Reflection of electromagnetic waves from a lossy ... - NISTReflection of Electromagnetic Waves From...

RADI O SCIENCE Journal of R esearch NBS / USNC- URSI Vol. 68D, No. I, J anua ry 1 964 Reflection of Electromagnetic Waves From a Lossy Magnetoplasma James R. Wait and Lillie C . Walters Contribution From the Central Radio Pr opaga tion Laboratory, National Bure au of Sta nd ar ds, Boulder, Colo. A met hod is outlined for calcul ati ng the re fl ection coe ffi cicnt from a hori zon ta ll y str atified ionized med iLml. The pro fi les of elect ron density and the colli sion fre qu e ncies ar e bot h ta ke n to be exponential fun ct ions. The d-c mag netic fi eld is tak en to be ho rizontal a nd tra nsverse to the dir ect ion of p ropagat ion. Th e speci fi c results described ar c ap pli cab le to the oblique refl ecti on of VLF ra di o wav es in the D l ayer of the ionos phere for propagat ion al ong the magnetic equato r. It is confirmed that the reflection coe ffi cient is non r ec ip rocal in both ampli tud e and phase. For a wide range of the paramete rs, the magn itude of the re fl ection coe ffic ient is greater for wcs t-to-east propagat i on than for east-to-west propagation. 1. Introduction Th e lower iono sphere is primarily res ponsible fo r th e prop agat ion of VLF radio waves to gr eat dis- tances. In theore Li cal tr eatmen ts of thi s problem it is often assumed that Lh e lower edge of t he iono- sphere m ay be represen te d by a sharpl y bound ed and homo ge neous io nized me dium . Act ually, such a mod el was used by G. N . Watson [1 919] over 40 years ago. Appli cations and refinemen ts of such a mod el have bee n discussed fr equently in the r ece nt litera tur e [e.g., Budd en , 19 62; W ai t, 19 62; Johler , 19 63 ]. One such refinement is the inclusion of the earth's magnet ic fi eld in the analysis. Th is, of course, rend ers the me dium anisotropi c. If the verti cal inhomo ge nei ty (or horizontal str at ifi cat ion) of the ionosph E' re is also considered sim ul ta neously, the situ a tion becomes very complicated ind ee d. An extensive stud y of anal yt ical m E'thods to tr eat su ch problems has been carri ed out by K . G. Budd en a nd his colleagu es at Cambridge Uni versi ty . Mu ch of thi s work is summari ze d in a mon umen tal tex t [Budden, 1961 ] which will b E' th e st andard work on the subj ect for some t ime. Budd en makes extensive use of "full wave" m ethod s which m ay be describ ed as a fro ntal assa ult on the differential e qu at ions satisfi ed by the fi eld components in the medium. In this pap er we shall consider a special case of a horizon tftlly stratified and anisotropic ionosphere. Specifically, the earth's mag net ic fi eld is ass umed to be purely t ra nsver se to the direction of propagation. Stri ctly speaking, this is applicable only to the situ at ion when the path of prop agat ion is along the mag netic equ at or . However, the characterist ics in t hi s special case prevail at oth er latit ud es if t he transverse com ponent of the fi eld is a ppr eciable. At l east tbis is born e out by a numeri cal st ud y of the sharply bounded ionosphere for an arbitr ary magn et ic dip angle [Johler, 1961 ]. In any case, the resulting simplici ty of the differenti al e qua tions 95 for the limiting case of a purely tra ns\rerse magn et ic fi eld enc our ages one to consider t his sit u at ion in mo re d etail. In p art icular, it is desirable to invest i- gate the influence of gradi ent of b oth the electron densi ty and collision frequen cy. In mu ch of the pr evious work on t bis subj ect the collision fr equ ency has been ass umed con ta nto In a study of the recent li terat ur e [e.g., Belrose, 1963] it is found th at both the el ectron densi ty N( z) and the collision fr equ ency v( z) vary a ppro ximately in an exponential ma nner wi th height z. For ex- a mpl e, in the undi st urbed d ayt ime ionos phere we m fty ass ume th at N( z) = No exp (bz), (1) an d v( z) = Vo exp (- az), (2) where a and b are p os itive consta nt s a nd z is ome specified level in the ionosphere. From a st udy of th e experimen tal d ata [B elrose, 19 63 ], it app ears th at, if the reference level is 70 km above the earth's s ur - face, No"" 10 2 electrons/cm 3 and Vo"" 10 7 sec- I. Th e gradi ent parameters are then expected to be gi ven a pproximately by km- 1 (± 0.1) a nd a",, 0 .15 km- 1 0. 02 ). Th e quoted values of these con- s tan ts must be considered te n tat i ve and cer tainly subj ect to change. Furthermor e, it mu st be under- stood tha t significant d ep artur es from the exponen tial shape are to be expected und er di st urbed condi t io ns. 2. Formulation Th e sit ua tion is shown explicitly in fi g ur e l a. A vertically polari zed plane wave is in ciden t at angle e on to a horizont ally s tr atified ionosphere. Th e z axis is taken to be positive in the upw ard dir ection. At the reference level z= O, the el ectron densi ty a nd the collision frequ en cy have valu es by No and V o, respectively. Th e "scale height " which is

