RELATIONSHIP ANALYTICS FOR SUGAR - TrustSphere...• IBM Domino and SmartCloud (Notes/Verse) •...

1 WWW.TRUSTSPHERE.COM BECAUSE RELATIONSHIPS MATTER RELATIONSHIP ANALYTICS FOR SUGAR ACCELERATING CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT Innovative Relationship Intelligence It is well known that customer facing teams such as Sales and Service professionals do most of their work through email, voice and IM. TrustSphere’s unique Relationship Analytics engine analyses and identifies the hidden insights in this data and displays actionable results in Sugar for ease of use. With Relationship Analytics for Sugar, your team benefits from previously unavailable real-time insights inherent in the communications activity between your organization and your customers and prospects. Our analytics provide timely and actionable insights that help drive the return on investment from your Sugar platform. Our unique algorithms quantify and differentiate mere ‘connections’ from ‘actual relationships’. Given this degree of quantification, you and your team are able to: Quickly and efficiently prospect warm leads to drive new customer acquisition Effectively transition key accounts between team members Rapidly onboard new team members and reduce time to proficiency/sales productivity Complete strategic account mapping and agree on clear actions to close gaps in customer data Sugar transforms the enterprise and helps build extraordinary customer relationships by providing an adaptable and powerful platform. Relationship Analytics for Sugar extends this functionality by giving rich, timely and relevant insights on customer relationships to the right users, where they need it most - in Sugar! Read more to understand how it works and the benefits it drives for every Sugar user.

Transcript of RELATIONSHIP ANALYTICS FOR SUGAR - TrustSphere...• IBM Domino and SmartCloud (Notes/Verse) •...

Page 1: RELATIONSHIP ANALYTICS FOR SUGAR - TrustSphere...• IBM Domino and SmartCloud (Notes/Verse) • Google Apps for Work ... On-premises installations may take longer. 2. Install the

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Innovative Relationship Intelligence It is well known that customer facing teams such as Sales and Service professionals do most of their work through email, voice and IM. TrustSphere’s unique Relationship Analytics engine analyses and identifies the hidden insights in this data and displays actionable results in Sugar for ease of use. With Relationship Analytics for Sugar, your team benefits from previously unavailable real-time insights inherent in the communications activity between your organization and your customers and prospects. Our analytics provide timely and actionable insights that help drive the return on investment from your Sugar platform.

Our unique algorithms quantify and differentiate mere ‘connections’ from ‘actual relationships’. Given this degree of quantification, you and your team are able to:

• Quickly and efficiently prospect warm leads to drive new customer acquisition

• Effectively transition key accounts between team members

• Rapidly onboard new team members and reduce time to proficiency/sales productivity

• Complete strategic account mapping and agree on clear actions to close gaps in customer data

Sugar transforms the enterprise and helps build extraordinary customer relationships by providing an adaptable and powerful platform. Relationship Analytics for Sugar extends this functionality by giving rich, timely and

relevant insights on customer relationships to the right users, where they need it most - in Sugar!

Read more to understand how it works and the benefits it drives for every Sugar user.

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T R U S T S P H E R E I N J E C T S I T S R E L A T I O N S H I P A N A LY T I C S R I G H T I N T O S U G A R T O P R O V I D E A 3 6 0 0 V I E W O F Y O U R O R G A N I Z A T I O N ’ S E N G A G E M E N T W I T H C U S T O M E R S A N D P R O S P E C T S

Relationship GraphThis is TrustSphere’s latest Relationship Intelligence addition to Sugar. TrustSphere has delivered an organization-wide view of customer contacts in Sugar. With a simple click, any Relationship Analytics for Sugar user is able to view the relationships that exist in your business with a specific contact. TrustSphere has unlocked the hidden insights and

Typical results:

• For every contact in the CRM, we find two more hidden


• 60% faster identification of at-risk client relationships

• 70% increase in registered contacts

• 75% faster onboarding of new client representatives

At a glanceLess than 10% of all data that reflects customer interactions is ever entered into the CRM. This leaves significant gaps in the customer profile, which your team relies on to deliver customer-centric value propositions and make customer value decisions. TrustSphere delivers data extracted from several communications platforms and applies the Relationship Analytics directly into Sugar.


David@ourcompanyAccounts Receivable



Michelle@ourcompanyGeneral Council





Molly@ourcompanyCustomer Service

Data that pass through your organization’s communication servers hold valuable infor-mation about relationships with customers. TrustSphere’s connectors extract only the minimum required metadata (to, from, time-stamp etc) and do not extract content (hence protecting individual privacy). This meta data is passed onto TrustVault - TrustSphere’s Rela-

tionship Analytics platform.

TrustVault builds the enterprise social graph using statistical algorithms that score every relationship your organization has - be it in-ternal relationships within the organization or relationships with customers. TrustVault un-locks and provides visibility over communica-tion patterns and activity (never the content of conversations - protecting individual priva-

cy is key here).

