“Reopening EA” - East Aurora

“Reopening EA” Fall 2020 Reopening Plan "While I realize there is a great deal of uncertainty, I am confident that we will be prepared to move forward and continue our focus on excellence for all students!" - Superintendent Brian D. Russ August 6, 2020 Version 1

Transcript of “Reopening EA” - East Aurora

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“Reopening EA”

Fall 2020 Reopening Plan

"While I realize there is a great deal of uncertainty,

I am confident that we will be prepared to move forward and continue our focus on excellence for all students!"

- Superintendent Brian D. Russ

August 6, 2020

Version 1

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Dear Parents/Guardians:

Enclosed you will find a comprehensive plan for the reopening of school in light of the Covid-19 pandemic.

While filled with many specifics and technical assurances, what I most hope you find in this document is our

commitment to reopen our schools and to do so in the safest way possible. Nothing is more important to us

than the safety of our students, their families, and our faculty and staff.

This document provides many answers and, I’m sure, will generate even more questions. I encourage you to

reach out with any thoughts, ideas, suggestions and questions. These are unprecedented times and we

welcome suggestions from anyone who wishes to be a positive, contributing ‘part of the solution’.

Beyond this plan, further specific details of your child’s experience will come from building-level

communication. Please reach out to your child/ren’s school with those questions. The latest updates (both to

this plan and all other Covid-19 related communication) can be found by accessing


Be safe - Be well - #oneEA!

Brian D. Russ

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Table of Contents

Section Page

Values Rose 3

Our Ongoing Promise… 4

Directory of Key Offices and Individuals 5

Communication / Family & Community Engagement 7

Health and Safety 9

Facilities 15

Child Nutrition 18

Transportation 21

Social Emotional Well-Being 26

School Schedules 28

Parkdale Elementary 29

East Aurora Middle School and East Aurora High School 31

Attendance and Chronic Absenteeism 33

Technology and Connectivity 34

Teaching and Learning 36

Special Education 38

Bilingual Education and World Languages 40

Teacher and Principal Evaluation System 41

Certification, Incidental Teaching, and Substitute Teaching 42

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Values Rose

“We must remember: This is about more than reopening our community’s schools.

This is about our Values & Vision and upholding the integrity of our commitment

to provide excellent quality programs and services to our students.

The question is not “How do we reopen our schools?”

but rather “How do we reopen schools “the EA way?

What vision allows us to create safe, happy, healthy learning environments and

how do we best live our values in this current environment?”

- Superintendent Brian D. Russ

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Our Ongoing Promise…

• We are completely and unwaveringly committed to serving the interests of our students.

• We are committed to exercising care and good

judgment in managing the resources with which we are entrusted with, by our community.

• We are committed to conducting our business in

an open, objective, and professional manner.

• We are committed to safety, constant improvement, and future-focused planning.

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Directory of Key Offices and Individuals

Office Individual E-mail Phone

Superintendent Brian Russ [email protected] (716) 687-2302

Sue Kramer [email protected] (716) 687-2302

Pupil Services/Special Education

Jerome Polakiewicz [email protected] (716) 687-2328

Lynette McDonough [email protected] (716) 687-2328

Personnel, Curriculum, and Instruction

Mark Mambretti [email protected] (716) 687-2329

Jane Roesser [email protected] (716) 687-2329

Technology Services Mark Mambretti [email protected] (716) 687-2329

Dennis Hirschfelt [email protected] (716) 687-2402

Parkdale Elementary Main Office/Attendance [email protected] [email protected]

(716) 687-2352 (716) 687-2353

Jessica Lyons (Principal) [email protected] (716) 687-2352

Matt Librock (AP) Sandy Todaro (Nurse)

[email protected] [email protected]

(716) 687-2359 (716) 687-2355

Parkdale Elementary Counseling Center

Deanna Bartolotti-Brown [email protected] (716) 687-2361

Marcia Nagle-Ahern [email protected] (716) 687-2391

Carolyn Salgado [email protected] (716) 687-2358

EA Middle School Main Office/ Attendance [email protected] [email protected]

(716) 687-2453

Matt Brown (Principal) [email protected] (716) 687-2452

Matt Librock (AP) Lynn Daigler (Nurse)

[email protected] [email protected]

(716) 687-2457 (716) 687-2450

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Office Individual E-mail Phone

EA Middle School Counseling Center

Carrie Cole [email protected] (716) 687-2445

Catherine Warda-Bender [email protected] (716) 687-2424

EA High School Main Office/ Attendance [email protected] [email protected]

(716) 687-2500

William Roberts (Principal) [email protected] (716) 687-2500

Kari Allen (Nurse) [email protected] (716) 687-2550

EA High School Counseling Center

Sue Lamb James Coleman

[email protected] [email protected]

(716)687-2509 (716) 687-2520

Sarah Neudeck [email protected] (716) 687-2507

Erin Wilcox [email protected] (716) 687-2506

Mary Ann Huber [email protected] (716) 687-2508

Kristina Twentyfive [email protected] (716) 687-2511

Athletics Christopher Koselny Kristen Heckman

[email protected] [email protected]

(716) 687-2514 (716) 687-2559

Transportation & Registration

Jennifer Marshall [email protected] (716) 687-2313

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Communication / Family & Community Engagement

East Aurora schools hold a special relationship with the East Aurora, Aurora and Wales communities. As

such, community/family input and involvement in the creation, on-going evaluation and refining of the

programs contained herein is a key priority. In the spirit of transparency and mutual respect, we pledge to

remain true to our values of Effective Communication, Respectful Relationship and Continuous

Improvement with our community stakeholders in developing the 2020-21 reopening school plan.

Technical Assurances Communication/Family and Community Engagement – Mandatory Assurances

1. The School and/or district engaged with school stakeholders and community members (e.g.,

administrators, faculty, staff, students, parents/legal guardians of students, local health

departments, local health care providers, and affiliated organizations, such as unions, alumni,

and/or community-based groups) when developing reopening plans. Plans for reopening

should identify the groups of people involved and engaged throughout the planning process.

We have been meeting for the past few months with Faculty Team leaders, administrators

and Board members to review the end of the 2019-20 school year and prepare for the

opening of school in September. We also conducted a parent/community survey (1000+

responses) which provided valuable insight and information. The District created a Task

Force made up of administrators, faculty, staff, parents, Board of Education members, etc.,

who examined Operations, Instructional Support, Student Support and Wellness. The

information gathered from the above mentioned groups/activities will be used to develop

building/department-specific protocols.

