Regional Cadastral and NSDI Study

4 th RE GIO N AL C O N F E R E N C E OF CA DA STR E A N D S P A T I A L DAT A INF RA ST R U C T U R E Hotel Kompas BLED, Slovenia 8. - 10. 6. 2011


Regional Cadastral and NSDI Study 2011

Transcript of Regional Cadastral and NSDI Study

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Hotel Kompas BLED, Slovenia8. - 10. 6. 2011

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Dear colleagues,

It is my privilege to announced that Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia will organise 4th regional conference about cadastre and spatial data infrastructure between 8th to 10th of June 2011. The conference will be held at the Kompas Hotel at Lake Bled.

The objective of this conference is to further enhance the understanding and use of regional cooperation in the field of land administration and spatial data infrastructure establishment. The primary focus of this conference will be on creating the network for acceleration of reforms and development of national SDI through the exchange of experience and implementation of INSPIRE.

On behalf of the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia, I welcome you to the 4th regional conference about cadastre and spatial data infrastructure. The Conference will build on the success of the previous conferences, which were held in Opatija, Ohrid and Bečiči. The conference venue is in the heart of alpine region, and offers beautiful views and wonderful accommodations. Please join us at the conference and enjoy the beauty of Bled. We look forward to seeing old friends and meeting new ones.

Aleš Seliškar,general manager of SMA

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Introduction of the conference

Over the last four years, the regional conferences about cadastre and spatial data infrastructure have focused on exchange any useful experience and best practices example between countries in region.

With the agreement at the permanent technical commission meeting the focus of this year’s conference is on contribution at following themes: - “Activities at NMCA regarding NSDI and INSPIRE”, and - “How NMCA in region are fit with Cadastre 2014 goals” A precondition to the EU membership, to which all the countries of Western Balkan aspire, is their administrative capacity to incorporate the EU acquis, fulfil the adopted standards and execute the assumed obligations. One of the important preconditions is to have to dispose of accurate, up-to-date, high-quality, well structured and accessible spatial data. All this activities have significant impact on the work of surveying and mapping agencies and cadastral authorities in the region. Cadastral and topographic data are core elements of National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) in any country or, at the European level into the European Spatial Data Infrastructure defined by the INSPIRE Directive. The INSPIRE Directive, represents a comprehensive and far-reaching document whose establishment requires crucial adjustments of the EU member states and also has direct repercussions on the countries neighbouring the European Union, regardless of whether they are candidate countries or not.

The objectives of this year’s conference are to: - introduction with availability and use of spatial data and services in region among a broad range of users, primarily in the public sector, - information about coordination mechanism of NSDI and method of fork with participated organisations - discussion about some proposals for further cooperation - introduction with some details about implementation of INSPIRE directive and about data disseminations and data policy in EU.

The Conference will be organised through a series of plenary sessions addressing conference topics.

We welcome you soon in Slovenia.

Tomaž Petek, chairman of conference organising commette

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12.00 - 19.00 Registration and accommodation

15.00 - 16.00 Permanent technical commission meeting

16.00 - 17.00 General managers meeting

17.00 - 19.00 INSPIRATION Steering and Executive Boards meeting

20.00 - 21.00 Ice break - Welcome reception from Mayor of Bled

DAY 1Wednesday JUNE 8th 2011

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12.30 - 14.00 Lunch break

14.00 - 15.30 SECTION 2 “Activities at NMCA regarding NSDI and INSPIRE – part 2” - Agency for real Estate cadastre of Macedonia, - Bureau for Geodetic and Property Relations of Republika Srpska, - Republic Geodetic Authority of the Republic of Serbia, - Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia

15.30 - 16.00 Coffee break

16.00 - 17.30 SECTION 3 “Introduction of Slovenian geodetic sector and EU trends” - Slovenian Chamber of Engineers, Section of surveyors: The story and their current activities, Matjaž Grilc, IZS; MS Geo - Slovenian private sector – geodetic interest association of geodetic companies: The role of private sector in supplying real estate information, Andrej Mesner, GIZ GI - Slovenian spatial information system and Public utility infrastructure, Jurij Mlinar, MESP

19.30 - 22.00 Conference Dinner at Building of Triglav National Park

9.00 - 10.00 PLENARY SESSION

9.00 - 9.20 Welcome speeches: dr. Peter Gašperšič, State secretary at Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning Aleš Seliškar, general manager of Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia

9.20 - 9.35 Presentation of study results, Tomaž Petek, SMA

9.35 - 9.55 Good Governance of Tenure - FAO and World Bank Support and Future Agendas, Gavin Adlington and Rumyana Tonchovska, WB and FAO

