Regional Newsletter Issue 1 (2012)

S&NI Newsletter 2012 Issue 1 Newsletter Date Feb 2012 In this Issue: 1. Ambassador for Peace 2. Borders Hot Shots 3. Oban High School Families Eve 5. Boxing Day Dip 6. RAC Break at RAF Leuchars 7. Rolls-Royce take up Curling 8. East Kilbride’s Dining In 9. 107’s DoE Bronze Exped A n awards ceremony took place at Glasgow City Chambers on Tuesday 22nd November which reservists were presented awards of meritorious service and the support and commitment of the employers of Reservists were recognised. In addition, cadets were appointed Lord Lieutenant's Cadets and a special award was made to Mrs Jackie Bird from BBC Scotland. The Lord Provost presented the Lord Lieutenant's Certificate of Merit to two Air Training Corps Adult Volunteers from West Scotland Wing. This recognises the long service, commitment and dedication shown by the following citizens of Glasgow : from 122 (North Glasgow) Squadron Air Training Corps, Warrant Officer Thomas Kerr and from 32F (1st Glasgow) Sqn, Flt Lt Michael Quinn. Cadet Warrant Officer Andrew McGuire of 1089 (East Glasgow) Squadron was also installed as a Lord Lieutenants Cadet at the event. CWO McGuie joined 1089 Squadron in April 2005, and achieved his First Class Cadet in Sep 2005, progressing through his training to achieve Staff Cadet in Feb 2008. During this time he progressed through the cadet ranks and achieved the rank of Cadet Warrant Officer in August 2011. During his time in the ATC his achievements have included attending the Leadership Course at Frimley Park, gaining a Silver DOE Award, A BTEC in Public Service and Aviation Studies, his Communicators Badge, a 2 Star Canoeing Qualification, Activity First Aid Course and has also completed the qualified aerospace instructors course. As an aerospace instructor andrew has assisted in running modules at the regional camps held in aldergrove. CITY CHAMBERS PRESENTATION


Scotland and N Ireland Region Newsletter Issue 1 (2012)

Transcript of Regional Newsletter Issue 1 (2012)

Page 1: Regional Newsletter Issue 1 (2012)

S&NI Newsletter

2012 Issue 1

Newsletter DateFeb 2012

In this Issue:

1. Ambassador for Peace2. Borders Hot Shots3. Oban High School Families Eve5. Boxing Day Dip6. RAC Break at RAF Leuchars7. Rolls-Royce take up Curling8. East Kilbride’s Dining In9. 107’s DoE Bronze Exped

An awards ceremony took place at GlasgowCity Chambers on Tuesday 22nd

November which reservists were presentedawards of meritorious service and the supportand commitment of the employers ofReservists were recognised. In addition, cadetswere appointed Lord Lieutenant's Cadets anda special award was made to Mrs Jackie Birdfrom BBC Scotland.

The  Lord  Provost  presented  the  Lord­Lieutenant's Certificate of Merit to two AirTraining Corps Adult Volunteers from WestScotland Wing. This recognises the longservice, commitment and dedication shown bythe following citizens of Glasgow : from 122(North Glasgow) Squadron Air Training Corps,Warrant Officer Thomas Kerr and from 32F (1stGlasgow) Sqn, Flt Lt Michael Quinn.

Cadet Warrant Officer Andrew McGuire of 1089 (East Glasgow) Squadron was also installed as a Lord Lieutenants Cadet at theevent.

CWO McGuie joined 1089 Squadron in April 2005, and achieved his First Class Cadet in Sep 2005, progressing through histraining to achieve Staff Cadet in Feb 2008. During this time he progressed through the cadet ranks and achieved the rank ofCadet Warrant Officer in August 2011.

During his time in the ATC his achievements have included attending the Leadership Course at Frimley Park, gaining a SilverDOE Award, A BTEC in Public Service and Aviation Studies, his Communicators Badge, a 2 Star Canoeing Qualification, ActivityFirst Aid Course and has also completed the qualified aerospace instructors course.

