Record of evidence N2 1. 2. · 2020. 5. 19. · Record of evidence Moscow (place of issue) October...

Record of evidence Moscow (place of issue) October 18, 2006 Interrogation started at 10:00 Interrogation finished at 10:55 Investigator for particularly important cases of tax crimes investigation department (Name of preliminary investigation agency or inquiry, Investigative Committee of the Russian Interior Ministry Justice Major J.P. Novikov in office premise N2 420 rank or title, name and initials of the investigator (inquirer) in accordance with Art. 189 and 190 (191) of RF CCP interrogated on the criminal case N2 248065 (which exactly) as a witness: 1. Surname, first name, patronymic: Magnitsky Sergey Leonidovich 2. Date of birth: 08.04.1972 3. Place of birth: Odessa, Ukraine 4. Place ofresidence and (or) registration: Moscow, Pokrovka str., house 20/1, app. 43 Tel: 5. Citizenship: RF 6. Education: higher, 'economist' 7. Marital status, family: married, two children - 2001, 1992. 8. Work place: auditor in CJSC 'Firestone Duncan'. Phone: --------- 9. Military Status: bound to service (draft registered) 10. Prior conviction: verbal assurances of no previous convictions (when and by which court was convicted, under which article of the Criminal Code, the type and the severity of punishment when set a prisoner free) Witness (signed) (signature) 11. Passport or another identity paper of the witness: 45 05 N2 638943 issued by Department of Internal Affairs ofBasmanny district of Moscow as of 15.05.2003 12. Other witness personal identity information: ------------------ Witness (signed) Other parties* (procedural status, surnames and initials) Parties are announced about the application of technical means (signed) (such as, by whom) 1 BrowderDepo0000685

Transcript of Record of evidence N2 1. 2. · 2020. 5. 19. · Record of evidence Moscow (place of issue) October...

Page 1: Record of evidence N2 1. 2. · 2020. 5. 19. · Record of evidence Moscow (place of issue) October 18, 2006 Interrogation started at 10:00 Interrogation finished at 10:55 Investigator

Record of evidence Moscow (place of issue)

October 18, 2006

Interrogation started at 10:00 Interrogation finished at 10:55

Investigator for particularly important cases of tax crimes investigation department (Name of preliminary investigation agency or inquiry,

Investigative Committee of the Russian Interior Ministry Justice Major J.P. Novikov in office premise N2 420

rank or title, name and initials of the investigator (inquirer) in accordance with Art. 189 and 190 (191) of RF CCP interrogated on the criminal case N2

248065 (which exactly)

as a witness: 1. Surname, first name, patronymic: Magnitsky Sergey Leonidovich 2. Date of birth: 08.04.1972 3. Place of birth: Odessa, Ukraine 4. Place ofresidence and (or) registration: Moscow, Pokrovka str., house 20/1, app. 43 Tel: 5. Citizenship: RF 6. Education: higher, 'economist' 7. Marital status, family: married, two children - 2001, 1992. 8. Work place: auditor in CJSC 'Firestone Duncan'. Phone: ---------9. Military Status: bound to service

( draft registered) 10. Prior conviction: verbal assurances of no previous convictions

(when and by which court was convicted, under which article of the Criminal Code, the type and the severity of punishment

when set a prisoner free) Witness ( signed)

(signature) 11. Passport or another identity paper of the witness: 45 05 N2 638943 issued by Department of Internal Affairs ofBasmanny district of Moscow as of 15.05.2003 12. Other witness personal identity information: ------------------

Witness (signed) Other parties*

(procedural status, surnames and initials) Parties are announced about the application of technical means

(signed) (such as, by whom)



Page 2: Record of evidence N2 1. 2. · 2020. 5. 19. · Record of evidence Moscow (place of issue) October 18, 2006 Interrogation started at 10:00 Interrogation finished at 10:55 Investigator

Before interrogation I was explained the rights and obligations of a witness, the fourth part of Article 56 of CCP RF: 1) Refuse to testify against myself, my husband (wife) and other close relatives, as it's defined in paragraph 4 of Art. 5 of RF CCP. If I agree to testify I'm warned that my testimony may be used as evidence in criminal proceedings, including the case of my subsequent rejection of these indications; 2) Testify in my native language or language that I speak; 3) To use services of an interpreter free of charge; 4) To challenge the interpreter participating in the interrogation; 5) To make motions and to appeal the actions (inaction) and decisions of the investigator, prosecutor and the court; 6) To appear for questioning by counsel in accordance with the fifth part of Art. 189 of RF CCP; 7) To apply for the implementation of security measures envisaged in the third part of Art. 11 of RFCCP.

I am warned about the criminal responsibility for refusal to testify under Art. 308 of the Criminal Code and perjury by Article 307 of the Criminal Code.

Witness (signed)

According to the criminal case I can give the following evidence of appeal: (Testimony is presented, as well as posed to questions and answers to them)

The investigator's question: Where do you currently work, the post? Answer: At the moment I'm working on a labor contract at CJSC 'Firestone Duncan' as

an auditor. The investigator's question: Do you know the organization named LLC 'Saturn

Investments'? Are you familiar with its leaders? If so, with whom? Answer: mentioned organization is known to me by the nature ofmy work from the 90s.

As for the leaders I met U .F. Browder then Y akir Shashu.


The investigator's question: How long have you seen Shashu Ya? Answer: I met Shashu about a year ago, maybe more, I do not remember. The investigator's question: How long have you seen U.F. Browder? Answer: More than three years ago. The investigator's question: Do you know their (Ya Shashu and U.F. Browder) location

Answer: No, I don't. The investigator's question: During your career in which organizations were you a

manager (founder)? Answer: I maybe was the founder, but in which organizations I do not remember. As for

my management in organizations, I was the CEO at JSC 'Faerstoun Audit', 'Jason and Argonafty' and possibly LLC 'Saturn Investments'.

The investigator's question: You are proposed a power of attorney dated I 0.02.2005 on one sheet. How can you explain the availability of your last name and signature?

Answer: The signature on the power of attorney looks like mine, and according to this fact that it is said that I am general director of 'Saturn Investments', I can explain the following, maybe I was the director, but I do not remember exactly.



Page 3: Record of evidence N2 1. 2. · 2020. 5. 19. · Record of evidence Moscow (place of issue) October 18, 2006 Interrogation started at 10:00 Interrogation finished at 10:55 Investigator

The investigator's question: You are proposed a merger agreement of LLC 'Rifle' and LLC 'Saturn Investments' on six sheets. How can you explain the availability of your last name and signature?

Answer: The answer is the same to the previous question. But I want to add that if there is my signature on the contract, it means that I was just asked by Ya Shashu Ivan Cherkasov to 'be' CEO for a period ofreorganization.

The investigator's question: You are proposed a balance sheet of LLC 'Saturn Investments' on 09.02.2005 on the two sheets. How can you explain the availability of your last name and signature?

Answer: The document is familiar to me. Signature looks like mine.

Witness (signed)

Before starting, during or at the end of the witness questioning from Parties (their procedural status, surnames and initials)

Statements (received, not received)


Other parties

Record is read personally (personally or orally by the investigator)

Notes to the record: don 't have any (notes content or the absence)


Other parties

Investigator for particularly important cases oflnvestigative Committee of the MVD of Russia

Statement content:






Page 4: Record of evidence N2 1. 2. · 2020. 5. 19. · Record of evidence Moscow (place of issue) October 18, 2006 Interrogation started at 10:00 Interrogation finished at 10:55 Investigator

... 1' ··t

.• :·: '·

IlPOTOKOJI nonpocacaeAe-reJIB

OpUJ1oxeH11e J9 l . J , 'l~I ,/ ... -·\ ~('

r.MocKaa (Mecn> cocn11J1CHIIJI)

18 OKTH6px 2006 r.

J:{onpoc aa11aT B 10 11 00 MHH ,l{onpoc OKOH'l{eH a 10 11 5 5 MHH

CnenoBa-rem, no oco6o B3)f(HLIM nenaM OTllena no paccnenosaHHIO HanoroBLIX npec:rynneHHH (HIKMCHOIIHIIC opnuia ffpeJIB&pHteJU,KQTO cne.nCTBKJr KJnl .noJHafflfl,

.cKJ1pH MBil PoCCHH Mattop 10cmtnm: HOBHKOB M.rr. a. noii.temeHHH cny)I{e6noro Ka6HHera N!:! 420 l


~TBeTCTBHH co CT, I 89 H 190 091} YIIKPc?> 11onpocnri no YfOJIOBHOMy ,neJIV .N'2 248065 (kUOM IBICIIHO)

I gaqeCTBe CBH,l\eTCIDI:

i. ll>aMHmm, HMB, OT"ieCTBo : Marmrrcmit Ceprefi JleOHH.nOBHll

.2.'fJiarapo)KJleHHJI: 08.04.1972 ro~

h.Mecro po)l(JleHHJI: ropo,q 0,Aecca, YKpauHa

4. Mecro xattenLcTBa H (1mH) perHc'Ipa~ : ropo.n MocKBa, IImcpoBKa, .n;oM 20/1, KB. 43


s. fpa>K,AaHCTBO : Pct>

[ 06pa30BaH.Be : Bblcmee, «3ICOBOMHCT»

J.CeMefiHoe IlOJIOJKeHHe, COCTaB CCMI,H: )I{eHaT, 2 .r:{eTeti- 2001, 1992

I. MecTO pa6ou,1 HJIH yqe6LI : ay.znrrop 3AO «<l>83pcro)'H_,l{amcea».

rene4>0H : ----·· 9.'0rsomeaHe K BOHHCKOft o6113aHHOCTH : BOeHR006sl3aHHJ,lH

(r.11e COCTOHT Ha BOHHCKOM y,iett)

10. H8Jlll'lne cy.D,HMocm : co cnoB ue CVllHM (xor11& H r.:aKHM cyao" 6r.1J1_ ocy,l!W!H_. no KllXoA YK N>, lll!Jl H pa:nicp HalaUIHIUI,

~--~~~~~~~~~-=-~~~-,,~~~~~~~~~~~~~ irorJUl ocao&lllltll__J


II. Il~cnopr Hllll HHOH J:(OKYJ,fCHT~ y,noCTOBepmonorli JIHtffiOCTh CBHJ:(eTCIDI: 45 05 ,Ng 638943 Bl,JJlaH

OB.n liacMamroro pafi.oHa ropo,Aa MocKB~ 15.05.2003 roAa

12. Hme ,namtLle o JIH"IHOCTH csH.U.ereruI : ---------~---7"'-r--------CeHJJ.erem, ~



Hlu,1e yqaCTByrolllHe mma * . (npou.ce<:yanr.Hoe ffOJIOl!CeKHe, ,~lt.llltll, IIHHQHllllW)


Page 5: Record of evidence N2 1. 2. · 2020. 5. 19. · Record of evidence Moscow (place of issue) October 18, 2006 Interrogation started at 10:00 Interrogation finished at 10:55 Investigator

lr::-1 · · flepe,u HatJaJIOM .uonpoca MHe pa:1McHeHbl npaBa 11 ofo13aH11ocrn CBH.u,eTem1, ' ,. L

· JlYC~OTpeHH@e qacn,IO tieTBepTOii CT.56 YIIK PrI>: 0.(\)0 Z... ff. t) oTI<aJaTbcH caru:{eTenbcTBoBan. nporna caMoro cefo1, cBoero cynpyra ( cBoeil cynpym) H , - / ,!,11tx omI3KIIX po.a.cTBeHHHKOB, Kpyr xoropLix onpe,Aenea n. 4 cT. 5 YI1I{ P<I>. Tiptt -nacUH ,ZJ;aTh fl0Ka3am1.11 H npe.nynpe)l(JleH_ 0 TOM, tITO MOH IIOKa'JaHIDI MOI}'T 61.ur, lfCDOJU:,30B8Hl,J

, .. ~qecrse ,uoKaJaTem.cTB no yronoBHOMY J:(eny, B TOM 11Hcne H B cny,:rne Moero nocne.nyromero ,~ u

a or )THX Il0Ka38HHH;

2) ,naBaTh IIO:Ka33HIDI Ha po,z:tHOM jJ.31,JKe 111TH $131,JKe, KOTOpbIM H BJia,lI.e10;

3) JlOJTh30Ban.c.11 llOMO!qbJO nepeBO,l('IHKa 6ecnnaTHO; 4) srutBIDITL oTBo,n; nepeaop;cmKy, yqacTB}'IOIIJ;eM)' B .norrpoce; 5) 3a.RBJU1Th XO,ZJ;aTaHCTBa H npHHOCHT& )KaJJ06bI Ha .neHCTBWI (6e3,AeHCTBHe) II pellleHHSI

oJHaBaTemr, cne,a;oBatemt, npoKypopa 11 cy.zta; . . 6) KBIDIThC& Ha .nonpoc C a.I(BOKaTOM B COOTBeTCTBHH C qacn.10 IDITOH CT. 189 YfIK P<I>;

7) xo,n:aTaikmoeai'& o npHMeHeHHH Mep fifnonacHocrn, npe.zzycMorpeHHl,JX q-ac-r1,10 Tpeneil

1. JI YITK P<l>. 06 yronOBHOH OTBeTCTBCHHOCTH 3a OTKa:3 OT 11a11H Il0Ka3amrii no CT.308 YK P<I> l{ 3a na11y

OMO JIO)IQ{f,IX nOKa3aHHit no CT.307 YK P<I> e}K ena.


ITo cym;ecTBy yrorroBHOro }l.erra Mory rroKa3aTb cne.zcyiom:ee: __ -,--________ _ (Hlllllr&IOTCll nOK83aHl\ll C81CleTeJlll,

a TaJOl,'C noc:raenel!HMC nepc:.a HHM Bonpoci.1 H OTl!CTLI Ha HIIX)

Bonpoc cne.noBaTeIDJ: MecTO Bameii pa6on,1 B ttacToxmee Bpewi, .non)KHOCTh? OTBeT: B Hacm~u~ee BpeMH H pa6oraro no rpy.noBoMy )lorosopy B 3AO «cf>a3pcToyH


KeH» B ,LJ;OJDKHOCTH ay .mnopa. Borrpoc cne)loBaTeJIH: l13Becraa JIM BaM opraHIOa.I(HJI c Ha:rnaErneM 000 «CazypH

ecIMeRTc»? 3HaK<>Ml>I JIB B1,1 C ee.p}'KOBOJI.HTCJUIMH? ECJIM .na, TO C KeM? OTBeT: Ha3BaHHaJI BaMH opraHR3aI(IUI R3BecTHa no po.ny I\JOeil: .nesnem,Hocrn c 90-x

,.~oB. KacaeMo pyiconoi:unene:tt; To~ BC'IpetJanc.H c>. lipay,nepoM, 3areM c RKHp lllamya. Bonpoc cne.nosaTem1: KaK )laBHO BLI BH,UeJrn: .51. lllamya? OTBer: C lllamya SI BCTpeqan:cg OKOn:o ro,na Ha.38,ll, a MO)KeT H 6om,me, TOtIHO He

f1®Bonpoc cne.nosaTeru1: KaK .UaBHO B1,1 simemI>. Epay.nepa? 0Tser: EoJiee rpex ner u33a.n. Bonpoc cne,iwBaTeIDI: lliBecmo JIH BaM me (..SL lllamya H Y.<I>. Epay)lep)

CCiottaxo)K)leHHe B HaCTO.Sin:tee npeM.H? OmeT: HeT, ae H3BeCTHo. Borrpoc CJie)lOBaTeIDI: 3a CBOIO TPY.llOBYJO .neHTeJILHOCTI, B K8KHX opramoauIDix BI.I

~'!RJJHcr, pyKOBOJI.HTeIDIMH (}'llpe.nnrerurMH)?

Orner: Ytipe,IlnTeJieM B03MO)KH0 H. H ,rnmJJICSI, HO B KaKHX opraHH38.l{IDIX He IlOMIOO. leaeMo 11-mero PYKOBo,ncrBa oprrum3al(WIMH, TO H HBJHIJICJJ reHepaJU,HbIM J:(HpeKTopoM B 3AO ~pcroyH Ay.r,;nrn, «)hKeiicou H AproHaqm,I» H B03MO)KHO B 000 «Cazypa MHBeCTMeHTC>>.

. Bonpoc cne,noBaTem1: BameM)' 0603peHmo npe,ncraBJIHeTCH .noeepeHHOCTb OT


l!!Ieit ct,a~mmm H IlOJJ.IUICH?

0TBer: ITo,unHc1:, Ha npe.u.cranneHHOM \aeMo Toro, 1:JTO B Hefi:: YKa3aHo, tJ:TO


JI reHepaJILHJ,Jil 11HpeKT(7'TYPH


Page 6: Record of evidence N2 1. 2. · 2020. 5. 19. · Record of evidence Moscow (place of issue) October 18, 2006 Interrogation started at 10:00 Interrogation finished at 10:55 Investigator

. ~ ecrMeHTC», TO Mory IlOHCHHT& cnen}'J:Omee, B03M0)l(H0 SI. H 6bIJI HM (J:UipeKTopoM), HO . .: . '

0 ae noMmo. r ~l~ !J Bonpoc cne.nosaTeID1: BameMy o603peHmo npeAcTaBJUieTC& .noroeop o CJIIDIHMH OOCY 1 J 7

4ul)) l-1 000 «CarypH liHBeCTMCHTC» Ha weCTH JlHCTax. lfro BM MO)l(eTe IlOJICHHTh no 1:. o'JlY HaJIH'HUI Ha Heil Bamett it>aMIDIHH H no,nnHcH?

QraeT: 0TBer aHaJIOrHtJHLiii oreeT}' Ha npe.i11,myIJlHli sonpoc. Ho xoqy ,tto6asm1,, pa.3 Ha sope crom Mox no.LlllHCb, To 3HaqHT, MeHJI npocro nonpocrum $1. lllawya mm liBaH

, 1(8COB «no61.1T1>» reHepaJibHLIM .uepeKTOpOM Ha nepHO)l peopraHHJaJ.UIH.

Bonpoc cne,l.(oearnmr: BaweMy• 0603peH100 npenCTaBID1eTC$I 6yxranrepc1CHit 6anaHc 'fJO «CazypH l:IHBeCTMeHTC» Ha 09.02.2005 ro;:{a Ha .f{Byx Jmcrax. lJTO BLI MO)l(eTe IlO.llCHHTI,

noeo,ny lia.iIHtJJnI Ha Hefi Baweii cpaMHmm H no.nnHcH? Orser: l(OK)'MeHT :r,,me 3HaKOM. nonnHCb DOXO,Ka Ha MOIO,


Ilepe.n HatJanoM, B ne:60 no oxolfElamm .nonpo OT yqaCTBYJOII.\HX

(HlC npoue«:yani.HOC no.,olKCHHC, 4'aNHJ1HH, HHHUKB-11>1)


IlporoKon npo-qmaa __::vlM-;...__'t+-Cv--=-·-'--------------------­<JIWIKO Hllll llCJl)'X CffC.llOBlltellnl {.a03HIB&ff.llCM)

Hm,ie }"lacTByiom11e nm:i;a:

ieAosarem. no oco6o ,.t .nenaM CK npH MBA Pct>



Page 7: Record of evidence N2 1. 2. · 2020. 5. 19. · Record of evidence Moscow (place of issue) October 18, 2006 Interrogation started at 10:00 Interrogation finished at 10:55 Investigator

Record of evidence

Moscow 5 June 2008

Interrogation staited at 16 h 20 min Interrogation ended at 19 h 30 min

S.E.Gordiyevsky, Class 1 Attorney, Investigator for the Division of Internal Affairs, Investigations Division for the Southern Administrative District, Investigations Department, Investigations Committee, Public Prosecution Office of the Russian Federation for the City of Moscow, interrogated the following person as a witness under Criminal Case No. 374015, in accordance with Articles 189 and 190 (191) of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, at the premises of Office No. 29

Full Name: Sergei L. Magnitsky Date of Birth: 08.04.1972 Place of Birth: Odessa, Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic Place of Residence and (or) Registration: Moscow, ul.Pokrovka, 20/1, Flat 43 Tel: 8-916-675-84-75 Citizenship: Russian Federation Education: Higher Degree Marital Status: Married Place of Employment or Studies: Firestone Duncan, Closed Joint Stock Company Military Status: liable for military service Criminal Record: no previous convictions Passport or any other document certifying identity of the witness: 45 05 No. 633943, Issuing Authority - Division of Internal Affairs of Basman District of Moscow, Date of Issue -15.05.2003 Other Details of the Witness: verbal assurances of no records filed with narcological or psychoneurological dispensaries

Witness /Illegible/

Other persons in attendance: Lawyer Dmitry V.Kharitonov, Certificate No. 6075, Date of Issue -24.04.2003, Issuing Authority Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Justice for the City of Moscow, Gridnev and Partners Bar Association, Order No. 48. Participants informed of any technical facilities used: not used

Prior to the interrogation, I have been infonned of my rights and obligations as a witness provided in Section 4 of Article 56 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation;

1) Decline to witness against myself, my spouse and other closest family members as indicated in Section 4 of Article 5 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation. Providing that I agree to give evidence, I have been warned that my affidavit may be used as testimony in a criminal proceeding including where I subsequently retract my testimony;

2) Give evidence in my native language or in a language I speak; 3) Use free-of-charge assistance of an interpreter; 4) Propose a disqualification of the attending interpreter; 5) File motions and grievances for any action (inaction) and decisions of the interrogating

officer, investigator, attorney and court;



Page 8: Record of evidence N2 1. 2. · 2020. 5. 19. · Record of evidence Moscow (place of issue) October 18, 2006 Interrogation started at 10:00 Interrogation finished at 10:55 Investigator

6) Attend any interrogation with a lawyer in line with Section 5 of Article 189 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation;

7) File a motion for remedies provided in Section 3 of Article 11 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation.