Transcript of Reflection of electromagnetic waves from a lossy ... - NISTReflection of Electromagnetic Waves From...

RADIO SCIENCE Journal of Research NBS/USNC- URSI Vol. 68D, No. I, January 1964

Reflection of Electromagnetic Waves From a Lossy Magnetoplasma

James R. Wait and Lillie C . Walters

Contribution From the Central Radio Propagation Laboratory, National Bureau of Standards, Boulder, Colo .

A method is outlined for calculating t he reflection coefficicnt f rom a hori zon ta lly stratified ionized m ediLml . T he p ro fi les of electron densit y a nd t he collis ion fre que ncies are both ta ken to be exponentia l fun ctions . The d-c magnetic field is taken to be horizon ta l a nd transverse to t he direction of p ropagation . The specific results described arc applicable to the obliq ue reflection of VLF radio waves in the D layer of t he ionosphere fo r propagation a long t he magnetic eq uato r. It is confirmed t hat t he reflection coe fficien t is non recip rocal in bo th ampli tude and p hase . For a wide range of t he pa ra mete rs, the magni t ude of the re flection coeffic ien t is greate r for wcst-to-ea st propagation t ha n fo r east- to-wes t propaga tion.

1. Introduction

The lower ionosphere is primarily responsible for the propagation of VLF radio waves to great dis­tances. In theore Lical t reatments of this problem it is often assumed that Lhe lower edge of t he iono­sphere m ay be represented by a sharply bounded and homogeneous ionized medium. Actually , such a model was used by G. N . Watson [1 919] o ver 40 years ago. Applications and refinements of such a model have been discussed frequen tly in the recent litera ture [e.g ., Budden , 1962; W ait, 1962; Johler , 1963]. One such refinement is t he inclusion of the ear th 's m agnetic field in t he analysis . This, of course, renders the medium anisotropic. If t he ver tical inhomogeneity (or h orizontal stratification) of the ionosphE're is also considered sim ultaneously, the situation becomes very complicated indeed . An extensive study of analytical mE'thods to treat such problems h as b een carried out by K . G. Budden and his colleagues at Cambridge University. Much of this work is summarized in a monumental text [Budden, 1961 ] which will b E' the standard work on the subj ect for some time. Budden makes extensive use of "full wave" methods which may be described as a frontal assault on the differential equations satisfied by the field components in the medium.