2. The school and/or district developed a communications plan for students, parents or legal

guardians of students, staff, and visitors that includes applicable instructions, training, signage,

and a consistent means to provide individuals with information. Responsible Parties may

consider developing webpages, text and email groups, and/or social media groups or posts.

The District has developed and utilizes various communication methods including, but not

limited to, a ‘one-stop-shop’ page for all Covid-19 related information located on the district

website, use of the district’s exterior school signage, increased use of social media,

advertisements in the community newspapers, and the District’s text/VM/email electronic

school messaging system.

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In addition, the District has a standing ‘communications committee’ composed of various

community organization leaders and stakeholders.

3. The school and/or district will ensure all students are taught or trained how to follow new

COVID-19 protocols safely and correctly, including but not limited to hand hygiene, proper face

covering wearing, social distancing, and respiratory hygiene.

The District is in the process of developing various signage, in-person

training/demonstrations and on-line video training for students, parents and staff. Safety

protocols are a top priority for the district and will be reinforced prior to the start of school

and on a daily basis throughout the school day.

4. The school and/or district will encourage all students, faculty, staff, and visitors through verbal

and written communication (e.g., signage) to adhere to CDC and DOH guidance regarding the

use of PPE, specifically acceptable face coverings, when social distance cannot be maintained.

The District is placing signage regarding PPE use and proper face-covering protocols at all

used entrances of each building. We will also place signage within the classrooms and

throughout the hallways. Announcements will be made via school PA and email systems.

Staff will verbally remind students and visitors of the District’s expectations.

5. The school and/or district will provide communications in the language(s) spoken at home

among families and throughout the school community. Written plans must be accessible to

those with visual and/or hearing impairments.

The District is committed to providing all plans and safety expectations in languages

accessible to our students and families. We will also provide this information in forms that

are accessible to those who have visual and/or hearing impairments.

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Health and Safety

East Aurora schools pledge that the first threshold for every decision made will be what is safest for our

students and staff, in accordance with appropriate governmental agencies/medical experts. This

health-first approach will encompass a holistic look at physical, mental, social, and emotional health.

Technical Assurances

1. Each school and/or district plan must review and consider the number of students and staff

allowed to return in person. These factors should be considered when determining resumption

of in person instruction: (1) Ability to maintain appropriate social distancing or face coverings;

(2) PPE and face covering availability; (3) Availability of safe transportation; and (4) Local

hospital capacity – consult your local department of health.

The District is currently undergoing a comprehensive space-usage study involving our B&G

department and the District’s architectural firm. The results of this study, in consultation

with the Fire Marshall, CDC and EC DoH guidelines, First Student Busing and Personal Touch

Food Service will be the primary drivers in informing if, when and how in-person instruction

will resume and what form it will take.

2. Each school and/or district reopening plan must engage with school stakeholders and

community members (e.g., administrators, faculty, staff, students/legal guardians of students,

local health departments, local health care providers, and affiliated organizations, such as

unions, alumni, and/or community-based groups) in developing their reopening plan and

identify those that participated in the reopening plans.

The District’s reopening planning involved various stakeholder meetings including those with

Faculty Team Leaders, open to all Faculty and Staff, a community-wide reopening survey

(with 1000+ responses) and the Board of Education. Thoughts and information from these

meetings was then evaluated by a multi-stakeholder Task Force that examined Operations,

Instructional Support, Student Support and Wellness.

The results of the Task Force were then used to develop building/department-specific


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3. Each school and/or district reopening plan must include a communications plan for students,

parents/guardians, staff, and visitors that includes applicable instructions, training, signage, and

a consistent means to provide individuals with information.

The District has developed and utilizes various communication methods including, but not

limited to, a ‘one-stop-shop’ page for all Covid-19 related information located on the district

website, use of the district’s exterior school signage, increased use of social media,

advertisements in the community newspapers, and the District’s text/VM/email electronic

school messaging system.

In addition, the District has a standing ‘communications committee’ composed of various

community organization leaders and stakeholders.

4. Each school and/or distinct reopening plan has a written protocol developed in collaboration

with the district or school’s director of school health services to instruct staff to observe for

signs of illness in students and staff and requires symptomatic persons to be sent to the school

nurse or other designated personnel.

Staff will be trained by medical professionals and provided guidance on signs and symptoms

of potential illness. This training will be conducted multiple times for on-going


5. Each school and/or district reopening plan has a written protocol for daily temperature

screenings of all students and staff, along with a daily screening questionnaire for faculty and

staff and periodic use of the questionnaire for students.

The District is developing a plan for daily temperature screenings and a symptom

questionnaire for at-home screening. In-school screening will be conducted for any student

who does not complete at-home screening and/or begins presenting as ill during the school

day. This includes, but is not limited to student self-reporting or district personnel

observation of symptoms.

All faculty and staff will be required to complete a daily temperature check and complete a

written/electronic symptom questionnaire upon arrival.

6. Each school and/or district reopening plan requires that ill students and staff be assessed by the

school nurse (registered professional nurse, RN) or medical director and that if a school nurse

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or medical director is not available, ill students and staff will be sent home for follow up with a

health provider.

The District plan asserts that any student and/or school personnel who presents as ill will be

seen by a District nurse and/or sent home for follow-up with a health care provider.

7. Each school and/or district reopening plan has written protocol requiring students or staff with

a temperature, signs of illness, and/or a positive response to the questionnaire to be sent

directly to a dedicated isolation area where students are supervised, prior to being picked up or

otherwise sent home.

In addition to the development of building-specific protocols for each school, the District is

currently reconfiguring its use of space, including but not limited to the use of space reserved

for Health Services, for proper screening, isolation, and transport of potentially ill

students/individuals or staff.

8. Each school and/or district reopening plan has written protocol to address visitors, guests,

contractors, and vendors to the school which includes health screening.

The District maintains an ‘appointment only’ requirement for all non-emergency visits from

guests, visitors, contractors, and vendors. Visitors/vendors must call from their car and pass

a screening questionnaire (including temperature screening) prior to entering the building

and or will do so prior to checking in at the Greeter’s Desk. The office/department that the

individual is meeting with is responsible for keeping the log of each visitor’s screening, time

in, locations visited, and time out.

9. Each school and/or district reopening plan has a written protocol to instruct parents/guardians

to observe for signs of illness in their child that require staying home from school.

