Real life hacking101

Real Life Hacking 101 1

Transcript of Real life hacking101

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Real Life Hacking 101


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Who am I ?

● Batard Florent●

● @artisan_code

● Security Engineer

– Ethical Hacker for 10 years

– Security Contests (0daysober)

– Globe Trotter (UK, USA, Swiss, France, Japan)

– Lately on the Defense side as a programmer

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● Introduction

● Information gathering

● Indirect requests● Direct requests

● System security

● Configuration errors● Password policy● Patching

● Web Security


– SQL Injection


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What is Hacking ?

Use or abuse a resources in way that was not predicted by thecreator in order to change the behavior

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Attack chronology

● Information gathering

● Getting information about the target● Indirect / Direct requests● Fingerprinting

● Analysis

● Determing the security flaw● Discover the tools to perform the attack

● Attack

● Exploitation● Expand in the network

● Spread in the internal network

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Information gathering

• Introduction

• Indirect requests

• Direct requests

• Fingerprinting

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● The first step of any attack is the information gatheringprocess

● Identify the entry point of the target● List all the public information we can use● Other information can be gathered with technical

tools● The most effective way is the « social

engineering »– Contact the target and ask him sensitive

information (Freshman, secretary...)

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Indirect requests

● « Whois » database listing

● All the information asked at registration process– Administrative informations

● Name, address, phone number– Technical information

● DNS server● Email addresses for social engineering● IP range of the target

● All these information are public

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● Use of the tool « whois »

● whois domain.tld ou whois IP address

Domain Information:a. [Domain Name] WHIZZ-TECH.CO.JPg. [Organization] Whizz Technology Co., Ltd.l. [Organization Type] Companym. [Administrative Contact] HS9536JPn. [Technical Contact] HS9536JPp. [Name Server] [Signing Key] [State] Connected (2015/03/31)[Registered Date] 2005/03/29[Connected Date] 2005/06/18[Last Update] 2014/04/01 01:41:01 (JST)

Contact Information: [担当者情報 ]a. [JPNICハンドル ] HS9536JPb. [氏名 ] 杉本 展将c. [Last, First] Sugimoto, Hi-royukid. [電子メイル ] [email protected]. [組織名 ] 有限会社ウィズテクノロジーg. [Organization] Whizz Techno-logy Co., Ltd.k. [部署 ] l. [Division] m. [肩書 ] 代表取締役n. [Title] Presidento. [電話番号 ] 06-6242-7288p. [FAX番号 ] y. [通知アドレス ] [最終更新 ] 2005/03/2912:02:01 (JST) [email protected]

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Indirect requests


– Every bit of public information published can beused against you

– Information are used to build password bank tailo-red to hack you(

● People Search



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Direct requests

● Active discoveries on the network

● Port scan – Identify open ports– Several methods can be used

● Fingerprinting– Getting the banner of services– Identify service and its version– Identify the Operating System

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Nmap scanning

● Nmap for fingerprinting

● Nmap -A x.x.x.x

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Nmap Example

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Other methods


● Identify SNMP community– Get information on the target

● Netbios

● Communication protocol for windows– Guest/Null account sometimes activated

● Enumerate shared_folder● Enumerate users/groups/administrators

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Social Engineering

● The art of manipulating people to make them revealsensitive information

● Phone the target pretending to be someone else● The victim often doesn't realize what she is

doing● We will use everything we discovered on indirect

requests● Most of the time it's the most effective way to retrieve

useful information

● Difficult to protect your company

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System vulnerabilities

• Configuration mistakes

• Passwords

• Patching

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System vulnerability

● What is a « system » vulnerability ?

