REBELS GUIDE TO JOY A4 DEVO-01 - · Philippians: The Rebels Guide to Joy...


Transcript of REBELS GUIDE TO JOY A4 DEVO-01 - · Philippians: The Rebels Guide to Joy...

Page 1: REBELS GUIDE TO JOY A4 DEVO-01 - · Philippians: The Rebels Guide to Joy Everyone is in pursuit of happiness. Some people look to their friends and families to
Page 2: REBELS GUIDE TO JOY A4 DEVO-01 - · Philippians: The Rebels Guide to Joy Everyone is in pursuit of happiness. Some people look to their friends and families to



PP hh ii ll ii pp pp ii aa nn ss :: TT hh ee RR ee bb ee ll ss GG uu ii dd ee tt oo JJ oo yy

Everyone is in pursuit of happiness. Some people look to their friends and families to find it. Some devote themselves to work or chase adventures. Some cling to food, money, new clothes, or new gadgets to try to make themselves happy. But sometimes it feels like we can’t find happiness no matter where we look. Then, when we eventually manage to find it, it disappears just as quickly…

But what if God had something more than happiness in mind? And is it possible that we could have it no matter what situation we find ourselves in? Even in the middle of trials and suffering?

That something is Joy. Joy is not temporary and fleeting like happiness. It isn’t based on our situation, but as we see in Philippians it is possible to have joy in all our happenings and circumstances because of Jesus Christ.

HH oo ww tt oo uu ss ee tt hh ii ss gg uu ii dd ee :: This guide covers a period of eight weeks, with three passages of scripture to examine each week. With each passage of scripture we’ve included a brief devotional and a memory verse for the week. We encourage you to make time each week to read through the three passages of scripture and answer the reflection questions for each one.

Read each passage slowly, a couple times through. Chew on it for a while and reflect on the devotional thought. Talk to God about what you’ve read and use the questions to think about how you are going to it live out. Write the memory verses on cards and carry them with you or put the memory verses on your phone - you could even set up reminders to encourage you to go back and look at the verse throughout the day. It is our hope that this guide will not be a burden to you, but instead will help you journey deeper into the letter of Philippians as we study to the book together in our Sunday meetings.

The content of this guide was compiled by Westbrook Christian Church

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PP hh ii ll ii pp pp ii aa nn ss BB aa cc kk gg rr oo uu nn dd

WW hh oo ww rr oo tt ee tt hh ii ss ll ee tt tt ee rr ??

Paul, formerly known as Saul, was a well-known persecutor of Christians in the early days of the church. He converted from Judaism to Christianity and became a missionary spreading the Gospel all around the Mediterranean region. The letters to various people and churches make up almost half of the New Testament.

WW hh ee nn ??

Paul went to Philippi for the first time around AD 49-51 (Acts 16:12-40). We know that Paul wrote this letter to the Philippians while he was in prison (Philippians 1:13), but Paul doesn’t say where. It’s possible that he wrote this while in Rome, Caesarea, or Ephesus while in prison. This means that Paul probably wrote Philippians sometime during AD 54-61.

WW hh yy ??

In the first chapter we see Paul address the church at Philippi with thankfulness and encouragement to them. He seems to care deeply about them. That’s not all this letter is about, however. The language of Philippians is joyful, but Paul is writing to encourage them to remain joyful in a non-Christian environment and in the midst of suffering. While Philippians seems to be one of the happier letters that Paul writes, he doesn’t hold back on the fact that there is trouble in this world.

WW hh aa tt ss hh oo uu ll dd II ll oo oo kk ff oo rr ??

The heart of this devotional is how to find joy in our happenings. Look for the hard situations that Paul describes and then look for how Paul says that we can have joy in the middle of these hard situations. It certainly seems preposterous that we can have joy in the middle of suffering, but Paul shows how this is possible through Jesus.

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KK ee yy VV ee rr ss ee ss

WW ee ee kk 11 :: PP hh ii ll ii pp pp ii aa nn ss 11 :: 99 -- 11 00 And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, 10 so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ,

WW ee ee kk 22 :: PP hh ii ll ii pp pp ii aa nn ss 11 :: 22 00 -- 22 11 I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.

WW ee ee kk 33 :: PP hh ii ll ii pp pp ii aa nn ss 22 :: 33 -- 44 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.

WW ee ee kk 44 :: PP hh ii ll ii pp pp ii aa nn ss 22 :: 11 44 -- 11 66 aa Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.” Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life. And then I will be able to boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor in vain.

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KK ee yy VV ee rr ss ee ss

WW ee ee kk 55 :: PP hh ii ll ii pp pp ii aa nn ss 33 :: 88 What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ

WW ee ee kk 66 :: PP hh ii ll ii pp pp ii aa nn ss 33 :: 22 00 -- 22 11 But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.

WW ee ee kk 77 :: PP hh ii ll ii pp pp ii aa nn ss 44 :: 66 -- 77 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

WW ee ee kk 88 :: PP hh ii ll ii pp pp ii aa nn ss 44 :: 11 22 -- 11 33 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

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WW ee ee kk 11 SS tt uu dd yy 11 RR ee aa dd :: PP hh ii ll ii pp pp ii aa nn ss 11 :: 11 -- 22

DD ee vv oo tt ii oo nn aa ll TT hh oo uu gg hh tt :: The series that we are kicking off at CityHill is about being able to find joy in all circumstances. Philippians 1:1-2 may not seem like it holds a lot in the way of learning about Joy, but when you think about who is writing the letter and who is receiving the letter, then we get a glimpse into the background of this letter and the joys that Paul and the Philippian church have shared together.

