Relative Store Fragments for Singleton Abstractionzpalmer/publications/relativestore.pdf ·...

Relative Store Fragments for Singleton Abstraction Leandro Facchinetti 1 , Zachary Palmer 2 , and Scott F. Smith 1 1 {leandro,scott} Department of Computer Science The Johns Hopkins University 2 [email protected] Department of Computer Science Swarthmore College Abstract. A singleton abstraction occurs in a program analysis when some results of the analysis are known to be exact: an abstract binding corresponds to a single concrete binding. In this paper, we develop a novel approach to constructing singleton abstractions via relative store fragments. Each store fragment is a locally exact store abstraction in that it contains only those abstract variable bindings necessary to address a particular question at a particular program point; it is relative to that program point and the point of view may be shifted. We show how an analysis incorporating relative store fragments achieves flow-, context-, path- and must-alias sensitivity, and can be used as a basis for envi- ronment analysis, without any machinery put in place for those specific aims. We build upon recent advances in demand-driven higher-order pro- gram analysis to achieve this construction as it is fundamentally tied to demand-driven lookup of variable values. 1 Introduction A singleton abstraction [Mig10b], also known as a must analysis [Mid12], is a common thread found across advanced program analyses: some results of the analysis are known to be exact, meaning the abstraction set is in fact a singleton in those cases. Singleton abstractions have traditionally been used in must-alias analyses for first-order programs, e.g. [CWZ90]. For higher-order programs they have been used in lightweight closure conversion [SW97] in must-alias analysis [JTWW98], and abstract garbage collection has been used to produce singleton abstractions [MS06b]. This paper develops a novel approach to constructing singleton abstractions using relative store fragments. Unlike stores in traditional abstract interpreta- tion, these are fragments in that they contain information about a subset of the store necessary to address a particular analysis question; there is no global store. Instead of storing binding information in terms of global calling context, these fragments express binding information relative to a particular point in the program using call path difference information similar to ΔCFA frame strings [MS06a,GM17]. Facchinetti is supported by a CAPES Fellowship, process number 13477/13-7.

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Relative Store Fragments for SingletonAbstraction

Leandro Facchinetti1?, Zachary Palmer2, and Scott F. Smith1

1 {leandro,scott}@jhu.eduDepartment of Computer Science

The Johns Hopkins University2 [email protected]

Department of Computer ScienceSwarthmore College

Abstract. A singleton abstraction occurs in a program analysis whensome results of the analysis are known to be exact: an abstract bindingcorresponds to a single concrete binding. In this paper, we develop anovel approach to constructing singleton abstractions via relative storefragments. Each store fragment is a locally exact store abstraction in thatit contains only those abstract variable bindings necessary to address aparticular question at a particular program point; it is relative to thatprogram point and the point of view may be shifted. We show how ananalysis incorporating relative store fragments achieves flow-, context-,path- and must-alias sensitivity, and can be used as a basis for envi-ronment analysis, without any machinery put in place for those specificaims. We build upon recent advances in demand-driven higher-order pro-gram analysis to achieve this construction as it is fundamentally tied todemand-driven lookup of variable values.

1 Introduction

A singleton abstraction [Mig10b], also known as a must analysis [Mid12], is acommon thread found across advanced program analyses: some results of theanalysis are known to be exact, meaning the abstraction set is in fact a singletonin those cases. Singleton abstractions have traditionally been used in must-aliasanalyses for first-order programs, e.g. [CWZ90]. For higher-order programs theyhave been used in lightweight closure conversion [SW97] in must-alias analysis[JTWW98], and abstract garbage collection has been used to produce singletonabstractions [MS06b].

This paper develops a novel approach to constructing singleton abstractionsusing relative store fragments. Unlike stores in traditional abstract interpreta-tion, these are fragments in that they contain information about a subset ofthe store necessary to address a particular analysis question; there is no globalstore. Instead of storing binding information in terms of global calling context,these fragments express binding information relative to a particular point in theprogram using call path difference information similar to ∆CFA frame strings[MS06a,GM17].

? Facchinetti is supported by a CAPES Fellowship, process number 13477/13-7.

2 Leandro Facchinetti, Zachary Palmer, and Scott F. Smith

In this paper we define Demand-driven Relative Store Fragment analysis, ab-breviated DRSF. DRSF incorporates relative store fragments to achieve flow-,context-, path- and must-alias sensitivity, and can be used as a basis for envi-ronment analysis [Shi91,BFL+14,GM17], without any extra machinery put inplace for those specific aims. We define for this analysis an algebra of relativestore fragment composition and relativization to combine these fragments in theprocess of answering control- and data-flow questions. We now briefly describesome dimensions of DRSF’s expressiveness.

Path Sensitivity: Path-sensitivity is well-known as an important dimension of ex-pressiveness in program analyses [BA98,DLS02,XCE03,DMH15,THF10]. Path-sensitive analyses observe control-flow decisions and use this information to refinetheir results. DRSF’s store fragments are naturally conducive to path sensitiv-ity: the values of variables used to dictate control flow are recorded in storefragments and used to discard impossible control flow combinations.

Must-alias Analysis: The original purpose of singleton analyses was to extractmust-alias properties [CWZ90,JTWW98]. The case where a variable must (notjust may) alias another means an assignment to one must (not just may) also af-fect the other. We can additionally use our singleton store abstraction to achievemust-alias properties over a mutable heap.

Context Sensitivity: Another pleasant aspect of the theory is that context-sensitivity [Shi91] also comes “for free”: the call path annotations on variablesadditionally disambiguate contexts. Creating a multiplicity of store fragmentsis expensive, but the multiple purposes they may be put to allows the effortto be amortized. Along with standard k-CFA style context sensitivity [Shi91],CPA-style context-sensitivity [Age95,Bes09,VS10] also naturally emerges.

Environment Analysis: While we are primarily focused on fundamentals and noton potential clients of the analysis, the environment problem is a classic stresstest for higher-order program analyses [Shi91,BFL+14,GM17] and DRSF can beused a basis to address that problem.

The Context: Demand-Driven Higher-Order Analysis We work in thecontext of DDPA, a demand-driven higher-order analysis [PS16] which appliesideas of first-order demand-driven analyses [Rep94,DGS97,SR05] to higher-orderprograms. DDPA incorporates filters on data lookup for some path-sensitivitybut lacks “alignment”: it considers each variable separately.

Results This paper is a proof-of-concept study of DRSF: we give a completedefinition of the analysis for a simple functional language, prove some basicproperties, and describe an implementation with additional features including amutable heap. While we establish that the algorithm has an exponential worst-case, in practice on benchmarks it has reasonable performance.

2 OverviewIn this section we will present a series of examples that illustrate the conceptsbehind DRSF. The analysis builds on DDPA [PS16], and basic features of thatanalysis will be introduced as we go.

