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WEOBLEY HIGH SCHOOL Religion and Life Issues Unit 2 / Exam 1 Miss Pollock – Revision booklet for unit 2 Religion and Life Issues Access to exam papers and revision power points are on the RE website – please use them to help you revise for your exams

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Weobley High School

Religion and Life Issues

Unit 2 / Exam 1

Miss Pollock –

Revision booklet for unit 2 Religion and Life IssuesAccess to exam papers and revision power points are on the RE website – please use them to help you revise for your exams

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Religion and Animal Rights

Differences between Humans and Animals

Humans can make moral judgments and give reasons for their opinions. Animals live on instinct and survival alone Humans can communicate in a more complex way Many animals abandon their weaker members whereas humans protect the

sick and elderly Humans can create art, literature, music and develop technology Only humans can have religious beliefs

Animals and the law

The law protects animals in several ways

1. It is a criminal offence to hurt animals 2. Some animals cannot be kept as pet - rare birds or tigers 3. Fox hunting and dog fighting are illegal 4. There are strict regulations in animal experiments and transportation

Animals in captivity

Arguments for / against animals in captivity

Gives people an opportunity to see wild animals close up

Animals can be kept in small cages or cramped conditions

Educational visits can take place for children to learn about animals

The climate and habitat can be very different from their native environment

Breeding programs and conservation can take place for endangered or hurt animals

Crowded zoos can make animals distressed

Scientists can study animal behaviour Animals are much happier in the wild

Religious views


Christians believe that conservation is important and that animals should be saved from extinction. Zoos or safari parks that provide enough care to the animals would be seen as acceptable

Many Christians think that zoos are not an appropriate way to look after animals as they are not given adequate space.

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Muhammad said that animals should not be caged so therefore Muslims may say that they do not agree with the idea of zoos

Muslims support the idea of conservation so they may decide that safari parks are acceptable. Circuses are not agreed with.

Animals as pets

Many people keep animals as pets and grow to love them. There are many types of animals that can be kept as pets.

Religious views

Christianity allows the keeping of pets as long as they are well looked after.

Muslims do not agree with keeping animals in small spaces and are not allowed to train animals to perform tricks so some Muslims do not keep pets.

Transport and Work

Animals are used all over the world to transport people or goods. Donkeys, horses and camels are often called beasts of burden.

Dogs are also used as sheep dogs, guide dogs, police dogs and military dogs to help humans in their work or life.

Religious views


Most Christians agree with using animals as God put them here to help use. Humans are in charge of the animals and may use them as they see fit.

Respecting God’s creatures is important and work animals must be looked after.


Muslims would recognise the need to use animals in some situations such as guide dogs or police dogs.

Animals were put on earth by Allah to be used for the benefit of humans. However animals are not allowed to be over worked or treated cruelly.

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Free range V factory farming

Free range farming is where animals are allowed to roam outside and live a more natural life. This is generally seen as a much better option than factory farming however the product is expensive to buy.

Factory farming is an intensive method of producing animal products. The animals are kept inside in crowded conditions and often in the dark. Their movement is restricted and they are fed drugs and chemicals. The advantage of factory faming is that it is more efficient and products are cheaper.

Slaughter and transportation of animals is sometimes critisised as animals are transported over long distances in cramped conditions without enough food or


Should we eat meat?

Vegetarian - Someone who does not eat meat or fish

Vegan - someone who does not eat animals or animal products such as eggs milk and cheese

It is cruel to kill and eat animals Our teeth are designed to chew meat it is perfectly healthy

A vegetarian diet is perfectly healthy we do not need to eat meat anymore.

It is part of a balanced diet

Animals are kept in bad conditions Religion says that it is OK to eat meat

Religious Views on Vegetarianism

Most Hindus and Buddhists are vegetarian because they regard animals as part of the cycle of rebirth. They believe that you should not harm any living creature. Hindus will especially never eat cows as they are seen as a sacred animal.

Religious Views Other


Although individual Christians or Muslims may choose to be vegetarian, the religions do not teach people to avoid meat.

The Bible says that it is acceptable to eat animals – after the great flood God told Noah that animals may be eaten. St Paul said that all foods can be eaten unless it leads to sin.

Christians think that God provided humans with animals to use and eat. Many will buy free range products which are kinder to the animals.

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Muslims do not agree with factory farms as animals should not be caged or treated cruelly. Muslims have food laws that prevent them eating pork.

The Qur’an says that it is acceptable to eat animals. They must eat only halah meat - the animals have been killed in a humane way with their throat slit

quickly and a prayer of thanks said.

Animals in sport

Animals are used in sports such as horse racing, show jumping, grey hound racing, bull fighting and polo.


Humans have always hunted animals for food and in some parts of the world it is still necessary. Sometimes people hunt for sport such as in fox hunting.


Foxes are pests that need to be controlled Foxes eat farmers live stock Fox hunting is a tradition Hunting for food (not foxes) is acceptable to most people


It is too cruel and painful for the animal There are better ways to control the fox population Does not respect God’s creatures It is against the law (2004 ban)


Takes place in Spain and Portugal; supporters say it is a proud tradition and should be respected. However many people think that it is cruel and should be banned.