9.55 - 10.15 European location framework, Dave Lovell, Eurogeographics

10.15 - 10.45 Coffee break

10.45 - 12.30 SECTION 1 “Activities at NMCA regarding NSDI and INSPIRE – part 1” - Albanian Agency for Immovable Property Registration, - Federal Bureau for Geodetic and Property Relations of the Federation Bosnia and Herzegovina, - State geodetic authority of Croatia, - Kosovo Cadastral Agency, - Real Property Directorate of the Republic of Montenegro

DAY 2 Thursday JUNE 9th 2011

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9.00 - 10.40 SECTION 4 “How NMCA are fit with Cadastre 2014 goals – part 1” - Albanian Agency for Immovable Property Registration, - Federal Bureau for Geodetic and Property Relations of the Federation Bosnia and Herzegovina, - State geodetic authority of Croatia, - Kosovo Cadastral Agency, - Real Property Directorate of the Republic of Montenegro

10.40 - 11.10 Coffee break

11.10 - 12.30 SECTION 5 “How NMCA are fit with Cadastre 2014 goals part – 2” - Agency for real Estate cadastre of Macedonia, - Bureau for Geodetic and Property Relations of Republic of Srpska, - Republic Geodetic Authority of the Republic of Serbia, - Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia

12.30 - 12.40 Announcement of Skopje NSDI Conference in September 2011

12.40 - 13.00 CONCLUSIONS

13.00 - 14.30 Lunch

DAY 3Friday JUNE 10th 2011

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WELCOME RECEPTION >> WELCOME RECEPTION for Regional Conference participants

Wednesday, June 8th, 2011

8 p.m. - 9.30 p.m.

This reception will be held at the Bled Municipality building, at address: Cesta Svobode 13, Bled.

Welcome speech will be given by Mr. Janez Fajfar, the mayor of Bled municipality, who will present us beauties of Bled.

Welcome speech will be followed by the occasional banquet toast on the terrace of the Bled Municipal building.

June 8th, 2011

Metting point for all participants: Hotel Kompas lobby, Wednesday, 7.30 p.m.

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General Director of the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia

Mr. Aleš Seliškar request the pleasure of your company at


to welcome delegates and guests attending

the 4th Regional conference of Cadastre in

Spatial data infrastructure

Conference dinner will be held at building of Triglav National Park, Ljubljanska cesta 27, Bled on

Thursday, June 9th, 2011

at 8 p.m.

June 9th, 2011CONFERENCE DINNER >>

Metting point for all participants: Hotel Kompas lobby, Thursday, 7.30 p.m.

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Last Name First Name Organization / Institution

Adlington Gavin World Bank

Ažman Irena Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia

Bačić Željko State Geodetic Administration of the Republic of Croatia

Berden Bernarda Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia

Blažeka Dejan State Geodetic Administration of the Republic of Croatia

Bovha Dominik Geodetski zavod Celje d.o.o.

Brnot Marija Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia

Bublaku Hajzer Kosovo Cadastral Agency

Çaka Muzafer Kosovo Cadastral Agency

Cenova Mitrevska Tatjana Agency for Real Estate Cadastre of the Republic of Macedonia

Cirković Sonja Republic Geodetic Authority of the Republic of Serbia

Como Besnik Albanian Agency for Immovable Property Registration

Cvetanovski Zoran Agency for Real Estate Cadastre of the Republic of Macedonia

Đurović Sasa Republic Geodetic Authority of the Republic of Serbia

Đurović Stanislava Real Property Directorate of the Republic of Montenegro

Femić Velizar Real Property Directorate of the Republic of Montenegro

Gašperšič Peter Ministry of the environment and spatial planning

Georgievski Ljupcho Agency for Real Estate Cadastre of the Republic of Macedonia

Gligorić Tihomir Republic Authority for Geodetic and Property Affairs of Republic of Srpska

Grilc Matjaž Slovenian Chamber of Engineers, Section of surveyors; DIGI DATA d.o.o.

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Last Name First Name Organization / Institution

Gruevski Goce Agency for Real Estate Cadastre of the Republic of Macedonia

Habyjev Ilgar State Committee on Property Issues of Azerbaijan Republic

Hašaj Matej Geodetic interest association of geodetic companies

Jokić Srdjan Republic Authority for Geodetic and Property Affairs of Republic of Srpska

Jordanovic Olivera World Bank

Katić Zlatan State Geodetic Administration of the Republic of Croatia

Kete Primož Geodetic Institute of Slovenia

Kos Samir Gisdata d.o.o., Ljubljana

Kovačević Dragan Real Property Directorate of the Republic of Montenegro

Kovačič Matej Geodetski zavod Celje d.o.o.

