REGULATIONS AND FIRST YEAR SYLLABUS of Bachelor of Technology · 2019-07-12 · Bachelor of...

REGULATIONS AND FIRST YEAR SYLLABUS of Bachelor of Technology (w.e.f 2019-20 admitted batch) Aerospace Engineering (AE) Civil Engineering (CE) Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) Information Technology (IT) Mechanical Engineering (ME) A University Committed to Excellence

Transcript of REGULATIONS AND FIRST YEAR SYLLABUS of Bachelor of Technology · 2019-07-12 · Bachelor of...

Page 1: REGULATIONS AND FIRST YEAR SYLLABUS of Bachelor of Technology · 2019-07-12 · Bachelor of Technology (w.e.f 2019-20 admitted batch) Aerospace Engineering (AE) Civil Engineering


Bachelor of Technology(w.e.f 2019-20 admitted batch)

Aerospace Engineering (AE) Civil Engineering (CE)

Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE)

Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE)Information Technology (IT)

Mechanical Engineering (ME)

A University Committed to Excellence

Page 2: REGULATIONS AND FIRST YEAR SYLLABUS of Bachelor of Technology · 2019-07-12 · Bachelor of Technology (w.e.f 2019-20 admitted batch) Aerospace Engineering (AE) Civil Engineering


Page 3: REGULATIONS AND FIRST YEAR SYLLABUS of Bachelor of Technology · 2019-07-12 · Bachelor of Technology (w.e.f 2019-20 admitted batch) Aerospace Engineering (AE) Civil Engineering



(w.e.f. 2019-20 admitted batch)

Aerospace Engineering (AE)Civil Engineering (CE)Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE)Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE)Information Technology (IT)Mechanical Engineering (ME)


1.1 Admission into B.Tech. program of GITAM (Deemed to be University) is governed by GITAM admission regulations.


2.1 Afirstclassin10+2orequivalentexaminationapprovedbyGITAM(Deemed to be University) with subjects Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.

2.2 Admission into B.Tech. will be based on an All India Entrance Test (GITAM Admission Test - GAT) conducted by GITAM/Specified rank holders of JEE mains/EAMCET(AP & TS). ForBengaluruCETandCOMEDKinsteadofEAMCET(AP&TS)areconsidered. The rules of reservation of statutory bodies, wherever applicable, will be followed.


3.1 Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) was introduced with effect fromtheacademicyearof2015-16admittedbatchandrevisedin2019-20academicyear,basedonguidelinesofthestatutorybodiesin order to promote:

o Activity based learning

o Student centered learning

o Cafeteria approach

o Learning at their own pace

o Interdisciplinary learning

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3.2 Course Objectives, Learning Outcomes and Course Outcomes are specified,focusingonwhatastudentshouldbeabletodoattheendof the course and program.


4.1 The program consists of courses based on humanities and social sciences, basic sciences, basic engineering, program core, program electives, open electives, interdisciplinary electives, industry internship,laboratory,mandatorycoursesandprojectwork.

S. No.

Broad Course


Course Group/Category Course Description

1 FoundationCourses

Basic Sciences Mathematics, physics, chemistry and life sciences

Engineering Sciences


Humanities and Social Sciences

Related to English, humanities, social sciences and management

2 Core Courses

Program Core Branchspecificandmandatorycore courses

3 Elective Courses

Program Electives

Supportive to the discipline withexpandedscopeinachosentrackofspecializationorcrosstrackcourses

Interdisciplinary Electives

Interdisciplinaryexposuretonurture the interest of a student in other department courses

Open Electives Common to all disciplines that nurtures general interest of a student

4 Core Activities

ProjectWork University or industryInternship Training in industry or

researchorganization5 Mandatory

CoursesNon-credit mandatory courses on environment, constitution and ethical values

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4.2 Each course is assigned a certain number of credits depending upon thenumberofcontacthours(lectures/tutorials/practical)perweek.

4.3 In general, credits are assigned to the courses based on the following contacthoursperweek.

• OnecreditforeachLecture/Tutorialhourperweek.• OnecreditfortwohoursofPracticalsperweek.


The medium of instruction (including examinations and projectreports) shall be English.


Every student has to register for the courses in each semester at the timespecifiedintheacademiccalendar.


7.1 A student whose attendance is less than 85% in all the coursesput together in any semester will not be permitted to attend the end semester examination and will not be allowed to registerfor subsequent semester of study.He/shehas to repeat the samesemester along with juniors.

7.2 However, the Vice-Chancellor on the recommendation of the Principal / Director of the Institute/School may condone the shortage of attendance of the students whose attendance is between 75%and84%onmedicalgroundsandonpaymentofprescribedfee.


8.1 Assessment of the performance of a student in theory courses shall bebasedontwocomponents:ContinuousEvaluation(40marks)andSemester-endExamination(60marks).

8.2 Astudenthastosecureaminimumof40%inanytheorycourseinthe two components (ref 8.1) put together to be declared to have passed the course, subject to the condition that the student must havesecuredaminimumof24marksoutof60marks(i.e.40%)inthetheorycomponentatthesemester-endexamination.

8.3 Practical courses are assessed under Continuous Evaluation for a maximumof100marks,andastudenthastoobtainaminimumof40%tosecurepassgrade.

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8.4 For courses having both theory and practical components, 70%of the weightage will be given for theory component and 30%weightage for practical component. The student has to acquire40% in the semester end theory examination. However, studentmusthavesecuredoverall40%(Theory+Practical)tosecurepassgrade.

8.5 Project work/ Industrial internship courses are assessed undercontinuousevaluationforamaximumof100marks,andastudenthastoobtainaminimumof40%tosecurepassgrade.

8.6 MandatorycoursesareassessedforPASSorFAILonly.Nocreditswillbeassignedtothesecourses.Ifastudentsecuresmorethan40outof100marks,he/shewillbedeclaredPASS,elseFAIL.PASSgrade is necessary to be eligible to get the degree.

8.7 Mandatory courses NCC/NSS/NSO/YOGA are assessed for satisfactory or not satisfactory only. No credits will be assigned. Astudenthastoundergotwohourstrainingperweekinanyoneof the above courses in both I and II semesters and should obtain satisfactory grade to be eligible to get degree.

The details of Assessment Procedure are furnished in Table 1.

Table 1: Assessment Procedure




Types of Assessment

Marks Allotted Scheme of Evaluation

1 Theory courses


40 (i)Thirty(30)marksfor mid semester examinations.Threemidexaminationsshall be conducted for15markseach;performance in best twoshallbetakenintoconsideration

ii)Ten(10)marksforQuizzes,Assignments and Presentations.

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Semester endExaminations




Sixty(60)marksforsemester endExaminations.

2 Practical courses


100 (i)Fifty(50)marksfor regularity and performance, records and oral presentations in the laboratory. Weightage for each component shall be announced at the beginning of the semester.

ii)Ten(10)marksforcase studies.

iii)Forty(40)marksfortwotestsof20markseach (one at the mid-term and the other towards the end of the semester) conducted by the concerned lab teacher.

3 Theory and Practical combined courses

(a) Theorycomponent: continuous evaluation and semester end examination.

(b)Practical component: continuous evaluation





70%oftheweightagewill be given for theory component. Evaluation for theory component shall be same as S. No 1 as above.

30%weightageforpractical components. Evaluation for practical component shall be same as S.No. 2 as above

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4 Project work(VII&VIIISemesters)


100 i)Forty(40)marksforperiodic evaluation on originality, innovation, sincerity and progress oftheworkassessedbythe project supervisor.ii)Thirty(30)marksformid-term evaluation by apanelofexaminers.iii)Thirty(30)marksforfinalreport,presentation and Viva-voce by a panel of examiners.

5 IndustrialInternship(VII Semester)


100 i)Thirty(30)marksfor performance assessed by the Supervisor of the host Industry/Organization.Submission of Project CompletionCertificatefromhostorganizationis mandatory.

ii)Forty(40)marksforReport and Seminar presentation on the training,assessed by the Teacher Coordinator.

iii)Thirty(30)marksfor presentation on the training, before a panel ofexaminers.

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6 MandatoryCourses


100 Sixty(60)marksformidterm semester examinations.Threemidtermexaminationsshall be conducted for30markseach;performance in best twoshallbetakenintoconsideration

Forty(40)marksforQuizzes,Assignmentsand Presentations


9.1 Retotaling/revaluationofanytheoryanswerscriptofthesemester-end examination is permitted on request by a student by payingtheprescribedfeewithinoneweekaftertheannouncementoftheresults.

9.2 Revaluation of the theory answer scripts of the semester-endexamination is permitted on request by student by paying theprescribed fee within one week after the announcement of theresults.

9.3 Astudentwhohassecured‘F’gradeinatheorycourseshallhaveto reappear at the subsequent examination held in that course.A student who has secured ‘F’ grade can improve continuousevaluationmarks upto amaximum of 50% by attending specialinstruction classes held during summer.

9.4 Astudentwhohassecured‘F’gradeinapracticalcourseshallhaveto attend special instruction classes held during summer.

9.5 Acandidatewhohassecured‘F’gradeinacombined(theoryandpractical) course shall have to reappear for theory component at thesubsequentexaminationsheldinthatcourse.A student who has secured‘F’gradecanimprovecontinuousevaluationmarksuptoamaximumof50%byattendingspecial instructionclassesheldduring summer.

9.6 Astudentwhohassecured‘F’Gradeinprojectwork/IndustrialTraining shall be permitted to submit the report only after satisfactorycompletionoftheworkandviva-voceexamination.

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10.1 Ifastudentisnotsatisfiedwithhis/hergradeafterrevaluation,thestudentcanapplyforverificationofanswerbookonpaymentofprescribedfeeforeachcoursewithinoneweekafterannouncementof revaluation results.

10.2 After verification, if a student is not satisfied with revaluationmarks/grade,he/shecanapplyforchallengevaluationwithinoneweekafterannouncementofanswerbookverificationresultortwoweeks after the announcement of revaluation results,whichwillbevaluedbythetwoexaminersi.e.,oneInternalandoneExternalexamineronpaymentofprescribed fee.Thechallengevaluationfee will be refunded, if the student is successful in the appeal by securing a better grade.


11.1 Theodd(I,III,V,VII)semestersupplementaryexaminationswillbeconductedafterconductingregularevensemesterexaminationsduring April/May.

11.2 Theeven(II, IV,VI,VIII)semestersupplementaryexaminationswill be conducted after conducting regular odd semester examinationsduringOctober/November.

11.3 Astudentwhohascompletedperiodofstudyandhas“F”gradeinfinalsemestercoursesiseligibletoappearforspecialexamination.


12.1 Astudentshallbepromotedtothenextacademicyearonlyifhe/shepasses60%ofthecreditstillthatacademicyear.

12.2 Whenever there is a change in syllabus or curriculum he/she has to continue the course with new syllabus and regulations after detentionaspertheequivalencyestablishedbytheBoStocontinuehis/her further studies.


Greater flexibility to choose variety of courses is providedthrough Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) during the periodofstudy.StudentswithoutanybacklogcoursesuptofourthsemesterarepermittedtoregisterforMOOCsfromfifthsemesteronwards up to amaximumof 15 credits fromprogram elective/

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interdisciplinary elective/ open elective courses. However the Departmental Committee (DC) of the respective campuses has to approve the courses under MOOCs. The grade equivalency forthese courses will be decided by the respective Board of Studies (BoS).


14.1 The curriculum of the eight semesters B.Tech. program is designed

14.2 Duration of the program: A student is ordinarily expected tocomplete the B. Tech program in eight semesters of four years. However, a student may complete the program in not more than eight years including study period.

14.3 However, the above regulation may be relaxed by the Vice-Chancellorinindividualcasesforcogentandsufficientreasons.

14.4 A student shall be eligible for award of the B.Tech. Degree if he / shefulfilsthefollowingconditions:

i) Registered and successfully completed all the courses and project as per the curriculum.

ii) Successfully acquired the minimum required credits asspecifiedinthecurriculuminthebranchofhis/herstudywithinthe stipulated time.

iii) Has no dues to the Institute, Hostels, Libraries, NCC/NSS etc, and no disciplinary action is pending.

15. B. Tech (HONORS)

Astudentwhosecured8.0CGPAoraboveup to IVsemester iseligible to register for B. Tech (Honors) degree. The student has to complete additional 20 credits (six theory courses+ seminar)as approved by the respective DC to secure B. Tech (Honors). The courses will be approved by DC of respective campuses.


16.1 Basedonthestudentperformanceduringagivensemester,afinalletter grade will be awarded at the end of the semester in each course. The letter grades and the corresponding grade points are as given in Table 2.

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Table 2: Grades and Grade Points

S.No. Grade Grade

Points Absolute Marks

1 O (Outstanding) 10 90andabove

2 A+(Excellent) 9 80to89

3 A (Very Good) 8 70to79

4 B+(Good) 7 60to69

5 B (Above Average) 6 50to59

6 C (Average) 5 45to49

7 P (Pass) 4 40to44

8 F(Fail) 0 Lessthan40

9 Ab. (Absent) 0 -

16.2 A studentwho earns aminimum of 4 grade points (P grade) ina course is declared to have successfully completed the course, subjecttosecuringCGPAof5.0attheendoftheprogramtodeclarepass in the B. Tech program.


17.1 Grade Point Average (GPA) for a semester is calculated as follows:

Σ[C×G] GPA = —————— ΣC


C = number of credits for the course.

G =grade points obtained by the student in the course.

17.2 The Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA), is calculated using the above formula considering the grades obtained in all the courses, in all the semesters up to that particular semester.

17.3 CGPA required for classification of class after the successfulcompletion of the program is as shown in Table 3.

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Class CGPA Required

FirstClasswithDistinction >8.0*

FirstClass >6.5

Second Class >5.5

Pass >5.0

* Inaddition to therequiredCGPAof8.0ormore,astudentmusthavenecessarilypassedallthecoursesinthefirstattempt.


18.1 A student who has secured only a pass or second class and desires to improve his/her class can appear for betterment examinationsfor only upto eight theory courses of his/her choice, conducted in summervacationalongwiththespecialexaminations.

18.2 BettermentofGradesispermitted‘onlyonce’,immediatelyaftercompletion of the program of study.


Notwithstanding anything contained in the above sections, the Vice-Chancellor may review all exceptional cases, and give hisdecision,whichwillbefinalandbinding.

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B.Tech. in Civil Engineering(w.e.f.the2019-20admittedbatch)

Semester I


Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EMA101

Engineering Mathematics I(Calculus and Algebra)

BS 3 0 0 3

Common to all except


2. 19EHS131 Communicative English I HS 2 0 3 3.5 Common

to all

3. 19EPH133/19ECY133

Applied Physics / Chemistry of Materials

BS 3 0 3 4.5 Common with ME

4. 19EID131/19EEE131

Problem Solving and Programming / Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering

ES 3 1 3 5.5 Common to all

5. 19EME121/19EME131

Workshop/Engineering Graphics

ES 0/1 0 3 1.5/2.5 Common to all

6. 19EMC181 NCC/NSS/ NSO/YOGA MC 0 0 2 0 Common

to allTotal 18/19

Semester II


Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EMA102

Engineering Mathematics II(ODE, PDE and Multivariable Calculus)

BS 3 0 0 3

Common with ECE, EEE, ME and AE

2. 19EHS132 Communicative English II HS 2 0 3 3.5 Common

to all

3. 19ECY133/19EPH133

Chemistry of materials / Applied Physics

BS 3 0 3 4.5 Common with ME

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4 19EEE131/19EID131

Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering / Problem Solving and Programming

ES 3 1 3 5.5 Common to all

5 19EME131/ 19EME121

Engineering Graphics/Workshop ES 1/0 0 3 2.5/1.5 Common

to all

6. 19EMC181 NCC/NSS/NSO/YOGA MC 0 0 2 0 Common

to allTotal 19/18

Semester III

S. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EMA201

Engineering Mathematics III(Applications of PDE,ComplexVariables and Transform Techniques)

BS 3 0 0 3Common with ME and AE

2. 19EID231/19EID233

Life Sciences for Engineers / AI Tools BS/ES 2 0 2 3 Common

to all

3. 19ECC231 DesignThinkingandProduct Innovation ES 2 0 2 3 Common

to all

4. 19EME201 Engineering Mechanics PC 3 0 0 3 Common

with ME5. 19ECE233 FluidMechanics PC 3 0 3 4.56. 19ECE235 Surveying PC 3 0 3 4.5

7. 19ECE237 Civil Engineering Workshop PC 0 0 3 1.5 Branch


8. 19EMC281/19EMC282

Constitution of India / Environmental Sciences

MC 3 0 0 0 Mandatory Course

Total 22.5

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Semester IV

S. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EMA202

Engineering Mathematics IV(Numerical Methods, Probability and Statistics)

BS 3 0 0 3

Common with


2. 19EID233/19EID231

AI Tools/ Life Sciences for Engineers

ES/BS 2 0 2 3 Common to all

3. 19ECE232 Mechanics of Solids PC 3 0 3 4.5

4. 19ECE234 Environmental Engineering PC 3 0 3 4.5

5. 19ECE236 Geotechnical Engineering PC 3 0 3 4.5

6. 19ECE238

Construction Materials &ConcreteTechnology

PC 2 0 3 3.5


/ 19EMC281

Environmental Sciences / Constitution of India

MC 3 0 0 0 Mandatory Course

Total 23

Semester V

S. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19ECE301 Structural Anal-ysis PC 3 0 0 3

2. 19ECE331 Highway Engi-neering PC 3 0 3 4.5

3. 19ECE303Design of Rein-forced Concrete Structures

PC 3 0 0 3

4. 19EID331 Internet of Things ES 2 0 2 3

5. 19ECE3XX Program Elective I PE 3 0 0 3

6. 19ZOE3XX Open Elective I OE 3 0 0 3 Open


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7. 19EYY3XX Interdisciplinary Elective I ID 3 0 0 3

8. 19ECE323 Survey Camp PC - - - 2Total 24.5

Semester VIS. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19ECE302 Design of Steel Structures PC 3 0 0 3

2. 19ECE304 Water Resources Engineering PC 3 0 0 3

3. 19ECE322 Architectural plan-ning&CADLab PC 0 0 3 1.5

4. 19ECE3XX Program Elective II PE 3 0 0 35. 19ECE3XX Program Elective III PE 3 0 0 36. 19ZOE3XX Open Elective II OE 3 0 0 3

7. 19EHS302Engineering Economics and Management

HS 3 0 0 3

8. 19EMC382 Engineering Ethics MC 3 0 0 0 Mandatory Course

Total 19.5

Semester VIIS. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19ECE401 Estimation&Costing PC 3 0 0 3

2. 19ECE421Computer Applications in Civil Engineering

PC 0 0 3 1.5

3. 19EYY4XX Interdisciplinary Elective II ID 3 0 0 3

4. 19ECE4XX Program Elective IV PE 3 0 0 35. 19ECE4XX Program Elective V PE 3 0 0 3

6. 19EHS401 Construction Management HS 3 0 0 3

7. 19ECE491 Project Phase I PW 0 0 4 28. 19ECE493 Internship* PW - - - 2

Total 20.5

* Industrial Training / Research Projects in National Laboratories / Academic Institutions

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Semester VIII

S. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EYY4XX Inter disciplinary elective III ID 3 0 0 3

2. 19ECE4XX Program Elective VI PE 3 0 0 3

3. 19ECE492 Project Phase II PW 1 0 14 7Total 13

Total Number of Credits

Semester I II III IV V VI VII VIII TotalCredits 18/ 19 19/18 22.5 23 24.5 19.5 20.5 13 160

Category and Credits

Category Category Code Courses Credits


Credits suggested by AICTE

Humanities &SocialSciences

HSCommunicative English I

13 12Communicative English IIHS1 and HS2 (elective)

Basic Sciences BS

Engineering Physics

24 25Engineering Chemistry Mathematics (4 Courses)Life Sciences for Engineers

Engineering Sciences ES

Problem Solving and Programming

24 24

Basic Electrical and Electronics EngineeringAI ToolsEngineering GraphicsWorkshopDesignThinkingandProduct InnovationInternet of Things

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Open Electives OE OE1, OE2 6

18Inter disciplinary

ElectivesID ID1 - ID3 9

Program Electives PE PE1-PE6 18 18

Program Core PC PC1 – PC17 55 48

Project PWInternship

11 15Project Phase IProject Phase II

Mandatory MCEnvironmental Science, Constitution of India, Engineering Ethics

- -

Total 160 160

Engineering Mathematics II S. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EMA102

Engineering Mathematics II (ODE, PDE and Multivariable Calculus)

BS 3 0 0 3

Offered for ECE,

EEE, ME, CE and


2. 19EMA104

Engineering Mathematics II (Probability and Statistics)

BS 3 0 0 3Offered for CSE and IT

3. 19EMA106 Mathematics for Biotechnology II BS 3 0 0 3 Offered

for BT

Engineering Mathematics III S. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EMA201

Engineering Mathematics III (Applications of PDE,ComplexVariables and Transform Techniques)

BS 3 0 0 3

Offered for ME, CE and


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2. 19EMA203

Engineering Mathematics III(ComplexVari-ables and Trans-formTechniques)

BS 3 0 0 3Offered for ECE and EEE

3. 19EMA205

Engineering Mathematics III (Discrete Mathematical Structures)

BS 3 0 0 3Offered for CSE and IT

4. 19EMA207 Mathematics for Biotechnology III BS 3 0 0 3 Offered

for BT

Engineering Mathematics IVS. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EMA202

Engineering Mathematics IV (Numerical Meth-ods, Probability and Statistics)

BS 3 0 0 3

Offered for CE, ME and


2. 19EMA204

Engineering Mathematics IV (Probability Theory and Random Processes)

BS 3 0 0 3 Offered for ECE

3. 19EMA206

Engineering Mathematics IV (Number Theory and Applications)

BS 3 0 0 3Offered for CSE and IT

4. 19EMA208 Mathematics for Biotechnology IV BS 3 0 0 3 Offered

for BT

Engineering PhysicsS. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EPH131 Engineering Physics BS 3 0 3 4.5

Offered for ECE,


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2. 19EPH133 Applied Physics BS 3 0 3 4.5

Offered for AE, CE and


3. 19EPH135 Physics for Biotechnology BS 3 0 3 4.5 Offered

for BT

Engineering ChemistryS. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19ECY131 Engineering Chemistry BS 3 0 3 4.5

Offered for ECE,


2. 19ECY133 Chemistry of Materials BS 3 0 3 4.5

Offered for AE, CE and


3. 19ECY135 Chemistry for Biotechnology BS 3 0 3 4.5 Offered

for BT


Open Elective I

S. No.

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C

1 19EOE301 JapaneseforBeginners OE 3 0 0 3

2 19EOE303 FrenchforBeginners OE 3 0 0 3

3 19EOE305 Biotechnology and Society OE 3 0 0 3

4 19EOE307 Contemporary Relevance of Indian Epics OE 3 0 0 3

5 19EOE309 Indian National Movement OE 3 0 0 3

6 19EOE311 Engineering for Community Service OE 3 0 0 3

7 19EOE313 Personality Development OE 3 0 0 3

8 19EOE315 Telecommunications for Society OE 3 0 0 3

9 19EOE317 Electrical Safety OE 3 0 0 310 19LOE301 FundamentalsofCyberLaw OE 3 0 0 3

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11 19MOE303 Introduction to International Business OE 3 0 0 3

12 19EOE319 Introduction to Music OE 3 0 0 3

13 19GOE301 Gandhian Philosophy OE 3 0 0 3

14 19EOE321 Environment and Ecology OE 3 0 0 3

15 19EOE323 Indian History OE 3 0 0 3

16 19EOE327 Professional Communication OE 3 0 0 3

Open Elective II S.

No.Course Code Course Title Category L T P C

1 19EOE302 German for Beginners OE 3 0 0 32 19EOE304 Chinese for Beginners OE 3 0 0 33 19EOE306 Analytical Essay Writing OE 3 0 0 34 19EOE308 Indian Economy OE 3 0 0 35 19EOE310 Public Administration OE 3 0 0 36 19EOE312 Environmental Management OE 3 0 0 3

7 19EOE315 Telecommunications for Society OE 3 0 0 3

8 19EOE314 National Service Scheme OE 3 0 0 39 19EOE327 Professional Communication OE 3 0 0 310 19EOE317 Electrical Safety OE 3 0 0 311 19MOE301 BasicsofFinance OE 3 0 0 312 19LOE301 FundamentalsofCyberLaw OE 3 0 0 313 19EOE313 Personality Development OE 3 0 0 314 19MOE305 BasicsofMarketing OE 3 0 0 3


Program Elective I S.

No. Stream Course Code Course Title Category L T P C

1 Structural Engineering 19ECE341

Repairs, Ren-ovation and Rehabilitation of Structures

PE 3 0 0 3

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2 Geotechnical Engineering 19ECE343 Foundation

Engineering PE 3 0 0 3


tion Engineer-ing

19ECE345 Traffic Engineering PE 3 0 0 3


Resources Engineering

19ECE347 Hydraulic Machines PE 3 0 0 3

5Environmen-tal Engineer-


Pollution Prevention and Management

PE 3 0 0 3

Program Elective II S.

No. Stream Course Code Course Title Category L T P C

1 Structural Engineering 19ECE342

Advanced Structural Analysis

PE 3 0 0 3

2 Geotechnical Engineering 19ECE346 RockMechan-

ics PE 3 0 0 3

3Transporta-tion Engi-


Pavement Analysis and Design

PE 3 0 0 3


Resources Engineering

19ECE356 Hydropower Engineering PE 3 0 0 3

5Environmen-tal Engineer-

ing19ECE362 Sanitary Engi-

neering PE 3 0 0 3

Program Elective IIIS. No Stream Course

Code Course Title Category L T P C

1 Structural Engineering 19ECE344

Advanced Reinforced Concrete Structures

PE 3 0 0 3

2 Geotechnical Engineering 19ECE348

Advanced FoundationEngineering

PE 3 0 0 3

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3Transporta-tion Engi-


Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems

PE 3 0 0 3


Resources Engineering

19ECE358 Open Channel Hydraulics PE 3 0 0 3

5Environmen-tal Engineer-

ing19ECE364 AirPollution&

Its Control PE 3 0 0 3

Program Elective IVS.

No. Stream Course Code Course Title Category L T P C

1 Structural Engineering 19ECE441

Advanced Design of Steel Structures

PE 3 0 0 3

2 Geotechnical Engineering 19ECE445

Soil Dynamics and Machine Foundations

PE 3 0 0 3

3Transporta-tion Engi-


Transportation Infrastructure Engineering

PE 3 0 0 3


Resources Engineering

19ECE453 Irrigation Man-agement PE 3 0 0 3

5Environmen-tal Engineer-


SolidandHaz-ardous Waste Management

PE 3 0 0 3

Program Elective VS.

No. Stream Course Code Course Title Category L T P C

1 Structural Engineering 19ECE443 Prestressed

Concrete PE 3 0 0 3

2 Geotechnical Engineering 19ECE447

Ground Improvement Techniques

PE 3 0 0 3

3Transporta-tion Engi-

neering19ECE451 Urban Trans-

port Planning PE 3 0 0 3

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Resources Engineering

19ECE455 Watershed Management PE 3 0 0 3

5Environmen-tal Engineer-


Environmental Impact Assessment

PE 3 0 0 3

Program Elective VIS.

