Reid Sagehorn v. ISD 728 - Rogers High School Complaint

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Transcript of Reid Sagehorn v. ISD 728 - Rogers High School Complaint

  • 8/12/2019 Reid Sagehorn v. ISD 728 - Rogers High School Complaint


    CASE 0:14-cv-01930-JNE-LIB Document 1 Filed 06/17/14 Page 1 of 31


    Reid rael Sagern



    Independent Sl D istrit N 28Rman Pierskalla, n s invdua apai asPrinipal Rgers ig S Mark eekin is invidual apait as Superintendent Independent Sl Disrit N 28Jana

    ennenurr in er individual apait asAssistant Superntendnt Indepndent SDistrit N 28 Jerey e aen in is inividuaapait as Pe Cie r Rgers PeDepartment and Stepen Sarazin in s individuaapait as a pe er r Rgers PleDepartment


    Case N



    Fr s mplaint plain Reid Sagern sates as lws:

    JURISDI TION1. is is an an r mney damages and ter relie arisng ut inury and

    damage sustained by Reid Sagern as a resut te unnstitinal atns te ave

    named deenants in suspending, epelling, and ring im itdraw m Rgers ig

    S r te last ur mnts is s year Reid s als seeking mney damages

    aganst dendan Pe Cie Jeey eaen r dematn.

    2. Plainti brngs s atn pursuant t 42 US.C 983 and 1988 te Fst

    Amendment and Furtent Amendment t t Uted States Cnsttin and 28 S.C.

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    133 and 33. Tse statutry and nstutinal prvisins ner riginal urisin

    tis Curt ver tis matter

    3 Tis Curt als as supplemental jurisiin ver Reid Sagerns state law

    laim r dematin against enant Ple Cie Jerey eaen under 28 USC.

    6 (a) beause Reid's emain laim is s related t is ivil rigts as ver w

    ts Curt as riginal urisitin tat tey rm part te same ase r ntrversy as al

    te alleged nut arises m a mmn nuleus peraive ts

    Rei Sagern brings tese atins nt nly r mney damages but als r

    tese epress purpses () r a delaratin tat te ats te denants were

    unnsttuinal; (2) r a mplete epungement any rerene t is suspensin

    epulsin and re witrawa as well as any events reated t tse ains m s

    transripts and student es; and 3) r anges in te plie and predures Rgers

    ig Sl and Indepenent Sl Distrit N 28 s tat te sae es nt appen t

    is siblings r any ter student

    Sl admistratrs and plie ers are nt ensrs stuent spee at

    all imes in all paes an under all irumstanes


    6. Rei Sagern was at all times material erein a itizen te nited States

    an a resident te State innesta.

    Rei Sagern was a minr during te events tat give rise t tis Cmplaint.

    Reid as sine turne eigteen years ld and brings tese atns n s wn beal

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    8 Crt and Lr Sagehrn are Reid parent Reid i he eldet their r

    chidren Hi tw iter and brther are triplet and all recently cmpleted their phmre

    year at Rger High Schl

    9 Reid a an hnr tdent at Rger High Schl He a a member the

    anal Hnr Sciet and a r-time recpien the Schlatic Achievement Aard.

    10. Red a al a varit lettermen in tball baketbal and baeball. He a

    naed capain hi baketbal team in 2012 and 2013 and hi tball team in 2013

    11. Dendant Independent Schl Ditict . 728 ("ISD . 728) a pblic

    chl dtrict rganized and perated nder the la the Stae Mnneta

    12. Rger High Schl i a traditinal r-year high chl witn ISD . 728

    13. Dendant Rman ierkalla i a part in hi individa capacit a rincipal

    ger Hgh Sch rincipal ierkala acted a an agent r emplyee ISD . 728 at

    al relevant time rincipa ierkalla a reident he State Minneta and aced nder

    clr tate la at all reevant time

    1 Dendan Mark Bezek i a part in h inividal capacit a Sperintendent

    IS . 728. Sperintendent Bezek acted a an agent r emplee ISD 728 at all

    relevant time. Sperintendent Bezek i a redent the Sate Minnea and acted nder

    clr tate la at all relevant time.

    . Dendant ana Hennen-Brr i a part in her individal capacit a Aitant

    Sperintendent SD 728 HennenBrr acted a an agen r emplyee ISD .

    728 at al relevant ime HennenBrr i a redent the State Mnneta and acted

    ner clr tate la at al relevant time


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    16 Dendant Jeey Beahen i a paty in hi inivda apait a oe Chie

    Roge olie Depatment At all me elevant, Chie Beahen pevied poe oe

    Stephen Saazin, alo a dendant in thi ae Chie Beahen i a eident o the State o

    Minneota and ated nde olo o tate la at all elevant te

    17. Dendant Stephen Saazin i a pa in hi individa apait a a poe

    oe Roge oe Depatment. At all time elevant, e Saazin a the pole

    aon oe ith Roge High Shool and SD o 728 At all tme elevant, e

    Saazin a nde peviion, dietion, and ontol o Chie Beahen. e Saazin i a

    eident o the State o Minneota and ated nde olo o tae la at al elevant time.