In t his paper we shall consider a special case of a horizon tftlly stratified and anisotropic ionosphere. Specifically, th e ear th 's magnetic field is assumed to be purely transverse to the direction of propagation . Strictly speaking, this is applicable only to t he situation when the p a th of propagation is along t he magnetic equator. However, the characteristics in this special case prevail at other latitudes if t he t ransverse com ponent of the field is appreciable. At least t bis is borne ou t by a numerical study of the sharply bounded ionosphere for an arbitrary m agnetic dip angle [Johler , 1961 ]. In any case, t he result ing simplicity of the differential equat ions


for the limit ing case of a purely trans \rerse m agnetic field encourages one t o consider t his sit uation in more detail. In particular , it is desirable to investi­gate t he influence of gradient of both the electron density and collision frequen cy. In much of the previous work on tbis subj ect t he collision frequency has been assumed con tan t o

In a study of the recent li terature [e.g., Belrose, 1963] i t is found tha t bo th the electron density N( z) and the collision frequency v(z) vary approximately in an exponen tial manner wi th heigh t z. For ex­ample, in the und isturbed d aytime ionosphere we mfty assume that

N( z) = No exp (bz), (1) and

v(z) = Vo exp ( - az) , (2)

where a and b are positive co nstants and z is ome specified level in the ionosphere. From a study of the experimental data [Belrose, 1963], i t appears that, if the reference level is 70 km above the ear th 's sur­face, No"" 102 electrons/cm3 and Vo"" 107 sec- I. The gradien t parameters are then expected to be given approximately by b ~ 0 . 1 5 km - 1 (± 0.1) a nd a",, 0 .15 km- 1 (± 0.02) . The quo ted values of th ese con­stants must be considered ten tative and cer tainly subj ect to change. Furthermore, it must b e under­stood that significant departures from the exponential shape are to be expected under disturb ed condi tions.

2 . Formulation

The situation is shown explicitly in figure l a. A ver tically polarized plane wave is inciden t at angle e on to a horizontally stratified ionosphere. The z axis is taken to be positive in th e upward direction. A t the reference level z= O, th e electron density and the collision frequency have v alues desi~na ted by No and Vo, respectively. The "scale height" which is

FIG URE l a . !llttstrating oblique Teflection of VLF radio waves from an inhomogeneous (hol'izontally stratified) ionos phere with a transverse d-c magnetic fi eld.

equal to l ib or 11a, as indicated in figure 1b is of the order of 6 km for both of these profiles . As men­tioned above, these are typical of the daytime D layer for both the N and v profiles.

The lower ionosphere, which is idealized here as a stratified ionized medium, may be regarded as an electron plasma. The (ang ular) electron plasma freq uency Wo is thus gi,Ten by


where N is the electron dellsity in electrons per cubic centimeter and Wo has dimensions of radians per . second. The dielectric properties of such flo

(cold) plasm.a may be described in terms of a tensor di electric constant (t) . Thus, the displacement

--7 --7

vector D and the electric field E are connected by


Choosing the d-c magnetic field to b e along the axial direction,l tbe tensor has the form


o where harmonic time dependence according to exp (+ iwt ) is assumed. The coefficients E', E", and q are given by [Wait, 1962]

~=1- i(v+iw)wUw, to W2T+(v+ i w)2


f£= _ WTWUW (7)

? ( . )" EO W-7' + v +~w -

" iw~ ~= 1 , (8) EO (v+ iw)w

1 In what follows, the x a xis is taken to be in the axial d irection. Thus eq (4) isgivcn by

(DY) (EY) D , = (. ) E , .

D;r, E 'Z


N (z) or w; (z)

N (Z) No exp (bz)

----------~------~------~---------. Z

- 6 km 6km

v ( z)

v (z) Vo exp (- a z )

----------~------+-------~--------- z

- 6 km 6 km

Fro URE lb. Sketch of the pl'ofiles of electron density N(z) and the collision f requency v(z ) .

where to= 8.85 X 10- 12 is the dielectric constant of free space and WT is the (angular) gyro frequency.

