Removing Marraige Obstacles

Removing Of Marraige Obstacles Patni Manorma Dehi Manovaratanusarinim ! Tarini Durgsansarsagrasaya Kulodbhawam !! Recite above mantra for 108 times daily in a sound atmosphere facing towards east direction till you are benefitted. Above mantra should be done with other remedies which will give strength to it. Respect your parents and elders. Boys should avoid multiple relations with females. Offer sweets and cosmetics to small girls. Worship Goddess Lakshmi and God Ganpati together. Read verses related to the marriage of Shiv and Parvati in the Balkand of Ramcharit Manas every day. Pour sacred water over shivling everyday and worship Goddess Parvati together. Mix a pinch to Haldi (Turmeric) in the water and take bath with it whenever possible. All obstacles in the path of matrimony can be neutralised by performing 108 circumbulations around a banyan tree on a full moon night.


Remedies to remove marraige obstacles of boys & girls.

Transcript of Removing Marraige Obstacles

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Removing Of Marraige Obstacles

Patni Manorma Dehi Manovaratanusarinim !

Tarini Durgsansarsagrasaya Kulodbhawam !!

Recite above mantra for 108 times daily in a sound atmosphere facing towards east direction till you are benefitted.

Above mantra should be done with other remedies which will give strength to it.

Respect your parents and elders.

Boys should avoid multiple relations with females.

Offer sweets and cosmetics to small girls.

Worship Goddess Lakshmi and God Ganpati together.

Read verses related to the marriage of Shiv and Parvati in the Balkand of Ramcharit Manas every day.

Pour sacred water over shivling everyday and worship Goddess Parvati together.

Mix a pinch to Haldi (Turmeric) in the water and take bath with it whenever possible.

All obstacles in the path of matrimony can be neutralised by performing 108 circumbulations around a banyan tree on a full moon night.

10. On any auspicious day purchse an earthen tumbler .place a red cloth,seven black pepper corns together with a chunk of raw salt ……cover the mouth of the tumbler with a red cloth and apply seven red vermillion paste marks on the tumbler.. keep this tumbler in a clean place and chant the following mantra…5 times of a 108 bead rosary…[5 x 108].

मन्त्र--- गौ�री� आवे ,शि�वे जो� ब्या�वे.अम�क क� विवेवे�ह तु�री�तु शि�द्ध करी�,

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देरी ना� करी�, जो� देरी ह�ए , तु� शि�वे क� वित्र��ल पड़े, गौ�रु गौ�रीखना�थ क& दुह�ई वि)री* ।।

The name of the girl should be repeated in place of the word “amuk” in the mantra………...After completing the chanting as prescribed ,place the tumbler in the centre of a cross road.This is a very effective remedy.

11. Those aspiring for an early marriage should offer two puddings [pedas] made of wheat flour , laced with turmeric alongwith a little bit of jaggery [gur] and yellow ,gram pulses broth.[chana dal],to a cow every Thursday.

12. Offering water every Thursday to the roots of a “banyan” tree ,”peepal” tree or a “banana” plant, removes the obstacles creating hurdles in the path to matrimony.

13. All hurdles in the path of matrimony can be removed by a simple remedy…...take 5 dry coconuts and keep them in front of a statue /photograph of Lord Shiva, chant the following mantra “om shri var pradaay shri namah” 5 times with a 108…[5 x 108] bead rosary……after completing the chanting offer these coconuts in a Shiv temple…….all obstacles shall be removed.

14. In order to hasten matrimonial offers ,unwedded girls desirous of an early marriage , should after completing their natural chores ,taking a bath and cleansed offer milk mixed with water on the ‘Shivling’every Monday and recite the Shiv mantra of “OM SOMESHWARAI NAMAH” 108 times with the Rudraksh rosary ; very soon possibilities of an early marriage will begin to take shape..

15. Praying to Lord Shiva and his consort Parvati daily and offering raw milk, Wood-apple leaves [bel patra],rice grains,vermillion to them paves the way for desired matrimony.

16. Taking a bath with a pinch of turmeric mixed in the bathing water and also consuming meals laced with saffaron propogates matrimonial alliance and helps in early marriage of those attaining marriageable age.

17. Those who have attained the marriageable age should always have a yellow cloth piece on their body in the form of a dress/ accessory [shirt/trouser/saree/handkerchief etc] for beneficial results.

18. For three consequtive Thursday evenings, offering water with five different types of sweet-meats,a pair of green cardamoms and lighting a pure-ghee [clarified butter] earthen lamp will undoubtedly,hasten the probabilities of an early marriage.

19. Every Thursday, offer water and light a pure ghee [clarified butter] earthen lamp at the base /roots of a banana plant … chant the 108 names of Guru Brihaspati….the search for a life partner will soon end.

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20. Brihaspati [Jupiter] is considered to be the mentor [guru] of the demi-gods [ devtas] and Thursday is the day dedicated to him.Praying with offerings to guru Brihaspati on Thursdays removes obstacles delaying matrimony.

