Regex Report of PI Analysis

One π Rex to Heaven Start with Regular Expressions 2.1 1.1 From Reg-Ex to Pi-Rex Pi is an irrational number, and its sequence is as we know infinite and non-repeating. But there are some strange and amazing patterns to be found (as there would be if you look hard and tough enough in any infinitely large number). Feynman thought that if he could memorize Pi up to the 762nd decimal place, he could trick people into thinking it was rational and say “999999 and so on and so on and far away. So this was my motivation to find out how many sequences of the same following digit are in Pi like this below (and I found Hell): PI EXplore2: 1: 33 2: 88 3: 99 4: 44 5: 99 6: 11 7: 66 8: 44 9: 55 10: 22 11: 111 12: 11 13: 555 14: 44 15: 22 16: 44 CONST C_PI_BIG = '3.14159265358979323846264 3383279502 8841971693 993751058209749 44592307 816406286208 998628034825342 11706798214808651328230 66470938 44609 5505 8 223172535940812848 111745028410270193852 110 55596 446 2294895493038196 442 8810975 6659 334461284756482 33786783..... Sequences like this used to be important examples in motivating discussions about the law of the excluded middle. Statements like: “the full decimal expansion of Pi contains the sequence 7777”, according to the law of the excluded middle, are either true or false.


Amazing fact is that the 763-768 Digits of Pi are 999999. This is known as the Feynman Point and the order position is 66 so I do the proof of concept.All other sequences are shown too.

Transcript of Regex Report of PI Analysis

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One π Rex to Heaven

Start with Regular Expressions 2.1

1.1 From Reg-Ex to Pi-Rex

Pi is an irrational number, and its sequence is as we know infinite and non-repeating.But there are some strange and amazing patterns to be found (as there would be if you look hard and tough enough in any infinitely large number).

Feynman thought that if he could memorize Pi up to the 762nd decimal place, he could trick people into thinking it was rational and say “999999 and so on and so on and far away. So this was my motivation to find out how many sequences of the same following digit are in Pi like this below (and I found Hell):

PI EXplore2: 1: 33 2: 88 3: 99 4: 44 5: 99 6: 11 7: 66 8: 44 9: 55 10: 22 11: 111 12: 11 13: 555 14: 44 15: 22 16: 44

CONST C_PI_BIG = '3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117067982148086513282306647093844609550582231725359408128481117450284102701938521105559644622948954930381964428810975665933446128475648233786783.....

Sequences like this used to be important examples in motivating discussions about the law of the excluded middle. Statements like: “the full decimal expansion of Pi contains the sequence 7777”, according to the law of the excluded middle, are either true or false.

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And I did the proof concept with one single RegEx (\d)\1+ and the above const:(in Appendix we solve the newline \r\n problem of text breaks between numbers!)

writeln('PI Explore: '+getMatchString('(?m)(\d|\s)\1+', C_PI_BIG));

You can use a back-reference \1+. Backreferences match the same text as previously matched by a capturing group.

Regular expressions are the main way many tools matches patterns within strings. For example, finding pieces of text within a larger doc, or finding a restriction site within a larger sequence. This report illustrates what a RegEx is and what you can doto find, match, compare or replace text of documents or code.


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We are so amazed at how a function can do the job, because we never had the experience with a RegEx. The back-reference \1 (backslash one) references the first found capturing group. \1 matches the exact same number that was matched by the first capturing group. Fact is that 763-768 Digits of pi are 999999 (Feynman Point).

And this is the function, it just shows all sequences on one string:

function getMatchString2(arex, atext: string): string; begin with TRegExpr.Create do try Expression:= arex; it:= 0; { Match format search...} result:= result+CRLF; if Exec(atext) then repeat Inc(it); result:= result+ Format(#09'%d: %-12s',[it, match[0]]) if it mod 5=0 then result:= result+#13#10; until NOT ExecNext; //MatchNext < 0; finally Free; end; WriteLn('Done REX2 - Hit NOthing to exit'); end;.And then I did a sort with a Stringlist collection to get an ordered result:

PI Explore2 (found 600 groups in Pi file with 7000 decimals) :