Krstevska Lidija Agency for Real Estate Cadastre of the Republic of Macedonia

Kupic Anton Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia

Kyrkjeeide Kåre Norwegian Mapping and Cadastre Authority

Lesko Ivan Federal Bureau for Geodetic and Property Relations of the Federation Bosnia and Herzegovina

Likozar Helena DIGI DATA d.o.o.

Ljumović Mirjana Real Property Directorate of the Republic of Montenegro

Llakaj Xhevair Albanian Agency for Immovable Property Registration

Lovell Dave EuroGeographics

Macanović Dragan Republic Authority for Geodetic and Property Affairs of Republic of Srpska

Marinović Davorin State Geodetic Administration of the Republic of Croatia

Last Name First Name Organization / Institution

Meha Murat Kosovo Cadastral Agency

Mehmedović Edib Federal Bureau for Geodetic and Property Relations of the Federation Bosnia and Herzegovina

Mesner Andrej Geodetic interest association of geodetic companies

Milić Vesna Real Property Directorate of the Republic of Montenegro

Mišković Darko Republic Authority for Geodetic and Property Affairs of Republic of Srpska

Mitreska Daniela Agency for Real Estate Cadastre of the Republic of Macedonia

Mitrovič Dušan Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia

Mivšek Edvard Geodetic Institute of Slovenia

Mlinar Jurij Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia

Nišić Irma Real Property Directorate of the Republic of Montenegro

Novšak Roman Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia

Obradović Željko Federal Bureau for Geodetic and Property Relations of the Federation Bosnia and Herzegovina

Orlandić Mićo Real Property Directorate of the Republic of Montenegro

Pacolli Hasim Kosovo Cadastral Agency

Panahov Shahin Real Estate Registration Project, Azerbaijan

Pašalić Nedžad Federal Bureau for Geodetic and Property Relations of the Federation Bosnia and Herzegovina

Pavlović Dragan Republic Geodetic Authority of the Republic of Serbia

Pegan Žvokelj Borut Geodetic Institute of Slovenia

Perovšek Aleš Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia

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Last Name First Name Organization / Institution

Pesko Grega DIGI DATA d.o.o.

Petek Tomaž Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia

Pfajfar Tadej LUZ, d.d.

Pogorelčnik Ema Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia

Popović Desanka Republic Geodetic Authority of the Republic of Serbia

Prešeren Peter Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia

Puhar Martin IGEA d.o.o.

Ralev Gligor Swedesurvey AB, Capacity Building Project of the AREC

Rašić Ljerka State Geodetic Administration of the Republic of Croatia

Ravnihar Franc Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia

Rezo Alenka State Geodetic Administration of the Republic of Croatia

Režek Jurij Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia

Seliškar Aleš Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia

Sikimić Antonija Federal Bureau for Geodetic and Property Relations of the Federation Bosnia and Herzegovina

Simović Slavko Real Property Directorate of the Republic of Montenegro

Smodiš Martin Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia

Smolnikar Tilen LUZ, d.d.

Sokacova Patricia EuroGeographics

Šoškić Snježana Real Property Directorate of the Republic of Montenegro

Šuntar Aleš IGEA d.o.o.

Last Name First Name Organization / Institution

Tesla Nenad Republic Geodetic Authority of the Republic of Serbia

Tonchovska Rumyana FAO and World Bank

Trgachevski Aleksandar Agency for Real Estate Cadastre of the Republic of Macedonia

Trobiš Tomaž Slovenia forest service

Unger Jelena State Geodetic Administration of the Republic of Croatia

Volkanova Zlatanovska Sanja Agency for Real Estate Cadastre of the Republic of Macedonia

Vrečar Simon EUROGI / CEKTRA

Wouters Rik Kadaster Netherlands

Xhialli Arben Ministry of Inovation and ICT

Zekušić Sanja State Geodetic Administration of the Republic of Croatia

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Regional Cadastral

and NSDI Study

2011Draft Report*


*Disclamer: This study is still in draft version. Final version will be available on the web page of the regional cooperation, after discussion at the conference and after confirmation from the members

of permanent technical commission.