If you have time, go back and read Acts 16:11-40. What you’ll find there is a crazy story about how Paul started a church with a devout, well-to-do woman, a slave girl who was possessed by a demon, and a Roman jailer and his family. It was a pretty trying time for Paul and Silas, but all through it they demonstrated joy and I'll bet that the people of the Philippian church never forgot that. They never forgot that even when they were put into prison, they still rejoiced in God and God rescued them from that prison.

As we journey into this book, spend some time thinking about your history. Remember how you came to faith. Remember the story of how you first started going to church. Maybe there are some difficult and crazy times that you have been through that you were able to be joyful in the midst of life like Paul and Silas in prison. We live in a crazy world, and Philippi was just as crazy. It was in the middle of a crazy chaotic world, that Paul writes to encourage the Philippians to have joy.

RR ee ff ll ee cc tt ii oo nn ::

1. What are the trials of your life right now? Do you still have joy? Why or why not? If not, how could it be possible to have joy in the middle of all this?

2. What are some of your hopes for this study? What do you hope to learn from this study of Philippians? Spend some time praying to God about this, that he will find what you need to see in the book of Philippians.

KK ee yy vv ee rr ss ee :: Philippians 1:9-10

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WW ee ee kk 11 SS tt uu dd yy 22 RR ee aa dd :: PP hh ii ll ii pp pp ii aa nn ss 11 :: 33 -- 88

DD ee vv oo tt ii oo nn aa ll TT hh oo uu gg hh tt :: From the very beginning of the letter, Paul shares how much the partnership of the Philippian church means to him. Whenever he prays for them, he does so with joy. Through this little glimpse into Paul's prayer life, we get to see how Paul finds joy in all circumstances.

At this point in Paul's life he is writing from prison, probably chained to a guard. Because of his boldness to proclaim the gospel, he has ended up in jail. It would be easy for any of us to say that Paul had the right to be upset and angry over his circumstances. Instead, he finds joy because of what he was able to partner with the Philippian church in doing the work of the Gospel.

Why does Paul have joy? It's because of what we find in verse 6. God was doing a good work in the Philippian church and he had confidence that that "good work" would continue on until Christ returned. That good work is the Gospel spreading in and through the Philippian church. Because of this, Paul can rejoice even though he is in chains because the Gospel is working in the church and spreading because of it.

RR ee ff ll ee cc tt ii oo nn ::

1. Why was Paul thankful for the Philippians? Why do you think that would bring him joy even while he is in chains?

2. What are you thankful for in your life? Even when times are tough, what brings you joy?

KK ee yy vv ee rr ss ee :: Philippians 1:9-10

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WW ee ee kk 11 SS tt uu dd yy 33 RR ee aa dd :: PP hh ii ll ii pp pp ii aa nn ss 11 :: 99 -- 11 11

DD ee vv oo tt ii oo nn aa ll TT hh oo uu gg hh tt :: Paul wraps up his opening remarks with a prayer for the Philippian church. At the heart of this prayer is his desire for them to grow in their faith and relationship with Jesus. He prays first for an increase in their love combined with “knowledge and depth of insight.” Paul’s hopes for the Philippians is that they will not only become smarter, but also wiser in the way that they live out their faith and that they will do so in love. This is very similar to what Paul tells the Corinthians that love is more valuable than knowledge (1 Cor 8:1) and is in fact the greatest characteristic of a Christian (1 Cor 13:13). He prays this for them that they might choose the right path in following Christ so that in the end they will be found to be pure and blameless before Christ when returns.

Paul’s prayer is a great reminder for us of what our aim in life should be. In the pursuit of happiness, we often find ourselves in search of either love that leads to acceptance or in search of knowledge that will lead to success. Paul shows us that to really grow in Christ and to be filled with the fruit of that live we need love and wisdom together. Both of them sound good on their own and can be very beneficial, but it’s only together that we can really grow in our relationship with Jesus Christ.

RR ee ff ll ee cc tt ii oo nn ::

1. Spend some time reflecting on Paul’s prayer. Which part of it do you need to pray for your life right now? Do you need more love? Do you need more knowledge and discernment?

2. Who can you pray this prayer over as well? Spend the rest of your time today praying this prayer for yourself, for others, and for CityHill Church.

KK ee yy vv ee rr ss ee :: Philippians 1:9-10

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WW ee ee kk 22 SS tt uu dd yy 11 RR ee aa dd :: PP hh ii ll ii pp pp ii aa nn ss 11 :: 11 22 -- 11 88

DD ee vv oo tt ii oo nn aa ll TT hh oo uu gg hh tt :: The situation that Paul finds himself is definitely less than ideal. First, he is in prison. He has been locked up for doing what God called him to do. I’m sure he had the thought that his time would be better spent out being a missionary and planting churches instead of being in prison. Second, it appears that there are others who are out preaching the Gospel in order to benefit themselves or even to harm Paul’s reputation while he is in prison. The amazing part of all this, however, is Paul’s reaction.

