Relative Gods - · on your land, bringing new gods with...

Relative Gods

Transcript of Relative Gods - · on your land, bringing new gods with...


ReLative Gods


Written by Caroline Berg.

Artwork by Caroline Berg.


This playset is an accessory for the Fiasco role-playing game by Bully Pulpit Games.

This playset was written for the “Mythical/Supernatural” playset competition on RPGGeek.

This playset is copyright 2015 by Caroline Berg. Fiasco is copyright 2009 by Jason Morningstar. All rights are reserved.

For more information about Fiasco or to download other playsets and materials, visit

I agree that this playset may be used by Bully Pulpit in an anthology of RPGGeek Fiasco Playsets.

“Go on, go forward, go on, embrace the danger!” - Gilgamesh from the Epic of Gilgamesh

The Score

Sumeria, 2340 BCE

This playset takes place in one of the major cities of ancient Sumeria.

You are the nothing less than gods. Parents of the God-Kings and God-Queens of Sumeria, mighty and flowing with power, thousands worship you... that is, until the Akkadians start to muscle in on your land, bringing new gods with them! Now you are struggling to find a place for yourselves amidst their pantheons. Will you carve out a niche in the Akkadian pantheon, changing your name, but not your abilities? Or will you fade into the mists of time, losing your followers as you are re-jected and ultimately forgotten? What depths will you descend to make sure you are remembered and worshiped? What other gods will you replace?

No matter what you decide, you must act fast. For the Akkadian gods are growing in power, and as they take over your temples and control your ceremonies, your power is waning.

Epic Myth Night

The Epic of Gilgamesh, Inanna’s Descent to the Underworld, Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta, Atra-Hasis Epic, Inanna and the Mes, Deeds and Exploits of Ninurta, The Myth of Adapa.

“Who, my friend, can ascend to the heavens?” - The Epic of Gilgamesh


1 Family

a Grandparent and grandchild

b Adopted sibling and birth sibling

c Sibling and exiled sibling

d Parent and child

e Aunt/Uncle and niece/nephew

f Full godly sibling and demi-god sibling

2 Rival Gods

a Sumerian vs. Akkadian

b Gods with opposite powers

c Gods with similar powers

d Newly created upstart god vs. ancient long-standing god

e Trickster god vs. tricked god

f Denizen of the underworld vs. god of life/healing

3 Romance

a One-time lovers, gone sour

b Lust ridden fool and unrequited lust object

c Ritual marriage partners, all business

d Old lovers, still friends

e Forced marriage partners, filled with hate

f Cheater and cheated

4 Allied Gods

a Drinking buddies

b Adventuring companions

c Wronged by the same god

d Fought together

e Grew up together

f Fell in and out of love with the same god

5 Now Appearing Together

a Curious god and practical god

b Weak god and protector

c Vengeful god and benevolent god

d Smart god and brawny god

e Sorrowful god and joyful god

f Secretive god and forthright god

6 Uneasy Alliance

a Worshiped in the same city

b Share temple space

c Used to be friends, had a falling out

d Mutually dislike another god

e Supported opposite sides in a war

f Owe a favor to each other Ancient Sumeria


1 To Be

a ...the only god with your power

b ...loved more than your siblings

c ...worshiped by other gods

d ...the last god standing after a fight

e ...remembered forever for your antics

f ...married to the most powerful god

2 To Kill

a ...your sibling

b Akkadian god to take his place

c ...your ex-lover

d ...the god who wronged you

e ...the god who tricked you

f ...your parents to take their power

3 To Find

a to stay out of the underworld for good!

b ...a way out of your obligations to another god

c ...a way out of the web of lies you wove around yourself

d ...a way out of your loveless marriage

e ...a way out of this petty pantheon and into something greater!