01: 33 02: 88 03: 99 04: 44 05: 99 06: 11 07: 66 08: 44 09: 55 10: 22 11: 111 12: 11 13: 555 14: 44 15: 22 16: 44 17: 88 18: 66 19: 33 20: 44 21: 33 22: 66 23: 66 24: 33 25: 00 26: 66 27: 55 28: 88 29: 88 30: 00 31: 11 32: 33 33: 88 34: 66 35: 11 36: 33 37: 11 38: 11 39: 11 40: 44 41: 99 42: 88 43: 22 44: 11 45: 33 46: 33 47: 44 48: 66 49: 22 50: 77 51: 66 52: 000 53: 77 54: 77 55: 77 56: 44 57: 22 58: 22 59: 99 60: 11 61: 44 62: 77 63: 77 64: 99 65: 11 66: 999999 67: 99 68: 44 69: 55 70: 22


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As I said we found hell then at position 66 you see 6 times the 9 so the Feynman point 999999 is found at group position 66! Still, I decided to look more closely at this large sequence that occurs (relatively) early on in the Pi expansion explorer. The stripe const in the Pi sorted map mentioned above corresponds to the sequence 999999 beginning at digit 763 and ending at digit 768. This was observed in a set of the first 1000 digits of Pi.


Even with 10000 digits, the 999999 sequence at digit 763 was still the longest sequence of repeated digits. The other runner-up sequences in this first 10000 digits are, two instances of 2222, a single run of 8888, and four distinct occurrences of 7777.

-------------PI sort group2x - 1 to 1000 decimals ----------------------3 x 002 x 00012 x 112 x 1118 x 2210 x 3311 x 444 x 551 x 55511 x 669 x 779 x 886 x 991 x 999999Done REX2 - Hit NOthing to exit

Now that the digits of pi have been calculated to astounding lengths, and that mathematics exists to uncover the properties the pi digit sequence, the expansion of pi is no longer an ideal candidate for constructivist thought experiments.

The calculation of Pi also figures in the Season 2 Star Trek episode "Wolf in the Fold"(1967), in which Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock force an evil entity (composed of pure energy and which feeds on fear) out of the starship Enterprise's mainframe computer by commanding the computer to "compute to the last digit the value of Pi," thus sending the computer into an infinite loop.

function getMatchStringSortGroup2(arex, atext: string): string; var s : TStringList; gcnt: integer; begin s:= TStringList.Create; s.sorted:= true; s.duplicates:= true; with TRegExpr.Create do


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try Expression:= arex; it:= 0; { Match format search...} result:= result+CRLF; if Exec(atext) then repeat Inc(it); s.add({itoa(it)+': '+}match[0]) until NOT ExecNext; //MatchNext < 0; result:= s.text; gcnt:= 0; for it:= 0 to s.count-2 do begin if s[it] = s[it+1] then inc(gcnt) else begin writeln(itoa(gcnt+1)+ ' x ' +s[it]); gcnt:= 0; end; if it=s.count-2 then writeln(itoa(gcnt+1)+ ' x ' +s[it+1]) end; finally Free; s.Free; end; WriteLn('Done REX2 - Hit NOthing to exit'); end;

Impressive or not. We can argue that a function has the advantage to enlarge with objects and methods but the same goes also with a RegEx object (and there are many):

//replace StripTags with null

with TStRegex.Create(NIL) do begin //inputfile:= '<p>This is text.<br/> This is line 2</p>'; inputfile:= exepath+'geomapX.txt'; matchpattern.clear; matchpattern.add('<[^>]*>'); //find all tags and strip it! replacepattern.add('\z'); //Null expression! outputfile:= exepath+'geomapXoutreplace2.txt' Execute; Free end;

As you will see regular expressions are composed of characters, character classes, meta-characters, groups, quantifiers, and assertions.

So what’s a Regular Expression?


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A RegEx describes a search pattern of text typically made up from special characterscalled meta-characters:

You can test whether a string matches an expression pattern You can use a RegEx to search/replace characters in a string It’s very powerful and reusable, but a bit tough to read

Let’s jump to a history and the beginning of RegEx with Perl PCRE. Perl is a horribly flawed and very useful scripting language, based on UNIX shell scripting and C, that helped lead to many other better languages. Perl was and is also excellent for string/file/text processing because it built regular expressions directly into the language as a first-class data type.