    18. io to eba 201 Reid Sageho had neve been the bet o any

    diipinay ation by Roge High Shoo (ith the eepton o a pakng ket

    19 Reid Sagehon applied ealy adiion to oth Dakota State Univeit

    al 2014 He a aepted on tobe 11 2013 pending el ompletion o any

    oe ok taken pio to h enollment at thei ollege

    20. In mdJanay 2014 omeone anonymoly poted on a ebite titled "Roge

    onion the lloing "did @R_Sagehon3 atally make ot with [name o male

    hool teahe

    21. Reid Sageho did not eate, opeate, o maintain the "Roge onion

    ebite, no did he patpate in an ay in th eaton, opeaton, o maintenane o the

    "Roge onion ebite.

    22. Reid aatially poted Atally yeah.

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    23 Rid pt mnt t b tkn in t hi mik. H h in

    rnd tht rm d nt rnlt ll vr th Inrnt H nvr intndd r nyn

    t bliv pt

    2. Rid' pt md (1 uid hl hur (2 hl grund (3)

    nt t hl-pnrd vn nd ( ihut uing ny hl prprty

    2. Upn inrmtn nd b prnt tudnt nttd gr High

    Shl t pr nrn but h Intrnt ptng in rly brury 201

    26. n th mrning bru 3, 201 rinipl irkl ummnd Rid t

    mng in f. r Srzin l prnt in ll pli unirm

    2. rnipl irkll nd r Srzin kd Rid but th Rgr

    nin bit nd th ntt p Rid tld thm tht h uthrd th pt tht it

    mnt t b rt nd nt intndd r nyn t blv th rumr.

    28 t thir dirtin Rid ld hi mthr Lri nd plid hi Intrnt pt

    in hir prn

    29 rinipl irkl ndd th mng by tlng Rid nd Lri tht thy ud

    did ht diipin n thy ud imp

    30 n hd tlkd t Rid but h p r vn mnnd it t him t

    hl m th tm h md th pt untl rinipl irkl brugh it up t him n

    brury 3 201 t t k r th pt.

    31 n bru 201 Rid nt t hl rly ith hi itr tht hd l

    ith th thr tht th ubt th l rumr h thr ltd in

    th girl lkr rm. Rid' intnt r hi itr t g th thr t m ut


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    he ce and in the hallway Reid cud aplgie t he ce-t-ce and epain that

    he eant the pt t be acatic, and that he wa y any embaaent it ay have

    caued he he teache wa nt in he ce Ae waitng teen inute, Reid and

    hi ite let t g t the t clae the day.

    32 We n ca, incipal iekalla umned Reid t hi ce again.

    Oce aazin wa again peent in ll plice uni

    33 incipa iekalla td Reid they decided upend him ve chl day

    and that he had leave chl mediately

    34 Upn inmatin and belie, the deciin t upend Red ve ch

    day wa ade cllectivey by incipa iekalla and Oce Saazin

    3 Upn inmatin and bee, the deciin t upend Reid ve chl

    day wa dne with the knwedge and appva Supeintendent Bezek, iant

    Supeintenden HennenBu, and Che Beahen

    36. Chie Beahen knew hud have knwn that Oce Saazin wa taking an

    active plice e in te chl inteactn with Reid and in upending hi ve day

    hi ut--chl peech, and Chie Beahen had the authi t pevent Oce

    Saazn cnduct, yet iled t act

    3 7 te they ined Reid the decn t upend h, incipal ekala

    handed Reid a ntce upenin The ntice wa addeed t Cut and Li Sagehn

    and ead in elevant pat

    The grounds r suspension ar: tng inapppiate cmment nlineabut a a membe.


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    Briey, the cts that have been determined are Reid rote pot onlinebout t member tht he hd "mdeout ith the t member

    The testimony received was om Reid He dmitted to the poting.

    An administrative conrence to deermine the above ws conductedbere Romn ierkll rincipl nd Diel Ohlgren ctivitie Directoron ebru 3 t :3 M Lori Sgehorn contcted by phone

    The plan of re-adission is: Reid ill be upended om chool onWednedy ebru through uedy ebuy 11. ( dy OSS) endingthe reult o the invetigtion Reid my return to chool on Wededyebrury 12 During t period t ill continue the invetigion Oncethe invetigton i completed there my be dditionl dy o upenion opoible epulion While Reid i upended he i not to be on chool ditict

    property or t chool event ithout epicit pemiion o chool uthoritie

    rincip ierkll igned the notice

    38 ttched to the notice the "Recommended Conequence ection o

    Roger High School Bord Approved Hndbook pge 3. Highlighted the oene

    titled "thretening intding or ult o techer dminittor or other t

    member nd the recommended conequence o "31 dy upenon poible epulion

    police noticion.

    39. rincipl ierkll clled Lori Sgehorn during the meeting nd told he they

    ere upending Reid r ve dy becue he "dged techer reputtion ct till

    in quetion.

    40 o mention mde in the "oce o Supenion the "Recommended

    Conequence tchment, o in the ttement by ny chool o poice ocil o ny let

    lone "ubtnti diruption to the choo environment

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    41. Reids conduct in no way consttuted "threateng nimidatng or assault of a

    teacher admiistrator, or other sta member and any reasonable school ofcial or polce

    ocer would understand that to be the case42 ll of the dendants suspended Reid and consped ogether to suspend

    Reid in violation of his right o ee speech under the First Amendment of the United States


    43 Reids outofschool speech was not a "tue threat of physical violence nor

    as it reasonably caculated to reach the school enironment and so egregious as to pose a

    serious sat risk or other substantal disruption to that enironment see D. v. Hannibal

    Public Shool Distrc #60, 647 F3d 74 (8th ir. 2011) and any reasonabe school ofcial or

    police ocer old understand that to be the case.


