of Hones & lots of families 4 oodles of children! The Lord surely knew what He was doing, didn't He? Praise 6od! No wonder He made me so sexy to constantly be promotin sex 4 telling you how nuch 1 enjoy sex trying to persuade vou to enjoy it too & realise it's of Sod 4 ordained of Sod! Thank God' I believe in sex, 4 you practice it too! Praise 6od? Amen? So as a result we've had oodles of children! 99. THAT'S WHAT 600 WANTED HOST OF ALL. MORE CHILDREN FOR THE KINGDOM OF 600! There's nothinq He likes better than nore children for Che Kingdom of God' "For ye cannot enter into the Kingdom of Sod except ye be as a little child!' (Mat.18:3) Praise Sod? The Kinodom belongs to the children, praise God, 4 only those that are like chil- dren 4 are childlike at heart, 'for of such is the Kingdom of Sod!" (Luk.18:16) Let's pray! 'You mean Srandpa's actually finally going to QUIt?" ILY! Tnat's not too bad. we had a birthday party 4 it was only a little short two-hour talk!-Ha! Now I'll bet you're tired enough to take your nap! PTL! Hallelujah! TYJ' IN. SO THEY'RE CHILDREN OF THE KIN600M. AMEN?~THE CHILDREN OF XIN600M CONE!-*© THE K1N600N NOW TOO! Thank You Jesus for a little bit oOeaven right here 4 now! As we pray the prayer You taught us to pray: (Prays the lord's Prayer.) Amen! PTL! Lord bless 4 keep us all safely in Thy care for the rest of this day. Help us to accomplish a lot for Thee, Lord, 4 make us a blessing, in Jesus' name. Thank You for this time together, for these wonderful birthdays as we grow as children of the Kingdom, in Jesus' name!—Amen. 111. OUR 61RLS DON'T LOOK FOflUARD WITH DREAD TO HAVIN6 CHILDREN! The System mothers teach their daughters to fear having chil- dren, 'My Sod. avoid havinq children, don't have any children! I'll take you to the doctor. I'll fix you up so you don't have any children!' That's up so their attitude, be- cause they're selfish! They don't want to have children themselves, 4 if they "acci- dentally", as they say. have one, well, they just have to put up with it unless they kill it! So finally they have it. And of course, by all means they don't want their daughters to have children! They tell them, "Of all things, don't make the mistake 1 made in havinq you" How do you think that makes them feel? Ue've seen some movies like that lately. That's what the mother was really telling the daughter: "Don't make the mis- take of havinq children like 1 had you!" How do you think that makes the poor girl feel? That's the System 4 System mothers for you! That's about it! 112. 6O00NESS. BECOMING A MOTHER IS WHAT OUR CHILDREN LOCK FORWARD TffTTechi can TTardly even wait to have a family of her own! ILY! God bless you all! Thank you for your patience 4 attention 4 1 hope you ha«j a good afternoon. You've all got children, amen?--So take good care ~oT them! Happy Birthday! (Sings:) "Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday» dear children, happy birthday to you!" REAL PARENTS! —JiEClSidHSt REAL PAR£NTS!~DECISIONS! CHILDREN 4 CHOICE! DO 2060 3/85 1. TUESDAY IS TECHl'S BIRTHDAY!~<MAR!Ai MO DAVIDA'S I S ON FRIDAY.) They're three days 4 three years apart! Dear Sara came to Tenerife 4 fulfilled the tradition of ihe Tenerifans! The Tenerifans just openly pro- claim that if you're a barren woman who wants to have children 4 never could have children, "Just come to Tenerife 4 we'll give you children!" Well, 1 do sometiim wonder about that Serman man next door, considering Davida's looks! No, I'm josl kidding, Alf! I'm sure she's yours! But that doesn't make any difference! What difference does it make? RBW. PARENTS? 2. I'VE SEEN SOME MOVIES LATELY ABOUT CH1L0REN WHO WERE ADOPTED * DIDN'T KNOW THEY WERE ADOPTED, 4 then they're so shocked 1 horrified 4 in great despair because they find out that the parents who reared then from babyhood or childhood 4 who they alwayi thought were their so-called "real" parents,! flesh parents, suddenly they found out thtjj weren't 4 they just go into a tailspil.'j Isn't that ridiculous? 3. WHO ARE YOUR REAL PARENTS?~THE flNES WHO ACT LIKE REAL PARENTS OUBHTTA A C T M * ones wh"o love you 4 take care of you 4 » j as mother 4 father to you, they're the o« ! who are your real parents! Just the f* f ' that somebody had you as a baby 4 W»-

Transcript of REAL PARENTS!

of Hones & lots of families 4 oodles of children! The Lord surely knew what He was doing, didn't He? Praise 6od! No wonder He made me so sexy to constantly be promotin sex 4 telling you how nuch 1 enjoy sex trying to persuade vou to enjoy it too & realise it's of Sod 4 ordained of Sod! Thank God' I believe in sex, 4 you practice it too! Praise 6od? Amen? So as a result we've had oodles of children!

