Real Estate Investment Tips

Real Estate Investment Tips By Brad Winget

Transcript of Real Estate Investment Tips

Real Estate Investment Tips By Brad Winget


❖ When it comes to real estate, there are many ways investors can profit. From joint ventures, to wholesaling there are many ways to gain profit. It takes being a little savvy to become successful in this very competitive arena. !

❖ To become successful in the world of real estate investment there are habits shared by all of the best.


❖ To be a top real estate investor you must approach all of your activities as a business transaction.!

❖ A good business plan will let you set goals that help you strive and achieve short and long term goals.!

❖ Look at the big picture.!

❖ Maintain focus on the goals rather than on any setbacks.

Know The Market

❖ You must acquire an in-depth knowledge of the selected niche market.!

❖ Keep tabs on the current trends, know the consumers spending habits, mortgage rates and the unemployment rate.!

❖ This will allow you have awareness of the current conditions and plan for the future.


❖ The most successful real estate investors maintain high ethical standards.!

❖ Real estate involves directly working with people, so the reputation of the investor is likely to go a long way.!

❖ Good investors know it’s better to be fair rather than seeing what they can get away with.

Finding A Niche

❖ Its very important to find a niche and develop a focus in order to gain the specialized knowledge that is essential to becoming successful.!

❖ Taking the time to learn and develop a high level of understanding will pay off as in investor.!

❖ Once a market is mastered a wise investor can move on to additional areas using the same in-depth approach.

Know The Risk

❖ Just like investing in the stock market, there are plenty of risks involved in real estate investing.!

❖ One important aspect to this is real estate investors are more likely to see advertisements claiming they can make a lot of money easily and quickly. These can be deceiving. !

❖ A wise investor knows the risks, not only in terms of financial deals but with the legal implications as well.

Finding The Right Accountant

❖ In real estate investing it’s taxes that comprise a huge portion of your yearly expenses.!

❖ Understanding current laws can be complicated, and can take away from business you may have to make.!

❖ A good investor knows to hire the right accountant for them to handle the business’s books.

Staying Educated

❖ Maybe the most important aspect of finding success in your investments.!

❖ It is imperative to stay up to date with the laws, regulations, and trends in the business.!

❖ Investors who fall behind not only risk losing money, but they also can run into legal problems if they ignore the laws in place.

-Brad Winget

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