No. Stream Course Code Course Title Category L T P C

1 Structural Engineering 19ECE442

Introduction toEarthquakeEngineering

PE 3 0 0 3

2 Geotechnical Engineering 19ECE444 Geosynthetics PE 3 0 0 3

3Transporta-tion Engi-

neering19ECE446 Road Safety

Auditing PE 3 0 0 3


Resources Engineering

19ECE448Advanced Wa-ter Resources Engineering

PE 3 0 0 3

5Environmen-tal Engineer-


Industrial Waste Manage-ment

PE 3 0 0 3


Interdisciplinary Elective IS.

No. Stream Course Code Course Title Category L T P C








19EBT363 Bio Materials ID 3 0 0 3

2 19AID371Introduction to Architecture and Town Planning

ID 3 0 0 3




r O





19ECS371 Computational methods ID 3 0 0 3

4 19EIT373Introduction to Programming with JAVA

ID 3 0 0 3





t C



19EME371Quantitative Tech-niquesforManage-ment

ID 3 0 0 3

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Interdisciplinary Elective IIS.

No. Stream Course Code Course Title Category L T P C







rses 19AID471 Introduction to Green

Buildings ID 3 0 0 3

2 19EEE471 Renewable Energy Resources ID 3 0 0 3




r O




rses 19EIT473 Web Technologies ID 3 0 0 3

4 19EIT475 Introduction to Python Programming ID 3 0 0 3







19EIE471 OptimizationTech-niques ID 3 0 0 3

6 19EIE373 Project Management andOptimization ID 3 0 0 3

Interdisciplinary Elective IIIS.

No. Stream Course Code Course Title Category L T P C








19AID472 Introduction to Interi-or Design ID 3 0 0 3

2 19EEI479

Instrumentation and Sensor Technologies of Civil Engineering Applications

ID 3 0 0 3




r O




rses 19EIT474 Introduction to Data

Sciences ID 3 0 0 3

4 19EIT476 Cloud Computing ID 3 0 0 3





t C


es 19EIE472 Total Quality Management ID 3 0 0 3

6 19EIE474 Supply Chain Management ID 3 0 0 3

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B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering(w.e.f.2019-20admittedbatch)

Semester I

S. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EMA101

Engineering Mathematics I(Calculus and Algebra)

BS 3 0 0 3

Common to all except


2. 19EHS131 Communicative English I HS 2 0 3 3.5 Common

to all

3. 19EPH131/19ECY131

Engineering Physics / Engineering Chemistry

BS 3 0 3 4.5

Common with ECE, EEE&


4. 19EID131 Problem Solving and Programming ES 3 1 3 5.5 Common

to all

5. 19EME121/19EME131

Workshop/Engineering Graphics

ES 0/1 0 3 1.5/2.5

Common to all

6. 19EMC181 NCC/NSS/NSO/YOGA MC 0 0 2 0 Common

to all

Total 18/19

Semester IIS. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EMA104

Engineering Mathematics II(Probability and Statistics)

BS 3 0 0 3 Common with IT

2. 19EHS132 Communicative English II HS 2 0 3 3.5 Common

to all

3. 19ECY131/19EPH131

Engineering Chemistry / Engineering Physics

BS 3 0 3 4.5Common with ECE,

EEE and IT

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4 19EEE131Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering

ES 3 1 3 5.5 Common to all

5 19EME131/ 19EME121

Engineering Graphics / Workshop

ES 1/0 0 3 2.5/1.5

Common to all

6. 19ECS132Object Oriented ProgrammingThroughJava

PC 2 0 2 3 Branch Specific

7. 19EMC181 NCC/NSS/NSO/YOGA MC 0 0 2 0 Common

to all

Total 22 / 21

Semester IIIS. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EMA205

Engineering Mathematics III(Discrete Mathematical Structures)

BS 3 0 0 3 Common with IT

2. 19EID231/19EID233

Life Sciences for Engineers/AI tools

BS/ES 2 0 2 3 Common to all

3. 19EID235DesignThinking&Product Innovation

ES 2 0 2 3 Common to all

4. 19EID201Fundamentalsof Digital Logic Circuits

PC 3 0 0 3 Common with IT

5. 19EID237 Data Structures PC 3 1 3 5.5 Common with IT

6. 19ECS201 Data Communications PC 2 0 0 2 Branch


7. 19ECS221Computer Engineering Workshop

PC 0 0 3 1.5 Branch Specific


/ 19EMC283

Constitution of India/ Environmental Sciences

MC 2 0 0 0 Mandatory Course

Total 21

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Semester IVS. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EMA206

Engineering Mathematics IV (Number Theory and Applications)

BS 3 0 0 3 Common with IT

2. 19EID233/19EID231

AI tools/ Life Sciences for Engineers

ES/BS 2 0 2 3 Common to all

3. 19EID202Computer Or-ganizationandArchitecture

PC 3 0 0 3 Common with IT

4. 19EID232 Operating Sys-tems PC 3 0 0 3 Common

with IT

5. 19ECS232 Computer Net-works PC 3 0 2 4 Branch


6. 19EID234Design and Analysis of Algo-rithms

PC 3 0 2 4 Common with IT

7. 19ECS222 Python Program-ming PC 0 0 2 1 Branch


8. 19EMC283/19EMC281

Environmental Science /Consti-tution of India

MC 2 0 0 0 Mandato-ry Course

Total 21

Semester VS. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19ECS301 Software Engi-neering PC 3 0 2 4 Branch


2. 19EID301FormalLanguag-es and Automata Theory

PC 3 0 0 3 Common with IT

3. 19EID333 Database Man-agement Systems PC 3 0 2 4 Common

with IT

4. 19EID331 Internet of Things ES 2 0 2 3 Common to all

5. 19ECS3XX Program Elective I PE 3 0 0 3 Branch


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6. 19EO-E3XX Open Elective I OE 3 0 0 3

7. 19EID3XXInter disciplinary Elective I

ID 3 0 0 3

Total 23

Semester VIS. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EID332 Compiler Design PC 3 0 2 4 Common with IT

2. 19ECS302 Artificial Intelligence PC 3 0 0 3 Branch


3. 19ECS332Web Application Development

PC 2 0 2 3 Branch specific

4. 19ECS3XX Program Elective II PE 3 0 0 3 Branch


5. 19ECS3XX Program Elective III PE 3 0 0 3 Branch

specific6. 19EOE3XX Open Elective II OE 3 0 0 3

7. 19EHS302Engineering Economics and Management

HS 3 0 0 3

8. 19EMC382 Engineering Ethics MC 2 0 0 0 Mandato-

ry CourseTotal 22

Semester VIIS. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19ECS431 Embedded Systems PC 3 0 2 4 Branch


2. 19EID4XX Interdisciplinary Elective II ID 3 0 0 3

3. 19ECS4XX Program Elective IV PE 3 0 0 3 Branch


4. 19ECS4XX Program Elective V PE 3 0 0 3 Branch


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5. 19EHS403 Organisational Behaviour HS 3 0 0 3

6. 19ECS491 Project Phase I PW 0 0 4 2 Branch specific

7. 19ECS493 Internship* PW 0 0 0 2 Branch specific

Total 20

* Industrial Training / Research Projects in National Laboratories / Academic Institutions

Semester VIIIS. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EID4XXInterdisciplin-ary Elective III (MOOCs)

ID 3 0 0 3

2. 19ECS4XX Program Elective VI (MOOCs) PE 3 0 0 3 Branch


3. 19ECS492 Project Phase II PW 1 0 12 7 Branch

specificTotal 13

Total Number of Credits

Semester I II III IV V VI VII VIII TotalCredits 18/19 22/21 21 21 23 22 20 13 160

Category and Credits

Category Category Code Courses Credits


Credits suggested by AICTE




Communicative English I

13 12Communicative English II

HS1 and HS2 (elective)

Basic Sciences BS

Engineering Physics

24 25Engineering Chemistry Mathematics (4 Courses)Life Sciences for Engineers

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Engi-neering Sciences


Problem Solving and Pro-gramming

24 24

Basic Electrical and Electron-ics EngineeringAI ToolsEngineering GraphicsWorkshopDesignThinkingandProductInnovationInternet of Things

Open Electives OE OE1, OE2 6

18Interdis-ciplinary Electives

ID ID1 - ID3 9

Program Electives PE PE1-PE6 18 18

Program Core PC PC1 – PC17 55 48

Project PWInternship

11 15Project Phase IProject Phase II

Mandatory MCEnvironmental Science, Con-stitution of India, Engineering Ethics

- -

Total 160 160

Engineering Mathematics II

S. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EMA102

Engineering Mathematics II (ODE, PDE and

Multivariable Calculus)

BS 3 0 0 3

Offered for ECE,

EEE, ME, CE and AE

2. 19EMA104

Engineering Mathematics II (Probability and


BS 3 0 0 3Offered for CSE and IT

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3. 19EMA106 Mathematics for Biotechnology II BS 3 0 0 3 Offered

for BT

Engineering Mathematics III

S. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EMA201

Engineering Mathematics III (Applications of PDE,ComplexVariables and transfrom techniques)

BS 3 0 0 3

Offered for ME, CE and


2. 19EMA203

Engineering Mathematics III(ComplexVariables and Transform Techniques)

BS 3 0 0 3Offered for ECE and EEE

3. 19EMA205

Engineering Mathematics III (Discrete Mathematical Structures)

BS 3 0 0 3Offered for CSE and IT

4. 19EMA207 Mathematics for Biotechnology III BS 3 0 0 3 Offered

for BT

Engineering Mathematics IV S. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EMA202

Engineering Mathematics IV (Numerical Meth-ods, Probability and Statistics)

BS 3 0 0 3

Offered for CE, ME and


2. 19EMA204

Engineering Mathematics IV (Probability Theory and Random Process)

BS 3 0 0 3 Offered for ECE

3. 19EMA206

Engineering Mathematics IV (Number Theory and Applications)

BS 3 0 0 3Offered for CSE and IT

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4. 19EMA208 Mathematics for Biotechnology IV BS 3 0 0 3 Offered

for BT

Engineering Physics S. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EPH131 Engineering Physics BS 3 0 3 4.5

Offered for ECE,

CSE, EEE and


2. 19EPH133 Applied Physics BS 3 0 3 4.5

Offered for AE, CE and


3. 19EPH135 Physics for Biotechnology BS 3 0 3 4.5 Offered

for BT

Engineering Chemistry S. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19ECY131 Engineering Chemistry BS 3 0 3 4.5

Offered for ECE,

CSE, EEE and


2. 19ECY133 Chemistry of materials BS 3 0 3 4.5

Offered for AE, CE and


3. 19ECY135 Chemistry for Biotechnology BS 3 0 3 4.5 Offered

for BT


Open Elective I

S. No.

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C

1 19EOE301 JapaneseforBeginners OE 3 0 0 3

2 19EOE303 FrenchforBeginners OE 3 0 0 3

3 19EOE305 Biotechnology and Society OE 3 0 0 3

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4 19EOE307 Contemporary Relevance of Indian Epics OE 3 0 0 3

5 19EOE309 Indian National Movement OE 3 0 0 3

6 19EOE311 Engineering for Communi-ty Service OE 3 0 0 3

7 19EOE313 Personality Development OE 3 0 0 3

8 19EOE315 Telecommunication for Society OE 3 0 0 3

9 19EOE317 Electrical Safety OE 3 0 0 3

10 19LOE301 FundamentalsofCyberLaw OE 3 0 0 3

11 19MOE303 Introduction to Internation-al Business OE 3 0 0 3

12 19EOE319 Introduction to Music OE 3 0 0 3

13 19GOE301 Gandhian Philosophy OE 3 0 0 3

14 19EOE321 Environment and Ecology OE 3 0 0 3

15 19EOE323 Indian History OE 3 0 0 3

16 19EOE327 Professional Communica-tion OE 3 0 0 3

Open Elective II

S. No.

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C

1 19EOE302 German for Beginners OE 3 0 0 32 19EOE304 Chinese for Beginners OE 3 0 0 33 19EOE306 Analytical Essay Writing OE 3 0 0 34 19EOE308 Indian Economy OE 3 0 0 35 19EOE310 Public Administration OE 3 0 0 3

6 19EOE312 Environmental Management OE 3 0 0 3

7 19EOE315 Telecommunication for Society OE 3 0 0 3

8 19EOE314 National Service Scheme OE 3 0 0 3

9 19EOE327 Professional Communication OE 3 0 0 3

10 19EOE317 Electrical Safety OE 3 0 0 311 19MOE301 BasicsofFinance OE 3 0 0 3

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12 19LOE301 FundamentalsofCyberLaw OE 3 0 0 3

13 19EOE313 Personality Development OE 3 0 0 314 19MOE305 BasicsofMarketing OE 3 0 0 3


Program Elective IS.

No. Stream Course Code Course Title Category L T P C

1 Data Science 19ECS341 Programming

with R PE 3 0 0 3


Machine Learning

19ECS343Advanced Data Structures for Machine Learning

PE 3 0 0 3

3 Networksand Security 19EID341 Advanced Com-

puterNetworks PE 3 0 0 3

4Distributed and Cloud Computing

19EID343 Distributed Systems PE 3 0 0 3

5Image Pro-cessing and

Graphics19EID345 Computer

Graphics PE 3 0 0 3

6 Software Engineering 19EID347

SoftwareRequire-ments Manage-ment

PE 3 0 0 3

Program Elective IIS.

No. Stream Course Code Course Title Category L T P C

1 Data Science 19ECS342 Data Warehousing

and Mining PE 3 0 0 3


Machine Learning

19EID342 Machine Learning PE 3 0 0 3

3 Networksand Security 19ECS344

Cryptography and Information Security

PE 3 0 0 3

4Distributed and Cloud Computing

19EID344Advanced Operating Systems

PE 3 0 0 3

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5Image Pro-cessing and

Graphics19EID346 Image Processing PE 3 0 0 3

6 Software En-gineering 19ECS346 Design Patterns PE 3 0 0 3

Program Elective III S.

No. Stream Course Code Course Title Category L T P C

1 Data Science 19ECS348 SocialNetworkAnalysis PE 3 0 0 3


Machine Learning

19ECS348 SocialNetworkAnalysis PE 3 0 0 3

3 Networksand Security 19ECS354 Cyber Security PE 3 0 0 3

4Distributed and Cloud Computing

19EID348 Cloud Computing PE 3 0 0 3

5Image Pro-cessing and


Introduction to Pattern Recogni-tion and Machine Learning

PE 3 0 0 3

6 Software Engineering 19ECS358 Software Metrics PE 3 0 0 3

Program Elective IVS.

No. Stream Course Code Course Title Category L T P C

1 Data Science 19EID441 Information Re-trieval Systems PE 3 0 0 3


Machine Learning

19EID443 Natural Language Processing PE 3 0 0 3


and Security

19ECS441 Adhoc and Sensor Networks PE 3 0 0 3

4Distributed and Cloud Computing

19ECS443 Parallel Comput-ing PE 3 0 0 3

5Image Pro-cessing and


Augmented Re-ality and Virtual Reality

PE 3 0 0 3

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6 Software Engineering 19EID445 Agile Software

Development PE 3 0 0 3

Program Elective VS.

No. Stream Course Code Course Title Category L T P C

1 Data Science 19ECS447

Neural NetworksandDeep Learning

PE 3 0 0 3


Machine Learning

19ECS449Neural NetworksandDeep Learning

PE 3 0 0 3

3 Networksand Security 19ECS451 CyberForensics PE 3 0 0 3

4Distributed and Cloud Computing


PE 3 0 0 3

5Image Pro-cessing and

Graphics19ECS453 Multimedia Pro-

cessing PE 3 0 0 3

6 Software Engineering 19EID449 Software Testing

Methodologies PE 3 0 0 3

Program Elective VI S.

No. Stream Course Code Course Title Category L T P C

1 Data Science 19ECS442 Big Data PE 3 0 0 3


Machine Learning

19ECS442 Big Data PE 3 0 0 3

3 Networksand Security 19ECS446 Advances in

Internet of Things PE 3 0 0 3

4Distributed and Cloud Computing

19ECS442 Big Data PE 3 0 0 3

5Image Pro-cessing and

Graphics19EID442 Game

Programming PE 3 0 0 3

6 Software Engineering 19ECS452 Secure Software

Engineering PE 3 0 0 3

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Interdisciplinary Elective I

S. No. Stream Course

Code Course Title Category L T P C








19EEC371FundamentalsofCommunication Systems

ID 3 0 0 3

2 19EIE371 Quantitative Techniques ID 3 0 0 3

3 19EEI371 Sensors& Technology ID 3 0 0 3








19ECY371Applications of Chemistry in Electronics

ID 3 0 0 3






rses 19EIE373 Operation Re-

search ID 3 0 0 3

6 19ECE371 Disaster Management ID 3 0 0 3

Interdisciplinary Elective IIS.

No. Stream Course Code Course Title Category L T P C








19EEC475 Microcontrollers and Interfacing ID 3 0 0 3

2 19EEI471 Robotics& Automation ID 3 0 0 3

3 19EEC473Fundamentalsof Digital Signal Processing

ID 3 0 0 3



ic S





19EPH471 Quantum Computing ID 3 0 0 3

5 19EBT471 Bioinformatics ID 3 0 0 3





t C



19EIE471 Optimization Techniques ID 3 0 0 3

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Interdisciplinary Elective III S.

No. Stream Course Code Course Title Category L T P C







19EPH472 Semiconductor Physics ID 3 0 0 3

2 19ECE472 Remote Sensing and GIS ID 3 0 0 3

3 19EEI477 Industrial Automation ID 3 0 0 3







19EIE472 Total Quality Management ID 3 0 0 3

5 19EIE474 Supply Chain Management ID 3 0 0 3

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B.Tech. in Electronics and Communication Engineering(w.e.f.2019-20admittedbatch)

Semester IS. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EMA101

Engineering Mathematics I(Calculus and Algebra)

BS 3 0 0 3Common toallex-cept BT

2. 19EHS131 Communicative English I HS 2 0 3 3.5 Common

to all

3. 19EPH131/19ECY131

Engineering Physics / Engi-neering Chem-istry

BS 3 0 3 4.5

Common with EEE, CSE&


4. 19EID131/19EEE131

Problem Solving and Programming / Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering

ES 3 1 3 5.5 Common to all

5. 19EME121/19EME131

Workshop/Engi-neering Graphics ES 0/1 0 3 1.5/


to all

6. 19EMC181 NCC/NSS/NSO/YOGA MC 0 0 2 0 Common

to all

Total 18/ 19

Semester IIS. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EMA102

Engineering Mathematics II(ODE, PDE and Multivariable Calculus)

BS 3 0 0 3

Common with EEE,

ME, CE and AE

2. 19EHS132 Communicative English II HS 2 0 3 3.5 Common

to all

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3. 19ECY131/19EPH131

Engineering Chemistry / Engi-neering Physics

BS 3 0 3 4.5

Common with EEE,

CSE and IT

4 19EEE131/19EID131

Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering / Problem Solving and Programming

ES 3 1 3 5.5 Common to all

5 19EME131/ 19EME121

Engineering Graphics/Work-shop

ES 1/0 0 3 2.5/1.5

Common to all

6. 19EEC122 Electronics Workshop PC 0 0 3 1.5

7. 19EMC181 NCC/NSS/NSO/YOGA MC 0 0 2 0 Common

to all

Total 20.5/19.5

Semester IIIS. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EMA203

Engineering Mathematics III (ComplexVari-ables and Trans-formTechniques)

BS 3 0 0 3 Common with EEE

2. 19EID231/19EID233

Life Sciences for Engineers / AI tools

BS/ES 2 0 2 3 Common to all

3. 19EID235DesignThinkingand Product Innovation

ES 2 0 2 3 Common to all

4. 19EEC231 NetworkTheoryand Analysis PC 3 0 2 4

5. 19EEC233

Electronic Devices and AmplifierCir-cuits

PC 3 0 3 4.5 Common with EEE

6. 19EEC201 Signals and Systems PC 3 0 0 3 Common

with EEE

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Constitution of India / Environ-mental Sciences

MC 3 0 0 0 Mandato-ry Course

Total 20.5

Semester IVS. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EMA204

Engineering Mathematics IV(Probability The-ory and Random Processes)

BS 3 0 0 3 Branch specific

2. 19EID233/19EID231

AI Tools / Life Sciences for Engineers

ES/BS 2 0 2 3 Common to all

3. 19EEC232 Digital Logic Design PC 3 0 3 4.5 Common

with EEE

4. 19EEC202 Electromagnetic Waves PC 3 0 0 3

5. 19EEC234 Analog Circuits PC 3 0 3 4.5 Common with EEE

6. 19EEC236Analog and Digital Commu-nications

PC 3 0 3 4.5

7. 19EMC283/19EMC281

Environmental Science / Consti-tution of India

MC 3 0 0 0 Mandato-ry Course

Total 22.5

Semester VS. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EEC331 Antenna Analy-sis and Synthesis PC 3 0 2 4

2. 19EEC333 Digital Signal Processing PC 3 0 3 4.5

3. 19EEE301 Control Systems Engineering PC 3 0 0 3 Common

with EEE

4. 19EID331 Internet of Things ES 2 0 2 3 Common

to all

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5. 19EEC3XX Program Elective I PE 3 0 0 3

6. 19ZOE3XX Open Elective I OE 3 0 0 3

7. 19EYY3XX Interdisciplinary Elective I ID 3 0 0 3

Total 23.5

Semester VIS. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EEC332Microprocessors and Microcon-trollers

PC 3 0 3 4.5 Common with EEE

2. 19EEC334 Introduction to VLSI Design PC 3 0 3 4.5

3. 19EEC322 Design Practice PC 0 0 2 1

4. 19EEC3XX Program Elective II PE 3 0 0 3

5. 19EEC3XX Program Elective III PE 3 0 0 3

6. 19ZOE3XX Open Elective II OE 3 0 0 3

7. 19EHS302Engineering Economics and Management

HS 3 0 0 3

8. 19EMC382 Engineering Ethics MC 3 0 0 0 Mandato-

ry CourseTotal 22

Semester VIIS. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EEC431 Communication Networks PC 3 0 2 4

2. 19EYY4XX Interdisciplinary Elective II ID 3 0 0 3

3. 19EEC4XX Program Elective IV PE 3 0 0 3

4. 19EEC4XX Program Elective V PE 3 0 0 3

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5. 19EHS403 Organisational Behaviour HS 3 0 0 3

6. 19EEC491 Project Phase I PW 0 0 4 27. 19EEC493 Internship* PW - - - 2

Total 20

* Industrial Training / Research Projects in National Laboratories / Academic Institutions

Semester VIIIS. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EYY4XX Interdisciplinary Elective III ID 3 0 0 3

2. 19EEC4XX Program Elec-tive VI PE 3 0 0 3

3. 19EEC492 Project Phase II PW 1 0 14 7Total 13

Total Number of Credits

Semester I II III IV V VI VII VIII TotalCredits 18/ 19 20.5/19.5 20.5 22.5 23.5 22 20 13 160

Category and Credits

Category Category Code Courses Credits


Credits suggested


Humanities &SocialSciences

HSCommunicative English I

13 12Communicative English IIHS1 and HS2 (elective)

Basic Sciences BS

Engineering Physics

24 25Engineering Chemistry Mathematics (4 Courses)Life Sciences for Engineers

Page 46: REGULATIONS AND FIRST YEAR SYLLABUS of Bachelor of Technology · 2019-07-12 · Bachelor of Technology (w.e.f 2019-20 admitted batch) Aerospace Engineering (AE) Civil Engineering


Engineering Sciences ES

Problem Solving and Programming

24 24

Basic Electrical and Electronics EngineeringAI ToolsEngineering GraphicsWorkshopDesignThinkingand Product InnovationInternet of Things

Open Electives OE OE1, OE2 6

18Interdis-ciplinary Electives

ID ID1 - ID3 9

Program Electives PE PE1-PE6 18 18

Program Core PC PC1–PC15 55 48

Project PWInternship

11 15Project Phase IProject Phase II

Mandatory MCEnvironmental Science, Constitution of India, Engineering Ethics

- -

Total 160 160

Engineering Mathematics II S. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EMA102

Engineering Mathematics II (ODE, PDE and Multivariable Calculus)

BS 3 0 0 3

Offered for ECE,

EEE, ME, CE and


2. 19EMA104

Engineering Mathematics II (Probability and Statistics)

BS 3 0 0 3Offered for CSE and IT

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3. 19EMA106 Mathematics for Biotechnology II BS 3 0 0 3 Offered

for BT

Engineering Mathematics III S. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EMA201

Engineering Math-ematics III (Ap-plications of PDE, ComplexVariablesand Transform Techniques)

BS 3 0 0 3Offered for

ME, CE and AE

2. 19EMA203

Engineering Mathe-maticsIII(ComplexVariables and Trans-formTechniques)

BS 3 0 0 3Offered for ECE and


3. 19EMA205

Engineering Mathe-matics III (Discrete Mathematical Struc-tures)

BS 3 0 0 3 Offered for CSE and IT

4. 19EMA207 Mathematics for Biotechnology III BS 3 0 0 3 Offered for


Engineering Mathematics IV S. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EMA202

Engineering Math-ematics IV (Nu-merical Methods, Probability and Statistics)

BS 3 0 0 3

Offered for CE, ME and


2. 19EMA204

Engineering Mathematics IV (Probability Theory and Random Processes)

BS 3 0 0 3 Offered for ECE

3. 19EMA206

Engineering Mathematics IV (Number Theory and Applications)

BS 3 0 0 3Offered for CSE and IT

4. 19EMA208 Mathematics for Biotechnology IV BS 3 0 0 3 Offered

for BT

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Engineering Physics

S. No Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EPH131 Engineering Physics BS 3 0 3 4.5

Offered for ECE,


2. 19EPH133 Applied Physics BS 3 0 3 4.5

Offered for AE, CE and


3. 19EPH135 Physics for Biotechnology BS 3 0 3 4.5 Offered

for BT

Engineering ChemistryS. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19ECY131 Engineering Chemistry BS 3 0 3 4.5

Offered for ECE,


2. 19ECY133 Chemistry of Materials BS 3 0 3 4.5

Offered for AE, CE and


3. 19ECY135 Chemistry for Biotechnology BS 3 0 3 4.5 Offered

for BT


Open Elective IS.

No.Course Code Course Title Category L T P C

1 19EOE301 JapaneseforBeginners OE 3 0 0 3

2 19EOE303 FrenchforBeginners OE 3 0 0 3

3 19EOE305 Biotechnology and Society OE 3 0 0 3

4 19EOE307 Contemporary Relevance of Indian Epics OE 3 0 0 3

5 19EOE309 Indian National Movement OE 3 0 0 3

6 19EOE311 Engineering for Community Service OE 3 0 0 3

7 19EOE313 Personality Development OE 3 0 0 3

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8 19EOE315 Telecommunications for Society OE 3 0 0 3

9 19EOE317 Electrical Safety OE 3 0 0 310 19LOE301 FundamentalsofCyberLaw OE 3 0 0 3

11 19MOE303 Introduction to International Business OE 3 0 0 3

12 19EOE319 Introduction to Music OE 3 0 0 3

13 19GOE301 Gandhian Philosophy OE 3 0 0 3

14 19EOE321 Environment and Ecology OE 3 0 0 3

15 19EOE323 Indian History OE 3 0 0 3

16 19EOE327 Professional Communication OE 3 0 0 3

Open Elective II S.

