six feet apart and smaller amount of people in classes. I also think in the cafeteria they should also stay a good amount of length apart. I don't think that anyone will feel 100% safe all of the time, but we all need to be careful and smart. As a speech/language specialist, I would need appropriate PPE, as well as limiting the numbers of students that I work with at a time (i.e. 1 or 2 students vs. 4 or 5 students) and improved ventilation in my room. Students staying home when ill Social distancing on buses. The only way to ensure that is to have an AIDE ON EVERY BUS, esp for elementary schools. The drivers cannot be responsible for that. Very sanitary environment and appropriate social distancing. everyone wearing mask & hourly sanitation of doorknobs, desk, & high contact areas etc. follow CDC guidelines as best as you can The safety of the kids Leah Kaiser- 2nd grade... making sure no one is sick in school, require washing hands, no more chrome books, and no touching other students. Masks and social distancing Don't go back *temperature screening for all upon entering the building *sanitizer, masks, gloves, wipes readily available *sanitization/cleaning throughout the day, especially of bathrooms in classrooms *understanding that budget items ordered (and the amount of them) may have been intended for use as community supplies and more may be needed for each individual student *specific in-class guidelines for spacing, and expectations. *time to prepare our rooms physically and supplies *understanding that more paper will be consumed/copied so that sharing will not take place, for games, activities, and instructional aids *Support outside instruction, whenever possible. *understand and be supportive of families and their health needs, both staff and students *less instructional/curricular demands on the youngest learners as this time is stressful enough. *additional emotional support for students and staff, realizing we are not a business but a family There are quite a few things that we must consider to insure feeling safe and supported with our return to the classroom: *Monitoring the daily cleaning/sanitation of our classrooms and facilities is important. *Provide safety equipment, such as masks/face shields, gloves, hand sanitizer, sanitizing wipes for staff. *Provide masks for students and temperature checks for students entering the building and guidelines for students to ensure social distancing within the school. *Additional emotional support for students and staff. The children need to be in school. I have 6 kids ranging from high school to kindergarten and I am seeing the effects of being away from their peers and teachers. The distance learning was ineffective in terms of continuing learning. All the kids are behind from an education standpoint. Plus they are struggling emotionally and mentally. They miss their friends, teachers, activities, and routine. I believe the kids are the forgotten group. They have given up everything and it is taking a great toll on them yet no one is talking about it.

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*temperature screening for all upon entering the building *sanitizer, masks, gloves, wipes readily available *sanitization/cleaning throughout the day, especially of bathrooms in classrooms *understanding that budget items ordered (and the amount of them) may have been intended for use as community supplies and more may be needed for each individual student *specific in-class guidelines for spacing, and expectations. *time to prepare our rooms physically and supplies *understanding that more paper will be consumed/copied so that sharing will not take place, for games, activities, and instructional aids *Support outside instruction, whenever possible. *understand and be supportive of families and their health needs, both staff and students *less instructional/curricular demands on the youngest learners as this time is stressful enough. *additional emotional support for students and staff, realizing we are not a business but a family As we see a spike in positive cases as a result of some things reopening, the school needs to strictly adhere to guidelines concerning social distancing and wearing masks with no exceptions. This may also mean adding auto hand sanitizing stations, acquiring a large supply of mask (maybe rubber gloves), rethinking the flow of hallway traffic, adjusting classroom seating, possible alternate in-school and remote (home) days for students, and daily temperature checks. Truthfully, I am petrified to return to school due to health concerns for myself and my family. To help with some of my anxiety, I would want it to be mandatory for everyone in the building to wear a mask properly, be able to stay in my classroom all day, reduce room capacity so everyone in the classroom can be at least 6 feet apart, a table with a clear divider that would allow me to give students one-on-one help, hand sanitizer and cleaning supplies in the classroom, and reminders throughout the building to wear masks and social distance. Also, when everyone enters the building, there should be a COVID screening procedure and a supply of masks for those without masks. I would feel more comfortable about my child going to school if it was less days and less children in school at the same time. Also for everything to be sanitized many time throughout the day. I'm confident that the district is doing whatever is necessary to make our return safe. I don't have any concerns. Routine cleaning a top priority. I understand there is a way to electrostatically disinfect surfaces that will kill viruses and bacteria on contact, and will not diminish with routine cleaning of the surfaces. I think this will be huge. Social distancing is also important, but good hygiene practices are also extremely important. Face masks I expect all teachers and staff to wear, but strongly encourage for the elementary children. I think it is important for children to attend school full days every day, Monday-Friday. For their education and for the parents' ability to work. The months from March-June were extremely challenging for my family. Not only with the physical routine of teaching our 1st grader at home and also caring for our 4 year old, but we also suffered emotionally. And financially. And still struggling. I've wondered if there is a way to keep children home whose parents can stay home from work or who already are stay at home parents, and allow those children to "skype" into their classes. So they can still fully participate in the classroom, but allow for the social distancing IN the class because these students will be virtually in the classroom. It can allow for more space for children whose parents cannot feasibly be home with their children. I believe that with planning and diligence, we can make this a SAFE and successful school year. Thank you!

