Regional Histomorphometry of the Hepatic Inferior Vena ...

849 Int. J. Morphol., 27(3):849-854, 2009. Regional Histomorphometry of the Hepatic Inferior Vena Cava; a Possible Sphincteric Mechanism Histomorfometría Regional de la Vena Cava Inferior Hepática; un Posible Mecanismo de Esfínter P. K., Bundi; J. A.,Ogeng’o; J. Hassanali & P. O. Odula BUNDI, P. K.; OGENG’O, J. A.; HASSANALI, J. & ODULA, P. O. Regional histomorphometry of the hepatic inferior vena cava; a possible sphincteric mechanism. Int. J. Morphol., 27(3):849-854, 2009. SUMMARY: This study was aimed at identifying the changes in diameter and structural composition of the Hepatic Inferior Vena Cava in its infrahepatic, intrahepatic and suprahepatic portions. Eighty adult liver specimens from the Chiromo and Nairobi City mortuaries were used for morphometry, while twenty of them were processed for light microscopy. A constriction was noted in the mid- portion of the HIVC, while structurally; the intrahepatic portion had thicker fibromuscular adventitia. It is plausible that these are sphincteric apparatus to prevent backflow of blood in the Hepatic Inferior Vena Cava. KEY WORDS: Inferior vena cava; Hepatic; Sphincter; Backflow. INTRODUCTION The diameters of the lower and upper ends of the Hepatic Inferior Vena Cava have been studied (Sahni et al., 2006) with relatively little attention paid to the mid- portion. The diameter of the mid portion of the HIVC may be influenced by its hepatic course (whether in a complete tunnel or groove). Regional variations have been observed in the renal portion of the IVC, whereby the tunica adventitia becomes more muscular cranially (Medeiros de Mello et al., 1997). The tunica media has been reported as absent in some parts (Greep & Weiss, 1973). No regional differences have been attributed to the tunica intima (Young & Heath, 2002). At the hepatic portion, there is increased pressure and resistance in the HIVC (Cheng et al., 2003). It is possible that there exist regional differences in the diameters and mural structure of the HIVC to ensure forward flow of blood amidst the hemodynamic challenges. This study set out to study the histomorphometry of the upper, mid and lower portions of the HIVC, in order to unravel adaptations to counter the hemodynamic forces generated by the liver and increased blood. MATERIAL AND METHOD Eighty adult liver specimens obtained from Nairobi City Mortuary and Depart of Human Anatomy, University of Nairobi, were used. All the eighty were used for morphometry. Twenty fresh specimens, less than 48 hours postmortem were used for histomorphology. After entry into the abdominal cavity, the stomach and intestines were reflected to reach the porta hepatis. The liver along with the IVC from the junction with renal veins to the diaphragm was removed en block. Caudally, the IVC was divided transversely at the lower end of the posterior border of the caudate process and cranially where it pierced the diaphragm. The IVC was opened posteriorly by a vertical incision extending from the upper to lower ends. The length of the entire flaps was measured as the circumference using Namutan® vernier calipers (precision 0.02mm) and the diameter was calculated (by dividing the circumference by 3.142). This was done for upper, middle and lower ends. Data analysis was done using SPSS software (Version 15.0, Chicago, Illinois). The student’s t-test was used for analyzing morphometric differences Department of Human Anatomy, School of Medicine, the University of Nairobi, Kenya.

Transcript of Regional Histomorphometry of the Hepatic Inferior Vena ...

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Int. J. Morphol.,27(3):849-854, 2009.

Regional Histomorphometry of the Hepatic Inferior Vena Cava; a Possible Sphincteric Mechanism

Histomorfometría Regional de la Vena Cava Inferior Hepática;

un Posible Mecanismo de Esfínter

P. K., Bundi; J. A.,Ogeng’o; J. Hassanali & P. O. Odula

BUNDI, P. K.; OGENG’O, J. A.; HASSANALI, J. & ODULA, P. O. Regional histomorphometry of the hepatic inferior vena cava;

a possible sphincteric mechanism. Int. J. Morphol., 27(3):849-854, 2009.

SUMMARY: This study was aimed at identifying the changes in diameter and structural composition of the Hepatic Inferior

Vena Cava in its infrahepatic, intrahepatic and suprahepatic portions. Eighty adult liver specimens from the Chiromo and Nairobi City

mortuaries were used for morphometry, while twenty of them were processed for light microscopy. A constriction was noted in the mid-

portion of the HIVC, while structurally; the intrahepatic portion had thicker fibromuscular adventitia. It is plausible that these are sphincteric

apparatus to prevent backflow of blood in the Hepatic Inferior Vena Cava.