No.Course Code Course Title Category L T P C

1 19EOE302 German for Beginners OE 3 0 0 32 19EOE304 Chinese for Beginners OE 3 0 0 33 19EOE306 Analytical Essay Writing OE 3 0 0 34 19EOE308 Indian Economy OE 3 0 0 35 19EOE310 Public Administration OE 3 0 0 36 19EOE312 Environmental Management OE 3 0 0 3

7 19EOE315 Telecommunications for Society OE 3 0 0 3

8 19EOE312 National Service Scheme OE 3 0 0 39 19EOE327 Professional Communication OE 3 0 0 310 19EOE317 Electrical Safety OE 3 0 0 311 19MOE301 BasicsofFinance OE 3 0 0 312 19LOE301 FundamentalsofCyberLaw OE 3 0 0 313 19EOE313 Personality Development OE 3 0 0 314 19MOE303 BasicsofMarketing OE 3 0 0 3

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Program Elective I S.

No. Stream Course Code Course Title Category L T P C


tion Engineering

19EEC341 Information Theo-ry and Coding PE 3 0 0 3

2 Signal Processing 19EEC343

DSP Processors and Architectures

PE 3 0 0 3

3 VLSI Design 19EEC345 Digital System Design PE 3 0 0 3

4 Microwaves 19EEC347Transmission lines and Waveguides

PE 3 0 0 3

5 Embedded Systems 19EEC349

Computer OrganizationandDesign

PE 3 0 0 3

6 Sensors &IoT 19EEC351 Wireless Sensor

NetworksandIoT PE 3 0 0 3

Program Elective II

S. No. Stream Course

Code Course Title Category L T P C


tion Engineering

19EEC342Wireless Communication Networks

PE 3 0 0 3

2 Signal Processing 19EEC344 Real Time Signal

Processing PE 3 0 0 3

3 VLSI De-sign 19EEC346 DSP Design with

FPGAs PE 3 0 0 3

4 Microwaves 19EEC348 Microwave Engi-neering PE 3 0 0 3

5 Embedded Systems 19EEC350 ARM System

Development PE 3 0 0 3

6 Sensors&IoT 19EEC352

RFIDEnabledSensors and Applications

PE 3 0 0 3

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Program Elective IIIS.

No. Stream Course Code Course Title Category L T P C


cation Engineering

19EEC362 FiberOpticCom-munications PE 3 0 0 3

2 Signal Processing 19EEC364 Digital Image

Processing PE 3 0 0 3

3 VLSI De-sign 19EEC366 ASIC Design PE 3 0 0 3

4 Microwaves 19EEC368 RFCircuitDesign PE 3 0 0 3

5 Embedded Systems 19EEC370 Software

DefinedRadio PE 3 0 0 3

6 Sensors&IoT 19EEC372

FiberOpticSen-sors and Applications

PE 3 0 0 3

Program Elective IVS.

No. Stream Course Code Course Title Category L T P C


cation Engineering

19EEC441 Satellite Commu-nications PE 3 0 0 3

2 Signal Processing 19EEC443 Digital Signal

Compression PE 3 0 0 3

3 VLSI De-sign 19EEC445 Digital Integrated

Circuit Design PE 3 0 0 3

4 Microwaves 19EEC447 Microwave An-tennas PE 3 0 0 3

5 Embedded Systems 19EEC449 IoT Architecture PE 3 0 0 3

6 Sensors and IoT 19EEC451

Sensors and Transducers for Remote Applications

PE 3 0 0 3

Program Elective VS.

No. Stream Course Code Course Title Category L T P C


cation Engineering

19EEC461Global Positioning Sys-tems

PE 3 0 0 3

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2 Signal Processing 19EEC463 Biomedical Signal

Processing PE 3 0 0 3

3 VLSI De-sign 19EEC465 Analog IC Design PE 3 0 0 3

4 Microwaves 19EEC467 Radar Systems PE 3 0 0 3

5 Embedded Systems 19EEC469 TV Technology PE 3 0 0 3

6 Sensors &IoT 19EEC471 IoT in Health Care PE 3 0 0 3

Program Elective VIS.

No. Stream Course Code Course Title Category L T P C



Cellular and Mobile Communi-cations

PE 3 0 0 3

2 Signal Pro-cessing 19EEC444 Speech Processing PE 3 0 0 3

3 VLSI De-sign 19EEC446

FundamentalsofSemiconductor Devices

PE 3 0 0 3

4 Microwaves 19EEC448 EMI and EMC Techniques PE 3 0 0 3

5 Embedded Systems 19EEC450 Embedded Sys-

tems PE 3 0 0 3

6 Sensors &IoT

19EEC452 MEMS and Nano-sensors PE 3 0 0 3


Interdisciplinary Elective IS.

No. Stream Course Code Course Title Category L T P C








19EEE373FundamentalsofPower Electronics

ID 3 0 0 3

2 19EEI373 Measurements and Instrumentation ID 3 0 0 3

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r Orie





19EIT371 Programming with C++ ID 3 0 0 3

4 19ECS454 Data Structures and Algorithms ID 3 0 0 3

5 19ECS345Introduction to Da-tabase Management Systems

ID 3 0 0 3

6 19EIT472Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

ID 3 0 0 3







19EIE373 Operations Research ID 3 0 0 3

8 19EIE375Business Ethics and Corporate Gover-nance

ID 3 0 0 3

9 19EIE373 Project Management andOptimization ID 3 0 0 3

Interdisciplinary Elective IIS.

No. Stream Course Code Course Title Category L T P C









19EEI371 Sensors and Technology ID 3 0 0 3

2 19EIE477 3D Printing ID 3 0 0 3




r Orie





19EIT373 Programming with JAVA ID 3 0 0 3

4 19ECS459 Introduction to Ma-chine Learning ID 3 0 0 3

5 19ECS455 Introduction Operat-ing Systems ID 3 0 0 3

6 19ECS457 Introduction to Big Data ID 3 0 0 3







rses 19EIE475

Entrepreneurship Development ID 3 0 0 3

8 19ECE371 Disaster Management ID 3 0 0 3

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Interdisciplinary Elective IIIS.

No. Stream Course Code Course Title Category L T P C







19EEI475 Medical Instrumen-tation ID 3 0 0 3

2 19EEI471 Robotics and Auto-mation ID 3 0 0 3

3 19EEI472 Micro Electro Me-chanical Systems ID 3 0 0 3




r Ori-


d C


es 19EIT474 Introduction to Data Sciences ID 3 0 0 3

5 19EIT473 Web Technologies ID 3 0 0 3

6 19EIT476 Cloud Computing ID 3 0 0 3





t C



19EIE472 Total Quality Man-agement ID 3 0 0 3

8 19EIE474 Supply Chain Man-agement ID 3 0 0 3

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B.Tech. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering(w.e.f.2019-20admittedbatch)

Semester I

S. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EMA101

Engineering Mathematics I(Calculus and Algebra)

BS 3 0 0 3Common toallex-cept BT

2. 19EHS131 Communicative English I HS 2 0 3 3.5 Common

to all

3. 19EPH131/19ECY131

Engineering Phys-ics / Engineering Chemistry

BS 3 0 3 4.5Common with ECE CSE&IT

4. 19EID131/19EEE131

Problem Solving and Programming / Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering

ES 3 1 3 5.5 Common to all

5. 19EME121/19EME131

Workshop/Engi-neering Graphics ES 0/1 0 3 1.5/


to all

6. 19EMC181 NCC/NSS/NSO/YOGA MC 0 0 2 0 Common

to all

Total 18/ 19

Semester IIS. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EMA102

Engineering Mathematics II(ODE, PDE and Multivariable Calculus)

BS 3 0 0 3

Common with CE, ECE, ME and AE

2. 19EHS132 Communicative English II HS 2 0 3 3.5 Common

to all

3. 19ECY131/19EPH131

Engineering Chemistry / Engineering Physics

BS 3 0 3 4.5

Common with ECE CSE and


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4 19EEE131/19EID131

Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering / Prob-lem Solving and Programming

ES 3 1 3 5.5 Common to all

5 19EME131/ 19EME121

Engineering Graph-ics/Workshop ES 1 0 3 2.5/


to all

6. 19EEE122 Electrical Workshop PC 0 0 3 1.5

7. 19EMC181 NCC/NSS/NSO/YOGA MC 0 0 2 0 Common

to all

Total 20.5/19.5

Semester IIIS. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EMA203

Engineering Mathematics III (ComplexVariablesand Transform Techniques)

BS 3 0 0 3 Common with ECE

2. 19EID231/19EID233

Life Sciences for Engineers / AI tools BS/ES 2 0 2 3 Common

to all

3. 19EID235DesignThinkingand Product Innovation

ES 2 0 2 3 Common to all

4. 19EEE231 Electrical Circuit Analysis PC 3 0 3 4.5

5. 19EEC233Electronic Devices andAmplifierCircuits

PC 3 0 3 4.5 Common with ECE

6. 19EEC201 Signals and Systems PC 3 0 0 3 Common

with ECE



Constitution of In-dia / Environmental Sciences

MC 3 0 0 0 Mandato-ry Course

Total 21

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Semester IVS. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EMA202

Engineering Mathematics IV (Numerical Meth-ods, Probability and Statistics )

BS 3 0 0 3Common with ME and CE

2. 19EID233/19EID231

AI tools/ Life Sci-ence for Engineers ES/BS 2 0 2 3

3. 19EEE232 Electrical Machines I PC 3 0 3 4.5

4. 19EEC232 Digital Logic Design PC 3 0 3 4.5 Common

with ECE

5. 19EEC234 Analog Circuits PC 3 0 3 4.5 Common with ECE

6. 19EEE201 Electromagnetic Fields PC 3 0 0 3

7. 19EMC283/19EMC281

Environmental Sci-ences/ Constitution of India

MC 3 0 0 0 Mandato-ry Course

Total 22.5

Semester VS. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EEE301 Control Systems Engineering PC 3 0 0 3 Common

with ECE

2. 19EEE333 Electrical Machines II PC 3 0 3 4.5

3. 19EID331 Internet of Things ES 2 0 2 3 4. 19EEE34X Program Elective I PE 3 0 0 3 5. 19ZOE3XX Open Elective I OE 3 0 0 3

6. 19EYY3XX Interdisciplinary Elective I ID 3 0 0 3

7. 19EEE321Control Systems Engineering Labo-ratory

PC 0 0 3 1.5

Total 21

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Semester VIS. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EEE302 Power Systems I PC 3 0 0 3

2. 19EEC332 Microprocessors&Microcontrollers PC 3 0 3 4.5 Common

with ECE3. 19EEE332 Power Electronics PC 3 0 3 4.5

4. 19EEE34X Program Elective II PE 3 0 0 3

5. 19EEE35X ProgramElective III PE 3 0 0 3

6. 19ZOE3XX Open Elective II OE 3 0 0 3

7. 19EHS302Engineering Economics and Management

HS 3 0 0 3

8. 19EMC382 Engineering Ethics MC 3 0 0 0 Mandato-ry Course

Total 24

Semester VIIS. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EEE431 Power Systems II PC 3 0 2 4

2. 19EYY4XX Interdisciplinary Elective II ID 3 0 0 3

3. 19EEE44X Program Elective IV PE 3 0 0 3

4. 19EEE45X Program Elective V PE 3 0 0 3

5. 19EHS403 OrganizationalBehaviour HS 3 0 0 3

6. 19EEE491 Project Phase I PW 0 0 4 2 7. 19EEE493 Internship* PW - - - 2

Total 20

* Industrial Training / Research Projects in National Laboratories / Academic Institutions

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Semester VIIIS. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EYY4XX Interdisciplinary Elective III ID 3 0 0 3

2. 19EEE4XX Program Elective VI PE 3 0 0 3

3. 19EEE492 Project Phase II PW 1 0 14 7Total 13

Total Number of Credits

Semester I II III IV V VI VII VIII TotalCredits 18/ 19 20.5/19.5 21 22.5 21 24 20 13 160

Category and Credits

Category Category Code Courses Credits


Credits suggest-

ed by AICTE

Humanities &SocialSciences

HSCommunicative English I

13 12Communicative English IIHS1 and HS2 (elective)

Basic Sciences BS

Engineering Physics

24 25Engineering Chemistry Mathematics (4 Courses)Life Sciences for Engineers

Engi-neering Sciences


Problem Solving and Program-ming

24 24

Basic Electrical and Electron-ics EngineeringAI ToolsEngineering GraphicsWorkshopDesignThinkingandProductInnovationInternet of Things

Page 60: REGULATIONS AND FIRST YEAR SYLLABUS of Bachelor of Technology · 2019-07-12 · Bachelor of Technology (w.e.f 2019-20 admitted batch) Aerospace Engineering (AE) Civil Engineering


Open Elec-tives OE OE1, OE2 6

18Interdis-ciplinary Electives

ID ID1, ID2, ID3 9

Program Electives PE PE1-PE6 18 18

Program Core PC PC1–PC15 55 48

Project PWInternship

11 15Project Phase IProject Phase II

Mandatory MCEnvironmental Science, Con-sttitution of India, Engineering Ethics

- -

Total 160 160

Engineering Mathematics II S. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EMA102

Engineering Mathematics II (ODE, PDE and Multivariable Calculus)

BS 3 0 0 3

Offered for ECE,

EEE, ME, CE and AE

2. 19EMA104

Engineering Mathematics II (Probability and Statistics)

BS 3 0 0 3Offered for CSE and IT

3. 19EMA106 Mathematics for Biotechnology II BS 3 0 0 3 Offered

for BT

Engineering Mathematics III S. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EMA201

Engineering Mathematics III (Applications of PDE,ComplexVariables and Transform Techniques)

BS 3 0 0 3

Offered for ME, CE and


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2. 19EMA203

Engineering Mathematics III(ComplexVariables and Transform Tech-niques)

BS 3 0 0 3Offered for ECE and EEE

3. 19EMA205

Engineering Mathematics III (Discrete Mathematical Structures)

BS 3 0 0 3Offered for CSE and IT

4. 19EMA207Mathematics for Biotechnology III

BS 3 0 0 3 Offered for BT

Engineering Mathematics IV S. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EMA202

Engineering Mathematics IV (Numeri-cal Methods, Probability and Statistics)

BS 3 0 0 3

Offered for CE, ME and


2. 19EMA204

Engineering Mathematics IV (Probability Theory and Random Pro-cesses)

BS 3 0 0 3 Offered for ECE

3. 19EMA206

Engineering Mathematics IV (Number Theory and Applications)

BS 3 0 0 3Offered for CSE and IT

4. 19EMA208Mathematics for Biotechnology IV

BS 3 0 0 3 Offered for BT

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Engineering Physics S. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EPH131 Engineering Physics BS 3 0 3 4.5

Offered for ECE,


2. 19EPH133 Applied Physics BS 3 0 3 4.5

Offered for AE, CE and


3. 19EPH135 Physics for Biotechnology BS 3 0 3 4.5 Offered

for BT

Engineering Chemistry S. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19ECY131 Engineering Chemistry BS 3 0 3 4.5

Offered for ECE,


2. 19ECY133 Chemistry of Materials BS 3 0 3 4.5

Offered for AE, CE and


3. 19ECY135 Chemistry for Biotechnology BS 3 0 3 4.5 Offered

for BT


S. No.

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C

1 19EOE301 JapaneseforBeginners OE 3 0 0 3

2 19EOE303 FrenchforBeginners OE 3 0 0 3

3 19EOE305 Biotechnology and Society OE 3 0 0 3

4 19EOE307 Contemporary Relevance of Indian Epics OE 3 0 0 3

5 19EOE309 Indian National Movement OE 3 0 0 3

6 19EOE311 Engineering for Community Service OE 3 0 0 3

7 19EOE313 Personality Development OE 3 0 0 3

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8 19EOE315 Telecommunications for Society OE 3 0 0 3

9 19EOE317 Electrical Safety OE 3 0 0 310 19LOE301 FundamentalsofCyberLaw OE 3 0 0 3

11 19MOE303 Introduction to International Business OE 3 0 0 3

12 19EOE319 Introduction to Music OE 3 0 0 3

13 19GOE301 Gandhian Philosophy OE 3 0 0 3

14 19EOE321 Environment and Ecology OE 3 0 0 3

15 19EOE323 Indian History OE 3 0 0 3

16 19EOE327 Professional Communication OE 3 0 0 3

Open Elective IIS.

No.Course Code Course Title Category L T P C

1 19EOE302 German for Beginners OE 3 0 0 32 19EOE304 Chinese for Beginners OE 3 0 0 33 19EOE306 Analytical Essay Writing OE 3 0 0 34 19EOE308 Indian Economy OE 3 0 0 35 19EOE310 Public Administration OE 3 0 0 36 19EOE312 Environmental Management OE 3 0 0 37 19EOE315 Telecommunications for Society OE 3 0 0 38 19EOE314 National Service Scheme OE 3 0 0 39 19EOE327 Professional Communication OE 3 0 0 310 19EOE317 Electrical Safety OE 3 0 0 311 19MOE301 BasicsofFinance OE 3 0 0 312 19LOE301 FundamentalsofCyberLaw OE 3 0 0 313 19EOE313 Personality Development OE 3 0 0 314 19MOE305 BasicsofMarketing OE 3 0 0 3


S. No Stream Course

Code Course Title Category L T P C

1 Power Systems 19EEE341 Electrical

Distribution Systems PE 3 0 0 3


Electronics and Drives

19EEE343 Electrical Measurements PE 3 0 0 3

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3 Control Systems 19EEE345

FuzzyControlSystem Design and Analysis

PE 3 0 0 3

Program Electives IIS. No Stream Course

Code Course Title Category L T P C

1 Power Systems 19EEE342 Power System

Protection PE 3 0 0 3


Electronics &Drives

19EEE344 Industrial Electrical Systems PE 3 0 0 3

3 Control Systems 19EEE346 Modern Control

Systems PE 3 0 0 3

Program Electives IIIS. No Stream Course

Code Course Title Category L T P C

1 Power Systems 19EEE352 Electrical Machine

Design PE 3 0 0 3


Electronics &Drives

19EEE354 Electrical Drives PE 3 0 0 3

3 Control Systems

19EEE356 Smart Grids PE 3 0 0 3

Program Electives IVS. No Stream Course

Code Course Title Category L T P C

1 Power Systems 19EEE441 High Voltage

Engineering PE 3 0 0 3


Electronics &Drives

19EEE443 HVDC Transmission Systems PE 3 0 0 3

3 Control Systems 19EEE445 Process control PE 3 0 0 3

Program Electives VS. No Stream Course

Code Course Title Category L T P C

1 Power Systems 19EEE451 Wind&SolarEnergy

Systems PE 3 0 0 3


Electronics &Drives

19EEE453 Power Quality and FACTS PE 3 0 0 3

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3 Control Systems 19EEE455 Digital Control

Systems PE 3 0 0 3

Program Electives VIS. No Stream Course

Code Course Title Category L T P C

1 Power Systems 19EEE442

ArtificialIntelligenceApplication to Power Systems

PE 3 0 0 3


Power Electron-ics&


19EEE444 Hybrid Electric Vehicles PE 3 0 0 3

3 Control Systems 19EEE446 Robotics PE 3 0 0 3


Interdisciplinary Elective IS. No Stream Course

Code Course Name Category L T P C





al c


es 19EEI371 Sensors and Technology ID 3 0 0 3

2 19EPH371 Materials for Engi-neering Applications ID 3 0 0 3




r Orie





19ECS457 Introduction to Big Data ID 3 0 0 3

19EIT371 Object Oriented Pro-grammingwithC++ ID 3 0 0 3

4 19EIT373 Introduction to Pro-grammingwithJAVA ID 3 0 0 3

5 19ECS345Introduction to Data Base Management Systems

ID 3 0 0 3





t C


es 19EIE371 Quantitative Techniques ID 3 0 0 3

7 19EIE377 Enterprise Resource Planning ID 3 0 0 3

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Interdisciplinary Elective IIS. No Stream Course

Code Course Name Category L T P C





al c



Fundamentalsof Digital Signal Processing

ID 3 0 0 3

2 19EEI477 Industrial Automation ID 3 0 0 3




r Ori-


d C


es 19ECS459 Introduction to Machine Learning ID 3 0 0 3

4 19EIT473 Web Technologies ID 3 0 0 3

5 19ECS455 Introduction to Operating Systems ID 3 0 0 3





t C


es 19EIE471 OptimizationTechniques ID 3 0 0 3

7 19EIE475 Entrepreneurship Development ID 3 0 0 3

Interdisciplinary Elective IIIS. No Stream Course

Code Course Name Category L T P C








19EEI475 Medical Instrumentation ID 3 0 0 3




r O




rses 19EIT474 Introduction to Data

Sciences ID 3 0 0 3

3 19EIT476 Cloud Computing ID 3 0 0 3






rses 19EIE472 Total Quality

Management ID 3 0 0 3

5 19EIE474 Supply Chain Management ID 3 0 0 3

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B.Tech. in Information Technology(w.e.f.2019-20admittedbatch)

Semester I


Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EMA101

Engineering Mathematics I(Calculus and Algebra)

BS 3 0 0 3Common toallex-cept BT

2. 19EHS131 Communicative English I HS 2 0 3 3.5 Common

to all

3. 19EPH131/19ECY131

Engineering Phys-ics / Engineering Chemistry

BS 3 0 3 4.5

Common with ECE, EEE and


4. 19EID131 Problem Solving and Programming ES 3 1 3 5.5 Common

to all

5. 19EME121/19EME131

Workshop/Engi-neering Graphics ES 0/1 0 3 1.5/


to all

6. 19EMC181 NCC/NSS/NSO/YOGA MC 0 0 2 0 Common

to all

Total 18/ 19

Semester IIS. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EMA104

Engineering Mathematics II(Probability and Statistics)

BS 3 0 0 3 Common with CSE

2. 19EHS132 Communicative English II HS 2 0 3 3.5 Common

to all

3. 19ECY131/19EPH131

Engineering Chemistry / Engi-neering Physics

BS 3 0 3 4.5

Common with ECE, EEE and


4 19EEE131Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering

ES 3 1 3 5.5 Common to all

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5 19EME131/ 19EME121

Engineering Graphics/Work-shop

ES 1 0 3 2.5/1.5

Common to all

6. 19EIT122 Information Tech-nologyWorkshop PC 0 0 3 1.5 Branch


7. 19EMC181 NCC/NSS/NSO/YOGA MC 0 0 2 0 Common

to all

Total 20.5/19.5

Semester IIIS. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EMA205

Engineering Mathematics III(Discrete Math-ematical Struc-tures)

BS 3 0 0 3 Common with CSE

2. 19EID231/19EID233

Life Sciences for Engineers / AI Tools

BS/ES 2 0 2 3 Common to all

3. 19EID235DesignThinkingand Product Inno-vation

ES 2 0 2 3 Common to all

4. 19EID201Fundamentalsof Digital Logic Circuits

PC 3 0 0 3 Common with CSE

5. 19EID237 Data Structures PC 3 1 3 5.5 Common with CSE

6. 19EIT231Object Oriented Programming usingC++

PC 3 0 3 4.5 Branch specific

7. 19EMC281/19EMC283

Constitution of India/ Environ-mental Sciences

MC 3 0 0 0 Mandatory Course

Total 22

Semester IVS. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EMA206

Engineering Mathematics IV(Number Theory and Applications )

BS 3 0 0 3 Common with CSE

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2. 19EID233/19EID231

AI Tools/Life Sciences for En-gineers

ES/BS 2 0 2 3 Common to all

3. 19EID202Computer Or-ganizationandArchitecture

PC 3 0 0 3 Common with CSE

4. 19EID232 Operating Systems PC 3 0 0 3 Common with CSE

5. 19EIT202 Software Engi-neering Paradigms PC 3 0 0 3 Branch


6. 19EID234 Design and Analy-sis of Algorithms PC 3 0 2 4 Common

with CSE

7. 19EIT204Data Communica-tion and Computer Networks

PC 3 0 0 3 Branch specific

8. 19EMC283/19EMC281

Environmental Sciences/Constitu-tion of India

MC 3 0 0 0 Mandatory Course

Total 22

Semester VS. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EIT331 Programming withJAVA PC 3 0 3 4.5 Branch


2. 19EID301FormalLanguag-es and Automata Theory

PC 3 0 0 3 Common with CSE

3. 19EID333 Database Manage-ment Systems PC 3 0 2 4 Common

with CSE

4. 19EID331 Internet of Things ES 2 0 2 3 Common to all

5. 19EIT3XX Program Elec-tive 1 PE 3 0 0 3

6. 19EOE3XX Open Elective I OE 3 0 0 3 Open Elec-tive 1

7. 19EID3XX Interdisciplinary Elective-I ID 3 0 0 3

Interdis-ciplinary Elective 1

Total 23.5

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Semester VIS. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EID332 Compiler Design PC 3 0 2 4 Common with CSE

2. 19EIT332 Web Technologies PC 3 0 3 4.5 Branch specific

3. 19EIT322 Advanced Pro-gramming Lab PC 0 0 3 1.5 Branch


4. 19EIT3XX Program Elective II PE 3 0 0 3

5. 19EIT3XX Program Elective III PE 3 0 0 3

6. 19EOE3XX Open Elective II OE 3 0 0 3 Open Elective II

7. 19EHS302Engineering Economics and Management

HS 3 0 0 3

8. 19EMC382 Engineering Ethics MC 3 0 0 0 Mandatory

CourseTotal 22

Semester VIIS. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EIT401 Cryptography and NetworkSecurity PC 3 0 0 3 Branch


2. 19EID4XX Interdisciplinary Elective II ID 3 0 0 3

3. 19EIT4XX Program Elective IV PE 3 0 0 3

4. 19EIT4XX Program Elective V PE 3 0 0 3

5. 19EHS403 Organisational Behaviour HS 3 0 0 3

6. 19EIT491 Project Phase I PW 0 0 4 27. 19EIT493 Internship* PW 0 0 4 2

Total 19

* Industrial Training / Research Projects in National Laboratories / Academic Institutions

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Semester VIIIS. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EID4XXInterdisciplin-ary Elective III (MOOCs)

ID 3 0 0 3Interdis-ciplinary

Elective III

2. 19EIT4XX Program Elective VI (MOOCs) PE 3 0 0 3

3. 19EIT492 Project Phase II PW 1 0 12 7Total 13

Total Number of Credits

Semester I II III IV V VI VII VIII TotalCredits 18/ 19 20.5/19.5 22 22 23.5 22 19 13 160

Category and Credits

Category Category Code Courses Credits


Credits suggested by AICTE

Humanities &SocialSciences

HSCommunicative English I

13 12Communicative English IIHS1 and HS2 (elective)

Basic Sciences BS

Engineering Physics

24 25Engineering Chemistry Mathematics (4 Courses)Life Sciences for Engineers

Engi-neering Sciences


Problem Solving and Programming

24 24

Basic Electrical and Electronics EngineeringAI ToolsEngineering GraphicsWorkshopDesignThinkingandProductInnovationInternet of Things

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Open Electives OE OE1, OE2 6

18Interdis-ciplinary Electives

ID ID1 - ID3 9

Program Electives PE PE1-PE6 18 18

Program Core PC PC1-PC16 55 48

Project PWInternship

11 15Project Phase IProject Phase II

Mandatory MCEnvironmental Science, Constitution of India, Engineering Ethics

- -

Total 160 160

Engineering Mathematics IIS.No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EMA102

Engineering Mathematics II (ODE, PDE and Multivariable Calculus)

BS 3 0 0 3

Offered for ECE,

EEE, ME, CE and


2. 19EMA104

Engineering Mathematics II (Probability and Statistics)

BS 3 0 0 3Offered for CSE and IT

3. 19EMA106Mathematics for Biotechnology II

BS 3 0 0 3 Offered for BT

Engineering Mathematics III S. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EMA201

Engineering Mathematics III (Applications of PDE,ComplexVariables and Transform Techniques)

BS 3 0 0 3

Offered for ME, CE and


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2. 19EMA203

Engineering Mathematics III(ComplexVariables and Transform Techniques)

BS 3 0 0 3Offered for ECE and EEE

3. 19EMA205

Engineering Mathematics III (Discrete Mathematical Structures)

BS 3 0 0 3Offered for CSE and IT

4. 19EMA207Mathematics for Biotechnology III

BS 3 0 0 3 Offered for BT

Engineering Mathematics IVS. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EMA202

Engineering Mathematics IV (Numerical Meth-ods, Probability and Statistics)

BS 3 0 0 3

Offered for CE, ME and


2. 19EMA204

Engineering Mathematics IV (Probability Theory and Random Processes)

BS 3 0 0 3 Offered for ECE

3. 19EMA206

Engineering Mathematics IV (Number Theory and Applications)

BS 3 0 0 3Offered for CSE and IT

4. 19EMA208 Mathematics for Biotechnology IV BS 3 0 0 3 Offered

for BT

Engineering Physics S. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EPH131 Engineering Physics BS 3 0 3 4.5

Offered for ECE,

CSE, EEE and


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2. 19EPH133 Applied Physics BS 3 0 3 4.5

Offered for AE, CE and


3. 19EPH135 Physics for Biotechnology BS 3 0 3 4.5 Offered

for BT

Engineering Chemistry S. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19ECY131 Engineering Chemistry BS 3 0 3 4.5

Offered for ECE,

CSE, EEE and


2. 19ECY133 Chemistry of materials BS 3 0 3 4.5

Offered for AE, CE and


3. 19ECY135 Chemistry for Biotechnology BS 3 0 3 4.5 Offered

for BT


Open Elective IS.