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Small class size, physical/social distancing, disinfecting of shared surfaces and books/etc in a classroom, Less kids per bus because small children are unreliable and may not wear masks appropriately Masks will be fine. Just cant wait to get back!! That the kids can learn and interact with others, and stay safe while they are doing it. This situation has been hard on everyone, but my kids miss the daily interactions with friends/staff. I know this is a serious situation, but we can not stay locked up forever and need to start returning to regular routines. My kids did not like virtual learning at all and it was a challenge to keep them engaged and willing to complete the work without daily meltdowns. *Social distancing AND properly fitted masks for EVERYONE *Hand sanitizer permitted on desk tops *Age specific education about the virus and the importance of prevention immediately upon return to school *Strict policies for managing suspected and confirmed cases of Covid-19. *Daily questionnaires completed at home prior to school day to assess for potential signs and symptoms of the virus 1. Due dates for any and all assignments must be posted on the due date box of each teacher's google classroom. My children really depended on that box for organizational purposes, and sometimes teachers did and sometimes they didn't. Any and all assignments must be turned in and this organizational step is critical. 2. Music instruction was HORRENDOUS. I pursued music in college so fortunately I had a background to assist. Synchronous instruction MUST be provided. There is still sooooo much that can be done in a remote setting. 3. Staff must continue to work with students (as they have been) to support them. Just b/c a middle schooler can be independent at home - doesn't mean they won't need parental support once the parent is done their work day. Staff calling and supporting parents with quick response time is essential. Working with students when they miss an assignment when it isn't posted on the due date box window is all critical to continue. This was happening in every subject with every teacher, and it was much appreciated. The teachers are the one who make WDMS. 4. Please DO NOT grade the related arts. These are not required courses, and really without synchronous instruction it truly is busy work. Taking pictures of busy work art projects and earning 100% for nonsense truly results in decreased interest and value. Offer the related arts of course, but do a pass/fail grade. This year my children were graded in band and art - both subjects- not being taught and getting graded for it. My one child who loved art now hates it. Busy work was all it was, and we LOVE MRS. BALDWIN. She is an excellent art teacher in the classroom. But what was posted for students to do was busy work. I'm sure she did the best that she could. But just don't grade it. The grading factor really impacted it. My children know when they hand in crap and to earn a 100 for it - this is even more validation that there is no real value to this class. Please do P/F. My son also wants to quit band. He thought it was all stupid and didn't learn a thing. My other child bought WITH HER OWN MONEY a keyboard. She taught herself a new instrument during the school closure b/c the assignments were too easy for her on clarinet so she took the initiative to challenge herself and bought herself a brand new instrument, downloaded a tutorial app, and taught herself. Instead of praise - she was chastised. And of course - no feedback other than - she should have transposed the music for the accurate instrument. SHE IS 12! Her mother may be able to transpose music, but a 12 year old - not being taught - surely can't. Beyond disappointed.