f ...a way out of your boring annual duties as a god

4 To Discover

a to kill another god

b to win followers with only words

c ...the secret of everlasting-life

d to enter the underworld while still alive

e ...another god’s weakness

f ...the secret behind another god’s power

5 To Pretend

a were the one who saved all the humans

b know the secret of everlasting-life

c have the love of another god

d know how to kill a god

e are an Akkadian god

f know where the treasure is hidden

6 To Lie

a ...about your abilities

b ...about your real family

c ...about what you saw

d ...about your lover

e ...about where you’re from

f ...about the other gods Ancient Sumeria


1 Ur

a Ziggurat of god of the moon, travel, and wisdom

b The Royal Tombs

c The great port

d The Necropolis

e Gateway to Irkalla, the underworld

f The Royal Palace

2 Nibru

a In the Garden of Heavenly Joy

b Ziggurat of the gods and goddesses of air

c In a boat on the canals

d By the freshwater well

e On the city walls

f At the sacred grove of trees

3 Eridu

a Edge of Abzu, the primordial ocean

b In the grand bazaar

c Ziggurat of the god of fresh water, crafts, mischief, and intelligence

d By the sacred pool

e At the Fountain of the Abyss

f By the Tree of Life

4 Shuruppag

a In the healing halls

b In the market square

c At the forges

d Ziggurat of the goddess of agriculture, grains, and healing

e In the scribe school

f In the grand storehouse

5 Zimbir

a In the great court

b In the Hall of Justice

c On a bridge between Zimbir and Zimbir-Amnanum

d In the library

e Ziggurat of the god of the sun, justice, and truth

f In the grand hall

6 Kish

a In the military barracks

b In the temple’s inner sanctum

c In the mosaic courtyard

d Earthly representation of Dilmun, the garden of the gods

e Temple of the Akkadian gods

f Ziggurat of the goddess of lust and war Ancient Sumeria


1 Mythic Arms and Armor

a Sharur, “smasher of thousands”, an enchanted talking mace

b Utu’s Horned Helmet

c Breastplate of Power

d Asaruludu’s Flaming Sword

e Thunderbolt Spear

f The Storm-Chariot

2 Impressive Jewels

a Inanna’s lapis lazuli necklace

b Pearl tribute necklace from the Persian Gulf

c Carnelian Seal Ring

d An’s Royal Diadem

e Jeweled fruit from the Heavenly Garden of Dilmun

f Inanna’s gold ring

3 Food of the Gods

a Bread of Life

b Water of Abundance

c Beer of Ninkasi, strong enough to get gods drunk

d Ur-shanabi, the thorn-plant of Eternal Rejuvenation

e Food of Death

f Herbs which counter poison

4 Mythic Items

a Enlil’s Mattock, causes plants to grow

b The Magilum Boat, boat of the underworld

c The Three Tablets of Destinies

d Flute of lapis lazuli, causes the dead to dance

e Mes, the blueprints of civilization

f The Tablet of Life

5 Corpse

a ...of Gugalanna, the Bull of Heaven

b ...of Dumuzi, god of harvest

c ...of Inanna, goddess of love and war

d ...of Enkidu, heroic wildman

e ...of the ogre Humbaba

f ...of Ngeshtinanna, divine poet, goddess of wine

6 Odds and Ends

a Bottle containing the Waters of Death

b Lamp of the moon

c Scale from Kur, the dragon of the underworld

d Gibil’s Forge

e Nanshe’s Scales of Justice

f Clay-Tablets of Nisabe, goddess of knowledge Ancient Sumeria

ReLative Gods

Insta-SetupRelationships in Ancient Sumeria

For any three players...

* Family: Adopted sibling and birth sibling

* Allied Gods: Drinking buddies

* Romance: One-time lovers, gone sour

For four players, add...

* Rival Gods: Trickster god vs. tricked god

For five players, add...

* Uneasy Alliance: Owe a favor to each other

Needs in Ancient Sumeria

For three players...

* To Lie: ...about your abilities

For four or five players...

* To Find: ...a way out of your obligations to another god

Locations in Ancient Sumeria

For three or four players...

* Eridu: In the grand bazaar

For five players...

* Zimbir: In the Hall of Justice

Objects in Ancient Sumeria

For any number of players...

* Food of the Gods: Beer of Ninkasi, strong enough to get gods drunk

“On the Tablets of Destinies it is decreed For you to enjoy short pleasures for your short days.”

- Siduri from the Epic of Gilgamesh