1.2 RegEx Tutor out of the BoxAs you already know the tool is split up into the toolbar across the top, the editor or code part in the centre and the output window at the bottom or the interface part on the right. Change that in the menu /View at our own style.

In maXbox you will execute the RegEx as a script, libraries and units are already built. So far so good now we’ll open the example:


Now let’s take a look at the code of this fist part project. Our first line is

013 Program PI_REX;

We name it, means the program’s name is above.

This example includes (self-contained in maXbox) two objects from the classes: TRegExpr and TPerlRegEx so the 2 one is from the well known PCRE Lib.TPerlRegEx is a VCL wrapper around the open source PCRE library, which implements Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions.This version of TPerlRegEx is compatible with the TPerlRegEx class (PCRE 7.9) in theRegularExpressionsCore unit in Delphi XE. In fact, the unit in Delphi XE and maXbox3 is derived from the version of TPerlRegEx that we are using now.Let’s do a second RegEx. We want to check if a name is a valid Pascal name like a syntax checker does. We use straight forward a function in the box:

732 if ExecRegExpr('^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_].*','pascal_name_kon')

then writeln('pascal name valid') else writeln('pascal name invalid');

This is a useful global function:

function ExecRegExpr (const ARegExpr, AInputStr: string): boolean;

It is true if a string AInputString matches regular expression ARegExpr and it will raise an exception if syntax errors in ARegExpr are done.


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Now let’s analyse our first RegEx step by step '^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_].*':

^ matches the beginning of a line; $ the end[a-z] matches all twenty six small characters from 'a' to 'z'[a-zA-Z_] matches any letter with underscore[a-zA-Z0-9_] matches any letter or digit with underscore.* (a dot) matches any character except \n* means zero or more occurrences (repetition)[ ] group characters into a character set;

A lot of rules for the beginning, and they look ugly for novices, but really they are verysimple (well, usually simple ;)), handy and powerful tool too. You can validate e-mail addresses; extract phone numbers or ZIP codes from web-pages or documents, search for complex patterns in log files and all you can imagine! Rules (templates) can be changed without your program recompilation! This can be especially useful for user input validation in DBMS and web projects.Any item of a regular expression may be followed by another type of meta-characters– called iterators. Using this characters you can specify number of occurrences of previous characters so inside [], most modifier keys act as normal characters:

/what[.!*?]*/ matches "what", "what.", "what!", "what?**!", ..

So a character class is a way of matching 1 character in the string being searched to any of a number of characters in the search pattern.Character classes are defined using square brackets. Thus [135] matches any of 1, 3, or 5. A range of characters (based on ASCII order) can be used in a character class: [0-7] matches any digit between 0 and 7, and [a-z] matches and small (but not capital) letter.

Note that the hyphen is being used as a meta-character here. To match a literal hyphen in a character class, it needs to be the first character. So [-135] matches anyof -, 1, 3, or 5. [-0-9] matches any digit or the hyphen.

What if we want to define a certain place? An assertion is a statement about the position of the match pattern within a string. The most common assertions are “^”, which signifies the beginning of a string, and “$”, which signifies the end of the string.For example search all empty or blank lines: Search empty lines: ‘^$’

This is how we can assert a valid port number with ^ and $:

745 if ExecRegExpr('^(:\d\d?\d?\d?\d?)$',':80009')

then writeln('regex port true') else writeln('regex port false');

There are 3 main operators that use regular expressions:

1. Matching (which returns TRUE if a match is found and FALSE if no match is found.

2. Substitution, which substitutes one pattern of characters for another within a string

3. Split, which separates a string into a series of sub-strings


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If you want to match a certain number of repeats of a group of characters, you can group the characters within parentheses. For example, /(cat){3}/ matches 3 reps of“cat” in a row: “catcatcat”. However, /cat{3}/ matches “ca” followed by 3 t’s: “cattt”.And things go on. To negate or reject a character class, that is, to match any chars EXCEPT what is in the class, use the caret ^ as the first symbol in the class. [^0-9] matches any character that isn’t a digit. [^-0-9] ,matches any character that isn’t a hyphen or a digit.Now some time to reflect:

RE Metacharacter Matches…

^ beginning of line

$ end of line

\char Escape the meaning of char following it

[^] One character not in the set

\< Beginning of word anchor

\> End of word anchor

( ) or \( \) Tags matched characters to be used later (max = 9)

| or \| Or grouping

x\{m\} Repetition of character x, m times (x,m = integer)

x\{m,\} Repetition of character x, at least m times

x\{m,n\} Repetition of character x between m and m times

2. Overview of Matches

You can specify a series of alternatives for a pattern using "|'' to separate them, so that fee|fie|foe will match any of "fee'', "fie'', or "foe'' in the target string (as would f(e|i|o)e). The first alternative includes everything from the last pattern delimiter ("('', "['', or the beginning of the pattern) up to the first "|'', and the last alternative contains everything from the last "|'' to the next pattern delimiter.Sure so we test the knowledge:

Writeln(ReplaceRegExpr('<[^>]*>', '<p>This is text.<br/> This is line 2</p>','', True))

The RegEx is: '<[^>]*>'

[^>] Match not any brackets >.^ Only matches the beginning of a string.* Match zero or more occurrences; equivalent to {0,}.

I'm not sure but this RegEx: '<.*?>' should be equivalent!

For this reason, it's common practice to include alternatives in parentheses, to minimize confusion about where they start and end.


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Next a few examples to see the atoms:

rex:= '(no)+.*'; //Print all lines containing one or more consecutive

occurrences of the pattern “no”.

rex:= '.*S(h|u).*'; //Print all lines containing uppercase letter “S”,

followed by either “h” or “u”.

rex:= '.*\.[^0][^0].*'; //Print all lines ending with a period and exactly

two non-zero numbers.

rex:= '.*[0-9]{6}\..*'; //least 6 consecutive numbers follow by a period.

Next we want to see how the objects in the box work:The static versions of the methods are provided for convenience, and should only be used for one off matches, if you are matching in a loop or repeating the same search often then you should create an 'instance' of the TRegEx record and use the non staticmethods.

The RegEx unit defines TRegEx and TMatch as records. That way you don’t have to explicitly create and destroy them. Internally, TRegEx uses TPerlRegEx to do the heavylifting. TPerlRegEx is a class that needs to be created and destroyed like any other class. If you look at the TRegEx source code, you’ll notice that it uses an interface to destroy the TPerlRegEx instance when TRegEx goes out of scope. Interfaces are reference counted in Delphi, making them usable for automatic memory management.

One of them is a song finder to get a song list from an mp3 file and play them!

4: Mastering

There are plenty more regular expression tricks and operations, which can be found in Programming Perl, or, for the truly devoted, Mastering Regular Expressions.Next we enter part two of some insider information about implementation.


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5: Enter a RegEx building box

1.3 RegEx in Delphi, C#, Lazarus and maXboxThe TPerlRegEx class aimes at providing any Delphi, Java or C++Builder developer with the same, powerful regular expression capabilities provided by the Perl programming language community, created by Larry Wall.

It is implemented as a wrapper around the open source PCRE library.The regular expression engine in Delphi XE is PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expression). It's a fast and compliant (with generally accepted RegEx syntax) engine which has been around for many years. Users of earlier versions of Delphi can use it with TPerlRegEx, a Delphi class wrapper around it.TRegEx is a record for convenience with a bunch of methods and static class methodsfor matching with regular expressions.I've always used the RegularExpressionsCore unit rather than the higher level stuff because the core unit is compatible with the unit that Jan Goyvaerts has provided for free for years.

For new code written in Delphi XE, you should definitely use the RegEx unit that is part of Delphi rather than one of the many 3rd party units that may be available. But ifyou're dealing with UTF-8 data, use the RegularExpressionsCore unit to avoid needless UTF-8 to UTF-16 to UTF-8 conversions.

By the way there’s another tool: Compose and analyze RegEx patterns with RegexBuddy's easy-to-grasp RegEx blocks and intuitive RegEx tree, instead of or in combination with the traditional RegEx syntax. Developed by the author of the website, RegexBuddy makes learning and using regular expressions easier than ever.


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6: The RegexBuddy and the GUI

Conclusion: A regular expression (RegEx or REX for short) is a special text string for describing a search pattern. You can think of regular expressions as wild-cards on steroids. You are probably familiar with wild-card notations such as *.txt to find all textfiles in a file manager. The RegEx equivalent is .*\.txt$.

