RELESS WEEKLY -€¦ · RELESS WEEKLY \Ot UMF. 11 :>.L1'1Hf·R 1, The...

RELESS WEEKLY \Ot UMF. 11 :>.L1'1Hf·R 1,

Transcript of RELESS WEEKLY -€¦ · RELESS WEEKLY \Ot UMF. 11 :>.L1'1Hf·R 1, The...

Page 1: RELESS WEEKLY -€¦ · RELESS WEEKLY \Ot UMF. 11 :>.L1'1Hf·R 1, The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 2 nla.obj-678528424

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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\Ot UMF. 11 :>.L1'1Hf·R 1,

Page 2: RELESS WEEKLY -€¦ · RELESS WEEKLY \Ot UMF. 11 :>.L1'1Hf·R 1, The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 2 nla.obj-678528424

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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loud• peak


waazLESS w••atLT

Page 3: RELESS WEEKLY -€¦ · RELESS WEEKLY \Ot UMF. 11 :>.L1'1Hf·R 1, The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 2 nla.obj-678528424

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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WIIUlLl:S. Wl:l:llLT P•itt One

A J(voJ Tru1..dutmrr hci. :

<I) H 11 h lndwdanctt Prhn• ry:

( ?) .\mvl~ Cro"'"I '4~-11011 of lrcin.

'lhrAW\ Supt-r- \udh> 'lr11.DJ1furmrr

:0-upplit"d ln H:.111i1N ul

2-1, Sj 0 I, •••I, and »·1

(l) .-\mplt' Cru-!$ ~ K"•

liun uf l upprr:

( .f> '·"""' l\lotnirlh

An­Unsolicited Testimonial

E"crac1 from Letter 10

Amalpm.iced \\'ircll'Ss. u,u.,•n,

111t, nnn, u :r: lhu-• fPN'oi•• u.- A 1't •· ,_ • .,...

·•· • "t•-d-••,. I hJ1-.., 1-blw4 •"" !fl • ~~ t ••r~•atft ffl'f'1"'11', uul •II• lh

•• •h•,& •••• fffth,., 11 ..-, tuti-. • t-• l.ti

HI.-, TIMt• .. M "'"'\l tkt lb,,- •"' 1lro,

'"'"~· •• •• ··•"'el'I .. ,. , ... "'' , ... ,•--••h• I hwnlf •• ,.,,.,.. • .., •• "•1••• •••I'"• .. ....,. 1,, 1111• 11-,,h 1r•" •f

.... •"-U• •ti• , ........ ,.., · ••It oo 'ljlM'' .,,.,.n•a. A!fflllll• • II ti!• all, 1h•1 I h1• 1• U..a Ill •r

~ ·--•• fN'l'Ulf'f • r-, U f• l/•Wt #t ... ,.

•• , .. ••.Jr• I Ml• - """"" ,u,~ ..... I• .. .... , •Mh ,a.-..,.,.r. ,lt•••• t.11" 111 "• .,... lfl•• ••kl•• • '-1.hf" ..,, •It N!lld h .. ur4-4 •••• •lotMJJ,- tltat I ka,, f1.-.u1tl lll

••14i ,. .. 111,11 • A A•ttr.Jhn Tranaf••"' .... ~n,:t th.u1 "" .\•Mu• •••11•IHt.,,.

•llhj-, ,....,-. AU,- I• " W-.4 A­

lnbt,a-... , PNllll•N,

t .. n h,id1f•II,,


I') I u * 1Ji-.tr1"ut1ri.1 t ~J.1.ic1J1.

TIT£ \.W \ , lR\~SFOR\lfR 1,1 <JRPOR\ H ~ \LL I HIS

,\.\\ \, r ran-form,r.

l'RllI ..

18/-l-Jhh ~/

~ The Seal of ~alit)·

"It's an A. W. A. Product"

Send chis



fur FREE Illimraied Leaflec

w,, .. ,. A-11.a....W lt:r.t,u IA.,.., Lr,L,

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"-"UM H aPCIUla\»11111 l Obtainable at All Radio Dealers.

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The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Keep these ACCESSORIES • tn mind and remember,

fine--,- components ensure finer radio !

Why not enjo>' the advantages in impro\'ed Radio by using the finest acces..~orie:. parl ic­ulari)' when they cost no more?

S. L. B. Condenser

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I\, c11pc-r1'1r qu 1lhy ra~no unit. com• p ct ,vilh Vt"1 nicr Jl;.\11 in llUld uud Ll .ck ur a.,.h·cr anJ blri.rlf.

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comph•tc with dUII.

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I lh ct n. I II ,IA lar,;l7

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15/-Per ,

AT HALF COST ar am&!!~!lr':~~ui!'.,:t'":.n,


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llor power, cfarft.)', and comp:a.d .. De&$ !iipe.clf)I thcae lbree r'OUO., :

2-1, 3i-l, 5-1. Gu3rOnh.:ed c.lectrlr:.aUy i,11d mecbanieaJJy. Sdtn•

tlflolly obkld..-<I lo re<luce inUullllle 10/6 ctJupltng effect,. Price, «ac:h


Head Office : 386 George Street, Sydney

"Goodwill built on Public Confidence a:ince 1889."


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The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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\UI II (\., C..

Tl'irele.~s is a Yo1111g Jlau's Business.

I T is surprisillt wh, n !Ille looks ro,md ancl re11d~ o( conditions In other countne to nut., the nuru

her of ypung rn~n in the win:lt>s.• industry. Ir, tl1e brondrnstini: c•r , ll:ej, in trndm,:c :i.nd m.anufHcture of equipment. in condl1dini: \\ irell'J! Ber• vlee.11 ,,n rhipP. and. or cuur e, in the held or th•• ammeur uperimenkr th•• samP ,·ondltinM r,re o!J t'rw,1-)outh pr~dumtnlltt!S..

, et it is not .ilto1t,·ther ,ur)Jrblng Wire!t•ss I~ I!O yot1ng an<l----vnrt!cu July ii, b1-oadc1&•tlnir-l~ npJM,':il so strong to enerJ!'elk 1m<i 11mblt1ou ;-011111,' m,•n. that one \\onld tmll~'ltlt' tlmt 1l 11ould Le the ~ounger gen~,.• l on that look •he lcu,I'" de,·clopr,-cnt

We nil rcmcmlier the <'tll'ly s-­onl\' four or fi\'e ,·euri! ng,,-.wh~n br,,:~dca.slITIIC wa• · n nn, .. [ty-th•• "p!uyt.hmir of youtb"-wl1e11 .,:,rent. nnJ tri~nd, nh~rrv,'ti "1th a kindly, If 1101 proud tokrnnre. the lrnn~ gml-11ets u,..;J b) thc> •marl OOl of h 111mily to "•xlract mu,11 from h,· 1,lr." Thebo) was re11anl•'<I as dolnl( no harm in rartkul:ir, :.nil ucC11siun­ally it \\115 thought hi• gad{:e!A migh be thE.t torerunner.; of sun.eth1111l reallr useful

And whi e those hoy• w .. r mukfng up their tecr1vln1r ••ls from •nnp of wir•. cigar LoxP• and w~irtl , 011trt!p­t lon~. o•her ho,·s wer~ mnking nnd operati11g wirel~ss trnn•millrr•. The P trllllemitting equipment sent out th, music th111 wa• ,xtrncted 1,v the r~~h ~r._ Th,, 11u111l1<·r ai«l or the 1ransm1! 'Pr,t and I hf' re,eiver impro1i'd und keen hu lne ~ men l>egan to -~ pro•p~etij o! n u~ ..

Page 6: RELESS WEEKLY -€¦ · RELESS WEEKLY \Ot UMF. 11 :>.L1'1Hf·R 1, The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 2 nla.obj-678528424

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Catching Up with. the Wireless World.


\ fir.I I! f 111 \T :ipton,ntornlly broadl-lJ(l"' the tt1.1.r---~. !lp .. ~d .rnd JU>)i~ tinn of. a b1p h11!1 bt-t'n J.,O.l.-nted by flrntr iilJ<-Tr)", o( ~t,w \"urk.

M fill \ \1'I F.O \'\ pri._.u in S..-am,• tlu, Cuur.a1m ,totn ain~. look upori wirrltn A" 1 .. ,.p1r t fP"':SkPr" A ,~. rfl-ivlnr flit'"l was r~o•ntly publidy damned •nd tht'n thruwn Juwr1 the wcnJnUl•r iJ.-.

MR.1; 11Fl-'-lf"R (F.11 11\\\l re­n-nt I~ mA1ntamr,i t.Wo-\\ ay ronunu1,1• ('.Uth,n w,th Oll tiBUJ.. in lta1Na1t. for ~hrl"e'•QUArtt"r of An hoJr. Thia i1 rf'r,orad t, br tht fir t cHN'-c:t r,,m­m.t,mltatlon by- a,u11lf It"'"- bl\\.\fi.•n Hrl­t,um o.nd the Hta\1nuo4•1 bland,s...

\ ,1:11 \I lltU L.;~ ~,\I u1, at Rur elNei B,•h:iurn, rfc~, tly eel~ br--1te-d t.t5 <•1,--nin.- by trart!rn1lt,n11!' ~ rntse41!''-" !ror 1 th,· Ktn,: f the Hd­t"u1.n to 'ht U .. S. Preade:U Lc,nJ: and ,hort ·wav are -:llt'<J 1mulHa.n~ rJu1;.I) Thr- ,IU r ti l:'fl ~porh d b) •lirht met , 9~0 f• ~, h srh

ITE.\R f'ISII sl• 1\1 BY \\IRl~-1.1::ss, Wl!:-0 \, °'""' York, cuuduct•d •o~ 1.mu111ml. ~· • 1ntn\ tmc. tx J,tr1111f'nLc nt"'r 1ly w)H II II tf-u~l"J ~·ne el'\ill,I .i to )H¥ 1.b~ 1 \•i#it rn , J~ li~ Jr) tU'lL:"cr aJ"• ,.,..rJUn: a letter, goldn1b 1w1mm1nK 1n an J1qu.u-jun1 l,y Olt."&n!I ur A p~•Al am11hril!r

A ~00 \\ \TI l1ort ,~.iVC" l\lrelt !II

Ttl¢Tnt>h T.n.11 , ttt-r to be u.tilUieJ in ~:ff' tm.: r-.;mnnar11r-atwn hetwe~n th (1 mil u.h lU l '>,y'• titUJJf'r­lle ... rnd Rab.tul hat bt-t-11 desp11tchpJ t., S'e.,., Guin"u b)' Allllll~•rnute-J \\ re-­lt",fl, who ,itS1i(nt!J and n.nnufactutt J the- tapporatt1.s. Th~ Wirrln• 11tnt1nn JS. tht- tir:st lv bt t"TH.~t"I un tht! St-pik K1,t'r, \,ht+-J T""rritvtj: uf z-.;11w (j llint:U unt.l \1 IJJ Lt- thc-J .11 COIIJUrn:' ...

t1on "ith tht..t AJ.n1mC!lr!lt1'we ~ttur uf t.l'w! T~J rltor-} for commun1catton ~ t ween th~ , Anuu-1 dJ.trict nutions.

THE PROC:R.HBfE manacor or WL'\V, t;.S.A •• dlll'inK a di•,·u11ion rt'• gtu·Jin~ 1p«1al seosaions far- worr,1_11,n n l,,.J ... ,, hen \lo 11 womPn h!•n "'' HP lS P\'U)Phtly n hacbrlur!

\ICJOtR, BOOTLEGG~;RS: Th~ rOIL!t c:u.a.rd af the l S. Treasury re•

r.ort that rum srnUKCh:~ a.-. t'fflflloy ... ,,~ a radio 110t1ltulled boRt for lat1d• ue Lhrlr tc•nUa\1and ~ood, At Nor•

f(>lk, \rn.

\ <>:-.F.-C \:"/OU:POWER tliuh• llcht rec,-ntly aw,tch,J on a l,ll80.000 cn?1d t:p0\1lU' Ft'&rcnlu;rht by m,an• of a J >oto-•l..,tric ttll. Thill •xperl­n· .. r t "°' 5Ul'tH fully C'!irrlt'<l out in ~t'"' , ork, thr ••rL·hlil!'ht u~eJ for tho purpo•• Le,nr thal uf Charluti.. • ,ill•, Va.

" I Bif I itrl~ Parodo.T. " (he tlllnaa an, lua. ,,..._\ t.ilU'ln

l:tl'at Ah,I falt•r 1h,r,c,. . ,.. hltrr,

Arni •• .,.·,e .,, •• unarr,al• ths 1,111• thu,-u th•• ••u ... ,

Tk.- .,.,,_,. .-rcun ,,.,. • ,,__

Tba lo.tu.-.. t• • nt, Alllil •"'"• • 1,.,. .... IHI h••·

4:q,.,. ,A.,..pJ tu a n1.

ThA nun ... , "~•In•. "1tt, • • "" • f•l4. \la}' ••t11•11n.-n ~hul 0.. •1,-•"•""'•

fbT '4'11 .,,_ l •llt .. lE. M ,_,,. IIU t~,l W 1t:h -.h•t1e,t •rr" le,11..-, L

tr..;., ••tn ., • ., •• • la"• beha,111 \\'t1lli •hflt ~•t Ian.- &n,,~!•"''"•

Th• •lHN'l.,_I l•n1\lt of ,.-1rift...,. • •'• All11i1111 UI• 1 .. nfll'•t dt.Uft(,t,.

'• u n •iu "u,,k ta .,..,, Wh.11• • .-ri• lot •i~h..l It.- taU~.t.

1 'llf• llhl ... • '"'911'1' '"inr I• fw,, Ttw ¥f'Nl"1 •HII tJw &MaJ~,

1ft•11ti little w•·n• ,ti,.,. rrou rlM, -a. llora4:)lh1c U1• ......... u,1•

•Wh,I, C1'1'.1t.l ft1\J1 ........ r it11n1• ti.rt ~., l"o lli.t •tllll lltll• .-n•L

Fri4a:r. 2nd Dtt•mbu, 1121.

O:"I MARCH 10, 1928. '" Int•rna• tional Broad,:,utint1t ExbJ'J,ition lo to Le o~nN in tl,, Paloc,, of Arlt, Le r•, and will remtln OJ)<'r, unt,1 Mu,,b istb, 19.!8.

!IACTITTIF.RY TAAT TALKS: A n~ • ystz.m '1! control by 11; htcli operator-Ins machinr-ry can bl c11'1ed up on thP ltll-'phone-, ,ukM qn, t an , and S?iven mstruttion.s wn& drmon• •Lru~cl Jut moolh in Amorka by th inventor, R. J, v.·emil") • who h.A"I t,nru,d hio device wThe 'Iolevoc:sl Sysh·.m." DistaDC'f' UI no ba.rrl,r:

o, TIIE ISITLE ISLAND of Ya,-au, Tonr,i. 2,000 mll-s trcm Syd ney, thflre Is only onto r•dio ut. The u\\nt"r, llrn..ry Cyril Krunt-, u. e-t1 l to '!1ttrtain the whole popul:i.Uon. lw...-ryone bnn~a th~ir own ref.rub .menl• an<l tvery·onP votM tb• rad o *<t OK a,·d the pr~r,,mmts from S~dn•y, ~lolbourne, and l\ew Z<aland .xcell•nt.

\~ Rl1"1'r. to bi, broth,.. who s • \lelbourne man, Mr Krone, "'f ~ tuntll tn J1rl ltt~ than 2S at.At o .s., -rJudinJt the g-ru.t Am,rkan stat oa KOKA and oth•rs, but of them el h hk"" 2BL, Sydn,y, bML. Som• of •h st.11lian1 (ly,-r~e.n. h .. rampl~ ns,. hs.i b:e.aks of a.~ Iona ~ flv., minute-• bf"... twe-~n lll"'M.9. but. ~Bl, 'k«:p b littonin,: from I.he at&rt cntil th y tinuh.

IT IS .Oi a,ton1Shinsr fact bu• true, that \h-. htone m .Samoa kn•w Tri­v;i;hf' v...a th(" wanner ur th~ Me boarne Cup qU1cke-r his- Lrot.ber .,how on lhe -CQUr e. u ... ,.QU$.e thr aperd f r4dlo ts so irr•at thaL th• voice of tl,e a,mounct-r ;g-lvin~ the pl&ctid horat.s tru •ll•d the !.000 <><ld mil.., quicker than th• voire of a man shout nr tb• •am• Information o,·..-r a dtnante cf Gu yud, ln tbo paddock at U.o na r:ourse.

LA:t Your Baltl'I') S:ne Your PUJ"ke: Philco.

Page 7: RELESS WEEKLY -€¦ · RELESS WEEKLY \Ot UMF. 11 :>.L1'1Hf·R 1, The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 2 nla.obj-678528424

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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PrldaJ', 2nd l)o('on,bfr. 19117 w1aIn.ass wa11:1tLT

The Fun Doctor Becomes "Uncle Jack" A comp/err 1·eorganisatio11 of tit;, staff of,•rs L1mi/1·d. tlzr n,gagemml of Jack Cannot IM a111101111cr,· 0111/ b,•Jt,mr s/myt1•1/,·1, a11J tl,ut of Ur. G. J rn, Bame// ,,, llti.•ical J>ir,·1·/or. /1m•1·a$I~ " 11,-.,, ua of broadcasting;,, New S011//1 Wa.'rs. 1'/,r p,,·srnl 11w1111gm1,·111 states tl,af listeners rL'lll 11ow ltat'I' thr altematit•t nf fi-'1t11i11g ft> lcc11 }Ir.,/ das., S.ur;,,,,, instead of UIII' (.:!FC) as b,·/01·,·. Tl:e ,,,n• <1rrar1.1:,·m1•11f e11r111ra,,·s t!u go,,.,-a/

impression that 19:!S ;;J1/I b,· u 1a~1J yt·a, for radio.

SIXTEES , • ..,. ag•, Ja,k Cannot 1u ;i, J • h • d.tbut ln mwJtal ,.o­

t-f•tt b> pltl)'luc fr1 tl t pantom1mt', .. Jatk and ditt

Bnn•t•l.k... whkh wa• (tPf'n,e,d .at fh·r \b,: .. ty·a Thratu, ~ft'lbour~. la 1911

Sin,:~ then h1 hu ap­pnt'N, In t'(,IUf\lleu Jla.rtlu­mhneti. rf'\ u,,-:-.. D.llJ l'tuai. .. C-11 comed,d. Dunng thl' last fiflffn m1;mth. li.e luH added to his (am• LhNo~h h t ~ltrn 0;biH1y tu • use lhe 11ck;.. hk' bt,, .. came knov. n lo all •• ""Tb., J.'.Jn Doctor.. ti:nJ b I il• (whkh this photo1:ro,b ahou1 * caa "" • pc,\fnJ'.ul Rnd p &Un\ phyilc 1n t.b• ct1re of bum.a.n a.l.tnt nlt.

.. 1 wn• virr)~ ttmpud."' be aatd. "to rt-turn to tM f06llJ&:hta, but lbt! fh• nn of b<rni: ablo to dolijrht )' r 44\lttn.l1ari1 "vn tt tos,.:· Mr. <..:annot 11

II .r enthusiasm o\'tr h new p011tlon,

.. tt't ap ta me to r.iake cood~ a;, d th• ,-ome~la.n.

a::d if I don't-w•ll, ha~•• no auth word a

't.'" lair C'onnot \no-v. 1 how

to li-andle- C'hJldt't'n ,, .. r-1,ap bctt r than IU>)'bodf

Awtralia ,.\I• rh only -43 ,·rars o!

air he hat bttn out. in A rali• nt-uly 141 t•n, am! in that timr, h;n

bretDJ11P H tharciuchlr A t.rallan that he 11ot.

dr 1 t••~r~:•;~ ai!K:~ okr but h, ha" addrd a

\'a t I\Umbf"r or orig:in.GI u r dot~ and wonl1 to thfi ,4-t!nlf' it oic!ary. HI! pr 1,;'"4 ht, cl•l,,..r.,h p t1t ,nan-yini- an Ao•tmli• 'I rtrl H • hu two drl.t .. dn1r; hi~ boy I• at &011• (;•11'-"I'_., BtHr,-u,., HOl, and lo only d&nirhtf'l" is at

Amtrka'e Sut.marlnes all u.c.i, Buri,:~

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J"qe SIL


WIRELESS WIUtltLT Friday, 2nd December, 1927.

Character from Handwriting JL O .U,lhourne, lta, Ullangtd 11.'ith Cu/iJru, ,1,,. 1·rld,ro1,·d Grop/,ologisl, to lif't /,a,.d­u•ritinf r/1aruL1~r .Jy/ituutiu11s to l.isllmtf'>

DAY ~y d,y, druwr. l,y m)·,ad, nf u11~i=ir1 Ll 1 ud.:i.. A 1... 1 -~ lti mut•t cl.ukl) unh::d with th,·

htwt oi the Lll'lpiri•.-=-.i.saociult:J \\jt)J "-11 thnL r,2lly 111ntlto1·1 n d<!lle< .uuJ nrt--Ond c."c!rlJritieA in "V-M)~ w» lk ot ltfr no" ,·I It u1 to edur.a.te, elevate ur tH11u ·c, u, the, ca.~~ n'lll)' hto.

Our Jateat vhltur 11 1111 t'JCfl<rtt ir11-pl oloichll, w} o .. <'! nm.rue Ia C~lii:rn. 11 ttl who, for the :,t:HP/i:r pure. of ;a Jlfl!­tlme, hut b~tl": mttrestcd in de11nCDt­mg t.h~ <.:hor.ader from band.writini, / a\ 1ng 1tuiJ1rd tho 1ub,t·Cl (rom evei·y 11 ng1e 11.nd tbrOU£"h t1\'llry pt-r1od.

I•·f' 1 thut li..'lltt.•n \\ oul.J 1,e Kr•n11·• lrt ra, tod, 8tuJi., :U.O. ~fel­,,, irn(I. ha1 g,cur"d lheo ~rvices or 'C~liktD,'' _who m71 drclphor nil

9p('\!lm n~ ot' h, ,ubm1t tcd.. lo c-unJ11net1un with t.hi111: novel 1t! a., h trner n ~> hi,Iµ lo ,,.,11 t.h~ fund u( lh, M<lbourno Ho•p l:•I. b) to war.d.10-J: 41 1-peoimen of tbt'1r har1tl• writi111=7, to1t-ther w1'11 Ju1lf•A•ctt1Wn, whu.:b wilJ l'.DJlhte to obttun •!-r dl'ilraf!.tition, anJ al:.o be,. ro, ,. .. .o int•mbl'r or the !alttlbour'Jf! llo,plt.t l Bit1h~y l.ea11u•

All tl ,t !4 n•cns;u-} 1 for J. ten r w enclo,,•• h lf-do:en II or ordioary llllndwrill~-no ndd[ tlun11J llourl•ho r nd uy i! til y bn, rra,·hoJ lbe 0110 or 18- ,adu:nW t h~y ar(! to be momb('ff o! the J :nu or ~nlor Lttasru~.

T hi• la a 01,µurL 11 nl!ordod lo ti.1.,nttn1 1uul 1t Ill nnt, putt,d Ual "C•li.,...,. ' ., I k kcµ buatb rngmgaJ tn tho oir.t ntet1t1 of I l•n•r• 110d tho Melb"urne !:lo • pll&L


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The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Power from Heat Sensitive /llineral Points to Possibi/i1y of Usin~ E11er,gyfrom Sun

Bv S. R. Tr'IN'l'ERS. - . " c A~ v.·r dlap~n-. with A 1u1tl

B lJnt!."m~ .. ~ and 4.>JMtJ&,1,ti, <l\11 rnJ11> rttch 1t,t ut1 !1 utu

t-lf'r~rt(' cwrenl produi:od by thl• d tr t ~f'tio1111! heat"" U, in c.rrecl. !l 1,1niform 't,Ul'!tt:oo beirig o.tkeli thaJI) lii• a,ho f•"'·

W)1ilcr (JIJC 11 tn:clined ~g <lltcOU.TQl{ll ll u a 11(,UfCf' of r,uwcr !or r1uJlu UC'l"'lt'rr!, thi: produi:t1on uf eleetrlo C'1irrn~~ b) the d11~l 1.1dton of hc~l fur l"Iamplt, :hr ur1C"tqual hretlnt:" of 1

itn1it. rutn11t. ~ ot t"-'O diolmlhal' ,n ... talit--1'1 m accordance •·ttb an ~l,lh1h.-..J adenlluc- f1rinclpla~ In pul• Uc.a • toh pNlal c:-n Lht• nttthod af a: ni!!r&tlnl' clt-~·tritlt)' !~r ndJo ptt:r• poJ«!• nn~ must bf" rnmrfful of the •kdJ nqu.irHI lo OJ1cradn~ Lhermo .. '1lc1:tric girn•t11tor1 and Lfio &C'{Unllll t'OAtrol n1:11,;ic>uary in Uflt•ft.tlly nppl;•1t1ie t.hta rurn•nt in th" op11·Mlr.n of rudlu te•I lui: ael! Por thr n1teun t>X•

ptrlmenler, it "-Oultt tf'om. thumo• aJ"etr dl.> otfen !I fruitt.;t titld \Ii reaear-ch_

tn,·utlgalr '\1n1~ bdcnll~.

ll ny JQborator~t have b~n in• THU,atin1t tht p~nomtnc,u u! mtilyb,. d~i\cr, n nra ann..eral. which t\ot only pcurs,~e th~nuooh,ttric •t11J -ph"torl«trie rro~rtlH. but U., un~ e•n,ny m1111~ o! con\ertinJ Htc:hl H1tu e,loctrmt1 It mtmifei!.I tl1e po-c:uliar rror<"r1-Y pf weneMltinlt •ltt"tric rur­ti'Ut when , x~t to tbfl a.un. :muon or nan~ Ho'Wf!"(!T, rnutybdunJt~ re­ar.tit ~nlr to ccr:.arn "a,·eJcn•LhJ ,,r light.. ju t n• our ndln. rcccl-.cra wm .::=~h~m ~~~1!:t ~o •:~~tnwh:~d;~ ""au1~ngt!i, rir fl'P.{f,Scnc1c• I)( thl• l:~ilC"MhPI' 1t.atiorta..

Radio >t-xprirrmrnttrt be-in: Irr for l:Jnata u to obt.aiu tprrlmtfl!I of thut nre 1n.imrrul can •l'Jllf th~1r m­•ll.llaltlv~ u,;lnth with con httnhle ~JU ID •x,1l0Nng intu the thermn• t!l'N.:trk ar aetlnMlndrlc J1ro1'tarttt of rnoh·hd,mi~ Th,7 c-o~i•t nf thfn clu.\·a~e Jiitk.'M, .on\e, u( tic, huninu btillt,:: ,1~ d'ntlint-t .. r1 or men in

li!n,th. To th~ t<nth1 V'f"r;< ntl.AC'h1-tl 1\nl' coppw: -.·ires, \\h!~h r~rn,~J ~11,• thPnno.-Ju1tCtlons, thu P'"''-"IU('ll\R flet"'"rit•tt.\: by tilt> 1mequal h.-.atlna: <•f two di.blJUtlar n:wW•. 'fh~ m_,,:u.ur1 ... auuu.a.. un HrnJll~•Ji fn>m v-1 fou,

A6UJ'('f".5, k•\· volu,•s of p)u O ll 1£1 , o vnll!t th>wt, h1 pluft Wll ruirr1woh \111'ouch it re, thcirma1 tl«iromgt \"V fottt.' tr1 mlnu, 1040,•ol . 1n Ortl' St11nph: ont flld pvo plu1 filH mkrorolt!! antt thf' othrr rnd ca.\"e minus Hl(IJ micru~lll~ 11ta1n."t c-opp1•r iH .!'\ dt(HC'.S L',,ntig,-nd~

Tr"ll ~amrtlc•. Out or twot1tf-,n,,•cn ••mJ11l • of

moh·bdomtQ t• ttd In • W'-'ll•l.r,o\"1 laboratory theu J11C'C'i1noD.A of rr1·•t•I• orine-i1~11nsr In Canad•. and Aunrnlla-hr4•lvt h1:11d a 1t0,1t1u th~rnw~hth:tru: i-uwirr an i uftt" had n ncC,.tl\'e. "On focu n~ ttw hu W•\ 11 rad1Mtfgn fr'om • ~f'nut i 1~w­~r," 1t.ntcd A Ufl'Dtilt. 1h dr.nribinr his t!XJ7trhncnt.t, uftltt~ lhrnuv.>a 11 W11tear c ll It ~~1 foancl thnt Jn 1oni• ' thl" e u.mplirt I here wne •pt1f ,­

int hlt:rb pcaitin or rn nu, •lffir mni lw fo~ , which w r-. " I ntly cG•Jwd by th~ ac.tioo o( 1hnr1. w• (I

Index In At!1:erti.1as. A•aJ1arut..! Wln-l.-

lt11IJt: lb::11. c ... t .,.. .. r•P ' A•~I... .t', ll • Lllf u •• ~ ( ••n Ufa .. •11t~ <' r. t 1,-;. u .. 11 • .-­t.•hlfl• 'f.-. IJ•••" ,_u l"C"lllb'"M' u...!111

l-••~1, l'rMutU t T•rnoa.11, tla1i,r,n ru, .. ., uC c'•. rn -• ,...,,.,n"'"".t~ f; .. ·ruU Wblt.tft t, Jilnt1, U11U'4 Houolllll u .J lbrnt11t .-. l til

k"lllfli li•lh, J#•S,.ri#h

Ma11,1fa.«.11tl'n l"roallll'!• \[lifltql•lillll ,., I,,.

',f111\fafli \eh" ~l11ril,tt"ll a. 1.1.t. !'i,w ~,,,r11•• T-"'P•u11fl1 ~., .. n,-n·,,~•1•• I, firlftln flr•1• ntl E11ir w1 r111r r•hr,ri"11. I, V.. tm, •• , ... rot" .... 11 .... l>•tt-rihat .....

In-'- Fr 111 1 ul~ C'•Mlllb w.,i, .. ._ J •

···~· . IT n

• II .. • II ... . .. .... • II . "' . " ... . ,. . .. . .

:U.11 H ,..,. 11

• u

. . ... Hurley ukd Burll"•~s in :-cw Colneo.

le[¾ h h I mal radU!•ton :i di 11• g h{jd from lh l?UL1 eu-Jl.a.t on r Ult d1R:' t1·um a t1•mptrnturc- 1illt dUJ! 'o c n hict.1on ot hea.t frum a bod 1 ~ •

h rh~r t tu,ti,<r ~\Ute.

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The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Qt.:EESSJ.A:-.D Al.SO.