I have been informed of criminal responsibility for the refusal to testify under Article 308 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and for the commitment of perjury under Article 307 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Witness /Illegible/

Regarding the subject matter of the criminal case, I hereby testify as follows:

Professionally, I provide advice on Russian law. In the past few years, my customers included Kameya, Limited Liability Company, Parphenion, Limited Liability Company, Realand, Limited Liability Company, and Machaon, Limited Liability Company. The original constituent documents and seals of those companies were deposited at the premises of Firestone Duncan (CIS) Limited branch located at Moscow, ul. Krasnoproletarskaya, Building 30/1, where I worked with them. Those documents and seals were kept at the premises of Firestone Duncan (CIS) Limited branch since the branch provided legal services to those companies under the contracts entered into by them. The branch also kept the legalized copies of the constituent documents for the participants of the companies which included legal entities residing in the Republic of Cyprus Glendora Holdings Limited, owning 100 per cent of the shares in Realand, Limited Liability Company, and Parphenion, Limited Liability Company, as well as Kone Holdings Limite~ owning 100 per cent of the shares in Machaon, Limited Liability Company. From 31 December 2005, the director of Machaon, Limited Liability Company, has been Paul Rench, from 26 July 2006, the director of Parphenion, Limited Liability Company, has been Martin John Wilson who has acted as director of the Realan~ Limited Liability Company, from 1 December 2005. In 2006, Parphenion, Limited Liability Company, Realand, Limited Liability Company, and Machaon, Limited Liability Company, sold substantial portfolios of their equity stake in Gazprom, Open Joint Stock Company, pmchased by them in the prior years. The sale of equity generated significant profits for the companies, and the related taxes were paid in February-April 2006 as specified by the Russian tax laws and regulations in terms of rates and deadlines. After the taxes were paid, the remaining profits were distributed between the participants of the Russian Limited Liability Companies which, as I said, were Cypriot companies. The taxes levied were significant which perhaps raised interest in the militia authorities. As far as I remember, in May 2006, the militia requested that the banks provide copies of the banking documents for the companies. According to I.S.Cherkasov, Director General of Kameya, Limited Liability Company, it was made known that in late May 2006 A.K.Kuznetsov, an officer of the Department for Tax Crimes, City Department of Internal Affairs for the City of Moscow, sought communication to request source documents pertaining to Kameya and a few other Limited Liability Companies. Since I.S.Cherkasov left Russia in early 2006 to work in the UK and the directors of other companies were foreign nationals, the companies authorized my acquaintance A.A.Sandakov to meet with A.K.Kuznetsov and provide all explanations required. Sandakov provides legal services and was formally empowered to act on behalf of the foreign participants of the companies. Sandakov met with A.K.Kuznetsov in the early or mid-summer of 2006. From what Sandakov said, I am aware that A.K.Kuznetsov enquired about the activities of the said Limited Liability Companies, showed bank statements and some other documents to Sandakov, asked questions about the source and destination of monies, tax payment methods and rates.



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In the morning of 4 June 2007, Jamison Firestone gave me a phone call to inform that there was a search conducted by around ten militia staff at the premises of Firestone Duncan (CIS) Limited branch. A few minutes later, I received another phone call from Hermitage Capital (Russia) Services Limited branch which made me aware of another search underway in the branch office, with A.K.Kuznetsov in charge. r informed A.Morozov, a lawyer with Firestone Duncan (CIS) Limited, of the ongoing search. Morozov arrived in the office of Firestone Duncan (CIS) Limited, however, was not admitted to the branch premises and was unable to attend the search. I learnt from the copy of the search record that the search was launched as part of the criminal investigation into the activities of Kamcya, Limited Liability Company. The copy of the record also indicated that, prior to the search, it had been proposed to hand out documents of Kameya, Limited Liability Company, however, from what my colleagues, present at the premises of Firestone Duncan (CIS) Limited during the search, said, I am aware that the militia staff had lists charting out around 20 companies, including Realand, Limited Liability Company, Parphenion, Limited Liability Company, and Machaon, Limited Liability Company, and they impounded all documents pertaining to the companies on their list. I learnt from the copy of the search record that the militia staff seized separate documents and folders with documents containing constituent documents of Kameya, Limited Liability Company, which was subject to search, as well as of Parphenion, Limited Liability Company, Realand, Limited Liability Company, and Machaon, Limited Liability Company, and the seals of the said organizations. Moreover, the militia impounded several folders with legalized copies for some Cypriot participants of the above companies. The record itself docs not set out which documents exactly were seized, rather indicating the names of the folders containing those documents. Just a few documents of Realand, Limited Liability Company, which, to the best of my understanding, were held not in the folders but rather left on the table were detailed in the inventory. Nonetheless, I am able to confirm that the impounded folders, which I also used to work with, contained the most recent versions of the original Articles of Association for Kameya, Limited Liability Company, Parphenion, Limited Liability Company, Realand, Limited Liability Company, and Machaon, Limited Liability Company, original tax registration certificates, original state registration certificates of a legal entity, original minutes of the meetings and decisions by the sole participants of the companies, originals of the legalized certificates certifying residence of the company participants, and some other documents. As the search was over, there was no trace of the said documents in the office for the above companies. The searchers also impounded computers owned by Firestone Duncan (CIS) Limited, including servers and workstations, which held electronic files of documents for Kameya, Limited Liability Company, Parphenion, Limited Liability Company, Realand, Limited Liability Company, and Machaon, Limited Liability Company, including texts of the Articles of Association, powers of attorney, minutes of the meetings of participants and some other documents. In my view which occurred to me after I studied a copy of the updated version of Realand's Articles of Association illegally enacted by Pluton, Limited Liability Company, as I received it from the tax authorities at a later point, it was highly likely that the very electronic files stored in the computers of Firestone Duncan (CIS) Limited and impounded during the search were used to draft the new version of the Articles of Association, since the text of the new version was practically identical to the one contained in the said files and drafted by the customers with a view to their individual peculiarities and was very specific. The new version of Realand's Articles of Association, of which I speak, even repeated the orthographic and stylistic mistakes made as the documents was initially drafted. In the evening on the day of search or the next day I had a phone conversation with I.S.Cherkasov. He told me that J\.K.Kuznetsov had attended the search in the office of Hermitage Capital (Russia) Services Limited branch and said to one of Cherkasov's colleagues present at the search that they should have had a meeting when it was suggested to them. Then it would not have occurred.



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In July or August 2007, P.A.Karpov, the investigator, who took over the Kameya investigation, sununoned Sandakov for questioning. For some reason, Sandakov was unable to tum up as scheduled, and one day as I was in the office of Firestone Duncan (CIS) Limited branch, A.K.Kuznetsov came in to serve a new summons on Sandakov or subject him to compulsory process. As he saw me, A.K.Kuznetsov said that he would give me a summons too, we proceeded to a room for negotiations. From his folder, Kuznetsov pulled a handful of summons slips already signed by P .A.Karpov and certified with some seal, I believe, related to the Chief Investigatory Directorate. Using those slips, A.K.Kuznetsov made out a summons for Sandakov, myself and another one, seemingly, for L.A.Guzheva and handed the summons over to me. From what Sandakov said, I am aware that as he and his lawyer arrived for the interrogation to the investigator P .A.Karpov at the Chief Investigatory Directorate, City Department of Internal Affairs of the City of Moscow, the only people present in the office were P.A.Karpov and A.K.Kuznetsov. The interrogation was conducted by A.K.Kuznetsov and the investigator would just write down the questions and answers. The lawyer of Firestone Duncan (CIS) Limited and representatives of the companies filed with the investigator P.A.Karpov quite a few requests to return those impounded documents which had nothing to do with the investigation carried out by P.A.Karpov. Nevertheless, the retrieval of documents was continuously delayed as P.A.Karpov referred to a large amount of documents and a profound period of time needed to complete the inspection. The first and negligible part of the documents was returned on 05 and 14 October 2007, all remaining documents have never been retrieved, the documents and seals belonging to Machaon, Limited Liability Company, Parphenion, Limited Liability Company, and Realand, Limited Liability Company, have not been received to date. As regards the fabrication of seal replicas for Machaon, Limited Liability Company, Parphenion, Limited Liability Company, and Realand, Limited Liability Company, here is my explanation. Even though the seals were impounded during the search in June 2007, the companies were required to carry on and report the accounting and tax statements to the Federal Tax Service and governmental statistical authorities, and in line with the regulations such statements should be sealed by the corporate seals. As it seemed unlikely to retrieve the original seals impounded by the Chief Investigatory Directorate prior to the deadlines of reporting ( and they were scheduled for July 2007 in respect of the statements for the second quarter of 2007), the representatives of the companies decided to produce seal replicas, following consultations with the legal advisors. The order for the replicas was placed with a commercial firm specializing in the manufacture of seals and stamps. The seals were produced using print specimens of the original seals on various documents and copies supplied by the representatives of the companies. I am not able to give the precise name of the company which produced seals for Machaon, Limited Liability Company, Parphenion, Limited Liability Company, and Realand, Limited Liability Company, since that was the period when seals were ordered for a large number of companies, the originals of which had been impounded during the search and which were needed to issue accounting statements. Around 25-30 seals were ordered and made. For this reason, it is impossible now to say exactly which of them and where they were produced. After they had been produced, the seals for Machaon, Limited Liability Company, Parphenion, Limited Liability Company, and Realand, Limited Liability Company, were stored in the Firestone Duncan office. The directors general of each company, where the seal replicas had been produced, issued regulations for the use of new seals. Those regulations were delivered to Firestone Duncan by courier, most likely, DHL.

Question by Investigator: Can you provide the regulations issued by the directors for the manufacture of seal replicas? Answer: At the moment I cannot since 1 do not know where they are, however, if necessary, I will get in touch with the company directors and the documents will be supplied.



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Regarding the circumstances under which I came to understand that Parphenion, Limited Liability Company, Realand, Limited Liability Company, and Machaon, Limited Liability Company, were abducted from their lawful owners, I hereby testify as follows. Since Firestone Duncan (CIS) Limited provided legal and accounting support of the activities pursued by Parphenion, Limited Liability Company, Realand, Limited Liability Company, and Machao~ Limited Liability Company, the representatives of Firestone Duncan (CIS) Limited would conduct regular inspections and receive all correspondence fed to those companies. In mid-October 2007, as there was another inspection underway targeting correspondence sent to the legal addresses at per.Staropimenovsky, Building 13/2, Floor 6 and Moscow, ul.Obraztsova, Building 19/9, which were the places of registration for Parphenion, Limited Liability Company, Realand, Limited Liability Company, and Machaon, Limited Liability Company, it was revealed that several letters had been delivered to the address at per.Staropimenovsky and contained court rulings to the effect that the Arbitration Court of Saint-Petersburg and Leningrad Region scheduled a court hearing, based on the lawsuits filed by Logos Plus, Closed Joint Stock Company, as well as copies of the very claims brought forward against Parphenion, Limited Liability Company, Realand, Limited Liability Company, and Machaon, Limited Liability Company. That was found out on 16 October 2007. I came to understand from those letters as well as from the details I found out on the court website on the same day that Logos Plus, Closed Joint Stock Company, had filed lawsuits to claim amounts ranging between a few million and nearly two billion roubles from the said companies, referring to the agreements allegedly signed in 2005 for the supply of securities, moreover, some lawsuits had been already decided by the time including the rulings to collect 1. 7 billion roubles from Machaon, Limited Liability Company, and 7.5 billion roubles from Realand, Limited Liability Company, in favour of Logos Plus, Closed Joint Stock Company. I had in-depth knowledge of the activities pursued by all three companies, but I had no idea of their relationship with Logos Plus, Closed Joint Stock Company, which is why I was surprised to know of such massive lawsuits filed by the company. In addition, it turned out immediately that the lawsuits were filed and considered in conjunction with fraud, since, as it followed from the rulings dated 3 and 7 September 2007 by the Arbitration Court of Saint-Petersburg and Leningrad Region, the court hearings were attended by Y .M.Mayorova, a representative of Machaon, Limited Liability Company, and A.A.Pavlov, a representative of Realand, Limited Liability Company, who provided powers of attorney issued by those companies and dated 24 August 2007. That would mean to imply that the powers were forged, since the seals of the companies had been impounded and held by the Chief Investigatory Directorate, City Department of Internal Affairs of the City of Moscow. Right away I reported those documents and details to I.S. Cherkasov and V.G.Kleiner, he is now working and worked in the London office of I Iermitage Capital at that point. They felt indignant and requested that statements be received from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities regarding Kameya, Limited Liability Company, Parphenion, Limited Liability Company, Realand, Limited Liability Company, and Machaon, Limited Liability Company, and a few other companies. Those statements came in on 18 October 2008 and implied that Parphenion, Limited Liability Company, Realand, Limited Liability Company, and Machaon, Limited Liability Company, were re-registered on 11 September 2007 and 20 September 2007 under new legal addresses in Moscow. Instead of the lawful Cypriot participants, a company called Pluton, Limited Liability Company, from Kazan turned out to be registered as the new sole participant. The new directors general appointed to the companies were V.G.Khlebnikov for Machaon, Limited Liability Company, V.A.Markelov for Parphenion, Limited Liability Company, V.N.Kurochkin for Realand, Limited Liability Company. I reported the said circumstances to LS. Cherkasov and V.G.Klcincr. They confirmed that not a single share-related transaction had been conducted by their Cypriot participants, no appointment



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of new directors had been made, no decisions to change addresses or constituent documents had been taken. To identify who re-registered the companies illegally, they asked me to make arrangements for the disclosure of copies of the new Articles of Association for the companies and documents validating the change of details in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities to be made by Tax Inspectorates No. 10 and 15, where Parphenion, Limited Liability Company, Realand, Limited Liability Company, and Machaon, Limited Liability Company, had tax registration and by Tax Inspectorates No. 25 and 28, to which they had been illegally transferred. On the same day, 18 October 2008, in my post I received letters enclosing court rulings and statements of claim, addressed to ul. Obraztsova, Building 19/9, similar to those received on 16 October 2008 from the postal office covering the address at Moscow, per.Staropimenovsky, Building 13/2, Floor 6. At that point I checked the addresses of re-registration for the three companies on the website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation. It turned out that those were the addresses of mass registration where 30 and 109 organizations had been registered. On 25 October 2008, I received a copy of the Articles of Associations of Realand, Limited Liability Company, from Inspectorate No. 25 for the City of Moscow of the Federal Tax Service, which was enacted by Pluton, Limited Liability Company, on 09.09.2007. As I considered the text of the copy, it became clear it was completely identical to that of the previous version of the Articles of Associations of Realand, Limited Liability Company, stored electronically on the computers impounded during the search at Firestone Duncan (CIS) Limited branch, of which I have made mention before.

Question by Investigator: \ can you say about the powers of attorney dated 17.10.2007 and issued on behalf of Parphenion, Limited Liability Company, Realand, Limited Liability Company, and Machaon, Limited Liability Company, in favour of the lawyer E.M.Khairetdinov? Response: Regarding the powers of attorney issued on behalf of Parphenion, Limited Liability Company, Realand, Limited Liability Company, and Machaon, Limited Liability Company, in favour of the lawyer E.M.Khairetdinov, this is what I can tell. On Tuesday 16 October 2007, it became known about the lawsuits filed with the Arbitration Court of Saint-Petersburg and Leningrad Region against Parphenion, Limited Liability Company, Realand, Limited Liability Company, and Machaon, Limited Liability Company. In addition, it became clear that the nearest court hearing to cover one of the cases was scheduled for the morning of 22 October 2007, that is, Monday the next week. Therefore, a representative was needed to attend the hearing as a matter of urgency. Since the lawyer E.M.Khairetdinov had already represented interests of I.S.Cherkasov, director general of Kameya, Limited Liability Company, the latter made an arrangement with him for the representation of interests on behalf of three companies, namely, Parphenion, Limited Liability Company, Realand, Limited Liability Company, and Machaon, Limited Liability Company. On 17 October 2007, Cherkasov informed me that the directors general of those three companies, Paul Rench and Martin Wilson, signed powers of attorney and sent them to Firestone Duncan (CIS) Limited branch in Moscow by a DHL courier. I have retained a copy of receipt No. 395 1055 102 for the DHL parcel which carried the powers of attorney to the destination. The receipt says that the documents were out on 17 October 2007 from the Isle of Guernsey, the sender indicated as M. Wilson, HSBC Management (GCY). If necessary, a copy of the receipt may be provided. I believe that the draft texts of the powers of attorney in favour of the lawyer E.M.Khairetdinov were prepared by V.G.Kleiner, LS. Cherkasov and other Russian-speaking staff of the office, dispatched to Paul Rench and Martin Wilson, signed by them and sent back to Firestone Duncan in Moscow. After the powers of attorney were received they were sealed with the replica seals produced after the original seals had been impounded and kept at Firestone Duncan and conveyed to the lawyer E.M.Khairetdinov. At the moment, as time has passed, it is difficult to



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assert something more specific, however, that was the usual way in 2007-2008 of executing documents signed by the company directors. I am quite confident that the powers of attorney in favour of the lawyer E.M.Khairetdinov dated 17 October 2007 and issued on behalf of Parphenion, Limited Liability Company, Realand, Limited Liability Company, and Machaon, Limited Liability Company, have been signed by Paul Rench and Martin Wilson on the Isle of Guernsey as it is confirmed by receipt No. 3951055102 dated 17 October 2007 for the DHL parcel sent from the Isle of Guernsey. Moreover, the receipt indicates that the sender was one of the directors, namely, M.Wilson, correspondence from the Guernsey used to come in by OHL, as signed by Martin Wilson and Paul Rench. Usually, the Guernsey parcels were delivered to Moscow the next day after the dispatch or a day after. The powers of attorney were issued in Russian so as, as I understand, not to waste time on the notarial certification of the translation from English. In addition, the powers of attorney were issued on behalf of the Russian companies obliged to manage paperwork in Russian in line with the Law on Languages. Apostil is a facility substituting legalization of foreign official documents. The powers of attorney are commercial rather than official which is why they do not require mandatory legalization or apostil. The powers of attorney are likely to be sealed by me, as I kept the seals in October 2007, if my memory does not fail me, since it is in October that the accounting and tax statements are reported for the third quarter, and Firestone Duncan used to send out statements in this very period. I cannot say exactly when the said powers of attorney were signed, but they are very much likely to have been signed on 17 October 2007 and sent out to Moscow on the same day, the proof of which is DHL receipt No. 3951055102 dated 17 October 2007. In November and December 2007, a representative of Firestone Duncan (CIS) Limited, V. Y. Yelin, visited the investigator P .A.Karpov a few times to retrieve from Karpov documents and seals impounded during the search on 04 June 2007. From what V.Y.Yelin said I am aware that P .A.Karpov was also ready to give out documents and seals of Parphenion, Limited Liability Company, Realand, Limited Liability Company, and Machaon, Limited Liability Company, however, V.G.Kleiner and LS. Cherkasov requested that the seals from Karpov be not retrieved unless criminal proceedings arc instituted to investigate into illegal re-registration of the companies and lawsuits based on forged evidence and powers of attorney, and the documents be received solely in accordance with a detailed inventory specifying each document transferred. As a result, those seals and documents would stay with P.A.Karpov. He also kept the computers impounded during the search which at first he was ready to give out but at a later point declined to let them go, referring to the need of qualifying them as material evidence for the investigation into Case No. 374015. On 14 or 15 January 2008, V .G.Kleiner initiated a phone conversation with me. Ile said he feared that the individuals behind the illegal re-registration of Parphenion, Limited Liability Company, Realand, Limited Liability Company, and Machaon, Limited Liability Company, may try to wind up the companies so as to destroy the documents in the process which would expose them and requested that I order statements from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities to verify if the companies are not in the process of winding-up. I checked the status of the companies on the website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation and revealed that on 09 or 14 January 2008 documents were filed to change the constituent documents of all three companies. I have immediately informed V.G.Kleiner of the fact and subsequently at his request asked couriers Dmitrieva, Zaitsev and Gavrikov to order statements and copies of the constituent documents of all companies. Inspectorate No. 25 of the Federal Tax Service informed in its letter ref. 06-05/90 dated 17 January 2008 that it was unable to provide copies of the constituent documents since the registration file of Realand, Limited Liability Company, had been impounded by the Investigations Division, Department of Internal Affairs for Danilovsky



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District, Southern Administrative District of the City of Moscow under Criminal Case No. 225589. As I learnt from the lawyer E.M.Khairetdinov at a later stage, the criminal proceedings were instituted, building on a claim filed by one of the dummy directors appointed by the individuals who had abducted three of our companies, the claim being to the effect that somebody was trying to change the address of the company and steal it now from him, the new director. It seems very odd to me, as I subsequently learnt from the statements from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, that Rcaland, Limited Liability Company, was re-registered at the new address only on 18 January 2008, and prior to the moment it occurred the false manager of Realand, Limited Liability Company, had already been aware, managed to file a claim to institute criminal proceedings regarding the fact, and Investigations Division, Department of Internal Affairs for Danilovsky District, managed to launch criminal proceedings and impound the related documents. Inspectorate No. 28 of the Federal Tax Service which we approached on 25 January 2008 to obtain statements from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities at first refused to accept applications at all and only following our insistent requests it agreed to accept the applications on 30 January and issued letters on 31 January carrying no dates and reference nwnbers to the effect that Machaon, Limited Liability Company, and Parphenion, Limited Liability Company, were not registered with the Inspectorate. Inspectorate No. 46 of the Federal Tax Service, where we also applied for the statements on 22 January 2008, refused to accept applications for the issue, stating the reason for the refusal to the effect that the constituent documents of all three companies had been changed a short period before. Nonetheless, we learnt from Philip Alexeevich, inspecting officer at Inspectorate No. 28 of the Federal Tax Service, that the companies were transferred to Novocherkassk, Rostov Region. I asked A.V .Kozhukhov, a lawyer and acquaintance of mine, who lived in Rostov-on-Don, to obtain statements from Inter-District Inspectorate No. 13 for Rostov Region of the Federal Tax Service, where all three companies had been transferred. Kozhukhov was unable to do that because, as he put it, at first the inspectorate officials unlawfully demanded powers of attorney from all three companies, subsequently as he received such powers, they refused to issue the statements without explaining the reasons. Kozhukhov sought to resolve the issue of statements through the Department for Rostov Region of the Federal Tax Service, challenged the actions by Inter-District Inspectorate No. 13 for Rostov Region, and to the best of my knowledge, the Department instructed the Inter-District Inspectorate to issue statements, however, those instructions have never been fulfilled. In late March 2008, I learnt from V.G.Kleiner that he had found out on the website of the Federal Tax Service that on 07 March 2008 all three companies were re-registered yet again, resulting in new entries emerging in the register to the effect that there was a new director Rimma M. Starova appointed, a new participant emerged which was Boily Systems Ltd. and all three companies were transferred to Khimki. On 26 March 2008, I made arrangements for the applications to be filed with Inter-District Inspectorate No. I 3 for Moscow Region of the Federal Tax Service for the purposes of obtaining statements; however, the statements were not received since the Inspectorate said the registration file had not yet come in. On 18 March 2008, a summons was served on Firestone Duncan (CIS) Limited which directed attendance at the interrogation by N.N.Budilo, investigator, Investigations Unit, Directorate for the Central Federal District of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, of the directors of Parphenion, Limited Liability Company, Realand, Limited Liability Company, and Machaon, Limited Liability Company, Rench and Wilson, as well as a number of other individuals who cooperated with those companies and Firestone Duncan (CIS) Limited. From 02 April 2008 similar summons would begin to come in at the home addresses of the said people, and all the summons dated 02 April 2008 were signed by A.K.Kuznetsov, rather than the investigator.