Religious Views


Some Christians believe that hunting is justified especially for food, however others say that we have a duty to protect God's creation and animals.

Animals must be treated with respect – animals in sport need to be looked after if it is to be allowed. Animals should be respected and looked after not just used as entertainment.

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Quakers campaigned to stop fox hunting. Some Christians may see foxes as pests that spread diseases so therefore they would say that it is

sometimes necessary to protect the environment.


Muslims believe that animals should not be hunted for sport. Allah (God) will hold people responsible for hurting animals.

Muhammad forbade using animals in sport especially if the animals are fighting. Gambling is not allowed so horse and greyhound racing may be frowned upon.

The teachings of the Qur’an make it quite clear that animals should not be treated as mere entertainment for humans.

Fur Trade

Throughout history humans have used animals for clothes. Over 55 million animals are killed for the fur trade each year. Some people consider this as wrong especially if it is in a country with no regulations resulting in some animals being alive while they were skinned. Some argue that the fur trade helps the economy and it is OK as no endangered animals are used.

Ivory Trade

The ivory trade is still flourishing in parts of Africa which is reducing the amount of elephants found in the wild. There are some laws that protect elephants but because of corruption and poaching the ivory trade is still going strong.

Religious views

Using animals as resources without any respect is against Muslim and Christian faith. We do not need to use animal fur as clothing so this is seen as unnecessary cruelty to animals. Animals were created by God and should be treated with the proper respect.

Animal experiments

Medical research helps save millions of people from diseases

It causes great pain and suffering to the animals

Animal experiments have meant great advances in brain surgery

We should respect animals have a right to life

85% of animals used are mice or rats breed for the purpose

Computer simulation and stem cell research are better alternatives

Laws are there to protect animals from any unnecessary suffering.

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Cloning is a method of creating something with the same genetic code as another. Some worry that this is too much like playing God.

Genetic Modification

This means - animals that have been genetically altered in a laboratory so scientists can study the effects of new drugs.

Religious views on cloning and Genetic Modification

Cloning and Genetic modification can help humans discover cures for diseases and can help create new drugs to combat genetic problems. This means that most Christians accept limited cloning of animals and genetic experiments. Christians are not opposed to the cloning of animals as they believe that God put humans in charge of animals and we can use them to help us. Christians believe that the animals must be looked after and suffering should be kept to a minimum. Muslims are not against animal cloning but Muhammad said that animals should not be kept in cages so many Muslims prefer to use other methods to find cures.

Religious Views of animal experiments


Whereas some Christians support the use of animals for food or scientific experiments, others, such as some Quakers, actively campaign to stop such things as experimentation, blood sports and the live transportation of animals.

Christians believe that animals are part of God’s creation, there were put here to aid human beings. Some religious people would therefore argue that in order to protect the human race from terrible diseases such as cancer animal experiments should be used.

Some religious people would say that the good out weighs the bad and that saving children from genetic diseases is more important than the life of these animals.

Most religious people do not agree with cosmetic experiments and would prefer technology to be used instead of animals were possible.


Some Muslims do not agree with animal testing. They think that animals should be respected as part of Allah’s creation. Muhammad forbade cruelty to animals.

Teachings about how we should respect animals are set out in the Qur’an. Other Muslims believe that some animal testing is acceptable if suffering is kept to a minimum. Muslims support alternative methods of finding cures such as computer simulation.

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Religion and Planet Earth


The Bible has a creation story that explains the world was made in 6 days with God resting on the 7th.

Day 1 - Light / Dark Day 2 Water and Sky Day 3 Plants and Land Day 4 Sun, Moon and Stars Day 5 Sea Creatures Day 6 Animals and Humans Day 7 God rested

Christians do not believe that this is a scientific account of creation just a story to explain God was behind all life.

The creation story is used to explain that humans should respect the world as God’s creation and that humans are Stewards – protectors of the planet. The world is his gift to humanity.


Muslims do not have a specific creation story but the Qur'an refers to Allah as a creator of all things. Man was created first and then humans. It is used to point to Allah as the source of all life and that the universe is his beautiful creation. There is a oneness with creation.

Big Bang Theory

Most people believe that the universe started with a great explosion which produced matter and gases enabling planets and stars to form. As the planets evolved they could sustain life, over time more complicated creatures began to exist with humans finally coming into being.

Awe and Wonder

Many people believe that there are things of great beauty in our world such as Mount Everest, the Amazon rainforest or the Grand Canyon. These things bring a sense of amazement to our planet; some people believe that it is so fantastic that a creator God must have designed it.

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We are damaging the planet by:

Carbon emissions from cars or factories – this makes it difficult to breathe in cities and can contribute to climate change. Chemicals can also cause acid rain

The amount of waste we produce – household waste is increasing the amount of litter and packaging that goes to landfills. A lot of packaging is not biodegradable so is bad for the environment.