Remarkably, Paul is finding joy even in the middle of a frustrating situation. Paul recognizes that even though he is in chains, the work of the Gospel is still being done. The soldiers guarding him are hiring the Gospel and even those who are against Paul are still spreading the good news of Jesus Christ. Because of this, Paul can rejoice.

Most of us have not faced this situation, but we do face frustrating situations. Sometimes the situations are just annoying and other times they are terrible. Whatever the case may be, it is important to look to Christ and see what is most important. In Paul’s situation he could say that people were still hearing about Jesus. It may not be the same for you, but there is always a way that Jesus can be glorified in every situation.

RR ee ff ll ee cc tt ii oo nn ::

1. How would describe Paul’s attitude in this section? Why is his attitude like this?

2. Have you experienced something like this? Were you able to rejoice? Why or why not?

KK ee yy vv ee rr ss ee :: Philippians 1:20-21

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WW ee ee kk 22 SS tt uu dd yy 22 RR ee aa dd :: PP hh ii ll ii pp pp ii aa nn ss 11 :: 11 99 -- 22 66

DD ee vv oo tt ii oo nn aa ll TT hh oo uu gg hh tt :: One day I just sat on the edge of my bed wondering “what’s the purpose?” I mean it seemed like working was futile because I didn’t have enough money to cover my debts, people in the world were mad at me and I wasn’t getting any of my desires met, or so it seemed. Preachers kept speaking about heaven being a wonderful place to be and I thought “LORD can’t you just take me home?” Life is full of difficulties and bad news and sometimes I get tired, weary, and distressed. When will there ever be peace?

It seemed like God was taking His sweet little time when it came to “my” problems and I found myself pouting in the corner wanting “my” situations to change. GOD didn’t change the situation but He did do something greater.

God opened my eyes to see other people are hurting and need to hear a word of peace. He opened my ears to be able to hear the needs of others instead of wallowing in my pity. He opened my heart to feel what other people are feeling and finally understand I need to show compassion no matter the circumstance. Like Paul, I realized that I’m still here on the Earth so I should get to work telling people about GOD’s compassion.

RR ee ff ll ee cc tt ii oo nn ::

1. Is Paul afraid of death? Why or why not? What is Paul’s view of his situation? 2. When life gets tough and it would seem better just to give up. Paul thought

differently. How can we have the mentality that to live is Christ?

KK ee yy vv ee rr ss ee :: Philippians 1:20-21

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WW ee ee kk 22 SS tt uu dd yy 33 RR ee aa dd :: PP hh ii ll ii pp pp ii aa nn ss 11 :: 22 77 -- 33 00

DD ee vv oo tt ii oo nn aa ll TT hh oo uu gg hh tt :: “Whatever happens” is a difficult set of words to swallow. It means that I accept God’s plan of transforming me during “good” or “tumultuous” times. During either time, I am to conduct myself with faith, energy, courage, excitement and most of all love for others for the purpose of bringing people to my savior, Jesus.

My problem is that I don’t “like” God. Oh, I love Him, but there are times when I don’t “like” the way he is doing things, and therefore “I don’t like Him.” “Why can’t He just zap everything into peace and tranquility?” I ask myself.

God clearly wants me to be a team player when it comes to spreading His great news. This requires some drastic changes in my life. I need to stand firm instead of questioning God’s every move. I need to have courage to accept God’s plan instead of cowardly jumping in and doing my thing. I need to work together with others who have different opinions yet believe in the same gospel.

RR ee ff ll ee cc tt ii oo nn ::

1. Whatever happens includes a lot. What are some things going in your life where you should live in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ?

2. What are some changes you can make so that you can live your life in a manner worthy of the gospel? How can you live your life to help others instead of doing your own thing?

KK ee yy vv ee rr ss ee :: Philippians 1:20-21

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WW ee ee kk 33 SS tt uu dd yy 11 RR ee aa dd :: PP hh ii ll ii pp pp ii aa nn ss 22 :: 11 -- 44

DD ee vv oo tt ii oo nn aa ll TT hh oo uu gg hh tt :: “To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one, not even an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements. Lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket, safe, dark, motionless, airless, it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable. To love is to be vulnerable.” C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves

I never cease to be amazed by the paradoxical nature of the Bible. We think joy and happiness and true pleasure will come through those things that are for our own satisfaction and enjoyment. Then the Bible comes along and blows that notion out of the water. Our idea of love, when given over to our own devices, tends to focus on us. Something that will enrich my life and bring a sort of happiness that is almost euphoric. Then we discover that this is not what God says at all. Love suffers. Love endures. Love dies to self. Love dies for others.

Paul brings these rhetorical questions (in verse 1) to our attention to make a point. Could the Philippians answer “No” to these? Of course not! Could we? I hope not! If our answers to these questions be “Yes”, then the results Paul outlines in the remainder of Philippians should surely follow.

RR ee ff ll ee cc tt ii oo nn ::

1. Based on the description in verses 1-4, how would you define humility? How does this line up with what you would consider to be humility?

2. Which of the things that Paul talks about in this section do you really need to work on? How can you do that this week?