99. THAT'S WHAT 600 WANTED HOST OF ALL. MORE CHILDREN FOR THE KINGDOM OF 600! There's nothinq He likes better than nore children for Che Kingdom of God' "For ye cannot enter into the Kingdom of Sod except ye be as a little child!' (Mat.18:3) Praise Sod? The Kinodom belongs to the children, praise God, 4 only those that are like chil-dren 4 are childlike at heart, 'for of such is the Kingdom of Sod!" (Luk.18:16) Let's pray! 'You mean Srandpa's actually finally going to QUIt?" ILY! Tnat's not too bad. we had a birthday party 4 it was only a little short two-hour talk!-Ha! Now I'll bet you're tired enough to take your nap! PTL! Hallelujah! TYJ'

I N . SO THEY'RE CHILDREN OF THE KIN600M. AMEN?~THE CHILDREN OF XIN600M C O N E ! - * © THE K1N600N NOW TOO! Thank You Jesus for a little bit o O e a v e n right here 4 now! As we pray the prayer You taught us to pray: (Prays the lord's Prayer.) Amen! PTL! Lord bless 4 keep us all safely in Thy care for the rest of this day. Help us to accomplish a lot for Thee, Lord, 4 make us a blessing, in Jesus' name. Thank You for this time together, for these wonderful birthdays as we grow as children of the Kingdom, in Jesus' name!—Amen.

111. OUR 61RLS DON'T LOOK FOflUARD WITH DREAD TO HAVIN6 CHILDREN! The System mothers teach their daughters to fear having chil­dren, 'My Sod. avoid havinq children, don't have any children! I'll take you to the doctor. I'll fix you up so you don't have any children!' That's

up so their attitude, be­

cause they're selfish! They don't want to have children themselves, 4 if they "acci­dentally", as they say. have one, well, they just have to put up with it unless they kill it! So finally they have it. And of course, by all means they don't want their daughters to have children! They tell them, "Of all things, don't make the mistake 1 made in havinq you" How do you think that makes them feel? Ue've seen some movies like that lately. That's what the mother was really telling the daughter: "Don't make the mis­

take of havinq children like 1 had you!" How do you think that makes the poor girl feel? That's the System 4 System mothers for you! That's about it!

112. 6O00NESS. BECOMING A MOTHER IS WHAT OUR CHILDREN LOCK FORWARD TffTTechi can TTardly even wait to have a family of her own! ILY! God bless you all! Thank you for your patience 4 attention 4 1 hope you ha«j a good afternoon. You've all got children, amen?--So take good care ~oT them! Happy Birthday! (Sings:) "Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday» dear children, happy birthday to you!"



1 . TUESDAY IS TECHl'S BIRTHDAY!~<MAR!Ai MO DAVIDA'S IS ON FRIDAY.) They're three days 4 three years apart! Dear Sara came to Tenerife 4 f u l f i l l e d the tradi t ion of ihe Tenerifans! The Tenerifans just openly pro­claim that i f you're a barren woman who wants to have children 4 never could have chi ldren, "Just come to Tenerife 4 we'll give you children!" Wel l , 1 do sometiim wonder about that Serman man next door, considering Davida's looks! No, I'm josl kidding, A l f ! I'm sure she's yours! But that doesn't make any difference! What difference does i t make?


2 . I'VE SEEN SOME MOVIES LATELY ABOUT CH1L0REN WHO WERE ADOPTED * DIDN'T KNOW THEY WERE ADOPTED, 4 then they're so shocked 1 horr i f ied 4 in great despair because they f ind out that the parents who reared then from babyhood or childhood 4 who they alwayi thought were their so-called "real" parents,! flesh parents, suddenly they found out thtjj weren't 4 they just go into a tailspil.'j I sn ' t that ridiculous?