Pollution of rivers and seas – oil spills and sewage causes rivers and seas to become polluted and causes damage to fish and sea creatures.

Destruction of natural habitats - deforestation is damaging the environment as many trees are being cut down – this adds to global warming and destroys animal species

Using up all the natural resources – coal oil and gas are fast running out. They are not sustainable and we are using all the planet’s resources

The Greenhouse effect

Pollution is created from cars and factories that hang in the atmosphere. It traps the sun's rays around the earth like a greenhouse. It has resulted in climate change with ice caps melting and sea levels rising. The effects of climate change are dramatic with extreme weather, great flooding and the loss of natural habitats for animals.


Household waste and Industrial waste are causing harm to our planet. We throw away far too many things rather than re-using them. Some things are not biodegradable so it will stay in landfills for a very long time without breaking down. Industrial waste is even harder to cope with as dangerous chemicals can harm the environment.


Many people and industries now try to recycle their waste which helps by

saving energy conserves the natural resources Reducing the need for landfills.


Pollution is caused by many things such as household waste or factory and car emissions it can result in more damage to the environment.

Acid Rain - Emissions from cars and factories mix with the water vapour in the atmosphere and forms a weak acid that can harm plants and wildlife.

Oil Spills - Damage from oil tankers that have leaked oil in the sea can be horrific. Marine life and birds have suffered and often died as a result of such leaks.

Toxic Chemicals - Industries produce toxic chemicals that can harm the environment such as radioactive matter or electrical equipment.

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Pesticides - These are used on land to control weeds and pests. Farmers often spray their crops with them to produce more food. They can be very harmful to the environment and wild life.


Pollution is a recent problem so the world’s religions did not speak about it. Although, their teachings can be applied to the issues. Polluting the environment is not good, as they think that God’s creation is being abused. Pollution harms people so it is not following Christian teaching to ‘love one’s neighbour’.


Islam is against pollution as it damages Allah’s creation and humans are stewards of his creation. We should not abuse the planet.

Destruction of natural habitats

Conservation means to protect and look after the environment and its species of plants or animals. There are many groups that are devoted to protecting the environment and its animals WWF and Green peace are two examples.

Every 20 minutes the world loses another species of animal or plant life. As the population grows bigger land is being used for building or resources resulting in the destruction of natural habitats. Rainforests are disappearing at an alarming rate. National parks have been set up to try and protect some of the earths, land, resources and species.

Deforestation is taking place because -

Farming land is needed Land for cattle or crops Trees for furniture or building houses

Effects of deforestation are

Destroys natural habitats – many animals and plants face extinction because of deforestation Adds to climate change (trees take in co2 poisonous gases) without so many trees more Co2 is left in

the atmosphere Damage to the soil - erosion causes flooding or landslides, this can effect communities and farm land

Natural resources

Due to the rising population the demand for natural resources has increased. Fossil fuels like coal, gas and oil are in danger of running out. They are used to produce electricity a demand that is escalating. Metal is being used in vast quantities – the main elements cannot be replaced.

Renewable energy resources are in the process of being developed. Wind, Wave, solar and geothermal power provides an alternative to making electricity. People sometimes object to renewable resources such as large amounts of wind turbines spoiling the countryside.

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Nuclear power

There is a new generation of nuclear power stations that help tackle climate change as it is cleaner than burning fossil fuels. Many people worry about the radioactive properties that can hurt people or the environment. An accident or terrorist attack at a nuclear plant would be catastrophic.

Religious teachings show that the earth belongs to God and humans have a responsibility to care not only for the earth but for fellow humans as well. This can sometimes make issues complicated as the welfare of the planet must be weighed against the welfare of the human race. Religions believe that it’s the people’s duty to conserve the world.

Climate change

Climate change has increasingly become a worry for people and governments. Global warming has resulted because of the increase in car and factory emissions. The average temperature is rising and 33% more co2 is in the atmosphere, this is leading to an uncertain future.


There could be many floods as the level of the sea rises in accordance to the melting ice caps Freak weather patterns such as tsunamis and hurricanes are starting to appear. Droughts can lead to severe famine.

Most religious people consider climate change an important issue because of the damage it can do to the earth and all of its inhabitancy. Some see climate change as the exploitation and abuse of the Earth’s resources as a sign of sinfulness and greed. Religious principles such as stewardship, sanctity of life, love of neighbour and living in harmony with the natural world are applied to environmental problems by all religions.

Earth Summits

An Earth Summit is a meeting of representatives of different countries, including religious leaders. They discuss the threat to the Earth and agree on international action. So far, there have been three Earth Summits.

Rio de Janeiro 1992:

The first earth summit discussed pollution, deforestation and the growing scarcity of water. The summit produced Agenda 21, a plan for saving the planet in the 21st century.

Kyoto 1997:

The Kyoto Protocol was agreed at this meeting. Countries promised to cut their CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions.

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Johannesburg 2002:

The world summit sustainable development discussed the problems of the poor, particularly the two billion people who live without clean water. The summit was also concerned about the loss of many animal and plant species, and the reduced numbers of fish in the sea.