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In late March 2008, I explored copies of the materials of the arbitration proceedings which were launched, and continued, to target Parphenion, Limited Liability Company, Realand, Limited Liability Company, and Machaon, Limited Liability Company, as well as their actual participants, Kone Holdings Limited and Glendora Holdings Limited in the arbitration courts of Moscow and Kazan. I learnt from the said materials that back on 02 July 2007, a person named V.D.Popov, using, as I suspect, fake seals of the said foreign companies launched legal action on their behalf. The case was considered by the court which, building on Decision by the tribunal No. 12 dated 15 June 2007 on Detox, Limited Liability Company, ruled to entitle Pluton, Limited Liability Company, to 100 per cent of the equity capital of Parphenion, Limited Liability Company, Realand, Limited Liability Company, and Machaon, Limited Liability Company, and issued an order of enforcement. On 3 April 2008, Kommersant published an article which, referring to the law-enforcement authorities, reported that Parphenion, Limited Liability Company, Realand, Limited Liability Company, and Machaon, Limited Liability Company, had allegedly used «tax evasion schemes» and criminal proceedings were launched to prosecute those at fault. Shortly, many of my acquaintances whose names may have been mentioned in the powers of attorney issued by the said companies began to receive summons for the interrogation by N.N.Budilo, investigator, Investigations Unit, Directorate for the Central Federal District of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. All those summons were made out on 02 April 2008 by Colonel Lieutenant A.K.Kuznetsov on the slips of the Tax Crime Department, City Department oflnternal Affairs for the City of Moscow and sealed by this institution. Judging by the numbers of summons, which I have seen, the overall figure of the summons issued was around 15. I am aware that the investigator N.N.Budilo interrogated a few people summoned in this manner. Subsequently the interrogations were discontinued as the criminal case was demanded by the Investigations Committee, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. I am also aware that Baily Systems Ltd., the interests of which are represented by the lawyer Y.N.Nikolayev and which illegally purchased shares in Parphenion, Limited Liability Company, Realand, Limited Liability Company, and Machaon, Limited Liability Company, from Pluton, Limited Liability Company, immediately after the acquisition, filed a suit with the Arbitration Court of Kazan demanding to acknowledge the agreement between Boily Systems Ltd. and Pluton, Limited Liability Company, null and void. Boily Systems Ltd. also demands that the agreements between Pluton, Limited Liability Company, and Kone Holdings Limited should be invalidated. Those are the agreements allegedly referred to by Pluton, Limited Liability Company, as grounds for share acquisitions in Parphenion, Limited Liability Company, Realand, Limited Liability Company, and Machaon, Limited Liability Company. That seems very odd to me since Boily Systems Ltd. itself, as far as I was able to find out, was on the list of companies offered for sale by G.S.L. Law & Consulting, a supplier of offshore companies (Moscow, ul. Krasnaya Presnya, 24, Business Centre, Floor 7, tel. 234-3833), at back on 26 January 2008, that is, it looks like Baily Systems Ltd. was purchased purposefully to transact on 08 February 2008 in shares of Parphenion, Limited Liability Company, Realand, Limited Liability Company, and Machaon, Limited Liability Company. The fact that yet on 13 February 2008, that is, on the third working day after the transaction was completed, Boily Systems Ltd. was able to file a lawsuit with the arbitration court, proffers likely evidence of share acquisitions in Parphenion, Realand, and Machaon required only to immediately challenge the prior transactions. Why so? It seems unlikely that for this short period of time Boily Systems Ltd. was able to learn not only about the illegitimate nature of acquisitions made by Pluton, Limited Liability Company, but also hire a lawyer, draft a statement of claim and lodge it with the court chancery in a different city. It all looks like as if Boily Systems Ltd. purchased companies from Pluton, Limited Liability Company, after the actual owners had become aware of the abduction of companies, with the only goal of reM registering the stolen companies, through a court, back in the name of Kone Holdings Limited



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and Glendora Holdings Limited to make it look like there was no abduction whatsoever and as if there was no loss caused to the actual owners. The point is made even stronger by the fact that Y.N.Nikolayev, a lawyer for Boily Systems Ltd., at the press conference he convened on 09 April 2008, was unable to explain to the media who owned Boily Systems Ltd., in what country the company's office was located, if Boily Systems Ltd. can-ied out any business other than purchase of shares in Parphenion, Limited Liability Company, Realand, Limited Liability Company, and Machaon, Limited Liability Company. Therefore, the aforementioned events are impartial evidence of the fact that in 2007 as materials and information were possibly used after they had been impounded at the search as part of the criminal investigation with regard to I.S.Cherkasov, Director General of Kameya, Limited Liability Company, three companies were abducted: Parphenion, Limited Liability Company, Realand, Limited Liability Company, and Machaon, Limited Liability Company, with all their assets. The incident involved use of forged docwnents filed in Kazan, Moscow and Saint­Petersburg as the documents were submitted to the tax authorities for re-registration, lawsuits were filed with the arbitration courts of Saint-Petersburg, Moscow and Kazan. Subsequently, I believe, the unknown persons were heavily involved in eliminating clues of their illegal activity by way of multiple re-registrations of the said companies in a variety of tax inspectorates, where registration files vanished one after another together with the originals of the forged documents, details of the notaries certifying the fake documents and individuals involved in the abductions. Thus, as regards several lawsuits filed by Logos Plus, Closed Joint Stock Company, with the Arbitration Court of Saint-Petersburg and Leningrad Region, judges L.G.Rusakova and T.M.Mukha impartially evaluated clearly fake lawsuits and ruled to return the statements of claim, since the documents attached thereto were supplied in photocopies, the delivery address of the defendant to serve the statement of claim was wrong, no genuine or duly certified powers of attorney were produced on behalf of the person who signed the statement of claim. However, even though such inconsistencies took place in other cases, too, which were subject to legal action, the court proceedings continued in other cases and in a few cases even resulted in a decision in favour of the fraudsters, including judge E.A.Orlova deciding to collect 2,800,000 roubles and a state duty of 25,000 roubles from the defendant in favour of the claimant under the lawsuit of Logos Plus versus Parphenion, judge M.V.Kuznetsov deciding to collect 7,557,858,000 roubles and a state duty of 100,000 roubles from the defendant in favour of the claimant under the lawsuit of Logos Plus versus Realand, judge S.N.Alexeev deciding to collect 1,669,479,000 roubles and a state duty of 100,000 roubles from the defendant in favour of the claimant under the lawsuit of Logos Plus versus Machaon. The superior court cancelled all those decisions and sent the cases for new consideration to the Arbitration Court of Saint-Petersburg and Leningrad Region, which returned the only correct rulings on all cases. All of them were left without any follow-up since the statements of claim were signed on behalf of a person using the forged passport. [t also seems to me that there is a link between the investigator N.N.Budilo and lawyer Y.N.Nikolayev, representing Boily Systems Ltd. In one of the criminal cases under his charge, on 28 March 2008, at the end of the working day and at the end of the working week, on Friday, investigator N.N.Budilo seized copies of presumably falsified documents from V.A.Markelov, who, to the best of my understanding, runs as a major suspect in the ongoing criminal proceedings, investigated here, and once the weekend is over, on Monday 31 March 2008 at 10 a.m. lawyer Y.N.Nikolayev, a representative of Boily Systems Ltd., files a motion in writing with the Arbitration Court of the Republic of Tatarstan in Kazan to call documents released by V.A.Markelov on 28 March 2008 under the criminal case to investigator N.N.Budilo [tis barely clear how Y.N.Nikolayev may have knov.n of those documents should there be no link with investigator N.N.Budilo.

Question by Investigator: Are there any links between you and P.Rench and M.Wilson? 10


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Answer by Witness: I have not met with P.Rench and M.Wilson in person. I know their address on the Isle of Guernsey. I have only correspondence with them. /Signature Illegible/

Question by Investigator: Did you represent, at any time before, interests of Parphenion, Limited Liability Company, Realand, Limited Liability Company, and Machaon, Limited Liability Company? Do you have any financial dependence on those organizations (payroll, contractual relations, etc.)? Answer by Witness: I may have had powers of attorney to represent interests on behalf of the said companies since I could represent their interests. I have not been in any financial relationship with the organizations. /Signature Illegible/

Question by Investigator: Have you met with Ivan G. Znaikin, Yaroslav M.Zaitscv, Liudmila B. Bokova, Ivan S. Cherkasov? What is the relationship between you if you know these people? Answer by Witness: I have met with all those people. I have been in a professional relationship with them as an individual entrepreneur, which I am. /Signature Illegible/

Question by Investigator: On his own behalf as director of HSBC Management (Guernsey) Limited (UK) of the Managing Company Glendora Holdings Limited (Cyprus), owning 100 per cent of the Russian Limited Liability Company Realand, and Managing Company Global (Russia) Administration which controls Kone Holdings Limited (Cyprus), owning 100 per cent of the shares in the Russian Limited Liability Companies Parphenion and Machaon, Paul Rench filed a statement about the abduction of the said Limited Liability Companies. What is the current proof of that? Answer by Witness: I am unaware of any documents confirming that Paul Rench acts as director of HSBC Management (Guernsey) Limited (UK) and relations between HSBC Management (Guernsey) Limited (UK) with Glendora Holdings Limited (Cyprus) and Kone Holdings Limited (Cyprus). If necessary, I may request copies of the documents certifying their relations. /Signature Illegible/

Question by Investigator: How can you explain that there is no one in the Moscow office of HSBC representing Limited Liability Companies Realand, Machaon and Parphenion? Answer by Witness: As far as I know the Moscow office of the Bank was not linked with the activities pursued by those companies other than accow1t administration for the said organizations. As I understand, HSBC Management (Guernsey) Limited (UK) is a separate legal entity and has nothing to do with HSBC in Moscow. /Signature Illegible/

Question by Investigator: Do you have any knowledge of the staff employed by Limited Liability Companies Machaon, Parphenion, and Realand? Answer by Witness: Apart from the directors, the said companies have not employed any other staff over the past three years. The said companies were used as a tool to invest in the Russian securities. /Signature I11egible/

Question by Investigator: Who set up accounts of Limited Liability Companies Machaon, Parphenion, and Realand in the Moscow-based HSBC, who is now using accounts of the said



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companies, who were the representatives of the companies to receive bank cards with the signature specimens? Answer by Witness: Prior to 30 May 2007, the cards were issued in the names of Paul Rench and Martin Wilson. As far as I am aware, Paul Rench and Martin Wilson did not have their bank cards signed in Moscow. Perhaps, they were certified by the Consul of the Russian Federation in London. I am not aware of who signed the bank cards that are now held by the bank. /Signature Illegible/

Question by Investigator: Do you know who is the owner and participant of Limited Liability Companies Machaon, Parphenion, and Realand in accordance with the Unified State Register of Legal Entities? Answer by Witness: I am aware that in accordance with the Unified State Register of Legal Entities the only participant of those companies is Boily Systems Limited. /Signature Illegible/

Question by Investigator: At the moment of the change of owners, what kind of property was in possession of Limited Liability Companies Machaon, Parphenion, and Realand? What kind of confirmation may be there? Answer by Witness: At the moment where the said companies were illegally, from my perspective, re-registered in September 2007, the property of the said three companies, as far as I know, accounted for the remaining funds in the bank accounts of the organizations. I cannot indicate the precise figure. This can be confirmed solely through bank statements or accounting reports for the second and third quarters of 2007. /Signature Illegible/

Witness /Illegible/ There were no statements made by the persons in attendance, witness S.L.Magnitsky and lawyer D.V.Kharitonov, prior to, in the course of and following the interrogation of the witness. Contents of the Statements: none


Other attending persons

Transcript read

Illegible (Signature) Illegible (Signature)

Comment on the transcript -------=n=o=n=e ___________ _


Other attending persons

Investigator, Division of Internal Affairs

Illegible (Signature) Illegible (Signature)



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«05» HIOHJI 2008 r. f}4;; aaqaT a 16 ti 20 MHH

oKOH'leH B 19 q 30 MHH

·.ene,noBa.TeJU, no OBJ{ cne)J.CTBeHHoro oT.nena no IOAO CY CK npo1<ypa-rypu P(!> no r.MocKne · 1 KJiacca fop.uHeectarli C.E., e uoMellleHHH c11y>iCe6aoro Ka6am:w N2 29 a cooTBeTCTBHH co i91i 190 (191) YIIK Pel> .n.onpoc,rn no yronoBHOMY JJ.erry Na 374015 B I<atteCTBe CBH)lerem1:

· utmo1, HMJr, oT"JecTBo: MarmrrcKHH Cepreii JieomJ.llOB0.q · PoX(JleHH.sI: 08.04.1972 r.p.

· poiKD.eHuH: r.0..uecca YKpaHHCKOR CCP . -Ji(HTeJll>CTBa H (rum) perncTpau;HH: r. MocKBa, ynJioKpOBKa, ,n.20/1, KB.43,

916-675-84-75 ICTBO: Pct>

. @BEU-me: BE,JCillee

)eiiffoe nono:>1<e1me: 1KeHaT . 1 pa6ou.1 rum. ~e6:t.1: ay)lIITop 3AO «<I>anepCToyH ,llattKea» o.weHHe K BOHHCKOH ofooaunocm: BOeHH006.sl3aHHLlli

ammfe CJ.llKMOCTH: He cy,nHM

llacnop-r mm HHO~ ,lI,OKYMeHT, y.nocTOBepalOUJ.HH nH'-IHOCTE, CBHJJ.eTem1: 45 05 633943, BJ,I)la.H o/M

:GaCMaHHOro p-Ha r.MOCKBbI 15.05.2003 r. HMi Jl3HHLie O JIW1HOCTK CBH,neremr: B H,n H nH.U co CJIOB Ha y1.JeTe He COCTOHT

fume yqacTByIOutHe m-1ua E.llBOK8T XapHTOHOB )J.l\rnTp11H Ba..rrepbeBHt{, y TOBepeHHe 6075, o 24.04.03 rY MIO Pocc(-m no r.MocKBe MKA <crpH.z:tHee u ITapTHepw> op.zrep NB 48

11"'"":::---------------------~-------~---------Y'iacTByJOI.UHM nHI.{aM ofo,51BJieHO If npHMeHeHHH TeXHHBeCKHX cpe.llCTB

.He [I tfMeHHJIHC!,

DepeJ{ Ha'Ia.ITOM .D.Onpoca MHe pa31..R:CHeHf,I npaBa H o6R:,aHHOCl'H" CBH.Ue-rerui,

flicMOlpeHHI..te qacn.10 '!eTBepn>ii CT. 56 YnK P<l>: ,O?Ira.JancH .caaa:e-reJILCTBosan. nponrn caMoro ce6s. cBoero cynpyra (cBoeH cynpyrn) H

6.IIHJKRX po~cTBefrnHKOB, Kpyr KOTOpbIX onpe.QeJieH rr.4 CT.5 Yfll{ P(!}. IIpH cornaCHH ,l{aTh

RR ji npe.nynpexc.lleH_ 0 T(?M, lffO MOH: D0Ka3aHHJI MOryr 6I.ITb HCUOJThJOBam:.t B KaqecTBe eitI:.CTB no yroJIOBHOMY .n.eny, B TOM "l.Hcne H n c11yqae Moero rrocne.o.yromero OTICa.Ja oT )TIO{

. liHii;

:1188an. DOKa:3aHH'1 Ha pOAHDM HJI,ll(e HJtH 9"3hn<e, KOTOpblM 51 BJI8J{eIO; !) n0Jrh3oaancx noMOIU&IO nepeso.rrmKa 6ecrmanro; ij 3a.8Brun,, OTBOJl nepeeo.uqHKY, yqaCTB)'K)IUeMy B .nonpoce;

laJiBIJ}IT}. XOJ:{aTaikTea H npHHOCHTI, )l(aJI06hl Ha nefiCTBHR (6e3J:{eHCTBH:e) H pemeHHH q ateAA, cne.aonarem,, rrpoKypopa H; 11 llBnJtn,c,i: Ha ,nonpoc c ~BOICaToM B cooTBeTCTBHH c qacT&EO n~TOf.i CT.189 YITK P<I:i· 'I)( '

YO.Qara8crnoBaT& 0 rrpHMCHeHHH Mep 6e3onaCHOCTH, npe.zzycMOTpeHHn{X T.f:aCTI,IO TpeTJ,eij · nx P<1>.

YronoBHoii OTBeTCTBeHHocm Ja oTKaJ OT .nattH ITOKa38HHH no cT.308 YK P<lJ H 3a .lla"IY Mo .rio,I<H1,1x noKaJaH}IH 110 cT.307 YK Pel> rrpenyrrpe,KneH _


Page 20: Record of evidence N2 1. 2. · 2020. 5. 19. · Record of evidence Moscow (place of issue) October 18, 2006 Interrogation started at 10:00 Interrogation finished at 10:55 Investigator

r;) . Ilo cym,ecrny yronoBHoro }l.erra Mory JIOK83an. crre.nyiontee: '7"·_. •..

·>no ceoeu npoipeccHOHaJILHOH'. ll,e.srrem,HOCTR SI 3aHUMaIOCb OKa.JaHHeM · ~

·::. HOHHblX ycrryr no BOilpoca.\f pocCHMCKOro IIpa.I3a. 8 Te'ieHHe IlOCJTe,llRHX HeCKOJibKHX neT l}fr; °}:>HX KJIHCHTOB 61>mH KOMilaHHH: 000 «KaMeH», 000 «napqieHHOH», 90~ «PHJI31Ul» .ff (- if ...... . ao1m. OpHrnHanLl y11pe.11HTeJThHE>IX ,AOKyMeHTOB H neqanf 3THX o6mecu xpa.HHIDf.Cb B

x tpHJtHH.Jia <I>ailepcroyH AaHKeH (CHAi\3c) Jlmurre.11 no a.upecy: ropon MocKBa, yrr. mrrapCKcUI, LI.OM 30, crpoem1e 1, r.D,e R c HHMH pa6oTIUI. 3m: .llOK}'MCHThI H neqaTH

i> B llOMemeHIDIX tpHlIHaria <I>aiiepcroyH ,[{aHKeH (CttM3c) flHMHTe.ll, TaIC Ka.JC qnuman 3THM o6m.ecTBaM 10pH.nH"tiecKHe ycrrym no .o:oroBopaM, 3aKJIJO"ieHHbIM c HHMH. B X 4JHJIH8Jla TaIOKe xpaHHIIHCb neraJIH30BaHHbte KOII1U{ y'tlpe)UlTent,HblX noicyMeHTOB

o6mecTB, KoTOpE>IMH 6E,IJJFJ ropH.rtHt1ecKue mma-pe3H.D;eHTM Pecny6mnrn lump XoJI.UHHr3 TIHMHTe.ll» (Glendora Holdings Limited), am1,lle10II..(ID{ 100% rucu;uii

·n KOMilBHHH 000 «PHJI3H.U» H 000 <<IlapcpeHl{OH», a TaK)l(e ((KOHe XoJI.IIHHT3 JTuMHTCJl)) ldings Limited), BJ1aa.eromett 100% aKUHH 000 <<Maxaom>. J:{HpeKTopoM 000 <<MaxaoH» pH 2005 rona HBnXeTCS: ITorr PeIN, JlHpeKTOpOM 000 c<Tiap4>eHHOH» c 26 tIIOJUI 2006 ro.n.a .MapTHH .U)KOH YttnCOH, OH )Ke 8BmleTCR .D.HpeKTopoM 000 <(PHJmUI.» c 1 .u.eKa.6pH 2005

srn, 000 «ITaptpeHHOH», 000 <ePHJt3Hll» H 000 «MaxaoH» B 2006 ro.ny npOJl.aJIR

!>Hide IIaKen.I BKUHii OAO {(ra3npm.rn, KOTOpbie HMH 61,tnH npHo6peTeHnl B npe.zu,uzylll}le .-pe:iym,T8.Te rrpo.QIDKH }'1(838HHblX aKUHH. KOMnattHH norry'IHJIH 3H8"4FlTe:rrI,HLTe C-yMMbI

i Hanor c Kornp1,1x. 61,m 2annat.JeH B q,eBpane - anpene 2006 ro.LLa no c-rasKaM H B cpoKH,

CHHI:>Ie PoccHRCKHM HaIIOroBhIM JaKOHO,Ua-rem,CTBOM. ITocJie ynnaTh] Hanora OCTaBillaJiCj(

.. 6wia pacnpe.nerreHa· B noiIL3Y yqacTHHKOB pOCCHHCKHX 000, KOTOphlMH, K8K H y}Ke


'iyrtna11eHH:E.IX HanoroB 6:bIJJH 3Ha"IHTeJTbHbIMH, tn'O, no-BH}.{HMOMY, BbIJBano HHTepec OpraHOB


KOMnaHHit H3 6aHKOB. Co cnoB reaepaJJLHoro JJJtpeKropa 000 «KaMe.1rn qepKacona 0:.C. ecruo, q-ro B KOHD.e Ma.H 2006 coTpy.LIHHK YHII npH fYB,U no r. MocKBe KyJHeUOB

. C1I CBSIJaTbCSI 3anpocHTb nepBifliH}'JO )J.OK)'MeHTillUUO no KOMnaHHH KaMe51 H PJUI .crpyrHX ·.'. .. nocKOJJbt<Y qepKa.COB M.C. em.e a HaqaJie 2006 yexan H3 Poccmt .wu1 pa6on1 B

o6pHTilHHH, a .ll.HpeKTopM .;xpyrnx. KOMDaHHH HBJI.llmlCI, HHOCTpaHHbIMH rpn)K.!{aIHlMH,


1)(0,QHMble 061,.srcHeHHSI. CaHI(.alCOB OK83bIBaeT 10pHJ1HqecKHe ycnyrn, H HMeJI .uoeepeHHOCTH . weHHe KaKHX-TO .t{.CHCTBHH OT HMeHH HHOCTpaHHl,JX: y,.iaCTHHKOB o6wecTB. OB BCipettancs c KyJHeUOBI,IM A.K. B Ha<IaJie HJlH cepe;nrne JleTa 2006 Co CJIOB

OBa g 3HaK>, 'ITO KY3HeuoB A.K. MHTepeCOBaJICi[ neRTCJibHOCTblO YKaJaHHE.IX ooo. !';1Ban CaH,naKoBy 6aHKOBCKHe BblnHCKH H em.e Kaure-To ,D.OKyMeHn.1, Ja,u.aaan BonpOCI,J O TOM, 'IlOCT)'na.JIH .o.eHe)K}fbie cpertcTBa;~Ky.Ua Hanpasmumc&, KBK Yllil8'1HBaJUICb HMOfH H rro KaKHM

4 KIOHSI 2007 ro.11a MHe 00380HHn )J.)KeMHCOH <IlaiiepcTOYH, KOTOpblH coo6mm1 MHC, lfTO B

. eHHJIX <fJnnHana <l>a:ikpcTO)'H J:{runceH (CHAi13c) m-i:MHTe.n. nponO,AHTC& o6t.ICK CHnaMH OI(O]IO

. YAHHKOB MHIIHU.HH. lfope3 HCCKOilhKO MHH}'T MEte Il03B0HlfJU{ H3 qrn:nl-iana 3pMHTa)K K3rtHT8JT a) CepBHCe3 JlH.MHTe,ll H coo6rrurnH, ~ITO B oipuce HX <pMmmna TaK)Ke npoH3BO.ll,HTC.H: o6blCK H

, aB.tii:rer ero KY3Heu.oe A.K.. JI coo6utHJ1 o npoxo,11;s;1meM4p61,1c1<e a.n.eoKaTY 1<0MnaHHH ·pcro)'H J:{attKeH (CHAH3c) JlHMHTe.u A.Mopo3osy. Mopo3oa· npH6hlrr B oqrnc KOMTiaHHH

O)'H .UaHKCH (CHAi:i3c) JlHM»Te.l(, 0.UH8KO OH He 6hur .nonymeH B noMelll.eHHJl qmJIHaJJa H He

npucyrcl'BoBan. npH 061,1cKe •

. ODHH npoTOKOna 061,1c1Ca MHe H3BeCTHO, l.JTO o6I.ICK 6:r,m npone.ueH B paMKax yronoBHoro .n;erra,

Y*,neHBOrO B CBSl3l1 C .neITTem,aocn.10 000 «Ke.Me.Sm, TaK:>«e B KOilHH npOTOKOJia 61,rno yKa'.3aHO,

.... Depe,!{ HaliaJIOM o6hJCKa 6bmO npeLI.flO}KeHo BhI,ilaTh .JJ.OKyMeHTht 000 «>, 0.!lHaICO, co CJIOB

~x KOJUier, KOTOpbie npHCYTCTBOBa.JIH BO BpCMSI 06i,1cKa B DOMewemrnx <l>aaepcroyH ):(a1IKeH


,i:>JIO 20 KOMII8HHH, n TOM t.JHCJle 000 «PHJI3HJl)), 000 <<llapcpeHHOH» H 000 «Maxaom>, u OHH

H ace .IJ.OKyMeHTbl, KOTop:r,1e JCBCa.JlHCb KOMrialU-iH H3 HX cnHCKa.

