REFLEKSIJA 1 Opredeljevanje učnih ciljev. For some teachers, building differentiated learning...

REFLE KSIJA 1 Oprede l jevanj e učnih c iljev

Transcript of REFLEKSIJA 1 Opredeljevanje učnih ciljev. For some teachers, building differentiated learning...

Page 1: REFLEKSIJA 1 Opredeljevanje učnih ciljev. For some teachers, building differentiated learning objectives, lesson plans, and units comes naturally and.





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Page 2: REFLEKSIJA 1 Opredeljevanje učnih ciljev. For some teachers, building differentiated learning objectives, lesson plans, and units comes naturally and.

• For some teachers, building differentiated learning objectives, lesson plans, and units comes naturally and is part of the fun of teaching. For others, it can be a real challenge. For either group, writing learning objectives can require a commitment of time. As schools increasingly emphasize the use of varied, differentiated learning objectives, a teacher's planning time can be stretched.

• For those wanting to save a bit of time or add a spark of creativity to their learning objectives, Ian Byrd, a creative and energetic California teacher, has developed a clever Web application called The Differentiator (

• It is a free tool that allows you to use a Web interface to build learning objectives by choosing from a set of predefined thinking skills (1), content (2), resources (3), student products (4), and group sizes (5).

• For example, using Ian's site, I created the following in a matter of seconds:– Students will contrast [ thinking skill] the multiple points of view of

green energy [ content] using newpapers [ resource] to create a press conference [ product] in groups of three [ group size].

• You may need to do a little additional editing after you build an objective.

Building Differentiated Learning Objectives With Web Tools: The


Page 3: REFLEKSIJA 1 Opredeljevanje učnih ciljev. For some teachers, building differentiated learning objectives, lesson plans, and units comes naturally and.

How to use the Differentiator

Lesson Planning (Tool): The DIFFERENTIATOR

Page 4: REFLEKSIJA 1 Opredeljevanje učnih ciljev. For some teachers, building differentiated learning objectives, lesson plans, and units comes naturally and.

Bloomova taksonomija učnih ciljev

Bloom, 1956

6. Evalvacija/Vrednotenje

5. Sinteza

4. Analiza

3. Aplikacija/Uporaba

2. Usvojitev/Razumevanje

1. Znanje (deklarativno, dejstveno, podatkovno, a tudi konceptualno in proceduralno, vendar na ravni poznavanja)

Revidirani Bloom, 2002

6. Kreiranje

5. Evalviranje/Vrednotenje

4. Analiziranje

3. Apliciranje

2. Razumevanje

1. Pomnenje

Andersen 1994, Krathwohl 2002 et al.

Page 5: REFLEKSIJA 1 Opredeljevanje učnih ciljev. For some teachers, building differentiated learning objectives, lesson plans, and units comes naturally and.

Bloomova taksonomija učnih ciljev

Page 7: REFLEKSIJA 1 Opredeljevanje učnih ciljev. For some teachers, building differentiated learning objectives, lesson plans, and units comes naturally and.
Page 8: REFLEKSIJA 1 Opredeljevanje učnih ciljev. For some teachers, building differentiated learning objectives, lesson plans, and units comes naturally and.


Učni cilj Pričakovani učni dosežki


strokovne pisme-nosti v tujih


Dijak prepoznava in v okviru sobesedila razume temeljno predmetno specifično besedišče v tujem jeziku (leksikalno-semantična raven – receptivna zmožnost).

Dijak pozna in zna uporabljati izbrano temeljno predmetno specifično besedišče v tujem jeziku (leksikalno-semantična raven – produktivna zmožnost).

Dijak pozna strukturo in razume lažja strokovna besedila izbranih predmetov oz. disciplin v tujem jeziku (sintaktična raven – receptivna zmožnost).

Page 9: REFLEKSIJA 1 Opredeljevanje učnih ciljev. For some teachers, building differentiated learning objectives, lesson plans, and units comes naturally and.

LANGUAGE OBJECTIVES: The Key to Effective Content Area Instruction for English Learners

(Jennifer Himmel, 2012)

3rd grade Science, States of MatterContent Area

StandardContent Objective Language Objective

California: Students know that matter has three forms: solid, liquid, and gas.

Students will be able to distinguish between liquids, solids, and gases and provide an example of each.

Students will be able to orally describe characteristics of liquids, solids, and gases to a partner.

Page 10: REFLEKSIJA 1 Opredeljevanje učnih ciljev. For some teachers, building differentiated learning objectives, lesson plans, and units comes naturally and.

Language Objectives: The Key to Effective Content Area Instruction for English Learners

(Jennifer Himmel, 2012)

4th grade Math, Two-Dimensional FiguresContent Area

StandardContent Objective Language Objective

Common Core: Draw and identify lines and angles, and classify shapes by properties of their lines and angles.

Students will be able to classify triangles based on their angles.

Students will be able to read descriptions of triangles and their angles.

Page 11: REFLEKSIJA 1 Opredeljevanje učnih ciljev. For some teachers, building differentiated learning objectives, lesson plans, and units comes naturally and.

Language Objectives: The Key to Effective Content Area Instruction for English Learners

(Jennifer Himmel, 2012)

7th Social Studies, Colonial CommunitiesContent Area

StandardContent Objective Language Objective

New York: Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of the geography of the interdependent world in which we live.

Students will be able show how geographic features have affected colonial life by creating a map.

Students will be able to summarize in writing how geography impacted colonial life.

Page 12: REFLEKSIJA 1 Opredeljevanje učnih ciljev. For some teachers, building differentiated learning objectives, lesson plans, and units comes naturally and.

9th grade English Language Arts, Informative/Explanatory Texts

Content Area Standard

Content Objective Language Objective

Common Core: Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the argument presented.

Students will be able to draft a conclusion paragraph for their expository essay.

Students will be able to use transitional phrases (e.g., as a result) in writing.