Maxwell's equations, which are applicable to this si tuation, are


i(t)wE= curl H, (9)


-i/lwH= curl E , (1 0)

where /l is the magnetic permeability of the plasma. The first equation above may be written




--7 -> i wE= (E - 1) curl H ,





(11 )




For cOl1\Tenience in what follows, we now choose the gyro axis to be in the x direction (i.e., the d-c magnetic field is taken to be parallel to the x direc-


tion). As a resul t % x= O since the inciden t wave For Lhe r egion z>O, is specified to b e trans \'erse to the d-c m agnetic fi eld. I t is now a s traightforward m at ter to show Hx= j(z) exp (-ikSy), that



where lc = (foI10)1w= 27r/A and 1\11= 110/11 . H ere A is the fr ee space waveleng th and 110 is the m agnetic permeabili ty of free space.

From M aAvvell 's equations, th e o th er fi eld com­pon en ts m ay b e obtained from Hx and Ex. F or example,

i ~owE = M oHx+iKoHx, (17) y oz oy


(1 9)

. 1\ oE x -~ " wH = - 11;[ - · ,-0 Z oy (20)

It is immediaLely e\riden L Lhat Lh e general prob­lem splits inLo Lwo par ts. The total field m ay be r egarded as Lh e superposi tion or two par tial6.elds;

one is characterized by E = (EX) 0, 0) and the other -+

by II= (IIx , 0, 0). Th ese lllay b e called TE (tnws-ver se electric) and 'I'M (trans \rerse m agnetic) waves, r especti vely . For a \'ertically polarized incident wave, t he rrrst par tial field (i .e., th e TE waves) is not excited, so fur ther atten tion is r estricted to the 'I'M waves .2

3. Preliminary Problem

As a simple preliminary problem we shall consider the ionosphere to be sharply bounded and homo­gen eous. Thus, for z>O, the dielec tric proper ties are to be characterized by th e tensor ( ~) which does no t vary with z. The r egion z<O is free space.

The inciden t wave is of the form


where 71,0 is a constant and where 0 = (1- S 2) ;>= cos fJ in terms of the angle of in cidence fJ. Then the r eflected wave must be of the form


where R, by defini tion, is the r efl ection coefficien t.

2 Actuall y) tho 'rE waves in th is case are not influenced by t he d-c magnetic field and t llC med ium is c ffect ively isotrop ic.


where, by vir tue of (15), j (z) satisfies



Hx= hoT exp [ -ik [~-S2J;> z l exp (-ikSy) , MAI -l


where T, by defini tion, is a tr ansmission coeffi cient.

The unknown fun cLions H and T are found by applying t he bound ary condiLiolls which require the co ntinuily o r E ll a nd IIx flt z= O. This r eadily leads to



T= 20 , C+~

. C'-~ R= O+~'

~=M [~-S2J '1 + iK S. MM

If iC1= fJ.o= 1, which is the usual case, 11

(v+iw)w d WTW -'----;;--'--- an 'Y = - . w~ w~





The lat ter r esul t was gi,' en by B arber a nd Crombie [1959] who employed a somewhat more involved derivation.

4. The General Problem

We shall now return to our originally sta ted problem . The continuous profiles of N( z) and v( z) are r eplaced by a very large, but fini te, number of steps. In other words, the inhomogeneous medium is r eplaced by a stack of thin homogeneous layers. For purposes of discussion, there sh all be P such layer s wb ile a typical layer is the p th layer . Thus, p ranges hom 1 to P through integral values. Some­where a t a sufficien tly negative value of z, th e medium may b e regarded as free space. This le \' el is deno ted z=-zo.


Within th e p th layer, the fields may b e regarded as a sup erposition of upgoing and downgoing waves. These are characterized by t he functions exp


(- i{3plcz) and exp (+ i{3plcz), respectively, where


The characteristic impedances associated with these wave types are

K +- E t (31) P- -Fl+' x

and E -

(32) K - Y P= H - ' x

where the + sign denotes upgoing and the - sign denotes downgoing waves. From (1 7) and (18), it is seen that



K : = rJ oCMp{3p+ iKpS) ,

K ; = rJo(Mp{3 p-iK pS) ,

rJo= (,uo/ f O) ;> = 1207r ohms.