Parents will be notified both initially and with on-going reminders (in writing and

electronically) of signs/symptoms to watch for in their child or other members in the

household, how to report signs/symptoms to the school, and also be required to complete a

daily or periodic child screening questionnaire.

10. Each school and/or district reopening plan has written protocol and appropriate signage to

instruct staff and students in correct hand and respiratory hygiene.

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Age and situation appropriate instructional protocols that align to CDC and EC DoH guidelines

are being developed, written and pictorial signage hung in key locations, and turn-key

training of staff (including video training) will be provided to instruct and remind students

and staff of proper handwashing and respiratory hygiene. Frequency and manner of the

training will be developed at the building level.

11. Each school and/or district reopening plan has written protocol to ensure all persons in school

buildings keep social distance of at least 6 feet whenever


In addition to floor markings, hallway dividers, wall signage, and audible reminders, offices,

classroom spaces and furniture are being rearranged to provide appropriate distance.

Where proper distance cannot be maintained, physical barriers (Plexiglas, etc.) and signage

requiring face coverings will be installed.

12. Each school and/or district reopening plan has written protocol detailing how the

district/school will provide accommodations to all students and staff who are at high risk or live

with a person at high risk.

The School Physician/Nurses and the Director of Pupil Services (for students) or the Director

of Personnel (for staff) will develop a protocol to provide accommodations for high-risk

individuals, either as a class or on an individual basis.

13. Each school and/or district reopening plan has a written protocol requiring all employees, adult

visitors, and students to wear a cloth face covering whenever social distancing cannot be


The Board of Education is developing this protocol/policy and each building will be charged

with proper instruction, reinforcement and signage to ensure compliance.

14. Each school and/or district reopening plan has a plan for obtaining and maintaining adequate

supplies of cloth and/or disposable face coverings for school staff, students who forget their

masks, and PPE for use by school health professionals.

Multiple face coverings have been provided for all staff.

The District’s expectation is that students will provide their own face coverings.

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The District has existing stock and on-going orders for an appropriate number and style (child

and adult) of disposable masks to provide for the replacement of soiled masks, forgotten face

coverings, and/or for students who do not or cannot provide their own. These will be

provided at no expense and with no penalty.

15. Each school and/or district reopening plan has written protocol for actions to be taken if there

is a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the school.

The District is consulting with CDC, EC DoH, and Regional (BOCES) guidance as well as the

District Physician and Legal Counsel on developing a protocol for actions to be taken that

serve the public health and also protect the privacy of the individual.

16. Each school and/or district reopening plan has written protocol that complies with DOH and

CDC guidance for the return to school of students and staff following a positive screen for

COVID-19 symptoms, illness or diagnosis of confirmed case of COVID-19 or following quarantine

due to contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19. Return to school will be coordinated with

the local health department.

The District is consulting with CDC, EC DoH, and Regional (BOCES) guidance as well as the

District Physician and Legal Counsel on developing a protocol for actions to be taken that

serve the public health and also protect the privacy of the individual.

17. Each school and/or district reopening plan has written protocol to clean and disinfect schools

following CDC guidance.

The Director of Buildings and Grounds is developing daily, deep, and post-Covid exposure

cleaning and disinfection/sanitization protocols that are appropriate to each space and


18. Each school and/or district reopening plan has written protocol to conduct required school

safety drills with modifications ensuring social distancing between persons.

Building principals are working with their teams to develop appropriately modified

emergency evacuation, shelter in place, lock down and lock out protocols. This may include a

combination of in-person drills, verbal training and possibly video training.

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19. Each school and/or district reopening plan has a written plan for district/school run before and

aftercare programs (or, for charter schools, as required by the school’s charter).

The District does not provide before and aftercare programs but is working with

organizations that use District space to make sure all State, regional, and local guidance is

followed and documented.

20. Each school and/or district reopening plan designates a COVID-19 safety coordinator

(administrator) whose responsibilities include continuous compliance with all aspects of the

school’s reopening plan, as well as any phased-in reopening activities necessary to allow for

operational issues to be resolved before activities return to normal or “new normal” levels.

The Superintendent of Schools is responsible for continuous compliance and will delegate to

an administrator, including the Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Personnel at the

District-level and building principals at the school-level planning and situational

responsibilities/responses to ensure continuous compliance.

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Understanding effective instruction can only occur in spaces which are safe, healthy and appropriate; the

District commits to the proper maintenance, cleaning and sanitization protocols, as well as following all

necessary building/fire codes and NYSED requirements.

Technical Assurances

1. Each school and/or district reopening plan which include changes or additions to facilities must

comply with the requirements of the 2020 New York State Uniform Prevention and Building

Code (BC) and the State Energy Conservation Code and submit all changes to OFP.

There are currently no changes or additions planned that rise to this level. Should they occur, the appropriate offices will be consulted.

2. Each school and/or district reopening plan must ensure compliance with the 2020 Building

Condition Survey and visual inspection, where applicable.

There are no planned or anticipated facility use changes that will not comply with the 2020

Building Condition Survey and Visual Inspection.

3. Each School and/or district reopening plan must provide provisions to conduct the Lead-in-Water Testing as required by NYS DOH regulation 67-4.

The District has appropriate plans to comply with the requirements of NYS DOH regulation


4. Each school and/or district reopening plan must ensure all existing and new Alcohol-based

Hand-Rub Dispensers which are installed in any locations are in accordance with FCNYS 2020

Section 5705.5.

The District plans for all Hand-Rub Dispensers and dispenser products to be in full compliance

with FCNYS 2020 Section 5705.5.

5. Each school and/or district plan which include the installation of dividers in classrooms,

libraries, cafeterias, auditoriums, gymnasiums, doors and other points of congregation will

ensure the submission of detailed floor plans to OFP

for review.

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While current planning does not call for any such dividers, should the student space review

result in this, the District makes this assurance.

6. Each school and/or district reopening plan must ensure that all new building construction and

temporary quarter projects will be submitted to OFP for a full code review.

There are currently no plans or anticipated plans for new construction or temporary

quartering. Should the District require any of these, plans will be submitted to the

appropriate office.

7. Each school and/or district reopening plan which includes new facilities for leasing must

provide a plan to consult with OFP for a preliminary evaluation.

There are currently no plans or anticipated plans for leasing new facilities. Should the District

require any of these, plans will be submitted to the appropriate office.

8. Each school and/or district reopening plan which includes the temporary or permanent use of

Tents must provide plans adhering to BCNYS.