No.Course Code Course Title Category L T P C

1 19EOE301 JapaneseforBeginners OE 3 0 0 3

2 19EOE303 FrenchforBeginners OE 3 0 0 3

3 19EOE305 Biotechnology and Society OE 3 0 0 3

4 19EOE307 Contemporary Relevance of Indian Epics OE 3 0 0 3

5 19EOE309 Indian National Movement OE 3 0 0 3

6 19EOE311 Engineering for Community Service OE 3 0 0 3

7 19EOE313 Personality Development OE 3 0 0 3

8 19EOE315 Telecommunications for Society OE 3 0 0 3

9 19EOE317 Electrical Safety OE 3 0 0 310 19LOE301 FundamentalsofCyberLaw OE 3 0 0 3

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11 19MOE303 Introduction to International Business OE 3 0 0 3

12 19EOE319 Introduction to Music OE 3 0 0 3

13 19GOE301 Gandhian Philosophy OE 3 0 0 3

14 19EOE321 Environment and Ecology OE 3 0 0 3

15 19EOE323 Indian History OE 3 0 0 3

16 19EOE327 Professional Communication OE 3 0 0 3

Open Elective II S.

No.Course Code Course Title Category L T P C

1 19EOE302 German for Beginners OE 3 0 0 32 19EOE304 Chinese for Beginners OE 3 0 0 33 19EOE306 Analytical Essay Writing OE 3 0 0 34 19EOE308 Indian Economy OE 3 0 0 35 19EOE310 Public Administration OE 3 0 0 36 19EOE312 Environmental Management OE 3 0 0 37 19EOE315 Telecommunications for Society OE 3 0 0 38 19EOE314 National Service Scheme OE 3 0 0 39 19EOE327 Professional Communication OE 3 0 0 310 19EOE317 Electrical Safety OE 3 0 0 311 19MOE301 BasicsofFinance OE 3 0 0 312 19LOE301 FundamentalsofCyberLaw OE 3 0 0 313 19EOE313 Personality Development OE 3 0 0 314 19MOE305 BasicsofMarketing OE 3 0 0 3


Program Elective IS.

No. Stream Course Code Course Title Category L T P C


and Security

19EID341Advanced Computer Networks PE 3 0 0 3

2 Systems and Cloud 19EID343 Distributed Systems PE 3 0 0 3

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and Visual-ization

19EID345 Computer Graphics PE 3 0 0 3

4Software Engineer-

ing19EID347 SoftwareRequirements

Management PE 3 0 0 3



gence and Expert



PE 3 0 0 3

6 Data Science 19EIT343 FundamentalsofBig

data Analytics PE 3 0 0 3

Program Elective II S.

No. Stream Course Code Course Title Category L T P C

1Networksand Secu-

rity19EIT342 Steganography and

Biometrics PE 3 0 0 3

2 Systems and Cloud 19EID344 Advanced Operating

Systems PE 3 0 0 3


and Visual-ization

19EID346 Image Processing PE 3 0 0 3

4Software Engineer-

ing19EIT344 Software project man-

agement PE 3 0 0 3



gence and Expert


19EID342 Machine learning PE 3 0 0 3

6 Data Sci-ence 19EIT346 DataVisualization PE 3 0 0 3

Program Elective IIIS.

No. Stream Course Code Course Title Category L T P C


and Security

19EIT348 Wireless Sensor Networks PE 3 0 0 3

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2 Systems and Cloud 19EID348 Cloud Computing PE 3 0 0 3


and Visual-ization

19EIT350 Speech Processing PE 3 0 0 3

4Software Engineer-

ing19EIT352 Object oriented

software engineering PE 3 0 0 3


ArtificialIntelligence andExpert


19EIT354 Data Warehousing and Data Mining PE 3 0 0 3

6 Data Science 19EIT356 Mining Massive

Datasets PE 3 0 0 3

Program Elective IVS.

No. Stream Course Code Course Title Category L T P C

1Networksand Secu-

rity19EIT441 Adhoc Social

Networks PE 3 0 0 3

2 Systems and Cloud 19EIT443 Service Oriented

Architecture PE 3 0 0 3


and Visual-ization

19EIT445 Video Processing PE 3 0 0 3

4Software Engineer-

ing19EID445 Agile software

Development PE 3 0 0 3


ArtificialIntelligence andExpert


19EID443 Natural Language Processing PE 3 0 0 3

6 Data Sci-ence 19EID441 Information Retrieval

Systems PE 3 0 0 3

Program Elective V S.

No. Stream Course Code Course Title Category L T P C


and Security

19EID447 FundamentalsofBlockChain Technology PE 3 0 0 3

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2 Systems and Cloud 19EIT447 Cloud Security and

Privacy PE 3 0 0 3


and Visual-ization

19EIT449 Computer Graphics for Virtual Reality PE 3 0 0 3

4Software Engineer-

ing19EID449 Software Testing

Methodologies PE 3 0 0 3


ArtificialIntelligence andExpert


19EIT451 NeuralNetworksandFuzzySystems PE 3 0 0 3

6 Data Science 19EIT453 ExploratoryData

Analysis PE 3 0 0 3

Program Elective VIS.

No. Stream Course Code Course Title Category L T P C

1Networksand Secu-

rity19EIT442 Cyber security and

EthicalHacking PE 3 0 0 3

2 Systems and Cloud 19EIT444 Cloud Infrastructure

Management PE 3 0 0 3


and Visual-ization

19EID442 Game Programming PE 3 0 0 3

4Software Engineer-

ing19EIT446 Software Reliability

Techniques PE 3 0 0 3


ArtificialIntelligence andExpert


19EIT448 Deep Learning PE 3 0 0 3

6 Data Science 19EIT450 Web Analytics PE 3 0 0 3

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Interdisciplinary Elective IS.

No. Stream Course Code Course Title Category L T P C








19EEC371 FundamentalsofCom-munication Systems ID 3 0 0 3

2 19EEC373 FundamentalsofGlob-al Positioning Systems ID 3 0 0 3

3 19EEI371 Sensors and Technol-ogy ID 3 0 0 3








19ECY371 Nano Science and Nano Technology ID 3 0 0 3







19EME371 Quantitative Tech-niquesforManage-ment

ID 3 0 0 3

6 19EME375 Enterprise Resource Planning ID 3 0 0 3

Interdisciplinary Elective IIS.

No. Stream Course Code Course Title Category L T P C






rses 19EBT463 Bioinformatics ID 3 0 0 3

2 19ECE471 Remote Sensing andGIS ID 3 0 0 3

3 19EEI471 Robotics and Automation ID 3 0 0 3

4 19EEI473 Virtual Instrumentation Systems ID 3 0 0 3








19EPH471 Quantum Computing ID 3 0 0 3





t C



19EIE471 Optimization Techniques ID 3 0 0 3

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Interdisciplinary Elective III S.

No. Stream Course Code Course Title Category L T P C







es19EEI475 Medical

Instrumentation ID 3 0 0 3

2 19EEI477 Industrial Automation ID 3 0 0 3

3 19EEC475 Microcontrollers and Interfacing ID 3 0 0 3







19ECE371 Disaster Management ID 3 0 0 3

5 19EIE474 Supply Chain Management ID 3 0 0 3

6 19EIE472 Total Quality Management ID 3 0 0 3

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B.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering(w.e.f.2019-20admittedbatch)

Semester I

S. No

Course Code Course Name Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EMA101

Engineering Mathematics I (Calculus and Algebra)

BS 3 0 0 3Common toallex-cept BT

2. 19EHS131 Communicative English I HS 2 0 3 3.5 Common

to all

3. 19ECY133/19EPH133

Chemistry of Materials/Applied Physics

BS 3 0 3 4.5 Common with CE

4. 19EID131/19EEE131

Problem Solving &Programming/Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering

ES 3 1 3 5.5 Common to all

5. 19EME121/19EME131

Workshop/Engi-neering Graphics ES 0/1 0 3 1.5/


to all

6. 19EMC181 NCC/NSS/NSO/YOGA MC 0 0 2 0 Common

to all

Total 18/19

Semester IIS. No

Course Code Course Name Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EMA102

Engineering Mathematics II (ODE, PDE and Multivariable Calculus)

BS 3 0 0 3

Common with ECE, EEE, CE and AE

2. 19EHS132 Communicative English II HS 2 0 3 3.5 Common

to all

3. 19EPH133/19ECY133

Applied Physics/Chemistry of Materials

BS 3 0 3 4.5 Common with CE

4. 19EME131/19EME121

Engineering Graphics/Workshop

ES 1/0 0 3 2.5/1.5

Common to all

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5. 19EEE131/19EID131

Basic Electrical &ElectronicsEngineering/ Problem Solving &Programming

ES 3 1 3 5.5 Common to all

6. 19EME122Mechanical Engineering Workshop

PC 0 0 3 1.5 Branch Specific

7. 19EMC181 NCC/NSS/NSO/YOGA MC 0 0 2 0 Common

to all

Total 20.5/19.5

Semester IIIS. No

Course Code Course Name Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EMA201

Engineering Mathematics III (Applications of PDE,ComplexVariables and Transform Techniques)

BS 3 0 0 3Common with CE and AE

2. 19EID231/19EID233

Life Sciences for Engineers/AI Tools

BS/ES 2 0 2 3 Common to all

3. 19EID235DesignThink-ing and Product Innovation

ES 2 0 2 3 Common to all

4. 19EME201 Engineering Mechanics PC 2 1 0 3 Common

with CE

5. 19EME203 Thermodynamics PC 2 1 0 3 Branch Specific

6. 19EME205 Material Science and Engineering PC 3 0 0 3 Branch


7 19EME221Computer Aided Machine Drawing

PC 1 0 3 2.5 Branch Specific

8. 19EMC281/19EMC283

Constitution of India/Environmental Sciences

MC 3 0 0 0 Mandatory Course

Total 20.5

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Semester IVS. No

Course Code Course Name Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EMA202

Engineering Mathematics IV (Numerical Meth-ods, Probability and Statistics)

BS 3 0 0 3Common with EEE and CE

2. 19EID233/19EID231

AI tools/Life Sciences for Engineers

ES/BS 2 0 2 3 Common to all

3. 19EME202 Strength of Materials PC 3 1 0 4 Branch


4. 19EME232 Applied Thermo-dynamics PC 2 1 3 4.5 Branch


5. 19EME234 FluidMechanics PC 3 1 3 5.5 Branch Specific

6 19EME204 Manufacturing Processes PC 3 0 0 3 Branch


7 19EMC283/19EMC281

Environmental Sciences/Consti-tution of India

MC 3 0 0 0 Mandato-ry Course

Total 23

Semester VS. No

Course Code Course Name Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EME331 Manufacturing Technology PC 3 0 3 4.5 Branch


2. 19EME301 Mechanics of Machinery PC 3 1 0 4 Branch


3. 19EID331 Internet of Things ES 2 0 2 3 Common

to all

4. 19EME3XX Program Elective I PE 3 0 0 3 Program


5. 19EOE3XX Open Elective I OE 3 0 0 3 Open Elective

6. 19EXX3XX Inter Disciplinary Elective I ID 3 0 0 3

Inter dis-ciplinary Elective

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7. 19EME321Material testing and Characteri-zationLab

PC 0 0 3 1.5 Branch Specific

Total 22.0

Semester VIS.No

Course Code Course Name Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EME332 Heat and Mass Transfer PC 3 1 3 5.5 Branch


2. 19EME302 Design of Ma-chine Elements PC 3 1 0 4 Branch


3. 19EME3XX Program Elective II PE 3 0 0 3 Program


4. 19EME3XX Program Elective III PE 3 0 0 3 Program

Elective5. 19EOE3XX Open Elective II OE 3 0 0 3

6. 19EHS302Engineering Economics and Management

HS 3 0 0 3

7 19EME322Design Analysis and Simulation Lab

PC 0 0 3 1.5 Branch Specific

8 19EMC382 Engineering Ethics MC 3 0 0 0 Mandatory

CourseTotal 23

Semester VIIS. No

Course Code Course Name Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EME431 Measurements and Metrology PC 3 0 2 4 Branch


2. 19EXX4XX Interdisciplinary Elective II ID 3 0 0 3

Inter dis-ciplinary Elective

3. 19EME4XX Program Elective IV PE 3 0 0 3 Program


4. 19EME4XX Program Elective V PE 3 0 0 3 Program


5. 19EHS405Operations Research and DecisionMaking

HS 3 0 0 3 Humanities

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6 19EME491 Project Phase I PW 0 0 6 27 19EME493 Internship* PW 2

Total 20

* Industrial Training / Research Projects in National Laboratories / Academic Institutions

Semester VIIIS. No

Course Code Course Name Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EXX47X Interdisciplinary Elective III ID 3 0 0 3

Inter dis-ciplinary Elective

2. 19EME4XXProgram Elective VI(MOOCs)

PE 3 0 0 3 Program Elective

3. 19EME492 Project Phase II PW - - 12 7Total 13

Total Number of Credits

Semester I II III IV V VI VII VIII TotalCredits 18/19 20.5/19.5 20.5 23 22 23 20 13 160

Category and Credits

Category Category Code Courses Credits


Credits suggested by


Humanities &SocialSciences

HSCommunicative English I

13 12Communicative English IIHS1 and HS2 (elective)

Basic Sci-ences BS

Engineering Physics

24 25Engineering Chemistry Mathematics (4 Courses)Life Sciences for Engineers

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Engineering Sciences ES

Problem Solving and Pro-gramming

24 24

Basic Electrical and Elec-tronics EngineeringAI ToolsEngineering GraphicsWorkshopDesignThinkingandProd-uct InnovationInternet of Things

Open Electives OE OE1, OE2 6

18Interdis-ciplinary Electives

ID ID1 - ID3 9

Program Electives PE PE1-PE6 18 18

Program Core PC PC1–PC16 55 48

Project PWInternship

11 15Project Phase IProject Phase II

Mandatory MCEnvironmental Science, Constitution of India, Engineering Ethics

- -

Total 160 160

Engineering Mathematics II S. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EMA102

Engineering Mathematics II (ODE, PDE and Multivariable Calculus)

BS 3 0 0 3

Offered for ECE, EEE,

ME, CE and AE

2. 19EMA104

Engineering Mathematics II (Probability and Statistics)

BS 3 0 0 3Offered for CSE and


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3. 19EMA106 Mathematics for Biotechnology II BS 3 0 0 3 Offered for


Engineering Mathematics IIIS. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EMA201

Engineering Mathematics III (Applications of PDE,ComplexVariables and Transform Techniques)

BS 3 0 0 3Offered for

ME, CE and AE

2. 19EMA203

Engineering Mathematics III(ComplexVariables and Transform Techniques)

BS 3 0 0 3Offered for ECE and


3. 19EMA205

Engineering Mathematics III (Discrete Mathematical Structures)

BS 3 0 0 3Offered for CSE and


4 19EMA207 Mathematics for Biotechnology III BS 3 0 0 3 Offered for


Engineering Mathematics IVS. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EMA202

Engineering Mathematics IV (Numerical Meth-ods, Probability and Statistics)

BS 3 0 0 3Offered for

CE, ME and EEE

2. 19EMA204

Engineering Mathematics IV (Probability Theory and Random Processes)

BS 3 0 0 3 Offered for ECE

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3. 19EMA206

Engineering Mathematics IV (Number Theory and Applications)

BS 3 0 0 3 Offered for CSE and IT

4 19EMA208 Mathematics for Biotechnology IV BS 3 0 0 3 Offered for


Engineering PhysicsS. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EPH131 Engineering Physics BS 3 0 3 4.5

Offered for ECE, CSE, EEE and IT

2. 19EPH133 Applied Physics BS 3 0 3 4.5Offered for

AE, CE and ME

3. 19EPH135 Physics for Biotechnology BS 3 0 3 4.5 Offered for


Engineering ChemistryS.No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19ECY131 Engineering Chemistry BS 3 0 3 4.5

Offered for ECE, CSE, EEE and IT

2. 19ECY133 Chemistry of Materials BS 3 0 3 4.5

Offered for AE, CE and


3. 19ECY135 Chemistry for Biotechnology BS 3 0 3 4.5 Offered for



S. No.

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C

1 19EOE301 JapaneseforBeginners OE 3 0 0 3

2 19EOE303 FrenchforBeginners OE 3 0 0 3

3 19EOE305 Biotechnology and Society OE 3 0 0 3

4 19EOE307 Contemporary Relevance of Indian Epics OE 3 0 0 3

5 19EOE309 Indian National Movement OE 3 0 0 3

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6 19EOE311 Engineering for Community Service OE 3 0 0 3

7 19EOE313 Personality Development OE 3 0 0 3

8 19EOE315 Telecommunications for Society OE 3 0 0 3

9 19EOE317 Electrical Safety OE 3 0 0 310 19LOE301 FundamentalsofCyberLaw OE 3 0 0 3

11 19MOE303 Introduction to International Business OE 3 0 0 3

12 19EOE319 Introduction to Music OE 3 0 0 3

13 19GOE301 Gandhian Philosophy OE 3 0 0 3

14 19EOE321 Environment and Ecology OE 3 0 0 3

15 19EOE323 Indian History OE 3 0 0 3

16 19EOE327 Professional Communication OE 3 0 0 3

Open Elective IIS.

No.Course Code Course Title Category L T P C

1 19EOE302 German for Beginners OE 3 0 0 32 19EOE304 Chinese for Beginners OE 3 0 0 33 19EOE306 Analytical Essay Writing OE 3 0 0 34 19EOE308 Indian Economy OE 3 0 0 35 19EOE310 Public Administration OE 3 0 0 36 19EOE312 Environmental Management OE 3 0 0 3

7 19EOE315 Telecommunications for Society OE 3 0 0 3

8 19EOE314 National Service Scheme OE 3 0 0 39 19EOE327 Professional Communication OE 3 0 0 310 19EOE317 Electrical Safety OE 3 0 0 311 19MOE301 BasicsofFinance OE 3 0 0 312 19LOE301 FundamentalsofCyberLaw OE 3 0 0 313 19EOE313 Personality Development OE 3 0 0 314 19MOE305 BasicsofMarketing OE 3 0 0 3

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Program Elective IS.No Stream Course

Code Course Name Category L T P C

1 Thermal/Renewable


19EME341 Turbomachinery PE 3 0 0 3

19EME343 Power Plant Engi-neering PE 3 0 0 3

2 Automobile Engineering 19EME345 Automobile Engi-

neering PE 3 0 0 3


and Manufac-turing

19EME347 Automated Material Handling Systems PE 3 0 0 3

19EME349 Microprocessors in Automation PE 3 0 0 3

4 Materials 19EME351 Mechanical Be-haviour of Materials PE 3 0 0 3



Product Design

19EME353 Advanced Strength of Materials PE 3 0 0 3

19EME355 Product Design PE 3 0 0 3

6 Industrial Engineering

19EME357 Industrial Engineer-ing&Management PE 3 0 0 3

19EME359 Materials Manage-ment PE 3 0 0 3

Program Elective IIS. No Stream Course

Code Course Name Category L T P C


Renewable Energy

19EME340 Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning PE 3 0 0 3

19EME342 Renewable Energy Technology PE 3 0 0 3

2 Automobile Engineering 19EME344 Electric and Hybrid

Vehicles PE 3 0 0 3


and Manufac-turing

19EME346 CAD/CAM PE 3 0 0 3

19EME348 Sensors for Intelli-gent Manufacturing PE 3 0 0 3

4 Materials 19EME350 Material Character-isation PE 3 0 0 3

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5Design/Product Design

19EME352 FiniteElementAnalysis PE 3 0 0 3

19EME354 Design of Transmis-sion Systems PE 3 0 0 3

6 Industrial Engineering

19EME356 Enterprise Resource Planning PE 3 0 0 3

19EME358 Statistical Quality Control PE 3 0 0 3

Program Elective IIIS. No Stream Course

Code Course Name Category L T P C


Renewable Energy

19EME360 FuelCellsandHy-drogen Storage PE 3 0 0 3

19EME362 Solar Energy PE 3 0 0 3

2 Automobile Engineering 19EME364 Automotive Trans-

mission Systems PE 3 0 0 3


and Manufac-turing

19EME366 CNC and Adaptive Control PE 3 0 0 3

19EME368Manufacturing of Automobile Compo-nents

PE 3 0 0 3

4 Materials 19EME370 Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) PE 3 0 0 3



Product Design

19EME372 Tribology PE 3 0 0 3

19EME374Design for Manufac-turing and Assembly PE 3 0 0 3

6 Industrial Engineering

19EME376 Inventory control PE 3 0 0 3

19EME378 Plant Layout and FacilitiesPlanning PE 3 0 0 3

Program Elective IVS. No Stream Course

Code Course Name Category L T P C



Renewable Energy

19EME441 ComputationalFluidDynamics PE 3 0 0 3

19EME443 Wind Energy PE 3 0 0 3

2 Automobile Engineering 19EME445 Autotronics PE 3 0 0 3

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and Manufac-turing

19EME447 Computer Integrated Manufacturing PE 3 0 0 3

19EME449Manufacturing Methods in Precision Engineering

PE 3 0 0 3

4 Materials 19EME451 Composite Materials PE 3 0 0 3



Product Design

19EME453 CreepFatigueandFracture PE 3 0 0 3

19EME455Design of Oil Hy-draulic and Pneumat-ic Systems

PE 3 0 0 3

6 Industrial Engineering

19EME457 Production Planning and Control PE 3 0 0 3

19EME459 Logistics and Supply Chain Management PE 3 0 0 3

Program Elective VS. No Stream Course

Code Course Name Category L T P C

1 Thermal/Renewable


19EME461 Energy Conservation and Management PE 3 0 0 3

19EME463 Bioenergy PE 3 0 0 3

2 Automobile Engineering 19EME465

Modern Technolo-gy in Automobile Engineering

PE 3 0 0 3


and Manufac-turing

19EME467 Automation in Man-ufacturing PE 3 0 0 3

19EME469 Roboticsandit’sApplications PE 3 0 0 3

4 Materials 19EME471 Polymeric Materials PE 3 0 0 3

5Design/Product Design

19EME473 Mechanical Vibra-tions PE 3 0 0 3

19EME475 Product Life Cycle Management (PLM) PE 3 0 0 3

6 Industrial Engineering

19EME477 HumanFactorsEngineering PE 3 0 0 3

19EME479 Management Infor-mation Systems PE 3 0 0 3

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Program Elective VIS. No Stream Course

Code Course Name Category L T P C

1 Thermal/Renewable


19EME440 Energy Storage and Conversion Systems PE 3 0 0 3

19EME442 Energy and Environ-ment PE 3 0 0 3

2 Automobile Engineering 19EME444

AlternateFuelsandEmission Control in Automotives

PE 3 0 0 3


and Manufac-turing

19EME446 Modern Manufac-turing Methods PE 3 0 0 3

19EME448 Additive Manufac-turing PE 3 0 0 3

4 Materials 19EME450 Nano Materials/Nano Science PE 3 0 0 3

5Design/Product Design

19EME452 Smart materials and Structures PE 3 0 0 3

19EME454Condition moni-toring and signal processing

PE 3 0 0 3

6 Industrial Engineering

19EME456 OptimizationTech-niques PE 3 0 0 3

19EME458 Project Planning and Management PE 3 0 0 3


Interdisciplinary Elective IS.

No. Stream Course Code Course Title Category L T P C








19EEC373FundamentalsofGlobal Positioning Systems

ID 3 0 0 3

2 19EEC371FundamentalsofCommunication System

ID 3 0 0 3

3 19EEI477 Industrial Automa-tion ID 3 0 0 3

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19ECS457Introduction to Da-tabase Management Systems

ID 3 0 0 3

5 19EIT371Object Oriented Programming with C++

ID 3 0 0 3

6 Man



t C



19EIE375Business Ethics and Corporate Gover-nance

ID 3 0 0 3

Interdisciplinary Elective IIS.

No. Stream Course Code Course Title Category L T P C







es 19EEI472 Micro Electro Me-chanical Systems ID 3 0 0 3

2 19EEI371 Sensors and Tech-nology ID 3 0 0 3




r Orie





19EIT474 Introduction to Data Science ID 3 0 0 3

4 19EIT373Introduction to Programming with JAVA

ID 3 0 0 3

5 19EIT473 Web Technologies ID 3 0 0 3

6 19ECS461Applications of AI in Mechanical Engineering

ID 3 0 0 3








es 19EIE475 Entrepreneurship Development ID 3 0 0 3

Interdisciplinary Elective IIIS.

