
This PowerPoint talks about religion in ancient Rome, Greece, Egypt, and Mesopotamia, and modern Canada. Religion is the festivals, activities, food, beliefs, and attitude people have. Religion

Transcript of Religon

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This PowerPoint talks about religion in ancient Rome, Greece, Egypt, and Mesopotamia, and modern Canada. Religion is the

festivals, activities, food, beliefs, and attitude people have.


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Religion in Ancient Rome

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Religion was part of daily life for most Romans. Everyday religion would be discussed, and taught at home and/or schools.

Families had small rooms in their house’s that were used for praying to the gods. These rooms were believed to be religious safe houses.

Religion in Ancient Roman Families

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In most occasions, a Roman family would wear clothes that covered all of there genitals, to respect the gods.

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The Romans had many events to celebrate certain events or religion. Some events were planned, and some events were thrown after certain events. Slaves, woman, and all children participated in religious events. Most of these events were held on the farms of ancient Romans, to save them from having to transport food.

Celebrations and Events

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During celebrations, Roman's would have huge feasts.

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To try to impress and give to the gods, Romans would sacrifice animals. Human sacrifice was rare, but did happen. In 81 BCE, human sacrifice was considered murder, and was outlawed.


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When an animal was sacrificed, (like the picture above) it was treated with respect and cleanly killed.

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Most Roman families kept a lit fire in there house at all times. They believed that if that fire went out, horrible things would happened to them. When the candle was lit, it was believed that it would bring good wealth and health to the family.

The Lit Candle

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Candles similar to these would be lit.

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There was a god for everything know to man in ancient Rome. There were 12 major gods, that controlled the larger more important things on earth, and there were smaller less important gods that controlled things such as ocean animals.

The gods

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This picture shows all of the Roman gods.

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Religion in Ancient Greece

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Greek religion, is very similar to the Roman religion. Both the Greeks and Romans had their own version of gods that represented and controlled everything on earth. For the Greeks, these gods consisted of Poseidon, Hades, Apollo, Artemis, Aphrodite, Ares, Dionysus, Hephaestus, Athena, Hermes, Demeter, Heracles, Hestia, and the head god Zeus.

Religion in Ancient Greece

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A persons perspective of what the Greek gods looked like

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When you died, the Greek's believed that you went to something called the underworld. There were multiple different theories and views of The underworld. Some believed that if you were not a good person, you would not make it to the underworld. Other’s believed that the underworld was a punishment, that if you were a good person you would go to Elysium, not the underworld.


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The Underworld

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The Greeks had a large festivals. Unlike Rome, these festivals were usually held with towns and city's, rather then multiple towns at once. Most festivals were held to show off to and celebrate the gods. Every four years, the Greeks would have Olympic games, which not only consisted of people competing in sports, but it also celebrated Zeus.


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The Olympic Games!

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About the Olympic games!

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Almost identical to the Romans, the Greeks would sacrifice parts of animals to try to impress and give to the gods. The other parts would be eaten by the worshipers.


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A Greek sacrifice.

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Religion In Ancient Egypt

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The Ancient Egyptian religion is more complicated then the Greeks and Rome. In Ancient Egypt, religion was a system of beliefs and rituals. The Egyptians system was called polytheism. Polytheism means that many people the same gods and base religion, but have different ways of showing and celebrating it.

Religion in Ancient Egypt

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Ancient Egyptians worshiped more then 2000 gods! Unlike other cultures, these gods had animal heads with the body of humans. Egyptians built temples to worship their gods. People asked for what they needed in these temples. If they did not get what they want, they would hit the temple status, to tell the temple god how they felt. If to prove the point, the Egyptians were mostly not scared of their gods.


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A Picture of The Major Gods

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The Egyptians loved celebrations. Egyptians carved walls on temples marking dates of birthdays, holidays, and feasts. Some feasts were called for when the Egyptians won a war. Annually a celebration would be made to mark the time when Rameses III, who lead his army to defeat the Libyans, who unsuccessfully invaded Egypt.


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Did you know that the Egyptians celebrated New Year’s too?