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In this study, real-estate management trends identified in countries of south-eastern Europe in recent years are presented. Many of those countries are still in transition and that means that they are still in the process of real-estate management reform. Land-management reforms have high priority, because they have significant influence on the formalization of land tenure, the development of land markets, and the resolution of land disputes, as well as establishing conditions for security of foreign investment. In recent years, almost all countries in the region have reorganised state geodetic institutions into modern real-estate registration agencies. They define their development in this area according to European and international recommendations made by expert associations. After the digitisation of data was completed, many countries established real-estate cadastres from land cadastres with different approaches. A permanent network of GNSS stations was established almost in all countries in the region. At present, many of these organisations are facing the challenges of setting up a national spatial data infrastructure and comprehensive topographical systems. In the last ten years, the legal framework for real-estate registration was renewed in all countries in region; the private sector in geodetic works was established. Many land-administration projects have been started in the region. In the conclusion, we also attempt to show some opportunities for Slovenian geodetic services in the region.

The progress in number of properties covered by up-to-data and harmonised cadastre and land book is rather decent. Development and implementation of electronic information services is an ongoing activity in all LAS of the region. Most challenging task, implementation of geoportals providing access to cadastral map, is operational in several LAS. The situation is better for geoportals supplying technical textual information. Half of the LAS have operational services within this field. The greatest advance in providing public access is achieved for legal textual information. Only in two LAS such service is not yet operational.

Formal implementation of NSDI strategy and policy is under development. Preparation of basic line maps / topographical maps is the activity started in all LAS institution. Each particular institution has some kind of digital data available now.






• THE STUDY 2011








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Conference 2011 web page is available at, where you could find out more detailed and comperhensive informations about conference and study.


TI – Tirana - Albanian Agency for Immovable Property Registration,

SA – Sarajevo- Federal Bureau for Geodetic and Property Relations of the Federation

Bosnia and Herzegovina,

ZG – Zagreb - State geodetic administration of the Republic of Croatia,

PR – Priština - Kosovo Cadastral Agency,

PO – Podgorica - Real Property Directorate of the Republic of Montenegro,

SK – Skopje - Agency for real Estate cadastre of Macedonia,

BL – Banjaluka – Authority for Geodetic and Property Affairs of Republika Srpska,

BG – Beograd - Republic Geodetic Authority of the Republic of Serbia,

LJ – Ljubljana - Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia,

EG – EuroGeographics,

WB – World Bank,

LAS – Land Administration System,

INSPIRE – Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe (EU directive),

NSDI – National Spatial Data Infrastructure.

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Cadastre: The International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) defines the cadastre as follows: “A cadastre is normally a parcel based and up-to-date land information system containing a record of interests in land (i.e. rights, restrictions and responsibilities). It usually includes a geometric description of land parcels linked to other records describing the nature of the interests, and ownership or control of those interests, and often the value of the parcel and its improvements. It may be established for fiscal purposes (e.g. valuation and equitable taxation), legal purposes (conveyance), to assist in the management of land and land use (e.g. for planning and other administrative purposes), and enables sustainable development and environmental protection.” (FIG, 1995). The UNECE’s Land Administration Guidelines point out that different countries use the term cadastre differently, which is often a cause of confusion. (UNECE, 1996)

Cadastral system: The system which includes the cadastre, title registry and the associated processes of land transfer, subdivision, and adjudication often termed land administration.

Land Administration System: The system for cadastral map and related data and registration of real property rights.

Organisation: (Participating organisation) Public body responsible for cadastral map and/or land book.

Cadastral map: Analogue or digital document containing spatial and non spatial attributes of properties (parcels).

Land Book: Register of real property rights based on the cadastral map identification.

Census Cadastre: Register of parcels established without (precise) cadastral surveying, also called evidentiary cadastre.

Region: Spatial area under responsibility of participating organisations in this study.

Single / dual organisations: indicating whether the system for cadastral map and related data and registration of real property rights is run by one or two organisations.


The initiative to gathering representatives of cadastral and mapping organisations was start in year 2008. Cadastral and Mapping organisations are important parts of the Land Administration Systems in the region and they would like to exchange their experiences regarding reforms and present problems that they encounter, as well as solutions implemented to overcome these problems. In previous four years representatives of cadastral organisations was yearly conduct a study on cadastre and land administration in region of western Balkan as background information for the each year Conference.

Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia organise 4th regional conference about cadastre and spatial data infrastructure from 8th to 10th of June 2011. The conference was organised at Lake Bled in Slovenia. The conference about cadastre and spatial data infrastructure was build on the success of the previous three conferences, which were held in Opatija, Ohrid and Bečiči.

The objective of regional conference 2011 is to further enhance the understanding and use of regional cooperation in the field of land administration and spatial data infrastructure establishment. The primary focus of conference in 2011 is on creating the network for acceleration of reforms and development of national SDI through the exchange of experience and implementation of INSPIRE.