·ICOIDtH npOTOKOJla o6bICKa J1.1He H3BeCT110, ~ITO COTP)'.llHHI<aMH i'rHlnHl\HH 61'.tnH 03bITTbl OT,nen.I.H:ble

MeHThI H nanKH C .D.OKYMCHT8MH, B KOTOpblX HaXO,lUUIHC& y'-Ipe.uH"renbHble llOKYMeHThl 000 ,1<aMe1rn no Kompow 6Mn Ha3Hai;:en 06:r,1cK, a ntK)Ke 000 «naptpe1moR», 000 «PHn~OO


Page 21: Record of evidence N2 1. 2. · 2020. 5. 19. · Record of evidence Moscow (place of issue) October 18, 2006 Interrogation started at 10:00 Interrogation finished at 10:55 Investigator

:/MaxaoH», H neqaTH )'Ka38HHLIH opraHu3amdi. KpoMe Toro, fo,mH H31,9Thl nanK~ ... c. ~ :)I~H30BaHHblMH KOIIHJlMH HeKOTOpblX KHnpcKmc yqacTHHKOB YK8.3aHHhlX l<OMnamdi. B C8MO;l1'

)IpoTOKOJle He Yl<a38HO, 1<arrne HMeHHO lIOKyMeHTbl 6wrn HJl>Krhl, yi<aJaHhl TO,!l.f,KO Ha:lB!!HHSJ nano,. 1.11 '8". KOTOphlX 3TH llOK)'MCHTLI xpaHHilHCo, JIHWb HCKOTOpbie ..noKyMeHTbl 000 «PWJ3H.11», l<OTOpb

~ ~8XOJ1HJUiCb, KSI< j{ TIOHHM8IO, He B nanKe, a npOCTO Ha CTone, 6J:iin.H no.npo6Ho nepe"EIHCflCHLJ B

r~~HCH. TeM He MeHee, 9 MOry IIO,llTBep.rUITb, tfrO B K31>.Sf!I,IX llfillKax, C KO'IOpl,JM}f MHe TaTOKe

~\lpmco.nID1oc1> pa6oran., HaXOlIHJIHCI> op0nrnam,1 nocneJI.HHX BepcHH ycTaBOB 000 «KaMeH», 000. ~apqiem{OH>>, 000 «PlUI3H,JJ;» H 000 «MaxaoB», OpHmHanbl CBH,llerem,CTB o IlOCTaHOBKe Ha hi!llJOfOB"&Iii y'ieT, OpHrHHaJlbl CB~.ll,eTeJIE,CTB O rocy.n.apcneHROH pernCTpaUHH IOpH)Ul\iecKoro mm.a, t~_HrHHallol npoTOKOJIOB co6paHHli H peweHHit e.n.HHCTBeHmIX )'liacTHHlCOB o61I{ecw, OpHrnHam,1

JeranH30Ba.Hlll>IX cepTH!pHKa'TOB, IlOJ);TBepmJI.aJOIIUlX peJH.UeHTCTBO yqacnrnKOB KOMilaHIDl H

~~KOTOpLie JJ.pyrne .noI<yMeHThl. ITocne o6btCKa HH OD.:Horo Hl ·yKa38HH:b!X .llOK)'MeHTOB

tn~pellHCJteHHblX o6m,ecTB B O!plfe't KOMfi8HHM He OCTaJIOCb • .:~,. >:B,.•XOLIC 06n1cKa TaKxce 6bIJJH'. H31>SITE.l KOMOblOTepLI, npHHaJ].JieJKaBUll{e ct>attepcTOyH J:(8.HKeH

. Aft3c) 1IHMMTC)l, B TOM qHCJle cepaepbl H pa6oqHe CTaHUHH, Ha KOTOpbIX .B 3JielCipOHHOH qJOpMe o;nmHCL .noKyMeHThI 000 «KBMes.i>>, 000 «ITap4leHKOH»~ 000 «PK113HID> H 000 «MaxaoH)), B

~ i.iHcne, TeKCTbl YCTBBOB, .llOBepeHHOCTeH, npOTOKO.ltOB co6pB.HHH yqaCTHHKOBt 11 HeKOTOpI.IX X .noxj'MeHTOB. [Io MOeMy MHCHHIO, KOTOpoe y MeHSI cnO)KHJIOCE, nocne HJyqeHH.ll nonyqeHHOi\

• . e H3 HanOroBbJX opnuroa Komm HOBOH pen.aKUHH YCTaBa 000 «PHJI3H.l(>>, HenpaBOMCpHO ~Bep:>K.neHHOfO 000 «TinyroH», BnonHe aeposmm, lJTO HMeHHO 3JICKTpOHHl,Ie ¢awu,r, KOTOpLie

n{~O,l[HJIHCb H3'L.stTl>IX y KOMilaHHli <l>aiiepcToyH .[{aHKeH (CHAit3c) JlHMHTe.n e XO)le o6hlCKa

... , fOrepax, 6I,mH Rcnon1,30BaHhl .nmi COCTaBneHHJI :nott HOBon pe.zxaKirHH ycraBa, TaK KBK TeKCT

.,.)\ ·HOBOH pe..a.aKUHH npaKTH'ieCKH H.llCHTH'ieH TOMY, lCOTOPEilH co.nep)KaJICjJ El Yl<338HHbIX qiaifnax. m._trn, J!hlpa60TaH KrIHeHTilMH C yqeTQM HX HH,llHBH.uyam,HbJX oco6eHHOCTeH Ii 6hlJI BecLMa

·- q_JHqen. B TeKCTe HOBOH pe)l.BKUHH YCTaBa 000 «P1m:m.n», 0 KOTOpOH HD.CT pe%, Jl.B)KC 5hl.rm

=. opem,1 oP4>orpaqrnqecKHe 11 crnnHcTHqecKHe OlllR5KH, nonymeHH1,1e npa nepBOHatJaJJbHOM

.~BneHHH .11.0KyMeHTOB. i ~~ .. epoM B .neHb o6btCK8 Hm-t Ha cne.!l)'}OWHH .n.eHo 51 6ece)l.OBBJJ C llepKaCOBE,IM M.C. no TCJ1eq>0Hy, H . ··~ I<83M MHe, 'iTO Ky3HeU,OB A.K. npMCYTCTBOnrur npH 06!.lc](e B oqmce <pHIDl8.Jl8 3pMHTa>K

T8.JI · (Pama) CepBHCe3 JhtMHTeJl H JaJIBHn KOMY·TO Kanner qepKacoBa M.C., KOTop1,1e

yrCTBoaanH npu o6bICKe, tJTO Hano ec-rpe1.1an.c.111 HM npe.llJlaraJJH, Tor..aa 61:,1 HH"!ero ~,. He npoH3owno.

· 'lHJOne RJIH asryCTe 2007 c.11eJJ.OBaTen1:, Kapnos TI.A., KOTOP9MY nepe,nrurn cne.ri;craHe rro )leny

«I<3MeHl) BhlJhlBa.JI Ha )J.Onpoc CaH,U8KOBa. ITo KaKOil-TO npH'rnHe CaHJl.aKOB He CMor .SBHThC$1 K

B Ha:3HaqeHHOe opeMH, H O,lll:lroK,{(bJ, KOr~a 11 H8XO.QHnC1I B oqmce q>mrna.rra ct>aiiepcroyH .ll:aHKeH

ii3c) llirMHTe.U, TyJJ;a .snHncs Ky3HeuoB A.K. .II.JUI TOro. tJTo5@ spytIHTL CaHp;rucoBy Hoayro ·

y, rum ocymecrnHTh ero npH~YJlHTem,HbIH npeeo11 Ha .uonpoc. YBH..!leB MeHs, KyJHeuos man, lIT() MHC OH TQ)Ke epy'IHT IlOBeCTI<y, Mlil nponme B KOMIJBTY ,WUI neperue9p.DJ;11 R

UOB nocrnn H3 nanKH nattKy 6naHKOB noBecroEC, y>Ke no.11.1u2.CSHH.bIX KapnOBbrM IKA. H

neHH.oix Krucoit-To ne'iaTnro, no-MoeMy, ne'tfaTblO fCY. McnoJI&JyA 3TH 6naHKH KYJHeuoa•A.K., .,.-;. .can IlOBCCTKY CaHJJ.aKOBY, MHe Heme, l(ruKeTCH, fy>KeBOH n.A., H Bpy-•rnn MHe .:rm noBeCTKH.

:~1:.r. ,._ OB CaHllaKoBa MHe H3Becrno, 'iTO KOr.l(a OH c a.nsoKaToM npH6bm aa .nonpoc B fCY fYB~

Bbl K cne.noaaTemo Kapnosy IT.A., e Ka6Htte-re HaXOJIHJIHCh KapnoB n.A. u Ky:meuoB A.K. !)C Beil Ky3HeU.OB A.K., a CJie.noeaTeJII, mmn, 300HCblBaJI BonpoCbI H OTBeTLI.

KaT <l>B.HepcroyfI ,l{aHKeH (CHAii3c) JlH:MHTe.n H npe.n:CTaBHTeJISMH KOMnaHHK HeOAHO!<paTHO

MHCb K CJlCJI.OBaTenIO KapnoBy n.A. C npoco6aMH Bepeyn. H3'MIThie JlOK)'MeHTbl, KOTOpliie He

. llTCSJ K paccne.nyeMOMY KapnOBb!M IT.A . .ueny, o.a.HaKO 13bl)"tatta .noKyMeHTOB IIOCTOHHHO

tt~BMBCb, TaK KaK KaprrOB TI.A. CCJ>I11MCJI Ha 60JibWO:f:i 061>eM Jl.OK)'MeHTOB, Ha TO, 'ITO Tpe6yerc11 i~a'ilirenbHOC BpCMJ! .mm TOro, l.ff06ht 38KOHqHTb HX OCMOTp. nepBM, He:3Ha'IInem,HM '4aCTb m_~Y,.MeHTOB 6bIJI8 B03BpaIUeHa 05 H 14. OKTst6psr iOOJ fQ.UfJ~ B.G~ .QC:J;.a.JlbHble .UOKyMeITTLI no

~osuuee Bp.~K He B~~µ?JI.bJ, P..OHMeHThI. tt ne<Ia":fH 000 «MaxaoH>>, 000 «11ap¢eHJIOfl» H 000 ,_H.n» oiK~1m'aBa f.[QJiy_qeEJbl l1lK H He 6blJlM AO H8CT05111}.erc:i" spei-reuH. 19 noeo)ly 1nromnneHHS J::tr6n11KaTOB rreqa-reR 000 «Maxa01rn, 000 <cTiapl}leHttom> H 000 $PlfmH,n» Mory no~cHHTb cnMytomee. :lecM01J)SI: Ha q>aKT H30Snm1 netm.TeH npH 06bTCJce B HIOHe 2007 ro}la KOMnaHIHIM 61,UJO He06XOJlHMO

iJio.nomK8Tb c11analb 6yxraJrrepcKy10 H HaJIOrOBYIO OTL!entoCTb KOMTiam1n B opram,I ¢j;i9 H


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eTROCTh ,UOmKHa CKpenmrfE,Cjl rreqaTilMH KOMilaHJ!H. nocKOJibKY AO HaCT)'nJieiurn cpoKOB llO)la 1!Ho,4n . H O~C'IHOCTH (a OHl{ npHXO.llH.JlHCI, Ha HIOnI, 2007 ro11.a B ornoweH.HH orqenrncrn 38. BT0p0~{1) pran 2007 roJia) BOJMO)KHOCTE> ITOJ1Y1IHT1, or f CY HJ·M1n,1e opanrnam,I neqareii npe.n.crasrumacb

. oseposmIOH, nocne KOHCYfJbTan:ntt c IOpHCTaMH npenCTaBJITeJIHMH KOMmumii 6WJo IIpRH.SITO

emte H3fOTOBHTb .uy6nliKaTE,l ne"-laTeiL )zy6J1HKaTbI 6bIJIH 3aKa3aHbl B O)lHOH H3 KOMMep11ecKHx

PM, 3aHHM810IIJ,HXCJI H3roTOBnem1eM neqareil H lllT8MlIOB, H 6I:,IJIH H3roTOBJieHI,I no liMeBII1HMC.Sl

:. l.laM OTI!iCKOB nepBOHB'tJaJibH:E.lX neqa-rei:t Ha p33JUitIHl,IX IlOK)'MeHT8X H ID{ KOillUIX, lCOTOpbie

. npe.uocTaBJieHl,I npe.!ICTaBHTCJIBMH KOMnamrii:. B KRKOK KOm<peTHO KOMilaiiHH 6hJJIH BJieHbl nel.(aTH 000 «MaxaoH», 000 «CTapgieHHOH>> H 000 «PHJI3HA» To~o cKa:Ja.Th He

I TIU( J<aK TOT :>Ke nepHOA 6.hlJIH '.381<a.JaHI:.I ne'iaTH 6om,moro 'JHCJia ApyrHX oomecTB, opHrHHa.Jll,I

phIX 6LUIH H31,JITl,I npH o5hlcKe, H no KOTOpl>IM TaK)f(e Heo6xo.l(HMO 61,mo rOTOBHTb

TepcKyIO OT'ieTHOCTE,. Ol>IJIO 38Ka38HO H H3rQTOBJ1eHO OKOJIO 25.30 neqaTeit rio =non npwnrne . 0 CKaJan.. KaI<He H3 HlIX H fo,IJIH H3rOTOBJ1CHbl B H8CTOsiwee epeMx HeB0'.3M0)l(HO.

e H3f0TOBJICHHJI netJaTH 000 <cMaxaom>, 000 «Ilap¢cHHOH» H 000 «PHJOHll» HaXolllrnHCE, B · 1<0Mmunm <!>aiiepcroyH ,[(aHKeH. f eHepanbHt,Ie ,IUipeKropa 1<a:>K,noi1: R3 KOMnaHHil, AY611HJ<an1 'id KOTOpblX 6:E,UIH H3TOTOBJICHhl, H3.[laJIH npHKa3bI O Haqane HCflOJll,30BaHH.H HOBldX ne11areit

aHHf,le np:UKalbl 61,urn llOCTRBJICIIbI B O(pHC KOMil8HHH cl>auepCTO}'H .l(aHKeH Kyp1>epCKOH · oli nocTaBKH, cKopee acero DHL.

oc cne.noBaTerrs: MO)l(eTe nH B:i,1 npe.uocTaBHTb npHK33bI or .zrnpeKTopoa 06 H3rOTOBJieHHH

m<aroB net1aTef:1?

• 51 B HaCTOHll.lHH MOMCHT He Mory, T.K. He 3Hal0 OHH, HO ec KTOpaMH KOM!l8HHil H LIOK)'MeHThl 6y11.yT npe,D.OCTaBJICHbI.

H Heo6xo.zu-1M1:,1" CBSDK)'Cb

·. OllieHHH 06cT01tTeJII,CTB, npH KOTOpl>IX MHe CTIUIO H3Be O O TOM, qTo 000 «napcpemmm>, «PH.ll3HW> H 000 <<MaxaoH» OI,IJIH noxHmeHbI y MX JaKOHH'&IX BJia,neJILUeB Mory IlOK838Th

mee. B513H C TeM. qro <I>aHepcTOyH ,UaHKeH (CHAil3c) JlHMHTe.n ocymecnmmo !OpH~H'tlCCKOe H

pcKoe conpono,K.zieHHe )leuen&HoCTH 000 «ITap<J?em:ioa», 000 «PHII3H.D.» H 000 aoH», npe.ncTBBITTenH <I>a.HepcToyH ,l:laHKeH (CHAit3c) lIHMHTe.[( nepHO)l.HqeCKH npoeepRJIH H

H BClO KOppecnOH,l(CHUHJO npHXOJl.llUlYlO B au.pee n1,1weyKaJ8HHbIX o6mecTB. B cepe;:c.HHe H 2007 rrpH o1iepe.attoH nposepKe KoppecnoH.aemtHH, KOTOpa.SI ttanpas.mmac:E. Ha qecKHe a.i:tpeca CTapon.HMeHOBCKHf.i nep., n. 13 c1p. 2, 6-A 3Ta)K H MocKBa, yn. 06p3auosa, 11 • . 9, no K0Top1,1M 3aperHcT1mpoBaH&I 000 «DapcpemrnH», 000 «Pmmm>> H 000 «MaxaoH»,

CHHJIOCb, 'ITO Ha a.n.pec n CTaponHMeHOBCKOM nepeynKe 6bmH .llOCTBBJieHbl HeCKOJlbKO IlHCeM, a

. l,IX H8XO.l{HJ1HCb cy.ne6H&Ie onpe,lleneHH.SI O Ha3HaqeHHH Apfanpa>KHbJM cy.uoM ropo,na CaHKT­···1- 'p5ypra H fleHHHrpa,!J.CKoii o6nacTH cyne6m,1x Jace.naHHii: no HCKaM 3AO «Jloroc nmoc», a


e xomrn caMHX HCKoe, npe.zn,j!BneHHhIX 000 «napgieHHOH», 000 «Pnn:m.n;» H 000 · axaoH». 3ro BbLB.CRHn~..J.6..J}Krn6~~- _2007 }fa JTHX. nHceM, a Ta10Ke H3 HH(iJopMSUHH,

-.. Topyio SI s TOT )Ke neHh -~on}"iHII -;~-caih~:" ~yiia:,-iiiie cTaJio HJBecTHo, 'ti.To 3AO «Jioroc ITmoc» 0-~o HCl<li Ha cyMMLI OT HeCKOflbKHX MHRRHOHOB /J,O no'ITH .nsyx. MHmrnap.noB py6neK K

• aHRblM KOMilRHH.SIM, CC:E.JJiaSIC'b Ha HK06bl 38.l<mO'leHHI.Ie ID\tlrlt'O[OBOpbI IlOCTaBKH UCHHMX. 6yMar 05 ro.ny, npu~eM no HeKOTOpbIM HCK8M K TOMY BpeMeHH 6'hmH }')Ke npHH.SITbl pemeHHX, B TOM

-'·" rre o B3bicKaHHH B nom,3y 3AO «Jloroc Tin10c» 1,7 M}{Jl.JlHap.AoB py6nefi c 000 «Maxaoa» n 7,5 ,.~~~lmap,[(OB py6neli c 000 «PHJIJH.A».

fftte .0.0ClBTOt.fHO xopomo 6bIJI8 H3BeCTHa .newreJioHOCTl, Bcex Tpex KOMilllHHH, O,llHRKO 51 HH'Iero He

I.Han 06 w:. ornornemrn:x c 3AO «Jloroc Dmoc», no3TOMY MHe 61,mo yw,nuiTem,Ho y3HaT.E. o TOM, 'tffo

G:ija·1<0MnaHH.8 npe.z:n,xaHna TRKHe O~OMHE.Ie HCKH. KpoMe TOTO, Cpa3y )f(e BbLSICHHnoc1:,, ~no'tra H

l~~eCMOTpCHMe yKa3aHHLIX HCKOB CBfr3aHO C MOUieHHHllCCKHMH ].{eifoTBMm .. m, IlOCKOJlbt<y, KaK

f~1~:it0Bano H3 peureuHH Ap6HTpaiKHoro CaHKT-Ilerep6ypra H JieHHJirpa.IlcKoil o6~acxu t9r· 3 H 7 ceHrn6pR 2007 ro.u.a, B 3aceJiaHI1flX 3Toro cyna yttacrnosam1 npe.ncntBH.Tenh: OQ.0 ~<<Maxaom> Ma.topoBa IO.M. H npe.ncraaHTem, 000 «PHmHJJ)> IlnBnoB A.A., KOTOphie tipe)le,~~~nn 'l!onepeHHoCTH oT yKa3aHHbIX o6mecrs, ,Z\arnpoBaHHbie 24 asrycrn 2007 3To 03Haqancs;· trio

·.noBepeHHOCTH 6I,IJIH no.DJleJ1bHhlM.1'l, T8K KaK ne'tJaTH o6w.ecTB 6bmH H3bHTbl 1'~~0,iUIJIHCh B fCY npH' fYBJJ. no ropO.llY Moci<Be. ....~.


