Recording & Reporting on Phonic Phases using … · Phonic Phases using ... Easter 2014 upgrade...

School IT Systems Support Herts for Learning Ltd SROB220, Robertson House, Six Hills Way, Stevenage, Herts, SG1 2FQ Doc Ref W045 Published November 2013 © School IT Systems Support (SITSS) Herts for Learning Ltd, 2013 Technical Support Centre Accredited by the Learning and Performance Institute (formerly, the Institute of IT Training) RM Approved Support Partner Fully accredited by Capita SIMS for proven quality of SIMS support Recording & Reporting on Phonic Phases using Assessment Manager 7

Transcript of Recording & Reporting on Phonic Phases using … · Phonic Phases using ... Easter 2014 upgrade...

School IT Systems Support Herts for Learning Ltd SROB220, Robertson House, Six Hills Way, Stevenage, Herts, SG1 2FQ

Doc Ref W045

Published November 2013

© School IT Systems Support (SITSS) Herts for Learning Ltd, 2013

Technical Support Centre Accredited by the Learning and Performance Institute (formerly, the Institute of IT Training) RM Approved Support Partner

Fully accredited by Capita SIMS for proven quality of SIMS support

Recording & Reporting on

Phonic Phases using

Assessment Manager 7


INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 1

Downloading and Importing the Templates & Reports .......................................... 1

ADDING MARKSHEETS TO THE TEMPLATES............................................................. 1

RECORDING PHONIC PHASE LEVELS ........................................................................ 3

Working Within or Secure In Phase? .................................................................... 3

Entering Phonic Phase Data ................................................................................. 3

Display Additional Columns of Information ........................................................... 5

REPORTS ....................................................................................................................... 7

Running the Reports ............................................................................................. 7

*Phonic Phases: Attainment Profiles .................................................................... 9

*Phonic Phases: Progress Tracker Sheet ........................................................... 10

*Phonic Phases: Tracking & Analysis ................................................................. 12

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Working with the Literacy T&L Advisors, SITSS have created a set of templates which can be used to record Phonic Phase data for pupils in years Nursery N2 to Year 6. The accompanying reports display Distribution Sheets that provide a visual representation of the progress made by the pupils, along with some further analysis reports.

You are able to record both ‘Working within’ and ‘Secure in’ phases for each pupil, on a half-termly basis.

Downloading and Importing the Templates & Reports

The initial import of the templates and the associated reports will be carried out by a member of the SITSS MIS Team. Instructions on how to import updates to the Toolkit will be provided via email at the time of the update being made available to schools.

Adding Marksheets to the Templates

Once the templates have been imported you will need to add Marksheets for each year group so that the levels can be recorded.

1. Go to Focus > Assessment > Template.

2. Type in ‘hfl ph’ in the Template Name box and click Search .

3. Open one of the templates displayed, either by clicking on the name and then

clicking on Open or by double clicking on the name:

4. Click on the Marksheets hyperlink.

5. Click on New to the right of the Marksheets panel.

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6. If your registration groups have mixed year group pupils, expand the National Curriculum Year menu by clicking on the + symbol.

7. Place a tick against the National Curriculum Year that relates to the template you opened (e.g. ‘HfL Phonic Phases Y2’ is for Curriculum Year 2 pupils only).

8. Click on Apply and then click on Save .

9. If you do not have mixed year group classes repeat steps 6 to 8, expanding the Registration Group menu and selecting the registration groups that relate to the template you opened (e.g. ‘HfL Phonic Phases Y2’ is for groups 2GH and 2JB, as these only comprise of Year 2 pupils).

Note: If you start with the ‘HfL Phonic Phases Nursery N2’ template, after adding the marksheets and clicking on Save you can click on Next which will take you into the next Phonics template. Continue until you have added marksheets to all of the required templates.

‘Letter & Sounds’ is focused on Years Reception to Year 2 and you may therefore only need to create Marksheets for these year groups. However you may have some pupils in older year groups that are still being assessment against the Phonic Phases and therefore will require Marksheets adding. Please check with your Literacy Subject Leader as to which Marksheets they feel are required for your school.

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Recording Phonic Phase Levels

Working Within or Secure In Phase?