Relative Store Fragments for Singleton Abstraction 3

2.1 A simple example illustrating path-sensitivity

We start with a very simple program in an ML-like language:

1 let b = coin_flip () in2 let x =3 if b then 4 else "dr" in4 let y =5 if b then 5 else "sf" in6 x + y

b x y x + y

xx 4 xx

xx "dr" xxb?b?



yy 5 yy

yy "sf" yyb?b?



The coin_flip primitive non-deterministically returns either true or false.Operator + is overloaded to append strings; it is not defined when the operandtypes mismatch – i.e., there is no implicit coercion a la JavaScript. This programnever has a type mismatch: the types of x and y are aligned by b. To observe thataddition is safe in this program, an analysis must observe this alignment. Using◦ for the abstract entity corresponding to a concrete ◦, the analysis must showx = {4} and y = {5} occur together (and similarly for the strings), and, more

importantly, prove that x = {4} and y = {"sf"} do not co-occur. DRSF is path-sensitive: it preserves this connection. We now outline how this is accomplished.

Both DDPA and DRSF construct a Control-Flow Graph (CFG) of the pro-gram; the CFG constructed by DRSF here appears to the right of the code.Given a (perhaps partial) CFG, the analyses answer questions of the type “whatare the possible abstract values that reach this variable at this program point?”The analyses perform a lookup by traversing the CFG backward, in the directionopposite to control-flow, until they find a definition, in the tradition of demand-driven program analyses [Rep94,DGS97,SR05,HT01,PS16]. For example, if asked“what are the possible abstract values for b at the end of the program?” theanalyses would initiate a lookup at the CFG node representing the end of theprogram and traverse the graph backward with respect to control-flow to reachthe clause b = coin_flip (), producing the result b = {true, false}.

There are two complications in building demand-driven analyses for higher-order languages: the first is preventing unbounded search along cyclic pathsin a CFG; the second is building the CFG itself, because higher-order functionsdetermine control-flow, so data-flow and control-flow are intertwined. To addressthe former, DDPA and DRSF encode the CFG traversal in terms of a PDAreachability problem, building on ideas in [JSE+14,EMH10,BEM97]. For CFGconstruction, the analyses can perform lookups on partial CFGs and let theresults inform the incremental construction of the full CFG.

The CFG above illustrates this process on our running example. The blackand brown edges represent control flow, with black edges determined directlyfrom program syntax, and brown edges introduced by the analysis. Initially,only the bottom-most spine exists, representing the statements at the top level.The analysis first wires in the upper-left widget for the conditional returning x: alookup of b shows it can be true and so the 4 node is wired in. Since the lookup ofb can also be false the "dr" node is also wired in. Similarly the branches of the yconditional are wired in one by one. In general, both DDPA and DRSF constructthe CFG in a forward manner but use reverse lookup through the (partial) CFG

4 Leandro Facchinetti, Zachary Palmer, and Scott F. Smith

to find potential values which can inform CFG construction. By induction, allthe information necessary to resolve control-flow at a program point is alreadyavailable in the partial CFG when the program point is considered.

With the complete CFG it is possible to look up the potential values of finalexpression x+y. This, in turn, requires the lookups of variables x and y. Thekey difference between DDPA and DRSF is in how the analyses answer to theselookups. DDPA produces only sets of abstract values: x’s result is {4, "dr"}and y’s result is {5, "sf"}; any path-sensitivity has been lost by the form ofthe output. DRSF, in addition to abstract values, produces abstract store setsassociated with them: x’s store set is {〈4, {b 7→ true, x 7→ 4}〉, 〈"dr", {b 7→false, x 7→ "dr"}〉} and y’s store set is {〈5, {b 7→ true, y 7→ 5}〉, 〈"sf", {b 7→false, y 7→ "sf"}〉}. Observe that each individual store in the store set containsingletons representing a potential slice of the runtime; it is a pair of a valueand the mappings for each variable that led to that value. The key advantageof DRSF is that, to compute the addition, a store merge is performed on thestore sets for x and y. This store merge operation eliminates impossible stores;for example, it discards the combination of x 7→ 4 and y 7→ "sf" because thecorresponding abstract stores disagree on their values for b. The set of storescan be non-deterministic, but each store contains singletons which agree on allmappings. This can be used to solve a whole class of issues concerning correlationbetween bindings, such as fake rebinding [VS10].

One important aspect of abstract stores is that they are not absolute for thewhole program, but relative to the program point in which the lookup initiated.They are also fragments: only the variables incident on the current lookup needbe included. This latter property will be made clear in the subsequent examples.

2.2 A simple example of context-sensitivity

The following example illustrates a use of higher-order functions:

1 let f = fun _ -> 4 in2 let g = fun _ -> "s" in3 let c = fun h -> h () in4 let x = c f in5 let y = c g in6 x f g c x y x

ff 4 ff gg "s" gg

cc h cc

To look up x from the end of the program assuming the full CFG has beenpreviously constructed, DRSF traverses the CFG in reverse from the programend. Walking backward, call site x in line 4 is the source of the result; the analysismust then proceed in reverse into c’s body, whereupon it finds a call to h. At thispoint it must find which functions h could be; h is a parameter to c, so DRSFhas to exit its body to look for the arguments that could have been passed in.

Now, the analysis faces a dilemma: there are two wirings to c’s body in theCFG. One is at x, where h is bound to f; the other is at y, where h is bound tog. The former wiring matches the execution we are tracing but, in a naive walkback through the CFG, this information has been lost.

Relative Store Fragments for Singleton Abstraction 5

DRSF achieves context-sensitivity via traces attached to variables to indicatethe relative call stack context the variable was found in. When f is looked upfrom the perspective of the top-level program, the trace is empty: []. The result ofthis lookup is f = {〈fun4, {f@[] 7→ fun4}〉}: trace [] indicates that the definitionof f was found in the same calling context as where the question was asked.

During our lookup of x, however, we must find a store fragment for h, theparameter of the c function, from inside of that function’s body. h is definedin terms of f, but that definition occurs in the same calling context as c’s callsite; that is, we must go to where c is called to find the value of f. One callerof c is site x and we use the trace [Ix] to describe that x is the caller of theprogram point where our lookup started. Thus, one store we can obtain in lookingup h from within c is 〈fun4, {f@[Ix] 7→ fun4, h@[] 7→ fun4}〉. Similarly, if weconsider that c can be called from site y, we obtain another potential store:〈funs, {g@[Iy] 7→ funs, h@[] 7→ funs}〉.

Now recall that, in the path we were originally taking to search for x, wehad entered h via call site x. So, to relativize the above stores to the top levelof the program, we must append aJx to the trace on all store variables. Thisgives stores containing {f@[Ix,Jx] 7→ fun4, h@[Jx] 7→ fun4} and {g@[Iy,Jx] 7→funs, h@[Jx] 7→ funs}. Trace [Ix,Jx] is a no-op which cancels out to []. On theother hand, [Iy,Jx] is a contradiction since call and return do not align and itmeans this latter store can be eliminated and only the former is sound. So, thelookup of x yields only the result of x; this demonstrates context-sensitivity.

