Recruiting in Germany Fact & Figures

1 Proactive Sourcing Post and Pray Recrui ting Future Recruiting in Germany Some Fact & Figures

Transcript of Recruiting in Germany Fact & Figures


Proactive Sourcing

Post and Pray Recruiting


Recruiting in Germany

Some Fact & Figures


Let me introduce myself briefly

Recruiting in Germany




● Current topics in German Corporate Recruiting

● How proactive is the recruitment in Germany?

● How is the recruitment in Germany organized?

● Recruiting Channel: Where do employers get their applicants and hires from?

● How do job seekers and employers look for each other?

Recruiting in Germany


Social Media Recruiting, Reporting, Demographical Change, Internationalization of the Recruitment and Creation of Internal Sourcing Teams.

These are the topics, companies need to adress in 2010. They combine high importance and low competency levels.

ICR Study:Need for Action Current topics? Importance/Competence Matrix Recruitment Topics 2010







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Employer Branding

Creation of internal sourcing teams

Interaction w ith Hiring Managern

Demographical Change

Shared Service Center for Recruiting

Campus Marketing

Internationalization of the recruitment

Outsourcing of recruiting processes

Hiring of new employees

Build up of w orkforceProfessionalization of the recruitment

Recruiting graduates

Recruiting professionals

Recruiting executives

Reporting/Controlling for recruiting

Social Media Recruiting

Zentralization of Recruitment

Need for Action

No Need for Action Within Competence Areas

No Need for Action

Importance (1=not important bis 4 =very important))

Source: ICR Study „Quo Vadis Recruitment 2010?“


How proactive is the recruitment in Germany?

Recruiting in Germany


Der Arbeitskreis Personalmarketing e. V. 6

General study data

Method: Quantitative and Qualitative Online-Survey

Range: 5 questions blocks, 18 questions

Surveyed : 6000+ HR poeple in Germany.

Time of survey: Spring 2010

Quo Vadis Recruitment 2010?ICR Study „Quo Vadis Recruitment 2010?“


• 120 participants of companies of all sizes


Level of Pro-Activeness

Usesage in %


Recruiting in Germany

In our company

...we post our jobs (online or print) and wait for responses.

… in addition to the above, we actively search for candidates within Social Media (Blogs, Twitter, Xing, LinkedIn, Facebook etc.)

...we search exclusivly on a proactive basis

Not at all Small extent Moderate extent High extentVery high extent

This decribes the situation in our company..

Source: ICR Study „Quo Vadis Recruitment 2010?“


Wishfull thinkingSocial Media Recruiting awareness and use

In our company the recruiters are aware of and are using the possibilities of recruiting within Social Media (Blogs, Twitter, Xing, LinkedIn, Facebook etc.) for employer branding and recruiting.

Recruiting in Germany

Not at all Small extent Moderate extent High extentVery high extent

This decribes the situation in our company..

Statments in %

Source: ICR Study „Quo Vadis Recruitment 2010?“


Wishfull thinking

Social Media Recruiting Importance

In our company we consider it as important that the recruiters are aware of and are using the possibilities of recruiting within Social Media (Blogs, Twitter, Xing, LinkedIn, Facebook etc.) for employer branding and recruiting.

Recruiting in Germany

Not at all Small extent Moderate extent High extentVery high extent

This decribes the situation in our company..

Statments in %

Source: ICR Study „Quo Vadis Recruitment 2010?“


The use of social media platforms for recruiting (average)

Social Media platform use

Usage ( 1=not at all bis 5 =very high extent)

Recruiting in Germany

Source: ICR Study „Quo Vadis Recruitment 2010?“


Nutzung vn Social Media Tools für RecruitingSocial Media Platform use

The use of social media platforms for recruiting (in detail)

Active Sourcing in Germany

Not at all Small extent Moderate extent High extentVery high extent

In our company we use for employer branding and recruiting...

Statments in %

Source: ICR Study „Quo Vadis Recruitment 2010?“


Organization of Recruitment

Recruiting in Germany


Organization of RecruitmentCentral vs. Decentral Organization Use of organizational form

Number of Statements

Everything central

Candidate management central with short list, decentral final selection with HR BP support

Candidate management central with short list,, decentral final selection Hiring Manager only

Combination of all above

Candidate management central, decentral final selection

Completly decentralized

Source: ICR Study „Quo Vadis Recruitment 2010?“


Personalreferenten als Teil ihrer normalen Tätigkeit

Nur dezidierte interne Recruiter

Mischung aus Personalreferenten und internen Recruitern

Dezidierte externe Recruiter

Mischung aus internen und externen Recruitern

Recruiting ist teilw eise outgesourced

Recruiting ist vollständig outgesourced

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45%


Who is recruiting?Who is recruiting?