No. Stream Course Code Course Title Category L T P C







rses 19ECE472 Disaster Manage-

ment ID 3 0 0 3

2 19EEI473 Virtual Instrumen-tation ID 3 0 0 3

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19ECS459 Introduction to Ma-chine Learning ID 3 0 0 3

4 19EIT476 Cloud Computing ID 3 0 0 3

5 19ECS457 Introduction to Big Data ID 3 0 0 3

6 19ECS463IOT applications in Mechanical Engineering

ID 3 0 0 3





t C



19EIE475OrganizationalDevelopment Theory

ID 3 0 0 3

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B. Tech. in Aerospace Engineering(w.e.f.2019-20admittedbatch)

Semester I

S. No

Course Code Course Name Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EMA101

Engineering Mathematics I(Calculus and Algebra)

BS 3 0 0 3

Common to all except


2. 19EHS131 Communicative English I HS 2 0 3 3.5 Common

to all

3. 19ECY133/19EPH133

Chemistry of Materials/Applied Physics

BS 3 0 3 4.5 Common to all

4. 19EID131/19EEE131

Problem Solving and Programming/ Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering

ES 3 1 3 5.5 Common to all

5. 19EME121/19EME131

Workshop/Engi-neering Graphics ES 0/1 0 3 1.5/


to all

6. 19EMC181 NCC/NSS/NSO/YOGA MC 0 0 2 0 Common

to all


Semester IIS. No

Course Code Course Name Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EMA102

Engineering Math-ematics II (ODE, PDE and Multivari-able Calculus)

BS 3 0 0 3

Common with ECE,

EEE, ME and CE

2. 19EHS132 Communicative English II HS 2 0 3 3.5 Common

to all

3. 19EPH133/19ECY133

Applied Physics/Chemistry of Ma-terials

BS 3 0 3 4.5 Common to all

4. 19EME131/19EME121

Engineering Graph-ics/BasicWorkshop ES 1/0 0 3 2.5/


to all

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5. 19EEE131/19EID131

Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering/ Prob-lem Solving and Programming

ES 3 1 3 5.5 Common to all

6. 19EAE102Introduction to Aerospace Engi-neering

PC 2 0 0 2 Branch Specific

7 19EAE122 Aeromodelling PC 0 0 2 1 Branch Specific

8. 19EMC181 NCC/NSS/NSO/YOGA MC 0 0 2 0 Common

to all

Total 22/21

Semester IIIS. No

Course Code Course Name Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EMA201

Engineering Mathematics III (Applications of PDE,ComplexVariables and Trans-form Techniques)

BS 3 0 0 3Common with ME and CE

2. 19EID231/19EID233

Life Sciences for Engineers BS 2 0 2 3 Common

to all

3. 19EID235DesignThinkingand Product Inno-vation

ES 2 0 2 3 Common to all

4. 19EME201 Engineering Mechanics PC 2 1 0 3 Common

with ME

5. 19EAE201 Thermodynamics PC 2 1 0 3 Branch Specific

6. 19EAE203 Aerospace Materials Engg. PC 3 0 0 3 Branch


7 19EAE221 Computer Aided Aircraft Drawing PC 0 0 3 1.5 Branch


8 19EMC281 Constitution of India MC 3 0 0 0

Man-datory Course

Total 19.5

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Semester IVS. No

Course Code Course Name Category L T P C Remarks

1 19EAE202 FluidMechanics PC 3 1 0 4 Branch Specific

2. 19EAE204 Mechanics of Solids PC 3 1 0 4 Branch Specific

3. 19EAE206 Aircraft Propulsion PC 3 1 0 4 Branch Specific

4. 19EAE208 Instrumentation and control PC 3 0 0 3 Branch


5. 19EAE222FluidMechanicsand Mechanics of Solids lab

PC 0 0 3 1.5 Branch Specific

6 19EAE224 Materials and Ma-chine tool lab PC 0 0 3 1.5 Branch


7 19EAE226 Flightsystemslab PC 1 0 2 2 Branch Specific

8 19EMC282 Environmental Science MC 3 0 0 0

Man-datory Course

Total 20

Semester VS. No

Course Code Course Name Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EAE301 Aerodynamics I PC 3 1 0 4 Branch Specific

2. 19EAE303 Mechanics of Aero-space Structures PC 3 1 0 4 Branch


3. 19EAE305 FlightMechanics PC 3 0 0 3 Branch Specific

4. 19EID331 Internet of Things ES 2 0 2 3 Common to all

5. 19EOE3XX Open Elective I OE 3 0 0 3 Open Elective

6. 19EXX3XX Interdisciplinary Elective I ID 3 0 0 3

Inter dis-ciplinary Elective

7. 19EAE321 Aircraft Propulsion Lab PC 0 0 3 1.5 Branch


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8. 19EAE391 Project Phase I PW 0 0 2 1Total 22.5

Semester VIS.No

Course Code Course Name Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EAE302 Aerodynamics II PC 3 1 2 5 Branch Specific

2. 19EAE304Analysis of Aero-space Structures

PC 3 1 2 5 Branch Specific

3. 19EAE3XX Program Elective I PE 3 0 0 3 Program Elective

4. 19EAE3XX Program Elective II PE 3 0 0 3 Program Elective

5. 19EOE3XX Open Elective II OE 3 0 0 3 Open Elective

6. 19EHS302Engineering Economics and Management

HS 3 0 0 3 Human-ities

7. 19EMC382 Engineering Ethics MC 3 0 0 0Man-datory Course

8. 19EAE392 Project Phase II PW 0 0 2 1Total 23

Semester VIIS. No

Course Code Course Name Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EAE401 FlightVehicleDesign PC 2 0 2 3 Branch


2. 19EXX4XX Inter disciplinary Elective-II ID 3 0 0 3

Inter dis-ciplinary Elective

3. 19EAE4XX Program Elec-tive-III PE 3 0 0 3 Program


4. 19EME4XX Program Elec-tive-IV PE 3 0 0 3 Program


5. 19EHS403 OrganizationalBehavior HS 3 0 0 3 Human-


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6. 19EAE421

FiniteElementAnalysis and Com-putationalFluidDynamics Lab

PC 0 0 3 1.5 Branch Specific

7. 19EAE491 Project Phase III PW 0 0 6 38. 19EME425 Internship* PW 1.5

Total 21

* Industrial Training / Research Projects in National Laboratories / Academic Institutions

Semester VIIIS. No

Course Code Course Name Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EXX4XX Interdisciplinary Elective III ID 3 0 0 3

Inter dis-ciplinary Elective

2. 19EAE4XX Program Elective V PE 3 0 0 3 Program Elective

3. 19EAE4XX Program Elective VI PE 3 0 0 3 Program

Elective3. 19EAE492 Project Phase IV PW - - 10 5 Total 14

Total Number of CreditsSemester I II III IV V VI VII VIII TotalCredits 18/19 22/21 19.5 20 22.5 23 21 14 160

Category and Credits

Category Category Code Courses

Credits sug-

gested by




Communicative English I13Communicative English II

HS1 and HS2 (elective)

Basic Sciences BS

Engineering Physics

21Engineering Chemistry Mathematics (3 Courses)Life Sciences for Engineers

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Engineering Sciences ES

Problem Solving and Programming


Basic Electrical and Electronics EngineeringEngineering GraphicsWorkshopDesignThinkingandProductInnova-tionInternet of Things

Open Electives OE OE1, OE2 6Interdisciplin-ary Electives ID ID1 - ID3 9

Program Elec-tives PE PE1-PE6 18

Program Core PC PC1 – PC211 60.5

Project PW


11.5Project Phase IProject Phase IIProject Phase IIIProject Phase IV

Mandatory MC Environmental Science, Constitution of India, Engineering Ethics -

Total 160

Engineering Mathematics II S. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EMA102

Engineering Math-ematics II (ODE, PDE and Multivari-able Calculus)

BS 3 0 0 3

Offered for ECE,

EEE, ME, CE and


2. 19EMA104Engineering Mathe-matics II (Probabil-ity and Statistics)

BS 3 0 0 3Offered for CSE and IT

3. 19EMA106 Mathematics for Biotechnology II BS 3 0 0 3 Offered

for BT

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Engineering Mathematics IIIS. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EMA201

Engineering Mathe-matics III (Appli-cations of PDE, ComplexVariablesand Transform Techniques)

BS 3 0 0 3Offered for

ME, CE and AE

2. 19EMA203

Engineering Mathe-maticsIII(ComplexVariables and Trans-formTechniques)

BS 3 0 0 3Offered for ECE and


3. 19EMA205

Engineering Mathe-matics III (Discrete Mathematical Structures)

BS 3 0 0 3Offered for CSE and IT

4. 19EMA207 Mathematics for Biotechnology III BS 3 0 0 3 Offered for


Engineering Mathematics IVS. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EMA202

Engineering Mathe-matics IV (Nu-merical Methods, Probability and Statistics)

BS 3 0 0 3Offered for CE, ME and


2. 19EMA204

Engineering Mathematics IV (Probability Theory and Random Processes)

BS 3 0 0 3 Offered for ECE

3. 19EMA206

Engineering Mathematics IV (Number Theory and Applications)

BS 3 0 0 3 Offered for CSE and IT

4. 19EMA208 Mathematics for Biotechnology IV BS 3 0 0 3 Offered for


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Engineering Physics S. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19EPH131 Engineering Physics BS 3 0 3 4.5Offered for ECE, CSE, EEE and IT

2. 19EPH133 Applied Physics BS 3 0 3 4.5Offered for AE, CE and


3. 19EPH135 Physics for Biotech-nology BS 3 0 3 4.5 Offered for


Engineering ChemistryS. No

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C Remarks

1. 19ECY131 Engineering Chem-istry BS 3 0 3 4.5

Offered for ECE, CSE, EEE and IT

2. 19ECY133 Chemistry of Materials BS 3 0 3 4.5

Offered for AE, CE and


3. 19ECY135 Chemistry for Biotechnology BS 3 0 3 4.5 Offered for



Open Elective I

S. No.

Course Code Course Title Category L T P C

1 19EOE301 JapaneseforBeginners OE 3 0 0 3

2 19EOE303 FrenchforBeginners OE 3 0 0 3

3 19EOE305 Biotechnology and Society OE 3 0 0 3

4 19EOE307 Contemporary Relevance of Indian Epics OE 3 0 0 3

5 19EOE309 Indian National Movement OE 3 0 0 3

6 19EOE311 Engineering for Community Service OE 3 0 0 3

7 19EOE313 Personality Development OE 3 0 0 3

8 19EOE315 Telecommunications for Society OE 3 0 0 3

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9 19EOE317 Electrical Safety OE 3 0 0 310 19MOE301 FundamentalsofCyberLaw OE 3 0 0 3

11 19MOE303 Introduction to International Business OE 3 0 0 3

12 19EOE319 Introduction to Music OE 3 0 0 3

13 19GOE301 Gandhian Philosophy OE 3 0 0 3

14 19EOE321 Environment and Ecology OE 3 0 0 3

15 19EOE323 Indian History OE 3 0 0 3

16 19EOE327 Professional Communication OE 3 0 0 3

Open Elective IIS.

No.Course Code Course Title Category L T P C

1 19EOE302 German for Beginners OE 3 0 0 32 19EOE304 Chinese for Beginners OE 3 0 0 33 19EOE306 Analytical Essay Writing OE 3 0 0 34 19EOE308 Indian Economy OE 3 0 0 35 19EOE310 Public Administration OE 3 0 0 36 19EOE312 Environmental Management OE 3 0 0 37 19EOE315 Telecommunications for Society OE 3 0 0 38 19EOE312 National Service Scheme OE 3 0 0 39 19EOE327 Professional Communication OE 3 0 0 310 19EOE317 Electrical Safety OE 3 0 0 311 19MOE301 BasicsofFinance OE 3 0 0 312 19LOE301 FundamentalsofCyberLaw OE 3 0 0 313 19EOE313 Personality Development OE 3 0 0 314 19MOE303 BasicsofMarketing OE 3 0 0 3


Program Elective IS. No Stream Course

Code Course Name Category L T P C

1 Aerodynam-ics 19EAE342 Industrial Aerody-

namics PE 3 0 0 3

2 Propulsion 19EAE344 Combustion Tech-nology PE 3 0 0 3

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3 Structures 19EAE346 Advanced Aero-space Structures PE 3 0 0 3

4FlightMe-chanics and

Control19EAE348 Flight

Dynamics PE 3 0 0 3

Program Elective II S. No Stream Course

Code Course Name Category L T P C

1 Aerodynam-ics 19EAE352 Boundary Layer

Theory PE 3 0 0 3

2 Propulsion 19EAE354 Aerospace Propul-sion PE 3 0 0 3

3 Structures 19EAE356 Vibrations and Acoustics PE 3 0 0 3

4FlightMe-chanics and


19EAE358 Guidance and Control

PE 3 0 0 319EAE360 Aircraft Systems

and Instruments

Program Elective III

S. No Stream Course

Code Course Name Category L T P C

1 Aerodynam-ics 19EAE441 Wind Tunnel

Techniques PE 3 0 0 3

2 Propulsion 19EAE443 Theory of Cryo-genics PE 3 0 0 3

3 Structures 19EAE445Introduction to FiniteElementAnalysis

PE 3 0 0 3

4FlightMe-chanics and

Control19EAE447 Space

Technology PE 3 0 0 3

Program Elective IVS. No Stream Course

Code Course Name Category L T P C

1 Aerodynam-ics 19EAE451 Computational

FluidDynamics PE 3 0 0 3

2 Propulsion 19EAE453 Aerodynamics of Turbo Machinery PE 3 0 0 3

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3 Structures 19EAE455 Theory of Elasticity PE 3 0 0 3

4FlightMe-chanics and

Control19EAE457 Satellite Attitude

and Control PE 3 0 0 3

5 General 19EAE459 Helicopter Engi-neering PE 3 0 0 3

Program Elective VS. No Stream Course

Code Course Name Category L T P C

1 Aerodynam-ics 19EAE442 Hypersonic Aero-

dynamics PE 3 0 0 3

2 Propulsion 19EAE444 RocketsandMis-siles PE 3 0 0

3 Structures 19EAE446 Aero Elasticity PE 3 0 0 3

4FlightMe-chanics and

Control19EAE448 Avionics PE 3 0 0 3

5 General 19EAE450Design of Aircraft Structures for Cost Optimization

PE 3 0 0 3

Program Elective VIS. No Stream Course

Code Course Name Category L T P C

1 Aerodynam-ics 19EAE452 FlappingWing

Aerodynamics PE 3 0 0 3

2 Propulsion 19EAE454 Air Transportation Systems PE 3 0 0 3

3 Structures 19EAE456 Experimental Techniques PE 3 0 0 3

4FlightMe-chanics and

Control19EAE458 Space Mechanics PE 3 0 0 3

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S. No. Stream Course

Code Course Title Category L T P C







19EEC373FundamentalsofGlobal Positioning System

ID 3 0 0 3

2 19EEC371FundamentalsofCommunication System

ID 3 0 0 3

3 19EEI477 Industrial Automa-tion ID 3 0 0 3

4 19ECY371 NanoScience&Nano Technology ID 3 0 0 3

5 19EME301 Mechanics of Ma-chinery ID 3 0 0 3

6 19EME331 Manufacturing Technology PC 3 0 0 3




r Orie




19ECS345Introduction to Data Base Management Systems

ID 3 0 0 3

8 19EIT371Object Oriented Programming with C++

ID 3 0 0 3

9 19EIT373Introduction to Programming with JAVA

ID 3 0 0 3





t C



19EIE375Business Ethics and Corporate Gover-nance

ID 3 0 0 3

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Interdisciplinary Elective IIS.

No. Stream Course Code Course Title Category L T P C







es19EEE471 Renewable Energy

Sources ID 3 0 0 3

2 19EEE473 Hybrid Electric Vehicles ID 3 0 0 3

3 19EEI471 Robotics&Auto-mation ID 3 0 0 3

4 19EEI472 Micro Electro Me-chanical System ID 3 0 0 3

5 19EEI371 Sensors&Tech-nology ID 3 0 0 3

6 19EME332 Heat and Mass Transfer ID 3 0 3 3

7 19EME346 CAD/CAM ID 3 0 0 3

8 19EME451 Composite Mate-rials ID 3 0 0 3




r Orie


ed C



19ECS455 Introduction to Op-erating Systems ID 3 0 0 3

10 19EIT471 Introduction to Soft-ware Engineering ID 3 0 0 3

11 19EIT493 Web Technologies ID 3 0 0 3


agement Courses

19EIE475 Entrepreneurship Development ID 3 0 0 3

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Interdisciplinary Elective IIIS.

No. Stream Course Code Course Title Category L T P C




al C


es19ECE472 Disaster Manage-

ment ID 3 0 0 3

2 19EEC475 Micro-controllers&Interfacing ID 3 0 0 3

3 19EEI473 Virtual Instrumen-tation ID 3 0 0 3

4 19EEI475 Medical Instrumen-tation ID 3 0 0 3

5 19EME447 Computer Integrated Manufacturing ID 3 0 0 3

6 19EME450 Nano Materials/Nano Science ID 0 0 3 3




r Orie



rses 19ECS459 Machine Learning ID 3 0 0 3

8 19EIT472 Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality ID 3 0 0 3

9 19EIT476 Cloud Computing ID 3 0 0 3

10 19ECS475 Introduction to Big Data ID 3 0 0 3

11 19EIT474 Introduction to Data Science ID 3 0 0 3





t C



19EIE474 Supply Chain Management ID 3 0 0 3

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(Common to all branches of Engineering except Biotechnology)

L T P C3 0 0 3

This course is designed for the students of all B.Tech programmes except for Biotechnology as a prerequisite for the core programmes. The course imparts concepts of calculus and matrix algebra that are essential in applications in solving engineering problems.

Course Objectives:

• Tofamiliarizethestudentswiththetheoryofmatricesandquadraticforms.

• Toexplaintheseriesexpansionsusingmeanvaluetheorems.• Toteachbasicconceptsofpartialderivatives.• Toexplaintheevaluationofdoubleintegralsanditsapplications.• Todemonstratetheevaluationandapplicationsoftripleintegrals.

Unit I: Matrices 10 L

Rankofamatrixbyechelonform,solvingsystemofhomogeneousandnon-homogeneous linearequations,eigenvalues,eigenvectorsand theirproperties, Cayley-Hamilton theorem (without proof), finding inverseandpowerofamatrixbyCayley-Hamilton theorem,diagonalisationofamatrix,quadraticformsandnatureofthequadraticforms,reductionofquadraticformtocanonicalformsbyorthogonaltransformation.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to

• solvesystemofhomogeneousandnon-homogeneouslinearequations(L3).

• findtheeigenvaluesandeigenvectorsofamatrix(L3).• identifyspecialpropertiesofamatrix(L3).

Unit II: Mean Value Theorems 6 L

Rolle’s theorem,Lagrange’smeanvalue theorem,Cauchy’smeanvaluetheorem, Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s theorems with remainders (withoutproof).

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Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to

• demonstratethegivenfunctionasseriesofTaylor’sandMaclaurin’swith remainders (L3).

• illustrate series expansions of functions using mean value theorems(L3).

Unit III: Multivariable Calculus 8 L

Partial derivatives, total derivatives, chain rule, change of variables, Jacobian,maximaandminimaoffunctionsof twovariables,methodofLagrange multipliers.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to

• interpretpartialderivativesasafunctionofseveralvariables(L3).• apply Jacobian concept to deal with the problems in change of

variables (L3).• evaluatemaximaandminimaoffunctions(L3).

Unit IV: Multiple Integrals I 8 L

Double integrals, change of order of integration, double integration in polar coordinates, area enclosed by plane curves.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to

• applydoubleintegralsincartesianandpolarcoordinates(L4).• calculate the areas bounded by a region using double integration


Unit V: Multiple Integrals II 8 L

Evaluation of triple integrals, change of variables (cartesian, cylindrical and spherical polar co-ordinates), volume as triple integral.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to

• apply multiple integrals in cartesian, cylindrical and sphericalgeometries (L3).

• evaluatevolumesusingtripleintegrals(L4).

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Text Book(s):

1. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 10/e, JohnWiley&Sons,2018.

2. B. S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, 44/e, Khanna Publishers,2017.


1. R.K.JainandS.R.K.Iyengar,AdvancedEngineeringMathematics,3/e,AlphaScienceInternationalLtd.,2002.

2. George B. Thomas, Maurice D. Weir and Joel R. Hass, Thomas’Calculus,13/e,PearsonPublishers,2014.

3. GlynJames,AdvancedModernEngineeringMathematics,4/e,PearsonPublishers,2011.

Course Outcomes:

After completion of this course, the student will be able to

• utilizethetechniquesofmatrixalgebraforpracticalapplications(L3)• applymeanvaluetheoremstoengineeringproblems(L3)• utilizefunctionsofseveralvariablesinoptimization(L3)• employthetoolsofcalculusforcalculatingtheareas(L3)• calculatevolumesusingmultipleintegrals(L3)

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L T P C2 0 3 3.5

The course is a unified approach to enhance language skills of the learners with an aim to hone their social skills and increase their employability. It is designed to acquaint the learners with the necessary LSRW (Listening / Speaking / Reading / Writing) skills needed either for recruitment or further studies abroad for which they attempt international exams like TOEFL, IELTS and GRE. It enables the learners improve their communication skills which are crucial in an academic environment as well as professional and personal lives.

Course Objectives• Toenablestudentstodeveloplisteningskillsforbettercomprehension

of academic presentations, lectures and speeches.• Tohonethespeakingskillsofstudentsbyengagingtheminvarious

activities such as just a minute (JAM), group discussions, oralpresentations, and role plays.

• ToexposelearnerstokeyReadingtechniquessuchasSkimmingandScanningforcomprehensionofdifferenttexts.

• To acquaint the students with effective strategies of paragraph andessay writing, and formal correspondence such as email, letters and resume.

• To provide students with the critical impetus necessary to forge apath in an academic environment, on the job, and in an increasingly complex,interdependentworld.

• Toenablelearnerstounderstandtheuniversalityofhumanexperienceinliterarytextsandhaveamoresignificantinsightintohumanvalues.

Unit I 14 L

Reading: “Of Studies” by Francis Bacon. Writing: Principles of writing:clarity,simplicity,brevity,singlefocus,organizationofthoughts.Grammar, Vocabulary & Pronunciation: Sentence Structure: use of phrases & clauses in sentences; punctuation, word formation, wordfamilies: nouns, verbs, adjectives adverbs. Listening & Speaking (English Language Laboratory & Activity Lab): Introduction to Phonetics: Vowels, Introducing Oneself.

Learning Outcomes

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to

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• understand the importance of knowledge in terms of its practicalapplication towards the individual and the society (L2).

• writewithclarity,simplicityandbrevity(L3).• usephrases,clausesandpunctuationappropriately(l3).• applytherightpartsofspeechinasentence(L3).• recognizeanduttervowelsoundsinwordscorrectly(L1).• learnhowtocreateacommendableimpressionthroughtherightusage

ofwordsandexpressions(L2).• introduce themselves effectively in different social and professional


Unit II 14 L

Reading:“ScientistinTraining:TheOxfordYears”StephenHawking’sBiography. Writing: Note Making- organizing techniques: providinga suitable title, headings and sub headings; methods of sequencing.Grammar, Vocabulary & Pronunciation: Articles, standard abbreviations. Listening & Speaking (English Language Laboratory & Activity Lab):IntroductiontoPhonetics:Consonants;JAM(Just–A–Minutespeakingsessions)

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to

• thinkandperformagainstalloddsandtrytobesuccessful(L3).• comprehendandorganizethoughtsinaconciseandmeaningfulway

formakingnotes(L2).• record and review information anddevelop timemanagement skills

(L5).• usearticlesappropriatelyinwriting(L3).• useabbreviationsinNoteMaking(L3).• recognizeandutterconsonantsoundsinwordscorrectly(L1).• organisethoughtsandarticulaterelevantideasinasequentialmanner

(L3).• speakspontaneouslyonagiventopic(L6).

Unit III 14 L

Reading: “The Teenage Years’ by Sarah Gray. Writing : Paragraph Writing-Organization:topicsentence,supportingsentences,theconcludingsentence, creating coherence. Grammar, Vocabulary & Pronunciation: Tense; prefixes& suffixes. Listening & Speaking (English Language Laboratory & Activity Lab): Listening for intonation, stress and rhythm & pronunciation; Common everyday situations: conversations anddialogues.

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Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to

• knowhowtobecomestrongandwisewithgrowingage(L5).• understandandappreciatepoetryforitsdiction,tone,rhythm,structure

andbecreative(L5).• use pre-writing strategies to develop ideas and produce drafts of

different types of paragraphs (L3).• writeaparagraphusingappropriatecohesivedevices(L3).• usecorrecttenseformsandappropriatestructuresinspeechandwritten

communication (L3).• useprefixesandsuffixesforeffectivecommunication(L1).• selecttherequisitelisteningskillssuchascritical/evaluative/selective


• apply different listening skills needed for personal and professionalsituations (L3).

• takepartineverydayconversationsconfidentlyandcomfortably(L3).

Unit IV 14 L

Reading:“UnlockYourOwnCreativity”byRobertVonOech.Writing: Paraphrasing -techniques of paraphrasing: Replacement of words andphrases, change of sentence structures. Grammar, Vocabulary & Pronunciation: Subject-verb agreement; Synonyms. Listening & Speaking (English Language Laboratory & Activity Lab): Listening comprehension: listening for the main idea, listening for specificinformation;Discussioninpairsandsmallgroups.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to

• understanddifferentdimensionsoftheterm‘creativity’andcanrealizethat they can be the pioneers of creativity by germinating new ideas on thefertilesoilofsoftthinking(L6).

• paraphrase short academic texts using apt strategies and avoidplagiarism (L3).

• construct grammatically correct sentences with proper subject-verbagreement (L3).

• enrichtheirvocabulary(L1).• understandthesignificanceofproperpronunciation(L1).• speakusingrightintonation,stressandrhythm(L3).• participate in group discussions and learn to speak clearly using


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• comprehendandrelatetheimportanceofgroupdynamicsforsuccess(L4).

Unit V 14 L

Reading: “A Talk on Advertising” by Herman Wouk ReadingComprehension: skimming & scanning. Writing : Writing Essays -writing introduction , body and conclusion. Grammar, Vocabulary & Pronunciation : Prepositions, antonyms. Listening & Speaking (English Language Laboratory & Activity Lab): Listening to discussions: focus onlanguagedevices;groupdiscussions.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to

• dealwiththewebofoverwhelmingadvertisements(L2).• experienceuniquestyleofexpressinginEnglish(L6).• applydifferentreadingskillstocomprehendanygivenpassage(L3).• produce awell organized essaywith adequate supporting evidences

(L3).• useprepositionsoftime,placeandposition(L3).• comprehendshortlectures/speechesandsummarizethecontentwith

clarity and precision (L2).• identifyimportantpointsinadiscussion(L1).• contributevalidideastoadiscussionwithclarityandprecision(L3).

Text Book(s) :

1. Avenues: Course Book I for Enhancing English Language andCommunicationSkills byOrientBlackSwanPrivateLimited, India,2019.


1. C Muralikrishna and Sunita Mishra, Communication Skills forEngineers,DorlingKindesleyPearsonEducation,India,2014.

2. Mamta Bhatnagar and Nitin Bhatnagar, Communicative English for Engineers and Professionals, Dorling Kindesley Pearson Education, India,2010.

3. Adair,John.EffectiveCommunication.London:PanMacmillanLtd.,2003.

4. Andrea J. Rutherford, Basic Communication Skills for Technology,2ndEdition,PearsonIndia,2001.

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Course Outcomes

After completion of this course, the student will be able to

• communicateconfidentlyinEnglishinsocialandprofessionalcontextswithimprovedskillsoffluencyandaccuracy(L6).

• write grammatically correct sentences employing appropriatevocabularysuitabletodifferentcontexts(L3).

• comprehendandanalyzedifferentacademictexts(L4).• effectivelyhandleacademicwritingtaskssuchasparagraphwriting,

précis writing, paraphrasing and essay writing (L3). • effectively handle formal correspondence like e-mail drafting and

letter writing (L3).• thinkcritically,analytically,creativelyandexpressideasandcontent


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L T P C3 0 3 4.5

This course is designed for students of Aerospace, Civil and Mechanical Engineering. It introduces fundamentals of elasticity and thermal properties – the essentials for understanding the behaviour of materials. Mechanics of solids is taught to acquaint them with the behaviour of rigid objects. An introduction to sensors will be useful for all the branches as an application of modern technology.

Course Objectives

• Toacquaint thebasicconceptsof soundwavesandprinciples inacoustic design.

• Tointroducetheconceptsofelasticity,strainhardeningandfailurein materials and impart the relation between stress and strain.

• Toimpart thephenomenonofheat transfersoastounderstandawide variety of practical engineering problems.

• To demonstrate the use of Newton’s laws of motion forunderstanding the mechanics of a particle.

• Toexplaintheworkingprincipleandconstructionofdifferenttypesof sensors.