Page 23: Record of evidence N2 1. 2. · 2020. 5. 19. · Record of evidence Moscow (place of issue) October 18, 2006 Interrogation started at 10:00 Interrogation finished at 10:55 Investigator

.H cpny :>Ke coo6uum 06 3THX .uoKyMeHTaX H cse.aeHHHX l..lepKacoBy H:.C. 11: KrieRHepy Br. -pa6one'f · -~- pa60Ta11 B TOT nepHO.lI, B non,noHCKOM oqmce KOMnaHHH 3pMHTcDK KJmrran. 0HY 6blJIH -

[B03MymeHhl H nonpocrum HeMc.n.neHHO nonyqHTL BblIIHCKH H3 EfPIOn . B OTHOllieHHH OOQ 1 ~~<I(aMe.ID>, 000 «TiapclieHHOH», 000 «Pim:m.n» H 000 «MaxaOH>) H HCKOTOporx .11pyrnx KOMnamdt :a,m 81,HIHCKH 6I.mH IlOJIYtieHbl 18 0Kn!6p$1 2008 ro.11a H HJ HHX cneJIOBanO, lft'O 000 «llaM)CHHOH»t

);QO «Pnn3H.ll» H 000 «Maxaom> 11 ceHT$l6p$1 2007 H 20 cearn5pR: 2007 ro.aa 6MJil{

. '-~p;:penic-rpHpOB8Hbl no HOB&IM IOpHJ{H'teCJ<HM a,r,.pecaM B r. MocKee. HoBI,IM e)lHHCTBeHHhIM

ii ·~agrHHKOM, B3aMeH JaKOHHblX KlmpCKHX yqaCTHHKOB, OK33a.Jl0C.b 3aperHCTpHp0B3HO HeKoe 000 : OH» HJ KaJaHH. HoBI,IMH rettepam,HhJMH JJ.HpeKTOpaMH 61,IJIH H83Ha'l!eHl,I: B 000 «MaxaoH»

HHKOB B.r., e 000 ccTiapclJeHHOU» Map1<enoa B.A. e 000 «PHn3H.ll.» Kypo'llKHH B.H. 6num 06 yicaJaHHbIX o6cT0$1TeJIE,CTBax qepKacoBy 11.C. H KneffHepy B.r. 0HH no.l{rnep.rnum

. 0 HHKaKHX c.a.eJtOK C JlORHMH lJ KOMil0.ffffjJX HX KHrtpCKHe riacTIIHKH He COBeplllaJlH, llHKDKHX IX .UHpeKTOpOB He Ha3HaqHmf, peweHHH 06 H3MeHeHHH a.npecoB HJIH yqJ)C,!J;HTCJIE,HbIX ;, eHTOB He npHHHMaJIH. .IJ:1rn Toro, 'IT06bI BblflCHHTb, KTO npoH3BeJI He3aKOHHYIO

.. erncTpaUHlO KOMnaHHii, nonpocHnH MeH5{ oprBHHJOBaTI:, nonyqeHHe H3 HanorOBhlX HHCneKUJili H 15, nomtcHI,I CTOJITb Ha HaJIOTOBOM y1.nrre 000 «I1apq>eHHOH», 000 ((PHn3H.l{» H 000 . OH», H H3 HanoroBbIX HHCnelCl{HH .N!! 25 H N~ 28, Kyna OHH 6bmH HC3a1COHHO nepeBe.a.eHbI,


,)Ke .llCHb, 18 OKTst6pJt 2008 rona, MHe 6b1JIH nocTaBJICHl,l IIHCbMa c cy)le6m.IMH orrpe.neneRH.IIMH OBLJMH 38JIBJieHH~MH, a.a.pecOB8HHble Hayn. 05p:rnu.oea, Jl. 19, crp. 9, aHanornt{Hble TCM, 'ITO

. nonY1IeHhl 16 OKTJ16pH 2008 ro.n:a H3 no'iToaoro OTJleneHHH, o6cny)l(HBaromero a.npec: ~a, C1aponHMeHOBCKHH nep., .a. 13 crp. 2, 6-it :na}](.

)Ke a npoBepHJI Ha caf:tTe <I>HC P<I> a.Ilpeca, Ha KOTop1,1e 61,um nepeperncrpHpoBainu TJ)H

ma, OK838JIOCb, "!TO :HO a.a:peca MaCCOBOH perncrpau,HH, no KOTOp:&IM JapernCTpHpoBaHO 30 H

raHH3aUHH .

. p» 2008 HJ Mct>HC N~ 25 nor. MocKse 6blna nony'leHa KOnHJ! ycrnna 000 «P1m:m.u», .. eHHM 09.09.2007 ro)la 000 «IlnyTOH)). flpH paCCMOTpeHRH TeKCTa 3TOH KOilHH CTaJIO

,'ITO OH nonHOCT&lO H)lCHTH"IeH TeKCTY npeJJ.b!Jl)'lU.CH pe.n.aKUHH ycTaBa 000 «PHJ13HA»,

rn xpaHHnc51 B 3neKTpOHHOM BH.lle Ha KOMilblOTepax, H31,RTE.IX 8 06hlCKa B q>HnHane

.CTOYH .[(aHKeH (CHAtt3c) Jlm.une.n, o tteM .R yno:t.rnHyJI Bhlllle.

C cne.11oearen.s1: 'iTO B:&I MomeTe no~CHHTb JTO ITOBOJly .[{OBepeHHOCTeit BbIIlliC3HHLIX OT HMeHH ! «Ilap¢eHHOH», 000 «PH.t13H.n.>> H. 000 «MaxaoH» a.usoKaTY Xauper.rurnosy 3.M. oT

.2007? , : B OTHOWeHHH ,llOBepeHHOCTeti, BbI.QaHH&lX OT HMeHH 000 «Tiap<peHHOH», 000 «PH.n3H.U» H

;}«MaxaoH» a.aBoKaT)' XaiipeTJl.HHoey 3.M. Mory rroxcHHTL cneJJ,y10mee. ~~6pR 2007 ro.n.a, BO BTOpHHK, CT8.11.0 HJBeCTHO 06 HCKax, npe,ll'b.RBfiCHHI,DC 000 «TiapclJeHROH»,

.·ll'l() «PHJIJH.O.» n 000 <<MaxaoH» e Ap6nTproKHbIH cy.u ropo.,Zla Camcr-ne-rep6ypra "

.(.~rpa.ncKOH o6nacTH. KpoMe TOro, crano H3BCCTHO, 'ITO 6nmKaiiwee 3ace.naHHC cy)la no ODHOMY Jt~.n. 6&mo HBJHal.jeHo Ha yTpo 22 olCrn6pH 2007 ro.rta, TO ecT.& ua nm1e.nem,HHK cne,nyromei'i

{f~~H. B CB~3H C 3THM B03HHKJia cpo1.mru1 He06XOllHMOC1'b ornpaBRTh npe,llCTiiBHTenJI Ha 3TO

CC~{tHHe. TIOCKOR&Ky BABOICBT XaiipeT.ltHHOB 3.M. y'/Ke K TOMY BpeMeHH npe,llCTaBmUl HHTepeCbI

. amHoro .ltHpeKTopa 000 «KaMe~m lJepKacoaa H.C., nocnenHH~ n.oroeopHnca c HHM, tIT061,1 .I(aT npenctaarurn ttHTepecbl H 3THX Tpex KOMilaHHH, a HMeHHO 000 «TiapctieHHOH», 000

,ij:ii.P~H.ll» H 000 «MaxaoH». 17 oKrn6pjl 2007 rona lJcpKacoa coo5urnn MHe o TOM, 1ITO

~liepanbHE.le llHpeKropa . :ITHX rpex KOMnaHJI:H non PeHtI 'H MapTHH YmICOH IIO)lllHCanH

.Ao)epeHHOCTH " HanpaeHJIH nx Ha a.npec ctrnmrnna <I>aHpcroyH ,UaHKeH (CHAii3c) flHMHTCJl B

{lrf9cKBe Kyp1,epcKoH cny>1<6011 DHL. Y MeH.R coxpamrnaci, KOllHSI KBHTaHUHH N2 395 1055 102 K

·wi~.ery OHL, KOTOpblM 6bIJIH HanpaBJICHbl JlOBepeHHOCTH. B KBr1TaHUHH yKa:rnHO, 'iTO JlOKyMeHTbI

_,6f1iili ompasnem,1 17 0KT.st6pS1 2007 ro,Zla c ocTpoaa repHcr1, ompaB.HTeneM yKa.JaH M. YrurcoH)

_tHSBC Management (GCY). Komur KBHT8Hl..(MH n c11y,.1ae tteo6xo.uHMOCTH 6y.neT npe.uocnrBJietta. : ~ ll)'MafO, t:JTO npoeKTI,I TeKCTOB )l.OBepeHHOCTeii Ha aa.soKaTa XaHpeTllHHOBa 3.M. 61,mH

}10.ilfOTOBilClibl KneHHepoM B.A.) t.IepKaCOBblM H.C. HJIH HHhTMH pyCCKOrOB0p$lW.HMH COTPYJJ.HHJ<aMn

·}~uca, nepenpae11eHhJ HMH nony P3H4Y H MapTHHY YHJICOHY, no.nnHcaH!.l nocne.nHHMH H

:ompaeneHI,I H.MH Ha a..npec <t>anepCTOYH .L(atiKeH B MocKBe. Doc11e TOf'O, KaK JlOBepeHHOCTH,


Page 24: Record of evidence N2 1. 2. · 2020. 5. 19. · Record of evidence Moscow (place of issue) October 18, 2006 Interrogation started at 10:00 Interrogation finished at 10:55 Investigator

6&UIH CKpenneHbl ne~aTXMH-.uy6nHKaTa.MH H3fOTOBneHHI:,IMH nocne li31,SlffiH'

nel.faTeH, Xp8HHBI1IHMHCH B oqrnce <I>aftepcTOyH )laHKeH, H nepe.nam,1 a,t:tBOI<aTy

HOBY 3.M. B HaCTO.HJ.nee BpeWI yrnep)KJlaTL •no-TO 6oJiee KOHKpeTHOe C.JIO)KHO no " HH BpeMeHH, HO 06:&NHO .llOK)'MeH'J:bI, no.n.m1caHm,1e .zurpeKTopaMu KOMilaHtdt B 2007 -~r1 ax o<i,iopwrnnHcb HMeHHO TaKHM o6pa30M. "f » e )'BCpeH B TOM, 'ITO ,AOEepeHHOCTH B.UBOKaTy XaiipeTD.HHOBy 3.M., .nanrpoBaHH:&Je 17 1007 ro,na, BM,naHHoie oT HMeHH 000 «DapqieHHotrn, 000 «PHmHJI» H 000 «Maxaom>, ,IUIHCaHE,r ITonoM PeHqeM H MapTHHOM YHflCOHOM Ha OCTpOBe repHCH, IlOTOMY "tJTO )TO

·)K![aem1 KBHTaHUHeli K naKery DHL N2 3951055102 OT 17 oKn:6p$l 2007,

. HOMY C OCTpOBa repHCH. KpoMe TOfO, Ha KBHTaHI.t.HH YK83aHO, 'ITO ompaBHreneM

OJJ.HH H3 JlHpenopos, a HMCHHO M. YttncoH, c repHcH )Ke 061>ItfHO Tax)Ke OHL nocryrrrurn J.{OK)'MeHThl, no.n.nHcallHble MapTHHOM YHJICOHOM H TioJIOM PeH"'leM. 06:&fCIHO muceT1,I HCH .llOCTaBJI.!IIOTC8 B MocKBY Ha cne.uy10mttf.i .u.em, nocne oTnpaaneHH.ff rum 11epe3 }leHI,.

CTH 6wrn COCTa.BneHI,J Ha pyccKOM Si3bIKe., Ka.IC SI IIOHHMaIO, )Ulj[ Toro, 'IT06:E:.I He -rpanin illCYrapHaTibHOe Y~OCTOBepeHHe nepeBO.lla C aHrIIHHCKoro 1!3bIKa. KpoMe Toro, ,ll.OBepeHHOCTH

l OT HMeHH poccHHCKHX KOMilaHHR, KOT0p1,1e 06R3aHI,l .nenonpOH3BOJlCTBO BeCTH HR


,ram1erc.H cp~CTBOM, 3aMeHJIIOIUHM 11era1H3auHIO HHOCTJ)aHHE.lX ocl>HllHaJII,HI,IX OB. J"{oBcpeHHOCTH $lBID110TC11 KOMMeptJCCKHMH, a He oqmUHanI,Hl>lMH .llOK}'MeHT8MH,

6soaTenI>HoM neranH3aUHH HJIH noinaep>K,Aemu1. anocTHneM He TpC6y10T •


01m16pe 2007 rona netia-rn xpaHunHcb y Memr, TaK KaK 11MeHHO e OKTXffpe I<Wl H uanoroBruJ OT'leTRocr:i:. 3a 3 KBapnn, a KOMII8HHSI <I>ai:i:epcroyu ,llanKeH no.a:aBana OCTh HMeHHO B 3TO epeMSI:.

b, 6nmH IlO)lilMcaHbl YKB38HH&Je l{OBepeHHOCTH, .H He Mory, HO, cy}VI no BCeM)',

no.nmicaH:&r 17 oICn16p11 2007 ro)la H B TOT >Ke neH:& 6hIJIH ompaune OCKBY, 'ITO

aerc.11 K13HTaumieH DHL N2 3951055102 OT 17 oKT.H6ps 2007 roJJ.a. H J{eKa6pe 2007 rona K cne.uoeaTemo Kapnoay IT.A. e3.Lllm HecKo E>K pa.3 ape,n.cTaBHTem,

oyx ,UauKeH (CHAtt3c) flHMHTe.n Emrn BJO. KornpoMy Kapnoe BbY.nanan .uoKYMCBThI H KOT0p1,1e 61,mH Hl1>11n1 B 061>1cKa 04 HIOHJl 2007 Co cnoB EnnHa B.IO. MHe , tfl'O Kapnoe TI.A. 6:bur TOT0°B BbI,ZJ.aTh TaKme llOKyMeHT&T H neqaTK 000 «IlapcpeHHOH», .H.l13H.D.» H 000 «MaxaoH», o,llHaKo KnenHep B.f. H l.JepKacon 0:.C. npocHJIH ne"liaTII y ,. He norrytJaTI. AO pa3pernett1u1. eonpoca o so36y)KJlemrn yronOBKoro JJ.ena no 4>aKTaM


JlhCTBaX H JJ.OBepeHHOCT.HX, a JIOKYMCHTI,J non)"laTE, -rom,Ko no.n no.npo5Hyio OilHCI, c

ICroK.llOfO aepel(asaeMoro ,noKyMCHTa. B pe3YJJbT8Te 3TH ne"'laTH H JlOK)'MCHTbl OCTa.JlHCh y TI.A. Y Hero il:<e OCTaJJI-ICb H H:H,HT&Ie B XO.ll.C 06:E,tcKa KOMD~IOTep&I, KOT0p1>1e OH CHalfana

fOTOB 61,m OT,D.8Tb, HO ncrroM, CCI:,UlcUICb Ha HC06XO,!UiMOCTb HX nepe,ua1.m B Ka"l!eCTUe

HHI,IX )lOJ<a3aTCnhCTB, MH paccne.u..oBaHH.R ):\enaNQ 374015, BbllJ.8Tb on.:a3anC.8.

5 JCHBaJlll 2008 ro.11.a co MHOH no Teneq>oHy cB.K3MCK KneiiHep B.r. OH e1,1cKa.1an onaceHHe

o 1rn:ua, ocy~ecTBHBlllHe HeJaKOHHytO 11epepernCTpau1uo 000 «Ilap4'eHHOH»1 000 H 000 <<MaxaoH», MOryT nom,ITaTbCjj JlHKBH.l{HpoBaTb 3TH KOMnamm, 1tT06@ B H YHH'iTO>KHTh ,llOKyMeHT!,.I, H306JIHllaJOutHe HX, H nonpoc1m Mem1 3aKB3aTb BL1IlHCKH H3

'l!06!d nposepHTb, He JlH KOMnaHHH B CT8..UHH nHKBHJ1,a1tHH. JI npoeepHJI CTazyc

~ Ha cat:iTe ct>HC P<l> H BhlRCHHn, 'ITO 09 HnH 14 .slHBapsi 2008 61:,um: no}laHbl Ha BHeCeHHe H3MeHeHHH B y-qpe,llHTCJibHble JI.OKyMeHT:&I acex Tpex KOMilaIIHH. 06 3TOM jl

TeJibHO coo6m.r1n K.rreltHepy B.r., nocne qero no era rrpoc:&6e nonpocHn icyp1,epoa y, 3a&Jueea H raBpHKOBa 3RKa3aTb BblilHCKI{ H KOilHH yqpe.aHTeJU,HbIX JJ;OKy-MeHTOB Bcex

MllBHHit Hcl>HC N2 25 17 J:iHBap,:i: 2008 ro.D.a ITHChMOM 06-05/90 coo6uuma, '"!TO He Mo)KeT .,~Im, KOIDIH y'ipeAHTenI>HI,IX no1<yMeHTOB, IIOCKOJihKy penlCTJ)a.I.t.HOHHOe }lCJIO 000 ~.Hll» 6@no HJbRTO CO npH YB)]; no .Uamrnoec1<0My panoHy IOAO r. MocKBbt no yronoBHOMY

225589. KaK MHe ITOTOM CTaJIO H3BeCTHO OT a.rlBOI<BTa XatipeT,.!l.HHOBa 3.M., 3TO yroJIOBHOe

Lrno B036y>K.ueno 110 3a.slnrremno o.nHoro H3 noncTaBHhIX .llHpeKTopoa. Ha.3HaqeHHI>IX mn.1,aMH,

BWHMH ipli 3THX KOMnamm, np111,1eM 30S!B11emte 5rK06bI 61,mo O TOM, 'iTO KTO-TO ITLITaeTC.8:

• . . Ho H3MeHHTb aJJ.PeC KOMTiaHHH: H IlOXH:THTb ee Tenepb Y)Ke y Hero, HOBOro .ll,!ipeKTopa. MHe ~~Jl.lietcsr BeCbMa CTpaHHhIM TO, lJTO, KaK MHe CTaIIO H3BeCTHO 113 nonylf:eHHhlX enocne,l\CTBHH

,lift 11E.lnHcoK EfPIOJI, nepeperncTpamu1. 000 <CPHmH.n>> no HOBOMY ~pecy npOH.30W,lJa-l()m,Ko


Page 25: Record of evidence N2 1. 2. · 2020. 5. 19. · Record of evidence Moscow (place of issue) October 18, 2006 Interrogation started at 10:00 Interrogation finished at 10:55 Investigator

~., pl! 2008, a ew.e .il.O TOro, KaK :no CII)'tiHnOCI, niKe-pyKOBO.!lHTJII, 000 «PHJI3Hll» y>K~

:.noM, ycae11 HanHcan 3fillBJieHHe o B036yJKneHHH yronoeHoro .r.cena no 3TOMy 4>aKzy, CO ~r~ rro J(aHHJIOBCKOMY paitoHy ycnena TaKOe yro!IOBHoe Deno B036y!lHTh H H3l>HTh no HeMy l~ {

01. B M<I>HC N2 28, B KoTopyio 3a e1,mHcKaMH m ErPIOn 06panumc1, 25 JIHBap,i 2008,t'-"" B006we OTKll3I,IBailaCh DpHHHMar1, 3aJIBJTeHHR, H TOJibKO flOC!le HaCTOi:t'iHBbIX npoc1,6 30

• rnaCHJtacz. npHHHTI, 3WIB.TieHHJI, a 31 ,rneap,1 Bhr.aana nHChMa 6e3 HOMepoB H 6e3 Ll3T O TOM,

. «MaxaoH» H 000 «IIapq>eHHOH» Ha y,-reTe B m1cneKIJ;HH ne COCTOSIT.

N!! 46, Ky.Ila TaKme o6paw.amicL Ja BhlnHCKa.MH 22 ,mBapR 2008, OTKll3anac1,

Th 381IBJ1eHHS! H8 me Bhlllaqy, MOTHBHpoeae OTKS3 TeM, 'iTO HeJBJlOJirO JlO :noro 6I,InH

\• apoBaHbI H3MeHeHHR B )"Ipe.llHTCflbHLie JlOKyMeHThl. acex -rpex KOMil8HHt.i.

MeHee, OT HHcneKTopa M<I>HC N2 28 <I>uniinna AneKceeBHtJa CTano HJBecnrn. qTo B r. HoeoqepKBCCK POCTOBCKOH 0611aCTH. .5I nonpocHn 3HaKOMOro MHe IOpHCTaKb)K~o:aa. >KHBaioiiiero B PocTOBe-Ha-)loHy, noJJy'l!HTh BJ,IfiHCKH H3 MeJKpaHOHHOH HHCneKJ.{HB-.<l>MC.

PoCTOBCKOti 0611acrn:, 5omH nepeae.neHbl ace TPH KOMnaHHH. 3To Ko)Kyxosy C.lleJl8Tb

Cb HJ-3a Toro, ~TO, no ero cnosaM, BHaqane .nomKHOCTHble J1HU8 HHcneICIIHll He3aKOHRO

t l:!T06hl y Hero 61,mH .noeepeHHOCTH OT ecex -rpex KOMl!aHHH, nOTOM, KOr;la TIU<He

'ocTH OH nonyqm1, BbmHCKH BbtnaBaTL OTK83hlBanHCh 6e3 ofu.HCHeHHff npH'lHH. KmKyxoB ·peurnTL eonpoc c nonyqeHHeM s1,mncoK qepe3 Ynpaimettue <I>HC no PoCTOBCKott o6nacra,

TaM AeHCTBHH M11rl>HC N213, HaCKom,Ko MHe H3Becrno. YnprumeHHe .llaJIO MH<l>HC aHHe BbUlaTb BbJfiHCKH, OllH8KO 3TO YKa.38HHe Ta.K H He 61,mo BE.momieno.

Mapra 2008 OT Knefu{epa B.r. MHe CTMO H3BeCTHO, 'ITO OH o6aapy>KHJI Ha caihe <l>HC "\ opM8UHIO O TOM, 'iTO see TpH o6ll.lecTB8 07 Map-ra '1008 CHOBa 6bIJlH crpHpOBaHh!, B peJynE.taTe lfero B peecTpe nmlBHilHCb 3anHCH O TOM, 'ITO B HHX 6blJI

HOBblii lUlpeKTop. ~T~~~a PHMMa MHX8HJIOBHa, HOBbIH Ylf8CTHHK KOMnaHHH KoMnaHIDI Cl1CTEMC JIT)]." H see TpH KOMnaHHH 6bmH nepeae.a:ett1,1 B XHMKH.