Operative recruiting in Germany

Statments in %

HR Managers as part of their normal job

Dedicated internal recruiters

HR Managers as part of their normal job in cooperation with dedicated internal recruiters

Dedicated external recruiters

Combination internal and external recruiters

Recruiting is partly outsourced

Recruiting is completely outsourced

Source: ICR Study „Quo Vadis Recruitment 2010?“


Recruiting channels:

Where do applicants and hires come from?

Recruiting in Germany


Recruiting ChannelsWhere do applicants and hires come from?

Applicants and Hires by Source

Stellenanzeigen Onlinejobbörsen

Stellenanzeigen eigene Karriereseite

Aus dem eigenen Unternehmen (interne Bew erber)


Stellenanzeigen Printmedien


Messen (Hochschul-, Industrie-, Fach-)

Social Media (Xing, Tw itter etc.)

Bundesagentur für Arbeit

Externe Sourcingdienstleister

Outgesourcetes Recruiting

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%

Spalte VSpalte W


Figures in %Source: ICR Study „Quo Vadis Recruitment 2010?“

Online Jobboards

Company career site

Internal candidates

Employee Referrals

Printed media


Fairs (university, trade etc)

Social media (Xing, twitter etc.)

Federal Agency for Labor

External Sourcing agencies

Outsourced Recruiting


Recruiting Channels

Efficiency of channels


Aus dem eigenen Unt. (interne Bew erber)

Externe Sourcingdienstleister

Stellenanzeigen Printmedien


Stellenanzeigen eigene Karriereseite

Bundesagentur für Arbeit

Messen (Hochschul-, Industrie-, Fach-)

Stellenanzeigen Onlinejobbörsen

Social Media (Xing, Tw itter etc.)

Outgesourcetes Recruiting

0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2 1,4 1,6

Relation Hires/Applicants

Where do applicants and hires come from?

Employee Referrals

Internal candidates

External Sourcing agencies

Printed media


Company career site

Federal Agency for Labor

Fairs (university, trade etc)

Online Jobboards

Social media (Xing, twitter etc.)

Outsourced Recruiting

Source: ICR Study „Quo Vadis Recruitment 2010?“


Where do Job Seekers and Employers

look for each other?

Active Sourcing in Germany


Where do Job Seekers look for Jobs?

1. Online Jobboards 72%2. Company Career Sites 37%3. Printed Media 35%4. Online-Communities 28%5. Referral of a Friend 21%6. Federal Agency of Labor 18%7. Headhunting Consulting Agencies 14%8. Lower Level Agencies 13%9. Temp Agencies 7%10. Job Fairs 7%

( Source: Study on applicant behaviour 2010, 9000 participants)

Recruiting in Germany


Where do employers look for applicants?

Recruiting Channel Usage in %

1. Online Jobboards 87%2. Company Career Site 73%3. Printed Media 57%4. Specialized Online Jobboards 50%5. Social Business Networks (e.g. Xing, LinkedIn) 38%6. Job Fairs 30%7. Job search engines 24%8. Recruiting Networks (e.g. Experteer) 23%9. Social Communities (e.g. facebook) 12%10. General Search Engines ( Google) 9%

( Source: profilo Study 2010, 1000+ particpating companies)

Recruiting in Germany


Consulting based on empirical research Strategy Etablishing new Processes Optimization of existing Processes

» Workshops Training (Recruiter & Hiring Manager) Benchmarking Online Surveys

The Institute for Competitive Recruiting (ICR) consults companies on recruitment performance management. The ICR is acting as a platform for improving the recruitment function in Germany. This is achieved by facilitating the development of commonly used standards and benchmarks for recruitment processes. In addition, the ICR is exploring improvement areas and consulting in the steps of sourcing, selecting and hiring of new employees.


Recruitment Performance Management


We make your Recruitment competitive!RESEARCH – CONSULTING - REALIZATION


Wolfgang BrickweddeDirector Institute for Competitive Recruiting

Tel.+49 (0) 6221 7194007Tel.+49 (0) 160 7852859

email: [email protected]