    44 There was no disruption to class work o school actviies as a reslt of Reids

    45 Based on the Sagehorns scussions with other parents Rogers igh School

    and ISD No 728 have reached out to discipline at leas two other students and perhaps

    more r outofschool speech that as nether a "true threat of physial violence nor

    reasonably calculated to reach the school environment and so egegous as to pose a serious

    saty risk or other substantial disrption to that enironment.

    46. The defendants were motiated by and conducted themselvs in accordance

    ith a continuing widespread persistent pattern of unconstituional conduct Vettler v.

    [Jhitedg, 15 F.3d 1197 (8th C 999).

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    4 7 Purua o h rm of uio Ri o a cla or chool

    v, or i h o o chool rory urig hi vay uio rio

    (bruary 5-11) H i o a or arcia i ay of hi bakbal gam or racc.

    Nor i Ri a ay of hi ibg a-circular acivii o how hm hi uor a

    h of ha.

    48 O h morig of bruary 10 201 Pricia Pirkalla call Cur a Lori

    Saghor a hir hom. H u hm o akrho Ocr Sarai wa agai r

    49 Pricial Pirkalla irm hm hy ha ci o x h uio

    aohr v chool ay (bruary 8 a woul b rcomig xulio hrough

    ril 22 201 o h School Boar

    50. o mio wa ma by Pricial Pirkalla, Ofcr Sarazi or ay ohr

    chool ocial of ay, l alo a ubaal iruio o h choo virom a hi


    51. o irmaio a bl h ciio o u Ri r aohr v-

    ay rio a rcomm xulio hrough ril 22, 201 wr ma collcivly by

    Pricial Pirkalla a Ocr Sarai.

    5 o irmao a bf h cio o u R r aohr v-

    ay rio a rcomm xulio hrough Aril 2 2014 wr ma wih h kowlg

    a aroval of Sur Bzk ia Suri H-Burr, a Ch


    53 Cf Bah kw or houl hav kow ha Ocr Sarai wa akig a

    aciv olic rol i h chool' roal iracio wih h Saghor, a i uig


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    Rei fr anoher e chool ay an recomening eplion hrogh April 22 201

    hef Beahen ha he ahori o preen Ocer Saran conc, ye ile o ac

    5 rincipal ierkala hen inre r an Lori Sagehorn hey wol recee

    a noce in he mail ha wol incle he eplion hearing ae

    5 r, Lori, an Rei Sagehorn receive a eer in he mail enile Noice of

    O of School Spenion Amene 2101 an igne by rincipa ierkalla. he

    leer rea in relevan par

    Dates of Suspension Beginning on Ferua 5 2014 Reid Brazell

    Sagehornwll be pene r en (10) choo ay Sperie hoeworkwill be ofere a a ie eece by he Diric ni an eplion hearing iconce an he School Boar ie a eciion. Dring he perio ofpenion, Rei Sagehorn may no ener ono any School Dric properyecep o aen hi eplion hearing. Rei Sagehorn i ao prohibie oaening or parcipaing in any Dric ponore een or aciie ringhe perio of penion, regare of wheher ch even occr on or ochool proper

    Grounds r Out of School Suspension he inepenen gron fr

    penion are a low (1) willl voaion of any reaonabe chool boarreglaion; Roger igh Schoo Boar Approe hanbook, Gielne rSen Dicipne page 35, hreaening, inmang, or aal of a eacher,ainraor or oher a ember

    Briey, the cts that have been deterined are: On anary 26, 201 apo a ae on an onlne webie nong ha he en ha "maeowih a aff member Soeone qeione he po abo he en an hea mmbr an Rei commene "Acally ye

    The estiony received wa o

    Reidwa ineriewe by School Reorce Ocer, Sephen Sarazin, Rogeroice Deparmen, Roman ierkala, rncipal an Dan Ohlgren AcvieDirecor Rei aie ha he ha ae he po

    adinistrative conference to deterine the above was conductedbere: Roman ierkalla, rincipal an Dan Ohgren, Ace Direcor onFebra 3, 201 a 130 pm he chool eplaine he coneqence r hiacon Lori Sagehorn wa conace by phone


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    Readmiion Plan The Aminitrtion i n the proe of inititingexpuion proeeing If the hoo Bor eie to expe Rei rzegehorn fter hering he m not tten hoo or n hoo ponoreevent or tivitie in the Ditrit urin the perio of the expuion If thehoo or eie not to expe Rei hewi be permitte to enro in theDtrit immeite fter the or iue it eiion

    56 No menon w me in the "Notie of Out of hoo upenion

    mene 21014 of n et one "ubtnti itribuon to the hoo environment.

    7. tthe to the etter w pmphet entite "he upi Fir Dimi t

    Minn. tt. 121A.40 1156

    58. Minn tt 1147 in prt provie "No exuion or expuion h be

    impoe without herin une the riht to hering i ive in writing b the pupi

    n pent or urin ubiviion 6 tte:

    Imparial Hearer. The hering h te pe bere

    1 n inepenent hering oer;

    2 member of the hoo bor;

    (3) ommittee of the hoo or or

    4 the hoo bor;

    etermine b the hoo bor he hering h be onute in ir n imprt mnner

    59. uperintenent Beze reeive op of the etter te Februr 10 2014.