Our call string logic is related to ∆CFA’s delta frame strings [MS06a,GM17].Note that trace-based context-sensitivity also influences path-sensitivity: DRSFis path-sensitive for sources of non-determinism not related to loss of contextsensitivity: user input, coin_flip, integer comparisons in which precision waslost, and so on. We will see later that, just as in kCFA, the loss of context-sensitivity takes a toll path-sensitivity as well.

2.3 Precise non-local variable lookup

One of the key features of DDPA inherited by DRSF is precision in non-localvariable lookup. Consider the following program.

1 let f = fun x ->2 let g = fun y -> x in g3 in4 let a = f 0 in5 let b = a 5 in6 b

f a b

ff g ff gg x gg

To look up b from the end of the program, DRSF first finds b = a 5 so thefunction in a must be entered in reverse to find the value. a itself is a closure overthe function g, so it then has to look up g’s return value, x. But if the analysiscontinues traversing the CFG backward with respect to control-flow looking forx, it comes back to the call site b and proceeds to skip over a and f, failing to findx at the start of the program. DRSF solves this problem with a statically-scopedsearch for non-locals in the style of access links in compiler implementations.

6 Leandro Facchinetti, Zachary Palmer, and Scott F. Smith

So, at the point where we were looking up x above, DRSF first must look upthe definition of the function that was applied, g, and resume search for x fromthere as that is where x’s definition lexically occurs. Searching for g from withincall site b, it is the return value from call site a which continues the search intof’s body. At that point, it finds g’s definition, and can resume lookup for x fromthat CFG location, where it finds that x is the function parameter. So DRSFreturns to the call site a and finds the argument 0, which leads to result b = {0}.

2.4 Must-alias analysis

Each relative store contains singletons and this property naturally leads to must-alias analysis expressiveness. Consider the following program.

1 let f = fun rx -> rx := "dr" in2 let r1 = ref 4 in3 let r2 = r1 in4 f r2;5 !r1 + "sf"

f r1 r2 f r2 !r1 + "sf"

ff rx ff

In looking up r1, we encounter a call to f. Since this is a stateful lookupunlike earlier lookups above, we must examine the f call for side effects; wediscover that it sets its parameter rx. If we knew that rx must be an alias forr1 we would have found the most recent assignment to rx, so this condition ischecked. Searching for rx shows it must be r2, which in turn must be r1. So,there is only one viable store here and in it "dr" is the most recent assignmentto r1. Therefore !r1 always returns a string.

These small examples illustrate DRSF’s expressiveness. Fortunately, the prin-ciples of the analysis are general: precision is retained on less trivial exampleswe run through the implementation in Section 4.1. The next step is to formalizethe analysis to make its meaning precise.

3 The Analysis

We formally analyze the grammar of the language in Figure 1. All expressionsin this language are in A-normal form [FSDF93] to better align the expressionsand the analysis; we also require that every variable declaration is unique. Thisgrammar is a small subset of the implemented language; we leave out deep pat-tern matching, state, and atomic data and operators. The operational semanticsfor this simplistic call-by-value language is straightforward and is not given herefor space reasons. For this discussion, it bears mentioning that conditional clausebodies are functions; when the condition is matched (or not matched), we callthe appropriate function with the matched argument.

e ::= [c, . . .] expressions r ::= {` =x, . . .} records

c ::= x = b clauses f ::= fun x -> ( e ) functions

b ::= v | x | x x | x ˜ p ? f : f | x.` clause bodies x variables

v ::= r | f values ` labels

p ::= {`, . . .} | fun | any patterns

Fig. 1. Expression Grammar

Relative Store Fragments for Singleton Abstraction 7

As in the previous section, we express the abstraction of a construct ◦ as ◦.In this simple language, these constructs are in fact identical; we use two distinctforms for readability only.

The DRSF analysis incrementally constructs a control flow graph, a processwhich relies heavily upon a variable-value lookup function. Given a variable anda point in the program, this lookup function generally produces relative storefragments which indicate possible (abstract) values for that variable as well asstore mappings for any variables which influenced this decision. We begin ourdefinition of the analysis by defining these relative store fragments and thenspecify the lookup function and single-step CFG construction operation in turn.

3.1 Relative Store FragmentsThe grammar for the analysis store constructs is given in Figure 2. We furtherrestrict Ψ such that there cannot be two mappings ψ/ψ′ with the same ρ, pro-vided ρ = x@∆ and ∆ is a full trace. And, we impose an invariant that for anyrooted store 〈ψ, Ψ〉, ψ ∈ Ψ .

ρ ::= x@∆ relative trace variable σ ::= 〈ψ, Ψ〉 rooted store

∆ ::= [δ, . . .] | (δ, . . .] full and partial relative traces Ψ ::= {ψ, . . .} raw store

δ ::= Ic |Jc relative trace part ψ ::= ρ 7→ v store mapping

Fig. 2. Abstract Store Grammar

A lookup of a variable in the DRSF analysis does not just produce a set ofabstract values; it more generally returns a set of store fragments σ paired withlocations where they are found (discussed in Section 3.2). Each store fragment σis a rooted store because it includes a root mapping ρ 7→ v indicating the abstractvalue v of the looked-up variable (in the Overview we elided the “ρ 7→” on theroot mapping for simplicity), as well as a raw store Ψ of mappings for all other

relevant variables in context. Mappings ψ do not map raw variables x to values:they map trace-relative variables ρ = x@∆ to values, with the traces ∆ definingthe context where the variable was defined relative to the current context.

Relative traces come in two forms. The first form is a full trace [. . . ] whichis precise: it describes exactly from where the result of lookup is obtained. Thesecond form (. . . ] is a partial trace which represents a lossy suffix of the for-mer, trimmed to allow the analysis to terminate. We formally define a trimmingoperation on relative traces here which retains only the rightmost k elements:

Definition 1. We define (∆)dk such that

[δn, . . . , δ1]dk={

[δn, . . . , δ1] when n ≤ k(δk, . . . , δ1] otherwise

(δn, . . . , δ1]dk= (δmin(k,n), . . . , δ1]

We are using standard notation [a1, . . . , an] for regular lists and ∆ || ∆′ forlist append. Relative traces are list-like, so it is convenient to use similar notationto our lists when considering list suffixes; for instance, we may write ∆ = ∆′ ||[δ]to indicate that δ is the last item of the trace ∆. Because traces may be partial,however, we only use this notation when the trace is the left operand and theright operand is a simple list of trace parts.

8 Leandro Facchinetti, Zachary Palmer, and Scott F. Smith

We also define here two convenience routines for creating rooted stores andextracting the underlying value from them:

Definition 2. 1. We define 〈|x, v|〉, the “store creation” operation, as〈x@[] 7→ v, {x@[] 7→ v}〉.