Th.·ar S r-\\'t1- have- n.aJ w1th in tt1 .. L, cu pae-tt t1ft\:en in ) g(Jr ln:1.JP of .. ,\ ird~" \\"ttkly." dated ~o\:rrnbf'r hth, the unr ou1 c: 1 r1u·nt. t.lii' • Lo. Mi:lleuwnt, hZL" rn.;uJe apr,I t ,1tJOII for li~Cllt-• Ju South AuAtrnlta, Wen Au t.ralui anJ TQsm:uua.. \\11y 1s lt, hoWf-ver. thut tht• unfortuu• te Suu.­~I Quo<n1lnnd "21 Leu nduJed from n ,m tar applttMt nn" k:idiQ In Queemlur,d ol th& pr..- {'t,t tirr ~ 11 kt ~ m:.d tJrl trij'e. 1 d i.;111 n t-arly ar. t1un t11 lnkrn l Umul•tt- Inlet"+ flt in Y.irtlt.!-3 • th-l-<l"e, \\ill L~ I iPr M~ t1.Llllu.g off 111 lhe t, 1 t'\\al of lic~rut- • urd mu t of lbl" rn<lJo dt-a.lf'n1 will 20 bn,k Jt I quf' \\hrtbt"r any dPalt.!r in Hr&aba.t11 at the- Jd ti-Ent t:n,P ii making n finnn .u I ucc Q of ht bu r OJ'enlt on, tr y JU ('liln J. a.n)'lhlnr tt.Juuch y111u "ol rmn1 to w. l.Sl (,lue-~mlur~l hr BIi 1m•-MnJ you are fr~e- to In .. rt lh l!l't1..-t ur Jt-r th,. Lum de, "I "' uf

'1'.ANA:>:A LA:Sll"

• l:'\ \f

lltiar r,r 'Aou artt rD d...,ul:.t a\\c.rt of t1P lmportant 111 J \i·r~ .-uc-c,.unu1 tx~i· , ~nts III t1hott ,vave bro.iJ a 1-riar. wli rh hi\ r b.!t-11 carrh•J out b)'

tilt' fpmou:11; 81 itlsh -:a11u11ttiut trat\ rnlt. tl:r, Mr. <:ernIJ )1..urcust Mr. '1111 • euse i mul1n,: trc:rnf'nJou, •rfurb to turthn 1}-1Ct ! rogrn.1 of 11tt"rnatianal bru.1den ting, mer, pa.rti,:uJ::itl>· h('!,a tW'ffll Gr;1at .H:Juun and tht" dittQnl pan, o! thl' lktt ,h F:nipir~ Hf' ha1. hirrr-Jy ~' h own t':Xpt'•n•~. rqufppM h ,111. t r era, rn1thnr •at Ion 2~1\1 Cur this purpo".

Mr, Mor e ha• alirariy •u«•od«I ln gl'ttrng into toUt'h w,th l:ltl1tr Y.;nt-• !+ 1,ntJ,us;a ti n11 l)\·<•r tht world and n•su1t M> far ha\'f• en<'oun.,rfld J11m tu co1 t nuet hl! e:u: .. 1mFnt!II

lie l>roaJca I hi. llnl conrrtl I• tlic F.tnpite 011 tl1(J mornin~ ot ~tJ1•

tcmber 11th Ja t, in conn~ctfon with \\'hlth htt Tt'1:f'ivtid \"f'TY 1mtiafarlun ,~port, from Austral a

)fr. :',J.arcu P !tatt'~ th•t whilt cATT)ing out exp .. rimrn•t f1,1r Au!I•

WlllELB89 waa&L'I'

The Safety Valve RtQUffS urt 111'ftd to t:r/}rt.J/J thrir Q/;fnlon on mottffs /;tr· toininR tn broudt·Qslfnt. If sou /1Qrt som, trinxJnu, if ,011 /,or•t som, ron•trurtiv, mllrinn to offtr, htrt is :,our chonu far t:r/;rt.<sion J'Our su/tl;, vu/:J,. Tiu ,ditor ossumtJ no n­.</}on.ribillt:r for staftm,nt.1 rnadt Ir.,· rMdtrt a1td t,"'1/isl,td on 11,is pat,r, u~ uJunion.i of L"Orrt.<f)ondmts do not r,pr,smt our tdi­turial pulzcits or btlltb •• 4nonsmous lrNn-s arr not considtrtd.

1.ralla anJ Sew z..,JnnJ h• ftnJ, ll11t u,~li-r' c-uuntrl~. h1h'Jnr ori""' thoston th,. r4Cht th11t'.i. :ir~ l~ rasic1t with whkh to cunJu.d radio lf1ephony tt"st !t. and hr hAS r~ce-h·~J not.hrnr but "°xcr.ll~nL rrJ1etrts from them.

J-Ie Jt. a.nx1001 Lo diaeo\.~c:-r thtt tnOlt ..u.ita.blt" hoW'11 -for tnlD.lml11iona to the nnous pllrl bf the Bnti•h £m. Plr~. Owmg to the- different tlmtt pre-, ,·a,Jing n dl1tMnt, part.a of th, wc,rld, thl!l •• a maar:r t9U.11if1C fo, rruh•h r!L"­er.irch Dnd <"(Jnt1nut>J ,.x~rtmeriu.

11, w 111 ~ tatl~g ln ta lure on Tu~"Y•. ThuroJ•>• anJ i:at1.rJay• rrom <l-i b.10. and f1um ~ 8U-I0 S~ p 111, u1 o un SunJtt.y:w from tl,'; a_.m. A1uJ l -7 p.n1 .. a.JJ lht-~~ tunn bern_g Grrt"nw1ch m~n tlmt'. The tran.!mla-­• an:1 will b~ lt.'!1l out on • W&\'e leni't,h ilf 32 mrtru ut prr!tnt .. "lthougb 1t i probublo thot itr )lnreu•t "'Ill ahonly be, r:01111( down tu i: wave l•nfth or 2.~ met,.,

\\ r 1l1i11k ll at you II ay I b throu,:h th~ m4"d um c,f :rcu1 to mtorn1 )Our tt-adt-~ uf thn~ rnp,.,rb.nt tX• p~rimrnt.a.l tran1rni~sions, L•f )!r. Mar­t:U•c, 1n unJH tb.iL thit•)' may f'lldt.i\ ur tu rttt!'l\t" hiR t.- t1 w1d .. n•bltt htm to raw additional U• t.n for th~ un-pro,t-• lnrfl\ of lhf'- t t"<:h11Ju,1 •HJ,. or h111 W(.lrk.

I\'• •hould mu •h oppr,<iate It if you \\"QUIJ rrquut. ) vi.Ir 1 tMdtrs to .8tnd ir1lu rc.iu tt-p«nl"' iH to re-ct-i,t 1111,

and ,r )'OU .... uJJ k!ndl)l' inform "' or thr natur.- of thr.111tt u-purts in ur'\J .. r tbJAt \\"' ma\ r'-'r'-'aril th"rn tu '1r. Mun.•u ~ "n L•h•tf ot ~·our paper

W~ •hill! ue ,,1,u,d to fornnrJ you !rom tim,- II tlmr any further infor• n1:.t1on r;orurdi11e Mr Marcu •·'"' t'X­'J'flrirnc-ntal 't vrk,

\I Ith i,. \ WU!hH, and thnnkinr you in a.ntirloalion ,it )'our co·4~rAt!Q1t.

\' uur.1 ,·.,r:,· truly,

l,F.ONARn F. Pl UGOr-:,

1J1r«tor, Radio fn\.trnoliono.t Pub. lkity S.rv,ce,., LW.


o.,., Sir,-1 would lik• to thank )Ir. Ylctur Simpoon tor ha mpport ur my k'!U,r ("W.W." 2lfl01%7/, llt th• aam• Litne I did not moan tut this obould be de~ from programme critics. Nn-tt.tthe-~sa. if eom.11o ot .),"OW' rtadtn would c:JIJTY oat my idea, lh•n th11 pair,, "-Ou.Ll i,. or •ome b•••ftt. Would on• of )'OUI' tt"ad~t'!C who liv~ a fttw hunc:tr,..:s mi19 from a broa~tlnr •tadan. l'I•• hla f.Xl'ffU',,..,. with th, SoJo. dyn"'J Pot p.rd~, on"' who ll•·• l" lh• North of l,lul!flWand,

l~hav• h•ard th• Technical Editor PPf"ak rrom !!FC Cif th., wouder­l ul qoalit1-. or lh Solodyn,,, but I wollld lilu! lo heJ1r or • OOMtr\lc lor's t-.X~rirnct" ~" .llln-~l.i}' ell&'• rrc.ted. At present, l have • lour nlv. tuned an"'1• ut, which cl,., >ery •ood NSUlti. I h&v~ hod t.hrou,;b mv hand., for repain, an 8 valff •u·p•r-Bet .• " G ,-atv, tuned R.F. tm­lH'<l••ic• cou(>lr<I A.F, kt, 6 val•• N rutrodyno, nl1<l hmv• hoard th• t:lslr•• au in tbi.l l<iealitJ', nnd up to rl•t• ha•• no! hoard a ••t (In th!> dhltrrctl that i,.d •n>-tblnir ottr my old cittu11. R•l'l'..;th, a 11 r ataL1011.1 1 hue rec,i'fed, and can IH­•om,h..,J for: KGR, .KFRC. KGW, 2KY :?UW, JOCK, ?ZL, tYA, •n phoo .. onlv. ~BL, 2rc, 2GB, •QG. aw ll"R• 6CJ., lYA, 2YA, 3\'A, KPO KGO. Kr!, JOAK, on th• loud ,p..._k,r, a ll"'•n unit. Usln£ 3 rndiotron ..nd l Philip• B<0C. a L,cla!1C'h• B bll1~1;y JSv. <l<OC 45v !tad, 60 to POv Audro. '1t'hon <oridl Uon-i arP. food. m&nl.. of th,. abon ran hf' ffi'C''"lvPJ c.n :J v&l«iH. both o

l,hont"' anJ th,. 1pr•!lkt1l'. Vfy ar-nal , oboul Go f••t hll!'h, a11d abo<lt I 5

ftet. lr-,r.~4 and an rut out 1nv !-tatio.n I wnnt ,,...,.pt Ii PO, whrn W•lhn 1011 11 worltlnr. r h>Vl' h .. rd th• ,..._ l,!'Nld,•a•t• of PC'.J.T, WGY, and othor !il.D.tion~ Ju~t a11 go<11t a11t J'M'-Oplt I yfar •lunr,,Me nf th, ,t.atlon.

lfopine a lot of ~th,r rroJ,-,1 t "Wittl,,.. w.,Jlly" will triv~ th• r t-xpl'-Y"ienre! In ihest 1111.rrs,

Your,,, «<..,

Piji, R. F, HEADOS'

The Mii:-btY. 83X P hilco bl S upreme. •

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fA.• 1i11ur1,.a, :rut•ll4t,,i,1 ,II tltr \ •-.ra Ch,/ -O.lif' •/ th, -.,r ,fi_~,,.t •"" "1,,~,.,... • tf,'4 of oJ.l tl11 ;Cu,Nttldn ,qw1p11ftl rf .. ,~. r•~ l)j)itr• t,'! • "1 .l ,rn .,. ,,., ,1,A.t.

Naura Chief Radio Set is Aristocrat of the High Seas.

0 SCE the bucb,ar cf ,-dlo op•ra ton.. the Naur.a. 1.,"bttt!, which tu.des amanr th~ p11lm ir1ad l•­

l&nb of th• ~uth IUld '.':orth Parlf\t. bu M'f'n trnnt-formf!d, by a rrad1.1al prot~u. Into on,, of tht> fiflr-"t tii-tf"d •rro ""'~"t" of h•r tVl)f" aftoat.:. t! ndou.btt-.dly h".T Wir~ln• ind•II•.

tio,a ._ un1quci In th• Southrm Html• 1;!:,,t,e-. hoilc. ui, u It k& mo,.. hlcr an at.A\lon than a 11.andu,i mantie l,eit.

t'ctrrnft'ly t1h~ w;.1 ftlltd wi1h a ha.If' E..W 1pa.r.t tf'llnsralttrr' and • alugtl" valu Pl rtt11•n.!"' ThP (l'&r li&t1 ~efr 1neonvtn.iflntlr ptw:t"d, lfl&klng th. tuk of th• opnawr llll lf!'.1Ct'tJi11rtv d~t on~. C"ontl'oh a.nJ •wikhf"• •tr• u w-1drl:y u,p:u-aud that lw ..,.u obU~ h l"!'l:raire ln a "°alkinc tour laid ore ht t'ould Jtart up.

t'oraierty. aJso, th• tft""bin • • • not &II that <Ollid bo dOiired. For on,


t mg lac..11...J p, ;tn..>I • wh1th In th~ truptes b II ... no!H d11• dVll!ltllCt'

AU tt11l ,,, ftO\\' cha11rtJ nu~ obln l-iu bfot.n com1•lj!'trly tfltaodetled, a J t\Urit with pmtbole.& -ar.d not anly

~~:~~~:\ \'::nkv7;,~e t~r~~~:' 11!~~ tion, but •-> ru11 of lrl"• r b thf' uh n 1h11. alt .. rition 1nu&t l,l" pad "'l1Pn •ia'lUnc on c~, uoh. to phy int pro. port un.1, 1ht' Ive foot n1,th1nc tn11.n \ll·ould al .. f'p n ,nurr rtirnfort lh•n Lhr dz. !ootn, ~•ho w ,11! I auf!'rr from t.lt1graphi•t'• tump n the knf'H, Q•',.inl' lQ the tu.•(!" .,ry thi>tln\u.l ul

h111 p11Urt. Th" i:,p..,rator. ho"'"fi"J", 6nd8 ht3 1tt

f'ondUC' n to tt,,. ••"ttt.'!t of Jrnms. H(' ti"''"'"'" 1th h,~ head 1rar ,.,, tWIJ

lnchMi 1\ff th..,. hictt vo1tace 1tt-p up lrantt'ormtr.

To can upott him 1lu•p:n1, on@ wuni;~n hov.· hP ,J.,_.,,Jt, buril'"d a, ht' 111

The World'" Flycr,o carried BarrCS&.

in • 1,.a of t«hn1niltt.,,,s Tht "Id ut t;u b(, .. n bu:r,~J in .11. n a11 1.11 ln.,trJ• m .. nt.-rrn ••'lAV:"ur'a •: rhtmare.

T•u bulkbrads ue t"arnplettl~ tov.-rMI vdth 10P.trumf'n~; a portion of the dPC"kltt"ad • 1I th" dl"Ck 1t1~l! \1 • d~po 1toey (. r Tit;r:'•rroa.s It'<' 1.fortA -..( tlv.. f't Little- of lhl! d«k r1..1n t, .. ,.-c-n for the YIL1t array of .\ and H hatter,,. wh th art" pa.ckNI thne

The rompl cA!,J I t&1lat1on l! m11rll1 up of a numl.Jrr of in: l:vmt"r.t• The t, taodln~ p,trtri arr

Thll' cng1nal half h .• \\ ._park truns. mlttrr with rn1.1tor 1tntort1tor.

'r f'lt!funken ~rn~rwtnt~· 1park: roil • 1th Pnu~r:tncr 1ccumulateir1.

Two-1,·ah,- phont- tron1mltt1-r. F'our••·• l\lt"' r~th·cr. ''t'·\·&ht' ampllficr. Np,'?'t' sin~l" vaJ-.·e f'l lYf'~ rt•o•iur-. !hI~Y11h1e kAJiola,

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B.B. C. and Enipire Radio--Reply to l'riticis111 Ji·on1 Australia .

1,f µro­• I r- Nhl.

o muniratN to

.. ,, hU\'f r1,1 nfotmat on u to tb \late ~,t the ne~t ath•mpt 11

~ciuare Cf IL. with earh Phu, ...

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The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Friday, 2nd D•<'n,b,r, 1927, w1aBLE88 WEEK.LT

. It 's All i n the Air

Coming Feal11r~s In the

Broadcasth,g Program~

ROY RY A.N WiU rive • novtltr • hlttl1nr att. trotn ::i!FI.! on S:s.LurdaY

rd Dff,r,mber. flt ruu 1a ,artt'O A~ttolr~. and hi1 work 'lhOtild pro,~ ~ t.erta,nin.r to dtvoteu o! ~ 1.1 ......

l-:XIYFA'l!T\' CONSFRlATOR, lliM QlJAltrE'M'F: l't·of<n•r 8,r nan! Jlelnk' ~ud. b1~ t'nh-.nit3,• Co11

al t um Qu• rt•ttr ftaturad m tb• ro1nn1m" at. LO (or SunJ•Y •nnlJll'. lJtcrmtMr -&th.

••••• • •:-;ornn;c BL1' THf. 'Tltl TH .. ,

:Tami"! 1\lori\4l'om.ery•• cut12-edt will lie pl'1>C!ooed bf ~ 11, W, \arua Com-

t:~2:'it~~~~r,oan ~u;~:!j t: :':u l~~ tU~~r -~~ic:!~ p~h p.]dlure thll from "Nothtnc but the Troth,"

• • • • •• CHARLES RENTON, old :rrc

fnvrlto, bu writle-n to 1.btl atuclio o! ~ trrtnc eonJi,'T&tu.bltlona on tluf: ,uccesa o! the N«nt Emp!N bruadcuts. Ho b .,th the "On Our S.ltction." Com• l""'f, and 9hlJe pll.ylr,r •• B,oalla (1',.S.11 l ra<olved • lttl.<r !ram his brothu. who la at &th (Somm,d),

wh h he tafll "\Ve liaiened In lo _re nbroodc .. 1 by %LO, and ,....., w,ry udtl'd, u t.he prolfD.In-ma camr thr uch wondorfoUy."

• • • • • • Cl!RLSTI!AC: cnttR: ~FC ha•• a

l tAh)" r.Jl Lht'lr own for lboN•wl,o are tick, and 1ulftriur, an-d pa.rt1~­la.rl7 at Cbrutma1 tune &re thclr •n•rrtH r•d11uM d 1n ,pre&dtnl' ch~

~Clt~~':t!:,~i:•!ciJ'!c~~[dh!; been an-anted, bot~ 1tlcrnoon and tvtntU. for th& p~.t.ronll at Waterfall sanit<i.rlum. Th• Sm.ith f • rnUy 111l't1 kndit11r tht~r ,ahubl(I aid, and Offr ,v.-e11t:r-fl.v@ &rttAU wm bnrhhm tht1 hoan with t.M:r t'Tl.t"rtainme • On l14lnd•Y nlrbt. 11.ith tlfeci:mbt-r, 2FC

~- !\.t1: ~i(J.~t;..•nwtUrd:i::d on t.)i,. Prbc.,. o! Walo-t lh1pitnl 0

P.a.ndwiek, and in 1oni: and 1t,:,r7 r~ Hu h•PP.ut.r da)'I •ith tl\• p:at.,"":it.• 1h1n.

\I lCGIE FOSTER th• rv.r-popa. ln.r s-irl w,th thll' cutl and • ri l n. '.\fante Fo1ttr~ vi, breaclurtinr a~atn tr-1,)m 3LO. ~,Jril,cni1rT1t-4 .. ....

"!Hf: ~H'DE..'\T PRIW'F:''• Ac• t and 8 of ""Tho St ditnt Prtmf'" w l l• tn,nunltttd by LO from H ll• ]NL\ 1 Tht-atre on Suturdsar •ven n.e Uerr.tnbt-1' ~,I . . . . . .

01 It ~I l'lt£ll"E .i-ATI0-.;,11 ~BLO: S(ona• r ll lJ n tu aptA at the Plc». a.tit :--undn)' A! l'not n :i

W1.1.1Je:y Churd1 cm Sund•)' att•moo r.ext. Vo«rohor lch. Jhia •P.«h vt be or con1!Jenbui in~r .. t t, li<.tccn and u ..-ill IN! ~road,,,,• b iLo. Mclbt,)urnt. .. . · ...

A MAORI l'Rll<,RA!,nlF:1 A llOlrl • prornmrnl!I or Ma.orl muic u ho ns:­Arran.,ed by ~ compo1er, D re h WaJ,l>, •n.d wtll be, .,IVll'n from .. t-•~ 1tlKlia, on B nday, ••h D«tinbe Brr1on Taylor and \\ 1m!l'('d Ju;r. r wm bo u1oaat<d with Mba Walsh "" thil oa.·".ludun Tho pr~ammct will ln<lnde a ulk on tho mtul<l l•~•A<b and msthopoetlc c ntr-pt!Dlli of tl lla,)f'UI of ~,.., and iu:• compo..,J bJ ll!!H Wal.ti. who • a na•ive cl 1 10 Pu tnlo.n.

. . . . -. ·osr M lS, O:',E \O'fE" 1. ~~=-~:l ~c n~~~e:d:!t.ct\e ~1

prurc • .1- lt in l t' mAtlft' l l tnJcr pb ti. , a1 far a t "" poktn word ii con t·n1·rd Tbt" II W \'cmA Ce>mpa 1 sc red a nd. i> tr1umph with tbur readl~ fr m '1b• !:illver • bul c acknowltdr1n~ tha "'' I 1111 .rued

=~i t~~~~lo~f,e ~~t!nb~ ~ii "hkh pla) ao ma I part In ti, r'IJ'Oduet cm. ln th• CII dA th,, act aiood round le a • :ii.i~trtl• b fo:tt the ntlUCJ' <1ac-, w1th "'e res~lt tha lhOH M • r t to it retordtd, l,ut tht1tf' on I he- .. outv."' a ~t wu·t"• could ar...rce!1 ff burd. 2FC b.uo now arunrrd f. l" t.he romp& ): l • l. 1t • 1 nsr t1,ahl11 on whkh are Arranged

~r·~n~h:i ~ -~In l~ :::J ~~u•. ph.ot\.t!I, Strid u,., !,a!AneP h fVenJy miun• uhu,d lhrouwhnut.

• 'fhtre is no "jtl>'l·ll.ll·l!:ood" u Burrd&.



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ECRF.KA: The ,3rd annlYU!lU') u tebratlon.s or Au1t.n.1..a•a only "a.r­~ Ea,..b Stodwl.,_-,.,11 be cel•­brai..d OD u,. actual all• o! lh• •l'i•ode a t Ballarat 011 ~unda; aft•rnoc.,n, ll~smlJer 4th. lll.0. Jll•ll,ourrie, "ill brou.dn..n the t:peec!-!~, :at th" rerl"-­mon,- On tN' rn of the .:.nmvns.11.ry )Ir u ... 1,:t RGe. Wlll ~Y• n l&lk Lruai 3LO upon Auitn.JU1'1 Haby \1, .-r.

H0LDE..'i'S BA:",IJ FRV\I IIC~­Lt:, Bf \C-H : Altbouzb llold a'• llalld are fnqll<'nl i,ut'orm•n at KL, Ust.,n,n aro al'l'aya road) ,. th l•t• ttta uf ai,pttc.!iltiun gf thl"lr rtfort11. l<•:C•ntly LCL have cumlllt!OC.d Pltt) -1nc th# concert.a ,l'l\if'n L-)' Jl(dden's !!and ll\ the ll•lllrr llnd, llotund..

WlllELIES8 WE .. tLY 'F"rldaJ', 2nd p .,,mbff, 19?7.

\1Rm'S I~ I l·STl\'f: \100 0 : The A•rman at Point Cooke ,. 11 b• t'n tm on .1-ruiay, lk-cembu 2nd. atd 3LO ,.. I broodca&t a dnt:rlpt on by :Sorman M crnnct1 of their doin1.,"111. Th•.-., will Ii• o blr d11,dre1 '• f•t• and Xnuu 1,...,, and Fulb•r ('hr tm•-, n all h: i:k>ey o! r.J cost ~ .rnun,,, "'"ill lln1vei br a roplAn..

T n~ltr (J/1, F. J, 1/,/11), uho u t~, ,•0•011,r of/~, 6(.'t, Bog•' Ow•. 1/r ii IA 11utkvr of tJUmi"'r~ hNmt1rou• btHJk,.

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)<.,, ArP1M"11't 6twd (11 opr1't1t11n 1nStud·,0Sil. l,dt3LO. rhi, ii tho!" 1•lttt' t.i11tor• trllo ,, ,Jkt" 1,p f"f' 11M1bl• audir11 r CWt,trn /rm•• th«1r ,c,at,, Th terv< atJtlf'n ..'fl.u" ur, Jrrf' tllf',,. brnrjil. JJt, ~hdn1u:, th.f u11 ..

J!.C,.Oll"f't'. u ,i!COttd ,,,, th• ,ri,Wf1irt ON th~ !,ft.

The Significance of 3LO's Pr:oposal l'rtr 3/ () Ct>nr~/lfllllitlll stat,3 th.- ra,,• [111 1/ie ,l/,-fb1wrne S1t1/wr,, u:/1id1 !111, applirJ fin pi:,-1111,.1i1m IQ ,1et1 ,1,1111111.,

111 ld,•la•J , l'cr:h and lloi)(Jrl

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Par• Fam-tom WIRELESS WBBELT Frlda.r. 2nd »-mber, 1927.

£10-0-0 "The SCREEN ED FIVE" £10-0-0




Polothcd Hard Rubber P.,nd. Sae. 24 x i x 3-1 b. 0

Rod,okteS Solodyne K11 3

Crodan Neutrnli.1,na Con-dense~ at ) 9 0

.. d.

8 6

JS 0

7 6


5 AjDt Black Base Standard Val,·c Socket~. at I 2 •.• 0 5 10

I 6 ohm. Ajax Rheostat .... . 0

2 Ec:onotron Audio T rano-


formen, at 8 6 .•• -· • • • • 0 I i 0

3 CcrtiEcd SLr. L.owlon. Elec1r11d Baltcry Switch . • 0 2 0

B.M.S. Sm11lcCircuit Jack • 0 I '1 OOO'i Condenser<! I Q Q () 1 ; ~ nmco D, I•. far aamc,

I 7 6 • 2 6 I I F:naravcd T urrunals. at 4d. 0 ; 8

S Brach1tiil T •lament 8111ln1ts. Balcdite StrlJ, • • • - ..... • 0 0 9 10 au,t \ J!vca, 111 --1 9 I 3 9 I Doz. l.gths. Square Buswfre O O I 0



Standard "Econotron'' UB201A Valves, .-oh on filam nl 25 An p, 30 to 150, on I I le


Siu·• II00J; ind .0005 1\1 F Fin,· Scpar lion; rib• bon ptgla1l

15~9 200A VALVES.

"Econotron" Super GM Con, tmt Dttedor, ~ Volts, on lil•m~nl, .25 Amps., .?O to SO, on plale


Wilh lhe Econocoil Short Wa.\'e Adaptor ~ in conj1D1ct.ian PARTS with yoUT Broadca.rt SeL £5-9-4

( I 1ES Ht-Our 1u1rt, Ott' al11Jol1Jll'l) ruriunt~e-d lu e;iv, -..ati•hrtlvn, :i-:C'nd your _.,rdtr f n.a.lly thial your mnne-7 Ul r1 luudt-d if Jou art" nut Ml :-..flrd ll'lth Jhl" t"POCI"' u1to11 N'c.."t"ipt al

mu rf'Jurard to us within tea da, • \\:ci Pay c,,.,a,rrlagt' on ad l)rdt~ "r lb - and o er. e,: t nn. t" ,-. t ab~n Batter et,. and \ 11lu1: Paya.hie P t P.nrtt:1!1.

F rlll IC, Sl!R\ltf addn-o Mall Ord,u 10E(O,;t1\IIC 11\DIO~IORl:S, '92 i.r0r11• Slr•d, >-1d••1

"\OUllS ron LOW[ R PRICE.'!,"

THE ECONOMIC RADIO l'\RR\\l\lTA: I :-,nsF.\: '

l:nr llorqu•rl• and (:~ur<b SIi, :ZS :SL\V no, Al, AilCAD.P~ I '!'hone: UW OG~I. 'l'h•ne. M 5049.


569 lllllller St, Wat. 'l'boD•: New. 1622.

• ••••••• •••• •••• • •• •••• •••••••••,• ••••• .. •••-••••••••••u•••u••••••••• .... •••••••••••••••••••••••••---•-••••u•• .. ••• .. ~

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C' lll~r..i lo I h, 'I rut

WlllBLEI• WS&lltLT

<:t.ate tat1ou at uc 11,nt loud •J>t'~lc•r •trf'nl1h. 'U nc an ant.u.1 tap• prox 60 f••t Jona. W1th an ••~r•g-• h• rht or o fH!I. one t1'1r,c 11 worth not ne h~rt-, , l p to tt-A p-,~nt, t.h, •Titer hu not betn abl, to ,n.

roll • un ""'' UL frum , 1,0 urot1I 1 o t!O("k riach "', btit ,.atll•r

than th th, 4ht ~tnfnYn<'• that t «arc ly ,. r.h IKnh•r

C rtuit

Friday, 2nd O,r,mb,r, 192~.

,onsut ~f !O tnrn1 of :S:o. vO D.S wire :S:,utral!sinr winding l1 tint uf :st.ti •uun1I on the rormtr w h a war thst ,.b,n arnnr,d w th n tho 1ttondar7 coll t a>mt-5 ln t.he rr tre of th• ... ondary w nd1nr. On th• t p or th1• n1•utralivnr 11 wrappe.J one turn ot t:mplr~ rJotb, or wax nrt­rldre pap,r, and on the top of th ruuln\ on b wound th• primary n,

ron::r1st nr ::&l!o or :o tanu of thr am~ gaure- '9t ire. The c-on'1rrt ca~

ma; bo non in th• cln,u,t di:,rnm. and &I o on th• ba<ek a! dttu t cLa cram. The ans U,.msel..-01 ran ~ made ot f'llhu ropprr or ala m o,d should bo- 111 1 ..... 1 ~I lncbo n

~r','!:h i:uid~:a':ui"~~~~:: th.- m•tal • n2tlwd. It. miut b• onrloohd th,,\ th 1 ! In h e t1>r anC'r mUAt 11lso h~ provldf'd for .. v,n at th~ top ond bottom of w nd DfL


Tho first operal.lon n con t~nir th1S rocrivor !a to n,ark out nnd t!riU t~• panel '" A<ffpl tl-.e throe urlab rondtnser-. th rb•o ui. the wl• acd thr Jae\;. Tb• d arnin a=:­vanylnr tbls article ,ho", th, duarn 11ona and tht duLan('~.s (Jf th, var o'ln parta. and l>flid,,.. this, it wa draw to -·•• .Sot lbo"ll. but III t b< pro, ldtd tor, ar• tho ntttt1ary ho • for tb• t"~tch .,..,.,.., of tho TOrm.,. di• 11, and aho tho!• thtM holn n, qllired ot thr bottom ont! or th• pace!. with -. blch th• pa,,tl I! llxed t e b111eooard Ai... Tl c,ntrr pul!tb be for. attemph11J to drt.1 .. u this pre ,,nb th• drill allppmr. and thus rlltH1nr u~lv <iCrattr.l", vn '&ht urf.a.te of the panel.