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5. If you are going to collect it, then you must provide feedback on it. Staff can provide feedback in numerous ways and this is essential. 6. Teach until the end of the year. Students are entitled to 180 days of schools. Students KNEW they were done in early June and then the rest of the days were optional to them. This violates state law and shortened the already limited opportunities of learning. I'm sorry if parents were burned out. I was burned out. But my kids lost b/c the school chose to end the school year 2 weeks early. Of course the kids were happy, but is ending school 2 weeks early and letting them know it best for them? 7. All Title programs must continue. If you collect title federal monies, you can not stop those programs. You must figure out a way to offer them. 8. Recorded TEACHER teaching videos are important and then use synchronous opportunities to provide support. Several teachers did this and it really worked out well. 9. Understand that students who grasp concepts VERY EASILY and are used to figuring things out in their head will have a difficult time transitioning to the slower paced remote learning environment. Now they HAVE to slow down and watch videos when they just want to see it once and move on. This can be frustrating. So having staff understand that is important. And maintaining communication with the families is essential. I will say - I had both of those things and that is why I truly do not feel that my children lost much learning with those specific teachers who did just that. Some kids have underlying conditions Plenty of notice of the planned schedule. If students are only reporting part time, their sibling are following the same schedule. proper supplies for cleaning and safety Enforcing the rule of wearing a mask, how to eat and drink while staying protected, how are we going to social distance from class to class, nurses office, busing to and from school, bathrooms, cafeteria, and other electives that involve being close to someone. Wearing masks should be required during the school day especially when kids can’t be physically distanced. If everyone wears a mask there is no need to change the dimensions of configuration of classrooms. The attendance policy needs to be changed to allow for more absences in light of covid19 or perhaps allow distance learning if a student must be quarantined due to either possible exposure or a positive test result. Face shields for all staff members; social distancing on buses and within the building; possible split schedules w in person and remote learning; mask enforcement I would like it if high school students were also required to wear masks. Also, if it turns out that we do not meet with all of our students each day because of social distancing requirements, it would be helpful if the class periods were longer to make up for missed time in the classroom. (Not sure if students will be attending all 5 days or not?) Hello, clear communication to the parents, temperature checks should be given to all staff, students, and support personnel before entering the building, surveys filled out by staff(what states they have been to within the last month), masks worn by all employees and adhere to the CDC recommendations. Bussing should be at 50 % capacity until the virus has a vaccine. Plastic barriers used for the safety of everyone. Also, it is important to realize that not all students will wear a mask due to having sensory issues or other disabilities. Especially, younger children may not wear a mask a 100% of the school day due to their disability. Encourage hand washing, no sharing personal items such as pencils, books, etc. Large groups not encouraged right now. It will be important that Grow and Learn Daycare in West Deptford is open for Aiden Schmidt if you run a hybrid half day schedule. The importance of transportation by the school district is important for after

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care for Aiden 5 days a week as well. Both of his parents work full time outside of the home. Eat inside the classrooms too w less students. Thank you for the survey, Tricia Schmidt (mother of a Kindergarten student w Special Needs for Sept. 2020)7/3/20 Masks: Elementary school aged children need to be able to see the teachers mouth for foundations and reading. Learning how to read involves watching the mouth. Also how are children just learning to read be able to read with a mask. Kids will also touch their face more with a mask present Buses: not sure how this is going to happen when we are short on busses already. Buss time cannot change either or be staggered. Parents work. Also social distancing on a bus is over the top. Social interactions: lunch. Not acceptable to have children eat alone at a table. Literally we've spent our whole lives not being the person who eats alone in the cafeteria and now they all have to eat alone. Kids LOVE lunch to see their friends they don't see in class. Its a time for them to be free. How will social distancing be enforced in the classroom. Pre school and school age learn a lot by PLAY learning. Will kids be yelled at for getting too close to someone. How will this be enforced? How will their freedom be kept so they enjoy school and dont associate it with a jail. Cleaning: what products will be used? Majority of cleaning products contain carcinoges and should not be ingested or inhaled. With the increase cleaning, what is your plan? Child care: we need young eagles!!!!!! We need help! I am an essential worker, a nurse, i heavily rely on summer rec ans young eagles. I do not agree with splitting the school days. Half home half at school, I am a nurse i have no one to help with childcare. I went to college for nursing, not for teaching, hence why we pay taxes and send our daughter to a public institution. If i wanted to teach my child, I would have homeschooling from the beginning. Temp screenings in the morning will i crease drop off time, how will this be accommodated. Both of my children (Greenfield's & HS) are eager to return to school no matter what is needed for them. They both require academic support that I cannot provide. The only issue I have is not having enough masks for them. It would be nice to be able to support the school by purchasing WD masks. Also, we need to be provided guidelines for the masks they would be able to use if/when we are allowed to return. I was going to order some & I'm not sure what would be allowed or not. How do you plan to keep kids wearing masks? How will our district handle bussing? Will there be a virtual learning opportunity in addition to schools being reopened? How do we ensure our children are receiving and properly being taught the curriculum with shorter days &/or constant precautions of COVID being implemented? How many students will be allowed in each class with each teacher? How will lunches be handled? How will school supplies (such as shared classroom books, library books, bathrooms, pencil sharpeners, etc) be guaranteed cleanliness? First of all, thank you so much to Central Office, CST, WDMS administration, and guidance for your support during distance learning. It is greatly supported, and appreciated more than you can possibly know. I am looking forward to coming back to school in September! As a classroom teacher, I will be responsible for my students, and I want to help them ( as well as any other adults in my room) stay safe and healthy. So many things are touched by many people throughout the day- pencil sharpeners, tissue boxes, paper towel dispensers, library books, etc. How can I, as a teacher, reduce the risk of infection in my room?