The problem may now be solved by an application of nonuniform transmission line theory [Schelkunoff, 1943; Wait, 1962] . Thus, the reflection coefficient which is referred to the lower edge of the bottom slab is given by

R Kt-ZI O- I:l o K r; + ZI 0+1:l ' (35)

where I:l = ZdrJo and where Zj is the input impedance at the bottom of layer number 1. Now, ZI may be expressed in terms of Z2 which, in turn, may be expressed in terms of Z3' The process is continued until the topmost layer is r eached where Z p=K : is assumed known. The details of this derivation are given elsewhere [Wait, 1962].

The required number of layers is best determined by studying the stability of the solut ion as the num­ber is increased. Because of the relatively long wavelength involved and because of the finite losses in the medium, the solution converges nicely as the number of layers is increased. For the cases dis­cussed here, the step size was never greater than 0.1 lUll and this appeared to be smaller than necessary.

5. Presentation of Results

The final resul ts of the numerical calculations are presented in such a fashion that the phase of the reflection coefficient R is referred to the leve l z= O. Thus, by definition ,


Physically, this means tha t the observer at z= - zo is sufficiently far below the ionosphere that the medium may be regarded as free space. In practice Zo is chosen to be large enough that the phase of R does not vary with further changes in zoo For the case here, Zo was of the order of 40 km. This particular

normalization of the phase has been used on previous occasions [Wait and Walters, 1963].

Following the usage in previous papers [Wait and I

Walters, 1963], the quantity wr= w~(O) /v (O ) is speci­fied . In particular, w/wr= 7~ at 15 kc/s, or wr= 67r X 104 sec- I. The "effective" conductivity cre of the medium at this level z= O, is then given by cre= EOWr ""' 1.7 X 10- 6 mhos/meter. With exponential-type profiles the fixing of the parameter of Wr is not an essential restriction. It is a simple matter to shift the reference level from z=o to any other value if desired.

The parameters of the problem are thus A, 0, b, a, I

and WT/VO' In order to display the relative influence of these quan tities, it is desirable to plo t the ampli­tude and phase of R as a function of wTlvo from -3 to + 3 for a range of values of A, 0, b, and a. It should be noted that A is in km, 0 is dimensionless, while b and a have dimensions of lun- I. Conse­quently, the scale length in the present problem is the kilometer. By changing this scale, the results may also have significance at higher frequencies.

In figures 2a and 2b the magnitude of the reflection coeffi cient IHI and the phase of R are plotted as a function of wTl vo. Negative values of the abscissa correspond to propagation from west to east along the magnetic equator. The cosine angle of incidence is fixed at 0.1. Thus, the angle is highly oblique, being only 5.7° from grazing. For long-distance propa­gation of VLF radio waves, such highly oblique con­ditions prevaiP For the curves in figures 2a and 2b, the collision profile is chosen so that the collision parameter a= 0.1 5 km- I and the wavelength A= 15 km correspond to a frequency of 20 kc/s. For these curves, the electron density parameter b takes the values 0.1 , 0.2, and 0.5 km- I . It is evident that for WT/VO~ O , the steep gradient of electron density is associated with maximum amplitudes of reflection. However , when W1'/VO is finite, this may no longer be the case. In fact, the asymmetry of the cur ves about WT/VO= O is a measure of nonreciprocity in the reflec­tion process. As indicated, the reflection coefficient for propagation from west to east is greater than for propagation from east to west. There is also some nonreciprocity in the phase curves but it is not great.

In figures 3a and 3b, a set of curves show the in­fluence of varying the collision frequency parameter while keeping the electron density parameter fixed at b= 0.15 km- I . For these curves, as before, 0 = 0 .1 and A= 15 km. It is evident that the steeper gradient of the collision frequency corresponds to larger reflection coeffi cients.