2. We define LσM, the “store read” operation, as L〈ρ 7→ v, Ψ〉M = v.

Trace Suffixing. Raw stores Ψ map relative trace variables to values. As indi-cated in Figure 2, each relative trace variable is a pairing between a variable anda relative trace which describes the location of that variable relative to the cur-rent program stack. If a value was originally constructed outside of the currentfunction, for instance, the trace [Ic] indicates that the call site c was pushed ontothe stack since the value was bound. If lookup found a value originally boundinside of a function that has since returned, the trace may contain [Jc].

As every mapping in a store is relative to the current position of variablelookup, we must uniformly modify these traces as lookup moves between functioncalls. We begin by defining an operation which suffixes an existing relative tracewith a new stack operation. This may cancel redundant values: [Ic,Jc] entersand exits a function from the same call site and so is a no-op. Trace suffixingmay also fail on impossible stack transformations: [Ic,Jc′] for c 6= c′ returns toa point not the calling point, an impossibility.

We now define a trace suffixing operation to formalize the above. Traceslonger than a given k are trimmed to partial traces of the form (. . . ] by truncatingthe front of the list. This prevents traces from growing arbitrarily long and allowsstores to keep finite context, as described above. We represent suffix failure inimpossible cases by leaving the operation undefined.

Definition 3. For each k ≥ 0, trace suffixing nk is defined as follows:

[] nk δ = [δ]dk (] nk δ = (δ]dk∆ ||[Ic] nkJc = ∆ ∆ ||[Ic1] nkJc2 is undefined if c1 6= c2∆ ||[Ic1] nk Ic2 = (∆ ||[Ic1, Ic2])dk ∆ ||[Jc] nk δ = (∆ ||[Jc, δ])dk

We extend the trace suffixing operator to operate on pairs of traces. We allown = 0 and/or m = 0 below.

∆ nk [δ1, . . . , δn] = ∆nk δ1 nk . . .nk δn∆ nk (δ1, . . . , δn] = (δ1, . . . , δn]dk

Observe that traces are pop/push-bitonic [Mig07] in that they have the form[Jc1, . . .Jcn, Ic1, . . . Icm] for n,m ≥ 0.

Trace suffixing homomorphically extends to stores and other entities.

Definition 4. We extend trace suffixing to variables, mappings, raw stores, androoted stores as follows:

(x@∆) nk δ = x@(∆nk δ) (x@∆) nk ∆′ = x@(∆nk ∆′)(ρ 7→ v) nk δ = (ρnk δ) 7→ v (ρ 7→ v) nk ∆ = (ρnk ∆) 7→ v

Ψ nk δ ={ψ nk δ

∣∣∣ψ ∈ Ψ} Ψ nk ∆ ={ψ nk ∆

∣∣∣ψ ∈ Ψ}〈ψ, Ψ〉nk δ = 〈ψ nk δ, Ψ nk δ〉 〈ψ, Ψ〉nk ∆ = 〈ψ nk ∆, Ψ nk ∆〉

Relative Store Fragments for Singleton Abstraction 9

Note that in each case above if any of the nk on the right are undefined, thesuffixing operation on the left is taken to be undefined.

To illustrate how the “undefinedness” of trace suffixing is fully propagated,x@[Ic1] nkJc2 and {x@[Ic1] 7→ v, . . .} nkJc2 are both undefined if c1 6= c2.Hereafter we will take k to be fixed and abbreviate nk as n.

Store Merge. Some lookup operations in DRSF require a subordinate lookup.For example, before proceeding from a call site into a function body, we mustperform a lookup to make sure that function is called at this site. A key featureof DRSF is how stores from lookups can be merged : formally, Ψ1⊕ Ψ2. Any storethat represents an inconsistent run-time state can be eliminated in ⊕. Thereare two conditions which cause store merge to fail. First, a variable could beinconsistent: one store maps x to an integer while the other maps x to a record.Second, the call stack implied by the store could be inconsistent, for exampleone store contains r@[Jx,Iy] and the other contains r@[Jx,Iz]: these constraintscannot simultaneously be satisfied and merge fails.

We now define store merge. The first condition – merging inconsistent vari-ables – is implicitly addressed by the manner in which we propagate the unde-fined cases of the definitions above. To handle the second condition, we mustdefine an auxiliary trace relation ∆1 l ∆2 and apply it to stores.

Definition 5. 1. We define the trace consistency relation ∆1 l ∆2 to hold iffthere exist some ∆′0, ∆′1, and ∆′2 such that the following hold:

– No terms of the form Ic appear in ∆′0, ∆′1, or ∆′2;– ∆1 n ∆′0 = ∆′1, and ∆2 n ∆′0 = ∆′2.

2. Two stores Ψ1 and Ψ2 are trace consistent (written Ψ1 l Ψ2) iff ∀(x1@∆1) 7→v1 ∈ Ψ1, (x2@∆2) 7→ v2 ∈ Ψ2. ∆1 l ∆2.

3. The merge Ψ1 ⊕ Ψ2 of two unrooted stores Ψ1 and Ψ2 is the union of theirmappings, Ψ1 ∪ Ψ2, provided the following conditions hold:

– For all ρ 7→ v1 ∈ Ψ1 and ρ 7→ v2 ∈ Ψ2, if ρ of form x@[. . .] then v1 = v2– Ψ1 l Ψ2

If these conditions do not hold, then Ψ1 ⊕ Ψ2 is undefined.

Two forms of merge for rooted stores are used in DRSF and we make ex-plicit definitions for readability. Parallel store merge σ1⇔ σ2 merges two storescomputed from the same reference point and the root of the merged store isset to the root of σ1. Serial store merge σ1" σ2 merges stores whilst offsettingthe reference point of the first store by the reference point of the second. Thisadjustment is used to support the non-local lookups described in Section 2.3.

Definition 6. 1. The parallel store merge operation ⇔ is defined as follows:〈ψ1, Ψ1〉⇔〈ψ2, Ψ2〉 = 〈ψ1, Ψ1 ⊕ Ψ2〉

2. The serial store merge operation, ", is defined as follows:σ"〈x@∆ 7→ v, Ψ〉 = (σ n ∆)⇔〈x@∆ 7→ v, Ψ〉These operations are undefined when any of the component operations are


10 Leandro Facchinetti, Zachary Palmer, and Scott F. Smith

Singleton Abstractions. At this point we have all the tools necessary toconstruct and utilize singleton abstractions in the analysis. Each mapping in arelative store fragment includes a relative trace ∆ which is either partial or full.Full traces describe in the analysis a set of memory locations at run-time thatshare a property, for example, closures over the same lambda or records withthe same fields corresponding to the same variables. The conditions for unrootedstore merge ⊕ (and, by extension, the store merge operations⇔ and") are thenused to identify and discard cases in which stores have immediately dissonantvalues for full-trace bindings.