    0 A of the efennt upene n onpire to upen Rei n iton

    ve hoo in vioton of hi right to ee peeh uner the Firt menment of the

    Unite tte Contitution.

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    6 ursunt t the ters s suspensin eid d nt ttend lss r shl

    events nr did he step t n shl pper during ts ddinl vedy suspensin

    perid (ebrury 218). e gin dd nt ttend r prtiipte in ny hs bsketbl

    gmes r pres r dd eid ttend ny s siblings extrirulr tviies t shw

    them his supprt s he ten hd dne.

    62 Upn hering the deisin t suspend Reid nd dditinl ve sh dys

    nd reend expulsin until pri 22 204 Curt nd ri Sgehrn expressed t

    rinipl ierskll the dispprvl the deisin nd their eling tht the punishmen

    grety exeeded eids stke in judgent They expressed tht they t the dendnts

    were busing their pwer

    63. rinipl ierskll bee ngy tht they questned s uthrity nd

    udent e beme s ng tht ne the ssistnt prinipls hd t step in t

    ute with the Sgehrns. rnip ierskl then represented t the Sgehrns

    tht the desin ws nl

    64 The next dy Febru 11 2014 r Sgehrn sent n ei t

    Superintendent Beek: (i) requesing n pen hering i sking r where in the student

    hndbk ndut lke this wrrnts 1week expulsin () requesing n inpersn

    eeting ith Superintendent Bezek t disuss the mtter nd (iv) requesng tht the disrit

    intervew tehers nd hes wh knw eid s they n get oplete pture wh he

    is bere expeling hi

    6. Superintendent Bezek respnded w hurs lter telng them he is r

    with spets eids sitn tht he is urrently ut twn but tht Assistnt

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    Supeinenden Hennenu would i he in hi ence lhough he ill - o ke

    hel ville b eil.

    66 Shol heee oi Sgehon eplied o Supeinenden eek

    . eek

    hnk ou ou epl. I do wn o ee hen ou en nd I do wno lk o Hennenu he iuion i uch h i exeelconcening o u nd I do no el ll h he eveit o he punhen iuied nd wn o undend clel nd ih diic gideline how uch punihen he oene. he c h on enie 3. e RHS hbeen pole ecod nd l o edehip cholic nd hleicccoplihen nd i well ked nd epeced ll eche nd

    elow uden nd poe no he o none in n w

    I hve ve dicul e undending e he h now pen ve d hoe ecng hiel he h done hi hoewok how chool diic

    would nd n ddionl ve d plu poile epulion unl pil 22r oe in none e inee o utied. I kng o o plee look inohi oon poile pend e lking o he eche nd coche whoknow ed ve well nd undend h he 7 e old o [] hould be inchool duing hi l eee bee leving colege leng oeche nd no ting o do hi on hi own

    I ned o hve hi ddeed nd looked ino in ge deph oon poibe nd no llow h o connue o dg on ke hi

    hnk ou

    67 ou n hou e he epl Oce Sin clled Loi Sgehon nd le

    he voiceil eling he h he wded he police eo o he ennepin Coun

    one Oce hei eview nd deciion o whehe o chge Reid wih n cie

    iing ou o i iuon Oce Si ook hee cion unde he colo o lw

    68. pon inon nd eie Oce Sin wded he police epo o

    he Hennepin Coun one Oce he diecon o Ce Behen nd ) wih he

    knowledge nd conen o incipl iekll Supeinenden Beek nd in


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    Superintendent HennenBurr; () r the ver purpose of tring to ustf nd to rther the

    defendnts collecive decision to suspend nd expel eid Sgehorn nd (ii wih the intent

    to intiidte eid Curt nd Lori Sgehorn into wiving hering on the expusion.

    69. eid Sgehorns conduct did not consttute crie. or would t be

    resonble r tined ocer o believe tht eid's conduc constuted crie

    70 n due course the Hennepin Count ttornes Ofce reviewed the police

    reports nd determned tht there ws insucient evidence to chrge eid Sgehorn with

    ny ce

    7 ori Sgehorn contcted Assistnt Superintenden Hennen-Burr nd set up

    eetng r the orning of Febru 4 204

    72 The eetng ook pce t th oce of SD o 28 in Elk iver ssistnt

    Superintendent HennenBurr ws present in person nd Superintendent Bezek ws present

    b teephone Also present were Curt Lori nd eid Sgehorn

    3. The Sgehorns gin expressed their view tht the punshent ws both

    excessive nd unwrrnted

    7 4 Superintendent Bzek nd Assistnt Superintendent Hennen-Burr disgreed

    nd represented to the Sgehorns tht the supported the 0d suspension nd expusion

    set to run unt idAprl 204.

    5 Superintendent Bezek nd Assistnt Superintendent HennenBurr told the

    Sgehorns the expulsion hering ws set fr Februr 9 204. The told the Sgehorns

    the should hve received notce of the proposed expulsion by il.


