Rectangular Tank Design

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Transcript of Rectangular Tank Design

  • 8/15/2019 Rectangular Tank Design


    Rectangular TankDesignBasic approach and practical tips


  • 8/15/2019 Rectangular Tank Design


    2Rectangular tank design


    ► Introduction

    ► Main Acceptance Criteria

    ► Symbols and Units► Nomenclature

    ► List of parts or sections to be designed or c ec!ed

    ► Additional C ec! re"uired for t e # ole tan! and anc oring

    ► $esign Input and Conditions

    ► %eneral Notes and assumptions► Types of &ectangular Tan!s 'Classification for design approac (

    ► Top plate for &ectangular Tan!

    ► )ottom plate and )ase *rame for &ectangular Tan!

    ► Additional points for ad+anced design '*uture(

    ► ,ractical tips► Summary - &ectangular tan! types and design references

    ► &eferences

    ► Attac ments

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    .Rectangular tank design

    %uidelines and step-by-step design procedure is gi+en belo# for rectangulartan!s and assumptions are made for a conser+ati+e design/ T e designprocedure is an iterati+e process or c ec!ing for gi+en or assumedt ic!ness0 stiffener si1e and stiffener spacing/

    Alternati+ely0 rigorous analysis using *EM or suitable structural designprocedure can be follo#ed/


  • 8/15/2019 Rectangular Tank Design


    Rectangular tank design

    Main Acceptance Criteria

    1) Calculated Stress shall be limited to ASM Code Allowable Stress !or" Actual corroded thickness pro#ided shall not be less than re$uired

    corroded plate thickness calculated using ASM Code Allowable Stress

    %) Ma&imum de'lection limited to one hal' o' the corroded plate thickness

    Symbols and Units3 (anti ( Maha an !unless speci'ied"

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    4Rectangular tank design

    NomenclatureTOP EDGE STIFFENER

    R1 – Unit Load (Uniform on entirespan of top edge stiffener)


    R# – Unit Load (Uniform on entire span of intermediate stiffener)


    &' distan*e +et,een -erti*a' stiffeners (important parameterfor s.e'' p'ate t.i*/ness design)

    &L – 'engt. of tan/ (important parameter for top edge stiffenerdesign)

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    5Rectangular tank design

    Nomenclature 'continued(

    Primar0 Stiffener

    Se*ondar0 Stiffener

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    Nomenclature 'continued(





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    9/35=Rectangular tank design

    $esign Input and Conditions*Tank si+e, -idth & eight & /ength0 normall inside dimensions

    *2nternal pressure0 i' an

    *Material 3 ma&imum allowable stress #alues

    *-ind loads0 seismic loads0 wa#e loads0 transportation loads etc.

    *Calculate ma&imum pressure against side wall due to weight o'contents 4p5 6.788 • • s 4in psi))

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    10/35>?Rectangular tank design

    %eneral Notes and assumptions3► $esign is based on open top basis0 # ic is conser+ati+e/ T e effect of top plate is not


    ► If top edge stiffener of sufficient si1e is pro+ided0 top side of s ell plate can be considered assupported on all edges

    ► Consider eit er +ertical stiffeners or ori1ontal stiffeners as primary or main stiffeners and letus call0 ot er one @secondary stiffeners 0 t at are perpendicular to preliminary stiffeners

    ► Selection of primary stiffeners '+ertical or ori1ontal( is based on tan! si1e and dimensions

    ► Secondary stiffeners are considered to reduce plate t ic!ness re"uired and to transfer load tomain stiffeners

    ► T ere is no simple formula or procedure to analysis or design rectangular tan! #it botori1ontal and +ertical stiffeners

    ► All stiffeners s all be continuous and #elded at corners

    ► S ell plate #elds s all be full penetration

    ► Tan! design can be optimi1ed on total #eig t or plate t ic!ness and;or stiffener si1e

    ► Tan! plate t ic!ness s all be at least .;>5B '4mm( corrosion allo#ance

    ► Suitable corrosion allo#ance s all be considered► Use appropriate and consistent units

    ► $o not combine bot +ertical stiffeners and ori1ontal stiffeners at t e same time

    ► If +ery large tan!0 consider internal tie-rods/ Internal baffles0 if any0 can be considered asstiffeners/ T is #ill reduce tan! plate t ic!ness;#eig t/

  • 8/15/2019 Rectangular Tank Design

    11/35>>Rectangular tank design

    Types of &ectangular Tan!s

    /et us classi' the rectangular tanks into 9 t pes based on sti''eners

    arrangement and design procedure.T pes 1 to 7 are simple in construction and design procedures arealso simple. Re'erence !1" or re'erence !%" can be used directl 'ordesign o' t pe 1 to 7 tanks.

