Remedial Mathematics and Producing a STEM Competent ... - AMS

Remedial Mathematics and Producing a STEM Competent Workforce Alex Smith AMS Workshop for Department Chairs and Leaders January 8, 2013

Transcript of Remedial Mathematics and Producing a STEM Competent ... - AMS

Remedial Mathematics and

Producing a STEM Competent Workforce

Alex Smith

AMS Workshop for Department Chairs and Leaders January 8, 2013

PCAST references to remedial mathematics

What is the Content of Remedial Math?

• Elementary Algebra: Whole numbers, integers and introduction to algebra, fractions and equations, decimal numbers, ratio-rate-proportion, arithmetic with polynomials

• Intermediate Algebra: real number system, linear equations and inequalities, operations on polynomial and rational expressions, factoring, solutions of quadratic equations, introduction to functions

• Does it include “College Algebra?”

How is Remedial Math Situated Institutionally?

• Does not exist (selective admissions)

• Referral of undergraduate to courses at Community College or Technical College

• Curriculum and instruction controlled by the

Department--cost recovery model

Institutional Policies • Do remedial credits count towards graduation?

• Do remedial credits count toward student’s

“full time load?” (Financial aid implications)

• Do grades in remedial class affect student gpa?


• Notices of AMS-Nov 2011: Ahlgren and Harper

Emporium Model

UW-Eau Claire

North Shore Community College