3 . WHO ARE YOUR REAL PARENTS?~THE flNES WHO ACT LIKE REAL PARENTS OUBHTTA A C T M * ones wh"o love you 4 take care of you 4 » j as mother 4 father to you, they're the o«!

who are your real parents! Just the f*f' that somebody had you as a baby 4 W»-

father or mother or doesn't mean a thing'

both abandoned you So what? Why should

people like that get all upset? We've seen that in a couple of movies now. There are jone people who 90 into a great lifelong search trying to find their original parents, the mother who gave them away or the father who abandoned them A deserted the tother A child, A they spend no end of time 4 effort A agony A money trying to locate their original parents who apparently didn't even want them in the first place! Why should they want to find them?

4. IN (HE CASE THE 6IRL SEARCHES MHOST ALL HER LIFE FOR HER MOTHER IN ORDER TO GET REVENGE FOR 8EIN6 DESERTED! Wei 1, I can see a certain amount of motivation in that, but it's a pretty unsatisfactory motivation, it's certainly not a legitimate motivation to spend your whole life trying to find your Bother because you want to take vengeance on her for abandoning you, or to get revenge on your father for his forsaking you A your Bother. Isn't that horrible that there are people with such hatred, holding so much against their flesh mother or father that they want to follow them all their lives to try to find them to get vengeance or revenge for them forsaking or abandoning them? Forqet'm, for goodness sake!

5. THIS IS ESPECIALLY TRUE IN OUR FAMILY I IT'S TRUE THROUGHOUT THE M O E UORLD TODAY Kjiere there are a lot of separations, divorces & family breakups where the child is left with one or the other parent or no parents, that the one who loves you A cares Mough about you to take care of you, that's your parent!—And in our Family it should be w r y adult in the Family! As I've said many pes, our children are our children, aJJ. of our children, A we are~aTl their parents! Even if you never had a personal baby your­self, these are y_our children A you're Obligated to help take care of them? We have wny families where there are many children tAo have no father or no mother as far as the flesh is concerned, some of them may be Wither, but here they are A we love them A w've cared for many of them since babyhood, childhood, since they were born. Who else should get the credit for being their prints but the ones who love then A whom thiy love A have never known anyone else •Wtof their life? „ <• SO / DON'T AGREE WITH THIS BUSINESS OIEATIN6 SUCH A FUROR A BEING IN SUCH 3 3 AT FINDIN6 OUT YOU'RE ADOPTED! YOU «*W TO BE SO THANKFUL YOU'RE ADOPTED! Your

original parents didn't have any choice in the matter, they just had you, that was all. But adopted parents made a choice! They chose to have you, they wantedlcTHave you, A they took you A they haTyou A too* care of you all your life' Sb~why go into suclTa tailspm over the fact you discovered they weren't your actual flesh parents? Isn't that silly?—It's, stupid! Well, that was a good subject to clarify, this business about getting all uptight about finding out you're adopted, that so-A-so wasn't your real father or mother, blah blah! Your real father A mother are the ones who really Tove you A really take care of you! That's your real father A mother!

7. I REHBfBER BILLY GfMHAN HADE A POINT ON THAT ONCE. He was talking about J0:34ers, believe it or not. because he's had a few problems along thai line too. He's won a lot of souls to the Lord A a lot of kids have had a complete change of personality A change of heart, life A everythinp through coming in answer to his altar calls A re­turned home a different person that their parents could hardly recognise, just like us! It works in any area in anybody's minis­try who is dealing in the Lord A Salvation, it's going to bring a transformation. You become a new souf with a new heart, new mind, a new person! You're supposed to put away the old things A the old man becomes a new man or woman. You're changed! You are different!


TO JESUS! He is the main Parent who responsible for you A who loves you the

of anybody, who loves you more than anybody A who takes care of you the most A loves you the most, A has since before you were born! So why should you give first allegiance to your natural flesh parents above God? God says, "I will have no other gods before He' For 1 the Lord thy God an a jealous God, visiting the sins of the parents unto the 3rd A the 4th generation!" (Exo,20:3,5)


9. NEARLY ALL OF US HAVE HAD TO OVER-CONE HANDICAPS M U C H ARE A RESULT OF OUR PARBfTS OR THEIR AARBffS BEFORE T H M , BE­LIEVE IT OR NOT! You have inherited certain weaknesses or certain failings or certain personality traits or characteristics, some of which you don't like A which are not good

UI1LV. BELONG is most

that you got from your folks, believe it or not, some of it through natural genes of heredity. That means getting certain charac­teristics in the way you look etc. that you get from your flesh parents. Sone of you nay not like the way you look because your parents gave it to you. Well, actually, 1 don't see anything but beautiful people here so we don't have anything to worry about. But you also inherit certain personality characteristics, they call then gene traits etc., so that you're inclined to sometimes even have the same expressions or gestures or personality characteristics, all kinds of things, like your parents.