KK ee yy VV ee rr ss ee :: Philippians 2:3-4

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WW ee ee kk 33 SS tt uu dd yy 22 RR ee aa dd :: PP hh ii ll ii pp pp ii aa nn ss 22 :: 55 -- 11 11

DD ee vv oo tt ii oo nn aa ll TT hh oo uu gg hh tt :: “True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.” C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

To understand a word or concept, it can be helpful to look at its opposite. Pride is the antonym of humility. Pride is often mistaken and unfortunately miscalculated in its importance. The importance of understanding pride and its effect on us as followers of Christ is imperative. Pride is often called ‘The Great Sin’ and for good reason. For pride is the one thing that can keep us from God.

Thankfully, we have an example and a rescuer in this: Jesus. These verses from our devotion today should bring us to our knees in reverence, appreciation and awe; and then move us toward humility. For here we see the very Son of God relinquishing his right place and take on human form. But it did not end with his becoming a human. It ended in his death. Not for the things of his own doing, but for the doings of each of us. Your sin, my sin; this is what brought Jesus to earth. This required a humility that is incomprehensible to me. Yet, his humility drives me to consider my own pride and begging God’s help in ‘dealing with it’.

Another Lewis quote seems appropriate here. “If anyone would like to acquire humility, I can, I think, tell him the first step. The first step is to realize that one is proud. And a biggish step, too. At least, nothing whatever can be done before it. If you think you are not conceited, it means you are very conceited indeed.” C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

RR ee ff ll ee cc tt ii oo nn ::

1. In your own words, based on verses 6-11, how would you describe the attitude of Jesus? What really sticks out to you?

2. How can you have a similar attitude to Jesus in your daily life? What are some specific actions you can take?

KK ee yy VV ee rr ss ee :: Philippians 2:3-4

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WW ee ee kk 33 SS tt uu dd yy 33 RR ee aa dd :: PP hh ii ll ii pp pp ii aa nn ss 22 :: 11 22 -- 11 33

DD ee vv oo tt ii oo nn aa ll TT hh oo uu gg hh tt :: “That is why He warned people to “count the cost” before becoming Christians. “Make no mistake,” He says, “if you let me, I will make you perfect. The moment you put yourself in My hands, that is what you are in for. Nothing less, or other, than that. You have free will, and if you choose, you can push Me away. But if you do not push Me away, understand I am going to see this job through. Whatever suffering it may cost you in your earthly life, whatever inconceivable purification it may cost you in your earthly life, whatever inconceivable purification it may cost you after death, whatever it costs Me, I will never rest, nor let you rest, until you are literally perfect — until my Father can say without reservation that He is well pleased with you, as He said He was well pleased with me. This I can do and will do. But I will not do anything less.”” C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

Does that quote seem harsh or extreme or out of place for the verses we are reading and meditating on today? They do at first, but some consideration may help us see otherwise. Jesus did not succumb to the call to become human simply to get us to heaven. God’s purpose was much more than that. Paul makes this point. God wants to sanctify us; to set us apart for his purposes. Sanctification is God working to make us perfect. He won’t stop short of that goal. Our free will allows us to block his efforts; but, it does not remove this as his desire and our destiny.

Have you ever gone to a conference or class or study or heard a sermon where you left with an absolute commitment and desire to do what was taught? You had a passion for change in your life that lined up with what the speaker outlined; and a week or a month or a year later, it had all faded. Paul clearly was a vibrant and encouraging speaker and mentor. Yet he didn’t sugar coat it. He laid out the truth – good or bad. “You did great while I was there. Now stay with it! You have to work out your salvation. You are being sanctified. God is working. Obey him and allow his work in you to continue!”

RR ee ff ll ee cc tt ii oo nn ::

1. Sanctification means that God is working in us to make us more like Jesus. How do you see this happening in your life?

2. What are your greatest challenges to being Christ-like in real life?

KK ee yy VV ee rr ss ee :: Philippians 2:3-4

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WW ee ee kk 44 SS tt uu dd yy 11 RR ee aa dd :: PP hh ii ll ii pp pp ii aa nn ss 22 :: 11 44 -- 11 88

DD ee vv oo tt ii oo nn aa ll TT hh oo uu gg hh tt :: Christ must be the joy of our hearts and the motivating force behind everything that we do. When he is the source of our servanthood, there is very little that can shake us. It’s only as we stay firmly rooted in him that our branches remain intact no matter how turbulent the wind. But how can we implement this truth in our own lives and produce the moral purity and holiness that God has called for us to have in such a dark world. The answer is in maturity.

Maturity in the life of the believer does not occur as soon as we announce our allegiance to Christ. Rather, it is obtained overtime through perseverance and work. Paul implored the Philippians to work out their Salvation, not for it! So often we think that we can earn God’s affection through our good deeds. But our righteousness is but filthy rags! Salvation is a free gift and there is nothing that we can do to earn it. However, there are steps we can take to grow it so that we may truly be the light that God has called for us to be in this dark world and experience the abundant life of one fully devoted to the Lord. As we root ourselves in his word, commit ourselves to prayer, and sacrifice for our Lord’s sake, we will see maturity in him manifested in our lives.

One mark of maturity in the life of a believer is the ability to control one’s tongue. In this world we are constantly surrounded with grumblers and complainers. If we are not careful to give heed to our words, It is easy to blend in with the rest of the world and tarnish our witness for Christ. However, if we resist the temptation to grumble and complain, than we can shine like stars in this dark generation. Today, pray that the Lord will help you bridle your tongue and change every opportunity to complain into a moment of praise.