Ba rbo&rd.

f'N!p:1ro the ba.,bc,ard by trlmmlnc of tho e lrH '41U0.1'1'lf, and tr••~ l to a coat of ht bt" nr aol'ff> othe-r

quocl; dr)'ln, ,am! Whfll> lb.s d17inr, mul. out th• t•rmln1I 1tr1p fc,r the termins1t rflq1.Jlr,-J f r Ii.• lmtterios, rte. Sp•rint: th,.., le m1nat, ont" lnch •~ is an ~.xee ~ • d1Slante ll,ow .,,.,. the pan•! to th,, ha ob<>ard, ond pror~ to 1•7 out the l>:1?11rboard apparatus. Follow out 'the • ui,r,.llon civ•n In lht plan vi••. Th11 w!U be fow,d very fltdmt, al-

l'htko BaUerit'>. ~H' Pound• In a Year. ,,,

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J,,•·h11;: t or 1horl lodll~ whrrtt • hor l l""adi 'ft'141tll"r. ~ 1"C-W t\·r r)'thitlS:: uc.unly to thP N~boa.rd. 1b11n mm­mtDCF U," wlrin• .

l\ iri11c .

J(\tn Lbc • rr11l lo th~ a,,rl• I ltm11n11.1 of t ht1 fini u,l I f'on.nt"C.•l t.t,,. l-~ tcr mtn.e:1 t o the, fl trrminal fl!! thh ct1U. lhcn nm • wlrtt lo t-ht" f'ar1..b L~.nrunal on th~ urm1nat hMrd. alao to &JK­rnorinc pl• 'ita of the fir: L condf'Pl't'. '" azir ~tde ••C l h~ two •mprrit~ •·hich p~rrn the two radio r,..,11rney ·uh-ra. aJ"" lo tht movin; :rlAtf'l", nnd tM 1-• t t'rmlnal nf tht: rn1rl,tlf' ,An, Orn to nne 11,if, of t{'i"' Lb.en loo~ k1! f!f ~h of t hf' • udlo n,t..-s and Lo oa• a de (!! the 1':1t.ttny nriWh.

?-:ow ~<Hn lC>rt"th,r ane Jo' trrmin,1J or both ra.ri1ii frt"quftncy ,·• l\'1 11ockrt, and thf' ri11lHtnr v•lYc IH)l1kC",, H,"n tin on1' nd~ nf thr .,.\mci,rrit~ so\.-rn­UIC tbr rwo audio ,alvn, thcnc-f' CHl lo th< .\ l")IIU,-. t,nni11al ..,,1 R Mi::atiTe l<'.rminat o" th,. termfn.,1 ~rd Th~ N"rna1ninr atrtr n! t1'lt! Ampt1.ritea 1.,,:~rn1ng- th,. Ant two ,-ahfrtl a.r-"" ~lhf'd lo thr N'm••nmi: F krminala ,of t.arh -..--a)ve (l('ktt th,y a,atrol.

\ 1/i,d,r tlwt G l«mlDal .r t~• frs•

•a!Te IIJC'Xn cLt.r,,p Offf" •ffi,- ..._, • r,.,,!ltJ'&li$in« i::nndl'm.Pr. and rf',,at Lhb p.rocul wlth • ,i.-contullry radio cockt't IU\d lht: J('('ffnd f'lf't&t:'t• ttdnc irondmau Now }'l111 G of t.he fi~t ca \o G l<Tllltnal of t.he Ar ·. vain