There are currently no plans or anticipated plans for the use of tents. Should plans develop

that require any of these, plans will be submitted to the appropriate office.

9. Each school and/or district reopening plan must ensure that the existing or altered number of

toilet and sink fixtures meet minimum standards of BCNYS.

The District asserts that any reopening plan will contain the appropriate number of toilet and

sink fixtures to meet BCNYS standards.

10. Each school and/or district reopening plan must ensure that each building provides one

drinking fountain per one hundred occupants or provide a written plan for a reasonable

alternate source of drinking water.

The District asserts that any reopening plan will contain the appropriate number of drinking fountains and/or bottle filters. In addition, each building has stand-alone water dispensers.

11. Each school and/or district reopening plan must provide written plans on how to maintain

adequate, code required ventilation (natural or mechanical) as designed.

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The District’s facilities’ department will continue to ensure adequate, code required

ventilation, as designed.

12. Each school and/or district reopening plan must ensure that all project submissions only

dedicated to “COVID-19 Reopening” will be labeled as such.

While there are currently no plans or anticipated plans for project submission only dedicated

to Covid-19 response, should any occur, they will be labeled with “COVID-19 Reopening”

13. Each school and/or district reopening plan which includes the use of plastic separators must

comply with the 2020 BCNYS Section 2606.

The District commits to using plastic separators that comply with 2020 BCNYS Section 2606.

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Child Nutrition

East Aurora schools will continue its strong partnership with Personal Touch Food Service to make

nutritious meals available for all students, regardless of reopening school model. This involves creating

safe and appropriate spaces to eat (either school-bought or brought from home meals) while in school . In

addition, it may allow for pick-up or take-home meals for any student learning remotely. In all cases,

special attention will be paid to students/families who participate in the Federal Free and Reduced meal

program to ensure proper nutrition guidelines are met.

Technical Assurances 1. Each school and/or district reopening plan must provide all students enrolled in the SFA with

access to school meals each school day. This must include students in attendance at school and

students learning remotely.

The District will continue to maintain its traditional food service program (albeit modified for

Covid-19 safety best practice) and will arrange for a pick-up or delivery option for students

not in attendance or learning remotely.

In-school students will go through a serving line and will be seated using social distance

practices and follow health and safety guidelines.

For students engaging in remote learning, pick-up meals will be available. Parents will need

to indicate their participation in this service, by quarter. Additional information will follow

prior to the reopening of school in September. For students attending school half-day (K-4),

meals can/may be sent home with the student.

2. Each school and/or district reopening plan must address all applicable health and safety


The District will work with its food service provider, Personal Touch, to maintain, at a

minimum, compliance with all applicable health and safety protocols and strive to act in a

manner consistent with Covid-19 response best practice.

All surface areas in the serving area and tables will be cleaned and sanitized prior to and

following each lunch period, and after all lunch periods are done. Masks and gloves will be

worn by all food service workers at all times. Students will wear masks into the cafeteria, in

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the serving line and on their way back to their seats. Students will be permitted to remove

their mask while seated in the cafeteria.

3. Each school and/or district reopening plan includes measures to protect students with food

allergies if providing meals in spaces outside the cafeteria.

The District will work with its food service provider, Personal Touch, to utilize serving and

sanitization best-practice as it comes to food allergies, regardless of where meals are being


Students with allergy concerns will be offered the opportunity to sit at a designated table

assuring non-allergen items.

4. Each school and/or district reopening plan must include protocols and procedures for how

students will perform hand hygiene before and after eating, how appropriate hand hygiene will

be promoted, and how sharing of food and beverages will be discouraged.

Students will be given the opportunity to perform proper hand hygiene before and after

eating. As part of its cafeteria orienting process and on-going verbal and visual

reinforcement, students will be instructed on hand hygiene, dining hall expectations,

Covid-19 prevention best practice, and the discouragement of food and beverage sharing.

Hand sanitizing dispensers will be stationed at the entrance and exits of the cafeteria for

students to use. Barriers will discourage students from sharing food items.

5. Each school and/or district reopening plan must include protocols and procedures that require

cleaning and disinfection prior to the next group of students arriving for meals, if served in the

same common area.

The Director of Building and Grounds will work with each school’s Cafeteria Manager, Head

Custodian and Building Principal (for scheduling purposes) to ensure appropriate time, space,

materials and procedures exist for cleaning and disinfection of dining spaces.

All surface areas in the serving area and tables will be cleaned and sanitized prior to and

following each lunch period.

6. Each school and/or district reopening plan must ensure compliance with Child Nutrition

Program requirements (if the school is its own SFA – for charter schools that are part of a

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district’s SFA, the plan must ensure communication with the district regarding food service


The District will work with its food service provider, Personal Touch, to assert that all

reopening plans will be in compliance with the CNP.

All students purchasing lunch will receive meals that are compliant with NYSED nutritional


7. Each school and/or district reopening plan must include protocols that describe communication

with families through multiple means in the language spoken by families.

The District is committed to providing all plans and cafeteria/Food Service safety

expectations in languages accessible to our students and families including but not limited to

basic signage and/or the use of pictorial signage.

Families who speak a language other than English will be given translated letters and

documents in their native language. All communications produced will be translated for

those students who speak a language other than English.

Communication will be made to all students about meal services, menu options and safety

procedures in the cafeteria through letters sent home and posted on the school website.

Eligibility letters will be sent home to parents.

Communication will be made to all students about meal service cost and eligibility by letters

sent home to parents.

Additional information will be posted in cafeteria serving areas and online ordering.

8. Each school and/or district reopening plan must require that students must social distance (six

feet separation) while consuming meals in school unless a physical barrier is provided.

The District asserts that students will maintain a minimum of six foot distance, all face the

same direction, where possible, and/or will consume meals separated by physical barriers.

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The District will work with its partner, First Student, to ensure safe and timely transportation to and from

school for all students. This transportation will meet or exceed appropriate safety recommendations. In

addition, parents will be invited to partner with the district in providing the safest experience possible by

committing to waive District provided transportation on a per quarter basis.

Technical Assurances 1. Each school and/or district reopening plan must ensure all buses (conforming and

non-conforming to Federal Motor Carrier Safety Standards, as well as type A, C or D) which are

used every day by districts and contract carriers will be cleaned/disinfected once a day.

The District will work with its transportation provider, First Student, to maintain a

cleaning/disinfecting protocol that ensures each bus is cleaned/disinfected, at a minimum,

once a day.