KEY WORDS: Inferior vena cava; Hepatic; Sphincter; Backflow.


The diameters of the lower and upper ends of theHepatic Inferior Vena Cava have been studied (Sahni etal., 2006) with relatively little attention paid to the mid-portion. The diameter of the mid portion of the HIVC maybe influenced by its hepatic course (whether in a completetunnel or groove). Regional variations have been observedin the renal portion of the IVC, whereby the tunicaadventitia becomes more muscular cranially (Medeiros deMello et al., 1997). The tunica media has been reported asabsent in some parts (Greep & Weiss, 1973). No regionaldifferences have been attributed to the tunica intima (Young& Heath, 2002). At the hepatic portion, there is increasedpressure and resistance in the HIVC (Cheng et al., 2003).It is possible that there exist regional differences in thediameters and mural structure of the HIVC to ensureforward flow of blood amidst the hemodynamic challenges.This study set out to study the histomorphometry of theupper, mid and lower portions of the HIVC, in order tounravel adaptations to counter the hemodynamic forcesgenerated by the liver and increased blood.


Eighty adult liver specimens obtained from NairobiCity Mortuary and Depart of Human Anatomy, Universityof Nairobi, were used. All the eighty were used formorphometry. Twenty fresh specimens, less than 48 hourspostmortem were used for histomorphology.

After entry into the abdominal cavity, the stomach andintestines were reflected to reach the porta hepatis. The liveralong with the IVC from the junction with renal veins to thediaphragm was removed en block. Caudally, the IVC wasdivided transversely at the lower end of the posterior border ofthe caudate process and cranially where it pierced thediaphragm. The IVC was opened posteriorly by a verticalincision extending from the upper to lower ends. The length ofthe entire flaps was measured as the circumference usingNamutan® vernier calipers (precision 0.02mm) and the diameterwas calculated (by dividing the circumference by 3.142). Thiswas done for upper, middle and lower ends. Data analysis wasdone using SPSS software (Version 15.0, Chicago, Illinois). Thestudent’s t-test was used for analyzing morphometric differences

Department of Human Anatomy, School of Medicine, the University of Nairobi, Kenya.

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between lower, mid and upper diameters. A p value of lessthan 0.05 was considered significant.

For histomorphology, serial 1cm equidistant sampleswere taken from the infrahepatic, intrahepatic andsuprahepatic portions of the HIVC as shown in Figure 1.

Five-millimeter thick sections were taken from thesegments. Fixation of the tissue was done for three days using10% formaldehyde solution. These segments were thendehydrated in ethyl alcohol of increasing concentrations,commencing with 70% ethanol to absolute alcohol.Trichloroethane was used as a clearing agent for 1.5 hoursthen wax impregnation and infiltration at 60ºc for 12 hours.7mm thick sections were cut using a Lezlar® microtome(SM2400, Germany). Dewaxing was done using xylene, andthe segments were rehydrated in xylol, absolute alcohol anddescending grades of alcohol up to 70% (i.e. running towater). Masson’s Trichrome was used to study thecytoarchitecture and connective tissue of the IVC wall(Bancroft et al, 1994). Weigert’s resorcin fuschcin and vanGieson counterstaining was used to demonstrate elasticfibers. For microscopic analysis, a Leica® light microscope(BME model, Germany) was used. A digital camera(Olympus®, 6 megapixels) was used to take photographsshowing the mural structure of the HIVC.

Fig. 1. Macrograph of the posterior surface of the liver showingthe sites from which specimens for microscopy were taken. A(Infrahepatic), B (Intrahepatic), C (suprahepatic subphrenic) andD (suprahepatic phrenic). The near vertical line shows the extentof the HIVC. CL; Caudate lobe, RL; Right lobe, RRV; Right renalvein; LRV; Left renal vein and LL; Left lobe.

diameter was significantly larger than the lower diameter(p=0.001). The mid-diameter was found to be significantlysmaller than the upper diameter (p=0.001) and the lowerdiameter (p=0.008). The mid-diameter was smallest in ca-ses where the HIVC was completely enclosed by the liver(1.6cm), and largest in cases where the HIVC ran in a shallowgroove in the posterior surface of the liver (1.8cm). In casesof incomplete tunneling, the mid-HIVC diameter was 1.7cm.

Generally, the HIVC was made up of three tunics;tunica intima, tunica media and tunica adventitia. The tunicaintima was more prominent in the infrahepatic portion,consisting of a subendothelial fibroelastic zone and a fewlongitudinal muscle cell bundles. In the intrahepatic, thetunica intima was almost indistinct, while in the suprahepatic


The mean diameter of the upper end was 2.8±0.5cm,lower end 2.1±0.4cm and mid-HIVC 1.7±0.4cm. The upper

Fig. 2. Transverse sections of the HIVC wall showing the tunicaintima (I), media (M), and adventitia (Adv). Note that the tunicaadventitia is the thickest and has three zones (Ia, Inner adventitia;Ma, Middle adventitia; Oa, Outer adventitia). Fig 2a; Masson’sTrichrome stain. X 100; 2b; Weigert’s elastic with van Giesoncounterstain. X100.