RR ee ff ll ee cc tt ii oo nn ::

1. How can complaining and arguing stand in the way of holding out the word of life? Why should we be distinct from the rest of the world?

2. How can you keep from complaining or arguing in your daily walk?

KK ee yy VV ee rr ss ee :: Philippians 2:14-16a

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WW ee ee kk 44 SS tt uu dd yy 22 RR ee aa dd :: PP hh ii ll ii pp pp ii aa nn ss 22 :: 11 99 -- 22 44

DD ee vv oo tt ii oo nn aa ll TT hh oo uu gg hh tt :: There is much that we can learn from Timothy’s example on what it means to be a faithful servant of Jesus Christ. Paul highlights a defining characteristic that Timothy demonstrated during his time in ministry: genuine concern for others. Even by today’s standards, this level of selflessness is rare. Timothy was not someone who just gave lip service. The impression that we get from these words is that Timothy genuinely cared for the ones that were entrusted to him. It was his deeply rooted love for Christ that enabled him to see past his own interests and be genuinely concerned for the interest of others.

Everyday we are confronted with opportunities to put someone’s needs above our own, but how often do we take the time to stop, listen, and respond. When we recall the testimony of Christ, there are countless examples of him stopping to heal, teach, and feed, even at the expense of his own life. His entire ministry was motivated by a genuine love to save the lost. Too often we have become callous towards those that Christ has called us to have a genuine concern for. However, through the power of Christ, God can soften our hearts of stone and place within us a genuine care for those who so desperately need it. If we would be so bold as to ask him and take heed to his leadings, God will do it and we will experience the fulfillment and joy that comes from genuinely caring for others.

RR ee ff ll ee cc tt ii oo nn ::

1. How would you describe Timothy? What characteristics of Timothy should we emulate?

2. How are you like Timothy? In what ways can you change your life to be more like him?

KK ee yy VV ee rr ss ee :: Philippians 2:14-16a

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WW ee ee kk 44 SS tt uu dd yy 33 RR ee aa dd :: PP hh ii ll ii pp pp ii aa nn ss 22 :: 22 55 -- 33 00

DD ee vv oo tt ii oo nn aa ll TT hh oo uu gg hh tt :: Paul encouraged us to honor people like Epaphroditus. But what made Epaphroditus so unique and worthy of honor? The Scriptures reveal very little about this man that garnered Paul’s adoration and respect, nonetheless his life still serves as a classic example of serving in the midst of pain, trial, or tribulation. Ironically, the one individual nominated to deliver physical and emotional sustenance to Paul was the same one stricken with disease. Like Ephaphroditus, we at times are called to patiently endure trials and tribulations of many kinds. While we don’t know the exact nature of Epaphroditus sickness, we know that it bordered on death. In spite of his debilitating infirmity, however, he remained faithful and loyal to the work and mission of Christ.

As believers, we are not immune to sickness, disease, heartache or tribulation. We often mistakenly believe that our commitment to Christ should make us impenetrable to all of this life’s woes, including sickness. To the contrary, the Bible reminds us that we should rejoice when we face tribulations of many kinds. It further details several examples where sickness and even death befell many of God’s most elite followers. While these examples may seem difficult to understand it is clear that Epaphroditus excelled at remaining Christ centered in spite of his pain. We too when confronted with disease, pain, or physical hardship, should -- like Epaphroditus -- turn to Christ and to the service of others. In so doing, we may find that our presence invokes great joy in those that we meet and brings a greater glory to Christ, the author and finisher of our faith.

RR ee ff ll ee cc tt ii oo nn ::

1. How would you describe Epaphroditus? What characteristics of Epaphroditus should we emulate?

2. How are you like Epaphroditus? In what ways can you change your life to be more like him?

KK ee yy VV ee rr ss ee :: Philippians 2:14-16a

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WW ee ee kk 55 SS tt uu dd yy 11 RR ee aa dd :: PP hh ii ll ii pp pp ii aa nn ss 33 :: 11 -- 33

DD ee vv oo tt ii oo nn aa ll TT hh oo uu gg hh tt :: There’s always somebody trying to sell something. People will tell you that you should do this or that to make your life better. Christianity is no different. Ever since the church branched off from Judaism, there were people trying convince Gentile converts that they needed to follow the Jewish law to be saved. They needed to add the law to their faith in the work Jesus. Paul tells the Philippians that is a big fat lie. Instead, we should rejoice in the work of Christ and put our confidence in His work.

The world hasn’t changed much since Paul. There are still people trying to add to what Jesus has done. If you will only give a certain amount of money, follow this rule, say this special prayer, then your faith will be complete. Then you will be holier. We really need to take Paul’s warning to heart that we should only put our faith in one person’s work and that is Jesus. We can rejoice in the fact that we don’t have to add anything to his work. His work is complete. Remember, the next time someone tells you that you need more than Jesus, you can be confident and rejoice that his work doesn’t need anything else.

RR ee ff ll ee cc tt ii oo nn ::

1. Why do people put confidence in something other than Jesus? How have you put your confidence in something other than Jesus?

2. In verse 1, Paul tells the Philippians to rejoice in the Lord. Why can we rejoice in the Lord based off of what Paul writes in verses 2-3?