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    76 The Sagehorn ha not yet reeive oie of the ate of the hearing o

    itant Superiteent eneBurr retrieve a opy of the notie etter a gave it to the

    Sageho rete "Amee Noie ate February 13 014

    77 The "Notice of Proposd Exulsion q Rid Bzell Sag hor rea i reeat part

    T etter ontute ote to you that the Amtatio of InepeetShoo Ditrit No 78 Ek Rver (hereinaer the "Ditrit) propoe thatReid Brazell Sagehorn be expee om the Ditrit' hoo oFebruat 5, 2014 unt Aprl 17 2014 puruant to the Mneota upi FairDimia t (ieota Satute eio 11A40 to 11A56) A opy ofthe upi Fair Dimia At i enoe r your review

    The iepeet tatutory groun r the propoe expuio are a ow

    1 Wi ioao of reaonabe Shoo oar reguationRoger igh Shoo Boar pprove hanboo Guiene rStuent Diipie page 3 threateig imiaing or aautof a teaher amiitrator or oher ta member

    W out that igiaty irupt the right of otherto a euaon or the abit of hoo peroe to perrthei ue or hoo ponore extauiuar aitie

    O aar 6 014 Reid Sagehorn egage i wi ou that vioateour tuent habook with pei regar to threateig intag oaaut of a teaher amiitrator or other taff member

    A hearing o the propoe expuio of Reid Sagehorn i heue to he bere an iepenet hearing ofer begiing at :00 am oWednesday Februat 19 2014. The hearing wi be he in ISD 728Dist1ct Oe located at 815 H 10, El Rver, MN The aiitraton

    i propoing that Red be expee om the hoo of epent ShooDitrit No 78 o February 5 2014 uti April 17 201

    The hearing wi be he a heue ue you waie wriig your rightto a earing f you waive your ght to a hearng the Anitro wi takei reommenato ety to the Shoo oar r ofa ao Thu by


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    aiving you igh o a heaing you ae iving you igh o cones hemsaions ecommenaon of exusion

    Afe he heaing ofce issues ien nings conclusions, an aecommeaon he School Boa il mee o ecie hehe o acce henings conclusions, an ecoenaion

    78. Thee as no iscussion abou ho o in ha esec Rei's acons

    signicanly isue he school envionmen

    79 Reis conuc in no ay consiue he nely-sae gouns his

    exulsion: il conuc ha signicanly ss he ighs of ohes o an eucaon o

    he abi of school esonnel o em hei uies o school sonsoe exacuicula


    80. Any isuion o he school envionmen as a esul of he excessiv

    unishmen an unconsiuional acons of e enans ahe han he seech isel

    This is illusae by he caoon ublise n he Sa Tibune on Febuay 23 204


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    CASE 0:14-cv-01930-JNE-LIB Document 1 Filed 06/17/14 Page 17 of 31

    :B E-15oPen

    YoUR DO.HA\u


    8. fter hanin them te ntice Superintenent Bee an itant

    Superintenent ennen-Burr repreente t the Saehrn tey cul hae a hearin in

    nt f a hearn cer t cntet the epuin. ile all f the pibtie may have

    been mentine it wa mae ery clear tat the Schl Bar the ultmate eciin-maker

    in te cae wl aree ith te expulin hey repreente t the Saehrn a hearin

    wul tu be meannle an te utcme wa really pre-raine

    82. pn inrmatin an elef the arementine repreentatin wee mae

    with te knwlee an appral f Principal Pierkala Cef Beahen an Ocer Sarain.

    8. ee repreentatin eicerate Rei Saehrn prtectin uner

    inneta Pupil Fair ia ct inclun rit t a earn cnucte in a ir

    an imparal manner bere the Schl Bar make it eciin.


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    84. I aion Suprntnnt Bz a sssat Suprint nnBurr

    rprst o Saghors that th xpulson puish coul b icras to th

    rang school ar f th Saghorns rust a arg. his ra s sigcan.

    85 Supritnt Bz a ssisan Supritn nBurr rprsnt

    to Saghors a t tng hat a xpusion, particuarl on to h n of th ar

    wou l caus North Daota Sat Unirsi o rract s accpac of Ri r th

    Fal 214 Furtr racona consuncs wr ip an unrstoo b th Sagors

    8. Upo irato a blf h hra o cras t xpulson palt

    rough h n of h school ar f R rust a aring was a i t nowlg

    a approal of Prcipal Prsalla Cif Ban an Ofcr Saraz.

    8. Dnats Bz an n-Burr rprsn o Sagor thi onl

    ral opio o aoi xpulsio on Rs prannt l was to "oluntar wtraw. h

    th prs h Saghors h a prraft wtrawal ocut

    88. ocun was arss to "Parnts of R Sagorn o ssistat

    Suprit nnBurr an at bruar 14 214 h ocu ras as lows

    lowing ar agr upon

    1 acnowlg rcip of Noc of Propos xpulsion atFbrua 13 214

    2 \ ha ha apl opportui o rw Notic.3 \ unrstan h conts of h Noc

    4. Th Notc of Propos xpulsion at Fbrua 13 214 accuratl stsrth t cts wc support propos xpulson

    5 \ ha ra a ursta h rgoig cs rgarng t proposxpusion of R Saghorn

    Th lowng sts rth th agrt w a rach wh th schoolanstraton rgarig th rsolution of ths ar:

    W agr that Ri wll b wraw o scool o Fbruar 14214 Apr 1 214


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    *We agree to provie acaeic prograing troug oeounintructon.

    *Witraa ill e note on Rei atenance in parent portal.Expulion ill not e note anhere in peranent e.

    *Rei cannot e on coo propert at an te7 We unertan te ter of the propoal an agree to ae the ter.

