Reed Case

Reed Supermarkets Background and Situational Analysis Reed Supermarkets was founded in 1939 by William H. Reed. It started as a small and low-end retailer but now Reed has grown to be considered high-end in the supermarket business. It now has 192 retail stores, two regional distribution centers and 21,000 employees in five states in the Midwestern United States. In addition to a full assortment of standard groceries, a typical Reed’s featured a selection of mostly fresh seafood, including live lobsters and crabs. Reed imported packaged goods ranging from 27 kinds of mustard to three different brands of snails; and an array of 20 different prepared entrees available for takeaway. The chain was well-known for the quality of its produce and its emphasis on organic produce. Reed also differentiated itself by offering attractive stores, long hours, elegant (and often creative) serving-case displays, and exceptionally attentive customer service. Competition is present in the Columbus market with Reed’s market share distributed on multiple levels and the fight for market share among grocery retailers in Columbus is


Case Analysis

Transcript of Reed Case

Reed SupermarketsBackground and Situational AnalysisReed Supermarkets was founded in 1939 by William H. Reed. It started as a small and low-end retailer but now Reed has grown to be onsidered high-end in the supermarket business. Itnow has 19! retail stores" two regional distribution enters and !1"### employees in fi$e states inthe %idwestern &nited States. In addition to a full assortment of standard groeries" a typialReed'sfeaturedaseletionofmostlyfreshseafood" inludingli$elobstersandrabs. Reedimported pakaged goods ranging from !( kinds of mustard to three different brands of snails)and an array of !# different prepared entrees a$ailable for takeaway. *he hain was well-knownfor the +uality of its produe and its emphasis on organi produe. Reed also differentiated itselfby offering attrati$e stores" long hours" elegant ,and often reati$e- ser$ing-ase displays" ande.eptionally attenti$e ustomer ser$ie. /ompetition is present in the /olumbus market withReed's market share distributed on multiple le$els and the fight for market share among groeryretailers in /olumbus is intense. Reed's management was smart and did the right thing by goingout and doing a suffiient amount of market researh regarding the reent trends in thesupermarket business. Sine sales were delining and there was inreasing ompetition in the/olumbus area" Reed needed to find out how and why they were losing ustomers. *he mostimportant researh that they did in my opinion was the analysis on their ustomers sur$ey" sur$eyonpeoplewhodonot shopat Reed" omparisonofprieswithothersupermarketsandtheestimation of operating osts for their main ompetitors. Strategic Options*here are four main strategi options that Reed ould do to bring bak the ustomers andinrease market share.0o nothing. Reed is atually not performing terribly. *he estimated total sales hangefrom!##1to!#1#isonly-#.#12omparedtoitsmainompetitor 0elfina-#.#32,4.hibit 1-. 5lso" the ompany is still produing positi$e profit. *he derease on saleswas mainly aused by the eonomi downturn) some onsumers were looking and goingforbetterpriingoptions. 6neeonomyisreo$ered" theustomerswillgobakto+uality produts beause /olumbus's household inome is abo$e the a$erage. *herefore"Reed should be patient and 7ust maintain what they ha$e been doing. 6penmorestores. *hisisimportant forReedtoapturemoreustomers" espeiallythosewholi$efarfromthesupermarkets" toinreasesalesaswell asmarket share./ustomers mostly go to stores where are only 1 to 3 miles away from their house forgroery ,page 8-. *hus" Reed should open more store if they an afford. 9owerthepries. Reedhaslostustomersbeausethereha$ebeenmoreandmoredollar stores enter the market. *hose dollar stores attrat onsumers by offering reallylow pries. If Reed an afford to lower its pries there would be a good hane to bringbak its old ustomers and also new ustomers. Impro$e %arketing) keep the urrent model and make some hanges. Sales an inreasewithout loweringthepries andopeningmorestores if marketingis well doneandimplemented orretly.RecommendationIn my opinion" Reed should in$est more in its marketing to gain the !2. 9ooking at !#1#sales data" if e$ery other ompany had flat sales in !#11" Reed would need an e.tra 93 million insales" oraninreaseof182.*hatisahugegaptofillwhentherearenonewstoresbeingopened. Reedneedstostikwiththeirurrentmodelandontinuetoaddpremiumprivatelabels, create loyalty programs, expand current customer base, and shut down the dollarcampaignto ompete with stores like *rader :oe's and Whole ;oods. Introduce new private labels: Reed should introdue more pri$ate label produts as an alternati$e to on$entional name brands. fill-in? shopping. Shoppers are making more trips to the groery store for less items rather than make few large >all-in-one? stops. /on$eniently ha$ing all potential produts a$ailable will allow Reed to ater to this trend. *he e.pansion of these produts should also oinide with the e.pansion of Reed's health food aisle@department. 5s 5merian onsumers are beoming more health-onsious" stores like Whole ;oods are gaining market share. Ha$ing a higher proportion of healthy and organi labels should help to retain Reed's ustomer base.xpanding current customer baseA Reed's urrent ustomer base onsists of older" more affluent people. 6n a$erage" the Reed shopper has an annual household inome that is 1!2 than the a$erage /olumbus resident. Howe$er the a$erage Reed ustomer spends less per groery transation than the a$erage &S shopper. If the a$erage person in the &S spends B1"!## per year on groeries and makes" on a$erage" !.1 trips per week to the groery store" then the a$erage transation amount in the &S is B8(.3! per trip" whih is far more than the a$erage Reed transation amount of B31.1C. Darrowing this disrepany would ha$e a signifiant ontribution towards obtaining a 132 market share. *o put this into perspeti$e" if transation amount were toinrease 7ust 18.32 to B33.#9 per trip ,still well under the national a$erage-" this would result in total sales inrease of B98 million" whih would bring Reed to their goal of obtaining 132 market share.!oyalty programes: Reed an keep their urrent ustomer base and grab new ustomers by adding oupons and loyalty programes. *he loyalty program would inlude signing up for a ard and either getting disounts on items at hekout) orbuilding up points with e$ery purhase and getting ash bak. If they an make small hanges like this while adding to their premium pri$atelabels they an take share away from other stores that are based on pri$ate labels and position themsel$es for growth.Shut down dollar campaign:Reed should stay away from low prie models beause it willruin their image and it will not differentiate them as a ompany. /urrently they are not fightingagainst these low end stores for market share and this is pro$en in that 1#2 of the urrent storesthat were opened in the last 1 years ha$e been low prie $alue stores and rather than take awaysales from Reed's" who only lost .#1" they took it away from Eala.y" the largest $alue store wholost 112 and one store.