In figures 4a and 4b, IRI and the phase of Rare shown as a function of WT/VO for various frequencies in the range from 6 to 60 kc/s. For these curves, 0 = 0.1, b= 0.15, and a= 0.15 . The tendency is for the reflection coefficient to be diminished at the higher frequencies. In this case, the medium is acting like a good absorber rather than a r eflector.

3 In fact, the attenuation of the dominant mode in the ear th-ionosphere wave­guide at VLF is approxima tely proportional to I -INI for highly oblique incidence [Wait, 1962J.


A ~ 15 km

0.9 a ~ O.IS km- '

C ~ 0.1



IRI 0.1




0.3 -3 -2 -I 0

w T/Vo


A ~ IS km

0= o. ISkm-'

-120' C = 0.1 b = 0.1 km-'

W CfJ « -140'

I I 0.2 Q

-ISO' 0 .5

-180' -3 -2 -I 0 3


I FlG U RE S 2a and 2b. Reflection coefficient curves illustrating the dependence on electron density profile.

t In figures 5a and 5b, IRI and the phase of Rare . plotted for different values of the angle of incidence. tFor these curves, 1. = 15 l~m, b= 0.15 km- I , and a= 0.15 km- I . In general, It may be seen that the

I reflection coefficient is diminished for the steeper angle of incidence. It is rather interesting to note

Ithat the asymmetry (or nonreciprocity) in the phase . curves is more pronounced at the steeper angles. t Finally, in figures 6a and 6b, IRI and the phase of R are plotted for various vRlues of the collision fre­Iquency parameter a for 1. = 15 km and 0= 0.1. These curves differ from figures 3a and 3b in that here the Iparameter (3 = b+ a is fixed rather than just a. In other words, the profile of N /1I as a function of z is I

707-520--63----8 99


A = 15 km a ~ 0.2 km- I

b = o.lskm-' 0.7 0.15



IRI 0.05



0.3 -3 -2 -I 0


- 80'

A ~ IS km

-100' b ~ O.IS km- 1 a ~ o.os km- I

W (J)

« -120' 0.1 I Q


-140' 0.2

-ISO' -3 -2 - I


FIGURES 3a and 3b. R eflection coe.fficient curves illustrating the dependence on collision frequency profile.

fixed while the gradient of 11 is changed. In the iso­tropic case, where WT = O, it is interesting to note that R is determined only by the gradient of N /1I. However, for a finite gyrofrequency, the situation is changed significantly. In general, the nomeci­procity is accentuated when a is diminished. For example, if 11 were assumed to be a constant, the dependence of the gyrofrequency is much greater than for a collision frequency which varies with height. In much of the earlier work [e.g ., Budden, 1955] on full wave solutions in ionospheric ritdio waves, it is often assumed that 11 can be regarded as a con­stant. Clearly, such an assumption may lead to very misleading results .

1.0. ~---'-----'----'-----'-------r--------,


20km (15kc/s)

a ~ 0.15 km-'

b ~ 0.i5 km-'

JRI 0..6 lokm (30kc/s)




A~ 5km (60 kC/s)

- 40. 'f- -

a ~ 0.15km-'

b ~ 0.15km-'

-BD' f- C = 0.1 -w (f)

« I 0... lokm (30kc/s)

- 120.' -

20km (15 kc/s)

-160.' I- 50km (6 kc/s)

-20.0.' I I I I I -3 -2 -I

FIGURES 4a and 4b. R eflection coe:tJicient curves i llustrating the dependence on wavelength.

6 . Discussion and Concluding Remarks









0..1 -3

- 400

w '{l - BD' I 0...

- 120.'