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Regarding masks( which I whole- heartedly support!!)- I know that some children may not be wearing them because of health issues and other possible concerns. I do feel I am going to need support in helping children with the many issues regarding masks. For example, will there be times during the day when a child can have a " mask break"? How do we explain to those wearing masks that others are not? The children carry water bottles and drink throughout the day( a good thing!), but how do we handle that issue with masks? And, although there is no real solution to this issue, I still need to voice it: it is so difficult to meaningfully communicate when half of one's face is covered! Will the school be issuing masks, or will students and staff be permitted to bring in their own? On a personal level, I do have concerns about my own health as well. I have my quarterly appointment with my oncologist this month and will ask for his guidance about returning to school in a safe manner. Although I do not anticipate needing any special accommodations, I am, for a variety of reasons, in a high risk category, so I am going to take my doctor's advice seriously. I am concerned about some of our staff who are facing major health concerns. Regarding teacher masks, which again, are so very important, will there be a time when my students are not present, that I can take it off for a little while? For example, if my students are at their special, could I go outside without my mask to get some fresh air? Or, if I am in my classroom alone, can the mask come off for a few minutes. I am totally committed to wearing a mask, but I think it will be physically impossible to leave it on for the entire school day. Thank you so much for all you are doing! I am so looking forward to being back in my classroom! :) Communication. If one child’s family gets sick, how will you track it to each child in contact with the exposed student? I am not worried. I’m sure that you will provide safety measures that protect us as best as you can Having enough supply of disinfectant and other things to keep school and kids healthy. We do not want our children to have to wear mask in school or on the bus. I’m also concerned if our children will have barriers between desks. I feel like they do my child will be afraid to talk to anyone handle all hygiene and safety protocols to care for our children It's really hard to imagine how this will work in the elementary school. Since my spouse is very immunocompromised, I need to be extra careful. As a paraprofessional, I am usually within 1-2 ' of my student most of the day. There is constant interaction physically and in the air between us. Thinking about the students walking to the lunchroom or recess, those hallways are crammed with students. The Nurse needs the authority to actually require children to go home at sign of 99 temp. Children should have temperature checks each morning. Just opening doors will be an issue. I saw a foot pedal at a local store that enables people to open doors without using the handle, I thought that was effective. I give you all a lot of credit for dealing with this situation. In the past, I have been given a hard time using plastic gloves, I hope that does not happen now. We need to take so many precautions, it will be challenging to actually teach the children. Adequate cleaning supplies for my classroom and way to keep students 6 feet apart. Keeping the school clean along with being transparent about Covid concerns as they arise and reactive to student and staff symptoms. I am concerned about how the masks will work in a full day teaching environment. Universal Precautions-mask wearing and hand washing Assurances that guidelines are being enforced daily, using all Recommended by the CDC. PPE, social distancing and masks required for students and staff

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*Social distancing AND properly fitted masks for EVERYONE *Hand sanitizer permitted on desk tops *Age specific education about the virus and the importance of prevention immediately upon return to school *Strict policies for managing suspected and confirmed cases of Covid-19. *Daily questionnaires completed at home prior to school day to assess for potential signs and symptoms of the virus That anyone who is sick STAYS HOME. I am over 60 and very concerned about contracting the virus. Please consider older staff members as you plan for re-opening. Temperature checks should be taken on staff, students and parents upon entering the building. Bathrooms need to be cleaned frequently during the day. PPE equipment should be readily available for all staff. Please consider the teacher workload if we will have to teach in class and virtually. Also set up classrooms to practice safe distancing. Thank you for your consideration. I would just ask that our students' individual needs and concerns be prioritized. I realize that each student has his/her own individual concerns based on his/her own personal experiences these last few months, but I think a general understanding of the community's feelings about how to best proceed will best serve us and our students as we seek to establish protocol/practices. That students and staff are safe I would like to make sure there is consistent frequent cleaning throughout the day. I think there needs to be wipes and antibacterial soap available in each classroom. Opportunity to clean surfaces, desks, door knobs etc. very frequently. I would also feel more comfortable if a policy/protocol was put in place if a teacher, staff members, student tests positive for Covid. My 4 children will NOT be returning to school if masks are required. They