Note that immediate dissonance is only evident for values in which theconcrete-to-abstract mapping is one-to-one, as is the case for our functions andrecords. When extending DRSF to other kinds of values (for example, numbersand strings) the analysis must conservatively assume dissonance whenever theabstract values fall out of the range for which the concrete-to-abstract map-ping is one-to-one. For those values within the one-to-one mapping, subsequentlookups of e.g. function non-locals or record fields can be used to check for dis-sonance deeply within a structure. By induction, when these lookups reach theleaves of these data structures, they prove that a chain of full-trace bindingsrepresent singleton abstractions. This allows the analysis we define below to bea basis for expressing singleton abstractions, though using DRSF to develop environment analysis is beyond the scope of this paper.

3.2 Lookup over Control Flow Graphs

Before defining variable lookup for the analysis, we must formally define thecontrol flow graphs described in Section 2. The grammar appears in Figure 3.Recall that our simplified language is A-normalized and each variable declarationis unique. Each a is a program clause (a program point in Overview terminol-ogy) and each a << a is a CFG edge (a brown or black arrow in the OverviewCFGs) collected into set G, the full CFG. Variable lookup produces a set ofpositioned stores Φ, which are relative store fragments together with a referencepoint for them. This reference point is used to support the statically scopedsearch described in Section 2.3.

a ::= c | x Ic= x | xJc

= x | Start | End abstract annotated clauses

g ::= a << a control flow edges

G ::= {g, . . .} control flow graphs

φ ::= 〈a, σ〉 positioned store

Φ ::= {φ, . . .} positioned store set

Fig. 3. DRSF Analysis Grammar

For notational purposes, we overload each operation on stores σ to positionedstores φ; for instance, we let 〈a, σ〉nδ = 〈a, σnδ〉 and L〈a, σ〉M = LσM. We overload

each such operation to sets of φ; for example, Φn δ = {φn δ | φ ∈ Φ}.Let Match(v, p) be the natural shallow pattern match relation between a

value and a pattern. Let RV(e) be the last variable defined in an expression:

RV([. . . , x = b]) = x.

Relative Store Fragments for Singleton Abstraction 11

We are finally in a position to define variable lookup G(a, x), a functionreturning the set of positioned stores that give a value to x from the perspectiveof program point a.

Definition 7. For CFG G, let G(a0, x) be the function returning the least set

of positioned stores Φ for some a1G

<< a0 satisfying the following clauses:

1. Variable search(a) Value Discovery

If a1 = (x = v) then 〈a1, 〈|x, v|〉〉 ∈ Φ.(b) Value Alias

If a1 = (x = x′) then G(a1, x′) ⊆ Φ.

(c) Clause Skip

If a1 = (x′ = b) and x′ 6= x, then G(a1, x) ⊆ Φ.2. Function wiring

(a) Function Enter: Parameter Variable

If a1 = (x cI= x′) and c = (x′′1 = x′′2 x′), 〈a′, σ〉 ∈ G(a1, x

′′2), then

(G(a1, x′)⇔ σ) n Ic ⊆ Φ.

(b) Function Exit: Return Variable

If a1 = (xJc= x′), c = (x = x′′2 x

′′3), 〈a′1, σ1〉 ∈ G(c, x′′2), 〈a′2, σ2〉 ∈ G(c, x′′3),

(fun x′′4 -> ( e )) = LσM, and RV(e) = x′, then((G(a1, x

′) nJc)⇔ σ1⇔ σ2) ⊆ Φ.(c) Function Enter: Non-Local Variable

If a1 = (x′′ Ic= x′), c = (x′′1 = x′′2 x′), x′′ 6= x, and 〈a′1, σ1〉 ∈ G(a1, x


〈a′2, σ2〉 ∈ G(a1, x′), then

((G(a′1, x)" σ1)⇔ σ2 n Ic) ⊆ Φ.3. Conditional wiring

(a) Conditional Enter: Parameter Positive

If a1 = (x′ Ic= x1), c = (x2 = x1 ˜ p ? f1 : f2), f1 = fun x′ -> ( e ), and

x ∈ {x′, x1}, then

{φ|φ ∈ G(a1, x1) ∧Match(LφM, p)} ⊆ Φ.(b) Conditional Enter: Parameter Negative

If a1 = (x′ Ic= x1), c = (x2 = x1 ˜ p ? f1 : f2), f2 = fun x′ -> ( e ), and

x ∈ {x′, x1}, then

{φ|φ ∈ G(a1, x1) ∧ ¬Match(LφM, p)} ⊆ Φ.(c) Conditional Enter: Non-Parameter Positive

If a1 = (x′ Ic= x1), c = (x2 = x1 ˜ p ? f1 : f2), f1 = fun x′ -> ( e ), x /∈

{x′, x1}, 〈a′, σ〉 ∈ G(c, x1), and Match(LσM, p), then(G(a1, x)⇔ σ) ⊆ Φ.

(d) Conditional Enter: Non-Parameter Negative

If a1 = (x′ Ic= x1), c = (x2 = x1 ˜ p ? f1 : f2), f2 = fun x′ -> ( e ), x /∈

{x′, x1}, 〈a′, σ〉 ∈ G(c, x1), and ¬Match(LσM, p), then(G(a1, x)⇔ σ) ⊆ Φ.

12 Leandro Facchinetti, Zachary Palmer, and Scott F. Smith

(e) Conditional Exit: Return Positive

If a1 = (xJc= x′), c = (x = x1 ˜ p ? f1 : f2), f1 = fun x′′ -> ( e ), RV(e) =

x′, 〈a′, σ〉 ∈ G(c, x1), and Match(LσM, p), then(G(a1, x

′)⇔ σ) ⊆ Φ.(f) Conditional Exit: Return Negative

If a1 = (xJc= x′), c = (x = x1 ˜ p ? f1 : f2), f2 = fun x′′ -> ( e ), RV(e) =

x′, 〈a′, σ〉 ∈ G(c, x1), and ¬Match(LσM, p), then(G(a1, x

′)⇔ σ) ⊆ Φ.4. Record projection

(a) Record Projection

If a1 = (x = x′.`), 〈a′, σ〉 ∈ G(a1, x′), LσM = r, and (` = x′′) ∈ r, then

(G(a′, x′′)" σ) ⊆ Φ.

We will write v ∈ G(c, x) as an abbreviation for v = LφM for some φ ∈ G(c, x).

Understanding lookup. There is a lot going on in Definition 7. To betterunderstand the clauses, we will trace the lookup example of Section 2.2. Belowis that example translated to the formal A-normalized grammar we use in thissection, retaining integer and string data from the original example for clarity.(Note that there is only one of each, so singleton properties hold.) The diagramto the right is the final CFG produced by the wiring rules described in Section3.3 below; here we illustrate variable lookup on this final CFG.