10. SOME PEOPLE BUME IT ON THE STARS OR THE SUN OR THE NOON OR THEIR HOROSCOPE OR THEIR ASTROLOGICAL SIGN! A lot of people blame it on God, they're not satisfied with blaming it on their parents. The Freudian doctrine blamed everything on the parents. Well, it's only one more step to blame everything on God, & that's exactly what Freud was after, & Nietzsche!—Both of them nuts! Imagine these two totally insane, lunatic, highly-educated psychologists, & later psychiatrists, going around trying to heal people's minds when they themselves were absolutely stark raving mad!

11. ANYBODY WHO DOESN'T M O W JESUS. MYBOOT UHO DOESN'T KNOW THE LORD, ANYBODY WHOSE LIFE IS NOT CBfTERED ON CHRIST AS ITS CBffER, AS ITS FOCAL POINT. IS m ECCEN­TRIC!- In other words, they're a little bit queer & crazy! Did you get that? If your life is not Christ-centered, then you are eccentric, that means off-center! How can fJese eccentric idiots like Nietzsche 4 Freud tell anyone anything about psychology —especially normal psychology, much less abnormal psychology—when they themselves are nuts? "Physician heal thyself!"~Nuts whose writings are now touted by the whole medical 4 psychological world as great psy­chiatrists & great innovators & great dis­coverers of the workings of the mind & everything, & both of them blame nearly everything in your life on your parents!

12. SO M M PEOPLE 60 AROUND USIMB THEIR PARBffS AS AN EXCUSE FOR THE HAY THEY ARE * THINK THEY CAN JUST BET A M Y WITH ANYTHING, BECOME CRIMINALS OR ANYTHIN6: 'Well, it's not my fault, it was my parents' fault!* And the next step, of course, like most of the Jews do, is to say. 'It's not mx fault! Why me? It's God's fault!" Isn't that horrible"? That's a kind of predestinarianism, a sort of a fatalism that you're not to blame, you

"Well, 1 can't Mothtr 1 just

had no choice in i t , you had nothing to do with i t , i t ' s a i l God's 4 your parents' f a u l t ! I sn ' t that r idiculous?

13. 600 PUTS YOU HERE WITH A HIND TO HAKE A CHOICE, TO BE A FREE MORAL AGBff, WHICH MEANS TO HAVE FREEDOM OF CHOICE LIKE fm & WE IN THE GARDEN. Did Adam & Eve in the Garden have to go eat of the forbidden f r u i t ? Did anybody compel them to do i t ? -No' You say, "Well, d idn ' t the Devil ccn-pel'm?' No, he d idn ' t comoel'm, he just persuaded'm. He just gave them a b i l l of goods, a bunch of l ies that they believed instead of believinq the Lord. But they had a choice, they didn' t have to believe the Devi l . They should have believed the Lord! But with their free w i l l & choice they chose to believe Satan instead of God! Nobody made them, they d idn ' t have to , & don't give ne any of that s tu f f about any of you!: I'm just that way, that 's just me, help i t . My Dad was that way or my was that way & i t ' s just born in me, can't overcome i t , I 've got that weakness, that personality t r a i t , i t ' s my star sign, sun sign" blah blah! Phooey! I t ' s not so!

14. GOD PUT YOU HERE TO MAKE A CHOICE, I THE CHOICE IS BCTIRELY UP TO YOU! Nobody makes you do th is or that , except maybe your parents when you were l i t t l e , but even then we give you lo ts of choices, don't we, chil­dren? You say, 'What shall 1 do?" And a lot of times we say, "Ue l l , what would you 1J][e to do? I t ' s up to yjjy. We'll leave this decision up to you." 1 believe in helping children to make decisions early in l i fe , ! because that 's what l i f e is a l l about! I t 's ' l ike my Mother used to say, "Decisions,! decisions, decisions! I t seems l ike l i f e tsi nothing but decisions!"—And tha t ' s exactly r i gh t . That's what you're here fo r , to make decisions, that 's exactly what l i f e is all about. But you can make those decisions,! you don't have to make i t one way or the other.

15. YOU HAVE WHAT I'VE OFTW CALLED Tf MAJESTY OF CHOICE, FREE WILL ft CHOICE TON AS YOU PLMSE! You can be l ike that dwib heathen in that poem "Invictus" who saidij "My head is bloody but unbowed!" What M f oo l , what an id io t ! The picture is of sow*' body who'd rather stand there with w beating'm over the head with a club until, they're bloody, but they're s t i l l not Qoi»<r to bow their he3d! But the fact of m matter i s , God doesn't stand there beating you over the head with a club un t i l yoo'cj bloody to t ry to get you to make the rigM


choice, He t r i e s to persuade you. God uses love 4 persuasion 4 wisdom & t ru th to t r y to persuade you, l i ke your parents do, because they Ism you. They t ry to get you to nake the r igh t .cho ice .