will not drink the kool-aid. Several plans for if things were to change. Meaning if there is another mandated shutdown. Or options for if things are limited. Make sure all are safe but learning effectively. Masks should be required for students. It is one of the only proven ways to slow the spread and would, more importantly, protect staff members who are more likely to get the virus from a child who could potentially spread the virus with no symptoms. Extensive testing for both staff and students, daily temp checks To enter school (documented with attendance), contact tracing, appropriate social distancing within classrooms and between classes, appropriate sanitation at desks between classes as students switch classrooms. Alternative learning environment for students that don’t feel comfortable returning to the classroom and for those that are not allowed to go to school b/c of fever or symptoms while they await test results. Separating desks for younger grades to help minimize the amount of physical contact and sharing and regular handwashing. Maybe teaching the core things without all the fluff, but do keep the specials. Keep the kids in a safe environment with all of the COVID precautions taken. I don’t want an online teaching system because I know they will not be taught the same. I feel that it’s important for the kids to be in the classroom. Provide a safe clean environment for my children. Several plans for if things were to change. Meaning if there is another mandated shutdown. Or options for if things are limited. Make sure all are safe but learning effectively. Im not sure that I will feel comfortable. There needs to be a huge overall slow down of the virus and I am not sure that I will feel comfortable cone September. A swift no tolerance approach for those who do not follow the rules ( masks, distance, etc) All staff and students should wear masks.

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safety to the staff as well as the students. How to get students to socially distance and make sure that students are wearing masks. A swift no tolerance approach for those who do not follow the rules ( masks, distance, etc) I don’t know if you can. Hopefully there is enough social distancing. I don’t know if the kids will adhere. I know that you will do your Best Buy it’s scary. nothing I would like to make sure there is consistent frequent cleaning throughout the day. I think there needs to be wipes and antibacterial soap available in each classroom. Opportunity to clean surfaces, desks, door knobs etc. very frequently. I would also feel more comfortable if a policy/protocol was put in place if a teacher, staff members, student tests positive for Covid. Having siblings on the same schedule; masks; limiting numbers in class; pick up (would be uncomfortable with everyone coming into building at end of day); accommodating 2 full time working parents (ie have some lessons prerecorded so can watch at night instead of live); zoom Classes with small groups may be better than large group zooms I would like it if high school students were also required to wear masks. Also, if it turns out that we do not meet with all of our students each day because of social distancing requirements, it would be helpful if the class periods were longer to make up for missed time in the classroom. (Not sure if students will be attending all 5 days or not?) No black lives matter issues in the classroom; Hand sanitizer stations Masks optional - where social distancing cannot be met No black lives matter issues in the classroom; Hand sanitizer stations Masks optional - where social distancing cannot be met The fact that corona virus is still a threat to communities is a safety issue for students. The schools ability to teach my child virtually needs a tremendous amount of improvement. My trust in the district at this point in having my child’s best interest is extremely low. Social distancing. How will this be achieved in classrooms, hallways, and cafeteria? What is the plan for students that refuse to wear masks? What is the plan for desk cleaning after each period as students change classes? How will the cafeteria change? We aren’t allowed to eat indoors at restaurants so how is eating lunch indoors going to change? What changes will there be to indoor gym classes? I feel contact sports should be moved to the spring Will teachers get extra preparation time if they are doing face to face instruction as well as online? Will students be required to wear masks at all times? Will masks be provided for students? I’m concerned about ventilation? How will cleaning take place in classes that need to use hands on activities? (Lab, Art, shop, etc.) Cleaning of classrooms/bathrooms Provide PPE and wipes Clear expectations for staff and students I'm not sure. It honestly seems overwhelming to try to control this with the amount of kids that go to school. Maybe have rotating days to limit the amount of kids in each classroom? As I left out in my last response West Deptford districts attempt at virtual teaching and distance learning requires a tremendous amount of improvement. One suggestion is to have live zoom classes where

