Reconstitution of Animal Welfare Board of India

To, F. No. 11/08/2013-AWD Government of India Ministry of Environment and Forests (Animal Welfare Division) REMINDER 8 t Floor , Jeevan Prakash Building, Dated the 12th August , 2013 The C hief Secretary, Government of . ....... . . (All State s UTs) Subject:- Recon st itution of the Animal Wel fare Boa rd of In di a AWBI), Chenna i - Request for nominations regarding. Sir, This is in continuation of this Ministry's letter of even number dated 13 . 06.2013 and 12.07.2013 (copy enclosed) on the above subject and to say that nominations for representatives of Municipal Corporations required under section 5 1 )(e) of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act , 1960 is still awaited . 2. It is requested that nominations under the above referred section may kindly be forwarded to this Ministry . The last date for receiving the nominations for reconstitution of AWBI s hereby extended to 30.09.2013. Encl: As above Yours faithfully, 1 M . Geethanjali) Deputy Secretary (AW) Tele Fax: 011 - 23318553 Email [email protected]

Transcript of Reconstitution of Animal Welfare Board of India

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F. No. 11/08/2013-AWD

Government of India

Ministry of Environment and Forests

(Animal Welfare Division)



Floor, Jeevan Prakash Building,

25, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi-110001Dated the 12th August, 2013

The Chief Secretary,

Government of ........ . .

(All States UTs)

Subject:- Reconstitution of the Animal Welfare Board of India AWBI),Chennai - Request for nominations regarding.


This is in continuation of this Ministry's letter of even number dated

13.06.2013 and 12.07.2013 (copy enclosed) on the above subject and to say that

nominations for representatives of Municipal Corporations required under section

5 1 )(e) of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960 is still awaited .

2. It is requested that nominations under the above referred section may kindly

be forwarded to this Ministry. The last date for receiving the nominations for

reconstitution of AWBI s hereby extended to 30.09.2013.

Encl: As above

Yours faithfully,

1M . Geethanjali)

Deputy Secretary (AW)

Tele Fax: 011 - 23318553

Email [email protected]

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F. No. 11/08/2013-AWD

Government of India

Ministry of Environment Forests

(Animal Welfare Division)

The Chief Secretary,Government of .. . . .. .

(All States UTs)


Floor Jeevan Prakash Building,25, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi - 110001

Dated: 12 1 07 / 2013

Subject: Reconstitution of the Animal Welfare Board of India (A WBI), Chennai -

Request for nomination regarding.


This is in continuation of this Ministry's letter of even number dated

13.06.2013 (copy enclosed) on the subject cited above.

2. In addition to the names of one humanitarian and one eminent person as persub-clause (bc) and (h) under section 5(1) of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

(PCA) Act, 1960, it is lso requested to forward names as indicated below:-

(i) A representative each of two Municipal Corporations as required under

section 5(1) (e);

(ii) A representative one each from three Societies dealing with prevention

of cruelty to animals (SPCAs) as required under section 5(1) (g) and

(iii) A representative one each from three Animal Welfare Organizations

(A WOs) of your States as required under section 5(1) (t).

3. The names as above may kindly be forwarded by 25 .07.2013 positively.

Encl: As above 2 Nos.)

Deputy Secretary/Director (AW)

Tele Fax:011 23318553

Email [email protected]

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ACT; 19.60 ' .. 'r . '. ' . . ... . . ,.:, .   . . .. (5.9' f 1966.)  : .   . . '.,.. . . .'   ,  

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~ ) . J I M A J - WELF RE BOARD OF INDIA-·.· .. ',. . . , .' (Ministry of Enyironment & ·Forests, 'Govt. of India) . .. .. . . . .

. . < . , PostBox No> 8672 : '  ' . ..  . .

, 13/1 Third Seaward . b ~ V a l r r i l k i N a g a r T h i ~ l i v a ~ m i y u r , Chennai . 600·   41 .• '

, . . : . . , . .Phone: 4454958, 4454935, :: 4454330 . ' ' . .

. . . Eniail. : awbi m d ~ . v s r i l . n e U r i Website: yvWVv.avyp i,qrg

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(e) local authority means a municipal committee, district board or other authority for the time

being invested by law with the control and administration of any matters within a specified local


(f) owner used with reference to an animal, includes not only the owner but also any other person

for the time being in possession or custody of the animal, whether with or without the consent

of the owner.

