Recruitment SAMPLE

Attracting and Acquiring Top Talent: SAP E-Recruiting at BMW Manufacturing Karen Heatwole Senior Director, Human Capital Management Customer Value Network SAP Eric Wood SAP HR Business Analyst and Developer BMW Manufacturing Kim Lessley Product Manager, Human Capital Management Suite Solution Management SAP

Transcript of Recruitment SAMPLE

Attracting and Acquiring Top Talent:SAP E-Recruiting at BMW Manufacturing

Karen HeatwoleSenior Director, Human Capital ManagementCustomer Value NetworkSAP

Eric WoodSAP HR Business Analyst and DeveloperBMW Manufacturing

Kim LessleyProduct Manager, Human Capital ManagementSuite Solution ManagementSAP

Pay forperformance

Talent translates intoperformance

Educate and developIdentify and grow

Attract and acquire

Identify the fewand engage them all

Analyzeand plan

Talent Management with SAP ERP HCMStrategy: One Unified Suite for All Talent Management Processes

© SAP 2008 / SAPPHIRE / OR3645 Page 3© SAP 2008 / Page 3

Eric WoodSAP HR Business Analyst & Developer

BMW Manufacturing

Attracting & Acquiring Top Talent:SAP e-Recruiting @ BMW Manufacturing


• Introduction

• Why SAP E-Recruiting at BMW MC?

• Selling E-Recruiting to the Business

• Examine the Project Scope

• Leveraging SAP Workflow for Requisition Approval

• View the Final Product

• Lessons Learned

About BMW

• Located in Spartanburg, SC

• Employees: 5,400 jobs

• Responsible for worldwide production of X5, X6, and Z4 automobiles

• Production of roughly 600 vehicles per day

• Expansion goal of 1000 vehicles per day by 2010



• SAP ECC 6.0 platform

• HR modules• Time Management and Payroll• Training and Events• Personnel Development• Organizational Management• E-Recruiting

• Current initiatives• Talent Management• SAP BW Integration• Structural Authorizations for HR


Why SAP E-Recruiting for BMW?

• Previous recruiting handled by third-party system• Licensing cost• No customization to business• No integration with hiring process

• Advantages of SAP• Reduced cost• Local support and customization to business• Integration with SAP HCM

Selling Management on E-Recruiting

• Solution advantages• Integration into SAP’s talent management• Takes advantage of integration for internal candidate pool• Tracking and reporting based on robust SAP technology• Collaboration through workflow and MSS• Succession planning component

• In-house solution (hosting possible)

• Based on SAP NetWeaver® platform• Familiar technology

• Design flexibility through enhancement framework

Challenges in the Sale

• Current headcount requisition management process• Recruiting is only part of the manual requisition approval process at BMW• Requirement of business to automate all requisition management• Custom ABAP application development required for non-recruiting-related requisition


• E-Recruiting required to cover all recruiting for plant• Previously, not all recruiting tasks were handled by third-party system• Project approval required new processes to be implemented with current processes in

new system

Challenges in the Sale (cont.)

• Complex approval processes• Standard E-Recruiting approvals not sufficient

• Approval process involving unique process per requisition type anddepartment in which requisition is submitted

• Highly customized SAP workflow required for requisition approval

• Project overlap with SAP upgrade• Project timeline overlap with SAP upgrade to ECC 6.0 from 4.6C• Entire upgrade handled internally

• Security and landscape• Company policy for security requirements with E-Recruiting landscape

Project Scope

• Processes handled by third-party recruiting system• Internal• Co-op/intern• Domestic external

• Processes not handled by third-party recruitingsystem• International• Contingent workforce (temporary)

Leveraging SAP Workflow for RequisitionApproval

• Why not standard approval in E-Recruiting?• Multiple requisition types requiring various approvers• Select approvers determined dynamically depending on position of requisition or hiring


• BMW requisition types• Twenty-one requisition types following seven possible approval paths

• Workflow goal• Eliminate five paper approval forms for requisition submission• Fully automate requisition approval process for entire plant

Workflow Complications

• Dynamic determination of department approvers• Department approvers needed to be determined directly from data supplied in requisition

• Position number/department/hiring manager• Remote Function Call (RFC) calls to function modules in SAP R/3 system used to

determine correct department approvers

• Role determination of group approvers• Authorization roles created for group approvals• Any user in group can approve request

Utilizing the Universal Worklist

• Implementation of Universal Worklist (UWL)• Prevents users from logging into back-end system to approve• Portal used by users to pull workflows from multiple systems• E-Recruiting boxes included in Portal landscape

• Advantages• Keeps user interaction in production Portal• Single Sign-On (SSO) – UWL seamless integration between multiple SAP systems

Universal Worklist Example

Candidate Web Dynpros

• Internal/external candidate views• Web Dynpro technology used• Customization of screen for fields and roadmap• Custom theme applied to Web Dynpro for company look

and feel

• Candidate profile• Allows users to maintain candidate information

• Job search• Allows users to search current job postings

Candidate Profile

Roadmap Navigation

Customized Web Dynpro ThemeLogos, Colors, Text

Candidate Profile (cont.)