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students are live and face to face with their teacher virtually and face to face with their class virtually instead of pre recorded videos with an array of different teachers some of which the student doesn’t even know. That’s what this last distant learning content was filled with pre recorded videos with unfamiliar teachers. Safety: -Keeping the buildings clean and sanitized at all times. -Quality checks for all custodians -Require sick students/staff to be sent home immediately -Provide PPE and cleaning wipes, hand soap, and sanitizer to all staff Supported: -No new programs. I feel that it is a terrible idea to implement a new reading program in the elementary grades. It is already so worrisome and stressful thinking about coming into the building to do our jobs, that learning a new program seems cruel at this point. We have worked very hard to transfer Reading Street to a distance learning model. If/when we move to distance learning again, we will already have the materials prepared. -If there is a hybrid model, how will we be able to simultaneously teach in the classroom and online? (If half the kids are home and half are in school) Please consider how difficult this will be when making decisions. -If we are required to quarantine, will we have to use our own sick days? We would have to use up our entire year's allotment if we need two weeks away. -Clear communication from administration. All buildings should be told news/updates at the same time. It is a terrible feeling hearing about new decisions, etc. through the grapevine instead of directly from the principal. -Valuing the knowledge the teachers. Paying them for their valuable time and input instead of asking them to volunteer. I would feel completely safe returning to the library even without the use of a mask. Even though age wise I am a prime candidate for this virus, I am not at all fearful of this pandemic. I am sorry that this survey is being submitted late but I was down the shore with my daughter and her children and just returned home this afternoon. It would be helpful to know if there is flexibility regarding whether we can continue with online learning. It is not my preference, as I believe my son benefits from interacting face to face with other students and his teacher. I have made arrangements to work overnights, but as an essential employee, I have to be onsite. I would prefer to minimize any additional exposure to him, as well as the many staff and students that may also potentially be exposed. If it means additional time helping him through his online studies, I think that would potentially keep everyone safe. Just to follow the Governor's guidelines. cleaning, ventilation, sharing books and supplies. I'm not really sure what you can do, but I can take every precaution to protect myself, my co-workers and students. Make my daughter and other kids feel comfortable and not feel scared

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We need to consider that each building has its own unique needs, and include the administration and staff in determining those needs. For the high school, we need to consider that on an average day, 100+ students come through a classroom. This is a heavy exposure for both the students and staff. The virus is airborne. Everyone attending school should be required to wear masks 100% of the time. I realize this may be a challenge for some students and staff. We need to look at special cases and the very young differently, but would think most students in grades 3 or so and up should be able to manage. Perhaps consider half of the students to attend Monday, Tuesday, the other half Thursday, Friday with Wednesday being a day to regroup. Or, at least for high school, have students attend one or two classes per day for instruction, and the rest of the week work from home for that class. That way they receive in person instruction at least once a week. There are many models out there, I don't think we should open full days every day for all students right away. We need professional development on opening safely. There needs to be clear expectations that everyone knows and is comfortable with. We need professional development and/or support on how to handle both student anxiety and our own anxiety. We need professional development on distance learning that allows us to practice developing lessons before we try them on the students, and time. Time to adjust our lessons, time to learn new ways of teaching, time to learn new technologies. Time to reflect on how we and our students are doing. There needs to be a plan in place to handle exposures. If someone in a class tests positive, should the rest of the class including the adults quarantine for two weeks? Should the rest of the class be required to be tested before returning to school? If a staff member has someone in the household test positive, should they quarantine for two weeks? If a teacher is not sick but has to quarantine, do they work from home to teach students who are in the school? Would there be a substitute, or would those students work from home since their teacher will not be on the building for an extended time? Substitutes often work in different buildings and even different districts, increasing the number of contacts they are exposed to. What if they've been to different schools in the days before becoming ill and testing positive, does everyone quarantine? Does everyone get tested? I want to teach. It is not only what I do, it is who I am. However, I want to be safe. I want to make sure my students are safe. I want to make sure that by opening we are not going to cause a resurgence of the virus in our community. I think we need to look to the state and county health and education departments to help guide us. Thank you for asking this question. We are all in this together. I would be comfortable with more cleaning of surfaces. Hand sanitizer available everywhere. Not a huge fan of masks being worn all day long but if that’s what has to happen, we would be ok with that. That my daughter's safety is considered the highest priority of the school and try to eliminate the threat of catching the virus as much as and disinfecting the school daily especially common areas.