Sustainable development is a way for people to use resources without the resources running out. It is protecting the Earth’s resources for future generations.


Stewardship is the religious idea that people have been given a special responsibility to look after the planet as it belongs to God. God created all life and humans have a duty to protect it. In return for protecting the planet we may use its resources such as plants and animals to help us live.

Religious people believe that god will Judge people according to how they have treated the planet and how they have looked after his creation.


Just because humans were put in charge of the planet does not give them the right to abuse, spoil, and waste or destroy the environment. God's glory is shown in his creation and it must be respected.

Christians are against any thoughtless exploitation of nature that threatens to destroy human’s life as it’s known today

In return for caring and stewarding for the earth we are able to enjoy all that earth has to give us and are able to use everything that earth produces in order to benefit ourselves;


Muslim's believe the world belongs to Allah. Allah created all life and it must be respected. To abuse the environment is abusing God.

People will be held to account on the Day of Judgment. Allah will reward humans that look after his creation and punish those who do not.

Muslims must maintain the planet and look after its resources and animals or plant life.

Other ideas

Most religious people believe that climate change is a real concern as it can harm both animals and humans. Humans have a duty to care for the natural resources of the planet and should recycle when possible.

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Religious people think as Eco schools does..... recycle and reuse where possible. Take the bus or share lifts. Respect all plant and animal life. Try not to pollute the Earth by dropping litter or waste.

Revision Prejudice

Prejudice means to PRE JUDGE someone because of their race, religion, gender or age

Discrimination ACTING on Prejudice e.g. refusing to give someone a job

Positive discrimination – treating people well because of whom or what they are e.g. giving a black person a job

Reasons for prejudice

Scapegoating – blaming a group or culture for a problem e.g “no jobs because of immigration” “All Muslims are terrorists and violent”

Lack of understanding / education about a culture or background e.g travelers

Fear or uncertainty – blaming groups for social problems e.g immigrants or 9/11 (terrorism)

Prejudiced parents - growing up and hearing racist comments

Bad experience – being a victim e.g. being mugged by hooded teenagers

The media – films or the news e.g. “Muslim Terrorists”

Effects of prejudice

Fear, worthlessness, vulnerability, death and genocide (holocaust)

Types of prejudice

Racism - people can be prejudice about a person’s race or the colour of their skin. Anthony Walker was killed because he was black in Liverpool 2005

Sexism - people can be prejudice about someone's gender. Some still think that women should stay at home and look after the children.

Religion - people can be prejudice about a person's religious beliefs, the holocaust or the rise in anti Muslim feelings after 9 / 11

Ageism - people can be prejudice about someone's age. Old people may not get jobs; people may consider teenagers as bad mannered.

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Class and Wealth - people can judge others on their class or wealth. Money is a big influence on people's lifestyle.

Religion and Prejudice


Tolerance means to accept that people should have a right to their own beliefs and practices as long as they do not hurt others. Religions encourage tolerance and understanding towards others.


All religions teach that people are equal. Religious people think that people should be treated fairly and with justice.


Harmony means living in peace with others. It needs both tolerance and understanding. Religious people think that practicing kindness and generosity will help achieve this in our society.

Value of the individual

Religious people believe that God created all people. We are unique and should be valued by other people. We should respect people of different races and cultures. Jesus taught “love your neighbour”. The individual should be valued.


Christians believe that everyone is created equally Christianity believes that prejudice and discrimination goes against

God. Jesus' teaching in the story of the "good Samaritan" The story says

that a Jewish man was beaten by robbers and left for dead. A priest and a teacher of religious law left him there. It was the Samaritan (from a country called Samaria) an enemy of the Jewish people who showed no prejudice and helped the man. It explains that regardless of whom people are they should be treated kindly.

Jesus showed no prejudice he healed everyone, women, men and his Roman enemy. Humans were created in the image of God so therefore all must be treated the same.

There is still some prejudice in Christianity for example in the Catholic Church women are not allowed to be priests.


Muslims believe that Allah created all people equally Muhammad preached against slavery and taught people's differences are not reasons for


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Equality is shown on pilgrimage (religious journey to Mecca) where all people - male, female, rich or poor wear white to show they are the same.

The Qur'an (holy book) says that prejudice and discrimination should not be allowed

Responses to prejudice

Society and the law

There are a number of laws in the UK that protect people against prejudice

Sex Discrimination Act 1975 – It is illegal to be discriminate because of gender

Race relations Act 1976 – Abuse and Physical attack because of race is illegal

Disability Discrimination Act 1995 - Have to provide opportunity and access to disabled people

Equality Act 2006 – Against religious discrimination and ageism

These mean equal opportunities in work and equal pay. Equal chance to good education and health care.

Martin Luther King

In the 1950s and 60s black people in America faced prejudice and discrimination. Black children had to attend different schools that had poor facilities, books and equipment. Black people could not use the same swimming pools or restaurants as white people. They were paid less and not allowed to vote.