Customized SmartForms

Job Search

Search Results

Hiring Manager Functionality

• SAP Business Server Page (BSP) technology• Container sequence modified to allow only access for requisition maintenance• Hiring manager allowed to create requisitions and request for release (workflow approval


• Minimize manager input• Default support team• Hide unnecessary fields in standard screens

Hiring Manager Functionality (cont.)

Custom Fields AddedTo Requisition

Requisition Navigation

Recruiter Functionality

• SAP Business Server Page (BSP) technology• Container sequence modified to allow recruiter access to all requisition and application

management tools• Recruiters allowed to create requisitions without following workflow approval

Recruiter Functionality (cont.)

Allows maintenance for requisitions, applications, users,questionnaires, and reporting

Recruiter View – Job Posting

• Job posting assistance via Job Function Data Sheet• Custom ABAP application currently in use to store job function details per position in SAP

(JFDS)• Sections of JFDS document used to create job posting by recruiters• Previously, recruiters manually copied this JFDS data to create job postings• With SAP E-Recruiting, remote function calls are used to pull JFDS information to create

job postings for requisitions

Recruiter View – Job Posting (cont.)

JFDS for position pulled out of production SAPR/3 system via RFC to pre-populate job postingin E-Recruiting.


• SAP queries — operational reporting• Queries developed to provide reporting capabilities to recruiters, which was not available

in the previous recruiting system

• Standard SAP BW queries — strategic reporting• Standard SAP BW content for E-Recruiting activated

Reporting (cont.)

• Workflow status reporting• Custom ABAP report• Allows users to view all open requisitions and what approval step each

requisition is currently awaiting• Links Requisition Summary form to allow users to view all details on requisition

Requisition Summary Form

Lessons Learned

• Hidden costs• Hardware-related costs

• Virus scanning• Domain licensing

• XI integration• Job board accepted formats in comparison to XI data output

• Balance customization• Look for process improvements in current business processes to limit customization of E-

Recruiting• Try to fit business to E-Recruiting as much as possible, not fit E-Recruiting to the business

Future Enhancements

• Reporting• Further improve reporting capabilities for business

• Enhancement Package 3• MSS functionality for requisition creation by managers

• Enhancement Package 4• Recruiter interface overhaul

© SAP 2008 / SAPPHIRE / OR3645 Page 30© SAP 2008 / Page 30

Kim LessleyProduct Manager, Human Capital Management

Suite Solutions ManagementSAP

SAP E-Recruiting: Enhancement Package 3 andPreview of Enhancement Package 4

© SAP 2007 / Page 31

Enhancement Package 3 Summary

Main Focus:

Candidate Services

Manager Self Service

Recruiter Enhancements

Search Enhancements

Customer Exits

Partner Services

© SAP 2007 / Page 32

Process Overview


CANDIDATE(Internal / External)


Createrequisition request

Forwardrequisition request

Completerequisition content

Finalizejob posting content

Publishjob posting

Search forjob postings

Applyfor job posting

Answer to specificquestionnaires

Receiveconfirmation letter

Evaluate incomingapplications


Send candidateshortlist to manager

Forwarddecision to recruiter

Select candidate(s)for interview & AC

Create & sendrejection letter

Receiverejection letter

Create & sendinvitation letter

Receiveinvitation letter





Create & sendoffer & contract

Receiveoffer & contract


Make formaldecision

Forwardformal decisionto recruiter


© SAP 2007 / Page 33

Manager Self-Service for E-RecruitingOverview

Create requisition requestsManage substitutionsMonitor requisition-relatedactivities

Evaluate candidate figuresView requisition detailsCheck publications

View candidate shortlistsCandidate profilesApplications

Interact with recruiterExecute assessments(short or extended throughdefined questionnaires)Prepare interviews/Assessment CentersEtc.

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Manager Self Service for E-RecruitingRequisition Request Approvals in UWL

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Manager Self Service for E-RecruitingRequisition Monitor

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Customer Exit (BAdI):Default Posting Information

Default text into the job posting description.Overwrite default values as necessary.

© SAP 2007 / Page 37

Enhancement Package 4 Sneak Preview

Main Focus:

Recruiter redesign / usability overhaulRewrite from BSP to WebDynpro for ABAP technology

WorkcenterRequisition and PostingApplicant TrackingSearchCandidate Profile

Enhancements to Resume Parsing Interface

Enhancements to Background Check Interface

Questions & Answers

© SAP 2007 / Page 39

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