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Based on conclusions at our previous regional conference, Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia was organise a preparatory meeting of permanent technical commission. Meeting of commission was held from 14. to 15. of March 2011 in Ljubljana. At this meeting, members of permanent technical commission define final agenda and other details of fourth regional conference for Cadastre and Spatial Data Infrastructure.

Participants were agreeing about overall goals of the conference. This year we will have following topics:

1. “Activities at NMCA regarding NSDI and INSPIRE”2. “How NMCA are fit with Cadastre 2014 goals”

The goal of the Study in 2011 was to provide an overview about topics mention above. In cooperation with the organizers of the Conference, a Questionnaire was developed and distributed in English language to the following eight cadastral organisations:• Albanian Agency for Immovable Property Registration, • Federal Bureau for Geodetic and Property Relations of the Federation Bosnia and Herzegovina, • State geodetic administration of the Republic of Croatia, • Kosovo Cadastral Agency, • Real Property Directorate of the Republic of Montenegro• Agency for real Estate cadastre of Macedonia, • Authority for Geodetic and Property Affairs of Republika Srpska,• Republic Geodetic Authority of the Republic of Serbia, • Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia

Members of permanent technical commission were appointed as a correspondent to serve as the main contact person between the organisation and conference organisers.

28.108.500 habitants

62.671.006 land parcels

7.500 employees in land administration in 9 geodetic agencies

3.521 chartered surveyors

1.989 private geodetic companies

In the region of

western Balkan (295.015 km2)

we could find:

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The following tables contain a list of questions for each of two cases.





Level of SDI Is there a clear national SDI initiative with a name, structure or organisation responsible and or legislation/strategy at the national level at the moment in your country?

If yes, pleas fill in the name and other details of responsible structure.

If no such initiative can be detected - e.g. if only national GI organisations exist but no clear coordination amongst them, or if regions develop their initiatives independently or if there are efforts to bring together stakeholders, but it has not (yet) been formalised, - pleas describe current situation in your country.

Degree ofOperationally

Describe if one or more components of the SDI have reached a significant level of operationally in your country?

Estimate the level of the components which are put in place in your country: (1-10)- Coordination mechanism- Legalisation framework and funding- metadata- data of the inspire annexes- standards- national geo-portal- network services

Coordination Describe who is the officially recognised or de facto coordinating body of the SDI in your country (is a NDP, i.e. a NMA or a comparable organisation (Cadastral or Land Survey Agency, i.e. a major producer of GI))?


Legal framework Describe if there is a legal instrument or other framework document determining the SDI-strategy and/or development of SDI.(provide link if exist)

Public-private partnerships (PPP)

Describe if at the moment in your country exist some example of true PPP’s or other co-financing mechanisms between public and private sector bodies with respect to the development and operation of the SDI-related projects?

PSI Is today in your country some freedom of information (FOI) act which contains specific FOI legislation for the GI-sector? (if yes provide the name)

Is today in your country some legal act regarding the policy and legislation on access to public sector information? (if yes provide the name)

GI by intellectual property rights

Describe how GI is regulated regarding intellectual property rights?

Restricted access to GI further to the legal protection of privacy

Is today in your country some legal act that regulate limitation or restriction of access to GI? (if yes pleas provide the name)

Data licensing Describe if there is some framework or policy for sharing GI between public institutions.

Describe it there are simplified and/or standardised licences for personal use.

Funding model for the SDI and pricing policy

Describe if and how long-term financial security of the SDI-initiative is/or will be/ secured.

Participants Pleas describe who are the main data producers and users of spatial data who are participating in the SDI in your country?(list of participants) Are only public sector actors are participating in the SDI or also some private participants are recognised?

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COMPONENT 3: Data for the themes of the INSPIRE annexes

Geodatasets of the INSPIRE annex I

Pleas fill in the name of datasets and the name of data provider for each of data themes in INSPIRE annex I if they exist today in your country:1. Coordinate reference systems2. Geographical grid systems3. Geographical names4. Administrative units5. Addresses6. Cadastral parcels7. Transport networks8. Hydrography9. Protected sites

Geodatasets of the INSPIRE annex II

Pleas fill in the name of datasets and the name of data provider for each of data themes in INSPIRE annex II if they exist today in your country1. Elevation2. Land cover3. Orthoimagery4. Geology

Geodatasets of the INSPIRE annex III

Pleas fill in the name of datasets and the name of data provider for each of data themes in INSPIRE annex III if they exist today in your country1. Statistical units2. Buildings3. Soil4. Land use5. Human health and safety6. Utility and governmental services7. Environmental monitoring facilities8. Production and industrial facilities9. Agricultural and aquaculture facilities10. Population distribution — demography11. Area management/restriction/regulation zones and reporting units 12. Natural risk zones13. Atmospheric conditions14. Meteorological geographical features15. Oceanographic geographical features 16. Sea regions17. Bio-geographical regions18. Habitats and biotopes19. Species distribution20. Energy resources21. Mineral resources


Availability ofmetadata

Describe if metadata are produced for some geodatasets of the themes of INSPIRE annexes?