A racist group called the Ku Klux Klan used violence against black people.

Martin Luther King was a Christian who set about trying to get rid of these injustices. He wanted people to be treated fairly and for black people to have the same rights as white people.

The civil rights movement

In 1955 Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat for a white person this resulted in the bus boycott with thousands of black people refusing to use the buses. A historical march took place in 1963 where Martin Luther King gave his famous speech that one day black people would finally be free of injustice.

Martin Luther King was assassinated in 1968 at the age of 39

Desmond Tutu

Desmond Tutu was born in South Africa and became a Christian Priest. At the time apartheid denied black people equal rights. Apartheid means separateness – a policy that kept white and black people apart. Black people were not allowed to vote and they did not have equal opportunity to housing or education.

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Desmond Tutu campaigned for equal civil rights and worked to get rid of South Africa’s unfair laws. Desmond led peaceful marches and non violent protests against apartheid. In 1986 he became the first black Archbishop of Cape Town.

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Abortion and Early Life

Miracle and Blessing

Many people see the birth of a new child as the greatest moment of their lives. They consider it to be a miracle that the baby is so unique and a gift, it is a blessing and should be respected as such.

Sanctity of life

All religions teach that life is special and precious, this idea is known as the sanctity of life. Christians, Jews and Muslims believe that life is sacred or holy because it comes from God. As life is God-given and precious, it should be valued and cherished, not destroyed. God gave life and only God has the right to take it away.

When Does Life Begin?

This is an important question as it helps people decide whether abortion is right and lawful. The answer often depends on what you mean as life. True human life does not take place until after birth but the start of the process of creating life is at conception

Conception – When the Sperm meets the egg. DNA is fixed and uniqueness has begun

At the development of the spinal column / back bone. This houses the nervous system and happens in the 3rd week.

When the heart starts beating When the foetus is viable – it can live outside the mother womb (around 24 weeks) Birth

Religious Views

Catholics (Some Christians) believe that life begins at conception so all abortion is considered as wrong.

Muslims believe that there is potential life from conception but the soul is received around 120 days.

Quality of life

Quality of life is the kindness of the life of the baby will have. It can mean both physically and mentally. It is also the measure of fulfillment.

Disability - Babies born with severe mental or physical disabilities may live a life of suffering and pain. They may not be able to enjoy a full life or communicate with others. They may need full-time care, placing extra responsibility on the family. Some people can lead a good quality of life with a disability. Such as Eleanor Simmonds, she became Britain’s youngest individual Paralympics gold medal winner

Unwanted - Child Unplanned pregnancy may cause resentment in a woman whose circumstances are not suitable for motherhood. She may not be able to give the baby the love and care it deserves. If the mother is very young, she may not wish to be involved. Occasionally a baby may be conceived through rape.

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Poverty - Some people cannot afford a child, particularly if their family is already large, or if they are on a low income. The things needed for a baby are expensive and the quality of life of the whole family may be affected.

Abortion and the Law

The abortion act made abortion legal in the UK in 1967 because too many women were seeking back street abortions which were causing severe harm to the mothers, leaving them infertile and possibly even death.

3. In 1990 the laws changed previously a woman could only get an up to 24 weeks and if

· The mother’s life was endangered

· There is a substantial risk of the baby being born with severe mental or physical disabilities

· There is a risk to the woman’s mental or physical health

· There is a risk to the physical or mental health of her existing children (Not enough money or space for a new born)

Two doctors must agree to the abortion

Each year around 185,000 are carried out, the law does not consider the rights of the father only the mother, fetus, and existing children

The rights of the foetus – this has been dependant on when life begins – however the law states that the unborn child cannot be aborted after 24 weeks

The rights of the mother – Some people think that the mother has a right to choose what happens to her body, she has a right to be safe and if her life is in danger or she has been raped she should have a right to abort the unborn child.

The rights of the father – The father does not have a right to make a woman have an abortion and cannot stop a woman from having an abortion if she wants one. She does not even have to tell him that she is pregnant!

Arguments For / Against abortion

Pro-choice – this is for the right to choose to have an abortion. There are campaign groups that are demanding that all women should have a right to choose to have an abortion

Pro-Choice arguments

The woman carries the baby so she has a right to choose what happens to her body

Life does not begin until the baby is viable or until is born The risk to the mother outweighs the rights of the foetus

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Rape victims should not have to be reminded of their experience, or a girl should not have to give up her education because she is pregnant

Adoption can be emotionally difficult for some women It stops back street abortion It is cruel to bring a severely disabled child into the world

Pro – life - Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) A pressure group that campaigns against abortion unless the mother’s life is in danger.

Pro- Life arguments

Some medical evidence states that the unborn child is a separate human being from conception with its own unique DNA

Depression and guilt can follow an abortion Disabled people can live a full and happy life Unwanted children can be adopted by people desperate to have a child Abortion is a selfish way to avoid responsibilities

Catholic Christian Protestant Christian Islam / MuslimAll Christians share a belief in the sanctity of life. – all life is sacred and a gift from God

All Christians share a belief in the sanctity of life. – so not all abortions are allowed under protestant teaching

Muslims also believe life is precious and a gift from Allah – people will suffer on the Day of Judgment if they sin against Allah

Believe that life begins at conception therefore abortion is murder

Protestants recognise that abortion is a complicated issue so under certain circumstances they think it is understandable.