    The re'erences !1" : !%" do not gi#e direct procedures 'or t pe ; to ". T pe 9 Tank is designedwith Tie?rods and re'erence !1" gi#es a procedure.

    @esign o' rectangular tank shell plate 4side #ertical plate) is critical

    and procedures are gi#en below. @esign procedures 'or top plate0bottom plate0 bottom 'rame etc. are e&plained separatel . Re'er tosketch showing di''erent t pes o' tanks with sti''ener arrangementcommonl used.

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    12/35>2Rectangular tank design

    Types of &ectangular Tan!s 'Type-> to ('Classification for design approac (

    Type-> Type-2

    Type-. Type-

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    13/35>.Rectangular tank design

    Types of &ectangular Tan!s 'Type - 4 to

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    14/35>Rectangular tank design

    Types of &ectangular Tan!s 'Type - =('Classification for design approac (

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  • 8/15/2019 Rectangular Tank Design


  • 8/15/2019 Rectangular Tank Design


    >6Rectangular tank design

    Type-23 Tan! #it Top Edge Stiffener and;or #it top plate

    2' top edge sti''ener o' su''icient si+e is pro#ided or top plate is welded to shellplates with or without top edge sti''ener0 all 7 edges ma be considered assupported 'or shell plate design and Roark s Case 1 4e) can be used tocalculate re$uired shell plate thickness 4tr) and ma&imum de'lection 4 ma&).

    Acceptance criteria shall be stress and de'lection.* Calculate uni'orm load on entire span 4R1) acting on the top edge sti''ener.

    Consider top edge sti''ener as a beam 'i&ed both ends* Top edge sti''ener 2min5R1 • bD7 319% • • ta and select sti''ener with 2

    more than 2 min calculated0 howe#er the sti''ener angle shall not be lessthan %.;E & %.;E & 6.%;E

    * Recalculate shell plate thickness0 de'lection Roark s Case 14d). Selectthickness 4ta)

    * Recheck top edge sti''ener si+ing 4step?%.%)

  • 8/15/2019 Rectangular Tank Design


    > ori1ontal stiffener &2

    * Calculate moment o' 2nertia re$uired 'or sti''eners and select sti''ener si+e

    * Recalculate shell plate thickness0 de'lection Roark s Case 14d). Selectthickness 4ta)

    * Recheck sti''ener si+ing 'or latest plate thickness selected

  • 8/15/2019 Rectangular Tank Design


    >=Rectangular tank design

    T8,E- 3 Tan! #it Top Edge Stiffener and one or more+ertical stiffeners

    * Calculate R1 and si+e top edge sti''ener. se length o' tank F/E assti''ener length !@o not use sti''ener spacing FlE as length o' sti''ener"

    * Calculate moment o' 2nertia re$uired 'or sti''ener and select sti'' height o' tank as #ertical sti''ener length and uni'orml increasing

    loading on the #ertical sti''ener * Recalculate shell plate thickness0 de'lection Roark s Case 14d). Select

    thickness 4ta)

    * Recheck sti''ener si+ing 'or latest plate thickness selected

  • 8/15/2019 Rectangular Tank Design


    2?Rectangular tank design

    T8,E-43 Top Tan! #it Top Edge Stiffener0 oneori1ontal primary stiffener and one or more +ertical

    secondary stiffener Same as type-. and calculate secondary +ertical stiffener si1econsidering uniformly increasing load bot ends fiDed '&oar!Jscase 2'd( Table-

  • 8/15/2019 Rectangular Tank Design


    2>Rectangular tank design

    T8,E-53 Tan! #it Top Edge Stiffener0 one or more+ertical primary stiffeners and one or more ori1ontal

    secondary stiffener Same as type- and calculate secondary ori1ontal stiffener si1econsidering uniform load on entire span bot ends fiDed '&oar!Jscase 2'd( Table-

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    22Rectangular tank design

    T8,E-63 Top Tan! #it Top Edge Stiffener and 2 or moreori1ontal stiffeners

    * Similar to t pe?80 howe#er the loads on hori+ontal sti''eners arecalculated using re'erence !>".

    * Calculate load 4uni'orm load on entire span) on each sti''ener R10 R%0R8 etc. Re'er Attachment 'or sample calculation.

    * Calculate moment o' 2nertia re$uired 'or each sti''ener0 select sti''ener

    * Recheck plate thickness : de'lection Roark s Case 14d). Selectthickness 4ta)

    * Recheck sti''ener si+ing 'or latest plate thickness selected

  • 8/15/2019 Rectangular Tank Design


    2.Rectangular tank design


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    2Rectangular tank design

    T8,E-= Open Top Tan! #it Tie-rod supports

    '*or +ery large rectangular tan!s0 internal tie-rods can

    be considered to reduce plate and stiffener si1e and#eig t0 if permitted for ser+ice or process re"uirements/Internal baffles or partition plates can be considered astie rods;stiffeners(

  • 8/15/2019 Rectangular Tank Design


    24Rectangular tank design

    Top plate for &ectangular Tan!