First Student’s team of experts has partnered with governmental agencies, health care

organizations and university research teams to test & share information about disinfection

methods; examining virus reaction & dwell-time, instantaneous disinfection and prolonged

environment protection.

The research results recommend the Zoono-Z71 ™ cleaning protocol. The process uses a

monthly disinfectant as the cleaning product on each of the buses used to transport East

Aurora Union Free School District students. Zoono-Z71 ™ provides superior protection for up

to 30 days and replaces the need for chemicals and alcohol.

Zoono-Z71 ™ is different because when applied, it leaves behind a molecular layer that bonds

to surfaces & fabrics. These molecules form a barrier of microscopic spikes that (through

ionic action of negatively and positively charged particles) attract, pierce and destroy

pathogens (including COVID-19). Zoono-Z71 ™ creates an antimicrobial coating on surfaces,

technology the WHO (World Health Organization) describes as the “nearly perfect

disinfectant” to prevent cross-contamination.

Zoono-Z71 ™, or a similar disinfecting product, will be applied to all high-touch areas between

every use of the buses.

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2. Each school and/or district reopening plan ensures high contact spots must be wiped down

after each a.m. and p.m. run depending upon the disinfection/cleaning schedule.

The District will work with its transportation provider, First Student, to develop a plan that

ensures all high-contact spots are wiped down with disinfectant after each bus run.

First Student will apply Zoono-Z71 ™, or similar disinfecting product, to all high-contact areas

on buses following each bus run.

3. Each school and/or district reopening plan must ensure school buses shall not be equipped with

hand sanitizer due to its composition and potential liability to the carrier or district.

The District asserts that the buses transporting District students will not be equipped with

hand sanitizer.

4. Each school and/or district reopening plan must ensure that school bus drivers, monitors and

attendants must not carry personal bottles of hand sanitizer with them on school buses.

The District asserts that the adults on buses transporting District students will not carry hand


5. Each school and/or district reopening plan will require that school bus drivers, monitors,

attendants and mechanics must wear a face covering along with optional face shield.

The District will work with its transportation provider, First Student, to ensure that all adults

on buses which transport District students will wear, at a minimum, a face covering at all


6. Each school and/or district reopening plan requires that transportation staff (drivers, monitors,

attendants, mechanics and cleaners) will be trained and provided refreshers on the proper use

of personal protective equipment and the signs and symptoms of COVID-19.

The District will work with its transportation provider, First Student, to ensure that all

transportation staff will receive appropriate training and refreshers on the proper use of PPE,

the signs/symptoms to watch for and how to report signs/symptoms to the school personnel.

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7. Each school and/or district reopening plan requires that transportation staff (drivers, monitors,

attendants, mechanics and cleaners) will be trained and provided periodic refreshers on the

proper use of social distancing.

The District will work with its transportation provider, First Student, to ensure that all

transportation staff will receive appropriate training and refreshers on the proper use of

social distance and, in specific, what this means in the unique setting of a school bus.

8. Each school and/or district reopening plan requires that transportation departments/carriers

will need to provide Personal Protective Equipment such as masks and gloves for drivers,

monitors and attendants in buses.

The District will work with its transportation provider, First Student, to ensure that all

transportation staff will be equipped with clean and appropriate PPE at no cost or penalty.

9. Each school and/or district reopening plan ensures hand sanitizer will be provided for all staff in

their transportation locations such as offices, employee lunch/break rooms and/or bus garages.

The District will work with its transportation provider, First Student, to ensure that all

transportation staff will have access to hand sanitizer and/or hand washing stations at the

First Student bus depot.

10. Each school and/or district reopening plan requires that drivers, monitors and attendants who

must have direct physical contact with a child must wear gloves.

The District will work with its transportation provider, First Student, to ensure that all adults

on buses which transport District students will wear gloves at all times.

11. Each school and/or district reopening plan requires the school bus drivers, monitors, attendants

and mechanics shall perform a self-health assessment for symptoms of COVID-19 before

arriving at work.

The District will work with its transportation provider, First Student, to ensure it completes a

daily health screening (including temperature check) of its employees that is identical to or

equivalent to the performed by the District.

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12. Each school and/or district reopening plan requires that students must wear a mask on a school

bus if they are physically able.

The District is developing a protocol that will require mask usage anytime a child is on a

school bus, if the child is physically able.

13. Each school and/or district reopening plan ensures that students who do not have a mask will

not be denied transportation.

The District asserts that no child without a mask will be denied transportation. Suitable

disposable masks will be available on each bus, at no charge or penalty, for students who do

not have a mask.

14. Each school and/or district reopening plan requires that students who do not have masks must

be provided one by the district.

The District asserts that disposable masks will be available on each bus at no charge or

penalty for students who do not have masks.

15. Each school and/or district reopening plan ensures that students with a disability which would

prevent them from wearing a mask will not be forced to do so or denied transportation.

The District asserts that children with a disability or limiting condition will not be forced to

wear a mask or denied transportation.

16. Each school and/or district reopening plan requires students to be trained and provided

periodic reminders on the proper use of personal protective equipment and the signs and

symptoms of COVID-19.

As part of its re-orientation to school process, students will be both instructed and receive

reminders (depending on age, appropriateness, situation, or acuteness of concern) on

proper/safe bus-riding protocol, especially as it relates to signs/symptoms of Covid-19, PPE

use, and proper hygiene in a school-bus setting.

17. Each school and/or district reopening plan requires that students will be trained and provided

periodic reminders on the proper use of social distancing.

As part of its re-orientation to school process, students will be both instructed and receive

reminders (depending on age, appropriateness, situation, or acuteness of concern) on

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proper/safe bus-riding protocol, especially as it relates to physical distancing in a school-bus


18. Each school and/or district reopening plan requires that if the school district is in session

remotely or otherwise, pupil transportation must be provided to nonpublic, parochial, private,

charter schools or students whose Individualized Education Program have placed them out of

district whose schools are meeting in conducting in-person session education when/if the

district is not.

The District asserts that it will meet this requirement.

The District sent a survey to all parents/guardians to identify families who will opt-out of

District-provided transportation and, instead, will transport their children to and from school.

This decision will be reviewed on a quarterly basis.

Upon completion of this survey, the district and First Student will develop bus runs/routes in

which only one student will occupy every other seat (unless students reside in the same

household), sitting next to the windows on each side of the bus. Every effort will be made to

load the buses from the back forward to reduce the number of students walking past each

other. Social distancing must be followed at bus stops. Windows on the bus will be opened

when weather permits.