aOO.ttt, whf'f('IUfl~t'f t1 • lru.dy s:tlrrr,1 OOf' 1dr of thr lil'tjl r.ah,-in,r ..:nn, rl,.n ,.,. Th<' nlber 1lde ol t.hb fir t. nt!ulrailuioE' t"Oadcn~r, JOfflt'd w 'l or t!le mldJi. ,an, C'onn.ct I' or th• nr I val•• aocld to I' nf loo ll\ld41• ran, Join l; of the middln on &o-1h1• luflff rfat,r, tif 1hr middh• vulahlri

~~~;=kt!~~::k ;~ !;ttfu~f :l~l, ~h: n'"at..ralhln::,tr- •lr-udy u,,.,., Th" atbrr , 'Jl,ci o! thJJ l«('nd 11ru trat 11nlr coDtJ~n Mr. cari nee\. to N o! the t.hlrJ ~ ~n. t• of thm r--an r~nnr-ct ,o r nf 1h,- 2otl vaht> 1-0fkr-t

Nt1w Join fi ~r lh1r1f rum to tl•f!< hxNt rfat• t!C the "•d var1Ula r 11 dell.N'r, U,t-nc:e to <; ,,, thoti d ·1trtt'lr ,-.!ff :fOC"lrt.. P of \.h11~ ttlve- aoth·l join lo It of &.h· ri l a udio tnan• Com,u G n! th1, audtn trandorrnr:r llnk to ft e+C lhe 1Lh vaaln~ orktl r of o,., '1h ~';llH, i''l>l."ke1, join ID p .,, lh., 2:nd aad10 lu11 fnrm.-r fj at thl• ::nd aurl lnmdormrr. JOln to C, o r (hf, lut ,alvr «l t i\talcf! a •hort f,.ad from P of thi lea L Y-a)n •«bt. tn offl'I eld~ n( lh.- J• 'k, thr nth,rr I •fl" at ""h.lrh ,. jvln(',I t~ &.he n TH'l!!I tlvi, amphf>•lnr ,rrn,111al 011 thfl Irr m1ri11l Mard. •rwi •ho lb n flf lbf! :nri audto t.ra13.11ormer.

Battny l .t-ad ..

Sow r~"td lo run in th., b1tt .. ,,. lf!••ti. Ta'kt a N':nnrdlon (rnm lhfl' A nftpUvc \l'Mnlrt• I to 1hr: rrm-.11 ll'!r kl• o( tb• ,witch. II rottttvf d,t,c.


Th Yalvt' 1 f tlM' rfff' '\"r,- built

St.Aodard UX201.\S. r I throu h nut •11 1t.aar1 l..Mk nn In the In,: t Ml "f>,.d&t I •t.c,r ,-al\' t!X::11-0 \ v,11 tnun,i l-0 hf- 1n o-1, ~t"' Th· TI N.U~r.T \olt• qn wu• .,.,dvll7 id•r<d TLe J odor

--------------------------------------'\'ou can Recharge a PbUco for a Cew pl'11~

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r.,,.. Twe:itr. w11u:1.r:ss WEE!t.LY Frida)", ~nJ Do<0mbu. 1927.

All Yozt Require in a Receiver

lu lrop1c Jun;le. Buri;-.

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s.u,h AW<"•h•: ~h'.,1, 6DW, t<:L. ijuc~u.~11.uuJ: "t.,;R, 4Q(..i. '1 a1inuu1.iu: 'iZL. 1'-ianr od11.•r •L•H ons. 'i'CA

ca,c:u~~"-, KlJUl, JVAK. Jv\..iA .iapa..r:i. ~le ti.a,o bftn t.unt:d In a 11 rtc:n.:nc. llm••• at 19Ud •~aku • en.:-i.h.

~i\rtJ," futllltr tnl H!tcll wu1dd do W4•11 ll,.1 i,.1:t thttir lot:al agtoht 11 dt:mu.m.tuat(' u. ;'\uw :,-;yllil(l'tn lt."C't•1v,1t "'htn ti fuU vusa bll1tl ~ \\ ll b<- 1HI

J, or pn.rucu an a.n l.'C obta,ncd fr S-ew ~ m 1·~ pl1onu 1'141 l !)7'1:J • •°' A l&lik'

••• Arnutroog cy ~ o' rc: h ntrat n • u and &JU ,e1;1pl 1ed n IU ope • i.; are machined u,to the cha • a cann.a\. 1:t. t t. f ordf tso

uu~:,Hy a aernh rd a1v th r l.1.t.ed paru tha• tha n.lU n1ptu'1 e t 11 11 u:tM!mrb l't', h

11 • IH!W atandurd ln pc-r1orni•~• Ex rof'11~ core hat b n tllken thA

th• wall not drterlorlitt with u• and all be-annc• &re p ovided • h

Ion •Pfl- U> take up any pol uble Wr!il.f,

The ,ptt'n'I f tunm,1 •h 'eh milt~,·• opt'l'at 1011 10 liropl11. t u: d tn ordrr t.o allow thn u,e uf a11 indoor HtiAL lh I an1 of thb I}"» tc-m the .recitt~er &I roy t.o 1un•

~ •.; .. ~~:"!f!I.:~ ~':.,~a•ll AU ~v..-n att 1:uanntced ab&O­

tutoly u.andard and ~liorm tDctly 11tko,

F.,·ery tlet.a.ll lll tlu• ri,111,-n nnd t1n• I h of the ca.binf•ls ttnl"<"t I th" th01n:ht and or on~ nf Au1tralia

11 for1:

moat dulgnus. er f\n Cunutur~ and I.he range co•crt •Yf'TY requ1ttMent.

A, an e-.u.mplt of 1ho ra :;;c f t.h 1 ncelvtr to .. ,et•• 1hr l'tillo11riir11: ,ta .. Uon1 c,n the lnvrl pea.lRr 1n cmo , wn1nc is not un1u.111l -• ..r:,.;f;:1-"rl IYA, t.YA, ~\'A,

iu~~i\·~;8~·~~1,. :a1 •. m:, 21.;,,, \t<tara: 3LO, $1 Z, 81!11, :Ar.

Th4: Ad., 11,n t fue1 nry ii w rkini-fuH lime uh th pr-oduttton of ~'ill • I n,•v.· lm.!.J 1i1 h1 h •,ull hr, rt!leo d rn t at nt'&.f" f1H Urt!' l'ht pror,r un pol ey of the roro pany hu tu. ,m t.i re u I th• add1tl a d btc la l.o lM f'WlO th:l\ ••• or i:;inally all<d .. he: Adva t i.- mmr ce,c! n • nvf&C"• tun. OnJ}• t B rAOnth• -~ I t 1a r.l'.'t.of7 ga,·e emptoym nl Lo • tl 111 r t :Jli h1md.l; to4 ()a'° lhrr• 1n1• ":'O him.-! ro-n­tantl)' ~n1i I )'r,l, To thl!I or1.,tn11I

m.a.i:-b.incry havo ht-en ~ ~ ral nut modcll d ~ fo.r ., .. .a•.-r pro­c!unton and t.niportaot. LiU a Bakelila plar.t ia riow ,.J

Ad\ rn>dtlet• ha\"t' .-nJnr t • ,·trl' laraci ulo lhrou~out. Au tratla me.Inly d1.1t to \.h~lr e!t..a.blh.hNI ,•ffl1' .. rn<"Y, •nd "-Ito 1htt1 to tbr au« •rul arhtrriMm: 11"d JS1U t'ampa.i¢n. "hJ h I>.• al,....,- k•pt them before 1..'ao nuho rahti<.

t·or Purest Musk Use only Philco.

----\ FILTIR CIR< 111 \'I<\

Ill Ill l' Lil l'RII I~ AU u o «" are ucrttd

U at 1t. I •d\:ant.aS:ti6U;5 LO hM'C u ~1-ll'r circuit ·• tv.-ttfl tbe '11 t ,aho tL.nd Li1 • l ud •1,uk1 r. Such n (' rcu1t fs ual!':nU.l t vahu of the- a ptr•powrr typa ar• llM«.I a,nd ln atl)i cue wt.en, tho lan T"al • ddiTer-11 10 W •~ or o u The A mp! n N(tron I a eotn• pad and wr:11 d sisn,,d rlrcu t., C1Jffl• ,,r.srn,r compcn nts bsvlt,,: the ~ c1ui 1te t•h-ctni:at ,·alue:t. At.. th.-. t1e,.­rodu ~ ,., let, ll rv1•reatt:nll 1•xcep­:..011•1ly gl!Ol-l Ynlu, url 1houlrl form • p:art G ,., ry r.d.lo (Of{ pmirnL whcCt" a C'. ne Spoa]<,r ,.-i th 1b tb• S !tron ('ja, be b.n~!iciaU7 " rd with •r.y type of ---('11\M,1•: Of l\l"IIJJ·.R.

f'rr-111 llr r1nb•r :trd !I lrlf'l"'iwm~ n11mbtr• nt Tht <"lydo llatt~r, ~u­'l"u: ta n •Ul be- lt• '1~S and ~1~-3~.

Page 24: RELESS WEEKLY -€¦ · RELESS WEEKLY \Ot UMF. 11 :>.L1'1Hf·R 1, The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 2 nla.obj-678528424

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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WIRELESS WEltltLY Frida7, 2nd Deumber, Jor. .

..... .. .... .. .. ........ .. . ... .... ··············· .................... ···········································•···········

Summer-time is Portable -time. Build the simple three vdve po, table radio receiver described in the November issue of "Radio .. to take with you when you go holidaying this Xma". Corr· lete in case with loud.speaker, frame aerial, and battery compartment, it can be built at

little expense.

Other Features Include: Shorl•Wa.-o Rts<'arch Work. By A. S l\kDonald, A I M.L. in

Collnbo1111on with I . \t;', L.n,km._ W!at I Would Do if I Had My Studio. Ry Jack Win.

What Chance Hu Bro&dcul.m!; of ln1hxocmg;uage? By Joan Macknncas.

Prominent Penooalitica al 2FC and JLO in Caric,1ture. Dr,:cat of World-Wide R&dio N°'". An 8,. V ,il•e Super-Heterodyne.

Th Browning-Drake Four-Valve Rccet•cr. By H Lewu The Gomu Surer,Rdlex. Your Ch.,1Ce of a Loud Speaker.

What's New m Radio and V.'h~n, lo Buy It Latc:at Radio Newa from l.ondon, N""' Short-Wave Receiver and Tran,mittn, A Cheap and Ell'1cicnt M•f:'lelo Pickup. Amateur Experimente-i' Section.


ADIO 1/·


. . •····················· ............................................................................ _,,, ......................•

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Friday, Dec. 2 2FC, SYDNEY.

Farmu·a Bro.,ucuting Service. \\ lvt Un 11th, ,U. ll~tr-e,

LAnL l' MOlCSl"~t. &."8"10"'

WIBELESS WSl!!ltLT P- Tw,n17-Tl,r,e

2BL, SYDNr.,Y.

fr day \Ill Y M Ill,

IIUl'llthlo w~a, o,er the l'ula .. ilh ll)rcl.

Page 26: RELESS WEEKLY -€¦ · RELESS WEEKLY \Ot UMF. 11 :>.L1'1Hf·R 1, The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 2 nla.obj-678528424

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MORNI~n Sliii.: 1n:,.:

Tr~1r• r!'I

pl"f"i;; ••m•• tr11m 11'!•

ARL\' t;.\ L~L'- I JON

J. t r"' 0 I ,, ltt • rd ehlttt.-.i Cn Jtltr=• -. l.Jt p .1h11iul ,, fram J,, -~

1 ,,. Aul a ·­..... ,hr, "'"-'" "" r rru ..., cour1n7 al

f,-,, M.-•~ r••l')C'UI t'rud.ltt t>itt.rl'kliiO: t1,« ,,.,... h rt •nd "•rrl.ali.._ Kara f"9'P4r\.

""'a Ladaac " r~ Ora a •Dd fodda'r N'~ I ln. J U.1,-, fr..iv,... "'Pol""'- t II f u, hu .. , 1~ t fl( rm-- No ltt

1U, r, c..,ac, ~_... f,-w dw .._.., ..... t .. O P.lll T.a..Zat. JC.r Cr-rcDf'Y of ~ •

"1UI' ,.)a p.l'I T•Dr. on"t1in.; cu•rtcf' by Mr 1:.,p~ Ju-.. ~\.lllf'f1t1\f'nd•ttf (;1t7 C..tMI

I t'..m "'-• 1 0 C&.k ., ... r ~• p.,..,._~ ltutND111Lal Trie Ltulc,f! 11; \ b. ltn~r \:til'Wl' ftJI, G. V un tl&ro,,u o aan

t ~I p a1 -Mr PII I M 1Gnta.iD C cht Ha"4uaftt p~la t•et ...... 1a.r ... o

1 .,.O p r!l MIN MUI• HQVW9 •fll"f'li'"' I :i it f'I 0. h •lr.p l4•ti.nT~ ••IL ff.Arry Gt:a•

h.f.m ii 1011,c ·"· ,1.n,,. I t: p 111, ~ Mlrn aU •POn» UJ""t'I •UJ ~ oac:ricil.«I..

WIIIELEaa Wl!:l!llLT

• Ii• r, n, W••H,n rf"f'"~ •"tt fo1., 11 t h7 NKJrt... , )I r J M•~ r;o. M ll'M•~

~ J r,r, Fl:~•,.. .,/ '"'m,. \C ta •

r•r""a 111: P.""- \a )I H cbao-tt. I! 11 tn •itt• Mok.., n., .. ,,_, JI,..-,.•.,

rT"" • ti-a , I 1: fr 1n t~" I• 1,.......-f'l lor f 11rl'f1 f ! n. th '1r,C' IM"* •I L,~ 1•-., !fa,;.~,. n•_.,, Hftfta t, r. :tn, )' "' lh•

•••Oal'f' • U N' r•-.1 f,.... t•u ir'..M!"'

11 • • ,. ro < L •net ,ti. ,. Nll'•lt"IJIII ~lllh•"l"I

2GB, SYDNEY Th•o oph·ral llroad!'.4 lln;: l;trvt<.._

\I ave l••• tn. 31' ~!tlru.

f nd•), Mn.AN S(

t .__ M \ie lta..111 ~ T • • •1, a J'cT lu~loitW e •n am J1t t ,, • ""' H'•a! t, .... OM: If am C

APTCRJ,1001' l l.:lft 11"' ~ul I • r, A4dr• s., .......... I Ill,. A-'....._ ,t r "ft. .M • r t 10 ,._.,,_ CJ_.. •h•"


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'l'!'t\. M C I J'>,ft\ ~'""\1ri11" ,.,....,.,

It" 1111• ,Mr .. , hr \!r A ~ _.,..,,. .. u n r "" 1.,tn~ •ta t..,. o,., ~. H!l'1P lA"ll• Ada Sftld

l~TELffAT •• , .. A~O ... CLAU

••'U&IICA,Tl't. at.UIO!'r-S..

JUJ - lt.,...k .. 1h•• t ..... , -ef A•• U• ·••• Lt!L. ........ tflf, .,., ..... , -~ J ~ IPC-••t .,__ w,w.

141l A..-1a~4 Jb.tli• ._..., UL. lh• NMtnti ......... 1n-c-,h 4.!C ~~ 1141"'f't ,1,11,J,J .-.,u.

•~•~i..N1t1la11M1 --~• N11t•1t1•, In.., .... , •&"&.£41 IJW 1M acua., P1• d ... ••tt.,

• ''-4-••ti•I Sru4 .. auue• l.l4. A.tthht.a. •u•t.n1tb .,. ..,uu. i,c,••r 6000 w11u

•~•-•..._,. , •• • •,..."· l.t-4.. r1:r1ll. •••"-4' eta l.H -.o-. ,..._.., Hto •&lU

:u.-1u ... an1an 9rh4n1l.ltn. r ,, .. Q_.,,,_ w•,cU'r .,._ 116 llld.Ja. JOOU .. .,. aDn- rtN an• • ....._.,,., c.. r.,.

t.c.i. ca,u_. tt•••• \J.-ltui1ort11•. • av,ditrrr..Ja z l met,._ p"w"r •119 ••eta Jl 1 . ..--4) J ~~.,. A t,;.,, lhl_,..-. •••••.nlii au ._,...,.._ ,..-.-u Jff ••H.e

•CK-( •I• 11A41'1• £JH1tlc f'c,..k•. ,. ... • .. •b•. Q111,,111l•~. ,., .. 1 • ._.1.1t Ut .. 1.r ... P••1t lff wa l.._

lli..~p.... • • ti.. »,..,u. •• , ...... "· 44,1.111.. • ......... u. Ut tnt .1.-, pow,r JOOO •au ,

Jb~.-IDN Pt, •• w.4-. .411'-lallk. ••,... ~Iii ,I.I.I ••Lna, "' ... ,u..

'F'riday, 2nd DK, mhtt, lffl

~Ir.HT t;.:;&1nN

,. r"" """"- ..,. n r K ,i.,..,, J ._!'I'! ,.- 1,,1 M~ J ~ p,__,,

i, "'" """ ,....., _.rn..,. "'" f'lll>Pl'la111,11 HllPrl fl-me."' r,t1-I Jt1•c"1

•.:it .ftl ra,~ Ii trat"""'\ a.-, .... ~ ~JI pi,, .. , .. '""'t"b-

" rm A44N"M I, -• J t,; Po-­!\ 1 t ~c- 1,y ."I,,. ..,.~ ...

1 -TJ,, "'«\Al.- ~'l•4't I~" hlf"n Uh,­(,vt

• .,.. .-. ,r.,u,1 .,f """ \: alttt .-,lei,

all 1"--"fl"I tt\Sf,,_, ... ,., tal Q· •!'It D•a Muri• 1 .. , .. , c- Atta nn-o•

"~fl I'~ ·r.1w JO • ri o,,.., rtt,•n


S~lld"I R:.d,o, Ltd '!\'a, l•n~h, ~•7 llttte


'a.=,,. •• • Ml l'!C fflll ' f • .,. .. 6:!,., • ---'-' • :t • "" ~,,,. or ,,,~,.... ,, ,,,,,.,.,..:.~• If' ._m l'J.-r d • 11 Ill 11"'- pee I ,'"',il.....,.,.._ -m1. - a 1• •I~"' C ..,_11

: .. - ,6 • ~ t.•, r"' tv.. ... , f r•-u4 .,,....r~t. n ,.,,. <1-.. d~n.

I r,"' d10 It"'"'• a .n t .ft\. rt .. ,un• ,., f111,.,..•rtt P""l't&111WJc. II, , M...--a..• ~--

SIUtT liCi.ilOS

' P,.ff!. -"ftitr,1"~ ··•-CJ.o,I 4~'\l'le(r

110 n,.l!L r- ... "'""' 'Ill> t,~1Al!t, u r-'" ~ , .. 4 111.,"' n·c..aor fio,i11 • II 1tii,. r•hu•

.ti rm. T11,._ &111.-a,n, ~ ere, lknd

'I.JI £11• ,M l;"C'1'7 Uijs lrlp,o NPl'• H ....... rd

1" r l'.O ,Mn A Pn,,._,. ltt\111 • -Hi s.,1 ..... 1"" p.1111 thud,o ltrllU ti'°"' T-. 111pe,oa• ~ &cl -· 1 M I\ r., - W,11• Jh,r1• F,i~"'•urfr, t-loc lioatrtl ~~tfd

~ p.m..-'tbM ~"'~•. <,•Ide,!,~ a.M. • 10 p~ • • C.<lb ~- :ilea."° ,,.nu

•1ccv4. f, I~ rt ts ~uidiat tt ~h1t1l. , 2' p_m w,._ A rNru- "°'-'" •" •

!,rlAo, IM p_. )I ,at Oe'f1II f'llaaa noa,. d-r.;

i, .. 1. ~·ed.. J.lti ,_, "'· Ill"'• J•rwl ra1~tM11, SWU..,en• •l)J~.

--&a..,.,o in C Miet1r • tClr,op n). I II P.1'l .("life....,,. ' Natit.•~ t .. Mr

, .... t. A. II f.l p,. ll\oec, E1aapaoa • l,alA.t!'fl g~

lkr.d. .. i, p.ftl. \\'_tln:-, ftt~~ and •"'• llid\l f4. Dffl- <,~ F Ma n-l lnOC',

-n..t\l r.-1 ,.,. • c....._ .. I.II fl-Ill Iliff .ln,fl~ P'•lf'"""', l'&iMf.,.. .... •~.·· t 11: P • ~ ~tNaL t.rp..-. .__.,.., farwur11 ~ t• '•-UOII Sa•• LM Ei:D&'

Over-size Buri:fli,; for Heavy ~nt Drains.

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Broadc11~tinll' Co. of Ausl.

Wan Leeth, J71 )letrU.


It. I p • ~'1&1 ~ ~ht.! b, tlior A,,.., lftli&.r Ml'"'• a.a4 M~I, A~ from U.. t.nruf11a !,ll!ll'.'111. f.u.hallP 1,i,,. 4••· ~ • •llli ~b# A1o1UU,l.t•"' p,._ A™1f" •· o.. aW.-.. l',ut.1:1 Mir-~ wlffl- •• ._, lrMD Li..-... , ··.Ara,u' "-· -"..,

UJ,11 ...-.-COJUUfNtrf HJ>J'Gl~G IN' 1HE sn DJO, (iaul~. Kr. (; ' IIACI.AT, A••~ M' $T'LT1)14J QUA.8.'lLI SOLOIRTS.--

J()RN ?>. }'ILA!.fl.R. Wil.lM!-t: -A,• Jif•rb'' 1atl'l.!i~l­"'"8&t ..... •

J,,UlA lfO)lLOrK., IOPUMI TU-<.""" Boen.-ta.'"

.. ~ .. tcr .. pt•"' SO·-- t,,, ..... o,, ...... lo<: .. of Ut• tr,,:~1

l•'flll C...fl.C'll .., Auln.l,. fiSft,_ co~ .. 11'AJH l: LUfnR.D . .r UM' r.a. lh:JNn-< •""'l• •1U ....... 011

11••~ ftr111 •• O\~ C..-iftlr-,..._ 111 • Ill. !.i«lt !Jrn&D~ 111ccmu.1.-w, M~~ tat~•'•" ,;i,;,.._,M .. for.-. cw, •1\.d ,,1"t•!J for V-.e,t\A. Tuoiu1W1 s.otf: ,\~trs.l'-. 1'1,t l{... IMo,l\lli .. L "­~ f.-..cut. RCHT rti'O""'-"

I ..-.-Cltv ... -...

I .... - 11,r;lll,oani-e Oh,-.-.llUWT l •• •r111t. U J.. 80'\1"5 GA.RDl"Nl:ll fttc.U.'"T na­

C1!l:$Tll,\ t 1,i,u,s hnr· 1111 .... .,..~1 v Ira lollt &.r.-a •

LU r• -'-lSS YllANt:ES 1 JU.. Ell: Q1,1ri :,;.-. tn ....,,,._

UI ti-11t -HOYT8 <,A.&DlNUt M.llENT OJtCRJ;sTltAI

t•~llNI ... ol!lan<I'• iPt.tCUII\ 1.U p_. 'tl.-,k(E IIAC,I\X 1,:rU.IIOl

i... Clorltt:' 1L.•1o}, ~ ttl ftOI.. '•1r ClrtaW1la.11 lOkt

I,: p:..m..-so.. 1 AlJlrJlAM' O&POT .ro,~·t COOK&-- ni. lf'W .. ~ h Jtr. Jilon11•"11 .)let,;a.,t!a

I iT • WI "a:. lllA:!OS '\\"000 'u.,t.en• ""SM.J".,,tT' .. ,.,..a.trd, -To Ant..,_•

c • '""' HOYT'S G.\.&D(!'-U lll';(i.Oi'"T OJl.,. rHPTlf.A

. .,..... 1...-.n'' if,crn.t e.,,a,1 4.1 ..,,._-IIA.Rll:: 11.ACAN _..n,,&1

fValt n Se11'"1r (IIM'.11• .. :=ihloCt '°Ct'llbND (lab .... IJtM'"l,'lla" l),t)

t 1c 11•-RO~ CAJWr..t.-11 Rt.C"El'T O&t.KD.TllA I ,r..~, 'Jt.-lqo-, ~a..,.• !,:.....,i H,,.,,,.•• ,..,,_.. ... ,

, :I ,-..:a U. MA.SON Wl'WH'I Mn~• .. T .... In a a.'!lt1.111-.·· cC,~•l, +-otr to r11e.•!k-l"''-.. , ea.,...,

4 10 11"' 03. V. ULLA.'llfAY ll1'HOOD: r_,......nun ,11 Al"

1110 Arww•,-.. 19 l,ttt"N ani !ur1.b07 cffot'll••• 1J)' .... "1LI. Y tUJNS'I •

J Jl m~DIO QU/t.RTt:'1 ~ 1 .... G1dt•l'T'l'!II .. 1Jlutl•d1l

f..10 p .. (,\IT. DONALD llkl,t"\,, •·t-ini. ., '1 ........ ,., ..........

•.t.!: "'""· l' l.""1'1i:Jt DA.~'BO'S, NM-....,..'--,,c, 1tl• r rc1A- S9t",c'• 1(tLIM'\I. "Ill• ~•, llo••Jt"' tl(niu,c•••'

l.ff tr-m. ~RU.LY llt;)fJ'Y •• ''Tt.- Alfw> 1-,,,_ ..t lt,,. T~MIIU' ~li.ff'C.

I 40 r,.ni.. lYl\.dcl "'P«t oI !if'WtMr!.'°' 81,,cli,.

t.~1~' ;-:,~~--~~ x~~ '';i: '" f ,~p ~ .... u.,• ,, .... , ....... .. , ...

& U .,. DI. llirnW"' t--• .,.r,'-t l\ ~!.)ff

""",.&c.. t-;""1' !'If .,...'1"!1t'r' I ~J JI• to.-\. E,1dw,, p IDfcWM•'HJn •..J1 f'"" J,Mft ftlafilt"l ..,....,,. 17 J It, lk,,.

""'-- Ud.. Kahlil ...... •. u .,. fl ff r,,port.,, ': t p . ..._ ~._..kf!t. ,:~ h1 '• \ld,W,1n

l'--od~' c;t-,rra\r,it <.o IA1', s-r.&ln. t...... r••• J •# italn 11roch;Ct. MIi""• a:icl ,-,,1"',. \hrli• np,,fti f1/ '""", •ti' u~ Vk"fo:1"'6P! rnu~•· Ad-'11'1& t It-II R,tall 11•-...i W~lftlll• I r.rn • rr~ tn tb., ~ INll<t,,clc: • r,ut )hni,,aeY A~ .«i.&'an. L:£1r"C J;NiUI.

!-. lt:iHT SUI ION

II r tl'L l -.4-r 1MI • I' r, tti UW b.-..11.• "'• \ r \n,rgtwN

)IL J ),I w,rtri hr-n-• ,.-,11fn ., H"'1 Cllfll&N: I .. ,~ ... ~ r-. ~tr .. b l•or\ ,ufu-,r,

U P• t;ULW:-ffiWOOU C'rTIZE~S ff~NO,

"4ar,-11,, \,lcrte• Af'\.;',ry r·,.. r,~ •• _v.y !i•-0,..,.1,. ... t: ti ,n "IR ll X 1,OVI:

'fa:jUl, ... lltl.._

Mr L-• •1,U b• ir .d le •tt•,i· ., "-"' w f"l'l- 4 1'\r 11 • ,H •« ... It. ,- • '"'"'n• -., 11.,,. f , ••, ,,t.-1(-,. ,h .. • ,...., -• ,..,. ....

•? ,- r11 C:Ot..l l!-W"-000 cmu:~li'" BASU .,...,_ .. II ~ffl ., ·~ a 0 .. ,1

• 11 ,. "' •a: . .1tt1tl 11~ uuno!II ""'"•·U.• 1,.,.. ... u..~ 1. ...... ,, If f-"'N •1."" koh1t'" JcJ-,-.1

f.11 JI I'll ~OA~A ll,A l1UO 11..awaiu.a )l,r'l.,.h-.

I-el 11.. l~l,.LISG1'"1"10f\ rTU·.~ , .. ,.,u ,_..1 .W Tilt\'~

•1• A Tll,rY-'11•

~I'\\ tf,AI \'ll ~IAIIO~~. (Cerr.ot4 U.1.)

I\ A, Auckland, l h• Raclio Uroadcuhnc Co. ur :,-:..-w Ze..o1larul, Ltd.

Powc.r 500,. Wu·­Jer,gt .... .,33 Metre• SUu~t :.. :-bt. t-luod.1y,

.2\ .\, \\~Jhnaton Tkt R•d•o Bro•dcntlri1 Co. o( ~ cw

Zu.lacd. Pown !000 Wath: \\a_.e­n.-th, 4 .!,J ~htr11

IYA, Chr-i•1ch-.r-ch, 1 h" R•d1a Broadca.111ln1 l·a uf ,!\r:w, Powu 500 Watu: Wu·e--

lerglh, 3011 ~1ttrta. Sller.t Night,· -r1ta (..r~d• Art. 6( J1hklr.- ~,-1,r_.

'" ,... '11"1"6M .. ·-· ~; ... ,:,;,,.. .. ~--<h"-P '"'~'--~"

,l A, OuTifllf-n. fbr- Radio Oroedt:,uuni Co. or ht•

Z.aland. t , m . A.rrP"a •\ S a. I Ant<"ltAl'T nr.ror-P<-'INT r-noant. o1

Fa.•Mr Or'I----""' 4tfflf"fau ~ .,,. Mr ~«.au Nd: -.,ri.-•

t .lo , • -<lGI• (6,..a

Po,rer 760 W'au,. "••• l•nclh, 4M Motr ...

4QG, BRISBANE Quccnrlund n.,d o Set'\'"·e

\\ Ntt Lrn&;th, tSl J.!ttrC-'~

Frtda~ lll 11.AY O!'l

I l'Lftl ,M,u l fl"{lwta.. •i>!Mr ll(an'ltl- 'I

"'T~ 1••11,- M• nil ..,-1,• l>a. i&t!d•..,... ..... I n r"' l.onc+ i-our ,nu,;, r I ,U II a. -a,and•M _,. 1 • .. di. C.:etir liH!"L

ABk any Radio Engineer about Buri:~

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Frld• Y, and n0<,mb.,, 1~27

,._-Ji,ffll..l 1;,- ~hf 141Ma lbJfln •114 J ~. lu1..r~llll JJ~il. o.f lhtJ •• J;a.1,'#nb..

, __ ' nl, hf Mf'JI. M•"" )"a.rnlb Oft .. ifa­

to r .... 11 tM (uHl:r .-JUI ta. ,_,, • .,. a11.d h,r ,n&t.t .rodllui.·•

t 1),, t't'< m tlaa t,tadh1na z D.,.ciriptiDn o! 11o,1n• .4a\l.:'h c-h~ IT UtaJ ., Uwi M~irlllil' !:.d1b>r <of i.1..- "'Ts:i.u._ u,­

a,.,et trae ,b .umt1 l:t:IMlhU& J••.-$.llft J,trsm, Kq• •• 4 .!AWJL


Saturday, Dec. 3 2FC, SYDNEY

"H.[,Y KORN I NO SJ:ilt:tlO:N,

1 t • m ,.,, 1.1 •.=.

f> i•.m..-t.Ale ..-.,. ..,.albrr aaJ 11-ll\pl •~111 f1.r.t'e &'11kJ\ll'IC\"CIU'01..

l' p,111-,---0-C ck,wn

10.0 Lffl, ."bur a .. r. .. ad Af\~UJUllll141Ql,&. 11 .f -..JU..-Stl.lWO ll.;u;,c. &.nt .---S1ilt1.•r hiOffllAI lktfll I,. Jitw•

*·"--U!.1f.l a...m,....gt111Uo J,lua,~ 10.Dl ......... -..\ lali. .,. UI• :!,C Jl&dna C.•·

Smu,ltu.~• \~cll3l 11-n 1'H..I fru•hn ~, i;i,:ol1"Slflllt• C- Hti f'4 J3i(I CC~, «"'11-l'li• mtac,AC .ot I.II ?.J;t..

1J1t..Nltt1tt-111 U a rn.-6U1:Ho M~M:.. U.4f •.nii.- .til.w U.n ... 1'1t11d1e Mu.Ila.

7ZL, HOBART T~sllUlnian Broadeasteri. Ltd.

\',a, L•ni::b, 61v ~l.!'t.,,., Fndar

)&(\IU, n.:o S£".53tON

ua.a tot!

I II ??I Qlld"'11'1 l r~r W lj ,w. ..... , ,-.a: 't•·1 ir telli prrtflll•uc ell.a "' ~, '-"O'f11• N,tirr

• ,o p.m -41~1 ,.~c,·,

f,:1•..:u~:: ~· = ;;~~l\.tt.c..Ui'1.11~~ a.-..

f M ~ m.-W...-lclt pnt~"'"c t.alll. ~f' .M" (,.-»ff 1"t111·"'~-<ll.&n N'llnUU'll. Cu.~

t a r m -•Mr:r--•1rr"" ,.~ 'Tum•~ia-n --~ 1-a"f\~ ltaD•u •1l!!Ulffl I •00-SC .... HGl:ut Skn.k ,:S,,-brir• c1N1tall, 1

I p,rv. -t..P.O Clftek .. ~1,.1 !1i<t ~. 11 IJ 1'1 CnGClt.n from t~ ,u,

M' fl:utt,- W.U.c,, lllli,i:,u1,o\ KIM ant, Pi..•• 1'!"anbtl, ML'II U.:rtlm Juaha!I l JJ•

~i~r ;'~hr:;'~:1.-•:-11~.n~:;. flo. ila.n1.a1WI. :~: :::~:~t ~~,!,. ;~; ...

I ll • ..,.._ 1.(crn..,... •rtttil"- hr1.rtna.1e ~ tl'f'fkiia'. :S~lt,a -.rthrn ,.1NQr.Q t •"rt 7_.. lnU~• II ttia'tr>C".& ¥1 ~Iha """'""'' S\s.~ ~:~=:w::;~'l'iJ .. ':!,L,.~·rmt!· !iaOu-,,-..~ A~

l..Li &.:i&. -A I' .i\. • r. I f:.tffl~.._ Ca.1:11• J.t• ..... II tO •.In.· .ftviflll rtl" fl,c. u.:~ L• -..\ 1'•11• '"' tar-i::n1n1r tr, Mr t,

J. l.o.-1.n f 1-:«csm:'~ lUII •·'"· .t:_,, UO.s


11 "" '1''- Qlm"' .. , trc '4 Sl..tll lb.- • L-,,, Md Tai~•

11 Yr• I pm It r, "T mo- J till'" ,. 111 t k

.'ilrnrt ll'r.vr DruaJca,t,r, ,.,..,_, .. &1111 l\'uyl•aftl1• iul11,n

lo ( h.11a1•.

::s•. t.u11,i Ca1.-rbut t,"e.t.nd. IJ .and ~ •a..tra. 111 II J Nl.-,•,ltUII:~)

.P-c.J.1. l"btll .. • 1.-...,nllffll'll•I !1.1,.U.,ft, tlarrlh•f9n, R-,.Ja,uf. H tlmt'ft I U l!.C l'...-,un;wlll

:XA ., (;;-,.rul t.)ochtr t,;."' akl-,•.,. ~'~ N.,. y.,,. lH.•tt. t:.I. \ 1

:X~G.-~ .. = •~:,l ~:: .. '':,.:::~ 1.-Ar. :,..,. \ 9A SW.rr. I&. II •n! &.:

t..~J.;L" ,..':.z~;!bn~ •i;~=- c .... J',1~k,. J'l,n• I.fl~. J::L.S. 11 ao ,: nult~

\\ t W". C.-...,,n ll.atl.1• I f.'r,ar.tifi1Jll. C:I.D• ,oU"<• U Oh ... t' ..... '\.A .• n ~•UO.

SJ,~:~t;1fi:.~:. :.~w:;1; ~:::; •tt.11m•l,

JB. J.auiau ... •urc Qtv•~r:a lin.- C.•~ p.a!'IJ, S.U.lli Altha. !tfl an 1 fl; -..... .snr.. Mut.1nd t:• fl'll•PlJ". C'bi'h,ul-,'-. t "tlarl fl 'e-f'tn,,.

UFJ lb..,..•, I'~ •.1t,.. P .,,fl..

t .40 t1.m---St.aidlG M.u1~ J JJ Sl,111--'"llil ft.iri'' , We.U,.t [11t.r:Jllcut,C11. 7.1:1 r1-m Lue SflClrt.m• .Sl!'•a. 'l I~ -p.m. 'EffAll'l&' New•" l.,,llr ,,,_, Sa­,,~ , =• -,..a.-Bldlio )10,,.,4,


1>11ilc011 nre Arlalocnlo am.on:,; Uatltrlca.

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2UW, SYDNEY Saturda,,

r.vl>ITNG n': :no!rf. I.IO ._ :,,,tnl • rt,..u,

••~n!~."~""JM.ttcr;.ra;l\d ~, B •RftA"'

• 10 JLm .aTt'PIO q.11,urrrrn: ._.rcll •~ .. ,, ... ..,..

IJT !\• 1.J'?'nt: M tss t.:00S:A8t, ..... ~-\ Sia,)' l<lt the LIUJ;fll 011-.•

t2'7 rtffl ..STlll"'IHI QUARTh-1TK, l.ctlii.a* (Fr,ia,1J.

\\ortd's llcst RffilV;'tllble .lialtery: Phi)CQ.

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............. RADiOKiS=·· .. ····· .......... ··············· ........... i SOLODYNE

COIL KIT Is Specified for the Five Valve Receiver Described in this issue.

Jf ;you arc dcs1TOU-l'I or coruilrucring A

oplrndld eh1olded 5 nlve, > <Ontrol rn:e-n «, rr-ad the con•tructional art..tde m 1hts r~('

R~mienibcr tho.t odmr tmit1Hion• ~-ill not do. R.d,olceo Solodyn, { o,I Kito •re th~ 1>6t th.1t b,. produ1.ed. and furthermore, 1ue thf'I only g-u"ran1eed

Solodyne Kit.,

Rnd1oho footcred the Solodyne m th,. counlry, and ,hry h~vr t.Qnhnu"'lly im­proved then ,.,,IJ kno .. ·n Coil Kit.

Rad1ok~ produets Ir ,d rh, field, nnd othero lag hopeleHly behind

····--···-·· .. ··· -----. ···--- -·· ~ ...... -... The World'• Best Coil IGt, 75 toch.

Read what an Eminent Sydney Radio M~n says about our Solodyne Kits :

J\lr uopolit•n Eleetnc Co., Ltd , • '\,utr•I Strc.t, l\orth Sydn"''· Dear Sin. Oct I~. 1917.

Aa • bulldN of H1~-clu.a Recflnr1ng ~t 1· mA)' ,. of rntr.rut to vou lo know the """ d,rlul r=lt• I have och,ov•d ulling th• · Rad1ok ·• Shi,lded Co,11"

I ha\:r bwlt 11nd n-:huafl 35 Ef.,tr«-r Sc od),.n" , ... t dunn th'" pa,t 11x rr.onda, w1n1; ex­clu.sivch• Radiokn .Shielded Coil.a. .... aftj"'r e.xprt un~m"" '1th orhr:r rru:.kH

I have n.ot h,1d one f-,ilu,,., and rV(tr)' tel haa be~n u au.p('f Kl Thb 'liJr e.u I atlnbute to lh r exccllr.ntl" of thr c:oil!'I u~d.

To anyone in doubt .-..1 to the mt"tiU. of thC'&e coil•. J •hall bf:': plr:t•rd to df"ninnatrl'ltf" an}' evening:.

) ou« lauhfully.


METROPOLITAN ELECTRIC CO., LTD. 27-29 King Street, Sydney


......... _. ... ,.--.. ··························-············---················ .........................................•

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:t,IGll'r E SSION


4QG, BRISBANE. F1turday.

);0 M LJJ\AT TJL\N!'.'lUE-5101'

SCL, ADELAIDE. !:i4turday.

fri11y, 2nd lloetmbor, 102".

1 ti. Jlf'1l 1 ll'•r Uau4

• ,..., u.

6WF, PERTH. Saturday.

U.ath I b- -I• . ...

fbll', ... m•. r d i: li1 ,., ii L'l'\.l;D \\uu.,


t ...

7ZL, HOBART Sattorda7

MORN IS-G 8£.~!UO?-:

JI•• lo If aeon..

AM"!ft1WOS IF.SStm:

II -.-an.a~, .,.,.. dlrHl • lr, fott11 ?ilort.'h H •ittltrt. t '"•I l,,y.•wllnot1 •• r11,tJon ..,, A C~ Cri.O!!&•t V•t.eli S-iown .- Nart.l UNlrt.b, .lld ,r-c-.111 .. "

f..10 p-. l!t1d11 lf~• t LaJli• fn tha 4 hll1J.

"" p. .. - UMJ,r P~n· Nlf bo'-lr

Am~rica',; ~ubmarine:; aU u~I! :Uur~ess.

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.. lH\c!LCSCl WBEK.LT '1'h1rty-,011e

The IV1ullard l\Aaster - Valve with the Wonderful P.M. Filament with

English or U .X. Base Remains the Same Price - - 13/6


the following prcviouts type's will be sold at reduced prices

HF and LF Bright FilamPnt 2 - each D SERIES 6 - each DFA SERIES.. 7 6 each


Tn•• F1lun1>nt vnh,111• F l.,m .. nt cuuui,t.

• r• ....

2 -


J !-J 8

06 10-90

2 •


l 2-18

06 10-90 ''""• , oh"C"" , T • t • I •rn1oion.

"' • ,, i lm~d,.,n,. ehm, •o 000 10.0 0

Rad,o. • lt-o Purpo•"' ••••••• ~PN1l•ntt A1.adio

- ----~ ---6 · 6 •

Tne DJ D••

f 1l•, I b-l 0 f1laml"nl cv:rr• tat

•"1Pt • • • • • 0 I .\ volt••r • ~1)-100 Ta I• I •m1,1non

m •·. •••••• fl lmp .. d,.ne•, ohm• 16,000

DJ If'

1 &-ln

o, J0-100

!O lb,000


UH6 HF I 0

06 10-1~,

&o 6 Q 0

R•d10, al,o

R'"•"'"""""' ( r ....

.s .

6 •

1)06 0.L

!1-l 0

Ob 20-100

~n 17 0 0


7 6

6 •

n • l JU

6 JO-I 0

80 17,000

7 6


MO 6


l -1



11 !

0) n

Mvl DFAO Pf Al DfA) llfM

I e-. 0 • S S ) S S- 0 S I

O 1 H n l 06 O 2 l0-100 SO 100 S0-100 I O 1 -Ill

! n !O O Ho I I O IS 0 16 000 7,000 a JOO I I, 0 J7 000

A1tdto Power Pown Audio R•,• A•plh,- Ampl firr C"" r,hn

Every Valve u auaranlt"cd ta funtlton perll!'Ctly


A. 8uJ P rat.d.1en, A,., , CLttl ), Svtl111n· A L aJ Pn1Wtt, Au•• ( 1. MeJl,.our~ U •a" V. Hud.on, 8ri1lu11ne Wulf\'\• Ltd.1 Ad111l,1.ld• Cihb•, Briyh1 A. Co, Perth

W . A C C~•.1..,, 1.aancatoa Hob.,-,


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Sunday, Dec. 4 2FC, SYDNEY

CII rTh ftf ~ s." rt' 01.ih1 •11d


2BL. SYDNEY ~m.itas.

' . ...._., tlo...-u •

F rida>, 2nd O.tomber, 19:17,

Q art.1,. e,.h o-., ~ 'Bf'Nh,.. .. ~ ·n.1t.o ' n .. Wind Jtu 9Hti •

U.11\J f;Qtind" Qarttttr ·n " .. Llti..• • ff&NI .. l °'"1.- r,... l'O'r• n t~ S.11 .. .._ • rasit.h • Qo--•• ut.t Mui• '\\-"bra ht. \ lcN: liM' 't..-nar N>~ a1ut <.t,.,•rtau•. 'flt brl\ tti,

~OUn\lrll' filr,.fuli.: R•ntlPI ~· (2 art.H• "('.c.1•• J.o ... fta• liiak> •M Q--.rft,tt,, W,111t7 Nit tCM Al Atoo .. U• H....,. h 11M' .I•

ltlarJ,, .S~•t •• t r.o p.11 '°"'· ~rt N11n f-t.,d<fa. t, 11 pm, tc-ii ,on. of Fc.,llt,w laa o., • ,.,.,. .......... 19D p._, f,J"O (HM'I, •"41 01 ft

I I r, "' DnM!ka-t•"' 1"•trvme-11A Tr1e.. tt:1 • • ...(i11,1M L>c,--rn

2GB, SYDNEY S1.1nda7

MORNISO H.ilSION Ill Lftl ,'( •1 ,,._ eu .. A ... , La.n

'-• '~urcii 110 •.111 .Mwa1 r ~"'°" ,,_ a 4,... 'I.

fvidf.,.a 1 p n, LIYW llu-.a.


t It m Miuh: fr.,_,,, thtt StlHli Jl m I «UJF?t fr Utl .,4,., U..11

•11• ~•au • ..-: .. o.. • l• .._... f>1•• ..._ ~DA uooa. I ::.-. \'te II t.. llftt:Y.P'".JI

S:: ,. m &t"c bf .Mll!'I I>.. M DAt,,"ll,;:L3 ,a pm Adlfrr I·• (low .... .._

2UW, SYDNEY . undaJ


I it • 111 Ord .. tnJ itdatliui -0 ,r llJe C)& ..... H

U iS4 a •-<0"111'11 lo •...SC, ....,ti• 81..ria: ol 'Sririu•" f3.,.tun • • ,,.J lt)it 1.i-.aJr 1,,,$•,:oa)

11.J• a,. Paaaelon. _. t.. c.~ t: :t. ,. "°'~

10 u: • 1111 ~tdkt H'l.r:t1on, a aa; Ot••ia • u,?o

1'•ilcln H .. lodr' t 111...,1,i I t • ta -'I"•eet .olt

Mothr -..,._,.. .. l'l• i

1 • m. l11•Ln1111•nl•I 1't1• Yr•nad•" tStl'i'-l•• r\l

II t • • t&adio ..,.1,,,c,tM.,

ll •111 ~•--Od Jn-~li Air,• 'llll ••rial.I I'll Jl U .a 'n Tt'f)IH •ol-.>

\ 111\Jn l 1 •t """"n flte• a • o-Bal.11 1111 •"'- orsu Mio

Ma t. to • Ohalrl •• -Urlw.tnl .-l•<tNWt

&..,r. l'• I •• rM no. .. ra.a.1f'ffl f\ I 11 .!4 • ,n -Sta~ ••lut'°rL 11..M Lftl. r-. Deil'lilk anlo

tkl«ttao. rnn h.•111 Tlllt"' U ~ a in Co tralto aol•

K'11n•'•l eb,n, lb llt LA11d'" IN 1s,10.) II C • m -Siu. lo Hlf'Ctl.;fl ll ,H a• r;.aaotot'tC'

"" "lad. "' t111 t fl a ft4k.O. It.SCI Lnl - -.i1J.d111 •tJN'ildlft, I I ~ • n1 8..,..tt11,. •al<J

l'o,ot • t'J:t p,. .. ., .. ,v .. s •• ,. 1 • 2 r • ..S=idlo • •k<Uoa. U C r.a lutr~tal tr1•

l"1trr~l'I (l.-n d•r1• R·:nl10lflll f)tauoa•1l

JI JO p M. ~-•Uom trcai 0..- atlillia. I. • tt III It~-. of ,_,.. ._,4 S"f'IIS J'IUUN l .JOp.1• -0w. ._.._

f;Vll:N rso BLSSLON

p "" -IIUllie tM!&.tliDM •.&41 "'" . _,, 61hia Cll:ardliU Ak-1•..,.. .....

"Ob f ti;,.,.,, 01•1n,- '

" lluri:e,..~" ,-pelts "Quahly; Lifr; Sen-ice."

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Honolulu·- .

OCEAN On White Wings


~-. -:,. Solo•oft P. !. ,-c,.a •,• J IJ I I&.

, 'IIW ZUU.1111'


O;.tnbutcd br New S1st,rn Telcphoees r11 Ltt Sydney. McibollnlC. /uld.tJde, and by C.,,ad.

C}cl1 i.nd ~ :::./~~ Qi,r~cCtttk and

,_..,. lt7 Alt Rtzhoaaft n.a,1..-..

Across the Pacific American airmen. can;·ing radio

equipped with Bur!{ess Batteries, have flown from San Francisco lo llonolulu.

\ViU Kingslord Smith, aided b> the same splendid batteries, achieve a greater feat by $panning the P.iciiic to Sydney)

With his great blue a.nJ yellow mono­plane fitted with a magniiicenl tran5mitter and receiver the cabled gilt of 1',;ew System Telephone, Pty Ltd.. Sydne)· liingslord Smith is safeguarded so lar a,; radio eiliciency can aid him.

.'leanwhilc another daring Australian, F. A. Giles Is ri~king his life in a 5ingle­ha.ndcd da~h toward, \us!r.iha and }ew Znland.

Great Fiyers Carry Burge.-.s Cot'l\t'lllftdct R,,d ttn l'li• ~l')ftti roie \tl.triUc fHtht .. nd nn t11, ,cndJ"I Hts:ht 1(1 1>-, Aaf,Hcllc

Ptktt nt Oc:-ltcut•• on lb ,u ~\.II f (ht •crf'IU the .\tt.11ntJc tn l..oncfo" ind "'hmich Alua.ndtr Rt,tU 01' hJ, Fkld .\tulo(~U• h,~d•hnn •• Al ... h, m,

Sit John (;a.rhn,t • and •·Ro\.ii Wind or· on the Pole Pru• t-liChl to lfonolu'u .. no the \ll'l"1\rt1, Att Cecbtl ud Llrut Wilham DA tit In lh• • \\ M1•t'OC • C..11pl WIUdu nn hlJ AtcUc Erp.dftlen

--·---- -.. ·====-= .. =======;;;-=_;;;_;-~_;;;tt;;;_;;;,:;; .. ;;;,_===.-=·===;;::;J

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Pap Thlrty-ro11r.



r l

Lld t

4QG, BRI5BANE. Sundal.

6WF, PERTH. Sundn7.

1 t a ffl '!1111• ti, JI a.• Ml\ n111,r ~f'f'lr-P rtila rom ... ,. • R.tlfn•" {'..athftt' C.!hed l tri p n:1 -Ck»c 4 •• I ~ r.. 1 Ul In. !.-4 I ... II tltfl~ ll•Dtl•f

llnd r th• Mlf:fll«AI ~ r 1 I~~ wt• t tth il pw.bnt lln GDfl hu bft1I arr• "Pd .,, ll

)t fl~ftM for ''" ()i:oern1hl"r. A •~fal O~bett,a und,r M, Va •I ._,I the• ct,.ad 91.aW Lt. r'>itl!'I# ~"1 F, HJU":t'Ollt )In, fl ' Ma l,Jl!f•f'J. " (, N'nte 4¢tf ~ II "l'W7 • ._ Tb«' H" t"c- • I k l ret..S.. c,v II

uil a J. R.w J 11 n N,. .t ao p.m.. er.,,., d'a•1t. , " m.. T1nu1 ht ,.,, • "' TAik "' '"'• (':"' Mrffl b1 ,., R.

t..u-•1h of th! Dlb. a1.1.1c11• 1.a Auoda T1'JII"' • P'trf\.lr1ns • ui~•• (,ruwat K s d ..,_ •

T 1ft r.111 I"., .. ..,_ fti: C't, rtll 1,•"Ylf'JI: Plaid from fht lih•-..n1 S~rfl't D•pt1U Clina,rlt,. Ptr<b

A. 'R~ I.AY I .ta J,M Afw,r,,Chutth .. n. u, tilaJM! t,-,.

('!lllarl,lll '>t.-«t ll~t Ch11nh, 1'i"n l"•rfi.

'"' , Tk.\NSMlS~ln?-.: S mu1tan~ n,•011,dcau on lt.t.l ... lftit of ptcc,..l'l'lm• r,--. n en 12!10 Mffru. COID• ... ,1.a .... 'i p,,n,

Ilu) a Burg~~ and Cul Ballery Co!;l.

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7ZL, HOBART Snnda7.

J1 • ff! ~u h r,, tt t 3 llavlcfa Ca•• 11.Ntra llcibaft.


A r r.nNOO N smsto?.

tht R ~•

Monday, Dec. 5 2FC, SYDNEY.

.......... I.I p.m.--D1-Jl(II .o::it:iir.o:

••c~w Ca.!ll .. l ~M:1 a:: p ,,,._sP«tal f"-h.rtatau ~ ritc.. 1,J& p.m--l.lan7 I u:uotl. t,u-itnf'

•B1M ~•P • I flWftlws." 1Co:l'NI I tr fl ra. ..fllpedaJ QirUUJUA. ,_..,rd&. I ID I'- Ni MJ,.rrhn1r muic ,.,.. ~bo-•I ch1l4.1'1'111 a I p m. hy nunca.u. 10PrAh1t. •.• , pm. ~p«iaJ Cb.rid,.attaa ~


l.ti,l fl ro Jl1,1t\ll'r, •orrna1,: Lo.,,c • '\'q.1,,C'nJ•t·• IA~ez1.

u .. a,-,."'iJ"l'<l•I t:hdaltn• tc!l'or,J t p~. U.a.nia U.UUU. • ...i1,,1~riu

Th- Arn,...-,-.n GolcQ• ll • ',Jtlnh 1

I 1 "....,... ~u,lau miaaic. , IIJ p,m.. fl•rrT J4ck,,Oft, l,,.r,wuo,

J.:1 .. bai,Jr ...... i lUiildJ, , u p,11'1 ,:,it,.ul£., mu,ut: -i "-6 pm 1 'I lJUIU'Jlb, Mll).fUlO. I .24 p.m S\:.!lllkt ffJ.a# 1.l;l JI.Ill. Ir- la :kl.illft', ~ U..lll,i'J

D~,,. "' )'oq .. esol .. n1 •.II &Lin. S1u lo I'll, IC. 4 U p IQ t I,. &ul'!at ,. 1,AuJ ral&, I, pm " J , au,• IP• il,1,1: D,,rn lj- 1ki•n.

t:AflJ.Y 11:Vf ,1:-;c ~&t,.3lON

l-&0 PIIL T'a.-• t,( tlC-1. JI m It ii Uo th,, ... h•lil• to th• ·---" si.. :tb:i1'7 Uffle- to, tb" ?OV I (oU, .. ,

U p.DL llt:,d m: r • rn. Cia Ucn• port tC n.w1

, 10, 1 r.,i 0• -.~tr• m•tkl.t. 11q, .. rta (,•oo1• •bA.t ad I