Unit I: Mechanics (10 L)

Basic lawsof vectors and scalars;Rotational frames;Conservative andnon-conservativeforces;F=-gradV;Centralforces;Elliptical,parabolicand hyperbolic orbits; Noninertial frames of reference; Centripetalacceleration; Harmonic oscillator; Damped harmonic motion; Forcedoscillations and resonance. Degrees of freedom.

Learning outcomes

After completion of this unit the student will be able to

• explain forces and moments in mechanical systems using scalar andvectortechniques(L2).

• interprettheequationofmotionofarigidrotatingbody(torqueona rigid body) (L3).

• applytheNewton’ssecondlawforinertialandnoninertialframeofreference (L3).

• summarize harmonic motion in undamped, damped and forced oscillations (L2).

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Unit II: Elasticity 8 L

Concepts of elasticity and plasticity, stress and strain, Hooke’s law,differentmoduliofelasticity,Poisson’s ratio, strainenergy, stress-straindiagram, elastic behavior of a material, factors affecting elasticity, relation between different moduli of elasticity, determination of elastic moduli.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to• explain the basic concepts of elasticity (L2) .• determinegraphicallyamaterial’smechanicalpropertiesinterms

of its one dimensional stress-strain curve (L2).• derivethegeneralizedHooke’slawbyrecognizingthebasicstress-

strain response of isotropic materials (L3).• define several elastic constants and determine the relationship

between them (L1).

Unit III Thermal Properties 10 L

Transfer of heat energy; Thermal expansion of solids and liquids;Expansionjoints-bimetallicstrips;Thermalconduction,convectionandradiationandtheirfundamentallaws;Heatconductionsinsolids;Thermalconductivity - Forbe’s and Lee’s disc method: theory and experiment;Applications(qualitativeonly):heatexchangers,refrigerators,ovensandsolar water heaters.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to

• explaintheprocessofthermalexpansioninsolidsandliquids(L3).• distinguishfundamentallawsrelatedtoconduction,convectionand

radiation of heat (L1).• determine the thermal conductivity of a material byForbes and

Lee’sdiscmethod(L4).• summarize the working of heat exchangers, refrigerators, ovens

and solar water heaters (L2).

Unit IV: Acoustics 8 L

Characteristics of sound waves; Weber-Fechner Law; Absorptioncoefficient,determinationof absorptioncoefficient;Reverberation time;Sabine’sformula,derivationofSabine’sformulausinggrowthanddecaymethod;Intensityofsound;Acousticsofbuildings,Acousticrequirementsof a good auditorium.

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Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to

• explain the basic concepts in acoustics anddescribeWeber-FechnerLaw (L2).

• determineabsorptioncoefficientandreverberationtime(L3).• derivesabinesformulasusinggrowthandDecaymethod(L4).• solveproblemsinvolvingtheintensityofasoundwave(L4).• summarize the principles of acoustics in designing an acoustically

good auditorium (L3).

Unit V: Sensors 8 L

Sensors(qualitative description only); Different types of sensors andapplications;Strainandpressuresensors-Piezoelectric,magnetostrictivesensors; Fibre opticmethods of pressure sensing;Temperature sensor -bimetallicstrip,pyroelectricdetectors;Hall-effectsensor;Smokeandfiredetectors.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit the student will be able to

• describetheprincipleofstrainandpressuresensors(L1).• explaintheprincipleandworkingofmagnetostrictiveandpiezoelectric

sensors (L3).• illustratethefibreopticmethodsofpressuresensing(L3).• infer thefunctioningof temperaturesensors likebimetallicstripand

pyroelectric detectors (L2).• outlinetheprincipleandworkingofHall-effectsensor,smokeandfire

detectors (L2).

Text books:

1. D.KleppnerandRobertKolenkow“AnIntroductiontoMechanics–II”CambridgeUniversityPress,2015.

2. M.N.Avadhanulu & T.V.S.Arun Murthy, S ChandA Textbook ofEngineeringPhysics,Volume-I2018.

3. IanRSinclair,SensorandTransducers3/e,Elsevier(Newnes),2001.


1. MKVarma,“IntroductiontoMechanics”-UniversitiesPress,2015.2. PrithwirajPurkait, Budhaditya Biswas and Chiranjib Koley, Chapter

11 Sensors and Transducers, Electrical and Electronics Measurements

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and Instrumentation, 1/e., McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited,2013.

Course Outcomes:

After completion of this course, the student will be able to

• describe the fundamental principles of acoustics with emphasis onphysical mechanisms, law and relationships (L1).

• applytheconceptsofstrain,internalforce,stressandequilibriumtodeformation of solids (L3).

• explain the fundamental theory for the analysis of heat transferprocessessinsolidsandliquidsandtoapplybasicprinciplesofheattransfer in design of refrigerators and heaters (L4).

• estimateforcesandmomentsinmechanicalsystemsusingscalarandvectortechniques(L4).

• outlinethebasicprincipleandoperationofdifferenttypesofsensors(L2).

Applied Physics Laboratory(AE, CE and ME)

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this lab, the student will be able to

• find a. rigiditymodulusandPoisson’sratioofamaterial(L1) b. thermal conductivity of bad and good conductors (L1)• apply resonance to a. estimatethefrequencyofatuningfork(L3). b. examine the relation between frequency and volume of a cavity

(L3). c. an LCR circuit (L3).• demonstrateelasticlimitandstress-strainrelationshipusingHooke’s

law (L2).• evaluate theacceptanceangleanddeterminenumericalapertureand

bendinglossofanopticalfiber(L5).• identify the typeof semiconductor i.e.,n-typeorp-typeusingHall

effect (L3)• relatedampingandqualityfactorforsimplependulum(L4)

• determineresonantfrequencyoftuningforkusingasonometer(L5)• understanddampingusingoscillatingdiscindifferentmedia(L2).

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List of experiments:

1. To determine rigidity modulus of material of a wire-dynamic method (torsional pendulum).

2. TodeterminethethermalconductivityofabadconductorbyLee’sdiscmethod.

3. Todeterminethenumericalapertureofagivenopticalfiberandhencetofinditsacceptanceangle.

4. TodeterminetheHallcoefficientusingHalleffectexperiment.5. ToinvestigateHooke’sLaw.6. TodeterminePoisson’sRatioofRubberexperiment.7. To determine thermal conductivity of good conductors (Forbe’s

Apparatus).8. Todeterminethefrequencyofelectricallymaintainedtuningforkby

Melde’smethod.9. Toverifytherelationbetweenthevolumeoftheairintheresonator

andthefrequencyofthenote.10.To determine coefficient of damping and quality factor for damped

simple harmonic motion of a simple pendulum.11. To study resonance in a LCR circuit. 12.Todetermineresonancefrequencyusingasonometer.13. To study damping of an oscillating disc in air and water.References:

1. S. Balasubramanian, M.N. Srinivasan, “A Text book of PracticalPhysics”-SChandPublishers,2017.

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L T P C3 0 3 4.5

This course is designed with fundamentals of electromagnetism and properties of materials for advanced courses in their respective engineering branches. It introduces electromagnetic theory with relevant mathematical tools, optical fibers and their propagation characteristics, properties of dielectric and magnetic materials. It also introduces principles of semiconductors and some widely used semiconductor devices for various applications.

Course Objectives:

• To introduce mathematical principles to estimate forces, fields andwaves.

• Tofamiliarizestudentswithelectromagneticsinmoderncommunicationsystems.

• Toimpartknowledgeconcerningtheelectricalbehaviourofdielectricmaterials.

• Todemonstratethepropertiesofmagnets.• Tointroducesemiconductorphysicsanddevices.

Unit-I: Basics of Electromagnetics 9 L

Electrostatic field: Coulomb’slawandGauss’law,derivationofCoulombslawfromGauss’law,applicationsofGauss’law(linecharge,thinsheetofchargeandsolidchargedsphere),Gauss’lawofelectrostaticsindielectricmedium,divergenceandcurlofelectricfields,electricpotential,relationbetweenpotentialandforce,Poisson’sandLaplaceequations.

Magnetostatic field:Biot–Savarts’law,divergenceandcurlofmagneticfields, Faraday’s andAmpere’s laws in integral and differential form,displacementcurrent,continuityequation,Maxwell’sequations.

Learning outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to

• applyCoulomb’sandGauss’lawstoelectricfieldconfigurationsfromcharge distributions (L3).

• applytheBiot-Savarts’lawtoderivemagnetostaticfielddistributions(L3).

• usevectorcalculustodescribeelectromagneticphenomena(L2).• relatethelawofconservationofchargetocontinuityequation(L3).

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• evaluatetheMaxwell’sequations,Maxwell’sdisplacementcurrentandcorrectionofAmpere’slaw(L2).

Unit II: Fiber Optics 7 L

Introduction, advantages of optical fibers, principle and structure,acceptanceangle,numericalaperture,modesofpropagation,classificationoffibers,fiberopticcommunication,importanceofV-number,fiberopticsensors (Temperature, displacement and force), applications.

Learning outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to

• applytheprincipleofpropagationoflightinopticalfibers(L3).• explaintheworkingandclassificationofopticalfibers(L2).• analyzepropagationoflightthroughopticalfibersbasedontheconcept

of modes (L4).• summarize applications of opticalfibers inmedical, communication


Unit III: Dielectric and Magnetic Materials 10 L

Dielectric materials: Introduction, electric polarization, dielectricpolarizability,susceptibilityanddielectricconstant,typesofpolarizations(qualitative treatment only), frequency dependence of polarization,Lorentz(internal)field(quantitative),Clausius-Mossottiequation.

Magnetic materials: Introduction, magnetic dipole moment, magnetization, magnetic susceptibility and permeability, origin ofpermanentmagneticmoment,classificationofmagneticmaterials,Weisstheoryofferromagnetism(qualitative),domaintheory,hysteresis,softandhard magnetic materials.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this unit the students will be able to

• explaintheconceptofdielectricconstantandpolarizationindielectricmaterials (L2).

• interpretdielectricloss,LorentzfieldandClaussius-Mosottirelation(L2).

• classifythemagneticmaterials(L2).• explainthephenomenonofhysteresisforaferromagneticmaterialand


Unit IV: Semiconductor physics 8 L


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mechanism of conduction in intrinsic semiconductors, generation and recombination, carrier concentration in intrinsic semiconductors, variation of intrinsic carrier concentration with temperature, n-type and p-type semiconductors, carrier concentration in n -type and p- type semiconductors.

Learning outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to

• outlinethepropertiesofsemiconductors(L2).• interpret expressions for carrier concentration in intrinsic and

extrinsicsemiconductors(L3).• assessthevariationofcarrierconcentrationinsemiconductorswith

temperature (L4).

Unit – V: Semiconductor devices 8 L

Drift and diffusion currents in semiconductors, Hall effect and its applications, magnetoresistance, p-n junction layer formation and V-I characteristics, direct and indirect band gap semiconductors, construction andworkingofphotodiode,LED,solarcell.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to

• explainthedriftanddiffusioncurrentsandformationofjunctionlayer(L2).

• stateEinstein’srelations(L1).• explainHalleffectanditsapplications(L3).• illustrateandinterpret theV-Icharacteristicsofap-njunctiondiode

(L2).• describeapplicationsofp-njunctiondiodesinphotodiodes,LEDsand

solar cells (L3).

Text Book(s):

1. DavidJ.Griffiths,“IntroductiontoElectrodynamics”-4/e,PearsonEducation,2014.

2. Charles Kittel “Introduction to Solid State Physics”, WileyPublications,2011.


1. M.N. Avadhanulu, P.G.Kshirsagar “A Text book of EngineeringPhysics”,11/e,S.ChandPublications,2019.

2. GerdKeiser “Optical Fiber Communications”- 4/e, TataMcGrawHill,2008.

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3. S.O.Pillai,“SolidStatePhysics”8/e,NewAgeInternational,2018.4. S.M.Sze,“Semiconductordevices-PhysicsandTechnology”-Wiley,


Course Outcomes:

After completion of this course, the student will be able to

• apply thefundamental lawsofelectricityandmagnetismtocurrentsand propagation of EM waves (L2).

• identify themechanisms of polarization in dielectrics andmagneticmaterials, conduction in semiconductors and propagation of light in opticalfibers.(L3).

• explaintheprinciplesofphysicsindielectrics,magneticmaterialsandsemiconductors useful to engineering applications (L2).

• summarizemagnetichysteresiscurve(L2).• analyze dielectric loss and carrier concentration in semiconductors

(L4).• classifysolidsandcalculateconductivityofsemiconductors(L4).• demonstrate the functioning of solar cell, photodiode and loss


Engineering Physics Laboratory(ECE, CSE, EEE, EIE and IT)

List of Experiments:

1. Todeterminethemagneticfieldalongtheaxisofacircularcoilcarryingcurrent.

2. Todeterminethenumericalapertureofagivenopticalfiberandhencetofinditsacceptanceangle.

3. TodeterminemagneticsusceptibilitybyGouy’smethod.4. TodeterminetheHallcoefficientusingHalleffectexperiment.5. TodeterminetheresistivityofsemiconductorbyFourprobemethod.6. Todeterminetheenergygapofasemiconductor.7. TostudythecharacteristicsofPNJunctiondiode.8. To study magnetic hysteresis loop (B-H curve).9. To determine the dielectric constant of a substance by resonance

method.10.TodeterminehysteresislossbyCRO.11. To study the characteristics of Photodiode.12. To study the characteristics of Solar Cell.

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1. S. Balasubramanian, M.N. Srinivasan “A Text book of PracticalPhysics”-SChandPublishers,2017

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit the student will be able to

• utilizefourprobesetupandmeasureresistance(L3).• determinethesusceptibilityofaparamagneticsubstance(L5).• understandthe characteristics of photodiode, p-n junction diode and

solar cell (L2).• demonstratetheimportanceofdielectricmaterialinstorageofelectric

fieldenergyinthecapacitors(L2).• assess the intensity of the magnetic field of circular coil carrying

currentwithvaryingdistance(L5).• evaluatetheacceptanceangleofanopticalfiberandnumericalaperture

andloss(L5).• determine hysteresis losses by B-H curve and measure magnetic

parametersusinghysteresisloop(L5).• identify the typeof semiconductor i.e.,n-typeorp-typeusingHall

effect (L3).• determinethebandgapofagivensemiconductor(L5).

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L T P C3 0 3 4.5

The course enables the students to gain knowledge on application of basic principles of chemistry to address issues relevant to engineering. This includes various aspects of water, energy sources and applications, engineering materials and polymers, corrosion of materials, applications of nano and smart materials.

Course Objectives:

• Toacquaintthestudentswithsoftandhardwatertypesandsofteningmethods.

• To introduce the basic concepts to develop electrochemical cells,photovoltaic cells.

• Tofamiliarizethepreparationofengineeringmaterials,theirpropertiesand applications.

• Toimpartknowledgeoncorrosionanditssignificance.• Toexposenanoandsmartmaterials


Introduction –Hard and Soft water, Estimation of hardness by EDTA Method - Boiler troubles - scale and sludge-priming and foaming, specifications fordrinkingwater,Bureauof IndianStandards (BIS)andWorldhealthorganization(WHO)standards,Industrialwatertreatment–zeoliteandion-exchangeprocesses-desalinationofbrackishwater,reverseosmosis (RO) and electro dialysis.

Learning outcomes:

After the completion of this unit, the student will be able to

• list the differences between temporary and permanent hardness ofwater. (L1).

• explaintheprinciplesofreverseosmosisandelectrodialysis.(L2).• comparethequalityofdrinkingwaterwithBISandWHOstandards.

(L2).• illustrateproblemsassociatedwithhardwater.(L2).• demonstratetheindustrialwatertreatmentprocesses.(L2).

Unit II: Energy Sources and Applications 9L


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equation, reference electrodes,Weston Cd Cell, hydrogen and calomelelectrodes – electrochemical series and its applications – primary cell, dry orLeclanchecell–secondarycell,leadacidstoragecell,nickel-cadmiumcell – lithium batteries (Lithium-MnO2)–fuelcell,hydrogen-oxygenfuelcell, Solar energy, photovoltaic cell and applications.

Learning Outcomes:

After the completion of this unit, the student will be able to

• defineelectrodepotential.(L1).• explainNernst’sequation.(L2).• illustratedifferencebetweenprimaryandsecondarycells.(L2).• summarizetheapplicationsofsolarenergy.(L2).• constructdifferentcells.(L3).

Unit III: Corrosion Engineering 8L

Corrosion:Definition–theoriesofcorrosion,drycorrosionandelectrochemical corrosion – factors affecting corrosion, nature of the metal and nature of the environment.

Corrosion controlling methods: Sacrificial and Impressed currentcathodic protection, Metallic coatings, anodic coatings, cathodic coating, galvanizingandtinning,anodicinhibitorsandcathodicinhibitors–organiccoatings, paints and varnishes (constituents and their functions).

Learning Outcomes:

After the completion of this unit, the student will be able to

• explaintheoriesofcorrosion.(L2).• summarizevariousfactorsaffectingcorrosion.(L2).• identifydifferentorganiccoatings.(L3).• applytheprinciplesofcorrosioncontrol.(L3).

UNIT IV: Engineering Materials and Polymers 9L

Steel – Types of Steel, chemical composition – applications of alloy steels

Cement Portland cement, constituents, Manufacture of Portland Cement, chemistry of setting and hardening of cement (hydration, hydrolysis, equations).

Polymers Introduction, differences between thermoplastic and thermo setting resins, Preparation, properties and uses of polystyrene and poly phosphazines.

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Learning Outcomes:

After the completion of this unit, the student will be able to

• classifythetypesofsteels.(L2).• illustratethechemicalreactionsinvolvedinthehardeningofcement.

(L2).• identifypreparationandpropertiesofinorganicpolymers.(L3).• distinguishbetweenthermoplasticandthermosettingresins.(L4).

Unit V: Nano and Smart Materials 8L

Nano Materials: Introduction to Nano materials, chemical synthesis of nanomaterials:Sol-gelmethod,Reversemicellarmethod,Characterizationof nanoparticles by BETmethod, characterization of nanomateirals byTEM (includes basic principle of TEM), Applications of nanomaterials in waste water treatment, lubricants and engines.

Smart Materials: Introduction – Types of smart materials self healing materials

Shape memory alloys and Uses of smart materials.

Learning Outcomes:

After the completion of this unit, the student will be able to

• classifynanomaterials.(L2).• explainthesynthesisandcharacterizationmethodsofnanomaterials.

(L2).• buildsmartmaterialsandidentifytypesofsmartmaterials.(L3).• comparetheprinciplesofBETandTEM.(L4).

Text Book(s):

1. P.C.JainandM.Jain,EngineeringChemistry,15/e,, DhanapatRai&Sons,2014.

2. B.K.Sharma,EngineeringChemistry,KrishnaPrakasham,2014.


1. SashiChawla,ATextbookofEngineeringChemistry,DhanapathRaiandsons,2003.

2. B.S Murthy and P. Shankar, A Text Book of NanoScience andNanoTechnology,UniversityPress2013.

3. S.S.Dara,ATextbookofEngineeringChemistry,S.Chand&Co,2010.4. V. Raghavan, A Material Science and Engineering, Prentice-Hall India


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5. N. Krishna Murthy and Anuradha, A text book of EngineeringChemistry,MurthyPublications2014.


Course Outcomes:

After the completion of this course, the student will be able to• listthedifferencebetweentemporaryandpermanenthardnessofwater.

(L1).• illustratetheprinciplesandapplicationsofsolarenergy.(L2).• identifydifferentorganiccoatings.(L3).• analyzetheimportanceofnanoandsmartmaterials.(L4).• distinguishtheprinciplesofBETandTEM.(L4).

Chemistry of Materials Laboratory(AE, CE and ME)

The course enables the students to gain knowledge on various volumetric analysis, measurements of physical parameters, instrumental methods of analysis, analysis of water, preparation of nanonmaterials, chromatographic separation techniques and preparation of polymers.

Course Objectives:

• TointroducetheskillsofbasicconceptsinEngineeringChemistry.• Totrainthehandlingofdifferentinstruments.• Tofamiliarizethedigitalandinstrumentalmethodsofanalysis.• Toexposethepracticalstothetheoreticalaspects.

List of experiments

1. Determination of sulphuric acid in lead-acid storage cell.2. Estimation of iron as ferrous iron in an ore sample.3. Estimation of calcium in portland cement.4. Determination of chromium (VI) in potassium dichromate.5. Determinationofcopperinacopperore.6. Determinationofviscosityofaliquid.7. Determinationofsurfacetensionofaliquid.8. DeterminationofMohr’ssaltbypotentiometricmethod.9. DeterminationofstrengthofanacidbypHmetricmethod.10.DeterminationofHardnessofagroundwatersample.

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11. Estimation of active chlorine content in Bleaching powder.12. Preparation of TiO2/ZnOnanoparticles.13. Thin layer chromatography.14. Preparation of Phenol-formaldehyde resin.

Text Book(s):


2. N.K Bhasin and Sudha Rani Laboratory Manual on Engineering Chemistry3/e,DhanpatRaiPublishingCompany,(2007).

Course Outcomes:

After the completion of this laboratory course, the student will be able to

• illustratedifferentores(Fe,Cr&Cu)andtheirusage(L2).• comparetheviscositiesofoils(L2).• experimentwiththephysicalparametersoforganiccompounds(L3).• applytheTLCtechniquefortheidentificationoforganiccompounds

(L3).• analyzethequalityofgroundwatersample(L4).

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L T P C3 0 3 4.5

This course enables the students to gain knowledge on various aspects of renewable energy resources, electrochemical energy systems, construction of batteries, technological importance machining and etching, polymers, nano-materials, molecular machines and switches. The knowledge gained in this course can be applied to the latest problems in the above areas.

Course Objectives:

• Toacquaintwithelectrochemicalenergysystemsandtheirapplications.• Toimpartknowledgeonthebasicconceptsofbatterytechnology.• Tofamiliarizethestudentswithvarioussourcesofrenewableenergy

and their harnessing.• Todemonstratetheconstructionofphotovoltaiccells.• Tointroducedifferenttypesofnano-materials.• To expose the students to latest instrumental techniques such as

scanning electronic microscope (SEM) & transmission electronmicroscope (TEM).

Unit I: Electrochemical Energy Systems 9L

Introduction Origin of electrode potential, Electrode Potentials, Measurement ofElectrode Potentials, Nernst Equation for a singleelectrode,EMFofacell,TypesofElectrodesorHalfCellsHydrogenandCalomel electrode, Electrochemical Cell, Galvanic Cell vs Electrolytic Cell, Electrochemical conventions, Types of Ion Selective Electrodes- glass membrane electrode, polymer membrane electrodes, solid state electrodes, gas sensing electrodes (classification only), ConcentrationCells.

Learning Outcomes:

After the completion of this unit, the student will be able to

• listthedifferenttypesofelectrodes(L1).• illustratetheconstructionofconcentrationcells (L2).• explainthesignificanceofelectrodepotentials(L2).• comparedifferenttypesofcellsandbatteries(L2).• classifytheionselectiveelectrodes(L2).

Unit II: Battery Technology 8L

Basic concepts, battery characteristics, classification of batteries,

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Important applications of batteries, Classical batteries-dry/Leclanche cell, Modernbatteries-zincair,lithiumcells-LiMnO2 cell- challenges of battery technology.FuelcellsIntroduction-classificationoffuelcells–hydrogenandoxygenfuelcell,propaneandoxygenfuelcell-Meritsoffuelcell.

Learning Outcomes:

After the completion of this unit, the student will be able to

• classifybatteriesintodifferenttypes(L2).• explaintheconceptinvolvedintheconstructionoflithiumcells (L2).• comparethemeritsofdifferentfuelcells(L2).• identifythesignificanceofbatteries(L3).• apply the redoxprinciples forconstructionofbatteriesand fuelcell


Unit III: Renewable Sources of Energy 8L

Introduction- sources of renewable energy

Solar energy – Introduction - Physical and Chemical properties of Silicon- ProductionofSolarGradeSiliconfromQuartz-DopingofSilicon-pandntype semi conductors- PV cell / solar cell- Manufacturing of Photovoltaic Cells usingChemicalVaporDepositionTechnique-applications of solarenergy.

Learning Outcomes:

After the completion of this unit, the student will be able to

• listdifferentrenewablesourcesofenergy.(L1).• explainhow photovoltaic cells convert light into energy. (L1).• comparepandntypesemiconductors.(L2).• illustratetheconstructionofPVcell.(L2).

Unit IV: Metal Finishing 9L

Technological importance of metal finishing, methods of metalfinishing, manufacturing of electronic components, electrochemicaltechniquesofforming,machiningandetching,electrolyticcell,principleof electroplating, nature of electrodeposits, electroplating process, Electroplatingofchromium,goldetc.Electrolessplatingofcopper,nickel.

Learning Outcomes:

After the completion of this unit, the students will be able to

• explaintheelectrochemicaltechniquesofforming(L2).• extendit to electroless plating of some metals (L2).• identifydifferentmethodsofmetalfinishing(L3).

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• applythemethodsofmetalfinishinginthemanufactureofelectroniccomponents (L3).

Unit V: Polymers, Nanomaterials and Molecular Machines & Switches 8L

Polymers: Introduction, differences between thermoplastic and thermo setting resins, Preparation, properties and uses of polystyrene and Polyphosphazines.

Nanomaterials: Introduction to nanomaterial: nanoparticles, nanocluster, carbon nanotube (CNT) and nanowires. Chemical synthesis of nanomaterials: sol-gel method. Characterization: Principle andapplications of scanning electron microscope (SEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM).

Molecular machines & Molecular switches: RotaxanesandCatenanesasartificialmolecularmachines;Molecularswitches–cyclodextrin-basedswitches

Learning Outcomes:

After the completion of this unit, the students will be able to

• explain the concepts of artificialmolecularmachines andmolecularswitches (L3).

• identifydifferenttypesofpolymers(L3).• distinguishbetweenthermoplasticandthermosettingresins(L4).• comparenanoclustersandnanowires(L4).

Text Book(s):

1. P.C.JainandM.Jain,EngineeringChemistry,15/e,DhanapatRai&Sons,Delhi,2014.

2. B.K.Sharma,EngineeringChemistry,KrishnaPrakashan,Meerut.3. O G Palanna, Engineering Chemistry, Tata McGraw Hill, 2009.


1. Sashichawla,A Textbook of Engineering Chemistry, DhanapathRaiandsons,2003.

2. B.S Murthy and P. Shankar,A Text Book of NanoScience andNanoTechnology,UniversityPress,2013.

3. S.S.Dara,ATextbookofEngineeringChemistry,S.Chand&Co,2010.

4. N.Krishna Murthy and Anuradha, A text book of Engineering

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5. K. Sesha Maheshwaramma and Mridula Chugh, EngineeringChemistry,PearsonIndiaEdnservices,2016.

Course Outcomes:

After the completion of this course, the student will be able to

• listvarioussourcesofrenewableenergy(L1).• comparedifferenttypesofcells(L2).• explainthemeritsoffuelcells(L2).• identifysuitablemethodsformetalfinishing (L3).• distinguish between nanoclusters and nanowires, polymers,


Engineering Chemistry Laboratory(CSE, IT, ECE & EEE)

The course enables the students to gain knowledge on various, instrumental methods of analysis, measurements of physical parameters, volumetric analysis, preparation of polymers, analysis of water, and chromatographic separation techniques.

Course Objectives:

• To familiarize the students with the basic concepts of EngineeringChemistry lab.

