red - The latest Conflict Management Experience


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Making Sense of Conflict.

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Unresolved conflict can cost employers in terms of productivity, sick leave,

employee resourcefulness, turnover and workplace peace of mind.

Let’s Face it.

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Bad Most people find conflict difficult to deal with and experience great

distress when they are exposed to or involved in conflict with


It contributes to the deterioration of mental and physical health,

to increased job dissatisfaction and decreased motivation to work.

Ugly Conflict does have a dark side that emerges when it is not adequately dealt with or

when it is left to fester and grow. When it goes underground, becomes pervasive,

and taints every aspect of the work environment.

It’s even more ugly when it gets to the point where emotions, words

and behaviors are out of control or when people feel bullied,

harassed or intimidated.

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But Good too! Conflict can divide people or bring them together.

Conflict is healthy when it compels individuals to increase their

understanding of one another through the sharing of ideas,

perspectives, and values and when the focus is on the issues and

not the personalities.

Conflict means passionate people about a topic.

When conflict is dealt effectively, the passion is harnessed and the

work environment remains vibrant and healthy.

It is time to say farewell to the bad and the ugly and welcome in

the good.

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Types The model suggests that all conflicts fall into one of the following


• Content-based conflict

• Personality-based conflict

• Power-based conflict

• Identity-based conflict

We approach each category with different instruments in a crescendo

of understanding and command.

Addressing how to prevent conflict to happen (prophylactic measures)

and how to make it better when it breaks out (therapeutic measures)

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On the Menu Content-based conflicts

concern the substance of a dispute, with differences between people’s goals,

beliefs, or values coming into play. Divergences. Negotiations.

Personality-based conflicts

involve disagreements between two or more individuals whose personality or

behaviors rub each other the wrong way. The traits. The ‘shoulds’.

Power-based conflict

involve disputes over influence, dominance or resources.

Need to Control. Need to win.

Identity-based conflicts

involve threats to how people identify themselves with regard to things such

as gender, ethnicity, race, religion, age, profession... Threat to ‘self’.

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Under the Rug Links to trust issues and to inner conflicts arise during the experience

and find their place in the mosaic of abilities and insights

Infinity’s methodology is not about teaching techniques but rather

to give instruments to partakers.

The program includes up to 8 live hot button-sessions on real conflicts

Brilliantly debriefed in order to ensure increment in learning.

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Dreams and Nightmares A selection of award-winning cinematography and indie movie-snippets

counterpoint the facilitation. The aim is to push back mental boundaries

and out-think most of the existing trivialities on the subject.

A special section of the program is dedicated to

bullies, trolls and other jerks.

Who they are. How to deal with them.

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