Muslims believe that the soul is implanted at 4 months (120 days), up until this point the mothers rights outweigh that of the foetus

Commandment from God “Thou shall not kill”

An example is if the mother’s physical or mental health are in danger

Therefore abortion is only usually acceptable in extreme circumstances.

Abortion is deliberately killing and breaks the commandment “you shall not murder”

Abortion may be the lesser of two evils such as in the case of rape or risk to the mother’s life

You should not kill your children for fear of want

Alternatives to Abortion

Adoption – Most adoptions take place within the family however other babies are adopted by people who cannot have a bay of their own. The law requires the new parents are fully investigated so the child will be safe. At 18 the child is entitled to their original birth certificate.

Religious views on adoption

Most religions follow the laws of the country. Muslims believe that blood ties are very strong so even though they may raise the child they will not formally adopt them – it is more like long term fostering

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Fostering is when the child is placed in temporary foster care until the parent is in a position to take the child back. Foster parents are paid by the government to look after the child

Religion and War

Reasons why people go to war

1. To defend their country e.g WWII

2. To defend religious beliefs, political beliefs, their freedom or way of life

3. To defend an ally or other nation

4.To gain wealth, power, land or resources

5. To remove their own government or leader

6. To stop attrocities e.g mass murder

Consequences of War

1. Some can be positive e.g Freedom / removing a corrupt government / stopping terrorism

2. Mostly death or injuries of those fighting

3. Infrastructure like the economy, schools, water supplies, disease and famine can be affected.


The absence of conflict and a real sense of well being or security. An inner peace of prayer and meditation


Without justice there can’t be peace, unfairness leads to conflict. Real peace exists with human rights and no threat of oppression.


Based on the belief that all violence is wrong. War can never be justified it is against their conscience "Conscientious objectors"

Sanctity of life

The Sanctity of life is the belief that all human life is sacred, it is special and should not be destroyed. Christians believe that life is a gift from God it should be respected at all costs. Muslims believe that life is given by Allah and he is the only one who should take it away.

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These beliefs mean that many Christians believe in the idea of pacifism although others think that the pursuit of justice is just as important as respecting life.

Religious Pacifists

Believe that sanctity of life is important Killing is against the sacred writings War causes untold suffering and loss of life War damages the environment and increases global poverty

Christianity and Pacifism

Some Christians follow the example of Jesus and follow peaceful means, they will die for their beliefs but will not kill for them.

Often in times of war they will help with first aid or ambulance drivers but not as troops. The Quakers (type of Christian) put particular emphasis on pacifism.

Islam and Peace

Muslims prefer to live in a peaceful and fair world. The Qur'an (holy writings) teaches that peace is better than violence Muslims try to forgive each other for wrong doings Allah (God) prefers peace to violence


Christians often use the just war theory to determine whether war is the correct decision –

1. War must be declared by the head of state

2. A just cause is needed

3. The reason for War must be for good not evil

4. The war must be a last resort – peace talks must have taken place

5. There needs to be a good chance of success

6. Innocent civilians must not be targeted

7. The good gained by the war must outweigh the evil before hand

Holy War

Holy war was a concept in ancient times that people considered was a war for God. The Crusades is a good example of this.

A Holy war must have three elements

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1. War must have a religious goal

2. A religious leader must authorise the war

3. There must be a spiritual gain for those who fight

Reasons for a holy war

1. To spread faith

2. To recover countries that used to follow the religion

3. To rescue religious people in hostile countries

4. To re capture sacred places

Christianity and War

Generally Christianity promotes peace and follows Jesus' teaching "blessed are the peace makers". Christians do not agree with nuclear weapons but does allow war in self defence. Some Christians accept war as long as it follows the Just War Theory

Islam and War

1. Muslims prefer peace to violence as the believe Allah is peaceful. 2. It is allowed in self defense and to defend Islam – or people who are oppressed. 3. A Jihad war is an idea that comes from the Qur'an and allows Muslims to fight under the conditions

below. 4. War is permitted only when it is morally right and under clear guidelines.

It is controlled by a religious leader It has a Just Cause and is a Last Resort Keep suffering to a minimum including the environment It is not for an act of aggression or to gain territory

Victims of War

War has many victims besides soldiers. Cities are destroyed, homes are lost, and children are hurt or orphaned. It is hard to restore law and order and there can be many refugees forced to live in unsuitable camps with little food and water.

The Red Cross / Red Crescent (Muslim countries)

The Red Cross has 97 million volunteers worldwide. They are neutral in war their aim is to protect human life and health. They help to stop suffering without any discrimination of nationality, religion or political opinion.