The Toolkit has been designed so that teachers can record either the phase that the pupil is most Secure In or the phase they are currently Working Within (or a mixture of the two). It is important to note however that the reports will only show the phase that the pupils are most Secure In, i.e. if a pupil is currently Working Within Phase 5 they will be reported to be in Phase 4, being the immediately preceding Secure In Phase.

Entering Phonic Phase Data

To record the Phonic Phase levels against the pupils:

1. Click on Focus > Assessment > Marksheet Entry.

2. Type ‘hfl ph’ into the Template Name box and click Search .

3. Select the Marksheet for the Year Group or Registration Group you want to

record levels for and click on Open .

4. Click on Zoom to maximise the marksheet, which will hide the header information, displaying more pupils on the screen at any one time.

Note: On the Reception to Year 6 Marksheets the pupils’ Summer Term levels from the previous year will be displayed in a read-only column.

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5. To enter the levels, right click in the top cell for the relevant half-term and click on Select Grade for Cell. Alternatively you can select the required cell, type in the level and then use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move to the next desired cell.

6. The former option will display a list of the available grades.

7. Double click on the required grade or select the required grade and click on

Apply & Next . Either method will enter the grade into the selected cell and will automatically move down to the next cell (being the next pupil).

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8. If there is a pupil for whom you do not have a grade to enter (e.g. they have

recently been admitted to the school) you can click on Skip and the next cell down will be selected.

9. Once you have entered all of the grades for that half-term click on Close


10. The grades entered will be coloured red until you click on Save .

WARNING: If you click on the Undo button it will remove any phase data entered against the pupils that is coloured red (i.e. is unsaved) and this is irreversible.

11. Click on Close to close the zoomed view and to return to the original marksheet display.

Display Additional Columns of Information

On marksheets it is possible to display additional columns of information about the pupils, such as Registration Group, SEN Status, First Language, etc.

1. Right click on the Student column heading and click on Select Additional Student Columns.

2. Place a tick against the type(s) of information you want displaying on the

marksheet and click on OK .

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3. The additional columns will now be displayed.

4. To remove these columns, repeat steps 1 and 2, either removing the ticks from

the unwanted columns or select Clear All to remove all of the additional columns.

5. You can sort by any of the additional columns by left clicking on the column heading. Left click on the column heading again to reverse the sort order.

Note: Any additional columns that are displayed when you save and close the marksheet will be displayed when you next go into that marksheet, however the sort order on the sheet will revert to alphabetical by surname.

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The Phonic Phases Toolkit includes 3 reports:

*Phonic Phases: Attainment Profiles

*Phonic Phases: Progress Tracker Sheet

*Phonic Phases: Tracking & Analysis

The latter two reports contain distribution sheets which include a key after the pupils’ names to show if they fall into any vulnerable groups.

Running the Reports

The imported reports will show in the Student Focus in the Reporting area.

1. Choose Reports > Run Report from the menu or click .

2. Click the + next to Focus to expand the folder.

3. Click on the Student folder .

4. Click in the right hand side of the screen and quickly type ‘*p’. This will move you to the first report beginning with ‘*Phonic Phases’. Alternatively you can use the scroll bar on the right hand side of the screen to scroll through the reports until you locate the reports imported. The * prefix will place the reports near the top of the list.

5. Double click on the report you wish to run.

6. A parameters box will open asking you to select which pupils to include in the report. Each report requires different selections so please read the information on the left of each panel in this box, e.g. the Progress Tracker Sheet report requires you to tick a single registration group:

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7. If you want to run any of the reports for a previous year, remove the tick from Bypass effective date (Use Today) in the top panel and change the date to one in the desired year. The report will then display details for the pupils that were on roll, and in the groups you also select, on this new date. If using this option ensure you change the date before making any other selections.

8. Click on OK . Excel will now open.

Opening the Workbook in Excel 2003:

Note: Office 2003 is no longer supported by SIMS!

Select Enable Macros on the message that appears.

Opening the Workbook in Excel 2007:

Note: Office 2007 will no longer be supported by SIMS after the Easter 2014 upgrade (SIMS 2014 Spring release)!

Click on the Options button on the Security Warning at the top, choose Enable this content and click OK.