Feedback @ [email protected]

Literature: Kleiner et al., Patterns konkret, 2003, Software & Support

Links of maXbox and RegEx Slide Show:


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1.4 Appendix

EXAMPLE: Mail Finder and C# PI Code

procedure delphiRegexMailfinder;beginTestString:= '<[email protected]>, [email protected]'; PR:= TPerlRegEx.Create; try PR.RegEx:= '\b[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}\b'; PR.Options:= PR.Options + [preCaseLess]; PR.Compile; PR.Subject:= TestString; // <-- tell PR where to look for matches if PR.Match then begin WriteLn(PR.MatchedText); // Extract first address while PR.MatchAgain do WriteLn(PR.MatchedText); // Extract subsequent addresses end; finally PR.Free; end; //Readln;end;

procedure delphiRegexMailfinder;begin // Initialize a test string to include some email addresses. This would normally // be your eMail text. TestString:= '<[email protected]>, [email protected]'; PR:= TPerlRegEx.Create; try PR.RegEx:= '\b[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}\b'; // <-- this is regex used. PR.Options:= PR.Options + [preCaseLess, premultiline]; PR.Compile; PR.Subject:= TestString; // <-- tell the TPerlRegEx where to look for matches if PR.Match then begin // At this point a first matched eMail is already in MatchedText so grab it WriteLn(PR.MatchedText); // Extract first address ([email protected]) // Let the regex engine look for more matches in a loop: while PR.MatchAgain do WriteLn(PR.MatchedText); //Extract subsequent addresses(another@otherserver) end; finally PR.Free; end; //Readln;end;


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C# example

using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace ConsoleApplication2{ class ProgramPI_BIG { static void Main(string[] args) { string PIvalue = "3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117067982148086513282306647093844609550582231725359408128481117450284102701938521105559644622948954930381964428810975665933446128475648233786783165271201909145648566923460348610454326648213393607260249141273724587006606315588174881520920962829254091715364367892590360011330530548820466521384146951941511609433057270365759591953092186117381932611793105118548074462379962749567351885752724891227938183011949129833673362440656643086021394946395224737190702179860943702770539217176293176752384674818467669405132000568127145263560827785771342757789609173637178721468440901224953430146549585371050792279689258923542019956112129021960864034418159813629774771309960518707211349999998372978049951059731732816096318595024459455346908302642522308253344685035261931188171010003137838752886587533208381420617177669147303598253490428755468731159562863882353787593751957781857780532171226806613001927876611195909216420198";

{ Regex regex = new Regex(@"(?m)(\d)\1+"); Match match = regex.Match(PIvalue); int i = 1; if (match.Success) { Console.WriteLine("maXbox PI SeqTest: "+ match.Value); //match.NextMatch();

} while (match.Success) { Console.WriteLine(i+" Match: {0}", match.Value); match = match.NextMatch(); i++; } } } }}


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1.4.1 PI Finder with multiline file string

If you want the first two and last two digits to be the same to match (your examples suggest this) than the regex ^(\d\d)\d{0,4}\1$ is the appropriate.

But when you use a file with line breaks and numbers in between to find (yellow marker below) there's another workaround:


This assumes with ReplaceRegExpr() the whole text has been read into a single string first (i.e., you're not reading a file line-by-line), but it doesn't assume the line separator is always \n, as your code does and then the find matches. At the minimum you should allow for \r\n and \r as well:

if fileexists(exepath+'examples\pi_numbers7000.txt') then begin sr:= ReplaceRegExpr ('(?s)(\r\n)

+',filetoString(exepath+'examples\pi_numbers7000.txt') ,'',true) //writeln('test pi file with CRLF'+sr) writeln('PI EXplore7000: '+getMatchString2('(?m)(\d)\1+',sr)) writeln('PI EXplore7000: '+CRLF+getMatchStringSortGroup3('(?m)(\d)\1+',sr)) end; Line breaks can be signalled by different control characters. On UNIX systems, it is typical to signal a line break with a single ACSII character 10. Windows, on the otherhand, still maintains the tradition of combining both carriage return (character 13) and newline character.

Pi is an extraordinary number. It's "irrational", meaning it cannot be written as the ratio of two whole numbers. It's also "transcendental", because it cannot be the solution to any algebraic equation. 22/7 is a useful simple approximation to pi, evaluating to 3.142857 to six decimal places.