As an aerospace instructor andrew has assisted in running modules at the regional camps held in aldergrove.


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The 2012 Scottish Robotic Games will be held at SelexGalileo, Crewe Toll, Edinburgh EH5 2XS on saturday 9th

June 2012.

As usual the day will include free and subsidised food, a guestlecture, additional displays and a factory tour. The tour is anexcellent opportunity for cadets to see a modern hightechnology engineering facility that is not normally available tovisitors.

The next batch of Rampaging Chariot Kits are now ready fordistribution. These include 2.4GHz transmitters which havediscrete frequencies and will not need changing forcompetitions at the Games.

My grateful thanks to the Guild members who helped in thecomplicated and time consuming packing process.

Please put the date of the Games in your diaries and I lookforward to another exciting competition.

Let battle Commence…….

In Nov last year, Fg OffYasmeen Khan, from 2452

(Shawlands) Sqn, wasappointed as an Ambassadorfor Peace by the UniversalPeace Federation

The Universal PeaceFederation is a global networkand has a Special ConsultativeStatus with the United Nations'Economic and Social Council. The appointment ofAmbassador for Peacerequires demonstration ofleadership qualities in a givensphere of activity, affirm ationof Universal PeaceFederation's vision andprinciples.

The Universal PeaceFederation acknowledges as Ambassador for Peacethose individuals whose lives exemplify the ideal of living for thesake of others, and who dedicate themselves to practiceswhich promotes, international harmony, renewal of the UnitedNations, responsible public media and the establishment ofa culture of peace.

Flying Officer Khan has been volunteering for 30 years in arange of settings that helps to make a real difference in people'slives, examples include Air Cadets, working with the mostvulnerable young people, teaching Arabic and Urdu, beinginvolved in regeneration projects in neighbourhood areas andcampaigning on issues such as religious harmony, socialjustice, and community cohesion.

Four Senior Cadets from 2180 (Galashiels) recentlyqualified as Regional Marksmen using the Cadet No 8 Rifle

at thier local indoor range.

FSgt Mark Robertson, Sgt Dan Barnes, Cpl William Jacksonand Cpl Connor Flockhart all achieved the standard requiredfor the award under the watchful eye of OC2180 and his team.

Dep Oc 2180 Fg Off Nik Wielbo said:- "The guys did really wellespecially after a lay off from shooting for almost 2 years dueto a variety of administrative issues.

We are now planning some weekend shoots over the comingmonths with small numbers of cadets so that we can providesome meaningful marksmanship training.

Hopefully we will see more cadets achieving the variousmarksmanship awards provided by the ACO."

Cadets from 2435 (St Andrews)Squadron were the first cadets in

Scotland & Northern Ireland to use theMobile Climbing Tower with newautomatic descenders. The originaldescenders were withdrawn from servicetwo years ago with the Mobile ClimbingTower only being able to be used byropes. The new True Blue descenderswere received at RAF Leuchars and aftersafety checks carried out by Sqn Ldr H

Mcadam and the Deputy Regional Adventure Training Officercadets were able to use the descendersfor the first time.

During an hours climbing session atScotland & Northern Ireland RegionalHeadquarters cadets were involved ingraded climbing. The mobile climbingtower is available for booking through theRegional Resource Manager and will bepresent during the Mach 12 camps at DTABarry Buddon.


Climbing Tower Back in UseRobotic Challenge 2012

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The Lord Lieutenant of Lanarkshire, Mr Mushtaq AhmadOBE, visited 2414 (East Kilbride) Squadron last December.

The purpose of the visit was to present the Lord LieutenantsCertificates of Meritorious Service to Flight Lieutenant DMacMillan RAFVR(T), OC 2414, and Flying Officer D McVeanRAFVR(T), 498 Squadron.

Flt Lt MacMillan (Pictured right) has been in the Air TrainingCorps for 22 years, starting as a cadet at East KilbrideSquadron at the age of 13. During this time within theorganisation he attained the rank of Cadet Warrant Offic er,Adult Warrant Officer in 1991 and received his Commission in1997.