· 2008 ro)la j'[ opra11HJOBaJ1 no)la1:1y 3anpocos Ha no.11),qeHHe BI,InHCoK HJ Me)l(paifoHeott g <l>eitepam,Hoil Hanorosoa CJiy:JK5bI N2 13 no MoCKOBCKOH 06.naCTH, O}J.HaKO BI:.mHCKH

He y.n.anoch, TaK KaK HHCneKUH.R OTBCTHJla, qTo perncTpaUHOHHOe lleJIO eme He


2008 B o<trnc <l)afiepcTOyH ,UaHKeH (CHAii3c) JIHMHTeA 61,ma .nocTRBJieHa noBecTICa o e Ha .nonpoc K cne,ZioBaTemo cq npH fY MBJl P<l> no U<I>O Ey.uHno H.H . .zutpeKTopoB 000 'eHHoH», 000 «PumH.Il» H 000 «MaxaoH>) PeHqa H YHncoHa, a Ta10Ke p.RJJ.a nHu,

HHll8BWHX C YKa3aHHbIMH KOMnaHHSlMH H <l>awepCTOYH )J.aHKCH (CHAH3c} TIIDdHTeJl. C 02 2008 ro)J)l aHanOrH'lHblC noBeCTKH CT!l.TIH nocrynaTb Ha .UOMaWHHe a.r1.peca YJC83RHHbIX m1u,

rroBecnrn, AaTHpOBaHHbie 02 anpe.1u1 2008 ro,ZJ.a, see no.nrrHcaHbl He cne.uosareneM, a

llOBbD.l A.K. : B KOHUe Mapta 2008 5l 03HaKOMHflCJJ C KOmrnMH MaTepmmoe ap5mpIDKHblX )leJJ, r,1e BeJIHCh H npo.n.omKa10T BeCTHCb npontB 000 «Ilapli>eHHOH>), 000 «PHn:m.ll» H 000 : . H», a TaK)Ke RX .ueiiCTBHTCJlbHbTX ytraCTHHKOB, KOMnaHHii Ko He Xon}lHHrJ JlHMHTe.n H

pa Xon.nHHf'.3 flHMHTe~ B ap6HTpIDI<Hbrx cy.nax a MocKee H Ka.3aHH. fu }'KaJaHHbIX

3JIOB r-me CTIUIO K3BeCTHO, 'ITO ewe 02 HIOml 2007 rona HeKHM nonOBl,IM BJ(. c

OBatmeM, KaK SI npeimoJiarmo, cpa.'lblIIUBblX ne~aTeli YlCaJaHHblX HHOCTpaHHblX KOMIUUIHH OT

·• CHH Obi.II no.naH HCK, B pe3ynbTare paccMoTpCHHjl KOTOporo cy .QOM 61,JJIO npHHSITO

)l:eJJeHlie, KOTOpblM Ha OCHOBe P.Cll:!..~!!!ilLT~eucxoro npH 000 .<<t(eTOKC» OT 15 HlOH.11 ron.a N2 12 npH3HaHO npaBO 000 <<IlnyTOH» Ha 100% JIOJlH B yCTaBHbIX Kamrrarrax 000

~emmH», 000 <<PHn:mn:)) H 000 «MaxaOH>) H BbJ,naH HCnOJIHHTefibHblH IlHCT.

pem1 2008 ro.r{a B r3.3eTC «KOMMepcaHTh» 61:,ma ony6nnKOB8Ha CTaTb51, B KOTOpOH co CCbIJIKOH

paoooxpaHHTeJlbHbte opraHEJ coo6wanoc1,, 'f.TO 000 <cnap¢eHHOH», 000 «PHn3H.ll» H 000 . aom> i!K06bI HCil0Jih30BaJ1UCh B «cxeMaX yxo.aa OT Hanoroe» l1 'ITO no JTHM (j>ai<TBM 6blJIH

Y>KlleHE,J · yronoBHbJe .D.e.11a. .~ BcKope MHOrHM MOHM 3HaKOMhJM, lfbH qlaMHJlHH MOrmt

MHHaTbC5!. B )lOBepeHHOCTRX, BbL!l8HHbIX YK83aHHblMH KOMnaHHRMH, HaYaJIH nocTynaTI, nosecnrn 30BaMH Ha .11.onpoc K cne.!J.OBaTemo ClJ ry MB.U Pocc1-m no U<I>O 6y.nHrro H.H. Bee 3TH

ecTKH 6hlJTH BhlOHCaHbl 02 anpemr 2008 no.nnOJ1KOBHHKOM Ky3HeUOBbIM AK. Ha 6.,aHKax

r~ I1 fYBJJ: nor. MocKBe H c1<penneHhI rreqan,10 3TOro y~peJ1(.!leHHJ1. Cy.ll.H no HOMepaM noeecroK,

~?TOp1,1e JI BUJJ.eJI, acero 6bTJIO BhlCTHCaHO OKOJJO 15 Tal<HX noBeCTO((. Mtte HJBeCTHO, tITO ~fie11oaarem, Sy;::umo H.H. npoBen .uonpoc&1 HecKOJlhKHX 1111u, BhnnaHH1>1x 3Tl1MH noeecn::aMH, a :~OTOM .nonpOCbl npe1<paTHJIHCE, B CBR3H C TeM, YTO VfOJlODHOe neJJo 6w10 UCTnP.finR~Hn rl( MR n Prfl


Page 26: Record of evidence N2 1. 2. · 2020. 5. 19. · Record of evidence Moscow (place of issue) October 18, 2006 Interrogation started at 10:00 Interrogation finished at 10:55 Investigator

· ·. TaKJKe H3Becmo, •no KOMUaHHSl "Ii0Hfll1 CHCTEMC flT.Q", »mepecbl xoropoii nJi .eHHOCTH npe.nCTaBmter aJIBOKBT HHxdnaea·'IO.H., KOTOprui: He38KOHHO IIpH06pena y 000 qd~­; OH» .nom.f B 000 «ITapq>eHHOH», 000 «PHJI3H,lJ,)) H 000 «MaxaoH», HeMeI'!J'ICHHO nocne-1-0) peTeHH$1 no.nana HCK a Ap6HTpaJKHI,IH cy.u KaJaHH, Tpe6yR npH3ttaTh ·.l{orosop Me)Kllf V HHHMH

11Boi1m1 CMCTEMC JITJJ." H 000 «nnyTOH» He,lleikTBHTeJU,HLIM. KOMilaHRJI

Jill Cl1CTEMC nTJ(" TaK)l(e 'fJ)e6yeT npH3Han, He)leHCTBHTem,HbIM .z:r;oroeopfil McJKµy 000 OH» li KoHe XOJJ.LlHHf:3 J1HMHTe..Q, Ha KOTOpE.Ie 000 «IlnyroH» HK06M CCEJJiae'l"CH, KaJC Ha aHHH npH06peTemu1 L(OJiett B 000 «ITapq,eHHOH», 000 (<PHn3HlI» H 000 <<MaxaoH». 3TO

BIDreTC11 MHe BeCF:.Ma CTpaHHb1M, TIOCKOJU,K)', KaK MHe yJ1anoc1:, BE.UICHHTh, caMa KOMilaHHSl Cl1CTEMC JIT,[(" 6Mna B crmcxe J<OMnaHHH, npell]IaraeMI.IX K>Ke noCTaJ3IUHI<OM

9pm,1X KOMnamdt G.S.L. Law & Consulting (r. MocKBa, y11. KpacHaa I1pecHJ1, 24, .nenoBoii

. ceJU,Moi{ :na)i(. Ten. 234-3833) Ha c-rpaHHUe eme 26 $lHBapa

AA, TO ec-n, shlrm,.nHT rnx, "lf.TO KoMnaHH5l "EOMM CI1CTEMC JJTJ:{" 6Mna npHo6peTCHa

cneUHa.JILHO .11J1$1 coeepweHHH 08 q>eBpwrn 2008 ro.Qa C.lleJJKH c LCOJUIMH 000 «Ilap4>eHIIOH», «P1m3H,n» H 000 <(MaxaoH». To, ~o y)l(e 13 4leepam1 2008 ro)la, TO ecTL Ha "IpCTHff pa601JHH ocne 3aKJilOqeHHOH c.uenKH, "BO.RJII1 Cl1CTEMC JITJJ;" no.nana HCK B apforrpa>KHI,IH cy.u a

YKaJblBaeT Ha TO, 'tTO, B03MO)KHO, Ca.MO npHo6peTeHHe .llOJiett 000 «Ilap4>eHHOH». 000 > H 000 «MaxaoH>> 6omo COBeprneHo TOnl,KO 11mn1, .un5l roro, tJT06&1 HeMe,nneHHo

OBaTh npe.ui;mynure c.uemrn, TaK KRK npe.n.crnBmleTCJI MaJIOBCpOSlTHblM, •no 3a CTOJlb KOpOTICHH ,EOAJIM CMCTEMC JIT)J;" Morna He TOJibKO Y3Hani HeJaKOHHOCTH npHo6peteHIDl KOMnBHHR

<<Ilnyron», HO H HRHHTb a,ll,BOKaTa, rro.nroTOBHTh HCKOBOe 3ru1eneHHe H no.nan ero B .upyrOM

;. B KaHuenRpiuo cy;:ta. Bee 3TO s1,1rmi:JUiT TaK, KBK ecrrH 6:c1 "EOttnM CHCTEMC JITA" . erana KOMila.HHH y 000 «Tinyrcrn» nocne TOro, K8K O XH~eHHR KOMITRHl!I{ CTWIO H3BeCTHO Jn:eJU,HbIM co6CTBeRHHKaM, TOIU,KO C uenbIO opra.Hli30BaTI, qepe3 cy.n nepeperncTJ)auHIO eHHblX K0Mfl8HHH o6paTHO Ha KoHe Xo.n.rtHHr3 JlHMHTe.n H rneH.nopa XoJ1,r(HHI'3 1IHMHTe,U, .see BI>JrJI.R.lieno TaK, KaK ecnH XHlUeHRR He fo,mo, HnH KaK ec1111 61,1 ymep6 JJ,eitCTBHTeJILHF:.IM

eHHHKaM ae 6@n HaHeCeH. B nom,3y :noro roBopHT H TO, l{TO a)lBOKaT KOMnamm 11EO°AJU{

· MC JIT)J;" HHKonaeB 10.H. Ha npecc-KOH!liepeHUHH, KoTopyio OH C03BW1 09 anpem1 2008 e cMor no,rcHHTh JKypHruuc1cTaM, KOMY np1rnan11e)KlfT KOMnamrn "EOI1JIM CMCTEMC JITJ:(", ft cTpaHe Haxo.z:r; oq>ijC KOMnaHlrn, se.ueT JJH KOMnattH.R "EOMJU1 CHCTEMC IlT,lJ;11

,-ne6o,HOCTb nOMHMO np1rn6peTCHHJ{ }lOJiefi B 000 ((I]apq>eHHOH>>, 000 «PHD3HJ:t» H

Maxaoa». o6p830M, BF,lllleH3.nO)KeHHhie co61,rrn.s1 o6'beKTHBHO CBHJlCTent,CTBYIOT O TOM, qro B 2007 ro11y. 3MO»<HOM HCITOJ!b30B8HHH MaTepHaJIOB H cee.neHHH, H3MlTblX npH 061,1cKe B paMKaX

· o:Bamui yronoeHoro .nena B OTHOWeHHH reHepaJI&Horo .nKpeKTOpa 000 «Ka.Me~» qepKacosa

51,lJIO cosepweHo Xlilll.eHHe -rpex o5mecTB: 000 ((TiapipeHHOH», 000 «MaxaoH» H 000 ffJJ:)) co BCeMH HX al<THBE1MH, IlpOH30lDno 3TO C npHMeHenHeM IlO.D)IO)KHJ,IX l(OKYMCHTOB,

rasneHH:&IX B K83am1. Moc1ese H CaHKT-Ilerep6ypre npH noAatt:e ,nOK)'MeHTOB Ha

·ll1lctpau;mo B HaJIOfOBbie opram,1, npH'lie HCKOB B Apfanpa>Km,r~ cyJJ.. r. CaHKT· ypra, MoCKBl,J a Ka3aHH. 3aTeM, KaK ~ nonaraJO, HeH3BeCTH'.bIC nHua aKTHBHO CTiillH

·>KaTb ynHKH HX npoTHBOIIpaBHOH .neSltCnf>HOCTH, nepeperncTpnpyH MHOfOKpaTHO YK83BHHI>Ie a B pronwnn,IX HM.OfOBbIX HHcneKI..\H11X, B KOTOpoIX O.llHO 3a .a.pyrnM perHCTJ)BllHOHHI,Ie nena

HHii HC1ie3aJilf co BCeMR oplffHHaJllU.UI nOJ:UteJlhHI,IX ,noKyMeHTOB, CBeJ(CHHSIMH O HOTRpHycax, Bepa:IOIUHX IlO,ll.J10iKHbie AOK)'MCHTbl H }"iBCTHHKBX IlOXHll(CHH.S! YKB3BHHblX o6mecTB. TaK, no

ph!M HCKaM, nonaHHbIM OT 3AO «Jioroc flmOC>> s Ap6HTpaxrnblit cy.z:r; CaHKT-IleTep6ypra li

rpap,c1<oi:t 0611aCTH, cy,n1,H Pyca1<0Ba JI.r. H Myxa T.M. 061,eKTHBHO no.uownH K OTpeHHIO llBHO no.unmt<H&IX HCKOB, H BhIHecm{ O B03BpanteHIDi HCKOBl>IX

~JiHH, TaK KaK Jl.OKY~\CHTbl, npHnO:>KeHHble K .HCKOBOMY 38Jl13nenmo. npeJJ.CTa.BneHbl B BH.Ue KOilHH, HenpaBHnT:,HO yKaJaH an.pee OTnpaBKH HCKOBoro 3BSIBJieHH'1 OTBCT1iliK)' H HC

TilBJleHa TIOJJ.JlHHHIUI HnH Ha,nnelf<all{liM o6paJOM JaBepCHHM .D.OBepeHHQCTI, Ha mU.\O, \

. Ca.Blllee HCKOBOC 38JIBneHHe. OrcttaKo, HeCMOTJHI. Ha TO, '1TO j'Ka3aHHble HapyweHH$1 HMenH 0 H B .upyrnx .uenax, no npttHHThIM K npOli3BO.llCTBY HCKaM, npOH3B0.llCTBO no .npyrHM .!lenaM

, . npo.nomKeHO, a no HeKOTOp&IM 11a>1ce 3asepweHO npHHHTHeM perneHHH B Il0Jlb3Y MOlllCHHHKOB.

· .... TO!.I 1.rn:cne cy.u1,.11 OpnoBa E.A. no HCKY 3AO «Jioroc ITmoc» K 000 «riap¢eHHOH>) npHHHJia ~CHJte O 831,ICI<aHHH C OTBeTtIHKa B Il0Ilb3Y HCTu;a 2 800 000 py6nei1 H 25 000 py6neii ~nouunrn1,1, cy.u&.11 Kptteu,oe M.B. rro HcKy 3AO ccJioroc flmoc» K 000 «PHn3H.U:» s&rnec :~me11ue· 0 B3bICKaHHH C OTBeT'-IHKfi B [IQJl&3Y HCTL\a 7. 557 858 000 py6neH l{ 100 000 ov6neu

BrowderDepo00007 40

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noWJJKHbI, cy l{b.!I AneKceeB C.H; no HCKY 3AO «Jloroc Omoc» K 000 «MaxaoH» BblHeG,)·r.) HHC o B31>ICKaHHH c OTBeT'im<a s nom,Jy HCTUa 1 669 479 000 py6J1eH H 100 000 py6rreH rnt runHHbi. BhlllICCTOlllllHtt cy.n OTMeHHn ace )TH pemeHIDI, OTIIpaBHJI .neJie Ha HOBOe .\ h

euHe a Apt5HTJ)a)l(Hbrit cy.ll r. Cmncr-Ile'rep6ypra H o5JiattH, no eceM !. 6wm BHeCeHI,l e.nHHCTBeHHO npaBHnI,Hble pellleHHSl, - Bee OHR 61,me: OC!"aBJieHE,I 6e3

., TBK KaK HCKOBE.le 3MBJieHH.!1 IIO.UllHCRHbl OT HMeHH nuua. HCITOJib30B8BIDCro em,Rbiti nacnopT.

ICaK MRe Ka)Ke-rc.q HMeerc.s:i cB.1l3h cne.noeaTeJill 6y.zrnno H.H. c azIBoKaroM HHKOJlti.eBblM IO.H., aB1lRKlIUHM KoMnaHH!O <<EOi1JU1 CHCTEMC JIT,[(». no onHoMy HJ HBXO.lVllllHXC.!I e ero

Bo.ncne yronosffhIX ,uen, 28 Map-ra 2008 ro.a:a. B KOHUe pa6oqero .D.HH H KOHUe pa6oqeii Hene.1rn,

HHUY, cne.nosaTeJib Ey.wmo H.H. npoeen BhleMKy I(OUHH npe.ztnono)IQ{Tem.Ho RqlHUHpoeaHHbOO> JJ.OKYMCHTOB Y MapKe110Ba B.A.. I<OTOpbJH, K8K SI IlOHHM8lO, JiBrurercs

BaeMI:.lM no HaCTomueMy yronosHoMy .u.eny, paccne.uyeMoMy JJleC1>, a 'iepe'.3 BblX.o,nm:>1.e, B lll>HHK 31 Map-ra 2008 ro.lla B 10 qacoa yrpa a Ap6HTpa)f(HOM cyJXe Pecny6mnrn TarupcraH B

npc)lCTaBHTenL KoMnattHH «EO:tiJIB CI1CTEMC ITT.I(» a.naoKaT HHKOnaea 10.H. 31lHBJIKer

HHOe xonaTaHCTBO 06 HCTpe60B8HHH llOK}',MeHTOB, B'E,I,l(aHHY,YX MapKeJIOB!iJM B.A. 28 Mapre no yronoBHOMY .l(eny cne,llosa-remo Ey)lHno H.H. HerroHSITHO, KSK, .Mor 06 3THX

eHrax 3H8Tb HHKonaea IO.H., He 6yizyqR' cs,i3aliHbIM co cneJlOBaTeneM Ey.uHno H.H.

'ccne!l.OBaTe.1111: CB1l3bIBaeT JIH Bae 'lltO-mi60 c n.PeHqeM H M.YHJICOHOM?

nHqHo C Il.PeH'leM H M.YHJICOHO He, MHe.maecTeH HX a.zu,ec Ha o.fepHcli,

cnen0Bareru1: npe.n;cT H H Bbl paHee HHTepec1,r 000 «Ilap4>eHHOH», 000 «MaxaoH» H !(<PHJ13HJ()> prutee, HMeeTCSI JUI y Bae KaKwt JJH6o qrnHaHCOBrul 38BKCHMOCTb OT YKS3SHHI.IX

HH (3apa60TH8JI nnaTa, .norosopHLie OTHOWeHHSI H T..U.)?

: y MCH.!I' MOrnH 6:&ITf:, }lOBepeHHOCTH Ha npe.11CTaBJ1eHHe HHTepecos OT }'KaJaHHWX KOMilaHHH

i.f or npe,Ilc n11Th HX HHTepecbI. B qmeaHCOBblX B3aHMOOTH0l1ICHHHX C opraHH3at:(IDIMH 8 He

CC OBarenJI 3HaKOMf>I nH BaM 3HafiKHH M:eaH reHHa,IIbeBH'I, 3aRUeB .HpoCJiaB Mnxa8JIOBH'!, Ba Jho,nMHria EopHCOBHa, llepKaCOB 11:saH CepreeBHlJ, 'iTO Bae CBSl:3:E.IBa.eT CCJIH B:&l 3HaeTe

m.rx moii:eit? : co BCCMH 3THMH nHUBMB '1 3HaKOM C HH~H MeHJI CB.!131,IBaeT Et=:OH Il HOHaJU,Hrul

&HOCTh KaK HHJJJiBH)J.yam,Horo npeJlilpHH"MaTem:1, KOTOpt.IM H J?BJ1'tl0C1>

c cne~o:saTem1: II.Pewm no.zr.arr OT caoero KMeHH 1<aK OT .n.HpeKTOpa HSBC Management ey) Limited (Be11a-Ko6pHTaHHH) ynpaBMIOIUelt KOMnaHHH Glendora Holdings Limited

) Bna,ne10ruen 100 % aKIJ,HH poccHACKOA KOMn8HHH 000 «PHJI3H.n) H yupa.BJUUOm:ett

m1 Global (Russia) Administration KOT-Oprut ynpaBiui:e,- Kone Holdings Limited (I<imp) ta.e~ I 00 % aKUHH pocc:e:JtCKHX KOMnaHHii 000 «napqieHHOH» n 000 «MaxaoH» 38.!l'BneHHe

eHHH YK83aHHhlX 000, tteM )TO B HBCTOSilllHH M:OMeHT non;rsep)K), ; MHe He H3BecTHO KSKHM:A ,llOKyMeHT8MH IlO.UTBeJ)'A<J] 'ITO Il.Peaq JlBIIlletCJI ,ID!peI<TOpoM

· Management (Guernsey) Limited (BenHxo5pITTaHHsi) H OTHowemu1 HSBC Management ey) Limited (BenHKo6pHTaHHH) c Glendora Holdings Limited (KHIIp) H Kone Holdings

(KHnp ). B cny\iae Heo6XO)l.HMOCTH JI ry y Hero 3anpocHTb KOilHli .l(OK}'MeHTOB


_,oc CJie)lOBaTem1: KBK Bbl MOiI<eTe no HlffE, TO, 'ITO HHKTO H3 npe,nCTaBHreJieti MocKOBCKoro a 6aHKB HSBC He npe.11cTasm1eT HHTepechr YI<aJSHHbtx 000 «PHn3H.!I.>), Maxaou» H

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IiiehMeer OTH01ueH11S1 K 6aHKY HSBC B MocKB~( .. ;

BrowderDepo00007 41

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cne.n.0Baren>1: BaM lfTO mt6o 'H3BeCTHo npo urraTH)'IO tJHcnemmcn, pa6onrnKOB 000 H», <cTiapq>eHHOH» H PHII3H.rt»? · . ()t ~ B YKll3aHHE,IX 4>HpMax KpOMe wrpeKTopoa, nocne.uttne 3 ro,ll.a, Hff!>IX pa60TiiHKOB He 6@;q).J ble qm Hcnom,30BamtCb KRK HHCrp)'MelIT Jlllil JtHBeCTHilHtt B poccHfiCKH~ ueHHLle

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KOM 6aHKe HSBC, KTO ce~ac pacnopx) pac'ICTHbTh1H ci1eT8MH YKB3aHHbIX 000, Ha

COTpy.nHHKOB YKa3aHHblX 000 04>opMIDIJIHCb 6aHKOBCKHe KapTO'Il(H C o5pa31.{3mi

'eil? 11.0 30 Masi 2007 ro)J.a Kap-ro~KH 6bmtt Oq;JOpMJICHhI Ha rettepwU,HLIX Jl.l{peKTOpOB nona PeHtia ' a YrurcoHa, H3CK0Jll,I(O MHe HJDeCTHO 8 MocKBC 6aHKOBCKHe KapTOtIKH n.PeH'ICM H

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Lie 6aHKOBCKHe KapTOtIKH H8XO.[),IlC8 8 6amce ceiiqac MHC He HlBecTHO •


l<OM 000 «Tiapq>eHBOH», «Maxaoa» H «PHnJH.ll.»?

He H3Becrno, 'ITO no ,l(rutHbIM ErPIOJI e,U.HHCTB yqaCTHH~OM 3THX 000 'iHCJIH1'C5.I


cneitoBaTemt: Ha MOMeHT cMeRbl co6cTB ·H KOB J(OJ'v!UaHHH KaKoe HMylll.eCTBO 6hlJIO y 000 • OH>), «MaxaoH» H «PHil3HJ(»~ qeM 3TO MO)!CHO no.nTBep}lHTb? ,

a MOMeHT KBR a C'tfHT'WO He3aKOHHOH nepeperncrpaUHH yxa:38.HHhIX. 000 a ceH1-s6pe 2001· ecTBO yK83fillHbIX 3-x KOMil8HHH HaCKOnl,KO MHe H3BeCTHO COCTaBmurn OCTaTKH

. ·.. cpe.ncTB Ha pacqeTHLIX cqeTaX opraHH3al{HH B 6aHKe. TO'IH}'JO CYMMY g H83BE1Tb He Mory.