• Totrainthestudentsonhowtohandletheinstruments.• Todemonstratethedigitalandinstrumentalmethodsofanalysis.• Toexposethestudentsinpracticalaspectsofthetheoreticalconcepts.

List of Experiments

1. DeterminationofMohr’ssaltbypotentiometricmethod2. Determination of strength of an acid by pH metric method3. Determination of conductance by conductometric method4. Determinationofviscosityofaliquid5. Determinationofsurfacetensionofaliquid6. Determinationofsulphuricacidinlead-acidstoragecell7. Determination of chromium (VI) in potassium dichromate 8. Determination of copper in a copper ore9. DeterminationofZincbyEDTAmethod.10.EstimationofactivechlorinecontentinBleachingpowder11.PreparationofPhenol-Formaldehyderesin

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12.PreparationofUrea-Formaldehyderesin13. Thin layer chromatography14. Preparation of TiO2/ZnOnanoparticles15.SEManalysisofnanomaterials

Text books


2. N.K Bhasin and Sudha Rani Laboratory Manual on Engineering Chemistry3/e,DhanpatRaiPublishingCompany2007.

Course Outcomes:

After the completion of this laboratory course, the student will be able to

• explainthefunctioningoftheinstrumentssuchaspH,Conductometricand Potentiometric methods (L2).

• identify different ores (Cr&Cu) and their usage in different fields(industry, software devices, electronic goods) (L3).

• experimentwiththephysicalparameteroforganiccompounds(L3).• comparetheviscositiesofoils(L4).• listthepreparationofpolymersandnanomaterials(L4).

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L T P C3 1 3 5.5

The course is designed to enable the student to write programs for problem solving. After an introduction to program logic design using algorithms and flowcharts, converting the logic into programs is taught. The features of structured programming are explained with the C programming language as an example. This course lays the foundation both for developing program logic and for writing programs in C according to the developed logic.

Course Objectives:

• Familiarizethestudentwiththestepsinvolvedinwritingandrunninga compiled program.

• Enable the student to build program logic with algorithms andflowcharts.

• Explainwith the features andconstructsofCprogramming suchasdatatypes,expressions,loops,functions,arrays,pointersandfiles.

• Demonstratethehandlingofvariablesandinput-outputoperationsinC.

• TrainthestudenttoconvertprogramlogicintoClanguagecodeusinga top-down approach.

Unit I: 9L

Introduction to Computer Problem-Solving– Introduction, The Problem-Solving Aspect, Top-Down Design, Implementation of Algorithms.

Fundamental Algorithms – Exchanging the values of two variables,Counting,SummationofaSetofNumbers,FactorialComputation,SineFunctionComputation,GenerationoftheFibonacciSeries.BasicsofFlowCharts.

Introduction to C Language – Structure of a C Program, Keywords, Identifiers,DataTypesandVariabledeclaration,Constants,Input/Outputfunction.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit the student will be able to

• understandaproblemandbuildanalgorithm/flowcharttosolveit(L2).• listthestepsinvolvedinwritingandrunningaprogram(L2).• interpretthestructureofCprogramandvariouskeyfeaturesofC(L2).

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Unit II: 9L

Operators, Expressions, Precedence and Associativity, ExpressionEvaluation, Type conversions.

Control Structures: Selection Statements (making decisions) – if, if-else, nested if, else ifladder and switch statements.Repetition statements (loops)-while, for, do-while statements, Nested Loops.Unconditionalstatements-break,continue,goto.Pointers–Pointervariable,pointerdeclaration, Initializationofpointer,Accessing variables through pointers, pointers to pointers, pointers to void.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to

• translatemathematicalexpressionstoCnotationusingoperators(L2).• constructCprogramsusingvariousconditionalstatements(L3).• developCprogramsusingloopsandnestedloops(L6).• demonstratetheusageofpointers(L3).

Unit III: 9L

Arrays–DeclarationandDefinitionofArray,accessingelementsinarray,Storing values in array, linear search, binary search, bubble sort, Two – dimensional arrays, multidimensional arrays. Arrays and Pointers, Pointer Arithmetic and arrays, array of pointers.

Strings–DeclarationandDefinitionofString,StringInitialization,arraysof strings, string manipulation functions, string and pointers, unformatted I/O functions.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to

• developprogramsforstoringandmanagingcollectionsofitemsusingarrays (L3).

• makeuseofthein-builtfunctionstomanipulatestrings(L3).• solveproblemsrelatedtoarraysandstrings(L3).

Unit IV: 9L

Functions-DesigningStructuredPrograms,userdefinedfunction-functiondefinition,functionprototype,functioncall,Typesoffunctions.ParameterPassing by value, parameter passing by address, Passing array to function.

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Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to

• understandtheconceptofsubprogramsandrecursion(L2).• apply the in-built functions todevelopcustom functions for solving

problems (L3).• makeuseofparameterpassingmechanisms(L3).• infertheeffectofstorageclassesonvariables(L2).

Unit V: 6L

Structures–Declaration,initialization,accessingstructures,operationsonstructures, structures containing arrays, structures containing pointers, nested structures, self referential structures, arrays of structures, structures and functions,structures and pointers, unions.

Files–Conceptof afile,OpeningandClosingfiles,file input / outputfunctions(standardlibraryinput/outputfunctionsfortextfiles).

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to

• develop programs using structures and unions for storing dissimilardataitems(L6).

• comparetheutilizationofmemorybystructuresandunions(L5).• makeuseoffilesandfileoperationstostoreandretrievedata(L3).

Problem Solving and Programming Laboratory

List of Experiments:

1. Introduction to Raptor tool for drawing flow charts for ProblemSolving.

2. Conversion of an upper-case character to a lower-case character.3. Printsizesandrangesofdifferentdatatypes.4. FindRootsofaQuadraticEquationusing‘if’.5. Findminimumamongthreenumbers.6. Checkwhetherthegivennumberisperfect7. PrintTwinPrimesuptoaSpecifiedlimit.8. FindGCDoftwonumbers.

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9. Swaptwonumbersusingpointers.10.PerformsallthefivearithmeticoperationsusingPointers.11. Implement linear search.12. Sort an array in descending order.13. Reverse the given string without using String handling functions.14. Sort strings in dictionary order.15.Useafunctiontoperformadditionandmultiplicationoftwomatrices.16.UseafunctiontoperformtransposeofagivenMatrix17.Readanarrayofelementsofsize‘n’andfindthelargestandsmallest

number using functions18.Find the sum of digits of a number. Numbermust be passed to a

function using pointers.19.PrintthefirstnFibonaccinumbers.20.Reverseastring.21.Calculatethepercentageofmarksofthreedifferentsubjectsofeach

student using array of structures.22. Demonstrates the memory allocation done by a structure and a union

(declare Structure and Union in the same program).23. Demonstrate member access in a union (declare three different types of

variables in union, assign values and print them).24.Acceptsthenamesoftwofilesandcopiesthefirstfileintothesecond,

line by line using fgets() and fputs() functions25.Storethedataof‘n’employeesinafile,where‘n’isgivenbytheuser.26.Countnumberofcharacters,wordsandlinesinagivenfile.

Text Book(s):

1. R.G. Dromey, How to Solve it By Computer, 1/e, Pearson Education, 2006.

2. B.A. Forouzan andR. F.Gilberg,Computer Science:A StructuredProgrammingApproachUsingC,3/e,CengageLearning,2007.


1. JeriRHanly,ElliotBKoffman,ProblemSolvingandProgramDesigninC,7/e,PearsonEducation,2012.

2. P.DeyandMGhosh,ProgramminginC,2/e,OxfordUniversityPress,2011.

3. B.W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie, The C Programming Language, 2/E,Pearsoneducation,1988.

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4. B.Gottfried,ProgrammingwithC,3/e,Schaum’soutlines,McGrawHill(India),2017.

Course Outcomes:

After completion of this course, the student will be able to

• explainthebasicsofcomputers(L2).• buildlogicforsolvingaproblemandtranslateitintoaprogram.(L3).• definevariablesandconstructexpressionsusingClanguage(L1).• utilizearrays,structures and unions for storing and manipulating data

(L3).• developefficient,modularprogramsusingfunctions(L3).• writeprogramstostoreandretrievedatausingfiles(L3).

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L T P C3 1 3 5.5

This course introduces the student, to the fundamental principles and building blocks of electrical and electronics engineering. The first three units cover the electric circuit laws, theorems and principles of electrical machines. The last two units cover semiconductor devices and their applications.

Course Objectives:

• Tofamiliarize thebasicDCandACnetworksused inelectricalandelectronic circuits.

• Toexplaintheconceptsofelectricalmachinesandtheircharacteristics.• To introduce the importance of transformers in transmission and

distribution of electric power. • Toimparttheknowledgeaboutthecharacteristics,workingprinciples


• To expose basic concepts and applications ofOperationalAmplifierandconfigurations.

Unit I: 10L

Basic laws and Theorems: Ohms law, Kirchoff’s Laws, series andparallel circuits, source transformations, delta-wye conversion. Mesh analysis,nodalanalysis.Linearityandsuperpositiontheorem,Thevenin’sandNorton’s theoremwith simple examples,maximum power transfertheoremwithsimpleexamples.

Learning Outcomes

After completion of this unit the student will be able to

• stateOhmslawandKirchhoff’sLaws(L1).• identifyandanalyzeseriesandparallelconnectionsinacircuit(L1).• predictthebehaviorofanelectricalcircuit(L2).• determinethecurrent,voltageandpowerinthegivenelectricalcircuit

(L4).• applyvarioustechniquestoanalyzeanelectriccircuit(L3).

Unit II: 10L

DC Machines: Constructional features, induced EMF and torque

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expressions,different typesofexcitation,performancecharacteristicsofdifferent types of dc machines, Starters: 2-point, 3-point starters, losses andefficiency,efficiencybydirectloading.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to

• describetheconstructionalfeaturesofDCmachines(L1).• analyzeEMFandtorqueexpressionsofDCmachine(L4).• demonstrate theperformance characteristics of different types of dc

machines (L3).• explaintypesofstartersusedforstartingofdcmotors(L2).• estimatelossesandefficiencyofelectricalmachine(L2).

Unit III: 12L

Transformers:Constructionaldetails,EMFequation,voltageregulation,losses and efficiency, open/short- circuit tests and determination ofefficiency. Three Phase Induction Motors: Construction, workingprinciple of three phase induction motor, Torque and Torque-Slipcharacteristics.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to

• describetheconstructionaldetailsoftransformers(L1).• demonstratevoltageregulationoftransformer(L3).• discussaboutopenandshort-circuittestsoftransformer(L2).• explaintheworkingprincipleofthreephaseinductionmotor(L5).• describetorqueandtorqueslipcharacteristics(L1).• estimatelossesandefficiencyofthreePhaseInductionMotors(L2).

Unit IV: 12L

Semiconductor Devices: p-nJunctiondiode - Basic operating principle, current-voltage characteristics, rectifier circuits (half-wave, full-wave,rectifierwith filter capacitor), Zener diode asVoltageRegulator;Metaloxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET): Operation ofNMOSandPMOSFETs,MOSFETasanamplifierandswitch.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to

• describethedevicestructureandphysicaloperationofadiode(L1).• discuss V-I characteristics of diodes (L2).• explaintheuseofdiodeasswitchandinelectroniccircuits(L2).

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• describe the construction and operation of n-channel and p-channelMOSFETs(L1).

• explaintheuseofMOSFETasanamplifierandbidirectionalswitch(L2).

Unit V: 10L

Operational Amplifiers:TheIdealOp-amp,TheInvertingConfiguration,Theclosedloopgain,EffectofFiniteopen-loopgain,TheNoninvertingConfiguration, The closed loop gain, Characteristics of Non InvertingConfiguration, Effect of finite open loop gain, the voltage follower,Differenceamplifiers,ASingleOp-ampdifferenceamplifier.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit the student will be able to

• listthecharacteristicsofanidealOpAmp(L1).• explain the Inverting and Noninverting configurations of Op-Amp

(L2).• constructasingleOp-ampdifferenceamplifier(L3).

Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering Laboratory

List of Experiments:

1. VerificationofKirchhoff’sLawsKVLandKCL.2. VerificationofDCSuperpositionTheorem.3. VerificationofThevenin’sTheoremandNorton’sTheorem.4. OCCandExternalcharacteristicsofseparatelyexcitedDCgenerators.5. Swinburne’stestonaDCshuntmotor.6. OCandSCTestsonsinglephasetransformer.7. BrakeTestonDCshuntmotor.8. CurrentVoltageCharacteristicsofap-nJunctionDiode/LED.9. DiodeRectifierCircuits.10.VoltageRegulationwithZenerDiodes.11.DesignofaMOSTFETamplifierandMOSFETinverter/NORgate12.InvertingandNon-invertingAmplifierDesignwithOp-amps.13.SimulationexperimentsusingPSPICE (a) Diode and Transistor Circuit Analysis. (b)MOSFETAmplifierdesign. (c)InvertingandNoninvertingAmplifierDesignwithOp-amps.

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Text Book(s):

1. D.P.Kothari,I.J.Nagrath,BasicElectricalandElectronicsEngineering,1/e, McGrawHillEducation(India)PrivateLimited,2017.

2. B.L.Theraja,FundamentalsofElectricalEngineeringandElectronics,1/e,S.ChandPublishing,NewDelhi,2006.

3. Adel S. Sedra andKenneth C. Smith,Microelectronic Circuits 6/e,OxfordUniversityPress,2014.


1. S.K. Bhattacharya, Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering, PearsonEducation,2011.

2. DharmaRajCheruku,BTKrishna,ElectronicDevicesandCircuits,2/e,PearsonEducation,2008.

3. R.K.Rajput, Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering, University SciencePress,NewDelhi,2012.

Course Outcomes:

After completion of this course, the student will be able to

• predictandanalyzethebehaviorofanelectricalcircuit(L3).• analyze the performance quantities such as losses, efficiency and

identify applications of DC machines (L4).• explain the use of transformers in transmission and distribution of

electric power and other applications (L2).• demonistrate the operation and applications of various electronic

devices (L2).• constructInvertingandNoninvertingconfigurationsofOp-amp(L3).

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19EME121: WORKSHOP(Common to all)

L T P C0 0 3 1.5

The objective of this course is to expose students common tools in engineering. This course enables the students to gain hands on experience and skills necessary to perform basic operations such as carpentry, sheet metal working and fitting. It also familiarizes the students with basic electrical house wiring concepts.

Course Objectives:

• Explaindifferenttoolsusedincarpentry.• Imparttheskillstodosomecarpentryoperations.• Demonstrate different types of tools used in fitting, soldering and

brazing.• Trainfitting,solderingandbrazingjobs.• Familiarizedifferenttypesofbasicelectriccircuitconnections.

Wood Working:


a) Half – Lap joint.b) Mortise and Tenon joint.c) Corner Dovetail joint or Bridle joint.

Sheet Metal Working:

Familiarity with different types of tools used in sheet metal working,Developments of following sheet metal job from GI sheets




a)V-fit b)Dovetailfitc)Semi-circularfit d) Bicycle tire puncture and change of two wheeler tire

Electrical Wiring:

Familiaritieswithdifferenttypesofbasicelectricalcircuitsandmakethefollowing connections

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a) Parallel and series b) Two way switch c) Godown lighting d) Tube light e) Three phase motor f) Soldering of wires

Course Outcomes:

After completion of this lab, the student will be able to

• summarizevariouscarpentryoperationrequiredtocreateaproductinreal time applications (L2).

• developdifferentpartswithmetalsheetinrealtimeapplications(L3).• demonstratefittingoperationsinvariousapplications(L3).• preformsolderingandbrazingoperations(L3).• selectdifferenttypesofelectriccircuitsinpracticalapplications(L3).

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L T P C1 0 3 2.5

This course enables the students to convey the ideas and information graphically that come across in engineering. This course includes projections of lines, planes, solids sectional views, and utility of drafting and modeling packages in orthographic and isometric drawings.

Course Objectives:

• Create awareness of the engineering drawing as the language ofengineers.

• Familiarize how industry communicates, practices for accuracy inpresenting the technical information.

• Developtheengineeringimaginationessentialforsuccessfuldesign.• Demonstrateutilityofdraftingandmodelingpackagesinorthographic

and isometric drawings.• Traintheusageof2Dand3Dmodelingsoftwares.• Impartgraphicalrepresentationofsimplecomponents.

Manual Drawing: 7 L

Introduction to Engineering graphics: Principles of Engineering Graphics and their significance-Conventions in drawing-lettering - BISconventions.

a) Conic sections - general method only, b) Cycloid, epicycloids and hypocycloid c) Involutes 2L

Projection of points, lines and planes: Projection of points in different quadrants,linesinclinedtooneandboththeplanes,findingtruelengthsand angles made by line. Projections of regular plane surfaces. 2L

Projections of solids: Projections of regular solids inclined to one and both the reference planes. 1L

Sections of solids: Sectional planes and sectional view of right regular solids- prism, cylinder, pyramid and cone. True shapes of the sections. 1L

Development of surfaces: Development of surfaces of right regular solids-prism, cylinder, pyramid, cone and their sectional parts. 1L

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Computer Aided Drafting:

Introduction to AutoCAD: Basic drawing and editing commands: line, circle, rectangle, erase, view, undo, redo, snap, object editing, moving, copying, rotating, scaling, mirroring, layers, templates, polylines, trimming,extending,stretching,fillets,arrays,dimensions.Dimensioningprinciples and conventional representations. 1L

Orthographic Projections: Systems of projections, conventions and application to orthographic projections. 3L

Isometric Projections: Principles of isometric projection- Isometric scale;Isometricviews:lines,planes,simpleandcompoundsolids. 2L

Text Book(s):

1. K.L. Narayana & P. Kannaiah, Engineering Drawing, 3/e, ScitechPublishers,2012.

2. N.D.Bhatt,EngineeringDrawing,53/e,CharotarPublishers,2016.


1. DhanajayAJolhe,EngineeringDrawing,TataMcGraw-Hill,2009.2. ShahandRana,EngineeringDrawing,2/e,PearsonEducation,2009.3. Venugopal, Engineering Drawing and Graphics, 3/e, New Age

Publishers,2000.4. K.C.John,EngineeringGraphics,2/e,PHI,2013.5. Basant Agarwal and C.M. Agarwal, Engineering Drawing, Tata


Course Outcomes:

After completion of this course, the student will be able to

• utilizeEngineeringGraphicsasLanguageofEngineers(L3).• preparedrawingsasperstandards(BIS)(L3).• identifyvariousengineeringcurves(L3).• solve geometrical problems in plane geometry involving lines and

planefigures(L3).• representsolidsandsectionsgraphically(L3).• developthesurfacesofsolids(L3).• drawisometricandorthographicdrawingsusingCADpackages(L3).

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(AE, CE, ECE, EEE and ME)L T P C3 0 0 3

This course is designed to impart knowledge on ordinary, partial differential equations and vector calculus to understand the concepts like fluid mechanics, signals and systems etc., in engineering applications.

Course Objectives:

• To familiarize the students in the concepts of linear differentialequations.

• Toexplain theconceptofreducinglineardifferentialequationswithvariablecoefficientstoconstantcoefficientsandtheirapplications.

• Todemonstratetheconceptsofpartialdifferentialequations.• Toexplaintheconceptsofvectordifferentiationandintegration.

Unit I: Linear Differential Equations of Higher Order 8 L

Definitions,completesolution,operatorD,rulesforfindingcomplimentaryfunction,inverseoperator,rulesforfindingparticularintegral,methodofvariation of parameters.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to

• classifythesolutionsoflineardifferentialequations(L4).• identify the essential characteristics of linear differential equations

withconstantcoefficients(L3).• solve the linear differential equations with constant coefficients by

appropriate methods (L3).

Unit II: Equations Reducible to Linear Differential Equations and Applications 8 L


Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to

• examinethespecialtypeofnonlineardifferentialequations(L4).• analyze physical situations using higher order differential equations


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Unit III: Partial Differential Equations 8 L


Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit the student will be able to

• apply a range of techniques to find solutions of partial differentialequations(L3).

• identifythebasicpropertiesofpartialdifferentialequations(L3).

Unit IV: Multivariable Calculus (Vector Differentiation) 8 L

Scalar and vector point functions, vector operator del, del applies to scalar point functions-Gradient, del applied to vector point functions-Divergence and Curl, vector identities.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to

• illustrate thephysical interpretationofgradient,divergenceandcurl(L3).

• applyoperatordeltoscalarandvectorpointfunctions(L3).

Unit V: Multivariable Calculus (Vector Integration) 10 L

Line integral-circulation-work done, surface integral-flux, Green’stheorem in the plane (without proof), Stoke’s theorem (without proof),volume integral, Gauss divergence theorem (without proof).

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to

• find theworkdone inmovingaparticlealong thepathovera forcefield(L3).

• constructtherateoffluidflowalongandacrosscurves(L3).• applyGreen’s,StokesandGaussdivergencetheoreminevaluationof

line, surface and volume integrals (L3).

Text Book(s):

1. ErwinKreyszig,AdvancedEngineeringMathematics,10/e,JohnWiley&Sons,2018.

2. B. S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, 44/e, Khanna publishers,2017.

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1. Dennis G. Zill and Warren S. Wright, Advanced EngineeringMathematics,4/e,JonesandBartlettPublishers,2011.

2. Michael Greenberg, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 2/e, Pearson, 2016.

3. George B. Thomas, Maurice D. Weir and Joel R. Hass, Thomas’Calculus,13/e,PearsonPublishers,2014.

4. R.K.JainandS.R.K.Iyengar,AdvancedEngineeringMathematics,3/e,AlphaScienceInternationalLtd.,2002.

5. GlynJames,AdvancedModernEngineeringMathematics,4/e,PearsonPublishers,2011.

Course Outcomes:

After completion of this course, the student will be able to

• solve the differentialequationsrelated tovariousengineeringfields(L3).

• identifymethodsofsolutionforpartialdifferentialequations(L3).• interpretthephysicalmeaningofgradient,divergenceandcurl(L4).• determine the work done against a force field, circulation and flux

using vector calculus (L4).

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L T P C2 0 3 3.5

The course is a unified approach to enhance language skills of the learners with an aim to hone their social skills and increase their employability. It is designed to acquaint the learners with the necessary LSRW (Listening/ Speaking/ Reading/ Writing) skills needed either for recruitment or further studies abroad for which they attempt international exams like TOEFL, IELTS and GRE. It enables the learners improve their communication skills which are crucial in an academic environment as well as professional and personal lives.

Course Objectives:

• Toenablestudentstodeveloplisteningskillsforbettercomprehensionof academic presentations, lectures and speeches.

• Tohonethespeakingskillsofstudentsbyengagingtheminvariousactivities such as just a minute (JAM), group discussions, oralpresentations, and role plays.

• ToexposelearnerstokeyReadingtechniquessuchasSkimmingandScanningforcomprehensionofdifferenttexts.

• To acquaint the students with effective strategies of paragraph andessay writing, and formal correspondence such as email, letters and resume.

• To provide students with the critical impetus necessary to forge apath in an academic environment, on the job, and in an increasingly complex,interdependentworld.

• Toenablelearnerstounderstandtheuniversalityofhumanexperienceinliterarytextsandhaveamoresignificantinsightintohumanvalues.

Unit I: 14L

Reading: Mohammad Yunus’ Speech at the Nobel Prize ceremony.Writing: E-mail: structure, etiquette. Grammar, Vocabulary & Pronunciation: Conjunctions and sentence connectors, adjective-noun collocations. Listening & Speaking (English Language Laboratory & Activity Lab): Notetaking,JAM(Just–A–Minutespeakingsessions).

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to

• understandtheethicsofbusinessandhowabusinessmanshouldwearthe social business glasses for a better world (L2).

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• draftanemailadheringtotherequisiteetiquette(L3).• construct sentences with appropriate conjunctions and connectors

(L3).• comprehendacademiclecturesandtakenotes(L2).• formulateandexpressrelevantideasandopinionsinformalcontexts

(L4).• speak eloquently on the assigned topic maintaining proper body

language (L3).

Unit II: 14 L

Reading: Biography of A. R. Rahman. Writing: Letter writing: letters of enquiry, seeking permission, complaint & adjustment. Grammar, Vocabulary & Pronunciation: Active and passive voice, foreign expressions in English. Listening & Speaking (English Language Laboratory & Activity Lab): Inference: inferring relationships, inferring meaning, formal presentations

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to

• comprehend how passion can make impossible happen and know‘worklifebalance’(L5).

• write formal letters in suitable format to convey information withclarity and conciseness (L3).

• construct sentences in active and passive voice in oral and writtencommunication (L3).

• enhancevocabularywithforeignexpressionsinEnglish(L1).• infermeaningandinter-relatednessofideas(L4).• planandprepareforformalpresentations(L3).• makeformaloralpresentationsusingeffectivestrategiessuchas

audio-visual aids (L3).

Unit III: 14 L

Reading:“YouStartDyingSlowly”byPabloNeruda.Writing: Resume drafting & cover letter for job application.Grammar, Vocabulary & Pronunciation: Noun-pronoun agreement, verb-noun collocations. Listening & Speaking (English Language Laboratory & Activity Lab): Watchingand listening tovideoclips;oral summarizationof thevideos

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to

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• acknowledge the values of human life and try to make their livesmeaningful(L5).

• draftresume(L3).• categorize collocations and use appropriate collocations for better

expression(L3).• view critically short video clips and films to enrich listening skills

(L2). • developspeakingskillsneededtosummarizevideoswatched(L4).• apply different listening skills needed for personal and professional

situations (L3).• takepartineverydayconversationsconfidentlyandcomfortably(L6).

Unit IV: 14 L

Reading: ‘Most Beautiful’ by Ruskin Bond. Writing: Précis writing, avoiding redundancies and clichés in written communication. Grammar, Vocabulary & Pronunciation: Misplaced modifiers, idiomaticexpressions. Listening & Speaking (English Language Laboratory & Activity Lab):Watching & listening to interviews: job interviews,strategiesandlanguageforinterviews,mockinterviews.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to

• understandtheessenceofsympathy,friendshipandtrust(L2).• rephrase thegiven textavoiding redundanciesandclichésandwrite

precisely (L4).• identifymodifiersandthencorrectmisplacedanddanglingmodifiers

(L3).• equipthemselveswith theskillsneededforfacingdifferent typesof

interviews (L3).

Unit V: 14 L

Reading:“FilmMaking”bySatyajitRay.Writing: Information transfer. Grammar, Vocabulary & Pronunciation:Editingshorttexts,correctingcommon errors in grammar and usage, words often confused. Listening & Speaking (English Language Laboratory & Activity Lab): Watching and listening tonewsandpaneldiscussions;workplacecommunication-formal dialogues/ conversations.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to

• relate cinematic themes to prevalent social, political, economic andhistorical conditions of the past and present (L4).

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• accessandinterpretinformation(L4).• demonstrateabilitytousegrammaticallycorrectstructures(L3).• useappropriatevocabularyasperthecontext(L3).• apply effective listening strategies to identify and interpret the core

aspects of panel discussions (L3).• demonstrate effective communication skills through role plays for


Text Book(s):

1. Avenues: Course Book II for Enhancing English Language andCommunicationSkills byOrientBlackSwanPrivateLimited, India,2019.


1. MeenakshiRamanandSangeetaSharma,ProfessionalCommunication,SecondEdition,OxfordUniversityPress,India,2017.

2. Marilyn Anderson, Critical Thinking, Academic Writing andPresentationSkills,PearsonIndia,2010.

3. K.R. Lakshminarayanan andT.Murugavel ,Challenges inWrittenEnglish,ScitechPublications(India)PvtLtd,India,2008.

4. M.AshrafRizvi,EffectiveTechnicalCommunication,McGrawHillEducation,India,2005.

Course Outcomes:

After completion of this course, the student will be able to

• communicateconfidentlyinEnglishinsocialandprofessionalcontextswithimprovedskillsoffluencyandaccuracy(L6).

