Reiki Symbols | Strength Symbols

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Info On Reiki Symbols, Strength Symbols. A Great Read For Any Reiki Or Meditation Enthusiast.......

Transcript of Reiki Symbols | Strength Symbols

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Reiki pronounced Ray-Key and means Universal Life Force Energy . It is a system of Enlightenment and a Hands on Healing art developed in the early 1900's by Mikao Usui in

Japan firmly on ancient beliefs.

Reiki is a safe, non-invasive healing practice. The practitioner hovers their hands over the body to address the patient's own energy. Energy is then used to restore balance and

heal them.

Reiki uses special sacred Reiki Symbols and words. These have been handed down from Master to Master and are used for attuning and more importantly they can be used for

healing and protection of their users and people around them.

Reiki Symbols are means of focusing your attention in order to connect with "specific" healing frequencies to tap in to these energies. Using the different symbols will increase

the Reiki energy.

This is not a definitive guide to the symbols usage and meanings, as you will have had those given to you already in your Reiki Manuals when you became attuned.

This Guide is here to help you master how to draw the symbols and connect with them on a repetitive new level using the mind ripples.

If you do not have a Reiki Manual I encourage you to skip to the last page of this guide where you can download a complete course and start putting these symbols to use in

the next few days.

Reiki Is Not An Alternative To Modern Day Medicine. It Is A Form Of Complimentary Healing.

For Any Illness Consult A Registered Doctor For Proper Medical Advice

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Dear Friend

Thank you for downloading my free gift, and I may I take this opportunity to wish you all the best of luck on your journey.

Time is life so I will get straight to the point, all you need to do is master how to draw each symbol perfectly and fully grasp each symbols unique powers.

You must burn them deep into your mind so you can visualize them in the most minutest detail. Then, when you can clearly picture each and every stroke, practice sketching them out with your fingers in the air and in your mind.

If you are attuned and when you can replicate each symbol exactly, you can start using each symbols power.

Now............what I am about to share with you is exactly how I master the symbols and how I use the Mind Ripples on a typical day to constantly revitalize the energy source and re focus my mind to further my learning of the symbols.

All You Need To Do Is:

Step 1Choose what ever symbol you want to draw upon or study

Step 2Create a suitable ambience in the room

Step 3Load the chosen Mind Ripple and view it FULL SCREEN

Step 4Spend 5-10 Minutes tracing its shape with the computers mouse

Step 5Spend 5 - 50 further minutes sat in front of the screen, eyes shut in


Step 6Progress on to the unmarked Mind Ripples To develop my skills

Rinse And Repeat As Needed

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Cho Ku Rei - The Power Symbol

The Power Symbol Is The first Usui symbol

Cho Ku Rei means “Put all the power of the Universe here”. It Is Pronounced in Japanese as Cho- Koo- Ray, Cho – full, Ku – ceremonial vessel, Rei – transcended

mystery, Holy Spirit or Universal Life Force

Draw it three times with your dominant hand on each of your palms and upon the recipients Crown Chakra just before sending the treatment, in your mind or

with your tongue.

Use this symbol to create a field of protection around yourself, your loved ones and people you wish to help. Draw it in the air with your hand to revitalize or

clear the energy in a room. Draw it on each corner of your bed to aid your rest.Draw this symbol over your food and drink, vitamins and tablets.

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Sei He Ki - The Emotional Symbol

The Emotional Symbol Is The Second Usui symbol

The Emotional Symbol means “God and humanity become one”. It is most often drawn upon when there is an emotional release or build up in the

recipient It is pronounced Say- Hay- Kee.

Draw it three times with your dominant hand on each of your palms and upon the recipients Crown Chakra just before sending the treatment, in your mind or

with your tongue.

Use this symbol to cure addictions, heal the mind, help settle nervousness and other mental dispositions.

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Hon Sha Sho Nen Distant Healing Symbol

The Emotional Symbol means “May the Buddha in me connect to the Buddha in you to promote harmony and peace”. It is most often drawn upon for

distance healing and knows no limits of time and space. It is pronounced Hon- Sha- Zee- Show- Nen

Draw it three times with your dominant hand on each of your palms and upon the recipients Crown Chakra just before sending the treatment, in your mind or

with your tongue.

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Tam-A-Ra-Sha - Balancing Symbol

Tam A Ra Sha helps to balance and ground the energy of the practitioner or the client. Sometimes it is used in reiki healing to sign over an area of pain to help

heal it faster. It is pronounced tam-ara-sha

Holding this symbol in your mind keep energy flowing.

TAM -A-RA-SHA (anti clock wise Top Diagram) -Balance and ground energy to Your physical body.

TAM -A-RA-SHA (clock wise Bottom diagram) - Balance and ground the energy to the spiritual body.

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The Master Symbol is the most powerful symbol in the Reiki group. As its named suggests It can be used only by Reiki Masters.

This symbol heals the soul. It heals disease and illness from the aura/energy fields.It helps to provide enlightenment and piece. It also allows you to become more

intuitive and in-touch with the psychic world.

With practice this symbol can bring profound life changes for you and your family.

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How Do I Activate The Symbols After I Have Mastered Them?

They can be activated in any of the following ways:

* By drawing them with your palm centre

* By drawing them with your finger

* By visualizing them

* By drawing them with your third eye

By drawing them with your fingers over photographs, objects and plants*

* By spelling the symbol's name three times.

By Saying there name 3 times

Where Do I Apply Them During A Healing?

Place the symbols on your own hands/palms and then redraw or visualize the same symbols on:

* The clients crown chakra

* The areas to be treated (if known)

The clients hands/palms

In Each Corner Of The Room

For More Consult Your Reiki Manual

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What Do I Do Next?

When You Can:

Trace The Symbols In Your Mind

Have Become An Attuned Reiki Master

And Used These Symbols In Practice


Simply heal other and share the secrets of Reiki.

Using the Mind Ripples Mediate and Sketch The Symbols Daily To Increase Your Bond With Them.

The More I Do This The Stronger I feel They Become

Advance On To The Blank Mind Ripples Where You Can Call On Any Symbols Power in Any Scenario When Ever You Need To

Please Feel Free To Email Me

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Now our journey must end. You must practice and I must go about my daily ways.

Just For Today..........

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I am Not A Reiki Master, Do These Symbols Work For Me?

Not at the moment but they can start working for you In 24 Hours With:

The Ultimate Reiki Package.

Click Here

Becoming A Powerful Reiki Master Has Never Been So Quick,Easy Or Complete.

This Unique Online, Multimedia Training Package, Can Take You To The Level Of Chikara-Reiki-Do Master,

Usui Reiki Master And Tibetan Reiki Master

In Less Than 48 Hours.

All you need to do is click here and get attuned.

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