KK ee yy VV ee rr ss ee :: Philippians 3:8

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DD ee vv oo tt ii oo nn aa ll TT hh oo uu gg hh tt :: What’s the most important thing that you’ve done? What’s the greatest achievement of your life? How much do you value that achievement? Now, consider that achievement, all your success, worthless. That seems a little crazy. Especially if you are as accomplished as Paul. In this section he lists off all those things that mean a lot to Israelites. Paul was at the top of religious world. It would be like having a gold medal or Pulitzer Prize. Then Paul says, all that stuff is worthless trash. Can you imagine throwing away a gold medal or special prize? That’s what Paul is saying, though, in this section.

Whether we mean to or not, we all put confidence in ourselves, our achievements, our successes, and our pedigrees. Paul says that of all people he had the most to be confident in himself. Paul was that he was the best of the best. Then he turns around and says it doesn’t mean anything. Even though our accomplishments may be good and done with good intentions, what we do doesn’t mean anything compared to what Jesus has done for us. We can never be good enough to match Jesus’ accomplishments. None of our achievements will ever do us any good or bring us any joy compared to what Jesus has done for us.

RR ee ff ll ee cc tt ii oo nn ::

1. What reasons do you have for confidence in yourself? How do those things compare with what God has done for you?

2. How are you going to change your thinking this week to put less stock in your accomplishments and more in the work of Christ?

KK ee yy VV ee rr ss ee :: Philippians 3:8

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DD ee vv oo tt ii oo nn aa ll TT hh oo uu gg hh tt :: For many years I thought church was a place developed for me to hear great sermons, feel good about myself and go home to do it all again the next week. Little did I know Jesus wants something much greater. Jesus wants me to want Him, to learn about His ways, and to grow up spiritually so I won’t fall into the same traps.

When I started reading the Bible and seeking God, I learned that he wants my heart to be transformed. He wants me to know Him intimately so I can help others do the same. It is through power of his resurrection and joining in his suffering lead us into that intimate transformative relationship that Jesus wants with us.

Now that I know Jesus, I can join in His suffering and His resurrection. Jesus suffered in his earthly ministry and he calls us to a ministry in which we will suffer trials and pain as well. The good news is that we also share in the joy of his victory. His resurrection that broke the power of sin and death in the world.

“In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

RR ee ff ll ee cc tt ii oo nn ::

1. How does it make you feel that Paul says that we are to join Jesus in his suffering? Are you afraid, worried, excited? Why? How does it make you feel to join in his suffering?

2. Have you experienced trouble because of your faith? How did you work through that? If not, how can you prepare yourself to work through the troubles of the world and live in the Joy of the resurrection?

KK ee yy VV ee rr ss ee :: Philippians 3:8

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WW ee ee kk 66 SS tt uu dd yy 11 RR ee aa dd :: PP hh ii ll ii pp pp ii aa nn ss 33 :: 11 22 -- 11 66

DD ee vv oo tt ii oo nn aa ll TT hh oo uu gg hh tt :: In his writing, Paul uses several illustrations of running races (1 Corinthians 9:24; 26; Galatians 2:2, 5:7; Philippians 2:16; 2 Timothy 4:7.) He was familiar with the athletic events of the Roman and Greek cultures. Perhaps Paul, himself was a runner. He used these illustrations of athletes to encourage Christians to discipline themselves, live honorably, and to keep one’s sight on the end goal of eternity with Christ.

Paul refers to this end goal as a calling. In the Old Testament, God’s calls were never about matching up one’s abilities and desires with one’s opportunity. Instead, those who were called by God initially resisted God’s call. They had been too wounded by life to see themselves as one of great ability. Yet, a community was in crisis. God was preparing one to lead the community through the crisis. That preparation had left the called one broken. Surely God could find a more qualified one to lead. This was Paul’s own experience. He had been a persecutor of the Church when he was called to be Christ’s master missionary to non-Jews. His writings show him amazed at God’s grace that one such as he would be called. As he wrote about calling he would likely see himself in similar light as the Old Testament figures who were humbled in their call.

Paul encourages the mature Philippian Christians to agree on this call. In fact, he is convinced God will make the maters they are to agree upon clear. These are the matters that have led them to spiritual progress and development. They must be held unto firmly as one would in a tiresome race.

RR ee ff ll ee cc tt ii oo nn ::

1. What does running a race teach us about how we should pursue our heavenly call?

2. What are the areas of belief where all the spiritually mature should agree? How do hold on to what we already possess in Christ?

KK ee yy VV ee rr ss ee :: Philippians 3:20-21

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WW ee ee kk 66 SS tt uu dd yy 22 RR ee aa dd :: PP hh ii ll ii pp pp ii aa nn ss 33 :: 11 77 -- 11 99

DD ee vv oo tt ii oo nn aa ll TT hh oo uu gg hh tt :: Jesus frequently in His ministry called disciples to “follow me.” He offered great intimacies. Not only would His disciples hear Him teach and observe His miracles. His disciples would be involved in daily intimate living. It was true life on life discipleship, but it came a great cost. With so much interaction the pretense of life would be broken. All that was not of a heavenly call would need to be abandoned.

Paul, the master missionary, used Jesus’ method of making disciples. He also invited his disciples to follow and imitate him (1 Corinthians 11:1; Philippians 3:17; 2 Thessalonians 3:7; 1 Timothy 4:6). This following was to be one that taught disciples in the intimacies of life what it meant to follow Jesus as our Lord.

