Records Management: The Future is Not What it Used to Be

mgmt records S Digital Records Forum – Seattle – May 2, 2015 the future is not what it used to be

Transcript of Records Management: The Future is Not What it Used to Be

1. mgmt records NASS Digital Records Forum Seattle May 2, 2015 the future is not what it used to be 2. mgmt records Records Management as a state CIO Priority 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 20152007 NASCIO - Document/Content/Records/E-mail management (active, repository, archiving) 9 - - 8 6 3 2 4 10 3. How the Environment (and Conversation) is Changing records NEW CATEGORIES Open Data Big Data NEW PLATOFORMS + TOOLS Cloud Analytics Business Intelligence NEW TYPES Video Social Media NEW OPPORTUNITIES Civic Startups OLD + GROWING PROBLEM Security 4. Increasing Capacity GOVERNING Gooks The work of government is noble The people of government are amazing The systems of government are a mess 5. High Volume, High Velocity, High Variety Big Data and Open Data Open data is part of that variety. It is data that can be freely used. 6. Everything Will Be Predictive Perceivant. 7. WindyGrid + the SmartData Project Chicago CIO Brenna Berman 8. Undoing the Bad Habits of the PC State of Washington 9. Private, Public, and Hybrid Clouds State of Washington 10. Getting Out of the Infrastructure Business Government Technology 11. Video and Audio: Indexable, Searchable + Retrievable 12. Going Social in Public 13. Social Mentions as Public Records "Record" means a book, letter, document, paper, map, plan, photograph, film, card, tape, recording, electronic data, or other documentary material regardless of physical form or characteristics that is prepared, owned, received... Utahs Legal Code (63G-2-103) State of Utah 14. Policy Guidance from Utah State Archives Content on a social media site that relates to transactions of government business is a record and must be managed accordingly. Manage emails and other communications sent or received via social media sites according to existing policies on email management. Many existing schedules apply to records on social media. State of Utah 15. These Kind of Records include Social Mentions Any and all documents that relate to All reports of the incident All emails and communications between Twitter 16. How Much Do You Archive? Tweet =126 characters Metadata = 2,308 characters Important details such as user IDs & timestamps Critical for authenticity in legal situations ArchiveSocial 17. Four Factors Frequency: How quickly can you capture new content before it is lost or deleted? Comprehensiveness: Do you have all of the records you need? Are the records complete? What about metadata? Authenticity: How is the data stored? Can you prove that it is an accurate record? Will it hold up in court? Context: How easily can you locate the relevant records? Can you actually make sense of them when needed? ArchiveSocial 18. Cyber Security Breach Hack DDoS Malware Phishing Malware Spyware Ransom-ware Viruses Worms Botnets Information Security 19. Dateline: Jefferson City Flickr: Steve Warren DAYS THAT MISSOURI WAS A WORLDWIDE Hacktivist Target:123 20. Cybersecurity = risk management. Security incidents are inevitable. Prepare. Fund and support. Plan PR mitigation. Elected and Appointed Officials What You Can Do 21. Connecting CivicTech to Government 22. If You Dont Build It, Someone Else Will Opportunity space 23. Civic Crowndfunding citizinvestor 24. Open Data and Transparency Palo Alto 25. Participatory Budgeting 26. Presenters: QR Code Date: Government is Not Where Citizens Are 27. Six Ways to Hack Yourself Shift Your Mindset: Help your agency, your community function as a startup by leveraging lean business principles to promote innovation. Be A Voice of Reason: Understand the true cost of technology & innovation, and encourage leadership to not always invent new solutions that can be solved with something that has already been built. Experiment Often: Dont be afraid of experimentation and will encourage frequent tests to ensure that they are meeting their citizens needs. Measure & Adapt: Encourage frequent measurement & adaptation to cut inefficient spending and waste. 28. Progressive Paul W. Taylor Chief Content Officer e.Republic Editor at Large GOVERNING [email protected] @pwtaylor Presentation available at mgmt records