
SWISS ROLL Ingredients 1 tbsp Anchor® Unsalted Butter , melted 4 eggs 140g caster sugar, plus extra for dusting 1 tsp vanilla essence 140g plain flour 2 tbsp cocoa powder FOR THE FILLING: 150ml double cream 150ml mascarpone 1 tsp vanilla extract 3 tbsp icing sugar DIRECTIONS 1. Preheat the oven to 190C, gas mark 5. Line a 35 x 25cm Swiss roll tin with baking paper and brush with the melted butter. 2. Put the eggs and sugar in a bowl and set over a pan of barely simmering water (the bottom of the bowl should not touch the water). With electric beaters, whisk for 5-6 minutes until light, fluffy and doubled in size. Take off the heat and beat in 1 tbsp warm water and the vanilla essence. Then sift the flour, cocoa and a pinch of salt and very gently fold through the mixture as you want to lose as little air as possible. 3. Pour the mixture into the tin and bake for 10-12 minutes until light and springy. Cover the tin with a damp tea towel, set on a wire rack and leave to cool. 4. Meanwhile make the filling; beat together all the ingredients until combined. Add a tablespoon of warm water if it seems too thick. Chill until ready to use. 5. Remove the tea towel from the top of the sponge and lay on a work surface. Lay a piece of greaseproof paper that is larger than the sponge on top of the tea towel and scatter with caster sugar. Run a knife around the edge of the sponge and turn out on to the sugar- dusted paper; peel the paper off the base of the sponge. Using a 1



Transcript of Recipe

Swiss roll


1 tbsp Anchor Unsalted Butter , melted

4 eggs

140g caster sugar, plus extra for dusting

1 tsp vanilla essence

140g plain flour

2 tbsp cocoa powder


150ml double cream

150ml mascarpone

1 tsp vanilla extract

3 tbsp icing sugar


1. Preheat the oven to 190C, gas mark 5. Line a 35 x 25cm Swiss roll tin with baking paper and brush with the melted butter.

2. Put the eggs and sugar in a bowl and set over a pan of barely simmering water (the bottom of the bowl should not touch the water). With electric beaters, whisk for 5-6 minutes until light, fluffy and doubled in size. Take off the heat and beat in 1 tbsp warm water and the vanilla essence. Then sift the flour, cocoa and a pinch of salt and very gently fold through the mixture as you want to lose as little air as possible.

3. Pour the mixture into the tin and bake for 10-12 minutes until light and springy. Cover the tin with a damp tea towel, set on a wire rack and leave to cool.

4. Meanwhile make the filling; beat together all the ingredients until combined. Add a tablespoon of warm water if it seems too thick. Chill until ready to use.

5. Remove the tea towel from the top of the sponge and lay on a work surface. Lay a piece of greaseproof paper that is larger than the sponge on top of the tea towel and scatter with caster sugar. Run a knife around the edge of the sponge and turn out on to the sugar-dusted paper; peel the paper off the base of the sponge. Using a knife, make an incision along the sponge about 1cm in from the long edge near you, taking care not to cut through the cake; this makes it easier to roll up.

6. Spread the filling over the sponge, leaving clear the 1cm border you have marked. Using the tea towel and paper under the cake to help you, roll up the cake from the longer end. Remove the tea towel and keep wrapped in the greaseproof paper, chilled, until ready to serve.

puff pastryIngredients

375g plain flour, plus extra for dusting

1 tsp caster sugar

225g Anchor Butter , frozen


1. Mix the flour and sugar in a bowl. Using a coarse cheese grater, grate the frozen butter into the flour. Toss the flour and butter together, then pour in 175ml ice-cold water and bring together to a smooth dough with your hands, kneading gently. Wrap in clingfilm and chill for 30 minutes.