Since then he has held the role of Commanding Officer at twosquadrons, initially at Lanark Squadron (449) and now presentlyat East Kilbrid e Squadron (2414).

The Lord Lieutenant was greeted by a parade and enjoyed adrill display, presentations and spoke with the Squadron'scadets.

He was pleased to learn further about the Air Training Corpsand understand the Squadron's role within the local and widercommunity.

Above: Cadets receivetheir classification

training certific ates andba dges fro m the Lord

 Lieutenant.Left: Flt Lt Macmillanreceives his certificate

Oban Air Cadets end ofyear families evening was

a big success. Withrepresentation from the RoyalBritish Legion, over 20 familymembers and 18 cadets onparade, everyone was on topform.

The evening started with anIntroduction from Fg OffNatalie Scott and then 5minute talks from SgtCameron, Cpl MacInnes andCpl Cook.

After which there was a smallcontinuity drill display from thejunior cadets.

Tthere were enrolments of 4new cadets who were: CdtsJosh Marlow, Stephen Povey,Robin McMahn and Oran Hart.

Certificates and AwardsFollowed as follows:

RBL Poppy Appeal andRemembrance SundayCertificates were presented toSgt Cameron, Cpl Cook, CdtsMacKenzie, Marlow, McInnes,Needham, Povey, Sansom,Wilkinson, Hart, Henrickson,McMahon and Bland.

Certificates of Attendancewent to Cpl Cook forattending TS Royalist, andCpl MacInnes for attendingThe Leadership for Life.

Exam Certificates:

First class Certificates: CdtReynolds, Sansom, Cook,Khan, McInnes andNeedham.

BTEC Aviation Studies Level2: Cpl MacInnes

Other Awards:Squadron Commander’sSpecial Commendation:

Sgt Cameron & CI Duff

Squadron Commander’sCommendation:Cdt Povey & MacKenzie,Civilian Committee membersChristine Cameron & AmandaSansom and Rev. Ken Hunter

Main Awards for the Evening:Gary Holland Trophy for BestRecruit: Cdt Needham

Chipmunk Trophy for BestSports Person: Cpl Cook

Sqn Ldr Simison Trophy forBest NCO: Cpl MacInnes

Runner up Cdt of the YearTrophy: Cdt Sansom

RBL Trophy for Cadet of theYear: Cpl Cook

Cadet of the year Trophy waspresented by Lesley Blair-Simmonds, who is theChairperson of RBL ObanBranch.


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4 cadets from 2175 (RollsRoyce) Squadron ran in

the Barshaw Park Santa Dashin Paisley on 4th ofDecember.

The 5K race was a sponsoredevent in aid of ACCORDHospice.

Over 100 volunteers, dressedas Santa in full suits andbeards took part in the runwhich attracted adults andkids alike.

ACCORD hospice is an independant Charity, giving freeSpecialist Palliative Medical and Nursing Care and support topeople whose illness is causing physical pain and emotionaldistress and for whom curative treatment may no longer beappropriate.

The cadets; Cpl JenniferAdam , Cdt Andrew Law, CdtShannon Rae and Cpl ConnorMacLeod (pictured), togetherraised £100 for the charitywith Sgt (ATC) Kelly McGee inattendance to cheer them on!

All the cadets successfullycompleted the run, just beforethe snow started to fall.

Cadet Warrant OfficerLauren McNulty of 327

(Kilmarnock) Squadron, AirTraining and former SargentJonathan Black braved theelements and took part in theannual Clic Sargent BoxingDay “Dip with a Nip” atPrestwick Beach in Ayrshire.

They took part with 5 friendsand were raising money forthe charity in memory of their

friend Heather Stuart (also acadet in the Squadron) whodied aged 15 in 2009. Theyboth met heather when theywere all cadets at 327(Kilmarnock) Squadron.Heather and her family weresupported by Clic Sargentduring her illness.

On the day the weather wasvery windy and the waveswere wild but the team found itan exhilarating experience andare even considering doing itagain next year. Collectivelythey raised just over £1,000for Clic Sargent.