(g) phooka or doom dev includes any process of introducing air or any substance into the female

organ of a milch animal with th e object of drawing off from the animal any se cretion of milk;

(h) prescribed means prescribed by Rules made und er this Act;

(i) s treet   includes any way, road, lane, square, cou rt, alley, passage or open space, whether a

thorough fare or not to which the public have acces s.

Duties of persons having Charge of animals

3. It shall be the duty of every person having the care or charge of any animal to take all reasonablemeasures to ensure the well-being of such animal and to prevent the infliction upon such animal

of unnecessary pain or suffering.



Establishment of nimal Welfare Board of India

4. (1) For the promotion of animal welfare genera lly for the purpose of protecting animals from

being subjected to unnecessary pain or suffering, in particular, there shall be es tablished bythe Central Government, as soon as may be after the commencement of this Act, a Board to

be called the * * (Animal Welfare Board of India)

(2)The Board shall be a body corporate having perpetual succession and a common seal with

power, su bject to the provisions of this Act, to acquire, hold and dispose of property and may

by its name sue and be sued

~ t u t o n of the Board

5. (1) The Board shall consist of the following persons, namely: -

(a) the Inspector General of Forests, Government of India, ex-officio;

(b) the Animal Husbandry Commissioner to the Government of India, ex-officio;

***(ba)two persons to represent respective ly the Ministers of the Central Government dealing

with Home Affairs and Education, to be appointed by the Central Government;

Subs. Act 26 of 1982; S.3 , for the words Animal Welfare Board  .

Sub-ibid, S.4 for the words Animal Welfare Board .

inserted by Act 26 of 1982; S. 5 (a) (i )

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(bb) one person to represent the Indian Board for Wildlife, to be appointed by the Central


(bc) three persons who, in the opinion of the Central Government, are or have been actively

engaged in animal welfare work and are well-known humanitarians, to be nominated by

the Central Government;

c) one person to represent such associ ation of veterinary practitioners as in the opinion of

the Central Government ought to be represented on the Board, to be elected by that

association in t he prescribed manner;

(d) two persons to represent practition ers of modern and indigenous systems of medicine, to

be nominated by the Central Government;~ e one person to represent each of such two municipal corporations as in the opinion of

the Central Government ought to be represented on the Bo ard, to be elected by each of

the said corporations in th e prescribed manner;]

one person to represent each of suc h three organizations act ively interested in animal

welfare as in the opinion of the Centra l Government ought to be represented on the Board,

to be chosen by each of the said organizations in the presc ribed manner;~ o n e person to represent of such three societies dealing with prevention of cruelty to

animals as in the opinion of the Central Government ought to be represented on the

Board, to be chosen in the prescribed manner;

h) three persons to be nominated by the Central Government;

(i) six Members of Parliament, four to be elected by the House of the People (Lok Sabha) and

two by the Council of States (Rajya Sabha) .

(2)Any of the persons referred to in clause 9 a) or clause (b) or clause (ba) or clause (bb) of

sub-section (1) may depute any other person to attend any of the meetings of the Board.

* [(3)The Central Government shall nominate one of the Members of the Board to be its Chairman

and another member of the Board to be its Vi ce-Chairman].

[S .A (1) In order that the Chairma n and other mem bers of the Board hold office t ill the same

date and that their terms of office come to an end on the same date, the Central Government

may, by notification in the official gazette, reconstitute, as soon as may be after the Prevention

of Cruelty to Animals (Amendment) Act, 1982 comes into for ce, the Board] .

(2) The Board as reconstituted under sub-se ction (1) shall be reconstituted from time to time on

the expiration of every third year, from the date of its reconst itution under sub-section (1).

(3) There shall be included amongst the members of the Board reconstituted under sub-section

(1), all persons who immediately before the date on which such reconstitution is to takeeffect, are Members of the Board bu t such persons shall hold office on ly for the unexpired

Subs. - ibid S. 5 (a) (ii ) for the original clause .

Subs. by Act 26 of 1982: S. 5 (b),for the word ,brackets and letter Clause(b)

Subs. ibid, S. 5 (c) for the original clause.@ ins. ibid , S.6 .