Paul gained no ego boost from having people follow him so intimately. Instead he cried over his followers. Also, it is important to see that Paul’s motivation in asking for his disciples to follow him is their protection. There are in their midst enemies of Christ. These enemies brag about shameful matters and pursue their own appetites. They focus on the matters of this earth to the exclusion of keeping their eyes fixed upon the heavenly call. Paul asks for his disciples to follow him closely so they are protected from the enemies of Christ.

RR ee ff ll ee cc tt ii oo nn ::

1. What are your first inclinations when a leader calls you to follow and imitate him / her? How do you call others to follow you as you follow Christ?

2. Why do you think Paul quickly after telling the Philippian Christians to imitate himself tells them about the enemies of Christ? How can you identify enticements that lead you away from the cross of Christ?

KK ee yy VV ee rr ss ee :: Philippians 3:20-21

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WW ee ee kk 66 SS tt uu dd yy 33 RR ee aa dd :: PP hh ii ll ii pp pp ii aa nn ss 33 :: 22 00 -- 44 :: 11

DD ee vv oo tt ii oo nn aa ll TT hh oo uu gg hh tt :: Citizenship was a big deal in Philippi. Since it was a Roman Colony, they received very special rights and privileges as Roman citizens. You can see this played out in Acts 16:35-40. Paul and Silas get out of prison and tell them that they were Roman citizens and were due certain rights that they were not given. When the officials got wind of this they did whatever they could to make Paul and Silas happy so that they wouldn’t get in trouble. Paul, however, is not writing about Roman citizenship. He tells the Philippians that they are citizens of God’s kingdom. He is saying to them that while Roman citizenship can be useful as it was to him in Acts 16, they need to live as citizens of God’s kingdom. They stay true to their heavenly citizenship and not their earthly citizenship.

As Americans, citizenship is also a great privilege and comes with great benefits, but we should also remember that we are citizens of God’s kingdom first. We are to stay true to his ways and laws first. The call to love God and love our neighbors as ourselves is first and foremost our call. It’s not often that our American identity has to get in the way of Being an American citizen can be useful, but it should never get in the way being a member of God’s kingdom.

RR ee ff ll ee cc tt ii oo nn ::

1. If our citizenship is in heaven what does that mean about how we should approach citizenship currently on earth? Do you think citizenship concerns of this earth can displace a focus upon the cross of Christ?

2. How do you practically stay true to the Lord? Why do you think Paul used the word, “Lord” instead of another word for Jesus in 4:1 as he encourages faithfulness?

KK ee yy VV ee rr ss ee :: Philippians 3:20-21

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WW ee ee kk 77 SS tt uu dd yy 11 RR ee aa dd :: PP hh ii ll ii pp pp ii aa nn ss 44 :: 22 -- 33

DD ee vv oo tt ii oo nn aa ll TT hh oo uu gg hh tt :: When Paul sent his letters to the churches, not everyone could read so they were read aloud before the whole church. Talk about an awkward moment. I imagine you could have heard a pin drop when the reader got to this section. Paul just called out 2 women in the church to settle their dispute. It’s even possible that Paul writes so much about unity in this letter in order to help settle this dispute.

Whatever the case may be, this quarrel reached the point where Paul needed to address it for the sake of the church and his plea is for unity in the church. Paul reminds them that we are all on the same team doing the work of the Gospel. Christ’s church should be united for the cause and not be divided against each other.

This section of scripture, although it seems irrelevant to us, is a great reminder of Jesus’ admonishment to his disciples that people will know that we are His disciples by our love.

RR ee ff ll ee cc tt ii oo nn ::

1. Why is it so important that people in the church get along? Think back to the week section: Would it be hard to have partnership without unity? Why?

2. Who are some of the people that you could call a fellow worker in the faith? What are some things that you can do to promote unity in the body?

KK ee yy VV ee rr ss ee :: Philippians 4:6-7

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WW ee ee kk 77 SS tt uu dd yy 22 RR ee aa dd :: PP hh ii ll ii pp pp ii aa nn ss 44 :: 22 -- 33

DD ee vv oo tt ii oo nn aa ll TT hh oo uu gg hh tt :: Many sleepless nights I wondered about “what if.” What if I fail, what if they do something to me, what if I’m not good enough were all questions that added turmoil to my countenance. Then when someone tells me that I shouldn’t be anxious, I get more anxious because I’m anxious. How can I let it go?

3 AM seemed to be my usual time to wake up with many things on my mind. It seemed like the pressing matters of yesterday would always spill into today, ruining my tomorrow. I knew I would have only a couple of hours before I needed to get up so maybe if I would just get “this one thing” done I could put my mind to rest.

God wants me to rejoice when I am anxious so I can focus on his greatness instead of my issues. He wants me to pray when I am anxious and to thank Him for handling the situation even before I see the solution so I can let it go. Once I let God handle people, things and situations, I actually don’t have much to worry about. He will provide me with peace that doesn’t make sense in the middle of the storm. When I should be hysterical, I can feel rest because God is the keeper of my heart.

RR ee ff ll ee cc tt ii oo nn ::

1. Why do you think that Paul would say to rejoice in the Lord always? How can we rejoice even when life is hard?

2. Instead of being anxious, what does Paul say that we should do? What are some things that you need to lay before God instead of worrying? Spend the remainder of your time praying about those things and thanking God for his ability to work in all of our circumstances.