PI Explore7000 Decimals: 1: 33 2: 88 3: 99 4: 44 5: 99 6: 11 7: 66 8: 44 9: 55 10: 22 11: 111 12: 11 13: 555 14: 44 15: 22 16: 44 17: 88 18: 66 19: 33 20: 44


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21: 33 22: 66 23: 66 24: 33 25: 00 26: 66 27: 55 28: 88 29: 88 30: 00 31: 11 32: 33 33: 88 34: 66 35: 11 36: 33 37: 11 38: 11 39: 11 40: 44 41: 99 42: 88 43: 22 44: 11 45: 33 46: 33 47: 44 48: 66 49: 22 50: 77 51: 66 52: 000 53: 77 54: 77 55: 77 56: 44 57: 22 58: 22 59: 99 60: 11 61: 44 62: 77 63: 77 64: 99 65: 11 66: 999999 67: 99 68: 44 69: 55 70: 22 71: 33 72: 44 73: 11 74: 88 75: 000 76: 88 77: 33 78: 77 79: 66 80: 55 81: 11 82: 88 83: 77 84: 77 85: 22 86: 66 87: 00 88: 66 89: 111 90: 88 91: 33 92: 99 93: 77 94: 22 95: 99 96: 77 97: 55 98: 33 99: 11 100: 55 101: 88 102: 55 103: 00 104: 77 105: 11 106: 00 107: 88 108: 66 109: 555 110: 44 111: 44 112: 55 113: 77 114: 66 115: 33 116: 77 117: 66 118: 11 119: 33 120: 00 121: 55 122: 99 123: 99 124: 22 125: 00 126: 99 127: 555 128: 88 129: 99 130: 55 131: 11 132: 44 133: 55 134: 66 135: 99 136: 11 137: 88 138: 77 139: 66 140: 55 141: 7777 142: 000 143: 00 144: 77 145: 44 146: 11 147: 55 148: 33 149: 33 150: 333 151: 77 152: 55 153: 99 154: 222 155: 55 156: 88 157: 66 158: 88 159: 66 160: 00 161: 88 162: 00 163: 22 164: 11 165: 88 166: 222 167: 66 168: 11 169: 44 170: 22 171: 77 172: 99 173: 33 174: 00 175: 99


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176: 22 177: 22 178: 77 179: 99 180: 44 181: 55 182: 99 183: 22 184: 88 185: 77 186: 77 187: 55 188: 99 189: 55 190: 99 191: 44 192: 222 193: 99 194: 88 195: 44 196: 77 197: 99 198: 77 199: 00 200: 44 201: 555 202: 22 203: 222 204: 88 205: 22 206: 88 207: 22 208: 99 209: 666 210: 11 211: 88 212: 77 213: 55 214: 11 215: 22 216: 88 217: 66 218: 22 219: 33 220: 00 221: 55 222: 99 223: 22 224: 88 225: 77 226: 555 227: 444 228: 11 229: 11 230: 66 231: 44 232: 11 233: 99 234: 44 235: 00 236: 44 237: 33 238: 44 239: 00 240: 11 241: 99 242: 66 243: 444 244: 999 245: 55 246: 22 247: 88 248: 55 249: 66 250: 77 251: 77 252: 22 253: 99 254: 66 255: 44 256: 77 257: 66 258: 44 259: 666 260: 00 261: 88 262: 33 263: 00 264: 55 265: 66 266: 99 267: 11 268: 77 269: 77 270: 00 271: 33 272: 99 273: 00 274: 55 275: 88 276: 44 277: 22 278: 11 279: 22 280: 222 281: 88 282: 444 283: 00 284: 33 285: 11 286: 111 287: 99 288: 11 289: 55 290: 88 291: 99 292: 99 293: 55 294: 33 295: 55 296: 22 297: 33 298: 99 299: 99 300: 44 301: 88 302: 33 303: 99 304: 44 305: 33 306: 11 307: 66 308: 88 309: 44 310: 77 311: 444 312: 11 313: 33 314: 11 315: 11 316: 00 317: 44 318: 444 319: 66 320: 22 321: 55 322: 44 323: 33 324: 44 325: 77 326: 22 327: 44 328: 11 329: 44 330: 22 331: 111 332: 66 333: 666 334: 55 335: 11 336: 55 337: 66 338: 66 339: 55 340: 00 341: 11