Metadata catalogueavailability +standard

Are available one or more standardised metadata catalogue in your country at the moment and what standard is used? (If yes pleas provide link)?


Who will be coordinating authority for INSPIRE metadata implementation?


Discovery Services

Describe if there are one or more discovery services in your country today making it possible to search for data and services through metadata. (if yes pleas provide link)

View Services Describe if there are one or more view services in your country today available toVisualise data from the themes of the INSPIRE annexes. (if yes pleas provide link)

Download Services

Describe if there are one or more download services in your country today enabling (parts of) copies of datasets. (if yes pleas provide link)


Describe if there are one or more transformation services in your country today enabling spatial datasets to be transformed to achieve interoperability. (if yes pleas provide link)

Middleware(invoking) Service

Describe if there are one or more invoking services in your country today allowing dataServices to be invoked. (if yes pleas provide link)


Standards Describe if there is a standardisation policy/strategy document available in your country; when standards in both the fields of data (semantics, data exchange), metadata and services are applied.

If no then pleas describe if there is only attention for e.g. the metadatastandard or a specific exchange format or something similar

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Cadastre 2014 will show the complete legal situation of land, including public rights and restrictions

Rights & restrictions registered in cadastre

Indicate what type of purposes are served by the cadastre- legal- fiscal- facilities management - base mapping- value assessment- land use planning- environmental impact assessment- other

The separation between ‘maps’ and ‘registers’ will be abolished

Type of cadastral system

Pleas define types and content of cadastral system in your country (if you have dual or unique system of registration).

Deed or title registration

Is your cadastral system based on deeds, title or other (both) type of registration

Unit of cadastre Is unit of cadastre parcel, property or name

The Cadastral mapping will be dead! Long live modelling

Land cadastre data model

Describe if applicable data model (eg:information layer) of cadastral data.

Legal value of boundaries

Legal value of boundaries lies on:- monuments- measurements- cadastral maps- coordinates- other

‘Paper and pencil - cadastre’ will have gone

% of digital cadastral maps

Pleas estimate the percentage of existing cadastral map in digital form.

% of digital cadastral register (attribute part)

Pleas estimate the percentage of existing attributes data in digital form.

Cadastre 2014 will be highly privatized! Public and private sector are working closely together

Public and private sector

If private sector exists in cadastre work pleas specify number of companies and number of licensed surveyors.

Task of private an public sector

Describe what types of tasks in cadastre maintaining procedure are done by private sector today?

Cadastre 2014 will be cost recovering

Pricing policy Describe what is pricing model for maintaining and usage of cadastre data

% of cost recovery

Define the percentage of cost recovery if there is used cost recovery approach.

Members of permanent technical commission were filling in this questionnaire together with updating of previously survey in May 2011.

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PART 1 of questionnaire: “Activities at NMCA regarding NSDI and INSPIRE”

In 2001, the European Commission launched the INSPIRE initiative. It was based on the observation that the accessibility, interoperability and affordability of spatial data and information systems were limited. It was generally recognised that this situation prevents society to fully benefit from the potential of the technology to improve the relevancy, accuracy, impact and public control of territorial policies and related decisions at all scales and to involve citizens, businesses, non governmental and research organisations in a participatory information society.

With the INSPIRE initiative, the European Union – in collaboration with all the relevant stakeholders - intends to establish an infrastructure for spatial information in Europe that will allow the public sector users at the European, national, regional and local levels to share spatial data from a wide range of sources in an interoperable way for the execution of a variety of public tasks at conditions which do not restrain its use. Moreover, users in private, research and NGO-environments and the citizen will be offered services to discover, view, download and when necessary transform and invoke these spatial data sources. Environmental policies, for which the spatial dimension constitutes an important component, have been chosen as the starting point to establish this spatial infrastructure.


Answers about existing clear national SDI initiative with a name, structure or organisation responsible and or legislation/strategy at the national level at the moment in countries in the region, show us, that almost in all countries this initiative exist.

More detailed is current situation in particular country described in questionnaires filled in by each agencies in the region.