, Ii, p,to f"'r ,, •Ad NCrt&bf~ mu\.,e-ta. do p ia. v.-•h.ef and ah 1-v na ,....._

t IU,,- i.,'v Air :Sr•~ 411 fll!'"'I tiff• ·-

Friday, 2nd December, l92i,

It 110 fl• -F'rOIII UM Stucbot l..a.w M"Nilt«t'bc'«ML

lt.~.: p.m,-i,.f'OCII th.- WarriD.1all Kall. N'of'tll !IJ41111'11

'ttwt ... (; ~l,-fi9 ~11<• llaD.d la P'('IJIIIU,M trWII• b\ra

lt.51 l\,aa-Ptt 1:11 ~,~ 1St.q4ioo l•t.- ,..... a,- an.~111.La

11 "''" ·a1c Hen"" •rntll t)i.. --Warriqah Ha ll, N~ i7dWl't n .. ;.n; tir...d• Dafte4 U&.nd.

11.U ,. -, -.-..aHcmaJ 4olhf1111 t,,;lwc. d.iaoo.

2BL, SYDNEY Alohd4J.

h.AAL'Y ,V()fl~Jt,;G SCiSION

f .I-fl\ to I ._..

MIJkNlNt, St-~"ifON 10 :at a.m -C 1•.o «iwk. .,., ,. .... .._

M..u.kaJ Pfti&HJnme fNlll t.ta.t' 6t1111ilo. 111 lt • ._ 1'••• ln;,rn th• J,.tiii.J Tl'!~'"

J•~i.&1." HI U • .ra,-Jl'JIU-1 ~,a• troa. Qit

.;,Wlbo. 11 a a. .Q.P.O c:loclc: aud" fl'lllbl'~

An~tt:efl.e111l&. ll,. a-, W111Mai r,.,..... ,.... Qe

Stud.o.. JJ 1;. &"'- W.i"A~n.•,1 MWIOfl.. T&Jla .. ""Tm­

llb,.°' ... , ll!IN G ........ Yar(,PJ. ll:OMCM.Ura •-om•• Q>',H''8 a1,11Jao,·1t7

&oclal not.M. 1:t.r11,U~ W 4«"' poo4 t.a, '7 Mn.. Jorc:•"-

1•.11. on , .. 11,oa f"rf'Cltctbl-.." U 8CN r U1'"rnatPO,

U 11~ri , l".O clod, ""'d f'bii»~ '!p,111r:iaJ ocean (ea~,4. •ULiJMif ,..,_..L

U.11 J'Al.-.Mwcal prcisr•rn.i.• fro. UI• &tu4i ..

l:l 'I p"' -lnformahon. Jb.ila •hsppbll' • • po.rt 11.ll'WLM),

I 1: 11 rn-U-oaa 1-s -call b • ~J,­lS H .... fni,\ earklfi tel'O'L It Jij JI ID- \'.....,,..t:i f' ft'ISPUI r,,roart.., U....U p ia-Da.u, ab.II pn,Juw ai:ukQ

trpl)rt. l! ....... J ,_ ~ or• s:< .._,~111 ~ ll ·• :;,.m t·,.u martrir:. l"l'PDl'1, 1..1..n pm. llaWM .u.Mkd. repcn.. It <I' l''-ftL h~odr :t;u:h.nire nr,,an,. 1LIG p .a. )LM. \,'. ••a.t,:i,a.\ hotH Ne t.1.1. I 11 p 111 ~\oea. J!:ad,,anp rqllW1., U9 pra..--G r.o dock anJ dima.

TaJli to 1:b1:Ur-..11. &D4I •11«\a ns.rt1.&inaeal lot diUdtelD l.ll hu.pUAL

t f' • ---4': P.O. c.iock ao4 di!mJoa u .. .,,.,.,. A"t:l\SOON ,.USION,

Deunpllffl v,/ ac.b rue at Lb. E.ri,-baa Trot., lt~Ql,olll .Sitirc1. f,_. tiw ~ ~ M.:r &.lJ Xtr.k«

I r 1ft ~ :P.O c.loci:. ..,,. c.hualL Ma,cal Cl('l)St.a.llUII~ t~ t!M !1.41~._

1.10 r-,.m s--. from ,i.. ·1kin"' I 111 l'.tl'I -M.upju,J Jll"CCRlll:n• ltt ~

S:.di-. S.lO r • -snn t~ ,._. "°S'J"-# 4.1 t.-m.. Dvncnw-Lft "Da.n~ Ba.. .,,_.,. ...

fn'\t'II UI"' C.b• nL 4 p.rn.--G.P.O. cioGk. aa41 ,,,-wii f,un tlw- ~1.1n•• LI ~IL-lili»,cal Pl'O~ fna U..

Stttdto.. ,.u r •. -arrw t-W:t . .. .J.o r •--D"un..,, o.~,." rt.l'tA. ,.11 p.a. ---su.-i from I.he: 8i;ia."' .. l'ti ~O'I- -Rffu~• M n1sht'1 PtolT• M .... .C..11 p ... -a-.1.a,- JlMUme . -« H t',m.-~J'IIN'l• I c,c.-T'I fonoru ~ t r, .dod .. a ad ~--.



1.15 p..m..--0 P.O c:l"Jr.k aod u--. Cll.tiidu•o·• accuioo.

UO Jt..ftll.-lllu1lcal pr-QSnam • ,,... tN 6tud)O.

Canada Chose Duriess for her Outpost&.

Page 39: RELESS WEEKLY -€¦ · RELESS WEEKLY \Ot UMF. 11 :>.L1'1Hf·R 1, The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 2 nla.obj-678528424

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Irs not only the unbrcak• able, lealc-proof, ebonil"' containers, not only the

•pectally thiclc plates and un­yielding wooden separator,, iha.t mRlce for th~ perfection of Clyde Batteries.

The CONSISTENT PURITY of the matenllls u,ed is a v,l&f IA.:tor in the proceu of ma.nufadure. It'• thit con• aatent purity of material• that g1veo those well-lcnown qua]. ities of LONG LIFE that r«o.,,ised fcaturea of every Clyde.

Rerular daily teat. in a labora­tory conducted by trained ch~ ensure that every particle that goes into the in• tern.J construction of Clyde &ttcries is CHEMICALLY PURE.

a~. 4.14 ~,abtol'.i!r ., 11U ,adJo du1•u aricl 1ara1n

Page 40: RELESS WEEKLY -€¦ · RELESS WEEKLY \Ot UMF. 11 :>.L1'1Hf·R 1, The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 2 nla.obj-678528424

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__ ...... -....... ..

2GB, SYDNEY . ....,.

,ZUW, SYJ>t,EY . ...., IIOIUlllfO ....... :...-__ -:;..:.~.:- .....

w~::,:r ...... ........, --~--­UftlllfOOJC -

... .-,tlta,lloi---:::--a.::._"' , ....... -svmmco._ ......... -

Page 41: RELESS WEEKLY -€¦ · RELESS WEEKLY \Ot UMF. 11 :>.L1'1Hf·R 1, The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 2 nla.obj-678528424

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rage Tiul'!7-nln•

IS ALMOST HERE/ Hrre't your Xma1 l"rucnt, all re.,dr ro h0c>k ur to ''"" Set. Ready to give fairhful, unfuilin~ ,..-,-ice-10 !:in rc.rfcct, •monrh r,oner foT your receiver liM.M.CO Electrical Rm;l10 ron·cr unu, have beeo tried ulld found sari,facror\· b\· thou,,rnd,. ,,( wen all m•~t !l.u~tnlh, nnd ? 7.ealand, Make <'ne of thc,c unir, )'OOr ch.01ce for a. Xma.s P~c.

•~=g,A/o0l.\~s.~:~,! taJ1~4 wld11 • • ut itcn -..t 8 • 11:dl,. lnp B••

~~•:: .. ~~.,-.,:•,.!:,. B:~~ l.utly f•,. t!M <SHI Nq,Ure• mr•Qi •r At111rall&a A. C.

~1:::~: ~!~~1~..,..-:~1~: ;:: .. ~:1:-i!:1".··· ;~i:~

t"UIIBUC•t pewtr, Prfor, 1ncilpd.111£ B. K. Juytheo.a Valve tll 12. 1cv~ph,t• _.,b cord aad

ild•in•.PI J:tt fl/ Tr•••f•r••r • • 41 Cllt1h~ I• ,-,.,.1, alam•

lanua fn.&nH, UJIO/•.

it\~f.~AT~':t~ l'~~~!~~I~ ~ .. ::.:; •c, •ri.~n'l•p--~'"1:i ..... tin&. "~• \I.I.Jf-111, &ltiii,J ""111l Balr.rlil" 1~P • ad ••• chM1.-d •• • ot•t '""'•' r • .. ,. ~:;~\~'"1• I~

11 Fi,:.: .:r~ 11H .. ,, k••-" •••rdui­,,.aj,,,r l•.,..-rlall,- r 1,11• 1r1o1~•~

r:t.!o_tt:•:.s':J:.'!. ''TI,~"~~•::; ~ "' •H 1kr•• alloc11 A\111•

ir•ll• • ,ut Nc•~land. Prier, t-ompl,.tr \rifb cord & ,1d1plnr Ut'I 10 • JUt u••-'•i111 Tr•n•f,.,..,.,, • iJd Clu1tn la •• 1, 11T•mn;•

IHD lr•m-, U, 101•


AU. RADIO DEALCRS M•""'""w.-d t, P.lfffn.:Jr,

.l.!11t:r M'Fc- Co. b.i.

Page 42: RELESS WEEKLY -€¦ · RELESS WEEKLY \Ot UMF. 11 :>.L1'1Hf·R 1, The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 2 nla.obj-678528424

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.. , -Tll,i, AS'PS. l:2tlftft td r.,

I p"' ltB C D!:R.Gb&Elll.. liliiiid'-" Oista_. prnf,- t (";ha.tQlo11 of the • arld. • •~ OM 7'• )111--


• rm t:rnuCA n:;ra .. ""RAL BA.'-'Tl 11.An;k.. Ja~k o· L-,.t.-tft.. 't .._. rAllAMOl~?' TUl:ATllE OflCJO:S. TRA '-f1rtk. Ada I" W'a1lt. "TlLnllli •

I f fl'.-,-MRS A Ml :\LT. 11,:,,J X1l. R L= Doet. • " U• Card.n, r.f J' Heir\.

111 p.m.. MR. J Jll:~°1'-·nH:§ TN-.bofl.,. t · °11M' 3Cl7 Wft-L

I J1I p ... :i:ctil'CA T£l)lO::lt.AL , C#CR'atfr,r.- Sal~ · ~on• ot l\rtt..u11 1

• D N" ECITTJC.\ C("IMBlNEn r'IIDllt Aetltdll

&41 p..m n.c?rBl'ME..,"T Q'OABtrn'E. Trlotl'


IH Jltll. VII£, A. li&A.1.J.;,. NJ•f "T'lit'ff'• • l.a.i:id:~

t p.-.,. llll. A.-. l>OIJCHA.Si t.vpboohlm ..o!..,, "Th" lk-U Rlncff ...

i, I ~• m i;c-lt'tiCA 1'!:Jl.EJlA.L BA...VDt l'cx tro(, .. (:. ,lf,fi.e_"

t.41 \..-. l'ABA.KOONT TJIEAT't.E O.RCH£S.. ,.,. .. , tla!lff ul th., T_,4T B,arL.'

S.Wu:ltl. ""K~' t U p..a.. JIIR.. U 1.t:WTSt

Solq, ASOW.r-a~• t- t 'PJD XR. 'W,

}luN'a1 Ealf. "" • \. .\ YUJER.AJ. •t...~Dt

,\tardi. Wuhhastnn Gra,-." l-ROll THl: n-uoro:

I IO l'Jll .Atm0U.1:u:H111f'1tta 1"M Jto,-al ,Au~eaoht!,- Clulil d \.'W1or-ta·•

t!•~ .. i, ¥..,.p br to-d.&7 • t~ .11OTOR-15ff .._,._i.,,., fallb & the ...C. mohut' -.di , «-'I t.he :mia,I. ~ a l:!O'flAIDh al~)&.

• •• 1r tb• ccb•r fdk,-. 1u1·, .. <.lrlOsaus.!1.--.

t I Wr Nl"9 p~orc ia u,Ltodactwc tn JOU- T~ Uku)de TNoubadflU.r. l Y. PJ!lR,. •h• ,.. I a1nr. r..wuna w..,s. ~ H nic

49 ,w,..l!IIWlt ~h • SIi I P~ fM Ille: WN'Jd '-° bti NU:19 Kah~~at,

I 4 p.- M!S:i lOA ~KAC'lo. t LL .-ru "1¥•1 ... ""Thr It )lOl'I l-1. I U t",afl4'"

tu ...., -&N.N ~ 8t tuv .... .apra-. •• ~ lr11rrtried ~':!-b. • Jlul lrb!& MtOl'r'" (McClwc ad

Y..W, 'lllnr ~ eoe .M01"'11"" (llfaJ &(tr l,•,Ul).

I l p.a. -.A..rsae• ~ .,..,,.~ M .. H-•at'f"­l'ial lid "\ f\r.Ud1 f'l"'l~t.t .-. rr,.­u•• from ltqbr J land ~,...f'llu •""'~

.... u 11.1 p._ C'(. PElll. n,. Uku-Lt 't,_..• .....

I 19 ~ Gnod )ut,,'' 1C,-..a..-rn..iafm41 If I ar.1 hawi ftlll .. (1.Anu,J

lo.t p..llD,,. ~ Ai.C 0$ J osna,. 't<Slii.. Ol.-!rtaa 1'C\f9JUU\i)

"""• D•not .. •tA••NI Guiun1 ta • ,.. .. L"!'-.A so,un ~ ... "'(II. 1'141!

~:lldli!: ""Sbaqall&cb' (J..,.nf17 l,a.,.i...,),

twu:11•1 t:Il-n IN )DDI '1 ,..-..- llAO•a& l'OSTE& . ..-,t1t:n l'r,pUlar C".bt\rDte •

141.IS -p.a.--'"6YD PAYN'E, Uw lfi..11.r,s Com,.. ""'OCc,,rTmhat.c,.-•"' ........

10 -410 JI m . ..JOE "lt.O~-c-C':,.: A.HD JfiS b"Y:,,;ro..sntr11n~tS'1ll

"Yen ~ 1 r..o,.,.., Y,::: .. '"'..._., lW <".al ~T Sri._.,. WiU.""-•> Hello. 1Jlurtb.l1'11 tr,a.a,•.

JO ti J'IQ. S'tD .. An.t.:,, U• ll,."l'tr'lf ~ .. , Koll>"

:;......s JO, 0 Pm Ot; n GREAT motrCHT ~ d.-.p <tNmelt ad JPU - entiieaU-1 bean r,f N•ai~ bdrw .. u,,...h..r.t< lit:111k. f :,cia no onb ,..,.,: It.. .. 1L11r-l1j,,,

11..1. Ji.. .JOE AROS80S /Lt-rO HUI YN<~'t"MFHnSJ:-- -,

llil pua "COD A\"£ Tl xrs~-

4QG, BRISBANE ;tonday.

»IDOAY s:t:SSTON J I" IIL-\1.jtlk~t m,oru •Mtbllr 111!n,..,,.t,hOll,

• ,rt1•~ hf' lbe Coft'nn~•bh W•tkT' I \1~11 • bl'Wt wr• k-1!-; atap•llHt h)' ''Tht Pai p N • il .. aftd • TM Datl, S"k"'UJ'l'I ••

l Jt I'm -1.unr..h hftl'r mua:it 1 ~ 1 .m -.n,3...rd UnM dana J p,&-CJljll,it iJo,,a

AtTUlNOON 5-ESSlO!'tit "" I m \h"~II 1 ... mule.­'1~t::.,;Jf"lq ,.rv11t •:aMlJttod b,.

UIJ p.m. -(;JOH ti •a


Why Blame Static? Buy a Philco!

Priday, ~'ud Deoembu, 19'l7,

EARLY £'\"E.NDilO 8'&8810.N.

S ~;:.• H~• •Vff'lid 111' ~ Dai:t,,

UG p......-L«tiucl..Lo!.: A Oatam.• &... Talk i1r. d14' Cu 11t 1b• l..,.t-lio)' "'C..~ ...

r JO P• Tb.. Cb.i.Wtta-. s....ioQi ~tor1e, by "Tb,.. Sui,...,. -

t 'r'.m..--».u•.rt. l'W'PGrtl: SWick rrvo,rr•

•.a.!.:..a.-W"•Ultt li«"'flf•, *U&IJT tit&o4atr

-: CJ (1-ffl, &.a-.Z4 1Jme .tJcoal,...

-:.~~-';',- ~atl~ii, ~ c::~:-!IU&

rART T-OkGAN R.11:CJf.U..

•l~.:-~iv!t,.°;n~:S!'•_:;cz;~ ~rv!~1 I ~• tii~j::': c:~~• ICIIJ' P t>,,m P'ftOM :i&.J11Jilf'9 CA1'lU:.l>&.1.L

Or::!. ~I~-;~ ~.n.,aaa. te M c--. Theo ~ p,ortJca ft! Qlt pl'f'C • • t

;:.~.:,_~~~,~,!•~~ta u:i.. l"ART ll.

~ f" m Hto!j' "-LI SAl'NTS ll.--.Ll,t •·V:~:~•;brfflfa CIJ1- (Qf' two p\aa•

)S:.:-:1~:aft~~=-fl~i:)P\UD) •ad J!1• • \·•t.. UI A Plat M'10T.. (C~ · Danrirs: tlol1 .. IP1l!d1at1.

Mw"Rc,U:lll .. l"'C-

:t:.:::: .. 111t~~-~ I~)

hi~=•~ J~~. MtnSr.. ~ D

• ('()~~ I~ M-.n,.t-1r~

lll'\d 111~M• \~ Ai!dl>NoM ~uar-U. in D luJor' tC!Mlt,a • ''(,n;,N'" ,.,..,...,.,

,..,.,. !'Aase H0117. .-"rM11,,...• l("luu•rn,....l

M.lillllt FA.a-a Hool .. ,..,it.a•• IW1r,'"'CMIU,lltU. .. ft!la.r.un) .ii-- Ac-bll!I A.a~ .A.,T..C...

"'reffc-ni m A M1'"""'' It.Mt lftiW_._ GNt• I. N• •1tm• 9'm.r T R..A..JL

t:t rt ,~.....,Miu rcut h Sffll L..A a. PART 111.--ffl!DIO COl'C'llT

Th third ro.rU-,o at U• ~ ~:Qt;••~, Lri.ada« fna u.. QIIIN

tJlri,r!,:;_~~~!~tl~~D":~ Th- l--liaex. hwlnunutaJ Qotrkac.' lilr. F c. S.llh

C'Mc;;;::;1 1•=>~ ~-=rd.$,N;._ Cli•ltom

\'1,,1::il ;::::it d' A~ i.1a..r

~ .. ~~~,.."~;. f'.J~ b II lllrin

"4• l•o 'ld>N::1:9,J. Ordt•t.talt

hi ' """"-'" $kalhrv l,1rJ jCJark 011 • tr-ttoalnUS • ,..._.,.

Con~,o t-!~7 l""!?:l~tal Qt;:,,nn.v. • F-n-hl-r Awa1tt1 M,- H .. ,.... 1S &.,.~

lif• .laal.- M~ \'!"'1:.:"I;~ ~!;::1~tr? Air"" Cl!Df'"ll Off'l'l-.tt11t:

"'llialllOlN' NH1..U." I Kr.{1bl•t.or.ft Tia• ~to"'~ l'l'l•trurvi•.,tal QU1.n.rt

So$,.rano .-ofo I •·111,tre I• a G,-,n R•II" l(;oJftCJI!, Jt._ ,.,..,. Met>-.--11

Ma h'tir ~4 Pat•hft,I"' (tt',.,tyma,n,l The amdkt lutnur...r,l.a.J Qu...~f•<t

10.U r 111. - ·n.. D•HT lla11 • ra,,.... •4,.1,LMr r.t.w,... Cbt: drrwa.

Page 43: RELESS WEEKLY -€¦ · RELESS WEEKLY \Ot UMF. 11 :>.L1'1Hf·R 1, The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 2 nla.obj-678528424

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Wlal':Ll'!55 Wl:Ultl. T - l',p F'•rty-Oet

T H1': •b1llty to rhonie JflUf ~Wt!: p~r•Mnw l"P°'l"rn tl'1• ftf10UJ •tatl.,. M lJ & KT•t boc)n[ h. rn,.ans I.has. 1f ~g di, not ur~ fnr lh'" J:•u. fr""'1 ben, "" th• lt-et .. un trorn.•, ,,,u no t.un• 1a. &Ju• Mr.--WJ1 If

Ot;T L'ITi:Rn:llL'IC'£ .!=•lerti'\tlt)' dt"4"'1d1 prirna.rily up'ln IM 11.Jnd oI cOIM'l«.ntt.r :,our Hl

po,a.!UH'I. Any C'('lndan-r l'Tl-,ly p-tttnrt yoa 1 0 lllne, n 31.0 • .CQG, t••c, flC'L. and ntb~r 1tatiNN, 'bat If )'OrJl' l('i.i:t:lftl' or th«-m la .n erowd..-i •n ()J,r1 ,mall HCUen rof tbs dial, yov a.u ap~ W ha•• U•• ledtira from &hi.a ,1,tat1on elbowinr- iU ,..., into lb• o,r..Q:.rt prn,.,.nune from that.,.

Ch-• th, "ADVAl'l<"E" hTR\IGHT r.1s1: FllEQt'F.Nr;y cos­m;S'S!':R. WHIC-ll no,:s \ WAY WITH AU. STATlns-euscmsr.. ,, 111 dtt1;-r.,.rl for tnultrrlc, rnt)1,pit1l"t' ,, i n a ti~e p tea fra~, and lt 1no1t ns:-1tl Dan·, forctit the f1•me-''Ad,ar.ce~' lour hL\ tt,,

.0005 ___ 10/6 .00035 10/-


'l,lrt(..f1(, ,r,d ,,. 111,,,",' ' bv .

RADIO CORPORATION OF AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD. ~UltiOUR~f STD,..{Y •l'•~-' l fl,- . • 111" . ,\""(

Page 44: RELESS WEEKLY -€¦ · RELESS WEEKLY \Ot UMF. 11 :>.L1'1Hf·R 1, The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 2 nla.obj-678528424

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Page 45: RELESS WEEKLY -€¦ · RELESS WEEKLY \Ot UMF. 11 :>.L1'1Hf·R 1, The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 2 nla.obj-678528424

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Fnd•l, :?nd Docrntber, 1!127,


&ARLY NOJ\-s-r.,t't 'f !!fON. f ...... I') I LIii

MOJt~n :'-l:SS,lflN',

• t i, a.m {; r U. c*II .utl chi...._

Mllabu,l fr,;lft-lM• Ina H-1.~J,~ t ..,. 1,1 "'• lflla tluo l'-,J.l, r .. 1~1,.

l"felo,r-.. 1 .. 10 arn. -lllllkll4 Jrlllf,-.,aDlo• trllffi i • .......

ll .._. -0 PO dock aod chllu..._ A AOGII.Offl1"t&.

Ul ~-wouin•• .-lcla ~,:,,,:blJ f!M"­lkl!lll!II 14 er,n-nptWUNtf,i. b7 Jilr•• Jonlp

T~ •• .\>d1 ct» BN,o-- Ir, Mra. .JM"lla T• ea Loeol 1"1..ruel .. t,, Mr. Ro- DoJ1t-


,,... u,.

,-..!I ,,.. Dl .,._,.fr-~ n••

11,.ra,. ltffi,a• -' n111"ln • r,:Crtlllr-s• ~-Jltac-lri• ,._llll• p.m. -~Neta OH!aD fMTCaat. •..--lll't"I rJ.Tk Mid ithlm"' --.::~r.: o~f'~ ":l!ns °"'-.~ . • :J:--1'\UU-.J Jlrat:'f'111::.IU Jr.,m dis

6rr.t!1•.t MmrrRY IUSJl)N, ,1n.-c ro c.l('lrt .,,.4 t\lm-. MMnJ''-1• Lu4 ai,d Y~~-.­

eo,.-_ ,,,11:,rc.. w ... 1..1.u "°°" •"rt (rr•o:a.'11 " ~ •t

GnnfttDf'ftt M,ve,.t,._t. Pr•,chaeen' Diatrllillli1":I llo(f"'Y•• lnJt! ad

ai-T£!~~::'~ On?li AM tOOllrr rf'Hrl f ""&""1 0. '7 pNIIOra ""°'1 (""Jl~n, .. J. lill!II.A. t&!'°

.u ._.a-C-aUT nH,1 h<im IJI• •ans. .. t.-.-.TalJI ~ • fll U1• BL- .ltlla

...... ~ Aartrtas..1-. ..... --0 p O ,_.,_ ... 1;klm-.

ltft.4rMtan' 'l"asi, Ow•ri&a.

'WlllltL ESS 'WEIUtL Y Pop Fortr-Tl ,,.

f Sta1Jd1zrd

2-Valve Receiver

£14 ~n,p It• 'I, ~,

.• £22

Philips' •~ B" Battery Eliminators

FAR M E R s Pitt, Market and Ct~rg, Jtruts,

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The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Pa:r• ro11Y•Four



3LO, MELBOURNE 1 uc111duy.

I. b(il'lfl-)0 rllk,Qr-o. Ub.-er111l4ry IH'.IM ,. f • nl, Jih1-.11I J r1ta r~1\- lty Lhe AU•

u·all.ll.ll M,r.- ,. i! Mdala A,..~1aou;. lt•lll'I tbe tilodl Wu:kll~c Una t.1a, BnU.n 0UklA1 '#lfll'"-i a ... "'° Kur~> ~ltlfr & al u tbil ,\td\ralka Preu A...ue.1-.lloo c.,i\i;,et, Arif•' lit •·nll.._,

l O pJII aTUUIO 'IUA.P,'f ET, Ii•~ ~lO fNIT (,,,un~·· 'i'ai;u.t. ..

1~ 0 p 11, <'i l'UK lhe tr.-.,., 1- Jr,1'J,a.

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l :l f-. , Iii &u11iart•• ,1lfll't,n•I, II.. &.: u ~' -s-iA ro N TH.Ju

..,-• ., San1 bJ llraluna .. l • pJD.. A~NA Ul.lfl)U;. IOP~no. In

Mfll.alitn I 1 1,11' "Lmcnld lak-JI. h' ' Maftbbl

.. U~ •I Klil•·•~ 4.azlto"J I. a t m --STA~ L.t.:Y BAI~~ llb,1U..t:

N...-•t !!.a•• ttaruru,u... ,..,. • .,. • ., H,1«:nu11 .. oe-,. •. .... I l• a MelJ,ouna. Obl,rnt,;l'r-, tfflW 1 .-r.a!

Tb1a• YII 1 1~,. ~r,irhl :1.tur ch, •bi .. h .... Pll~ll' lllor$PS ........... l:i•' u..- ,-a do.011' &a> itcl;t Ima CJ tie- a 1..-~!ul c l:1"11 to bt- • 11at1 11,app,- li, h1.ta•lf •n.t I r.11111l• J!Wf to bO,rn'" G1,.- lum • Al!'a,. i ' • M llOW

11 v,n. STt:010 C.,L"A.llTET, Kuatani lloiu.1111.r•·• H rim J

l 'ID p..m )1rtiPWelui"1"1 c.f tmatlon.. w .... lMtr lllfflo"'....ul aad ralnl• I t t V rt.f,,r1• ,.._ .. "•• •· t..utJi A\Ul&lal!a,. u-d hew SvwUI "'•In ~" t<o,-u&a Rh"r hM-rt•

11~ II m.. \1) .FA~'l:. Ula SLllclt..; C'UCD"'l!.o1-11. I\• >I• Aran.­,._.....,._

l , p,.m --fi"t'ANLEY BAINES. tbuU1tr Uutte-r6t tK4J.r). AU..,...,. .. f<.""~rdl

1 p.rn ,A~'"!'i,,\ DltR.KE, ..,Pt•n4: J,I ,_ lrh.k •• k,d .. -Ju Grt •itla .. n, ut a 1Jr9C"IJ4' .. t.

Mand,ton) • ltrl4Pt, U f"lyna !llabtirt Lri1l.

J :!I p,m, i'TUDJU Q ,-\RTtT: lll'Ndt.W"" ,rrtlli, j f;&Jl~tta

l I 11 • -C Y' PElR, IM l i.11.i..k- Trc,t.11.uldo'IU MtUI ·'-•\•ff K .. ,... •hffl. w ... ~·· Conn.&

<:llaftcw- U« Ml .a·• 0 drtJd j. --, tloo Ml .... IC°' IH.'C"bwt0Qd~i ffr).

l ! ~ :AGNl:3 tOU.TI.11't:.. p&&00: .,,_ Kindft'" jM.,tict.,

Af'Tf.fl.!-.OOS S&SSIUN. 1 p 11· lhll.own.o 0._.n_.,-, "l"hnf, 8• l l t'-. JOE Afl0NSO_!lt AND Hl~

6\'NCU..S¥ lllPfiONlSU 111 ao UtwMit, G111•11,"" (Ha>""l .. .,.l'lt' )h an Uli, llNat,cbr. .. • D .... .il.

':--0 boi, .. il\• s,-,v-a, I.I P.JIL. 'At: FAlr

'1-'nt.rl.A. •nU.. ani }r-rt"ffw•• l : • p.a. MAGGtr. FOSTER \oiolta t

l'(lpU • t' Ch n...,. N ti':•• )'Nr- ht:f, n l••L 1..11 1• 1n- £. ltA:!-ON lf0PO • .._nt.aa. aa•

ap;,lfSrl~ ha -rH>. ;o:;T\IDf NT PRINCi:" 1by l'Cf"ln.)9ktn a! J c;. W1Ui• 1:11Ha. Ltd.,: I~ f'Alh "r°• Soq- ••

S-,t,d. 3.U "'nt---JOl: AllOS:,."ON A "ID tu .. ,

BYNCO-SY.MrnoNJSTb i .. It 11• SklM Bt-rlln 1 01.).a""'h el. To-•"''"""• f(jr-.,a), "l?QQ 1.- ,A,h).

1-'1 p-. Ni;.LI..rE JUDl11Zi. • r,11ra l'J&-no• app-.annc In ..,.Hf'; STUD~~T Plll:NCJ,; • (~ Pt~loia or J C. 11/Uh.u u.M•. Lt.d.JJ "'hdutn J,n.., t:.. L• ·Lu. 1.ean. •

1 JI C'I ffl-,........JO~ AR-OS~N AND Ht1l \'NC0-$1-,.pJl('JNl.,q"!i \I~\ J%,r :-.--t"" I Y~..-n I

"'Cn'7 W01'd. cru, Tutw'" fTt"IIMil, .. Tht• r•"'a a inclr ht P1t._u,· a Chlll'"-• (._'Judi:.

L·a~it•• tTubia),

Friday. :!nd December, lQ:?1,

•~ 11m. HAf1CJf: f'OS'TElt, -wia' i ri M :t: Pvilllla.t (.'.b...,.1• ..r. (rf) n- lftr h•t \1".1 (1,..

I•"' tll p It ~- ~\~h~, V.C.,UU, ~r-1;oac•

llu .cal Ccltnt.•AJy Mll'MJ:rtu .. u~ &,.m -Jug AkOS:>US A ~D HIS

S\'Ncu,.SYllJ1 HOSlA~ 1.t>~II"" ID ,hi l ti Uu» bit of Hu"a. 0

f8ry,,.J ~-• G.'4. Jl .. ,ua-111

""Kl~ptn,c 1n Srrl~ t," fl:l1toY.-I l...::7 ·N.KW...U:: J lJ.lJ~ts ~ta o,

·\,ha .. :;c,J.,•::tc,;f

• :u P.1n J.l ,\TJ•.QN .MOR.ELA:--:n M.Dtla-rchtfll

~ 4$ p ,. u .. ,11 rl' nu.- .. ,.,_ BWC:lr. b.clurna, ii rorc.- t10A,

6 1t m )Ir J (". l)ICUOS, nf tk.. C~ra-nw11t T~lat. t; tnU.. M,.. bo1uu • •pt:a,l or, · rVCA"a a, d C..rl'l.-r J1 i.t •

6-.lo p.n;. (;}a~ J ,w)l,

t\•r:, Sli!SSIO!: ~ 20 ~ AIUl-r./" t,., Le t.,r, •d -~i&J'

(jtfftutitt, b)' "ldA;tY <;UM t U> C si-• ~TUUIO QUARTRT

"'b,O)Clnw v .. u . IM,rswriie'lt Iii JO rm lll ~ YETTY LANO\U pr.. .a

llf't Jvuor ~pila rn • !'lll.i"'RSERY kHYll LA.:,.;1.> FANTA.SlA ,tod.aptfld u4 U'r.On,d 11., tnnc 11NnMl

TOM. TOAi. THE. nrat. s ... o~ Tuftl. T .,,_ 1ke Ppn-.11 ~ St• ll' • s,la .iitio4. •••1 ht- nin

l'A'-T 01' lHAIL\C'rt T 111 1• r.p.r'1 Son QQROT11¥ Drtll Nit t,,ff,.r C~o. :a t·•l"1'1Wr, E? LA i'P E Oo!l.t ~P w, daui:bl.f c;;;W~l'lllt

11,\11., J'i:cn, wlw We.riot lo Mar III UUJC

nJCJ,(l!'l,:S TII• L<-r.J lii.1-w, ltl.A \ IS HULL , • ..,r l 01Mtabi•, lhJS~,11~ 6CARROT ruile.-M..ri.. J03lt.i Lt:!:. 04~L 'TRf.H "rHld.MA ffitLL. l:.oer ~ 1. Eat.uicd' of G.a.~ Goaec.a." • ara

(Tbf" TWtl ~be- '!! hi.letLH- ot ti J'ri,,,oQ

f):1"1itatn,nl &ue a n .. (-,rt o:f Ji.z11kir.

,t .. t~ardOGI Tlmit 1':unu,- Jllhy~ Tieu M,alUI ~ .,."r, .. r, IPt r:lt"ldal te bit Pta1 li""'uit I ~ •Ju-. To1no ~ Pip,cr'"• ~ ... Dc;,ity •114 T-.

0~1.: l.lUl• J'ir •ittit to )hrbc. THI ... t ...... ,.

O.,n1:1~nJ .'1\a nl la Nl I• 0 TIM' c-,- 7 ~Otll' I C ,..nU!\1 ''l"op liJ j,g ,ljll J•f'WQa. )ila.,or •••"- Chonu. lt!dln•n -.olo l '1h,..m•L .... do f1'1I

me•n t-• LuN fll•tor F,,wl,-. •1.,,·\. th I • t'urt.,• U,. Co,rtpeay A~cci•1••nbt1P. :IIIIN ElaW- N•tUN 1.

..10 p m.--..o;TUUlO QUA.~TET .. h•oalc ruu:i..·· (Milo. •

I 40 "ni ....... THf. ftOYA L A UT'OlfOIJlL CLOD OF VJCTO!UA'S S\P'E'n' N SACIL f04'" to-4a7 t.1 •·N...-~r lloJd aa t.c,, a m.t"1' .«" othrr ~.clt •~ ,-- u• rhl4.s a l,fQCl'I' •• Ollk~l Jk1Klrt or N~bl ~ &ls to, U•• A•oo-t.l.i!'d Stadt aM StaUoa. A.- t Boarb 51.f'Mt. Mdl' }I~ of ahMp, • ~ c-a ttl, drt,•n ff)r ...... , •alt'I

I 41 p rn.-"'Jlll"ff.ld.. ..,.,, Hf'Tlce.. W•IJwr 0'11(,J'UL Shlp-J1i11'1' ln""'t'tHDllll.

i; &1 r,..a.. 51.«.k En.ha~· in./ormalJ,m A fti ft ffl ---f..-h ,_.arl!.1. f'l'POn.s " J L

B•rrf>ll. L:4. Rabbit pr~-.. jll r,I "'""' -1t1....-r 1"f"l'OrtJ ; :! •.m- lh.rln rf'po:l'U hJ, t.hlt '\ .. Jdartan ,-,.

ftua-:,1;' C".o--nr--rahvw C'.o, Ltd. roattn. -Grain. a.,. SLn•, Jult', DaU'J' rt'Mtit!f P('OtatOM a 1u l On-IC.MIS. .Mark,.. ~ &f fruit.. It:, U.. V5ct.oria.n. Yfll.ltenn' Autc1a 11~ )triad pl'lt'"1l Wh<'IINa~ ork- d lruil, by the. ~ Mttc.ll&nta• A 91«"1.-tlonn (·1Ln.M (rinl.11 8 • l&"I SltN-• M n.itl ITSN'rtl..

Ntr.HT 1-•~IO~ 1.11 ri.1111 U,-d,.. t' ihe- &WIPiea •' t!w To-t1

•l,11n:n:u,.., A,,• ,.or.l;.tunt,, l\' A. WHAn­lNOTON W1II •11U 00 l Thr Mean11t1 cit Zonina- ••

F rom Icy Pole lo Tropic JU11gle; Burgma.

Page 47: RELESS WEEKLY -€¦ · RELESS WEEKLY \Ot UMF. 11 :>.L1'1Hf·R 1, The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 2 nla.obj-678528424

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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T 1 rm-t.t~r 1h.if .... pl,ca '"' ~ ll• ,.,r•lQ' ll.a_w,,-11~ tJ,,,., • .)UI 1 I• l'hllJ.1l'"a. .:JA.., l.,Lll w1I t••II. 1,n Aff,rn Ur.•r ,\f'.I:,' t)p• I ~t~

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&..-\UtJHIS{., YOJl"T.5 g(JlAJ>a o• so~G., 1,U Tf tift:~h LOUD ,t.?-.U lUk.u~V ...

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~" b l•r llUT0JtLIT"$. I, nr lore• r w1 .... , LJ\twclli a ,,_u ffl lrt1llr- lio.1tl:1•t , a ,bu•, tr ff\ • u-.1111 11r flt.w-.11 ( Nt&Md , .... .-r.,nt • ti ·•1' -tifL'l>hl l'J.U,t :,.;1,A.Ut1t,; oi rhE orU,\ "'t .\U!'!T" l'aH l. Jd' ~ .,.,,. t,I J 1il!TION lktJWT- ...,. •~ ),7 YHt :oi,·tvo1v IIR( llt'">1l-A • ~ AtJl\iM ML I Htllll!T t.'IIOfR-

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• IN.\ Ul.l.HiU.t" ,~..,,r&ftl.

10. I.,_ -JU f(II,: •031Tll: t'W a .. W Cabrl tl'oltaldl!II

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10..U p.a...-<."\'. rt~R. th- l'l11d1•'r T, -I•• Gait 1)1• r.,,r f~,.-.Jdt,n. 1 Ucai..e t '--'ot YGJ tU. rt 11)

UH Jin -'THE ar.NDOW.'•f&RJI 4>hlrt ~" • Gw,.. l&el. i., Olu• ..

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t e •iOD A\E U.r; l:l}.C.


IUDOAT &t.. lO!i. I 1-·"-' al .rl..t ,~ rt.. , ~L.~r Ulf~ 011, ;J!; Da Jy Lit' aa.. 1'11~ (la1 1 • •kr~

1.1, •·• J..1u1c6. mi,;1~ 1.U • a -tl&ar,darli u- alcr•i.. 1 ... -ctt- ·•• a.

AYff.R.NOQi,. 5.}.SB!U:'f, I.II 11..a.-A pr,c1atr1_,. 1JI •llllJ• hecr1 Lbt> ...... f ll 1""4"_,..1111 n,r..,._ • ,. ·-- CJ419~ ,J,, ••

\;ARTY 1tViiJ,.TN1:.. IT, ~ION" • •.-.- O•llt SUIUtla.tll'"' ,.,... ao-.&r,n. -~ .. t.1tp.a. h,,tl\l:fttW A T• lli u-nti.- b

U. Qw,P"• a..a na1ii. 'fl-• 11n1lkr ' t ..... 161' t.JI io.a TM' Cll•""-t1"a

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51,.11 "'flr,tu

WIRELE SS W EE~ L T !'as• r r\T-Fivt

··················· ·····················•·"········ ····················•·•···· ... Wetless Guaranteed Products

Herc is th<! l..ule•t lV<'lkb l'roducl

r\ tllJh Qu•hh Ku at • F o•tt rrfu t,·rrr K" 1, lH TC!lf.11 a, I b h<'m&: uppHe<l to 7011,. B i to l<f'yner. of El tr, Lab rat , t

f lnlahcd m bro 1e • nd p,ov t

luo 'J HI;. \\. hTLI·:!'-~ ,r.t I J.i.tT l• 11 o f t

?.I n m-um dt-t•lectr and JAaa: f• sn a p 1ft Pt tt 'fHh "E[l.l·:."'~ •ho~•nd.s ar Quality art.Jcle at

Obt•tnable rr(tm •II Jl.-.111,•r

Uult"r.i .,.,,t~ In marJ..«'"t lhrq, f•mnus JlnN t nt.11ttr1 \a:~ Wrirt-10 :

J • WETLESS, 2~~~~i:o~\~et

: ·r-nn~, : t w 11th • : ••• t t ........................... . ....... ................ ...... .... .............. . . ..... '

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The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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W ednes., Dec. 7 , • 2FC, SYDNEY

7ZL, HOBART Tntsdoy,

lolOll?iING i; U a.Ill. to 11 a.nn.

AJ"T.E NOO'.f S O}l I t1m,....o r o. lU.k 'd-..:JftQ ill" boar. 1..1 p..m..r-Tune h Miff ft. 1.1,,:~~ ~ ~ I Jl-llL

J&cm:, of 1Dtott"l9t.- UlnnQWl'DWtlfa. l.U p~ hJ' , ZL ~dJo 1:1tN

'Dab la f'a.n:rpa- (B rw,I z;q lA., •Ja a P rsba.b Gardea• U.,d:ra.a:zmt. CcUo - I J.IKLNL l:lu ..... Laoa:a.

Why Blame Static~ Uuy a Philco!

Frida}·, 2nd D•coMber, 1927.

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I I<

vi•111ELSSS Wl!l!!ltLT

' l "T f.AlTtR't ~ ~LIM•N•T"O.t r

~ Abolish -Work Direct from the

Murdoch's Announcement

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C.all, er Wrtu la

R. W. PATTERSON, .,.~:~ N 1'111 $IBUI, SID,\IY ( ~nr ~""' !'lace)


Wa!Jwo'r rt".-t aa• frir~• "7 r~.urU!U c,( 1.c,wt.N~ro~ l'rudi..crf'II. Ll•tril:ta&Ja, Soc.l.ett'• Fnltl &hit \f"ln'l,alik- Jllu\¥t ttPt'J't..

tqcli ! npm,.-. t;r• o 11™1 f'od,1;!40r f'l'flort I "-mi ... 1 I a&o Prud ~ fkpon ("'5\ua. • f s fUtA. lallr

• 1,,-,Cou,u,-y ..,.,.. (l'fltn tlw 5tut. • H f'-ln'. r.a. o~ • .,.~,,1, hy Or Mct,""h ....

I 1 ,i, O.r ll e,«li uul rbrme... I r~«CllJltflT'II" "r~1cal I bona

!..I o na,. ~ l.{,aU.rr li:.h1..aa,rd c:ouw..lJ.•

_.._ I l O a, m. llL Got,:• lla.Dlft.. hO'l"d1.7 Jan ..... I I p.tti. Hr t>Ollc1" ~"•haln. ~'lltbh

,INDNan. ~ 'a r,IIL-Thf- I UlJl'!rbor, lltatrvl Ru"I

f0...htl'tlll t.r Mr 1' :,Otcblll!s) ~L

Men '"'~"" • a .11. t •mp,ile. ,,. ~Ol"IU.ft "ricf'rlt._ 1~0, aDC\l'X,

J ~-- DrM.~• aJI rona, UPl'r1. vi]J ta Ii. on "'lM:ul!lr, •r.i'il cc-nt'ra..1 ~port·rr .,. -

t I JI' r,,: \\athf'r r-q,,iw-1 a..r.d for-f'rMl .,.,. !!1.97 "4r C J. Jil&re llt•ttUaolHlt ,.,_

t r.a.-Mr rraon H.aa oe, Ju.a oumlif"'!"1 Ml u.. ..... Dr.

I JI""' )'Iii•~ bf'T i,; "ralt-it. t I p Tbr Ca ~1'7 11 rd lktvf.

Cb.teal ai:.d p('lpalar S-11a11 .. I p..m.. f~ n( IV til(: .f'QQJU

t .,._...,...,Grqhoand rmin " ... rpp1•1 • u p"' M~ DnQslu (.u.t,•"'· I I ,.,_111 lit .Sotma11 Wrfcht. • • .. ltrJt; 11r• o( folkJwtf!I' ii, ,,..,...

mm ..... U p.r.:i r.po ~)(W;k a,d c)dm...._ ll p.m ~.,. .M•'\•n• attd .lurn C,-abm ..,.....ta bator •ad ..._,roet17

I I fl m I•11('.'a! rnas:rc ff har.riy U ,,..a·• h11eo !I• ~Ml Wl'ls """' lhl" ha..ill'O!lf'O flf 1/w BoMII~ f"Ulll.._ r .. MJ!,C int,~• .,_ "'"" •"'ttt ·~•- 'D"="'• •ru ~ rrad t,.. u .. f;tad.o.

11 sa-1111 1 r.O t ..rlt. .util dutn.., ~•t..oaal AD,\,kUII,,

2GB, SYDNEY Wrdaeod.ay.

MOR.NDiG Si:.S!IOS !' • ir,_ Jdink ... ... ··,~ °'~ .. Talfc. • U •m M•a!e '!'I.JI • m PoT'b'll•tcill t:lu, a.,o ...... X.-&c...

AYllllSOON 6f'.SSJOM. IJO S,Jll.. Jo!· ,. a.r. •• "IIM"­a.u P.•-llluak ~ Pa ,A.4,t,... t P,..ID. ~II• C <C.U p.11t 1·1ou -,:-,..n • .JO PJl -cbildttQ"• ~iaft

J~l~G fUi,.')10!'1, 1 p Ill \of::IPftL

'; 1 P Ill Arr.MIiin l'l'1l E,,~ 'r.tO p.m Add ,.S5 O • qa J\y Y.\ A CROl'T

I 'Iii bea Ct :.dbn- 11Lo'"' ··•lf<Vd o • .,.,_ I 1Uwl'e art Th-osf,. fHaa,d,r I

J.. p.m.--AMn,,a ht 1'.- l' I\ Jl.oa"4 t l'I: T' m laat.n:m1:11tal Too.

DA:-0 5Cl:..LL¥; lH.:llltLJ !! LAMO, At'IA. hROOI<,

I,& 11 na...---ct.1- ~E.';T }101'1il,-..Q, \'tt:a1 Cha~• A Pac,..nt of :b!Jlnll!Yl:I' ••

l>, Mo flr•hr l fSI fRnV. N. EVA ("R'1P'T, }'lt'f'.D.

ERICK nJRRUL. r U:..MJ.":""NT ffOSKl:,O:G Jh~m-\lltln Nlo. OA~ ::,.\ll.J.,Y;

••a....oor ..•ll) • M.mtlf'I tn I'' fl"IAI fS-:.J'IMf'r:l,

r..s.• ""' 8011,~ &,. YR.J"Dn1c1e Tt.manL­,. WhiJ !• lblw-i•r" j~lnMl'~l. t.·• llit.adl.U:rTou•bJ

t I' nL-lt«,t,11-t ltr Mr ffnrh R~nt('.'l(k I 1 • r, 1ft Se,,p. Ll ... ~JE BROWN

••Jiii 6fl:"lrit" '"'" • J,.1.s,ir Pff.O\li:)'l AN'U E\'A CROFT

Fnday, ::n~ Dtttm~r. 1'2'7.

2UW, SYDNEY 1\o,lnhday .

t •"' N...-._. R1l'ttl11s m.Ji.. • t rbn u-, l,41 a.-. 9,0llltrn'• uaak r. t.H ._l'L.~ .. f'( f.-.,.....,..11 tr1tC"ff.Jam:• no Lfll:. Ch,"" doiirft. t: II r...m-f>l""t'i.t.J .-n"l!lo.,... IAl!.Che~!I

~le• U4 rm..---on. .. ~

AJi~J'll.:Jt~OON S.U:Slt1tf I r"" -Stua,I) 1!,..IT-.J..

:.u f'l.m. -"-'iffl1" bf r .... an1 •mcrurtM.-1 .(".lnw, .,.,._.

I p.m. c;-, Iii~''""" •.i.• r '" 11-JJ~ ,,r leol'?llr4 pr~194: • p m...-cm..- 4-t\.

}. VU;\,«; liESSIO.'< "l'ft. S,,,111r:n,"" ~t-,,c, •ft.

po c r,e Wh .. .t• t4' a.• It fLll't -T'luofoH., Hlo. 14:s A Dann _,,,. II fJl:I -Jiu• C-r!r !JJIII INSle •-, a _,...._ ,. p.Jtl, tui(u ... ~

~ ,H 1..-. ,M,- :t-nwu ChlituUl,. a:u• • .... qnc,. 1'G1a r Morn

, .. p.111-'itt:-dl• -~ 1 H tua.~rden J amn Jtdlarl

lraur1dlt f•• Mt:ad,.,.la.rl • ta) "'W ... uri, .. frt •11 ti.ll dt,petl41. •.11 Jes. 00

t<t• .. ..,, 11.h~ .. fd •y.,__, .... , ...

' r '"- -~:... fl.a,_ AbMat'• U!la.oll.-naal

' t p,:in "'"- A.. f'altt-Jt. ~a!'V .. .. ._.. • • fl·• - M* SJll"I:• Cl!lttth ~_.. ..,_ ....,,

• 'tn1ric ttf J..,_?.-.. , 1% P-M Gofilmt Jam.• MtDaa&M . ..-~,

ld ... .,,. T• .. o,,.r. .... ~

f; 11. p.m.,.-DoQIM a-, tn• 't.:t.s, .... flll-..,..,u

11..:t ,._1111.. -lhu&o "'\rrtin?tt ~• 11.-.--ltla f.«,17 E J ms.a• ,,rw. •

S,wt,,l. I 4~ i,J11.-l\ell.Claf R., ... ll"ft • •~ Ell Mart."'' (Clark.• •

• •~ r 1Q..-lltod1., ~1-.1on '"'o p.ra 11.ft. A Dalt~ pla!I.Of'o,1,e -"" '"" P,ISI MIA fi)'lTIA C""lt.ortll aesu. a.,.; .. .., Ainb ~r at t:ffnl.Wc.

I ~.-.-Ji....-, •!UI •NLh'!r foN'!C"""cl t I p."11 Stmho tdtlortior'• t,%8 T' lll...-ll,,,11,m .. a/ fo,..,.N p.rcn.---.. a.It ,._m.-c-t kw h:1~

JLO, MELBOURNE Wtdn .. day. ll nMn..- Mf'lbourn .. Obac-rntory ,a.,. •~

1L1~Ji: .. ':a'": .~: .. ::-1::~l~ A~ 1h• J,on...,fl ~rNl \. 1rha11.,. ddt Or tJaoh etl'!'ic:--1 -~ ~ 11"1 kuffl &,,t•r"a uid l h" ~-u,J an Pnit, Aue­ciauon bltlH. .A,.. e....,. ,.t.rftCot..

11 :-11 "m -JOI!; AR:nN!lON' A.HD Ht SY1i'OG-8'0£PBONillTS: '6fh.a1'• DoUr .. (Kabn1 • .,.Thar~•• E•,c,71.h1ns Nitt Allioal 7".• tflrT&n.1 ''t'lle Lut1&\Jir.'• ~· tl,.-fu,)

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1J-t9 ••-AN>:4 8U'111:XR. •~r.ti•. ra l.-.. anta la Ltw YJ',.l i,I •J lri1'1h­l "4.a.d. 11\ i.., l ._ Llw IU\k •"-•'• ,,_.,"' at ,.,. ,~ of ,i... lllllllil lb.. aarrc.w ,_., •JIWNti• .. ..,. .-.. ~ ,ar Jt .. ial ia tJi. s•f'Pal, ill IUQ# ti!. lftlo.U ., P"-• 1l

_,. ... tl"l• -ar.4' d-u UW U.,..,_. •P••l ~ • ... w•• Mt1c1•r

1 b IWlit a( l.)o, .. ,,u iJ Q._.ill7 1 LtnlP T...-a In t,,1'111li C.:,w,titJ u.-,.'" 1Car;o

l lld PaOC•.-.,J, 1 ..JI ~ • _ _.....Jt .Rscbuip lnror••t.lOO. J • JI --Jot: AkONso~ ANU Hl:9

lflrii O-ffllP-ff0k"19T!i I •'o'Ll' .. i • 1'1111 lit..,.., tl-.n,1111 --c-•---o.i-n. I.. U« Mr :-.:11511,\1,f. 1h a.w 8a.tli. .. (JWID'lonl 11•.t lMJI~ • tli".-nt

n ,-•.--AYO •A\'Nl... e~ri • ..... ,..s ... a.wi.-, ... -•..a- JOE A.BONIS-Cl'i AND 1::118 YNC'O,.AYII-PBO?-.:l11T51 ~..-.1.-• -ll""'""'ffil" Obk!'T• tol'f tl111.r 1ls-nal °""8, .... ,..., ... i., ......... 0.1,._.,___lll"'l''

U• flt, •r,,_ I ,rl:t. ,....""' M lti. •"'6111• »t ~--,. ., ~lt'lri:. ...._ .. 1 .. .s, •n.t

,,..~ ............. -u, .. on,11p r.l, ..,_." •••·ii ..d l,y l-11• jl,1.i,m• 1111t •~•­Iha ..U,.ltdJ ol ,tat'! cht.., AU lha JQT NU ht Os,-a T-.,- i) ..

P • --.,OB AJN)SJION A1'D HIS NCO..SYMPMU~ISTS •11 .. ~1n A•u T1,v ,-..,,, • ad Y~ I t.,,..,

Awar T• Lc,irs Ut.rr-aru. 1'1w- ,..,"' rrtaw -waiu- Ot.o•-'Y• ........ LMl We,nl. ,x..h•

t •• M~ Ul-tu.rsntfoe W••· ~=t.,, ~i.:~ .. ~::..\i=~·~-~: U...n ,_,._.t Raff ,._.,_.111

.a----cY PlUf. u,,, UhW. TN'Uk,l!ior

::-o-,:-ll 11"1-.:r.; .. ':i-;,::>•t'r'· l rlQnl , •..Ill -JOE AAONZWS A!'rn IU! 'Ui(;l).,l,YIIIPlfONL."ff• IJ.- tq- l"\ane ~ (fl'....._,

-,,.. .. .....,. PoM.I~ I~ ,..,.LAI 1111.-t A,. W"' Wait • tor• 10....,_} ..... ,t..N'),:A 11ua1u:; t1115"•Jle llv•.,

lr~IIIM....,._ lhala Ka,UOol"'" (SONt. -t .Ill -.sor. A•ON3f)N AND Hts

H ~nCJ"liON-tn3 ~~ c:.~~',. .... •C.a tw)

-Oft. Jta.l"I".. 1b1uQ't. t • .- -CY. J');Ul, n• C.l..W. 1'.nNI.•·

aadled:J Uk• T•n" !Pri•"ld•~~I f• •t:1 .A,PI• ~4'11 Ada.a ic .. ~-L s .... .

I ..... M1L H WJl:JUl el 0•• Tannnilan 1Nrim1, lfi;.l'NU 111.d~n"- • 11 klll eii T.,naolL

".: i'"r~~~ fi,~ ~t'C".0 :~

lli1111'1." lll'f n.. t!DWffh r WolHo ..... -a... ... 11 tG ».•.--~l'ipti.., ., Jam ...... F\at R..-• ...... ,- BAIJ..AJlAT Tl'Bf cw• .., -•..u.. "1 Th• S1«tlnc t..11 .. w • -- a-,11 ......

AM'J"JtNOON SESION' p.a ~,.,.. o-..-naton- Tha.. Jt pal

bn--g:(!lit~i~I~~ t 'l'Hf'. R~ Ma.rr11 001· .. uc• 1~,."'. l'!rm•lll ffw• t,\.J;IIM,Dt I ..... M4CGlt,~ ,o~. "Win

Dlrlfff"• Clbonwd.,.