WJI~~;~ BblITHCT<aMH H3 6amca HilH 6yxrrurrepcK~ 30 2-1! H 3-ii

:A Ha~anoM, B XO.Qe Jlll60 no OKOR'!aHHH nonpoca CBHA0~8CTB}'IOIIUIX nm, mz MarnHTCKOro C.JI. M JalllHTHHKa XapHTOHOBa .n.B. 3aJIBDCHHSI He

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irem. i")'tlaCTBylOlllHC m1ua:

§; .. ~OBarem, no OB,[{ ~

BrowderDepo00007 42

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Moscow October 7, 2008

From 10:25

To 12:25

Mr. S. Ye. Gordiyevskiy, major crimes investigator at the investigation department of the Southern administrative district at the Office of Investigations at the Investigation Committee of the Department of Internal Affairs under the Prosecutor General office for Moscow, jurist, 1st class, in accordance with Article 38 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, got the following explanation in the office No. 29:

1. Surname, name, patronymics: Magnitskiy Sergey Leonidovich

2. Date of birth: April 8, 1972

3. Place of birth: Odessa, the Ukrainian SSR

4. Place of domicile and (or) incorporation: Moscow, ul. Pokrovka, 20.1, kv. 43,

tel. 8-916-675-84-75

5. Citizenship: Russian Federation

6. Education: higher

7. Marital status: married

8. Place of employment or education: auditor at Firestone Duncan

9. Military obligation: liable for military service

10. Prior conviction: previously unconvicted

11. Passport or other document of identification: 45 05 633943, issued by the police precinct of the Department of Internal Affairs of Basmanny district of Moscow on May 15, 2003

12. Other personal data: verbal assurances of not being registered with drug rehabilitation or psychiatric institutions

In accordance with Article 51 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation S.L. Magnitskiy was informed that he has a privilege against self-incrimination, incrimination of his spouse and his close family members.


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Mr. Alexandr Gennadyevich Morozov, the attorney, certificate No. 7304 as of July 6, 2004, registration No. 77.7336 order No. 87, was present during the explanation.


On the subject matter in question I can give the following explanation:

Being a representative of Glendora Holdings Limited and Kone Holdings Limited which are the participants of OOO “Parfenion”, “Makhaon” and “Riland”, I am ready to answer the subject questions concerning Powers of Attorney of E.M. Khairetdinov, the attorney, issued to him on behalf of OOO “Parfenion”, “Makhaon” and “Riland” signed by P. Wrench and M.D. Wilson, as of October 17, 2007, as well as


validity of these Powers of Attorney and legitimacy of manufacturing of seals which were affixed thereto.

In this regard, I hereby confirm my testimonial evidence given on June 5, 2008 in the case No. 374015 concerning the circumstances of issuance of the Powers of Attorney to Mr. E.M. Khairetdinov, the attorney, issued to him on behalf of OOO “Parfenion”, OOO “Makhaon” and OOO “Riland” as of October 17, 2007.

In addition to the said evidence I hereby confirm that as of the date of drawing up of the Powers of Attorney to Mr. E.M. Khairetdinov, the attorney, issued to him on behalf of OOO “Parfenion”, OOO “Makhaon” and OOO “Riland”, nothing was known of the fact that OOO “Parfenion”, OOO “Makhaon” and OOO “Riland” had been unlawfully registered, and unlawful records on appointment of new general directors of these companies had been entered into the state register.

At the same time, as it is seen from the documents obtained from the official site of the Arbitration Court of Saint-Petersburg and Leningrad Region ( as of October 16, 2007 and October 17, 2007 (copies of 6 sheets are attached hereto), the persons acting on behalf of OOO “Parfenion”, OOO “Makhaon” and OOO “Riland” who appeared before the court were using fabricated Powers of Attorney, namely, on behalf of OOO “Parfenion” Ms. Ye. M. Maltseva was acting, who used the Power of Attorney dated September 10, 2007, on behalf of OOO “Makhaon” Mr. Yu. M. Mayorov was acting, who used the Power of Attorney dated August 24, 2007, and on behalf of OOO “Riland” Mr. A. A. Pavlov was acting, who used the Power of Attorney dated August 24, 2007. I was aware of the fact that such Powers of Attorney could not be issued by real directors of the companies and could not bear seals of the companies, because initially the manufactured seals were located in the Main Investigatory Directorate at the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of Moscow, and the duplicates thereof were at the office of Firestone Duncan and were not used for attachment to any Powers of Attorney. Besides, it was obvious that Messrs. Ye. M. Maltseva, Yu. M. Mayorov and A. A. Pavlov were acting explicitly not for the benefit of OOO “Parfenion”, OOO “Makhaon” and OOO “Riland”, since instead of protecting the interests of these companies, investigating the evidence provided by claimants, resisting arguments of claimants and refuting them, these false representatives

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acknowledged the claims fully and without any reservations, as indicated by texts of decisions taken by the Arbitration Court of Saint-Petersburg and Leningrad Region in September 2007.

As it was discovered later, the Powers of Attorney stated in printouts from the site of the Arbitration Court of Saint-Petersburg and Leningrad Region could not be lawfully issued by Messrs. Markelov, Khlebnikov and Kurochkin on the days which are stated as the dates of issuance of the Powers of Attorney, because Messrs. Markelov, Khlebnikov and Kurochkin were unlawfully appointed by Mr. Markelov as the directors of OOO “Parfenion”, OOO “Makhaon” and OOO “Riland” in September 2007, while the Powers of Attorney of Messrs. Ye. M. Maltseva, Yu. M. Mayorov and A. A. Pavlov were issued before this appointment, consequently:

Documents for reregistration of OOO “Parfenion” were filed by Mr. Markelov on ?? ??, 2007, and registered by the Interdisctrict Office of the Federal Tax Service No.46 for Moscow on September 20, 2007, and the Power of Attorney issued to Ms. Ye. A. Maltseva is dated September 10, 2007, i.e. a week before the aforementioned dates.

Documents for reregistration of OOO “Makhaon” were filed by Mr. Khlebnikov on ?? ??, 2007, and registered by the Interdisctrict Office of the Federal Tax Service No.46 for Moscow on September 11, 2007, and the Power of Attorney issued to Mr. Yu. A. Mayorov is dated August 24, 2007, i.e. at least two weeks before the aforementioned dates.


Documents for reregistration of OOO “Riland” were filed by Mr. Markelov on September 6, 2007, and registered on September 11, 2007, and the Power of Attorney issued to Mr. A. A. Pavlov is dated August 24, 2007, i.e. at least two weeks before the aforementioned dates.

Therefore, as of October 17, 2008 it was obvious that in respect of OOO “Parfenion”, OOO “Makhaon” and OOO “Riland” a fraudulent scheme was being implemented, related to commencement of actions against them with the use of fabricated documents and acceptance thereof by false representatives of the companies, and that the companies were in need of juridical protection, which could be provided only upon condition of representation and defense of the company’s interests by a representative appointed by real directors, Mr. Paul Wrench and Mr. Martin Wilson, who would conscientiously protect the interests of the companies, and not by persons who, obviously, were interested in implementation of the fraudulent scheme directed at simulation of indebtedness of OOO “Parfenion”, OOO “Makhaon” and OOO “Riland” and securing this indebtedness with the help of court judgments based on exhibition of fabricated evidence in the court.

I am aware that Mr. Khairetdinov, the attorney, really used the Powers of Attorney issued to him by OOO “Parfenion”, OOO “Makhaon” and OOO “Riland” on October 17, 2007 for protection of the company’s legal interests. Mr. Khairetdinov has filed cassation appeals, as a result of consideration of which by the North West Branch Federal Arbitration Court on February 19, 2008, January 23, 2008 and February 5, 2008 previously taken illegal decisions on acknowledgement of indebtedness to ZAO “Logos Plus” were cancelled (copies of resolutions of 8 sheets are attached hereto). Besides, as a result of actions of Mr. Khairetdinov directed at exposure of criminal design of persons who organized filing of complaints against OOO “Parfenion”, OOO “Makhaon” and OOO “Riland” to the Arbitration Court of Saint-Petersburg

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and Leningrad Region, it has been ascertained that the complaints had been filed by a non-existing person using a counterfeit Power of Attorney. This is evidenced by the letter submitted by Mr. E.M. Khairetdinov to the Directorate of the Federal Migration Service for Yaroslavl Region No. 1/vh19992 as of December 26, 2007 (a copy of one sheet is attached hereto). Which confirms that the passport of the person who acted on behalf of the claimants and signed the complaints, was not issued to this person but was lost in 2005. This particular circumstance provided the basis for decisions of reconsideration of the cases issued by the Arbitration Court of Saint-Petersburg and Leningrad Region on June 11, 2008, April 17, 2008 and May 12, 2008 (copies of the court’s resolution of 7 sheets are attached hereto).

This particular circumstance also provides the basis for the decision of the Arbitration Court of Saint-Petersburg and Leningrad Region as of March 24, 2008 (a copy of 3 sheets is attached hereto), in the case in which Mr. E.M. Khairetdinov, the attorney, representing the interests of OOO “Parfenion” and defending them by the virtue of the said Power of Attorney, managed to seek declination of another complaint filed by ZAO “Logos Plus” against OOO “Parfenion”. It should be noted that at the hearing devoted to consideration of this case the representative of OOO “Parfenion” Ms. Misyukevich acted by the virtue of the Power of Attorney signed by Mr. Markelov, while Ms. Misyukevich acted explicitly contrary to the interests of OOO “Parfenion”, protested against declination of the complaint filed by ZAO “Logos Plus”, tried to protract the process, requesting the postponement of the trial. Despite that, the court accepted the procedural powers of Mr. E.M. Khairetdinov, the attorney, based on the said Power of Attorney, entered into the case file



the evidence presented by Mr. E.M. Khairetdinov and satisfied the request he filed. I consider that in such conditions, when the becoming of the court order effective makes it expedient to acknowledge the powers of Mr. E.M. Khairetdinov on the basis of the Power of Attorney as of October 17, 2007, it is completely groundless to question the legality of the said Power of Attorney.

I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that, as it is stated in the aforementioned letter to the Directorate of the Federal Migration Service for Yaroslavl Region, it constitutes a response to the request of Mr. E.M. Khairetdinov, the attorney, as of October 24, 2008, i.e. straight after the finding of the fact of illegal actions related to filing of complaints of ZAO “Logos Plus” and after the receipt of relevant powers from the current directors of OOO “Parfenion”, OOO “Makhaon” and OOO “Riland” Mr. E.M. Khairetdinov, the attorney, took actions which were necessary for exposure of criminals and cancellation of unlawful decisions which they managed to obtain in the Arbitration Court of Saint-Petersburg and Leningrad Region in September 2007. All the aforesaid is the testimony to the fact that the Powers of Attorney issued to Mr. E.M. Khairetdinov, the attorney, by OOO “Parfenion”, OOO “Makhaon” and OOO “Riland” on October 17, 2007, were issued by the current directors of these companies, were used in a professional and conscientious way by Mr. E.M. Khairetdinov, the attorney, for protection of legal interests of the companies, cancellation of court decisions taken illegally with consideration of fabricated documents and further exposure of a fraud of budget monetary assets

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in the amount exceeding 5 (five) billion rubles committed, obviously, by the same group of persons which had used the illegal reregistration of OOO “Parfenion”, OOO “Makhaon” and OOO “Riland” and filing complaints against these companies as a tool for commitment of theft of money from the state budget.

As concerns the general directors of OOO “Parfenion”, OOO “Makhaon” and OOO “Riland”, I would like to give the following explanation.

Article 8 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Article 21 of the Federal Law as of February 8, 1998 No. 14-FZ “On limited liability companies” prescribe that the rights to shares in the registered capital of a limited liability company arise on the grounds of an agreement and not on the grounds of a record in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. In accordance with Article 1 of the Federal Law as of August 8, 2001 No. 129-FZ “On state registration of legal entities and sole proprietors” records in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities evidence the fact of entering of information on legal entities into the register, but per se they do not engender any rights to shares in their registered capitals. Therefore, the fact of illegal entering of information on participants of OOO “Parfenion”, OOO “Makhaon” and OOO “Riland” made by requests of Messrs. Markelov, Khlebnikov and Kurochkin in September 2007, to my mind, does not mean that the rights to shares in the said companies were transferred to OOO “Pluton”, but means only that as a result of actions of Messrs. Markelov, Khlebnikov and Kurochkin the information on the rights to shares in the said companies which is contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, turned out to be unauthentic. In my opinion, the current participants of OOO “Parfenion”, OOO “Makhaon” and OOO “Riland” at the present day are Glendora Holdings Limited and Kone Holdings Limited.

This fact is proved by the testimonial evidence filed by the directors of Glendora Holdings Limited and Kone Holdings Limited Ms. Yianna Alexandrou



and Ms. Chrystalla Argyridou to the Police Department of the Republic of Cyprus on June 5, 2008. In their statements the directors assert (items 8.3, 8.4 of the statement of Ms. Yianna Alexandrou and items 8.1. 8.2 of Ms. Chrystalla Argyridou; copies of testimonial evidences of 6 and 5 sheets are attached hereto) that they never issued any Powers of Attorney to Mr. Gasanov, who, to the best of my knowledge, has illegally signed on behalf of Glendora Holdings Limited and Kone Holdings Limited the agreements with OOO “Pluton” on sale of OOO “Parfenion”, OOO “Makhaon” and OOO “Riland”. Similar statements were made by Mmes. Yianna Alexandrou and Chrystalla Argyridou on April 21, 2008 (copies of statements of 6 and 6 sheets, respectively, are attached hereto along with translation thereof).

Consequently, I think that Mr. Gasanov did not have any powers to act on behalf of Glendora Holdings Limited and Kone Holdings Limited, and by virtue of the agreements concluded by him on behalf of the said companies with OOO “Pluton”, in accordance with item 1 Article 183 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation rights and responsibilities accrued to him, and not to

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these companies, i.e. Glendora Holdings Limited and Kone Holdings Limited were and still are current owners of the shares in the registered capitals of OOO “Parfenion”, OOO “Makhaon” and OOO “Riland”.

In accordance with item 1 Article 40 of the Federal Law as of February 8, 1998 No. 14-FZ “On limited liability companies”, “the sole executive body of the company (general director, president, etc.) shall be elected by the general meeting of the company’s participants”. Since Glendora Holdings Limited and Kone Holdings Limited are the lawful participants of OOO “Parfenion”, OOO “Makhaon” and OOO “Riland”, these companies only could appoint new general directors of OOO “Parfenion”, OOO “Makhaon” and OOO “Riland”. The aforesaid statements of directors of Glendora Holdings Limited and Kone Holdings Limited imply that they never appointed Messrs. Markelov, Khlebnikov and Kurochkin as general directors of OOO “Parfenion”, OOO “Makhaon” and OOO “Riland”, and the directors confirm that the general directors of the said companies still are Messrs. Martin Wilson and Paul Wrench (item 5 of the statement of Ms. Yianna Alexandrou and item 5 of Ms. Chrystalla Argyridou, the documents are in English).

On the basis of the aforesaid I consider that Mr. Martin Wilson as of October 17, 2007 was and up to the present day still is the current general director of OOO “Parfenion” and OOO “Riland”, and that Mr. Paul Wrench as of October 17, 2007 was and up to the present day still is the current general director of OOO “Makhaon”.

As for manufacturing of duplicates of seals of the companies during the drawing up of the Powers of Attorney I would like to draw your attention to the following: despite the fact that initially manufactured seals of OOO “Parfenion”, OOO “Makhaon” and OOO “Riland” were withdrawn by officers of the Main Investigative Directorate at the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for Moscow on June 4, 2007, the withdrawal of seals does not cease the activities of a legal entity and does not deprive this legal entity of rights and responsibilities prescribed by the Russian legislation. Such rights include manufacturing of seals by a decision of the executive body of a legal person, and the responsibilities include provision of accounting reports and tax



accounts to the tax bodies, while in accordance with the existing regulations such reports and accounts must be signed by the executive body of the company and must bear its seal. Therefore, manufacturing of new seals instead of those withdrawn was not only the right but also the responsibility of the legal person, since non-manufacturing of the seals would have breached the Russian legislation. New seals substituting those withdrawn by officers of the Main Investigative Directorate at the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for Moscow on June 4, 2007 were manufactured in the end of June – beginning of July 2007. From this moment new seals only were the real seals of the aforementioned companies. These seals were used for the first time for attachment thereof to accounting, tax and statistical reports signed by the general directors of OOO “Parfenion”, OOO “Makhaon” and OOO “Riland” Messrs. Martin Wilson and Paul Wrench (copies of the reports filed with the tax authorities of 23, 28 and 20 sheets, respectively, are attached hereto). This fact can be easily checked by means of applying to the tax authorities,

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statistical authorities and social insurance fund bodies, in which OOO “Parfenion”, OOO “Makhaon” and OOO “Riland” were registered in July 2007.

The said circumstances are confirmed by the written declaration made by Mr. Martin Wilson on October 6, 2008 (a copy of the affidavit of one sheet is attached hereto). In this declaration, Mr. Martin Wilson confirms that from December 1, 2005 and up to the present day he is the general director of OOO “Riland”, and from July 26, 2006 and up to the present day he is the general director of OOO “Parfenion”. He also confirms that on June 15, 2007 he issued an order to manufacture the duplicates of the seals withdrawn by the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for Moscow on June 4, 2007, and that the official dates of use of new seals are July 3, 2007 and June 27, 2007, respectively. The declaration of Mr. Martin Wilson also confirms that the seals were first used for attachment to reports of the said companies filed with the Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Agency. No. 10 and 15 for Moscow, to the Moscow department of the Federal State Statistics Service and to departments Nos. 13 and 19 of the Social Insurance Fund in July 2007. Besides, Mr. Martin Wilson confirms the aforementioned circumstances related to signing by him of the Power of Attorney issued to Mr. E.M. Khairetdinov, the attorney, as of October 17, 2007, forwarding it from Guernsey Island by DHL to the address of Firestone Duncan with the instruction to give it to Mr. E.M. Khairetdinov, the attorney. I expect to receive the original of the said declaration of Mr. Martin Wilson as well as a similar declaration by Mr. Paul Wrench on the seal and agreement issued on behalf of OOO “Makhaon” within a week. In case of necessity I am ready to submit notarized copies of these declarations, as soon as they will be translated into Russian.

Question of the investigator: please explain where the “duplicates” of the seals of OOO “Parfenion”, OOO “Makhaon” and OOO “Riland” were manufactured? Are there any documents confirming the manufacturing thereof? Where at present the "duplicates" of the seals of three companies are located? Are they used for account keeping of OOO “Parfenion”, OOO “Makhaon” and OOO “Riland”? Who ordered to manufacture the duplicates of the seals? Are there any documents confirming this fact?

Response: I am not aware of the exact location where the duplicates of the seals of the mentioned companies, and I do not have any documents confirming the manufacturing thereof. I am not aware where the duplicates of the seals in question are located now.



I am not aware whether they are used at present or not. I suppose that they were used in July 2008 for being attached to accounting and tax reports of OOO “Parfenion”, OOO “Makhaon” and OOO “Riland”. The orders to manufacture the duplicates of the seals were given by the directors of the companies Messrs. Martin Wilson and Paul Wrench, which fact is confirmed by the declaration of Mr. Martin Wilson as of October 6, 2008, the copy of which in English is attached hereto. I do not exactly remember whether written instructions to manufacture the duplicates after the withdrawal of the seals were given or not during the course of the search on June 6, 2007, but I think they were, however, I cannot provide you with written evidence of that fact. I confirm that in June-July 2007 the directors, Messrs. Martin Wilson and Paul Wrench,

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issued orders to begin the use of the duplicates of the seals of OOO “Parfenion”, OOO “Makhaon” and OOO “Riland”. I will submit the copies of the said orders within a week.


In view of the aforesaid I consider the question of legality of the Powers of Attorney issued to Mr. E.M. Khairetdinov, the attorney, by OOO “Parfenion”, OOO “Makhaon” and OOO “Riland” as of October 17, 2007, as a provocation directed at defamation of the legal attorney activity of Mr. E.M. Khairetdinov, and aiming at giving an opportunity to persons whose activities were exposed as a result of the efforts of Mr. E.M. Khairetdinov, the attorney, acting on the grounds of the said Powers of Attorney, to avoid taking on responsibility.

Written in my words and verified by me. I do not have any ??

Copies of the documents mentioned in the text are attached hereto.

Sergey Leonidovich Magnitskiy

Present during the explanation Morozov A.G.

Explanation received by (signature)

Major crimes investigator S. Ye. Gordiyevskiy

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«10>1 qac ttOS >) MOO «t 2» 'lllC {(15» MffH

oBarenh no OB~ co no lOAO CY . J KJtaCca rop.mtcnctotn CE n coo- CK TlpM ctpUl(}'pa-rype P(I)_· no l'.Moone

• ') Q luet'c'ratm 3 C1 ltOM Jm5. Ni 29 llOJl)'"'lliJT OG'bstci-£elfl{c: co CT, 0 Y.11:K P<l>. o noMe(QeRHK-

lill, itMJ11 Ol 'iOC'J.1iO: ManutTttm:fi: Ccprcli lie . po:itCAet:rn.a: 0&.04. t 972 r.p. OaKJJ.01m1.1 o p:>>K.!leHlUf: r.O.rtocca Yrq:>.a.HRcKoil CCP

=-- - ~-~eJThCTBa 11 (MR) permn-paiµm: r

i,ii~C'TEU): p<l) OB!U!HC: l!blCWee

ettRoe nono*crme: "<Ct:n1T pa.6011,1 rum yt!e61J1: ay,u.,rrop JAO (t<!>alkpcroyu. ![at=raewj

owem1e K BOiiHCKOH o6stl3.liMQ~: 80CH"fi0068:J8.H.HI,{ft

e C)"LUlMOCTH: Ke cy;:urM nopr Hlltt HRO« J10K)'Mea-r, y~OCTOBepR"EOnow nM1m:ocu:,:

C: ,IJ,al{!D,Je O ftH.\lllOC.Ut; P H)J; ff fil'U); co wio, Ha Y1{ete He COC'l'O.HT

B C.OOTBeTenum co CT. 51 KoMCTKl'YlJlfil Pt?J Ma.nm1:cJC¢MY U pan~ eer npaeo RC np~ te6•. :csoero oynpyra. cao•


Page 38: Record of evidence N2 1. 2. · 2020. 5. 19. · Record of evidence Moscow (place of issue) October 18, 2006 Interrogation started at 10:00 Interrogation finished at 10:55 Investigator

CJ"R,KOC'ITl·l 3TKX llO l!epenHo ~ era C'lse" k -laKb.m,oc,- ..

RI HlfX apo Meu-w. 11 llJl'Otoru1eRuJ1 <i1c:qareH, KO'rop111,c c 1nt>t " noim,cp"',ll.lllO cllO ..

74015 ~ CllH~erc,,_1,clOt 1" 3 a O'{m, Oocro,rr"" e DOK'130Hlllt , 11•"1fl,te 05.06.20011 110 )llt t!OBY 3.M. OT 'IMe>m ooo «n "' •craa OLIJ:ta•iu Aoeepe1mocreJI Oll,llo,a-ry

lirio88llW,fX 17 I 0.2007. ap.,c ,mon», 000 «Maxaoto, ll 000 ,,Pmo~all)>, B nonoJXHetnte I;( )'l<aJa1:1&rM no.Ka3ai-m .

ea.n:R .aoaepeffttocreH. BL[.qatnu.oe; Xafj: ™ .11 IIOJJ..l'Bep1,quuo. 'ITO tta Jlary l{l(OIO>. 000 «Ma.xaoor» " 000 d' PCTltlUloey '3.M. OT '™""" 000

M qTO 000 «Ilap"-e1tn:o , , ' MIUtJHm> l?.I0.2007, 6L1nom1•1eroucor.rneomo ~ ':t' 1 >. (( axaon» e (tP°J:m;)HJl

6 n1c,pHp0Bat1J,J. n e rocynapers wri )) Lum ~esat.:omt,o { fk!e¢1p 6LT.nU BH~e.Jl"ht f-le.1at<OlUlbtC 3armou 0

qefnrn HOBbl:x. reHepaJlbm1x a,11.peJttopoa. '.Yf'RX. ~o~mruut.H.