Before the event:- LaurenMcNulty and Jonathan Blackbefore the event.

After the dip:- Ryan Bland,Linzi Corrigan, Russell Boyd,Jonathan Black, LaurenMcNulty.

BARSHAW PARK SANTA DASH Clic Sargent Boxing Day Dip

The winter edition of the Air Cadet Magazine is now available to read on line. If you want to have a look then go to:


Air Commodore Barbara Cooper, CBE (Commandant of the Air Cadet Organisation),paid a special visit to 806 Larne Squadron on Monday 30 January as part of her

visit to the Northern Ireland Wing Air Training Corps. A full report will be in Issue 10 ofthe Wing Newsletter which is due out at the end of February. (Photo on Page 6)

Air Commodore Visits 806 Larne Squadron

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2175 (Rolls-Royce) Squadron organised a weekend of activities at the Regional Activity Centre for themselves and friendsfrom 1740 (Clydebank) and 2414 (East Kilbride) Squadrons from the 27th – 29th of January.

As on previous occasions the activities centred on L98 shooting and a Youth First Aid course. For the first time however, No.8rifles were also used to give some of the newer cadets their first taste of shooting with the ATC.

12 cadets successfully passed their YFA course and will receive their certificates and badges soon. 9 cadets also qualified formarksmanship badges.

Feb Heartstart initiative - A major TV led campaign isunderway to promote "Hands Only CPR".

South East Scotland Wing is trying to organise a massHeartstart training session during Feb 2012.

For further info on how to get involved contact Sqn Ldr HildaMcAdam at RHQ.

The TV campaign is fronted by Vinnie Jones "Check him over,Call 999, Push hard and fast to 'Stayin Alive' - it works! - handsonly CPR, it ain't as hard as it looks!"


Feb Heartstart Initiative

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On 14th of January 2175 (Rolls Royce) Squadron weretreate d to some expert coaching by Civilian Instructor

Dave Lacey, his wife Marion and Corporal Jennifer Adam asthey introduced the squadron to the sport of Curling.

The event was held at Greenacres Curling Club in Howwood,Renfrew shire and consisted of an hour’s instruction and thentwo games of curling.

The cadets and staff really enjoyed the introductory sessionand will be back later in the year.

2175 (Rolls Royce) SQN TAKE UP CURLING

2175 Curlers inAction.

The cadets took tothe activity likeducks to water(or rather ice!!).

Air Commodore Visits 806 Larne Squadron

2180 Sq said goodbyeto Flight Sergeant

Brian Irvine who is leav-ing the Squadron tomtake up a post in theAerospace Industry atHumberside Airport.

FSgt Irvine has beenwith 2180 for a relativelyshort time but even sohas become a valuedmember of staff and hasmade a huge contribu-tion to the development

of the Squadron,

Saying farewell and good luck, the Squadron presented Brianwith an engraved tankard as a reminder of his time with 2180Squadron.

Farewell to FSgt Irvine

ONE FROM THE ARCHIVEThanks to Sqn Ldr Jim Hair of Highland Wing for this archivephoto of a very early ScotSATT team. How many faces doyou recognise in this vintage classic? At least 5 of them arestill active around the Region.

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On 15th January 2 Squadrons visited 12 Air Exp erie nce Flightat RAF Leuchars.

In all , 13 cadets and one Civilian Instructor flew on an airexperience flig ht at Leuchars, seven cadets from 470 squadron(Falkirk) and six cadets plus one CI from 1001 (Monklands)Squadron.

On the 12th Feb CadetsGeorge Simpson, Jamie

Graham, Ashton Dobie andRea Bloice from 2519(Strathmore) Squadron,accompanied by Fg OffLindsay Robertson and Flt LtMichael Kay journeyed toRoyal Air Force Leuchars forAir Experience Flying with 12Air Experience Flight.

There they met up with 21cadets and 6 staff memberfrom 1716 (Roxburgh), 2180(Galashiels), 2435 (St.Andrews) and 775 (Burntisland) Squadrons.