~~~fAT'.Jlf clt'~ .. u•:~ IIU'at -., • MQAut,• J rbe th,orl.l.q Gk.'-• am.-VlC'l'Cll\tA Vi-lLSON .a»Una. ai.,rru..-.,n h.J.,e,, .. 'l--ltis: BJ',. fF.dwar'II 1"1:1N'tl'h

I p • t1i.M 11ITCJJF.t.L _o\ND TUE JU'.'. ,rt."T CONC'£1'T ~ltCBJt!M'IL\ hai, ~ o... .. tro. H,iir,, .,_Ill .. tC.l'-

1 n ,a-A.Ul'EllT l'!AflLIS:U" TtJHN'. r.­..... n. .. h1 -rhe !l~ P"rt~· <"7 --- J. C. wm1 .... LW..I • &..rn.a...-·•~•t-...... u.....~caoo..,,&,,

w1a1n.••• wautLT


Rt-'orc 7ou df'C'ld• tu p-mth&s• ~ oar lint ot' ffladct.11 ~Vff

lh-monrtnt1on1 In ~UT ahuw roo~ or your own home wilho any oblipt1on.. Rlnr H ..,.'.t. J to arran.-e fol' d m tr:at oo.

:! \ I hit :-:r1 Ca•h f"rkf', £1:i 0.-pcult 12.'JO •• aod 5 5 WHkl)

S \"1lu• :i-;tt .. C°Hh Prit~. f:17 It • D•putl• t"3 all<! 6. 3 w .. kty,

~ \ alu St-t Ca h Prrc•, £%1 Ufl'OS'I £~ a aud 8 10 wHkly.

ti ,•ah,. Set. Ca h f'rk•.£33 10 • U.poalt t:; and I. wnkl,-,

8-V AL VE SET Cash Price £65-0-0


Colmov"" A. and B. Charttt. Caal, Price - , , , £6 10 -l1•P..•lt 17 - ood U 11 eel.Ir Paymc:., cl 9 •.

Colmovos A. Cha,ser. Ca•h Prioe •• , •••• , , £5 10 D<Po ,· 16 ••d u w .. ur l'a:rmon!s of T•o.

Emmco Eliminator. Cuh Price . . • . • . • . , • £10 10 D,pollll l:!110/., ood JS Weolr.l)' l'a,-m,nb of 10/-,

rOUNTRY CUE:>;TS :-OTr..-P""t&.r• Pa;J on Ordon o-<r 10/ -, with the rX~ptlnn of S•b, Load !:ipH.l r • l:la.ttcrfc A.-rUJ. Wln-:1 ar.J \'ala. l1 ayaLl.- P.arttls AU ~OCMb ,old Wlth a moa•y l.dlck a,,o.rant,. I! not 1•ll fi~ U1d n,tarn,d wlthln t•n clays, •tom:..- WILL BE REFlJNDJ::D.

Colville Moore Wireless Supplies Limited to ROWE ST., SYDNEY. (N&d Hold A.wr,-..Uo)

Pbone B2261 ...................................................................................

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...................................... Manufacturer:,

Pcoduds Pty. Ltd.



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10,1!,..~!!1;\J~f~ tnsTt R, ~1 -J 111

Oian, T I• 1T•d~ ~..,...\1) lllltO pm RAlLW,\"S: ,W.11.fT-'.BY BANDt

14:,1 f:'llfflU Jc~_.· lt..ftf 1 ts ,.. LY ru:n llNr u-.-.1-!c, T,9'&ba.

11,rJp •010.,. (' .. nr-v~ .. 1TT.-1ma11) ~~ «, , ;Jo't t hi' ,cNtt 11u1t, mil"' rli.-.1':1"·

Jcrae,I 10, 'PJn. --nAJL\\ ,.,,.~ MfLl'TAk\ •~r..n:

.MNC'c• u 1''"._"~ ,.atNlf• (M.ekuluJ, I T r11 ASSA ttlllOit •t1fl0ilo<,;

""1 J.;:now \\"'h!re r,n (1.un u, .. .h l'ufl,, Sot1rJ f \\~r r ....... r.lde.ft),

11' H ut1• J('lt ,\ftQS$UN A!'H1 Ill~ SY~CO SYltPITtrsrnTS

M-'llllll' ff ' t81a111wrt Ml•J"•n• :\I•,•"' 1 Ha71 Tb-- 1,o, .. \\art.• 1J11"111~) (.Dflf"IT .Al'?N " lht1 W•1U." IRo\, .. h,. UdfMl'1 I Ju n1fot h

11 tt na oun (,flEA1' THOUGHT H.- •h,_, ffl ta t'1i •hat h oil .,,...,_ r­

lN!n,und th# ,uanot. 1Mt " •rt ,.. 11:.~ rr,ntra7 NO Wh-J ha Ulln •b• ~ ao"4i al wan r,ti. •hnr1," fr. w·zlar-dlaU.

It l "m Jn,:: A.R(IZ,,.Jil(JJrrl 1' "'" .tfl~ '''f~T(1 YMPR(>~fffff:

U · I - . 1 Ii $A. Vt Ttllt T.l~n

4QG, BRISBANE. II ednN<do1.

V.AIU Y :\!Ol'-t,il~(; St,:$,C,IOS

• H •,. P•y Jul r1•h•n •'!!I lo~ • ' • I~.,_.

iillhr)4.\' !-'Jl:!l.,4UQ'f 1 P-Jt1." ...,._1 •u1to, ll\f•rta&tt41

-rt.• Oa U-r \lall • n• •"Th, U ,t, ltanJ,1rJ .. ... t t llll'I l.•ncih bCK.;:, 1111ulr.

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Friday, 2nd O.C.mber, 111!7

1-1! a,.m -8:.arrdal'II t1111c • ,.nal 'l P.llt.---01-. dqwn

,0'1't:BNOOH l~OS' I.II .JJ1 A l'NC"f4DU2Y iJ •..tri Q' U1•

St I Ott>-tn. lot lftl aw, r,,i ... ,,_ M,u·tt.1 .. ct Fl~ro.,

flll,..rO Vala-: "Oho••• 41:t d,1 ~ (CllN I ~~:,:::;:~~-:~If~,••.) Jlar,-h SJ•• ' &ato" f,I Uie ,Bn!pn

11AU.,-J )(~11: ...,.. t'T T,pc..,.• ifr-,,4,rl.:b OH i rp -o ll\l - iJ.ownJ Fn Tflllll 111 r hr YVll1' rQDtwttPP'I

tL1t.t•I • JI '"Tlw T1a.irtaJ11J°"' WL ,4 .Ill p --<lbir- .S.flW ,

&-ABLY L"'\"D..LliiG BE910:rf

P,\lt1' I "'1l.XST11 APOU.n r1 lTB ti!,,. llnl poruc,tl .C to-nJekl:• ,~

~._s,rvni..SlivtJwol'I\ ~"' 11 tC.iludw, .lb T. ,._..._.,,

£'1''RT 11~'tlm S.U:.\Tll 'llUO I •-:m.- FBOW. TSE S"l"UlltO

A. pJ'Cnl llffhfl ., c-lacaJ aaalll " I.bit ~ .,... AvoUo l"1-u.

t A p.a.-l"JlOJil TRIC m,JlJhl t ,. pNVfWna...- ti, Iii.- t...ui 'l'r1D,.

Lh"1'tll-N ~ 41 La•~ (1,U'""--J.

rn- ,r10 •,, •1 ..-PNID~ • ,ear. 11 •

II,., S1a1h. R&l'f" Malo. I.a•"" (Obnth;:r)

)lrw.. ' Oorrfc•n. , Jlup uul Pia~ "Cha l .tu P&J'l&l

,PtffldA.ilo M.ra. L.. C'.-r l'IUt • 'Mr Slfoa

"'f: • JLt.rp: ~~ , h M'rl Jitr1o.aa-t)t.utllSn.l -caa,

•ee i.., Ul,j, "'tlOllbmll• ,M, S,, ... Mn !Uta!.h..

Hant ..t.1 .. ~ tU.. lmu) Mn. l C!«TIPILo

VWJ• anlot 11~...u» .. IC:-.-\lt: 81• r II Jhr11 ~ta .. 11.t !ilalh IUld ._,,_ L,. o.:r,."1111

1' i.'"- Harp • a.I Vl,ow, & V .ii A.a,o.,r

•P~ » e.1 ... u•r.• )tr.. IJau,b., Jin.. l.orT.: • .ntt tit ·-I c.o)( 'ti t snm10 1., ...... "11111' 0. llal1"" ..... .. .. , .. ..,... , ........... 6WF, PERTH.