    The ocuent i igne Curt, Lori, an Rei Sagehorn an itant Superintenent


    89. Curt, Lori, an Rei Sagehorn eac igne te traal ocuent ae on

    te repreentaon enant that te Scool Boar oul act in uc a a that

    efenant propoe expulion a pre-orane an tu an hearing oul e

    eannge, an, terere, te onl a to avoi expulion on Rei peranent e a to

    gn te ithraal ocuent

    90. Curt, Lori, an Rei Sageorn each ao igne the ihraa ocuent

    ae on te threat that the expulion punihent oul liel have een increae to the

    enre reaining coo ear i te Sageorn a requete a hearing.

    9. Curt, Lori, an Rei Sagehorn not vountari ign the ocuent aiving

    Rei right to n ipartia an eaningl hearing.

    92 Te enant coerce the Sagehorn into igning the ithraal ocuent

    aong other thing, truping up carge erroneou on ter ce an ackng thoe

    trupe up charge it a erie of punhent each ore than the one ere it - i.e.,

    vea upenon, ten-a upenion, tenee expulion, expuion through the

    reang chool ear, a ell a cancelle aiion to or Daota State niverit, an

    te poiilt of a lon convicion

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    93. h Shorns wr nr fordd mninl opportit to b hrd to

    contst th suspnsions nd xpulsion.

    94. Upon inrmtion nd blif ll of th dfndnts consprd to xp nd

    rc Rid to withdrwl om Rors Hih Schoo th wr ctin in concrt t ll tims

    9 5 h dndnts xpld nd rcd Rid to withdrwl in ioltion of his

    riht to spch undr th First Amndmnt to th Unitd Stts Consttution

    96 h dndnts xpld nd rcd Rid to withdrw in iolton of his

    riht to du procss undr th Fourtnth mndmnt of th Untd Stts Consiuon

    97. Curt, Lor nd Rid Shorn mt in with Suprintndnt zk on

    Fbrur 8, 204 nd proposd th district withdrw Rds xpuson nd tht, n

    xchn, Rid would rmll spk to th studnt bod bout th pitlls nd troubs of

    communctin on socl md, how srcsm dos not trnst or th Intrnt, nd tht

    studts nd to think br th comuct onln h dndnts nr ccptd

    Rids proposl

    98 n or round Fbrur 19 014 Rid wrot lttr to th m tchr

    poloizin r n mbrrssmnt his ctions m h cusd hr Rids sstr dlird

    th lttr on his bhlf

    99. Rids suspnsons nd proposd xpulsion rchd th ttntion of his llow

    studnts, th prnts, th Cit of Rors, nd ultmt th ns n locl, ntonl

    nd intrntionl h nws mdi rn dil stors bout th xcssi punishmnt in to

    Rid b th dndnts nd th communits rction to it


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    100 o buttess the school's positon, ageed to b his oce, Poice Chief Beahen

    egulal, publicl, and intentonall commented to the news media about Reid's conduct,

    stating "thats a cime and oinousl ading that Red "could ce lon chages. Chief

    Beahen made numeous othe sila intenional publc commnts abot Rid's conduct

    being cna. is comments tha Reid's conduct could se to lon leel wee meant to

    be and wee indeed widel epoted b the pubc meda outlets, not meel on social media

    webstes. n adult and siting polce chef, assumed to be an expet n such mattes, made

    these statements as unuaed statements of ct and law, wch, when utteed, wee untue.

    The cetainl wee not, no meant to be, juvenie o sacastc

    101 Chief Beahen ecklessl and lsel pubcl stated that eid's conduct was like

    "cing o elling Fie! n a moie theate o saing I got a bomb!' on a plane.

    102 Reid was a mino at the time of Cef Beahen's comments and no eft was

    made to conceal o potect eids dentit

    103 hese comments b Cef Beahen wee lse when made ad wee ad with

    eckess, will, and malicious disegad the tuth

    104. It was not until afte the ennepin Count tton's ce announced Reid

    cmtted no cime that Chief Beahen said, "I adtted I eed

    10. pon nmaon and beef, Chief Beahen made these comments (i) with the

    knowledge and appoal of al the defendants, and () dd so in an atempt to te and

    justf Red's suspensions and expulsion, and (iii) n an attempt to combat the negative

    attenon the dendants wee eceiving in the communi and in the news meda.

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    6 As rslt Rid Sghorns nm is vr lind with th trm flon s

    n Goog srh il on. This hs dstod his rpton nd will b dtimnt to

    s bili to nd mplomn dring nd fr olg

    7 s sttmnts to th pbl dmgd Rids pttion nd viotd his

    lb intst grntd o him b th Unitd Stts Constitton

    8 Rid hs so lost his right to min nonmos nd b rgottn s n

    Googl srh will lso onm

    . Rid sbsqntl s rd to noll in nighboring shool distrit.

    gdtd on a 3, 24.

    . As dit nd proimt rslt of th nonsttonl ts of th dndnts

    Rid sfd mntl ngish dmg to his rptton nd sfrd dvs onsqns

    soill dtonll nd votonll.

    Rid mssd th lst sx bstbll gms of his gh shool rr inlding

    th plos Rids ptinship s stippd om Rid lso bm inigibl r n

    postsson bstbll wds nv ivd lttr hs snio r bstbll

    2 Rid old not priipt n bsbll his so r. Rogrs High Shool

    old not lt him pl on thir tm nor ws h llowd to p r th shool disrt o

    whh h sbsqntl nrolld in ordn with innsota High Shoo g s

    3 Rd ws bd o n Rogrs High Shoo vnts th priod btn

    Fb 24 nd April 7 24.