Opening the Workbook in Excel 2010:

Click on the Enable Content button on the Security Warning at the top.

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*Phonic Phases: Attainment Profiles

This report provides a colour coded ‘profile’ of termly attainment across years Reception to Year 2.

It details basic information on the pupils, including any vulnerable groups they may belong to. On the far right it provides a coloured representation of the phase each pupil is secure in at each term across the 3 years. The colours match those used in the ‘Letters & Sounds’ document.

Across the top in the heading row is the Standard Phonics Attainment Profile, being the pattern of attainment you would typically expect a pupil to have. You can compare each pupil’s profile against this standard to see if they are working at the age expected phase or spending more time than expected in any particular phase.

If you are recording data at each half-term, in addition to the end of term assessments, then these will be shown, otherwise the whole term will use the end of term data.

This report can also be filtered, allowing you to see how different vulnerable or other groups of pupils’ profiles compare to the standard. To filter the report, click on the drop-down arrow in the bottom right corner of the appropriate column heading and select the filter you wish to apply. You can also use the Custom column immediately before the coloured profile to mark pupils in a group specific to your setting, i.e. those receiving a particular provision, and then filter on that column. To reset the filters you can use the button in the

top left corner of the sheet .

For full details on how to use filtering in Excel, please refer to the documents available on the HGfL at There are separate documents depending on which version of Excel you have installed in your school (2003 or 2007+).

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*Phonic Phases: Progress Tracker Sheet

This report, previously known as ‘Phonic Phases Letters & Sounds’, is a distribution sheet based on the National Strategies ‘Letters and sounds: Phonic progress tracking sheet’ and is designed to be printed for an individual class, in years Nursery N2 to Year 6. It shows the progression made by pupils in the class throughout the year (on a half-termly basis), giving the exit level from the previous year as a starting point (if available). It also displays the criteria needed to achieve each phase.

The pupil names will appear against the phase they are ‘most secure’ in, i.e. if they are recorded as Working Within Phase 4 they will appear against Phase 3, being the immediately preceding Secure In phase. The pupil names are also followed by a key of any vulnerable groups they may belong to.

The report contains two versions of the tracker:

‘Original’ version

This is a recreation of the Letters & Sounds Tracker sheet, with full phase descriptors displayed, making it useful for NQTs and less experienced teachers in phonics. However, due to the amount of information on this sheet you will most likely need to print it onto A3 for it to be readable.

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‘Simple’ version

This sheet displays the same information as the Original version, however the phase descriptors are not printed. Instead if you wish to see the descriptors, hover your mouse pointer over the Phase number cell. This version will print onto A4 and still be readable.

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*Phonic Phases: Tracking & Analysis

This report produces a distribution sheet and termly analysis information for all pupils within years Reception to Year 2 and will allow you to easily identify pupils that are at risk of not meeting the required standard on the KS1 Phonics Screening Check at the end of Year 1.

The distribution sheet shows the progression made by pupils in each year group, detailing the National Benchmarks that they are expected to reach. The sheet is colour coded to shows those pupils who are On Track to reach Phase 6+ by the end of Year 2, as well as those who are at above or below Age Related Expectations. Those in the Yellow and Tan regions are those at risk of not meeting the standard on the KS1 Phonics Screening Check.

The pupil names are followed by the same key of vulnerable groups as the Progress Tracker Sheet report.

Reception aged pupils are subdivided each term into 2 rows of names; the top row being those pupils born between September and February and the second row, in italics, being those born between March and August.

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The other three tabs are termly analysis reports which show the total and percentage of pupils in each year group within each phase, again detailing the Benchmarks. These sheets also provide a breakdown of Boys & Girls, types of SEN Status and the other standard Vulnerable Groups within your school, allowing for a more detailed analysis.

On the Summer sheet you will also find information relating to the number and percentage of pupils that passed the Phonics Screening Check in Year 1, and after the ‘rechecks’ in Year 2.

Note: The distribution sheet will detail the first 90 pupils that fall into each box. If you have more than 90 pupils in a Year Group you may want to run the report for each Registration Group separately to ensure that all of the pupils are included.

The Analysis sheets will report on all pupils, not just the first 90.