11ie speM~. 113 ilO~~ re",: os, rJO,ry,,eHH.wx c O<!>Hl(Hasu.Horo c.a.lira Ap6H1J)Oll<uoro rop o1ta Ca~l<'T-Il<?'lepoyµra II Ile»surpa.~c•olt oonaont (WW\

0.2007 e 17. 10.-007 (xom(lt11 a 6 nRCTaX np111lanuo 1<o6,,icttellfuo), llbl.'lo llllAHO, <rTO

eRJ! 000 «Ila p,pe1mo10>, 00 0 «Maxaoio, n 000 «P•u1>H.a>> 8 cy11,e •••C'l)'llalor ecilon•JYJOJlll1e c<j,am,cmj)ru111posaam,,e nosepettKOCTH, a HMeRHo, oT I!MCHH 000

t[KOH» B.rcrynatt lY18JlhlIOll a E. A. RO llOBepom10CTH, 11antp9MliHO~ 10.09:2007. H!,ltflli 000 <<Maxaoro> - Mrui opos IO.M no AosepeaHocm, 11n11pollaHll6il .20.07, or 101e>o.1 000 «Pmn1tw> - Ilaan os A.A. no 11,oaepewro~ ,. rurtHpO&a1u,t61l

.118.2007. ,\1'ae 6•1,110 1131lecmo, •rro Tale8e 11,osepctt1rocm ae MornJ1 6""" BW.D.lllll,( ,1nnJ.JMfl m1penopa.,ru t(OMnantdt 0. ae Mormt Owi':h CK?eruteHt,J neqaT.JlMB kllMnaHRit

, 'ITO nepsoaasa'lbuo 113rorow,er1R1,te ne•1a:m Kaxonwm¢h • TCY npn fYBA J,'.8£1, a fix ey6:rnxan,1 A!ll<O.!lll/lllOL B o<t,,rne xo>1namm <«t>alfopcroyH Aawcel!•> 11 sc

1ll,30Ban>rcb Jl]IJl TOro, 'IT06L! CKpeM>rrb ltM;(I KaJ<Jle-m160 l(~CpeHHOC'tll. l<po1,1e , 6bU1o oqeslI,!l,Ho,, <tTO Ma!Ibl!csa E.A •• Maliopoa !O.M It IlaB.'loB AA. 11el!CT8Y10f

••llH O ~e e mrrepecax 000 «Oap<pe!fROH», 000 (<.Maita01t>, u 000 <d'luoaltul, IJbJ<y BMeC'l'() roro, 'IT06hl J311lillll0Tb H8TeJ>C<l61 l<OMna~Hli, kCCllCJlOBatl, TCJTI,CTBa, npeJl,CTaB.oewr..:e HC'll!WI<, eooprur<an, npotlil> J:OB0ll08 l!C1'1108 •

aepran. m<, 'Yt1I .rr£ennel!ct'3JllrTeJUI npKJ1i3 illf 11c1<;r • no,mo>r oo~e a 6e! """"'°' . r;; It BbutCCOHIU,r.< ApoHTp.llJ<llliOl O)',D.OM po~ l:1.3 \-!l.O YJ(a:Jli,tDatOT ·reKCTht pea:reHH • . .

,aa C~fl1IT-fl'eTep6ypra H Jle1ut:fltj)a,itcKoll o6nArn• • ceJtT~opc 2007 ro.aa. _._ mrocm, )1lt8J81JHL1e. e _pacms.qeu,c c "'411 1•

eaocne,!lCTllIIB Bt,mcumtoc&, 11osepc _ ra R ReHJ1t111?lll!CT1oit o&acn,. ae worm, lffpa>Kooro cyJ!,a ropoll!I Camcr-Tierepoyp JI Kypo'l101HWI e Te~ K<>rOPfil<'

M eJTOBbW XneotOIKOBWM V-" laKOBHQ Bt.Ul aBM apK , ei!, noc~om.!:)' Map•e.,os, .,,..-JDQCaa .a

l3aJfllfb1, Kai< ,!la1'bl Bt,tna!il! 11,osepclmoci: ·-· =-=paMH 000 «ITupopeJ111011». ~lOU Hll'fe!lhl MapJ(enoe- -.-- ocn, .. t 6!.mlf Ae3"l(Ot0l0 Ba3 ceRT•lipe 2007 fO)!II. • ,!l0a<pc811

<(Msxaoe,> n 000 «PHll31W>, 'OOJll>KO ~ A. liWJDd llblD,8H1il AO lilt """Ra'le!Olll, • UCBOli E,A., Muoposa IO.M B I!WlJIOM '

Ho: ~OH~ 61,lJDl m>, MapKenoBYM

"YM<UTht Iii! nepe~ernc,pawbO ~f x.' 46 no r.Mo- 20.09.2007, 1tA011~ocn 09,2007, 3ap~1'1tcrpHpOBA1ff,1'Mfl<P 7 • ecn, ".la>AOy,ta>IJIIIW'<~

lleson E.A. i1arnpoa:ma I0,09.ZOO 00~ ,<Ma,<al'm> 6wn11 n"r8"' 8

""::: e1n1,1 ua nepeper~C'<l'-=4>HC.N', 46 nor.Maco• IJ.()1\20~ "I!"

110 ~-09 .2007, 38pcrllC1'pHpQB.11Hl>I 24 Q8.2Q07, fO ..,,..,, ••'° ~ . OJ>Osv IO .M. nan<ponalta · ,

l'WalaaHi._lX JlBT; 4

• ~-..

Page 39: Record of evidence N2 1. 2. · 2020. 5. 19. · Record of evidence Moscow (place of issue) October 18, 2006 Interrogation started at 10:00 Interrogation finished at 10:55 Investigator
Page 40: Record of evidence N2 1. 2. · 2020. 5. 19. · Record of evidence Moscow (place of issue) October 18, 2006 Interrogation started at 10:00 Interrogation finished at 10:55 Investigator

ur,.e 11onpeT;om0~"™ 3 .M • 90 C,11......,,.,.. ..._ • ltOKIU&l:CJtb-

C'f . "u.n,, 1t ,v B ratotX YCJJ c~ ... a tt YD.OJ111enopu.n .J.3.imllemme 1t:t.t

1CJ1CJ.O e, • npW JEIUJU\e flOillfOMO'lfilii x:~i.KX.-l:<Or,n,a H'l OCT'yOl(BOh.:t'O & t'UJI)' cy,ae6t10IU

7 t0.2007. _ cnJ.BHTb no~ B0opo,c :~ lfllC.'H)a '3.M, l-f3. OC:HOBJUOIH D.OBepettH().CTII etuto rreoooc;Ho.60..1n10. A ctnirr a.nbHOCTh }".Kalattuon aosepeHHOC'nt

6&1 'l'9lOl(e o6p11:ntt1, "'-'Hlllal!lle Ha t t ),'(l)MC uo Rpoc.1utec1<on o6na- 0

• iiro KaK )')(3.lruio u yno~um.Y'roM ewmc ... 1·11, Olio J1.ruuturcJ1 O'f"'6

JlltHOBa '.3.M .. ,11,anrpoaattAhrli: 24•10.2008

eTOM .ua '™1poc <\llBO"""a

cKitR 4>aiooo rrpo'l1T8orrpanm.ix n · rona1 to ccn. cp33y iKC nocne Ac cra.eft, CBJJJ&RH&rx noAa'tert ttcKon 3AO ((}loroc

», U no0cn0


O~llll)"-l~flUI C0()T(H~TC .. 1iYJOUtuX t10nttOMOtIAit OT ACff.CTBIITeJlbl:UJX ~po• « ap..,ern1011» 000 ,,.,

0 3M • ~ ~.--1.axaoR» R 00 ~<r.lt11'31T)l}) 1rnoe . - ~ npe!llTPUJUU'l AeiiCTBlout, lieo6xoruu,.1we AJl3 .ioo6mrq_ea1-1.11

IDUll((J9 H O:rM,eH.h[ HC3a[(0\0Tb[X, pea~cttail, KOTQpbiC flM yn.a.n.OcL nony\(J[[h 8

>KROM Cnmn•CTCTep6ypra JI Ile1tHHrp1UtcKolt o6nacr1< • oeITT•6pc 2007 roaa. Bee J.tlJlOiK CHffOe ClHf,Qe'klrbc-reyer O TOM, 1l"ro, 8b(JJ;8JTHble R.itBO!Cal)t

,nuro 11y OT IL'-tcH11 000 «llap ct,ew ,010>, 000 «M.uaom> 11 ooo «PuJtt>tt,11,)) 0.2007. 6LJJTH Obl.l(ftl't bT i!CHCTillfreJT~llr.TMa .mq,e,-ropa'l• YKa!laRH&IX KOMTTanlfi1.

f lllU!p OBaH O J{ .fl00pOCOoeC1'llo JICllOJTh308MJIC~ a.D.80KaTOM Xrulpe'fllT{ll06blM !J." 3BKOB.HhlX nRt'epecoo KOMn3Jlil.H, .ll1Ul OTMelJbt ue.1axo1:1ao .Bbrt'lecem 11JX no

cHq,114npooamn,1M .ao,yi.1eHTa.,1 cy,11,e61Tblx peweHHll H uoenw ,oll\ero naqc1-flUI cocto.Hnmeroc>1 XJil!.(e.HWI Oro.n)Kenu,rx ;ieaeiK.l,fl.tx cpe,lla:r'.8 B paiMt.pc DDaiouru,t 5 (n,rrL) >rHiutuap11oa py6ner., conepmemtoro. oqeB1lJOro, roR *• oil mm, Koropa,i 11cnom.3oaana 11e3a1<0IIH)'f0 aepepern crpaJWlO 000

.P,.,mtot<», 000 «Ma.xaoirn ll 00 0 <d'll.13ll.ll» H tl'OJ!INY uct o• K :,rH" 1<0Mn:111Hn1. HHcrpy,..eirr /J,llJ! conepwemtl! 1fJJW•tn.1R ,1J,el!er Hl r0<:y.!!apcrsellJloro 6IOll)ll eTa,

B OT1tomemm rei1epaJJLW>IX JIHpef<fOpoB 00 0 «napq,euuo11», 000 1<MJ1Xa08~ M uPttmHJJ.» • ite11an 6lJ 11aT1> cn.eJzy101IlHt o5t.•cuerrrur.

B fl< P<l>, er. 21 <l>eaepMh BOro )3J<oua OT 8 q,eapa.'!J[ \998 r . N J4-IJ>3 «06 tBJIX c OrpaIDl'le;r ,fl.Oil OTlle'('CTilCHl!OC'fbIO)) npe,zyc1,urrpeuo, <rrQ flJ)llll" HII .aonu,.: OM l(arurra.~e ()(lweci: sa C orpaIDf'ICH}fOit OTTl<rtCTllCl!HOCl'blO B03RIIIC810'I' I • . cJ! Jl. ErP[QJJ 8 CQOTo,;r:C'l'IIIUI co CT. HM .o,orosopa,. a He HO ocHOBatrMH. aa.IDlc. · . A.

illtblloro 3a1<011aoT 8 lt.8ryCTa'2001 r. N 12~·4>3.,,0 ~ocy,11,apcr~CRHOE,.,,J~== . tDTPHlllThf8TCJle~>) 34mlCH B .. r

""KIIX nuu 11 Hfl.llllB IJJIYam,nhl x npc KIi"" 80 ea\lli ao oeoc oRJt "" a11ece1D1H 11 peec:,:p cae.acW!ii O sopJJllff><eCIOIX ~ T,.;_,,.(>l oopa,uM, eomJ<OHHOt

pG1';o.a,o-r ap-.w Ha )IOnJT • RX yCTaBl(J,llt :;. 111an:[Olf>), 000 «Ma.xii<>(/)) ff 000 e CBC!!e!Offl 06 )"18C'O'H~TlX 000 p<pe Xne 6RHJ<Q88 H l(yp0,mmll •

air8Jlet illl™ Map .. nosa, · tta.u, co»epme.RMoe oo "3 · . . . . R.e 03.Kall~ TQro, 'l1'0 QJNIN Ha 40JDI a pe 2007 rona, no ~roeMy MHC~ TlnyroJ!» 8 o,ua'Ulel' mw• ro. 'l'fO • ll!Lrx o6m~ sax nepemrur 1< " l<)'PQ.;,.IIUD 11......,e o apaBl!l< aa a~ a

m.Tale ~e!lcTirnil 111npKeJIOBll. Xlr•6r!ID<O&a :[PlOJJ, o•.-X"" ••l!OCTO~ liLIX Q6ll\ecT Bal<, COJ1tp)IOlll!.HeCJT 8D~HHOII)) , QOO /~II)) ti . Hte..% tful l\1Jt y •ra c1·KH11aMJI 000 ~

8....,• """""""" rco,m1.11r,sr .ii"~

uacro.1111•• r ··· Jl~ ~ ne >Jt;V> no Moe.."y MHefW10. rt • , L'mited) • «l(o"" "°""""'"'

>{J".l .11"1'!,IITC,IJ,)> (Glel)df:>ra Holdings ' lditt L' ·led) N ao)IIIHIUJMK ~MR

gs 1m1 • em,<l<I™" na.: 1, atu!JM H Id' gs Limit<:d) 11 «J<oHc rtom·aoplKJJl'e'tC\I cB1(!10"t 111;woro11>> (Ol<n@ra 'l w Y i- • )

MITaHnfl «fn<un<>pa XOJlllfl"': s Lirruttd ) Jll{HO~ "'10f<Oal!JIPY l 'lllltlrr, fu rM.HTCD)) (Kone f!.Old,og

Page 41: Record of evidence N2 1. 2. · 2020. 5. 19. · Record of evidence Moscow (place of issue) October 18, 2006 Interrogation started at 10:00 Interrogation finished at 10:55 Investigator

;;;;;_:;iwt,ofl Aprnpuny (Ch=t ll· = " -, .. • a. Ar•~ 'd UKlf """P· "cnoax.noka:ia,u,.- """ OU), 05.06.2008 Aeua= • . ,

AJtClo7Caw.tpy lJ 8 ) ~ Al l [)e 'KTop.a ,.. • ...,.;ICHT}' rto:uff).VIH • . . , u. 8,2 llOK . Y<83J.tBOIOT (n. 8.3. n. 8.4 a°""3al{~ll

J.CKAA nbxa.:s.awfi.f tta 6 .u 5 JlRCttx. lta 9;1a.i:nm. l\pr1tp)l,,ZO') tronuo nf OL,t,Aa.aanK .u.oeepe!nu>crett rac aaoa"*' trm.d1f.:KOM ~lt.:rKc rrp.Knar.:uo~,i), t{1\') ow,

OT 1tMe1rn KoMnamdt t<.fnewxo tt Y, 1to1opi.di, xa1e MJ1e. "38eCi·uo, u~o ,1.Ho ) H «Korre Xon/tlUU'3 JIJ,1'11'Te.,\'>> p

0X0111J.H1<~ JluM>treJ\» (Gieodora H.o.ldings

n» o rrpo;11ll>Ke 000 .-nap"'- (l<. oc Holdings l imited) 11oro80pbl c 000 ~' 'l"'UffOR l> 000 ·" rtfq.H_~JC 3Mlsnetnuc 6&1J1n cncnatt'U ( 't._

1 . (uv18X801:i )) lt 000 «Pnn.JUJI>)

08 f'l., ... .JUtrrOii AneKcatt,Tp'-' x x. • ,20 , ~Ortlfll 3aJISJTeHm1 aa 6 Jll!cn,x 11 6 , " p1tCTUMo~ Apr>\pHllY ,a.OM)~ mt<..'TaX tOOTBC'rCTnefmo npscuanuorcjl c

B$1:C·J1bHO Ka.K 3 C'JHTaTO, y r acaRoaa OT.C OB KOMOaJj<lll «rrreimo pa Xorr/lllHT'3 n yrcn,( am, nom,0>10 ... ,~ J1ettcrraosai,, ot

gr, n m,nrrel! I> (Kone Holdinas Ll~M~Ted~lll)> Gleodora Holdiogs Limited) " «K-OHC ·'-e umt 1( no '.H-1.KJJJ-Ol\1.illllh"l fl.M 0 blX tcm.maJu1H nbroaopa.\:I c 000 TI: ' M T 0~1e1ur

. " :ty'l'om > B cmry ti . I C1. 183 I1( l><l? rr aaa H liocru B03HHl<Jill .He y . :rn rx l<oMnaH1r~ a y caM.oro · racattoaa, t<> ,ect'l. li.o:UaMH

opa ~O/Utl'ltl'3 ~m:ren, > (Glendor. Holdi~ Limited) 11 <<Koee Xo111J.rmn e;:m Kat< 6wn1~ TaK e .a.o cm< nop ocrat0TC,1 .neHOTBitren.blibr~m c~or&eRliHl<a.Mll • ycraBHI,JX l<llllffTarrax 000 <<flapqie11uom,. 000 «~axao1N ,1 000 «PHJ1>1t11». B -';>OTB~HR C n. I CT. 40 <l>eJ1tpaJU,HOro3aKOHa OT 08 q>eB~JUI 1998 r. N 14-((06 OO[I(ecr'Bax c QrpatoNeHHoH OTBeTC1;Uenuocri.10»., <(CJll.iHomflfflhffl.

~= ~eJihHl,lH opraa o6meersa (reHepaJTJ,ftw:il .lf!lpeKTop, npe311Aettt u llJl)'T1(•) Iii i o61IlllM oo6 p8!UleM yqact1fJtKOB o6mecraa>,. IJocKon&K)' »Kot!HLl,ut ilrnlt{K',;lMH 000 «IlapqieHROR)), 000 «MaxaoH» " 000 «PiUOHi!>> lDIJIJUO'rCA

el(IJ.opa Xol1l!JOff3 JlRMIITT:W> (Glendora Holdings Limited) 11 <<KOHe XOJllDilU'3

ll>> (Kone Holdings limit ed), ll03TOM)' 'tOJU,KO am KOM'tlrulillf MOl'Jlll IIIUlll'llffl, reaepa,u,RbD< A'1pelcropoa 000 «napil>eKllOH», 000 «Ma.xeoID> a O<lO

ll.<I>>. fu YJ(a33Hll1>1X BbllllC C.J)RJJ.tTelCJ,CIOO( nol\'1l33H~ll JIHpeKTopo• KOM11lll<ldl opa Xon)IHll{'J Tht.Mme.,:1» (Glendora Holdings Limited) n «'KoHe XOJIIIIIRl'3 c;o, (Kone Holdin8$ Limited);xye,;, irro OHH lll!Korpa HClWH&'!llllll M!J,leiioaa.

HRl(OBa ff l<ypO '<Kltl<3 re1<ep1UJ!,m,u,OI JJ,jpe•-ropaMI! 000 (~HHOH>!, 000 OH» n 000 "<PIIJl3fUl)) H q,O J1HpeJCT01?" no)!Tl!ep>t<Jl810T, '1'!0 re>IOpllll5tO,llffl

IC'l'Opa,,m Yl(a33H.HblX 06meat11 rrp0J:1=3JOT ,uuuttbC. MapTIOt Yllll COH II nan PelI'I S DOK8'3a;m>l funn,1 AlreKcalf.!IPY, n. 5 aol<W'JffiJt Xpr«n:3/Ulhl Apn,pHJIY JIOIC}!ljCIITW

lllrmdi .ci-oM llJbtKe). 7 _.. '007 Cle!tOBal{ij.>I H'.l1lO)!(etUIOro A c'lffTa.10, ~ro Map'l1ffl YJI/JCQH l 01< .. up!I • l'OJI&

· l!CTBlfT<ll'.blif>(M renep<UILHWM AHpeo:JOp<IM c• 11 DO .1/llC't(lJ(IJlCC Bpe~ ..i,n•ttc• JJ.e ~ 2007 l'Qll,I OJW1C11 If i<lli.p¢el!UoR» ti 000 «PHJOf\ll», ii •rro non Ptll'l 17 OK'I' pl 000

l! ...., reaepan.m.tM ,wpero)POM

R""1'0lll!ICC ape,,t• lllUTJte'l'C• i,.e C'OllaeJll>

aoa~. K 110•~~ 13 omo,ne ~mi 11cno1fl>30Balflfll llP11 10t'O'tOBll•~ 111 ... --· 10.; A KOMD..Wlli XO"!)' o6p&TIITb ll~ ,a";:,,;IIHOHII, ()0() ~II» • '00()

ll!>RaqQnbHO H3rcrtorutem,hle ne'lll'T0 oc:' • J>'Bll r . M<>et<!lloflU,064007, annmo H4)) 6bUUt 11':lb/(fhl co,Vy!PU<KllMH fC np et)(QrQ n,utA 11 afp!IJlll/m *'P-l<)e

re~· He op,o;pruuaeT '1 .. ..,....,,uoC'f~ ,opiW1" occt1ActcBM t~"· K <> 11paa " 00,uatmo cTOlr, apenycM01J>Oll~ n~ pewCl(R"' --=•oro opl'lU(a

npaaa'4 M'HOCHTC" ~ro Tos:netme n:~q.a,:c ene8l(e 6yxourrepcacot a nanoroaoll 'iec1<.oro .JUlll.Q.._ e,.Jf 063-1a1f1J<>c:r..lL" ;,- ..;ap;:;;;•;:.11"""'.;_ ________ _ .,,;~~ -- .J

Page 42: Record of evidence N2 1. 2. · 2020. 5. 19. · Record of evidence Moscow (place of issue) October 18, 2006 Interrogation started at 10:00 Interrogation finished at 10:55 Investigator
Page 43: Record of evidence N2 1. 2. · 2020. 5. 19. · Record of evidence Moscow (place of issue) October 18, 2006 Interrogation started at 10:00 Interrogation finished at 10:55 Investigator

CBlll0 c JOJl<ll.Ke . • paccMatp1maio CaMy noc-raao•~, aonpoca ,, aeli!'ll!HTeJlbuocnr aepeHBOCTeli. B£ll(al{fl1,IX. 3D;BOf<aT)I Xa!ipeT)(IIIIOBy 3.M. 000 «Tiap<j>e,moH» , OOQ axa¢R>> H 000 «P11IDH/\)> 17.10.2007, KaK np<>aoKal.lfoo, .aarrpaM<ffitty,o .-a

tqie.1urraqmo 3aKOttJIOU aJlBOKaTCKOl! )l.CSTCJll,BOCTJJ !l.llDOKata Xal!pernunoBa, -eJOUl)'IO Uellb ,na·n, B03M0ll<f10CTb y(rrn OT 0TBetCT8CHHOCTH lTHUaM, )lei!CTBl!JI """OPLll\

iiJIJJ proo6naqeHb1 8 pe:3ynbu,re AC>ICTBl!R aJIBOKaTa XaiipeT)U{HOaa Ha OCHOBaHJIR

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