• write grammatically correct sentences employing appropriatevocabularysuitabletodifferentcontexts(L3).

• comprehendandanalyzedifferentacademictexts(L4).• effectivelyhandleacademicwritingtaskssuchasparagraphwriting,

précis writing, paraphrasing and essay writing (L3). • effectively handle formal correspondence like e-mail drafting and

letter writing (L3).• thinkcritically,analytically,creativelyandexpressideasandcontent

meaningfully (L3).

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(Common to CSE and IT)

L T P C3 0 0 3

This course is designed to impart knowledge on the concepts of Data Science, fundamental properties of probability, distributions, correlation, regression, testing of hypothesis for small and large samples in engineering applications.

Course Objectives:

• To familiarize the students with the foundations of Data Science,probability and statistical methods.

• Toexplaintheconceptsinrandomvariablesandseveraldistributionsin engineering applications.

• To teach theconceptsofcorrelation, regressionandestimationsandtheir properties.

• Toexplaintheconceptoftestingofhypothesisforlargesamples.• Toimpartknowledgeonsmallsampletests.

Unit I: Data Science and Probability 10 L

Data Science: Introduction to statistics, population vs sample, collection of data, primary and secondary data, types of variables: dependent, independent, categorical and continuous variables, data visualization,measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion (variance).

Probability:Probabilityaxioms,addition lawandmultiplicative lawofprobability,conditionalprobability,Baye’stheorem(withoutproof).

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to

• summarize thebasicconceptsofdatascienceandits importance inengineering (L3).

• analyzethedataquantitativelyorcategorically,measureofaverages,variability (L4).

• definethetermstrial,events,samplespace,probability andlawsofprobability (L3).

• make use of probabilities of events in finite sample spaces fromexperiments(L3).

• applyBaye’stheoremtopracticalproblems(L3)

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Unit II: Random Variable and Probability Distributions 8 L

Random variables (discrete and continuous), probability mass and density functions, probability distributions Binomial, Poisson, normal distributions andtheirproperties(mathematicalexpectationandvariance).

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to

• explain the notion of random variable, distribution functions andexpectedvalue(L3).

• apply Binomial andPoissondistributions tocomputeprobabilities,theoreticalfrequencies(L3).

• explainthepropertiesofnormaldistributionanditsapplications(L3).

Unit III: Correlation, Regression and Estimation 8 L

Correlation,correlationcoefficient, rankcorrelation, regression, linesofregression, regression coefficients, principle of least squares and curvefitting(straightline,parabolaandexponentialcurves).

Estimation: Parameter, statistic, sampling distribution, point estimation, properties of estimators, interval estimation.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to

• identify different trends in scatter plots, strengths of associationbetween two numerical variables (L3).

• make use of the line of best fit as a tool for summarizing a linearrelationship and predicting future observed values (L3).

• estimatethevalueofapopulationparameter,computationofpointandinterval estimations (L3).

Unit IV: Testing of Hypothesis and Large Sample Tests 8 L

Formulationofnullhypothesis,alternativehypothesis,criticalregion,twotypesoferrors,levelofsignificanceandpowerofthetest.Large Sample Tests: Test for single proportion, difference of proportions, test for single meananddifferenceofmeans,confidenceintervalforparametersinonesample and two sample problems.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to

• identify thedifferencebetweenone-tailed and two-tailedhypothesistests (L3).

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• analyzethetestingofhypothesisforlargesamples(L4).

Unit V: Small Sample Tests 6 L

Student t-distribution (test for single mean, two means and paired t-test), testingofequalityofvariances(F-test),χ2-testforgoodnessoffit,χ2-test for independence of attributes.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to

• analyzethetestingofhypothesisforsmallsamples(L4)• testfortheχ2-goodnessoffitandindependenceofattributes(L4)

Text Book(s):

1. RichardA.Johnson,IswinMillerandJohnFreund,Miller&Freund’sprobability&statisticsforengineers,7/3,pearson,2008.

2. S.C.GuptaandV.K.Kapoor,FundamentalsofMathematicalStatistics,11/e,SultanChand&SonsEducationalPublications,2012.


1. S.Ross,AFirstCourseinProbability,Pearson,2002.2. W.Feller,AnIntroductiontoProbabilityTheoryanditsApplications,


Course Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this course, the student will be able to

• classifytheconceptsofDataScienceanditsimportance(L3).• applydiscreteandcontinuousprobabilitydistributions(L3).• explain the association of characteristics through correlation and

regression tools (L3).• identifythecomponentsofaclassicalhypothesistest(L3).• use the statistical inferential methods based on small and large

sampling tests (L4).

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(CSE)L T P C2 0 2 3

This course enables the students to gain knowledge on various object oriented aspects of Java. The course tours the students through classes, inheritance, interfaces, packages, exceptions, generics, graphical programming concepts. The knowledge gained in this course can be applied to develop standalone applications for Android, Real Time Programming etc.

Course Objectives:

• Tofamiliarizeobject-orientedprogrammingconceptsandtechniques.• Toillustrateclassesandclasslibraries,developingclassesforsimple

applications.• TodemonstratevarioustypesofInheritancemechanisms.• To introduce diverse software packages applicability and usage of

ExceptionsandGenerics.• TotraindesigninggraphicaleffectsthroughApplets.

Unit I: 7LJava Programming Fundamentals: JavaLanguage,KeyAttributes ofObject-OrientedProgramming,JavaDevelopmentKit,SimpleProgram,CreateBlocksofCode,Keywords,Identifiers,TheJavaClassLibraries.

Data Types and Operators: Java’sPrimitiveTypes,Literals,Variables,Scope and Lifetime of Variables, Operators- Arithmetic, Relational, Logical, Bitwise, Assignment. Type conversion in Assignments, Using a Cast, Operator Precedence.

Program Control Structures: if, switch, for, enhanced for, while, do-while,break,continue.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to• explainattributesofobjectorientedprogramming(L2). • writeabasicprogram(L2).• applyvariousdatatypesandoperatorsspecifictoJava(L3).• implementcontrolstructuresandextendedstructuresspecifictoJava


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Unit II: 10LIntroduction to Classes, Objects And Methods: Class Fundamentals,Objects creation, Reference Variables and Assignment, Methods, Returning a Value, Using Parameters, Constructors, Parameterized Constructors,newOperator,thisKeyword,finalize()method.

Arrays: 1D Arrays, Multidimensional Arrays, Irregular Arrays, Array References, Using the Length Member.

Strings: String Fundamentals, Literals, String Arrays, Concatenation,toString(), length(), obtaining characters within a string, String comparison, picking indexes,modifying string,Command-LineArguments, ScannerClass,Vectorclass,WrapperClasses,Parsing,AutoboxingandUnboxing.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to• identifytheadvantagesofusingclasses(L1). • demonstratetheknowledgeonArraysandirregulararrays(L3).• implementclassesthatsupportuserinput(L3).

Unit III: 7LA Closer Look into Methods and Classes: Controlling Access to Class Members, Passing objects to methods, Passing arguments, Returning Objects, Method Overloading, Overloading Constructors, Recursion, Understanding Static, Variable-Length Arguments.

Inheritance: Basics, Member Access and Inheritance, Constructors and Inheritance, Using Super, Multilevel Hierarchy, Constructor executionhierarchy, Superclass References and Subclass Objects, Method Overriding,AbstractClasses,Usingfinal,ObjectClass.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to• interpretknowledgeonmethodusagevariantsinclasses(L2).• usevarioustypesofinheritances(L3).

Unit IV: 8LInterfaces: Fundamentals, Creating and Implementing an Interface,UsingInterfaceReferences,ImplementingMultipleInterfaces,ExtendingInterfaces, Nested Interface.

Packages: PackageFundamentals,MemberAccess,ImportingPackages,Static import.

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Exception Handling: ExceptionHierarchy,Fundamentals,Consequencesof anUncaught Exception, Handling errors,Multiple Catch, ThrowingandRethrowing anException,Throwable,Usingfinally,Using throws,CreatingExceptionSubclasses.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to• implementMultipleinheritancethroughinterfaces(L2).• developpackages(L3).• employexceptionsoriginatedinvariousscenarios(L3).

Unit V: 8LMulti-Threading : Introductiontothreads,creatinga thread,extendingthe Thread class, implementing Runnable interface, life cycle of a thread, priorityofathread,synchronizationanddeadlock.

Applet Programming:Introduction, how applets differ from applications, building applet code, applet life cycle, about HTML, designing a web page, passing parameters to applets, getting input from the user.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to• illustratestreamsandtheircontributiontowardsI/Omechanism(L1).• Explaintheconceptofgenericprogramming(L3).• DevelopgraphicswiththesupportofApplets(L3).

Text Book(s):

1. Herbert Schildt, Dale Skrien, Java FundamentalsA ComprehensiveIntroduction,1/e,TataMcGrawHill,2017.


1. Herbert Schildt, The Java complete References, 9/e, Tata McGrawHill,2014.

2. Y.DanielLiang, An Introduction to JAVA Programming, 10/e, TataMcGraw Hill.

3. KathySierra,HeadFirstJava,2/e,ShroffPublishers,2012.4. Balagurusamy, Programming with JAVA, 2/e, Tata McGraw Hill,


Course Outcomes:

After completion of this course, the student will be able to• describethedatatypes,operatorsandcontrolstructures(L1,L2).• understandtheconceptsofObjectOrientedProgramming(L2).

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• applyattributesofOOPtoreapitsbenefits(L3).• demonstrate the ease of handling various scenarios of program

executionwithoutabruptinterruption(L2).• explaintheflavourofgenerics(L3).• constructstandaloneapplicationsforvariousplatforms(L3).

Object Oriented Programming Through Java Lab

List of Experiments:

1. Develop a program that will take a string from a command lineargumentandcheckwhetheritisapalindromeornot.

2. Given two single dimensional arrays A and B which are sorted in ascending order. Write a program to merge them into a single sorted array C that contains every item from arrays A and B in ascending order.

3. Develop a program to implement the following string methods. a)equals()b)compareTo()c)substring()d)indexOf()

e) toLowerCase()4. Develop a program to demonstrate constructor overloading.5. Design a vehicle class hierarchy in Java, anddevelop a program to

demonstrate Polymorphism.6. Develop a program to demonstrate multiple inheritance through

interface.7. Writeaprogramtofindtherootsofaquadraticequationusinginterface

andpackages. •DeclareaninterfaceinpackageQuad1 •DeclareanotherpackageQuad2andimplementtheinterface8. Develop a program to demonstrate exception handling by using

FINALLY&MULTIPLECATCHstatements.9. Write a program to throw an user defined exception for employee

details • Ifanemployeeage isgreater than50,anageexceptionmustbe


user and then display the largest of the three.11.Design a HTML page (web page) describing your profile in one

paragraph.Design in such away that it has a heading, a horizontalrule,threelinksandaphotoofyourinstitution.

12.Create an applet program for drawing colour lines, rectangle, filled

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13. Develop a program to illustrate the concept of generic class.

Case Study:

• Consider a LibraryManagement Systemwherein Books are issuedand received back after the due date. The data available with theLibrarywouldbetheTitleofthebook,authorandnumberofcopiesavailablewiththelibrary,dateofissue.Eachbookisgivenauniqueidentificationnumberandsimilarlythemembersofthelibraryarealsogivenaunique identificationnumber.Abookcanberetainedfor15days with the member after issue. Implement code to:

• Findwhetheraparticularbookisavailableinthelibrary:searchbyTitle or by author.

• PostaRemindertothememberwhenhisbookisdueadaybefore.Theremainderwouldstatethenameofthebookandtheduedate.

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L T P C2 0 0 2

This course is designed specifically for the branch of Aerospace engineering. This course will give a brief introduction of aircrafts and different streams in the aerospace engineering which will help to understand the requirements for the design of an aircraft.

Course Objectives:

• TolearnthebasicconceptsofAirplanesandAerospacevehicles.• Tohavea360-degreeviewinAerodynamics,Propulsion,Structures,

and Systems etc.

Unit I: Introduction 8 L

Evolution of planes, pre Wright brother era to present plane,progress in structure airplane design and applications, classification of aircraftsand space vehicles, functions of major components of an airplane, conventional control and power controls, role of DGCA in air safety and regulatoryauthority,accidentinvestigation,humanfactorsinflightsafety,introductiontoFAA.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to• understandtheevolutionofplanes(L2).• explainaboutthemajorpartsoftheaircraftandtheirfunctions(L2).• illustratetherolesofDGCAinairsafety(L2).• explainabouttherulesandregulationsofFAA(L2).

Unit II: Basic Aerodynamics 8 L

Aerospace atmosphere, types, characteristics,pressure, temperature and density variations, lapse rate, airfoil nomenclature, forces acting on airfoil, characteristics of airfoils.

Flight Control Surfaces: Aircraftprincipleaxes,maincontrolsurfaces-ailerons, elevators, rudders, spoilers and flaps, use of flaps duringtakeoff,landingandmaneuvering.

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Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to• understandtheatmosphereusedinaviation(L2).• illustrate the effect of altitude in pressure, temperature and density

variations (L2).• explain about the nomenclature of airfoil, aerodynamic forces on

airfoils (L2).• outline about the control surfaces of an aircraft and their functions


Unit III: Structures 8 L

Structural arrangement of monocoque and semi-monocoquestructures,geodesic construction. Structural layout of wing, fuselage and tail plane, types of wings, monoplanes, biplanes, triplanes and multiplanes, wing geometry - different types and purpose.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to• understandaboutthedifferentstructures(L2).• explainaboutthelayoutofwing,fuselageandtailplaneandtypesof

wings (L2).

Unit IV: Propulsion 9 L

Piston engines and gas turbine engines, various means of thrustproduction, comparativemerits.Ramjet,pulsejetandscramjet.Rockets-principleofoperation, types and applications.

Helicopters: Rotorcraft, types of rotorcraft, autogyro, gyrodyne.Helicopters, main rotor system, fully articulated, semi rigid and rigid rotorsystem, transmission system.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to• buildknowledgeonworkingofpistonandgasturbineengine(L3).• exercisecriticalthinkingofdifferentmeansofthrustgeneration(L2).• classifybetweensubsonicandsupersonicjetengines(L2).

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• demonstrate knowledge of working of rocket engines, helicopters,rotor systems and power transmission systems (L2).

• clearlyidentifydifferenttypesofapplicationsofengines(L3).

Unit V: Satellite Systems 8 L

Satellite Systems: Elements, operations, structures, power systems,satellite missions, communication and telemetry - Indian satellites and launch vehicles.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to• buildknowledgeondifferentelementsofsatellitesystems(L3).• identifymissionobjectiveofdifferentsatellites(L3).• demonstrategoodcommandoncommunicationandtelemetrysystems

of satellite (L2).• developecommandondifferentIndiansatellitesandlaunchvehicles

(L3).• selectabstractdesignofsatellitesubsystemsspecifictoamission(L5).

Text Book(s):

1. J.D.Anderson,IntroductiontoFlight,6/e,McGrawHill,2010.

2. R.S.Shevell,FundamentalsofFlight,2/e,Pearson,2004.


1. A.C.Kermode,FlightWithoutFormulae,5/e,Pearson,1989.

2. L.Gupta,HelicopterEngineering,HimalayanBooks,1996.

3. D. Newman, Interactive Aerospace Engineering and Design, McGraw Hill,2002.

4. R.H.BarnardandD.R.Philpot,AircraftFlight,3/e,Pearson,2004.

Course Outcomes:

After completion of this course, the student will be able to• demonstrateknowledgeonevolutionofplates,functioningofdifferent

components, role of regulatory and authorities and safety aspects of flight(L2).

• build knowledge on aerodynamic behavior of rigid curved surfacesandtheirsignificanceincontrollingflight(L3).

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• expliangoodcommandonstructuredanatomyandstrengthaspectsofdifferent components of aircraft. (L2).

• identify different types of engines that suit the needs of differentaerospace vehicles (L3).

• show the science of flying an aerospace vehicle and controlling ofcrucialsubsystemsthatmakeafull-fledgedflight(L2).

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L T P C0 0 3 1.5

This workshop will enable the student to know the basics of electronic components and devices, their identification and selection for a given cir-cuit. This lab makes the student to operate and use electronic devices, wire and fabricate various circuits on his own. The testing of the circuits wired / fabricated can be tested with the knowledge of various sources and power supplies introduced. Mini project is carried out towards end of the lab, which will inculcate good practice of hands on experience and experiential learning.

Course Objectives:• to introduceandmakeuseofActive andPassive electronic compo-

nents.• toimpartknowledgeofregulatedpowersupplies,functiongenerators

and CRO and their applications.• to enable wiring / soldering practice simple electronic circuits using

various components on breadboard / PCB.• to teach students about Diode as a switch, transistor as a switch and

hardware components of a simple computer.• to introduce solar panels and their wiring.• to introduce hardware components likeSMPS, switches, ports,input

and output devices of a simple computer.• to wire and test a mini project.

List of Experiments:1. Studyofresistancecolorcodes,identificationofactiveandpassive

electronic components.2. Studyanduseofbreadboardtrainerkit.3. Study of multimeter and CRO.4. Study of function generator and regulated power supply.5. Soldering of electronic components on PCBs.6. Functionofdiodeasaswitch.7. Studyofbatterytypes,specifications,constructionandratings.8. Voltage measurement using solar panel.9. Design of battery charger using microcontroller.10. Study of computer system hardware.11. Mini project

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Course Outcomes:After completion of this course, the student will be able to• decode theresistance / inductance /capacitancevalues&tolerances

(L4).• understand and use RPS, voltmeter, ammeter, multimeter, function

generator and CRO (L4).• studyandusebreadboardforvariouscircuitwiring(L5).• fabricatesimplecircuitsonaPCBandtestthem(L6).• understand various hardware parts of a computer (L2).• completeaminiprojectandtestit(L6).

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L T P C0 0 3 1.5

The objective of this course is to familiarize the students with commonly used components, accessories and measuring equipment in Electrical in-stallations. The course also provides hands on experience in setting up of simple wiring circuits and electric machine wiring.

Course Objectives:• Tointroduceandmakeuseofvariouselectricalcomponents.• Toimparttheknowledgeofvarioussupplysystemsandtheirutiliza-

tion.• To enable wiring practice of electrical circuits using various compo-

nents.• ToteachstudentsaboutvarioustypesofMCB’sandtheirutilizationin

distribution arrangement.• To introduce wiring procedures followed in machine wiring.

List of Experiments:1. Study of various electrical tools and symbols.2. Identifydifferenttypesofcables/wiresandswitches,fuses&fusecar-

riers, MCB and ELCB, MCCB with ratings and usage.3. Wiring of simple light circuit for controlling light/fan point (PVC con-

duit wiring).4. Wiring of light/fan circuit using two way/three way control (Staircase

wiring)5. Wiringoffluorescentlampsandlightsockets.6. Go-downwiring/Tunnelwiring7. Wiring of power distribution arrangement using single phase MCB

distribution board with ELCB, Main switch and Energy meter.8. Measurement of voltage, current, resistance in DC circuit.9. Measurementofvoltage,currentandpowerinsinglephasecircuitus-

ing voltmeter, ammeter and wattmeter. Calculate the power factor of the circuit.

10.Wiringofbackuppowersupplyincludinginverter,batteryandloadfordomestic installations.

11. DC Machine wiring.12. 3-phase Induction Motor wiring.

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Course outcomes:After completion of this course, the students will be able to• demonstrate supply arrangements and their limitations, knowledge

of standard voltages and their tolerances, safety aspects of electrical systems and importance of protective measures in wiring systems (L2).

• classify the types of wires, cables and other accessories used in wiring. creating awareness of energy conservation in electrical systems (L2).

• experiment with simple lighting circuits for domestic buildings,distinguish between light and power circuits (L3).

• find electrical circuit parameters, current, voltage and power in acircuit (L1).

• illustratebackuppowersupplyindomesticinstallation(L2).

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L T P C0 0 3 1.5

The Computer Engineering Workshop (or IT Workshop) course enables the students to gain practical knowledge of PC Hardware and Software, Software installation, Troubleshooting aspects, working with Internet, Excel and PowerPoint tools.

Course Objectives:

Thiscourseimpartsknowledgeon• understandingassemblyanddisassemblyofaPersonalComputer• installationofanOperatingSystem• howtotroubleshooteitherHardwareorSoftware• workingwithInternetandSearchEngines• understandingExcelandPowerPointtoolsofMS-Office

List of Experiments:

PC Hardware and Software

1. Every student should disassemble and assemble the PC back toworkingcondition.Labinstructorsshouldverifytheworkandfollowit up with a viva. Students need to go through the video which shows the process of assembling a PC. A video can be viewed as part of the course content.

2. Every student should individually install MS-Windows on the personal computer. Lab instructor should assist and verify the installation and the teachers follow it up with a viva.

3. Everystudentshould installLinuxon thecomputer. Thiscomputershouldhavewindowsinstalled.ThesystemshouldbeconfiguredasdualbootwithbothwindowsandLinux.Labinstructorsshouldassistand verify the installation and the teachers follow it up with a viva.

4. ThistaskcoversbasiccommandsandsystemadministrationinLinuxwhich includes: Basic Linux commands in bash, create hard andsymboliclinks,Textprocessingandusageofwildcards.

Hardware and Software Troubleshooting

1. Hardware Troubleshooting: Students have to be given a PC which does not boot due to improper assembly or defective peripherals. Theyshouldidentifytheproblemandfixittogetthecomputerbacktoworkingcondition.Theworkdoneshouldbeverifiedbytheinstructorand followed up with a viva.

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2. Software Troubleshooting: Students have to be given a malfunctioning CPU due to system software problems. They should identify the problemandfixittogetthecomputerbacktoworkingcondition.Theworkdoneshouldbeverifiedbytheinstructorandfollowedupwitha viva.

Internet and World Wide Web

1. Orientation and Connectivity Boot Camp: Students should get connectedtotheirLocalAreaNetworkandaccesstheInternet.Intheprocess they configure theTCP/IP setting. Finally, students shoulddemonstrate to the instructor how to access the websites and email. If there is no internet connectivity, preparations need to be made by the instructors to simulate the WWW on the LAN.

2. Web Browsers and Surfing theWeb: Students customize their webbrowserswiththeLANproxysettings,bookmarks,searchtoolbarsandpop-upblockers.Plug-inslikeMacromediaFlashandJREforappletsshouldbeconfigured.

3. Search Engines and Netiquette: Students should know what searchengines are and how to use the search engines. A few topics would be given to the students for which they need to search on Google. This should be demonstrated to the instructors.

4. CyberHygiene:Studentswouldbeexposedtothevariousthreatsontheinternetandwouldbeaskedtoconfiguretheircomputertobesafeontheinternet.Theyneedtofirstinstallananti-virussoftware,configuretheirpersonalfirewallandwindowsupdateontheircomputer.Thentheyneedtocustomizetheirbrowserstoblockpop-ups,blockActiveXdownloads to avoid viruses and/or worms.



1. UsingExcel:Accessing,overviewoftoolbars,savingexcelfiles,Usinghelp and resources; Creating a Scheduler: Features to be covered:Gridlines,FormattingCells,Summation,Autofill,FormattingText.

2. CalculatingGPA:Featurestobecovered:CellReferencing,Formulaeinexcel:Count,Average,Standarddeviationetc.;Charts,Renamingand Inserting worksheets, hyperlinking, LOOKUP/VLOOKUP,Sorting, Conditional formatting.

Power Point


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help them create basic power point presentation.

1. PPTOrientation,SlideLayouts,InsertingText,WordArt,FormattingText,BulletsandNumbering,AutoShapes,LinesandArrows.

2. Makinginteractivepresentations:Hyperlinks, InsertingImages,ClipArt, Audio, Video, Objects, Tables and Charts.


1. VikasGupta,ComdexInformationTechnologycoursetoolkit,WileyDreamtech,2009.


3. Introduction to Information Technology, ITL Education Solutions limited,PearsonEducation,2006.

4. Kate J. Chase, PC Hardware andA+ Handbook, PHI (Microsoft),2000.

Course Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, the student will be able to• identifyvariousphysicalcomponentsofaPersonalComputer(L3).• experimentwithOperatingSysteminstallation(L3).• takepartintroubleshootingaspects(L3).• explainhowtoworkwithInternetandSearchengines(L4).• createapplicationsinExcelandPowerPoint(L6).

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L T P C0 0 3 1.5

The course enables the students of mechanical engineering to gain hands on experience and skills necessary to perform traditional manufacturing operations such as moulding, casting and welding. It also introduces the students to modern manufacturing techniques such as development of composites and use of power tools. The major objective of this course is to make sure that all the mechanical engineering graduates gain practical exposure to manufacturing methods and various manufacturing tools.

Course Objectives

• Introducemouldingandcastingskills.• Train on different types of welding joints.• Exposeassemblingordisassemblingskills.• Demonstrate the manufacturing of plastic components.• Familiarizetheuseofpowertools.

Foundry Practice: (2 Sessions)

i) a)Determinationofaveragegrainsizeforsandsampleusingsieveshaker.

b) Preparation of a green sand mould using single piece pattern. ii. Preparation of a green san mould using split piece pattern with core

and demonstration of casting.

Welding Practice: (2 Sessions)

i) Lap joint, butt joint and T joint using arc welding.ii) a) Lap joint using resistance spot welding. b) Lap and butt joints using gas welding.

Assembling/Disassembling Practice: (3 Sessions)

i. Bicycle.ii. Clutch and carburetor. iii. Two wheeler engine.

Manufacture of a Plastic Component (2 Sessions)

i. Use of injection moulding machine.ii. FRPcompositeusinghandlayupmethod.iii. Joiningofplasticcomponents.

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Design and manufacture any two domestic utility productswith any material (2 Sessions)

Use of Power Tools (2 Sessions)

Course Outcomes:

After completion of this lab course, the student will be able to • makemouldsforsandcasting(L3).• develop different welded joints (L3).• assemble or disassemble of machine components (L3).• makeplasticcomponents(L3).• use power tools for different applications (L3).• outlinetheapplicationsofhydraulicandpneumaticcircuits(L5).

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L T P C0 0 2 1

This course is intended to make student learn about the design of an RC plane and student will have a hands-on experience to built and fly a RC plane.

Course Objectives:

• Design,buildandflymodelairplanesorhelicopters.• Have hands-on experience necessary for developing a practical

aptitude.• Learntheflyingcharacteristicslikespeedordurationofflight.

List of Experiments:

1. Design,fabricationandflyingofenginepoweredRCplane

2. Design,fabricationandflyingofbatterypoweredRCmodelairplane.

3. Design,fabricationandflyingofquad-copter.

4. Design,fabricationandflyingofflappingwingaircraft.

5. Design,fabricationandflyingofglider.

6. Design,fabricationandflyingofhelicopter.

7. Design,fabricationandflyingofsolarpoweredRCplane.

8. Design,fabricationandflyingofflyingwing.

9. Design,fabricationandflyingoftandemwing.



Course Outcomes:

After completion of this course, the student will be able to• demonstrateLogical,Analytical,Strategic&Criticalthinkingskillsfor

developing new design of different aircraft model (L2).• handsoncreationofelectroniccircuit,biomechanicalmodelusingkits

(L2).• analyzetheaerodynamics,stability and structural criteria of the model