1 f = fun a -> ( r = 4 );2 g = fun b -> ( s = "s" );3 c = fun h -> ( t = h true );4 x = c f;5 y = c g;6 z = x; Start f g c x y z End

ff r ff gg s gg

cc t cc

a=true It


b=true It


h=f Ix x=tJx

h=g Iy y=tJy

There are a few differences between this CFG and the informal presentationof Section 2.2 – this CFG precisely matches the dependency graph notation ofFigure 3. Each black or brown arrow-tipped edge in the CFG corresponds to adependency a << a ∈ G, for G being the whole CFG. The green half circles areonly block delimiters for readability and do not correspond to nodes – the brownwiring edges go through them. The rectangular brown nodes are the wiring nodes

xIc= x′ and x

Jc= x′ of the a grammar, and the whole CFG starts at node Start

and ends with End. The program is in ANF and all program points have names(except for the dummy argument in the function call at t); the result of functionf, for instance, is named r.

Recall from the overview that we desire to look up the final value, z, from theend of the program: G(End, z). (We coventionally begin the search not at theindicated node, e.g. End here, but at any predecessors to this node). Lookingback from End, we see z defined as x; rule 1b of Definition 7 tells us to firstcontinue by looking up x from z: G(z, x). (We will use the variable – z here –

Relative Store Fragments for Singleton Abstraction 13

alone as shorthand for its clause). We proceed lookup with rule 1c, which allowsus to skip the clause y = c g as it does not affect x. Our lookup is then G(y, x).

From y, rule 2b applies, which first entails looking up both function c andargument f from point x; these two lookups are both straightforward under thevariable search rules 1a and 1c. Each returns a store which then gets parallel-merged to 〈c@[] 7→ funh, {c@[] 7→ funh, f@[] 7→ fun4}〉. Continuing, it remainsto look up t from the wiring node, suffix the result with the trace [Jx], andmerge that result with the aforementioned store. Note that this merge requiresall three to be in sync, a key to giving us path- and context-sensitivity.

The fact that we align the argument lookup in particular corresponds withwhat CPA [Age95,Bes09,VS10] achieves. CPA separately analyzes function callswith differing types of arguments. DRSF does so as well by creating for eachargument type a distinct relative store fragment (the result of the lookup ofG(c, x′′3) in rule 2b). This alignment requires only one operation and no specialmachinery in DRSF, as relative store fragments are already used to model manyother kinds of inter-binding relationships as well.

We now tackle the lookup of t. We begin by exploring call site t = h true:

again, rule 2b applies. Here, there are two candidate wiring nodes: tJt= r and

tJt= s; both are possible, as either fun4 or funs may reach this call site. By

rule 1a, looking back through node tJt= r yields int while node t

Jt= s yields

string. Clearly only the int is possible at run-time. What does DRSF do here?

Lookup in DRSF can in general produce multiple (singleton) stores repre-

senting multiple abstract values. The lookup G(t Jt= r, r) produces the store

〈r@[] 7→ int, {r@[] 7→ int}〉, which is then suffixed withJt. The resulting store〈r@[Jt] 7→ int, {r@[Jt] 7→ int}〉 is then merged with the store used to ver-ify that fun4 could be called at this site, yielding 〈r@[Jt] 7→ int, {r@[Jt] 7→int, f@[Ix] 7→ fun4}〉. At this point, the lookup of t is complete and trace [Jx]can finally be suffixed to this result, giving 〈r@[Jt,Jx] 7→ int, {r@[Jt,Jx] 7→int, f@[] 7→ fun4, c@[] 7→ funh}〉 for x.

The lookup G(tJt= s, s), demonstrates how store merging prunes impossible

paths. This lookup produces the store 〈s@[] 7→ string, {s@[] 7→ string}〉, which

we then suffix and merge as we did above to yield 〈s@[Jt] 7→ string, {s@[Jt] 7→string, g@[Iy] 7→ funs}〉. Next, this store should be suffixed withJx to adjustthe perspective to be back out of the x call site, but this is undefined : the suffixingg@[Iy] nJx, is undefined because reading in the forward-running direction itindicates a call at site y but which returns to site x, an impossibility at run-time. So, this store is eliminated at the merge, and lookup of G(End, z) yieldsonly the int store described above.

Conditionals and records are variations on how functions are handled: theCFG is traversed in reverse, and stores are merged and relativized along the wayas necessary. The parallel merges in conditional lookup give path-sensitivity onthe conditional value: only aligned stores can merge.

14 Leandro Facchinetti, Zachary Palmer, and Scott F. Smith

3.3 Abstract EvaluationWe now present the single-step abstract evaluation relation which incrementallyadds edges to build a full CFG. The above lookup function is the key subroutine.

Active nodes. To preserve standard evaluation order, we define the notion of anActive node: only nodes with all previous nodes already executed can fire. Thisserves a purpose similar to an evaluation context in operational semantics.

Definition 8. Active(a′, G) iff path {Start << a1, . . . , ai << ai+1, . . . , an <<

a′} ⊆ G such that no ai is of one of the forms x = x′ x′′ or x = x′ ˜ p ? f : f ′.

Wiring. Function application requires the concrete function body to be “wired”into the call site:

Definition 9. Let Wire(c, fun x0 -> e, x1, x2) ={c′ << (x0

Ic= x1) | c′


<< c} ∪ {(x0Ic= x1) << e << (x2

Jc= RV(e))} ∪ {(x2


RV(e)) << c′ | cG

<< c′}.c′ here is the call site, and we are wiring in function body e at this site.

Applicationc = (x1 = x2 x3) Active(c, G) f ∈ G(c, x2) G(c, x3) 6= ∅

G −→1 G ∪Wire(c, f , x3, x1)

Record Conditional Truec = (x1 = x2 ˜ p ? f1 : f2) Active(c, G) ∃φ ∈ G(c, x2).Match(LφM, p)

G −→1 G ∪Wire(c, f1, x2, x1)

Record Conditional Falsec = (x1 = x2 ˜ r ? f1 : f2) Active(c, G) ∃φ ∈ G(c, x2).¬Match(LφM, p)

G −→1 G ∪Wire(c, f2, x2, x1)

Fig. 4. Abstract Evaluation Rules

Next, we define the abstract small-step relation −→1 on graphs; see Figure 4.The evaluation rules end up being straightforward after the above preliminaries.For application, if c is an Active call site, lookup of the function variable x2returns function body f and some value v can be looked up at the argument po-sition, we may wire in f ’s body to this call site. Note that v is only observed hereto constrain evaluation order to be call-by-value. The case clause rules are simi-lar. We define the small step relation −→1 to hold if a proof exists in the systemin Figure 4. We write G0 −→∗ Gn to denote G0 −→1 G1 −→1 . . . −→1 Gn.

Now we can finally put it all together to analyze a program. We define a typi-cal program abstraction function Embed(e) to denote the lifting of an expressione into a CFG G:

Definition 10. Embed([c1, . . . , cn]) is the graph G0 = {Start << c1, . . . , ci <<ci+1, . . . , cn << End}, where each ci = ci.