BUNDI, P. K.; OGENG’O, J. A.; HASSANALI, J. & ODULA, P. O. Regional histomorphometry of the hepatic inferior vena cava; a possible sphincteric mechanism.Int. J. Morphol., 27(3):849-854, 2009.

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subphrenic and phrenic portions, it was made of haphazardelastic fibers.

The tunica media, the least developed tunic,comprised two to five layers of circularly oriented smoothmuscle bundles separated by collagen-elastic fibers. Therewas no apparent tunica media in the intrahepatic portion, asthe longitudinally disposed muscle of the tunica adventitialay directly beneath the tunica intima. The suprahepaticsubphrenic portion had a media comprising up to 3 layers ofcircular and oblique smooth muscle bundles. At thesuprahepatic phrenic level, there was no distinct media asthe whole wall was chiefly fibroelastic.

In three portions portions, the tunica adventitia wasthe most developed tunic with a three layer arrangement; aninnermost zone of dense fibroelastic tissue, a middle mus-cular zone and an outermost fibroelastic zone. The muscu-lar zone consisted of longitudinally oriented muscle fiberbundles which were separated by collagen septa. The tunicaadventitia in the infrahepatic portion consisted of the threezones, with the muscle bundles loosely arranged. In theintrahepatic portion, only two zones were observed; an innermuscle layer and an outer fibroelastic zone. The musclebundles were compact and bundle. The suprahepatic

Photomicrographs of 3A; infrahepatic IVC showing a tunica me-dia with circular smooth muscle fibers, 3B; the intrahepatic IVCwith an intima and prominent muscular adventitia with no apparenttunica media, 3C; suprahepatic subphrenic IVC showing a tunicamedia with oblique muscle bundles and 3D; the suprahepaticphrenic portion showing a fibroelastic layer beneath the tunica in-tima with no apparent smooth muscle. 3A, C, D; Weigert’s elasticstain with van Gieson counterstaining: X100, 3B; MassonTrichrome stain. X400. Note also that the tunica adventitia is thethickest layer and is more developed in the intrahepatic portion,and has paucity of muscle in the suprahepatic phrenic portion.

BUNDI, P. K.; OGENG’O, J. A.; HASSANALI, J. & ODULA, P. O. Regional histomorphometry of the hepatic inferior vena cava; a possible sphincteric mechanism.Int. J. Morphol., 27(3):849-854, 2009.

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subphrenic IVC had large longitudinal bundles of smoothmuscle. At the phrenic level, the whole wall was fibroelasticwith paucity of smooth muscle. The outermost zonecomprised loose areolar and adipose tissue surrounded bythe tendon of the thoracic diaphragm.


In the present study, the mean diameter of the upperend of the HIVC was 2.8cm. This agrees with the generalrange of 1.9-4.0cm and 2.5-4.0cm (Nakamura & Tsuzuki,1981; Hirai et al., 2003). The table below summarizes thediameters reported for various populations.

Differences in diameter may be attributable tomethodological differences (Chang et al., 1989), but actualpopulation differences may also exist (Sahni et al.). The meandiameter of the lower end was 2.1cm; significantly lowerthan that of the upper end. There is limited literature on thelower end diameter. It is probable that the bigger diameterof the upper end is designed to accommodate additional bloodfrom the hepatic system, through the hepatic veins whichopen mainly near the upper end.

The diameter of the mid-point between the upper andlower ends was significantly lower than the upper (p=0.001)and lower ends (p=0.008). This implies that the IVC, in itsintrahepatic course, passes through a “bottle-neck.” This ishitherto unreported in the HIVC. Similar constrictions havehowever been reported in human spinal radicular veins wherethey pierce the dura (van der Kuip et al., 1999). This hasbeen proposed to constitute an antireflux mechanism; sincethe decrease in intravascular diameter will increase resistanceand reduce blood flow. This proposition is supported by ourobservation that major hepatic veins open superior to theconstriction.

This study confirms the findings of previous workers

that the tunica intima has an endothelium, subendothelialconnective tissue and smooth muscle bundles (Greep &Weiss; Medeiros de Mello et al.). This organization is thoughtto contribute to vascular flexibility, and circumferentialdistension (Crissman et al., 1980; Zezula-Szpyra &Grzegorewski, 2000; Caggiati et al., 2000). The absence ofa thick subendothelial zone, internal elastic lamina andsmooth muscles in the tunica intima of the intrahepatic makesit less compliant, thus facilitating sphincteric role.