Before getting airborne, thayall watched a health andsafety video on the parachuteand life jacket, the Grob TutorT1, the aircraft controls andhow to enter it by walking onthe correct parts of the wingsas directed by the groundcrew.

They then had to undertake ashort verbal test to check their

understanding of the videoand each cadet was given asmall individual test on the useof the equipment.

After being kitted with a flyingsuit, survival jacket, life jacket,parachute, flying helmet andfire proof gloves each cadetwas escorted out to theirrespective aircraft, and

undertook an Air ExperienceFlight in a Grob Tutor T1 whichlasted between 25 to 30minutes, during which timethey had the opportunity topilot the aircraft themselves,following which the pilotoffered to do aerobatics suchas barrel rolls, stall turns,looping the loop etc, if thecadet wanted to.

All the cadets thoroughlyenjoyed their flights and theycannot wait for their nextreturn.


Six cadets form 107 Squadron braved the Autumn chillwhilst camping out in the Cairngorm Mountains. The

overnight camp was part of the two day qualifying expeditiontowards the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze award. The campmarked the halfway point of two days walking and took placeafter extensive planning and map reading exercises done onthe parade evenings in preparation for the expedition. Tocomplete the expedition category the cadets have to plan andmake a presentation to the rest of the Squadron.

Leading Cadet Hopley who attended the course said "It was agreat character building experience, working as a team with agroup of other cadets all striving for the same goal. Workingas a team helped overcome some of the difficulties faced suchas pitching a tent in high winds."

107’s Cadets Complete DoE Bronze Expedition

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That’s all for this Regional Newsletter. If you have any articles that you would like published in thenext edition, then send them to Regional HQ for the attention of Sqn Ldr John Walker RAFVR(T).

We will try and publish at least a quarterly newsletter, (more frequent if we have enough news!). Cadetreporters from all wings welcome. You can also submit news and photos to the following e-mail [email protected] (or use [email protected] if attachments exceed 2Mb in size).

E-Mail - Text in either Word document or plain text files. Photo’s, preferably jpg or png formats (files nogreater than 2.5 Mb in Size please) and use E-Mail heading “Regional Newsletter Article” so that it isobvious as to the content.

In between issues of the Regional Newsletter, why not keep up to date by logging on to the Regional website,

Indeed we have a number of people who can submit news items directly onto the Regional Website (bothstaff and cadets). If you are involved in your squadron or Wing in newsletter creation or media commsand would like to become a cadet reporter for your wing, please get your squadron commander to dropan e-mail to [email protected] with your relevant details.

Note from the Editor

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2414 East Kilbride Squadronheld their Annual Dining In

Night at the East KilbrideRugby Club on the 21 st ofJanuary.

Staff, cadets and invitedguests enjoyed a three coursemeal of lentil and vegetablesoup, steak pie and stickytoffee pudding.

Commanding Officer, Flt LtDougie MacMillan thendelivered a well preparedspeech on the achievements ofthe past year, despite efforts

by some of the crowd to hecklehim!

2414 have had an amazingyear, most notably winning theWing Drill, Tyro and Bannerdrill competitions. Their bannerdrill team then went on to winthe Regional competition andrepresented Scotland andNorthern Ireland at the Corpscompetition.

They also did well in sportsrepresentation for CrossCountry, Football and Netball.In marksmanship, they won a

wing competition and camesecond at Region and alsoperformed well at Bisley withCpl Kyle Wilson going on torepresent the ATC at the Tri-service shoot.

For the second year runningthey have also been selectedto represent the Wing in theLees trophy for the mostefficient squadron in theCorps.

2414 will undergo manychanges this year as theymove from Rolls-Royce into

the TA centre, Flt Lt MacMillansaid, “It’s you, the cadets thatmake the squadron what it is,not the location. So lets keepup the good work

Flt Lt Macmillan then went onto present the annual trophiesand awards, and finally theguests watched a montage ofphotos and videos of the yearsactivities before beginning themess games.

2414 (East Kilbride) Dining In Night