This initial graph is simply the linear sequence of clauses in the “main program”.The DRSF Analysis for a program e is then graph G where Embed(e) −→∗ Gand G can only further step to itself.

Relative Store Fragments for Singleton Abstraction 15

3.4 DRSF Soundness

Soundness of DRSF is proven in two steps: we first demonstrate equivalencebetween a standard small step operational semantics and a graph-based opera-tional semantics [PS16]; we then show that DRSF conservatively approximatesthe latter. We begin by overloading −→1 to a canonical small step evaluationrelation on expressions e (straightforward and elided for reasons of space). Next,we define a graph-based operational semantics using ωDRSF: DRSF where traceconcatenation n never loses information (and so never produces partial traces).We use unhatted analogues of the grammars in Figures 2 and 3 for ωDRSF enti-ties. We also overload the operators on traces and stores to work similarly on theunhatted grammar, where trace concatenation has no maximum trace length.

We align these two operational semantics by defining a bisimulation e ∼= Gand showing that it holds throughout evaluation. Key to this bisimulation is analignment between the freshenings of bound variables in e and the traces in themappings of concrete store fragments in G. We state the equivalence of theseoperational semantics as follows:

Lemma 1 (Equivalence of Operational Semantics). For any e ∼= G:

if e −→1 e′ then G −→∗ G′ such that e′ ∼= G′; andif G −→1 G′ then e −→∗ e′ such that e′ ∼= G′.

The discrepancy in the number of steps arises in how the operational seman-tics process variable aliasing. The small step operational semantics processesaliases eagerly while ωDRSF need not step for variable aliases (due to demand-driven lookup).

Given the equivalence of these operational semantics, we now show kDRSFsimulates ωDRSF. We do this via a simulation relation 4 defined from eachnon-hatted term to its hatted analogue. The only non-trivial case here is that oftraces, in which a full trace is simulated by the partial trace of any of its suffixes(e.g. [Jx1,Ix2] 4 (Ix2]).

Lemma 2 (Simulation). If G 4 G and G −→1 G′, then G −→∗ G′ such thatG′ 4 G′.

Lemma 2 is proven by establishing a Galois connection between ωDRSF andkDRSF following standard techniques [CC77,NNH99,VHM10,Mig10a]. Sound-ness of the overall analysis is an immediate corollary of the above two lemmas.

3.5 DRSF Complexity

DRSF as presented above has exponential worst-case complexity, but this canbe mitigated. We now outline a proof of this property to understand its singularcause. Fortunately, our initial experiments suggest that this worst case is notcommon in practice; see Section 4.

DRSF’s complexity is shown by bounding the size of G produced by theabstract evaluation rules of Figure 4. We begin by counting the forms of thegrammar in Figure 2. Restricting that grammar to the program being analyzed

16 Leandro Facchinetti, Zachary Palmer, and Scott F. Smith

and to traces of length at most k, we observe there are a polynomial number offorms of δ, ∆, ρ, and ψ.

The exponential growth of DRSF lies in the definition of Ψ , which admitsany subset of the ψ forms above. This leads us to the following key Lemma:

Lemma 3 (Exponential Raw Store Growth). Restrict the grammar ofFigure 2 to contain only clauses, values, and variables appearing within e andonly traces of length at most k. Let |LΨ | be the number of values of form Ψ and

let |Lσ| be the number of values of form σ. Then |LΨ | and |Lσ| are O(2nk+2).The rest of the proof demonstrates that DRSF is polynomial in |Lσ|. Defini-

tion 7’s lookup operation is reduced to a reachability problem on a push-downautomaton [PS16] (which is polynomial in the size of the automaton [BEM97])and the abstract evaluation relation G −→1 G′ is shown to be confluent, bound-ing the number of lookups to a polynomial of |Lσ|. This leads us to:

Theorem 1 (DRSF Analysis Complexity). The DRSF analysis of a pro-gram e is computable in time polynomial in |Lσ|.

3.6 Weakening DRSFWhile the exponential case of DRSF appears to be uncommon, it may ultimatelybe necessary to apply weakenings to guarantee polynomial behavior. A full ex-ploration of such weakenings is beyond the scope of this paper, but we outlineone such weakening here.

Consider adding a “time-to-live” index to each mapping. Mappings with TTL

are written ρ`7→ v, where ` ∈ N. Each singleton store creates its single mapping

with ` equal to some fixed value d. Finally, the raw store merge operation ⊕decreases the value of each mapping’s `, and discards mappings with ` = 0.When merging two mappings with the same ρ and v, the maximum ` is retained.

With this TTL index, it is possible to prove no raw store can be created witha number of mappings greater than 2d. Since d is a fixed constant, this boundsthe number of mappings per raw store to be fixed. With only polynomially manystores, it follows from a lemma similar to Lemma 3 that |Lσ| is also polynomial,and by Theorem 1, the analysis with TTL is polynomial.

4 ImplementationAn implementation of DRSF is available on GitHub3 which additionally in-cludes binary operators, deep pattern matching, and state as well as integers andstrings for basic values. The abstraction function maps all integers and stringsto the same abstract integer and abstract string, so the singleton abstractionsare lost for them. The implementation proceeds as described in Section 3.5:lookups are performed by reduction to a reachability problem on a push-downautomaton just as in DDPA [PS16]. We improve on previous reachability algo-rithms [BEM97,JSE+14,EMH10] by generalizing over patterns appearing in theautomaton which arise due to the form of DRSF’s lookup definition. We alsorely upon the confluence of abstract evaluation to reuse work performed duringlookup, even across lookup invocations.


Relative Store Fragments for Singleton Abstraction 17

4.1 Evaluation

To evaluate the performance of DRSF, we benchmarked it against an implemen-tation of DDPA [PS16,PF16]. The analysis client in these experiments answersthe question “what are all possible values for all variables at the top level of theprogram?” We used this client to compare both running times and precision.

The test cases were taken from other higher-order program analysis evalua-tions [GLA+16,JLMVH13]. These Scheme programs were automatically trans-lated to our core language. Many of these benchmarks are moderate sized pro-grams which represent real-world uses.4 Others are micro-benchmarks designedto stress particular aspects of the analysis.5

We conducted three experiments to measure the performance of the analy-ses.6 For a monomorphic baseline we selected k = 0. For the second and thirdexperiments, we selected k = 2 and k = 4 somewhat arbitrarily: on several ofthe benchmarks, k = 4 gave full precision, and k = 2 is a midpoint. The resultsare shown in Figure 5.






















3 8 0 0


2 035

5 1 1 8 1 1





k = 0DRSF


























5 4


3 8

k = 2


























11 36

k = 4





Fig. 5. The benchmark results. Numerical labels on bars are running times. Unlabeledbars timed out after 30 minutes. Numbers in parentheses are program point counts.The dotted lines separate the real-world programs from the micro-benchmarks.