    4common 'or all t pes o' tanks)

    ► $esign top plate0 if applicable0 edges simply supported0 uniformload o+er entire plate - &oar!Js Case > 'a( Loads to be consideredself #eig t0 maintenance load0 sno# load etc/ Use 2??? !g;m20 as adefault uniformly distributed load on entire surface of top plate andadd internal pressure if any/

    ► ,ro+ide stiffener for top plate by connecting all +ertical stiffeners0as a default/ T is is mainly re"uired for transfer of load from+ertical stiffener0 unless special stiffener arrangement is designed/

    ► C ec! bottom plate t ic!ness for maDimum un-stiffened area

  • 8/15/2019 Rectangular Tank Design


    25Rectangular tank design

    )ottom plate and )ase *rame for &ectangular Tan!'common for all types of tan!s(

    * Gro#ide base 'rame co#ering all 7 sides o' the tank

    * Consider simpl supported both ends 'or si+ing the long side 'rame member and loadhal' o' the ma&imum design weight @/ 4uni'orml distributed along the entire length)0pro#ide same si+e 'or short side 4no calculation is re$uired 'or short side?conser#ati#e)

    * Gro#ide sti''eners 'or tank bottom plate 4connecting long side members o' base 'rame)load ma be calculated 4- 5 p & spacing) kg3mm 4uni'orml distributed load3unit length).Sti''ener si+e can be o' smaller than outer base 'rame member si+e

    * 2' re$uired0 pro#ide additional sti''eners in perpendicular direction 4smaller in si+e thanouter base 'rame member si+e) in order to reduce the bottom plate thickness.

    * Check bottom plate thickness 'or ma&imum un?sti''ened area ? Roark case 14a) Table?%>

    * Minimum thickness shall be 6.%;E 4> mm) plus corrosion allowance0 i' entire sur'ace o'the bottom plate is supported.

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    26Rectangular tank design

    )ase *rame 'common for all types of tan!s(

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    2? times plate t ic!ness(

    ► Selection of primary stiffeners '+ertical or ori1ontal( based on tan! si1e anddimensions0 relation bet#een tan! lengt -L and 9eig t-9

    ► )olted rectangular tan!s0 bolted top plate

    ► Consideration of design pressure0 usually a small pressure li!e ?/?4 bar

    ► Loading3 seismic0 transportation0 #a+e etc/

    ► Top plate loading 2??? !g;s"/m► No11le loading

    ► Lifting lugs0 lifting analysis

    ► Spacing of ori1ontal stiffeners 'une"ual0 increasing spacing from bottom to top(

    ► eig t estimation0 optimi1ation of #eig t0 plate t ic!ness0 stiffener si1e;spacing etc/

    ► Types of loading U$L0 uniformly increasing loading

    ► elding of stiffeners to plate and end connectionsK elding of plates

  • 8/15/2019 Rectangular Tank Design


    2=Rectangular tank design

    ,ractical tips* Gre'erred t pe o' welded oints 4corner weld oining shell plates)* Sti''ener arrangements* @o not e&trapolate the design procedure o' one t pe to other t pe

    without proper consideration

    * n?sti''ened tanks ma not be larger than 86 't8 46.

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  • 8/15/2019 Rectangular Tank Design


    .>Rectangular tank design

  • 8/15/2019 Rectangular Tank Design


    .2Rectangular tank design

    ,ractical tips 'continued(

  • 8/15/2019 Rectangular Tank Design


    ..Rectangular tank design

    Summary - &ectangular tan! types and design references

  • 8/15/2019 Rectangular Tank Design


    .Rectangular tank design


    >/ Eugene */Megyesy 0 ,ressure 7essel 9andboo!0 ,ressure 7essel,ublis ing Inc/0 >2t Edition 2??> 'C ec! for latest edition(

    2/ anti Ma aPan0 $esign of ,rocess E"uipment0 ,ressure 7essel9andboo! ,ublis ing0 Inc/ T ird Edition >==? 'C ec! for latestedition(

    ./ anti Ma aPan0 A met od for designing rectangular storagetan!s0 C emical Engineering0 Marc 2=66 pp >?6->>2

    / arren C/ 8oung0 &ic ard %/ )udynas/ &oar!Js *ormulas forStress Strain0 6t Edition

    4/ Omer / )lodgett0 $esign of #elded Structures0 T e Qames

    */Lincln Arc elding *oundation0 *ifteent ,rinting Marc ->==55/ M/Starc1e#s!i0 Non-Circular ,ressure 7essels R Some guidance

    notes for designers0 )ritis Engine Tec nical &eport >= 7olumeI7 pp 52-

  • 8/15/2019 Rectangular Tank Design