    4 Rid ws d to hng shools with r months ining of his snior

    on of th most ing nd tims in ong prsons l

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    5. Reid was barred o raduan wih hs ends and classaes o hree and

    a ha years o loner He sa in he bac o he ynasiu and wached as hey all receved

    heir diploas.

    6 eid deands a jury rial on al issues o c herein.


    2 sc 183Again All Indvidal Defendan

    7. Plaini Reid Saehorn reallees and incorporaes by rerence herein each

    and ever alleaion conained in each pararaph above as houh ly se rh herein

    8 Reid's ouo-schoo sarcasc reply consiues speech proeced by he Firs

    menden o he nied Saes Consuon and applied o he Saes hrouh he

    Foureenh Aenden o he nied Saes Consiuon.

    9. eid's reply was no a rue hrea, nor was i reasonaby calculaed o reach he

    school environen and so ereous as o pose a serious sa ris or oher subsanal

    disrupon in ha environen

    20 Any disrupon ha occurred n he school envonen was he resu o he

    dendans' overreacion o Reids speec and violaon o his consiuona rihs raher

    han h speech isel


    2 The individual dendans discipned and conspred o disciplne Reid r his

    2 The indvdual dendans did no have a consuionally jusied reason o

    disciplin Reid r his speech.

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    23. Acing inennall and unde he cl ae la he invidual dendan

    vilaed eid' clel eabhed igh unde he Fi Amendmen he nied Sae

    Cniuin b puhing ed hi cniunall peced peech. hi cniue a

    vilan 42 USC. 93.

    24 he indivdual dendan aced ih ece callu ndieence ed

    deall peced igh.

    25. A a diec and pxae eul he ac and min all he

    indvidual dendan eid ueed menal anguh daage hi epuan and ufeed

    advee cnequence ciall educanall and vcainall and he wa heeb daaged

    in an amun be deemined b a u

    26 Punive daage ae available again he ndividual dendan and ae

    heeb claimed a a mae edeal cn law Smit v. !Vade, 46 US 30 (983)

    2. eid i enled ecve hi c including eanable ane' ee

    unde 42 .S.C. 9


    42 183ain Polie Chie Jry Bahen

    2 Plainif eid Sagehn ealege and incpae b eence heein each

    and eve allegan cnained in each paagaph abve a hugh ull e h heein

    29 Dendan Plice Che Jee Beahen individuall lable unde 42 S.C

    93 becaue he ecl pacipaed in he cniunal vilan and becaue he ied

    upevie hi ubdinae plice ce/pice lain Sephen Saain h al caued he

    cnuinal vilan see Brckit v. Ci Seod 503 3d 66 63 h Ci. 20).


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    130 Chef eey Beahen, wih callus an eckless indieence he ighs f

    suens, iled ppely supeise insuc, an rain pice fce/plice liaisn Sephen


    131 Chief Beahens inacns amun eckless isegad delibeae indieence

    an aci auhiain f Ofce Saain's vilains f Reid's cnsunal ighs

    132 As a drec and pxiae esul f he acs an ssns f Chief Beahen

    Reid suee enal anguish damage s epuan an suee avese cnsequences

    scially, eucanally an vcainally and he was heeby aaged in an aun be

    deemine by a juy

    133 uniive damages ae available agains Chief Beahen and ae heeby caimed as

    a ae f eal cmn law, Sih v. a 41 S. 30 (1983)

    134. Rei s ene ecvey f is css incuding easnable aneys es,

    une 42 .SC 1988.


    42 usc 983Agant Indpndnt hl Dtt 728

    135 laini Reid Sagehn ealeges and incpaes by eence heein each

    and every alegain cnained in each paagaph abve as hgh lly se h heein.

    13. ISD N 728 iself subjece Red Sagehn a epivain f his clealy

    esablshed ighs caused Rei Sagehn be subjece such depivain an is

    heeby iable unde Mnnllv. D'S: S. fCiqN.Y 43 .S. 58 91 1978).

    137. A all es elevan heein dendans incipal ieskalla Supeinenen

    Beek, Assisan Supeinendn HennenBu wee emplyees agens f ISD . 28


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    18 hs disric dndans disciplnd Rid aghorn r ouoschool spch

    in violaon o his righ o spch undr h rs Amndmn o h Unid as

    Consuion19 A ha im dndan D o 728 mainaind a cusom and parn o

    pracic o innging on sudns righ o spch ha bing raching ou o discovr

    monior, and punish an p o ouoschoo spch vn spch ha dos no consu

    a ru hra nor is rasonabl caculad o rach h school nvironmn and so

    grgious as o pos a srious sa ris or ohr subsanial disrupion in ha nvronmn.

    10 s cusom and parn o pracic was coninuing idsprad and

    prsisn and i was h driving rc bhnd h sric dndans disciplin o Rid

    aghorn and violaion o s consiuional righs.

    1 ID o 728 nw o hs cuso and parn o pracic b h sric

    dndans and undr coor o sa law hr acil auhorid h conduc or was

    dlibral indrn o h conduc

    12 s a drc and proxma rsul o h cusom and parn o pracc o

    dndan ID No. 728 plaini Rid aghorn surd mna anguish damag o hs

    rpuaion and surd advrs consquncs sociall ducaonal and vocaonall, and

    h as hrb damagd in an amoun o b drnd b a jur.

    1 Rid s nld o rcovr o his coss including rasonab aorns s

    undr 2 UC. 1988.


