Recombinant DNA Technology and Genetic Engineering

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  • 7/27/2019 Recombinant DNA Technology and Genetic Engineering



    The use of microbiological and biochemical

    techniques to solve problems and produce


    Recombinant DNA techniques

    Methods used to manipulate DNA to

    intentionally genetically alter organisms

    through genetic engineering

    Often to give organisms more useful traits

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    Familial Hypercholesterolemia

    Gene encodes protein that serves as cells LDL


    Two normal alleles for the gene keep blood level ofLDLs low

    Two mutated alleles lead to abnormally high cholesterol

    levels & heart disease

    Woman with familial hypercholesterolemia

    Part of her liver was removed

    Virus used to insert normal gene for LDL receptor

    into cultured liver cells

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    Modified cells alive in womans liver

    Blood levels of LDLs down 20 percent

    No evidence of atherosclerosis

    Cholesterol levels remain high

    Remains to be seen whether procedure willprolong her life

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    GMOs are organisms that havehad genetic material removedand/or inserted in order to changea particular trait or traits of the

    organism. The process is called gene

    splicing or genetic engineering

    Organisms produced by

    transplanting genetic materialsbetween different types oforganisms are called transgenicorganisms.

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    Genes from bacteria are splicedinto corn and cotton to makethem less susceptible to insectdamage

    Human growth hormoneimplanted into mice & otheranimals so that it can beharvested

    ANDi (first transgenic monkey) isa rhesus monkey carrying GFPprotein, showing foreign genecan be inserted into primatechromosome

    May lead to primate models of

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    Humans have been changing the

    genetics of other species for

    thousands of yearsArtificial selection of plants and animals


    Natural processes also at workMutation, crossing over

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    Recombinant DNA technology:

    techniques & tools used to analyze genes

    Cut DNA up and recombine piecesAmplify modified pieces

    Genetic Engineering:uses the above technology to isolate &

    modify genes in organisms or even to insert

    new genes

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    rDNA technology

    involves cloning DNA by cutting & pasting

    DNA from different sources

    Restriction enzymes & DNA ligases

    are important enzymes for thisprocess

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    Basic components of molecular

    biologists toolkit

    Restriction enzymes Gel electrophoresis

    DNA probes


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    Restriction enzymes areDNA-cutting enzymes that arefound in bacteria

    They are also called

    endonucleases (cut withinDNA


    Microbiologists from 1960s

    discovered that some bacteriaare protected from destructionby viruses because they cutviral DNA, restricting viral


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    Molecular scissors that cut DNA at a

    specific nucleotide sequence

    Over 200 different restriction enzymes

    are known, each isolated from

    bacteria and able to cut DNA in aunique manner

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    In 1970, Hamilton Smith isolated HindIII(1st restriction enzyme well characterizedand used for DNA cloning), which comesfrom Haemophilus influenzae.

    In 1970, Hamilton Smith isolated HindIII(1st restriction enzyme well characterizedand used for DNA cloning), which comesfrom Haemophilus influenzae.

    They cut DNA by cleaving phosphodiesterbonds (in sugar-phosphate backbone) that

    join adjacent nucleotides

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    Restriction enzymesshow specificity forcertain substrates (DNAin this case)

    They recognize, bind to,and cut DNA at specificsites called restrictionsites (recognition site)

    Usually a 4-base pair or

    6-base pair cutter Restriction sites are


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    Some cut DNA to

    create fragments with

    overhanging single-

    stranded ends (stickyends or cohesive

    ends), while others

    create fragments with

    non-overhanging ends(blunt ends)

    Enzymes that create stickyends are favored for cloningexperiments since the DNA

    fragments can be easily joinedtogether

    DNA from any source can bedigested (as long as it has thespecific restriction site)

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    Want to study or isolate a particular gene

    Need to get many copies (amplification)of the gene so it can be studied

    adequately Most organisms only have one or two

    copies of any gene per cell, so we need a

    way to amplify copies of that gene Dothat via cloning into a vector

    This allows scientists to make additional

    copies of the gene using bacteria

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    Plasmids can be used as vectors(pieces of DNA

    that can accept, carry, and replicate other pieces

    of DNA)

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    1. Size (must be small enough toseparate easily)

    2. Origin of replication (ori) - DNA

    sequence at which replication is initiated 3. Multiple cloning site (MCS)

    a stretch of DNA with recognition sequences

    for common restriction enzymes(Engineered into plasmid so that digestiondoes not result in loss of DNA fragment)

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    4. Selectable marker genes -allow for selection andidentification of transformedbacteria

    Most common selectablemarkers are antibioticresistance. Lac z gene widely used (gene

    of interest inserted within lac zgene)

    Plated on X-gal (substratesimilar to lactose but turns bluewhen cleaved by -gal); so,recombinant bacteria turn blue& nonrecombinant are white

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    5. RNA polymerase promoter

    sequences - place where RNA

    polymerase binds to begintranscription

    6. DNA sequencing primer sequences

    - known sequence that allowssequencing of cloned DNA fragments

    that have been inserted into the


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    One primary limitation of bacterialplasmids as vectors is the size of DNAfragments (usually cannot exceed 6-7kb:

    6000-7000 base pairs).Bacteriophage vectors

    Expression vectors

    Bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs)Yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs)

    Tumor-inducing (Ti) vectors

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    Cohen discovered that plasmid DNA entersa bacterial cell (transformation) treated withcalcium chloride, chilled on ice, then brieflyheated

    A more recent transformation technique iselectroporation (brief pulse of high-voltageelectricity to create tiny holes in bacterialcell wall allowing DNA to enter)

    Cells that have been treated fortransformation (so they are more receptiveto take up DNA) are called competentcells

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    Sometimes, biolistics are used inorder to have foreign DNA entera cell

    DNA is blasted into the cell using

    tiny bullets composed oftungsten or gold particles withDNA attached

    Done with a gene gun (aka

    bioblaster) Can be used on bacteria, yeasts,& mammalian cell lines

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    Southern Blot

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    Genetically engineered organisms

    have variety of usesProtein production

    DNA production

    Researching gene function andregulation

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    Produce commercially important proteins Pharmaceutical proteins

    Human insulin


    Hepatitis B vaccine

    Commercially valuable proteins

    Chymosin An enzyme that catalyzes thecoagulation of milk used in the production ofcheese

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    Researches interested in acquiringavailable sources of specific DNAfragments

    Fragments used forDNA study

    Looking genomic characteristics

    DNA vaccinesLooking at injecting DNA of pathogen toproduce immune response

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    Examples of genetically altered plants include Pest resistant plants

    Corn, cotton and potatoes

    Herbicide resistant plants Soybeans, cotton and corn

    Plants with improved nutrient value


    Plants as edible vaccines Bananas and potatoes

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