2. Take the pastry out of the fridge and, on a lightly floured surface, roll out to a rectangle about 20cm x 40cm. Fold the bottom third of the pastry up and the top third down to make a little book. Turn 90 degrees anti-clockwise and repeat this rolling and folding process twice more. Fold up again and wrap in clingfilm to chill until ready to use.

CHOC GATEAUIngredients

110g Anchor Unsalted Butter , softened, plus extra for greasing

300ml single cream

1 tsp vanilla essence

300g light brown soft sugar

85g dark chocolate, roughly chopped

2 eggs, lightly beaten

225g plain flour

tsp salt

1 tsp bicarbonate of soda


115g dark chocolate, roughly chopped, plus extra grated to decorate

150g Anchor Unsalted Butter , softened

150g icing sugar, sifted

1 tbsp cocoa powder

1 tsp vanilla extract


1. Preheat the oven to 180C, gas mark 4. Grease and line the base of 2 x 20cm sandwich tins with baking parchment. Heat the cream, vanilla and 150g sugar in a saucepan, stirring until the sugar has melted, then bring to just below boiling point. Place the chocolate in a bowl, pour over the cream and stir until the chocolate has melted and everything is smooth; set aside while you prepare the rest of the ingredients.

2. In a separate bowl, beat the butter and remaining 150g sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in the eggs a little at a time until incorporated, then beat in the melted chocolate mixture. Sift in the flour, salt and bicarbonate of soda and beat in until you have a smooth batter. Bake for 30 minutes until a skewer inserted into the centre of the cakes comes out clean. Cool in the tins on a wire rack.

3. For the icing, melt the chocolate in a bowl set over a pan of barely simmering water; set aside and cool for 10 minutes. In a separate bowl, beat the butter and icing sugar for 2 minutes until smooth, then beat in the cocoa and vanilla and finally beat in the cooled melted chocolate until smooth. If the icing is too soft, place in the fridge for 10 minutes to firm up.

4. To assemble, remove both cakes from the tins and peel away any parchment. Place one cake on a plate or cake stand and spread the top with a layer of icing. Sit the second cake on top and spread all over with the icing. Scatter a little grated chocolate on top, if liked, before slicing to serve.Caramel Pudding

Ingredients: 1 can Milkmaid sweetened Condensed Milk 2 Medium eggs1 can cold water2 Teaspoons Vanilla EssenseCaramel3 tablespoons White Sugar3 tablespoons water

5. First caramalise the sugar in a saucepan with the 3 tablespoons of water. Allow sugar to brown, but do not allow it to burn. Pour the caramalised sugar into a clean pyrex bowl that has been rubbed with butter.

6. Empty the condensed milk into a bowl, add the cold water and lightly beaten eggs. Stir. Heat on top of stove. But do not allow it to boil over. Remove from stove and add vanilla. Empty contents into the pyrex bowl with caramelised sugar at the bottom. Cover bowl with a stainless steel lid or tin foil and put it in a steamer. Steam for about 45 minutes. Cool.

Vegetable Tempura


1 cup of Maggi Coconut Milk Powder 1/2 tsp salt

1/2 tsp sugar

1 tsp baking powder

1 cup water

3 tbsp vegetable oil

Coconut oil for frying

Mixed veggies, any kind

Preparation Time: 25-35 mins

Serves: 6

Nutritional Information (Per Serving)

Energy (Kcal)Carbohydrate (g)Protein (g)Fat (g)


Simple Tips from NestlGood to Know - Fresh coconut oil is safe for frying purposes.

Good to remember - Minimize re-heating the same coconut oil once it is used.