Regarding the Degree of Operationally, we ask representatives from each agency to estimate the level of the components which are put in place in their country: (1-10)- Coordination mechanism- Legalisation framework and funding- Metadata- Data of the inspire annexes- Standards- National geo-portal- Network services

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Many geodetic authorities or cadastral and mapping agencies in the region are officially or de facto recognised as coordinating body of the SDI.


From the answers at questionnaires we could find descriptions that in the region many governments already have a legal instrument or other framework document determining the SDI-strategy and developed of SDI. Usually this is done in geodetic or cadastral legalisation.

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COMPONENT 3: Data for the themes of the INSPIRE annexes

If we are looking in annex I of INSPIRE directive it is clear that mayor part of datasets for themes in annex I already today are maintained by real estate and cadastral agencies in the region.

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Existing geodatasets are in many agencies already described in metadata description. Metadata are mostly produced for some of the themes of INSPIRE annexes I and II, both not so often for themes from annex III. But those metadata descriptions are not in line with INSPIRE metadata specifications.


Already in study 2010 we find out that today in the region exist a lot of discovery and view services on different web portals managed by geodetic authorities. This conclusion was finding out also form this study 2011. Those network services give to the user’s possibilities to search for data and services through metadata and also to visualise data. But there are really few of download, transformation and invoke network services.


Based on the answers in questionnaires we could find out that standardisation policy/strategy document is usually not available in countries in the region or they exist only in few examples when standards in both the fields of data (semantics, data exchange), metadata and services are applied.

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PART 2 of questionnaire: “How NMCA are fit with Cadastre 2014 statement”

In order to encourage investment within a market economy, the countries in region establishing mechanisms whereby land markets can operate efficiently and effectively. Many agencies in the region already work on determination of the value of real property when assessing land and property for taxation, when calculating the level of compensation for land that is compulsorily acquired for State purposes, and when fixing the rent of State-owned real property. The creation of a central valuation agency can ensure that the valuation of all land and real property meets the needs of the governments in the region. The cost-effectiveness of new land administration systems or of improving existing systems should be assessed. Cost-benefit analysis is a useful tool for helping to determine better solutions to land administration problems. Strategies should be developed to increase cost recovery when operating a land administration system. For following those trends in land administration, members of permanent technical commission decide to make a compurgation of existing cadastral systems in the region with statements of Cadastre 2014. “Cadastre 2014” is the result of a working group of FIG-Commission 7 looking at trends and developments in the field of cadastre. The working group was active from 1994-1998 and presented the results at the FIG-Congress in Brighton in July, 1998. It projected the trends and developed visions of what cadastral systems might be in 20 years’ time.

• Cadastre 2014 will show the complete legal situation of land, including public rights and restrictions

Statement number 1 of Cadastre 2014 was proposing that new thematic model is necessary and that cadastre must in future cover a wider field than the traditional cadastre has since its introduction. The circumstances of the resource land have changed significantly since its inception. Rights & restrictions will be more and more often registered in cadastre if we are looking trends in neighbourhoods.

In the questionnaires representatives from each agency in the region indicate what types of purposes are served by the cadastre in their environment.

• The separation between ‘maps’ and ‘registers’ will be abolished

Half of the countries in region have a land recording system consisting of cadastre and land registration components. The cadastral part is normally handled by surveyors, while notaries and lawyers take care of the land registration part. This subdivision has often resulted in two different organizational units dealing with the same matter, but in this region we have nice example how the system was modernised and established as unique system. The division of responsibilities between surveyor and solicitor in the domain of cadastre is rapidly and seriously changing.

In region we could identify following types and content of cadastral system.

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• The Cadastral mapping will be dead! Long live modelling Land cadastre data model

Cadastral systems in the region are more and more meet the user’s requirements, the function of maps is already re-defined. Maps will lose the function of information storage. They will serve in future simply to represent information derived from data stored in data bases.

• ‘Paper and pencil - cadastre’ will have gone

Digitalisation of the traditional land recording procedures is one of most important part of land administration reforms and modernisation activities in the region. Land recording in the region is in all agencies done with computer assistance already several years.

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• Cadastre 2014 will be highly privatized! Public and private sector are working closely together,

Within the worldwide trends of deregulation and privatization, tasks handled in the past by the public sector are being transferred to the private sector also in the region of western Balkan. The private sector gains an importance roil. The public sector is more and more concentrate on supervision and control.

Representatives of the agencies in the region provide figures about private sector and specify number of companies and number of licensed surveyors

• Cadastre 2014 will be cost recovering

Land is a natural resource having a considerable financial and ideal value. It can easily be understood, therefore, that financial resources are invested in land recording. Land recording is basis for mortgaging and the economies could be provided with credits secured by land.