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Social Emotional Well-Being

As part of our unwavering commitment to the holistic health of students, EAUFSD will pay special attention

to the Mental and Social-Emotional health of our students. This will be done by leveraging the in-house

capabilities of our existing staff as well as forming appropriate community partnerships for students and


Technical Assurances 1. Each school and/or district ensures that district-wide and building-level comprehensive

developmental school counseling program plans, developed under the direction of certified

school counselor(s) are reviewed and updated to meet current needs.

The Districts will convene its committee of administrators, counselors, psychologists, social

workers to update the Comprehensive Development School Counseling Program in response

to the unique nature of current medical/societal/schooling needs.

2. Each school and/or district establishes an advisory council, shared decision-making, school

climate team, or other collaborative working group comprised of families, students, members

of the board of education, or school’s board, school building and/or district/charter leaders,

community-based service providers, teachers, certified school counselors, and other pupil

personnel service providers including school social workers and/or school psychologists, to

inform the comprehensive developmental school counseling program plan.

The District will form a broad advisory committee of various stakeholders (including parent

members, community members, etc.) to update the Comprehensive Development School

Counseling Program in response to the unique nature of current medical/societal/schooling


3. Each school and/or district reopening plan addresses how the school/district will provide

resources and referrals to address mental health, behavioral and emotional support services

and programs.

Working in conjunction with the Director of Pupil Services, each building will review and

refresh its process/protocols for providing students and parents with referrals to address

mental health, behavioral and emotional support services and programs.

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4. Each school and/or district reopening plan addresses professional development opportunities

for faculty and staff on how to talk with and support students during and after the ongoing

COVID-19 public-health emergency, as well as provide supports for developing coping and

resilience skills for students, faculty, and staff.

The Director of Curriculum and Instruction is working with the District’s mental health team

and other curriculum leaders on age and situation appropriate professional development on

this topic.

In addition, a robust, holistic wellness initiative for staff as well as access to an EAP are


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School Schedules

The development of schedules and routines that work for students, families and our curriculum is a priority

of the District. Presented below are features of the three instructional models (Full Return, Hybrid and

Remote). Specific details of each model will be presented through building-level communication and may

be changed and/or modified as logistics, governmental expectations, or public health issues dictate/allow.

Technical Assurances 1. Each school and/or district reopening plan describes the school schedule planned for

implementation at the beginning of the 2020-21 school year and to the extent practicable any

contingent scheduling models it may consider if the situation warrants.

The District is planning for three instructional models (Full Return, Hybrid and Remote) for

the 2020-21 school year. Stakeholder input was gathered and considered for each model,

especially those requiring students to participate in remote instruction. In all three

instructional models, students will receive instruction in accordance with the applicable New

York State Learning Standards. The decision of which model to follow will be reevaluated

based on local and state guidance.

Building-level details and specifics will be communicated by each building principal prior to

the reopening school.

Regardless of model, East Aurora Schools understands the need for equity and accessibility.

The District will work with families to secure reliable internet/technology access.

Understanding that Clubs, Extracurriculars, Intramurals and Student Athletics are key

elements of the students school experience, the District will attempt to run these as safety,

funding and governmental guidance allow, in either an in-person or remote fashion.

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Parkdale Elementary

Full-Return Model (Maintain the traditional A-F, 6-day schedule):

All staff and students will attend school in the physical building for a full day on each

scheduled school day. Course instruction will be delivered traditionally with established

precautions for maintaining health and safety. Social distancing measures will be in place and

masks will be worn. Using this model, students will be present and involved in the school


Hybrid Model (Maintain the traditional A-F, 6-day schedule):

Students will attend school with an altered schedule to reduce student population to

approximately 50% within the building and each classroom. Students will attend school

in-person for a portion of the week and the remainder of the week they will engage in

remote instruction. Social distancing measures will be in place and masks will be worn. Using

this model, students will be present and in the school building participating in learning

activities in a smaller group setting. Students will have regular interaction with their teachers

that include direct instruction and opportunities to seek feedback/support.

During the time that students are not present for in-person instruction, they will engage in

teacher-created remote instruction which may consist of videos, projects, paper and on-line

assignments and, as capabilities develop, live-stream direct instruction. Attendance will be

taken during remote instruction to monitor teacher and student interactions and maintain


● Possible Hybrid Scenario (Please Note: Other options may be explored as situations change):

Grades K-4

All students will attend in-person for 2.5 hours either in a morning or an afternoon session on

Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. All students will receive remote instruction on

Wednesdays.Students will remain with their classroom teacher in a cohort for the entire

duration to receive instruction in the core academic areas. When students are not physically

present they will complete specials (virtually) and engage in supplemental activities which

may consist of videos, projects, hardcopy and on-line assignments.

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Remote Model:

Students will not attend school in the physical building. Instruction will be conducted

remotely via online methods. Teachers will explain expectations for attendance, lesson

delivery, instructional materials, assessing student work, and grading/providing feedback.

Students and teachers will have ongoing and regular interaction and attendance will be


● Students with High Academic/Medically Needs:

Students with high academic needs, in a hybrid model, will be prioritized for full-time (4 days

per week) in-person learning, when feasible. In addition, if a school is not providing

in-person instruction at all, certain programs and services may be provided in-person on a

limited basis to students who have high academic needs.

Note: If the District is in a Hybrid or Full-Return Model, parents will have the option to select

5 days of virtual learning for their child(ren). This decision can be reviewed on a quarterly


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East Aurora Middle School and East Aurora High School

Full Return Model (Maintain the traditional A-F, 6-day schedule):

All staff and students will attend school in the physical building for a full day on each

scheduled school day. Course instruction will be delivered traditionally with established

precautions for maintaining health and safety. Social distancing measures will be in place and

masks will be worn. Using this model, students will be present and involved in the school


Hybrid Model (Maintain the traditional A-F, 6-day schedule):

Students will attend school with an altered schedule to reduce student population to

approximately 50% within the building and each classroom. Students will attend school

in-person for a portion of the week and the remainder of the week they will engage in

remote instruction. Social distancing measures will be in place and masks will be worn. Using

this model, students will be present and in the school building participating in learning

activities in a smaller group setting. Students will have regular interaction with their teachers

that include direct instruction and opportunities to seek feedback/support.