21. To please Brihaspati [ planet,Jupiter] and attain his blessings,yellow coloured items should be offered on Thursdays…… like ,turmeric ,any yellow fruit,yellow clothes,yellow flowers,bananas,yellow grams / pulses and the person desirous of an early matrimony should also observe a fast on Thursday and should consume yellow edible items and wear yellow coloured clothes.They should also recite the mantra “OM GRAM,GREEM,GROM,SAH”…..108 roasary beads x 5 times.

22. If any person has a malefic Mars [mangalik dosh] in their horoscope,they should recite the ‘chandika strota’ every Tuesday and recite the ‘Sundar Kand’ every Saturday.Obstacles are removed and pave way for a smooth marriage.

23. Offering raw milk, wood-apple leaves [bel patra], rice grains, vermillion etc to lord Shiva and Parvati every day also has beneficial results for a desired life partner.

24. For those who have crossed the marriageable age and have yet not been able to find a life partner and wish to get rid of the malefic effects in their horoscope they should boil eight [08] dry dates in water and keep the container [after it has cooled down] near their bed’s head –rest at day morning after completing their natural chores and taking bath should drain the containers contents into a flowing water source [river/rivulet etc].

25. For those facing hurdles / opposition in their love-marriage; such persons….. on the Friday of the Waning full moon fortnight [shukla paksh..when the moon wanes from a full moon to a crescent], should recite “OM LAKSHMI NARAYANAY NAMAH” mantra 3x 108 crystal [sphatik] rosary sitting in front of a statue / photograph of Lord Vishnu and Lakshmi…….starting on a Friday of the Full moon fortnight they should continue doing this for three months , offering sweets [Prasad] and praying for a successful marriage on each Friday for the next three months.

26. Thursday [Jupiter], Friday [Venus], Wednesday [Mercury] and Mondays [Moon] are considered auspicious for a wedding and the bride would lead a happy life.As per the Hindu calendar Chaturdashi [fourteenth day of the lunar month] and Naumi [ninth day of the lunar month] are not considered auspicious for weddings and should be avoided.

27. A day before the wedding write ‘BAADHAAI’ [obstacles] on a brick with charcoal and turn it upside down……..keep it in a secure place. After the wedding has been solemnized take that brick and put it in a place where there is water and also put some edibles over the brick…..the couple will lead a happy and peaceful married life. Any person from the brides/grooms family can do this ritual but utmost secrecy should be maintained.

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28. For a period of one year after marriage, one should not partake in any post funeral ceremonies held over the year nor should the person undertake a pilgrimage.

29. Those males who have been unsuccessful in getting a suitable bride or are having difficulties in turning their love-affair to matrimony…………..should recite the mantra [invocation] dedicated to Lord Krishna daily 108 time…………”KLIM KRUSHNAYE GOVINDAYE GOPIJAN VALLABHAYE SWAAHAAH’.

Those who are to be married should take out some time on their wedding day and offer prayers as per their zodiac sign for a happy married life, which will be filled with love, peace and fame.

ARIES – Pray to lord Ganesha offering Durva [knotted, branched grass] and Modak [Rounded Sweet balls of gram flour globules.] also called as ‘Laddoos’.

TAURUS– Offer your prayers to a girl of less than 9 years old and gift her presents, after that offer red flowers to Maa Durga and recite the ‘Durga Chalisa’.

GEMINI – anoint the Shivling with raw milk and chant the mantra…OM NAMAH SHIVAI….0n a 108 beads rosary five times. [108 x 5].

CANCER – visit your Guru [mentor] and seek his blessings and offer raw milk , thorn-apple ,leaves of the wood-apple tree and recite the Shiva-Chalisa.

LEO – offer water mixed with red sandal wood powder, rice grains and flowers to the Sun early morning and recite the ‘Adityahridayastrotam’.

VIRGO – visit a Maa Durga temple and recite the Ganesha Chalisa.

LIBRA – Visit a Radha-Krishna temple and recite the mantra ..”OM NAMO BHAGVATE VASUDEVAI NAMAH”….5 times on a 108 rosary.

SCORPIO – visit a Shiva temple and recite the names of the 12 ‘Jyotirlingas’ of Shiva.

SAGITARIUS – visit a temple of Lord Dutta and recite the Guru Paath.

CAPRICORN – Visit Lord Hanuman’s Temple and recite the Hanuman Chalisa.

AQUARIUS – Visit a temple and have a sighting [darshan] of Lord Rama and Sita and recite the RAMRAKSHA STROTA.

PISCES – Visit the temple of Lord Ganesh or Sai Baba and gift Laddoos to the deities as an offering.

The remedies and solutions given above are simple and tested for positive results. It will neither be

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cumbersome or time consuming to try out these remedies but their success will definitely change the path of your life.