1. Combine Maggi Coconut Milk powder, salt, sugar and baking powder.

2. Slowly add the oil and water until the texture is smooth and creamy. Chill for at least 15 minutes.

3. Heat several inches of vegetable oil in a wok or large frying pan over high heat.

4. Dip the vegetables in the batter and place it in the oil.

5. Allow to cook for about 1-2 minutes until crisp and lightly golden brown. Drain on paper towels.

Chicken and Mutton Kebab


250g skinless, boneless chicken cut into cubes

250g either mutton or lamb cut into cubes

50g each of black mushrooms and button mushrooms

50g each of bell pepper and shallots

2 Maggi Jumbo Chicken Cubes

Oil to shallow fry

16 kebab sticks

Preparation Time: 40 mins

Serves: 4

Nutritional Information(Per Serving)

Energy (Kcal)Carbohydrate (g)Protein (g)Fat (g)

335.46 10.84 34.72 17.025

Simple Tips from NestlGood to Know - Chicken and mutton is a high-quality protein rich combination

Good to remember - An individual who engages with a lot of physical activities requires a high-quality, protein rich meal.


1. Season the chicken and mutton with Maggi Jumbo Chicken Cubes.

2. Thread the chicken, mutton and vegetables in an alternating manner on the kebab stick.

3. Heat oil on a flat saucepan.

4. Shallow fry the kebabs till the chicken and mutton is cooked.

Grilled chicken


Maggi Magic jumbo cubes - 1

Maggi Coconut Milk Powder - 3 tablespoons

Chicken - 1 kilogram

Garlic paste - 1 teaspoon

Ginger paste - 1 teaspoon

Salt and white pepper - 1 tablespoon each

Red chili whole - 3 - 4

Coriander seed - 1 teaspoon

Oil - 1 teaspoon

Curry powder - 1 teaspoon

Preparation time: 50-55 minutes

Serves: 10

Nutritional Information (Per Serving)

Energy (Kcal)Carbohydrate (g)Protein (g)Fat (g)


Simple Tips from Nestl

Good to Know - Grilled chicken needs a minimal amount of oil to make it a delicious meal.

Good to remember - Grilling is one of the best methods of cooking to control the addition of extra calories.


Marinate the chicken with Maggi Jumbo chicken cubes for an hour

Add garlic, ginger, salt, and white pepper to the chicken and grill well till chicken is tender

In a pan, take a spoonful of oil, heat it and put whole red chilies and coriander seeds and fry for 1 minute

Mix this onto the cooked chicken and serve hot with rice



Milkmaid: small tin

Flour: 325g

Baking powder: 1 tsp

Margarine: 225g

Sugar: 125g

Egg: 1

Vanilla essence: few drops

Preparation Time: 30 mins

Serves: 15

Nutritional Information (Per Serving)

Energy (Kcal)Carbohydrate (g)Protein (g)Fat (g)


Simple Tips from Nestl

Good to Know - Cookies are a delicious snack with high calorie content.

Good to remember - Look out for the portion size to control calorie intake to ensure a balanced diet.


Sift together flour and baking powder twice.

Cream margarine and sugar. Add Milkmaid; mix well. Add the egg and vanilla; mix well. Mix flour.

Pipe the mix well onto a greased baking tray.

Bake at 1800C in a pre-heated oven for 20 minutes.

Other variationsMix the following powders to the sifted flour:

1-1 g Nescafe for coffee cookies

5g Milo powder for Milo cookies

7-8g Nestomalt powder for malt cookies

10-15g Maggi coconut milk powder for coconut cookies.



450g raw Rice pounded

6 tbsp Maggi Coconut Milk Powder Dissolved in 3 Cups water

1 Egg

Turmeric for colouring

Cooking oil for deep frying

Salt to taste

2 tbsp Milkmaid

Preparation Time: 30 - 40 mins

Serves: 40 pieces

Nutritional Information(Per Piece)

Energy (Kcal)Carbohydrate (g)Protein (g)Fat (g)


Simple Tips from NestlGood to Know - Cooking oils undergo rapid chemical changes due to uncontrolled heat applied during frying.

Good to remember - When you deep fry food avoid repeated usage of the same oil for frying purposes since this could generate harmful chemicals in the oil.