During the time that students are not present for in-person instruction, they will engage in

teacher-led remote instruction which may consist of videos, projects, paper and on-line

assignments and, as capabilities develop, live-stream direct instruction. Attendance will be

taken during remote instruction to monitor teacher and student interactions and maintain


● Possible Hybrid Scenario (Please Note: Other options may be explored as situations change):

Students will attend school in-person two days per week. An assigned group of students (Blue

Group - TBD alphabetically by last name) would attend school on Monday and Tuesday and

participate in remote instruction on Wednesday through Friday. A second assigned group

(Red Group - TBD alphabetically by last name) would attend school on Thursday and Friday

and participate in remote instruction on Monday through Wednesday.

Wednesday will be a remote learning day for all students and may include office hours,

related services, professional development or other activities as needed.

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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


Blue Group

Blue Group


Instruction for ALL

Red Group

Red Group


Red Group

Red Group

Blue Group

Blue Group

Remote Model:

Students will not attend school in the physical building. Instruction will be conducted

remotely via online methods. Teachers will explain expectations for attendance, lesson

delivery, instructional materials, assessing student work, and grading/providing feedback.

Students and teachers will have ongoing and regular interaction and attendance will be


● Students with High Academic/Medically Needs:

Students with high academic needs, in a hybrid model, will be prioritized for full-time (4 days

per week) in-person learning, when feasible. In addition, if a school is not providing

in-person instruction at all, certain programs and services may be provided in-person on a

limited basis to students who have high academic needs.

Note: If the District is in a Hybrid or Full-Return Model, parents will have the option to select

5 days of virtual learning for their child(ren). This decision can be reviewed on a quarterly


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Attendance and Chronic Absenteeism

On-going, regular attendance and engagement is critical for student academic success and social emotional

well-being. Therefore, the District will set-up policies to track attendance to maximize engagement.

Technical Assurances 1. Each school and/or district reopening plan must describe a mechanism to collect and report

daily teacher and student engagement or attendance while in a remote or hybrid schedule.

Each developed model will have a mechanism to track engagement and attendance, either

through interaction or assignment. This will take place for each student every day. At the

secondary level, it will take place by content area/period. At the elementary level it will take

place daily.

The District will continue to follow it’s Comprehensive Students Attendance Policy.

However, these expectations will be modified to account for attendance-taking during

remote instruction. This attendance will be taken daily, via online check-ins and

project/assignment completion.

Regardless of the model used, the District recognizes that consistent school attendance and

engagement is critical to student success. Therefore, the District will continue to follow its

Comprehensive Student Attendance Policy. However, these expectations will be modified to

account for remote instruction.

While learning remotely, students will need to show daily engagement via check-ins and

project/assignment completion. Daily attendance will be recorded in PowerSchool by

teachers for any required learning sessions, as it would during face-to-face instruction.

Parents will be able to see their child’s attendance in the Parent Portal.

Where attendance is lacking, the District will provide additional layers of support to families.

To increase participation and engagement, we will utilize our school support personnel

including teacher aides, teachers, or members of our Student Support Teams to increase

participation/attendance and engagement.

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Technology and Connectivity Understanding the power and potential of educational technology, special care will be taken to ensure that

each student and teacher has a functional device with internet access. Beyond this, the District commits to

thoughtful and meaningful enhancement of our remote instruction through on-going Professional

Development of our staff and training opportunities for students and parents.

Technical Assurances 1. Each school and/or district reopening plan must include information on how the school/district will

have knowledge of the level of access to devices and high-speed internet all students and teachers

have in their places of residence.

Using data from the 2019-20 school year, The District will build on its successes (and lessons learned)

to ensure all students/families possess devices and internet connectivity in their residence.

Every student in EAUFSD will have an assigned Chromebook for the 2020-21 school year. Computer

based surveys, hardcopy communication, and mass email and text messaging will communicate

procedures for qualifying for and requesting additional technology.

The District will work with teachers to ensure they have the technology needed to successfully

support interactive remote and hybrid instruction.

2. Each school and/or district reopening plan must include information on how the school or district, to

the extent practicable, will address the need to provide devices and internet access to students and

teachers who currently do not have sufficient access.

The District has a 1:1 computing device (Chromebook) initiative and will utilize the same

methodology during the 2020-21 school year (connection to an internet provider, providing a

wireless hotspot when needed, etc.) to ensure internet connectivity on a case-by-case basis for all

students and faculty members.

Hardcopy communication, computer based surveys, mass email and text messaging will

communicate procedures for qualifying for and requesting hotspots for educational use with our

student assigned Chromebooks and teacher-assigned laptops.

In addition, the District has established free, filtered internet zones outside of each building and will

make an effort to identify where free public Wi-Fi is available in the community (i.e. Public Library,


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3. Each school and/or district reopening plan must include information on how the school or district will

provide multiple ways for students to participate in learning and demonstrate mastery of Learning

Standards in remote or blended models, especially if all students do not yet have sufficient access to

devices and/or high-speed internet.

The District’s main participation/learning/mastery methodology will be via the use of sufficient

devices and internet connectivity but will work with individual families where location, cost, or

family belief prevents this.

In addition to the use of District-provided technology and internet access, equal or equivalent

materials will be made available in a variety or means (and languages) as situations dictate.

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Teaching and Learning

Teaching and Learning is at the heart of what we do as a District. As such, the District commits to its stated

value of “Learning Excellence” through rigorous expectations placed on our faculty and supported by tools,

resources, and professional development required to help them meet these expectations. While delivery

and methodology may be non-traditional, the District asserts that all NYS requirements will be met.

Technical Assurances 1. Each school and/or district reopening plan includes a continuity of learning plan for the

2020-2021 school year. Such plan must prepare for in-person, remote, and hybrid models of


The District is currently developing schedules, teacher expectations and student expectations

for all three models. The District will also address the flexibility needed to pivot between

models, possibly on short notice.

2. Each school and/or district reopening plan includes an educational program that is aligned to

the New York State Learning Standards (or, for charter schools, the standards set forth in the

school’s charter) regardless if instruction is delivered in-person, remotely or in a hybrid model.

The District is currently planning on making no curricular changes to its programs and will

continue to meet NYS learning standards, expectations and mandates.

3. Each school and/or district reopening plan provides for a program that includes regular

substantive interaction between teachers and students whether delivered in-person, remotely

or through a hybrid model of instruction.

The development of District-level plans (for all three models) will outline faculty and student

expectations for regular and on-going interaction with each other and with the material.

