Remedial Secession under International law: Analysis of ... · PDF fileCollection Remedial...

CEU eTD Collection Remedial Secession under International law: Analysis of Kosovo, Abkhazia and South Ossetia by Sopio Asatiani LL.M. Human Rights Thesis SUPERVISOR: Charlotte Steinorth Central European University 1051 Budapest, Nador utca 9. Hungary © Central European University November 28, 2013

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    Remedial Secession under International law:

    Analysis of Kosovo, Abkhazia and South Ossetia

    by Sopio Asatiani

    LL.M. Human Rights Thesis

    SUPERVISOR: Charlotte Steinorth

    Central European University

    1051 Budapest, Nador utca 9.


    Central European University November 28, 2013

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    On 17 February, 2008 Kosovo declared its independence followed by the recognition from

    the UN member states. Even though the text of the declaration referred to a special case, the

    case renewed discussions on the principle of the remedial secession. The concept entailing belief

    that the oppressed people have right to resort to secession as the remedy of last resort. Within

    months after the Kosovos declaration of independence, the Russian federation recognized

    independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia using the similar reasoning to that used in case of


    The thesis intends to provide systematic analysis of the existent sources of the International

    law to deduct and assess the nature and legal value of the remedial secession as it stands

    nowadays. The answer to major research question is based on the outcome of theoretical and

    case-law analysis. Firstly, the remedial secession is deducted from the law on self-determination.

    Later on, the treaty law ground is explored for detection of the traced of remedial secession.

    Lastly, the state practice and opinion juris analysis is engaged to assess the existence of

    customary remedial secession.

    The case studies of Kosovo, Abkhazia and South Ossetia suggested that despite the major

    advancement of the status of remedial secession, Kosovo still does not serve viable legal

    precedent capable of altering customary international law on territorial integrity with allowing

    remedial secession. Nevertheless case studies of Abkhazia and South Ossetia indicate towards

    the need for change in the existent legal uncertainty surrounding the remedial secession.

    Overall, in relation with the primary research question the thesis will argue that the remedial

    secession is not yet established as principle of public international law.

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    I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Charlotte Steinorth for her kind

    cooperation and guidance throughout the writing process. The comments and expertise of

    Professor Steinorth were very valuable for my work.

    I would also like to thank CEU Legal Studies department for granting me an opportunity to

    conduct the comprehensive research for my thesis at the Peace Palace Library.

    Lastly, I would like to thank my family and friends for their continuous support and for the

    motivation I aspire from them to study and work more and aspire my goals.

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    Table of Contents

    Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 3

    Chapter I. Right to self-determination .......................................................................................................... 5

    Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 5

    1. Colonial Context of Self-determination ............................................................................................ 6

    2. Modern Developments in the law of self-determination ................................................................. 10

    2.1 Development of Self-determination as a Universal right ........................................................ 11

    2.2 Internal Self-determination ..................................................................................................... 14

    4. Territorial Integrity and Self-determination .................................................................................... 18

    5. Concluding Remarks ....................................................................................................................... 22

    Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 24

    1. Remedial Secession and treaty law ................................................................................................. 25

    2.2 Declaration on Friendly Relations and opinion juris .............................................................. 38

    Chapter III. Remedial Secession and case of Kosovo................................................................................. 42

    Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 42

    1. Historical Background of the conflict in Kosovo ........................................................................... 43

    1.1 NATO involvement in Kosovo ............................................................................................... 46

    1.2 International Administration in Kosovo.................................................................................. 47

    2. ICJ Advisory Opinion on Kosovo ................................................................................................... 49

    2.1 Separate Opinion of Judge Canado Trinidade ....................................................................... 51

    2.2 Separate Opinion of Judge Yusuf ........................................................................................... 52

    2.3 Dissenting Opinion of Judge Koroma ..................................................................................... 53

    3. ICJ State Submissions on Kosovo .................................................................................................. 54

    3.1 Submissions Supporting the Remedial Secession ................................................................... 54

    3.2 Submissions opposing remedial secession .............................................................................. 59

    Chapter IV. Influence of Kosovo on Abkhazia and South Ossetia ............................................................. 65

    Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 65

    1. Historical Context of Abkhazia....................................................................................................... 66

    1.1 International response to the conflict ...................................................................................... 68

    1.2 Russian Role in Abkhazia ....................................................................................................... 71

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    2. Conflict in 2008 and Current Situation in Abkhazia ....................................................................... 73

    3. Historical Context of the Conflict in South Ossetia ........................................................................ 75

    3.1 Rose Revolution and effects on conflict ................................................................................. 78

    3.2 War in August 2008 ................................................................................................................ 79

    4. Current Situation in South Ossetia .................................................................................................. 82

    5. Legal Appraisal of the Conflict and Parallels ................................................................................. 83

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    The principle of territorial integrity and the sovereignty of states form foundations of the

    entire international legal system. However, the latest developments or the human rights

    approach towards the public international law does not and cannot simply leave it up to the states

    to entirely define fate f its inhabitants. What happens when state abuses, commits gross human

    rights violations targeting specific people within its territory? How could the people respond

    to ongoing oppression and denial of representation? The answer to these questions seems to lie in

    the concept of the remedial secession.1

    While the idea of the secession as the means of last resort seems to be moral and ethical

    corresponding to the needs of oppressed people the legal value of it remains controversial. The

    rule is derived from the law on self-determination, which by itself is subject to a dispute. The

    self-determination is no longer considered within limited colonial context but has attained the

    permanent character fulfilled through peoples internal exercise of political, economic, social

    and cultural rights.2 Nevertheless, the the external aspect or the self-determination, implying

    the attainment of separation from the parent state, through remedial secession causes

    disagreement. Even though, approach seems to accommodate the ultimate need of oppressed

    people to remedy their condition, the notion unavoidably un