The Relationship Analytics for Sugar appli-cation presents the insights from TrustVault into the relevant leads, contacts, accounts, opportunities and reports within SugarCRM and completes the 360 view of customer re-


made them available in a simple and easy to use visualization tool – our Relationship Graph.

The Relationship Graph can be accessed with a single click, from accounts, opportunities, leads and contacts from within sugar. By clicking on any customer (node) in the Relationship Graph, users can get an organization-wide view of customer relationships, a 360-degree view of customer relationships and a context to customer interactions.

TrustSphere’s proprietary Relationship Analytics Platform quantifies employee relationships and builds the social network graph over a period of time. It does so by measuring and scoring every relationship in real-time, based on objective data that considers factors such as frequency and recency of communication.

The Relationship Graph provides valuable relationship intelligence to enhance the new rep onboarding process, transform cold calling into warm introductions, and improve collaboration amongst the sales team. In this way, TrustSphere provides customer-facing staff with their most powerful asset at their fingertips – their relationship network.

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Preventing revenue leakage & improving renewal ratesSugar acts as a powerful platform to facilitate extraordinary customer experiences. However, customer information in the CRM is often incomplete, meaning sales teams cannot gain an accurate view of customer relationships. Studies show one of the primary causes of customer defection is being neglected by a vendor. Relationship Analytics for Sugar provides clear visibility over the status of each account, answering questions like are we connecting with the customer? Are we connecting to the right contact? Do we need to try something new to engage? Leverage Relationship Analytics to identify and pre-empt potential problems, flag accounts at risk, so you can quickly address customer concerns and improve renewal rates.

TrustSphere plugs the gap so that you are never blindsided, ensuring a coordinated corporate customer dialogue.

Replace cold calls with warm introductionsBy accurately identifying the people within your organization who already have a strong relationship with an external party, teams can work together in a more coordinated and effective way. Cold calling becomes a thing of the past as teams systematically capitalize upon company-wide relationships. Whilst social networking sites are great at telling you who might be “connected”, they are less effective at telling you who has an actual “relationship”. LinksWithin adds the small chance of stumbling upon the right person in your organization who can make an introduction, so customer-facing staff can quickly navigate the best path to a prospect. All this happens instantly via a simple search from within Sugar.

Never being blindsided againWhen was your customer last contacted and by whom? What was the context of this interaction? Relationship Analytics for Sugar ensures a coordinated customer dialogue so that customer- facing staff and Relationship Managers are never blindsided. View the last time someone emailed your prospect, customer or partner. Connect overlay sales teams in an intelligent way, to give account owners visibility over all interactions. The best part – the information you see is automatically populated from corporate communication logs; this data is up to date and complete so that customer-facing staff is better prepared for meetings.

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Accelerate onboarding by improving sales handoversA typical sales organization loses between 15 - 20% of its team every year. Staff turnover can cause disruption to customers and impact client retention. Providing relationship data from across the organization to a new account executive is priceless. TrustSphere’s Transition Report in Sugar allows new sales employees to gain visibility over key relationships with stakeholders in key accounts. Sales Managers are also able to transition a departing Sales Rep’s important relationships to their replacement, thus ensuring a smoother transition and decreased disruption to the customer.

Relationship strength, recency of communication, the medium of communication eg mail, voice etc will help the new rep to plan a methodical reach out to key customers and prospects. The new rep can leverage the LinksWithin function from the report to find the best path for an intro and context from within the organization into those key accounts.

This ability to pass on relationship information typically improves the time-to-productivity of new reps from three months to just one month!

TrustSphere’s technology can be used in compliance with major privacy laws and regulations and adheres to major security standards.

Technical ConsiderationsRelationship Analytics for Sugar can be installed on the Sugar platform through a set of widgets. It provides Sug-ar users with Relationship Analytics insights that can be applied to sales opportunities, leads, contacts and ac-counts.

The following Sugar versions are currently supported:

• SugarCRM 7.6 onwards (on premise)

• Sugar on demand

The following email systems are currently supported by TrustSphere:

• Microsoft Office365 and Exchange

• IBM Domino and SmartCloud (Notes/Verse)

• Google Apps for Work

Installation ProcedureGetting started typically takes between 30-60 minutes.

The procedure to setup a Relationship Analytics for Sugar instance is as follows:

1. Connect your communications server to TrustVault (TrustSphere’s Relationship Analytics platform) via connectors provided to you by TrustSphere. Typically this is 10-30 minute process for the cloud email server administrator. On-premises installations may take longer.

2. Install the Relationship Analytics for Sugar application following the instructions outlined in the installation guide. This takes about 15 minutes.

3. Consult the Relationship Analytics for Sugar User Guide and start benefitting from Relationship Analytics for Sugar application.

Contact your SugarCRM representative or Partner to get started!

Transition Report for [email protected]