Remedies To Overcome Delayed Marriage1. Malefic placement of the planets in the horoscope of certain individuals benefits them of matrimonial bliss. Many times these delays are due to extrinsic reasons and advancement in the age and lack of suitable options add to the woes of the prospect and his family members. Remedial actions are best sought in such cases and have been found to be beneficial in paving the way for a early ,trouble free matrimony and removal of all obstacles hindering such joyous occasions.2. To facilitate an early marriage 1200gms of yellow, Gram lentils/pulses and 1250ml [1.25 ltrs] of raw milk should be donated every Monday and this charitable donation should be continued till marriage is solemnized.3.When participating in wedding functions , during the mehandi ceremony [applying of henna paste] to the girl who is going to be married, it is considered auspicious and a good luck charm that if the unmarried girl who has been facing difficulties in getting a suitable groom gets some henna paste applied to her hand by the girl whose wedding ceremonies are in progress, it shall have beneficial effects and paves the way for an early marriage of the girl who is yet to find a suitable groom.4. Make sure that underneath the bed of a marriageable boy/girl ,there should be no accumulation of scrap or iron…..5. If prior to getting married, the boy and the girl wish to meet…..they should be seated so that they do not face the South direction……6. If a young girl desirous of matrimony is visiting a family during the wedding of any other girl, she should get some henna paste applied to her hands by the girl who is getting married………it will pave the way for an early marriage for the young girl.7. Any girl who has been facing difficulties in finding a suitable groom should keep a white rabbit as a pet and feed it daily as a practice. This shall have beneficial effects for her matrimonial alliance.8. While leaving for a prospective suitors home for discussions, the could-be bride should fare them [those relatives, going for the discussions] well with sweets. She should be clad in a red dress, leaving her hair hanging loose. The discussions will be fruitful.9. All obstacles in the path of matrimony can be neutralized by performing 108 circumbulations around a banyan tree on a full moon night.10. On any auspicious day purchase an earthen tumbler .place a red cloth, seven black pepper corns together with a chunk of raw salt ……cover the mouth of the tumbler with a red cloth and apply seven red vermillion paste marks on the tumbler.. keep this tumbler in a clean place and chant the following mantra…5 times of a 108 bead rosary…[5 x 108].मन्त्र--- गौ�री� आवे ,शि�वे जो� ब्या�वे.अम�क क� विवेवे�ह तु�री�तु शि�द्ध करी�,देरी ना� करी�, जो� देरी ह�ए , तु� शि�वे क� वित्र��ल पड़े,गौ�रु गौ�रीखना�थ क& दुह�ई वि)री* ।।The name of the girl should be repeated in place of the word “amuk” in the mantra………...After completing the chanting as prescribed ,place the tumbler in the centre of a cross road.This is a very effective remedy.Successful Remedies For Early Marriage

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11. Those aspiring for an early marriage should offer two puddings [pedas] made of wheat flour , laced with turmeric alongwith a little bit of jaggery [gur] and yellow ,gram pulses broth.[chana dal],to a cow every Thursday.12. Offering water every Thursday to the roots of a “banyan” tree ,”peepal” tree or a “banana” plant, removes the obstacles creating hurdles in the path to matrimony.13. All hurdles in the path of matrimony can be removed by a simple remedy…...take 5 dry coconuts and keep them in front of a statue /photograph of Lord Shiva, chant the following mantra “om shri var pradaay shri namah” 5 times with a 108…[5 x 108] bead rosary……after completing the chanting offer these coconuts in a Shiv temple…….all obstacles shall be removed.14. In order to hasten matrimonial offers ,unwedded girls desirous of an early marriage , should after completing their natural chores ,taking a bath and cleansed offer milk mixed with water on the ‘Shivling’every Monday and recite the Shiv mantra of “OM SOMESHWARAI NAMAH” 108 times with the Rudraksh rosary ; very soon possibilities of an early marriage will begin to take shape..15. Praying to Lord Shiva and his consort Parvati daily and offering raw milk, Wood-apple leaves [bel patra],rice grains,vermillion to them paves the way for desired matrimony.16. Taking a bath with a pinch of turmeric mixed in the bathing water and also consuming meals laced with saffaron propogates matrimonial alliance and helps in early marriage of those attaining marriageable age.17. Those who have attained the marriageable age should always have a yellow cloth piece on their body in the form of a dress/ accessory [shirt/trouser/saree/handkerchief etc] for beneficial results.18. For three consecutive Thursday evenings, offering water with five different types of sweet-meats,a pair of green cardamoms and lighting a pure-ghee [clarified butter] earthen lamp will undoubtedly hasten the probabilities of an early marriage.19. Every Thursday, offer water and light a pure ghee [clarified butter] earthen lamp at the base /roots of a banana plant … chant the 108 names of Guru Brihaspati….the search for a life partner will soon end.20. Brihaspati [Jupiter] is considered to be the mentor [guru] of the demi-gods [ devtas] and Thursday is the day dedicated to him.Praying with offerings to guru Brihaspati on Thursdays removes obstacles delaying matrimony.