1. Sieve the rice flour well and mix with Maggi coconut milk & Milkmaid.

2. Add beaten egg turmeric and salt make the batter to the consistency of a pan cake batter. Let it rest for 1 hr. heat oil, dip kokis mould in oil and then dip it the batter.

3. Fry until crisp and drain. Store in an airtight container.

Fruit Cake with Chocolate topping



250g Butter

4 Eggs

300g Wheat flour

250g Sugar

7g Baking Powder

300g Chopped Mixed Fruits(cashew, sultana, pumpkin preserve, chaw chaw & cherry)


200g Milkmaid 400g Dark Chocolate

100ml Fresh Cream

Preparation Time: 60 mins

Serves: 8

Nutritional Information(Per Serving)

Energy (Kcal)Carbohydrate (g)Protein (g)Fat (g)


Simple Tips from NestlGood to Know - When you take energy rich desserts be mindful about the portion size

Good to remember - Fruit cake with Milkmaid chocolate topping is an energy rich dessert


1. Beat butter & sugar until it becomes a cream

2. Sieve flour & baking powder thrice

3. Add eggs (one by one ) to butter & sugar mix

4. Mix chopped fruits & 50g wheat flour & keep a side

5. Finally add flour to the egg mix well

6. Add chopped fruit mixture gradually

7. Then bake at 185 C for 45 minutes

Milkmaid Chocolate cream

1. Mix Milkmaid 200ml with fresh cream

2. Heat it up to 75C temperature

3. Remove from the fire & add melted chocolate.

Thai Tom Yam Soup


500g medium size prawns washed and cleaned

1 liter water

100g of mushrooms cut into medium size pieces

1 Maggi Jumbo Chicken Cube

2 stalks lemon grass cut into 1 inch pieces

6 green chilies cut into fine long strips

4 leaves of lime

1 tbsp soy sauce

2 3 tbsp fish sauce

50g each of spring onion leaves and coriander leaves cut into fine long stips

1 inch piece ginger finely chopped

cup thick milk made from

Maggi Coconut Milk Powder

1 tsp chili oil

Preparation Time: 30 mins

Serves: 4

Nutritional Information(Per Serving)

Energy (Kcal)Carbohydrate(g)Protein (g)Fat (g)


Simple Tips from NestlGood to Know - Thai Tom Yam soup prepared with prawns is delicious.

Good to remember -Prawns are good source of proteins and also contain essential fat that to minimize risk of heart diseases etc.


1. Season the prawns with Maggi Jumbo Chicken Cube.

2. Boil the prawns in water and add the remaining of the Maggi Jumbo Chicken Cube.

3. Add all the vegetables and lemon grass. Bring the soup to boil.

4. Add all the sauces and mix well.

5. Add salt and lime to taste.

6. Add the spring onion leaves, coriander leaves and thick milk made from Maggi Coconut Milk Powder. Stir well and cook for a few more minutes.

7. Add chili oil and take off the fire.

8. Serve warm.

Hot and sour mushroom chicken soup


6 cups chicken stock prepared with MAGGI Jumbo chicken cube

1 cinnamon stick, split

2 star anise

1 tbs finely grated fresh ginger

1 stalk lemongrass, bruised and chopped

2 small skinless chicken breast fillets, trimmed of fat

Olive oil

400g cup mushrooms, sliced

2 limes, juiced

2 tsp fish sauce

4 green onions, thinly sliced

1 red chilli, thinly sliced

1 cup bean sprouts, trimmed

1 cup mint leaves

Preparation Time: 25- 30 mins

Serves: 4

Nutritional Information (Per Serving)

Energy (Kcal)Carbohydrate (g)Protein (g)Fat (g)


Simple Tips from NestlGood to Know - Hot & sour mushroom chicken soup is a light meal with other important nutrients.

Good to remember - Nutritionally rich low-calorie meals are recommended in weight-reduction diet plans. It is important to maintain a healthy weight for a healthy heart.