DDPA is faster in all test cases, with a few exceptions, in which the differencebetween DDPA and DRSF is negligible. This is an expected result when compar-ing a polynomial analysis (DDPA) to an exponential one (DRSF). Both regexand deriv involve recursive functions operating on symbols and lists of symbols,which we encode as records in DRSF. We conjecture that DRSF’s performancedegenerates in these cases because they contain recursive functions, which is a

4 regex is a regular expression engine using derivatives; rsa performs the RSA encryption algorithm;primtest is the Fermat primality testing algorithms; and deriv performs symbolic derivation ofan equation.

5 sat is a SAT solver, which stresses path- and context-sensitivity; cpstak is the TAK micro-benchmark in continuation-passing style, which stresses nested function calls and non-locallookups; and church tests the distributive property of multiplication over addition on Churchnumerals which includes polymorphic recursive functions and a massive number of function calls,stressing the function-wiring part of the analysis.

6Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E31220 @ 3.10GHz, 8GB of RAM, Debian GNU/Linux 8.8.

18 Leandro Facchinetti, Zachary Palmer, and Scott F. Smith

know weak spot in both analyses. The regex test case triggers this bad behaviormore intensively because it includes a set of mutually recursive functions, whichcauses even DDPA to time out.

Besides the test cases we ran for performance measurement, we also testedthe implementation with micro-benchmarks which serve primarily to exercisecontext-, path- and flow-sensitivity, as well as the capacity to precisely approx-imate the heap state with must-alias analysis. For most test cases, DRSF losesno precision other than value abstraction (e.g. 5 7→ int) given a sufficient k. Ourimplementation confirms the expressiveness improvements predicted in theory;for example, DDPA loses precision in the program from Section 2.1, and DRSFapproximates it exactly, due to path-sensitivity. Further empirical expressive-ness evaluations are left for future work due to the significant loss of precisionin recursive functions, mentioned above. This impedes the development of moresophisticated clients because recursive programs, in particular those with poly-morphic recursion, exhaust the abstract heap, regardless of our choice for k, caus-ing the analyses to lose call-return alignment, and context- and path-sensitivity.This problem regarding recursion is orthogonal to the advancements in DRSFand we plan to address it in future work using a refined model of finitization forthe abstract traces, for example, one based on regular expressions [GLA+16].

The abstract stores produced by DRSF may suffice to solve the generalizedenvironment problem [Mig10b,Shi91,BFL+14,GM17]. Unfortunately, the mostrelevant clients for this feature are difficult to test in isolation. For example,Super-β inlining exercises the resolution of circular dependencies that occur inrecursive programs. As discussed above, DRSF loses precision in those cases, sowe plan to evaluate these clients after addressing this weakness.

Finally, we attempted to compare DRSF to state-of-the-art forward analysesincluding P4F [GLA+16] and OAAM [JLMVH13]. Unfortunately, these analy-ses are too different from DRSF to draw any significant conclusion. OAAM’sreference implementation does not support k > 0 resulting in lower precisionbut faster running times. DRSF runs faster than the P4F reference implemen-tation, but the latter was designed for correctness and not performance so thisis arguably not a fair comparison.

5 Related Work

Anodization [Mig10b] aims for singleton abstraction by separating bindings sothat there is only one concrete binding per abstract binding, making a structuresimilar to our relative store fragments. Anodization does not create local, rela-tivized stores like we do here and is not a demand-driven analysis. It also hasnot been implemented or analyzed for complexity. Other higher-order analysesthat incorporate a form of singleton abstraction include [JTWW98,SW97]; theformer is carefully engineered to achieve a quartic time bound but is focused onmust-alias analysis and lacks path- or general context-sensitivity.

∆CFA’s delta frame strings [MS06a,GM17] are very similar in structure toour relative traces, but due to differences in forward- and reverse-analyses theyare incorporated into the analysis quite differently. In DRSF they are placed on

Relative Store Fragments for Singleton Abstraction 19

variables on the store to singularize them; in ∆CFA they are part of the state.Moreover, ∆CFA defines an abstraction for frame strings which loses more infor-mation than DRSF; for example, it discards the order of invocations of differentprocedures. A recent ∆CFA extension [GM17] shows how the environment prob-lem can be solved, but there is no implementation or evaluation.

There are many different approaches to building path-sensitivity into pro-gram analyses. Early work on path-sensitivity directly built the logic into ananalysis [BA98]; subsequently, path-sensitivity was was implemented using SMTmodel-checkers over boolean-valued programs [DLS02,XCE03]. Some higher-order type systems contain analogues of path-sensitive precision [THF10]. Re-cent work shows how path sensitivity can be viewed as one of several orthogonaldimensions of analysis expressiveness along with context- and flow-sensitivity[SDM+13,DMH15]. In the first-order abstract interpretation literature, tracepartitioning techniques give an added expressiveness that is related to DRSFtraces [HT98,Bou92] – like DRSF these techniques add path information to theanalysis state and path-sensitivity becomes an emergent property.

DRSF’s store fragments are related to the heap fragments of separation logic[Rey02]: there are many partial stores for different program contexts which aremerged. This analogy with separation logic is only high level since we are com-paring first-order program logics to higher-order program analyses, but it pointsto potential applicability of store fragments to higher-order program logics.

We build on the DDPA higher-order demand-driven analysis [PS16]. Otherdemand-driven higher-order analyses include [RF01,FRD00,SDAB16], but theseare flow-insensitive; they as well as DDPA lack a singleton abstraction. In [PS16]call-return alignment can fully replace the need for an explicit context-sensitivitymechanism, but it requires an explicit call stack. This comes for free in DRSFsince it is embedded in the store variable traces.

The exponential problem we run into here is a fundamental issue in path-sensitive analyses. DRSF attemps to infer when path sensitivity is needed, erringon the side of precision rather than performance. SMT solvers are useful in[DLS02,XCE03] in part for their ability to handle a large state-space search.

6 Conclusions

In this paper we develop a general notion of singleton abstraction, relativestore fragments, that cuts across many of the classic expressiveness dimensionsof higher-order program analysis: the resulting analysis, DRSF, exhibits flow-,context-, path- and must-alias sensitivity solely through an accurate and com-positional singleton abstraction. We give a formal definition of DRSF, sketch itssoundness and complexity, and report on initial results from an implementation.

Future work. While DRSF is usually avoiding its exponential worst-case com-plexity in practice, this issue will need to be addressed in a more realistic im-plementation. Also, like DDPA and other analyses such as kCFA, DRSF finitelyunrolls recursive cycles and this usually adds no expressiveness as the analysiscontour depth k gets larger, but can adversely affect running times; we plan tostudy how to avoid k-unrolling of recursive cycles when it is not helpful.

20 Leandro Facchinetti, Zachary Palmer, and Scott F. Smith

Acknowledgments. The authors thank the anonymous reviewers for helpfulsuggestions which improved the final version of the paper.

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