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342: 33 343: 88 344: 11 345: 44 346: 66 347: 77 348: 55 349: 55 350: 66 351: 444 352: 66 353: 00 354: 00 355: 77 356: 44 357: 22 358: 99 359: 11 360: 000 361: 33 362: 99 363: 66 364: 88 365: 66 366: 33 367: 77 368: 11 369: 55 370: 00 371: 22 372: 55 373: 99 374: 55 375: 666 376: 77 377: 11 378: 99 379: 99 380: 111 381: 99 382: 22 383: 777 384: 22 385: 33 386: 22 387: 88 388: 33 389: 66 390: 22 391: 77 392: 66 393: 66 394: 11 395: 33 396: 66 397: 00 398: 66 399: 8888 400: 00 401: 22 402: 11 403: 000 404: 22 405: 66 406: 11 407: 77 408: 33 409: 11 410: 66 411: 77 412: 2222 413: 77 414: 444 415: 333 416: 99 417: 44 418: 77 419: 44 420: 99 421: 888 422: 77 423: 22 424: 66 425: 00 426: 99 427: 00 428: 77 429: 22 430: 22 431: 88 432: 00 433: 77 434: 22 435: 88 436: 55 437: 33 438: 44 439: 7777 440: 99 441: 66 442: 55 443: 33 444: 44 445: 99 446: 444 447: 99 448: 7777 449: 77 450: 77 451: 22 452: 777 453: 66 454: 88 455: 33 456: 666 457: 66 458: 33 459: 44 460: 77 461: 777 462: 55 463: 33 464: 33 465: 44 466: 11 467: 77 468: 11 469: 99 470: 33 471: 77 472: 33 473: 77 474: 33 475: 44 476: 22 477: 77 478: 77 479: 77 480: 77 481: 444 482: 00 483: 33 484: 11 485: 11 486: 88 487: 11 488: 55 489: 55 490: 33 491: 22 492: 7777 493: 888 494: 44 495: 77 496: 00 497: 44 498: 66 499: 11 500: 33 501: 77 502: 66 503: 22 504: 77 505: 99 506: 55 507: 77 508: 99 509: 888 510: 99 511: 55 512: 111 513: 11 514: 88 515: 77 516: 77 517: 99 518: 00 519: 11 520: 00 521: 33 522: 77 523: 00 524: 00 525: 33 526: 22 527: 33 528: 22 529: 11 530: 44 531: 22 532: 99 533: 11 534: 444 535: 44 536: 444 537: 00 538: 66 539: 88 540: 33 541: 22 542: 33 543: 33 544: 55


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545: 55 546: 00 547: 66 548: 77 549: 55 550: 33 551: 11 552: 99 553: 66 554: 33 555: 33 556: 11 557: 77 558: 22 559: 11 560: 22 561: 88 562: 11 563: 00 564: 66 565: 99 566: 55 567: 00 568: 55 569: 22 570: 33 571: 44 572: 55 573: 00 574: 22 575: 99 576: 55 577: 55 578: 44 579: 77 580: 77 581: 111 582: 22 583: 00 584: 666 585: 44 586: 33 587: 888 588: 55 589: 33 590: 33 591: 55 592: 66 593: 333 594: 99 595: 11 596: 22 597: 88 598: 111 599: 33 600: 00

1.4.2 Group Statistic

43 x 005 x 00060 x 118 x 11155 x 225 x 2221 x 222261 x 333 x 33351 x 4411 x 44453 x 555 x 55554 x 666 x 66665 x 773 x 7774 x 777743 x 884 x 8881 x 888857 x 991 x 9991 x 999999

Done REX3 - Hit NOthing to exitPI EXplore7000: //************************************ Code Finished******************************


Page 19: Regex Report of PI Analysis

1.5 Appendix String RegEx methods

.match(regexp) returns first match for this stringagainst the given regular expression;if global /g flag is used, returns array

of all matches

.replace(regexp, text) replaces first occurrence of the regularexpression with the given text; ifglobal /g flag is used, replaces all


.search(regexp) returns first index where the givenregular expression occurs

.split(delimiter[,limit]) breaks apart a string into an array ofstrings using the given regular as thedelimiter; returns the array of tokens