1. Combine the stock, cinnamon, star anise, ginger, lemongrass and chicken in a large saucepan. Bring to a simmer over medium heat. Reduce heat to low, cook for 15-20 minutes or until chicken is cooked through. Transfer the chicken to a board, set aside for 5 minutes then shred.

2. Meanwhile, heat a large non-stick frying pan over high heat. Spray the mushrooms lightly with oil and cook in the hot pan in two batches, for 4-5 minutes until just tender.

3. Strain the stock mixture, discard the solids and return stock to the pan. Bring to boil. Add the mushrooms, lime juice and fish sauce to taste.

4. Divide the chicken between serving bowls. Ladle over the stock, top with green onions, chilli, bean sprouts and mint and serve.

Asian chicken noodle soup


4 cups reduced salt chicken stock

2 1/2 cups water

250g skinless chicken breast fillet, trimmed of fat

2 carrots, sliced

3cm piece ginger, peeled, cut into thin strips

2-3 small red chillies, thinly sliced

1 small bunch coriander with roots

200g MAGGI noodles

100g green beans, sliced

2 tbs reduced salt soy sauce

2 tsp brown sugar

1 bunch baby bok choy, chopped

3 green shallots, thinly sliced

50g bean sprouts

2 tbs soaked green gram

Preparation Time: 20 minutes

Serves: 4

Nutritional Information (Per Serving)

Energy (Kcal)Carbohydrate (g)Protein (g)Fat (g)


Simple Tips from NestlGood to Know - A light meal with the goodness of vegetables.

Good to remember - Consume more vegetables and fruit for a healthy heart.


1. Place stock, water, chicken, carrots, ginger and chilli in a large saucepan and bring to boil. Reduce heat, simmer uncovered for 10 minutes. Remove from heat, cover and stand 10 minutes.

2. Remove chicken from stock and shred finely. Finely chop coriander stems and roughly chop leaves.

3. Add rice noodles and beans to chicken stock. Return to heat and simmer uncovered for 3-5 minutes until noodles are softened

4. Stir in shredded chicken, soy sauce, sugar, bok choy, shallots and coriander stems, simmer 1-2 minutes until bok choy is wilted. Remove from heat, stir in coriander leaves

5. Ladle soup into bowls, top with bean sprouts and serve.

Chicken curry with coriander and tomato


350g skinless chicken breast, trimmed of fat, cut into large bite-sized pieces

2 large green capsicum, seeds and membranes removed, thinly sliced

2 cups fresh coriander, tough stems removed, leaves coarsely chopped

2 large cloves garlic, finely chopped

5cm piece fresh ginger, thinly sliced

Freshly squeezed juice of 2 lemons

1 tsp MAGGI Rasamusu

1 tbs peanut oil

2 tbs red curry paste

6 tomatoes, chopped, with skin on

Preparation Time: 40 mins( including overnight standing)

Serves: 6

Nutritional Information (Per Serving)

Energy (Kcal)Carbohydrate (g)Protein (g)Fat (g)


Simple Tips from NestlGood to Know - Spices & condiments adds a healthy punch to your meal.

Good to remember - Spices & condiments help minimize the risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, high blood cholesterol, etc. and also improve the body's resistance against common illnesses.


1. Combine the chicken add the Maggi Rasamusu capsicum, coriander, garlic, ginger, lemon juice and red curry in a large bowl and toss well to coat. Refrigerate overnight, if possible, turning from time to time.

2. Heat the oil in a large pan over moderate heat, add the chicken and capsicum and all of the marinade, and saute until the chicken is nearly cooked, about 10 minutes.

3. Add the tomatoes and cook a further 5-10 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked through and the tomatoes are hot. Serve hot.