● Configuration mistake– Leave the default configuration– High privilege for low task

● Bad password policy– Default password– Weak password

● Bad patching policy– New vulnerabilities but OS are not up to date

● Easy exploitation

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System vulnerability

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Configuration error

● Development configuration kept after production de-ployment

● Devices– Default SNMP community– Installation password

● Applications– Default password– Debugging activated– Example files

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Password policy

● The most secure system will always be weak if protec-ted by a too simple password

● Usually people will choose the easiest passworda system can accept

– Hacking is even easier if passwords aren'tstrong enough

● Passwords should be encrypted in theapplication

– If a hacker get into database, all passwordswill be revealed

● Users usually re-use the same passwordeverywhere

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Password types

● Not accessible (stored in database)

● Hacker must interactively break the passwordand cause noisy logs

● Encrypted/Hashed passwords

● Allow discrete offline attacks● ClearText passwords

● = win!

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Password attacks

● Interactive

● No encrypted version of the password– Medusa– Hydra

● Slow and noisy ● Offline

● Possess an encrypted version of password– John The Ripper– Cain– L0phtcrack

● Quick and discrete but not always possible

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● Update management

● Need a security policy in the company● Last patches should always be deployed on ALL


● One vulnerable computer can be the entry pointfor the whole network

● As an attacker it's always more convenient toattack the most vulnerable machine on thenetwork

● Tools to know : Metasploit, Nessus

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● Vulnerabilities are often released publicly

● Accessible for anybody● Automatic script to exploit them

● Typically

● Discovery through a vulnerability scanner likeNessus

● Exploit the vulnerability with Metasploit– At the end → total control of the target

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Web Application Vulnerabilities

• Cross-Site Scripting

• SQL Injection

• CSRF Attack

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Application Vulnerabilities

● Target a specific application

● Out of scope for system administrator● Developers responsability

● The hacker can modify the behavior of the application

● Use of the application that wasn't planned by thedevelopers

● Nowadays, most likely in web applications

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● User can interact with website through parameters :

● GET : parameters sent in the URL– search.php?query=toto

● POST : parameters sent in the message body– Usually for forms submission

● These parameters can ALWAYS be tampered byan attacker

● Tools to know : BurpSuite, Owasp ZAP,Postman

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Cross-Site Scripting

● Allow code execution in the browser , most likely inJavascript

● Problem occurs when user inputs are interpretedas regular client-side source code.

● Hacker can inject HTML tags and Javascriptinside the page

– Control over the display of the page● Images● Javascript (Framework & Components)● Use your page for evil purpose

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XSS - Example

● Vulnerable source code

● Normal Behavior Hijacked

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SQL Injection

● Langage used to query databases

● To select data :– SELECT column_name FROM table WHERE

condition● Exemple

– SELECT contenu FROM news WHERE id=1

● Used by website to retrieve persistent information

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SQL Injection examples

● Original request :

● http://site/news.php?id=1– SELECT * FROM news WHERE id = 1– Return the news with the id : 1

● Hijacked request :

● http://site/news.php?id=1 OR 1=1– SELECT * FROM news WHERE id = 1 OR

1=1 // TRUE– Return all the news !

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SQL Injection example

● Vulnerable code

● Normal behavior Hijacked

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Goal for the hacker

● Hijack authentication process

● Explore the database

● Retrieve hidden information– Passwords of users and admin

● Interaction with the system through database

● Read file● Write files● Command execution

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Cross Site Request Forgery

● Scenario :


● You have a session active => request accepted

● What if I send you that link in a iframe or a mail ?

– I can forge an address to compromise you

– Session is still active so it will be accepted

– CSRF-token = unpredictable token we cannot forge

● We set email or reset password

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What to do as a developer ?

● Learn the basics of security (

– OWASP Top 10

● Check your application source code


● Add security tests case to your unit tests

– « OR 1 = 1 »

– « <script>alert(‘hello’)</script> »

● Check the security updates of your tools

– Web Frameworks Security Releases

– Change default configuration !

● Check your security with professional services

– OR

– Yours truly

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How to become a hacker ?

Train and learn

– WebGoat

– DVWA (Damn Vulnerable Web App)

– Kali Linux (Security Distribution with all tools)

● Check the tools :

– Metasploit

– SkipFish

– Nikto

– Wpscan

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• Questions ?