- 160.' -3

C ~ 0.1 (-84 0)

0.16 (-81 0)

A ~ 15km

b ~ 0.15km-'

a ~ 0.15km-'

-2 - I






A ~ 15 km

b ~ 0.15 km-'

a ~ 0.15km- '

3 I

FIGURES 5a and 5b. Reflecti on coefficient Clll'ves illustrating I The numerical results given here should provide the dependence on angle of incidence.

some insight into the nature of reflection from an inhomogeneous ionized medium. The nature of the 6000 km, signals from VLF transmitters to the west dependence on N, v, and WT is quite complicated. are received more strongly than from those to the east. Nevertheless, it appears that the sharper gradients This observation has also been confirmed by Crom­of electron density are usually associated with higher bie [1958] in a series of field strength measurements I reflection coefficients. The dependence on the colli- in New Zealand and by Taylor [1960], who analyzed sion frequency profile is not so clear-cut. the waveforms of atmospherics. For some inex-

In nearly every case it may be seen that the pres- plicable reason, Budden [1955] deduces from a full ence of the transverse magnetic field is to cause the wave solution that the directional dependence is just reflection coefficient IRI to be nonreciprocal. Fur- opposite to this. Al though his model is not the same I thermore, for a wide range of the parameters, lEI is as the one considered here, it is difficult for this greater for west-to-east propagation than for east- writer to accept the validity of his results in this . to-west propagation. This is in accord with experi- regard. However, it is possible that, because of the mental data of Round et al. [1925] who observed complexity of the various phenomena, a reversed that, for propagation over distances of the order of trend may emerge for certain special conditions, par-

100 I

0.9 ,.------,-----,------r-----r------,----1


A = 15 km

C = 0.1

f3 = b+o 0.3km- '

IR I 0.6

w (f)

<! I Q



-2 -I


-2 -I

FIGURES 6a and 6b . R eflection coe.fficient cu rves i llustrati ng the d ep endence on collision j req1ten cy ]J1'Ofile when the N Iv ]J1'ofile is fixed.

ticularly for the nighttime ionosphere [Rhoads et aI. , 1963]. It is also worth mentioning that Budden [1955] has some qualms concerning the accuracy of his numerical data at small yalues of C.

7. References

Ba rber , N. 11'., a.nd D. D. Crombie (1959), VLF reflections fron, t he ionosphere in the presence of a transverse m agnetic field , J. Atmos. and Terres t. Phys. 16, 37.

Belrose, J. S. (1963), Presen t knowledge of the 10\\'est iono­sphere, a chapter in R adio 'Wave Propaga tion (ed. by W. T. Blackband) (Pergamon Pross, Oxford).

Budden, K G. (l\Iay 1\:)55), Tho solut ion of th e d ifferenti al equ a lions governing the refl exion of long radio II'aves from t he ionosphere II, Phil. T rans. R oy. Soc. (London), Series A, 2408, 45- 72.

B udden, K. G. (H)61), lhdio Waves ill th e I onosph ere (Cambridge University Press) .

Budden, K G. (1.962), T he Waveguide j\lode Theory of Wave Propagal ion (Prent ice-H ull, En gJcll' ood Cl if'1's, N.J.) .

Crombie, D. D . (1958), Difl'erell ces bcLlVecn casl-\\'cs t and wcst-east propagaLi on of VLlc signals ovc r long di st an ces, J . Atm os. a nd Te rl' cst. Phys. 12, n o 117.

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J oh ler, .T . R. (1963), Radi o wave rdlcc tion s at a continuously strat ifi ed plasma wit It collisions proporl ional t o energy a nd a rb it rary magn el ic induct iOIl , Proc . Int er nat iona l Confer­cnce on the] on osphcre, 436- 44·5 (Ch apman & H a ll. Ltd., London) .

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8. Additional Reference

Galej s, J. (Nov. 19(1), E LF wav es in th e presence of expo­nen tial profiles, IRE Trans. Ant. P rop. AP-9, No. 6, 554-562.

(Paper 68Dl- 321 )