4. Equity must be at the heart of all school instructional decisions. All instruction should be

developed so that whether delivered in-person, remotely, or through a hybrid model due to a

local or state school closure, there are clear opportunities for instruction that are accessible to

all students. Such opportunities must be aligned with State standards (or, for charter schools,

the standards set forth in the school’s charter) and include routine scheduled times for students

to/interact and seek feedback and support from their teachers.

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The first two ‘norms’ of our planning for the 2020-21 school year, regardless of model, and in

this order, are safety and then equity. Through teaching, learning, technology and serving

students with unique needs, whether through learning style, limiting factor, or living

situation, the plan will be universally accessible in its approach. District administration is

committed to working case-by-case with families who present unique challenges or


5. Schools must create a clear communication plan for how students and their families/caregivers

can contact the school and teachers with questions about their instruction and/or technology.

This information needs to be accessible to all, available in multiple languages based on district

or charter school need, widely disseminated, and include clear and multiple ways for students

and families to contact schools and teachers (e.g., email, online platform, and/or by phone).

The District will post and widely disseminate clear communication via a variety of methods

(phone, e-mail, website, in-person meetings when and where safe to do so) for

parents/students to contact their teacher(s), school administration, and technology services.

This will be provided in language(s) accessible to our families.

6. Districts that contract with eligible agencies, including CBO’s, to provide Prekindergarten

programs must attest that they have measures in place to ensure eligible agencies with whom

they contract will follow health and safety guidelines outlined in NYSED guidance and required

by the New York State Department of Health. The district must also ensure their eligible

agencies have a Continuity of Learning plan that addresses in-person, remote, and hybrid

models of instruction.

EAUFSD does not have any such programs.

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Special Education

All consideration for a non-traditional start of school must first take into account those who have special

needs. The District’s Special Education department will work as a conduit between parents and

faculty/administration to ensure that students' needs are met in a safe and appropriate manner.

Technical Assurances 1. Each school and/or district reopening plan, whether services are provided in-person, remote,

and/or through a hybrid model, addresses the provision of free and appropriate public

education (FAPE) consistent/with the need to protect the health and safety of students with

disabilities and those providing special education and services.

The district will work through the CSE/CPSE to develop individual education plans for an

appropriate level of support, services, accommodations and modifications to provide FAPE

for all students. Whenever possible, consistent with governmental orders and the

Department of Health guidelines, students will be offered in-person services to maximize the

effectiveness of their plans support.

2. Each school and/or district reopening plan addresses how it will document the programs and

services offered and provided to students with disabilities as well as communications with


The Office of Pupil Services in conjunction with the CSE/CPSE process will provide families

with the options for support, services, accommodations and modifications for students with

disabilities and also provide frequent on-going communication with parents on the unique

nature of these learning plans.

3. Each school and/or district reopening plan addresses meaningful parent engagement in the

parent’s preferred language or mode of communication regarding the provision of services to

his/her child to meet the requirements of the IDEA

The Office of Pupil Services commits to continuing its practice of meaningful and

collaborative parent engagement (in a language/method accessible to parents) regarding the

services provided to their children.

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4. Each school and/or district reopening plan addresses collaboration between the committees on

preschool special education (CPSE) and committees on special education (CSE) and program

providers representing the variety of settings where students are served to ensure there is an

understanding of the provision of services consistent with the recommendations

on/individualized education programs/(IEP), plans for monitoring and communicating.

The Office of Pupil Services will work with the CSE/CPSE to ensure free, fair and appropriate services (education, technology, communication, meaningful engagement, etc.) are provided,

regardless of model used and during any time of transition.

5. Each school and/or district reopening plan must ensure access to the necessary

accommodations, modifications, supplementary aids and services, and technology (including

assistive technology) to meet the unique disability related needs of students.

The Office of Pupil Services will work with parents, teachers and the CSE/CPSE to ensure the

necessary accommodations, modifications, supplementary aids and services, and technology

(including assistive technology) are provided, regardless of model used and during any time

of transition.

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Bilingual Education and World Languages

As part of its commitment to “Effective Communication” the District ensures that its communication will

utilize a wide variety of delivery options to meet the needs of all students and families (including world

language translation and/or written/telecommunication).

Technical Assurances 1. Each qualifying school and/or district reopening plan which reopens using in-person or hybrid

instruction must complete the ELL identification process within 30 school days of the start of

the school year for all students who enrolled during COVID-19 school closures in 2019-20, as

well as all students who enroll during summer of 2020 and during the first 20 school days of the

2020-21 school year. After this 20 day flexibility period, identification of ELLs must resume for

all students with required 10 school days of initial enrollment as required by Commissioner’s

Regulations Part 154.

This District asserts, in conjunction with Erie 2 BOCES ENL program, it will complete this

process as required by Commissioner’s Regulations Part 154.

2. Each school and/or district reopening plan must provide required instructional Units of Study

(or, for charter schools, the applicable program outlined in the school’s charter) to all ELLs

based on their most recently measured English language proficiency level during in-person or

hybrid instruction.

The District asserts it will meet all requirements in the CR Part 154.

3. Each school and/or district reopening plan must ensure the maintenance of regular

communication with parents/guardians of ELLs to ensure that they are engaged in their

children’s education during the reopening process, and provide all communications for

parents/guardians of ELLs in their preferred language and mode of communication.

The District asserts it will meet these requirements in the CR Part 154.

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Teacher and Principal Evaluation System

The District reaffirms its commitment to using a rigorous and collaborative evaluation system that aims to

foster professional growth amongst its faculty and principals.

Technical Assurances 1. Each school and/or district reopening plan must ensure that all teachers and principals are

evaluated pursuant to the LEA’s currently approved APPR plan (or, for charter schools, the

school’s charter), including any variance applications approved by the Department.

The District asserts it will develop a plan to meet this requirement.

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Certification, Incidental Teaching, and Substitute Teaching

The District respects NYSED’s rigorous certification process and asserts it will continue to follow all

appropriate certification, incidental and substitute teaching guidelines and requirements in the selection

and assignment of staff, to the best of its ability.

Technical Assurances 1. Each school and/or district reopening plan must ensure that all teachers hold valid and

appropriate certificates for their teaching assignments except where otherwise allowable under

the Commissioner’s regulations (e.g., incidental teaching) or Education Law.

The Office of Personnel will be charged with its continual compliance with this requirement.

EA Schools Fall 2020 Reopening Plan (Full) #oneEA