Redesign Media To Combat Fake News. By Adam Harrell. #RockitWAW

Dzień Dobry. twitter / @adamdharrell

Transcript of Redesign Media To Combat Fake News. By Adam Harrell. #RockitWAW

Dzień Dobry.

twitter / @adamdharrell

Redesigning Media to Combat


Everyone is talking about

fake news.

What fake news isn’t.

News that was originally

reported incorrectly, but

later corrected.

what fake news isn’t

Fact-based reporting from

a partisan point of view.

what fake news isn’t

News that you disagree


what fake news isn’t

So, what is fake news?

It is verifiably false.

what is fake news?

It is verifiably false.

It promotes a particular political


what is fake news?

It is verifiably false.

It promotes a particular political


It impersonates respectable media.

what is fake news?

Is fake news really a new thing?

Is it really a problem?

the top-performing

fake election news

stories generated

more engagement

than the top

stories from major

news outlets”

– Craig Silverman

source –

And it’s a global one.

7 root causes that led to the rise of fake news

It’s an easy way to make money. Tell lies people want

to hear.


Veles, MacedoniaPopulation 43,716

BuzzFeed News identified over 100 active US politics websites being run from Veles.”

source –

I started the site for a easy way to make money… the revenue from a small site is enough to afford many things.”

source –

Est. 2 M vistors / month

$500,000 ad revenue in 2016source –

Dynamic ad platforms mean brands often don’t even

realize where they’re advertising.


The cost of counterfeiting digital media is really, really



Sharing on social media is designed to be frictionless & fact checking takes time.


It’s easy to create excitement, or outrage when the truth

doesn’t matter. This leads to virality.


Filter bubbles make us less likely to encounter

pushback when sharing verifiably false information.


The filter bubble dramatically amplifies

confirmation bias. Consuming information that

conforms to our ideas of the world is easy and

pleasurable; consuming information that

challenges us is frustrating and difficult.”

Eli Parser - The Filter Bubble

It’s an effective propaganda tool for foreign states

looking to spread misinformation.


Which of these problems can we actually solve?

Breaking the business model.

No advertiser wants to be associated with a scam.

What Google Says“Users don’t want to be misled by the content

they engage with online. For this reason,

Google ads may not be placed on pages that

misrepresent, misstate, or conceal information

about you, your content or the primary

purpose of your web property.”

Yet, I can still buy

ad space on numerous

fake news sites

Ad networks need to take these new standards seriously by improving

verification and reporting.

We also need to hold brands & advertisers accountable for where their ads show up.

Public shaming works.

What about when it’s a government, not a business model driving fake news?

Don’t just fact check. Take active counter measures.

Spreading truth at the time of user engagement.

40% of people use FB as their primary news source

Making it easier for users to

report fake news.

Badging suspect content with “truth warnings.”

Passively fact check with tool bars & warnings

Popping the filter bubble.

Social feeds could be designed to highlight articles with contrasting viewpoints.

A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.”Mark Twain


Media To Combat

Fake News

Improve ad platform verification

Hold brands accountable

Take active counter measures

Win at the point of engagement

Pop the filter bubble