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When somebody died, a priest would say prayers, along with friends, and family. The body was then washed with ibu. All of their organs would then be removed and put in jars with special preservatives. The body's were packed with a salt called Natron, that sucked all the fluids out of them. After 40 days they would be filled with sawdust, and covered with jewelry. A mask would then be put on the deceased’s face, placed by a chief wearing Anubis, the god of death’s mask. They would then be put in a coffin, and transported to were his/her family wished.


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What A richer persons outer mummy shell would look like after death.

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An Egyptian Feast.

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Religion in Mesopotamia

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Like Ancient Egyptians, Ancient Mesopotamian's also had a polytheism religious system. The cults in Mesopotamia were even more diverse then the ones in Egypt. We know of multiple different cults, but still don’t know If we know all of them. The following will talk about the base religion in Mesopotamia, not specified to any certain cult.

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Each city had a god of its own. These gods had some responsibility like the ocean, animals, ect…, and had a city to represent. In the center of each city, there was a temple dedicated to the certain god. These temples were sometimes built up very high, and looked like a pyramid with a flat too.

Gods and Citys

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A Main Large Temple Used to Warship The Gods

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Statues of The Main Gods

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In ancient Mesopotamia, people believed you went to Arallû, otherwise known as Ganzer or Irkallu when you died. All these words mean the “Great below”. The social status you had in your life will effect the actions or “punishments” that you will receive in Arallû.


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A lot of cults in ancient Mesopotamia were in wars with other Tribes. Especially Assyrians. They were always in war with somebody. A lot of the males of each tribe would leave (hopefully to return), for months at a time to fight other tribes and or countries.


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A Carving of Ancient War

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Religion in modern Canada.

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Canada, has all sorts of religions. Some relate to each other, and some are totally random. Ancient religions have influenced hundreds of religions today.

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Canadians celebrate Multiple different celebrations. Immigrant’s from China and other places have brought different celebrations to Canada. Canadians celebrate the day when they won the war against Britain (July 1), Christmas, Easter, Hanukah, Chinese new year, and more. These celebrations represent different things. For example, Christmas is celebrated to mark the day that Christ died.


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A picturesque Christmas.

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The vast population in Canada believes in many different gods. Christian's believe that there is one god that silently controls everything. People pray to that gods with their feelings. Some cultures also believe there is only one god, but think different things about him. Other cultures say there are multiple gods, just like in ancient Rome, Greece, Mesopotamia, and Egypt.

The gods

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The Christian God.

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On most holidays or celebrations, people will have large feasts. There are some holidays that are just about having feasts, like Thanksgiving; an American holiday.


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There are hundreds of places people think you go when you die In Canada. Some think that if you were a good person, you go to a place where everything is perfect. Others believe that If you are bad you go to a place of eternal punishment. Some cultures think you become another living creature, and some think that once you are dead, you are dead. You don’t do anything ever again.


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A painting of Heaven

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Whether it’s Canada, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, or Rome, every religion has some similarities. Some old religions have evolved into our modern day religions. Some have completely changed.

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If you are wondering why there are less quotations then pictures; I was able to find multiple pictures on one website. Where I got my information I got my pictures. Especially Wikipedia.

“Religion in Ancient Greece." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 04 Aug. 2013. Web. 09 Apr. 2013.

"Religion in Ancient Rome." Religion in Ancient Rome. N.p., 13 May 1990. Web. 09 Apr. 2013.

"Ancient Egyptian Religion." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 04 Nov. 2013. Web. 11 Apr. 2013.

"Gods and Goddesses." Gods and Goddesses. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2013."Ancient Mesopotamia." : Religion and Gods. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Apr. 2013."The Mummification Process." YouTube. YouTube, 18 Aug. 2009. Web. 17 Apr. 2013."The Ancient Olympic Games." YouTube. YouTube, 05 July 2012. Web. 17 Apr. 2013."Greece..." N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Apr. 2013."Ancient Olympic Games." , First Olympics in Olympia. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Apr. 2013."I Can't Wait." TheBlazingCenter. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2013."Teeco71 Entertainment." New York Entertainment. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Apr. 2013.
