Real-Time and Embedded Systems - Purdue Universityrvoyles/Classes/RealTimeSystems_files/... ·...

Richard Voyles Professor and Director, Purdue Robotics Accelerator Purdue University Real-Time and Embedded Systems Software Engineering

Transcript of Real-Time and Embedded Systems - Purdue Universityrvoyles/Classes/RealTimeSystems_files/... ·...

  • Richard Voyles

    Professor and Director, Purdue Robotics Accelerator

    Purdue University

    Real-Time and Embedded Systems

    Software Engineering

  • Real-Time and Embedded Systems Software Engineering - 2

    Where Have We Been?

    Scheduling - Periodic Tasks

    Scheduling - Sporadic Tasks

    Communication and Synchronization

    What Now?

    Software Engineering Software Life Cycle

    Specification Methods Natural Language


    State Transition Diagrams

    Structure Charts

    Data Flow Diagrams

    Petri Nets

  • Real-Time and Embedded Systems Software Engineering - 3

    Software Life Cycle (Software Engineering)

  • Real-Time and Embedded Systems Software Engineering - 4

    Software Engineering Life Cycle Phases

    Concept Phase needs and goals

    management directive, customer input, technology, etc.

    features and feasibility (design and testing)

    Requirements Phase Software Specification

    timing, accuracy, user interface, etc.

    software/hardware interfaces

    testing plan

    budget and schedule

    Functional and Non-functional requirements

    Complete, correct, consistent, testable

  • Real-Time and Embedded Systems Software Engineering - 5

    Software Engineering Life Cycle Phases (cont.)

    Design Phase

    Convert Requirements to Detailed Design Spec.

    Module partitioning

    Programming Phase

    Convert to code, incremental test, documentation

    Test Phase

    Formal test cases

    Does it meet the specs?

    Maintenance Phase

    Customer support, bug fixes

  • Real-Time and Embedded Systems Software Engineering - 6

    The Real Software Life Cycle

  • Real-Time and Embedded Systems Software Engineering - 7

    Software Specification and Design

    Natural Language Written description of the functionality

    Required, but should be redundant

    Mathematical Specification Precise, maps to code, provable (?)

    Flowcharts Well understood, but promotes use of GOTO

    Parallel flow interaction not easily represented

    Timing issues difficult to represent

  • Example: Roomba – Home Vacuum with Real-Time Controller

  • • IR Cliff Sensors

    • Back-up

    • Turn (90o, 60o, 45o)

    • Go straight

    Roomba Cliff Response

  • It is assumed the Roomba is placed in the center of the room and then the “Clean” button is pressed. The robot starts the suction motor and then loads the spiral trajectory and starts moving in a growing spiral to cover the room. If a bump sensor is activated, the robot rotates in place, away from the sensor direction (right, left) up to 90 degrees to align with the wall sensor peak value. The robot then moves forward in a straight line. At any time, if the cliff sensor is activated, the robot will backup 1 cm, then rotate 90o, 45o, or 60o based on the cliff sensor activated (forward, edge, or both, respectively) and move in a straight line.

    Roomba – Natural Language Spec

  • Flowcharts

    Start / Stop


    If / Then



    Flow of Program Execution

  • Roomba FlowchartStart

    Suction Motor

    “Clean” Pressed?

    Load Spiral Trajectory

    Bump Sensor?

    Cliff Sensor?

    Execute Trajectory


    Backup 1 cm

    Forward AND



    Load Straight Trajectory

    Rotate 60o


    Rotate 45o Rotate 90o


    Yes Yes

    No No



    Rotate Right

    Rotate Left

    Peak Sensor?

    Peak Sensor?

    Load Straight Trajectory





  • Real-Time and Embedded Systems Software Engineering - 13

    State Transition Diagrams

    State (circle) Represents “equilibrium

    points” of the system

    Transitions (arrow) Changes of state

    Occurs when “condition” is met

    “Actions” are taken during transition

    System must have Discrete States

    Determine What Events Cause Changes in State

    Mealy = output during transition

    Moore = output within state

  • Real-Time and Embedded Systems Software Engineering - 14

    Roomba State Transition Diagram


    Execute Trajectory

    Backup 1 cm

    Rotate Right

    Rotate LeftRotate

    Delta Angle


  • Real-Time and Embedded Systems Software Engineering - 15

    Structure Charts

    “Calling Trees”

    Left-to-Right implies: Execution order

    o - denotes conditional execution

    * - denotes repetitive execution

    Top-to-Bottom implies: Increasing detail

    Represents program flow, not data flow

    Example in [PL] text is poor

    Jackson Extensions

  • Real-Time and Embedded Systems Software Engineering - 16

    Roomba Structure Chart

    Roomba Robotic Vacuum Cleaning

    Accept Button

    Suction On

    Spiral Trajectory

    React to Sensors



    React to Bumps

    React to Cliffs


    Right/Left Bumper

    Rotate Left/Right

    Stop at Peak

    Stop at 90o

    o oStraight