1 * . «E 0FTBN TELL OUR CH1LDRBI, 'WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU OUGHT TO DO? You know what's r ight 4 wrong, you know what God's w i l l i s , you know what God's Word says, i t ' s up to you! You know what's best, you know what's r i gh t , what do /JJU think you ought to do?" And ihe ea r l i e rThey learn to make those decisions on thei r own. 4 the r igh t dec i ­sions, the bet ter ! Most young people o-f the World 4 the System don't get to that point to where they become the i r own judge 4 nake their own decision u n t i l they're teenagers! Our chi ldren have already made'm 4 have already made most of the r igh t decisions at an early age. beginning with accepting Christ when they're about two. And once they've given their l i f e , thei r mind & their heart to the Lord Jesus Chr is t , from then on they're bound to nake nearly a l l the r igh t decisions, because they are guided by Hi? Sp i r i t . Our chi ldren learn very early to nake the r igh t decisions & are cont inual ly making decisions 4 the r igh t decisions, thank the Lord! I s n ' t that wonderful!

17. JUST THINK WHAT A TRAtMA OF A PSY­CHOLOGICAL CRISIS THEY AVOID BY LEADING ALL OF THAT NOV INSTMO OF HAITIN6 TILL THEY'RE TEENAGERS 4 their family f i n a l l y sends then way to school or they f i n a l l y get pret ty much independent & on thei r own 4 can thumb their noses at the i r fo l ks 4 go thei r own way because they're big enough & hard enough & baa enough to say ' no ' to Mama 4 Daddy by that t i n e ! And of course a lo t of fami l ies have so spoi led then by that t i ne , they've never learned how to say 'no" to their c h i l ­dren, so they always get their way 4 they can do as they please. Then they've got a nonster on their hands, an unleashed mon-ster!—A hunan monster out of control who doesn't know what's r i gh t or wrong 4 doesn't know how to control h insel f or herself or how to do the r igh t th ing , because they've been taught ; "there is no right thing, tare's no right 4 wrong! There are no abso lutes, do as you please. The right thing fo you is me, myself 4 I!"—Blah blah!

r!SwL5fnHY0U? " ^ 5 ^ f ! - - ^ « h a t they «.|J y i S d °J " l h a i

ut h * r v * 90* another

self!--And after enough meditation they nay have two or three selves, sometimes four or f ive, naybe even a legion!—Because they never got Hinself, 6od;s Self to keep al l the others out! They start off with a bad self to beojn with 4 then they accumulate a few more evil spir i ts!

19. SCHIZOPHRBMA OCCUPIES HOST OF THE BEDS IN INSANE ASYLIHS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD TODAY, WHICH IS NOTHING NORE NOR LESS NOR SHORT OF ACTUAL DBttffOSSESSIflN! Schizo­phrenia is a big psychological word neaning ' s p l i t personal i ty" .—In other words, they're two or three or four people. They're not only thenselves, but they've picked up some demons who've invaded them 4 taken pos­session of them. 4 part of the time they act th is way 4 pari of the time they act that way 4 sometimes they even speak in d i f fe rent voices, think of that!



SIM. HOLY right now, if you haven't got the Holy Spirit, you're apt to wind up any day with an unholy spirit, demon-possessed! Uithout the Lord to protect you, without His Holy Spirit to fill you to overflowing so there's no room for the Devil, you have nothing! You're empty, swept 4 garnished! Perhaps you even try to clean up your life, like these psychiatrists try to do, 4 try to clean out the rubbish of your mind 4 everything else, 4 you leave it empty. But then, in one case in the Bible the Lord said the demon went 4 got more demons even worse than himself 4 came back 4 inhabited the man 4 the last estate was worse than in the beginning! (Mat.12:43-45)

TEEN SEX! (See also "Questions You Always wanted to A s k " , pg. 293.)

g for TEEN&X! DO 2061 9/85



1 . I BELIEVE THAT THE LORD CREATED TEBIS TO HAVE THAT GENERATION GAP, TO WANT TO GET AWAY FRON THEIR PARBfTS * TO WANT TO BE INDEPftDBfT, TO WANT TO BE ADULTS! They rea l l y feel l ike they are d i s t i n c t , 4 1 think God has ^iven them that ins t inc t ive