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    42 1983aint All Idividal Defeda

    1. aini Rid Saghorn rallg and inorpora b rrn hrin ah

    and algaon onaind in ah paragraph abo a hough lly rh hrin

    15. Eduaon i a ndamnal righ and a prop nr rd b h

    ournh Amndmn o h Unid Sa Conuion. Rd ha a oniuionally

    ognabl propr nr in and a ndamnal righ o an duaion undr Gos v. Lopez)

    9 .S. 55 7 (9 5) and Aril XIII (Eduaon Clau) o h Minnoa


    1 a minimum du pro rqr ha an dprvaion o propr b

    adudiaion b prdd by noi and a maningl opporu o b hard appropria o

    h naur o h a

    17 Expulion aion an b a hoo board o prohibi an nrolld udn

    om rhr anan r up o wl (12) monh om da h udn i xpld.

    18. Rid wa dprid a maningl opporun o b hard o on h

    upnion and xpon

    19. By rprning o h Saghorn ha h Shoo oard h ulima diion

    ar in hi a will a n uh a way ha xpulion i prordaind h dndan

    dprid Rid Saghorn hi righ o a maning harg guarand b h Du ro

    Clau o h ornh Amndmn


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    150. y thrting to incrs th xpusion pnlt trough th nir school yr if

    th Sghorns rqust hring, th nnts pri Re of his right to u procss

    unr th ourtnth mnmnt to th t Stts Constituon.

    51. Ri ws pruic by th nnts violtion o hs constitutionl rights

    is conuct in no wy constut ny of th fnnts stt grouns r suspnson n


    152. n connction with th privton of s rght to public ucton, th

    fnnts injur Rs ruton n violt s brt intrst, Pat! v. Davi 424 US.

    693 (96).

    153. Th bo-scrib conuct of nnts ws intntonl n me unr

    color of stt lw n constuts iolton o 42 USC 983.

    154 Th nnts ct with rcklss or clous ininc fr Ris rlly

    protct rights

    155 As dirct n proximt rsult of th cts n ossions o l of th

    fnnts, Ri sur mntl nguish g to his rputton n su rs

    consquncs socily, uctionlly n voctonly, n ws thrby mg n n

    mount to b trmin by juy.

    56 Punit mgs r vlb ginst th inviu fnnts n r

    hrby clim s mttr of r common lw, Smith v lade, 46 US. 30 (1983).

    5. Ri is nttl to rco of his costs, ncluing sonbl ttornys fs,

    unr 42 .S.C. 988.


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    Against Polic Chif Jerey Beahen

    15.laini Reid Sagern realeges and incrpraes by rerence herein each

    and every allegan cnaned in eac paagraph abve as ugh lly se rh herein

    19. Dendan ce Ce rey Beahen ade deay saeens by

    knwingly recklessly and aciusy saing ha Reid's cnduc was crinal and

    punishable by a lny

    160. Che Beahens saeens were lse.

    6. Tese deay saeens abu Reid Sagehrn were ade he Sar

    Tribune newspaper and er edia ues and were subseuenly published by edia

    ues n a nanal and inernainal scpe

    62 s a direc and prae resul Che Beaen's acs Reid Sagehrn

    suered ar his repuan and sandng in he cu ena disress shae

    uilan and ebarrassen and was daaged in an aun be deened by a jur

    63 Che Beahen's deary saeens were ade wih deliberae disregard r

    Red Sagehrn's rigs a nr a e e

    \EREFRE plaini Reid Sagern prays r judgen agains dendans as


    1. s Cun ne a ney judgen agains dendans ierskalla Beek

    ennenBurr Beahen and Sarain in heir individual capaciies r cpensary and

    puniive daages in an apprned aun be deened b a jury lain als


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    em cot clug reoble ttore e uer 42 U. 88

    prejugmet teret;

    2. to out wo moe jugmet gt et Behe h

    ul cpc r competo pute mge mout to be etere

    b jur. Pli lo em cot clug eobe ttore e uer 42 .

    188 prejugmet teret;

    3. to out hree moe jugmet gt et epeet chool

    trct No 28 r competo mge mout to be etere b j

    Pltif lo em cot clug reoble ttore e uer 42 ... 88

    prejugmet teret;

    . to out Four moe jugmet gt efet Perll Beze

    HeeBurr Behe rz ther ul cpcie r competo

    pu mge pportioe mout to be eterme b j Plti lo

    em cot clug reoble ttore e uer 42 188

    prejugmet teet

    . A to out Fe moe jugmet gt efet Jere Behe r

    cope mge mout to be etermie b j together wth h cot

    pejugmet teret;

    6. rer mtg complete expugemet of referece to Plif Re

    gehor upeo expuo of the eet tht relte to t om h

    trcrpt tuet le et poeo cuto or cotrol


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    7. chags i h pcis, pcus a paccs f Rgs igh Sch

    a p Schl isic . 728 f sciplia sus f ufschl spch

    ha s csu u has s asabl calcula ach h sch

    v a s ggius as ps a sius sa isk h subsaal supi

    i ha vi.

    8 such h a h lif as h Cu s us a quiab

    Da June 17, 20


    / Rb BRb B #73Paul C Dwak #391070333 Suh Svh S #3000iaplis, 5502lph 123339500



    sph S ig, #3208701 uh vu Suh #300iaplis 5515lph 1233982



    R Rsbau, #1378071 Paac vuS. Paul N 5505lph: 210327

    Attorneys for PlaintfReid Sageh