Cost/benefit analysis will be a very important aspect of cadastre reform and implementation. Surveyors will have to deal more with economic questions in future. Unfortunately we could recognise that cost recovering process in the region is going on slowly, because of the existing data policy where many governments define that all public registers and cadastres must be available free of charge to the users.

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The study of the status of the INSPIRE & NSDI implementation in the countries studied allows – based on the results from the simply survey, to draw following conclusions regarding the state of play in the region:• The survey revealed that most countries are on their way to transpose the INSPIRE Directive. The establishment of coordination structures, the involvement of stakeholders and the ‘translation’ of the sharing concept were the most difficult parts of the exercise. • Although some countries already have well elaborated strategic documents but some of theme have not such documents, nor implementation plans. Some countries also do not have jet a clear funding policy for their NSDI. Many need to rely on existing budgets or seek for specific project funding. • Regarding the coordination and cooperation, the national level still seems to be the most important level for INSPIRE & NSDI implementation. • Data & service sharing policies are just to emerge in the region of western Balkan. There is both unrestricted access and selective access in many countries with respect to different types of data. In order to promote access to spatial data, some countries set up standard agreements/licenses for all/ groups of stakeholders. In general, sharing practices are poorly documented.• The study, confirms that most countries are very active in developing the different parts of their NSDI. Although many countries have metadata for a considerable part of their data sets.• View services are very well developed and download services really start to emerge now. Also discovery services start to become available for most of the countries. Transformation and invoking services are rather the exception. If transformation services exist, they are coordinate transformation services. • Although many countries are actively developing an INSPIRE geoportal – even if it is not a legal obligation.• In general terms, there is more and more focus on interoperability issues, and geo-standardization to reach this interoperability.


Refer to a separate volume for 2011 Questionnaires – available only in digital form.


Regional Cadastral Study 2008 – final report, Opatija, Croatia

Regional Cadastral Study 2009 – final report, Ohrid Macedonia

Regional Cadastral study 2010 - final report, Bečiči, Montenegro

Adlington, G., Stanley, V., Palmissano, M. B., Satana, S., in Baldwin, R. (2009). Land Administration and Management Projects (LAMP) in the Europe and Central Asia Region (ECA), Experiences, Lessons Learnt and the Future Agenda. The ECA Land Assessment, Washington, ZDA.

Kaufmann, J., Steudler, D. (1998). Cadastre 2014: A vision for the Future of Cadastral System, FIG.

Doing Business.

Enemark, S. (2009). FIG/World Bank, joint conference on Land Governance in support of the MDGs, Washington, ZDA.

Petek T., (2010). Real - estate management in South Eastern Europe, Geodetic journal, Ljubljana 2010, Vol.


Tomaž Petek, Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of SloveniaZemljemerska ulica 12, Ljubljanae-mail: [email protected]

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MACEDONIAИнформациски систем за

електронски катастарReal Estate Cadastre Information System

Slovenian knowledge and Macedonian capacities

Agency For Real Estate Cadastre of the Republic of Macedonia |Igea MAK Skopje | Igea ltd., Ljubljana

SLOVENIAIzboljšanje kakovosti

nepremičninskih evidencReal Estate Cadastre quality improvement

A new step towards our user Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia | Geodetic Institute

of the Republic of Slovenia | University of Ljubljana - Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy | Economic Interest Association of Geodetic Service Providers | Slovenian

Chambers of Engineers – Section of Land Surveyors | Igea ltd.

KOSOVONe zgjerojmë horizontet tona

We are expanding horizonsSlovenian professionals for the

development of geodesy in KosovoMinistry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia | Surveying and Mapping

Authority of the Republic of Slovenia | Geodetic Institute of the Republic of Slovenia | Slovenian private companies (Igea ltd., Digidata ltd.)

CROATIAUređena zemlja

Organized LandModernization and joining

of Land Cadastre and Land Registry information system

Ericsson Ericsson Nikola Tesla d.d., Zagreb | Center of Legal Competence Forschung & Consulting GmbH, Vienna | Igea ltd., Ljubljana

Posodabljamo nepremičninske evidenceWe are modernizing Real Estate Cadastre

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Gostitelj konference | Hosted by

Geodetska uprava Republike

Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of

Prizorišče konference | Conference venue

Hotel KOMPAS, Bled,

SLOVENIA, Bled, 8 – 9 – 10 May 2011

Organizator konference | Conference organizer

Digi data d.o.o. Opekarska 11, 1000 [email protected]