The tunica media is the thinnest layer made of circu-lar smooth muscle as reported by Greep & Weiss. Circularsmooth muscle plays a sphincteric role (Todd et al., 1983).With increased hemodynamic forces, circular smooth musclechanges orientation and migrates to the tunica adventitia(Greep & Weiss). This may explains our observation of anindistinct tunica media in the intrahepatic portion.

The tunica adventitia was the thickest layer in the IVC.The predominantly longitudinal orientation of smooth muscleis an adaptation for propulsion of blood against gravity(Medeiros de Mello et al.). The presence of a more robust tunicaadventitia, with more vasa vasora in the intrahepatic portionsuggests increased hemodynamics and metabolic activity(Chuncher & Somana, 2005). At the phrenic level, there waspaucity of smooth muscle with the wall being mainlycollagenous. Loose areolar and adipose tissue surrounded thetendon of the diaphragm. A dense diaphragmatico-pericardialtissue has been reported in rats and rabbits (Franklin, 1937).The paucity of smooth muscle may be explained by negativepressure in the IVC at the thoracic level. The connectionbetween the IVC and the diaphragm ensures functional co-operation as has been reported elsewhere (Molinari et al., 1999).

In conclusion, the observation of a constriction infe-rior to the openings of major hepatic veins, a robust tunicaadventitia in the intrahepatic portion and a tunica media inthe infrahepatic portion allow us to propose that there existsa ‘sphincteric mechanism’ to prevent backflow of blood inthe HIVC.

Diameter (cm)Author and population n

Upper Lower Mid

Nakamura et al. (1981); Japanese 83 2.5 ---- ----

Chang et al. (1989); Chinese 60 1.8 ---- ----

Camargo et al. (1996); Brazilian 30 1.7 ---- ----

Mehran et al. (2000); N.Amer. Canadian 30 1.8 ---- ----

Sharma et al. (2001); Indian 100 3.0 ---- ----

Sahni et al. (2006); Indian 500 1.9 1.8 ----

Bundi et al. (2007); Present study 80 2.8 2.1 1.7

Table I. Comparison of morphometry of the HIVC in the present study and past workers.

BUNDI, P. K.; OGENG’O, J. A.; HASSANALI, J. & ODULA, P. O. Regional histomorphometry of the hepatic inferior vena cava; a possible sphincteric mechanism.Int. J. Morphol., 27(3):849-854, 2009.

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BUNDI, P. K.; OGENG’O, J. A.; HASSANALI, J. & ODULA, P. O. Histomorfometría regional de la vena cava inferior hepática; unposible mecanismo de esfínter. Int. J. Morphol., 27(3):849-854, 2009.

RESUMEN: Este estudio tiene por objetivo identificar los cambios en el diámetro y la composición estructural de la vena cavainferior hepática en sus porciones infrahepática, intrahepática y suprahepática. Ochenta hígados de especímenes adultos de los depósitosde cadáveres de la ciudad de Nairobi y Chiromo fueron usadas para morfometría, mientras que veinte de ellos fueron procesados paramicroscopía de luz. Se observó una constricción en el medio de la HIVC, mientras que estructuralmente, la porción intrahepática habíauna gruesa adventicia fibromuscular. Es posible que este sea un aparato esfinteriano para evitar el reflujo de sangre en la vena cavainferior hepática.

PALABRAS CLAVE: Vena cava inferior; Hepática; Esfinteriana; Reflujo.

BUNDI, P. K.; OGENG’O, J. A.; HASSANALI, J. & ODULA, P. O. Regional histomorphometry of the hepatic inferior vena cava; a possible sphincteric mechanism.Int. J. Morphol., 27(3):849-854, 2009.

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Young, B. & Heath, J. W. Wheater’s functional histology; atext and color atlas. 4th Ed. London, ChurchillLivingstone, 2002. p.155.

Zezula-Szpyra, A. & Grzegorzewski, W. Morphology of thedorsal nasal, frontal and facial veins in adult gilts. FoliaMorphol., 59(3):179-91, 2000.

BUNDI, P. K.; OGENG’O, J. A.; HASSANALI, J. & ODULA, P. O. Regional histomorphometry of the hepatic inferior vena cava; a possible sphincteric mechanism.Int. J. Morphol., 27(3):849-854, 2009.

Correspondence to:

Bundi Paul Karau

Department of Human Anatomy

University of Nairobi

P.O.BOX 30197-00100



Email: [email protected]

Received: 12-02-2009

Accepted: 28-07-2009