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Thank you Mandatory mask use in buildings- apart from certain reasonable exceptions, such as health conditions. Students would need to follow the states guidelines, but staff should be across the board (except as stated above). Set up Cluster areas in buildings to minimize student movement within the buildings. Possibly with having staff move rooms, rather than students. Staggered student movement when necessary. Alternate plan for student DropOff/Pickup to prevent large clusters of students at doors at the same time. I don't have any concerns at this time. I feel that the kids wearing masks all day in school is more harm than good. They will be breathing in carbon dioxide all day and the masks really do not keep the virus out anyway. Anxiety will be accentuated as they will not be able to breathe properly as well. God bless you in making all of these decisions. I do not envy your job of ensuring safety for all of these children and staff members. Child’s health and safety Do not open if all safeguards cannot be accomplished on a daily basis. I hope that the schools re-open in the fall. I am the custodial grandparent for Abigail Massa. She will be entering the 8th grade. I feel that her grades have been affexced. She has been a good student and has plans for her future. The distance learning has affected her in a negative way. I know that the staff and faculty have tried to do an outstanding job during this unprecedented pandemic. I have been raising Abbey for 7 years and she is well liked by her peers and her teachers. Kids are different today in that they really don't go out and hang around with friends, Her socialization is mostly with her cousins, a planned event or visit with some of her school friends and her Girl Scout Troop. I see her sleeping later and not having much enthusiasm as she normally does. She REALLY misses her friends and her teachers and was really coming out socially. She was on Student Council and in Band and Choir. I really want to see that spark that she has again. She worked hard in school and cared about what she turned in and was on track for a great future as a Journalist. I feel that the distance learning is affecting her enthusiasm and social skills. These things are crucial for her success in high school and as she becomes a young adult. I know that she wanted to be a part of the yearbook team and the school newspaper. These things will help her with her plans for her future. I dont see these things happening for her with distance learning. Please keep me apprised of the plans going forward. Thank you; Linda Massa Have a camera for live stream in each classroom for those that want to stay home and distance learn and everyone else can sign a waiver saying they want to come back to school as normal. Then some extra hand sanitizer should do the trick. Masks will not work as kids will touch them all day cross contaminating everything. Just encourage good hygiene, hand washing and staying home if you feel ill. I expect the schools to reopen as usual. It is essential for my children to return to a normal schedule for their learning, socializing and support. I am expecting the schools to reopen as usual. It is imperative that my children attend school as normal for their overall wellbeing. Sanitizing stations in the classroom, limit the number of kids in the class

I think that the staff members of the school know what is needed and I believe they will follow through with any plan that is agreed upon.

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So I think that communication, cooperation and consideration is the key. A good structured written plan on how everyone in the school can keep as safe as possible. This should be sent out ahead of the school year so that we are all aware of what needs to done as teachers, parents and children in order to keep each other safe. You have done a great job with the problem this last year so I am confident that you will do the same this upcoming year. Thank you and be safe A clean environment. Mask if you have to.. might try and consider split sessions.... Require all kids to wear masks. Without that, you will not cut transmission. WD has already had one COVID staff death. Other helpful suggestions: cut student density in hallways between classes, suggest outside classes, stagger starts, eliminate bussing. A clean environment. Mask if you have to.. might try and consider split sessions.... Keep it virtual until there is a vaccine Keep it virtual until there is a vaccine This is a joke. Let me go back to school on a normal schedule (without masks) with my fellow classmates Proper sanitizing supplies. For staff and equipment. Prioritise hand washing before eating Nothing I’m good with regular school as it should be If they do partial learning from school and at home, it should be done via zoom at home with teachers and students During the class times. Another suggestion if they are in school. To have less germs spread, the students should stay at the same desk all day and the teachers should switch classrooms when needed. If they do partial learning from school and at home, it should be done via zoom at home with teachers and students During the class times. Another suggestion if they are in school. To have less germs spread, the students should stay at the same desk all day and the teachers should switch classrooms when needed. If they do partial learning from school and at home, it should be done via zoom at home with teachers and students During the class times. Another suggestion if they are in school. To have less germs spread, the students should stay at the same desk all day and the teachers should switch classrooms when needed. Very risky to return at this time! since I am in the age group of 60 and above, I am hoping that you consider mandating a mask at all time while riding the van. Seating students six feet apart in a van is not possible unless fewer students are picked up so mask should be mandated at all times. To enforce the rule of wearing a mask, social distancing with buses, hallways, bathrooms, nurses office, and classrooms, To enforce the rule of wearing a mask, social distancing with buses, hallways, bathrooms, nurses office, and classrooms.