Wodaed•J, l!.IJ ~.-. ,.._:,. U.U .,m. t'lnl. IA1c.l N~ & a-tin ~ W

-., hl:Ll't~ .r ~ W..a A1111tr&aU,. :,.;,..,,,..l-6CQJ

Cal~ tii,Ur4 II,- la. All4=aliaa P,-. ....... ~ Mc>.PtH"\I,,, pliff \JJ' ti• \\'l"'lt.ntl•n

Fannn,i ah.:I l'n-"11<-et'• Mi.:._. LiauWtd-1 .,.,, fll'IM swul m l'w!nh Olit~.,,,...-r. J I .... W•U...r lf~ lhd "- tll,•

JilO!iNlf'Olcska h'l:l'rftsa •f "'"Intl AM!'.nl • I l 11-.-.Q h,~ ON.haa.tra.. CQ.11ncwt' ~r.

v.1 ti•tth 'Voe.Al nll1D~ SdolrtM

: •• a,...._,._ I.It p.a.-Tu• hi..

WIRl:·LI: •• WBB~LT Pap F ..rt,0 011&





. lad b 1M The lhT

Uio '\\ r'd. LIJ., :l.iw!.

m! c.z.a r Z 4 ( 7. 5 <.:Z.G.

~l l)J o.



fall7 ows:ed.


V 0 0 0

"A" BATI'ERIES IN 2 VOLT UNITS. ' 11labl.- for Uall F.mlt r \ a!,

'"8" BA Tff:RlliS.

C.pw11 20 ,-o u, ;500 ia p. noura • • • •• U •olu. MOO milliamp lloun

A..11 Baller1H ._ hm d.ItchurNI can bet rttha.rfiPL

rr ., rar ba !o 1 cha:rpi I. d I 8 u Z 4 0

I! th01• ttlls are not folly dlKh>rs• d and Id di h,r w. I sud !Ix inonU,,, w!Uioot 1ul hA. c,

Ttl.: ll 3080 MA 22~3.

:-1.~.W. Di,tn ... raro and Esld• SttTI« S1&tla,a:

GmSON BA TT1.B &: CO., LTD. nu:.T STREET, S1"t>NEY, (Olf Weutwl>rth An11111)

TtL: City llN

••••,u•~•,1-•••••• .. •••••••1.•••••••• t•••• .. • .. •u• .. ••••---••11lllld":l-~ii;aW---

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..... ······························•··•

Resin Cored §older

for all Radio

nnd tlectrical Work. I


M I eu eol11 l• or uthr-r Auxf"J unnr ,. il)',

cl •oa lf'rtl.of J II

Ask for O.J.L Brand 1;ASY TO USE

Pu• up ,n I n• for I e nmalMJ1'. I 7 ancl 10 lb spool, for the Rad,o and Electrklll l raun, 1n D1an1Cter1 of ' 1 • & • '.

OlwnaLle lrom all lud,ni; Radio and Uectncal De;ilcu

in the CommonwrAhh.

II ~ntabl. i..:,.117 writ• lo, • dtl ... IOI' ne.r,pt .. u,c.

., 111:pp, ,.

Tiit Muafad11t11,

0. T. LEMPRIERE & Ce. Ct!bs lbaSt, C.Ums Slrttt, IELBOURNE.

Sirias HICISC, Maaru•i, Place,



Thur3., Dec. 8 2FC, SYDNEY

...... •

i,... 4 1• • EU"'"' lletc'au, ..,. .. t "At IJ1w1a ftl' u;adftno• .

• , •"' Fr"" uw c-..a n-,..a.. a. LA ,,,.,,, C.:•"IC ltnc ru••""" .t .. Orsa•

1~ a.. • l,w aio:r Cltr~tiaa ~a.. 4 .! _._... tf' .. th Jill ~io·

Ma1 ( ra




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1• •• r," rrom thoo F111.,JJ 11• ,M .. au·"'~ pot,\l.!u Cl(lr•l"~fl.

hi •. fl 111 - PrMn tJ...., "-~""" ~ "•••t:aafan ,,....,. o,..,t,"'t"'

111 ':' •.m L,.~ llr•1 •"" a11,.wa,~l!'-.U 1

I '';': tfl' 't.' >....,,11,-, Lan~ I , •"' -TI~ 4111i...,.a,.iuo l)a.~ •tnt-1 rL I' ""' !'1..tfl.iti61 !onth,,c 1.-.J-n. N»I• f-. t>M,, ,-1,1 J,,,r )I, a.,,,-,u,l\il J: C .&ll i. HWtsl:.. li,ur.ti,- !'t,11 -.11,: .l,1r-H to U:• "-it,,

2BL, SYDNEY. 1 burad.Ay.

F.: \RI.Y l<OftS"f"-Q ESSiO'i ti • a L,1 ii V ••

J.n;,,, ~ll~ft n~I ~ h Mar~, ~•'L J\&aiut .W•rf 9'\ k•~. 1.einl-.Jit.t111r-~

J-1 )I'- &hirio,.t. • t',._•ltaL ... tndr. ,, .......... Jt.opgrt

\r'Wffti --0 :"'4° t",.!;~, •1 ,~~: ~:" ,.': c,01,- a H-.,ttal

t• c,a (JJ•O, Cd ai,d Oi~ CJ.••

"'"' AF'TEJl:l'o:OOS ~l•'llif au nc Ji,,..,,..,!.- BNNJ ._.,. .-~,11 .. 1,-• f!"f eM'tl ~ If• ~.,q of 1>• 11&."

1, 11.- -0,.PO. CJ...-11. •W thbri"'• 1111...&.• I ,wrr.lMII• f"'-IIJ lN' fi.! ~Ml

t I 11•-:o--• lrvm 11w 'Ss,a• I I )I-, • '"ta.I p,.,..,.,.,._. fl'Qm U • , .. ~

M •• N,- t,._ llt<o •~• I.AQ I ffl D\1,-t,,JWall Du,,.., ~&ed. \'-4Rol

INln U. ?1111 a:••• c.-..,~ • t ..,_-'l PO C'Jod 1.11.t f.."kffl.t"'-. N...,,

f,--U.,-,;;:.n ... •.I •IIL Makal P,...,. ....... tr- ~ --• I& ,.- -l!•rbl llt.or,'. ....... l)q,-""'"" l>al')4lli 11•11-11 ...... !rtf,.,. rn,.. ,,, ... ""ii N

• P • 1\.....-m• ~ N._h\.1 P"""-• •m "'-':kl• 1\.-..-•. ·- ... ,,.. aJ ~,,. ... 1'1"1'Ut,_

I •"' Ci PO. Ci4t:k &114 C'h.,.u,,.J ('i..,, -FA.Jtl.T J:VV!(JNC ~"10N 14-1 • .,.. .Q.JIO tloo ad Cklaft1 rt,iW-

f'ffl."11 -'-'· C I II f'l .!lh,.Jnil ,-,...,....,... ttrtrrn tL, ......

1(1'T.f'lAf. <"OVSTJIT SF.ct'!Jmt • I , DI (;.I" 0~ 0-,k Hid Cbf•• A.a•,

n.l••• li!..-ca11lwo t..d an4 Y111a.a.c"' r._•• lt....-t WtatN-7' .__,, aP1J FGt~ ... _,,uo.,- .t r.--,. _.,..,.~~: Pr• .,._~• 11..Ml'~rac ~·• f rai! 11....a , ........ ~. Illar'-"' ..... ,,,: "fho,k r,tMtttf ~ CNJ.11 am1 t,·0ct4,.,. a.,,,..., f'S:tft .. l : lhlf'>' Pn,d,n,1t llf'PliWl f .. 6aft" I : Wn.i.:)r T..,.Mr I 11 •t\fll .. T• llt A."'-1 a..U.

1'11 ....... JU'7' ~ ... ,...- \M ''!lira .. T .ll ••· lu4t,fcd too ~ llr

Mr Al .. ••rrew..

WlaELESS WEEKLY Pace F ft1-nru

·························· ................... ··············•··· ............... :

Battery Charging Uon'l tul..f • rhtan('~ and h1n ~ , 11•Jr httlt.rJ I urnr-J f et an t-tw:.irnt bat.tlrq rhargfoi-;: ...,.nil'., do y1,ur •ur~.

Keogh Radio Supplies

Manulatlurtrs of lh• fmou• KEOGH RADIO SET

Callin& for Speci<1I Allenliun

R,markal,le Values

IIHJ\ 11 K 1-rn-nt •il I lff:11!. ll r i'Jil\Tf~r &l1ilt dt.1l' h ,l ttq1 r" f:ld t n or attec •

~iaxUlu,Jff\. <'h:u~u1~ H.iti i-; \mp O 5

ll\11\llli l'K1' "LRCJUKl,HC ('an h-P up,..f.tWd t.."Gllt f\UO I ) -wh r et t .. rli: ti;I' Mu rn

('lnc R.1ll', I Amp. • u lu

im1 LR CO'l;l s r E ,i.;r HS A t oud SJ')t"oktr of W rflll \ .1hJ~ Q i•y J. d Toftt' £1 I g


Attu1nu!J1to"• , . af\d U. Baun, , harru•.·r1 J:.hmi"alu•

Small lJrpo•it ..

l,t.UJ ""PUlr:tt•. ( nmpJ,-1~ Sc-L1 f.ra1naphnl!IN., I It.

!'-1naU \\t'•lly t•aynu•nl._

Art ~ h.ll\·ln.i: tToubl~ with 7ot1r tttrtri?ir S1't?

w~ 111Pf""'(a1J,,. :r1 N'Wlnnc a.r.d u.Jtrrln,r •'I r!auts of w ruaraoV.N:I r,..;ulr • and 1n•~nt1,..w our r:~ir.~•r-. C'ha. l\", S'ad~ (T~hnk-al P.d.i• r, '

1D:uly T.,.h,craph''). who wan~ pl1111ll!d lu advlu un any lm rO\NJ• tlle:nlt libl)' w ,riTe bt-Ul!r N<'e},tion.

v.,-E AnE si.:rEn IIBTERODYNF. J:l:PF:R1S,


(B«hDNff Cutl.ueogh e mf Pitt St,•t•>

Oprn. llll 9 p..m.. Ft.Wow


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Pac• Fi!ty-Four

Nightmares ! •

h I II trrnb!o llll;htmar,, I "•• \\all< 'II: dO\\n P1tt­

t clot o

Tho UH,r nlr t I au, rurnod )11,:-J • Uarbol- 11 '"'1:J t 1,: per u,J f r i: 11hut17 ~"""' I luten d la u n n!t'l"IUII rntu re cf bui:, 1p1t, em kl~, tn aa I lwa. Ju• t J woke, up, I found thoL I hd beo•1 bt"Artnir a llolth • ltt@dcut ttom Trolllli;;rrad

Talldni: ~( <'tl;rled prawr.., remind• 111 at n!J D,!L Ile umo la '1 t•nl117 nnd bt=<i me tu 1tick a J•• In bu leir. Whffl I jabbed Wm w th tll• 11b:n.rp ~nd o' D r of fsson, ho , imped and tbon grollll.od.

.. H's t 1e, tl:ta.1 I am awAlc~ on,! ror wi!o hu LAd three ,rul b.iblt :~

I 1h!i l b• Ot"t7 for Dill, uut I'm not. We to od II pc,,ny to ...,u.1., "hether l:c ahou a pro po a ur buy R l'hilco, and !h• l'hUco los•. No1v M ha. •••• "ot battuie, lnstt:>d of "m!'

tr }w liad bm1rht a Fhll ' lt3X Tl•­ch.>rruble Da•t~ry be would have had three Lroubl••!rec ~-ura.

Tiu, trnth iJ lhat a l'hllr<> rnakH n.d,o a JOY, i:lvlrur long dt.tanc• ro­...,., 1 ·on and clur perfec~ mu.Ir, It 11 no,,...IH•, Iona: I vir1,1, a.'1d d- away -.r!Lh ch•.ar dry hatt •• on t'ie on~ hand and ~nstanL r«h:i.rirtn11: on tll• 6thcr .

Mot""'""" 7011 ran t, y ono on lone '""') IC ru, '" m ~.w Syot~m r.1 •. I' n~ P y . Lid , or 280 C'actl~e::,gh. ,trwt, S7dney,

!to thrre wu no excuse at ail for poor Billi

Wla• l,888 WSBlll.T

3LO, MELBOURNE. 1hursd•.r.

IIIDDA Y ttsslDN. 1'• nllO..; lhlbou.• ~ t'111• • larn&I,

Jtt ,cal JriOa nNi'wllld ti? 1bit A11111raJlu Mina, &lid Mr.Ab Aakldallon U(,.Q U11t 1Aa40II P:lMk J:.tct-tip Ufa tb7. a..tar•, -•• UM, A.~IH P.,.. A-=c aUoo ealJn. Itri~ llllfldal w(ffl._ •-• fn:m. llas\11. Arru"" ri•w,. t.-ntto.

U20 I m.-<."'01111\.J-:-."lTT &t!i'ClNC, c~culue­..t k M,. ('.,. ,. M:\Cli.:AV, anid"'I tiy thot TtrOIO Ql"JUrn"T'l"I_ (C-. 111:GI­

NAI.O 1·u1u :t\'. )"nnn. Slu4io· ... ..._ ASNA JIUll.KE, ...,f!'UIG,

inUtn• Th,.q (A Pn: ) .. , .. ,.,.-, 111. •aJ• a aQD8' IA .. lrtah tJ,:art"'

\I;. Ball) MAGCCfB ro rt:R. •loUa. .. lb Ah, }".tk •

Aa 0'4 Air, 1 0 JJ.1'!11 .!!ruorul.c:c t·al informatlOIII. W..,_

th!-r fjff\lllj'flt 11:>d n •tan f.-r \ il!tar1&. -ra. .. aia,alll, S t.k A~ aJld ~-- SoaUt. \4:ala °'4'ftn f;Jt-tQ.rt.&. Jej_,ff ~

ls,..m. Claw~ :. ll 1>,.ra.--t~ (Sf R rc!l• t•• ,-n ...

nau.,-a.1 ,...,., Clall. 1>7 "'M111ktt.'' \)I ta• 1,oftJ,,rc•."

1.1, ........-c,~"'""'" z d p.a. ri~pUq .C Trtat Hud.Jcap, ftN

cnd • It.alt fr:rrbc•, BaU,nt Ta.Ff Cid,. "7 • .. Gt tJ.P. ""8..-t.iAI c&.&...·

l.H JI na.--C'llll• down

Al'TE!t)IOON -ION. I -P.PL-ll•~n.• O~ T 1"'• !<.~al I 1 •.m.---anv K~'ET!I IIE:NlU:!RSON':

""'lopLni ,., tbP W..._.. .,

:, ~-ttl-: ;.~::::' mt:. orBA~TCq~ CI UH ~ · 11iulut..,. o( 1h11, "'Spc,rttc~ a,,.,.

I !O 1' M 'Mr J'R.Jn HART •DI lalk 'ht Si.:,dt>cU of Mia.Jr.

I p 111 Mr. JlOIVU."TT ROSS ''The NPaJ Haw+ cift UM f • l\landa In

u11 •· I O p • ~""' r,,f W•lw,- Han,llnl11,

ffl't!n tJtlOD21 n,LLAl1AT Tuar f t.u •• b • lt-'111 .. .-.r u.. HporilTI.- u1ot.."

IA!t P,.I: -~aTUNO QI Alrn:r-1 &t1'111:i,,uu -i.. Tra.-.C.. .. (V•rd..l).

... , .. ~.,1:ia, ... __

=~t ~7..=-1ve~L, 4 f p-.. TASMA 1"1DH.tJf. "oello::

... men .. (FMIN>. c 11 p.-..-aYJ> PAYN&. U. •JaaJ.aa .._., , ... ,

.. FCRu·aadHlDI', .. -c .. u p.m.-D.,cnPIJon ot SnlWtine ~

!.i;.~ uta.&!~a-:1u.. TU::.._~u•. a., f %0 t.ra.-41Tl!DJO Qtril1'.E1':

"13akuatal• o,mv"'" {<.olda:ukJ. C 17 fa."'- a""NA BRUtt., .........

Jn SWM Jr W. M-Cocu..,._ · ma.·• • a-a lrltb •~ CMto•- ad

'i\ .... ,. • Ri•.-r Sha.a.nee Mooa" l'W&ltaic- l!;•t1hl

4 H p,ru.-.. Hl'l'a1d .. HW"I .n-tc,e,, Swck F.:11-1.hanire l• tunnaiWa,

t U i, • &V&NBOSC fNIII S't l"AUt:a C'ATlil:DML.

r, ID p-• ._.& .. 11.ha of J"u....U llaJwll~ Ila IJALLAR.A1' TL RY CLUa

I If p • .lll. /&.aevpt.• sullt tor &wrda, • ...,.._ M .. ...._

EVY.N~i; !l:•SION I U p ._Aiiawua to Wt.ti •. • ti •1n.Wq,

fff'l."Llnat llr • NAKY GUJUJIAY .. G s,• .... E HOPLt:Y "' 1 fl l~

c-b htn:Tl oa lh,o m<J11lh o,ya i . p.111. MISS lll. SllF..PU!:B.P will ~ .aan

•~b,N tal.._ CI! P••· W. E. HOP.Lr!, fQl'Uiitr'C"...kN11

on lbt moq•III Qry&A.

C.1-: PJL-HUBDT OPPDK.Ul. •inn" ot lirl l>aloa Onad 'Prl.a 8iqda a.., wW •Pftl.k t. cba NUdffll.

C t0 PA.-0&1&1 Npgl'l of l!f....,.ut, ISod ..... by tba ~ klQcl aDI UUat Areo....,...,._&nw&.lillltboaraa..N~ orf ..._ a.ti •&:u. ..... fer .... .._ din.

t.o p........,•-.w·· awwa ....,.,t"a. Wal.Irr 11"1los-lL &iltnlq ....... ta.

C.U p.111...~ .t:u.bun l• fwllUUOft •.n,.__...,...._..,.,.n.a... ""~ l.t.t. a.l>~ll •-G..LI ,.__......aln,r t'eP9~

1.: p.1a.-Mark.K ns,oru b '- Vlcl.cwkn P,o. .tciffft• c..ope,au"° C"Q,,, Lc4. Pw1a,­sni11, Ila,, iatnw. Julll. llalrJ, i,n,d..., • P~:O. .u4 oo'4-. Jllarbc l'QOrU N fta • 111, tba Victorian f'nd...,..• ~ hUiJ »rleea. W~ ~ .C fnid. '7 U• \\ ~--- hull. M~• A.NlicJa&Ju:n. ( I.RS Int"-, llall&ni: .. ~ ,rporw,. ~, .. u.uara, !3-- .... 8&aLlan ar-::La.

JnCBT l!ESSlOK. 'F 15 P ffl,-llr, A. 1'', .JACK.SO..'lt

"Golt." f.10 ..-.-Mr. lL A JraOW::.

-A CMt with HlllnM!- Gard•n,..... • ':' CS P.•.-111'". FJU.~K: WHBTEJl.. •Ji.o ·_.

. au.- a,,-.n,_ ht .. Tll.11 ,i;Ti,;D Ne:; PJUNor• a& m, .lla.1-v"• TbmlN, Mfd.. NQf"M, wtU 1PMk .. 7oq ,.,_ la'9 btuin.z,. """"'- "' -lo• ol J, C 1fill­lM.

I p..m,-Jlt. BOD JikCUCOSr '"'\:rkkat. ..


11:-, Blue 8trd" (Wrl•btl ••sin• X. a Bally s. ... (Kaia.) •1Joo•, 111 .. .U- IO .11,r (-•ti.

1.~4 ~ •r Ow .. ,"""' o1 ttm 'Piu.t• --elU-'-- ........ olt.M ILO_Cllll,I __ _

"-.... -~~~•~~~ic:i~m=. Ria

"Hllek a.n..•e Ool •&ra- (,I--) •·u. AJl Demile OIi YOlll" OIi! S,,JYII). ..J ..... h7 Coffnlll Slliaell" (a.pp).

1.U 1tn.-lL\IUON LJOIITl'OO'r.. '.btl~ -· ~ .. 1w.. •'lfN-n•• ... I.Cf p.a.--.lOS AKON'9CQC' AND HTI

IIYN('C)l"ATlliU SY.IIPRO>n.81'91 ...,_.,...lee In KoJi•ff'"., ~ ,.....,,.), 'Far tlll' Twin oC Illa !ltalldsl, ut• -1-1, ••n. I Do• 1111nt•l.

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.... ,., ~ Ill "t,. t •h••·

ia-taa. .ILUUU. J11JltrYot.l f11i11ll h , ........ Mrrrfflll'i,

11m. ,10E ARON ON ~Nt.i tU!t II;' NCOt'lt tlSO .e-illffHO'S11ft ur,i1J.,tl~<,1ri' 1.-.

11 ·r,Ulu ,,1., •hrJ 1&;.._. ... ,

"';!'(lk't!~~ li~tk1. Ir m 'lim\Ollll\' il.•'\11 r,-11-1fm.a111

f t fl-~ JOI. AaCJ~\;.::iUN A:.;r:, 1111111 2\N: o!'\TIN ~rw:..i~ r_

"'l; \\ • ft •l l;I }i,11 t t We. u .£u 8ur1 1.t.1cc U;i , lar.,~rJ T "(.:1..1 \\ 11ot·d ,K11~1,

•, Tl; ri~1ltUs~• N"~i.~ ..... ~:

ab .. fT U/ pm. JU.l' Ai"'OSSIJN ASll JUl'I

,R."l'N, ut'~TL~ll Si kN!O:-.J.fHBt n,• l\'11,11• i,.',a,r~ I• t• i'l1ir,s •1 ,)(P

Cnrnd-,i,J. "')f \J.,. 4lt• ll '"1/ "'11,t.d, .,. ShJ.. ( W..t,l

ti.I P.t11 M~rv 1•1tlll"olll ,,.,,:,nrs.1k,t, lll"'Tf· b,c n h Ql)'mra, Bn,r•h i.tnttaJ 9~rc•~IJI 111w• frlMSI R 1,tll,, A1lnoumt11!111,rt,U 'Ara .. V*• ... ,,,,~ 1·1r£1 nc>YAL AUT(.I­MO!l1L£ .LLUli VJ \'l'-'"CUlttA'S SAr~'1'l" ~GE for •~•tu ~ for ALL UIUV­CJL.<1: fl~•t ~f"ill~•nlt ...,r"IIIII\ •• ,tt1<n G1h1T 1111': balthn• 1o tbti an\tfl c.f th• rlD-4 at l'P.r'ft~U. Ill• 1 •ti•I th:iu 1w 'llllltliN tu ,. .

1Ul Pia ...,IUD AHONSO!r: .u,·lJ Jll! :;:.YN,Ol'/\1lt.tJ ~l'HOlllJTU

.... lt•u·n Wiu • Mlok.r CID • ~'ltil Lllll;r l'hh .. U111,in) l'"nt' I-• r, jiiliM 1<1lw j flla~f

lu a Jal%UU~ G1rdt-11' f!-11::.1 \;e1o11'ht IU.1 p.,a lt.\RIU~ IJC-.RTI'OO"t, f:111t ~

f0°1'1'1"t.U<II '\' t,t:\1• n l~dellir,d!•

10::!9 p.m -.JOfl ARON~OS ASO ms SYl'a.'\.ll"AlllilC snt.t-KONlY-Nlt

--Wt,t<11 l>d We Uanc~ .. 1<kttii1wi11J. ,.r,-.-1, .,.. Lb-w fk)o.n\ .. 1r~,n,u11) "?.&1 ('4-,. ~al• l:ba:-·• rU-U.wl

,u.~ "11 llA,;Glf-! •o~n "'"'111: 'Cr.uwlaa' I /tlfi,:JlUJ,

1 I? Ma JOK ARO~~f1(l~ ASO m11 li't":--.t:OPATISO ~'fMPt-lUH1~1'fi

'ff~• Ha..-.. W,-tat .littT't U u .u,... JI•" f-!'"lt I AH "r,:,ru,,•, f~milll\.

•oar,. .r H....atu -.aid.,.,,....,.- ,, ilia,uj "'Ii,."~' 11 Tf>lek hi l ,rL,,a' • \"hh l l,,1rk

l'.hlr"'"' CT J,i&tl a. t JI.~ MONA :i11f,l-.N1', ffltrar,n1

• 1111 .. (f'll'TtdJ-o!I 1U11 J•.m JO~ ~JtO.NFOS AND JJUI

!"IYN~O .. ltTIS(i "Yilht(>m~tt, "'n.. Doll Pat!CI' .. lBl'lnltll. •1 -Al~ lt11tw 1'4 l'illfd \'.8"" tM. .. l"l!lli • .. ,111,1·t Lt,_. • tlrsnrl -..11 nl~d<1>114 r,-11, 1:

nm..-1. U.c ILffl.-OUR CftT-'..A.1" TilOUC:tlT,

l1l ,, r,,~r.,h" ''""'· !ff .i1.111 u,. ir•r" "'' I~•- ... c11tld, Ill .-1.ttn'I • ii f1LV1i•t11,JJrc:

IJial t.1- I,_ 11:'lO<l • .. ti llttd U1 t'!"'t11lv,­•t-~ •• • r~ •·rr.-.1•~ 1~11vr, tiqC ,., W'""' U,it • UnDll•lu•r• Im' Otsr r,fl1s:M111t1 to,· , U:r PM'l'I' lhtm t. ~•r~ "'"' palt.hd &nil 4lie.~U1• ft11-wr,. fn I.JMtu• l,l•'d, to I ,Vli..,. t 1-.e # l'lllr,. Ali I \·frt•1~ a! l"'S ~" ",. !t~~

11 ,.- 11,.t11. JOJ<! AftON"AOK ANO Ul~ S'l"!'iCOPA:r,u-tn "'\otf"ltOlHMT.-t~

lUI ,.111..-UOD EIAVt. tllil Kua;.

Come to



Radio Department is on 11,e Loicet Gro1111d Floor

Everybody can come ro D,l\i<l Jones' New Won<lc:r Store-it will be upcu tvecy Frid.1y until 9 p.m., on "hich ruihts Mr. r. Basil Cooke, l·.R.:\.S., will gl\c free Leet u rettes on R:l<lio Problems from 7. 30 to 8 p.111. \Ve invite you to :.rn:nd.

You will want m see our new Soda Fow1-rn1n :md Men's Batbcr Shop, too. Re• member the Gc<Jrgc Street Store will be crrricd on as 11. M.w's Shop, but the Radio Dcp11.rtmc!.ll is moYed to the New Score.

DAVID JONES' llur'lut, Custlf1Mrh dtu/ l:.'li,,16rth Shttll

!'hone : 1\144().t,

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Par• ft; la

••·•·•••••••••· •• II•••••••••••• ••• t1• .


Fine Tuning is

Easy Tuning w1tl1


A selective set ,rnd a Philco ''B'" bat• lei") - two esse~ tials to clear, 110•

broken reception over long distan-ces.

The .imooth silent flow of Philco Power builds up distant sta tion from a "lusper to full strength.

All I/Ith Cla H l>, ol, ra


New System Telephones Pty. Ltd. 280 Cullcrcaah St., Sydney

. !W • ························••t••·········




...., c..-

rt,, • ..... ,.

H.&war.:aii Ja.,_...W......_ Re- llPiWt l"a r1,r

Jltut1al A a O:4 h.dwolar"" 1 r.1,..,. ,, .. , 1 N IOlrr

Cmn1 H K DC- .... ,.... It, .-111,.-r,a , 1'1wo .. lutr-uw•W Q....,,_-. ~ TINo Flw• ~ \Mai!O

M ltn lu~ ...,.. Q_.,.rt.n A• £.,....isz- ·--fJ-- ff .. DJl. Manb c. c.- .,1c' 1tt..U•

t tw, 8tu.ho •• 1 ·"'-w ~ 1Ja.ft,ftMl. r111.i Chotu 1:7 -i ti. ttob .. aau.. l'Jlt.U.11 THE ntlDIO

1• .... -rt• lb. 11.r •~ w ... UM-r

Pnd.n, ~11J D~ctl 11,.-r l9 •.

Friday, Dec. 9 2FC, SYDNEY.

M,. I • a.,



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. w »-•bff, am.

&.Ill.__...,., u- 1• ,~ ,_,.. te!IL. 1M • .,.__,,._ F•,,_.,.• 0.'I UlallllC' Keh

ftlll Olk ll&U l.._t,...•t.111 Trio i waode-r Mr U<11"M'P' K••':11).

'"" •11111 WlltrW. Th_,., t.,.._, .-t,,t••for S..nt.- 1nm ··M....ui." U'!NJI!,

• U •• n,,. 0.,11 llaQ IIIMhl,OMDUII T'Tle I.II ...... a.rMn. ~.

-S,,..a ir ., n ..... ,___,., ... -. .. ..-. Z..Ullt nodu bl.f--U. ~ ~ VlJ _ ........... JI·• ,1>,t.,.cp au\.91 ~ I.•~ •--' ., ... .i.111.

. .1i f.M-~ .. 11 •nJ .,..lfQ\11• mat\l!tll, •"' Wff.ltwr ud 111t.1olnc .,,.,,.

U ,_. :'T...,11f1J1' Hrw11" l&I• ~- -~

.. ..,_,..,.__ ............ A.I~~.....,.,,.,.., llr~~

·--- ..... U-. a.--. TimliaM LI ..... .g-. .. tn., ...,.._..,. 1Jt 11-• u- to Ua1,1'"•ll, • \)' Mr &. JI --!t.....,..-0,,, -~ aU llll "'Q,Cllla-•-• ..,. ,...............,. ,_i. ~t-. ~· r.--. -.,Wlaid. ...._.Q._..,1wf-...--. ..... _.... .. :s.....- 1,au, _..,. ,......._

,1.....,_.~~~,,..._ .... ............. ,. Jlorat. liCIIII...,, .. f h .... ~ Jlon-..,. a,..i lull -01.a.m• .... _.

• ca.,-r,- n..,. ,.,,.,a-. 'TbeuN. P,11 """" .,."71 A Twe ., CA.5'TL'5 IN TH~ AJA"' llit ---- ar .111-. J C •~-, Lt1'1 .. •• ., l&ili wrt-•--•. ....... -- """"'"" w rian O... a.-, )",-all.In,, a.en... ar.d -Ins .,..,. (:ID llw••U a-,..

ktir ..,., l.ata•La. a.,, a.-o aQ4 Pull t ......

I,. r '"'1Ar;4 .t 11 .... 11.,. ~,.,, H.aulJ Ow\, -Yw _..,.,. ,_." i.-1.1. u.. al1o1u uJ , .. .. iliw\. ..... , • -~61 .. , .........

a-a.. ... Jc., .... ii. n. LI.tan• diut. hll O.n•

.,. ,,._A~a. - • Pftkf_.. nd r-,i., ,-... c..irt,_,... .r a 1A;ub11 C..t·•

I t• _,.,11111 U1.- ft\l.olll,., .. .,,,,,...,,.. aA4 ... J---.,i.-,... ..

•.ae ,.._ !ilr~ Cv.ilo.- • .. IH •• C. lll ......... Hal '-I• '""C~-........ -'-"b• 4.- ...... ,.. ,u ..... ~ (Ad. ..... , .. ,u • • .......... ..,,_._ ....!a ...........