Cauliflower and Broccoli Curry


250g cauliflower broken into florets

250g broccoli broken into florets

20g each of finely chopped garlic and ginger

2-3 green chilies

4-5 curry leaves

tsp mustard seeds

1 cups thin milk made from Maggi Coconut Milk Powder

1 cup thick milk made from MaggiCoconut Milk Powder

2 tbsp unroasted curry powder

2 tbsp unroasted curry powder

1 tsp turmeric powder

Pinch of cumin powder and coriander leaves to garnish

Salt to taste

50g finely chopped onion

50g tomatoes cut into pieces

1 inch piece pandanus leaf

1 inch piece cinnamon

1 tbsp chili powder

2-3 tbsp corn oil

Preparation Time: 45-50 mins

Serves: 4

Nutritional Information(Per Serving)

Energy (Kcal)Carbohydrate(g)Protein (g)Fat (g)


Simple Tips from NestlGood to Know - Curry with Cauliflower and broccoliprovides 2/3 of daily vegetable requirement.

Good to remember - Daily intake of 3 4 serving vegetables helps to ensure vitamins, minerals and fibre requirement for a healthy life.


1. Soak the cauliflower and broccoli florets in salt water for about 10-15 minutes. Wash and keep aside.

2. Heat oil in a pan. Slightly temper mustard seeds, onions, ginger, garlic, pandanus leaf, curry leaves and green chilies on medium heat.

3. Add the tomatoes and temper for a further 3-4 minutes.

4. Add all the spices and stir well. Add salt to taste.

5. Add cauliflower and broccoli to the pan and stir.

6. Pour in thin milk, cover and cook for about 4 - 5 minutes. Add thick milk and bring to boil. Lower the heat and let the curry simmer. Take off the fire.

Prawn and Vegetable Chop Suey


400g medium sized prawns

1 egg white

5 tbsp cornflour

2 tbsp chopped garlic

100g carrot cut into slices

100g each of boiled cauliflower and broccoli florets

125g each of Chinese cabbage and bok choy

1 2 tbsp of chilled water

25g each of baby corn, water chestnuts and button mushrooms

100g bell pepper cut into medium sized pieces

3 4 tbsp oyster sauce

1 cup water

2 Maggi Jumbo Chicken Cubes

Oil to deep fry

Bit of sugar

Salt and pepper to taste

Preparation Time: 20 mins

Serves: 4

Nutritional Information(Per Serving)

Energy (Kcal)Carbohydrate (g)Protein (g)Fat (g)


Simple Tips from NestlGood to Know - Maggi Noodles is rich in carbohydrate. Adding Red Snapper fillets improves the protein content of the meal and helps to make it a balanced diet.

Good to remember - Out of animal protein sources, fish is the preferred protein as it contain more healthy fat.


1. Wash and clean the prawns. Season with salt and pepper.

2. Dip the prawns into the egg white and coat with corn flour.

3. Deep fry and keep aside.

4. Bring the water to boil in a pot add the vegetables and boil for a further 2- 3 minutes.

5. Take off the fire and strain the vegetables.

6. Heat 2 -3 tbsp of oil in a wok. Slightly temper the garlic.

7. Add the boiled vegetables, 1 cup of water and Maggi Jumbo Chicken Cubes. Stir well.

8. Add sugar and salt to taste.

9. Stir in oyster sauce and bring to boil.

10. Add cornflour dissolved in a little water to the dish and cook until thickened.

11. Add the fried prawns. Stir and take off the fire.

12. Serve warm.

Prawn Korma


600g prawns

Pinch of turmeric

tsp cumin seeds

1 cup curd

Salt, pepper and lime juice to taste

2 tbsp each of chopped garlic and ginger

2 inch piece pandanus leaf

2 tbsp chopped coriander leaves

1 tbsp coriander powder

1 tsp mustard seeds

1 cup thick milk made from Maggi Coconut Milk Powder

4 tbsp corn oil

4 tbsp chopped onion

4-5 curry leaves

4 tbsp korma paste

Korma Paste

8 dried red chillies

4 tbsp couscous

4 cardamoms

4 cloves

2 inch piece cinnamon

4 tbsp of soaked gram dhal

Oil to deep fry

Preparation Time: 30-40 mins

Serves: 6

Nutritional Information(Per Serving)

Energy (Kcal)Carbohydrate (g)Protein (g)Fat (g)

200.2 3.420.1811.7

Simple Tips from NestlGood to Know - Prawns are rich in protein and it also contains omega 3 essential fat.