Part of the group is responsible for injured soldiers, searching for missing people and protecting civilians. Another part of the Red Cross responds when there is a major disaster such as earthquakes or tsunamis.

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Irena Sendler

Irena Sendler was a Roman Catholic (Christian) who was born in Poland. During the Nazi attack in WWII she was a member of the Polish resistance who offered Jews food and shelter. They helped created over 3000 false documents so Jewish families could avoid arrest. She also organised the smuggling of Jewish children from the Ghettos and placing them with Polish families so they would be safe.

In 1943 Irena was arrested by the Nazi secret police, she was tortured and sentence to death. The resistance bribed the German guards to release her, she was found in the woods unconscious with her legs broken. After the war she attempted to unite the Jewish children with their families, although many had died in the concentration camps.

Keeping the Peace

The United Nations – PEACE KEEPING FORCE

The UN was set up at the end of WWII and now has 192 member states. Its aims are

To help countries cooperate with each other. Economic development Social progress The protection of human rights To establish world peace.

Sometimes the UN directly intervenes in a conflict or it sends peace keeping forces to help stop the fighting and protect the civilians. They give aid when needed and can charge people in courts with crimes against humanity.


NATO was created as military alliance of 26 European countries, Canada and the USA, if a NATO country is attacked then other members of the alliance will come to their aid.


Terrorism is the unlawful use of extreme violence to achieve a political goal. The object is to achieve maximum publicity and terror. Most people think that it can never be justified as it harms innocent people.

Weapons of Mass Destruction - Weapons of mass destruction can kill large numbers of people at once. They include biological, chemical and nuclear weapons.

Biological weapons have bacteria or viruses that can cause fatal diseases if they enter the water supply or atmosphere. Although they have been banned by the Geneva Convention some nations are still using them.

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Chemical weapons were banned in 1925 but have been used in WWI and in Vietnam. They can cause choking, paralysis and damage to the environment.

Nuclear weapons cause huge devastation. First used against Japan (Hiroshima) they can not only kill people by the initial blast but also the radioactive property. Now nuclear weapons have enough power to destroy life on Earth several times over! Nuclear proliferation – spreading of nuclear weapons around the world

For AgainstA deterrent (Stops people attacking the country) Unacceptable suffering to innocent peopleStopped the fighting in WWII which would have resulted in the death of many soldiers

An irresponsible government / terrorist might use themGoes against the Just War Theory because innocent people are targeted

What can Religious Believers do to…

Protect animals

Campaign peacefully about animal rights Donate money to animal charities such as the RSPCA Work in areas of conservation and protection – Rhino or Elephant conservation Write to local government MPs about local issues relating to wildlife Protect and help species by ensuring litter is not thrown on the streets Report people who abuse animals to the police

Protect the planet from damage

Recycle / reuse Campaign against areas of deforestation Write to local MPs about damage to the local environment for example local woods – plant a tree Volunteer time to pick up litter Advocate / Campaign for renewable resources Get Solar panels put on the house Reduce carbon footprint – walk / take the bus

Help people affected by prejudice / stop / beat prejudice

Offer counselling and support Advice – take them to the police Campaign against prejudice – kick it out of football Educate people – workshops in schools Speak out against prejudice in the community

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Work for a charity such as the Samaritans who may deal with people effected by prejudice

How can religious people help those affect by War?

Work for the Red Cross or the Red Crescent Donate money to national campaigns and appeals e,g Syria Understand the issues faced by refugees of war – share facebook posts / social media Campaign to help protect innocent civilians involved with war situations Educate others on the need to help people in times of crisis Share youtube clips that show the consequences of war

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How to answer GCSE Questions

1. Look at the number of marks the question is worth – this is the amount of different points you need to make.

a. 3 Mark question = 4 – 5 fully developed points – give an example or opinion within the point!b. 6 Mark question = 7 – 9 fully developed points – e.g

NOT Animal Experiments are ok because they help people

BUT Some people agree with animal experiments because research on animals can help develop surgical techniques or drugs that protect or cure humans from diseases such as cancer or Parkinson’s.

2. Try not to focus on just one or two main points it can be difficult to get ALL the marks

3. Separate your points into Christianity and Islam

Christians believe that prejudice is wrong because God created everyone equally Muslims believe that Allah will judge people on how they treat others – the Qur’an states that

discrimination is unacceptable

4. 6 Mark discussion questions: BOTH SIDES AND RELIGIOUS VIEWS

At least 2/3 arguments for –use examples to support e.g Some people may agree with this as hunting for food – FOR EXAMPLE fishing in remote parts of the

world is essential to survive At least 2/3 arguments against Two religious points (Christian, Islam or both) Your final opinion I believe that……..