• • ..,..en ..... kla -C'-cb..,.ra la .... ;a.,•••~ ..W II.» ta I ~- tJ.a .... 1 ,.,ui .. ._ '"'··

3LO, MELBOURNE. r..w..,

KIPtlA'r 10,,

w 1aaL&88 WKKlltLT Pal't Fifl,-S.,,1n

Read what the Radio

Dealer said w~ ~,ntly :i,.kNI n promintnl dty rad1r, d•alrr just 11hat hi, thought or ~~nr-Rtady &lt~ri,,i, llntl ht-1011 "" print hi• tulol!istic oPlnion :-

"To judge by their p0pul11rln E~er Rwv ttadio Ball,•ries bold II brgb pla In tho, e-.t.i,arn of wireless ,,nthu,la.~tl! \\ hr 11 ·on~ con,ld•r• their loni:- lire, etonomy and un­foilin11 ,, h is •a"Y to ondcrstantl "hy l ttll llO many. One lmportnnt {e:iture t.h:it ftnd~ favor L• tht1r freshne and th ~ ctr• tah1I)' one big teAIIOD llihy EHr,Re:ul lhtteril'.q l~•t fo long. They nre now mnd~ 111 Sydn-,·, and thus l un nlwny k tp my ~todca 011 th~ mo,~. The g\..,r-Re:,tly I.Ire fitltlu every radio battery d•m:ind "

Ad fer ~rUcw./ar1 Of tlw nf'IO IIHqi lhilll and Sup,,-, IH"nlt::~ .f5 Volt Buttn-Jtts.

,:Orn plunphl,t contalnlnt1 g fut c;f lnlf'f'f'Uln~ ;,. • lonnoUon t,1lodly '"'PJ>U#d cm ,.-qu1'Jt, Atlii a,uwr

Look fur

the name

"Ecer-llead11 "

"''"" o, .,..,,u " ..

• or tlib IRADf; MARK.


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P•s• FiCty F. eht.

New Columbia

Layerbilt '"B" Battery A radio "13" Battuycf' entirely new constrw:• tion, madeoff'.at la,crs or demcnu compressed ODC P.gainst the o her llO that n~ery c:ubi inch· de the baltcry •• completely /11/ed w,•h c!ectru:ity poduc• lne catcri• !1. '!h,s me s 30",; more powuth.nnlbatofany ether battery or tbc same site made of round cells. lt me;ins crcatcr power, lo:i;:c:r life and far greater economy th n , • l5 pos­s,b e to obtain from any other IJO.ttcry •

Columbia Radio Batteries

-thcv ln1t lcm11er

WlllELEIS WEEKLY F.-!day, 2nd o..,..,,lwr, 18%7

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Saturday, Dec. 2FC, SYDNEY.



~························································· .. ············· .... ·.···: = Baldwin Speakers =

Volume and Tone.



Con~ert £5 5.

Cabinet T)pc, £4/15/­

Get a Catalogue of

ASTOR FIVES. Astor 5, Table. £26 Complete £3~ Astor 5, Console, £35 .. £JlS-5-6 Astor 5, All Elrctrir ConlrftUed, .£SO ,, £56-5-G Porta Self Contained ,, £37-10-0

• Annax "B" Batteries Last Longest Single Drawn Celb

45 Voll 221 Volt Ii \"oft 4i Volt "C"

25-13 6


Ubtri.JNaltrn to U1e Tndr fo.,. Allor SIU. Porta. ll•ld•lu Speak.en. l"t<f'Uhon and Batrt'l'W.

Manufacturers Products Ptv. Ltd. Challis House. Martin Place .. "Sydney

Ute N~utron Cryllal. THE BEST 2/3

!:etMl:N••••••••ww•li4A&IIIIIUUWWWA•&.-.....••.....,.~•-•ua• it...!

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The Mo\.'ing Block Cannot Fall

J~1r1•rs ~



w1asL••· WSS&L'I' Frlh7, w .,__._, 1m.

"" 11.a. .r oi.ut ....._ • li:l!da • t.:olU.q•WO,, at Ill. IUWa. IIIJ lb kc--z:.ll.C"""'

, II P.• 0-U .,,... of Tri& Pia'"" • • t :Joat Mleli"TO:tr( KAC"t:tl IJJ •..i..-.: '1!-n.. 'P<>nncCVW

41.U s:i,.• f'rOI''""'-• f'f'ftO" uf Yirtwrlatt 1--1• I AMinloe," ... ~•• U.dt a.H r...w _....,.,-. ..i. A_. .... ,

JIOl"tll '1nuaL 4.U o.a 1'r•ua,-1<111 fnllllW Au• tomaa

-11.0 v .. ,~"•'• Cli,1W,..n•• x ... Parr, 41 U 11 • lJ,nc,r Ukm ef f"•""'•" ll•Nlm~

• t ,1o,...., .MDTOJ\1£ llACJ'.S,. ,, llu-­• d .....,..._ 8, GJ.t.t-

4 0 s,trt t"f'vl"l,IM f'rPof1. ef VM'Wr,a ll tat.. r,., All9Cra1 ..... _,... Iii•• l,,paJa..1411 ,,.t"l • .. 6",d pae. --~ ., A. ....... :lli«'b ..........

6 P• ~r.;.UQIII •f (':fkk.-,; lllll•ldr 1 .. tld. w (ulll•t•""1.. •~ ~"- J.:U4a.. ., 11:r tkid M r,,ror ....... (;-.. .....

U. aft,,f'MOn ~ri,ii.,. ril N r-. ., lb.- ¥ham>'-" ._ft.DY -.atdw• • ~ ~~: ~\...::::.:::11-.. ti;;: A I>••·

Dur f ... a .,.... rM • a:.M .. al t:D1,rvaJ.. cd Un, H...ntoa ~



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,.,..,., ... Deooell,u, lffl,

ITNOPSI~ Or ICtNr.,. I ACT I . .. ,,~...,..... y..,..,.,,.., ...... n..•-­

.. llill•~-a-taUM ..... _. _ U,.. It,

lap. ....... -~•• C<ll •ff Ill ... ._ ..... Ar.T If tic•De ' 11i- tt-,,U.. Rall Ill ,.,_. Clu.c.a ., N,,...,. -IL

---•• M OSIC.U. Jft M 11.Jt.! -.. M"T I,. .S .,_..,,,, ti.· ti .-1.lli "-Ml• .. D-1 ......... \' ...... ,J,..,.~· ....... -~-- :a.-n,f '"'IL- _,. • Car~ .......... l•lilffllffHI a.en.._ "°"• U•• Iii.- l:h1a." •II.Iii ~ HHint • r •• a """ •, ,.....,. • aa, a.,- n, 1'...S..1,a,. ~-JI.ant., ...,. -r-~

~J \::~ ~~:,,!t.:i,~~;; !lo BMI­

~ ~=)1.,7,.~:_it t..~ ... Th,.

"fl. ltHri. a.c-.,. a..a C--) ,._._ I 111 i....~ .a ra, A•••"

A .rl JI C... (• u. ..i• t« .,.._,_.. •lki kwrU

"-h U.... M.a~• • cac-u., I w .. O,-lac•

.. 111..f(U.VI .....,.Y 'n,.._ nt• r---. 1tc li••ft..• ~ {II•""'• an.I a..lAetll

-ni.e..-, ... tan.a ... 1>tim'U0t•'" ....... ~ ...... ~ ..

P..,. illnn al'lll..,..t-­Pdibt 1"Ntt7 Jil..:4ea. v .. 1 \ at.. ,&...,\.. t'f"llUl'llll,. .,.. ...... ,

AHfL (.C-riJad ~ ............... 'l>rarl L-«:.a.n..r,1,1 ............. ... w.. a..-,

WW &, lb. C!.iw,r

"'"'"' -...c.. If.. ... a.-t·,• II I ...._ Mia MACtat I OS1'D. rill" "1 ~=-~~~

II.JI _..._ n.. ¥--NUii' llfa,..'h IIY •c-.iaJ ~t el l~Mt<I 111 ('",n..,..._r:,

ILll s.• ...CY l'EJ..a. IM' U~• ~. .... , ..... ,. ef r- f P,~.Jawr,

-a .,. .. IC.-"1 0oN A•q-4 tltroirft,. Jl&-ff,. .... ,..,.

nn •1'!1'-.IOE UONJIOH A :-10 HUI tYH• 0U}-AT1No.l•rHO~ lS'NI

..,.._. •• i... ............. .... ....,,..,.. .. ,.~ ~ aa.u »-. •DD11Ja1 ,-...u ~ ___,,. __...ffla. tUJ • • MR. NORM4N' )l-CAtlt~ .-tLI

ch• • ,....._.. &of' ~-- 11•t'it BlaJN• ....-nL U .-..----01.1• ~ 11.r.-.T ,-,mU'lRT

..,._.. ..... ~ ..... -1 ........ •Vwllll .,. .. ..._ ll ,.,,._. .,...... •M ••- • '••h• 1.111111 ,., .. -Ou••

111 pa. ,U.>• A8.0S1WN' A.ND HlS l ffi • (.'(.IPATING-E\Ml'kUJ.ltrr'SI

UM .... ~® M.VE 1'ME: JUJiQ..

Wla81.8•• WS81ll.T race , ,,.

H.T. Power at 1 /3 per Volt

PRICES REDUCED . T HOSE who h:iv~ ed all tn,e or Ac umubtonr,

[ndud,ni: Oldhl1111, are ai:recd upon o po nt­tho l thrr,• ,lln he no aubstiluli, Cor Ol<llm1n Ar <l

th~rc is littl~ doubt thnt th~

Special Activation Process Under which all Oldbnm pbl art! m; d• I larE'el} in bringing ;about th po Nim with the 11n11011nt•mrnt of lh• redueed prt« Oldhnm Al'< WlUlb or ,._ ... popular tb3n befon:.

r~tur ti

Oldham H.T. Accumulator Prices .!O \oll 25/• IO \ oh 50/ • GO \"oil 75/- ll \ oil . , .... 100/•

JOO \'olt } 25/• l:!0 \ oh •••••• 150/• Th~., pric~a Include c.-nnylng handl and lid b 11 tra.1·1, "hlch are obtn!no.blc• nt 6 Gen h, extrn All Oldham JL T. Bal~rlcs can be ""P ed to you clw-ired .. nd tilled. re:.d) for !mmedlaU! u

Obtalnab!P at AH fl:a.d 1o Star~, and EIKI Ital """ ••

,. -~ t.rfllMff ,.,....,.,... ..,n,.,.,,. • ..,.,.,., .. w .. / ~ g :

SYON i;y ,

•II I .,.,. It, M~t~-. ......... ,. .. -.,. .. . ......... ,.ti•

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Old Set Remodelled to the F11mout


A SU ER-NEU'l' for £3 10 0 Th \\ Id• • taadord clttult 10-day lslhr Srutro 1,ac, The lan,ouo CDISCO Sl!rf R,?I.T.Ul' la th moot

r a d Olll f I 1 I vi Seu tr~ ll>ll yet ducover..d. I hi• IK'W metllod of Suptt-Sru1ral I US ,rd b "'' pal Am 1'11 ~o 1143 :ai4 u .A. IOIUIIIS, Urltuh and Canadian Pat•oll IN d1n1 us Make your Old Set into n SUPER. NEUT ViH T SUPER-NEUTRALtSI.NG EAHS Price for Remodelling and Rewiring

4 Valve Set I .',u:c K.t~£3 10 0 S Valve Set ZSl1&esbu £4 10 0 6 Valve Set 2Si1&es Radio £4 10 O 6 Valve Set lSbcaluit £6 10 0

A morw,110111 opportun1ru to uc-t 11,, ,qub'CJ,fflf of o nno nMUrn .£30 lo 1£41.1 • I tor a • mull olZlla • IC \\'ILL ,,11 t; 1·uu POUNDS.

tie po11 and nnie ef 1hr UDISCO SI JPER NEUT

U ITED DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED 72 Clarence Street. and 11la Marlin Place. SYD~EY

5-1# A•• r ._. D rflnaten •I ''RA \~..O \ \C" S 'nr.1t1.r:s 1•3 Qu••11 St 27 Oauaer St., 26 Quee-n St, Cr. J•rvof• Quaf' 4 Harrh St

IJRISBANE AUD.AIDE PERTH Wtlll~CTON N.2! H Charle, 1 6&4 lleurkr S1, .. 1, I 09 Col na 5treet, '

LAU CESTON, Ta, M£UIOURNf HOBAIIT, Pritt 35 • : ..........................................................................................................................

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w1aEL E98 WEE!tLY Pas• S!<IJ'-Thr"

All Readers' Queries Answered Here. s.a JI 1111.A.''ro/la.t-of, Q • .-q I I R.111 A l(•C

:. ,t.~!:'~\t~~;:,4 ~~:[,j~l1~l~~-;t~":•h •!~~im ..,,~ r,f Uw .-.uink, tl·an a •lttwlr •11• , .. ,11..i., ta1 IOO {~ lr.«~t

/!.. J :{p,. 1'h• t1~1al "'UOM 1•,;11- ,tram ,h,. h• tt.rl,. hi aQ ~•J' l•'l,Jt I !:.hit1k ,·011 _,,..1l.J irtt •1,oll'nd.1.i .t..-,1.1.lh '"•••1 bf'1.•1.T ccnaiu Lli-n •t 1l1- t,~nt. If yo, SWff l~ 119 !IPil ,~ M' ,vur pr,,,.-..,111 ••rial ,,,,11

t;,I{ JI IS'fJtATH~fE.1.IH Qr WP111,1 Ill r,u 11 1kimll't•r ••I 11\1 1n tll• rm1al N~ ,t-4cUhM NI ~it,-1f!l,,n l:;df\lf' ur ·Jua.!111. 1n,o-k• 11'1• """•PllC>n l11uiur~

A , N,,. A pot.e.tlMiWtrr with • ~,....,_., .t Iii 'CMIAlb' •• t•l.t.t•J wnh a f_.rt.-,ru111:hun d-.. Wfaar. ar,if ,.. U•l• ~hu,. uf ,1.,trtlt<I' ....,

.ii Jlft:"lt, ,I a •"'''"'I uruirlff W1:-t1)II U""refon! ""'" M q,.f11,I P11"""·-.•• 1'1• •t<1ll .. 1n .,,,.,.,. tl1t1 11ry,t11l 4rlu1vr .. t\iJ1• 11111,,._j Jn lhl rl'(,•,w,.r

A i..11. (e-Jlt.:MOP.:>."Y:1.---Q: 1 t1u• ,ouh. ~ l'(!r .. onl,_IT 'I"· .. ,~, """'IH•f" llttd lnll nttfffff:,, 1,1k,n,1oe,J -.;1th uJ.t ,.,.,rf1 rirumr-to. 1111

1 h,,tttlt I t•11 trt tQG lb-W,111., fll1h, ,..~,tJ, '"'" ff«~ tl••• 111 •tfT t,ji,""'l ,11,.t n1u\"li.7 I .u1 l'W --~· a<Jtll- Jll ... l'I. t,{ o• .-r ,,1t1h11 Ll,U"

I,.. Y(lu ,Joo'i 1111 m• if r,tt..-r int .. ~tat..l ,i..11.r • ,.,., 11\~1 17, f11III ih1a ,.. 11u1 ,wh a.

::':-u 111!:tin;.llhr>~lt-;: •u!!r11ri):-!!:!· ~!d \Iott "1.,..._ Mtlc,11 Will !ln1• J • .. inNI 111d

..i,,1 .. r 11r •roi,uJ.-.. I fl: t". ;~AIIIT 1.,s~Onf!.1 Q I ha1,,• 1,

thru n.l~..., ...-1. wa.iul ha• • whltLII' wi•P. 1h11 •• ,dio ,ttu ... t.At 1.1!1 tlJPrl'!'d •1.1 t':a• ,,,1 .. ra It "" "m1--dlllit?

A y-. Ra. rr"" that- .,...,-.'flH!-IDm 011 $-WI • ......... o{ (If!' of lh tnu1•flln'UPnl.

A S.. "'Wtrai-. \ViN:\17 I .a p 1t 1'1.2 tWAITAHA1 Q; A )K1.rr in 1ad

--"·· ·wtn-i.- w .. -\J,. ... etai.. I.ha~ "" Ul-9 'll•tJaonhl'lll'l' 01W' "\'ulv_,. • rr-nt , 1,-f1u *' l'Ulo\W;il'JI wru: r,i:attv•ll f\o rlJ I ilu,if, ,_,, t~11• ._ V_,b•e"l ror I lu,1e ~Ill 11111 ....-l'h•r 11i..t 111 I tt,n c,ul,. '"' ~i"C :Ht,. awl •¥ti, an.J I~• \1"11 t• UPT os,h JattJ!Jf, 11111 w1U. a C()(!<i c1 .. 1 of li!ai li1r-n-.,n4 lruttl JI' Wo,u:;t ,-.llld Ml<> r ,11 u1~ ruan•.rt I • 111: i..,. v,r,-, ffl~I~ "1i..-J it nu ""'"O'IIM •ll••- tt1i• in 1111• -.-l,,•1 Wi.r•I...., W-.k.lJ' ••

At y.._ IL b 'l'Jrff o<-llll', .,11' Mu a,111-•II, k.J,J1Nfi 0"1" a111I °'•t •11•t11, v11ti 11111.1.1 h111:1,lrP\! 1;( 1.11 ..... Nteei,1•.l'l bo.UJ. ,1'-14 tla «brr ellh,. 1 t1Pud )h•ll..OIITllt' Or. ... arid &d.-la1J• "" •Jt, .... , '"'~" httl. ·~ a-lu:n,.. •hlrt.- tt ~11! h a 111.d. U , .... ,, ulli. rm .. 011• of -,wr eorrifWH'l••ita y ""' Wu rOC!d, "' • nr1tdn• mu· b.lrYe baf'tJm""'-:n~' ~:r-ll':11.r.~k:r:: .. '· T'~;~r,t .. 1~:;'w M the lwfl r,!an tO fQllnf, a.1 1 ~1u1n~ dl••t1aiw • eoe.o:i'l).lafflt auab u 11>-. wi\1101.11 •" Ii& tt1• H<t-Lwt!r.

TT'W rrtultrr, r,.1:dlu r.o,,. tltnf oU tt' lltrirnl q l'Ntl e1r111 G'/IJl\l:•f J t1d fl,rwgh ,n,. rolumn• of lri1 ,.,,., H't'rJ.11i1. Tlir,·r: t, JW be'.!tft.rio11 tn u1,d nrl111~r ntrtn _,,, l'!r ndrltr•,•rf nu•,l,•1~'•• Tl!~ o•illl t •~"1/i1w,,. -i, 1hat 1Jt, ""'"/,,.r , ; I} ,r11r 11•11 l•t fo,1(,rd. t,, /rm•. ll't1 1fK/orh,mdtl)I 1trnu1,1t dn,l H•!tl, ,,,.t, .. :-;! qMrnr.t bi, tdt'p"ott~ or fi.!.I llf.,..i1N1d utltrr,,

Rf'1t(ffT, ~,.,1d ml n, qi;n·•r• art e,il,"il fo 1rndrr'1tl<0tll tlwt f· p t,1'C"f!1rn~i, II fol ,it111 1 l1 IJ' ldtrr• o.ttd t(:1 IJ!''' tltr r ,r4dr('lll(IM. un:v th• uuf ,,/, and Otri t.rulJ'n 14,:jJl b11 tHib /uJtrtL /11 fu,r~(, q 11,it1 "rri ittD tit /ht of c, 1117'Mtrl, o11011, "'Cl,,t,tu11t R,ndt"T/ T,,,,,n,,r" rtn. will 1ud bd


~ ~ Ut ri1• I ltlll• Ml,Q'fl t~<Jlra:a:;nlt. l'~bl!Jltlh) Uu l"'f:1a. > i,u.r ooJ,lm.fl• I

A I L1,4', 11ft '\'Tl"'l \\"Hld1, 1 1 1o .,w& ._ •111 I'll' Ullf ~,.»\,f,11 el • """llaft! hl~ki t-,f'Nei'tl'l', .. llOWII u tlu• t111urlli11ar,o li"" V•l• 1-r "I 11U b j;ul, the lhl~ 1•1.1 • ._l'.lt

A,..'1 (\\'ALU•-"lT] Q,1 \\•14 7cm 111 ni~

~~ m.;, .. ~~t!::l 11,:';!!'/:u ~~ =~-!~:t~ ilr> • tul 1' ... fd ,111 ,..r~ h, h,1 I.." g,,:1l 111 a W-\.f'l'I- 1r,,,.-.LnY I

.A I Siu~• ._ " l",UJ whil'h h al lallle ta" nll.N'l:\41' ti,• II/ .r a.nJ 1•'\.Ut:f'• Nl#t 911J-, •I I 1a. •.II"' a l401n ,-diit 4'l di.-tt.rff' \111. ao .,r.!14r9 • • rt,,.,.aQL oW t,alt.t'Y b .,,,..,.. a ,...,. "'" 11 ca Ulm. 'I'• .- NitroJ.r!.49 ,, !bl! Ill r.p,rr lil'IIISllff, ,., .. liatt"T'F •ttrruJJ Ltt tlt>IIIW""l &n 1.t tttaalhllll I •hh the ohl .-1~ ll'I#: lfl•" thW. ..,'.j !•1•1 ti dlo11W t• fflt0\""11 •. 11 l 'i« ... un'f 1h ~ a,,I wu.MII 011\ ct ,,,.ct 1• ... 1Ui f ,m I ...... ,n. w .... aJtl !1- l'i11'111J'Q' ~ lf'olJt• l'nlt'lffllll'ltdeJ 1•liJ­t1 11tart f r ha.ttcl"fm •\kt aff •u' JI in _.:i,IIM a I •li~ Ill,.. ilall ..W 1n" «d.1.n • 11 .-i • r aha"-• alH:Nrt , rh .. • ar M t,oi-,, Dto4.IM ,-a. &1• 1::-'lC-. fron thi• 114! 1111 lha:I f II•·• ~~a,: I. In M .., ~ lift. (aw 'Ill t.a a vtill• b U a •in• lo&!"'"

n 'M,t.. ,A!!utPIE 1)).-.q, r ~ IJ 1' '

r,1ita.- • w.., ,tw hnat .C •t::• I~._ or M111IJ ,- t.M-1.I Ible • ....., I mUld di,t.oi9


Ai!;..., lulr ~"1""

A.: TAI' 1!11hllttl1 '" e-11rt.Jnl,- • wr nc.f! ~•rr, f11t' ,.t.,,n --."' •rirl •qd rQ~ .lllil I•\ taotl .,,,. ·111 lt IW bMUJ i~ ..,rrfft.17,

Wit It.Al-: ISO\.J'f"!I nnt~DA.Xt,) .----Q,t I am ltylnit h11lf • 11111,. f"'111 .C~O. and ~Cllll4 ...,. 1'1_,h IL~'I" .. b!..1.11,1 • h ltotll1.llfP1,Ut• ..,.._ ,•lv--- w\~ n.fl•h-11• of brltt.-111' ltl ,QU O lou4 •tt....,.,..,. ,~sth, 11h.-. u·c atwi at.o •'" ,.,... '11111,u .. , att"'T '® Jai11 •1~1 111•1'. WilUlil \o• sndrlul for' ui,- •wn~i,qac t«: a,uutbl•

'l'here DO rivals le) tbt Philco.

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Pair• SixtJ Foar


WlaELl:88 WlllllltL'I

IR. l'Kll(IJF:TI' FOR LO'.'liDOS.

J~1[10fS C'~~~ ,.

VALVE NOi.PER c=.-~ De-sn, .... ~ .... ~

Garnett, Whiteley & Co. Ltd., Liverpool, Ene.

Frtdn bd D.ffrnHr, 1927.

Grid lt-Rkl and Ytirr wouhd tf"'!ll~lanr:t11 tw rn tahC'e ,..,uphnc art alrT&dy .-Omli>&' forward &nd [t b htnud t~al more nm~n.1 bth1nJ.

[hr acllr.liu uf Fffnntl, Lirnlt•d. on ndio are, h.a.-...1 b~ llHP proJuctum of Ouo,ul TraM1forn1"n In a,iJition lu fam(.IU aud Ci frt .. c1i.wnc1 ,nt:ii. °IWf' ar• It'd lo up.ct mpor1ant D!"\\' compgl\t!'nt.A \liiU1 Jq;UrtU.Jt" from errnal pr-.ctic. In t} t"' ~ar futJte An)'l.hulr t"(111plf'd wtth th• n:amt ""Fc-n-a.n.u .QrTHlJ; ,,t.rut

.\lr l'rltch,11 fir , n b • boli•t that no him!' I .. ,h" bf: t" • d M ,:O<ld ~nouRh for lh• A U\ltal an h tf'nn, D.hd ~1~ LS ,1m1ncf'J lbat thal ""best" nn be- madt n nrt"at Brita' Th~ poh,y of h I lltm , to tnab'• thtma•ho to Jl\t' aJ,-\luate 11tuce tu th• publie by mArketlr ~ only tho • proprietary arti,:leo uf -.h b lh,r• ran t)f' ~o ,,, rrrard le qval t c·Mr1rnty ar1J , CII~ llilr rm,nty

Uur nc ll:• al, -~ of Mr P abrwd, &.he bu11mr-t of A Stal Prtt , hrtt r ~utt I, I tJ w II ~• In rharr• of Mr A B. Srw•U, a d recto of t!,o < mpanf llr S,Wrll , arnady ..- I t11uwr, ,n ruJ u 1u1J t"ltttrkal rl'I••

• _ ELESS ~EKLY'I... -.-, Ana.~~ W ,,.. W• ef A .,1. • J(tn,~I I hr tbf, ,,.,r~.

'lr'4,,_.rM N••tMN,_ Llm~ 11 (NI .. ,.._, .... 11,,ta.,J II~ ~ ,, lh, la. &,

1-..t ... lJPlb ~ 814•.,-

n• :r.ittu.r •Ill b. 1lM 1\11 COM ... , Tectt,. • ~J •ltlt r D"'•I At\lllf".n af l• .. .fHI u Autnllal'I ft~n All :llla01»0 b & lllad.nlU..t •~ NAI • t~ nU., • 4''4 •H • .,.-,11 U-,. r .. t..s •"' ".W h lakn le Ul ltfl tlfttlUtt.~I• &.•a.rt llf Hitva, ... i,,. ~J • ••JMI) lb• t.Ji !er ••••· •,-,l ,_,.....

1 f• b .. r. M.'\ilra.

l•Nft ptkMI 01 .. -T•,h-• MHnt ('1 ttu~I U • "'-"1 t~ ·l• •••llriia ( t l•t .. •) I I ,... frH 81••'-' ... ~ N .. .-IL, er ,..r. fru U.. h ....... U.. • r,. .Ur.-M4 .. wmi... N~ .... ,.,. Lie.. U C.a~\I•,...•'- llr#\, Sr411.,

Aiol"l!a u ...O.r d•H'I._ t'la ,.. ...... ..., u,,, ,.,.... l.a cS.. 16\MII • u, ..,_.~ u• ._ It ,.,q at 11.D ~- .. a-i,,t, tat..-, •••'" n>l!.«t"alnr •••ffthl•••:.11 ta c,..., Br Ala~n.. c...t.ll THa.nka.l l"r.. u;. 0.a4•~ H ... a-.D-o • e...,_ 8\!'l!lrl 11ra.._ WCI.

W'lnl,,,i , "'"•b'' Li t11lb .~....w M uo1rt, •t. &.&Iii ~las IIM l . ........ a • ••-, h '""at.. . ....,. .r la P• rt. _...,.. 1, a,era.lM1-9. T- ... of "' •l'llela ..- 41M1'1111'• "" frv• t••• f4r ••1 .,.,,... • -..i.-t•ff .. ... , .. ,.Ht,.. •nllNl .. .-rn&•• HlleriW~ f

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w1asL1tlS WEEKLY

For your Protection every Genuine Radiotron bears a Seal

Buy only Genuine Radiot:ronsand be assured of Satisfactory Valve Service

SOME POP ULAR RADlOTRONS Radlotron UX 199 . lJI. Rad,otron UX 120 1sr • Radiotron UX 201 A • II • Rad,onon UX 171 • tl /15. ~iotton UX ZOO A • £1 , 10/. Radiotron UX 11 Z • il /15 · R..dionon UX 240 . 13,. Radiorron UX ZlO • £2110 -

At alt Radio 0l'alt"u Of' at Mitlbovmc Ad«laJdc

~ ~£Wireless B,1,b,nc ~:;;,.,,.,.,,~ W~llini."ton, N.Z


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1-ridny, 2ml l h•cl.'mbt·r, IU2i WIRELESS WEEKLY

........................ -·· ........ ·--.................................................................................... .

On the selection of LOUD SPEAKER. a

• Radlolu..- AmpJlon. ffS2 C."i ••

29 \m1,Uon Mndt=bi t o iwlecl frflm

Pr-ice:§ 2-5. to £9 10 .

Radiolu.x. Amption. RSl ,0, CS ··


Your Loud Spe,.ker demands as much care in its oelection n.s does 11 new frock, 1t cigar or a brand of whi,ky, for upon it alone depends the plcnsure 10 be derived I rom rnd10.

Ont'! loud speaker may l<>ok just the lllme a,; another. h may be lavishly omumented, but on~ does not choo.,. ,, c i-.ttH br.(,,u-.~ of dU ornnlt: band nor .t whi~ky h~c.,u~t­ol an cl.,l,,,rutc labc:I. It is. however. ,...fe to chose from nn establiohed brnnd-onc with a name

In loud speaker hi•tory the nnme Amplion looms large Produred b>• .-, firm ,p~ciali!tinv 1n loud ~p~:lk1ni,: tt-lc,

phonc--i 11nJ \\ ith 40 yc-,ui' e-xpeneinct"' 10 dr,1w upon,

the Amplion has fi11nly est<>.blished it,cll as 11,e ' 'Wnrld'• St,mdard \\ irde<1s Loud Spc.,hr." 11 has ncbit:vcd this by .d1t:er ou.olandm2 mc.nt.

FurlhN th~ namr b.-h,nd th.- goods is your ,;;fe11u;,rd, E,·cr>• Amplion •• b,,ckcd hy 1hr fomou. 11u,,ra11lc<' of p<"rfornrnnc~ ,,nd service. The chc:Hp forcitn instrument muy 110 wronii: und i• w,elc••· but if by on:v miochance somethinK ,hould h,,ppcn to a BntLob Amplion, it will be quickly rectified.

Muke your choke, "" Amplion, and join the c-\lcrgrowini: bund of UtJW<trdt of h11lf a million sati,ficd usero.


Amplion Loud Speakers are obta inable from All Radio Dealers throughout Australasia.

When there 1s a better Loud Speaker it will be an AMPLJON