Good to remember - Omega 3 fat is considered as healthy fat as it helps to minimize the risk of heart diseases.


1. Clean the prawns and wash well. Marinate the prawns with salt, pepper, lime juice and turmeric.

2. Heat oil in a pan. Add mustard seeds and cumin seeds and stir.

3. Add onions, garlic, ginger, pandanus leaf, curry leaves and temper on medium heat.

4. Add the marinated prawns, coriander powder and stir.

5. Add the korma mixture and thick milk made from Maggi Coconut Milk Powder and stir well.

6. Add curd and bring the mixture to boil and take off the fire.

7. Sprinkle chopped coriander leaves on top and serve warm.

Korma Paste

1. Heat oil in a pan and deep fry each of the ingredients mentioned above separately till golden brown. Remove and drain.

2. Blender or grind all the ingredients into a paste.

3. Store in an air tight bottle.

Tempered Cashew, Potato and Brinjal


100g boiled cashew nuts

250g potato cut into medium size cubes

250g brinjal cut into medium size strips

150g of finely sliced onions

1 tbsp each of finely chopped garlic and ginger

3 4 green chillies

1 inch piece cinnamon

tsp mustard seeds

100g tomato cut into medium size cubes

1 Maggi Jumbo Chicken Cube

4 tbsp corn oil

2 tbsp chili flakes

1 tsp turmeric powder

Curry powder if required

4 5 curry leaves

1 inch piece pandanus leaf

Salt and white pepper to taste

Preparation Time: 20 mins

Serves: 4

Nutritional Information(Per Serving)

Energy (Kcal)Carbohydrate (g)Protein (g)Fat (g)


Simple Tips from NestlGood to Know - Tempered Cashew, Potato and Brinjal is a good combination of vegetables.

Good to remember - It is essential to have 3-4 different types of vegetables in a balanced diet.


1. Deep fry the potatoes and brinjals till golden brown. Keep aside.

2. Heat oil in a flat pan. Slightly temper the ginger, garlic, mustard seeds, curry leaves, pandanus leaf and onion.

3. Add all the spices and green chillies and continue tempering.

4. Add all the vegetables and the cashew nuts. Stir well on medium heat.

5. Sprinkle a Maggi Jumbo Chicken Cube on top of the mixture and stir well.

6. Add salt and pepper to taste. If required, add a few drops of lime juice.

Stir-fried Fish with MAGGI Coconut Milk Powder


1kg fish fillets (shark/grouper) skinned


Black pepper

Lemon juice

2 large onions, sliced into rings

1 green pepper, sliced into rings

1 red pepper, sliced into rings

4 ripe tomatoes, sliced into rings

3 tbsp oil

6 tbsp of Maggi Coconut Milk Powder

Preparation Time: 30-40 mins

Serves: 6

Nutritional Information (Per Serving)

Energy (Kcal)Carbohydrate (g)Protein (g)Fat (g)


Simple Tips from NestlGood to Know - Fish is a good source of Omega 3 fatty acids

Good to remember - Omega 3 fats in fish is important for healthy heart.


1. Season the fish with salt, pepper and lemon juice and let it marinate for at least 1 hour

2. Layer half the fish, half the onion, half the peppers and half tomatoes in a large pan or frying pan.

3. Dust with half the coriander. Repeat the layers in the same order. Baste with the oil and add in the Maggi Coconut Milk Powder.

4. Cover the pan and cook over low heat, for about 20 minutes.

5. Stir very carefully occasionally, so that the coconut is completely incorporated. Serve with white sauce. (Serves 6)