5. Use Quotes where possible

Jesus said “Love your neighbour” In the Bible it states “Blessed are the peacemakers”

6. Remember God / Allah ..Bible /Qur’an… Jesus / Muhammad

7. Make specific points and use examples

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Religion and Life Issues Glossary

Acid Rain Pollution mixes with atmosphere and then damages plants and animals as the rain becomes acidic

Adoption The legal process where a child is given to a “new” family. Biological parents lose all rights

Ageism When people are prejudice due to someone’s age.Awe A feeling of respect; and amazementBiological Weapons Weapons that have a virus or disease that will be dispatchedBig Bang Theory Theory that a big explosion caused the creation of the Earth.Carbon Emissions Carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere from car exhausts,

factories etc. which pollutes the environment.Chemical Weapons Weapons that use chemicals to poison, burn, paralyse humansClimate Change A change in the climate due to pollution will cause flooding and

droughtsCreation Story A Christian story in the Bible explaining how God made the earth in

six days, resting on the seventh.Cloning Creating a genetically identical copy of something, e.g. dolly the

sheep.Conservation Protecting something to make sure that it does not become

endangered or destroyed e.g. rainforests.Deforestation Cutting down trees to use them commercially e.g. for furniture.

This can destroy rainforests and enhance the problems of climate change.

Deterrent Stopping another country attacking us as we have more fire power / weapons

Desmond Tutu Desmond Tutu used his belief in God to fight against racism. He used non-violence, prayers to God and speeches to talk to those who supported him.

Discrimination Treating people badly or differently because they have a different colour skin, origin or age.

Earth Summits Meetings that take place with world / religious leaders that discuss the state of Planet Earth

Factory Farming An intensive method of farming where animals are kept inside in small cages conditions. This usually applies to chickens and sometimes pigs. Food produced from factory farming is cheaper to buy.

Foetus Unborn child in the wombFostering The taking of a child from a different family into a family home for

a temporary time .Free Range Farming Free range products are more expensive to buy but the animals

have a more natural life. They are allowed to range freely outside and have lots of room.

Genetic Modification Changing to DNA of something. Animals and plants can have their genetic make-up altered by scientists.

Ghandi A religious leader in India who peacefully fought for equality.Global Warming Scientific concept that the planet is getting warmer.Greenhouse Effect The trapping of heat from the sun in the lower atmosphere due to

an increase in carbon dioxide, methane and other pollutionsHarmony Living in peace.Holy War A war which is fought for religious benefits. E.g. this may be to

protect a religion. Some people believe that God tells them to go to

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war. Probably controlled by a religious leader.Ivory Trade Poachers kill elephants and take their tusks which are made from

ivory. They then make them into products and sell them for large sums of money.

Just War Theory A war that the Christian church defines as acceptable: must fit a certain criteria / 7 conditions

Jihad Arabic word meaning ‘to struggle’. The greater Jihad is an individual’s struggle for spiritual perfection. The lesser Jihad is just war in defence of Islam.

Miracle of Life The idea that life is amazing, wonderful and special.Martin Luther King Peacefully fought for equal rights for black people. He won a The

Nobel Peace prize.NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, an alliance formed to prevent

war in Europe.Natural Resources Resources that are gathered from natural sources for humans to

use e.g. wood from a rainforest or oil.Nuclear Proliferation Nuclear weapons spreading to other countries and getting more

numerous.Pacifism The belief of people who refuse to take part in war or any other

forms of violence.Pollution Releasing harmful chemicals into the atmosphere such as carbon

dioxide from a car exhaust which contributes to global warming.Positive Discrimination Treating someone more favourably because they have been

discriminated against in the past.Pro-Choice In favour of a woman’s right to choose an abortion.Pro-Life Opposed to abortions; in favour of life of the foetus.Quality of Life A measure of fulfilment. How good your physical / mental life isRecycling Reprocessing old material so that it is made into something new

that can be used again.Red Cross / Crescent Organisation that helps people suffering from war or other

disasters. Provides food / first aid and shelterSanctity of Life The belief that all life is sacred and special as it was created by God.Sexism Being prejudice towards someone because of their sex. This usually

applies to women.Stereotyping Judging people by their “group” or CultureStewardship The idea that believers have a duty to look after the environment

and people on behalf of God.Terrorism The unlawful use of violence, usually against innocent civilians, to

achieve a political goal.United Nations An organisation set up at the end of WW11 to prevent war by

discussing problems between countries.Viable The point at which a foetus could survive if it were to be born.Vegan A person who will not use any animal products.Vegetarian Someone who does not eat meat.Weapons of Mass Destruction Weapons that can kill large numbers of people and/r cause great


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Topic Christianity Islam

Animals “Yet not one sparrow is forgotten by God”

“Eat the lawful and Good food Allah has provided for you”

“He has forbidden only carrion, blood and swine” (pork)

Planet Earth “For God created the world”

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”

“Allah created all life”

Abortion “So God created man in his own image”

“you knit me together in my mother’s womb”

“kill not your children for fear of want”

“It is Allah who gives death and gives life”

War “Do not murder”

Jesus said ….

“Blessed are the peacemakers”

“Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you”

“Those who live by the sword die by the sword”

“God does not love the aggressors”

Prejudice ”There is neither Jew nor Greek … male or female for you are all one in Christ”

Jesus said “love your neighbour”

Unfair treatment because of race is not acceptable