Relationship Between Smoking and Your Weight

Relationship Between Smoking and Your Weight


Understanding the relationship between smoking and your weight may lead to behavioral interventions for weight control and smoking cessation.

Transcript of Relationship Between Smoking and Your Weight

Relationship Between Smoking and Your


Smokers tend to have lower body weight than nonsmokers

Nicotine reduces appetite and increases energy expenditure in the body.

•Most effects of cigarette smoking on body weight are mediated by nicotine.

•Smoking cigarettes is also capable to serve as an alternative behavior to eating which can lead to a decreased food intake.

•Caloric intake and daily energy expenditure determines body weight.

•Daily energy expenditure is determined by resting metabolic rate, physical activity and the thermal effects of food.

•As nicotine intake continues reducing appetite and increasing energy expenditure, it also reduces body weight by raising the resting metabolic rate

Heavy smokers tend to have greater body weight than light smokers or nonsmokers.

This indicates a number of risky behaviors and diseases such as lack of exercise, poor deity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular diseases and obesity, just to mention a few.

Smoking and obesity are the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide.

Smoking cessation is often followed by weight gain.

This weight gain can lessen some of the health benefits of quitting smoking and it can hinder the smoking cessation success.

For instance, it can contribute to an increased risk of diabetes and hypertension and reduce the improvement of lung function conferred by quitting smoking.

It an also contribute to overweight and obesity. That is why many overweight and obesity people are former smokers.

Therefore smoking cessation optimization requires greater understanding of behavioral and biological relationships between smoking and dietary habits in order to prevent weight gain after quitting smoking.

Many smokers belief that smoking is a popular way of controlling body weight, but it is indicated that smoking affects body fat distribution and this causes obesity.

Anorexic is associated with disorders of all body systems.

Acute anorexia is when a person is actively restricting. A person

Is fully involved in disordered eating habits and this is the

Time when the health of a person is in danger.

Hunger and food consumption are negatively associated,

safety and fullness are positively associated with increasing

doses of nicotine which does not change hunger sensations

but it results in smaller caloric intake during a meal.

More research shows that smokers tend to be less physically

Active than nonsmokers

Acute anorexic effect

Nicotine found in cigarettes induces acute anorexic effect

Smoking’s effect on body weight can lead to weight loss by

increasing the metabolic rate and decrease the metabolic

efficiency as well as caloric absorption which can explain the

Lower body weight found in smokers.

Metabolic rate

Several researches evaluate the chronic metabolic effects

of smoking.

Both metabolic and anorexic effects of smoking shows

that there is less body weight gain over time and more

research shows more body weight after smoking.

StatisticsResearch shows that individuals who successfully quit smoking typically gain between 7 and 19 pounds within 8 years of quitting.

Those who continue smoking gain between 4 – 5 pounds.

Around 10% of smokers who quit smoking gain approximately 30 pounds of weight.

Only 25% of people who quit smoking maintain a healthy weight after quitting smoking.

There are endless results of nicotine in the body concerning body weight because it has been discovered that it increases body weight in several ways.

• Nicotine lowers insulin levels in a person’s bloodstream, which can reduce cravings for sugary foods.

• Nicotine triggers effects of adrenaline on the stomach’s musculature, leading to teamprary feelings of subsided hunger.

• It contains diuretic properties which cause lower calcium levels in the blood.

• Sometimes it has been discovered that smokers expend more calories while engaged in activity

The connection between nicotine, appetite suppression and other physiological responses lead to smokers becoming thinner than nonsmokers.

Smoking is widely discouraged by public health professionals because of its countless negative health consequences.

Most adolescents smoke for weight control while most adults do not smoke for weight control.

In order to quit smoking effectively, quit smoking hypnosis can help you to quit smoking habit in just 60 minutes with the power of hypnosis, Neuro-linguistic programming and life coaching techniques.


The relationship between smoking and

your weight is evident from adolescents

because they normally see it as a way to

control weight and appetite. Quitting it

indicates that one is quitting a controll


Smokers typically gain more weight

when they quit smoking, hence reducing

some of the health benefits of quitting