KK ee yy VV ee rr ss ee :: Philippians 4:6-7

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WW ee ee kk 77 SS tt uu dd yy 33 RR ee aa dd :: PP hh ii ll ii pp pp ii aa nn ss 44 :: 88 -- 99

DD ee vv oo tt ii oo nn aa ll TT hh oo uu gg hh tt :: What are you filling yourself with? As a culture we are becoming more and more cognizant of what we put into our bodies. We are obsessed with dieting and eating good foods, and honestly this is for good reason. Just the other day I heard on the news that exercise can be undone by poor eating. What we eat is so important to our health because it can keep other health measures from being effective.

The same can be said for what happens in our hearts and minds. This is why Paul is sharing with the Philippians what we need to be thinking about. We need to mentally digest things that are pure, true, noble, right, lovely, and admirable. This “thought-diet” is foundational to how we live our lives in the world. When we think about true, right, and pure things then we are more likely to live in a true, right, and pure way. This is the foundation to a spiritually healthy life in the same way that the foundation to a physically healthy life is good nutrition.

Then from this foundation Paul also directs the Philippians to follow the example that he lived out. Paul’s example combined with right thinking will lead to healthy life lived in Christ.

RR ee ff ll ee cc tt ii oo nn ::

1. Which of the attributes that Paul said to think about sticks out to you? Why? Which one do you need to be think about more?

2. Paul asks the Philippians to follow his example and teaching, whose example and teaching can you follow? Why?

KK ee yy VV ee rr ss ee :: Philippians 4:6-7

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WW ee ee kk 88 SS tt uu dd yy 11 RR ee aa dd :: PP hh ii ll ii pp pp ii aa nn ss 44 :: 88 -- 99

DD ee vv oo tt ii oo nn aa ll TT hh oo uu gg hh tt :: Most of us have a lot of stuff and it’s harder for me to be content when I have plenty. I know this is strange, but I find myself holding onto things more than I hold onto God. I lay awake worrying if my “stuff” will be taken or if I have enough money for “more stuff.”

So what does being content mean? It means I can praise God no matter what the circumstance. It means I can tell people about what Jesus did for me in good or bad times. It means I can refrain from complaining long enough to tell someone about God’s greatness.

Now I can see why God says “The love of money is the root or beginning of all kinds of evil.” My love of “stuff” can blind me to the real blessing which is God. In times of plenty God wants me to share my wealth. In lean times He wants me to give up my pride and praise Him anyway.

So what’s the secret? We can be content and rejoice in all circumstances because of what Jesus has cold for us.

RR ee ff ll ee cc tt ii oo nn ::

1. How content are you with your current situation? Have you been a chronic complainer?

2. After thinking about what Paul says, how can you seek to be more content with what you have?

KK ee yy VV ee rr ss ee :: Philippians 4:12-13

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WW ee ee kk 88 SS tt uu dd yy 22 RR ee aa dd :: PP hh ii ll ii pp pp ii aa nn ss 44 :: 11 44 -- 22 33

DD ee vv oo tt ii oo nn aa ll TT hh oo uu gg hh tt :: “Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art, like the universe itself (for God did not need to create). It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival.” - C. S. Lewis, The Four Loves

At the end of Philippians we find something very similar to the beginning. Paul is grateful for the partnership and friendship of the Philippian church. I venture to guess that as Paul was finishing his letter, that tears began to well up in his eyes as he thought about he wonderful friends and partners in ministry. Their gifts, he writes, are a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God. This is a high praise from Paul. He is putting it on par with an Old Testament sacrifice (see Exodus 29:18). The Philippians who had little (see 1 Corinthians 8:1-5), gave generously to Paul.

Community and friendship are a true source of joy and we can see here Paul found joy in his partnership with the Philippians. As Lewis wrote, friendship isn’t necessary for surviving, but it does bring value and joy to life.

RR ee ff ll ee cc tt ii oo nn ::

1. Who are the people in your life that bring joy to you as the Philippians did for Paul? Why are these people important to you?

2. How can you live more like the Philippians being ready to help out a friend in need?

KK ee yy VV ee rr ss ee :: Philippians 4:12-13

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If you have time read the whole book from beginning to end. If not, go back and read through a couple of the sections that stood out to you.

DD ee vv oo tt ii oo nn aa ll TT hh oo uu gg hh tt :: There’s so much packed into this small little book. There’s a fantastic description of Jesus’ ministry in chapter 2. Paul shares a snippet of his testimony in chapter 3. Chapter 4 has some very practice advice for living a Christ-like life. Then in the beginning and end of the book, Paul shares how much he cares for the Philippian church.

Through all of this, there is the theme of Joy. It’s not about happiness; instead it’s deeper than that. To live a life in Christ is to have access to true joy. It comes through the amazing community of the body of Christ, it comes through our relationship with Christ himself, and it comes through the hope of victory over all things through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Hopefully this devotion has helped you explore and know that joy a little bit more over the last 8 weeks.

RR ee ff ll ee cc tt ii oo nn ::

1. What are a couple of practical ways that you are going to live out what you learned in Philippians?

2. What verse or section of Philippians had the most impact on you? 3. What is one thing that you learned from Philippians that you didn’t know


KK ee yy VV ee rr ss ee :: Philippians 4:12-13